Newspaper Page Text
cirl riUTr.s.
nm.SWwaniiT g6—trn —
paxat.i.r nt AnrjycE.
' *?.■«*» the New. York Commercial AJv, 19'h ins*
By the arrival last evening of 'he ship
Hercules, cap*. C»bli.ru46 daysfrom Liv
•rpool, we have'London dates to the 29’.h
of June, and Liverpool to tin- 1st of July,
both inclusive. Oar latent Lloyd's list nul
Limlmi price current are ol the Colli.—
The packet-ship James -Hunro sailed it,
company, and pronably we have later rna
rine lists on board that vessel.
British Stocks 29lh »f June—5 per rent-
■'6r l-S—for arct. 68—i per cent* 85 j—
Omnium. 2/ discount.
Vetr severe eruptions of Mount Etna
ami Mount.Vesuvius took place early in
June. The lava from the former tin «*ntcned
t« oveiwlieliu the town tit Ustiloni*, an)!
that from the latter took a direction to
AVards the ancient city ol Pompeii.
A proposition!' before the Frenc h cham
ber ol D.-putie*. !« form commercial rela
tion* with the Imj-Jii'iiuents <1 Sooth
America, tn-' f"*>pe" He •.«|rotiatin:i of a
treatt Willi tliv aeverr.meiit of MaVti. The
speech ol M. Manuel, who m .vbl anti ad
vocated these measures, wa* ordered to hr
■■■ini’ d.
"On the 23th of June, Mr. Wilberfircv
moved in the house ol that
CliVUi sterling be granted to his majesty
lor general Boyd. Mr. W. stated thai
“general Biiv.l,was a native of the United
States, hsti ii. early life rendered agrea;
\ service to the cause of Great llritair. in the
East Indies,-at a very critical period o!
.Adairs there. He was at that lime com
mander ol a corps in the service ol the Ni-
..sbih. After some debate the motion was
-carried.” ' i
Admiral Plampin has been recalled
from the St. Helena station, aid ad
miral Gowrr appointed his successor.
The following note from captain Collin,
was received by captain Cobb a day or
two before lie left Liverpool:—
Friend Cobb.— Please to report the ar
rival ol the Telegraph, at the N E. Biiuy,
-on the 2(jib June, in 2-1 days, wilhnut reef
ing since leaving port. Jacob Perkins esq.
made during the calm weather, many exper-
imenta wil t bis instruments to prove thi
cwnprcssii-dity of water by the same elt
meet, whioli fact was «sfaldi*hed by im
niersi n of ti.a machine from (j('0 to JSt*'.
fret below the aur'aae of the sea. Ili-
Jlaylkiinfeter is a perfert sounding iustru
merit,* ill is as true in a 10 knot breeze as
a calm—indicating every fathom the ma
chine is Cnd'-r the suilaceof t ie sea.—
Touts vsiy truly. il. CotFiK.
Extract til a letter from a respecta
ble house in Liverpool to their car-
resp indent in this citv, dated 1st July,
The weather lately havir-g been rather
«cul.| and wet, our harvest will not be
early as the fineness of the spring led u« at
fine time to anticipate, but solar no actual
injury has been done to the growing crop*,
ami Ihey are reported in general to look
well. With fuluro favourebte weather, it
w ill therefore be perceived from the state
of the average r-turns at present, that our
parts may expect to close next quartet
ogainst all descriptions of foreign grain,
more especially when it is considered that
. while the itnpi rt rates remain fixed at
what they were, the m-rket prices
of every thing under a return to a
metalic currency are relatively reduc
Aggregate average of wheat for the
-week ending June 19—C8 11.
Liverpool, 1st July, 18»9.
The market during the past month may
-be said to be grnerallv dell, and prices un
dergoing a flow but gradual decline.—'The
reduction sea* tolly *d per 11*. but within a
iir.prnvement of 5i to Si per. cwt on the The cabinet or Madrid has tong been
-■ aware that the people of Cuba are desirous
•if a separation from the government of
Spain, a*>d that nothing but the fear of an
insurrection among the negroes has pre
vented the. attempt.”
