Newspaper Page Text
- sjMK r*
' :' ti
v ' -• r
*ATri? LANDS in Burke county, whereon the *ub-
'^gpriber now lives containing r 4 wards of force
: thou-and'acr*., about 1500 »r.*a of wh«* are
’ otk ami hickory, die balance pine lands, There
*~are fcbout 500 acres ckared and under fence, great
-. part ** whic6 ha* been recently wood land—The
*■ cron now growing well'‘evince the capability of
' these larfdi to produce great reward for labor be-
* Mowed on ftiem ; In the centre of the cleared
^ land is a Pond about 100 acres, which has been
* drained atgreat expence, and is capable of cul
ture; it may however be' made desirable as a pas-
* lure, being capable of supporting 10J head of
1 homed cattle, exclusive of hot sea; mules, sheep,
-mu oi tr sto « - T-lirough the greater part of
* these lands runs a never-failing itrtain of water,
" r -where is a Grist Mill, with machine ry to gin cot-
'-'•ton—HLowetdowiiand wiiliin about 4 miles ofSa-
* vanmli ’river, is a »ffl Dam where a saw-mill has
* fi)!y been frrccteil. Hie pine laods. say 1700
: -«cres; are mostly "well timbered, kt»d the lumber
* might be sent with facility to Savannah, or sold'in
' the neighborhood, if prefered, where there is a
* cniiataiit demand.
The Orchard has upwards of two thousand young
and thriving trees, consisting of peach, apple,
^pirar, plumb, *r:eny, and vffierfrui'S of the most
;J approved qualities*—all ijf flitch have been plant,
cd within Six years past.
T!»e ftuilmugf are comfortable, and sufficiently
mnnerous to verve the purposts iff a large family,
* With the uecet:>..ry ou!-fiuil-i>ngs for housing ihe
crops I think I can with propriety say, that there
is not a tract of land in the county has so* many
important advantage? as the one now offered—'Tis
-situated 6"ir»iles from tV*yne*borongh, on the
Dcracrie-frrry road,'and about l£ n*»le» from the
residence’oi\7iLst!niNav> f esq on tlie Savannah
ami Auguaia wfliicl) road runs through part
offheae lad»—* I is 23 iwb s fr*m Augusta, and' 9
**f; o'no DemereV fcrrV, from which place 1 have
shipped cotton to Savannah at 7“ ^eu*s the bale,
* when I have been informed* the prices for sliip-
1 ment-in Augusta has been 53 per 100 wt.
Potresdon can be hid on tl • Utat ot January
■'Wvt, and the purchaser be snpnlied with corn,
f lic/iec, mules and slock of all kinds, if demrabU.
A ' Pemberton.
•* Jenke^orcst, niar Wl ynesbor*r<igh, )
Hark $ ccu itvf Jltly 31, i 8 i 9. 5 "*
I Loot at fhis7—.l Great Bargain!
Tin; subscriber offers for sale, at a ten low
'price, eleven hundred acres pf well timbered Fine
'Land, in tlie lower put of Bullncb count,, forty
miles from Savannah, on - that large, constant aid
well known stream by the name of Big Lot’s
Creek. On it is « saw and grist mill, newl}' built,
with one saw-and grist in motion; one more aaW
oh the' y-ay may be set to work in a short time.
The plane is acknowledged by all who have seen
it, to be superior to any in tlie low country, and
admits of large improvements in the water way
In common seasons, there is water enough to
work from four to five saws or a gang.&e. This
mi l stait'la on a rock with a great tall. The creek
is well cleared out and has a large open channel;
admitting a safe passage for rafts into Big Can»u-
chie and thence to Ogecfcee, and thence to Hard
wick or Savannah. The grist mill command a
superior proportion of custom, especially in cry
seasons, when the farmers within twenty-five or
thirty miles sre obliged to resort to it. Indisput
able titles will be given. The particulars may tie
learnt on applying to the subscriber, u ho bas the
management of the mill at present.
Jonathan Bacon.
