Newspaper Page Text
N>.w-YonK, August 19.
It gives us great pleasure to have it in
nnr power t* j>ivr the following pleasing
•■'•suit of the late disturbances at Gibraltar
between the American ami British officers.
We have seen a letter from an officer of
the. American squadron at Gibraltar, sta
tins;, that a court of enquiry was held on
board the Guerriere on the tat ol July, by
" request of governor Don, who had brought
Charges against t'ie American officers for
breaking flip peace of the garrison. The
court completely 'exculpated our officers
front any blame; anil captain Johnson, ol
the British army, had .apologized for his
conduct,and that ofliis fellow officers, in
relation to ttie late duels at Gibraltar.
Baron Stacgelberg, Envoy Extraordina
ry and Minister Plenipotentiary fimn the
court of Sweden to the United States, ar
rived here yesterday in the ship Martha,
Freeman, from Stockholm.— ii.
B.txTiMOKe, Aogu,t 30. 1819.
The ^tili.w irig case* have been reported
at this Office, as having occurred within
the lust 24 hours, by the following physi
Dr. Mahti.v, 2 cases malignant, 2 suspi
l)lr. Klhf.rt, 1 malignant.
1M O'Conner, 1 malignant.
Drs. W. if. & A. Ci.endenin, 1 suspi
cious in Pitt,and 1 in Wolf-streets.
‘ Dr. Murphy, 1 malignant.
By order, P. Reigart, Sec’ry.
uere. Should death ensue in any id
the foregoing cases, by what, particular
diseases will they he designated in tile list
of interments for the present week? We
believe the physicians who report those
malignant cases, all reside on Fell’s Point.
—-Unit■ Telegraph.
Baltimore, August 21.
The reports ol twenty six physiciansiesi-
ding west ol Jones’ Kails have been handed
in at the Mayor’s office, and will wehopr,
be immediately published—as they estab
lish tlui important fact that not a solitary
case of fever, bilious, “malignant,” oT
‘‘suspicious,” occurred in that portion ol
the city, within the same period ol twen
ty four hours that nine cases, “malignant,”
or “suspicious,” are reported at the lower
end of the-point, us published in the Patriot
yesterday; which clearly proves the exis
tence of some local causes, entirely uncon
nected, with the general health of the city.
We also learn, that the hill of mortality
exhibit a considerable decrease in the num
ber of deaths since the last report.—Tat
r.ei Johnson’s had entered doin' th'e most msl:e , mc psy his debts, but did not suc-| —
honorable obligations to discharge the. debt coed—-but Most vessel and cargo, -time,
trouble, and-expeiice. I had' met with a
The news trnm Madrid, via Gibraltar,
received byhin arrival at Boston, is a few
days later than tint by the Hornet. It
serves, however, only to confirm what we
already knew. If the treaty had been rat
ified subsequently to the 22d of June,
which is tIre date ol the official account*
on the subject, a person residing at Gibral
tar could scarcely have known it. It is
possible that the.*Hornet, which it appears
is now about to sail, may, on her return,
brings us the liist conclusive information
on the subject-
The Lousiana Herald states that orders
had issued for the United Stetes troops at
Natchitoches to march to the Sabine, to
prevent auxiliaries and supplies going to
the Independents ot Texas.—JVat. Jut
21 Hi inst.
Accounts from [the Republic ol] Flayti,
state, that the president Boyer had caused
the senate to pass an act enabling foreign
merchants to recover, by legal, process,
debts contracted by the native*. Hereto
fore strangers were compelled to receive
produce in payment of their demands,atan
extraoftlinaiy price, or wait the pleasure nr
their debtors. This wise regulation, it is
justly expected, will greatly augment the
.trade ot llayti.—ib.
Erom die Washington City Gnz. 21st inst.
