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• ’ z ' Ki •.</(
National Republican
Official Organ of the U. 8. Government.
Ona, in adranco. ~....'.;5s 00
Six Months, la advaneo 2 M)
Three Months, in advance ; 1 215
■■S' A paper fur Hithed gratit to any one send
,vj h« " Club of ten nubteriberi.
US' The undersigned, having a coaiplotely |
furnished office, is enabled to execute all orders
for Book and Job Printing, Book-binding, or
Ruling cheaper than any other omeb in the
uUtll. 15- 11. PUG HE.
THURSDAY MORNING October 29, 1868
HginynanTßßS Dbcartmejit of tux Sooth, [
Atlanta, (la., Octobers, 1863. J
General Order) A’o. 27.
WiutnaAS, By aa act of Congress of the
United States, approved March 2d, 1865, it is
made the duty of :hc military authority to pre
serve the peace At the polls at any election that
may bo held in any of the States ; and Whereon,
ibis duly has become the more imperative, from
the existing political excitomont in the pubiic
mind, from the secant organisation of civil gov
ernment, and from the fact that Congress has,
by statute, prohibited the organisation of mili
tary foreea in the. several Stales of Illis Depart
ment, it is therefore, ordered,
I. That the several District Commanders will,
as soon as practicable, on the receipt of this
order, distribute the troops under their com
mands as follows:
In the District of South Carolina:
Ono company Sth Inlantry, to Chester.
One oompanj' Bth Infantry, to Unionville.
One company Bth Infantry, to I.aurensville.
One company Bth Infantry, to Abbeville.
One company Sth Infantry, to Nowberry.
Ono company Bth Infantry, to Edgefipld.
One company 6tli Infantry, to Beaufort.
Ono company 6th Infanfry, to Georgetown.
One company 6th Infantry, to Florence.
In the District of Georgia:
One company 16th Infantry, to Albany.
Ono company 16th Infantry, to Columbus.
One company 16th Inlantry, to Macon.
One company I6th infatitry, to Augusta.
Ono company 16th Infantry to Washington
Wilkes county.
Ono company 16th fnfehtry, to Americus.
One company 16th Infantry, to Thomasville.
One company (0) sth cavalry, to Athens.
The company a t Savannah to be reinforced,
should occasion require, by such number of mon
at Fort I’uiaski as can be spared from the post.
* » « « » »
11. Detachments, when necessary, may bo
made to points in the vicinity of each post ; but
iu no ease, nor on any pretext whatever, will
'lefaebuients be sent without a commissionod
nfR.-er, who will be fully instructed by Jiu Fast
VIU. District Commanders will instruct Post
Commanders in their duties, and the relative
position of the civil and military powers. They
will furnish them with copies of the circulars
from those 1-feaqunarters, of August 25th, and
October Ist ult., (the latter of which was for
warded September 15th, to District Command
eta), in which the instructions of the War De
partment are set forth in full. They will
impress on Post Commanders that they arc to
act in aid and co operation, and in subordination
to the civil authorities; that they are to exercise
discretion and judgment, unbiased by political
of other prejudices ; that their object should be
exclusively to preserve the peace end uphold
lew and order, and they must be sa isfiod such
is the ebjeet of the civil officer calling or. them
or aid, that they must iu all cases where time
will permit, apply for instruction to superior
authority, but ibey must at all hazards preserve
Hie peace, and not bo restrained by technical
points, when, in their conscientious judgment
under the rules above set forth, it is their duty to
act. Post Commanders, on being notified ol the
proposed holding of political meetings, may
send an officer, and if necessary a detachment,
to watch the proceedings and sue that the peso#
ii | reserved.
IX. To tho people of the several Bt,ties com
posing the Department, the Major general Com
manding appeals that they will co operate with
him end the civil authorities in suslaiiiing law
and order, in preserving the peace and in avoid
ing Ib.-.’c Sveiios of riot aud bloodshed, and iiic
wanton de.lrunfiwn of property and.lite, which
has already, iu a: me instances, beau enacted iu
the Department. lie urges abstinence from all
inflammatory and incendiary appeals to the
passions; disconnleiancing the keeping open of
liquor shops ou days of political meetings aud of
election; the abstaining from carrying arms,
and asserting the Individual right of construing
laws by force of arms. No just cause ;s ever
advanced by resort to violence. Let there be
charity aud forbearance among political oppo
nents, whatever may bo the result; let each
good citizen determine that all who. under the
law, have the right to tho ballot eball exeroisc it
undisturbed. If there are disputed points of
law, let them be reforre 1 to the Coirffs, aud let
not mobs or political clubs, or other irresponsiWa
bodies, construe and undertake to execute the
law. This appeal is made in the earnest hope
that the Major General Commanding cun rely
on the good sense and correct judgment of the
mass of the people, and that he will not be com
pelled to resort to the exercise of the power with
which he is intrusted, and which ho will most
reluctantly employ. But he thinks it his duty
to make known, that so far as the power under
his command will admit, he will not permit the
peace to he broken, aud that ho will nol lie
restrained in the conscientious discharge «f bis
duty by technicalities of laws made when the
present anomalous condition of affairs were
neither anticipated or provided for.
By order of Major General Mbapk :
ocll—tnov3 Assistant Adjutant General.
Assignee'* Sale.
vv House door, iu the of Sandersville.
Washington county, Ou . on the FIRST TUES
DAI IN NOVEMBER next, between the legal
hours of sale, four hundred and forty (AW) acres
ol land, on tlw> east sulo <if Buffalo creek, adjoining
lauds of Dr. J Storte find others—it being a fail
mce of five hundred acres out of whiehwas sixty
»< res net apart as exemption
Bold as rhe property of the estate of John Tra
wick, nil adjudged Bankrupt, free from the on
enrabranoe us liens, eta . for tho benefit of fee
freditoreof eard John Trawick Tevree <■«*>!.
October 1 fth, fBllB.
oeH—ti Areivnee.
Linen, aud Cation Bags, suitable for Wheat.
Com. etc., for sale in qnatitiuea to son. _ . . t
Bugs famivri tot theqransrsu'fatiou of (-i.n-ta, Ur
-> T 8 >TW AFER,
Ifag M Minfi hirer.
, { —•iwjnml MJ an«i 12 Wlikelmil tji., N. IT
Richmond County.
k NtcYiwsurf Oounty.
