Newspaper Page Text
OHicial Organ of the U. S- Government.
FRIDAI WUKNING October V>, 1888
Ufldcr the Flag I greet you, Sir,
As one who in your country’s cause
With s f aadffist real have toiled for her,
The Constitution, and her laws.
Who in her Council Hail arose,
Ruling impartial the debate,
Yet never stooped to screen her foes,
Nor brought dishonor to the State;
Striving aright her course to guide,
With that true band of noble men
Who took their stand by Lincoln's - side,
And never tailored hack again.
1 greet you as an honest loan,
Loyal, and resolute, and juM,
Who, standing long in Freedom’s van,
Have never yet betrayed your trust.
S»s*n J. Ananfs.
Offtcla .
Laws of Congress.
united states mint- and assay
Mint at VhUvAelnlia.
For salaries of tho director, treasurer, as
i.ver, nrt Iter nod refiner, i liirl coiner and
engraver, assistant assayer, and seven clerks
thirty-nine tiwuiiwd lour hundred dollars :
Provided That from and after the firstt day
of July, eighteen hundrpd and sixty-seven,
the annual compensation o* the weighing
clerk shall be two thousand dollars, and the
compensation of the calenlatitt;', accounting
and warrant cletks shall be eighteen hundred
dollars each.
For wages of workmen and adjusters, 01 e
hundred and twenty-five thousand dollar.-.
For incidental turd contingent expennci
twenty-five th US rod dollars.
For specimens of ores and eoi-nsto be pr< -
* rved iu the cabinet of the tniut, six him,
ilrcd dollars.
For freight on bullion and coin, live thou
sand dollars.
Branch mint al san francDvo, ' alifw nia.
Fur snhirk'S of superintendent, treasurer,
. siAist, melter and refiner, coiner, ami six
el'. rks, thirty thousand live hundred dollars.
Fut-wagefi of workmen and adjusters, one
hundred and seventy five thousand dollars
For incidental :uid contingent expenses,
repairs, and wastage, eighty thousand dol
lars; I'loviild, That hereafter all the
“available profits” of tire United Stacis
mint and brandies shall he covered into the
the treasury, to ba expended only by a.speci
fic appropriation.
For specimens of ores, three hundred dol
lars. V
Asxay'Office, Niw York.
For salaries t-l superintendent, ilsSaycr
a id melter and refiner, asnstiiht assayer,
officers; and clerks, twenty-five thousand
seven hundred doll .rs.
Km wage; of workim n, in additmmd to
unexjiehded balances of former appropria
tion:', linty thousand dollars.
For incidental and eontiug. nl expenses,
fifty thousand dollats-
Branch Mint at Denver.
Eor suj-ewntendetit, assayer, nylttir sud
reiinsr, coiner nqrf Clerks tlrirteeh thomflmd
For wages of workmen, lourt'.e i thousand
eight hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty
For incidental and eoiitiugent expenses
one thousand nine hundred am’ forty-fiv
dollars and eighteen cents
Branch Mint uj New < ■vleaus.
For the care and preservation of the
branch mint-buildings, machinery, and ma
terial at New Orleans, three thousand dol
Branch Hint al Charlotte, Ninth Carolina.
For the care mid preservation of the
bl .meh mint buildings, machinery, and ma
terials, at Charlotte, North Carolina, inclu
ding five hundred dollars for necessary re
pairs, one thousand dollars.
For salaries of the assistant treasurers of
the United States, at A'ew York, Boston,
Charleston, and Saint Louis, viz; For the
a sistanj treasurer atjNi-w York, eight thou
sand dollars: those at Boston and Saint
Louis, each, five thousand dollars ; mill the
one. al Charleston, two thousand live hun
dred dußai.i; one after the ibtriret’u of June
eighteen hundred ami sixty-eight, the nuuiil
salary of the assistant treasur at Charleston
shall be four thousand dollars, aud that
amount is hereby appropritacd—twenty-two
thousand dollars.
4 For additional salary of the mini at Phila
delphia, one thousand five; hundred dollars.
For additional salary of the treasurer of
the branch mint nt New Orleans, five hun
dred dollats.
For additional salary of the treasurer of
the mint at Denver, five hundred dollars.
For additional salary of the treasurer of
the branch mint at San Francisco, California,
fifteen hundred dollars; ITociilcd, That
these shall be no increase of salary in the
son going paragraphs relating to the inde
pendent treasury over that allowdd by exis
ting laws.
Fur ,-alaries of the clerks and messengers
iu the office of assistant treasurer at Boston
twe'ity-fivi-tlmu.-aml two hundred dollars.
lor salaries of clerks, messongerir, and
woKhmcn in the office of the assistant treas
urer at New York, one hundred and ten
thousand dollars.
For salaries of clerks, messengers, and
' wa'chmen in the office of the aesisisnt treas
urer at Philadelphia, twenty-four thousand
eight hundred and eighty-five dollars.
For salaries of messengers, ami
watihuien in the office of the assistant treas
urer at Saint Louis, ten thousand five h.ii
di nd and'sixty dollars. ,
By the President of the United States
of A.merica.
A. Proclamation.
In the year which is now drawing to its end,
tin- art, the skill,and the labor of the people of the
United States have been employed with greater
diligence and vigor, and on broader fields tliau
ever before, aud the fruits of the earth have been
gathered intirtfio granary and storehouse in mar
velous abundance. Our highways have been
lengthened, and new and prolific regions have
been occupied. We are permitted to hope that
long protracted political and sectional dissensions,
at no distant day, wilt give place to returning
harmony and fraternal affection tltronglmut tire
Republic Many foreign States have elite n d into
libera! agreements with us, while nations which
are tar off, atfd which heretofore have been
•unsocial and exclusive, have become our friends.
Tile annual period of rest, which we have*
reached iu health and tranquility, and which is
crowned with so many blessings, is by universal
consent a convenient and suitable one for culli a
vating personal piety and practicing public devo
J, therefore, recommend that Thursday, the
twenty-sixth day of November next, be set apart
and observed by all the people of the United
States as a day of public praise, thanksgiving and
prayer to the Almightv Creator and Diviue Ruler
of the Universe, by whose ever watchful, merciful
and gracious providence alone Stales and Nations,
no has than families ami individual men. do live
and move and have their being.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand, airi caused the seal of tla- United States to
be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, the t Iflh day
of October, in the year of our Lord,
[seal.] one thousand eight hundred and sixty
eight, and of the independence of the
United States the ninety third.
Bv the President :•
Wm H. SHw.iitn
oct 17 —id Soc’ry of State.
Rail Road Schedules.
Western and Atlantic Kailroad.
ffi&ES t£O
I W u WV JaBML IftaßS:
(AN AND AFTER MAY 12 th, 1868, PAS
A ’ SENDER TRAINS will run a- follows:
Leave .A.tlanta.
