Daily journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1867-1869, August 10, 1867, Image 3

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Ktjnvttai' & i m*mm M AGON, BATURDA Y , August 10, l#*. Subscribers to the ''le OrosM Demo crat,” wbooe- subscription have, or an* about to expire can renew hjr calling at thi* •tfliee, ,orModiog their nataeawith the price. 4,, , f _' , Macon Cotton Market. Wvivm Daily Journal A Mes*en4«jx, August 9tfa, 186F. { The demand for middling Cottoo. lias hjjen good with a very limited Weljhote .middling to good middling 21 a 22 with other gradea at loafed uoUjitma, i lfew Advertisements. * Ocmulgee Building A Loan Association. Dooly County Court of Ordinary, O. P. Bwearingen. Havens & Brown, News Depot. _ Georgia Railroad, Change of Bcbedale. Brown House Arrivals. . , Consignees Macon A W. R. R. Tribute of Respect, F. A A. M. Thomas Anderson. Macon Free School, L. N. Whittle, Chairman Commitee. -.•£*>" ' Drugs Ac, Massenburg, Son & Harris. W LATHER JdUtUtET, Any not fr—Tho Thermometer at J. H-ZeUTh & Cos., stood ns follows; *. A, M , ..79. 12, M.* 86. 3. i*. m :.::....88. «. P. M. .. ..84. It commenced clouding dveir ftt 6*30 P. M. and there are indication of rain as we go to press. A Hoax. —Our friend the Rev. Samaal Boykin, called on us yesterday and inform ed its that we had been the victim of some heart lens fellow, and that he liad never scut the bottle of “What is it?” that we received with his compliments, on day before yesterday. We cheerfully ac quit him of any design on us, in tire mat ter, and would suggest to the party who wan so kind as to send us the bottle, lobe careful that he is warranted in sending compliments next time; and to tend mme th 'uuj more palatable. “< Jolden Immortelle. ”~To judge from the manner in which Capt. T. J. Flint tilling up ids house with useful articles of < 'rookery, Karthen and Glass ware to say nothing of the host of other indisponsibles to the home and traveling public, the time is not fur distaut when his store will be tlirougud with an eager purchasing crowd. Capt. Tom knows what tiie people want; has taken time by tho forelook, and has now on hand, probably the beat stock of goods in Ills line that ever oatnotolhig market. By all means call at the Cap t:ii ns ullico on Mulberry St. opposite the I.anier House. . -? ThrTimks.—lf it he true that itisalvvays darkest just before day, and that the rule holds good hi business matters, we are cer tainly near the dawn of oup of the bright est days of our commercial existence. The only activity visible, is seen in the efforts of our merchants, to supply the people of Middle and Houtli-Western Georgia, and every section, with u more select stock of goods than wo have ever seen here. J fgood stocks and IhlT "prices are sufficient in ducements, our city Is sure of a full share of the fall and winter trade. “Kknnrbaw Mills.”—Bledsoe & Cos. seem determined that no one shall be put to the trouble ot going tbrougli the old fashioned method of making Biscuits and other dough doings with no certainty of niukiug after all their trouble.