Whereas, James A. Gray, Administrator on
th® estate of Francis D’Connw, applies to mo
for Letters of Digmissiou.
These fire therefore to cite find admonish all
and singular, th® kindrod aud creditors of said
decoased, to bp and appear at my office on or
before the first Monday in Neyoqalior next, io
jhow cause, if any they havo, why said Letters
should nut bo granted.
(liven under my hand and official signature,
at office iu Angvsfa, this 2d day of leno, 1868.
jell—6m* Or. Unary.
Letters of Dismission.
llichutond CouHfif.
Whereju*, Jnaephina Wihw n. AdflrinirtßctrHt oh
tiie oUt* u£ Peter Wilson, 4- ceiiard,- applies to
Ute fur Letterd vs
Thhfec are, therefore,'to cite ana .iduieuiah all
and MLngular. the kindred »nd <?!•»•:iftorg of paid be and appear ut my ofticetmorbc
f<n-o the tirtft Moudav in (ictedher, to show cause,
if huJ they have, wliy sard Lettm should not be
gi anted.
Givtn under my lutdd and ofifeial Hguatun-. at
office in August a. tills Ith day of Mav,
fliyd—fiM’* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission-
HicJt-fuund tsMbHtjj.
Whereas, John i>. Bntf, Administrator <m the
estate of Patrick O’Sullivan, deceiifeed, applies to
me tor Letters of Diamissiou.
'rhcsc a.e, therefore, to cite ami admeuirh all
aifd Biuffular, the khnhed atid creditors of said
decwiwa, to be nn<l appear at my officaon or be
fore the lir«t Monday in October, to i«bo\v chuho.
if any they have, why said Lettcj s should not be
(riven under my hand and official signature, a
office in Aiigmda. ibis 51b day of May.
my 6—(>m* Ordimiry.
Wb.erciu-, Rob. Dotjgtasr ami S. I>. Williams.
Executors on the KsUUcof Ira I). Mathews, late
of said county, deceased, apply tome foff letters
of digmissiou :
These are, Uiereforv, h> cite and admonish all
and HHYgnlar. the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to l>e aud appear nt» my office on or before
the first Monday iu February next, to show cause,
it any they have, Avhy eaid Letters should uot be
Given under my band and official Mgnatare, at
office in Augusta, this August Jsth, 1S‘»8.
an Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
O kiefnnond County.
WneRKAS, Willium J. Farr, Aduiinietrator
th a nun, es the estate nf Georg* P. Green,
deceased, applies- to me for Loiters of Dismission.
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred ancl creditors pf raid
deceased, to be and appear at my office on or
before etc first M nday ia March next, to show
cause, if auy they have, why said Leiters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand ofacial signature
at office in Augu ti', ibis 7th day of Septcmhct,
1868. f'AMUfct LEVY.
sepS-lmfim Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission
O ft ioAnren'J-Utawl;;.
Whereas, John H. rlhv.Jer, .falmisihtruti r ou
the estate us WfiUuta !’■ M»lou», ileebiiseii, ap
plies to ma for'litters »f Dtarefsgton:
These ate, there! re. tu eit® aad admonish, al'
and stagul.ri the kiodred and creditor, of said
doccued, to be and appear at my office on or bo
foru the first Monday in March next, to show
cause, if any il-vy have, why said,Letters should
not be granted.
Given under iny hand and official, signature,
at ufiieein Augusta, this 25th dav of ■Reptciaher,
sup 26—ian6ia Ocißpary.
Letters of Dismission.
z r ,. f.-'f-f (,'fhi f.
Wnv.k ka « Timo th y C. Al t? rph y, Admini yr«U i r
ou the estatepf Phillip iteof *»nld edinf
ty, deceased, applies to nre for Letters of Dis
These arc, therefore, to cite and. adweninh all,
and singular, the kindred anil eceditars of said
deci»Rs<;d, to be and appear n* iu> AT?c.\. ■» i or
before the first ‘d<mday iu April next, to show
c..usc, if auy they have, why s%id Letters should
not be grant-ed.
Given under my band und official Hgna-ture,
at office in Augusta, this Istday < f October, 1868.
oct Ordinary.
Letters of Dhmiksion.
fj.'ct.ttortd ll.oinly,
John IL Fca.tcy T AdmuHiii.rHkH’ou
the estate of Hurry Huglies, deceased, iipplies to
me for Letters of
These, ure, therefore, cite juel wdmouish all
und Hiuguiar, the kindred and <■»’« dik>rH of the sab!
deceased. Vr be aud appear nt my fdljre on or bcfoi'e
the firet Monday in March in-xr, t<> bhew ciiuae,
if any they huve t xvliy iniuUuttvrd should not be
Given under my hand and ofiu iat dgnaturo. a
office in A.kfusia. thin <»f Si ptcml>er, 18G8.
scpMl Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission
Whereas. Caiolinc Dub».*t, Adtjimi. ftaii-ix,
with the will auMeXed on the <r*t:itH of Antoine
IMcqiiet, deeraiKid, ttpytiea mu for l<Uvra us
These are, therefore, to cru aud adinonirh ail
and singular, tbe kindred aud creditors of said
deceased, to aud appear al uiV office on or
before the first Monday in October,-to alrtw cause,
if any they havepwhy smid Lettc*i , « shnMd het he
Given under my hand and official signature at
Augusta, the WUidav of Mav. Hliw.
mylV-latvCtu* Oftfinary.
Letters of Administration.
STATE OF afOlifiHA-r-
Richtifond Cuuuty,
Whfcrra?, Ellen Dow®' spplrw-i to irre for Let
ters of Vflminisfr rtion on tbe estate of John
Daw®, late of saM county, deceased.
Tbose nre. therefore, tv cite ami admonish all
and singular, the kindrtfe mid creditors of said
deceased, to be and appeal-at iny office onotbefore
the first Monday in November next,to show can a:,
if any they have, Why said Letters ehotfei not btr
Givmt nailer mv lmn>l i'nd official signature at
officerin Angnsta, tkfatM-. dpyof September, 1868.
scp3“—irj Ordinary.
Hfek/riin.i Couuty.
WnxitxAs'. Daniel Brogau applies to me for
Letters of Adniinfetration .fc boms nou t on the
estate oFm-,trim Brogan, lal-i <>f strid county de
Thee® are tliereforeto aiie aud adumaistl all anJ
singular, tlw kindred, and. cl-editora 6l said Me
ceaSbfl. to be and AppeAr :ft iay office, oiror before
the funith MomUv >4 October next, to .how
cause, if any they kava, why wtid Letter* fegald
not be grxutejL
Given uflrter toy luirid iual official Mguatwe. tit
office in August;'., llu- 16th day «f September, 18t>8.
sep 17—ai Oniinurv.