We are informed, through the medium
of the Louisiana papers, tiiat orders had
been issued for the United States’ troops
stationed at the post ot Natchitoches, to
march toward the Sabine, (our south west
boundary line, according t» the Icte trea
ty,) to prevent auxiliaries anil supplies
front being sent to the Independent* ol
Texas. We hope the commander nfthese
troops may not bn too officious in the per
formance <d" his duty, and bear in mind,
that every citizen ol the United States Inis
a right, according to the text id the ilecla
ration, of Independence, to the pursuit ol
happiness, wherever he chooses: that free
egress mid ingress cannot legally be pro
hibited by any of she authorities of tlu-
country. -We cannot conceive any offence
committed against the law of nations, inan
individual taking his own property, for in
stance, a knapsack, blanket, nr t ide, across
the Sabine, as by that act he only forfeits
the protection of our,laws, the peril is his
—own: il'xie should be taken prisoner by a
foreign power, then il may deal with Ivin
ns it chouses, without our interfcrancc
Let us not be over nice on the occasion
*'Inter urma leges silent.”
In winding up the affairs of the bank of
St. Louis, in an address given to the pub
lic signed Risilon H. Price, president, and
dated on the 12th of July, the following
charge is made against colonels Richard
M. and James Johnson, by way ol account
ing in part fur the pecuuiary embarrass
ments that lias overtaken this institution,
but it bv no means interferes in our esti
mation with the high opinion we entertain
of colonel R. M. Johnson’s integrity: we
should like to see the other side of the
question, before we admit any doubts on
this head.—Wash. City Gazette.
. dAmong these disappointments, the
^Riost prominent is the delinquency of the
colonels James and It. M. Johnson of Ken
tucky, in not paying the large sums of
money f(mounting to about S5t>,000,)
laK'ly awarded against them. The cplo.
that should be found against them;'and
from the extraordinary assu-ances on the
part of-tlie colonel Jniinsnn’s, as well as
from the legal obligations these gentlemen
were under: the directors of the bank of
St. Louis placed a considerable degree of
reliance on receiving a prompt payment
of this debt; disappointed in every arrange
ment entered into by the colonel Johnsons,
the only alternative left for the directors
of the bank of St. Louis to pursue, was to
commence a suit at law on the award
against them. This course has been taken,
and the result wiil probably restore to the
stockholders of the bank, the funds of
which the institution lias been so long un
justly deprived. and for the want of which,
connected with other collateral circum
stances, it may finally be annihilated.”
Sr. Louts. July 21.
The Missouri and the Mississippi, at St.
Louis have fallen ttvo or three feet within
the last week: but it cannot yet be known
whether they have begat: to subside Ivr the
Military expedition to the Upper Mis-
auri.—Colonel Chambers with a battal-
on of the rifle left Boon’s-lick on the 5ih
Six companies ofthe sixth infantry had
reached the mouth of the Great Osage (130
miles) towards the end of the ia*t week.
The Johnson was a dozen or fifteen
miles, iu thexearuf tlic.expeditiou, lying to
for repair.
The Jefl'erson was still in the rear of the
latter, anil had made but twenty-seven
miles it: a period of two weeks.
l T . S. Bank Stock—95 offered, 954 ask
ed, no sales tiiis forenoon. In New-York,
yesterday, 95? offered, 9G a*kcd.—JPhilad.
Franklin Gazette, 2Vlh inst.
From the Charleston City Gazette, 27th inst.
The following extracts have been polite
ly furnished U9, by the gentleman to wuom
the letter was addressed:
“Iluvana Priton, July 29, 1.319.