8.15 A. Jl.daily (except Sundays) Express I’i.s
senger.—Arrive at Chattanooga 4. 4a p.
tn., connecting with trains of Nashville
and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville,
Louisville, amt the WWl.uiid for New
York aiM other Eastern cities, via Louis
viller also with trains of Memphis ami
Charleston Railroad for Memphis, New
Orleans, etc. ,
4.15 P. M. daily (except Sunday; . D.dtoii A<;
cbmiuodation.-yArrive at Muriel taut .'>'«»
p.m., CartersviHe 8.13 p.m , Kingston
9.19 p.m., Dalton 12.32 am.
7.00 P.M. Daily Great Northern Mnil.—Af
rive at Dalton l.rii a.m.. connecting with
trains for Knoxville. Lynchburg, Wash
ington. Baltimore, Plnladelphia,and New
York. Arrive at Chattanooga S' l.ho
a.m., connecting ivith truins of Nuehyille
and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville.
Louisville, and llio West, and for New-
York ami other Eastern cities, via hsa
ville; also with trains of Memphis and
Charleston Railroad for Memphis, til
Louis, amt the West.
3.45 A. M. L'ai y Great Bout hern Mail. —L av
ing Chattanooga at 7 10 p tn., connecting
witll trains of Nashville and Clwtta
nooga, and Memphis and Chnriestou Rail
roada, and Dalton nt 9 Id p.m , con
. nectkig with train* of E. T. and Georgia
11.00 A. M. daily (except Sumlavs) Dalton Ac
cdtumodatlon. —Leave Dakpn at 2.1 > a.
m., Kingston 5.23 a.m., Cartersville 0.18
a.m., Marietta at 9.27 a m.
1.10 B. M. Daily (except Simdaye) Express
Passenger.—Leave Chattanodga at 1..10
a.m., connecting with trains of Nash
ville mud Chattanooga, ami Mcuiphi. am!
Chtuleston Railrot-ds.
Put,t. max’s Patent Sleeping ConcLcs on
Master of Transportation. .
Daily Passenger Line
I'll'll.Al'Kl.l’lllA, WASIIINUtoN,
ns ( ei* ii Ci th s,
Via Western and Atlantic
Virgina and Teancssee Railways.
Leave Atlanta at 7 00 p.m.
Leave Dalton 2 30 a in.
Leave Knoxville a 11 17 a.m.
Leave BrlstoL 7 IS p in.
Leave Lyocfiburg y 1 a - lu -
Leave Washington 7 00 pjn.
‘ !>eavc Bn Ici more.... S <75 p.m.
Leave Philadelphia.. I 22 p.m.
Arrive at New York 5 20 a.m.
SOI I’ll.
Leave New York.... 7 30 pcm.
Heave Philadelphia.../ I I 00 p.m.
Leave Baltimore r 3 50 a.m.
Leave Washington 0 30 a.m.
Leave Lynchburg 5 25 p.m.
Leave Bristol.'. 7 H> a.m.
Leave Knoxville 2 66 p.m.
Leave Dalton !■’ p.m.
Arrive at Atlanta I 45 a.m.
Time between Atlanta and New York, 57 hours.
i/BW-The GJIEAT MAIL between Atlanta and
New York is carried exclusively by this Ljne.
Sleeping Coaches on all Night Trains-
Through Tickets
Ginid until used, and Baggage Checked Through
to nit important points.
Master of Transportation,
W. A A. it. It.
1 8 6 8.
Summer Arrangeinea *,
Passenger Lloute
• *
• •
Passengers by this Route bate choice of
twenty-five different Routes to
Passengers bolding Tickets by this Route tn
New Yoek, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, can visit
Washington without extra charge.
Fare same as via Knc.xViile or Angus .:.
Trains leave Atlanta DAILY, at 8.15 a. m.,
aud 7 p. m., after arrival of all Southern Trains,
and make close connections to above named
Cheek Baggage to Louisville, ami it will be
re-eliecked to destination on Trains of Louis
ville and Nashville Railroad before arrival at
Louisville. •
Ample time for Meals, and good Hotels.
Tickets by this Route for sale at tire General
Ticket Office, Atlanta.
of Transportation,
ang.3o-—ly W. it* A. R. R.
I’rc >clamati < >n
Notwithstanding the Executive
Proclamation of September 14th, 1868, many
lawless acts hare Occurred in violation theteof,
whereby the lives anil property of citizens have
been destroyed, the right of free speech im<
paired, the junfuriiraneo of tbo duties of tiie
offices to which citizens have been elected, de
nied, the lives of citizens so threatened as to
cause them to abandon their homes and prop
erty ;
Akia Whehkas, “The protection of persons
and properly is tlio paramount duty of Goar
ornment, and shall lie impartial and com
Ano M'nsiiKAs, The Sheriff of each county is,
by law, charged with the preservation of life,
property and peace in each county:
A’oic, Therefore, 1, Rufus 11. Iluib.e!;, Gov
efnor, hrnl Commander in-Chiof of the Army
ami Navy of the State of Georgia, and of tin:
Militia thereof, do hereby i»ue this my Procla
mation, charging ami commanding the said
Sheritfr, ami each and every other civil officer in
every county in this State, to sec to it that the
lives and property of all citizens, ami the' peace
of tlie community, ate preserved; amt that all
persons tiro protcote<l in 'lie freeexcr.'.i e of their
civil and political rights-and privileges. Ami,
further, to make known that, |i r faibftc in the
performance of duty, the said .Sheriffs aud other
civil officers will beheld to a strict accountability
under the law. Ami, to charge upon every per
son, resident in this State, that they render
prompt and willing obedience to the said Shcrilis
and other civil officer, wider all < iri uu. k
whutmeaer; and that they demand from sab!
officers protection, when threatened or disturbed
in their person or property, or with denial of
political or civil rights ; a d that, failing to
recoivo such protection, they report fa°ts to th!-
. The following extract from General t rier. N
27, dated October 8, 1868, from Headquarters,
Department of the South, is published for the
information of Civil Officers and the general pub
lic, by which it will bo seen that said Civil t'ffi
cars will, in t-ho performance of their duties, be
sustained by the military power of the I nite l
Given under my baud and the Great Seal <•! the
State, at tlio Capitol iu Atlanta, this ninth
day of (let her, in the- year of our Lord cigh
Icon hundred and sixty eight, mid of the In
dojiemleree of the United States of America the
ninety third.
Dy the Governor: Governor.
Dawii G. Cottino,
Secretary of Suite.
1! i;xi:t;v.» tiTt'.ns DbTAnTMENT of Tin: : ; ot rtt, I
Atlanta, Georgia, Oct- 8, 1868, J
tfem riil Or./ros, Afi. 27.
