Newspaper Page Text
JVo. 183— Vol. XVII.
Whole j*o. 3398^
For New-York I GEOFFREY CR.1Y0N.
The regal*r picket hrig OTHELLOi P* J Jail reeriiedfvtm f’biUulJplua,
s-M'Dmild. muter. having tuff her cargo I No 1, of Uieske'xh book by Geoffre y Crayon
ra.-»gagcd. will meet witb immediate di*-1 a new work by Washington Irving. r q—price
patch. Fotfreight of remainder or passage hay. j 75 ct»- The tut.-ecdtng unmbert will be
mg superior accommodations, apply onboard, at4 atfut at publithcd.
Junta' wharf, or tu I Saimagundi: new series, nos 1. 2 and 3
George Gordon;
Who ha* for. sale
SO li'ida prime St Croic Si:ear
20 do do N Orleans ao
75 barrel* ne Whiskey
S'J do Richmond Fiour of superior quality
'Knickerbocker’s New-Vork, new edition, w : th
plates from designs by Alston k Leslie, at 50
Hermit in \m.nca~eolored prints—150
Mease's Treatise or Sirk Head Ache
li'diman or Specie I’aymenls
Sargeant & Hawk’s Reports being a continua.
ion of B: nny.
Tales of My Landlord, M Series
•For JS ew-York, i luiraw vre» Mauuaiuru, on ueri
Tile regularpacket brig VIGILANT, I _ ,,
R. S Burnham master, will meet w i,|, Bnde of Lammer Moor, .u 2
dispatch For freight or passage having I P™* 82 2 *5 liri- n-per
mm.,elation t. annlv on board at Hun. J . n llgvtew. No 6.
'■jr iod adconrimudatiom. apply on board at Hun.
ur’a wharf, or to JOHN LATHUOF & CO.
ang 26 80
For New-York
The »cbr. Ontario, capt. If. Harris,
LwiB meet with dispatch. For freight I
■or passage, apply to the capt. on board, |
at Jones' upper wharf) or to
Hall & Hojt.
Landing from said schooner.
SO huitdles Hay
3 Medicine Chest*,
sug 56——AO
A vartic-y of new MUSIC
Clark's Bible, No 22 and plain Visiting Cards
And a new supply of Writing and I-etter Paper.
•W, T. Williams.
auar "6 « 80 ^
Fork and Fiour.
jesr uisiso
53 Mils. Pork
6 j dn fresh Flour from new wheat.
■ iJaeou •J’-Urncn,
aug 26—ts 80
For Philadelphia
The packet bf.g HERO. J. Briley, mas- , 1 ?■ ■Wt . .
will sail on Sunday neat, the l'9;ii in- fro:n l»ng Othello—for sale by
Twenty hogsheads St. Croix Sugar—landing
i.laitt. Fur freight or passage spply to
Perry & Wright;
Who offer fur sale
300 bis Philtdetp'iia superfine Flour
1900 bushels Cm n in bags of 2 bn si nla each
20 pipes Hi Hand Gin
10 Iiluls Whi .key
6 pipi s h : gh flavored French Brandy
130 tierces llicc—Cider in boxes of 12 bottles
Hogs Lard in kegs of 35 lbs
10 bam Is Fork
« Medoc and Ssutern Wine or the 1st tjual.
tton B'ggmg. copper Stills
Capers, Olives, Brandy, Fruits, tee
On board,/ brig Hero,
10 boxes pine apple Cheese
000 nuuches Onions
any 25——M——80
aug 28 -M-
By the Ontario, from New-York
The subscribers have received
Very superior black and white Italian Crape
Oo do black and colored nankeen do
Real Madras Hankkerchiefs
Cotton Cords and Tassels *
Tortoise shell Combs, assorted
Cambric Dimities tic tic
Which, together with their general assortment
DUY GOODS, they offer lor sale at reduced prices
Also, TEST ntcxivr.D
I A few eani'ters of very superior gunpowder Tea
1 aug 28—w 81
For Providence fg
The .loop CHARLES, captain Msaoit,
wwill be ready so receive a cargo on Tito
's lay next, and will be immediately dis
pa Coed. For freighter passage, apply onboard,
a: Hunter's wharf, or to
i II. B. Gwsihmey.
aug 28 81
For JVorfitlk, Petersburg and Richmond.
