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About Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1851)
SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1851, THE DAILY M0BN1SG NEWS. BY JOHN M. COOPER. WILLIAM T. THOMPSON, EDITOR. terms: DAILY PAPKR |5 00 | TM-WKRKLY.. ,Wetc advertisements will appear ...$3 00 both papers. SAtf'AsrsrAiBio Largest Circulation in the City! 11 n Turaday Moruina. Di'rcinbrr 'j, 1S3I. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. jTrauumUed expressly for the Daily Moruiug New*.] New York t o How Market, Ac. Ntiw York, Dec, l, 1\ M. In the Now \vwfc Colloo market to-day, Mon day. lour iuuxirvNl hklw ureie eoM at ] vu a cent. «VreiMNw "The f'ntrevri-rx 1U »•*(«** Kni***** cv iW -\4h ult. Correspondence of Daily Morning Nows, Rksaca, Nov. 26th, 1851. Mr. Editor:—Notices of run-ofis uud snm»li- ups on tho State Road have been so common of late that 1 have grown a little akcpticul of the facts, but l nm now uble to speak advisedly of one such affair, at least. On our way herefrom Atlanta this morning, about midway between Curtcrsvillo and Cassville, while sweeping round a curve upon a slight embankment, at the rate of Boino twenty miles an hour, the baggage car parted company with the engine and kept straight ahead, breaking loose from the passenger car, carrying away tho rail and superstructure, leup ing cleat otf her trucks in ruins, turned a com plete sommcisctt down the embankment, some twelve or fifteen feet, aud brought up as it start ed, “ right side up,” but with little caro. The passenger ear dashed on over the trucks of the baggage ear, carrying away her own trucks, tearing up aud shivering to atoms her door, (tim bers nnd planks,) and breaking up a number ol lire seats, knocking to pieces the stove, and scat has irvww 1 '™i\g tho lire lore and aft, finally brought up, yjj I U*c fore rod in the ground and the hind end on V**«S*,K «*» «.. . .1 ,*» i ,h * »«"** <*»*' 5,wk5 ' ,! ;' r ^5* | the embank went, eradj « >lh the least tutihei ns- i to roll ovr* to the bottom below . Soon ton* We . but fa* KJNfltUvr** w as tte&y \> I. -ST. M triu Wing Cftnrii* fin Oom- pyuuibu Tin Tlouwt /»! fi©f»ww»m»ru!tvr* i* m»v. ongngmi li. hnUotiiq, tot Speakoi. nm, ■lAHti fit»Vfr-wU! bctUwtwft WtottHRm. Dor. 1. »i.JW* T M Tin Vlnnwi huvt nlmnru l;vv*. fu.v/ £tytw»k©’ «ml dnIff *Vi T ? H»iV17\ wlllOT Jtl' tin f’liilfwml- jthu, 7*01 nuHtrainnti -Otari,, m thr ftrw luiiitU. Th» PmniUnn V TMotwuigr *r Omtgrrw** vu. bt iUdivnm i»>im»rrtw.. TnimilM England, There appeunt to bo a lull in political mat ters in England, which may continue until the ass embling of Parliament in February nest. All parties appeur to be resting on their oars, anx- i lonely uwaiting the introduction of the Reform hill, which, it is well understood, Lord John Russell intends to placo before that body as soon after its assembling ns may be. Tho basis of the reform proposed is an extension of the elec tive franchise. How far it is to bo extended no one knows ut present; but to be satisfactory to the people, tho concession must be consiifora- ble, ana bo followed by others. Reform is the watchword in England, nnd reform is the only meuns of warding off revolution, which will ccr- tninly break out in Europe, before muny years. The time has come when a great concession of political rights must he made to tho English people ; nnd when it is granted, others will lie demanded, until nt length universal suffrage will he the result. 