“On a cursory view it may appear a great
object for the British government to obtain
Hubs, a rolony that oy good administra
tion would soon outstrip what St. Domin
go once was under the French.” >It ought
also not tobe Forgotten, that the entire sub
sistence of the island depends on external
supplies, consequently a maratimu war
must produce ruin, more particularly bc-
rween't ie United States and the holder ol
Hub*. ‘-Our government is certainly de
vising means to check the rapid growth
•*fthe United States, butthe possession of
Cuba by us would have a contrary effect.
The vast cr,miner ce that already flu*
general descriptions, and on Barbadi es an
advance of4s to 5s has been realized. Re
fined sugar hia again improved 2* to. 5-
per c*vt. and the demand for shipment has
considerably revived. There are more in
quiries also tor foreign sugars. The cof
lee market within the last ten day* may
be stated to have improved about 15s pei
cwt. but although tn» advance has been
fully ro-ifirmed by the public sale* during
the week, yet there is certainly not the
same hn,knes» in the market to-day as
flier.- was on Wednesday; large parcels ol
.St. Domingo have realized 10G* to 108.*
per cwt. and at a public sale this forenoon,'
middling Dominica brought 118* 6.1, but
ti-i<- flemerara went oft' at a decline of 2,
per cat- 153 bags Brazil Cocoa were aold
ll,is morning hyiiuction at 56s 6.1 to 58.,
per cwt. 3400 "Buenos Ayres bides have
brought 6 l-2d to 7 5-ad per lb. and 330 down the Mississippi, the immense tract of
horse hides have »ol J at I» to 3- 7<l car>i
There lias been a" regular demand (or
Beegal cotton for khipni.’nt, mid about "Oil
hag* liave been purchased at an iniprnve-
iietit of i I per lb. in other descriptions
little or ti» business has been done, l’-ie
l»U< m-mark- t is rather flit,but no alter-
ulion can be stated in the prices. Tncre
lave been very considerable par
chases of East India rice, at a small ad
vauce.—118 hrl*. of Am rican pearl itshe*
have been bold at 44s and 45», and 11 hrl*.
pul at 51* per cwt.—400 loads America-
pine limber have brougtit >y auction 3/11*
to ii per load. No alteration lias take:,
place io the prices of foreign tai gi; the
rowu market to-day is 6.1 per cm. lower.
—148 toil* Teneriir Jtanllu (rave been
-oil*. at 14s 64 to 15s per cwt.
The supply of wheat since Monday hav
ing been very small, a further i i.piov-
ucnt inis taken place of 2s per quarter:
t ai ley ha* also advanced Is. I'heitrmals
of oats continue extensive; tiic sales now
■ver are considerable, and prices are fully
maintained. Few transactions have oc
curred ill beans and pease
London, June 25.
Advices from Madrid of the 10th inst.
are in town, transmitted from a quarter J
country rapidly settling on the Missouri
etc. point out very distinctly to the Unit
ed States the necessity .if making Pensaco
la a great mat (time port, but such necessi
ty would oe increased in a tenfold degree
fG-eat B-itam possessed Havana. There
is besid ■* the Bay of Tampa, in the Flori
da*. I'iie British cabinet moreover must
be aw-re that any premature circumstan
ces, more particularly when accompanieil
iiy any svonetl spnit of competition,-which
in iV rouse into art on the resource* of toe
'. n ruHii g»vt :,m,-nt, and tho- enterprise
■f its eitiz 1 us, must, certainly acceleiate
the progress of that'country in national
Great H.iuin ought there tore to ponder
before she «cr lie's her honour ami other
.mire paramount interests We must not
lii'.k to the moment. Spain is bluster-
rever :.he can he heard, but tile
destined to aid the patriot} of South Ame
rica:— ~ • .
Itevereux's Legion.—iWe are happy to
be informed, from the beat authority, that
the late disturbance io this town origina
ted from no spirit ofviolenee or insubordina
tion among the Irish legion of general
Devcreux; a legion winch has conducted it
self with particular moderation, ,-ir.d has
'preserved that degree of order which it
was almost impossible to have previously
expected from a numerous body of men,
who cannot yet be in a state of strict dis
cipline. The affair arose from a treat giv
on by the crews »f some vessel* of file U.
States to these worthy and spirited fellows,
whose object is to give freedom to their
American brethren tu the southern conti
nent. Elevated by the entertainment,
they hail received, they were returning to
their quarters, when a lew perceiving an
unfortunate woman in the hands of the
watchmen, undertook to liberate her, and
forgot, for .1 moment, the respect thev
ow.-d to the -police of the town, in that gal
lantly which is the characteristic of tli'ie
country. They were joined in (his acci
dental exploit by an officer, not of geo.