The Savannah Republican will insert the fore
going four times, and forward the bill to Mr Reu
ben King, in Darien, for payment,
aug 19 r 77
United States jof America.
DISTRICT ,ur oKoaoia—is thl aosiinai.xr -
1 The president nf. the Untied State* to the marshal
of aim/ t fit trUt,’greeting.
;L. S J GEO. GLEN, clerk.
Wlu reas „■» Iri-.el hath this day been filrd in the
admiralty court of the United Static lor .sill dis
tr.ct, in the name and behalf of the United State
• or America, by-Richard W Habersham, attorney
of ihe United Slates fattlie said district, stating,
that on or about the fourteenth day of August,
in the present year of our Lord one thousand
■ eight hundred and nineteen, (here arrived in a riv
er, port,'-bay or harbor, within the jurisdictional
’ limits of tlie United States, to wit, in the river
Savannah, in the district aforesaid, from tome fo-
rtgii port or piaee, a certain vessel or sehounei
culled the Friends, which said schooner or vessel
' now rides at anchor in the said river Savannah, and
wnhirtthi juriadf.lion of llfis honorable court—
• that tlie sai-f .onooncr or vesscrsrdrd from Bar-
raciui oriome orimr foreign port, place or coun-
trj, arryietj on or abmit*he day and year
af ’vsahj, V i Ido. the j insdietional limits of the
i,.n»rd bastes, to wit, in the river Savannah afore-
'i.n>i anil was there found on or about the day and
yvar—ir-ankl. having on board one or more ne
gro or negroes, mulatto, or person or persons ol
• color, fur the'purpose of selling such nsgro or
negroe”, mulatto, or person or persons < f color,
in some port or place within the jurisdiction ol
the United States, contrary to tlie provisions ot
an act of the congress uf the United States, passed
tlie second day of March, one ihouyand eight hun
dred and seven, entitled, ''an act to prohibit the
importation of slaves into any port or place with
in the jurisdiction of the United States, from and
after ihe first day of January, in-the year of our
- Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight.”—
Audi the said Richard W Habersham, attorney as
- aforesaid, in the name and behalf as aforesaid,
doth lh ether libel, propound and allwlge in man
ner and form following, that is to say, that on or
about the fourteenth day uf August instant, m the
v present year of our Lord one thousand eigb hun-
- ifrsdwnd nineteen, there was imported or brought
into the United States, to wit, into tlie river Sa-
~y annah, within the district aforesaid, on board of
' t ie schooner or vessel called tlie Friends, from
tiv-i'ac«a, 'cr from some other foreign kingdom,
.. plate oreouiitry, a negro or negroes, mulatto, or
person or persons of color, with intent to hold,
• ai d or dispose of sach negro or negroes, mulatto,
or person or persons of color, as a slave or slaves,
or to be livid to service in labor, contrary to tlie
prohibitions Of the act of the congress of the Unit
ed States, passed the twentieth day of April, in
the year of our Lord une thousand eight hundred
i*auul eighteen, emitted "an act in ad..'Cion to "an
act to prohibit the introduction (importation) of
slaves, into any port or place, wi.bin dig jurisdic
tion nf the United Mates, from and after the first-
"day of January, in tlie year of our Lord one tliou-
tandeigiit hundred and eight;” and to repeal cer-
' tain parts of the same; by means of which actings j
- and doiiigs, and by force ef the acts ot congress
- aforesaid, the said schooner or vessel; together
with her tackle, apparel and furniture, and the
'good* and elfvcts on board of her, have become
- ?irfeited to the use uf the United States And
' the said attorney prays in and by the said libel,.
that a monition issue to all persons concerned, to
shew cause, if tiny, why the said schooner or ves-
s> i. Iter tackle, apparel and furniture, and the
gvods and effects "on board, should not be con
demned as forfeited to the United Slates, and the
proceeds distributed as tlie faw directs, and Out
the negro or negroes, mulatto, or person or per-
sons of color, imported or found on board of her,
be and remain m the custody of the marshal oi
this diatret, subject to the order and disposition
ot ihe ptvsidenl of the United States.