Letters of Dismission.
4JTATE.VF (JEOfeylA, -
Fij _ Zs'eAree»nl thittitr.
Whxbkas. Jajnes T. Uutbwetl, Adintafatratwr
of the Estate es Thom aw Bi BvhHM, derrSccd
applies to me for Ifetters of Dirtnriedon
Itoeso are therefore to cH«- ati'l ■< ItnvMfe till
aud stagelar, tke-kfortred Aafeerefilforr bl saiff
Ylccease.l, ti> ho and oi pv 3t'ci£y fiiae jfa “V
"before :be first-Mortdmr ui M-irtli nnx*, to sht-w
• eattso if >uy theyh-yvo, why .<ii.J V.jtors sb uld
not be gfzntcd. ’ v ..
tiiven invlerfay ■ttu .fife ofijclal, —avouxgot
i.tfice iu Auffufe-, !' ■ Till il.v’vti flrul.UtJ.wr.
tSfifl. - ■'AMtM.'F'.’ '.nW. ■
OnlinJry. •
The American Artisan
189 Broadway, New York.
Mf-rere. BROWN, COOMBS Az CO., Proprie
ton of Um AMERICAN ARTISAN, oiler their
best Services to rnrenturt, as Solicitors <>t Aineri
cun mid Foreign Patenfa. Mr. Henry T. Browx,
of this firm, hue had more than twenty-two yearn'
experience in that prefesvion, belli In this country
and Europe, and his long practice him made
him personally known to tboueanda of inven
tors and patentees. The applications fpr the
patents upon nrnrtjj of the greater and more Im
portant in ven tiour of I he present century have been
prepared by him. Messrs. Brows. Coombs &. Co.,
are thoroughly familiar with all the rules anfl re
gulations instituted for the rapid titnuawtion of
business with the United States Patent Office, ami
the genuial practice in the Patent Bureaus of vari
ous European countries; mu] Uiis knowledge len
der.-: them confident that their post experience, with
their present nneqnalsd fiicilities,enables them to
elaborately and yet speedily prepare all tile dooa
muiitg lequireii by law in applicatious for patents,
and to promise their olients an absolute cerlaiuty
«ftuccesn\i\ flu ir;efforts toobtainj.etters.lhitcui f ir
inventions that ale really new and useful. Part:
euhtr care is given to the execution of the accurate
rfra'ctn#/’ which mast always accompany every
application for a patent, slid ilieji employ none but
the most efficient draughtsmen. The best evidence
of the manner in which Messrs. Brown, Coombs
& Co.’s business is perfoimed,is, that the “Amf.r
ican Artisan Patent Agency, ’ during the three
years of its existence, lias been the ruosf. fHccesrful
ituililulioH of the kind ever established.
The principal offices of Messrs. Brown. Coombs
A Coiare situated at 189 Broadway, opposite John
street, Now York, in the most central part of the
city. This location is one of very easy access by
strangers inasmuch as it is wilhiu a stone's throw
from the City Hall. All inventors temporarily so
journing in the metropolis are invited to visit this
establishment. I n|t he majority of instance no model
or drawing of an invention will be necessary on
the iiret interview, as a mere oral description by
the visitor will ordinarily suffice to convey such
aknowledge of bis Invention as will enable Messrs.
Hrown, Coombs 4. Co. to definitely determine
Wliethera machine or process i.s new orold—oaten
table or not The office hours are from 9a.m
to 5 F. m.
Messrs. Brown, Coombs .t Co. are prepared ,to
furnish to persons residing at a distance from New
York—free of ebarge—» r»We» opinions as to
whether inventions contain any foatuies of paten
table novelty, to do this they simply re.iuiie a
sketch or rough model of the machine or other in
vention that nt supposed to be new, together with
a brief description of the same, and as soon as pos
sible thereafter a letter of tho best advice is mail
nd to the person desiring the infoi matiou. These
opinions are formed from their own mature exper
mce-.but if an inventor desires to know, positively,
whether his incipient idea Ims ever been embodied
in a machine or process istroady patented his wisest
course will be to have a preliminary examination
made nt the United States Patent office by Messrs.
Brown, Coombs & Co., who will make a special
searchjrmong all the records of that institution and
then promptly forward a full aud carefully wriUefl
report ar to tJi» pats inability of the invention nu
de:' examiuatimi. For Ulis labor the small fee of
$5 is payable in advance; and the leiuittance
should be” uceempauied by a . keti-b of the invention
and a few lines of writing describing the same,
and distinctly statingthbse jaiinfa of novelty which
the iuvoutor desires to buvo pHrterted by Lcttert-
Patents for new and useful inventions are now
gmnted for tire term of sevrnttkn years The
firslinslalment ofthe Governmcm. lee is sls, which
sum—together with fifty cents revenue stamp-lax
on the powcr-of attorney—is payable »t* advance,
on applying for the patent; and S2O additional are
dne to the Government when theLetters-Pateiitare
ailoweil. The Agency fee is from $36 upward, ac
cording to the labor involved; but in all cases our
charged will be as moderate us possible iu the pre
p uatiou of drawings and all neccssaiy documents.
This fee is not payable until aflerthe apjffieation
lots been prepared aud the case is ready to lie sent
to 'A’ariiiugton. Mfessre. BR6WN. Coombs &, Co.
have a bruuchin Washington so thatall applica
lions made through them can have every necessary
attenftoH in their passage Ihroirgli flip Patent Office
Inventors applying for patents must furnisfl'
model s of their macliine.i, whenever passible, for
the Inspecti n'. • ! the Examiners Sh the Patent
Office; butjf tho invention is a chemical i-onipimi
tion. samples of all the ingredients will be neces
sary. Each these should be marked with the in
ventor's name, then carefully boxed, tnid sent (by
eXpres’.prepnfajj'togother with the fifstinstalmen
ofthcGovernment Messrs Brown, Coombs
&. Co. When the mold is small and light, it can
be conveniently and cheaply sentby mail The
model must not exceed one fo»t in any of itsuimens
ions, unless it is of stfeh n character that it is im
Patents, except those for designs, are granted
on equal terms to eitizeus audall foreigners,except
inhahitante of Canada and sortie others us too
British American Provinces.
