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National Republican
Official Organ of the U. S. Government.
ii.r, in advance..... $5 00
~, Month*, in advance 2 50
l-hrw .Month*, in advance..... 1 25
-t»* .1 paper furnished gratis to any one send
,■ „« .1 Club of ten subscribers.
The undersigned, having a completely
furnished office, is enabled to execute all orders
f„r Book and -lob Printing, Book-binding, or
Pnlioc cheaper than any other office in the
i . 11. Pl II<:.
FRIDAY MOBNINi her 3(1, 1868
—l i ." ‘"■’""—"Ta
lii’.tnqcAnTEßS Department or the South,)
Atlanta, Ga., October 8, 1868. J
fl, neral Orders No. 27.
Whekea«> By an aet of Congress of the
United States, approved March 2d, 1865, it is
made the duty of the military authority to pre
serve the peace at the polls at any election that
may be held in any of the States ; and JFAereas,
this duty has become the more imperative, from
the existing political excitement in the pubiio
mind, from the recent organisation of civil gov
ernment, and from the fact that Congress Las,
by statute, prohibited the organisation of mili
tary forces in the several Slates of this Depart
ment, it is therefore, ordered,
1. That the several District Commanders will,
ns soon as practicable, on the receipt of this
order, distribute the troops under their com
mands as follows:
***** »
In the District of South .Carolina:
One company Bth Infantry, to Chester.
One company Bth Infantry, to Unionville.
Ono company Bth Infantry, to Laurensville.
Ono company Sth Infantry, to Abbeville.
Ono company Sth Infantry, to Newberry.
One company Sth Infantry, to Edgefield.
Ono company 6t.h Infantry, Io Beaufort,
one company 6lh Infantry, to Georgetown.
One company flth Infantry, to Florence.
In the District of Georgia:
One company 16th Infantry, to Albany.
One company 16i.h Infantry, to Columbus.
One company 16th Infantry, to Macon.
Ono company Itith Infantry, to Augusta.
One company 16th Infantry to Washington
Wilkes county.
One company 16tb Infantry, to Americus.
Ono company 16th Infantry, to Thomasville.
One company (C) sth cavalry, to Athens.
Toe company a t Savannah to be reinforced,
should occasion require, by such number el men
il Fort Pulaski as can be spared from the post.
If. Detachments, when necessary, may be
in ;i de to points in the vicinity of each post; but
in no case, nor on any pretext whatever, will
detachments be sent without a commissioned
"flier, who will bo fully instructed by his Port
Com mander.
VIII. District Cvmmuudcrs will instruct Post
< uiutuandera in their duties, ami the relative
position of the civil and military powers. They
will furnish them with copies of the circulars
from these Hcaquuartcrs, of August 25th, and
October Ist ult., (the latter of which was for
warded September 15th, to District Command
ers), in which the instructions of the Wai De
partment are sot forth iu full. They will
impress on Post Commanders that, they are to
a< t in aid and co operation, and in subordination
tn the civil authorities; that they are to exercise
discretion and judgment, unbiased by political
or other prejudices ; that their object should be
exclusively to preserve the peace and uphold
law and order, and they must be sa’isfied such
i” the object of the civil officer calling on them
or aid, that they must in all cases where time
will permit, apply for instruction to superior
authority, but they must at all hazards preserve
the peace, and not be restrained by technical
points, when, in their conscientious judgment
under the rules above set forth, it is their duty to
act. Post Commanders, on being notified of the
proposed holding of political meetings, may
send an officer, and if necessary a detachment,
to watch the proceedings and sec that the peace
is preserved.
IX. To the people of the several States com
posing the Department, the Major General Com
manding appeals that they will co-operate with
him and the civil authorities in sustaining law
and order, in preserving the peace and in avoid
ing those scenes of riot and bloodshed, and the
wanton destruction of property and life, which
has already, in some instances, been enacted in
the Department, lie urges abstinence from all
inflammatory and incendiary appeals to the
passions; discountenancing the keeping open of
li'juor shops on days of political meetings and of
election; the abstaining from carrying arms,
and asserting the individual right of construing
laws by force of arms. No just cause is ever
advanced by resort to violence. Let there be
charity and forbearance among political oppo
nents, whatever may bo the result ; let each
good citizen determine that all who, under the
law, have the right to the ballot shall exercise it
undisturbed. If there are disputed points of
law, let them be referred to the Courts, and let
not mobs or political clubs, or other irresponsible
bodies, construe and undertake to execute the
law. This appeal is made in the earnest hope
that the Major General Commanding can rely
on the good sense and correct judgment of the
mass of the people, and that he will not be com
pelled to resort to the exercise of the power with
which he is intrusted, and which he will most
reluctantly employ. But he thinks it his duty
to make known, that so far as the power under
his command will admit, he will not jiermit the
peace to he broken, and that he will not be
restrained in the conscientious discharge of his
fluty by technicalities of laws made when the
present anamalous condition of affairs were
neither anticipated or provided for.
By order of Major General Meade ;
oc 14—tnov.3 Assistant Ad»utaut General.
Assignee’s Sale.