Now, tfcereiore, you, the said mar VI, are here
bv contmanded to cue and admonish ail and smgu-
' la.- every person or persons !t ving, or pretending
to have, any right, title, interest, property, claim
or demand what-oever id, in, to, or upon, the said.
■ schooner or vessel called the Friends, Iter tackle,
apparel and furniture, and the goods and ttT ct'
on board, and the «aitl negro or negroes, mulatto,
or person or persons of color, to be aiid appear
it a court of admiralty, to be held at the court-
' house, in Ihe city of Savannah, in the district afore.
• said, on the second day of September next, th. n
and there to answer in the premise*
Witness, the honorable Willian Davies, esquire,
.'judge of the district court of the United States,
for the district of Georgia, having and holding
admiralty jurisdiction, this seventeenth day ot
August, in the year of our Lord one thcu.-and eight
■hundred and nineteen.
Richard W. Habersham,
Metric: Atttmey.
All persons interested ia the foreguiug monition
'will take due notice.
John JI. .Morel, marshal D. G-
Savannah Poor House ij* Hospital.
July and August.
J'omn S. Pelot and TaxouoAEUS Ban-row.
''Joseph Gumming, sec'ry.
jt,ly l 55
Georgia—Chatham county.
By the honorable the court of ordinary of
"Chatham county.
To all whom it may concern.
Whereas Thomas Curaming, Willi am Wal
lace, and Joseph Stiles, administrators of
the estate of Joseph Clay deceased, have ap
plied to the said court for letters' dismissory
from the said administration.
-Noer, therefore, these are, to cite and ad
monish, at! ar.d lingular, the kindred and
creditors of the said deceased, to file their
objections (if an, theyh&ve) in the office of
the clerk of thiacourt.^pn or bsfore the sixth
da, of September -bext,' otherwise letters
dismissory will be granted to the applicants.
Witness, the honorable John P. William-
eon, this fifth da, of March, eighteen hun-
dred and nineteen.
JU 5-J SAMUEL M. BOND, c. c. *.
United States of timerica.
district or gkoikjia—in the admiralty.
The Tretulrrti of the Unit id Suites, to the-Mai the.!
of th* k'lid district, /fretting:
[L S] CKO. GLEN, chrk.
Whereas, a libtl hatli this day been filed in the
admiralty court fr-r said district, Peter Mi:chel,
acting vice comul of h:» Britannic majesty tue king
of tbe umted kingdoms of Great Britain and ire*
‘and, against the carjjo of the Ann, of Scafbroogii.
aliening, that the Briush brig the Ann, ot' Scar*
brmigh, owned by Bri isli subjects, iin<lc«’mmaitd-
ed by 'I’homas Smdey, also a subject, with
a full cargo of coflee and sugar, and completely
manned ami equipped for her intended t’wjage,,
s: iled front Mat tnaad, in the Island of Cuba, hound
to Falmouth, in*Engl:»iid, in (lit latter end of the
motiMi of June la*t; and that, while prosecuting
her saul intended voyage on the day of
last, on the high and open seas, off the coast of
Florida, the saul brig was illegally, felonidusiy
and piratically seized, captured and taken posses
sion of by certain persons acting without color of
authority, and stranded on die coast of East Flo
rida, where she now lies; that the said pirates hav
ing taken possession of the said vessel and her
cargo, murdered the captain v mate, carpenter,
cook 'and one of the seamen, and proceeded to
plunder tlie said cargo; that a part of the s?id car
go hath besn sold to persons unknewn to the li
bellant, a part hath been shipped to the port oi
Charleston, in the district of South Carolina, a
part ha’.h arrived in the port of Savannah, in the
district of Georgia, and the remainder is on board
the said brig, or transhipped into smaller vessels,
and now on its way to the port of Savannah, and
ihat the boat of Ihe said brig is at St. Mary's, in
the district of Georgia, where U ]tft by th--
said piratts, or some of them, as the was
informed and believes; that the libellant, a# vice-
consul aforesaid, hath just right and lawful title to
claim the said brig, her tat kie, apparel, &c and
the cargo laden on board or the proceeds thereof,
in behalf of the true, and rightful owners, being
British subjects, and doth hereby claim the same;
and the said libellant in and by the said libel prays,
that due process of law may issue against the Jac
kie, apparel and furniture of the said brig, her
boats, and the cargo laden on board, and UkaI so
much of the same as may be found within the ju
risdiction of this honorable court may be seized
and taken into the custody of the proper officer
thereof, and that a monition may issue tp cite and
admonish all persons having, or pretending to
have, any claim therein, to be and appear at a day
and pLce to be named for that purpose, to shew
cause, if tiny they have, why * «e same should noi
be ac judged to the libellant; and that a monition
or monitions may also isshe to cite and admonish
all and every the person or persons into whose
hands'any part of the tame, or of the proceeds
thereof, may luivc come, to brii g tlie same into
the said court to abide the further order and de
cree thereof.
