Newspaper Page Text
Official City Paper.
SATURDAY MORNING October 24, 18« S
Miniature Almanac for October, 1868
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24. «■>» I Sun Set. 5.17
Full Moon—Oct. let, 2.50, evening.
Last Quarter —Oct. 0, 1.05, morning.
New Moon—Oct. 15th, 5.53, evening.
First Quarter —Oct. 23d, 4.34, morning.
Full Moon —Oct 31« t, 5.57, morning.
Kange of Thermometer,
At Tub National Republican Orricu,
October 23, 1868.
□,, Il2m. I 3p.m. I 6 p.m. I 9 p.m.
5l” I 58 c | 59 I 60' I 51
Weekly National Republican.
The first number of this new candidate
for public favor will be issued from this
office on Saturday next, the 3lst instant.
The Weekly will contain all the latest
News by Mail and Telegraph ; full Market
Reports ; the Editorials and C spondence
of the Daily Republican; Miscellany,
Poetry, etc., etc.
It will be furnished to subscribers at the
very low price of Two Dollars a year, or to
clubs of ten, or more, One Dollar and titty
Cents each--always in advance.
Our friends are earnestly requested to aid
in securing for our Weekly a large circula
tion. We pledge our best exertions to make
it worthy of the patronage of all good Re
publicans everywhere.
All letters should be addressed to
E. H. Pugiie,
Augusta, Oa.
Itcgietrat ion-
up to the hour of closing yesterday, there
were registered a total of- 1,838 —whites,
581; colored, 1,257.
The Relief Law.
Passed by the Legislature, we learn, was
declared unconstitutional by Judge Gkeen,
at the late Term of Spalding Superior
S* 1—
New Candidates.
We suggest Petroleum V. Nasby for
President, and Brick Pomeroy for Vice
President, in place of Seymour and Blair.
How do our “red-hot” friends like this sug‘
gestion ?
Tax Notice.
Mr. J. B. Vaughn, Receiver of Tax Re
turns for Richmond county, gives notice, in
this morning’s Republican, that he will be
prepared to receive State Tax Returns from
the 26th instant. See notice, and govern
yourselves accordingly.
itegister, Republicans!
We again call upon otirßepublican friends
in the city to make haste and register. Let
no one fail of this duty. If you owe taxes,
pay them promptly, and register. Remem
ber, that no person will be permitted to vote
at the approaching municipal election who
fails to register.
Monday evening next, the Star Company
of Mr. John Templeton, will give a per
formance in this city at Concert Hall, at
which time will be produced the popular and
interesting play of “Camille, to bo followed
by the “Carpet Bagger.” The first play we
can recommend to the public as a first-class
drama, one of the few in which are beauti
fully blended the real and natural with the
ideal and pathetic. -'The latter we know
nothing of, but suppose it to be rich, rare
and racy.
< o). A nio» T* Aker mat 11.
We take for granted that the bare an
nouncement of this distinguished gentle
man’s intention to speak to-night, will bo
sufficient to attract an immense crowd at
the City Hall. Let it be borne in mind
that Col. Akeuman desires, and we, by his
authority, hereby cordially invite the attend
ance of our fellow-citizens generally, with
out distinction of party or race. The meet
ing will be organized and speaking com
mence at 7A o’clock. Come one ! Come all I!
- ♦
lleiuoresi’a Young America.
The juveniles arc full of glee over the re
ception of au enlarged number of this
popular little magazine. More pictures,
more stories, more puzzles, more of every
thing that the children are in love with, is
involved in this jubilant event, which must
have sent up the Young America subscrip
tion list like a rocket. Certainly there is no
other magazine like it for the young. Pub
lication office, -173 Broadway, New York.
Yearly, $1.50.
Subscribe- for the Weekly National
Republican, published at Augusta, Ga., the
first number of which will appear on Satur
day, the 31st instant. Price, only Two
Dollars a-year 1—
Reduction of Freight.
We learn that the South Carolina Rail
road has reduced the price of freight by
the Southern Express Company between
this point and Charleston and Columbia,
S. C., to nearly one-third. Oysters, for
which this Road formerly charged $1.50
per barrel, are now put down in the Express
Office here at 81, and other freight in like
proportion- It is expected that other Roads
will follow the example of the South
Carolina Railroad, particularly the Roads
leading from this city to Norfolk, Va.
—— -
The Tax I.awi,
We arc indebted to Major Madison Bell,
Comptroller General, for a copy of a pamph
let, by himself, of thirty-two pages, contain
ing “Instructions to Tax Officers, and Digest
of the Tax Laws of the State of Georgia,”
which must prove a very great convenience
to Tax Officers, Ordinaries, Justices of the
Peace, as well as to tax-payers generally.
The typography of the pamphlet is t very
neat—a great improvement on former simi
lar publications in this State, and which, we
hope, will be emulated by the recently
elected State Printer.
Reauliful Fancy floods,
hi great variety, at 190 Bread street.
Rich Reading.
The Phrenological Journal for November,
contains Portraits and Biographical Sketches
of Max Muller, the Philologies! Scholar and
Author ; Isaac Taylor, the eminent writer on
Christian Ethics; Schiller, Chamisso, Gel
lert, Uhland, Heine, German Lyric Poets;
Isabella, the late Queen of Spain ; Mrs. T,
McGath, 107 years old ; Gounod, the author
of “ Faust,” besides lively and instructive
articles and sketches on the Antiquity of
Man ; The- Play of Macbeth ; Is Man Im.
mortal? Getting Rich; The German Mur
deress, Baroness Ebergenye, or Culture and
Crime; The Crisis in her Life ; Emerson on
the Eye; Recreation vs. Stimulation ; To
bacco and Bald Heads; A Good Judge of
Character ; The New Englund Fisheries ;
Muy Twins Marry ? An excellent number.
Terms §3 year. Addftss S. R. Wells
Publisher, 389 Broadway, New York.
| Advertisement.)
«- R- It.
