Newspaper Page Text
_ ' tl» iccmumunm TXjiyV,
VwlANlM iii Burke county, whereon Iheaub-
’’ac fiber now Uvea, containing upward* rf llw
tlwiuraml acres, about 1530 acres of which are
’ Oak and hickory, the balance pine lands, there
• are about 500 acres cleared and under fence, great
part of which baa been recently wood land—-The
.crop now growing well evince (he capability of
'-these land* to | rodnec great reward fir labor be-
' stowed on them In the centre of lbs cleared
taod is a Pood abant lU0 acres, which ha* been
• drained at'great expenec, and is capable of cul
ture! it may lio-rever be made desirable ss a pas
ture; being capable of supporting 10 J bead of
horned cattle, exScfcuire of noises, router, sheep.
- nnu ot tr ttoek- Through tbe greater part of
these lands runs'a never-failing stream of water.
• where ■> a Gn»t Mill, with machinery to gin cot-
: ton—Lower down and within about 4 miles of Sa
vannah river, is a M*ll Oam where a nw-taill has
’ formerly been erected. The pine'lands, say 1700
- acres, are mostly-well timbered, and the lumber
niis^.t be sent with fseility to Savannah, or sold in
the neighborhood, 1 if pfefered, where there is a
- constant dema'tih
The OrdmnlhastlpsrardsoftwoRiocundyrcsg
‘ and thriving tree*; consisting of pea(*. apple,
• peer, plumb, cherry, and other nsrit- of the' most
' approved <|ualities—all of which have been plant
ed within six years pa*L ;
Tlie Buddings are cosnfurtabte, and sufficiently
numerous to stive the purposes of s largt fstnily,
will, the ntcessary for housing the
crops I think f can witb propriety ray. that three
i> not a tract of land in thi county has so many
important advantapdk as the one now nfleretl—’ Tis
• situated 6 -miles from Waynesborough. on the
•'Dcmerie-ferry road, and about H miles from the
residence of Wil*.-n’Navy, esq on the Savinnah
and Augusta road; which fosd runs through part
of these lad*—•’l ie 85 mil-* fr»m Augusta, and V
from llemere's ferry, from which place I lw*e
cilipped cotton to Savannah at 75 cents iht baht,
’ v hen I have been informed' llierricei for altip-
- merit in Ailj.~j«ta has been £4 ’ S3 per j) 0b vst. f
I’oUtniuD Can lie had on the first ot January
•mat, and the purchaser-be supplied" with c m.
horses; mules and stock of all kinds, if desirable
A- Hembeiton.
Ij'ih-Fsrrtt, hear Mbiyneshotcugh, I . H ya
llvrkr e-.uoiy. July .it, 1819. >
1 frool: ai this.'-—Great Bargain.
The subscriber offera lor sale, at a very low
price; eleven hundred acres of well timbered Pine
Land, in thwlower part of Bulloch county, forty
miles front Savannah, on that large, constant and
well known stream by the name of Big Lot’s
Creek. On it is a saw and grist mill, newly built,
with, one saw and grist in motion: one more saw
on the way may be set to tvotk in a abort tune.
The place is acknowledged by all who have seen
it, to be superior to any in tiie low country, and
admits of large improvements m the waterway.—
In commor seasons, there is water enough to
work from four to five raws or a gang, Re. This
mill stands on a rock with a great tall. The creek
u well cleared out and has a Urge open channel,
admitting a aafe passage for rafts into BigCanou.
clue and thence to Ogechee, and thence to Hard
wick or SjvantUi. The grist mill command a
superior proportion of custom, especially in dry
seasons, when the farmers within twenty-five or
thirty miles are obliged tc resort Wit. Indisput
able titles win be given The particulars may be
learnt on applying to tbe subscriber, who has the
management of the mill at present.
Jonathan Bacon.