The sloop TRAVELLER, captain Reas.
.ton, will be rea<ly, to receive a cargo on
^Tuesday next,, and will be dispatched
wi i.out delay. For freight or passage, apply on
board, at Smith’s wharf, or to
H. B. Gwatfimey.
Who have received frr,m R'chmuiid, Virginia, and
offers for sale,
400 barrela superfine Flour of new w heat
20 k’-gs macuiaclurcd Tobacco, No. 1
aii|- 28 -81
For Charleston,
The schooner LITTLE-JACK. Thom*
Las Dai is, master, will sail on Wednesday,
■wind and weather permitting. For
freight nr parage apply to master on board, at
Tel:'iir's wharf, or to
- R. d[ J. Habe;sham«
fiijf 28 ~81
£>• Williarii Starr will be a can
didate for CLERK OF THE MARKET, at the en
suing election.
■laving understood from several persons, that a
r-port is circulated, that lama candidate for I comprising a good assortment ot lieavy”*oolens.
clerk of the market only fur the purpose cf fa- I lor an establishment in Savannah or Augusta, will
v.ring the election of Air. Dillon, I take this me. I he sold at a moderate advance and on liberal ere.
the ! nf inl-.rming the public that the heport is j dit for approved paper, to close salts.
George Schley,
rovsi.s or tus bar axd whitakxk strist,
Offer* foi sale, at low prices, and on accommodat
ing term;;
500 pieces Cotton Ragging
10J barrels Pilot Bread
10 hogsheads Jamaica Rum
6 dito Darien ditto
10 pipes Holland Gin
5 ditto Cognac Brandy
50 cases Claret Wine
30 crates assorted Crochery
100 dozen Spades and Shovels
5<• boxes 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 Window Glass
10 cases half pint Tumblers
4 casks pint and half-pint Bottle*
2 ditto Carolina Uoes
50. Liquor Cases
200 bags Corn
White and blue Plains of the 1st quality, by
the bale or piece.
Bills of Exchange
On London, Glasgow, Manchester and Liver-
pool, payable in Lundon, for sale by
John Speakman <V Co.
apri! 26 98
The Subscribers,
Offer for sale, an invoice, containing
10 hales rose Blankets 8-4 a li-4
30 bales Loudon dultil Blankets, assorted sizes
2 bales bluo Plains
2 bales Gassimeres, assorted colors Sc prices
6 bales 6 4 Cloths, do do do
2 bales wrapper great Coats
The above goods being fairly* charged, and
without foundation, and is only calculated to de
ceive those who are dispos'd to fa/or my elec
tion to that OIKS'?—my offering is with a view to
my own benefit only. WILLIAM STARR,
aug 19—77
Fellow Citizens!
I am a candidate lor CLERK OF THE MAR
KET: if i-hc'e-l, pledge my-nlf for the perform
ance of the duties of the office.
Robert Christie.
aug 12 74
To the Public.
I offer as a candidate for Clerk of the Market;
if elected will endeavor to dis-'ia'-ge the duties
thereof, JOHN DILLON.
aug 12 74.
Pubr-JIouse and Hospital
The commissioners of the bavannah Po**r House
«ud Hospital Lottery, have ihe pleasure to an
lumnee to the public that the drawing will com-
im nce'oi» the A»st day of December next, in the
4»ng room of the Exchange. I his day must Fe
very Interesting to ever,* friend of *Jiat most val*
\iuble’institution; besides the many valuable prize*
aug 10 7?
James Dickson & Co.
The Subscriber,
Having accepted of the agency of three exten
sive Paper Manufactories tu the north, will always
have a large supply of the following descriptions
of PAPER, via:
Super lloyxl printing Paper
Royal do do
I):mi do do
Foolscap writing do
R ise vellum letter do
Kentish cap do
Double wrapping do
Common do do
A quantity of Blank Books.
which wilt be sold at a rate that will make /it an
object to retailers tu purchase.