House door, in the town of Sandersville,
Washington county, Gn-, on the FIRST TUES’
DAY IN NOVEMBER next, between the legal
hours of sale, four hundred and forty (410) acres
’’Hand, on the east side of Buffalo creek, adjoining
lauds of. Dr. J. Stone and others—it being a bal
ance of five hundred acres, out of which was sixty
acres set apart as exemption
Sold as the property of the estate of John Tra
wick, an adjudged Bankrupt, free from the en
cumbrance of bens, etc., for the benefit of the
creditors of said John Trawick. e Terms cash.
October 14th, 1868.
ocl4—ti Assignee,
Yew and second hand burlap
XI Linen. an 4 Cotton Bags, enkabtr for Wheat,
Corn, etc., for sale m qnantiließ to soil
Rag, loaned for the transportation of Grain, bv
Ban Manitfn. tnrer.
vc 13—Gw[con] Wand ■! ’ Whitehall St., N. Y
Richmond County.
Richnwtu} County.
Whereas, Jamc® A. Gray, Administrator ou
the estate of Francis O’Conner, applies to rao
for Letters of Dismission.
these are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindrod and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office on or
before the first Monday in November next, to
show cause, if any they have, why said Letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signature,
at office in Augusta, this 2<l day of June, ’ 868.
je3—6m* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
Richmond. County.
Whereas, Josephine Wilson, Administratrix on
Ihe estate of Peter Wilson, deceased, applies to
me for Letters of Dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, tu be and appear at my office on or be
fore the first Monday in October, to show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not be
gi anted.
Given under my hand and official signature; at
office in Augusta, this Ith day of May, 1868.
my 6 —6m* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
Richmond County.
Whereas, John D. Butt, Administrator on the
estate of Patrick O’Sullivan, deceased, applies to
me for Letters of Dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to l»e and ap|H*ar at my office on or be
fore the tirst Monday in October, to show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not be
Given under my hand and official signature, a
office in Augusta, this sth day of Mav, J 868.
niyil—iin. x Ordii. ry.
£S Richmond County.
Whereas, Rob. Douglass and S. I). Williams.
Executes? on the Estateof Ira D. Mathews, late
of said county, deceased, apply tome for letters
of dismission :
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to be and appear at my office on or before
the first .Monday in February next, to show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not be
Given under my hand and official signature, at
office in Augusta, this August 15th, 1868.
an 16—lainBm Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
Richtnond County.
Wheruas. William J. Karr, Administrator
de bourn* non <»f the estate us George P. Green,
deceased, applies to me for Letters ot Dismission.
Thesu arc thcruwrc to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office on or
before the frrsl Monday in March next, to show
cause, if any they have, why said Letters should
not be granted.
Given under tuy band and official signature
at office in Augusta, this 7th day of September,
sepß-lm6in Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission-
k J Richmond County.
Whereas, John JI. Rhodes, Administrator on
the estate of William f. Mahmq, deceased, ap
plies to me for Rettert of Dismission:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all
and singular, the kindrod and creditors of said
deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or be
fore the fifst .Monday in March next, to show
cause, if any they have, why said Letters should
not be granted.
Given under my band and official signature,
at office in Augusta, this 25th day of September,
sep26 law6m Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
' Richmond County.
Wheiibas Timothy C. Murphy. AaministraAcr
on the estate of Pbilli[> AlcOee, Lite of said coun
ty, deceased, applies t<» me for Letters of Dis
mission :
Theaeare, therefore, to cite and admonish' all,
and singular, the kindred and creditors of a«id
deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or
before the first Monday in April next, to show
cause, if any they have, why said Lcttere should
not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signature,
at office in Augusta, this Ist day of October, 1868.
oct 2 lam6m Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
O Richmond County.
Whkkeas, J9IIII 11. Fearev. Ailmiiii.-tialor on
tl»e estate of Harry Hughes, Accased, applies to
me for Letters of Dismission—
These, are, therefore, to cite mid arinumieh all
and singular, tlie kindred aud creditors of tbc said
deceased, to be and appear at my ofHceon or before
the first Monday in March next, to show cause,
if any they have, why said letters should not lie
Given under my hand and official signature a
office in Augusta, thi*:2Bth ikiv of .Seplc tnbor. 1868.
sop 2- 6m Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission
V.T Uichn.oHd County.
Whereas. Caioliue D«bet. Administratrix,
vvitii the will annexed on tin- estate ot Antoine
Picquet, deceased, ajiplies to me for Leiters of
These are, therefore, to cite :md admonish all
and singular, the kindred aud creditors oi said
deceased, to be aud appear at my oilice on or
before the first Monday in October, to show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters shoukl not be
Given under my hand and official signature at
Augusta, the 16th day of May, 1868.
mylV-lawfim* Ordinary.
Letters of Administration.
Richmond County.
Whereas, Ellen Dowc applies to inc for Let
ters of Administration on the estate of John
Dowe,’late of said county, deceased.
These arc, therefore, to cite aud admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be aud appear at my oilioe on or before
the first Monday in November next,to show cause,
if any they have, why sail Letters shbuld not be
Givbn under my hand ami official signature at
office in Augusta, this dav of September, 1868.
sop3o—lm _ Ordinary.
HicUnionetCo anty.
WhxrXas, Daniel Brogan applies to me for
Letters of Administration de bonis non, on the
estate of Marlin Brogan, late of said county de
These are therefore to dte and admtzrtrsb all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to be Hud my office, on or before
the fourth Monday in October next, to show
cause, if any they have, why said Letters should
not be granted.