Besides patents or new and usefu. hivoutions.
there are also granted patents for mwigus.
Deciga-patants are not now. us formerly, limited
strictly to ornamental configuration ; but under
Section H <-f tbe Act of .March 2, 1861. any new
formofany article,orany impression or figure upon
tbe surtaci of any article or material, by whatever
means or'process produced, can be patented. Un
der this Act, patentees’ are entitled to the exteu
tdon of their respective patents for the term of seven
years from the day on which said patents shall ex
pire. upon the same terms aud reetrictioiis as are
now provided fortbe extensionsof Letters-ltateut.
Auiou/r the uumerous subjects foi patents of this
tfei* may be particularly mentioned—Cartings of
all trtctalr., parts of. nrachmes, household furniture
mid utensils; gtassware, hardware of aii kinds,
cornices,and otlierinterior ami exterior decorations
of buildings; also, designs for woven and printed
fabrics, .b-css aud upltolstery trimmings, and har
ness lilbeto and tra le marks for medicines, pere
fiuncry. and all preparatioiw, compositions, or
hierelmndi: o, put up in bottles, boxes, or other
packages, uro suitable subjects; also, the forms of
suab botlles, boxes, or packages themselves, and
envelopes, likewise all works of art, as statuary,
busts. comnesJtions in alto or basso relievo. The
Government, fee on a design pat ent, for 3} years is
$1(1; 7 years, $Hx 14 yearr. $39. No models of
designs ere required; but duplicate drawings or
photographs must be formshed- The specification
to accompany the or photographs re
quires to be prepared with great care. Messrs
Brows. Uoouns & Co. give very particular at
teutiou to Illis branch of their business. Their
charge for preparing abdications for design patents
is generally about $! ■>. Design pal cuts are only
granted to American citizens or to aliens who have
resided one vear in the United States and made
oath of their inteiHion to become citizens thereof.
The facilities of Messrs. Bhowx, Coombs &. Co
for obtaining patents in the various European
countries are esinal if not superior to those of any
ofeerin the United States. With regard to tiiefr
qnahficulions for such business, it need only be
stated that Mr. Buown has had the prepara
lion of more European applications than any
otlici person in this conntry, Messrs. Brown,
OfaiMßS & Co , besides having a branch office in
Washington, have their own ngenci-s in the
principal capitals of Europe. A circular i elating
le foreign patent buauess will be furuiubed free
on application personally or by mail.
Messrs.BaowN, C< mbs & Co. also attend to In
terferences. tbe extensions of expiring Ixtters-
Ifateut.and all proceedings relating to petenu be
fore the United States Patent Office.
All letters, packages, boxes, etc., should be ad
dressed, prepaid, as follows:
Solicitors of Patents.
nfy 11—ly. No. 189 Broadway. New Yoric.
Advertisements forwarded to all Newspapers
No ndvonce tOmrgcd on I’ublisbcrs' prices,
tnicaffing'hcwspapbrs kept on file.
Informntton a.- ly eosl of Advert! ting fafeisha I
All orders receive careiql attention.
Inquiries by mail anew®red promptly,
' Complete printed lists «f Newspapers for sale.
. special lifts prepared ter wstotners.
\ trertivamon' 5 writtMt ami Nolie»» xeeareL
< rJcrs from Business Men especially solteifa.l.
Asiatic Chob rain China.
At Rev. R. Telford. Missionary in T’liiua, now
visiting in Peiinnylvaai’n: . -
Washinotoji, P»., JuuuJS, JSr'Ai
bfessrs. I’ci ry Varis Ji Son l rrovidr.nce,ll. 1.:
Dear Sirs—Daring R residence pf some ten
years as a Missionary in Siam ami Cliioa, I found
yum vegetable Puiu Killer a most valuable
remedy for that fearful scourge, tho Cholera.
In administering the medicine, I found fewest
efiectiml to giVc a tenspiMmfii! of Pain Killer in a
gill of hot wrier eweetemd with sugar; then,
after about fifteen uiiuutes, begin to give a table
spoonful ol the same mixture every niinnte until
relief was obtained. Apply hot application# to.
the extremities. Bathe tile stomach with Fain
Killer, ciear and rub the limlH briskly. Os those
who had the cholera, and lusk the medicine faith
fully in the way slated above, eight out of ten
recovered. Y’ours, truly,
if an attnek with Diarrhni, Dysentery, or
Crninp Colic, don’t ffijtay fhc use of Hie” Pain
Killer. Sold by all iiie iwiius deiileix Price. 26
cents, 51! cents, aud fl per imttle.
’ Manhattan. Kansas, April 17,186 G,
Geidlemcn— * * • J want to say a little
more about the F.uit Killer, I rounder it a very
valuable, medicine, aud always keep it on hand
I have Unveiled it go«*ddeal siintu 1 buvabeua iu
Kansas, aud never without hiking it with me.
In my practice I used it. freely for tho Asiatic
Cholera, in 181'.!, and witli bettor success any
other medicine ; 1 also used it here lor tdmlera in
1855. wWi the same giud resnlt.
Tluly, yours, A. HUNTING, M. D.
, • JI
C hold a ! * * s I regret to say that the
cholera has prevailed here of late to a fearful
extent. For tho last three weeks, from ten tp
fifty or sixty falttl cRsM each day lias been re
polled, 1 sfe tild add Juat the Pain Killer, aetif
recently it'oui the Missi. u House,,ha® been used
with eimridtiabie success during this epidemiu.
if taken itt season is gen. rally glfectual ill cheek
ing the disease.
tilwlapore, India.
[From the Portland Monthly,!
Summer Complaint and Dysentery.
Bowel cnuiplauits seem just uow to be Ute
prevaViifg element, and any mwlieitie that is
everywhere neeeptnbje, :uid that is reliable, is a
very desirable acquisition. From what we have
seen, la-ard, aud experienced, we believe Davie'
Paiu Killer to thfe desideratum. For the beat
method 6f .Usinglt,we quote from the directiope:
“For common bowel oomplaints, give one lea
spomitulin agill of new milk and molasses, in
equal jiarts, stirred well together; leaden the dose
foi -children, Molding to tlw ago. IfXheputn be
severe, kathetlie Lowereand back with the medi
cine. This mode of treatment is good in-cases of
the eholers nforbus, snffifen stoppages, etc. Re
peat the dosaevery hour.
