Daily journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1867-1869, October 14, 1868, Image 4

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Resident Agents Tor Journal & Messenger T. T. CHRISTIAN. Cuthbert-T. S. POWELL. Ogletkorpe—G. F. BKIxL. Kufaula —B. B. FIELDS. tssa^sm^ Reynolds—DK. A. COLEMAN. Vienna—WM. B. DAVIES. Fort GaInea—GRAHAM A HOLLANIX THE EPISCOPAL GENERAL CONVENTION. sentation from all the Dioceses, and the edifice was filled to its utmost capacity. The procession from the vestry room to and into the church was composed entire ly of Bishops, with the exception of the Secretaries of both Houses, and Canon Balch of Montreal, and another dignitary of the Canadian Church, each of whom wore their robes of office, scarlet and black. The regular morning service was held. Rev. Dr. Potter, of Grace Church, read prayers: Canon Balch, of Montreal, the first lesson; Rev. W. F. Perry, the second lesson ; Rev. Dr. Howe, of Philadelphia, said the Litany; the Ante-communion service by Bishops Eastburn, of Massa chusetts, Atkinson, of North Carolina, and Jones, of Virginia. The sermon was preached by Bishop Lee, of Delaware. It was strongly evan gelical, aud altogether in harmony with the views of the low Church party. Re ferring to Ritualism, he said a minister was not ordained to be a mere master of ceremonies, to study the cut and color ot garments, and to take part in any foolish pantomimes. These practices underlaid the danger ous heresy of priestly meditation, whereas the Church, the Prayer Book, aud the arti cles held that Christ alone was the propi tiation for sins, and the only mediator. In reference to Christian union, he held that it could never be brought about by looking to alliances with parties far re moved from the faith as held by the Epis copal Church They would have to choose between the dead past and the living present, and not go back to the cloister or the cowl. As to au alliance with the Pro testant.denominatious, the qpestion was one which could not be answered in a moment; but Christian fellowship could be fostered and practiced, and this would lead to union mere enduring than any other. There ought to be conciliation, but true conciliation consisted in speak ing the truth. The communion was then administered. The offertory, it was announced, would be divided equally between domestic and foreign missions. At the cPse of communion services, the House of Bishops retired, and the Rev. William S. Perry, of Litchfield, Conn., Secretary of the last Convention, called the house of clerical and lay deputies to order. The roll was called, and the Rev. Dr. James Craik, of Kentucky, was unan imously elected president. Mr. Perry was re-elected secretary, and the Rev. Dr. Hodges was appointed assistant. Dr. Craik made a few remarks, congrat ulating the body that delegates were pres ent from all the dioceses. He concluded by paying a tribute to the late Rev. Dr. Hawkes, Washington Hunt, Judge Cha mbers, of Maryland, and Hugh Davey Evans, of Maryland. Adjourned until Thursday. Bishop John B. Kerfoot, of Pittsburg, preached the triennial sermon on Wednes day eveuing, before the Protestant Epis copal Sunday School Union and Church Book Society, at Trinity Chapel. The New York Express says : The General Convention consists of a Hfliwo nf Bishops. (42 in number,) aud of a House of Clerical aua *— T miosra by the several dioceses and parishes to which they were respectively attached. The Low Church, or Evangelical party, as it is sometimes called, has but few voices iu tbe House of Bishops, but amoug these few are meu of great influence, such as Bishop Mcllvaine, of Ohio; Bishop East bum of Massachusetts; Bishop Lee, of of Delaware. In though it may make a great Skis®,, the traditional conservatism which usual ly governs will prevent changes of a vio lent character, either in the discipline or the ritual of the Church. The Convention tnehides Bet a few of the most