Given under my inuid ami official signature, at.
office iu Augusta, Illis Kith dav of September, 1868.
sepl’—tn Onlinarv.
Letters of Dismission
Richtnoml Couutv.
Whereas, James T. Buthwell, AdiaiDititraUir
of the Estate of Thomas B. Smith, deceased,
applies to me for Letters of Dismission.
These are therefore to cate and adm >ui-h all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or
before the first Monday in March next, to show
cause if any they have, why sai l Letters should
not be granted.
Given under my baud and official signature at
office in Augurta, this 7lfi Jay of September.
1868. ‘ AMI EL LEVY,
S»pß—l mt'm Ordinary.
The American Artisan
189 Broadway, New York.
IMi-twiS. BROWN, COOMBS .V. CO., I’iopiie
tots of tlio AMERICAN ARTISAN, offer their
best services to inventors , as Solicitors ot Aiaori
can and Foreign Patent#. Mr. llkkufT. Bttowx,
of this firm, has had more than trenty-tiro years'
experience in that prefiwion. both in this conntry
and Europe, and his long practice has made
him personally known to thousands of inven
tors and patentees. The applications fug the
patents upon many of the greater and more im
portant in ventions of the present century have been
prepared by him. Messrs. Brown, Coombs &. Co.,
are thoroughly familiar with all the rales and re
gulatious inetituted for the rapid uanstictiou of
business with the United States Patent Office, and
the general practice in the Patent Bureaus of vari
ous European countries; nd this knowledge ren
ders them confident that I heir post experience, with
their present unequaled facilities, enables them to
elaborately and yet speedily prepare all the docu
ments required by law in applications for patent.*,
and to promise their clients an absolute certainty
of success™. t beii-Jeffort* to obtain Letters Patentfir
inventions that aie really now andnsuful. Parti
eular care is given to the execution of the accurate
drawings which must always accompany every
application for a patent, and they employ none but
the nioßtetticientdraughtsmen. The best evidence
of the manner in wluoli Messrs. Bkown, Coombs
& Co.’s business is performed,is, that the “Amer
ican Artisan Patent Age.nct,” during the three
years of its existence, liae been the most successful
'institution of the kind ever established..
The principal offices of Messrs. Brown. Coombs
&, Co. are situated at 189 Broadway, opposite John
street. New York, in the most central part of the
city. This location is one of very easy access by
stranger* inasmuch as it is within u stone’s throw
from the City Hall. All inventors temporalily so
journiug in tile metropolis are invited to visit this
establishment. Injllie majority of instance no model
or drawing of an invention will be necessary on
tlie first interview, a* a mere oral description by
tlie visitor will ordinarily suffice to convey such
aknowledge of his invention as will enable Messrs.
Brown, Coombs & Co. te definitely determine
wliethera machine or process is new or old—paten
table or not. The office hours are from 9a m.
to 5 P. M.
Messrs. Bitows, Coombs & Co. are prepared to
furnish to persons residing at a distance from New
York —free of charge— written opinions, as to
whether inventions contain any features of paten
table novelty; to do this they simply require a
sketch or rough model of the machine or ot her in
vention that is supposed to bo new, together with
a brief description of the same, mid as soon as pos
sible thereafter a letter of tlie best advice is mail
cd to tlie person desiring the information. These
opinions are formed from their own mature oxpei ■
ience; but if an inventor desires to know, positively,
whether liis incipient idea lias over been embodied
in a machine or process already patented, bis wisest
course will be to have a preliminary examination
made at the United Slates Patent ofHceby Messrs.
Brown, Coombs & Co., who will make a special
searchytmoug all tlie records of that institution,and
then promptly forward a full ami carefully written
report as to the patentability of the invention un
der examination. For this labor the small fee of
s•> is payable in advance; and the remittance
should be accompanied by a sketch of the in venlion
and a few lines of writing describing tlie same,
and distinctly stating those points of novelty wiiicii
the inventor desires to have protected by Lctters-
Patents for new ami useful inventions are now
granted for tiie term of skvknthkn i xaks The
first instalment offtlie GtfVenunem fee is sls, which
sum -together with 11M cents revenue stamp-tax
'on tlie power-of attorney—ls payable tn_ advance,
on applying for the patent; and S2O additional nre
dneiotlie Government when the Letters-Patent are
allowed. The Agency fee is from $25 upward, ac
cording to the labor involved; but m all cases our
charges will be as moderate as possible iu the pre
paration of drawings and all necessary documents.
This fee is not payable until after the application
has been prepared ami the case is ready' to he sent
to Washington. Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co.
have a branch in Washington so that all appliea
tious made through them can have every necessary
attention in t heir passage t hrough the Patent Office
Inventors applying for patents must furnish
models of their machines, whenever possible, for
the inspection of the Examiners in the Patent
Office; but if the invention is :i chemical eomposi
-1 ion. samples of all the ingredients will be neces
sary. Each of these should lie marked with the in
ventor’s natuo. then carefully boxed, aud sent (by
express, prepaid], together with the first i natal men
of the Govern meat fee. to Messrs Brown, Coombs
& Co. When the mo !• lis small and light. it can
be conveniently and cheaply ,-eutby raaif The
model must not exceed one toot, in any of its dimens
ions, unless it is of such a character that it is im
Patohts, except those for designs, are granted
on equal terms to-citizens aud all foreigners, except
iiihabitants of Canada and some others of the
British American Provinces.