“The Huiekealway I ever saw the dyseiitory
cured eras by taking one spoonful uf.ihe Pain
Ki'lprifl due gill of milk ayd molasses stirred
well together and drank hot. at the same time
bathing the taiwels freely nifli medicine Let
the dose be repeated every hour until thepr.tkml
is relieved.' 1
If'every person who has reason to fear life:
disease would provide themselves with a bottle
of this medicine, end use as occasion required, w
believe a great amount of suffering anil sickness
would be saved jel2—2m
Special Notice.
> ;.;.j
c-5 B
co E
ft y I V
*=> vHr
, I
k> fT WJ • >
-** Kb ■i'lPSB
Spectacles Rendered Useless.
J- Oeulist* and Dfvlney rerowimertd fee Ifec
of tbe CORNEA RESTORERS for Presbyopia
<;r Fur or Long Sightednew, or every person
wh)> wears spectacles from aid age-; Dimness of
Vision or Hurting; yverwurxedeyas; Astheno
pia or IVoak Eyes; Epiphora, or Watery- Eyes;
Pain in the Eye ball; Imaurosis, or Obscurity
of Vision; ’ Photopt'-bia, or Intolerance of
Light; Weakness es the Kotina and -Ojitier
Nerve ;■ M.vodesophin. er Spocks of Moving
Bodies before th® eyes; Ophthalmia, nr Inflam
mation. es tbe Eye and Eyelids, and Imperfect
Vision from tho effect of Inflammation, eto.;
Cataract Eyes; llewiopia, or Partial Ulfed
ness; and many other Diseases of tbe Eye.
Ourd Gvfitraiilsc'i or Mottey Hzfimded.
the Best Rettorer nf Ike. Ry:sujhi Known.
They can be used by any one with a eer
tainti- of success, and will reeeii-e immediate
btnonoial results, without the h ast fear of injury,
■ty tho eye. Circulars sent ftco.
A/ die Talent A-',;. Ilia, or Cornea h'lattcnen
Only known lieioedy in the World— has
ptoieda Great Success.
For further wf'M wuition, priee. and eerf if cates
■ i f cure«. addre.s
Dr. J- Sfnphcß & Cfr..
0. «rt-Y, 8?$,
Sto Broadway, KEW YORK,
,jrf- SIKPNNIN’i' ’-rAtilt AL EGYTTUN
ORIKNTfeb EVE OLNTMi;;."! will ewrc In
flamed eys lids, ‘V*. «h<* srevest otp.a.
Travelling Agents Wanted.
Hdling «»t iht HcNtnrers a |>k rju!
h«iahiW‘- JcMcabh-tvr alb Emtli.
Tts -<:n4
Arid fora!l who’Ac irv k» iu.ikc.nn Jibing
by ;i». e-'e-j eroployiuth AH
f.»X r fto-< ’t't Cfxi
pr|ih**ifr ftV p»r Kir* of /
ji-fl- .ewWtninhigJrifurwrr’ • •» L r ij-wt.
Ageaf/W«nte»L *' v 27
United States Marshal’s Sale.
of fieri facias, issued out of tlie Honorable,
I lie bill 11 Circuit Court of the United States for
the Southern District of Georgia, in favorof the
plaintills. Harn & Cnshing, in the following case,
to wit: IJsirn ifc Cushing versus John N. Webb
anj John M. Stark, 1 have levied npoti, as the
prt>|U'rty of John M. Stark, one lot of land; con
cuining ten (Hl) acres- more or less, together with
the iinnrovemcnts thereon, situate, lying, and
being in Wynnton, eounly of Mnaoogee, and
State el .Georgia, abvnt two miles oust of Coium
bus, aud bounded on the north, east and Westby
the lots belonging to James M Clmmbere, and oh
Ibe south by the tot belonging to tlie estate of
Moses Bntts, deceased, and known as the resi
deuce ol John M. Stark; aud will sell the same
at public unction, at tlie Court House, in tho city
<>f Macon, countv of Bibb, and State 6f Georgia,
next, between the luwljil hours ol sulo,.
Ter ids—Cash. ftofeted out by plain
iifl s attorney.
Dated at Savannah, Georgia, Octolier 2, 18iiX.
octi- law I vv United States Miushiil,
Assignee’s Sale-
FOSTER. Esq.. Register in Bankruptcy,
will lie sold before the Court House door, in the
town of Crawfordsville, comity of Taliaferro, and
State ot Georgia, at public outcry, for cash be
tween the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST
TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER next, free from
the iucumbramv, of liens, tlie following property,
One tract, of lend in the aforesaid State and
couuty, containing two hundred aud twenty
(9*10) acres more or less..
Also, n lot of land in Cherokee county, Georgia,
described as tot number 695. iu tbe 18fe Diotriut,
and 3d seefiou. containing forty (H>) acre* more
or Jess.
SoUus the property of the estate of David E.
Daniell, adjudged a Bankrupt.
Also, at the same imie and plmc, a lot of land
in Talmleno county, and aforesaid Stalo, contato
ing 'ufib minifrcd ami seven (107) acre* more or
leas. Sold m>' the estate ot Littleton B. Taylor
Also, at the ssnio tittle and phiee, tWo lota of
land, coiitiuning in the aggregate, two hundred
aud ninety nine fJWj ticres more or lasts, in Talia
ferro county. and said StHto. Tlie property of the
estate of John Rhoden, a Dauknipt-
Also, at tlie same time and jilacc, a tot of land
in the aforesaid State and county, containing Iw.
Ii mid red and thirty-six (231)) acre* more or less,
the property of feu estate of Absalom G . Evans,
Ban kriqit
Sharon, Ga.. Idila October, 1868.
mi 15—til Assignee.
Assignee’! Sale.
1 A.G Foster. Register iu Bankruptcy foi the
NorUrept Disttict of Gepnrja, wfel be acid, al
pnMle onhTy, before the Court House door in
Lcaingum, Ogfetl orpe comity, Geoigia, on the
tween the legal honrsof sale, undivided halves of
lots <>l land,each lot cotitainiug in all 25(1 acres,
one lot being No. 269 in the 10th <ll»t det; the utiwr
tot being No. t!76 in the 9th district, both lots in
MitolwD eounly. ,
The wbdie of lot No. 327. in the 9th district of
Mitchell county, containing ,-’SO acres. Lot No.