'This will lie the ultimate result, for the masses arc becoming loud in their de mands. Tho pressure from without cannot he resisted by the government, nnd tho arrival) of Kossuth is making it more potent than ever. Tho reforms about to be proposed by Lord John Russell must be followed up by other con cessions. His bill will only fie an entering wedge. The more that is conceded, tho more w ill be demanded, and the stronger nnd more irresistible will he the popular cry. When this takes place, the House ot Commons, represent mg ’ ’ *' *' , ‘ i “* Z3F* The Kmc lu>e mglfl iwoig'fa: toe mail j m •!). xfi OkmOmoiiR. KleriU*. TV ns t&* ixsirit at the ©taction held in saw* cJt rfttwrvkr, for Mayor aud Aldermen, tv serve iye tbe eosnwg rear. The whole num ber c/ rotes poitad was 1,722 : Lasi year the whole number of votes polled was 1.566. The vote tor Mayor stood as follows : Dr. Wayne, 921 Dr. Arnold, 034 Union Ticket. FOR ALDRRMEN. John W. Anderson,.908 Francis 8. Bartow,.886 R. A. Allen ,879 W. (4. Bulloch,....868 R. li. Cuyler, 869 A. A. Smelts, 870 E. A. Soullard,... .811 John J. Kelly,....850 Gilbert Butler,....829 M. LufTborrow,... .852 J. B. Gallic, 803 John Foley, 770 Democratic Ticket. TIiOS. PURSE,..849 FOR ALDERMEN. James 1*. Screven,..910 A. B. Luce, 818 C. I\ Kie!mrdsonc,.910 John F. Posey, 840 R. D. Walker, 870 J. It. Satissy, 829 John Mallory, 848 Thus. M. Turner,..800 John F. O’ Byrne, ...791 S. Solomons, 861 John McMahon 791 B. It. Duniell, 818 Good Dividend.—The Directors of the Plan ter’s Bunk of this city, have declared n dividend of six percent, from the profits of the Bunk, for the past 6ix months, payable on und after Thursday next. OF* The steamer J. Stone returned yesterday from the wreck of the sc hr. Tybce, bringing her *i££* ,l oi furniture, and such other urticlcs as were saved from her. Stabbed.—On Sunday night, ubout half past eleven o’clock, as William Thompson, in com pany with a companion, was proceeding along Bryan-street, they were attacked by three per- boiis, who knocked Thompson down and stubbed him severely in the stomach. The wound boing a very dangerous one, lie was conveyed to the hospital. Wc nm informed thut Thompson is steward of the brig J. U. Long, loading for Now Orleans. __ rbc cwwhmg and locomotive cowed, L w ith wan* Mhci passenger*, made the best ot mr W I.» onX of lire rain*, taking enre uot to upset ihr remmus ot out car. 1 p to this time every our hnfi kept as Mill and quiet** me nature of rhf cum would admit ot bat tost then a Ud ot w,mr ton or Twelve yearn, who seemed deeply imptwtaod w ith The tact that ** hi* mother kucw )»r «'ii» o»;t. and that her eottsent w as neces*ary u hi* g'oxrmg home, streamed nt the utmost cn- r ,#.* hi* lungs 4 ‘ mammy. I want to go home." atki thi* treat pure fright, poor fellow. A ‘ter extricating tome half n dor.en porsous troxc the baggage car, who had got mixed up v-iih the luggage in performing the sommersett, umstertd aud found not n person hurt,except one sprain of n shoulder, nnd n low scratches.— A more wonderful escape I never witnessed, and could scarcely have believed it without seeing it. Au old lady living in a shanty within four Icel of the road, escaped w hat might have been to her and to us a iatnl contact, by only some ten feet. This was the result of pure ctukttoett, in neg lecting to check don n spoed is pamag tbo curve. If this could hav« happen'd tbe day before, and come under the obsrnatkwa of tbe Committee of exaurinatiiui from the L*gi?’aiare. that had just passed down, it might have aided their conclu sions, if they want aid. I would cast no blame upon tho Chief Engi neer, nor any other individual for the fact; but that the State Road, in its condition and equip ment, is a detraction from the high character of Georgia is beyond question, and the sooner they can be made second to no other road in the State, cost what it may, the better for her credit uud her iutercst. I could speak of this rich country, which will a few years, pour its teeming products into the markets below, and its rapidly growing and beautiful villuges ol Cnlhoun and Adairsville, if I had cither time or ability to do them justice. In passing through this