Every household should keep Rahway’s
Ready Relief and Pills on hand; their
timely use, if suddenly seized with sickness,
may save life. As soon as there is the
slightest uneasiness in the chest, with diffi.
culty of breathing, or indication of Cough,
take during the day thirty drops of Relief, in
a wine-glass of water. Cure, effectual.
Pains in the Head, Sore Throat, Hoarseness,
a sudden attack of Diptheria or Influenza,
apply the Relief to the throat and chest.
Persons suffering from Rheumatism, Tic
Douloureux, etc., should not hesitate to apply
Radway’s Ready Relief, both externally
and internally. Nothing better in the known
world. Create a sense of heat and irrita
tion, or burning, yon may feel perfectly sat
isfied of a cure. For Sprains, Cuts, Wounds,
Bruises, nothing like the Relief. Rub the
part or parts where the disease or pain is
seated is all that is sufficient. Aside from
all this, the Relief will be found to be a
splendid tonic when used with water. If you
have Lameness, Swelling of the Knees,
Feet, Joints, etc., use nothing else. In case
of Asiatic Cholera, the Relief leads all other
preventives. So in attacks of Cholera Mor
bus, Bilious Cholic, Fevers, Sick or Nervous
Headache, Foul Breath, Purging, Dysen
tery, painful Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Convul
sions, Bad Dreams, and General Debility,
Radw.iy's Ready Relief is a sure cure.
Sold by druggists. Price 50 cents per
Sec Dr. Rahway’s Almanac for 1868.
Latest Style Mats anil Ronnete.
Mrs. Pughe, 190 Broad street, has just
received an assortment of Hats and Bonnets,
including the “ Grecian Bend.”
A firm in Cievelapd, Ohio, sold 416,000
papers of pop-corn last year.
< • O M M E R C I A Ta
Office National Repubi ica.n, /
Friday, Oct. 23-P.M. j
FINANCIAL.—GoId : Buying at 1.35&1.36s
selling at 1.37a1.38. Silver: l-uyiDgl.2sal.3o;
selling 1.30&1.35. Gold has been steadily de
clining here, owing to New York quotations.
Sales were made to day at 1.37a1.37Y
During the week endirg to day, more activity
was displayed in Securities. Georgia Railroad
Stock was more in demand, and sales were made
at fjom 87 to 91. Augusta and Columbia Rail
road Stock was sold at $lO per share. Augusta
Factory Stock at $145. Central Railroad and
Banking Company Stock at $l3O. Not very
much money, however, seems to bo seeking in
Exchange not much in demand—Bank selling
at par, and buying at jaA off.
COTTON. —A bettor demand to-day for this
article. We quote Middlings at 22£a23c.
BACON.—A better feeling in the market. We
quote: Clear Ribbed Sides, 18; Clear Sides,
18al8J ; Shoulders, 15a15J; Dry Salt Shoulders,
14J; Dry Salt Sides, 17a17Y
CORN.—Prime White, $1.15; Mixed, $1.05a
NEW YORK, October 23, .Yoon. —Gohl 1.35 J.
Money active at 7. ’62 coupons 13}; North Car
olina’s, 68; now, 671- Virginia’s, ex-coupons,
56}; new 59. Tennessee’s, 70; new, 76}.
Sterling, 9}
NEW YORK, October 23, fieening.—Gold,
after touching 1.34?, closed at 1.35}. Money
active on light call nt 7 discount; business
almost crushed for best paper. Sterling firm at
9J Government’s closed steady. Tennessee’s
701; new 70. North Carolina’s new 66.
BALTIMORE, October 23.—Virginia’s, old,
inscribed, 4S} bid, 4SJ asked. ’66’s 51 bid.
’67’s 49 bid, 50 asked. Coupons, now, 59} bid,
60 asked ; old, 57 bid.
NEW ORLEANS, October 23.—Sterling 48.
Gold 1.35} New York sight exchange, J dis
Produce and Ollier itlarkele.
LIVERPOOL, October 22, Evening.— Cotton
steady; and rather more doing. Sales 12,000
CHARLESTON, October 23.—Cottbn opened
firm, at }e advance, and closed ouiet. Middlings
23c. Exports coastwise 1,020 bales.
NEW YORK, October 23, Evening.— Cotton
a shade firmer. Sales 1,600 bales at 25a25£.
Flour—State and Western heavy, and lower ;
Superfine 6.20a6'50 ; Southern heavy—common
fair to extra 8.25*9.09. Wheat heavy, and favors
buyers—Amber State 2.10a2.12. Corn 2a30 bet
ter, with speculative demand—Mixed Western
I.fatal.lß; new While Virginia dull. Mess Pork
lower, at 27.75a27.87}. Lard dull—kettle 17ja
IS. Whiskey favors buyers, at 1.17}. Turpen,
tine 44a44}. Rosin unchanged. Freights firm.
SAVANNAH, October 23 Cotton firm and
more doing. Middlings. 24a24}e. bales 698
bales. Receipts 1,511 bales.
BALTIMORE, October 23.—Cotton dull at 26.
Flour, no demand Howard Street Superfine
7.25a8.00; City Mills same. Wheat, prime to
choice, 2.45; medium to good, 2.20a2.35.
Corn and Rye firm. Oats 70a77. Mess Pork
39.50a30.75. Shoulders 15.
CINCINNATI, October 23 —Flour dull—Fam
ily 7.50a7.75. Corn dull, at 86a87. " hiskey dull.
Mess Pork ominally unchanged—stock entirely
exhausted. Bacon active—2oo hundred hogs
heads sold; clear sides 16j|al7c. Shoulders 13.
Lard offered at 18c.
WILMINGTON, October 23.—Rosin active
stained 1.67 J; No. 2 1.75 ; No. 1 3.12 J ; low pale
4.Oft. Crude Turpentine steady at 2.65. Tar
firmer at 2.35.