— Tficir “Self Raising Flour” is prepared with tho most innocent ingredients; it Davos I.ard, Soda, Elbow wear and tear, ami the risk of 11 /tcart/ bread!” after all the trouble taken. From personal knowledge wo are pre pared to say that it only needs to be once tried to secure lor it a permanent place in <*very well regulated family. Sold by (Imruru generally and at the Mill, when the trade can bo supplied without delay. “A Planter near Alexandria is killing caterpillar (lies with vinegar and molasses, which he puts upon plutrsoa standsof the height of the cotton. < 'apt. Tom Flint on Mulberry St., hav ing beard of the above, lost no time in finding tiie maker of those plaice, and now stands ready to supply Planters or dealers, not only with plates on which, eatter pi tier tlies cau be killed with “vinegar aud mo lasses,” but from which can be eaten Million Chops, Beefsteaks or any of the luxuries which it may be our lot to become the Itossessor of. The Captain’s indomitable enterprise, and untiring industry has al reatly placed within the reach of the peo ple every article of convenience or luxury which could be obtained by visiting the great marts of this or theother Continents. Fine Cutler . Jl'sr REt KIVF.D, A FISK ASSORTMENT OF Rogers’ & Wostenhoim’s POCKET KNIVES, RAZORS, BCISSOUS," MIEARS, do., &c., IMPORTED DIRECT, AXO FOR SALK LOW. I AM ALSO KECKIVIae: LOOKING GLASSES, Ail Sisoa, FEATHER DUSTERS, PICTURE DUSTERS, TRAVELLINGr Lunch and Work Baskets, Ivory and bone-handled Table Knives. CEDAR TUBS, SILVER PLATED WARE, Ac. B. A. WISE, Cherry Street. August s-it. DIVIDEND NO. 7. Southwestern R. R. Company, AUGUST 8, i»7. A DIVIDEND of FOUR DOLLARS par share on the capital stock of this Company, ** hulil on tli*» 31st ultimo, tilts day has b*n de clared by the Hoard of lKrec.tnrs from tbeearniug* oithv Road, tor the six months ending 3iW utU, payable ou and after 21st instant in United State, currency. •9-Tlie Government Tax will be paid by this loin pa ay. 49-stockholden* In Savannah will receive their PI vi.tends at the Central Railroad Bank. JNO. T. BOIFEUILLET, August ft-tm, TBLESEAPEIC HEWS. NjfW?YQ*K, Aug. 9.— Arrived bark «- enfnagos from Cieufuegos. Brought the craw of the British ship Phaola which was abadoned at sea. w Fort Hamilton, Aug. 9.— Steamer Emily B. Bonder, for Charleston, ran Afliore on west bank. She went ashore at ebbtide with wind South East; refused assistance of Pilot. . Aug. 9.—Russion Loan rapidly Wien. r J - ' French squadron brought from Candia hundred Christian refugees, mostly women and children. Prussia’s receipts exceed her expendi tures ; additional taxes unnecessary. %A ! Nrw New, Aug. 9.—Jerry O’Brien, ( who eighteen months ago inurilered his mistress, was hung this morning in the Toombs. Closing hours of his life occu pied in appeals to bis Maker for mercy. Charleston, Aug. 9.— Gen. Sick les has issued an order until further orders, tbe session of North Caro lina Legislature, appointed for the third Monday iu August. llavanna, Aug. 9.—Aug. 5, Steamer Narva laying cable arrived. She started to Key West on Saturday morning—laid 21} miles sizes buoyed end ; average rate paying out cable, 4 miles per hour. U. S. men of war Tabemo, and Fountain ; Span ish men of war, San Francisco and Deasiz accompanied but no assistance required. The Narva begins operations here at five P. M. Baltimore, Aug. 9.—Steamer Wilson Small colided with steamer Mary Ann Augaata, in Chesapeake Bay, off Poplar Island. The Small sunk, loosing 3 pas sengers. The Augusta turned iu badly damaged. Baltimore, Aug, 9.—lt is reported that a camp has been broaken up by Indians near Omaha. Settlers are fleeing to North Piatt Station for protection Thosleamer Antelope lies above Ft. Ben ton riddled with bullets. A passenger on steamer Imperial killed by Indians to-day. A recent fight in New Mexico resulted in killing 11 and capturings Indians. Washington, Aug. 9.—Secy. Stanton was not at Cabinet meeting to-day. Nothing new from Suratt trial to-day; they sent a sealed document to Fisher* There transpired a motion in N. Y. Constitutional Convention to-day looking' to restitution of gold as a legal tender. Markets by Telegraph. Nfw York, Aug. 9.