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riVIE undersigned, true to his promise, again
1_ presents to tho Public more data on which
they can safely base their calculations relative
to the respective merits of the depleting system
of ihc disciples of Esculapiiis, and of that invig
orating and phlogestic one of which he is proud
to be the advocate.
Leaving the stilts of egotism and shafts of rid
icule for the use of those who have nothing bet
ter to stand on, and no other weapons for attack
or defence, he selects his standing on truth, and
uses such support only as merit gi\os him ; and
for weapons, he chooses simply to assail the
ranks of the enemy occasionally with “a little
more grape,” in the form of facts,which are evi
dently the hardest kind of arguments since they
often administer to Ins quiet amusement by the
terrible destruction they cause among the stilts
and the ludicrous effect they produce in causing
certain individuals to laugh, as it is expressed in
homely phrase, “on t’other side tho mouth.”
The Mexicans are not the only people, these
days, whom vanity has blinded to their own de
fects ; neither can they claim much superiority
in the way of fancied eminence and blustering
bravado over many that live a great deal nearer
home. A-salutary lesson has latterly been giv
en the former by the Americans, and the latter
may ere long take “ another of the same ” ala
mode de Tai/lor.
After the following there will still ho “a few
mute left.”
Georgia, Jones County, 1848.
This certifies that for more than four or five
years my wife was afflicted with a disease pecu
liar to her sox, and notwithstanding all that we
could do, she still continued to get worse. The
Physicians in attendance liau exhausted their
skill without rendering her any assistance till,
in 1844, when she was confined to her hed in a
very lotv condition, I got her last attendant to go
with me to Macon and lay her case before Dr.
M. S. Thomson, who, without having seen her,
prescribed and sunt her medicine that soon re
lieved her, and in the course of a short time re
stored her to permanent health She has now
been well about four years and rejoices in the
recovery of her long lost health
Macon. June 22<1, 1843.
On. M. S. Thomson— Dear Sir : —Deeming it
o duty I owe to yourself as well as to the afflicted
generally, I have concluded to give you a short
statement of my case, which you are at liberty to
publish if you think that the best mode of thereby
subserving the interests of suffering humanity
In .May 1841, after considerable exposure to
cold, I was attacked witii Asthma, which pros
trated me very much, and notwithstanding all
that could bo done to prevent it, it continued to
return about every two weeks till in 184(i, I ap
plied to you. Between these had a very
Severe cough, which led some of the physicians
to whom I applied to believe that I had consump
tion. 1 applied to physicians of both the Min
eral and Botanic schools, of eminent general
'qualifications, but all to no benefit, for I contin
ued to get worse,so much so that I had reducer 1
from being a strong, lleshy man, down to a mere
skeleton and could hardly creep about.—When
I applied to you, I hud hut little faith in being
cured, though 1 had witnessed some wonderful
results following your treatment, especially the
cure of that crazy woman you bought of Aquil
*a Phelps, in Jasper, yet they gave mo confi
dence and by persevering in the use of your
remedies, and as it were hoping against hope,
am much gratified in being able to announce
•that I have got entirely well, for I have hud but
. ® ''gld attack in twenty months, and that was
eight months ago. I have now regained about
my former weight, and feel us strong as almost
any man ofStty-onc, which is my age. Without
isparagement to the charactcrofthc other cures
mt have so frequently resulted from your prac
ice, I do not think that any of them can heat
us, for confirmed Asthma combined with a
cough, especially where the flesh
-wast°d, has long been classed among the in
r'--u)les. Most respectfully,yours,
nj t,n dersigned still continues to treat Chro
the C ISCS f rom *' distance at his oflice,or either of
thr Cll ,y * ,l)! *rding houses, and at a distance
'v!ii| l |' 1 l ' 1C lna '* °* by private hand. Tlioso
at " nt require personal attention, are treated
u, .!V ' ’^ :lrs per month, those who do, at the
a moderato rates. Those who are able to
"nr ,!X l' c, 't to do so, without variation from
those* "I' 8 ’ n distinct bargain is made,
Bre n,it » will be treated gratuitously.
f rs must be past-paid, and add essod
„ M. 8. THOMSON, M. D
* Macon, Ga.
33 C C t Y g .
Tlic Beautiful.
llow much there is that’s beautiful
In this fair world of ours,
The verdure of the early spring,
The sweetly blooming flowers—
The brook that dances in the light,
The birds that carol free,
Are objects beautiful and bright,
That everywhere wesee.
