Daily journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1867-1869, April 25, 1868, Image 4

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nnir MianniY 111 trui nifrae iimti m mmm m A™ mmimmma, AND blank book manufactory. y-'\ $r- j4 ull i 1 S^Eb. l -.'-. : u-nr--- J. W. BURKE & CO., 60 SECOND STREET, NEXT TO THE BAPTIST CHURCH, Macon, - - Georgia, Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers in mmimm, lid If Ik K ? mi 511111 j uvenilo JJ Yr YrlVo i& school CAP, LETTER, NOTE, WRAPPING AND MANILLA PAPERS, Carmine, Violet and Black. Writing Inks, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PLAIN AND COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, Port Monnaies, Pocket Books and Portfolios, And a general assortment of School and Counting-House Stationery. General Agents for Georgia for Mason & Min's CABINET ORGANS, an! the Celebralei ARIAN PIANO FORTES. The attention of the Business Publio is called to the superior facilities of our BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT! We have in constant use Four Steam Power Presses and four Gordon Job Presses, Os the best and latest kinds, And our ability to get out work promptly and in superior style, is unsurpassed by any other establishment in the South. We have lately made additions to our LARGE VAEIETY OF FEINTING TYPE, And feel confident that.we can satisfy all who favor us with their patronage Exten sive fonts of type enable os to execute all kinds of BOOK PRINTING In the prompt est and most elegant m > ,ner, and we call the attention of parties desiring this style of work to the Elegant pecimens executed by us during the past two years. The reputation of our House for FINE JOB PRINTING is well known to the business community. Employing, as we do, none but the BEST WORKMEN, and having a full assortment of the LATEST AND CHOICEST STYLES OF TYPE, we are enabled to guarantee the utmost satisfaction. All kinds of MERCANTILE, RAILROAD, BANK, AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING! Such as BILL HEADS, CARDS, . CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BLANKS, CHECKS, DRAFTS, NOTES, WEDDING CARDS, &C., And in fact everything that can be done by any printing establishment in he country xecuted promptly and ON REASONABLE TERMS. We keep on hand a large stock ot PAPERS OF ALL KINDS, Such as OUPER-ROYAL, CROWN CAP, MEDIUM, CAP, DEMY, LETTER and NOTE PAPERS, Os the best qualities. Purchasing, as we do, from the Manufactories, wo aro enabled to do our work at correspondingly low rata*. We desire to call particular attention to the BLANK BOOKS, Manufactured by us. We are prepared to fill orders for LEDGERS, JOURNALS, DAY BOOKS, CASH BOOKS HOTEL REGISTERS, And all kinds of Blank Books now in use, in the very beet style of paper, rating and binding. In this particular branch of work WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION, NORTH OR 80UTH. ’ Orders from Clerks of Courts and others filled promptly, Special attention is sailed to oar assortment of LEGAL BLAIUKS, Comprising more than sixty different kinds, printed on the best paper and in a style not surpassed u this country. Price 11,50 per quire. Lists and sampleTsent on application. We also keep a complete assortment of .ae most approved BANKRUPT BLANKS, Which we ftirnish at 91,00 per quire. Orders solicited. ' * J. W. BURKE St CO.. Meh 18— ts. 60 Second St., Macon, Ga. EUI'ACTIA, A- X, A. . FIRST- Cl.ASH HOARD can be had at $2.50 per day. Hone to receive a eh are of patronage so long enjoyed. JOHN W. HOWARD. niarlt)-4iuo Agent. CHEW ALL A HOTEL, JEufawla, Jila., T. D. PATTERSON, ) \ B. FRANK WARREN, V Proprietors. Late of Lanier House, Macon, Oa, j FARE, per day, G3 00. raar9-tf WASHINGTON HALL. MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. | riiHIS HOTEL Is now open for the reception oi 1 Regular or Transient Custom. Accommoda tions as good, and on more reasonable terms than can be had at any other in the oitv. EL S. CANDLER, jau3-tf Proprietor. CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. rri H E undersigned respectfully Informs his I Mends and the traveling public, he has taken charge of the above well-known, first-class Hotel, and re-mrntßhed and re-fitted it in all its depart ments. The celebrated Artesian Water Baths, Hot, Cold and Shower at all hours. .. . , „ Coaches run to and from all railroads and steam ers, with attentive porters; The patronage of the ° bU ° “ BYINGTON'S HOTEL, Opposite jrassengor Depot, MACON, - • GEORGIA TTAVING fittednp this Hotel with an entire, H salt of NEW and Elegant FURNITURE, the Proprietor assures his old patrons and the public generally, that the ROOMS, THE TABLE and the BAR are Unsurpassed by any Hotel in the State. 