“Whereas, by an act of CougYcsj of the United
States, approved March 2. IS6o. it i. made the
duty Os tlyc military authority to preserve the
peace attLe polls at. any election piiieh may be
held ill lit* of till: States ; ami, whereas, this
duty Iris become the more fmptirativo, troth the
-existing political excitement in the. ; ulilie mind,
from the recent organization of civil govern
ment, and frq;:., the fact that C iuorcssJim', by
statute, prohibited toe or puiiz.iiioi; . of military
forces in the several States of this Department,
it is therefore ordered,
“That the several District eommauders will,
as soon as practicable, on the receipt of this
orjer, distribute the troops under their commands
as follows :
•» * * *
In the District of Georgia:
One company 16th Infantry, to Albany.
One company 16i,h Infantry, t > t eluuffius.
One company 16th Infantry, to Mftron.
Ono company 16th Infantry, to August,i.
One company 16th Infantry, to Washington,
Wilkes CTiunty. IGtli Infantry, to .Americus. (0), sth Cavalry, to Athens.
The company at Savannah to be reinforced,
should occasion require, by such men u. Fort
Pulaski as can bo spared from the post.
* » * '* . *
“ Detachments, when noees’s ">»y bemad?
to point* in the vicinity of each post.; but in lio
case, nor on any pretext whatever, will detach
ments be sent without 'loiutuisshmed officer, who
will bo fully in,nacted by his post com
“Tbe troops will be condtlerod :ib in the Sold
and supplied with the necessary can p equipptfc
tnc men to be furnished with common tents*i
practicable, and if not praCti''aWe, with shelter
tents. Commanding officers are permitted to
hire quarters, temporalily» when it can be d'»r.e
for reasonA-blo rale-® ; hut this will not preclude
in all cases, must be in readiness tp move at li.e
shortest notice, with ad 'Upp'ics Tequifccft r
their efficiency.
“District Comminulers wi'l instruct Post Com
mander. in theij duties an*l the
ot the civil 'and military powars. They will
impress pn Post Covumanders that they are to
act, in aid and co-bpcratAon, and in subordination
to the civil aulhoritiW; that they are to exercise
discret’n uaud judgment, unbiased by political
or other i»rrjudices ; that their •vbject should be
exclusively to preserve the peace and upholdiaw.
and order, and they ‘must be satisfied such is the
object of the civil officer calling <>u them f r aid ;
flint they must in ail casps, where time will
permit, apply for instruction to superior -u
vhority, but they must at all hazards preserve
the peace, and not be restrained by technical
points, when, in their conscientious judgmc*nt,
under the rules 'above set forth, it is their duty
to act. Post Commanders on being notiiied of
(ho proposed «>f political mee.iings, umy
send an officer, and it necessary a detach
ment, b> watch the pt' co dings and sod that ti c
pcaer is preserved.
“To tie people of the several States compos
ing the Department, tlio Major General t’oiw
mandiHg frppc.ils that they will co operate with
him and the civil authorities in sustaining law
and order, in preservittg the peace, and in avoitb•
ir.g, those scenes of riot au-l blood; lied, and the
wanton destruction wf property an I lite which
he- already, in in-lances,' be*’® eiipeted in
this Department. He urges abstinence !r» m all
inflammatory and incendiary appeal.-: to the
passions; discuuutcnancing tbo keeping open ol
liquor shops on days of politital meetings and ot
election; the frour carrying arqis,
and 1 asserting tho Individual tight of construing
laws by force of arms. No just cau-c is ever ad
vanced by resort to violence. Lc f . there be
charity and forbearance among p' litical oppo
nents, whuteyw may ho the result. Let each
good citiwn determine that all it ho,- under the
aw, have the right to the ballot shail exercise it
undisturbed.. If there ate tfispuced points of
law, let thorn be referred Io the Courts, and let
not mobs or political clubs, or other irresponsi
ble bodies, construe and undertake to
execute the law. This appeal is made in the
earnest hope that the Major General Command
ing can rely on the good seu o and correct
judgment of the mass of the people, and that he
will net be compelled to runt to the exercise of
the power with which lie is entrusted, andw’hich
he will most reluctantly employ. But he thinks
it his duty to make known, that-so far as the
power uudcr his command will admit, he will
riot permit the peace to be broken, aud that he
will not bo restrained iu the conscientious dis
charge of his duty by technicalities of lawamade
when the present anomalous condition of affAirs
were neither anticipated oc provided for.”.
Bv order of Major General Meade :
R. C. DRUM, A. A. G;
Ail Newspapers within the Sta’o of Geor
gia, will insert daily and weekly until 3 1
of November, proximo, and send bill to Execux
the Department, Atlanta.
Kaitd-Hook of Politic* for
O DENTIAL Campaign. Contains all the
matter in the Political Manuals of 18GB, LSt’7,
and 18GS. Compiled from official sources. Gives
the whirle Political action of the Government,
including Impcac’ajaent, Reconstruction, Gene
ral Politics, Platform.-, Acceptance of Candi
dates, etc., from April, J 865, to duly, 1868.
Tables on Debt and Taxation, i eveauo and Ex
penditures, 8n0k.% Southern Legist rd ion anA
Notes. Election Tables from iB6O to date. Too
pages, Svo.. cloth, $2.50, w. t paid
The Political Manual L r IS6S, separately,
cloth, $1 paper cover, 75 ceQts, post paid.
Clerk of the House of Representatives,
cpl-—tNov3 Washington, D.C.