LOUISVILLE, October 23.—Superfine Hour
6.00a6.25. Corn, old, 95 ; new, 60. Moss Pork,
$31.00*31.25. Lard 19J. Shoulders 13Ja14 ;
clear sides 171a17J. Whiskey 1.18*1.20.
NEW ORLEANS, October 23.—Sugar and Mo
lasses unchanged.
Marine Slews.
SASANNAIL October 2?.—Arrived; Ship
John 0. Baker, Cape Deßeodes; bark Hoabet,
Stockholm; schr. Sophia, Nassau—-weather very
cool and clear indications of frost; wind north
CHARLESTON, October 23.—Arrived : Str.
Charleston, Now York; Hark Ansdell, Liverpool.
Off the port: Steamer Sea Gull, Baltimore.
The Ship Clara Ann, from Mexico for New
York, stopped for supplies.
Sailed : Steamer Farrell, Baltimore.
NEW YORK, October 23.—Arrived: Steamer
Augusta Prices Current
Augusta, Ga., October 23, 1868.
Augusta Insurance and Banking Co.. $ 0 a—
Bank of Augusta 73 a—
Bank of Athens 56 a—
Bank of Columbus 10 a-
Bank of Commerce 0 a—
Bank of Fulton 45 a—
Bank of the Empire State 18 a 20
Bank of Middle Georgia 91 a—
Bank of Savannah 51 a—
Bank of the State of Georgia 22 a 28
Central Railroad and Banking C 0.... 98 a—
City Bank of Augusta 40 a 53
Farmers’and Mechanics’Bank 9 a—
Georgia Railroad and Banking C 0... 98 a—
Marine Bank 98 a—
Mechanics’ Bank 1 a—
Merchants’and Planters’Bank <> a—
Timber Cutters’ Bunk 2 a—
Union Bank ® a—
Planters’ Bank 17 a—
Bank of Camden *
Bank of Charleston..., 29 a—
Bank of Chester 8 a—
Bank of Georgetown 8 a—
Bank of Hamburg 5 a—
Bank of Newberry 31 a—
Bank of South Carolina 9 a—
Bank of the State of S. C., old Issue.. 13 a—
Bank of the State of 8. C., new issue. 3 a—
Commercial Bank, Columbia 1 a—
Exchange Bank, Columbia 8 a—
Merchants’Cheraw 8 a—
Peoples’ Bank 52 a—
Planters Bank 4 a—
Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank 21 a—
Southwestern Railroad, old 27 a—
State Bank 3 a—
Union Bank 81 a—
Georgia Railroad Bonds —
“ “ Stock 90 a 91
Central Railroad Bonds 102 a—
“ “ Stock 1:50 a—
Southwestern Railroad Bonds 100 a—
“ “ Stock 98 a 99
Atlanta and West Point Bonds .... 100 a—
“ “ Stock .... 100 a—
Macon & Augusta endorsed Bonds 90 a 95
Macon & Augusta mortgag’d Bonds 80 a—
Macon & Augusta Stock 35 a—
Muscogee Railroad Bonds 75 aBO
“ “ Stock 75 a—
Augusta & Columbia R. R. Stock.. 9 alO
Augusta Bonds, old 80 a—
“ “ new 83 a—
Green ■ .perbbl.. 4 00 a
Dry bbl. 800 all) (10
Peeled lb.. 12 a 14
Uapeeied, no sales lb.. a 16
Bacon —
Clear Sides . .... ... lb. a 18) L .
Long Clear Ib.. a 17
Dry SaltSlioulders lb.. 14 a 14),
Clear Ribbed Sides lb a. 18
Ribbed B. B, Sides lb.. 17 a
Shoulders lb.. 16 a 15
Hams lb . 22 a
DrySaltC. K lb.. a 17
Dried * lb.. 20 a
Bagging and Rope—
Bagging—Gunny yd.. 25 a 26
Dundee yd.. a
Burlaps yd.. 14 a
ItorK —Machine, Hemp
Half Coils lb.. 11 a 12
Hand Spun lb.. » a 10
Green Leaf lb.. 11 a 12
Manilla .• lb.. 25 a
Flax lb 8 a 10
Cotton lb.. 30 a
Qsuaburg, two bushels 24 a
Shirting, “ “ 19 a
Burlaps 47 a
Buttci —
Goshen lb.. 50 a 55
Country lb.. 30 a 35
Bees Wax —
Yellow... lb.. a 35
Candles —
Sperm ... .lb.. 45 a 50
Patent Sperm lb.. 60 a 70
Adamantine lb.. 21 a 25
Tallow lb.. 18 a 20
Candies —
American ... .... 26 a 28
French lb .. 75 a 1 32
Goshen.. . lb.. 18 a 19
Factory lb.. 19 a 20
State. lb.
Hydraulic ...... bbl.. 500 a 5 50
Coffee- **
Rio, common lb.. 21 a 22
Fair lb.. 24 a 25
Prime lb.. 25 a 26 s
Choice lb.. 26 a 27
Laguayra lb.. 28 a 36
.Java. Ib.. 40 a 42
Malibar lb.. 50 a
African lb.. 50 a
Cotton Cards —
No. 10 per doz.. 800 a9 00
Domestic Cotton Goods—
Augusta Factory, 3-4 yd.. a 11
“ “ 7-8 yd.. a 13
“ “ 4-4 yd.. a 16
“ « 7-8 Drill yd.. a 15
Hopewell, 7-8 yd.. 12,14a
7 oz. Osiiaburgs yd.. a 17
Montour, 7-8 yd. a 18
8 oz. Osnabnrgs yd.. 20 a
Osnaburg Stripes yd.. 18 a
Hickory Siripes yd. 1234a 18
Fontenoy Shirtings yd.. 17 a
Graniteville Factory, 3-4 yd.. a 11
“ “ 7-8 yd.. a 13
“ “ 4-4 yd.. a 15
“ “ 7-8 Drill.yd . a 15
Athens Checks yd.. a 20
Athens Wool Jeans yd.. 40 a 50
Athens Stripes yd.. 16 a
Apalachee Stripes yd*. 17 a
Rock Factory, 7-8 yd.. 12 X a
“ “ 4-4 yd.. 14 a
Richmond Factory Osnabnrgs.yd a 16>$
“ “ Stripes... .yd.. a 17fc
Nos. 6to 12 185 a 1 90
Nos. 6 to 12, Fontenoy. a 1 95
Sheetings and Shirtings—
New york Mills yd.. 28 a 30
Lonsdale yd. 22 ’»a
Hope yd.. 20 a
Ticking —
Amoskeag, AC A yd.. 45 a
“ A yd. 37’£a
B yd.. 32Ma
“ C yd.. 30 a
“ 1) yd.. 25 a
Conestoga,4-4 yd. 40 a
“ 7-8. yd.. 35 a
Standard yd.. 14 a
Merrimac yd.. 14 a
Mourning yd.. 14. a
Wamsuta yd.. 10 ’4a
Arnold’s <yd.. 12J4*
Freeman’s yd.. 13 a
Oriental yd.. 14 a
Amoskeag yd
Hamilton - yd . 14 a
American yd.. 14 a
Dunnell's yd.. 14 a
Home yd..