39_A Free Omnibus will run for this Hotel. J. L. BYINGTON. Oct. 9-ts DENSE’S PLANTERS’ HOTEL, OPPOSITE CARHART A CURD'S, NO. 58 CHERRY STREET, MitON, GEORGIA. B. P. DENSE, Proprietor. aprl4-tf McAFEE HOUSE, OPPOSITE DEPOT, SMITHVILLE, GA. rXE owner ot this well-known Mouse, takes pleasure in notifying the Travelling Public that it has lately been enlarged, and has under gone thorough refitting. Guests wUI find the ta ble suppried with the bestthe oonntry affords, and a number oi polite and attentive servants will be In attendance. The Proprietor will spare no ex pen e to make It a FIRST- CLASS HOTEL, And from his long experience, he flatters hlmsel that he can please the most fastidious. Meals ready on arrival of every train. His Bar, connected with the House, is stocked with fine Liquors, Etc. W. M. McAFEE, june!2-tf Proprietor, DOUGLASS HOUSE,' ONE SQUARE WESI OF COURT HOUSE, ALBANY, GEORGIA. D. J. OWEN, Proprietor. june2-ti marshaTlhouse. A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Broughton Street, SAVANNAH, : : : : : GEORGIA 11HIS house has been, recently, newly fitted Us . with floe furniture*, has pleuty of efflclenl servants, and the bill oi fare cannot be (n the city. Rates reasonable and sat lafac* lou guaranteed. le3o-tf Tiemann’s Laundry Blue. FOR IT'A.MtiiVSr USSEJ. This Blue is manufactured expressly for WASHING PURPOSES, By the well-known Color Manufacturers, D. F. Tlemaun A Cos., And being perfectly pure and free from ACID, It supplies a want which has long been felt, A BLUE Which will not injure the Clothes. It is put up in convenient form in bottles; or for those who prefer using the powder, in neat wooden boxes. It may be obtained of Grrcers and Druggists gener ally. J. H. TIEMANN, Sole Agent. 240 Pearl St., N. Y. Fbr sale by J. H. Zeilin * Cos., Macon, Ga. JUST PUBLISHED! THE CONSTITUTION, Ordinances and Resolutions —OF THE— GEORGIA CONVENTION. PRICE .*I.OO FOR HALE BY J. W. BURKE a CO. mar2B-tf IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONSUIWEBS OF COAL. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD.) Office Master of Tramhpqrtatiqk. l Atlanta, Ga-, March 38,1868. J. ON AND AFTER APRIL Ist, 1868, THE RATES of Freight on Coal will be reduced to one and a halt cento per mile per ton of 2,000 pounds. Th ib rate to continue In foroe until October Ist, after which the present rate of two cento per tea will be resumed. By order of the Superintendent, JOHN B. PECK, mar2s-Sm Master Transportation. DAYIS AND LEE. ELEGANT LIKENESSES, ■ Painted In Oil, of Ex - President Jefferson Davis, - AND - ROBERT K. LRR. TBS best likemtNNes In exlstenee of these two great men. They are half life Mse, andars In elegan.ovai gilt frames. Price *lO each, or |3O per pair. For sale by « W. BURKE A 00. aprUtf .1. W. BUKKE Sc CO., MACON, OBOBQIA, ogue. b - I 1 CARHARI& CURD (10 ('v fferlth very low For Cash, and Cash Only, 268,800 lbs. assorted 1 wedes’ Iron, 179,200 lbs. assorteilflow Steel, 224,000 lbs. assorted ieflned Iron, 3,500 pairs Trace (^ains, 100 doz. Axes, ti.** Bbm alls, PI w Lines. 5g ftjg __ 1 4T** M Denises' j J| \ Rvderslw [MI A’ i 1 IWmw • IfT August 8&, 1867. We, the undersigned h*eby certify that we have used “ Dennison’s Ctditlon Powders,” for Horses and Mules, for sevral years, and believe them tO be far superior to livthing of the klnu ever offered to the public f{ the purposes recom mended. ' 8. H. Him., Ag’t So. Exp*s Cos, Columbus, Ga. A Gammell, Llv. Stableleeper, ** “ Howard a Disbrow, ■ “ “ Thomas S. Spear, “ " D. P. Ellis A Dr. W. C.Jellamy, “ “ H. B. Plant, Pres’t So. Epress Cos., Augusta, Ga. Col. R. B. Bulloch, Suit “ z “ Col. E. Hulbekt, “ “ Atlanta. Coe. Jamb Shuter, “ “ Memphis. A. K. Holt. Esq., Ag’t “ Nashville. A. B. Small, Esq., Sup’t “ New'Orleans. Manufactured by , t>. M. DENNISON, Columbus, Ga. And For Salelby J H. ZEILIN A CO., Wholesale Agents, Macon, Ga. And at HawkJsville, bjC J. A. THOMPSON, Nov 7-6 m . Druggist. W. D. VOODB, (LATE OF IACON, GA) MERCHASiT