The Savannah Republican will insert the fore
going four times, tod forward the bill to Mr Reu
ben King, in Darien, for payment.
ang 19 r 77
Savannah Poor House 4f Hospital.
United States of America.
m,tiiict nr ax"*“ia—IX TVs *»ai«UTT
The ptxshlent of tbe'Uaued Stales <• the maishul
of taid iliHrict, rrtcliug.
TL. 3.] GRO. (iUN, clerk.
Whereas a libel hath tins day been filed in the
admiralty conn of the United Suits tor «aid dis
trict, in the name and behalf of tiie Unite cl Stater,
ot America, by Richard VV Habers ham, attorney
of Ilie United Slates for the sai*» district, slating.
Tint- on or ab iUL the iuurteenth day of August,
in, -tie pnecent year of oar Lord one thousanu
• l lit luindred and nineteen, there arrived in a riv
er.' t-ort,' bay or harbor, within the juriulietionat
limits of the United States, to wit, in the river
Savannah, 111 the district aforesaid, from some fo-
r-'v.-i sort or place, a certain vessel or schooner
. !.e Friends, which said schooner or vessel
-ties at anchor tn tho said river Sxvanhab/lnd
i die jurisdiction of this honorable court—
-tie said schooner or vessel sailed from Bar-
ir some other foreign port, place or coun-
, and strived on or aboul the day and year
. 'resaid, wi hio the jurisdictional limits of the
United Stales, to wit. ft. the river Savannah afore-
s iid. and a as there found on or about the day and
y. *r af ir said, having on board one or mure ne
gro or negroes, mulatto, or person .or pcrsbns of
f Inr, f,r i he purpose of selling such nejjro or
m-groe-, mulatto, or person or persons up color,
m some port or place within the jurisdiction of
the United Stsl'es, contrary to the provisions ul
an act of the congress of tiie United States, passed
the second d*y of March, one th .uaand eight hun
dred and seven, entitled, ’ an act to prohibit the
impor'a'ion of slaves into any port or place with
in Iht jurisdiction of the United States, from anu
i'ur die first day of January, in the year of our
4. >rd one thousand eight hundred aud eight.”—
v-id the of id Richard VV Habersham, attorney as
aforesaid, in the oane and behalf as aforesaid,
doth further libel, propound and alledge in man
ner and form following, lliat is to say, that on or
,:ifini toe fourteenth day of August instant, in the
• ,cni year of our Lord one wousand eigh hun
i d and nineteen, there was imported or brought
■ • ...t United States, to wit. into the river Sa-
. within tiie district aforesaid, on board of
. luoner or vessel exiled tiie Friends, from
•a, or from some other foreign kingdom,
.r cou .try. a negro orntgroea, mulatto, or
u- perrons of color, with intent to hold,
lispost of *seh negro or negroes, mulatto.
. in nr icrsons of color, as a slave or slaves,
lield to service or labor, contrary to the
: ,ns of the act of the congress of the Unit
S passed the twentieth day of April, in
,d our Lord one thousand eight hundred
-m, entitled “an act in addition to “an
iib:t tbe introduction (importation) of.
i'.j any port or-place, vrubin the junsdic-
. |C United stales, from and after the first
i .1 i.,uury. in the year of our Lord one thou-
■p,t .unJ.rd and eignii" and to rejieal cer-
. of the .-ini:; by means of Which acting*
.ig,. ami b- force of the acts of congress
. Hit * ml ’di ioner or vessel, together
: ,rkle, apparel and furniture, and the
effect* oi board of her, bare become
. to the use of the United States. And
• auiirney prays in and by the said libel,
• • ■ i'ion issue to all persons concerned, to
•ivr. n any. why the said schooner or ves-
< rale, apparel and furnitore, and the
.1 effects on board, should not be con-
. . s forfeited to the United States, and the
. d.-tribiiifd as the law directs, and that
oi negroes, mulatto, or person or per-
. 1 or, ■Iiipotted or found on board of her,
--main in tbe custody of the marsiia! of
irct, subject to the order and d.sposi'.ion
-i ndent oi the United States.