N« w, therefore, you, the said marshal, are here
by commanded to cite all and every pt r$»»n hav
ing or claiming any right, title, interest or de
mand whatsoever, in. to or upon the sa»d coffee
and sugar, the c*rgo of die said u A»n, of Scar
brough," to appear a special court of admiralty,
to be held at tlie court-house, in the city of Sa
vannah, in said district, on the seventh day of Sep
tember next, to answer to the libellant in the pre
mises, and to shew cause, if any they have, why
the. prayer of the libellant should not be gra nted,
and whatsoever you shall do in the premises cer
tify to the judge of said C"Urt at the time and
place aforeiaid, and have then and there IhisVrit.
Witness, tlie honorable Wiliiain Davies, fudge
of said court, this twentieth day of August, in tlie
year eighteen hundred and nineteen.
John Macpherson Berrien*
proctor for libellant.
Ail persons interested in the foregoing monition
will take due notice.
John H. More!, marshal.
Aviiidmy of tiia estate tSi irtibxgts^i
OF '
Savannah Poor-House and Hospital.
{y* On the
one of 10,000, ■
floating until dr.‘
(sutiject to & d
Fur Publishing, at JIUtedgvi’le,
The duty of Editors uf newspapers, fortunate.
I If. is well understood by the American people
The publication, therefore, of proposals for print,
ing. dues not. as wc conceive, require any aruw.
al of political tenets, or protestation of patriot
ism. ’Tis useless. Let their work, not a proc-
pectus, decide if Editors be, or be Dot * orthy
[ the patronage of their fellonr-citiaens, .
The first number of the (Jeetfia Urptibliam v V
j be issued, by us, at MilltdgviUe, on the ,
Tuesday in September, the present year. 1
he printed once a week, and on a large so
royal sheet:—net inferior, in point of size, to'a.
I in the state. The press, slid all necessary appar.-
tus, to be entirely new, and of the best quality.—
We aoheit the patronage of an independent com-
j munity.
Three Dollars, in advance, (upon the receipt o r
the first number) or Four Dollars at the expira^
tion of the year. Advertisements and a’l oihcr
printing will be done at the customary prices.—
Letters addressed to the Editors must, in ali cases
i be rosr rain. WALTER. JONES.
Milledgcviilf, April 50, 1819.
To the Printers of the. U. States
Gcmltmeii—ln presenting a lift of new prices
of types, *ome explanatory remark* mny b* use.
ful. .ij- ‘
| The former prices were fixer! during a period Ttx
I which die raw. materials were dear, ami not easily
to be procured, and it is presumed th*t ificy had
some claim to be cjnridered moderate, as, m l^2.i
I Type v^e're more than three per cent lower irJ
Philadelphia, than in London; and no xdvancif
was made on those prices, during the late va*
tii day, before the opening of the wheels, one of S 25,000, j he'd ffif measui'e 1, n'w^ronti'de* 0 ^ n«7 L ;,u “t
•f • will '•-.put tn the wheel by the commisuonen,and remain] vance would be an actual loss to the printers, as
awn 5.. blanks i" be entitled to 25 dollars each. | t. he competition in the printing business had, be.