Besides patents or now and usefiu inventions,
there are also granted patents for designs.
Design-patents are not now. ft* formerly, limiteil
strictly to ornamental configuration ; but under
Section 11 of the Act of March 2, 1861, any new
formofany article, orany impression or figure upon
the surface of any article or material, by whatever
means or process produced, can be patented. Un
der this Aet. patentees are entitled to the exten
sion of their respective patents for the t erm of seven
years from the day on which said patents shall ex
pire, upon the same terms and restrictions as are
now provided fertile extension* of Letters-Patent.
Among the numerous subjects for patents es tins
class may be particularly mentioned—castings ot
all metal’s, paits of machine's, household furniture
mid utensils; glassware, bardwnre of all kinds,
cornices, and othetinterior and exterior decor i tions
of buildings; also, designs for woven and printed
fabrics, dress and upholstery trimmings, and har
ness labels and trade marks for medicinea, i»er
fumery, and all preparations, compositions, or
inerehandi-e, put up in bottles, boxes, or other
packages, are suitable subjects; also, the forms of
such bottles, boxes, or packages themselves, and
envelopes, likewise all works of art, as statuary,
busts, compositions in alto or basso relievo. Die
Government, feo on a design-patent for 3J years is
$1(1; 7 years, sls; 11 years. s3ll. No models ot
designs are required; but duplicate drawings or
photographs must be furnished- ’Die specilication
to accompany tlie drawings or photographs re
quires to lie prepared with great care. Messrs
Brown, Coombs &• Co. give very particular at
tention to this branch of their business. Their
cliargofor preparing applications for design-patents
is generally about sls. Design patents are ouiy
granted to American citizensor to aliens who have
resided one year in the United States aud made
oath of their intention to become citizens thereof.
The facilities of Messrs. Bsown, Coombs & Co
for obtaining patents in the various European
countries are equal if uot superior to those of any
other in the United States. With regard to then
qualifications for such business, it need only be
-Mated that Mr. Brown has had the prepara
tion of more European applications than atiy
otiiei person in this country, Messrs. Brown,
Coombs &- Co., besides having a branch office in
Washington, have their own agencies in the
princinal capitals of Europe. A circular relating
to foreign patent business will be furnished free
on application personally or by mail.
Messis. Brows, C< . mbs &. Co. also attend loin
terferences, the extensions of expiring Letters
Patent, and all proceedings relating to patents be
fore the United States Patent Office.
All letters, packages, boxes, etc., siiould be ad
dressed, prepaid, as follows;
Solicitors of Patents.
ni y i f ly. No. 189 Broadway, New York.
GEO-Pfe ELL &@
Advertisements forwarded to all Newspapers
No advance charged on Publishers’ prices.
All leading newspapers kept nn file.
Information as to cost of Advertising furnished
All orders receive careful attention.
Inquiries by mail answered promptly.
Complete printed lists of Newspapers for sale.
Special lists prepared for customers.
Advertisement* written and Notices secureil.
Orders from Business Mon especially solicited.
Asiatic Cholera in China.
o -
Read the following Lii from
Rev. It. Telford, Missionary in China, now
visiting his home in Pennsylvania:
Washington, Pa., Jun« 25,1866
Messrs. Perry VenrisA ProvideAe, R. I.:
Dear Sirs—During a remdeneo off some ten
yjars as a Missionary in Siam and I found
yonr vegetable Paiu Killer a mogj valuable
remedy for that fearful scourge, the Chelera.
In administering the medicine I foend it most
effectual to give a teaspoouful of Pain Killer in a
gill of hot writer sweetened with sugar; then,
lifter about fifteen wifintes, begin to give a table
spoonful Ot the same, mixtuie every infinite until
relief was obtained.. Apply Lot ap|3catioiia to
tlie extremities. Balim tlie Mnmacb Svith Paiu
Killer, clear and rub Um limb ■ briskly,- Os those
who bad the cholera, and look the medicine faith
fully in the way stated above, of ten
recovered. Yours, truly,
it Tedford.
If an attack with Diiirrpwa, Dyintery, or
C'raiup Colic,. duß'l* dolay she use of the" Pain
Killer Sold by all medieiwe defilers. Pilot, 25
cents, 50 cents, and fl per bottle.
Manhattan, Kansas, Apriipi’, IMffi
Gen/ * * ’ I want to say a little
more about the Paiu Killer. I eonsidyr’it. nvery
valuable, medicine, and always keen II oiMiniid.
I have travelled a since 1 bffvebi-eu hi
Kansas, and never without talcing it with me.
In my practice I used it freely for the Aefatic
Cholera, jit JBltl, and with better sw cefUthan auy
other mt-dieitie : I nlro used it. here for cholera in
1855, with the same good result.
Truly, yours, A. HUNTING, M. D.
B.watv, China.
Cholera! * * * I regret to suy ihat the
cholera lias prevailed hero of late to a fearful
extent. For the last three weeks, from ten to
fifty or sixty fatal cases each day bus been re
ported. 1 should add that the Pain X’Dcr, sent
1-ece.ntly Irom tlie Mission House, used
with considerable Success during thii epidemic.