-c tieretore, you, tiie said marshal, are hcre-
oiiamicd to cite and adme-nuh all aod stngu-
■ , pen on or persons having, or pretending
; at e," any right, title, interest, property, claim whal-oever of, in, to, or upon, the said
■>>.<er or vessel called the Friends, her tackle,
parel and furniture, sud tbe goods ana elf. cts
i board, and toe *aid negro or negroes^ mulatto,
prison or persons of color, to be and appear
a court of admiraltyi to be l*ld atihe court-
. use, in the city of Savannah, in the district afore-
. u i, on the second day of September nest, tb-n
there to answer in the premise*
Witness, tiie honorable Wmian Davie*, esquire,
<udge of the distr-ct court of the United Sates,
Vnr the district of Georgia, having and holding
admiralty jurisdiction, this seventeenth day of
■..dgust, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and nineteen.
Hi third \V . Habersham,
District Attorney.
All pertoiwiriterfeted in the foregoing monition
will lake due notice
John II- Morel, marshal D. G-
Gtorgia-*~Chatham county.
By the honorable tbe court of ordinary of
Cha ham county.
To all whom it may concern.
Whereas Thoms* Cumming, William Wal
lace, and Joseph Stiles, administrator* of
the estate of Joseph Clay deceaaed, bare ap
plied tn the said court for letters dismissory
from the said adminiatration.
New, therefore, these era, to cits and ad-
•woman, all and singnlar, tbe kindred and
-elitors of tbe (aid deceased, to filk their
-ti« ns (If any Iheytfava) in tbe office of
Vrk of this court, os or before tba sixth
* September next, otherwise letters
,—iy will bo granted ta/tbo applicants.
' o -ni tho honorable Join P. WilKam-
»--n u s fifth day of Marcby eighteen hus-
iy. : id nineteen.
£- 4 IftNVBL V. 6OVD,«. c. <7.
re a
July end August-
Jotarn S. PanoT and Tittonosaes Bawrow.
Joseph Camming, sec'ry.
.i"ly j- *5
United- States of America.
The Vrctdesti cfthr CniteJ Stutrt, to the .Marshal
of thr ,.ud district, greeting:
fL S] GEO GLEN, clerk.
' VV lit rear, a libel hath this day been filed in the
admiralty cdurt f-r said district, by Peter Miichel,
acting vice eonutl rf his Britannic majesty the wing
of the united kingdoms of Great Britain and Ire
land. against the cargo of the Ann, of Scarbrough,
alleging, tliaf the British brig rfcc Ann, ot Scar
brough, owned by Briiivli subjects, and command-
id by Thomas Si.rtley, also a British subject, with
a full cargo of coffee and sugar, ami completely
manned aiid i qu ppec for her intended voyage,
sailed from Matjn/as, in the Island ot Cuba, hound
t«, Falmouth, in F.ngland in the laUe: end of the
month of June last, and that, while prosecuting
tier sa'd intended voyage on tiie day of
last, on the high and open seas, off tiie coast of
Florida, tiie said brig was illegally, feloniously
and pirafieatly seized, captured and taken posses,
sinn ol' by certain persons acting without coler of
authority, and stranded on the coast of hast Fio-
rida, where she now lies; that the said pirates liav.