Ilevereux’s legion, but in his majesty's
service, who has since been liberated, on
bail. We may add to this, that the con
duct cf Dtvereux’s legion has been consid-
red to be exemplary, by many ol the most
Highly respected person* in the town, and
that some who viewed.the essemb’agr of so
many men with jealousy are, from tiie con
duct of the individuals composing that le
gion, become convents to this mode of re
inforcing the armies of the independents
fetv day* past there ha* l.eena strong dis
position U huv; a-id Uplands ami Nnv Or
leans have be-n s.-lliog again at improv. d
price-; the ini.Idling and good qualities
are must in request, and hive advanced j 1 '
pe r lb. We quote Upland* from.Ibid ti
J 1 j;l ordinary to fair; lljd t» l'-? for
».nij f.i fair; nd for very good ICjd.—
.New Orleans UJJ.I to 13d; and good up-
ieri-L t-> 14a 1. SSca Island* ‘J^d to 2s 44.
very fine iWs tOd a 3s. Bengal* 5jd a 7*1.
Sar.tts have declined, in consequence o'
tlie preference given tocphuids.
Ath'i ha* undergone some drcline—-39*
has bier, accepted far some New Yoik
-put* «f fail tjcaJity. Boston i*41*dull.—
Pear! ««Jies are verv dull, prices
AVe quote from 44 to -l j.
Tobacco.—There is a pretty fair demand
Tor iiomc trade and expoKalion, anslpiice-
*v« about maintained. 51 ha* bceH accept
cd for ordinary stemmed, and 7d lor goo-l
TqrpcKfiueislo very limited demand.
11 to 1-2* per cwt.
Tar is in fair demand, ft Ws 9d o
Hire ha* been in more demand, and good
qualities have improved, 22* a 22* 6 t are
how obtained fur the be*t, and 23s i* ask
Our grain m*Vet has improved a little.
The best wheat i*saleable at S% 6d a”9-
pe' 7U lb. Snur floar has advanced in-
price; 3t)< a 32 is a«kcd fur New-Vork.
and S£* Oil a rOs for Philadelphia. Sweet
-h-isphas also iaiproved alitiles the quanti
ty in market is very small; 55 a 38s may
now b; quoted. Sweet flour in bond
meets with a partial demand; it is offered
at »0s fur Philadelphia. 22 a 221-2 is of
fered for «wir.
Dario, 14 a2ls. Beefva.r, III a 121.
L•*.*-« Mari-ctc, June 35 - *, of:rraeso.
There ha* been an extensive demand To*
pi sugar, and tt.e sides of the week
«ac gsltmated to exceed #<*> hhdi at ad
the first political inl'oi matio.i, and they dis
tinctly state, that the treaty made with
loe U. States, for the transfer of the two
Florida} had not been ratified by his Catholic
Majesty, further adding that theie was not
the least probability, for the present, of its’
receiving the royal sanction. On this cu
rious and important matter great demurs
uavc recently taken place, and it has beet,
t emed singular that the Spanish negoci-
ator *fthe treaty (now in London) should
have quitted the seat of the Federal gov
ernment before the finish had been put to
his v.trk. The whole transaction lias been
an extremely boisterous and complicated
one, but since the first arrangements were
made, great obstacles liavo occurred. On
the one hand, it is thought ^;.ain Ins been
-old, that if she cedes the F crid.ts to one
power, she r.iust cede Cul*i to anothei;
whilst it is on the other side rumored lliai
the United States find encumbrance-
in the shape ol grants of territory, which
were not anticipated. In the whole n> gn-
ciation a great degree of finesse has been
used, but time will show which pirtylns
been the dupe.—Ferifcand’s government
is well aware how much the United St.t -
.'oert the Florida*, and he mil, if he con.
impose condition* beyond those of iiciira:.
ity. Spain failed in her negotiation* r.l
the congress to reuse Europe against .S ul'.i
kuicrica; she will now endeavor to sell,
under the best bargain*, part ot her wes
tern empire, in order not to lose *he who'e.
and we shall be happy t<> find,
that the ForeignEulistment Bill is untune
of the branch.-* of her crooked policy.—
Of this, however, she may be certain, that
if on such an exhibition of the oftair as the
President will feel himself compelled to
make to congress, it should appear that
*nv undue influence hr. been used to ivitl
'mill the ratification, the popular cry will
•re to take the Florida* by farce, for im-
inei:«e sums have already been laid oat by
individual* in land speculations, and ;great
preparation* made for settling there.—
Morn. Citron.