A constant supply of Ahany double ALE and
PORT in barrels. L. PETTY.
Savannah, May *?7- ■ -2?
The Copartnership
Heretofore carried on by IV Scarbrough, Joseph
. P .1/ A? ;h* (J Job t ,\*ynrom, under the firm oi
Winch will be awarded id adventurers. In conse- j non & Ki.vxk. is tbi*».day dissolved by
k]urnce of the sfriall nun^nr r.f ticket*, an ear.y j m u*’j;d con-ent. 1: is rcq'itsted tint all unsettled
> i ■ i ■—. •. l. . ..... ,i... . r<.*tr I . *. , ...
*nd rapid rise must take place
•*t*. Sa* aunuh, .7
i the price t.f tick-
rvl 78
ACCuntN may be rendered in for settlement or li-
quidalioni and that at! ’persons indebted will
furthwith nuifco payment to \V. Scarbiough.
J. P. M KFNNH, Ip'r.htnr’-ty
JOIIN NYSrUOM,S/r Scu brottfh
aug 12, 18.9
(jjr The subscriber in'eut'ing to continue bu'i-
Xless and prime Pork.
A few barrja uf e..cli of New York citv iufpec
tirn— for -a’.e by ItACON Si BUUEN.
aittf 2h Iff 31
~ .Muscovado Sugar.
2b hhd* very-superior q o«l ty in large httda. . .
Will be Lulling from br g Ollieilo. at Hunttr% | nn« in the fa. tonugo li Com-nimon Line al-^e
Vrl.arf, on Mon lay morning. For sale by j for lua o» n actouiJ. oHi-r* Ilia be.t services in
Whit '. Butler, &. kelehum. th..t hue. to the friei d. «-f ii:e former eimeern and
oo J the public; and to those, disposed ty lavor lum
° * J w wii-i mav hesitate to do to from his recent em-
The subscriber I barras-mtnt. aauflicient guarantee will bi
'"Tenders to hi* friends and acdoaintances, h's ed, under the patronage ot friend*, competent to
Service* a* an AUCTIONEER and GENERAL jaflord it. , WILLIAM SCARBROUGH,
COMMISSION MKRi'HANT. He lias a couveu- I aug 11 CM——74
irnt and c-mmodtous fire proof store,anil will u.-c j| (£c f/ on an d Commission Business.
■ ho"mT‘f hTwi’lh tir -cm- The subaeriber ha* taken a store at the north-
**“ fa,or b "" * “ h "schlt west corner of-Market f quare, tor the transacting
, , BHtjtaMcJk I of business in the above fine. He tenders his ser-
Sara'inrUt. .d aug. <u I vices to the public, and bnpes, by ijie attention
JY*Otice* land punctutlity which will be shewn, to receive
The unfinished bu»tne» of tie late firm of Lloyd >*> eir *“Pr""- s - M ML'RDECAI.
ft .ifernjan, will bt atitndeilio by liie aufiscribers 1 aui-.6
who having entered into copartnership, tender
th. ir profissinnal services to their friends.—Their j
office is in the new brick buili'ing at the corner I
of the Ray and W hitaker street.over cot Shelman’a I
Crockery store.
June* Miirrisor,
John C. Nicoll.
july 15—62
Five silver table, six tea and a pap SPOON— I
uo marks on them. Should they be offered for |
Mules for Sale.
25 stout he Jib) l em.essee .MULES for sa'e by
Bacon i)‘ Bruen.
aug 19 cn 77 ■
For Sale
700 pieces Dundee Bagging
James Dickson Co.