—Cotton dull, Mid dling Uplands 28}. FJour 10 to 15 better for ol<l ; Wheat 2to 3 better ; Corn dull drooping ; Pork quiet 23 12} 20 ; Whisky quiet; Lard steady; Freights quiet. Tur pentine advancing 61a62. Rosin quiet steady ; Number 1 550a575. Stocks heavy. Gold 140; Sterling— time 109? ; Sight IJO}. 62 Coupons 114. Liverpool, Aug. 9.— Cotton quiet, steady ; Sales 10,000 bales. Middling Up lands, 10.} ; Orleans s}. Sales for the week 66,000 bales; whereof33,2oo were Ameri can. Weather favorable for crops. Bread stuffs easier, though quotations unchang ed. London, Aug. 9,—Noon—Consuls, 941 Bonds. 73}. 2, P. M. Bonds, 73} New Orleans, Aug. 9. — Sales 800 bales, firm and unchanged ; Low Middling 26c. Receipts for the week 1,116. Exports for the week 5,365. Stock 24,449. Wilmington, Aug. 9.— Spirit Turpen tine quiet 55} 54}. Rosin steady, 280. Washington, Aug. 9.—Baltimore Cot ton firm ; Low Middling 27 to 27} ; Mid dling 23}a29. Coffee fair, demand good common Rio 9to 9} ; fair 10 to 10}. Flour no sales. Wheat lower 240a241 for good. Corn dull, declined 5c ; White, 110 to 112; Yellow 115. Cincinnati, Aug. ;9.—Flour advanced 1 ; superlino 750. Pork held at sll4. Bacon difiicult to buy; Shoulders 12c; Clear Sides, 15}. Wheat advanced sc. TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. fKTTEIIS of Administration having been granl jed to the undersigned upon the Estate of James lioud, late of Muscogee county, deceased, this is t > uotiiv ail persons having demands against said estate to present them to me at Urifiin, Ga., properly authenticated, within the lime prescribed by law ; and all persons indebted to jsaid estate will make immedi ate p.irmeut to the undersigned. Suits will be com menced at oucc against all who do not respond to this notice. SAMUEL I). IRVIN, Administrator of James Bond. Orillia, Ga., July 55, 1867. ju!7 dtSw FOR SALE. HOUSE AND LOT, to the rear of Findley’s Foundry. Apply to P. FITZGERALD, August 55-tit Cherry St. To Real Estate Owners. TAN prewired to sell or rent CITY or COUN TRY PROPERTY. I have several applications for CITY UESI DF.Nt’ES, for the coming year, commencing first October, which I cannot, supply. J. MONROE OGDEN, August G-3t Real Estate Agent. PLASTERING HAIR. ONE HUNDRED BUSHELS PLASTERING HAIR 'r For sale by G. BERND. August S-3t. HARDWARE and IRON, *2OOO KEtiS * AILS ’ 2000 pair Trace Chains, 200 dozen Hoes, . 75 doaeu Axes, 500 bags Shot, 1000 lbs Bar Lead. 200 gross Table Cutlery, 1500 doc. Pocket Knives, 200 dost. Scissors, 300 do/.. Iron Wire Sifters, 2 tons Square And Hexagon Prcssed|Xuts, >4 ton Wrought Washers, 50,000 Carriage Bolts SQOO Machine Bolts. }■s to 14 inches in diameter. 500 do*. Taper, flat, square, round and half round ' Files, TOO gross Wood Screws, . 300 tons Swedes and Refined Iron, 30 tons Band and Hoop Iron, 30 tons Scroll Iron, 15 tons oval, half oval and half round Iron, 20 tons Plow Steel, 3 Tons CMS Steel, For sale by WEEDS & CORNWELL, No’s 150 A 181 Broughton St., Savannah Ga. julylMin ; » SPSCIAL^OTICES. c=r—.Tnr*=- constantly on ' hand Books, Novels, Novelettes, BOOK or Jfon asy Wish send your order to oar Noose, and U we haven’t it In the store, win **feit for you at short node* at Publisher*' prices. HAVEN NS & BROWN, Booksellers, Stationers, A Uen’l News Deadens, AoEostlO-U I- ■ Macon, Om & -yVSSTE&A. Jones, B A D; G A Dure; A Ayres; Fears <* I,; Seymour, J &Cos: Jewett A 8; Anderson A Bon; HnW, Good; 8W8R; Bledsoe A Cos; K Bohd. rjUBBEDGE A HAZLEHUKBT, Bankers and Brokers , MA.aoiJT, a- -A.