ing taken possession of the said vessel and her
cargo, murdered the captain, mate, carpenter,
cook and One. nf the seamen, and proceeded to
plunder the said cargo; that a part of the skid car
go hath been sold to persons unknown to tiie li
bellant a part balli been shipped to the port of
Charleston, in the djstrict of 8nuth Carolina, a
part hath arrived in the port of Savannttb, in the
district of Georgia; and the remainder is on board
the said brig, or transhipped into smaller vessels,
and "Unw on its Vay to the port of Savannah, and
that the boat of the Said bng is at St. Mary’s, in
the district of Georgia, where it was left by the
•aid pirates, or some of them, as the libel!ml was
informed and believes; that the libellant, as vice-
consul aforesaid, hath just right and lawful thle to
claim the said brig, her tackle, apparel, be and
he Skrgoladen on board or the proceed* thereof,
in behalf or the tree and rightful owners, being
British subject*, and doth hereby claim the same;
and the said libellant in and by the said libel prays,
that due process of law may issue against the iac-
kle, apparel and furniture of ttie said brig, her
boats, and the cargo laden on board, and that so
much of the same as maybe found witiiin the ju
risdiction of this honorable court may be seized
and taken into the cu» dy of the proper officer
thereof, and that a monition may issue to cite and
admonish all persons having, or pretending to
have, any claim therein, to be and appear at a day
and place to be named for that purpose, to shew
cause, if any they have, why the same should not
be adjudged to the libellant; and that a monition
or monitions may also issue to cite- and admonish
all and every the person or persons info whose
hands anv part of the »ame, or of the proceed-
thereof, may hare come, to bring the aane into
the said court to abide the further order Bnd de
cree thereof.
Now, therefore, yon. the said marshal, are here
by commanded to cite all and every person bav
ing or claiming any rigid, title, interest or de
mand whatsoever, in, to or upon the said cofTre
and sugar, the cargo of the said “Ann, of Scar
brough.” to appear a special court of admiralty,
to be held at the court-house, in the city of Sa
vannah. in stid district, on the ss venth day of Sep-
ember next, to answer to the libellant in the pre
mises, and to si lew caiue. il any they have, why
the prayer of the libellant shnuld not be granted,
and whatsoever you shall do in the premises cer
tify to the judge of said court at the time and
place aforesaid, and have then and there this writ.
Witness, Vhe honorable William Davies, judge
of said court, this twentieth day of August, in the
year eighteen hundred and nineteen
John Macph-rson Berrien,
proctor for libellant.
All peAons interested in the foregoing monition
will take due ncUce.
John H. Morel, marshal.
Georgia—*Ejjingham county.
By John Charlton, cierk of the court of ordina
ry for the county and atate aforesaid.
Whereas. John Womaok, of Savannah, and Sa
rah Womack, o! Effingham, ba'li applied to me
forletters ol administration on the estate of Wm.
Womack, laic of Effingham, dec as nearest ot
kin. . , .
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular (lie kindred and creditors of said de
ceased to file their objections (if any they have)
in my office on or before the 5ih day oi Sept,
next, otherwise letters of administration will be
granted the applicant
Given under my hand aud seal this 5th day of
August. 1819.
(L S] JOHN CHAULTON, c c o s e
aug 5—* n
Georgia*—Bulloch county.
By tbe houorabie the court of ordinary of said
Whereas, Gathsrine Jackson, sdinuiistralrix of
the estate of Jarvis Jackson', deceased,, hath ap
plied to the said court for letters ditoiissory from
the said administration.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased to file their objections (if any they have)
in the office of the clerk ot this court on or before
the 11th day nf September next, otherwise letters
dismissory will be granted to the applicant
Witness the honorable David Kennedy, esq one
of the justices of said court, this 10th day of July,
1819. [L S] ELY KENNEDY, ccotc
julv 15
Georgia—Bulloch county.
By the huuorohle the court of ordinary of said
Whereas, Sarah Goodman, adir.mijtrttrix of the
estate of David Goodman, deceased, hath applied
for Utters dismissory from the said admimstra-
Now, therefore, these are, to cite and admo
nish all and singular tbe kindred and creditors of
the said deceased to file their objections (if any
they have) in the office of the clerk uf this court
un or before the 11th day of September next,
ntherwinc k tiers dismissory will be granted the
^^Fithejih tbe honorable John EverKt, esq. one
of the justices of said court, this 10th dsy of July,
1619. ILSJ J ELY KENNEDY, ceoar
julv 15-i.