brilliant in the country. New England is represented by such min as Dr. Huntington, of Boston, aud Dr. giallams, of Connecticut. From the same quarter come some distinguished lay dele gates, including Amos A. Lawrence, Richard H. Dana, Jr., and the Hon. B. R. Curtis, of Massachusetts, and Origou 9,. Seymour, of Connecticut. New York is represented by the Rev. Drs. Haight Littlejohn, Payne, and Cook, and |m Samuel B. Buggies, Hamilton Fish. 0&. lando Meads, a well-known lawyer otAl bany, and Henry E. Pierrepont, of Brook lyn. Prominent among the deputies from the diocese of Western New York are Governor Seymour and Judge Johnson. From New Jersey comes the celebrated Drl Stubbs, who figured as the recent prosecu- tor of young Mr. Tyng. Pennsylvania sends Dr. Howe, of Philadelphia, who several years ago was elected a bishop of » new missionary diocese in the West, bat declined tbe honor. George W. Cass a nephew of Lewis Cass, and President* of the Chicago and Fort Wayne Railroad, is 3 lay delegate from the diocese of Pitts burg, representing Western Pennsylvan ia, and Thomas H. Howe of Pittsburg is another. Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota send Dr. Paddock, of Detroit who was recently elected to the Episco pate of Vermont, but declined. Ohio sends Hon. Valentine B. Horton and Co lumbus Delano, former members of Con gress, and Virginia, B. Johnson Barbour Tins Triennial Sermon last king.— The Bigh Keverned Bishop Beck- Witti, of Georgia, Jast evening preached the triennial aermon before the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal: Church. His text was the words frota,, Ezekiel: “Again he said unto me, propke-I sy upon these dry bones.” He character ized the present age as one of peculiar restlessness and discontent, The spirit of inquiry, scepticism, and revolution pre vails in science, politics, and souiaHosti tutions. The age is restless because it is seeking truth, discontented beqause it can not find it. The Protestant Episcopal Church, by its conservatism and ita apos tolic authority, is exactly adapted to meet the requirements of the age, and restore order and stability to society. The Bishop in the second part of bis discourse point ed to the West, rapidly filling up with a new population, and to the disorganized Kouth, as fields of labor to which the Ghurch should turn its energies. Here, be asserted, is a glorious opportunity, and upon the manner in which the Church treated it depends its future.*—Act? York World , ‘.)th. TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON. rpHK UNDERSIGNED will bay and ship Cotton A on commission to any market In the United States,or to Liverpool,during the coining Cotton season. Office at Macon, Ga. sepl2-tf N. BASS. Attention Merchants and In surance Agents. YOU will please come forward, make your re turns for the last l/uarttr, ending September mh, 1868, awl pa// Tux on same. Owing to the urgent need of money, no ono must expect indulgence beyond the 10th instant. After which time i will no forced to comply with the ordinances. Office hours from 8 a h. to 1 p. m„ and B>. m„ to C. J. WILLIAMSON, ootl-lm Clerk and Treasurer. STOCK t /tMI iVM iliit it OF-- • <****. FALL AND WINTER GOODS IS HOW READY! ANY ONE WHO HAS NOT GIVEN US CALL, WILL BE ASTONISHED at THE MAGNITUDE AND VARIETY OF THIS STOCK. We are fully prepared for any rush that may be made, either by the Wholesale or Retail trade, as our house is filed from top to bottom. THE JOBBING OF GOODS BEING A NEW FEATURE IN OUR BUSINESS, WE CALL THE ESPCIAL ATTENTION OF WHOLESALE BUYERS. In returning thunks to our large olrele of friends «u<l easterners for their liberal patronage, we beg to assure then, that we expect to continue onr business » we begun it—upon a FAIR AND SQUARE BASIS, And do not intend or expect to be undersold; and by treating customers well, we expect, not only to win their favor, but to secure their influence wherever they go. We invite