2T6, in the 7th dtetitot of Originally Berrien, and
it is believed now Berriuti, containing -190 uerrn.
Lot No 180, in tbe 13th district of Dooly count),
coufainrng 20 ‘j nires, and Lot No. 89, in rhe ’2d
dittriet of Eailv couuty, containing 250 acres.
Mortgage® on the RJfowiug tots of. land, exe
cuted by Lewis Ethridge to B V. Willingham,
to witS On tot No. 340, in the Iffih di tritit of Ber
rien containing 490 acres. Ou lot No, 155, in the
.2d district of Irwin, containing EH. acres. <ln lot
No. 231, iu tho Slli ifistrict of Early, containing
302 J acraa. Ou lot No. 196, in the 6th district of
Dooiv epnnty, containing 202 j acres; and on tot
No »'t>. in the 26t!i ‘district of Deoatur county,
oontaibing 250 u®i“es
Tliw mortgages, tbe Ajucigiieu lias laieu in
formed, Imve been duly recorded and foreclosed.
Whatever right Lelongud to Dr. B. V. W'illiug
hum at fee time he t'ceamo a bankrupt In and to
said -mortgage#, und rhe land mentioned therein,
ami tbe jattguienttof foreclosure on the Hattie. if
tliere be sugii imlgmenta, will be bought tiy fee
ptiiTlmser. and he will be placed in tbe room of
said Willfrig'liam in relnttou to said mortgiigcs.
All tbt* aforcwYMl property and Tights '®W as the
proper! vo< B-. V. Willingham, bankrupt,tor the
benefit ol his c r.diiois. tree of im-nmbraneo of
jniiguieiilfoid murtgase hens.
Terms (.uh ' B. F. HARDEMAN,
.oi th— td • Assigme.
Parent Cornea Restorers, or Restorers of! lie EYJESW HT.
' re iturt '■' n P' lTt ' sl Skt awl jtresci-ae it to the irtlett period es life
Postponed U. S. Marshal's Sale
Uj write of fieri facias, issued enl of the Ilon
orable the Fifth Circuit. Court ofthc United States
for tire Southern Diferict of Georgia, in favor of
the pfarntiffit. in the following eases to wit;
WILLIZ As C. DROWNING. Surviv'X.cte.,
I have- levied ripen, aztlie property of Bnnjfuuin F.
Adams, a I’bmtalfori, containing twenty six hun
dred (2,tiffit) acres, more or b‘s«.- akoate. lying
and being in tlu> comity of h'midvlph. and B;*re
of Georgia, immbure of lots itukuowiijmt lying at
:»ed iu.tiiediutely uromid Wards Station, on I lie
■ -.ici-. railroad.
‘ , ~
Quo tot ol Laiul, coptaininx one hnndred (100!
mne, mom or lw», with a dwelling bottse. out-
Quilduigs, and .oilier improvements, faring the
rerttfeuceol Bi-njamiri F Adams, and adjoining
tin- properly id Co). J. A Wingfield. A.O Mosley.
W. Id. Adame. Ji. G.tanking, and otlrere. in-the
town of Eiiionlop, cmufey <>l Pulnaia, anil State
Two Store H<.h&s und Farts on fee Court
Hoime iqimre, kiu-wn m Hnfeon and Tltmmis cor
net , a«w < h»u pirn I by B. F. JotwiMob A Co., and
Bcnj. F. Adam ß .
One Slore Hen.-e and tartOHKUfried by Ktbridge
& Dans.. drng;cirtte.
(tae tftore House and Loi en Main aueet, fteea
piedbyj M. Balbi'nl. Jr.
OneTnwn Lol near the Railroad Depot, UoW
vaeairt. *4
Ail tiro .jatd-J'nwn LmL situate. -Fyiog ami be
tas in the town ol Eatmrton.onouty <»f I’utuam,
and Ftate atiuesai.L
AftJ will rell tlie snore at public auctim.iit the
Voart HoiiSe in the city el Macon and county of
,Bilil>. niui Si .I.- of Georgia, on the FIKtiTTI'KS
DAV IN NOVEMBER next, bet ween the law
ful iumrsaif write. ; ' z -
Dhted at Savannah, Gs,. thia 3d day o£Septem
ber, 1868, WM. C. DICKSON,
oet2 lawtw U. S. Marshal Dirt, of G«.
State of GEbShiA— ~ ,
Richmond Cmnty.
Whkukaw, Jidward <> D<»nne.)l, Administrator
OB tlie ettato -es Richard Quinn, late of said
comity, deceased, applied to uie for Letters of Dia
These are, therefore, to cite and admcmish all
and ritigwlar the kindred nod creditor* of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office on or
t efore the firet Monday in March next, to sifow
cause, if any they bave.wliv said Letters should
not be granted. ’
fli veu tender my bred and official fetaatnre fe
office in Angnsta. this September 11tb. 1868.
ropli—Lauibiu -. Ordinary.
Letters of Administration
RichiHoud County.
"wiicrens. BU<-k;iM>lw» so f <ff
Leiters nt Adinhuetnirioii. with the will annvxed,
on fee estate of Jane O<l m. d . rarest.
These are, tliaretorv, to cite artri outmtnieU *ll
ami idngntar, the kiuijred aud < cedtares fe re id
deceased, to lie ami .appear nt my office, on ot
fadore the liret Monday in Decentlier next. to show
ran re. if any they hove, why said lt-tt"fr feonld
Hot Ire gruyfiai, ta
Given under *>y hand and ofl>< :al rtgimlrir’
Office bi Angqula. (hie ; -‘fal. Jav ot ft. tifeyi. loi-fl.
< ■ SAMUKT. lwy,
0.-e’d -JR ' (kwy. - *
Leave to Sell Real Estate.
4>nuH4r4 ‘ i • unttn w
hru by gifwi
tiou wlwl»r m.'i l* Cot’F! c’f
L* MtMUh* Ep i E -rtf* 11'Jhhww tifriwwm.
J. ?•>. I L BKOGAX,
Sii 't i.« sh C '. ti.-'r « n eu.