If taken in season is generally effectual in check
ing the disease.
Sholapore, India.
| Frvm-iho, Boil land M<nitlily.|
Summer CompUkct and Dysentery.
Bowel complaints just now to be the
prevailing element, aiuS 'diiy inefficfae that is
everywhere acceptable, and that ia reliable, ie a
very desiAble acquisition. From what we have
seen, heard, and experienced, we believe Davis'
Paiu Killer is this desiderfttum. For the beet
method of using it, We quote from the directions:
“For common bowel complaints, give one tea
spoonful in a gill of new milk and njplasses, in
equal parts, stirred well together; lessen the dose
tor children, according to the age. If t3ie pain bo
severe, bathe the bowels and back with the medi
cine.. This mode of treat ment is good in cases ot
the cholera morbus, sudden stoppages, etc. Re
peat the dose every hour
“The quickest way I ever Baw the dysentery
cured wae by taking one spoonful of the Pain
Killer in one gill of milk ami mola.ves stirred
well together ami drank hot, at the same time
bathing the bowels freely with medicine. Let
the dose be repeated every hour until she patient
is relieved.”
If every person who has reason to fear this
disease would provide Lbeiuaeives wkth a bottle
of this medicine, and use as occasion required, we
believe a great, amount of so fieri ng and sickness
would be saved. iel2—2m
Special Notice.
Patent Cornra Restorers, or Restorers of the EI'USItJII T.
i , WUI resdwe impartial sight and preserve it to the latest period of life
. w Nar Wt wiQK b /
Spectacles Rendered Useless.
A Oculists and Divines recommend the use
us the CORNEA RESTORERS for Presbyopia
or Far or Long Sightedness, or every person
who wears spectacles from old" age ; Dimness of
Vision or Blurring; OvcrworKCd eyes; Astheno
pia or Weak Eyes ; Epiphora, or Watery Eyes;
Pain in the Eye ball; Amaurosis, or Obscurity
of Vision; Photophobia, or Intolerance of
Light; Weakness of the Retina and Optic
Nerve : Myodesophia, or Specks of Moving
Bodies before the eyes ; Ophthalmia, or Inflam
mation of the Eye and Eyelids, and Imperfect
Vision frem the effect of Inflammation, etc.;
Cataract Eyes'; Hemiopia, or Partial Blind
ness ; and many other Disease* of th* Eye.
Cure Guaranteed or Money llcfunded.
'the Rest Restorer ij the Eyesight Knoivn.
They can be used by any ono with a eer
tainty of success, aud will receive immediate
beneficial results, without the. least, fear of injury
to the eye. Circulars sent, tree,
/;.y the Myopia, or Cornea Flatterers
Only known Remedy iu, the World—has
prove*! u Great .Suuees,«.
For further iuformation, price, an*i certificates
of cures, adders
Dr. J. Stephens & Co.,
P. O. HCX, 926,
flamed eye lids, stye, ar.d'prevent rtys.
Travelling Agents Wanted.
Selling of the Restorers is a pleasant and
honorable employ ment, desirable for all Ladiks
Clergymen, Teai-h“rth Students, and Farmers
and for all who desire te make an hondst lining
by an easy employment. All persons asking
for terms to Agsnts must endose twenty five
rente to pay postage aud cost of .-priming-male
rial* containing information for Agent Town
Agents Wanted. nov27 dtwly
United States Marshal’s Sale.
of fieri inciuH. issued out of the Honorable,
tin; Filth Circuit Court of the United States for
tin. Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the
plaintill*. Harn & Cushing, in the following case,
to wit: Harn & Cushing versus John N. Webb
ahd John AL Stark, I have levied upon, as the
property of John M. Stark, one lot of laud, con
taining ten (10) acre*, more or less, together with
tlio intproveineuts thereon, situate, lying, and
beirfg in Wynntou, county of Muscogee, and
.Statu ot Georgia, about two miles cast of Colum
bus, and bounded on the north, east and west by
th.-lots belonging to James M. Chambers, and on
tlie south by the lot belonging to the estate of
Moses Butt*, deceased, and known as the resi
dence of John M. Stark; and will sell the sane
at pubiio auction, at the Court House, in the city
of Macon, conntv of Bibb, and State of Georgia,
next, between tlie lawful hours of sale.
Terms—Cash. Property pointed out by plain
tiff’s attorney.
Duted at Savannah, Georgia, October 2, 18l>8.
octi lawlw United States MarshnJ,
Assignee’s Sale-
FOSTER, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy,
will he sold before the Court House door, in the
town of Crawfordsville, comity of Taliaferro, and
State ot Georgia, al public outcry, for cash, be
tween the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST
TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER next, free from
the incumbrance, of liens, the following property,
One tract of land in tlie aforesaid State and
county, coutainiog two hundred and twenty
(2'10) acres more or less.
Also,» lot of land in Cherokee equity, Georgia,
described «s lot number 695, in tlio 18th District,
and 3d section, containing forty (S>) acres more
Or lees.
Sold as the property of the estate of David E.
Darden, adjudged a Bankrupt.
Also, at tlie same time ami place, a lot of land
ip /Taliaferro county, aud aforesaid State, contain
ingone huudrmi ami seven (107) acres more or
less. Sold as the estate of Littleton B. Taylor,
Also, at the, same lime and place, two lots of
laud, containing in the aggregate, two hundred
mid ninety-nine f.’VW) acres more or less, in Talia .
ferro comity, and said Slate. The pro|>erty ot the
esthte of John Rhodes, it Bankrupt.