TAILOR, No. 612 BJOADWAY, NEW tORK. ORDERS SOLICITED Everything guaranteed, and twenty-five pe cent, lower than anvj establishment In the ck. Mr. C. H. BAIRD oi Macon, Ga., will take misures for any one wish ing me to make tbeir Cubing. Terms, Cash on delivef. decl9-l A tHINCE FOKtTOCKHOLDKRS Ocmuigee i anj L, Association. Houses for Sale. riIHE SUBSCRIBER FAS SEVERAL HOUSES X In a desirable portioiof the town, just outside the city limits (no city tfe), which he will sell on good terms. Persons haiug stock in the Ocmui gee Building and Loan Association can purchase by paying monthly lu&allments. For further information, call at my dttce. febl6-tf j S. B. BURR. PAINTS FOE FASkikS AND OTHERS' mUE Grafton Mineral Paint Company are now mana- A faoturlng the Best, Cheapest and most Durable Paint I^gfcHrowT^r beautiful chocolate color, am can be.cbanged to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cteam, to suit the taste of a consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fences, Carriage and Cat-makers, Palls and Woodenware, Agri cultural Implements, Canal 3oats, Vessels and Ships' Bottoms, Canvas, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (It being Fire and Water proof), Floor Oil Cloths, (one Manufacturer having used 9000 bbls. the ppt year,) and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed ftr body, durability, elastici ty, and adhesiveness. Wananted in all cases as above. Send for a circular which gves full particulars. None genuine unless branded In a rade mark “ Grafton Mine ral Paint.” Address - DANIEL BIDWELL, 34 Pearl Street, New York. For sale in Macon, Ga., by ff. Nov S-6m H. J. PETER. Rooms Rent. FIUR OR FIVE ROOMS formerly occupied by the Journal & Messenger Office are offered for rent at a low price. Gall at J. W. Burke A Co.’s, Geo. B. Turpin, ofS. B. Burr for further ln formatlon, Tax Collectors A RE hereby notifledjbat we are prepared to A. print RECEIPT BO( £9 for collecting the Spe cial Tax ordered by the (Invention. Price $1 50 per quire (288 receipts to thequire), and and 50 cents lor binding. Address, wth money enclosed. J. W. BURKE A CO, marll-tf j , NEW POORS! FIUR OAKS—A Novll—by Kamba Thorpe. 1 vol., »175. SPIRITUAL WIVES, by William Hepworth Dixon, author of “Net America.” 1 volume, W WIKoWSI { RIGGINSjiIARY ELMER, and oth er sketches, by the author of “ The Widow Bedott Papers.” 1 volume, wtti illustrations, SI 75. SENSE, or Satnrdai Night Muslngs, and Thoughtful Papers, by Hick Pomeroy. I volume, Illustrated, $l5O. NONSENSE, or Hits asl Criticisms on the Fol- U NapßlEC?s' Novel, by L. Mnhlbach, Unstrated, 82 00. Also, by the same author, and at tie same price: Marie Antoinette and her Son; Lmisa. of Prussia, and her Time; Henry Vlll,andtath&rlneParr; Fred erick the Great and his Fanily; Joseph the Sec ond »Hd his Court; Frederfck the Great and his Court; The Merchant of Btlin, and Berlin and Sans Soucl. , WAVERLY NOVELS—CBaap Editlen-25 cents bey and Son, 35cents; MarthChuzzlewlt, 35 cents; Christmas Stories, 25 cent; Nicholas Nlokleby, 35 cents; Pickwick Papen, 85 cents; Barnaby Budge, 30 cents; Great Exectations, 25 cents. Any of the above sent, pstage paid, on receipt ° f febl)ff^* 1 1. W. BURKE A Cos. Rotary Pomps. riiHß UNDERSIGNED hfs Just received a large X lot of these fine Pumpt They are decidedly the best Pump made for veils Mid cisterns. Cail and examine them. P. HERTEL, aprfltf Mulberry St. FOR SALE, THE FINE RESIDENT corner of Oak a#d Second streets, known as the Findlay place. Apply to j.MON RUE OGDEN. aprlß-tl' Real Estate tnd In.wrance Agent. ~ EDICTS AND DECISIONS ~ OF TOE Grand Lodge of Georgia. rpHIS WORK IS NOW OOMPLETE, AND MAY 1 be obtained at the oAce of the Journal a Marietta, and In a short time at other placet*. Price per single copy, or for ten, Os lee«, One Dol lar each. On all over ten copies, there will in* a deduction of twenty percent. Cash to accompany all order*. HAM'U lawrenck, FehU-tn Marletta^Oa. DWELLING HOUSE FOB BBNT. A DEBI It ABLE HOUSE AND LOT on Walnut A Street, containing from 6 to 10 rooms, will he rented at a to# tiKare. Call on the premises for fhrther Information. B. B. BURK, mariitr (JUANO--JUST RECEIVED, 2()() BilUi. OF DOUBLE-REFINED PROD 100 bhls?Vlsh Guano, to close conelgnment, THE FORTIETH OONGjijaa The following is a full list of the Houses of the Fortieth