*:tg 10 — 73 -
New Slimmer. Goods•,
By the sliip Emily, juat arrived from Liver,
pool, the subscriber* have received a supply id
Seasonable Articles;
which makes theie assortment more general and
extensive than at any former period—and will be
sold at a low advance, and long credit given for
approved paper. ANDREW t.OW & CO.
aprfl 17 91
The undersigned intending to continue to dc;
vote all hi« time and hisfttentipn to the Factor-
-.gc and Commission Btiswc**, offers his best ser
vices to his friends and tp all those who may be
pieced to fanir him. He will, until further no
tice, keep his office ia tjit cf
Messrs tt. Itidiardsnn & Co. hiu) have the pro
.luce and merchandise, *!iit wall be consigi*ed to
liim, stored in Bolton’s fire-proof buildings.
retit De Viilers.
Savannah. 11th 4uguM t 1819--cs— 73
Just Received,
Per brigs Speedy*P-ace and Almira, and schoon
er Susun, *
A frcsli supply of SHOES,
in addit.ou to a large assortment—all for sale.
Sainuf l Evans,
red store, east of ihe Exchange, down the Bluff
may 4 —5
The subscribers having entered into a copartner
>hip, for the purpose oftstablisbing at Liverpool,
business under tne firm of H'uirvwright & Shieh.
beg leave to offer thtir services to their friends,
as general Shipping and Commission Merchant?
at that place. ELI WA1HWRIGHT.
nov 25 cat 230
Auction and Commission Business,
The subscribers respectfully inform their friends
and the public in general, that they have cum-
menced the Auction and Commission Business,
in the house nearly opposite the bookstore, on.
Business consigned tp their care will receive
promt attention.
John H. Wright & Co,
dec 18—i 251
Marine Q'Fire Insurance Company
im/DfWD jVo 6.
The board of Directors uf the Savannah Marine
and Fire Insurance company. Imve declared a Di
vidend uf seven /*er bent un iheir Itannacunn* tor
.the last sis months,-which will be paid at the of
fice on and after Thursday next, the Unit hist.
U. W AYNE, sec’ry.
June 7—34
Savannah Marine ISC Fire
•Wanlrd to purchaje, STOCKS, eilhrr of the
Planters, Suite, I’niicd States, or Dafivn Hunks.—.
Apply at this office R.AVAYN E,
Aug 5—-cm 71
Savannah Library,. . ,
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from
-1 to 6 o’clock r. x. the room will be kept open
for delivering Books.
Oemler, sec’ru.
feb 25 47
tPlulv Office. ;
The subscriber w ill attenu iu his professional
business when ever called upon. He may be.
fottn I at the Exchange or in Brni*gbto.n.street, at
Mrs. Young a. JOHN D. LEWES.
July 29 68
Jn Council. August 2S, lSip.
Ordcrcd, That an election be held at the Court
House in this city on tne first Mi-ndaydff iteptefn-'
oer next. fi>t fourteen Aldermen to represent tin
city .of Sivannah, and foi a Clerk ofllie Market,
fur the emming year; that tins said election be su
perintended by three justices of the peace, anti
dial the city sheriff with two constables do attend
to preserve order.
Extract from the minutes
U. R. Cuyler, *. t
PuSklG S.tilES.
On Tltursslay tlie^rffe’ppt. n^xt,'
Will be sold at the late residence of Win. lines J
ton dec
55* “fP® wom *n. one ebw & calf, h. usdtt
and ntchen furniture belonging tn the estate
Wm. Kfijrston det—b) order of tlie honoi
the coU't of ordinary for Chatham county.
By otiler of the'r.xecutrix.
Sate I. comtte-ire ot 10 .'clock
‘ A. Howe, adept
jtil, ?4 * «
All persons having demand* against the estate
of Noble Wimberly Jones, attorney at law* decea
sed, are requested to render the same, duly attest
ed; and those indebted thereto, will please make
payment lo Messrs Rrbert Sc Joseph HabeiTliam,
who arc authorised to make payments and to give
receipt*. GEORGE JONES, ereV_
may 3r-4
For Sale.