Albo. at the same time and place, a lot of land
in the aforesaid State and comity, containing iw
hundred and thirty six (SS6)*icres more or less,
the property of Ilin estate of Absofom G. Evans,
Sharon, Ga., 13th October, |Bl>}>,
.<><: 15—td Assignee.
Assignee’s Sale.
I A. (1. Forti r, Register in Bankruptcy for the
Northern District of. Gqpnda, will be Hold, al
Fnblic outcry, before the Court House door in
icxingtun, Ogletbornc oouutv, Georgia, on tlie
tween the legal bonrs of «ale, unffivided halveaof
lots of land, each lot containing in all 250 acres,
one lot being No. 269 in the 10th di»Uict; the other
lot being No. 276 in the 9th district, both lota in
Mitehell eoupty.
The whole of lot No. 327, in the 9th district of
Mitchell county, containing 250 acres. Lot- No.
276, in the 7th originally Berrien, and
i’ is believed now Bon ten, containing 190 acres.
Lot No 180, in Un* J3lh district of Dooly county,
containing 202| acres, ahd Lot No. 89, in the 2d
district of Early comity, containing2so acres.
Mortgages on the following lots of land, exe
coted by Lewis Ethridge to B V. Willingham,
to wit: On lot No. 340, in the lOth di briot of Ber
rien. containing 190 acres. On lot No. 155, in the
2d district of Irwin, containing 191 acres. On lot
No. 231, in the Bth district of Early, containing
302 j acres. On lot No. 196, in the 6th district of
Dooly county, containing 2Csj acres; and on lot
No. in the 26th district of Deoatnr county,
containing 2*50 .acres
These mortgages, the Assignee has been in
formed, have been duly recorded and foreclosed.
Whatever right belonged to Dr. B. V. Willing
bam al the time he became a bankrupt in and to
said mortgages, ami the laud mentioned therein,
ami the judgments of foreclosure on the same, if
there be such judgments, will be bought by the
purchaser, and he will be placed in the room of
said Willingham in relation to said mortgages.
All the aforesaid property and rights sold as the
property oi B. V. Wilbngtiaui, bankrupt, for the
benefit of his creditors, free of iucumbraiice of
judgment ami mortgage liens.
Terms cash B. F. HARDEMAN,
on I(l—td Assignee.
Postponed U. 8. Marshal's Sale-
writs of tieri /awts, issued out us the Hon
orable the Fifth Circuit, Court of the United States
ior the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of
the plahuiffri, in the following cases to-wit:
WILLIAM C. BROWNING, Survivor, etc , vs'.
1 have levied upon, as the property ofßenjamiu K
Adams, a Plantation, containing twenty six hun
dred (2.606) acres, more or tees, situate, lying
and being in the county of Randolph, and State
of Georgia, numbers of hits unknown, but lying at
aud imnicdtaMy around Ward s Station, on the
Suu t h vvestern rai 1 road.
One lot of I*and, containing one hundred, (100)
mchv, more or Sers, with a dwelling-hoiiFC, out
buii'liugs, and other nnprovementc, l»eing the
rt’tith b< eof Uenjumin F. Atiuuie,.mid adjoining
tlie property of C«>l. J. A. Wingfield, A. (). Mosley,
\V. L. Adams, R. C. Jenkins, and others, in the
towii of Eatonton county of Putnam, and State
Twh Store liuusee and Lots on Hie Court
Hotis# square, kio wn m Hud on and Thomas cor
ner, now oucupif d by B. F. Johnston A. Co., and
Benj. F. Adams
( hie Sior<; House and Lot, ota upied by Erliridge
A* Davi.rt, di uggijts.
One Store House and Jjof-on Main street, occu
pied by J M. Ballard, Jr. .
One Town Lot near the Railroad Depot, now
All the raid Town Lpte situate, lying and be
ing in the town of Eatonton, county of Putnam,
and Slate aforesaid.
And will eeli the saine at public auction, at the
Court House in in<. city <>t Al aeon and c»HU»tr of
Bibb, ami StaUi of Georgia, on the Flßbl’ TUES
DAY IN NOVEMBER next, between the taw
ful hoursot sale.
Dated at Savannah, XI a., this 3d day of Septem
ber, 1868, WM. <s. DICKSON,
oct2-law4w V. S. Marshal Disk of Ga.
Richmond County.
Whek e as, Ed ward O'Dounell, Admjnutrator
on the estate* of Hi chard Quinn, late of said
county, dec«iMd*,applies to me for Lettars of Dis
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all.
and singular the kindred and creditors of
deceased, to be and appear at my office on or
before the first Monday in March next, to show
cause, if any they have, w’hy said Letters should
not be granted.
Given under my baml and official signature at
office in Augusta, this September llth, 1868.
so|»l2 lamhiri < > rdi nn ry.
Letters of Administration-
Rich mo nd Con nty.
VVhcreas. Jumc.s C- C. Biack applies to me lor
loiters of Admipisuation. wiih tlie will annexed,
on the estate of Jane Odom, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be und appear at my office, on or
Indore the first Monday in December next , to show
cause, if any they have, why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under mv hand and official signature, at
office in Augusta, this 21 st dav of October 1868.
oct22 4t (Irdinary
Leave to Sell Real Estate.