List yf persons registered from the sth to the
17th of October, 1868, under an act to reorganize
Uio Municipal Government of the city of Au
gusta :
Anderson, Bradley e Austin, Isaac c
Appleton, Seaborne c Ardis, Alec c
Atkinson, Paul c Allen, William II u
Anthony, Lavosier L Ashley, Robert c
Aiken, Wm c Atkhison, Robt B
Ashby, Lewis P Alexander, Jas c
Alexander, Wm W Atkinson, Win J
Drown, Gabriel G a Blodgett, Foster
Brown, Stephen c Bowman, Wash c
Bunch, Robert c Burr, Edmund c
Brown, Isaac c Drieke), Samuel c
Brown, Jim c Brutton, Emanuel, e
Brown, Israel D o Bruce, Nelson c
Butler, B»nj F c Bricklayer, Chas c
Dryant, Jno C c Baker, John o
Banks, Nod c Hunch, John,M
Brown, Charlie c Brown, John v c
Barnes, James B c Beverly, Randolph c
Brown, John c Heard, James U
Bell, Henry D Bower, Harry c
Batler, Grandison c Brown, Wiu e
Bugg, Ben c Butts, Joseph c
Burt, Stephan c Banks, Jas E c
Bosbourne, Jas J c Braxton, Arthur c
Brodie, Alex M Bright, Hector o
Brown, Enoch W Brown, Joo C
Burton, Francis Brooks, Jesse V, , c
Brahe, Henry A- Blount, Gustavus A
Cair/Win e Calvin, Martin V
Cooper, James c Cummings, Jeo c
(Tollins, Henry i Clements, Jesse c
Chavous, Toby e Christian, Robt c
Cobb, Sum e Coleman, John c
Cliristian, Juba A Cummings, Robt c
Cox, John c Chapman, Emanuel c
Cooper, March c Cunningham, Edw c
Castleberry, Thos c Culvert, Jack c
Colington, Titus c Clarke, Daniel c
Crosby, Chas a Crumpton, John B
Cherry, John e . Curry, Titus e
Cheoseliorougb, Wm B Clarke, Jackson
Cory, Eugene A Cummings, Alec c
Cohen, Phillip L Collis, Tom «
Carr, George c Cook, Jeff c
Clarke, Henry K Couturier, Carter
Campbell, Samuel W Clay, Henry c
Cates, John W
Davis, Francis o Dean, Joshua
Dent, Thomas Datts, Wm c
Dorsey, Dennis c Doughty, EM’
Davis, Gilbert c Dennis, Win c
Dasher, Th os c Davis, Nelson c
‘Davis, Wright c Dent, Moses e
Dud, Wm T Derry, Joseph T
Early, Win, e Edward, Billy c
Elsey, Elbert c Elbert, Reuben
Easterling, JasT Edwards, Wm e
Emery, Cupid e Emery Ceasor c
Fullington, Dennis c Flemings, Geo e
Fullington, Hobby T c Fuss, John F
Fitts, Falwdrta W Fountain, Gilbert
: Fuller, Isaac ’ <•
Goodwin, Daniel c Green, Smart c
Golding, Jerry c (llascow, Septimus c
Green, Übas o Green, Jas c
Gant, Jacob c Gardner, Jim c
Givens, Alfred c Glover, Jas R
Gibbons, Patrick Gould, Wm T
Grittin, John C Grady, Martin
George, Thus II Green, Pulaski c
Griffin, Wiley B dolphin, Luke c
Gadsden, Tei'y c Green, Linnius c
Glover, Wyn Gould, Burrell c
Gqdivin, Joseph T
Hamlet, Gideon A Halsey, Pompey c
Harris, Thos c Hankcrson, Thus II c
Handy, Jidipund e Hampton, Thes c
Harper, Chas c Howard, Thos L
Holmes, llaj-ry c Huger, Malvin c
Hankcrson, Peter e Hudson, Edmund c
IlnDey, -ALxander c Hood, Geo M
Hudson, Frederick c Howard, Wm II
llolii: ;;sworth, Jas H • Rale, William c
Harbin, Wm II Hall, Robt c
Hooper, Zod e Holnres, CharHe c
Hud on, Edward e Hampton, Willis c
llowa.-J, Jus c Harrison, Handy c
Harris, Ben c Hopkins, David L
Holly, Geo W Hart, Duke c
Hall, Pickens B Harbig, Geo
Ingram, Sam c Izzard, John e
Jennings, Silas c Jackson, John c
Jenkins, Anthony 6 Johnson, Hen c
Jeans, Jesse M Johnson, Paul c •
Jones, Owen . e Johnson, Pteoceon c
Jones, King c Johnson, David c
Jenkins, Andrew c Johnson, David e
Jefferson, David c Jackson, Frank c
Jones, Peter e Jones, Handall e
Johnson, Henry c Joseph, Joseph
John 6n, Henry c Johnson, Wm e •
James, Richard -» c Juhuson, Alfred c
Jonas, Samuel '
King, Joshua Key, Peter * o
Kelly. Geo « Kavanaugh, John
itylc, John c King, Geo c
Kennedy, Daniel r Keith, Frank c
Kelly, John c- King, Win W
Kirkpatrick, D, jr
Leon, Henry L Leo. Scott c
Lovy, Isaac Lindsey, Geo c
Lamar, Dick <• I.evennsMi, Wm J
Larki i, Rvchard c Low, Geo c
T awson, Henry Lamar, Duuiel c
•Lewis, Jobu S u Lanum, Kit c
Lee, Moses o Leverinan, H B
Lyon, Mack c LaHcrstcdl F W c
jDarkin, Thos c Lark, John c
V*wr?y, Is.tnu e Lee, Wm II
M'.>.e]ey A Lewv Manigault, Alien c
Mitchell, Frimu c Marlin. Columbus o
Manigault, Jas r Martin, John c
.Marshall. V V c MiUedge, Peter c
Moffat, Tff Madison, Ad:im c
Matthew, Al<t * e Mitchell, Reht c
McKeusie, R c McConnell,.John
Mar.-hall, St€j.h< n c M >uv, J.-hn e, I’aniul c Muses, Pleasant <f
Maddox, Luke c McGraw, Moses c
Mitchell, John E Bob "c
Moore; Henry, c Mathew, R W c
Myers, David Maxwell, Jas 11 c
Mckinzie, h W McKinzie, Johp II
Mann, Metry <• Martin, Wm c
Mitchell, !’iu : < Matthews, Geo c
Mo*c!y,> e 'larah, Albert 11
Me. Lin .. . i McCarty, Jeremi *ll -
Miil’i, John Marbor Will 13 c
McDowell, Cha. c Matthews, Luke e
Mi;l< r, Wm H c
Nonuau, J. .k c Nally, Cleon-
Noble, a - yru i Newby, Jo-’ M
Oliver, lUisuhm <• Cakman, Moses c
Oliver, Goo L Oliver, Philip ~ c
U’UoiHiell, Patrick
Parduo, 8 8 Page, Ilios' c
Philpot, David A Petnble, «'hi.
Prestun, Ediuimd c Pryur, Lewis c
Philpot, J >hu M Pardue, Peter
Philpot, ifeory R Philpot, Thos N
Porter, David Pitts, Pournellc c
Pleasant, Ben e Parr, John
Parker, UG * Page, Sikuu c
Pleasant, Robt c Faint r, Wm
Payne, Thus c i’atrl, Win A
’ Rhodes, T V M Koiiee, Henry C o
Radford,Lemuel F Robinson, Doctor c
Red; Peter u Redfield, Nelson c
Russeil, John v Rowlar d, Wm c
Robertson, Joseph c Kiley, Jacob c
Ruinloy, Elijah Robinson, Frank ’c
Kuardon, Thus Russell, Thtrs
Reynolds, Ch is
Ramsey, W Robert, John A
Rand 11, Geo H Rodgers, Henry C
Raiford, Elbert c Riulfurd, Smithfield
Roberts, Thos c ’ •
S e v.drt, Chas E Bmitb, Jehu*’ e
Bruling, Jw M Smith. Jacksen c
Satterwhite, John c Seals, Daniel ’ c
y i<n , Geo c Spellman, K P
Shackelford, Sam c '"‘cofl, Henry c
Sykes, Wm R Simmons,’ Jas 8
Samuel?. Handy c Seals, Smith c
Snipes. Paul c Stokes, X 8 c
Feott, Jordan c Smith, Stafford D c
Small* Charlie c Shackelford, Wm H
Shannon, Rob c Shackelford,
Shaw, George c .Smitlh Jacob c
Skfinc. Edwin c Stokes, Miles c
Simpkins, Alfred c Sheffield, Jesse '<
Sbnw, Albert R Smith, Wm *’”• c
Sj • rrer, Perry c Swint, Wm” c
t miib, Henry c Schirmer, Wm R
Sc J, Jerry c Shackelford, J H
Tb mas, Berry c Thonip»*n, Isham
TalitPtrro, Tom c furncr,Jackson c
Turner, Ed c Talbot, John c
Thompson, Chas c Pindall, Ned c
Thomas, J>B c Ihomns, John o
Turner, Daniel c Turner, M ade <’
Turner, Jacob o Tarver, Frank B
Thomas, Charlie a Taylor, Geo c
Tankersley, G V Thomas, Henry c
Thompson, Mingo c Thompson, Jas 1
Uguui, Wm c
Van Buren, Martin c.