Congress, iWJmgmKm I members being marked “B,” and the I SENATE!. Benjamin F Wade, K. of Ohio, John W Forney, R, of Pennsylvania^® Term expires. | ' oH Lot M Morrill, K. Benj F WMMiM Wm 1’ Fessenden, It 1871 John Sheri^H HKW HAMPSIIIHB. iWriflaH 5 Aaron 11 Oragiu, It 1871 T A HemJflSl ’ Jas W Patterson, it 1878 Oliver a * VERMONT. ’ ’ | Geo F Edmunds, It 1861) Richard JB;es\ E Wi ; Justin S Morrill, It (878 J.ymaa TH ' ' ' MABBAOHOBETTB. ■■ Chas iSurmic, It 1 869 Zach Chi® Henry Wilson, It 1871 Jacob U sa” i William Sprague, It 1869 Jas R EMMuiAJb. AmfL. Henry B Anthony, It iB7l TimothH f . OONNEOTIciIT. * James Dixon, 1) 1869 Alex Itamjfl, it 1*: OrrisSPerry.lt 1873 lluniel S ffiH NEW TORE Edwin D Morgan, R 1889 Jas W Itoscoe Conklmg, It 1873 James - F T Frelinghuysen R 1869 Jnoß Alex G Gattell, R 1871 Chas D DiAA’R 1873 PENNSYLVANIA. .>|PBl Chas B Buckalew, O 1869 Edmund U Jnj Simon Cameron, It 1873 Sam’l C Pomero#Dn?3 DELAWARE. NEBRASKA. Geo R Ridule, O 1869 Thos W Wm Saulsbuiy, D 1871 John M ThaMr/l^^&ri _ . V? TLA,ID< NEVADA, Reverdy Johnson, D 1869 Wm M Stewart, R 1869 Phillip F Thomas, D 1878 James W Nye, % 1871 WSBT VIRGINIA. OlLlfOaiU, PG Van Winkle, R 1869 John Conness, It 1869 Waitmau T Wiley, R 1871 Cornelius Cole, R 1871 KIHTOCKY, OREGON James Guthue, D 1869 Geo H Williams' R 1871 Garrett Davis, D 1871 Henry W Corbett, R 1878 _ . . ****NBSBN. ‘COLORADO, David T Patterson,D 1869 John Evans, R Joseph S Fowler, R 1871 Jerome B Chaffe, R *Not admitted RECAPITULATION. Republicans, 144 Democrats and Comserva tives, 12 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. , _2 Horace Mavnard, R 1 John Lynch, R 8 William B Stokes, R 2 Sidney Perham, R 4 James Mullins, R 3 James G Blaiue, R 5 John Trimble, R 4 John A Peters, R 6 Samuel M Arnell, R 5. Frederick A Pike, R 7 Isaac R Hawkins, R „ v # " SW „ H^ PB £ IB *- 8 David A Nunn, R 1 JfttDßS hi kla, R OHIO* 2 Aaron F Stevens, R 1 Benj Eggleston, R 3 Jacob Benton, R 2 SamuelF Cary, R , _, W V “S“°" T - „ » Rob’t C Schenck, R 1 ? W „°l bnd fV ß 4 Wm Lawrence. R 2 L“ke P Poland, R 5 Wm Mungen> D 8 W B Smith, R # Reader W Clarke, R 1 7 Sam’l Shellabarger,R 1 Thomas D Eliot, R 8 Ra , ph p Buckland, R 2 oakes Ames, R 9 Jan £, M Ashley £ 3 Ginery Twitchell, R I0 John T 4 Samuel Hooper, R n Pai | ad y an Trump, D 5 Benjamin F Butler, R l 2 Geo _ w Morgan, D t R 13 Marti “ Walkerfß l Lbtotoß R 14 Tobias A Plants, R R 15 John A Bingham, R in B 18 Bphriam R Eckley, R 10 .7™. R Rufus P Spa uldiog, R 1 ThomrS R'» J am os A Garfield, R 2 Nathan FDixoo, R j Wm E Nib j a e k _ D 1 Dflobberd, D 1 * ““*** <? Kerr, D 2 Julius Hotchkiss, D 3 w >rt< a , n {^ Unt ®n R 3H H Starkweather, R 4 Wiaa S Holman, D 4 Wm H Barnum, D Julian, R nbw voßic 6 John Coburn, R 1 Stephen Taber, D 7 UD Washburn, R 2 Demos Barnes,’ D 8 Goodlove S Orth, R 3 Wm E Robinson,D » BchujjerCfilfax R 4. John Fox, D 10 Wm Williams, R 5 John Morrissey, D B j* 10 P C Shanks, R 6 Thos E Stewart. D ... Illinois. 7 John W Chandler, D At r ge—J A Logan,R « ia, n I Norman B Judd, R 9 Fernando Wood D 2 Jno F Farnsworth, R 10 Wm H RobeZn R 3 Elihu B Washbnrne R 11 Thos H Van Wyck, R 4 Ab “ er _ C T Hart,D .f' R 12 John H Ketchum, R 3 Lbon C lugersoll. R 13 Thos Cornell, R £ “ a I to “ C . C «ok R 14 John V L Pruyn, I) \ R P R 15 John A Griswold’, R « S ** Cullom R 16 Orange Ferris, R* » Lewis W Ross, D 17 Calvin T Helbnrd, R « lb^‘ ,V n 18 Jas M Mervit, R “ ?am 18 Marshall, l) 19 Wm C Field! U }~ i ebu Bak « r ' 11 „ 20 Addison H RtiUn. R 13 ttree " B Ba T’ 21 Ale* A Bail*. R I Ferc Sen R 22 Jno C Churohill, R „ Chas Unson R 23 Dennis McCarthy, R j AuMinE R 24 Theo M Poniroy, R Z Thos W Ferrv R 25 Wmli K * u S Tm 1 R 26 Wm S Linci/u, R ® R 27 Hamilton Ward, R fi Jno R 28 Lewisi Selydji 1 Halbert E Paine, R 29 Burt Van ifcrii. R a Ben F Hopkins. K 30 Jas M Mmpiiy. D o Araasa Cobb, K 31 Henry Van Aernam.R 4 Chas A Eldridgc> r) 1 Wm MooS" { “S!' S 2 Chas Haigh, D 6C C JJ“^ 0 U T r A De ’ R 8 Chas Statgmves, 1) j Wm Wjndom.'R 4 Jobu Hill, F o Ignatius Donnelly, R 5 Geo A Halstf, R * lOWA * ’ PENNSVI.V.NM. 1 Jaa F Wilson, R * 1 t’amuel J R|*dall, D 2 Hiram Price u 2 Cbas O NeiH R 3 Wlll B Allison, R 8 Leonard Me-ers R 4Wm U U gbbridge, R 4 R 5 Geo M Dodge, R 5 Calab N Tailor, R g Asabe! W Hubbard, R 0 Ben M Boyt*| D Missouri. 