‘ . . ■ t njrh a point,’that tSw
printing, at neat ly the
i*i aiM>, mat if * , .
tyoes would continue some time alter tha
A. Prize of
S 25,000
1 do of
1 do of
SO do of
50 do of
100 do of
fcOO do of
4000 TicVetsat
Stationary Prizes
as follow:
i?i <!^y,
first drawn Number
1,000 dollai
£'.i t!,ay, 3
1,000 each
Ha ‘’ay. 3
S do
1,000 each
•!ih day,
Bdj day, 8
1,000 each
& The whc-Ia- to be completed in eight days drawing, under tlie su- l ’
tioi.- ct' iS per cent.
i U CJJ I ('tawiiv. wut. ;tip,juv.u witii jitiuuilg, k, •leal'lV lli{
tit the prize-i payable in cash, sixty uays af> r the drawing,) minimum, and also, that it was probable the mi
onlyl'at the BANK of the STATE of GEORGIA. j ces of tyues would continue some time after tin
N. S. BAYA&-:
•r. V. GRAY
above small (hough splendid Scheme to the public, I
iiar .iug a greater number of capital prized than any befort I
e magni ude. The commissioners Laving in view the es ab I _ .„„ u . V4
OSl'l i'AL, on a more extensive plan \han heretofore, they call I frugal he may*Le, subjects him to all the inconve-j
. ' ei - l!.l ... _ . . 1 nier.ccs of poverty. J
Men who possess talents, economy, industry ]
and honor, wiil sometimes lack money. T| a C L,. 1
& In offering ’i;
p£[Commissioners are cot
ersented in the United Suit.
lishment of a POOS-HOUSt .. .. - -
upon the public in behalf "i t! . inslilution, the benefits of which are not only confined to this city
or state, but are extended to ail die s. :k and iniligeut of whatever nation, who fall within tlie splien
of its usefulness. They ha?e every rcas. u, ibenforo to brio : ihvt. from the small number of Tick
return of peace, and recompense for any sdvsn.
t.ige that was given up. Hits has laktn place.’
For some lime past, types have been lowered in
value, tut not in price. They have been sold on
long and frequently uncertain credit, which pro
duces, to the seller all the effects of reduction of
priue. whilst to the printer who pays it is of com-
I paratively jittlc benefit. All the advantage i« in
tavor of those u ho prtmUe, but do not perform, as
in truth they get types for nothing, a n<4 the sol- i
vent printers pay for them. Another objection to '
I this mode of reducing price is, tnat it absorbs the j
I seller’s tunds, and, no matter how industrious or
ets, and the claims of the l.istitutiau upon the benevolence of ihe public, that the drawing will ci m-
mencr in a very short time.
CORRP.OT Li3TS of the FRIZES will be kept as the drawing progresses.
TIGIIF.TS and SHARE? for see by (be subscribers.
cry ORDERS for Tickets or SI. ires inclosing the cash, post paid, addressed to either of the sub
scribers, will be promptly attened’d lo;
A DISCOUNT will be al' . -v il to those who purchase i quantity.
WiioJe Ti-
Halves d.-
l^uarters e' i
13 50
6 25
Savannah, Jlpril S, 18'
• Agents.
AnthorizCU to act for the .
S Timmons
W Boysion
K Brougiiton
H Baker
T Bradley
Fohn Low
X B Sisson
James Elcord
of Savannah
< r *.
W e .t
W Waff
\ Guard
J Dowdy (L F<isier
\V White If S Pitcher
J Delano JK Bolles
.1 Pjtcher jL Cmig
3 Norton I T Harden
It G Landers j\V Tod-J
3 H Timmons iD Piocior
John Johns (
By order of the Board.
John G. liolcomrve.,
June 18 44 ecc'ry Com. ef Puonge
Georg\ -Effingham county.
By John Chariton, cierk of the court of ordina
ry for the county and state aforesaid.