Walker, Nathan c Williams, Geo c
Williams, Win JI Watts, Peter c
Williams, Bradford c Wade, Andrew o
Williams, Joe c Williams, Henry c
Wright, J ack c Welsh, John
Williams, Jackson c Warren, Wesley c
Williams, Albert e Wimberly, Hunter c
Walker, Elbert c Williams, Henry e
Williams, Abram c Williams, Goo c
Walker, Edward c Williams, Frank c
Wright, Wm e Walker, Ben c
White, Nod c Wimberly, Wright e
Wigfall, Cyrus c Watkins, Henry v
Williams, Bill c Walker, John D
Wright, Abel o Winburn, Simeon
Williams, Henry c Walker, John It
Wigglne, Amos P Wheeler, Wm II
tVoems, Newton c White, T W
Walker, Geo II e Wolf, Hilliard E
Young, Andrew c Young, Bobt c
Young, Daniel, c Youngblood, A c
Atwell, Robert W Adams, Doe ' c
Anderson, Mack c Abrams, Charles c
Bell, Robert e Ronnefield,Abram S c
Brown, Kelsey c Bolton, John c
Bolton, Handy c Branch, Abram. c
Brnyor, Washington 5 Bird,'Nassau c
Bailey, Bery c Brook?, Jacob c
Bennett, Ben c Bryant, John E
Burdell, Nat c Bennett, Elijah I
Battey, Robert c Bostwick, Willis c
Bleakly, Isaac c Bridges, Robert I>
Brinckley, Baker c Barnes, George c
Bricquet, Janies J Bcallc, George c
Carter, Hiram o Cain, Allen c
Culver, Wm c Carter, Joseph -- «
Carroll, Thus c Clayton, Charlie c
Cummings,Adolplius c Clay-ton, J Joseph
Clarke, Isham c Ctjrtis, Robert R
Curry, Ceasor c Cox, Jack c
Costello, James Carr, Freeman e
Duggins, General c Davis, Sim C
Drayton, John c Dwyer, Thomas
Dwyer, Geo T Davis, Albert c
Dobson, Alexander c Dortic, WmT
Davis, John c Denning,David 11
Drayton, Andrew c
Estes, Richard c Emanuel, Enoch c
Evans, Moses c Edwards, Henry c
Ector, Henry c Edward?, Bon c
Elbert, Ben c
Franklin, Benj c Frazier, Henry c
Goldborry, V’ru II c Green, Robert c
Grant, James c Golphin, James o
Green, Jim c Goings, Edward c
Goctchius, Phil e GuMfoyle, John
Goudy, Robert c Gardner, John c
Graham, Daviil Gordon, Harvey c
Green, Alec • c Gonedy, Preston o
Goss, Lucius 11 c Jlraham, James
Hooper, Isaac • c Harris, Jonas c
Hull, John c Holloway, Henry e
Hardin, Jim c Harley, Stephen c
Hampton, Hartwell e Hankinson, Itob't H c
Hamilton, Wm c Housoley, W’m
Horton, Moses c Hull, Henry c
Harris, Torn c Hammonds,Stephen c
Hiller, W’m J
Ingraham, Sidney c
Jenkins, Chas c Johnson, Moses K c
Johuson, Ben c Jennings, Asa c
Johnson, Phillip c Jefferson, Henry c
Johnson, Chas C o Johnson, Itob’t c
Jones, Joseph e Jackson, Johu c
Jenkins, Jack c
King, Abner e Kittrel. Grandison c
Kennedy, Frank c King, Robert c
Lamar, John c Lamback, Lee c
Limmons, John c Lewis, John o ■
Low, James c Lewis, John C c
Lewis, Robert c Lawler, James
Lee, Henry c Lacy, Wesley e
Lamar, Newman c Lampkin, Potor c
McGrath, Cato c. McLean, Edward c
McDuffie, Moses c Mcßride, Doc c
Monroe, Jesse c McNeil, Adam e*
McGhee, John c McKinzie, Thomas c
Mitchell, Henry c Mitchell, Wm e
Minims, Moses, c McKinnie, Dick c
Matthews, Sam o Monroe, Wm c
Middleton, Jacob c Moore, Henry c
Manly, Joseph . e McCann, Patrick H
Murphy, Edmuqd T McMahon, Win 11
Mann, John II- Maddery, Moses M
Myers, Simeon M Mitchell, Lewis c,
Murphy, Daniel G McGhee, Wm e
McCarthy,-George Mfitray, Francis
Meredith, James W McKehzfe, Wm , c, J }V Morris, Martin M
Nelson, Wm c Neblett, James 'M
Nolson, Robert c
-Owens, W’m J Oakman, Henry c
.Osborne, Lewis c Owens, July c
Porter, Reuben c Pritchard, Edward
Pope, John Pines, Prince c
Page. John c PoweH, Wm c
Pelot, Benj S Perry, Oliver c
Pritchard, Bachus e Phinizy, Robert M
Phinizy, J.>h > jr Parkea, Gustavus A
Phi ter, Jim c Preston, Beu o
Prager, Julius Pgnn, John c
Robertson, Alfred c. Rieb, Chas T ,
Ross/Dicß c Rivers, Prince c.