£By AptimAy <£ tka ritaie of
OF a
Savannah toor-House and Hospital.
1 Prize of
1 do of
1 do of
30 do of
50 do of
100 do of
800 do of
'^000 Tickets at
1st day,
2<i day, 3
8d day, 3
4ih day,
5th day,
6th day, 3
first draws Number,
-4 • •' &*•
Ot the Yth day, before tiie opening of the wlieelfr, one of 825,000,
one oi 10.0(10, and twenly-ont of 81.000, will be put in U.e wheel by tiie commissioners, and remain
r olling until drawn. The first drawn 500 blanks to be entitled to 85 dollars each.
gj> >ri, e 'whole to be completed in eight days drawing, under the su
perintendence of the commissioners All the P™* dr * win 8'
(subject to a deduction of 15 per cent, only) at the BANK of the STATE of GEORGIA.
In offering the abtive small though splendid Scheme to the public,
pelcomr’ii-ionef '. »r- conli lent of its containing a greater number of capital prizes than any before
ersented in the United State-, of the same mngni ude. The commissioners having tn view the es ab-
li-hrtient of a POOH-HOUSE and HOSPITAL, on a more extensive plim than heretofore, they cal.
unon the public in beh. lf . f 'this institution, the benefits of which are not only confined to tin* city
or state, but arc extended to all the side and indigent of whatever nation, who fall within the sphere
of its usefulness. They have every reason, therefore, to Uhve that, from the small number of 1 ick-
ets, and the claims of tiie Institution upon the benevolence ol the public, tlia; the drawing will com-
mence in a very short time. ... .
CORREC T LISTS of the PRIZES will be kept as the drawing progresses.
TICKETS and SHARES for sale by the subscribers. . ..
(& ORDERS for Ti-kef or Shares, inclosing the cash, post paid, addressed to either of the sub
scribers, will be promptly ('tended toi .......
• • A DISCOUNT w.ll be allowul to those who'purchuse a quantity.
Whole Tii hew, 825
Halve. do.
Quarters do.
Savarivah, April o, ISIS.
12 50
0 35
C. H. HAYDEN, $4ff cwte *
Authorized to act for the Bar andliiver of Scvcnnah
S Timmons |B. Sisson
W Royston |H Craig
E Broughton i 5 Not tag
H Baker > n
T Bradley
lohh Low
N H Srison
James Elcord
J Ilowdy
W White
J Delano
.1' Pitcher
S Norton
It G Landers
S II Timmons
John Johns
By enter
] Briggs, jr.
I iYe-t
tV Wall
\ Guard
ciienniiTF. vilotsi
I. Foster
P S Piter,'.*
E Holies
I, Craijr
T RarriVi
\V T<«:.
U Proc or
jure 18—-4-1
.... of the Board.
John G Hulcmitoe,
sec'ry C.,m. ef Pilotage
The estate and eflects of Annntw Euwin, A
Eawia, Gaocx k Co. and Enwra k Co. having
been assigned to tbe subscribers for the payment
of certain debts in the first instance, and after-
wards for the benefit of all thccreditorsof the said
er.«icems, notice is hereby given to those interested,
of the said assignment A!1 persons indebted to
the said Andrew Erwin, Erwin, Groce & Co. or
Erwin k Co. are notified to pay tiie amount t
their debts to the subscribers only, and a spee
dy payment will be required, in order to enable
the subscribers to make a settlement of the affairs
of the said firms. AU those having claims agains
the said parties are requested to exhibit them to
the subscribers, duly attested
pi cli ill 76
PoUce-Ofjiee, August 7, 1819.
A book is kept in this office, for any entry, mt-
moiandum, or information, that any person, (with
or without his rame) may wish to communicate
to the Council, the Mayor, or Marshal. It is also
desired, that ail complaints for violations of city
ordinances, or other grievances which require the
interposition of this department, may be entered
and commumcated'intiie same form.