Lancaster ... yd.. 14 a
Cambrics —
Paper yd.. 15 a
Common yd.. 12Xa
Spool Cotton—
Coats dor... 1 15 a
Clarke’s doz.. 1 15 a
Flannels —
All Wool yd 25 a 75
Flour —
Couktby—Super bbl. alO 50
Extra bbl . 11 50 a
XX bbl.. 12 00 alB 00
Excelsior Mills—Super bbl.. all 00
Extra bbl al2 00
XX bbl.. all 00
Gkaxite Mills —Canal bbl.. alO 00
Superfine bbl.. all 00
Extra bbl.. al2 50
XX bbl.. all 00
Ausuota Flour Mills {formerly
Carmichael)— Canal .... bbl.. • alO 50
Superfine bbl. all 00
Extra bbl.. a!2 50
Family bbl.. a1.3 50
XX bbl.. al4 00
Stork Feed —
Yellow Meal Feed bus.. a 1 20
Gun Powder —
Rifle keg. 810 a
Blasting keg.. GlO a
Fuse 100 feet.. 100 a
Grain —
Wheat—White bus . 225 a2 50
Red .. bus . 1 80 a 2 10
Coax—White bus.. a 1 10
Mixed... bus.. a 1 00
bus.. 90 a 1 00
Seed bus.. 160 a1 75
Seed hus.. 100 a1 10
Corn Meal—
City Bolted bus . 1 10 a 1 15
Country.... • bus.. 120 a1 25
Oakley Mills’ Raw Bone.. . .ton.. 75 00 a
Whfteiock’s Cereal!zer ton. 75 00 a
Woolston’s A Bone Phosphate of
Lime ton . 75 00 a
Wsndo Co.’s Amm. Pho*... ton.. 75 00 a
Hoyt’s Superphosphate.... ton.. 85 00 a—
Reed’s Phosphate. ton 40 00 a
Sea Fowl ton . 80 00 a
Andrews A Co.'s ton .40 00 a—
Peruvian No. T.. .... ton.. 100 00 a
Wilcox, Gibbs k Co’s Phcenix ton 55 09 a
Turner's Excelsior.. ...ton 85 00 a
Rhode's Super Phosphate ...ton.. 70 00 a
Sol Pacific ton 75 00 a
Baugh’s Raw Bone . ..ton.. 70 00 a—
I And Plaster.. ton.. 25 00 a—
Zell'aß. B. Phosphate ton . 72 00 a
“ Phus. Lime. ton . 75 00 a
Whann’s R. B. S. Phos ton 75 0o a-
Patspsco<• U.1D0.. ton, 85 00 a
Ammonia Phosphate, mauufactureil
inAugitssaGa . . . ton a 40(0
Corn Shelters—
„ • 12 00 alB 00
Grind Stones—
Northern cwt. a 1 75
Eastern cwt.. 175 a 200
Country cwt.. a 1 05
Prime Green. lb.. 6 a 7
Green Salted ib.. 8 a 17
Dry Salted Ib.. 13 a 19
Dry Flint t..1b.. a 20
Bar, reflned lb.. 5Ua .6
Sweedisb lb.. tt‘ 4 a 8
Sheet lb 7Sa
Boiler lb.. B) 4 a Bz'8 z '- a
Nail Roti lb.. y a 10 ‘
Horse Shoes -Ib.. 10 a 11
Horse Shoe Nails lb.. 18 a 40
Castings Ib.. 7 a 8
Steel, cast lb.. 24 a 25
Steel Slabs lb.. 11 a 12
Iron Ties lb.. 10* a a
Pressed lb.. 18 a 2o
Leaf, in bbls lb . 21 a 22
Leaf, in half barrels lb.. 22 a 23
Leaf, in kegs lb.. 22 a 24
Northern Oak Sole Ib.. 45 a 52
Country Oak sole lb.. 35 a 45
Hemlock Sole Ib.. 30 a 35
Harnesa ib.. 40 a Go
Shirting lb.. 58 a 60
Kin Skins doz.. 45 00 a9O 00
Calf Skins doz.. 36 CO a75 00
Upper doz 36 00 a4B 50
Bridles doz.. 52 00 a75 00
Bridles, fair doz.. 52 00 a75 00
Hog Seating doz.. 60 00 aloo 00
Rockland lb.. 275 a 3 00
Howard, Southern lb.. 275 a3 00
Kingston cask . 450 a5 00
Brandy—Cognac gall 8 00 als 00
Domestic . R»H-. 356 a 5 00
Cordials gall.. 12 00
Alcohol gall.. 450 a 5 00
Gin—Holland gall.. 500 a6 50
American gall.. 2 90 a 3 50
Rcm —Jamaica * gall 800 alO 00
New England gall.. 300 a 400
Wink—Madeira gall 250a 450
Tort gall 250 a 4 50
Sherry gall.. 260 a4 50
Claret -gall.. 500 al2 00
Champaigne, tine basket.. 28 00 a4O 00
Cbampaigne, inferior.. .basket . 18 00 a25 00
Whiskey—Bourbon gall.. 300 a5 00
Rectified gall.. 1 50 a2 00
Rye gall.. 300 a 6 00
Irish gall.. 700 a9 00
Scotch gall.. 700 a9 56
Ho lasses —
Muscovado gall.. 55 a 58
Reboiled gall.. 45 a 48
Fine Quality, new crop gall 59 a 58 .