London, June 26.
It is asrrious fact, that in the last year
IS17-18, the trade from America to Chinn
employed 7,000,000 dollar*, and 16,000
tons of shipping: during the same time th>.
Bri:i*h trade to China occupied 6.300,000
•I..Kars,and 20,000 tons shipping; conse
quently, allowing that the American mer
chant receives his return m the course of
oney ar, while the British requires nearly
tw;>ye.->ri—the American trade to China
i* already more extensive than ncrown —
U'e state this important fact on the autho
rity of diaries Assey. esq. late secretary
to the government of Java, author of an
aMe pamphlet, “On the trade to China,
and the Indian Peninsula.”
June 28.
Satord..yand yefterdsy v/e received the
French papers of Thursday last. In the
chamber ol deputies on Tuesday, M. L line
repotted from the committee on the pro
jet relative to the corn trade, in favor of
<t* adoption, but recommending amongst j amendment for nnp—'iig a tri
ple duty on the importation of Hour. On
Wednesday M. Manuel strongly recom
mended the entering into commercial re
lations with the independents of Smith A-
inertca, and the negociation of a treaty
with the governxienl of Hayti, with the
view of securing some indemnity to the
unfortunate excolonists of that Island, and
re-opening its ports to French commerce.
ILs speech was ordered to be printed.
The Florida tr.-atv passed the United
States senate about 2L*d February, and the
ratification was to take place in b mouths.
Mr. Forsyth arrived in Madrid about 4th
May,and up to the 10th inst. no progress
had been made, but fresh ob-txrles had
arisen. Nothing, however, authentic is
known on the subject of the difficulty,'but
no all sides it is rumoured that Spain will
not be allowed to make a single bat-grin,
and a variety of circumstance* have led
the pbiic mind towards Cuba.. t
i lea of ucr holding away over Cuba, or of
ner long retaining in a slate of subjection
the vast country stretching on the Atlantic
from cape Horn to tne Florida*, and from
t’ie tnrinertoCaro]ina,on tne Pacific with
•ut a navy is preposterous. Her moral in
llui nee in those region* is lost or fast sub
Hidings and her physicial influence is near
ly broken. She may, by session of terri
lory, purchase a suspense, but this call on
ly be temporary, as long as she esnnot ob
tain activeand auxiliaries,ant! this she can
not do The powers v/itli whom she treats
■nay pet a hign price on their favours, but
.is tar as Great Britain is concerned, the
advantage*gained will be of short dura
turn, and the. loss in commerce and cliarac
ter irreparable.
-London, June 29.
Letters from Cadiz were received by
the post of yesteiday, stating that severs'
of tile British transports had been dischar
ge !, not front their being no longer wan
:ed, but because the captains would not
submit to new conditions (he Spaniard
wished to impose upon them. It appears
that the experience acquired by the puv
dliase of the rotten Ilu.sian ships has mad
the Cadiz committee extremely cautiou
and they now insist on the British ship
being stripped before -they proceed to sea
though mine of them were fresh copper,
before they left this country. With thi
the captains refused to comply.
A Hamburgh paper gives, as tr. the total
of ill" army iml navy if tne Russian Em
rive, 863,000 men, of which number 75,000
ire <"-i :.en.
Juttrerp, June 17 —In this port lias re
c.entiv neeii witnessed a mint dreadful out
rage tu humanity; from 350 to 400 indi
ntiuils have been squeezed c.n board a
Small ves-el of from 200 to 300 tons, com
manded by a Pros-iaa captain, which Ins
set sail for the Colnuies, they are literally
pack'd like h*nings in a cask: they each
of them paid in advance 150 florins: there
will probably be a pestilence on board the
ship before it readies F'ushing.
Dresden, June 15.—Yesterday 42 wag
•gons arrived with emigrants from Wur
tetnberg who were going to Russia. To
morrow a division of 182 persons and 50
waggons will arrive here, anJ on the 19th
a third division. They have their mans
gers, quarter masters and teachers. l)i
vine service is performed, and on the day-
they halt, school is kept. There are fami
lies among them who have property tu the
■ mount ol 8 or 10.OOP IIurins.