“I have been nearly three years a pri
soner and have suffered more than tongue
can express. For your amusement, I will
give you a small sketch of. them, f was
taken oil the 3d of October, 1816, in sight
of St. Jago de Cuba, and on the 4tli was
brought into Havana and committed to pri
son, with all my crew, 38 in number. On
the 5th, I was confined in the dungeon by
myself,and both legs put iu irons, and on
ly allowed one plate of rice and a pint of
water for 24 hours—no person allowed to
speak to me, or render ine the least assis
tance whatever. Previous to inv being
put in the close room, the Gaoler took
from me my watch and what money I had
about me; clothes I had none, except tli*
shirt and trowsers J had on, having been
deprived of them before. In that situation,
I remained in the dungeon until the 25lh
of F'cbruary, 1817, nearly five months,
when commodore Taylor appeared off' the
Moro, with Ids squadron, and sent a letter
to the governor demanding me and my
crew, in exchange for prisoners he had on
board—the governor was a little alarmed
at the appearance of this squadron, and im
mediately ordered me out of irons; then
hand-cuffed me, and eleven others of my
crew, and put us on the march for this
place, under strong guard, the most of us
bare-lout, and only allowed sufficient fund
t-o keep life in us, and nothing more—in
his situation 1 was compelled tn march
250 leagues, which took us forty-six .days
to complete it. We were obliged to use
every exertion to reach here, as the go
vernor's order to the officer of the guard,
was, in case of ary of us giving out, so
that we could not reach this, to cut off his
head, and bring it here in a basket, to shew
that he had not made his escape. \Y e
all, however, arrived here on the 12th of
April—1 was in a most dreadful situation;
n.y feet swelled to that degree, that they
were nearly round: my toe nnt's esmcmit;
anti the vermin on the remnant of the sliiit
and trowsers 1 had on, nearly devoured
me—my besrdsix months and \ ball grow
ing, as I never was allowed to shave or cut
my beard from the time 1 was taken until
I arrived in this prison, therefore, I wiil
leave von to judge what a figure I cut. 1 !
1 was very near dead; far gone, that 1
partly lost my sense.-; but by the attention
ol some of the prisoners, and the assis
tance of some masters of vessels ol my ac
quaintance, l recovered again in part: I
still remain feeble, "owing to tin: horrid
living we are obliged to j ut up with: all
the allowance 1 get, is one ounce of bread
and one ounce ot heel for 24 hours—we are
allowed some damaged rice and beans tmii-
ed together, but I make no use of them: I
cannot eat them, therefore I am obl'g it to
support myself, or starve—the must of the
prisoners make out to live by their w ork; a
■ nan must work attentively: t" earn 12 1-2
cents per day—some hove started to
‘•Many people, no doubt, censure, me
fo; being taken in arms against the Span
iards; but they are ignorant as to the pro
vocation l had which induced me to take
arms against them. 1 had been defrauded
add cruelly injured by them. I will give
you a small sketch:—In the time of the
late war between Great-Britaio and Ame
rica, ( purchased a brig: a Spanish mer
chant, now residing in Havana, procured
Spanish papers lor her, and lent iris name
tn them, lot which he charged me upwards
of seven hundred dollars—he also procur
ed a captain, a friend of his, who also re
sides at Havana—the first aud only voyage
he made, was from America to St. Jago de
Cuba, where he, by gambling anil other
misconduct, sacrificed vessel and cargo;
the latter amounting to 25,000 dollars.—
As soon as the news reached me in Ameri
ca, I took passage Tor that place, but was
captured on my way, which prolonged the
time for several months—when I reached
Cuba, the captain had absconded, consi
derably in debt; he made the best of his
way for Havana—they endeavored to
similar loss not long before, of gl0,000-*—
these losses.took my last dollar from me,
which I had toiled hard for—and havin_
no other way of getting any redress, f pur-
rhased a part of a small privateer—1 took
two ptizes, but lost both, and the priva
I have thn* given you a small sketch of
my misfortunes, whtchliavc been the means
of bringing me here. I have done itto do
away any prejudice you might entertain
against me, fur being what is termed a pri
vateersman. I never robbed or plundered
any one nor even overhauled any vessels
but Spaniards. I had been but a few days
out; had made two captures, one a Guin-
eamau; I stood close in to the Moro, off St.
Jago, for the purpose of ransoming her; a
large vessel of war being there,, ready for
sea, came oat, and sailing faster, than us ;
captured my privateer altera smart ac
tion, together with both prizes—wherewitl
I Inst every thing I possessed. I have al
ready stated what followed.”