<u I'll
R. R. R.
out or
OF DEATHS, that annually
occur, are caused by Prevent
able Diseases, and the greater
portion of those complaints
would, if Radway’s Ready Re
lief or Pills, (as the ca«e may
require,) were administerea
when pain or uneasiness or
slight sickness is experienced,
be exterminated firom the sys
tem in a few hours. PAIN, no
matter from what cause, is
almost instantly cured by the
Ready Relief. In eases of Cho
lera, Diarrhoea, Cramps, Spasms
Bilious Cholic, in fact all Pains,
Aches and Infirmities either in
the Stomach, Bowels, Bladder,
Kidneys, or the Joints, Muscles,
Legs, Arms, Rheumatism, Neu
ralgia, Fever aud Ague, Head
ache, Toothache, &c., will in a
FEW MINUTES yield to the
soothing influence of the Ready
Sudden Cold*, Cough*, Influenza, Dip
tbc-ria, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Chills, Fever
and Ague, Mercurial Pains, Scarlet Fever,
&.C., fee. take from four to six of Railway's
Pill®, and al«o take a teespoonful of tbe
Ready Relief in a glass of warm water, sweet
ened with sugar Or honey; bathe the throat,
bead and chest with Ready Relief, (if Ague
or Intermittent Fever, bathe the epine also,)
in the morning you will be cured.
How the Ready Relief Acts I
In a few minutes the patient will feel c
flight tingling irritation, and the skin be
eoroea roddened: if there is much distress in
flio stomach, (he Belief will assist nature ia
removing fee offending cause,—* general
.anuth is felt throughout fee entire body,
and its diffusive stimulating propertier
ntpiiMy courses through every vein and tissue
of the system, arousing fee slothful and
pirtblly paralyzed gland* and organs to »•
uewed and healthy action, perspiration fal
ihwgj and the surface of fee body feels in
r:-miseil beat The sickness at stomach, colds,
.hills,, head-ache, oppressed breathing, fee
■vretiess of the throat, and al! pains, either
'ntermilly or externally, rapidly subside, and
he patient Sills into a tranquil sleep, awake*
trt-slied, invigorated, cored.©
It will be found that in using fee Relief
- ti-witrlly, either on the spine or across fee
" ineys, or over the stomach and bowels, feat
.for several days after a pleasing warmth will
fa- frit, showing the length of time It con
tinue? its influence over the diseased part*.
I V I’ri'* of R - R - R - WffiD®, 60 cents
~.•1 bottle. Bold by Druggist* and Country
‘-■l'. Grocers, &c.
87 Maiden Lane, New York.
This disensc is not only cured by
Dr. Itndway’u Relief and Pills, but pro
ven ted. If' exposed to it, put one tea
spoonful of Relief in a tumbler ol
water. Drink this before jjoing out in
the morning, and several tunes during
th# day. Tnke one of Radway's Pills
one hour Li-fore dinner, and one on
■ ling to I i ?
If aefeod with Fever, take 4to 6 oi
Pills every six hours, until copious
..schorgeu from tho bowels take place;
‘so drink th»' Relief diluted with
w ater, and bathe tho entire surface oi
the body with Relief. Soon a power
ful perspiration will take place, and
you will foel a pleasant heat through
out the system. Keep on taking Reliol
repeatedly, every four hours, also the
Pills. A cure will be sure to follow
The relief is strengthening, stimulating,
soothing, and ijuioting; it is sure te
break up the .hover and to neutralize
the poison iret this treatment bo fol
lowed, and thousinds will be saved
The same treatment in Fever and Ague,
Yellow Fever, Ship Fever, Bihom
Feve ', will effect a cure in 21 hours
When the patient feels the Relief irrita
ting or heating the skin, a cure is posi
tive. In all cases where pain is felt
the Relief should he used.
Relief 50 cte.; Pills 25 cts. Sole
by all Druggiste.
See Dr. Radway’s Almanac for 1868
Sold by PLUMB <fc LEITNER.
ma* — ly. Auguata, ti*.
A Proclamatioi i
By the President of the United States
of America.
Iu the year «'hlull is now drawing to ita end.
the art, the skiß, and the labor of the people of the
United States have been employed wife greater
diligeuce and vigor, and on broader Held* than
ever before, and the frrrite of the earth have beep
gathered into the granary and atorehonee in mar
velour abundance. Our highways have been
lengthened, and new and prolific regions have
been occupied. We are permitted to hope that
long protracted political and sectional dintenrions,
at no dirtant day, will give place to rettrroing
harmony and fraternal affection ibroogluail the
RepnlJiC- Many foreign States have entered into
liberal agreements with ns, while nations wlrieh
am tar off, and which heretofore have been
nnsoetal and exclusive, have become oor friends.
Tb» animal period <rf real, whioli we have
lofaihed in heeJtb and tranquility , and whiek is
c.rowhrd with so many bleseings, is by amvenal
mmeent a convenient and suitable one for cnlii
rating personal piety and practicing public devo-
HOU. ’ . -A-
- J, therefore, recommend Hint Tbnroday, tbp
LW<My wxfe day of November next, he set apart
and oboorved by nil the poopte of th« United
States as a day ol pnblic piaisa, thanksgivmg aud
praverto fee Alnrighty Creator and Divine Knler
of tlie Univette, by Whose ever watehfnl. merrihil
and gnu kms providence nloneState* and Nations.
itoleMi than muiilies and inilivldiiel men. <fo Five
dud tuoveaad have their being.
In witness whereof 1 have hereunto wl my
baud and Caused the seat of the United States to
hr iifizod. .
Doiie nt tlie ditv of Wariringtep. Hietweltfh day,
es October, in the yen'- mirT..>rd,
f.-Fst.,l one tlioueaad etgfo Iniadu tj sou sixO,--
eight, and of the imlcpi n.leliceof.tllc
Unitedffotte* th'- tthirey third'
H\ Hie I’r 'iileiit:
I fMrtll—td Noe;ry ol Blate.
. NO 388
Rbkv> *
Whxuxas, It i« reported by reliable citizens
frtpn many counties of tliu State, that preMni- ,
tion* are being made to collect onerous U;x*s levied
under anllierily of the L'onstitntiou of eighteen
hundred and sfety-iiva (18(15),. and, failing to L
collect , to apply tbe pro view*™ o* fee preaeuf •
Ctmstittttton, and thereby exclude many citizens
from the privilege of voting. *-
Therefore, I, Rulmjß. Rulloek, GoTOrffior, and
Commander in-Chief ol the Army j»nd
the Rtate of Georgia, and of the Militia thereof,
by virtue of the authority in tne vestcu hy ftifi
Seventieth (70th) seet ion of theC<>‘leof Georgia,
do hereby eanpend the cojfiecttou of. alt poll luxes
nntii the next regular sesriou of feu General
Assembly of this State, am! of this shspensfoii tn®
Comptroller General will forthwith gi-vnnoMe to -
the Tax Coltectora of the several counties.