From tli* V. V, Commercial Advertiser, 20lhinst.
I lie ship Herald, cap;. Fox, wnicn arri
ved at Boston on Tuesday, in 45 day
from Liverpool, brings London and Liver
pool dates one day later than were receiv
ed here by the Hercules.
Accounts from Germany, 9tate a strong
probability of a rupture between the Rus
sian and Turkish governments. Letters
from Constantinople mention, that the go
vernment was actively employed
frcngilicningilsm.irine; fiat s» sliifs
of war had been recently built: and that
ril.-rs had been issued for the building of
other*. Letters from St. Fctersiijrgii rid
idle the idea of a ruptuiB get Teen those
two powers, .v.d represent the rumor as
the idle drc.nn . f speculating politician*.
A very extensive printing tst.iuli*lnnent
in London.'bcliingiui; to 'Mess.-s. Ben«l -v
nd San, was lately destroyed by fire The
whole lass is cs:i n a led at ljo,000f. of
which only 30.4)00 was insured
The infant daughter ol tlie duke of Kent
was baptiz'd on the 24*h nl June, and re
ceived tine name of.Ile vtiudrina Victoria.
A paragraph under the head of St. Pe
tersburg!!. May-21st says—^“Same person
ages of distinction think that the emperor
will again nuke a long journey in the
course of this summer, with the intention
of conferring w ith his august allies on the
present state of Europe. Theie is x ru
mor ol California having been ceded to
Russia—but it comet by tbe circuitous
route of Canton.”
Prices of Slocks in London on the 30th
of June—3 per cent red. 67 3-8 $—Cons,
for Acc. CSC—Omnium for payment I}.
French Funds, June 26—Bank Stuck
I5I0F. j per cents 68f. 3bc.
A Liverpool paper of the 2d of July, gives
the following account of tne late distur
bance in that toivt. among tbe Irish troops
Extract of * letter from John S. Carter tv Co. dated
Jeverptol, July 2
Ashes, pearl, 1st Boston, cwt. 45 a 47*;
New-York, 45 a 46; Montreal, impurt' d
direct, 45 a 46; pot, 1st, Boston, 41 a 42;
New-York, 39 a 40; Montreal, imported
direct, 39 a 40. Bark quercitron, PJnla
delphia 17 a 22s; New-Yoik. 14 a 18.—
Bees’ wax, 12/a I Si. Clover seed, uncer
tain. Cotton upland, Is a Is Id; sea-isl
and, very fine, 2* 9d a 2s lOd; fine, 2* fid
* 2< 8:1; New-Orleans, 10J a Is 3d; Ten
nessee, 10.1a lid. Flax.eed,for crushin
uncertain; sowing, do. Ndval stores, pitch,
none; rosin, 8* a 8- Cd; tar, 13 a 16*; tur
pentine, 11a 12* Gd. Rice, in bond, 18 a
22s; out of bond. 40 » 4'is. staves, white
oak, lilil. 8/ a 14h lilid. 15 :i 02; pipe 24 a
26; red oak hh.l. none. Tobacco, lb. York
and James river, 3/1 .i7J !; Rapp ihancock,
SJda 5Jii; Potomac, none; Georgia and
Carolina,3Jd a7Jd; Kentucky led. -SJil a
5Jdj Maryland uncertain, stemmed, Gd a
8d. VV’hi at United -State*. 8s 6d a 9s Cd;
Canada. 8s G I a 9s 6. Flour, superfine,
sweet, 34s a 37»; sour, SO a S3. Indian
corn, 28 i 30s per quarter. .j
Rkmakks.— The demand for pun id ash's
has been very limited r.l lato, and prices
ire altiost nominal IVr have had sonic
enquiry for pot ashes but at limit* gem
ally too low to me-'t the views of holde
Bark is rather improving.
Bees’ wax, clover seed and flax seed arc
little inqui*. ti for.
Our cotton market has assumed more
pirit,*nu the demand is gradually im
proving. Within a day nr two sales have
been effected at advanced quotations.
N ival stores arc not in request.
Carolina rice is in fair demand, and
sales ti>.Rome extent have been made at our
quotations within a few days.
Not much doing in staves or timber.