The subscriber intending to be absent from this
state fur the summer months, offers
A pair of fine carriage Horse..,
Also an excellent gig or saddle Horse,
A light Carriagi, complete.for travelling;
A Gig, I'hiiadelphia built, nearly rew;
As also his mulatto servant Scipio, an excellent
coachman and waiting man;
With Sally and her soil Hercules. Sally is
good cook, Washer and ironer, and Hercules about
15 year* old, is a complete house servant, and
well understand* the care and management of
The above horse* and carri.-ge are well worth
th« attention of any person wh». intends travelling
as they were used last summer on <t journey tn
the westward. The above servants are honest,
Her, and in every wav desirable for a family.
For terms apply at the compting house, Fra
zier’? wharf, or at the house, Oglethorpe square.
John Speakuiati
june 3 31
For Sale,
Adesireable and healthy »ituation on the Saifs,
about two miles from Thunderbolt, containing fif
ty acre*, bounded easterly by a creek, northerly &
westetly by colonel Flout noy*s land, and souther
ly by Cattle Park. The great* r part oi this tract
was originally good hammock land, and was for
merly the residence of captain Davie?, deceased.
For term&apply to Messrs. Carxqchax& Mitchel,
or to Mr. Jens McKixxoft.
S ivunnah, 27th July It 19- - 67
To Rent
My Dwelling House. It has eight rooms wifh
ire places—four apartments in ike cellar, which
:»re paved with the best quality of flag; and up
on the lot are a kitchen, and cotrmVdious c«rri.
age l»ou«e, ecc The house m*ght be made secure
-gainst fire, and its situation is convenient <or
nerchani's counting rooms.
George Jones
march Z7 73
For Rent
A comfortable Dwelling lloiue, situated on a
corner lot. in a central part of the cit), and not
far from the Market. Possession w ill be given
lie 6ih of January next. Apply to
John P. Wiilumaon
dec 23— 255
A Hoy, who is a good house servant
oiBce. f 4
Wahited Immediately,
A man tu attend a place near tl« s city. No; *
need apply vfithout producing voucher* -d his bon
“ly and sobriety. Apply to the prsr.ur
.pine 21 -r— 46
3. Jour, wheel Ciirriag ■,
Nearly new, with or without i ju.* *.i superior
rses. for sale. Apply at this ^tfice-
aug 7— 72 _
Negroes to Hire.
Two negro Women, one < f whom is a good
Land limise riervan:; ?!*«» a negro Boy about
to be hired-by the month or ) car. Enquire
office i f the IU prjilictn.
S. B. The above negroes are warranted honest.
aug U>- 73
Per&ons having demands again«t the F.s’ate ol
Edmund Dillon, Deceased, wi’l present their ac-
counts, and those indebted to said Estate will
make payment to JOHN DiLLON,
july 15— 62 ,1dmr of»/ id estet.
J . J I a gnoil Cook; anil a sm..rt, active Boy, (a a
■ale, all potion* are requratert to ttop them and U nuse ; ,. rv »nt. Liberal wages will be giri.m.—
the tliiii or thieve*. A. liberal rewatu wnl be I Apply at ibis office.
1 aug .4—79
given. A,ip’y at ilu* <•*!«•
One Hundred Dollars’ reward.
Dunaway from the subscriber some time in Fe
braary last, from my plantation ’-ear MiHedge
ville, a negro man named Crabus. This ne^ro
was raised in the family of Mr Ch:.rle* Irvir.e iu*r
Sunbury, in Liberty county, and was some time
the property of M«* Williford, of .^nmnali. where
he is well known. When he absconded he tojk
with him a sorrel hor^e, saddle and bridle, and as
he has mxny relatives and acquaintance both in
Liberty county and Savannah, and as his wife whn
belongs to Mr. Palmes, of Savannah, has laRb
absconded, it is presumed Charles is at no greet
distance.. . r .
I will pay to any person who shall apprehend
and secore ih some safe gaol, so 'hat 1 get him
again, one hundred dollar*.