Siren under my hand and tho Great Seal of fee
State, at tbe Capitol, in tiro City of atiafiln, this '
twentieth day Os October, in fee year of on.-'
Lvrel eighteen hundred and eixlystoglit, awl of
the Inuepelideiu-e of llm UlHted,.-of
America the ninety-thtod. ~
By Mie Governor: . Governor. -
David G. CoiTinc,
Secretary of Stnlm
CoMrrKoLi.Ea GBNkitkt's QrrjUt.' j
.. Atlanta, Ga.OCU 27, Igfife j •
I\> ike Ta a Collei tnrs hftkh '
In nouformtty wife the ifeoVe wrOetStatrltmi/by
fas Exeelleucy, fee Governor-of that.flfete of
Georgia, you afe hereby tp
collection of all poll faxeg,
fenntiee, until the next, regnlxr wMnbn T'f.llji
Gepern! Assembly.of this Stato. ’ -
Raspeofetßyr- ■
r > i’oclamatioii. ..
/W' : -
I ii * is “ m I****.“
Bw ® / nJ- .
Whkkkas, on the 3d day of- Nuvsflrtiev sfeiefe
uu election will J>o, iwlfejf the y»rto|to
this cstabltrlhrii by law for holding e&vQpur
by the people thwW,for pine Eluetofs'oF I'rasi
dent and-iViee PresiilanL of trie United Slates J
And wbaroae, from- tlus irteVeared pumber'sitU
qualified vulers in this State, additional'opp<>r
tuniti« f must be afforded, that it bepoxti
bh! »Pd convenient ffit/all pertotjSj,-who are oil
tltlirtlTn exeroire ittie elective to.'vd(e’
at said election r
.NoW,Jtherefore, F, Hutus B. Rullock, ftovAwwr
and Commander-itt-UMef of the Armj artd Jiary- .
of ton Stalo of Georgia, and of the M;Uii> fewv
of, do hereby issue this my Proclamation oyfipr- .
tag and requiring that, in addition H> the clec
liou iu <ncb Militia Dirtrict, there sb ait De at the
county sits election preetaot, fefee baUetrbhxtM
used, r.ijd tbreo bmrU; us SeperffirtencUmto oi
election duly qualified and organized to ““"I*
ballot box, ami the election shall be conducted
by each boardpf Superin tondenfo, ta tb'o sajfac .'
utanuer, and with - fee samo its if _
there were but one ballot-bw* ami x>up Fatard rtf
'Supcrintenduits. Each flonjA will muke.aeplspta,
returns, as required F>y far.. '. 'hi.
Given under my hand und the Great ftf thef
State, at the Uaiutol inthecity ol Atlanta,thn. I2tb
day of Oc.tobm 4 ja few yeuri'f one Lord, eishleert.
hundred n»d sixty-<'ixiit,nud oflhe IpdepvuderKp
of the United States of Anferfait tho airily fewd.
rufus B, ,■
By tlie Governor: ’ . "•
.. ■ David g. uonu<9, .- -tu -
Jfccfetatf 7r.3RtJ>-< .... -t.r
ikh Fl--trie ' .
. 4 (KF •* ” >
W OUMBUANTES, iu'the<fffx. of Atlauta, o».
tlie THIRD TUESDAY in Notember'next, it
11 o'clock a. m., tlie lollbwing prof-erryr, te wit:
<-ity Lot Number Eleven,
On east side of Peachtree irtreeL beiuff. part of,
land lot 78, 1 fth district of orioiuufly Heary.ymw
Felton county, fronting dn Fehririree street Tl|_
feet, aud extending book WfoH.
On this lot ba ■■ - •
Besides a dry basemcub fact front Iff 78 buck,
aud considered onu us fee Freut bwfetwga iu tiiia
‘ *«• . . - ■' -
' .' ‘ ALSp, , r _ ', ,5 . ; '..
al (lie sane titfmaud place, pkA ife win: --i ■
Choice Wines and Liquors,
.Copaietiugfol-T- : -• «;
1 U>l. OTARi) HRANDY,-
I bbl. S'l. C. RL'AI,
1 puncheon GIN, s
1 «>l. PORT WINK,
S cnsks PORTER,'
1 ALSO, ' ‘ ■ • .
29 oiie gnlbo' dttgr. and Stuidry Aide’s open
Accouuta. - -
Immediately aftai- which. I wilt roW oy>--fee '
premises- ■ jt... y jafeijr .
Homie cmrtainfeg fioir reeoil jazd basement,
sitautod ou east »idu.of PiHmfrtiOw ytfyot, ou «ty <
lot No. 3t,cj(rtitiduHi“.otie fydf aece, uiore gr lest.
i- - ' -rMA - 'ywe . . .
adjoiruug ’rik>yd-h*K nnd fr<faUrtjj JWlfreei
on Ivy atn#k vdiMamw--dt' Mera, or
- /re I a'- *•• F* • 9*' * s'
AJlMldas B«‘ preito’iy J l ,- '
banarupC' - f * '
Poswretoadriven idrmeffiart-lv; - Terufe ert*B.
' - -N. (fc-#OW<a*L.- ' .•
United Staler foi the Sent hem Utotrst' of
Georgy- ? _
In the matter flf t ‘ ■ -fe .
ifa»kwr»- ■' * 5 - *
Tlsc aaid feimtuapt bavjag peMUooed tlfe
Court f<y »direlmrgc from all h» dobto pw»a
-trie urfilw Vie Ifanßtupt feet us MuroffaJ, 18b'.
noticrls hertriry glyen to iflt persefa* Uitcreated
to appear on w 'JntJi day of November. 18(18,
at IU otafamk a. rem at cfauubers of raid Dfatrk't
Coiwt WbruJF. 8. Ikw ltiue, Kaq-. ®»o ol
the. vXAKi'dd , t uurl ku
nsnU'j'/irt life otffce at. Ibv conjgr •lay
and hrsvlrifi stare unfth Ceorglir.
and 4mv<4»« why »!»•; I'"*’’'’ thc said
a with, n ottlio.ltanlirtipt . UuilM not begHHWrd.
4 Dhted <t fan smmli, <ta- .Hfe' »<th dav of Octo
, .'it * iAmes m< phf.Rmon,
boil; -law»w Clsrk.