A late English paper says that “vis
count Chateaubriand has just finished a
tragedy, entitled Mouse, [Moses] upon
winch he has been occupied for some time
Mr. Spilter, at the Pavilion Theatre, in
New-York, has struck out a new mode of
liaising the If'ind. In addition to other
entertainments for his benefit, he advertis
es that previous to the farce, a balloon will
ascend from the stage, and remain sus
pended over the pit; on a signal given be
hind the curtain by strking the gongthrice.
Twenty Certificates (or Shares in the 2d
Literature Lottery will fly from the Bal-
loou to different pa'rts of the house, anti
those so fortunate as to obtain them, will
apply the following morning to S. St M.
Allen’s office, by whom the tickets will hr
delivered on demand.”—Bust. Faladium
15th inst.
New-Orleans, July 19.
We understand that one of the boats sent
by commodore Patterson in pursuit of the
pirates overtook and captured seveial ol
them—that the officer put them in irons
and sent a gunner and lour meti to conduct
them to town while he went in pursuit ol
the others. Two of the men rose upon
the gunner beat him down and threw the
other two who remained faithful into the
Bavoo, al ter which they released the pirates
one of whom (litw a knife anil wounding
the gunnerin a most shocking manner threw
him into the ivocd- where lie wa* picked up
an ! bru’t to town. Tne villians made ofi
with the 1
Would i! notin' ai'.v-stble, in addition tu
me meii-urts wlficii l ave Keen pursued with
so much promptness by the navy, to adopt
olh'modes to scour the country and pre
vent tiie escape of such daring wretch
TUESDAY EVENING, August ,31, 1819"
By the arrival of the ships Hercules, at New.
York, and Herald, at Boston, we have been put in
possession of London dates to the i9ih of June,
and Liverpool to the 2d of July; they furnish
c unts from MadtiJ of the iCth June, at which
time, they state, thfe FLORIDA TREATY had not
been ratified. Prices at Liverpool, 2d July—Cot
ton, upland, Is n Is Id; sea-island, very fine, 2s 8d
a 2s lOd; fine 2s 6il a 2s 8d; N Orleans lOd a Is
Tennessee 10 a lid; Rice, in bond, 13s.2’si out
of bond, 40 a 44s; Tobacco, Georgia and Caroli.
na, 3$ a 7£d; Kentucky leaf, 3$ a 5$d; Flour,
superfine, sweet, 34 a o7s f sour 30 a 33s.
Captain Reed, of the U. S *-hin Hornet, return
ed to New-York from Washington-City on the
19th inst. where, it is reported, he will shortly
leave for Spain, with despatches for our minis
ter, Mr. Forsyth.
We understand from credible authority, (snys
the Philad. Franklin Gaz.) that orders have been
issued by the n&vj department, to double the nutn
her of workmen engaged in various ports in build
ing ships of the line, for the purpose o‘f hasten
ing the completion of these vessels. Whatever
may be the cause of these orders, the policy of
prompt preparations to meet the emergency of
war must ever bt considered as v* ise.
A cargo of Timber has bt^n shipped from Sier-
ra Leone to England. It is sa»d to be the first
ever sent from Africa to that place.
A Gold Medal has been presented to capt. El
liott, of the navy, as a testimonial of the high
sense in which the commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia holds his gallant conduct in the action of the
10th Sept. 1813, on Lake Erie.
It is said a Medal will also be presented to
com. Peru*, on his return to the U. Slates.
Captain Ethoin Tyler, depart
ment, having neglected to report himself for duty,
and having failed to settle his public accounts, is
dismissed the service of the United States, by ad
jutant and inspector general Parker, by an order
issued on the 13th inst.
The Board of Health of Charleston on the 26th,
report six new Cases of yellow fever, and on the
27th only one case. We are glad to find that it
is disappearing.
Married—In this city, on Tuesday evening last,
by the Rev. Dr. Koliock, Mr. Jusei’U F;lt
Miss Avx Maria Cars an.
To-T. H>iToiv, 1st instant,
Will be sold before mv store, a genera] assort
ment of
Groceries & Dry Goods.
SO doz bottles of Congress Water
Sale to commence ot 11 o’clock.
A. Howe, uuct'r.
■ Aug-31
By Watts Sj Joyner.