Cuba Clayed gall.. 55 a
Syrup gall.. 70 a1 25
Syrup, Stuart’s choice gall. 150 a1 60
Syrup, lower grades gall.. 50 a 60
Hackcrel— new
No. 1 bbl . 23 00 a24 00
No. 2 bbl 19 50 a2O 00
No. 3 large bbl.. 16 50 all 00
No. 3 bbl.. alb 00
No. 1 half bbl. 12 00 a
No. 2 half bbl.. 10 60 all 00
No. 3 half bbl . 800 a8 75
, No. 1 kit.. 825 a
No. 2 kit.. 260 a2 75
No. 3 kit.. 225 a 250
Mess kit .. a 5 00
American and Italian lb.. a 25
Nails —
..i keg. 625 a
Onions —
bbl.. 800 a9 00
Plantation Tools—
Anvils lb.. 15 a 20
Axes doz 15 00 a!8 o<>
Ficks..’ doz.. 12 00 als (H)
Trace Chains doz.. 9 1)0 als 00
Hoes doz.. 5 (H) al4 00
Shovels —Long handle doz . 12 00 alb 00
Short handle doz.. 14 00 alB 00
“ cast steel.. 16 50 a
Spades doz.. 15 00 al7 00
iSeivcs —
Mai doz.. 300 a4 00
Blacksmith's Kuttar Key lb.. 18 a 20
Blacksmith’s Solid Box lb.. 30 a
Irish bbl. 450 a
Sweet bus.. 150 a2 00
India Ib.. 9 a
Carolina lb.. 9* a a 10
New Buckwheat Flour bbl.. 13 IMI a
half bbl.. 700 a
“ “ qrt'r bbl.. 4 00 a
Pearl...., lb 11‘i'a 13
Liverpool sack 250 a
bag.. 325 a
Hyaon lb 125a 200
Imperial lb.. 160 a2 25
Oolong Ib.. 150 a2 00
Gunpowder lb.. 1 75 a 2 25
Black lb.. 1 00 a1 75
Mcmldly and Damaged lb.. 20 a 40
Oonunousound, old, tax free, .lb 4o a 45
Medium Sound “ 50 a 60
Fine Bright “ 65 a 80
Exta Fine to fancy “ .. Ib.. 9<) a 1 00.
Extra Fine Bright, new, tax paid 90 » 1 25
Com. Dark Pond, bound “ .. 50 a 60
Com. Bright “ “ 60 a 65
Medium Dark “ 55 a 60
• Medium Bright “ 60 a 70
Fine Bright Pounds *’ 80 a 90
Extra Fine and Fancy “ 90 a 1 00
Fancy Styles “ 1 00 a 1 50
Half Pounds Dark ’• 50 a 55
“ Bright 55 a 60
Colegate’s No. 1 lb.. 9 a
Pale lb.. 11 a 12
Family lb.. 12,'s'a
Ga. Chemical Works lb..
Muscovado lb.. 13%a 14}»
Porto Rico. lb.. 15 a 15’ a
Clarified A lb.. 17,‘ia 18
B lb a 17X
Extra C Ib.. 16 a 16} a
C lb..
Yellow lb.. 15 a 15>j'
Loaf, double refined lb.. a 20
Crushed lb . 18’/4a 18>*
Granulated lb.. 18.Ua 18> a
Powdered lb.. 18><a
Smoking Tobacco—
Marcilla gross.. 820 a
Right Bower gross . 15 00 a
Killlckanick lb.. 100 a
Danville lb.. 50 g
Guerrilla Club quarter lb.. 50 a
Bird’s Eye gross.. 10 00 a
Harmonizer Jb . 75 a
Durham, taxes paid 55 a
Harmonizer “ a 75
Bird’s Eye “ gross.. alO OH
Guerrilla Club “ . . quarter lb.. 50 a
Navy “ lb . 65 a
Mary land Club** Ib . a 1 50
lodla Rook lb.. 35 a
Pioneer lb.. 55 a
Cider • gall 40 a 50
White Wine gall - 50 a
French gall.. 100 a
Unwashcil lb.. Wi a
YYashed lb.. *2O a
Wooden Ware—
Buckets, two hoops doz a 3 25
Buckets, three hoops doz . 100 a t
Tubs, three in nest 5 00 a 7 00
Washboards, zinz 3 50 a 4 00
Churns doz.. 24 00 a4B 00
Drwp, Dues, Oils, Painty Spica*, clc.—
Acid —Muriatic lb a JJJ
“ Nitric lb.. 18 a 20
“ Sulphuric lb.. 6 a 10
Alum* Ib . ft a 8
Allspice lb 37 a 40
Blue Mass lb 90 a 1 50
Blue Stone lb.. 12 a 18
Borax—refined lb.. 40 a 45
Brimstone lb- 7 a 9
Cassia (Cinnamon) lb.. 110a 1 25
Calomel lb. 125 a1 50
Caffiphor ib.. 135al 50
Chloride Lime lb.. 9 a 12
Chrome Green ib 25 a 40
Chrome Yellow lb. 28 a 50
Cloves lb.. 60 a 70
Copperas ib - ® a 15
Cream Tartar ib. 50 a 65
Epsom’s Salts b a
Flax Seed lb. 10 a 12
Ginger Rout lb.. 28 a 30
Glass—Bxlo box 50f.. 400 a5 00
“ 10x12 M - 450 a5 00
“ 12x14 “ • 500 a7 00
“ 12x18 “ 600 a8 00
Glauber’s Salt H>.. 4 a 6
Glue lb-. 30 a 20
Gum Arabic —Select Ib. 100 a156
“ “ Sorts lb.. 60 a
Honey—Strained gall - 150 a2 Oo
Indigo—Span. Flot lb.. 140 a2 00
“ Com ib..