the public to call and see what we have, and hope we may be able to make a good impression upon every visitor. s. T. COLEMAN. octs-lm. Second St., Triangular Block, Next to National Bank. W. A. HOPSON & CO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, —and miscellaneous articles, AT PRICE’S OI*D STAND* TRIANGULAR BLOCK. an entirely New, Fresh, and Beautiful Stock. * Trrrr.T. LINE OF Domestics, Cassimeres, & House-Furnishing Goods . | j.a.TEST ABBIVAU: 25 Pieces Plaid Poll-de-Chevres, at 25c. 00 - - -.sorted Dress Coods, at 25c. „,. IC - * Large Lot of Drew. Trimm ings. JUST OPENED, A NEW AND FASHIONABLE Millinery Store. TMrBB. HENDRIX HAS RETURNED FROM lvi. New York with a splendid steck Os Fashionable Millinery, fancy goods, notions, hosiery, dress - trimmings, etc., And ha« opened at at No. 15 CoTTON AVENUE, (next to Schreiner’s Book and Music Store.) where she invites the Ladies of Macon and vi cinity to call and see her. octl2-lm MRS. HENDRIX & CO. BAGGING! BAGGING ! TIES! TIES! TIES! WHISKY! WHISKY! FLOUR! FLOUR! ROGERS St BONN. J ÜBT RECEIVED, a consignment of Fred Lelb’s Celebrated Sugar-Cured Hams. ■eptao “OUR HOUSE”SALOON. By T. H. HARRIS & CO., No. 66 Third St., Macon, Ca, HAVING purchased the above favorite ha mon, the proprietors have completely refit ted, and intend to make it a specialty to keep nothing but the finest of WINES, liKIVOBS AND CIGARS. We, therefore tee) no hesitation in inviting our ohi frW nds and the public generally to give us a call, T. H. HARRIS, H jpm lin. Formerly of liylngton’s Hotel. Eilsioh*s Commercial College, Corner of Mulberry and Second Streets, above E. J. Johnston & Co.’s Jewelry Store, MACON, GA., B. B. EOSTON, Principal, I.ATB OF DOLUKAK AND J. W. BLACKMAN’* COM MKBOIAL OOLLEOKH, HEW ORLEANS. Fra THE CONVENIENCE OF YOUNG MEN. this College is removed to a more central and convenient location. The departments of Pen manship and Book-k cent n# are now in success ful .operation, and utiidoMW are rapidly increas ing sfrffie its foundation. There is a private class for ladles at 11 A. M. and at ap. m. Honrs for In struction from « a, m. to iWr. m„ dally. IB HUH, FA YAH ME IK ADVANCE: Book Keeping 25 W Visiting Cards written. and evsry description of I‘lain and Ornamental Writing executed. See Specimens. O*Ul or send for Circular? anglD-eod'Jm. GEORGIA coal, From the castle rock mine, oeorgia Coal Company. In consequence olibe recent reduction in freight on Coal, lam enaied to sell the best grade of Screened Lump at *e follow ing prices: Per oar load at $S per ton; cptail $8.60 per ion. All other grades at reduced jflces. Drayage to any part of the city a| the usual price of T 1 per ton, , Orders left at the office of Butts A |ro. s, or at yard of Macon and Western Railroad Depot, will receive my personal attention. sep29-lm ARMAND L.tBUTTB. REOPENING OF THi LANIER MOUSE THE LANIER HOUSE is now Reopened the Reception of the Public. The present proprietors assure their oldfriends and the public, that thfey will keep the Httel in a style which will glve_ entire satisfaction. The table will no famished with the beet the market affords, and the rooms and gen 'ral ac commodations will be such as are found in all other first class Hotels. SW A Free Omnibus will run between the La nier and the Passenger Depot, and will lie pres ent upon the arrival of every train. eept23-lm COLLIER A BOYS. HARDIN T. JOHNSON, JAB. H. CAMPBELL, Late of Late o i Seymour, Johnson & Cos. Campbell ABeal, B. C. Smith, Macon, Ga. [Albany, Ga. JOHNSON, CAMPBELL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCER V, LIQUOR AND Commission Merchants, PLANTERS WAREHOUSE, Corner Fourth and Poplar sts. NEW HOUSE AND NEW GOODS. WE have opened fhis dav, with a large and well assorted stock of Goods In store and to arrive, of everything kept in a first class house. We have Bought for Cash, And expect to sell as cheap lor Cash as any repu table House in the State. y We Invite the attention of Merchants. Planters and the citizens of Macon, to our Stock, which consists in part of 200 Barrels Stewart’s A A C Sugars; 100 Hacks of Coffee, 60 Casks of Bacon, O.R. Sides; 4 20 “ ol Shoulders; 26 Tierces of Lard; 20 barrels Syrup; ,25 Bales aud 100 rolls of Bagging; 45000 Lbs. Iron (Arrow) Ties B 10 Bales Twine; . 