S ' D. E
may if-***
The sole and surviving partner of a house, and
the most extensive and respectable, that ever ex
isted in Charleston, South-Carolina, having kuffer
e i most severely from its reverses and other cau
ses; but, from a nearly twenty years l<.bor, lias
now a prospect and certainty cf drawing some
thing vrr> handsome from the.thrawldcms of it;
d having to support a claim against the Spanish
government, for a very extensive cum, secured to
him by the conVeigton of 1802, anti the treaty re
cently concluded with Spain, and supported oy
every document and proof Ibat can be necessary
to substantiate it, that have been mostly in the,
keeping of the American government, for four,
teen years past—would be glad to treat with an
honuruble and respectable Jiou*e in Georgia, for
the immediate advance of One Thousand DvUar*,
on the legal interest of the country; they pay
ment to be secured by a security on a tno*:t ex
tensive and valuable landed property, in €St) mi
county. 0«\ he would prefer procuring the im-'
mi d ate patronage of .a respec table house or
friend, to tn*t amount, on the condition, of thtir
being permitted to participate in the monies re
ceived, be>ond any thing that he could offer, as'
an interest; and to have permanent advantages,
secured lo them, afier the recover of thetproperty
The most satisfactory >ind undeniable testimoni
als and evidences will be shown to any respects- ■
ble applicant. For further particular*, please to.
appiv lo capt. Newcomb, at the bar of the Wasti
ng ton Hall.
i Savannah June 13th, 1819, (441 •
Ali persons are cautioned against purchasing
from Minor Winn, any lands belonging to the es
tates of Thomas Washington or David Murray, as
he the said Minor Winn has no power or anther!
ty to dispose of any properly of said estates.—
Persons * ho have purcha.-ed, and hold under his
title, are notified that suits will be commenced
against them by the subscriber, who alone has the
legal claim to the property belonging to said es
Louisa Oinones.
june 30——54
Esteeutor 9 * Sales*
fViU be goto befemhe c*w.'f hcvxe ttn thtffrtl Tuei*
doy im Srptembrr dltrret. ,
A negro, man belor^ir^- tn tHc rttuTe of E, Ron
dot, d, order of the he Inferior court
B. Cnnsta.itinc, eMtvr.
Xt!|T 5—-rf-—71 o
' C t'ifjr Shcrijf ’s Sale.
Oil the ffvst Vuesdmj tn September ne:t
Wm be soil in fn»nt of the Court House, betWeep
t thehours cf t>n and two o’clock, : .
fhote halP Lot* of I-and, in the city cf J5a»
Vannah, known by. the l umbers (39 and 40,) O-
Dtrt^ ward, .bounded on ’he m-rth by a larse, on
tljeewt bf Jeflersa^sirctf, on the west by Du*
8»t, aaa on the wuih l s v 'he othsr moit*
lots nirnibor* pit 40.) together with
•he impr^vt fT.enls therein, Subject, to the Ccfirpoi
ration (•io«m! nu>t— levied on the property oF
Doctor Abraham- Shtfiall to satiM'y executions' »B
favi-ar df Daniel Hob ms and another.
Ua ic D’l .von, s. c. s.
—69 r
july 31, 1819
Continued Sale.
On the first Turs.laj in St pfember next.
Will be sold at Effingham court house, between the
usual hours, *_
One ’housaml acres of land, bounded oh Thomas
Wylly, Ilaviil Loret. and George ArnstofPs-laudr,
and the public lota of Effingham court hpuse.—
Also, lot No. 9, Springfield, and the improve
ments; levied on- as the properly of Philip Junes
to satisfy an execution in favor of Basil Gray.
C. Wisenbakcr, s. e. c.
aug 7; 72
Continued Sales.
On tl-.e first Tuesday in September eiexfy
Will be sold a( Effingham court house between the
n hours.
300 acres of Und r attorning fends, of Samuel
Ntedlh gcr, G. f Neice, Joshua Dasher. Kroncca an^r
G. bmithw 300 acres of land adjoining fends oF
Jedediah -Whitetiian, 3. Arnstoff, and GotliO Zitte-
n»uer--lC6 acres ne^r the great ba>; and 66acrek
joining fends of C. Ulmer and Wiseiibal ker—1^.
vied on as the property ot John Neid’inger
satisfy an exteutirn in fav«n of Asanel
Howe. C. W IS EN LAKER, 4 ?. c.
at;g7->2 .