Lamp Black—Ordinary lb.. 10 a 12
“ ° Retioed lb.. 35 a 40
Liquorice Paste —Calab lb.. 45 a 55
Litharge lb.- 18 a 20
Logwood -Chipped lb.. o a 6
“ Extract 15 a 16
Mace lb.. 1 65 a 1 75
Madder !»>.. 20 a 25
Mercury • • lb 100a 1 25
Morphine--Sulph ox.. 800 a8 50
Nutmegs lb 165a 1 75
Oil—Castor (East India) gall.. 3 25 a 3 50
“ •• (American gall 3 00 a
** Coal (Ker) burning best gall 65 a 75
•• •• “ com. gal 1.. 50 a
<• “ Lubricating gall . 75 a1 75
Lard gall 200 a 2 10
l ' Lamp gaii ■. 2 (HI a3 00
“ Lin-seed gall 150
“ Sperm, pure gall . 300 a3 75
“ Tanners .. .gall . 25 a 60
Train gall 1 00 a
Opium .lb . 12 W) al4 00
I’otasb —bulk lb 15 a 18
“ in Cans lb.. 23 a 25
Prussian Blue lb.. 75 a 1 00
Putty Ib 7 a 9
Quinine—Sulphate oz.. 250 a3 00
Red Lead 18 a 20
Roots—Ginsing ib.. 80 a1 25
“ Fiuk n,.. 40 a 66
Queen 8 Delight Ib . 10 a 20
‘ Senega lb.. 00 « W
Snake, Virginia lb.. 90 a 1 00
Soda-Sal | b 5 a 0
Soda.-Bi-Carb )b 9 a 10
Spanish Brown ~. p, g a j
Sl’Jl ill Tui-peniiue gal |.. ()5 a 85
Sulphur Mowers ib 8 a 9
Umber-Raw lt ,.’ ] 0 a 12
V ■ , lb « “ ’8
’ arnish—Coach ga p .. g nu afi M
Furniture gall.. 800 a4 50
Damar gall.. 400 a 5 (U)
' Japan gall . 250 a3 00
Venetian Red ib. g a 9
■Vermillion—Chinese ib.. 175 a 2 25
“ American lb.. 50 a 60
Verdigris lb., 15 a1 60
White Lead gr. in Oil—Amer, lb . 14 a 18
, " Kngl .lb . 16 a 20
, WhiUng ib 4 , 5
• Zinc—White, in Oil-French.. lb.. Is a 2o
" " Amer lb 12 a 18
News from Washington.
Washington, October 23.—The Tribune
has the following from West Virginia:
Reports meagre. Ohio county, 500 Re
publican gain.
Woo l county, 150 Democratic gain.
Upsher county, 73 Republican loss. Re
publican majority in the Slate, 7,000.
Later—Milnight.—The vote cast is 1,000
larger than last year. The gains seem to
favor the Democrats. The Republicans will
out ry the Stale by a reduced majority.
The World’s special from Wheeling says
the Democratic gains are general, and that
the State has gone Democratic by 2,000 to
The State Department has official inform
ation that Mr. Welding, our Consul at Liv
erpool, has suspended clean bills of health
to vessels leaving Liverpool for United
States ports, in conseqaen e of the preva
lence of typhoid fever.
Nearly tweuty-four millions in gold are
required on the Ist of November to pay in
terest on the debt.
One hundred males aud seventy-five fe
males have received intimations of their
dismissal from the Treasury Department on
the Ist of November.
Evarts has returned.
Full Cabiuet meeting 10-day.
, Judge Hoge, General Littlefield and Gen.
Coleman called first on General Grant, and
then on General Schofield, as an informal
Committee from North and South Carolina,
for assistance against past and apprehended
troubles. They received no satisfaction in
either case beyond the assurance that such
application must come through the Legisla
ture or the Executive.
News from New Orleans
New Orleans, October 23.—The steam
boat General Quitman, from Vicksburg for
New Orleans, was snagged and sunk yester
day, twenty miles above Bayou Sara. All
persons on board were saved. The boat's
cargo, consisting of seventeen hundred bales
of cotton and forty-live hundred sacks of
cotton seed, is a total loss.
Last night a number of disguised persons
entered Jefferson parish jail, at Carrolton,
and shot two negroes, one of whom has been
twice condemned for rape on white women,
in 1866, imd twice reprieved—once by Sheri
dan, aud once by Mower. The other was
convicted of rape on, and the murder of,
a white girl, aged eleven years, in Jefferson
parish, a few days ago The former was
killed. The latter was shot in the head,and
will probably die. No other prisoners were
About two o’clock this morning, a fire
broke out at Gretna, opposite the upper part
of ibis city, which was undoubtedly the work
of incendiaries. Reports were current during
the fire that a number of negroes were dis
covered stealing goods saved from the fire,
when a light occurred, in which two negroes
were killed. The negroes and whites gathered
from all quarters, armed, and the fight prom
ised to become general. A company of in
fantry and a body of police from New
Orleans, however, prevented any further
outbreak. The negroes finally took to the
woods. V ery few are now to be seen in the
neighborhood. Nineorten houses, all frame
buildings, were destroyed. The officers re
port all quiet there this evening.
Another Shock.
San Francisco, October 23.- This
morning, at 2:15 o'clock a. m.. another
severe shock of earthquake was felt, which
sent the people, shrieking, to the streets, in
their night-clothes At three o'clock the
excitement somewhat quieted down, but
the people evince no desire to return to'
their houses.