Whereas, John Womaclq, of Savannah, and Sa
rah Womack, ot Effingham, ha?h applied to ine
for letters uf administration on the estate of Wm
Womack, late of Effingham, dec as nearest ot
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ali
ind sjffgolar (he kindred and crcaito/> of sau] de
ceased to hie their objections (if at:y they havt)
■n my otuce on or before the 5 h day ot Sept,
next, otherwise letter.* cf administration will be
granted the applicant.
Given under my hand and seal this 5th day of
August. 15J9.
[I S,] ^ JOHN CHARLTON, ccosc
T!ie estate and eflects of Annnsw Enwiw, A
F.HWltt, GuucE St Co. and Enwin Hi Co haiung
been assigned to the subscribers for the payment
of certain debts in tlie first instance, and after-
wards‘‘or the benefit of all the creditors nf the nud
ce.icerns, notice is hereby given to those interested,
of tlli
lie said assignment. 'Ill persons indebted f o
«ud Andrew Erwitl, Erwin. Groce &. Co or
Erwin & Co. are notified to pay the amount l
their debts to the subscribers only, and a spee
dy payment will be required, in order to enable
the subscribers to make a settlement of the affairs
of the taid firms. All those hav»ng claims fcgairs
the said parties are requested to exhibit them to
the subscribers, duly attested
BAHNA M'KTNNE, >astignec».
ma ch 7d .
For Publishing, by Subscription,
Declaration of Independence.
The tize of Ihe paper is 36 inches by 24; it has
been manufactured by Mr Ames, in his best man
ner, and of the very best maierials.
The design from the -pencil of Mr Bridport is
executed in imitation of Bat Belief- and encir-
cles the Declaration as a cordon of honor, sur
mounted by the Arms of the United States. Im
mediately underneath the arms is a large medal,
lion portrait of general Geoiise VV asm mi; os, sup
ported by cornucopiz, arid embellished with spears,
faffs, and other military trophies and emblem*.—
On one side of this medallion portrait, is a similar
portrait of Jims Hancock, president of congress,
July 4. 1776; and on the other, a portrait of I hi ‘
rooters who have just claims to these attributes, J
will rarely be at a loss for friends, and will enter I
on business with a more favorable prospect of sue- ]
cess, a hen assisted by a moderate, tl an by an ex.I
tended credit, which is equally within the reach i f|
a rival, who, with an ardent disposition toripccu-l
lation and adventure, may have lut doubitull
claims to reputation for prudence. I
In order to leave no ground (or complaint, It i J
to be understood lliat all purchasers, some tfijr
first of April, who comply willi the new teiiutl
wdl be entitled to benefit by the new prices.
Presuming on the long intimacy which lias»u...
sisted between you, gentlemen, and this establish-]
mmi, I request you wiil give this an insertion ini
your papers. Your’s, respectfully,
J unes Konaldsop,
Cedar, near Tenth-street, Philadelphia.]
May 1, 1819. *
Pearl, perlb.
Long Primer
Smell Pica
Great Primer and all larger sires
Scabbards and Quotations
Credit- 60, 90 and 120 day s.
Old type received in exchange, at
1121bg^ ' jnne 24
In Council, August 9, 181
Whereas there is nn ordinance now in
ence, requiring certain keepers of certain boai
gl 75
I 4'J
1 00
I) *!?. IMUj itIIU 'ill lllw UU1C1, A lJvJI lliill Ul latFI.;. _L _ |” a . ——uuhii
•. Jeffeuson, author of the Declaration of inde-*! K U A°f w ^ c . n / 1,, y person therein boardinj
* anall be tt ken sick, that the kee per or keepers
said boarding houses do report the same inure
Georgia—-Bulloch county.
By the honorable the court of ordinary of said
Whereas, Catharine Juchson, administratrix of
the estate of Jarvis Jackson, deceased, hath ap
plied to the said court for letters dismissory from
the said administration.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased to file their objections (if any they lave)
in the office of the clerk of this court on or before
the llih day of September next, otherwise letters
dismissory will be granted to the applicant.