Rooney, James'. Rhodes,/! Crawford
Hoe, Joseph R o' Robersoh, Ja.-p r o
Rhodes, W Peyton Rpdlcr, Anthony F
Speed, Gwuitkisok e smith, Henry c
Binquelfvhk Wm 0. iMeWsrt, IlbHoii <f
/Stokes, Henry c Smith, Win e
Steed, Alfred c Snead, Johu C
Savage, Zedriei, o Scgpe, Isaiah c
Shaughnessy, Ed ’■» Stevcas, Jordan c
Smyth, Frank Sarltng, Solomon
Tilghman, Jim e Tbompswn, Jim c
Tlunnas, Riuliard o- Thomas, Richard c
flvuiias, Burke e Tweedy, Ephraim
Thomas, Wm i: Thomas, Robert • c
"Justine, George e Thorn, George
. Tillman, Sim c
Whaley, Jacob Williams, Richard c
Watts, George c Wilburn, Clarence c
William.*, Richard c William*-, J eray c
Walker, Robert e Wesley, Kit u
Williams, Jesse c Wilson, Thomae L c
Wiley, Orange c WorrcM; Win c
Walton, William L c Walker, Thomas c
Ware, Richard C Williams, Weston c
Williams, Robi*U v William.*, Aiken c
Walker, Albert c Williams, I’ctcr c
Walton, William A Williams, James c
You ng,.John c
A dams, David c A fielder, Win IJ
Addison, Butler c Allen, Grief c.
Brooks, Richard c Brown, Jefigrdun c
Brown, Edward c Brown, Howard c
Bnugs, Henry c Butler, Jarrett e
Buchanan,Juber c Brundield, Wm e
Bogjl, Willis c Bryan, John c
Bugg, Achy c Battice, John c
Burns, John c Busecy, Daniel e
Blalock, Augustus E Barnes, Bill c
Baldwin, John ff Brown, Robert J c
Bostwick, Crawford c Brown, Wash c
Cotton, Lurenxij D c Coak. Harrison o
Curry, Anthony c Conlon. Patrick
Cummings, Isaac c Caintuell, David r
Clements, Burtfett c. Cole, Joe c
Gummings, Julius c Campbell, Aaron c
C.*lhoun, Juliuii c 'Cashin, Charles c
J'ixvn, Abner fl Dent, Sandy c
Day is, J ohn J Duke, Win II c
Daniels, Henry
Elbert. .Toe c Emery, Isaac c
Jack c
Eishburn, Ben c "Fullerton, Osborne c
Floyd, John e Fagan, John
Fishburn, Thomas c Ford, Adolphus M
»«il son, Hector c tiiasseock, Bristow c
Gilliard, Joseph c Gnrdntr, Gad S c
liraham, Lawson c Golphin. Garland c
Gibson, Samuel L Green, Washington c
Gant, Thomas c Gallaher, Edward
Garrett, Sam c Guernsey, James M
Gordon, John c Golphin, Jefferson c
Harris, Grandison c Heney, James
Hay, Jerry c Hammonds, Albert o
Halt Robert e Hughes, Horace c
Hearn, John c Harris, Andrew c
Howard, Thomas c Charles u
Haminond, Richard c
Jones, Wiu c J ones, J«c c
Johnson, Joseph c James, Sam c
Junior, Chartcs c Jones, Henry
Johnson, Priest c Joiw» Robert c
Johnson, Daniel c Jackson, Dick c
Jackson, John c Jones, Albert C
Junes, Dempsey c Jones, Felix , c
Jackson, Isham c Jones, Edgar E r
Johnson, Isaac c Jones, Alien G
Johnson, Jordan c
King, Edgar * c Kcnnally, Johu
KnoX, David c King, John R c
Kelly, Henry c Kusid, ’.’has M
tockhnft, Isham c Lyorfs, Tfromas
Ijflcy, Edward o Lewi.*, Henry c
McKenzie, Wesley c Mims, James L
McDonald, Martin May, Richard J
Madison, Thomas c .Mct’ay, Wm R
Moore, Wm c McCarthy, John
McNair, Edmund c MaUne, Philip
Merriweather, Jack c McKinnie, Dick c
Morgan. c Mcaljng, Wm J
Miller, Richard c Morris, Peter c
Meigs, John c Jesse c
Mitchell, Wm c Messiah, Felix c.
Narrington, Jacob c Norrington, Jackson c
O’Donnell, Edward Osborne, Toby c
Parker, Robert c Perry, Tpm c
Parks, Levi c Plumb, Daniel B
Page, Sully c Pool, Peter
Rone, Morris Robinson*M m c.
Reed, Jeremiah c Rhoden, AV in
Richardson, fienry e Rone, Win e
Scott, Denni.f c Sullivan,.Jerry c
Sims, Ed c Scott, Nathan c
Schaufele, Yrcdoriclt Small, George c
Saddler, Austin e Shear, Wm
Snowdon, Geo B c r niith, James c
Samuel, Gabo c Scott, Gabriel c
Secret, Jacob e Smith, Edward c
Sims, Lewis c Smith, John c
Sweeney, Randall c Scott, Wm C c
Small, George e Sullivan, Cornelius
. Solomon, Frank c Stovall, Joseph 11
• Story, James Schneider, Ernest R
Tyson, Oliver c Thomas, Henry c
Thompson, Philip c Thompson,Ephraim c
Thompson, Andrew c Terrell, Emanuel c
Telfair, Israel c '4 horn an, Henry e
Vance, Richard c
Wyatt, Wm c Washington, James c
Watkins, Sam c Walton, George c
Warren, James c Weeks, Hampton c
Watkins, Newman e Walker, Milas c
Williams, Burgess c Williams, Jack c
Waggoner, Solomon c Wrenn, Beverly V,
Wright, St irling c V/igfall, George q
Alston, AnHiony c Ambrose, Frank c
Allen, Richmond c Allen, i’eury c
Archer, Anrcl e Armstrong, Jo’ n c
Allen, Henry c Allen, Ned
Atkins, Will’s « Anthony, Win c
Anderson, Robert c Ammons,John
Avret, William Allpn, Newton e
Armstrong, Wi’ c \ndera'»n, l c
Anderson, John e Armstrong, Wm c
Allen, Solomon c
Bass, Riohard c i-lount, (’has c
Booker, Israel c Bryant, Gus e
Barnes, Geo T Boyd, Edlow v
Brown, Jesse c Brown, Joo c
Butler, lt<mry c Blackburn,Clinton c
Butler, Jasper c Brown, Charlie c
Barnes, J no A Brown, Altrqd c
Bailey, Philip _ c Bell, William c
Ballou, Edmund c Brown, Rubt c
Bell, David <- I’utlcr, G»i« -e
Bacon, Martin x Banncster, Jacob c
Beall, Scott e Barrow, Jas
Brown, Jno T c Brown, Isaac c
Beall, Columbus e I’ettis, Elmore c
Brown, Sam c Brenner, August
Barley, .Marcellus ’ e Belt, Wm
Brunson, Alien < u Brown, Atiufaw e
Beall, Frank e Bird, Harrison e
Bacon, Rott c Bernard, Frederick
Brenner, Peter Brantly, Robt c
Boyec, John c Butts, Benj c
Bugg, Gus c Brown, James
Bush, Ben o Boatner, Aaron c
Black, Jas C C • Bailey, George c
Bland, Jas C Butler, Joseph c
Broadnax, Henry c Br-nVn, Tbos J c
Brown, January y c Boyle, Michael
Boatwright, Cupid c BonsOu. Jno c
Brown, Henry c Barov, B-eu
Boyd, Daniel c Bailey, Elijah c
Berry. Thomas c Bailey, Those
Brcwh, TVrry H Blocker, Heartless c
Brown, Jim • ,; -
Cormiek, Wm c ’’ar.r, R“bt A
Crawford, Jerry c (’artcr, ilentj?/
Gummings, Elbert c Collier, Charlier c
Cook, John c Cun lan, Dominick.