7 John M Bromall, R i Win A Pile, R 8 John L Gelz. D 2 Chas A Newcomb, R 9 Thaddeus Stevens, R 3 Jas B McCormick, It 10 Henry L Cake, R 4 j o s J Gravelly, R 11 D M Van Aukeu, 1) 5 j og w McClure, R 12 Geo W Woodward, D 0 Robt T Van Horn, R 13 Ulysses Mercur, R 7 Ben F L(shn, R 14 Geo F Miller, R 8 j o h n F Benjamin, R 15 A J Grossbrenner, D 9 Geo W Anderson, R 16 Wm H Koontz, R Kansas. 17 Daniel J Morrell, R I Sidney Clarke, R 18 Samuel F Wilson, R *Not admitted. 19 Glenni W Schofield, R Nebraska. 80 Darwin A Finney, R I John Tade, R 21 John Covode, R Nevada. 22 JasK Moorehead, R I Doles B Ashley R 23 Thomas Williams, R , CA i L ir o f“‘. A ’,i ,» 24 Geo V Lawrence, R J, D Delaware. 2 William Higby, R I John A Nicholson, D 8 James R Johnson, D MARYLAND. OREOON. 1 Hiram McCullock, D I Rufus Mallory, R • 2 Stevenson Archer, D ... * co H IRA^ 1 . _ 8 Chas E Phelps, D 1 George M Chilicott. R 4 Francis Thomas, R 5 Frederick Stone, D DELEGATES. WEST VIRGINIA. „ AR j?Uj A, „ 1 Chester D Hubbard, R Colee Bashford, R 2 Bethuel M Kitchen, R W 1( U 8 Daniel Poisley, R Walter A R 1 LStSd ED Holbrook, D „ n MONTANA. 2 i obn J*™*’ D n Jas M Lavanaugh, D 3 John S Golladay, D Naw MIX , CO 4 J Proctor Knott, D C P Clever, D (contested) 5 Asa P Grover, D otah, 6 Thomas L Jones, D William H Hooper, D 7 James B Beck, D Washington. 8 George M Adams, D Elvin Flanders, R 9 John D Young, D Wyoming * trunks*ei. Jas S Casement, R 1 Roderick R Butler, R recapitulation (without Delegates from ’Terrrito ries). Republicans, (145 Democrats and Conserva- tires, 49 MIX & XIRTLAND, (Vo. 3 COTTON AVENUE, No. 3 MACON, GKA... WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES and BROGANS LEATHER and FINDINGS. WE have In store a complete Fall Stock ot •very thine appertaining to a first-class Shok Housk, of the latest styles and most approved workmanship, to which we are receiving additions ever}'week. Our Stock Is all made to order by the best manufacturers fa the country, and we sire en abled to warrant everything wesell. Having had twonty-sevsn year* experience In the business In Macon, we think we understand what Is needed (Or this market: and exert ourselves to the ut most to secure tne very best of everything In our 11 no. Our motto Is, "lAve and let live." We only ask a fair profit on what we sell, and bave no de sire to undersell any of our competitors. An hon orable eompetiou we do not otyeot to. We enjoy unusual facilities In obtaining our goods, and are prepared to sell as low as any one in thlscity, and arPSetemUned not to be undersold. We would say ssewfs by them as any one else. We do not make more than a Nvtnu profit on our Goods: but wtll not be undersold, even If we are compelled to do busi ness forGLOHV. Sip-Country Merchants are especially Invited to examine our Stook.M* aprll-ly MIX A KIKTLAND. TERWILLIGER & CO. Manufacturers of Improved Triple Flange Fire aid Burglar Proof SAFES, WITH Oomldnetlen and Powder-Proof hooks, war ranted free from deapnes*. JEWELLERS' A BANKERS' SAFES. Made to Order and ldned with Hardened HTKKb. Manufactory 160. to m West. Houstou Htreef, Depot 160 Maldeu Lane, near t*earl street, N. V. W. TEtWILDtOKR, H. a. tsrwiluger. Nov 7-4* J. 6. LOCKWOOD |[ post Offices in Georgia. 4frtSw B : AdairsvUie, A C«rtwitle, Casa ■ ville, Etowah, Pine Log, Stlleslwro .Kingston, blanks: Erastus, Homer, Middle River. Baldwin: Milledgeville. Blrkl 1 ; Girard. Hplcombe, Lawtonville Bjdillen, Midville, Waynesboro’. H-ooks: Groovers. Quitman. (Putts: Indian Spring, Stark. JJibb ; Macon. BLrrien : R*shville. Bryan: Way’s Station. Hrroll: Bowden, Bowensville, Carrollton, ■Hickory Level, Villa Rica. „ , .. Bbmubell: Campbelton, Fairburn, Palmetto, White ■ Hill. pCatooea: GTavsville, Ringgold. Hpamden: Jetfersonton. Balbouu: Morgan. „ , _ . Sobb: Acwortb,Bolton ville,Marietta, Powder Springs, FTjßosweH, Mglark: Athens. Watkinsville. RJolumbia; Berzelia, Lombardy, Saw Dust, Thomp- Ml son* Pbierokee: Canton, Woodstock. kObattahooehee: Onsseta. Shattooga: Dirt Town, Melville, Summerville, Orion . Factory. 