-, Receive Deposits; bay and sell Exchange, Gold, , * Silver. Stocks, Bonds and uncurrent lands. Collections made on all accessible Points. mar7-3m - j', * ' V;. I irst National Bank of Macon, SIGHT and TIME BILLS on various points pur chased at ftjl times. Liberal advances made on shipments of Cotton to any GOOD Northern or European houses. Collections made and promptly remitted for. We shall keep supplied, so lar as possible, with New York Exchange, whieta will be sold, at the owest rates charged In other cities of the State, W. W. WHIG LEY, I. C. PLANT. Cashier. President. ’ dirkctobs: H. L. JEWETT, WM. B. DINBMORE WM. A. ROSS, K. J. JOHNSTON, WM. T. LIGHTFOOT, H. B. PLANT. X. c. PLANT Will continue business at the First National Bank, and will make investments as parties may iirect. He will also purchase and sell STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD, SILVER, BANK NOTES. Seven percent. GEORGIA BONDS, new issue, or sale; and United States Revanue Stamps, ol ill denominations, for sale here at par. lie will make liberal advances until good sales :an be made, charging a small commission for h «ue, Juty22-jf Wo the I.adies. Mrs. H. C. POOLE, No. 80 Mulberry street, dp sires to inform the Ladies of Macon and vicinity that stie is constantly receiving, and keeps on hand for sale, all the LATEST PATTERNS, of every kind. Children’s Embroidery, Hats, Bon nets, and Fancy Goods. She is ready to Cut, Fit and Make Dresses for Ladles and Children. Prices reasonable. Jel2-tf TO PLANTERS. Double Refined Poudrette. OF THE LODI MANUFACTURING CO. This is one of the iwAt forcing aud quick acting manures in the market, and is by far the cheapest. It is composed ot night soil, of New York City, from which all Impurities have beeu extracted; is then deodorized, pulverized and dried. On Cotton it Is equal to the best brand of Phosphates, aud will bring a heavier, and by two weeks, earlier crop than any other fertilizer. Drilled in with Wheat at the-rate of 400 lbs. per acre, it Will bring a heavy crop on poor soil. Price $25 per ton of 2000 lbs. Sample sent on receipt of three cent stamp with address. Apply to The lodi manufacturing 00., 66 Cortlandt street, New York. From Prof. Chus. Martin, Hampden Sidney Col lege, Va., dated July Ist, 1867 : “ The Double Reilned Poudrette is operating like a charm on my crops, and attracting univer sal attention from all beholders. lam alri ady satisfied that it is the cheapest and surest reno vator of our wows-eut soils.” July 16. 3m Summer Weather. The hot, sul try month of August Is now upon us. The season when sickness is more tatal than at any other time. When the body Is relaxed, and nature can do least to recuperate its exhaust ed strength. At this time we require to guard, with more than usual care, against the attacks of the great enemy—disease—by fortifying the sys tem with llostetter’s Stomach Bitters—the most wendcriul tonic in the world. A tonic endorsed as a pure, harmless and effective Family Medi cine by millions of human beings who havo thor oughly tested it and found immediate relief. By its aid the appetite is at once increased, digestion recovers its healthy tone; the vital forces are in vigorated, and new life infused into the system The weak, debilitated and nervous victimsawake to a feeliug of true enjoyment, and life, once a burthen, becomes a source of pleasure. Beware of the pernicious alchoholic prepara tions, purporting to be tonics and stomachics, pulled up daily iu the newspapers! Let them alone! Hostelter’s Stomach Bitters is the one pure aud reliable tonic aud invigorator, and can be pro cured in every city, town and village In the coun try. llostetter’s Bitters has a