There’s beauty in the parly morn
- When all is hushed and still,
And at the lovely sunset hour,
’Tisspread o’er vale and hill;
It lives within the gorgeous clouds
That float along the skv,
And oh ! how purely beautiful
Our evening canopy.
It dwells in quiet stillness where
The glassy wafers glide,
And wakes to awful grandeur ’neath
The cataract’s foaming tide ;
’Tis throned in dark stern majesty,
Where the tall mountain towers
Oh ! there is beauty everywhere
In this bright world of ours.
The fairy spell that childhood wears,
Its artlcssness and truth,
The light that lives within the eye,
And in the smile of youth ;
The impress on the manly brow,
Wrought with the shade of care,
That tells of high and noble thought,
llow beautiful they are !
And life—how much is shed around,
To bless and cheer us here,
When strength and energy are found,
Its smaller ills to bear.
Although a cloud may sometimes rise,
A shadow sometimes rest
Upon our earthly pathway, still
’Tis beautiful and blest.
Progress of Milton's Blindness.
It is now, I think, about ten years (1654)
since I perceived my vision to grow weak
and dull ; and at the same time I was
troubled with pain in my kidneys and bow
els accempaiued with flatulency. In the
morning, if I began to read, as was tnv
custom, my eyes instantly ached intensely
but were refreshed after a corporeal ex
ercise. The candle which 1 looked at
seemed as if it were encircled by a rain
bow. Not long after, the sight in the left
part of the the left eye (which I lost some
years before the other) became quite ob
scure, rnd prevented me from discovering
any object on that side. The sight in my
other eye has now been gradually and sen
sibly vanishing fi.r about three years.
Some months before it bad entirely perish
ed, though I stood motionless, every thing
which I looked at seemed to be in motion
to and fro. A stiff cloudy vapor seemed
to have settled on my forehead and tem
ples, which usually occasioned a sort of
somnolent pressure on my eyes, and par
ticularly from dinner to evening. So that
I often recollected what is said in the po
et Phineas, in the Argonautics :
“A stupor deep Ills cloudy temples bound.
And when lie waked lie seemed as whirling
Or in a feeble trance he speechless lay.”
I ought not to omit that, while l had any
sight left, as soon as I lay down upon my
bed, and turned on either side, a Hood of
light used to gush from my eyelids. Then
as my sight became more faint, this was
emitted with a certain crackling sound ;
but at present every species of illumina
tion being as it were extinguished, there
is diffused around me nothing but darkness
mingled with ashy brown. Yet the dark
nesss in which I am perpetually immersed,
seems always, by night and by day, to ap
proach nearer to a w hite than a black ;
and when the eye is rolling in its socket, it
admits a little particle of light, as through
a chink. And though your physicians
may kindle a small ray of hope, yet I make
up my mind to the malady as quite incura
ble ; and I often reflect that, as the wise
man admonishes, days of darkness are des
tined to each of us. The darkness which
I experience, less oppressive than that of
the tomb, is, owing to the singular good
ness of the Deity, passed amid the pur
suits of literature and the cheering saluta
tions of friendship. But if, as it is written,
man shall not live by bread alone, but by
every word that proceeds from the mouth
of God, why may notone acquiesce in die
privation of his sight, w hen God has so
amply furnished his mind and his con
s isnce with eyes ?—— Milton's Prose
Works .
A Story of Our Times.
A venerable Dutchman, after haviug
occupied all the offices of one of the prin
cipal cities of the republic, with great
honor, and having amassed a great fortune
in the most unexceptionable manner,final,
ly formed Ihe resolution of going to ter
minate his days at his country seat. But
before retiring, he wished to take leave of
his friends and connections, and life accor
dingly invited them to'feast at his house.
Ihe guests, who expected a sumptuous
repast, were much surprised on going in
to the eating-room, to see there a large
oaken table, covered with a coarse blue
cloth. On being seated, they were served
on wooden plates, wiih salted herring, rye
bread and butter, with some cheese and
curdled milk. Wooden vaces filled with
small-beer, were passed around for each
of the guests to help themselves. This
exticme oddity of the old gentleman caus
ed secret murmuring among the company;
hut, out of respect to his age and wealth,
instead of showing discontent, they pre
tended to relish their frugal fare ; and
some of them even complimented him for
the cordiality of those old times which he
had brought to rememberance. The old
man—who was not duped by this feigned
satisfaction—did not wish to carry the joke
any further—hut at a signal which he
gave, some servants, habited as country
women, entered, bringing the second ser
vice. A white cloth succeeded the blue
one, and some pewter plates replaces the
wooden ones. Instead of rye bread, dried
herrings, and cheese, they were served
with good brown bread, fresh beef, boiled
fish, and strong beer. At this unexpect
ed change, the secret murmurs ceased ;
the polite invitation of the old man became
more pressing, and the guests ate with a
better appetite. Hardly had they time
to taste tlie second service, when they
saw a butler enter, followed by half a do
zen servants, in hrtliiant livery, bringing
the third.