0«f: Fort Gaines. C>wK> : Grantville, New nan, Turin. Cliach: Homersville, Lawton, Stockton. Clayton: Jonesboro’, Lovejoy's Station. Crawford: Knoxville. Charlton: Trader’s Hill. Dawson: Dawsowrille. Dade: Morganville, Rising Fawn, Trenton. DeKalb: Cross Keys, Decatur, Lythonia, Hton Mountain. Dougherty; Albany. Dooly; ByronviUe, Gam Creek, Vienna. Emanuel; Canoochee, Swainsboro’. Effingham : Eden, Guyton, Springfield. Elbert; hlberton, Ruckersville. Fulton; Atlanta, East Point, Irby ville. Franklin; Bold Spring, Bowersviile, Carnesville, Franklin Springs. Forsyth: Big Creek, Cumming, Vickory’a Creek. Cave Snripgs, FloyiT Horimra R''”**> oar ‘ Fayette fFayetteville. Fannin; Hot Mouse, Morgaoton. Glynn; Brunswick, Bethel, Frederika. Gwinnett; Cain’s, Lawreoceville. Yellow River. Gordon ; Calhoun, Fair Mount, Resaca. Gilmer; Ellijay. „ . , _ . Greene; Greensboro’, Penfield, Union Point, Wood ville. Hart, Air Line, Hartwell. Henry ; Bear Creek, Flat Rock, McDonough. Houston j Bryon, Fort Valley, Pardue’a, Perry, Pow« ersville. Habersham; Clarksville, Louisville. Harris; Catau'a; EUerslie, Hamilton, Mountain Hill, Mulberry Grove, Waverly Hall, Whiteeville, Wis dom’s Store. Heard; Franklin, St. Cloud. Hall; Gainesville, Gillsville. Hancock; Sparta. Irwin; Irwiuville. Jefferson ; Bethany, Bartow, Louisville. Jones; Clinton. Jackson; Harmony Grove, Jefferson. Jasper; Monticello. Johnson; WrightsviHe. Lumpkin; Anraria, Croesville, Dahlonega, 1 leasant Retreat. Lanrens; Dublin. Lee; Flat Pond, Reswiek, Starkville. Liberty; Hinesville, Mclntosh, Riceboro’, Taylors Creek, Wattbourville. Lowndes; Taylor, Ousley, Valdosta. Lincoln; Leathers ville. Milton; Alpharetta. Marion ; Buena Vista, Danielsviile. Morgan; Bnek Head, Madison, Rutledge. Monroe; Colaparchee, Oulloden, Forsyth, Ituaselvilw, Union ville. Muscogee; Columbus, Upatoie. Miller; Colquit. Mitchell; Camilla. Mclntosh; Darien, Johnston’s Station. Madison; Fort Lamar. Meriwether; Greenville, Jones’ Mills, Luthersville, Rocky Mount. Woodbury, Warnersville. Macon; Marshalvitte, Montezuma, Oglethorpe, Win chester, Wilburville. Murray; Spring Place. Newton; Covington, Conyers, Newtou Factory, Ox ford. Oglethorpe; Bairdstown, Crawford, Lexington, Mill atone, Maxey, Point Peter, Stephens, Winterville. Pierce; Blackshear. Paulding; Dallas. Putnam; Katonton. Pulaski; Hawkinsville. Pickens; Jasper, Talking Rock. Pike; Liberty Hill, Milner, Zebulon, Barnesville. Polk; Cedar Town. Quitman; Georgetown, Hatcher’s Station, Norris’ Station. Richmond; Augusta, Allen’s, Richmond Factory, Moßeen Depot. Randolph; Noehaway, Cuthberl. Sumter; Americus, Andersouville, Plains of Dura. Screven; Cameron, Haleyondale, Mobley's Pond, Scarborough. Schley; Ellaville. Spaulding; Griffin. Stewart; Lumpkin, Green Hill. Troup; Antioch, llogausville, Mountville, O’Neil’s Mill!, Vernon, West Point. Talbot; Belleview, Bluff'Spring, Box Spring, Genera, Pleasant Hill, Talbotton. Taylor; Butler, Howard, Reynolds. Tattnall; Bull Creek, Long Branch, Reidsville, Cobb Town. Thomas; Boston, Thomasvilie. Taliaferro; Craw lord ville, Sharon. Terrell; Dawson, Dover, Powers. Towds; Uiwassee. Twiggs; Marion, Twiggsville. Union; Blairsville. Upson; Thomaston, The Rock. Wilcox; Abbeville, Adams, House Creek. Walker; Cedar Grove, Cassandria, High Point, Rock Spring. White; Cleveland, Nacoochee. Whitfield; Dalton, Tilton, Tunnell Hill, Varnell’* Station, Red Clay. Wilkes; Danbnrg, Washington. Washington; Davisboro’, Oconee, Sandersville, Ten* villa. Wayne; Doctor Town, Brady’s. Waynesville. Warren ; Double Wells, Mayfield, Worrentou. Wilkinson; Irwinlon, Toombsboro’. Worth; Isabella. Walker; Lafayette. Walton; Logansville, Monroe, Social Circle. Webster; Preston. Ware; Tebeauville. BARBER SHOP AND BATHING ROOMS, MICHAEL LOH, UNDKR POST-OFFICE, Irfinier House build lug, keeps a neat and tasty barber shop, lree from any objectlouable features, and at. all times orderly, and supplied with every convenience, and skilful employees. His BATHING DEPARTMENT Is nloely arranged, and Baths of any kind are furnished. 4V-Terins reasonable, jauly4-U THE TOMLINSON DEMISTI 620 BROADWAY, N. Y. Have associated with them MR. W. W. WOODRUFF Formerly an extensive dealer In CARRiAGES AND BUGGIES, At Griffin and Atlanta, Ga., For the purpose of supplying Merchants and Planters at the South by wholesale or retail, with any style of CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, or PLANT ATION wagons. Mr. Woodrutrs long experience lu the Carriage business will enable us to give satisfaction, in ■npptptuf good substantial Work, such as the country demands, at mm low prices as can possibly be tarnished for CASH. We will keep oauatantr ly on hand Light Concord Buggies, The same as