permoneni reputation which is rapidly increasing as the years go by. All others are bnt mushrooms of the hour, aud die otf as quickly as they spring into exist- TRAVELER’S GUIDE. CIISTBAL RAILROAD. Day Passenger leaves Mae0n...... 7 05 a. m Day Passenger arrives at Macou 8 40 p. u Night Passenger leaves Macon ...fi SSP.JC Night Passenger arrives at Macon 5 00 a. m SOUTH-WESTERN RAIT.ROAU —TO COLUMBUS. Day Passenger leaves Macon 5 15 A. m Day Passenger arrives at Macon 6 00 p. m SOUTH-WESTERN —TO ALBANY AND EUFAULA. Day Passenger leaves Macon 8 00 a. m Day Passenger arrives at Macou 4 50 A. H BRUNSWICK RAILROAD. Passenger Traiu leaves Macou 3 00 p. m Passenger Traiu arrives at Macon...: 10 30 a. |t MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Day Train loaves Macon ....7 45 a. m ] >ay Train arrives at Macon 1 80 p. m Night Traiu leaves Macon. .8 45 p. m Night Train arrives at Macon - -.4 25 a. m Atlanta and west point railroad. Passenger Train leaves Atlanta 7 00 a in. Arrives at West Point l2 00 m. I .eaves West Point. 12 40 p in. Arrives at Atlanta 5 SO p in. GEORGIA RAILROAD—AUGUSTA TO ATLANTA. Day Train Leave Augusta (3undays ex.).3 00 A M Leave Atlanta at 6 00 A M Arrive at Augusta 5 45 P M Arrive at Atlanta 0 00 P M Night Train Leave Augusta at 6 00 PM Leave Atlanta 7 15 P M Arrive at Augusta.. ». 6 lo A M Arrive at Atlanta 4 16 A M ,/\*ew Books. NEW NOVELS, NEW NOVELETTES, NEW DIME NOVELS, NEW PAPERS. Reynolds’ Works, complete, Dumas’ Works, Mrs. Wood’s Works, “ Chas. Levers’ Works, “ Smitlx’s Works, “ Mu! bach’s Works, “ Mrs. Gore’s, “ Dickens’. ASrSeml your orders to our house for any Books or Magazines, and if you haven’t them in the store will get them at short notice. HAVENS * BROWN, 81 Cherry street. FIOM the Ist of October next, the store occu pied at present by J. L. Shea, next the Drui£ more or Peter A Blackahear. Apply to ED. L. 3TKOHI6CK.ER. August 4-ts ' ■ 11 .A.--,' ■ 9 •*».- - b. u v. - PATENT MEDICINES. BELIEF TO 111 HFRIim EDWARD WILDER’S Four Groat HEALTH-RESTORING REMEDIES. EDWARD WILDER’S Famous STOMACH BITTERS Will cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and all species of Indigestion, Intermittent Fever and Ague, and all Periodical Diseases. It will give Immense rebel In Colic and Flux. It will cure Costiveness. It is a mild auddellghtfullnvigorantfor delicate females. It is asafe anti-billious alterative and tonic for family purposes. It is a powerinl recuperant after the frame has been debilitated or reduced by sickness. It is an excellent appetizer as well as strength enor of the digestive forces. It is desirable alike as a corrective and mild ca thartic. For the cure of the above diseases this prepara tion stands unrivaled, aud Its good and permanent effects are attested by thousands, aud It is recom mended alike not only by the ablest medical men, but also by tbe ministry. Try it, all yon that are afflicted, and be con vinced of Us wonderful power aud beneficial effects. EDWARD WILDER’S SARSAPARILLA. AND POTASH. An unfailing and rapid cure lor Scrofula, in all its forms, every known variety of constitutional Syphilis or venereal disease, Neuralgia, skin dis eases—no matter how old or Inveterate—chronic rheumatism, scrofulous sore eyes, glandular swell ings of the neck or elsewhere, chronic chills and fever, tetter, weeping sore leg, ulcers, of every kind, pimps on the face, ringworm, acaldhead, falling ol the hair or allopecia, white swelling, hip-joint disease (or morbus coxarius), chronic erysipelas, dropsy, ague-cake, etc. For the rapid aud permanent cure of llie above diseases tills preparation stands unrivaled. A cure is