By order of the Mayor
F. M. Stone, c. m.
An Ordinance
To amend an ordinance, entitled "an ordinance
to improve the health of the city of Savannah,
aud for other purposes,” passed 24th March
Be it ordained by the mayor and aldermen
of tiie city of Savannah, m council usembled, and
it is hereby ordained by tiie authority ol the same.
That the further sum of fifteen thousand dollars
be and the same is hereby appropriated for the
purpose of complying witli the payment* which
may be mentioned and contained in the contract*
entered into betwet n the city of Savannah and
private individual*, for the change ot culture on
low lands in the ntigbborhood-of Savannah.
In Council, May 17, 1819,
fL 6] Passed, JAMES M. WAYNE, meyor.
Attest, K. R. Ccheb, c c
.in Ordinance
To alter an ordinance so far as relate* to the sala
ry allowed to the city scavenger.
Whereas it is right that tiie officers of tills cor
poration should receive a compensation equal to
the duties required of them—
1. Be it ordained by the mayor and aldermen
of the city of Savannah in council assembled, and
it is hereby ordained by the authority of the aarae.
That tbe city scavenger shall receive a salary th*
sum of four thuusand four hundred dollars pei
annum, payable quarterly. .
2. And be it f arther ordained, That so moeh
of the sixth section of an ordinance, pasted June
15,1818, as rcLtes to tbe pay of the scavenger
be and the same i* hereby repealed.
In Council, Jlay 3. 1819.
f l S] Paaaed- JAMES M. WAYJlF, nay or.
Attest, RvU-Cvuh»,c. a*
Bor fupHSte.01 MUli&gvv.le,
The duty of Editors uf newspapers, fortunate
ly, is well understood by tiie American people.—
The publication, therefore, of proposals for print
ing, does not, as we conceive, require any avow,
al of political tenets, or protestation of patriot,
ism. ’Tis useless. Let their work, not a pios-
pectus, decide if Editors he, or be not worthy
the patronage of their fellow-citizens.
The first number of the Gratia Hepuhhcan will
be issued, by us, at Milledgvilie, on the second
Tuesday in September, the present year. It will
be printed once a week, and on a large auper.
royal sheet:—net inferior, in point of size, to ary
in the state. Tbe press, and ail necessary appan-
tue, to be entirely new, and of (he best quality.—
We solicit tbopatronage of an independent com
Three Dollars, in advance, (upoff the receipt of
the first number) or Four Dollars at the expira
tion of the year. Advertisements and all other
printing will be done at the customary prices.—
Letters addressed to the Editors must, in all eases,
be post vats. WALTER JONES.
MilledgeviUe, April £0. 1819
For Publishing, by Subscription,
or tux
Declaration of Independence.
The ei:e ef the payer is 36 inches by 24; U has
been manufactured by Mr Ames, in his best (nan-
tier, anil of the very best materials. ,
The design from the pencil of Mr Bridpott is
executed in imitation of Bat Reheft and' encir
cles the Declaration as a cordon of honor, sur
mounted by the Arms of the United States. Im
mediately underneath the arms is k large medal
lion portrait of general Gxonec Wasiuitoion, sup
ported by cornucopias, Slid embellished seilh spears,
jf'iys, und other military t-ephiee and emblems —
On one side of this medsllion portrait, is a similar
portrait of Johx Hancock, president of congress,
July 4. 1776; and on the other, a portrait of 1 aul
has jEffimsoir, author of the Declaration of Inde
The arms of “The Thirteen United States,'
in medallions, form the remainder of the cordon,
which is further enriched by some of tiie charac
teristic productions of tiie United States; such as
the tobacco and Indigo plants, tbe cotton slirob,
rice, kc.
The facsimiles Tt«ve been engraved by Mr Val
lance, whu executed this important part of the
publication at theGityof Washington, where, by
permission of the secretary of state, he had the
original signatures constantly under hit eye
Department of State, 19eh April, 1819.