Chavous, Henry c Cage, Sam c
Clanlon, Lawrence c Cox, Dallas c
Cooper, Jim c Cook, Milton c
Callien, Randall c Chase, Andrew c
Cuuningliain, S A Cage, Joe
Collier, John c Cummings, Robt c
Cotter, Nicholas Cook, Arthur
Cole, Wm c Collins, Timothy
Clarke, Nelson c Coffin, Chas E
Christian, Wika.ii c Cobb, Peter c
Cooper, Ben c Calvin, Tony c
Cullier, Lewis e Cage, Charlie ■
CoHicr, Peter ,c Carter, Jas c
Cn tis, David L CaHahan, Patrick
ly, David c Cook, Geo c
.< hlsoim, Plato e '
Darlington, B c Davis, A J
Davis, John c Dnr’r, Bernacd
Dorsey, Chaa c Dudley, Ephraim c
Dent, Alfred c Davis, J A c
Davis, Adam c Darby,-Henry
Duval, Rufus D jin, Solomon, isr c
l> ibsou, Win c Dent, Philip c
Daggett, Thoj * c Davis, Jas M
Dumii, iSolumou, Jr. £
Elmore, Richard c Evans, Henry r c
Elbert, David c Elliot, Mepheu c
Evans, Amos c J-pp ', Edward c
Emery, Jack c
Frederick, Theodore c I arrow, D M
Fuller, Sam c Fletchor, Andcnon
Fleming, Wm c French, Marcus c
Fryer, Hamiltou c Fields, York c
Fleming, Stove c Farrow, Ambrose c
Fields, Bristow c Ford, Gcrdoft J
Foreman, Willis c • iclds, Samuel- o
Gilbert, Willis c Gardner, Peter c
Gordon/Alec ’ c Green, DP e
Gardner, Sandy c Graves, Chas c
Goodwin, Jno * c 'Gassclt, Wm
Griffin, Cobbin c Gilpin, Brutus c
George, John c Gulightly, Henry c
George, Alec c Green, Jno c
Green, Wm c Gaunt, John c
Graves, Chas v Gallaher, E F
Glenn, Glascow c Gibbs, Aberdeen c
Grimes, Ben c Green, Isaac c
Gorton, Jno c Green, Tom e
Golphin, Jeff c Green, Aaron c
Gannon, Thos Greer, John c
Gardner. Wm c Grimes, Andcr-wn c
Gants, Jacob c Gardner, Melman c
Harris, David c Hicks, Lloyd c
Hammonds, Ed’wrd c Hicks, Elijah
llougtcn, Henry c Hampton, Daniel c
Harris, Wm c Howard, Jno c
Hewitt, Jno’, Sr Hill, Alfred c
Harris, Robert e Hill, Jetfry c
Hill, Preston, c Hatcher, David
Harris/ Geo H c- Hicks, Oscar c
Harris, Wm c Hepsly, Solomon
Holmes, Robt c Hatter, Wm c
Hill, Benjamin c Hey ward, Neal c
Hammond, Jno Honson, E W c
Haisey, August p Harris, J H e
Hughes, Patrick Hill, Wm c
Hawkins, Henry c Harter, W J
fvink Dave c Iverson, Anton
Ing.-Us, L L
Jickbon, Albert' c Jones. Wm c
Jouee, Win. c Jackson, Randall c
Johuso’’, Wm c Jones, G W
Jackson, Abram c Jenkins, Thos c
Johnson, Edward c Jefferson, Isaac c
Jones,. Mingo c Jackson, Samuel c
Johnson, John c Jackson, John c
Jefferson, L W c Jones, Jesse c
Johnson, Sam c Jones, Daniel c
Jackson, Andrew c Jaekiun, J A c
Jones, Njed c Johnson, £ S
Johnson, Evans c Jackson. Henry c
Johnson, Allen c Junes, Robt p
Johnson, Aaron r Jones, Daniel c
Johnson, Frederick c Jones, Chas
Jarnos, Bon c Jones, J as A »
Johnson, Daniel c J on „ Th ,
Joshua, John c Jones, Wm II c
Jefferson Budon c Jaek.on, ll icbard c
Jackson, H J 0 Jones, Wm c
•* * , c
King. 8 L King, J W
Keener, J L Koy> banie|
king, Madison 0 Kendall, Jc JSO c
Kennedy, Bobt c Kennedy, H cl)ry c
Ivctchen, Lob c Kiiv Tll J
Keener, Wm V
Langford, George Lewis, Adam
Liddle, Wm « Anderson '
Lacy, Thos c Lamkin, Willi, c
Low, Andrew c. Linn, ll arr i jou
Lamar, Edward c Lamar. Bu.-ton
Lumpkin, Moses c Landers, John C
Lawson, Capers o' Leefce, Bryant
Lewis, Joe c Lewis, David
Locket, Isaac c Lewis,.Carlo c
Low, Jefferson c Larnldn, Palmer °
Ladson-, Hector c Lemon, Robt c
Leckie, Thos Lamar, Ccascr
Lewis, Jack o Let, Wm
laswis, Alfred o Locket, Harry
Lukes, Jas, jr c Loyeritt, qcorge ’
McNeil, Sandy e McCrae, Berry
Marshall, Rdtuund q Medium, Francis L 1
McLovett, Martdoss c Murphy, Tin.mas
McArdle, John McKinley,
McGrath, Bony c Myers, David °
McGrath, Bony jr o Marion, Ha,dy C
Mitchell, Thos ■> McKinuie, Ja’mqs C
Mclvoy, Allen c Mitchell, John
Moore, Wiley c A'aflory, Charles °
Mims. Tster e Miller, George
Mosely, Harvey c Mulherin, jJbn “
McKee, Burrell c Morel, Gabriel
Miller, Frank , c MsKinnio, John °
••Mallory, Sandy c Mosely,Rodolphus J
Minor, Joe c Mahoney, Patrick 0
Murrah, Geo W Murrah, Wm lj
Miles, John E ’ McDuffie, George
Mayam, Mortimer o Mason, Cuff °
Miller, Anthony c Mitchell, Newlon c
Milton, John c Miller, Edward T
Mustiu, Eli Martin, Tom
MeCay, William c Mills, Wm >S
.Moore, John « Miller, George
McMurphy, Tour c Miller, Felix
Mack, Peter c Mitchell, Solum m c
Nash, John c Napier, Wm J
North, Richard Norris, Adam
Neese, Abram Neyland, Gcor'o
Nagle, John P
Olive, Abel Oliver, David c
O’Connor, Timothy O’Connor,Francis
Owen, Amos E Oliphant, Alfred c
Osborne,Abram c Olive, Thomas W -
Oliver, Philip c
Parker, William c Paris, Isaac c
Porter, foin c Patrick, Caper c
Page, Phil c PkillipF, Wm Al c
Price, John W c Prather, A M
Polk, Josiah c Pollard, Charlie c
Pctegni, Daniel c Palmer, Thoma J
Paris, £aiu c Pemberton, Henry c
Parker, Charles c Parker, Lewi?. * c
Patterson, Philip c Payne, Tom c
Page, George W
„ jtoberts, John c Roily, Wm li
Reynolds, John Roas, Albert U c
Robert,Robert c Ramsey, J< hn P
Ruffin, Albert G Roberts, Juh n W
Robinson, Joe c Rigby, J.-u-ob <•_
Rice, Tom c Rooney. Patri !.