Sheriff’s safe.
The purchaser n»»t compiyn g with tern»« of
sale, will be re-sold on th^ frst. Ttuttfay in Oet'J-
hrr next, nt the courthou^e in Brunsv itk, Glvnn
county, the following negroes, lived on as the
property of James P.fcs on the foreclo&ure of a
mortgage to U. fc J jrabcrsiiam.—Prince, Flora,
bg Charles, SilVey, Dave, Toro, Elick, Hilly,
Jinney, Harry# Jim, Charlotte, 3oe, Ccalea, July,
Charles, Isaac Jack, ami Qua:-h.-
*i5— f 71 T. WINS, fi o-. e. \
All persons are forewarned not to purchase fhaf
plantation or tract of land, called Nelvt'le, in
^ouih-Carolina advert feed by George Woodruff
*q as the said tract offend belongs to the estate
f Munay to wljy^h the subscriber fe'the only sur*
viving representative. This tract of land called
N* Ivitle, is offtred for salt by the sub?5cribtr, t:pn
^dN anugeoua terms, and indisputable tides will 1
Louisa Omofu‘3.
june 30 54
Fifty Dollars’ reward.
Ranawa*. tins m* rnmg, my negro boy Six- Ir
about ib or 30 jtnrs nf age; a low budu ati.u
adi* fetw-tepped (• lh»w; tol rathe hJ&ck, gravt
c untei.ancc. pretty anTui. ti/ok »i'h him a long
blue c-’ut and a herded velvet jacket, one pair o
• me-pun par.talooris v>d one ot corded velvet
ad boots aid shoe a b h with him. It is sup
osed he wi:l make lor die northward a* he is re
■ i,i ly from ihe eastern shore ol Mary fend.-
v.euU Dollar reward v.illl>c given it taken anti
.dged in ai.j gaol in this state, anti Fifty Dollars
f taken out ot die state anti st cured so as I gtt
im, and ad reasonable expences paid All per
ti.i are forbid fr« m harboring him <»r currying
m oil’, under the ; enalty r.f the few.
John Gribbin.
\ T yj The above nrrr.ed nvm ??.m pass
Rose Diru und ba. k to Savannah unc ofeat, <1,
?r ? .er date -1st iu.t He mr.y use it at. a general
Savannah, Aug 24—- 79
rfy 1 lie editor* of tht Aupista Chronicle nml
,a» lest i'll C-ty Gazette are i-fqiiesfeii to publish
be fcboie three weeks, and forward thtir accounts
g ofTtre for pavrot» t.
Twinty Dollars’ reward
Fnp 1*ttti anti It-r cl.J.i (’lunLorr/., who ah-
•icon.lart ‘ n the lath of July, iteiiy is a hlack
cuch of a vmall five about 40 } vara of ajre, ttr.d
pleasing countenance; lias fo' .ome time pa.-t
comnlain-d of a swellinp under htr arm; she has
i vellow fellrw hy tlie name of Smart, belonging
o' Mr Jnbn Gardner, for her husband. There is
no doubt of her beirip harbored in or near Savan-
i»h, being we'l known thereabouts. Her child
harluite is about 4 year old and remarkable lifcS-
ly. The ab >ve tewatd will be paid on delivering
hen. in Savannah gail. ' D. SLHULTS. August it 1* 79
Twenty-Five Dollars’ Teisdrd.
ftanaw.y trom the subscriber, on New I liver,
South-Caroln a. my mao Krssrt, about 26 jests
0 f ^r C , of yedow complexion, thick made, andal
low stature, of a plea-i-ig countenance when spok
en to; has a mother and brother in Savannalt, and
fupposed to be lurking about theip residence,
be above reward will be paid for lodging him in
oava'.-a’i gaol, or to Scott & Fahci, fs.cmra.—
All piri sons are forbid harboring said fellow as
th* law will be atrictly eribrstd.