7o Boxes Tobacco; Cheese, Mackerel, Bine Fish • Sweet and Hoda Crackers; Tomato Catsup and Sauces; Soda, Starch, Soap, Shot, and Candles • A general assortment of Llunors • * Baker’s celebrated Bourbon* tnjS«^^r and inauy XM 100,000 T IVKB LOST FROM THE USE OF TOBACCO! JU Save yonr money and restore your health bv barn. Byr Antidote for To^ This la not a substitute, but, a cure, for ehewin* aud smoking. We have trailed tWands of£22s In the last twelve years, and cured themen? tlrely; some of which have used tobacco from thirty l ofort y years. Dr. By rnVuseeonly vSS table rompdles aiia winrauu them nottoiiuSalr sssrS: * *•* Local and traveling Agents should address „ N. H. WHITE ACO , Cotton, has Advanced I Photographs have Fell! AND GREER & LAKE Are at Their Old Tricks. They now have a full NEW AND FRESH STOCK -OF GOODS OF ALL KINDS In their line, and will offer inducements SECOND TO NONE, AT e 6 THIRD STREET, MACON, CEORCIA. Their Alphabet runs thusly: Apples, and Ale, Batter and Beef Tongues, Candy, Candles, Currants and Crackers, Deviled Ham and Dried Beef, Extracts and Eggs, Figs, Fish, and Fire Works, Gin and Ginger Preserves, Hams and Herring, Irish Potatoes and Ivica Almonds, Jellies and Jokes, Kisses and Kunding Wine, Lemons and Lobsters, Mackerel and Matches, Nuts and Number One Boa pa, Oysters and Onions, prunes and Pepper, Quince Preserves and Quart Pickles, Segars, Sardines and Starch, Tea and Toys, Pnnderwood’s Pickles and Wolfe’s Schnapps Vermicella and Vanilla Essences, Whiskey and Wax Candles, XXXX Flour and Brandy, Veast Powders and Voung Hyson Tea, Zythum,(for those zeoticatly Inclined.) MRS. S. AUDOUIN, HAS RETURNED FROM NEW YORK, AND is now receiving her BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT Assortment of Millinery & Fancy Goods, Which she will sell at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, To suit the bnyer. Call and examine her stock before making pur chases elsewhere. She respectfully informs the public that she is agent for Wilcox A Gibbs’ Sewing Machines. 49- Opening day, Wednesday, the 14th. 0012 lw 8. AUDOUIN. Third Street Dry Goods House. NUSSBAUM & DANNENBERG, No. 70 Third Street, TWO DOORS FROM THE EXPRESS OFFICE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY AND FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, ETC., A General Assortment of Ladies’ and Gents’ Famishing GOODS. HAVING removed to the stand lately occupied Express Office, we would" irespeictfully” aak'iKe a't teutlon of our friends and the publlo generally, to our freshly seleoted FA.LIJ stock:, which will be found both select and much larger than formerly. A call is respectfully asked from city and country buyers, as we feel confident we can suit yon in both goods and prices. octl2-lm. GOME AND SEE ME AT MY *TEW STAND, No. 86 CHERRY STREET. JACOB SCHALL, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker. HAVING JUST RETURNED from the North. where he spent hie time in selecting a fine stock, invites his wld customers and the public generally, to oall and inspect his assortment of the very best CUSTOM fit ADM HOOTS AND SHOES, for gentlemen, ladies and children, all of which he lully warrants, and guarantees. My old friends are requested to call and examine the supply of flue CALF-SKINS, LEATHER AND FINDINGS on hand, and leave their orders, whleh will he most punctually filled at the time specified. Try me once and it will not be your last time. SIXTY DAYS after date application will be made to the Ordinary ot Crawford County for —CLOTHIJ|P ~ For Fall and Winter. Hie Cheapest and the Best at 90 CHERRY