A superb table of mohogany, covered
with a beautiful flowered cloth, replaced
the oaken one. A side board was imme
diately covered with a sight of a profusion
of rare and exquisite meats. The most
delicious wines were freely passed around,
while a melodious concei t was heard in
the adjoiding room. Toasts were drank>
and all were merry. But the good old
man, perceiving that his presence hinder
ed the guests from giving themselves to
their full joy, rose and addressed them
thus : —‘‘l give you thanks, ladies and gen
tlemen, for the favor you granted me. It
is time that I should retire, myself, and
leave you to your liberty. But before the
ball commences, which i have ordered to
he prepared for those who love the dance,
permit me to acquaint you with the de
sign I proposed to myself in inviting you
to a repast which has appeared so odd.
I have wished thereby to give you an idea
of our republic. Our ancestors rose to
their high state, and acquired liberty, rich
es, and power, by living in the frugal man
ner which you saw in our first service.
Our fathers preserved those great bless
ings only by living in the simple manner
of which the second service had reflected
an image. If it is permitted to an old
man who is about to leave you and who
tenderly loves you, to speak, I must sav,
I fear that the extravagant profusion which
you might have remarked in the last ser
vice, and which is the present style of liv
ing, will deprive us of more than our an.
cestors have acquired by the sweat of
their brow, and our fathers have transmit
ted to us by their industry and wise calcu
Excellent Rules —Always take the
part of an absent person who is censured
in company, so far as truth and propriety
will allow’.
Never dispute if you can fairly avoid it.
Never dispute with an old man more
than seventy years of age, nor with a wo
man, nor witii an enthusiast.
Never affect to be witty, or to jest, so
as to wound the feelings of another.
Say as little as possible of thyself and
those who are near tlise.
Aim at cheerfulness without levity.
Never court the favor of the rich, by
flattering their vanity and their vices.
Respect virtue, though clothed in rags.
Speak with calmness and consideration
on all occasions ; especially in circumstan
ces which tend to irritate.
Frequently review thy conduct and no'e
thy failings.
On all occasions to have in prospect the
end of life, and a future state.
To louus Women.
Someone hath said, that “matrimony is
with women the great business of life,
whereas with men it is only an incident,”
an important one, to he sure, hut only one
among many to which their attention is di
rected, and often kept entirely out of view
during several years of their early life.—
Now, this difference gives the other sex
a great advantage over you ; and the best
way to equalize your lot, and become as
wise as they are, is to think as little about
it as they do.
The less your mind dwells upon lovers
and matrimony, the more agreeable and
profitable will be your intercourse with
gentlemen. Jfyou regard men as intel
lectual beings, who have access to certain
sources of knowledge of which you are
deprived, and seek to derive all the bene
fit you can from their peculiar attainments
and experience—if you talk to them as
one ratioual being should with another,
and never remind them that you are can
didates for matrimony— you will enjoy far
more than you can by regarding them un-
der that one aspect of possible future ad
mirers and lovers. When that is the ru and absorbing thought, you have not
the proper use of your faculties ; your
manners are constrained and awkward,
you are easily embarrassed and made to
say what is ill-judged, silly, andout of place
—and you defeat your own views by ap
pearing to a great disadvantage.
However secret you may be in these
speculations, if you are continually think
ing of them, and attaching undue impor
tance to the acquaintance of gentlemen, it
will most certainly show itself in your man
ners and conversation, and will betray a
weakness that is held in especial contempt
by the stronger sex.
Since the customs of society have award
ed to man the privilege of making the first
advance towards matrimony, it is the safest
and happiest way for woman to leave the
matter entirely in his hands. She should
be so educated as to consider that the great
end of existence —preparation for eternity
may \>e equally attained in married or
single life, and that no union hut the most
perfect one is at all desirable. Matrimony
should he considered as an incident in life,
which, if it come at all, must come with
out any contrivance of yours ; and there
fore you may safely put aside all thoughts
of it until someone forces the subject up
on your notice by professions of a particu
lar interest in you.