To-Morrow, 1st September,
Will be sold on board the schooner Eliza, at
RiA’s wharf, for account of all concerned,
At 21 o'clock, precisely,
3000 bushels Liverpool blown SALT, in lots
to suit purchasers.
20 pieces Bagging, pattially dr.maged
50 bids, prime PORK, New-York city inspec
300 lbs prime CheeBe
At 12 o’clock, on Jones’ upper -wharf,
40 bundles prime HAY.
By Watts § Joyner.
On Thursday, 3d September,
Will be sohl at their Auction Room.
A general assortment aj'
Particulars on day of sale.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock.
Aug 30—r
On Tuesday the 7th instant,
Will be sold before the Court HpusC,
A first rate Cooper
Terms cash.
J. B. Herbert, auct'r.
F>r Me ic-York
I To sail positively on Thursday morning)
The regular packet ship COTTON-
AfKpLANT. J- Titus, master, has room fora
... more bales ot cotton on freight.
accommodate four or five passengers if immediate
application is made. Tor particulars apply tin
board, at Hunter’s wharf, or to
Benjamin Howard.
aug "1 c 82
Mrs. Grayson respectfully in-
forms the public, that she has opentd a liou*e i r ‘
Broughton street, for the rccepd>n of hoarders*
second door beiovv the corner of Drayton street-
(centrally situated.) .wb.« ’ gti/lcmen can be wcl*
accommodated with board t nd lodg r-g.
aug 31 82
To Rent
That commodious house on the hay, belonging
to Mrs Grimes, its contiguity to the market and
the hay are sufficient inducements to persons en
gaged in commerce
Possession to be given on the 15lh of October
next. Apply t j THUS. BOUKKE.
:u:g 31- 82
Police-Office, August 30th, 1819.
A reward of thirty dollars will be paid at this
office, for information, which may lead to the dis
covery ofthe mischievous, idle and dissolute per
son or persons, who pulled up steps, and injured
some of the public pr«>p<-rtv last night.
T. tJ. 1* CHARLTON, mayor.
By th& Mayor.
F. M. STONE, marshal.
*>,IS •"! 32
Iii Council
Angu st 27, 1819
Resolved, That the portion of Fig Island, owned
by the city f »f the Savannah, he offered at public
ale on the first Monday in October next, at the
courthouse, the party purchasing the same to give
bonds to place tiiC said iai.d in a Mate of dry cul
ture. Extract jrct'h thr minutes.
R. R. Cuvier, c. c.
up 31-82
rr> j:>. c^.rfbrrrdty with the above resolution
of cciiuc:!. I shall i r; re* d on the first Monday in
October in fir* nt ot the court-house, between the
‘ioi:rs of TJ a m and 2 r .'i to s$ii all that portion
of F’g-lsl utd belonging to the cty of Savannah,
containing forty acres, nmre or less.
F M. Stone, c. m.
aw? 31 82
Vied- In this city, on Saturday, 28th inst M
E lioTT. a native of Connecticut, aged 23 year
This young man tvas the principal sufiertr fro
th* accident that occured some months ago l»y tin-
bursting of a cannon on board the steam-boat
Samuel Howard, as she was about to start from
Augusta- Hi? fortitude, under sufferings marl;
ed the divinity . f ins soul, as his actions in life di
•‘the honest man.”
, on Tuesday Isst, capt T. B. Tersexikb
aged 06. lute master of die French brig tantd-u
. at Phihidelj hia, on the morning of the 2oth
inst. Miss Hai.rh.t H. M'Allistlr, daughter of
Mathew M*A Ihster, esq of this city.