ST., HERTZ, SUCCESSOR TO TURPIN & HERTZ. Fall Business SACQUE SUITS. Fall Business WALKINC COATS. Fall Suits, CASSIIMERE, MELTON, and TRICOTS. Fall Styles DRESS SUITS. Fall Styles WALKINC COATS. Fall Styles CLOTH COATS, All Shades. Celebrated MEDAL SHIRTS, Excells all others in Ease, Elegance, and Durability. The best Assortment of FURNISHINC GOODS In the Southern market. Late Styles NECKTIES, KID CLOVES, BUCK, DOGSKIN, and CLOTH CLOVES. Fine Lines of UNDERWEAR, ENGLISH and FRENCH HOSE, Fine IRISH LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, Plain and Bordered. Cleveland and Towle’s Patent SUSPENDERS and BRACES. Fall Styles BOYS’ and YOUTHS’ SUITS, For Dress and School, the most tasteful in the Market. All Goods at prices 20 per cent, below other houses producing the same line of Goods. My WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Has been separated from the Retail, and is now filled with a choice selection of goods for Planters and Country Merchants, which will be sold at New York Prices, Freight added, at HERTZ’S, Late Turpin & Hertz, 00U9-U 90 Cherry St. * CHINA and ;CLASBWARE AT A FRACTION ABOVE COST ! WIBHINU to dispose ol my entire stock of Crockery, China A Glassware, Jf ••• 4? .** ■ lam offering It at a* i K FRACTION ABOVE COST! The assortment will bo found complete—from the common C C AND GRANITE WARE TO THE FINEST CHINA. Thl* presents a rare opportunity for house keepers to obtain anew oulllt In the above lines, at a very great reduction on market prices. Mr. JAMES REYNOLDS, my agent, will be pleased to seethe old friends and customers ol capt. THOMAS 3. FLINT, at No. 69 Second St. octl-lm. Y. O. RUST GEO- T. ROGERS & SONS, WIHOLIEBALE CROCE RS, No. 02 Cherry Street, HAVE now In Store and are dally receiving by every train, fresh first class goods, composed in part of 100 Sacks Rio Coffee; 10 Sacks best Government Java Coffee; 100 Barrels Sugars (all grades); 200 Boxes and half boxes Tobacco; SEO Sacks and half sacks Flour; 50 Barrels “Fancy” Flour ; 150 Boxes Soaps, (a variety.) Bagging, Ties, Salt, Syrups, Bagging Twine, Molasses, Clear Rib Sides, Shoulders, Prime Leal Lard, Mackerel, new crop, Pickles, Cream Cbeeie; Crackers of all kinds, Oysters, Lobsters, etc., etc., etc., etc. We have in fact a comple Grocery Stock, and will sell as low as any house In Macon, for the same class of goods. We invite an examination. sep22-cl. JUST RECEIVED, BXS MORE OF THOSE FINE CHEESE, 10 kegs Goshen Butter, 50 boxes Crackers, 10 barrels of fine Apples, Raisins, Nuts, Candy, etc., etc. Also, the finest lot of TEAS ever before In this Market. Pickles, Canned Fruit, Oysters, Clams, Crabs, Shrimps, etc., etc. Call and see, at . _ „ oc3-ct T. W. FREEMAN A CO.’S. w. j. Mcelroy, Manufacturer of Copper and Tin Ware. ORDERS from Merchants for Wholesale bills of Tin Ware will meet with prompt attention Direct to W. J. McELROY, Macon, Ga., or leave with D. Good A Son, 3d Street, where I have a lot of Stills, Stoves, and Tin Ware for sale, and am prepared to make any sized Stills to order. Je2sly. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF— LONDON AND EDINBURGH. Established 1809. CAPITAL, *10,000,000 00 ) Q Cash assets, 13,603,803 85/ UOLD * $200,000 deposited with the State of New York as additional security for American Policy Holders. BURKE & COBB, sep2l-tf Agents, Macon, Ga. B. C. MORRIS, Jr. Successor to Caldwell A Morris, UO T T CTISJ J?' A T> AND General Commission Merchant, 20 OLD SLIP* - - . . NEW YORK. BEN J. C. MORRIS, Jr., General Partner. FRANTZ B. MULLER 1 Special WM. HARMAN BROWN,/Partners. Having formed a limited partner shlp. under ihe laws of the State of New York, with Messrs. Frantz B. Muller and Wm. Harman Brown, as Special Partners, under the firm name of “ B. C. mokkis, J k.,” I am now con tinuing, with increased facilities, the business heretofore conducted by the late firm of Caldwell & Morris, at the same office. No. 20 Old Blip. B. C. MORRIS, Jr. New York, Aug. 4.1868 aug26-tl' COLUMBUS, GA., August 30, 1867. We, the undersigned hereby certify that we have used “ Dennison’s Condition Powders,” for Horses and Mules, for several years, and believe them to be far superior to anything of the kinu ever offered to the public for the purposes recom mended. 