Lively, ingenious, conversable, and
charming little girls, are often spoiled in
to dull, bashful, silent young ladies ; and
all because their heads are full of nonsense
about beaux and lovers. They have athou
sand thoughts and feelings which they
would be ashamed to confess, though not
ashamed to entertain ; and their pre-oc
cupation with a subject which they had
better let entirely alone, prevents their be
ing the agreeable and rational companions
of the gentlemen of their acquaintance
which they were designed to be.
Girls get into all sorts of scrapes by un
due pre-occupation of mind ; they mis
construe the commonest attentions into
marks of particular regard, and thus nour
ish a fancy for a person who has never
once thought of them but as an agreeable
acquaintance. They lose the enjoyment
of a party, if ceitain beaux are not there
whom they expected to meet; they be
come jealous of their best friends, if the
beaux are there and do not talk to them as
much as they wish ; every trifle is magni
fied into something ofimportance—a fruit
ful source of misery—and tilings of real
importance are neglected for chimeras.
And all this gratuitous pains-taking defeats
its own ends ! The labor is all in vain ;
such girls are not the most popular; and
those who seem never to have thought a
bout matrimony at all, are sought and pre
ferred before them. We may add the ad
vice, that young women should not consi
der it a serious misfortune even if never
married ; there is nothing disreputable,
while there may be much happiness, in the
condition of an old maid.
Phrenology. —A short time since, a
yrung lady, who still adheres to the cus
tom once so prevalent among the ladies,
of braiding the hair, requested a phrenolo
gist to examiue her cranium, and to re
port the result of his examination. The
request was, of course, very cheerfully
complied with, and his discoveries were
communicated in the following 'laconic
terms: “Miss, 1 find the tiurepof upbraiding
the most prominent of any on your head.”
Sublimlty and Variety of tile mbit-.
The true reason why some literary men
disbelieve the Bible, is the one given by
Dr. Johnson : “Because they are ignorant
of its contents.” And the same may he
the reason why so many readers fail even
to read this “Book Divine.” Mrs. Ellis,
in her “ Poetry of Life,” has well said :
ilh our established ideas of heautv,
grace, pathos and sublimity, either con
centrated in the minutest point, or extend
ed to the widest range, we can derive from
the Scriptures a kind of gratification not to i
be found in any other memorial of the past
Or present time. From the worm that
gryvels in the dust, to tho leviathan in the
foAming deep—from the moth that corrupts
the treasure, to the eagle that soars
above the clouds—from tho wild beasts of
the desert, to the lamb within the shep
herd’s fold—from the consuming locusts
to the cattle on a thousand hills—from the
rose of Sharon, to the cedar of Lebanon—
from the clear crystal stream, gushing from
the flinty rock, to the wide waters of the
deluge—from the barren waste to the
fruitful vineyard, and theland flowing with
milk and honey—from the lonely path of
the wanderer, to the gathering of a mighty
multitude—from the tear that falls in se
cret, to tho din of battle and the shout of
a triumphant host—from the cottage to
the throne—from tho mourner clad in
sackcloth, to the prince in his purple robes
-—from the gnawing of the worm that di
et!) not, to the seraphic visiou of the bless
ed from the still small voice, to the thun
ders of Omnipotence—from the depths of
hell to the regions of eternal glory—there
is no degree of beauty or deformity, nti
tendency to good or evil, no shade of dark
ness or gleam of light, that does not come
within the cognizance of the Holy Scrip
tures, and therefore there is no expression
or conception of the mind, that may not
tiere find a corresponding picture ; no
thirst for excellence that may not meet
with its full supply ; and no condition of
humanity excluded from the unlimited
scope of adaptation and sympathy, com
prehended in the language and spirit of
the Bible.”
Contagious Diseases.— There exists
in nature, says Dr. Cox, a remarkable and
admirable, in fact a necessary law. “It is
that a person once affected by them is,
with rare and peculiar exceptions, protec
ted ever and over against their attacks.
If this limitation of contagious diseases
did not exist, a short time would suffice
; to depopulate the earth,” “there would
1 not remain on the earth two men to discuss
tho theory of contagion.” It is also to he
remarked that irt contagious diseases there i
never has been known, nor, from their na-j
ture, can there be known such a thing as
a relapse. They pass through certain
stages and have a certain and well under
stood “resolution,” as it is termed, and
they never- relapse from one of these sta
ges to an earlier.
Now the cholera is well known to he
unlimited as to the number of times it may
affect the system, and those who suffer
from it are probably more subject to re
lapse before perfect convalescence than if
they were afflicted by any other malady,
l’he dilemma seems unavoidable then,
either that Providence has permitted a
disease to visit the earth unlimited by
any law which would prevent the cerlain
extermination of the human race, or that
the cholera is not contagious. The for
mer supposition is an absurdity, while the
latter is equally accordant with reason and
Whortleberry. —The Vermont Chron.
icle remarks that the swamp whortleberry
is capable of successful introduction into
garden culture. A gentleman in Wyane
county, Michigan, has a little whortleberry
tree, planted from a marsh teti years ago.