The business doing in tobacco is in
creasing, yet prices do not improve.
A good deal more has lately been done
in our corn market, and prices arc on the
Extract of aletter to the editor, dated.
Liotrpttl.July 2,1819.
S:n—We wrote to you on llic 50lh ulf
[not yet come to hand] and by way of Dust
cripf, we now add—tnat cotton has con
tinned in good demand, and prices of up
land* and Orleans a shade higher. Yes
terday 360 bales of uplands, were sold un
seen, (onboard ship]at 12.1.—ISdhas been
given for very fine, thcreiseveryapperanco
of a very fine, there is every appearance <>f
ol a steady market.and some li.ii.le's look
fo'a further advance of j to 1 J, but thisi
verv uncertain.
Wheat and flour are still a lilt'e on th
rise—Baltimore fl mr, which sold, out
bond, at 38i two days ago, is now held a
59* a 40s—sour fl..ur. 33s a 34*—Initial.
cnrn,4»periiu*!iel—flour in bund is steady
at 30s—a«hes are dull and declining—tar
and turpe . tine, steady and in fair demand
Ge are, A'c Mauuv &. Latham.
P. $.—-Little doing again in cotton in
to-day’s market.
Lm-Jon Ha-kefs, June CS.
Sugar.—The dcm-i'id fur Muscovado*
after our report lust we*k continues stea
dy, and very considerable purchases
were reported, the prices were without
variation:towards Friday the site, wee-
not *n extensive as the first of the week.
This forenoon the request for refined
goods is not so extensive as during last
week, with the exception of lump*, which
ontmuc in demand,and uuyagainbe quo
ted 1* higher.
For foreign and E*-t India sugars there
ere renewed enquiries; of the tormur
the quantity at market is inconsiderable
Coffee —There were three cotisider.ahle
public sales of coffee brought forward last
eek; St. Domingo in large parcels realiz
eit tO(i.« to 10S«; since then the demand by
ivate contract has been brisk and exten
sive; St. Domingo coffee realizing MOs 112*
nd M3*, and yesterday 114s. per cwt—
The public sale* thi* forenoon consisted ol
404 cask* aud £92 bigs, which afford* a fair
iterion of the market, which may be sta
ted 8* t» 10s per cwt. higher than -on Fri
day last fuv ordinary ««'4T-c. and C» pei
cwt. for the finer d escriptious; the sales
ent off 5s to 6*.. p.*r cu r. above what had
been previously realized by private con
Cotton —The demand for cotton has
been entirely coofi.ied to parcels suitable
for exportation; tne purchases since our
last consist ol 450 Beogals, good lair quali
ty 5 7-9d and Cd, go-id 6j *.» uj-l; the buv-
eis of iulerior parcels at 5j could cot meet
with any tellers at inch a low rate; 43 bow
ed* were taken (at lid to 13jd aud 25
Smyrna*] Ho. ’ *
London. Juno 28.
A Philadelplria paper has the following
[Here follows a paragraph relative to
the voyage of Mr. Verkins, to England,
for the purpose of engraving bank of Eng
land notesj
We certainly do not give any credit to
this article, ami in doing so, we hope we
sirall not be suspected id “auderr.-.ting the
genius ol our transatlantic acquaintance.”
The fart is. that tbe tli.eetiers of tie
bank of England have adopted the inven
tion of Messrs. Ajiplcgarth and Oowper,
l»r their new note, which is in active pre
paration and wnirh is calculated to defy
sucresslul imitation.—«V. CUtuilt.
Paris. June 26.—“Chevalier Don Onii,
envoy extraordinary of liiscalhtdic majesty
to (he United States of America, urciv.-tl
in Paris on the 24th inst. and alighted at
the Grand Hotel de Castile. Rucde Riche-
JfadrUI, June 15.—“M. Oois, who re
turns from Philadelphia, and who ought at
thi* moment to have arrive.! at Paris, is
shortly expected hei r, lie directed and
term': ;ted tho negociafi on of the Florida*:
will he be recompensed? Some people even
go so far as to presume, that he in .v fee the
successor of the Maiqui,de Ca»a-Yrojn.
Erom the X. Y. Gittllr, 15.., i. o'
From Halifax.—We are indebted to
our Boston correspondent for Halifax pa
pers to the 7th inst.