guaranteed in every case where it is used according to directions. > • » EDWARD WILDER’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF WILD CHERRY. This pieparation is specially recommended as affording certain and prompt relief in coughs, colds, and catarrhs of every description. In bron chitis, laringy tis, and asthma or phthisic it gives immediate comfort and relief. It is also admira bly adapted to the relief ol the cough and diffi culty or breathing In consumption. It Is Indis pensable in pneumonia or winter fever, pleurisy, aud every conceivable form of pulmonary disease attended with cough, difficulty of breathing, or pain. For taste, efficiency, and power this medi cine has no equal, and when used iu any of the aoove diseases has never been known to fail to give almost instautrelief, followed by certain aud per. manent cure. EDVARD WILDER’S FAMILIY PILLS, For the cure oi constipated and sluggish bowels In these conditions of the alimentary canal they are guaranteed to be perfectly infallible. Asa purgative In all fevers and inflammatory diseases, in acute rheumatism, inflamation of the liver, brain, kidneys, and bladder, in erysipelas, fever and ague, acute optbalmai or sore eyes, fullness of the head, vortlgo, dissiness, blindness, etc., they cannot be excelled. These Pills will be found, ®a trial, to lie far superior to any other known com bination of medicines in the rapid and certain cure of all the above diseases. They should be taken with Edward Wilder’s Sarsaparilla and Potash, in the disease In which the remedy Is re commended; and with Edward Wilder’s Own pound Extract of Wild Cherry, in coughs, colds, etc.; and with Edward Wilder’s Stomach Bitters tor chills and fever and fever and ague. REMEMBER that these Remedies have all been tested in the family .circle, by chemical analysis, and at the Dispensaries throughout the con n try .for each and every disease for which they are recom mended, aud that In no single case has any of them ever been known to fall in giving Instant relief, followed by certain and permanent cure.— Their medicinal virtue and power is tested aiiko by the ablest Medical men, aud by the min istry, and all, in a word, say of them that they are truly the four greatest medicines of the age. and that no family ought lo be without them. They compose the best family medicine chest that can be made. _ Call for “Edward Wilder's Famous Stomach Bit ters,” “Edward Wilder’s Sarsaparilla and Pot ash,” “ Edward Wilder’s Compound Extract of Wild Cherry,” “Edward Wilder’s Family Pills,” : and have none other, as Ml others-are secret rem ; edies, whilst the formulas of Edward Wilder’s I Medicines will be shown to any regular graduate of medicine. Use them according to directions, and a cure is guaranteed. EDWARD WILDER, Sole Proprietor. EDWARD WILDER & C 0„ Wholesale Druggists, 215 (Marble Front) Main Street, Louisville, Ky. For sale by MASSENBURG, SON A HRRIB, GEO. PAYNE, L. W. HUNT * CO.. PETER * BACKHHEAR, J. H. ZKILI dt CO., T. W. ELU Wbolesaiend Retail Druggists, ■Mb-* jf: ' J. W. BURKE & CO.’S. TJ IBTORY OF SACERDOTAL CELIBACY, Pi by Heary CL Lea. 18 75. The Newoomes, by Thackeray. Diamond edi tion, illustrated, ft 50. Pendennls, by Thackeray. Diamond edition— illustrated. #1 50. A Trip to the Azores, by M. Borges de F, Hen riques. $1 50. Elsie Magoon, or. The Old Still-Hoflse, by Mrs. Myths of the Middle Ages, by S. Baring A Painter’s Camp, by Philip O. Hamerten. |1 50 A item us Ward in London. SI 50. Meteoric Astronomy, by Daniel Kirkwood, LL D. Si 50. Dombey k Sen, diamond edition, Si 25. “ •* " *• •* illustrated, SI 50 Far above Rubles, by Mrs. J. 11. Riduell. SI 75. Bryan Maurice, the Seeker, by Rev, Walter Mitchell. Tales Worth Telling—for the Children. SI 00. The Plant Hunters, by Mayne Reid. Si 50. Tne Boy Haulers. •* *• “ Si 50, The Young Yagers, “ “ “ Si SO. Tho Young Voyagenrs, “ “ SI 50. The Boy Tar, by “ “ SI 50. The Forest Exiles, “ “ “ SI 50. The Bush Boys, “ ** “ #1 50. The Cliff CUmbers, “ “ •• »1 50. Brain, or the Grand Bear Hunt, “ Si 50. The Kangaroo Hunters, by A. Bowman. SI 50. The Bear Hunters, “ “ “ $1 50. 