It is about ten feet high, and about an inch
and a half in diameter at the ground. It
stands in a rich sandy upland soil. The
fruit is improved in size, and equal flavor
of that produced in the swamps. Thfe
yield is said to be more abundant and more
certain. The tree is watered daily in
very dry weather, and perhaps might do
well without it.
Life. — Life is but a walk over a moor,
and the wild flowers that grow upon our
path are too few not to gather them when
ihey come within sight, even though it
may cost us a step or two aside. It's all
in the day’s journey, and we shall get
home at last.
T 1 ill be executed in the most approved style
and on the best terms,at the Office of the
nise and Disappearance of Disease*.
Some diseases have arisen and have
since disappeared. Os this description
ate the leprosy and the sweating sickness.
The leprosy appears to have committed
the most extensive ravages, and to have
had hospitals erected solely for its relief.
It became general lliroughou Europe irt
the twelfth century, and is supposed to
have been introduced into England by the
at my which invaded it under Henry tho
Seventh. It prevailed from 1485 to 1551,
and in some years, during one month in
autumn, was equal in futility to the plague-
J he diseases which have arisen, not disap-
peated, are small pox and measles, per
haps altoiber specific contagions and sy
philis. I hough the exact period cannot
he ascertained, there was a time when
none of these were known here. The
diseases which have prevailed with vari
ous degrees of frequency and fatality at
different periods, are plagtte, dysentery,
internal fever, typhus fever, small pox,
syphilis, scurvy, and rickets. The first
plague, was in 430, the last in which it
was epidemic here wa3 in IGGS. It was
named in the bills of mortality as late as
1079. Internal fever, scurvy, dysentery,
and rickets have declined of late years-
Scarlet fever, consumption, gout, dropsy,
palsy, and all nervous diseases, have in.
creased. Duncan's Essays and Miscel
Quick, young men ! life is short. A great
work is before you, arid you have no time
to lose. Ifyou would succeed iri business
win your way to honor, and save your
time roll over him while he sleeps. Aim
high, and work hard.— Life is worth the
living, death is worth the dying, because
worth gaining.
Quick, ye men of might in the foad of
life! Your life is more than half grtno
already. You are down the hill, and the
shadows begin to fall around you. If you
have aught to do before you die, do it
quickly. The morning lias fled, mid-day
has passed, and the night corrielh.
Quick, ye aged men, quick. Once you
thought three score years to bo an endless
lime, and that they could never pass away.
1h *y have come, they have gone—man,
what have they left ? The days of pleas
ure have past, atid the days of darkness
are here—have you left any work undone ?
Have you come to infirmities and trenbling
and no preparation for death ? Ah, quick,
ye aged fathers and gray bearded sires.
Already are the messengers of death be
ginning to render their services to bring
you to the sepulchres of their fathers
Wiih ihe feebie remnants of existence'
struggle for heaven. Work, pray, seek’
while life lasts, mercy waits, and God i 3
Literature in France. —Few hooks
have been published in Paris since the
revolution, and the few that have been
have scarcely been read. The keeper of
the largest circulating library says, that
people never read so little, and for new
books in particular lie says there is scarce
ly any demand. He declares, for ex
ample, that M. Guizot’s Democracy, which
excited such great interest in England,
was only let out to half a dozen persons ;
that Lamartine’s Raphael, of which the
English have required three or four trans
lations, has not produced him half of what
it cost; that the latter’s History of the revo
lution of IS4B, which has just been pub
lished, has not been asked for ; and that
Louis Blanc’s History of the Great Revo
lution remains in grim repose on his
shelves. The only work of which the man
speaks favorably is Jerome Paturot, a sa
tire on the Republic ; but even that is far
from presenting the dirty dog-cared ap
pearance which warms the circulating
library keeper’s heart.
The True Red Republican. —The N*
O- Delta says :
We saw a Frenchman, the otner day,
most cordially embracing a Choctaw In*
dian at the lower market.
“Be gar !’ said he, ‘he be one real na
tive American—the true red republican /’’
these shop-keepers will fib it,’
said Mrs. Partington, with an expression
of pain on her venerable features ; “that
young man I bought these needles of,
said they were good tempered ; and only
see how spitefully this one has masecrated
my finger !”