8. H. Hill, Ag’t So. Express Cos, Columbus, Ga. A Gammkli., Liv. Stable Keeper, “ “ Howard a Disbkow, “ “ “ Thomas S. Spkar, “ “ D. P. Ellis A Dr. W. C. Dkllamy, •* *• H. B. Plant, Pres’t So. Express Cos., Augusta, Ga. Col. R. B. Bulloch, Sup’t “ •• •• Col. E. llulbkkt, '* •* Atlanta. Coe. Jamk Shutxk, “ “ Memphis. A. K. Holt. Esq., Ag’t “ Nashville. A. B. Small, Esq., Sup’ “ New Orleans. Manufactured by D. M. DENNISON, Columbus, Ga. And For Sale.by J. H. ZEILIN A CO., L. W. HUNT A CO. Macon, Ga. And at Hawkixsvillk, by J. A.’i HOMBHON, May 28—dAwly Ontos/u All Right l WOOLFOLK, WALKER A CO., TTAVING PUT THEIR IRON, KIRK-PROOF lA WAREHOUSE, corner of Poplar and Sec ond streets, known as tbe Harr s A Ross Ware house, In complete repair, would.say to the Cot ton planters or Mlddleand Southwestern Georgia that they are both anxious and willing to receive their ledgl tur tbel r best efforts and indi vidual attention to tne furtherance of the Inter est of patrons. Keeping thoroughly posted lu commercial news, we khow that we can get you the highest market price for your Cotton. Planters'orders for Supplies filled advantage ously and promptly. . ocU-.HtmUw. OELEBRATEDTIE, ALSO, S W B B T »S SELF-FASTENING BUCKLE, lya-d.wif AmMMKkU.iii. vfCo. Jwirthaß Ooltoi & Son, Coates & Woolf oik Warehouse, THIRD STREET, MACON, GA., lirOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE AT ff TENTION of f their Planting friends, and Cotton Shippers generally, to the fact that their Warehouse, having been put in complete order, la sow ready tor the reception of consignments. Thanking them for past favors, our utmost ef forts shall oe to deserve their confidence in the future. ocl2-«lAwlm THE GREATEST TONIC. And Antl-Dyspeptlc Cordial is the CURACOA TONIC BITTERS. rsiHESE BITTERS are not a whiskey substitute, I butpoasessmedicinal virtue* unequalled by any preparation before offered lo the public. The dose Is sm&ll. and their effect Is magical. They are especially recommended for LOSS OF APPETITE. r INDIGESTION^ CONSTIPATION, DEBILITY And for all diseases dependant on a disordered Liver. To persona recovering from sickness, and to delicate females, this Tonic Is Invaluable. To Bar-Ke*fwr»—'This Tonic is pronounced equal. If qot superior, to the celebrated Baker’s Bitters for your trade. Prepared by J. C. BAUGHER * CO., Baltimore, Maryland. L. W. HUNT A CO., Drngglsta, 82 A 84 Cherry St., Macon, Ga., Wholesale Agenta. For sale by'Jaynes A Mays. Foray tb, Ga.; N. N. Dodge, Indian Springs, Ga.; Dr. P, H. Wright. Ma con, Ga.: J. J. McDonald, Cnthbert, Ga. Iyl7-dzawa w3m COTTON! COTTON! Office Flndlay Milling a M Vg C 0.,) macoh, sept, mil, isos. ; HAVING added to onr establishment a Cotton Ginning and Packing Department, supplied With belli an Emery Cotton Uln and Condenser and Collett’* Steel Brush Gin, together with an Improved Cotton Press—all propelled by Hi earn Power, we are now prepared to receive Cotton for Ginning and pocking (givlug parties prefer ence of Gins) on toll. W Cotton repacked, also. For further particulars, terms, etc., apply at Office of the Company. GEO. W. ADAMS, President. sepll-dAw-tf Telegraph copy __ sashTblinds, doors, MOULDINGS AND BRACKETS, Ready-Made and Hash Glazed. -ALL KISDB OF ORNAMENTAL, COTTAGE, HOUSE AED STOKE Work done to order In the best and latest styles. House and Kitchen Furniture, Planing, Sawing and Turned Work, Counters, Tables, and Stools for Stores. Repairing of all kinds done cheaply, and with dispatch. Send or call at Factory, foot of Third Street, on Wharf Street, Macon, Ga. GRENVILLE WOOD. JanSo-ly-wßm HARDEMAN SC SPARKS TO THE PLANTERS IN Middle