4W- Any of the above Books sent by mail, poet paid, on receipt of the published price. Address J. W. BURKE & 00., July 23. ct Macon, (la. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER and by virtue of a writ of Jleri ftacicu issued out of the honorable the fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern Dis trict of Georgia to me directed in favor of the plaintifife in the following case, to-wit: Griffin A Aclan, vs. Jataes W. Brown and John P Laidlor. (copartners), I have levied upon seven hundred and fifty-seven acres of land, more or less, with all the improvements thereon, situate in the 3d District or Dooly county, Georgia, known and distinguished in the plan of said district as Lot 174, containing twoihundredjt wo and a half acres, more or less, and two acres attached, formerly a part of house lot of Daniel Pattishall. Also, Lot 174, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less. Lot 175, containing one hvndred and fifty acres, more or less, and part of lot 178, containing two hundred acres, more or less, and will Bell said property at publie auction at the Court-house in tne city of Macon, Bibb county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in September next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 30th day of July, 1807. WILLIAM G. DICKSON. August ‘2-30d U. S. Marshal. INDIAN SPRING HOTEL, Dr. wm. h. whitehead, Proprietor. This HOUSE is now opened for the reception ot visitors. Teems of Board: S4O per month; sls per week mr Stages and Hacks run daily from Forsyth to the Springs. July 19, 18K7. Im ALL RLSDS^OF EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, T LOW -PRICES, —:at the: — Journal and Messenger Office, MACON, GEORGIA. COLONEL MOSBY To llabi'er <fc Beoiueks : li'arrenton, Va., April 12, 1867, Dear Sirs,— * * Major John Scott, who had been associated with me for some time before the close of the war, pro posed, with my approbation and consent, which was cheerfully given, to write a memoir of my command. / placed at his disposal all of my dispatches, correspond ence, and other military memoranda. He applied him self with great seal and diligence to the task, having all the time the co-operation of the officers and men of the sommand. agents wanted FOB PARTISAN LIFE WITH MOSBY. Bt MAJOR JOHN SCOTT, Os Fauquier, Va., late C. S.A. With Portrait* of Colonel Mofiby, the Field Officer?, and Captains of the Battalion, a Map of “Moaby'a Confederacy,” and numerous spirited Illustration?. In one Vol., Svo, Cloth, Beveled, $3 50. Thin work haa been prepared by the express •auc tion of Colonel Moeby, and haa the patronage and co operation of the partisan chief, his officers, and men. It affords a complete history of the achievements of Mosby and hi* men, relating iu u graphic and spirited style the numerous adventure?, incident?, e?capes, surprises, mishaps, and successes of the famous Bat talion. Hundreds of anecdotes are interspersed through its pages, while nearly fifty engravings and portraits illustrate and beautify the volume. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS WANTED IN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY TO CANVASS FOR THE WORK. Lib eral arrangements made, and exclusive territory al lotted. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. LATEST ARRIVAL! AT Ells' Drug and Prescription Store, Cor. Cherry Bt. and Triangular Block. Highly refined non-explosive COAL OIL, in barrels, cans, and at retail. Large stock of Laudreths New Crop Turnip SEED. Casks Bock Potash In quantities to suit par eliasers. Full stock Pure Chemicals. Haudard Medicinal Preparations. Orders solicited by August 4-1 1 THEO. W. ELLS. t CHINA CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, ETC., 80 ------ - MULBERRY STREET . gg Wholesale, Retail and Importing HOUSE. rjX) AN ALREADY LARGE AND VARIED SHOCK I AM NOW AUDI NO SIAM NKW At TRACTIONS, a few of which, only, U U deemed necessary to montlos, vss: TRAVELLING and LUNCH BASKETS, CLOTHING and MARKET BASKETS, GLASS SHADES— round, oval and square, BOHEMIAN BOTTLES ami DECANTERS. BOHEMIAN TUMBLERS and MUGS,- MY BTQCKOF Fruit Jars, Water Coolers, Japanned Chamber Sets, Tea Traj s, Waiters, Tubs Buckets, Lamps, 4c., is Complete. kbrosbnb oil, always ON HAND BEST QUALITY. August 8-ts. THOS. J. FLINT. - , ' 4 •' ;i ' v ** . * •.* T PARKER & WHITES, FOR 30 DAf H, Tl CLOSE on SUMMER IM Pine Figured MUSLINS, LESS THAN NEW YORK COST. Fine Linen LAWNS, LESS THAN NEW YORK COST. Gents LINEN GOODS, * ' ? LESS THAN NEW YORK COST. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW GOODS AT 41 TRIANGULAR IHAH’K. August 3,1807 —ts INDIAN SPRINGS! v 4 I— lilSß BOUSE. TERMS OF BOARD: PER DAY $ J 00 | PER WEEK J lL* no “ PER MONTH, $35 00. A Splendid 14 Passenger Coach, Running to and from Forsyth, daily, connected with this Houso. * The proprietor will make it a pleasure io those who favor him with their min pany, having everything necessary for their comfort, and SUPPLYINOjHIrt Table with the Best the Country Affords. As will be seen liis charges are lower lhau any other House, while lib dations Ere equal. FOR INVALIDS, or those afflicted with the usual complaint* of our Hlmnt*, The Indian Spring Water Possesses Unsurpassed VIBTLTBS. It acts like a charm upou ail Bilious Disorders, removes Indigestion, mm I>*•* pepsia and Headache, and for diseases of the Liver ami Kidneys in a specific. Af»i-c tions of the skin are benefltted l>y it, AND THE WHOLE SYSTEM Invigorated. Its main ingredients are SULPHUR, IRON, ami MA(<N ESIA, iu pr<.|»»rti«»ii<t best suited to the human system. THE MEDICAL FRATERNITY Unite in ascribing womlerfnl curative properties to this water, and tlio observation «.f many years convince me that it is very beneficial in ALL DIHKABK.B COMMON I.T INCIDENT TO OUR CLTMATE. J@r Resident Physicians of ability are prepared to render any serviow required. Iffir Daily Mail arrives at the Springs, and Daily papers taken at Uie Elder Houne. july2-tf J. JOHNSTON. * GEO H.OHKAK. REMOVAL. WE have REMOVED to the new and elegant Iron-Front Store, corner of lfull~rry and streets, adjoin tag the old stand occupied by us lor over thirty j.-ttrs, where w«l,mv,..|- an ELEGANT and NEW (Stock of Batches, clocks, jewelry, Musical Instruments, Cutlery^ • SILVER WARE, all of width, we will sell at the LOWEST RATE'S. «* •« 'cKZEA j£we&£ Slu t»>e «*«•»«. ul “'* wrl E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. —DO — WHEE LE R & WILSON’S SEWING MiCHIXII. Weave Agents lor the above celebrated l.ock-SM leh •JjRj j x’a' u I twrr’y street, Macon. <ia f • nfny7-tll feint! ’ ' BOHEMIAN LIQUOR BCCTx, GREEN MGBW-tarartificial fiow.n., WREATHS IMMORTELLE*, PLAIN TABLE GLASS WAKE. - - r D Mve Loir Print. »c.. etc., etc., Me.. FANCY GOODS, Notions, etc.,