John Cuoper.
iug i?.wc5«s*rs
On the first Tuesday in October next,
ma be nld at tbe caw t.liouee in Savaunch,
One undivided fi.uith part of all that piece or
parcel ol Land situate, lying a- d being in the city
of Savannah, in new lire’s,Oglethorpe ward, con.
lairing (in the whole) fifty two and half (ott front
on West broad s'.rtrt, and running two hundred
and.sixty feet in direct line back, and one bun.
dred feel on William street. Sold by orijpr oi
the Jnferior court ot Chut bam county, for the ben
efit of Mary Gardner, a minor.
Adam Cope,
aue 3—f—70 gnauHon r/Atrry Ga-drer.
Southern Stage Regulations.
The 3lr»ge will rui. but once a week in futur«^
until the tint of October next. It will leave Saw
vannah every Thuixfey. and arrive in Darien the
same da\; and It*v; D-rien every Tuesday, and
arrive Savnirfah the same day. Tht* *>tagt will ,
'tart precisely at % o'clock in the monirp, and
case any passenger sbt iild nt kitet to attend at
liie office in lime, ifieir monej will be forfeilttL*
M) st:.^will be r»>er vtd for ar.y person unless tl.i
in u*y is paid at tijetiuie uf rmering Uitir name:
t.tcii i as*- r.g’Cr will allowed 14 2be. baggage,
.«t! a.! < vti ifit-y will be charged five cents pep
b tor- tx»ra baggi ge wih be ai tlie rhk of the
; v ntrs. 1 he itflr e v. i»l b< &txll kept at ihe bar Of
‘;x<- GM>rg*a Hotel. ;•
William B. Ilolzendnrf.
aug 14. 75
Dr. Thomas A. Cabarrus^
W!»o left this place some consul. rab!c limft'
past fir the west, and who, it fe believed, settled
h ; m$elf near Bfi^dgeviffe,- (Ga.) is informed that ,
his uncle A cgcstx C.ib>enrs is dead; and that his
mnudia’e f.resencc is required at Edcnton, (si cj
. xT r he editors oF the Miiledgeville Journal,
Augusta Advertiser and Savannah Republican aTe
equevted lo give this two or three insertions. 1
Rdtntm. (x r) August 6, 1819. **
Three m<v:.i"s alter datt, application wifi be tn tlie FUnters' Bank to renew a certificate
for Fiftv-two iliares of ofsaiclbank,stand-
ir-g on the name of tin C..rrmi*si*inefa of Pilot-
a r- 0 the origin*’ ccrtiiitale having been lost or
mislaid. J ;; S GUMMING,
jnne 15—raf—41 chairman C. cf P.
Ihieeiilafs Patent Floor Cloths.
Th*. *».i»ic r ;ber ilUis for sale, ami can fiirnii^i
at ihe *h«»rt* st n*'ti.*e.-xsrratw THoraajro
JLllkniCJJV h hi)Oil thOTIiS, (oil cloth
carpeting) f r roms an<! entries; warranted equal
to any imported, and at prices 25 per cert lower,
A floor cloth, will. - colours, ?1 59 pr fecat: rd-
do do o do 1 7c. no
do do 4 do C OO do
do do 5 do or more, Z £5 d 0 '
Twenty-five cer.U jeer yard for borders.
Cioths without borders, esn be .ieliverrii *: a
A feta notice; wilt borders in tut veekt.
Ti e Canvs* i* •>*» superior quality—made
Kentucky hemp, and wove at the manufactory frr
t*ie express purpose. 7 yareis nide; cnnsfqt.enify
Carp'els, not exceeding 21 feet by £ j fed, will be
without »ro», xr.d made to any giy en
Off '-rs from sny r*rt nf the Ci : tcd 5fates
or Wes' *' dies sent through an Agent, or ad
dressed n. the MsrmUcturcr, (with reference;
shall be promptly attended to.
I'uac Mocauljrv.
rm&fVlb 7«ie,t8l9-te-60 * ’ ,