and Southern Georgia. Fir TWENTY YEARB we have served yon, we believe faithfully. Our success depends upon your prosperity ; hence we have zealously ought to promote your interest and advance it oy every means in our power. As Commission Merchants we again tender you our services, at our old stand, which has withstood the flames of a burning square (thereby proving Its security), and where we hope to merit the very liberal pat ronage always given us. The sale of Cotton Is our specialty. We Hatter ourselves none can excel us. To old friends we return tnanks; to new ones, try ui, we will try to please you. Usual accommodations given to enable yon to makeaarop. THOS. HARDEMAN, Jk., sept23-daw3m O. G. SPARER. planters*warehouse, OPENED Af LAST! mrwMreptramnrrn announe. ng to our friends 11 that, we are now occupying our FINE NEW WAREHOUSE, Opposite Byington’s and Brown’s Hotels-where we are piepared to reoelve Cotton for Sal* ok Storagk. LIBERAL ADVANCES Will be made on Cotton in Stork, where Plan ters prefer to bold. ADAMS, JONES A REYNOLDS ocUldAwtnovl. MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD C 0.,) I, Augusta, October 4th, isos. J N accordance with a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors, a general meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held in this city on THURSDAY, tiie 15th inst. Stockholders, who hold receipts from agents or attorneys of the Company lor instalments paid upon subscriptions to the capital stock, are re quested to present them, in order that they may be exchanged for receipts signed by the Treas urer. J. a. s. MILLIGAN, octo—d*wtoctls. Hec*y and Treas. W Telegraph copy till October 14. ‘THE E CARVER GIN," MANUFACTURED BY THE E CARVER COMPANY, EAST BRIDGE WATER, MASS. rIiHE undersigned takes great pleasure iu lutro- X duclng this Uiu for the palrouageoi the plat; *- era of Ge irgia. It haaa reputation of thirty years standing in the Western Cotton States, and is a general favorite iu that section. It cannot lie excelled by any Gin it. me world. It is superior to mauy, is surpassed by none, and is guaranteed to do first-class work. PRICE, Four dollars ($4.00) per Saw—CASH, or its equiv alent. The R CARVER GIN. FOR IioRSK POWKK, has noveibeen sold iu this State before. JAS. A. HALL. Agent, Middle and South-Western Georgia. JeA>-dAwaui W. D. WOODS & €0« (WOODS, LATE OF MACON, GA) MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 1 GREAT JONES ST., A few doors East of Broadway, NIW YORK. ORDERS SOLICITED. Every thing guaranteed and twenty-live per cent, lower than any establishment in the city. Mr. C. H. BAIRD of Macon, Ga., will take measure* for any one wlsb to make tbetr Clothing. iTcna*, Cash on delivery. mayZr-tdecis I tR- J- A. CLOPTON may he oousulted at the X/ Brown House lu Maeou, from the 6th to the Wth of October. He operates with perfect success, with or without the knife for Pines, Fistula, Fissukk*, Strjotctrjw, Polypus, Ulokrs, Disea ses of Females, etc. la Albany, Ga.. from the 11th to the Wth, lu Cuthbert fixuu J6th to U*lh October. Hefers’o many of tne first Physicians of the State. He never lost a paUent nor had the slightest ac cident to happen. His Last Trip. Dr. Clopton Is now In this city. octl-tf. STORE TO RENT. ~~ rpHE STORK lately occupied by M. Horne A Ox I as a retail Family Grocery is for rent. Pos session given immediately. This hi one of the best stauds in the city for a good family grocery and persons needing will do well to apply Imme diately. H. HORNE A 00., _®*t>7-tf , „ No. W Cherry Street. U. U. WILKINSON. B. J. WILSCS. WILKINSON Sc WILSON, cotton factors AND General Commission Merchants. OrnoK No. Mi Bay Strkkt. SA YA SNA if, QA. aar Liberal advances made on consignments. ORLY $6.00. CORPORATION WOOD YARD. lam prepared /u^ho^^^^s^rhr^rrtSS Uy. cat on the City Oommon. Parties wishing time to lay in your wia ter supply. Lumber auU Wmui uv!. JirL sepld-1 in B3tween°Sulbe«Ty**m| Ober^T**’