River?, Alec c Robinson, John <
Roberts, Charles At Robin, on, Manuel c
Reynolds.. Joseph. W Reece, Euuch «»
Rahner, Joseph Robinson, Richard c
Ratcliff, Samuel W Rubbu, Chas A
Robertson, Rubort c Ram •y, ili- huiil c
Sapp, Frank c Shackelforl, J->bu c
Smith, Charlie c Smith, Adam c
Sherman, Mouree e Schneider, Jack c
Scarls, Lewis c Simpkins, Wiley c
Smith, Albert c Stewart, Jaincs \ c
Smith, Josiah c Spink, W r W
Smith, Anderson c Simmons ; March c
Stratton, Henry c Stewart, Richard c
Smith, George c Sfcott, Lewis c
S mpkins, Tom c Simpkins, Je c c
Smith, John L e Stokes, JPury c
Summerfield, Hemy c Simmons, Sa tn c
Simmons, Robert c Shephard, Dcnni c
Sullivan, Wm c Smith, Mallory c
Stoy, Walter !’ Smith, Stephen c
Scott, Ed e “Snyder, Harry c
Searles, Wm c 'Summers, Andrew c
Smith, Zion Sex, Amos <_■
Smalley, Rurtuu c Shelton, Abram c
Sweet, Henry u Stickpey, Henry <
Sullivan, Mose's c Singleton, Wm e
Silo tty J oli a H e Sfniih, Thonuw J
Sevtt, Toby c Stallings, Jatnc* H
Sullivan, Wm II c Swan, Henry c
Summerfield, Taylor c Smith, Arthur c
Smith, Tom » c
lay lor, Cyrug c Thomas, Jim c
Tohler, Abram c Tillman, Jack c
Thomas, Jerome c Thomas, Edward c
Turner, Willis c Tinnon, Vincent H
Taylor, Virgin c Taylor, Gramlis >n c
Talbot, Saul c Taylor, John J
Tyler, David c burner, Robert c
Taylor, Cap c Thomas, Mich al B c
Taylor, Henry r, Tice, David
Trowbridge, Merritt c 'Uioinas, Jam c
Timmerman, John, c Tilman, Henry c
Tucker, George c .Trutiy, Freeman c
Thoma?, I'aniel e Ticc, Peter Al
Tillrmxn, Wm H c Tutpin/Wm H
Turner, Tom c Turner, Henrj c
ThomaS Berry E c Thompson, Lcv.i B
Vaughn, Thos J Van Pelt, John
Williams, Win c Watts, Cyrus c
Watts, James M c W’alker, Ceasar c
Webster, Daniel c Williams, Alfred c
Walsh, Thomas Winft, Marcus c
Wil high t, Wm c Willis, Dennis C
W illiams, Henry c Wooten, John c
Williams, Henry c Woodson, W i h.s c
Williame Richmond« 'Fade,'Peter c
Williams, John c Williams, Frank c
Webb, Elisha c< WGley, Ned c
W<»'.d?on, Robert c Ward. Win c
Wigf.ill, Bristow c W r Hliarns, Cap 0
Wingard, ElHhn J) Washington, ’Jc-rije c
Williams, James c Wilson, Millon c
Williams, Isaiah ,c W’alker, Wesley ’’
W'illiains, Sam c Williams, Spencer c
Wcrtti, Harrises c West, William c
Welker, Thomae c Williams, Daniel c
W'illiams, Aaron c Warren, James 11 c
W’il on, John c W’alker, Andrew c
W’hiic, Frank c Whittaker,Roland W
William’, Stepben c Ware, John D
WGHiams, Edward c Watson, Wm J
W’alker, Ricb.ird c Wheeler, John L
Wingfield, Hubb nd e Welsh, John
W at’s, Henry' c Welsli, Dennis
Wynn, Isaac c‘ Wilson, Martin V' B c
W'ri jit, Aloficf c Walker, Alex c
Wiiham?, .Io ; n c Williams, Wm Al
Williams, Henry c W r illintns, Allen c
Yarborough, Abraui c Young, Leroy c
Young, Ftoetnan c Young, James
Whif,. niack. Tota l -
First W r <rd M x.„.l23 30*
Second W'ard. v « 52 ISO 232
Third Ward 35 15!
Fourth Ward 112 45$ _
Gtaad t0ta1.,321 1087 J lO9
Augusta, Georgia, October 1!>, 1868.
WM. K. McLAWt-,
Commissioners of Registration-
Attest, Davii. PoiiTßn, Clerk.
Breakfast, Pinner, and Supper House.
either morning or evening Passenger
or Atlanta by morning Passenger Train, or
any of flic Freight Trains, can always get a
GOOD MEAL at UEBZELIA, twenty miles
from Augusta, on the Georgia Railroad.
mh3l t.f Tronrietor-_
Assignee’s Sale.
V > Umisw door; in Ute town of Saulett'Y"*’
Waßbingtmi county, Ga , on the FIRSI I y-.
DAY IN NOVEMBER next, betw.-elt the legs
hours of sale, four linudnid,ami forty (4m) „
of laml. on tbe eaet side of Buffalo creek, adjon 8
lands of I >r. J. Stone and others—it being a »■*
ance of live hundred acres, out of which was six J
acres det apart as exemption.
Sold as the property of the estate of John in
wick, nn adjudged Bankrupt, free from the e
cumbranec of lions, etc., for the benefit 01
creditors of sai l Johu Travrti-k. Terms cash
October 11th, IStiS.
oeld-tl Assignee.