Departed this life, in Bryan county, on Sunday
morj.ifig die 29th inst. Miss Sophia M‘Coi»mi
in the z3d year ot her age, only 'daughter of col
David M'Cormir.k. In announcing the death of
•his young lady, it is but just to, declare that she
possessed a kind and benevolent heart, ready al
ways to assist those who were afflicted.—In the
county in which she died, the had lived but for a
short time, but that time was sufficient to endear
her to every member ofthe small society in whicl
she moved. In sickness, she displayed the most
gratelul acknowledgments for the most trifling
services rendered her; aud tho* buffering under
disease herself, her auxiety tvas principally di
reeled to her friends; to avoid distressing whom
she exerted every effort of which human nature
is capable^ In her life, she was remarked for
Christian principles, and on her death bed derived
consolation and comfort in religion. She has
left a disconsolate father and brother, with r.ume
i ons relatives and friends, to regret her untimely
end—yet have they their consolation: for if a lit*
well spet, in endeavoring to reconcile herself vo
her God, and serviceable ?o her fellow mortals,
entitle her to a stait in heaven,they nny be a*
ed that her departed spirit is aiK-ady flown to
the bosom of her God.
rhe infen
An Ordinance
portion of Ground for
atmg a certa
nt of stra-gersar.d others not ji
relatives witun the city of Savannah, or buried in
the present cemeter).
SiCUon 1. Be it ordaii ed by mayor and alder
men ofthe city of Savannah in council assembled,
;.nd it is hereby ordained by the authority of the
'ante, T at, that portion of ground containing
four hundred and fifty five feet in length and two
hundred and forty feet in breadth, lying and being
five hundred und sixty five yards south of the
present burial ground, and designated in the plan
hereto annexed, is hereby set apart and expressly
appropriated for the interment of all strangers or
persons who should happen tc die within the ci
ty aforesaid and who shall not have any relations
buried in the present cemetery.
In Council, August 23, 1819.
(l. s.) T. U. P. CH ARLTON, motor.
Attest, R. R. CUVJ ER, c. c.
aug 31——82
Contract Wanted.
Proposals will be received umil Monday next,
by eiUierot the undersigned, committee of coun
cil, to inclose the new burial ground. For par-
oculars, apply to
T. BOURKE, C Committee.
'To Rent
The Counting Room and Ware-House lately oc
cupiedby John SpeJtnsan 61 Co. Fraser’s wharf.
Possession can be given immediately. Apply to
Joseph S. I’eloL
aug 24 1 “9.
Blank- Manifests
For sale at this office^
Schr Eliza, Weeks, New-York, 13 days, to Fow
ler A Gardner, consignees, w : ^r.n assorted cargo,
to l ow Itr & Gardner, W.T. ,lii:»ms, J Lalhroj.
& Co DuliHinel & Auze, VV. Taylor, and the mas-
Passengers — Messrs Jacoba ; Dart, aud 2 in
Schooner Farmers’ Daughter, Gregory, Ply
mouth N C. with corn, to R & J Habersham.
Schr Hartnah; Edwards, Boston, 26 days, to
Hall fit Hoyt?consignee** with an assorted cargo
to P Stanton, A G. Semmcs, D. Brown, S. C.
Dunning, U. Wilson, Sturges 8t Burroughs,Camp-
Ord &. Gumming, R. Worrel, Cunningham &
Dunn, S. Howard, and A. F6x. Passenger—Mr.
Gt-rrv. Ofl Cape Hatteras, the H. sprung her
fore-top mast aud carried away her'main boom,
and experienced very bad weather during the pas
Schr. Anna, Blaesdeil, Baltimore, 9 days, with
flour, to Dougb&s is Sural, consignees. Spoke
oft Tybee,brig Sally, from Boston, and a schoon
er from Thnmastown, bound to Charleston.—
Abcut 30 miles east of the Bar picked up 40 bar
relsjmd halt barrels of flour, and saw a quantity
of floating wreck, in every direction. •
Schr. Huntress, Fowler, Mobile, A. T. 25 days,
in ballast; put in here in distress bound to Rum-
Key. Capt Fowler saw a ship ashore to the south
ward of Carriford’s reef, with ail her masts stand- j
ing. [cC/’Capt. Fowler returns his compliments
to capt. Jackson and officers of the Revenue Cut
ter for their polite assistance in bringing the schr
Huntress to anchor *.t l’ybee, and working her up
to town, which we could not have done without
their assistance, being short handed.