San Francisco, October 23, p. m. Only
thirty-five were seriously hurt by the earth
quake, including five killed. A very sliuht
shock occurred at 7:35 this morning. Busi
ness proceeding as usuiil. Weather very
thick, with slight rnin.-f-
Havana, Oct 23.—Dispatches received
here give the particulars of the insurgent
outrage in the Province of Tunas. The
plantations about LaVeliga were devastated,
the in.-urgents robbing, burning and im
pressing able bodied men, white and blaek.
Madrid, Oct. 23.—The Junta dissolved
after recommending the abolition of capital
punishment ; the formation cf volunteer
rifle associations and dissolution of local
J untas.
Count Gergcati bus arrived, and Queen
Isabella is expected, at Brighton.
Democratic Appeal
Charleston, October 23.—-The Demo
erntic S'ate Executive Committee of South
Carolina have issued an address to the citi
zens, strongly reprobating the recent acts of
violence, and invoking the earnest efforts of
the people, whether blaek or white, or of
whatever party, to check incendiary lan
guage, to maintain the supremacy ol law,
and to preserve the peace.
From New York.
New York, October 23.—The suit
against, William Mahone for the seizure of
the vessel George Leary, at Norfolk, in
1866, was up to-day. Mahone claims that
he acted in an official capacity, as the
President Os the Norfolk and Petersburg
Railro .d, and is not personally liable far
the damages claimed- $30,000. The case
is still on trial.
Hon. Reverdy Johnson.
Livkkpooi., October 23.—Ilevcrdy John
son, in replying to addresses, renewed former
assurances of» a peaceful solution of the
questions between England and the United
States, but declined to discuss free trade, as
it was a legislative and not a diplomatic
affair. Lord Stanley aud Gladstone were
, • •
Fight with Indians
S' . Lol'is, October 23 --The Fe<b nJ
troops had a brush with seven hundred
indiats, near Bullal's Station, Kansas,
which resulted in nine k fled and thirty
wounded. The Fedcrals had only three
Election Contestants.
Philadelphia, October 23.—Several Re
publicans, defeated in the recent c>e< tint tor
< ity offices, have commenced tn contest.
Nearly all will be contested.
- IS» •
An. *MA, October 23. W« have had a
sharp frost here, which will nip vegetation
and young cotton bolls.
West Virginia Election.
Wheeling, October 23.—Complete re
turns from Hancock and Ohio counties show
Republican gains.
The Democratic majority in Ohio county
is 120. Brooks county is very close; the
Democrats will probably have a small ma
Wood, Harris, Jefferson, Mineral and
Mason counties show large Democratic gains.
Marshall county is claimed by the Repub
licans by 700 majority—a Republican gain.
Partial returns from Mason ebunty show
small Republican gains.
The Secretary of the Republican State
Central Committee claims the State by a re
duction, and the election of a Democrat to
Congress from the First District.
The Democrats expect large gains from
the Southwestern counties.
The Democratic State Central Committee
claims the State by a small majority, but it
will be several days before returns will bo
received to indicate the result.
Governor Seymour Speaks.
Buffalo, October 23.—Gov. Seymour
spoke to au immense crowd at the Skating
Rink lust night. He speaks at Cleveland
on Friday, at Indianapolis on Monday, at
Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, at Pittsburg
on Wednesday, and at Philadelphia on
Friday, He is accompanied by Sandford E.
Church, Francis Keernan, and A. Schell.
Fortress Monroe, October 23.—The two
negroes who were indicted for the murder of
Mr. Wooten, two years ago, in Warwick
county, and who were to be hanged to-day,
have been respited until the 27th of Novem
Illness of Pendleton.
Cincinnati, October 23.—Pendleton has
been confined to his bed since Tuesday with
inflammation of the lungs, and must forego
his appointments in Missouri, Michigan,and
New York.
Assignee’s Sale.
By virtue of a decree in bank
RUPTCY, in the case of William 11. Dozier,
Bankrupt, I will sell at auction, to the highest
bidder, on TUESDAY, the Ist day of DECEAI
HER next, at the Court House door, in Columbia
county, State of Georgia, three hundred and six
(306) acres of land, more or less, situated iu Co-
Imiibiacounty, State o|i Georgia, adjoining lands
of Thomas M. Hamilton, Patrick Dougherty,
Green J. Dozier, and particularly described tn
plat of Surveyor, recorded January 13th, 1813, m
Book LL, Clerk's oilice, Columbia county, Ga,
Sold subject to a Homestead of sixty acres,
including the dwellings, but otherwise free from
all incumbrances thereon, for the benefit of his
creditors- Terms cash.
oc Ifi—luw3w Assignee.
Assignee’s Sde.
House door, in the town of Sandersville,
Washington county. Ga., on the FIRST TUES
DAY IN NOVEM BER next, between the hours
of 10 o'clock, a. m., and 3 o’clock, p, m., seven
hundred (760) acres, on eaat side of Bus
falo creek, adjoining lands of Stephen Mills and
others, known as part of the Lee Reeves’ tract.
Sold as the property of the estate of Wil.'iam L.
Reeves, an adjudged Bankrupt, free from the en
cumbrance of liens, etc., for the benefit of the
creditors of said W. L. Reeves. Terms cash.
October 14th, 18(>8.
oc 14 —td Assignee.
BV virtue of an order of the Hon. A. G. Foster,
Register iu Bankruptcy, I will sell at public
outcry, at the Court h ‘use door in Sandersville,
Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in November next, the following prop
erty, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land, situated five
miles north of Sandersville, known as the
Carter’s Mill tract, containing ninety-seven
acres, with a grist mill and other improve
ments thereon.
Also, a large number of notes and accounts
due to Warthen A Carter and W. W. Carter, sold
for the benefit of creditors. Terms Cash.
M. NEWMAN, Assignee.
Sandersville, Ga., Oct. 6, 1868. law3t
1981 Broad St.,
PAIR’’D a? the shortest potice. All work war
AJI orders wil’. be thankfully received, and
promptly attended to.
Magistrate’s Office.