I certify. That this is a correct copy of the ori
gins! Declaration of Independence, deposited at
this Di partition!; and that 1 have compared all the
signatures with those of the original, aiid have
found them exact imitations.
Jobs Quincy Anises.
The portraits are engraving by Mr Lo-gacre,
from o-igina! paintings by Messrs Stuart, Copley
and Otis, and the most esteemed likenesses.
The Arms of the United States, and of the sev-
era! states have been faithfully executed from of
ficial detC'iptions and documents in the manner di
reeled by the most approved authors on the sci
ence of Heraldry.
It is confidently expected that (his engraving
will be a splendid and truly national publication.
The publisher thinks he can promise that it shall
be ready to deliver to subscribers late in June, or
early in July next, at tis dollars each copy, to
be paid on delivery.
The engravings will be followed by a Pamphlet,
containing the official documents connected with
the publication as authorities, and a list of the
subscribers’ names. The Pamphlet to be deliv
ered gratis
It is contemplated to have a few copies print
ed on paper prepare i to carry colours, to l ave
the shields accurately tinted in the modern style;
and the plants, 8tc colored by one of our most ap
proved water colourers. The price ol those su
perb copies will be thibtu.5 dollars each. Gen
tlemen who wish fer coloured copies,are request
ed to add the word “coloured" to tlitrr subscrip
Satin, manufactured expressly for this publica
tion, is daily expected from France. Care shall
betaken and no trouble or expense spared, to have
some very superior copies printed on this satin
The price of these copies cannot now be ascer
tained Il will hereafter be announced. Gentle
men who wish for copies on tatain, are requested
to add to their subscription tiie words "on s ms,.
JVa. 7, Chen nit-street, Plnludephia.
Jj* Subscriptions will be received at the office
of the Savanuoh SepubScaa.
To the Printers <jf the V• States.
Gentlemen—In presenting a list of new pricer
nf types, some explanatory remark* may be use
The former prices were fixed during x period tr.
which tiie raw materials were dear, and not easily
to be procured, aud it is presumed that they had
some claim to be considered moderate, as, in 1F11. ^
Type were more than three per cent lower in
Philadelphia, than in l-nndoti; and no advance
wa* made on those prices, during tbe late war,
although existing circumstances would havt justi
fied the measure. It Was considered that an ad
vance would be an actual loss to.the printers, as
the competition in the printing bus-utss had, be-
fore that period, arrived at such a point, tiiat the
public were supplied with printing, at nearly the
minimum, and also, that it was probable the pi -
ces of types would continue some time after ti
return ot peace, ind recompense for any sdvan
tage that was given Up. This has taker, place.
For some time past, tj pes have been lowered in
value, but not in price They have been sold on
long and frequently uncertain credit, which pro
duces, to the seller all the effects of reduction of
price, whilst to the printer who pays it is of com
paratively little benefit. All the advantage is in
layer of those w ho promise, but do net perfc: m, as
in truth they get types fur nothing, and the sol
vent printers pay for them. Another objection to
tills mode of reducing price ia, tost it absorbs the
setter’s funds, and, no matter how industrious or
frugal he may be, subjects him to all the inconve
niences of poverty.
SSen who possess talents, economy, industry
and honor, will sometimes Jack money. The ctia-
rafters who have just claims to these attributes,
will rarely be at a loss tor friends, and will enter
on business with a more favorable prospect of suc
cess, when assisted by a moderate, than by an ex
tended credit, w hich is equally within the reach u<
a rival,, who, w ith an ardent disposition for specu
lation and adventure, may have but doubitu!
claims to reputation for prudence.
In order to leave no ground for complaint. It ta
to be understood that all purchasers, since 'the
first of April, who comply with the new tertne,
will be entitled to benefit by the newr prices.