formerly sold by Mr. Woodruff, and which became so universally popular ail through the South, as the best Buggy In use. Iron-Axle Plantation Wagont, For a, 4 or • Home*, made to special order. Address all order* to Georgia Congressional Districts. First District— Twenty-nine Counties. Chatham, Mclntosh, Camden, Pierce, Bulloch, hmanuel. Coflee, Lowndes, Laureas, Colquitt, Bryan, Wayne, ChaHtOu, Appling, Effllngham, Montgomery, Clinch, Berrien, Johnson, Thomas, Liberty, Glynn, Waro, Tatnall, Sciiven, Representative pt/pnlatfon, 125,488. Second District— Twenty-two Counties. Decatur, Baker, Dooly, Houston, Chattahoochee, Stewart, Calhoun, Dougherty, Early, Mitchell, Wil cox, Macon, Sumter, Quitman, Randolph, Miller, Worth, Pulaski, Marion, Webster, Clay, Terrell. Third Distrioi-r-Fifteen Counties. Muscogee, Talbot, Meriwether, Fayette, Campbell, Schley, Harris, Heard, Clayton, Haralson, Taylor, Troup, Coweta, Carroll, Paulding. Representative population, 124,522. Fourth District—Fifteen Counties. Upsou, Pike, Spalding, Henry, Newton, Butts, Monroe. Crawford, Bibb,Twiggs, Wilkinson,Baldwin, Jones, Jasper, Putnam. Representative population, 123,127. Fifth District— Fifteen Counties. Washington, Jefferson, Burke,Richmond, Glascock Hancock, Warren, Columbia, Lincoln, Wilkes, Talia lerro, Greene, Morgan, Oglethorpe, Elbert. Reprr sentative population, 125,539.' Sixth District—Twenty-one Counties. Milton, Owinnett, Walton, Clarke. Jackstfn, son, Union, Hart, Franklin. Banks, lfall, rivsyth a bun, Fannan, Pickens, Dawson, Lunirfin, WW> Habersham, Towns, Gilmer. Repreaentalve pojla* tlon, 123,640. . . . . J Seventh District—Fourteen Cpnties, DtKalk, Fulton, Cobb, Polk, Floyd, Cr s > Cherikee, Gordon, Chattooga, Walker, Whitfield/*u<ray, Car toosa, Dade. Representative populatia 124,856. Time for holding Superp Courts of Georgia, 06$. Blue Ridge CXrauit. Cherokee, Ist Monday fn Marth A ngnat; Cobb, 3d Monday in March and UtW oti «i a y in October; Milton. 4th Monday in March andßo Monday in Au gust; Forsyth, Ist Monday in August; 2d Monday ' in April and Ist Monday in Heptembe. Daw son, 3d Monday in April and September; Picket^ 4th Monday in April and September; Gilmer, 2d Mouw in May and October; Fannan, 81 Monday in Mav aiq October; Union, 4th Monday in May and October, Towns, Thursday after 4th Monday in May and Octo- ber. Brunswick Circuit. Appliug, Ist Monday in March and September; Camden, Friday after 4th Monday in April and Octo ber; Charlton, Uondav after 4th Monday in April and October; Clinch, 4th Monday in March and Septem ber. Coffee, 2d Monday in March and September; Echols, Monday alter 4th Monday in March and Sep tember; Glynn, 8d Monday in April and October: Pierce, Thursday before Ist Monday in March and September; Ware. 2d Monday in March and Septem ber; Wayne, 4th Monday in April and October. Chattahoochee Circuit. Chattahoochee, 4th Monday in March and Septem ber: Harris, 2d Monday in April and October; Marion, 8d Monday in Apiil and October; Muscogee, 2d Mon day in May and November; Schley, 2d Monday in April and October; Talbot, 3d Monday in March and September, Taylor, Ist Monday in April and October. Cherokee Curcu.it. Bartow, 2d Monday in March and September, Ca. oosa, 2d Monday ia May and November; Chattooga, let Monday Ir Marrh and September; Dade. 4th Mon day in May and November; Gordon, Ist Monday in April and October; Murray, 3d Monday in April and October; Walker, Monday before the lat Monday in March and September; Whitfield, 4th Monday in April and October. Coweta Circuit. Olsyton, Ist Monday in May and November; De- Kalb, 4th Monday in April and October; Fayette, 2d Monday in March and September, Fulton, Ist Monday in Apiil and October; Meriwether, 3d Monday in February and August; Troup, 3d Monday in May aud November. Eastern Circuit. Bryan, 4th Monday in April and 2d Monday after 4th Monday in November; Bulloch, Friday alter 3d Monday in March, and Friday alter 4th Monday in October; Chatham, 2d Monday in January and May; Effingham, Monday after 4th Monday in March, and 2d Monday after 4th Monday in October; Liberty, 3d Mouday in April, and Monday after 4th Monday ia November; Mclntosh, Thursday after 2d Monday in April, and Thursday after 4th Monday in November; Montgomery, Thursday after 2d Monday in March, and Thursday after 2d Monday in October; Tatnall, 3d Mouday in Marrh, and 4th in October. Flint OirouU. Butts, 2d Monday ia March and September; Henry, 2d Monday in April and October; Monroe. 