J Notary Public and E.r-0//ic»o Justice of the
Pence for Richmond county, luiaopened his Office,
corner Monument and Elli» streets, where lie
oilers his services to the public at large, with the
assnrunce that such will lie rendered to the best
of his ability, unbiased and impartial.
oc 16—ts
R’chtrond Sheriff’* Sale-
DAY IN DECEMBER next, between the
legal lurnrs of sale, at the Lower Market House
in the city of Augusta, the fallowing property,
viz., situated in the comity of Richmond: One
Tract of Laud, about three miles from the city of
Angnsta, on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad
(excepting the right, of wav of said railroad
through said tract of land), containing three hun
dred and time acres, more or less, bounded south
by lands of John Pbiuizy aud Rocky Creek, on
the westby lands now or formerly owned by De-
Laigle, on the north by land now or formerly
owned by DeLaigle and a lane of John Pbiuizy,
east by land of John I’hinizy. Levied on under
a mortgage ft. fa. on foreclosure issued from the
the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor
of John Pliinizy against Robert C. Easterling, to
satisfy said debt and costa, as the property of
Robert C. Easteiling. being- for the purchase
money of said tract of land, except snch portion
of said land as claimed by defendant as exempt
from levy and sale; said lam! being now in pos
session of John C. Spinks. And notice this day
served on him according to Jaw. The alwve prop
erty pointed out by John Pbiuizy.
October 3, 1868
oct4-td Deputy Sheriff Richmond co.
Letters of Adminis'ration.
Richmond County.
Whereas, James C. C. Blaek applies to me tor
Letters of Administration, with the will annexed,
on the estate of Jane Odom, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deecaseo, to be ami appear at my office, on or
before the first Monday in December next, to show
cause, if any they have, why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my baud and official signature, at
office, in Augusta, this 21st dav of Oetobei. 1868.
oct-’2—-4t Ordinary.
I. United States for the Northern District of
In the matter of . j
Bankrupt. ) No. 165
The said Bankrupt having petitioned the
Court for a discharge from all his debts prova
ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867,
notice is hereby given to all persons interested
to appear on the 12th day of November, 1868
at 12 o’clock at noon, at chambers of said
District Court, before Albert G Foster,Esq.,one
of the Registers of the said Court in Bank
ruptcy,at the Register’s office in the city of Mad
ison,Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the
the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be
granted. And further notice is hereby given
that the second aud third meetings of creditors
will lie held at the same time aud place.
Witness, the Honorable John Erskine,
|skal j Judge of said District Couit, aud the
mal thereof, this "Ist day of October,
1864 W B. SMITH.
0c.23—1 aw2w* Clerk.
“ ■ „O
Chartered by ActofCoafreßß.
—o —
Banking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner
of 19th street, Washington, D..C.
flpou every day—Sundays and Holidays ex
cepted—from 9 a. m. to 2p. m., and Saturday
evening’ from 6 to 8 p. m.
Deposits can always bo witho.-.-iwn without no
tice. Deposits in specie are repaid in specie.
All other deposits arc repaid in “Greenbacks”
or National Bank Bills.
All the profits belong to the depositors.
Investments are only made in Securities of
the United States. GEO. H. HARRIS,
Chairman Advisory Committee.
, Secretary.
Acting Cashiar.
au21 —d&wtf
‘Westward the Star of Empire Tekes
Its Way.”
Secure a Homestead
Incurj orated under the Laws of the
Hoiuea for ita laembers, »nd thereby induce
i mung inti on.
CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000
Divided into 200,000 shdres, at $5 each, payable
in United Staten currency.
(kTtHicatcHof Stcx k iesued to sobaepbers imme
diately upon receipt of the money.
Person Allowed to 21 old
More than Five Shares!
A circular containing a full description of die
property to lie distributed auioug eliureholdera
will be sent to tiny address, upon receipt of stamps
to cover postage. .
Informatiou as to price of laud in any portion of
die State, or upon any other subject of interest to
parties proposing to immigrate, cheerfully fur
nished, upon receipt of stamps for postage.
All letters should be addressed, "Secretary
Immigrant Homestead Association. Post Office
Box No. 82, San Francisco, California.”
au 16—3 m
The Law Register,
> the United States.
THE STATE REUORD, containing the State
and county officers, the organization, jurisdic
lion, and terms of the Courts for every State and
UNITED STATES, containing the officers ot
the Federal Govocnuient, the duties of the sev
eral departments, sketches of all the Members of
Congress, the officers and terms of the Federal
Courts. .
the laws for collecting debts, executing deeds,
verifying claims, and taking testimony, with
forms for every State, with much other useful
inforaiation ; the whole constituting an official
and business manual. v
Prepared from official returns by Johii Liv
tNasTmr, of the New York Bar, Secretary of the
Merchafits’ Union Law Company.
New York: Published by the Merchants’
Union Law Company, No. 128 Broadway, Third
Floor (iu the American Exchange National
Bank Building.)
The Book will be sent, prepaid, to any address
in the United States on receipt of TEN DOL
LARS; or, it will be forwarded by Express,
with bill, to be paid on delivery. je3—tf
I effected to any amount in the most reliable
Companies in the country.
The following Companies are especially repre
sented by him:
The QUEEN INSURANCE CO., of Loudon and
Columbus, Ga.
CO., of Hartford, Conn.
Scottsville, Va.
Norwich, Conn.
Alon treat, Va.
mond, Va.
more, Md. • '
ton, Va.
of New York. Cash Assets, $4,391,773.16.
0 .
I am now opening a CAREFULLY SELECTED
Dress Goods,
Prints, Flannels,
Faacy Goods, Etc., Etc.
As these Wools are bought only for
READY MONEY, they, of course, will be
172 Broad Stroet.
sop 20
Servants Wanted.
Washer and Irouer, to eerve my family of
three persons.
A email, but competent, House Girl. Good
rceonimemliitions required. Apply immediately
to Wm. c. barber,
ocldl- ls Broad rt.