Witness the honorable David Kennedy, esq one
of the justices of said court, this 10th day of July,
1819. [L Sj ELY KENNEDY, c c o a c
julv 15 • 62
Georgia—Bulloch county.
By the hunoroble the court of ordinary of said
Whereas, Sarah Goodman, administratrix of the
estate of David Goodman, deceased, hails applied
for letters dismissory from the said administra
Now, therefore, these are, to cite and admo
nish all and singular the kindred and creditors of
the slid deceased tf file their objections (if any
ihey have) in the office of the clerk of this court
on or before the 11th day of September next,
otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the
Wiihess, the honorable John Everitt, esq. one
of the justices of said court, this ltth day of July,
1819. [L S] ELY KENNEDY, ccosc
July 15——‘-—62
Police-Office, August 7, 1819.
A book is kept in this cflice. for anyertry, me
moiandum, or inform tion, that any person, (with
or without bis name) may wish to commuri
to tlie Council, the Mayor, or Marshal. It is
desired, that all complaints for viola'.ions of city
ordinances, or other grievances which require the
interposition of this department, may be entered
and communicated in the same form,
fly order of the Mayor
F. M. Stone, c. m.
An Ordinance
To amend an ordinance, entitled “an ordinance
to improve the "health of the city of Savannah,
and for other purposes,” passed 24th Msrfch
Be It ordained by the mayor and aldermen
of the city of Savannah, in council assembled, and
it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same.
That the further sum of fifteen thousand dollars
be and the same is hereby appropriated for the
purpose of complying with the pajAnents which
may be mentioned and edntained in the contracts
entered into between the city of Savannah and
private individuals, for tbe change of culture on
low lands in tbe neighborhood of Savannah.
In Council, May i7, 1819.
[L S] T*assed, J AMES M. WAYNE, mayor.
Attest, R R. Coma, e e
Ail Ordinance
To alter an ordinance so far as relates to the sala
ry alb-wed to the city scavenger.
Whereas it is right that the officers of this cor-
poration should receive a compensation equal to
the duties required of them—
1. Be it ordained by the mayor and aldermen
of tlie city of Savannah in council assembled, and
it is hereby ordained byjbe authority of Ihe same
That the ci'y scavenger shall receive a salary tb<
sum A four thousand four hundred dollars pet
annum, payable quarterly.
2. And be it t irthCr ordained, That so ihuch
of the sixth section of an ordinance, passed June
15,1818, as relates to the pay of the scavenger
be ar.d the same is hereby repealed.
In Council, May 3.1819.
[Lb] Passed, JAMES M. WAYNE, fflei«r.
Attest, {L H. CciCLB, C. C.
The nrms of “The Thirteen United States, 1
in medallions, form the remainder of the cordon,
which is further enriched by some of the charac
teristic productions of the United States; such
the tobacco and Indigo plants, the cotton shrub,
rice. &c-
The facsimiles have been engraved by Mr Val
lance, who executed this important part of the
publication at the City of Washington, where, by
permission of the secretary of state, lie li^d the
original signatures constantly under his e‘ e
Department of Side, 19/A Jlpnl, 1819.
I certify, That this is a correct copy of the ori
fji*. 1 Declaration of Independence, deposited at
•his Department; and that I have compared all the
signatures with those of the original, and have
f ound them exact imitations.
Jokiy QuiNct Adams.
The portrait* are engraving by Mr Lor«gacre :
*rom oHgiral paintings by Messrs Stuart, Copley
iiul Otis, and the most esteemed likenesses.
The Arms of the United States, and of the sev
er*! states, Iwtve been faithfully executed from ef-
fictal detc ipiions and uocumen s in the manner di
reeled by the most approved authors on the sci
ence of Heraldry
It is confidently expected that this engraving
alely to the Police Office: On motion of
man Ash, resolved, that ihe said reports be I
quired, and for the information of all cone
that this be published by the city printer.
Extract from the minutes.