Presuming on the' long intimacy * inch ha* tub-
sisted between you, gentlemen, and this establish
ment, I request you will give tins an insertion in
your papers. Your's, respectful.y,
.James Koualdson,
Cedar, near Tenth-street, Philadelphia,
51 ay 1, 1819.
Pearl, perib. gi rS
Nonpareil j 4>j
Minion j oo
Brevier pg
Bourgeois gg
Long Primer 56
Small i’ica eg
Pica 41
English 42
Great Primer aod ali larger sixes 41
Scabbards and Quotations 43
Credit- 60, 90 and 120 days.
Old type received in exchange, at $16 per
1121b*. . . june 24 19
All persons having demands against the estate
of David Lewis, late of tbi* tow n, deceased, are
requested to render them in to the subscriber,
properly attested, within die time prescribed by
Itri and those indebted to said estate are requeu
ed to make immediate pay ment.
S. Clarke, adm’or
RtMary’a/Marth 20,1019-—70
In Council, August 9, 1819.
Whereas there is an ordinance now in exist
ence, requiring certain keepers of certain board
ing houses when any person (herein boarding,
shall be taken sick, tint the keeper or keepers of
said boarding houses do report (he same immedi
ately to the Police Office: On motion of aider-
man Ash, resolved, that the said reports be re
quired, and for the information of all concerned
that this be published by the city printer.
Extract from the minutes.
R. R. Ctylcr, c. c.
aug 12 74
An Ordinance.
To fix the fee* uf the City Gauger.
Be it ordained by the mayor and aiderrr.eti o
the city of Savannah, in council assembled, and it
'* hereby ordained by the authority ot the same.
That the City O.nuger be and 16 hereby allowed
on every service performed by uim the sum of
twenty-fire cents.
In Council, 16th July, 1819.
[L.S ] Passed T. U. P. CHARLTON, mayor
Attest. H R. CUYLER, c e.
aug 12 ■■ 74
An Ordinance
To amend an ordinance, entitled “an ordinance to
prevent horse* and other animals from running
at laigr within the city of S1vanm.I1,” patitd
Peb. 20, 1809.
Whereas, it is injurious tn tbe public trees, and
dangerous to the safety of the citizens, to permit
horses and like animals to run at large through the
streets, and other parts of the bily:
Be it therefore ordained by the mayor and al
dermen of (lie city of Savannah, in ccurcil assem
bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of
the same, That the first section of the above reci
ted ordinance whirh permits “horse*, geldings,
marJs, colts, fillies, jackasses and mule*, to run at
large between the f>t day of May and November,
be and the same is hereby repented.
Be it further ordained by the authority afoee.
said. That it shall be the duty d the c.ty maiahaf,
and also of the city eons':-bios, “* take up ami im
pound any end every luih animal that may be
seen or known to go el large within the corpnrate
limits uf the city, the owner or owners of
such animal or animals, ss taken up and impound
ed in a in cry stable sh.ll pay all expense* that
may be thereby incurred, in sddition to the p, c-
ally itupcsed by the above reciud ordinance.
Ia Council, Aug. 9. 1819.
(l •> Paired, T V P CHARLTON,
Attest, lb R. Ccuu, c. c.
aug 12 74
Fifty Dollars’ reward.
Kanaway from the subscriber on tiie r.ipht of
the 24th April, a negro woman named RAGHF.I.
formerly belonged to Mr D..vid Williford, of this’
city. Rachel is about 30 years old, h-iglrt com
plexion, about 5 feet 3 or 4 incites high, and well
formed, one of her ancles considerably swollen,
commonly smiles when spoken to, speaks good
English and taskers question* intelligently
Whoever will deliver the above wench to the s^Jt-
srriber in Savannah, or lodge her in any gaol in
the state, shall receive the above reward."
N. B. All masters uf vessels and others are cau
tioned against harboring or carrying her out ef
tbe state, as the law will be rigidly eofniced*ga.nst
them. G. t . FALiJ ES,
april S$—cx—f— 98