The Halifax papers contain the follow
ing extracts from Jatmi.j papers:
Jamaica, July 8.—AH the partizans of
the buccaneering cause give out a drcadhil
war-note. J’urto Hello, they sav, must be
again taken. Troops for the purpose ace
collecting at St. Domingo, 81. Andreas,
and Old Providence. In anticipation they
already beludd themselves in possession of
that city. \Vo readily believe, if they are
enabled to collect- • sufficient force, with
tlie requisite ca,li, that bn attempt will be
made on some point of South America, and
most likely it will be Porto Bello; hm their
success will be very dnublful, as the roy
alists, wc hope, will be prepared fur such
a band, who with a view only of plunder,
are holding out the fallacious idea of as
sisting to emancipate South America from
Spanish thraldom.
July 9.—We are in possession of Cor-
acoa paper* to the 19th ult. The Intrepid,
Zuzaro; and Anna, Kugnor, from this isl
and, arrived on the 15th ult. The follow
ing paragraph is copied from one of the
latrst date*:
His Britannic msj*sty’* frigate Eurya-
lus, of 36 gnus, capt. Huskissan, appear.-d ,
off our harbor on Thursday afternoon .—
fler com oaodcr having come on chore, w-e
learned that l-« had he n to Jfa. garitla. aud
It .d found that island in a perfect slate of
uproar and confusion. Jolt, it sen
nsisted on being appointed comm iit
chief of the patriot naval forces, ami hois
ted t-C French flag at the foremast of his
vessel, win I a Itrinii. ns cinbictnnlical of
tbir enmity* displayed the English ensign
on board nl his snip. Joli, however, h id
been put under arrest,and wustohr brought
tu trial lor his mutinous conduct.”
Of all t.ue beautiful dssc.verie* with
which we have become acquainted, in
the progress of the physical sciences, there
are none more striking than the munis-
cope, or which may be studied with grea
ter case; the application of a powerful
lens to any of those minute objects which
we have daily in our power to examine,
exhibit a scene of wonder, of which tho-u
who never witnessed cannot form an ade
quate idea. In the introduction to a mo-
lern system of etymology there i* a des
cription of the process by which the spider
weave* its web. After dcscnbii.g the
four spinners as (hey are termed, (ruin
which the vi*lble threads proceed, the wit
ter makes the following curious observa-
mins:—“These arc the machinery, through
which, by process more singular than ttiat
.it rope spinning, the thread is drawn.—
Each spinner i* pierced like the plate a
wire-drawer wit., a multitude of holes, so
numerous and exquisitely fine, that a
sp ire not often bigger than a pin point in
cludes a thousand. Through eacli of these
i.ilcs proceeds a thread of an inc<mc<-iva-
ufc tenuity, which, immediately alter issu
ing from the orifice, unite* with oil these
threads from the same spinner into one
Hence from each spinner proceeds a com
pound thread; and tnese four threads at
the distance of about one. tenth of co inch
from the apex ol the spi-mcr again unit- - ,
ind form tlie thread wo are accu*t.nned r*
see, which the spider uses in funning it*
web. Thus a spider’s well, even spun hr
toe smallest specie* and when so fine that
it is almost impracticable to our senses, w
not. as we suppose a single tine, but a rope
composed of at lea-t 4<KiO strands. But,
tu follow all the wonders of this fact, we
must follow Leuwenhuecrk in one ol hi*
calculations on the subject. Thi* renown-
misroscope observer found, by an acruiatu
estimation, that the threads ol the spider*,
some of which are not larger than u grain
»f sand, are so fine that 4,WO,009 of them
would not exceed in thickness one of the.
hairs uf his beard. Now, we know that
each of these threads is composed of 4009
threads still finer. It follows therefore
that above 16,000,000 of the finest thread*
which issue from such spiders are not at-
‘ igether bigger than a human hair.”
Wonderful escape — On the 26,h of J*.
ly, the house of Mr. Hunt, at Sc.rc-
man, \ t. was Injured by iigktnin*. The
“’ectiical fluid struck a young la*dv who
as tu the upper part of the house- melt
ed a string ol gold beads which she hail
Ground her neck, and ruouing down ber
body, burnt her stocking ami shoe, and set
t ie lining of her shoe on fire, in conse
quence ol this shuck she remined perfect-
ly senseless for ter. hours, when it is stat
ed she recovered—-V. l\ Daily .idee