4lb Mon lay in February and August; Newton, 3d Monday in March and September; Pike, Ist Monday in April and October; Spalding, Ist Monday in February aud August; Upson, Ist Monday in May and November. Macon Circuit. Bibb, 3d Monday in May and November; Crawford. Ist Monday in March and September; Dooly, Ist Monday in April and October; Houston, 3d Monday in February and August; Macou, 2d Mouday in March aud September; Twiggs, 4th Monday in March and September. Middle Circuit. Burke, 3d Monday in May aud November; Colum bia, Ist Monday in March and Septembej; Emanuel, 2d Monday in April and October; Jefferson, 2nd Mon day in May aud November; Johnson, 4th Monday in March and September; Richmond, 2d Monday in January and J uoe; Hcriven, Ist Monday iu May and November; Washington, 2d Monday in March and September. Northern Circuit. Elbert, 2d Monday in March and September, Glass cock, 3d Monday in February and August, Hancock, 2d Monday in April and October; Hart, 3d Monday in March and September; Lincoln, 4th Monday in April and October; Madison, Ist Monday in March and September; Oglethorpe, 3d Monday in April and October; Taliaferro, 4th Monday in February and August; Warren, Ist Monday in April and October; Wilkes, 4th Monday in March and September. Ocmulgee Circuit. Baldwin, 4th Monday in February and August; Greene, 2d Monday in March and September; Jasper, 4th Monday in April and October; Morgan, Ist Mon day in March amt September; Putnam, 4th Monday in March and September; Wilkinson, Ist Monday in April and October. Fataufa Circuit. Clay, 4th Monday in February and August; Early Ist Monday in April and October; Miller, 2d Monday m April and October; Quitman, 3d Monday in May and November; Randolph, Ist Monday in May and November; Stewart, 3d Monday in April and October; Terrell, 4th Monday fn May and November Webster, 26 Monday in March and September. Southern Circuit. Berrien, Monday after Irwin Court; Brooks, Mon day after Lowndes Court; Colquitt, Wednesday after Sd Monday in May and November; Irnin, Thursday after Telfair Court; Lanrens, 2d Monday in April and October: Ixiwndes, Monday after Colquitt Court; Pu laski, Sd Monday in April and October; Telfair, Fri day after 4th Monday in April and Ootober; Thomas, Monday after brooks Court; Wiloox, 4th Mouday iu April and October. Sous hue stem CUrcuet. Bakei. 3d Monday in May and November; Calhoun, 8d Monday in March and September; Decatur, 4th Monday iu April and Ootober, Dougherty, lat Monday in June and December; Lee, 4th Monday in March and September, Mitchell, 2d Monday in May and Novem ber, Sumpter, 2d Monday in April and Ootober; Worth, Sd Monday iu April and October. TaUapoom Circuit. Campbell, Sd Monday in February and August; Carroll, Ist Mouday iu 'April and October; Coweta, Ist Monday in March and September; Floyd, *d Mon day iu January and July; Uarralsou. 3d Monday in April and October; Heard, 3d Monday in March and September; Paulding, Ist Monday in February and August; Polk, 4th Monday m January and July. TFcsi’rm Circuit. Banks, lat Monday in April and October; Clarke, ist Monday hi February and 9d in August; Franklin, 9d Monday in April and October; Gwinnett, lat Mona day in March aud 8d in September; Habersham, 8d Monday In April and October, Hall, Sd Monday in March aud September; Jackson, 4th Monday hi Feb ruary and Auguat; Rabun, 4th Monday in April and October; Walton, Sd Monday in February and August; While, Monday alter 4th Monday in April and Octo ber. SASH, BUNDS DOORS, MOULDINGS AND BRACKETS, Ready-Made and Sash Glazed. -ALL KlNin or -ORMAMINTAL, COTTAGE, HOUSE AUD STORE Work done to order lu the best and latest styles. House and Kitchen Furniture, Finning, Sawing and Turned Werk, Counters, Tables, and Stools for Storos. Repairing of all kinds done cheaply, and with eftspatoh. Send or call at Factory, foot of Third •Street, on Wharf .Street, Macon, Ua. GRENVILLE WOOD. JanDO-ly ______ Hines’ Ijeiral Forms, a BOOK Til AT OUGHT TO BK ln_the hands <fr A every hairiness u»»« In Georgia. Bcmnd In tall sheen and sent any where, noalpaid, tor *3 00. Agents wanted at every Court-house, to whom a liberal discount WIU be made. Address a liberal ui-hh u» BUHK _ A mardtf Macon, Ga.