Schr. Catherine & Cornelia, Turbox, Charles
ton, 3 days, bricks, to Watts U Joyner. On the
Bar was struck with a sudden squall of wind
which split her sails to pieces and threw the schr
on her beam ends.
Brig Hero. Bailey, Plulad.— Perrv Id JEright
French brig Le Canteleu, Vallois, Havre—Blan
chard, Brothers id Co.
Pur Boston
The schooner HANNAH, captain Ed-
wprds. will ntett \r»h despatch. For
•freight or passage apply to the master
on board, or to IJALL St HOYT’,
aug 31 —82
Darien, Brunswick mol S
The fast .ailmg schr. MARY M COY.
Marcellin. master, will sail in all next
week. For freight or passage, having
elegsnt accomm d“«.ions, apply on board, at Johu-
sion's lower wharf, or to
Alex. Pratt.
aug 3! m 82
Fresh Floiir.
500 hands superfine Baltimore Howard street
Flour—landing at Hunter’s wharf, and for sale by
Douglass & Sorrel.
For Freight or Charter
The fine schooner ANN A, ca;>-
ain Hhsdcll. She is 74 tons burthen,
7)\jiml will be ready to take in cargo by
ftnnsd.,)' neat Apply as above.
eSl A—82
The Retail Grocers.
The Retail Grocers of this city are requested to
meet, at the house of Mr. John Delhergli^, on
TO-MORROW AFTERNOON, at 4 o’clock.
?tig 31 2
P. Stanton
Has just received and ofters tor sale, on his usual
low terms,
dj barrels fresh Mackerel
20 threes green GofTee
40 barrels . .do
20 hluis Molasses, suitable for retail
30 lihds r’ve Whiskey
100 l>is n'e Rum
15 lihds Jamaica Rum
5 pipes Cognac Brandy
30 tons tvre Iron
100 kegs Nails, assorted
mig ;>] v 82
For Sale
Superior loot Gins and gin Irons
Shaffer & Divanf,
aug 31 l 82 Exchange d ck
Mew Flour, Beef, Codfish, Coffee,
50 barrels new Fl>»ur, from Richmond, can
recommended fer family use <
20 half barrels mess Beef for do do
15 barrels prime Beef
20 t^xes Codfish
50 whole and half boxes Soap (yellow)
10 boxes hard Candle;*
20 do Claret Wine
1000 bushels Turk’s Island Salt »
20 bags green Coffee
5 kegs Salt Peter
20 do Tobacco, 8 to lb
2 do ladies* Twist. 10 a lb. . ”•
10 do ground Ginger
10 barrels Cordial
10 do Salmon
A few barrels Pork
A poly to G. F & O. PALME 1.
aug 31 a 82.
Office Bank United States.
Savannah* 3lif Aug. 1819.
The board of directors of this office will pro
ceed on Tuesday next, to the election of an As
sistant Clerk, with a salary of jgbOo per annum,
and amount of bond with two approved suhetie?
for three thousand dollars. Candidates will hand
in their applications to the subscriber previous to
that day. J HlfSTEfi, cashier.
aug 31 —-82
A parcel, of prime quality, for sale by
II.-h[ J. Habersham.
aug 31 a 82
Fur Sale
One light 4 Wheel Carnage
Two do Gigs, on cradle springs
One Sulkey and Harness
Low for cash, by
Benjamin Howard.
aug 31 m——82
Wm. P. Beers Sf Co.
OfTer fur »ale upon reasonable teims.
An assortment c-f sea:onab e DRY GOODS, at
their store, in Whitaker street, neat door to thO
corner of Brought»»n-street.
• Grand Lodge of Georgia.
The members of the Grand Lodge of Georri.i%
and the different lodges under its jurisdiction,
by i heir proper represent*are hereby sum
moned to attend a grand quarterly communica
tion, at the grand lodge room in this city, oil
Saturday next, 4th Sept at H o'cloclfr a. r. _
Dv order of the R. W* grand master.
k W.P- Beers,.
auj£ 31~a -92 grand tec'r$ ad. i#i<;