R. R. Cuvier, e.e.
ang 12 Ti
An Ordinance.
To fix the fees of the City Ganger.
Be it ordained by tlie mayor audVlderme'n i.
ihe city of S .vaimah, in ci ur.cil assembled,and!
■s hereby oidamed by the au Jiori'v ot the saml
That the City Gauger be and is hereby allowtl
DO every service performed by him the sum
In Council, 16:h July, 1819.
[L?] Passed T. U P. CHARLTON, muyor.\
At U R. CLYLER, c e.|
a..g i: 74
An Ordinance
To amend an ordinance, emith d “an ordiranee 1
prevent horses and other animals from rumuil
at large within the city cf Savannah,” pass!
Feb 20, 1809, * ‘ 1
, Whereas, it is injurious to tbe public trees, i
will be a splendid and tiuly national publication. | dangerous to the safety < f the citizens, to per
Hie publisher thinks he can promise lliat it shall | horses and like animals to run at large tf
be ready to deliver to subscribers late in June, or J Sl^ts, and other parts cf tfeci'y:
early in July next, at tas di liars each ccpy, to 1 "* “* 4< r
be paid on delivery. . . , ...
'l fie engravings will be followed by a Pumffilct, j bled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority!
mtaining the official documents connected w;tk j same. That the first section of the above B
containing _ _
the publication us authorities, and a list of tbe | ordinance which permits *hc
subscribers* names. The PompUet to be deliv
ered gp'uti*
It is contemplated to have a few copies print
ed on paper prepared to carry colours, to have
mares, cut's fillies, jackasses amt miles! roro j
large be. wren die l*-t day of May and jsiovtadS
be and thesdiue is-lifrthv rejected. "
Beit further ordained by the utitborify
the shields accurately' tinted in the modern style; I sa, ^» That itthall be the duty of the city ma/tlj
and the plants, &c colored by one of our most'ap- j an< ldie city b!es, to take up and ■
proved water colourers. The price of those tu
perb copiej will be rmitTSKX dollars each. Gen
tlemen who wish for colouied copies,are request
ed to add the word “coloured” to their subscrip
Satin, manufactured expressly for this publica-
pound any ,-r.d every mkH animal that nay I
seen or known to go laige within the corporl
.imils of the city, and the ern.r or ow tiers j
such animal or aui.uals, sa taken up and iitipoul
ed tn a livtrv stable, :l,-}l pal' all expense, t]
may be till re by incurred, in addition io the i
tion, is daily expected from France. Care shall | alt y imposed by the above recited crdiuaRcc.
betaken and no trouble or expense spared, to have
some very superior copies printed on this satin
The price of these copies cannot now be a.-ctr.
tained It will hereafter be announced. Gentle
men who wish tor copies cn sataiti, are requested
to add to their subscription ihe words "on s
Aa. 7, Chrsnut-slrrrt, Philadelphia.
0^Subscriptions will be received at the office
of tlie Scuunuah Republican.
All persons having demands against the estate
of David Lewis, late of this town, dtceawd, are
requested to render then in to the subscriber,
properly attested, within the time prescribed by
law; awl tbo-*e indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment.
S. Clarke, adm'oT
St Myy*?> March 20, ifi*#-—7it
In Council,
aug 12 — 7
vg 9. 1819.
R- R. Ci-iur, c.
Fifty Dollars’ reward.
Ranaway from tl:e subscriber on the ntt-n
the 24th April, a negro woman named RACHl
formerly belonged to Mr David Williford, nf 4
city. Rachel is ab< ut oO years old, bright ci"
plexion, about 5 feet 3 rr 4 indies high, and v
formed, one of her anclcu considerably swclk
commonly smiles when spoken to, speaks eJ
English and answer* questions intelligently]
Whoever will deliver the above wench toil
scriber in Savannah, or lodge her in any i
the state, shall receive the above reward.
N. 0- All masters of vessels and ethers <
tioned against harboring or carrying her
the state, as the law wiil be rigidly enforced I
them. G. F FA 26- ex— f-98 * 1 -