11 Ordinary of Riehninml counrv, noliceMs
hereby given 1 hat, sixty days aftsr data, applica
tion will be nm«b- Io the Court <>t Ordm.HV for
h ive tx) sell tlie Re.J Estate « f Martin Brogniu
Augusta, O ? IBl>B. A tm'r deboni* >u>u.
ocv27 law’taio
R. R. R.
out ojt
OF DEATHS, that annually
occur, are caused by Prevent
able Diseases, and the greater
portion of those complaints
would, if Radway’s Ready Re
lief or Pills, (as the case may
require,) were administered
when pain or uneasiness or
slight sickness is experienced,
be exterminated from the sys
tem in a few hours. PAIN, no
matter from what cause, is
almost instantly cured by the
Ready Relief. In cases of Cho
lera, Diarrhoea, Cramps, Spasms
Bilious Cholic, in fact all Pains,
Aches and Infirmities either in
the Stomach, Bowels, Bladder,
’Kidneys, or the Joints, Muscles,
Legs, Arms, Rheumatism, Neu
ralgia, Fever and Ague, Head
ache, Toothache, &c., will in a
FEW MINUTES yield to the
soothing influence of the Ready
Sudden Colds, Coughs, Influenza, Dip
theria, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Chills, Fever
and Ague, Mercurial Pains, Scarlet Fever,
Ac., &c., take from four to six of Radway’s
Pills, and also take a toaspoonful of the
Ready Relief in a glass of warm water, sweet
ened with sugar or honey; bathe the throat,
head and chest with Ready Relief, (if Ague
or Intermittent Fever, bathe the spine also,)
in the morning you will be cured.
How the Ready Relief Acts I •
In a few minutes the patient will feel a
light tinglin# Irritation, and the skin be
eomoa reddened; if there is much distress in
the stomach, the Relief will assist nature in
removing tlie offending cause,-—a general
warmth is felt throughout the entire body,
and its diffusive stimulating properties
rapidly courses through every vein and tissue
of the system, arousing the slothful and
partially [paralyzed glands and organs to re
newed agd healthy action, perspiration fol
lows, and the surface of the body feels in
creased heat. The sickness at stomach, colds,
i hills, head-ache, oppressed breathing, tha
owes* of the throat, and all pains, either
internally or externally, rapidly subside, and
‘the patient fells into a tranquil sleep, awakes
etreehed, invigorated, cured. •
It .will bo found that in using thq Relief
'■’tternally, either on the spine or across the
kidneys, or over tlie stomach and bowels, that
(r. several days after a pleasing warmth will
be felt, showing the length of time it con
tinues its iufluence over the diseased parts.
|,'4T Price of R. R. R. RELIEF, 60 cents
,>er bottle. Sold by Druggists and Country
Merchants, Grocers, &.C.
87 Maiden Lane, New York.
This disease is not only cured by
I»r. Radway’n Relief and Pills, but pre
vented. If exposed to it, put one tea
spoonful of Relief in a tumbler of
water. Drink this before going out in
the morning, and several times during
flic day. Take one of Radway’s Pills
•one hour before dinner, and one on
■; ring to bed ?
If seized with Fever, take 4 to p ol
lie Pills every six hours, until copious
.isebarges from the bowels take place;
ilso drink the Relief diluted with
water, and bathe the entire surface of
the body with Relief. Soon a power
ful perspiration will take place, and
you will feel a pleasant heat through
out the system. Keep on taking Reuel
repeatedly, every four hours, also the
Pills. A cure will be sure to follow.
The relief is strengthening, stimulating,
soothing, and quieting; it is sure tc
break up the Fever and to neutralize
the poison. Let this treatment be fol
lowed, ami thousands will be saved.
The same treatment in Fever and Ague,
Yellow Fever, Ship Fever, Bilious
Fever, will effect a cure in 24 hours
When the patient feels the Relief irrita
ting or heating the skin, a cure is posi
tive. In all cases where pain is felt
the Relief should he used.
Relief 50 cts.; Pills 25 cts. Sold
by all Druggists.
See Dr. Rad way's Almanac for 1868
mu— ly. Augusta, H».
A Proclamation
By the President of the United States
of America.
In the year which is now drawing to its end,
the art, the skill, and the labor of the people of the
United State* have been employed with greater
diligence and vigor, and on broader fields than
ever before, and tlie fruits of the earth have been
gathered into the granary and storehouse in mar
veloiis abundance. Our highways have been
lengthened, and new and prolific regions have
been occupied. We are permitted to hope that
long protracted political and sectional dissensions,
at no distant day, will give place to returning
harmony and iraternal affection throughout the
Republic. Many foreign States have entered into
liberal agreements with ns, while nations which
are far off, and which heretofore have been
unsocial and exclusive, have become our friends.
The annual period of rest, which we have
reached in health and tranquility, and which is
crowned with so many blessings, is by universal
consent a convenient and suitable one tor cnlti
vating personal piety aud practicing public de vo
I, therefore, recommend that Thursday, the
twenty sixth Jay of November next, be set apart
aud observed by all tlie people of the United
States as a dav of public praise, thanksgiving and
prayer to the Almighty Creator and Divine Ruler
ot the Universe, by whose ever watchful, merciful
and gracious providence alone State* aud Nation*,
no less than families and individual men. do live
amt move and have their beiag.
!» witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand, and caused the seal of tlie United States to
be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, the twelfth tint
of October, inlhe year ot our laird,
IsEO .l oue thousamfeight hundred and
eight, and of the independence of the
United States the ninety-third.
Bv lhe I’ nf;
IVm It Sfiwxun.
0,117—M • • SeC'ry of State.
NO 389
i ic w w -1
!■ I
Whekxas, It is reported by reliable citizen*
from many counties of the State, that prepara
tions are being made to collect onerous taxes levied
under authority of the Constitution of eighteen
hundred and sixty-five (1865), and, failing to
collect, to apply tlie provisions of the present
Constitution, and thereby exclude many citizens
from the privilege of voting.
Therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Governor, and
Commander in-Chief of the Army and Navy of.
the State of Georgia, and of the Militia thereof,
by virtue of the authority in me vested by the
Seventieth (70th) section of the Code of Georgia,
do hereby suspend the collection of all poll taxes
until the next regular session of the General
Assembly of this State, and of this suspension the
Comptroller General will forthwith give notice to
the Tax Collectors of the several counties.
Given under mv hand and the Great Seal of the
State, kt tno Capitol, in the city of Atlanta, thia
twentieth day of October, in the year,of on
Lord, eighteen hundred aud sixty-eight, and of
the Independence of the United States of
America the ninety-third.
By the Governor: Governor'.
David G. Cottihg,
Secretary of State-
ConrrnotLEß Genkral’s Ol'tihx.?
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 57,186 ff. (
!To the '"ax Collectors of the Steitc of Georgia:
In conformity with the above proclamation, by
his Excellency, the Governor of the State of
Georgia, you are hereby directed to suspend the
collection of all poll taxes, in your respective
counties, until the next regular session of the
General Assembly of this State.
oct93 -6 Comptroller General.
Whkhkah, on the 3d day of November next,
an election will bo held of the various places in
this State established by law for holding elections
by the people thereof, for nine Electors of Presi
dent and Vice President of th* United States :
And whereas, from the increased number of
qualified voters in this State, additional oppor
tunities must be afforded, that it must bo possi
hie and convenient for all persons, who ar* en
titled to exercise tlio elect ivo • franchise, to vote
at said election:
Now, therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Governor
and Coinmander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy
of the State of Georgia, and of the Militia there
of, do hereby issue this my Proclamation order- •'
ing and requiring that, in addition to the elec-,
lion in each Militia District, there shall bo at the
county site election precinct, three ballot-boxes
used, and three boards of Superintendents of
election duly qualified and organized to each •
ballot-box, and the election shall be conducted
by each board of Superintendents, in the same
manner, and with the same formalities, as if
there were but one ballot-box and one board of
Superintendents. Each Board will make separate
returns, as required by law.
Given under my band and the Great Seal of the
State, at the Capitol in the city of Atlanfaithis Hfth
day of October, in the year of our Loi d, eighteen
hundred and sixty-eight, and of the Independence
of the United States of America, the ninety third.
By flic Governor: Governor.
David G Cottixg,
Secretary of State.
oct 14—tdg
CUMBRANCES, inthefety of Atlanta, on
tlie THIRD TUESDAY in November next, at
11 o’clock a. nt., the following property, to wit:
City Lot Number Eleven,
On east side of Peachtree street, being part of
laud lot 78,14t1i district of originally Henry, now
Fulton county, fronting on Peachtree street 31 j
feet, and extending back ffi) feet.
On this lot is a
BeHides a dry basement, 311 feet front by 78 back,
and eoni'idered one of the best buildings in the
at the Kame time and place, a lot of •
Choice Wines and Liquors,
Consisting of—
1 bbl. St. C. RUM,
I puncheon GIN,
2 bhlsr SHERRY WINE,
6 casks PORTER,
ti pnekages CHAMPAGNE WINE.
20 one gallon J«gH, and Sundry Notes and opea
Immediately uftfer winth, I will sell on the
Hanse containing four rooms aud basemeirt,
witnated « east »dde of Peachtree street, on city
lot No. 31, containing one hal f acre, more or less.
adjoining above lot, No. 31, and fronting 100 feet
on Ivy street, contains one-half acre, more or
les*. , ,
All sold ns the property of John H. Lovejoy,
Possesaiou given immediately.- Terms cash.
octal—3w Asgignae. %
United State* for the Southern District of
Georgia. r ,
In the matter of |
Bankrupt. . ) No. 85.
The said Bankrupt having petitioned the
Court for a discharge from all fits debts prova
ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867,
notice is hereby given to all persons interested
to aUpeaT on tlie 20tb day of November; ltj6B,
at in o’clock a. tn., gt chambers of said District
Conrt , before F. S. Hcescltine. Esq., one of
the Registers of ( the said Court in Bank
mptey, at life office at the corner of Bay
and Drayton streets. Savnumib, Georgia,,
and show cause why the prayer of the said
petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted.
Dat<-.1 at Savannah, .»;*«'* J Jcto '
her, 1868. JAMES Mi’PHESSON
oc‘l7—law3w Claris.