region of our State I am more than ever surprised with tho fact, that our pluntcrs uud farmers, in holding conventions to inquire how they may best promote tho in terest of agriculture, will do vastly more good to themselves and the country thun by coming to fix the price of COTTON. up the people, will attack the corruptions which mve so long existed in England. The church establishment will be assuiled, reforms will be introduced in every department of the govern ment, and a conflict between the Commons nnd the Lords nnd privileged classes will bo the con sequence. In such a conflict, the House of Lords would be demolished, and would bo con verted into a body resembling tho Scnutc of the United Slutcs; aud cvcutuully the government would become ns republican us ours, with a monarch w ithout power nt its head. Such, we think, is an outlino of tho transition which Englaud is likely to undergo within the lifetime of the present generation. Wo live in an extraordinary age. Wo live as much in five years, and accomplish as much within thut period of time, as our ancestors did in fifty. It is the privilege of tho United States to load tho van in tliis wonderful progress. Despite our non intervention wc are making ourselves felt in European politics, and wc arc now in tho begin ning of the end.—N. Y. Herald, RECEIPTS OF COTTON, &c., DEC. I. Per Central Railroad—477 bale* Cotton and Mdze, to Franklin Sc lirmitly, Washburn, Wilder Sc Co, Ra bun, Fulton Sc Co, Bohn Sc Foster, Charles Hurtridgo, N A Hard no Sc Co, Hnrdwick Sc Cooke, Ilolt Sc Both- well, Hamilton Sc Hardeman, W D Ethridge Sc Co, C A Greiner, Tarver Sc Trucholut, W Duncan, Boston Sc (vunhy, Jos I! Burroughs, and Allen Sc Ball. Per steamer Lamar, from Augusta—500 bales Cot ton, to T tt Mills, and others. Per steamer T S Metcalf, from Augusta—200 bales Cotton and Mdze, to F T Willis Sc Co, W Wutcrs, 8 M Poud, und others. Per Bclir. Northern Belle, from Riceborough—1C& halos Hoa Island Colton, 35 bbls. Syrup, 14 bids. Spirits Turpentine, 800 bushels Corn, to Way Sc King, II A Crane Sc Co, N A llardeo Sc Co, Audcrsons & Co, II Habersham Sc. Son, aud others. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CONSIGNEES. Per sclir. Wood bridge, from Baltimore—Brigham, Kelly & Co, T S Wayne, Webster Sc Palmes, Wood, Clagliorn Sc Co, T .1 Walsh, J W Watts, J Watters, Swift, Dcnslow & Co, Scranton, Johnston Sc Co, S N Pnpot, A F Mera, McMahon Sc Doyle, W W Good rich, C Green, C Guilmartin. II J Gilbert, J Foster, H J Dickinson, D It Dillon, W C Daniel, J E Cudy &. Co, Boston Sc Giiuhy, und T Doyle. Per steamer Calhoun, from Charleston—A Huy wood, Dr W (i Bulloch, W King, C Ilnrtridgc, E C Thomp son, and J G Newcoinbe. The regular packet schr.* WUODBKIDGE, ^j£jj££Bnulford, master, will have despatch as above. For freight or passage, upply ou board, ut Telfair*# wlmrf, or to dec 2 BRIGHAM, KELLY Sc CO. FOR AUGUSTA. Leave This Morning, at 9 o'clock. Tho new and splendid steam- packet HANCOCK, Onpt. Murray, will leave for tho above port and all intermediate landings, This Morning, at 9 o’clock A. M. No way freight will bo received on board after 8 o’clock. For freight or passage, having superior ac commodations, apply on board, or to THOMAS W. COSKERY, Agent. VW 3 Office ut the Hancock Steam-Boat Co’s.Stores, Anderson’s Lower Wlmrf. dec 2 PASSENGERS. Per steamer Calhoun, from Charleston—Mias Har rison, II J Arnold and lady, Mbs English, Miss I. B Watson, Miss M J Watson, Miss Fuuncy W Watson, Miss M West, J B Curtis nnd lady, Isaac Barton, J F Whiteman, G B Mitchell, J It Lynos, W King. It Iteil- ly, It Johnson, T Buck*, It (i Murliii, W New, It J Johnson, R '1' J It Kirknmn, T O Hubbard, I, Mullbrd, I)r J D Chapman, C \V Choate, und 8 deck. CJp- We learn from some of our Exchanges that a capital of little leas thun *2,000,000 is used in tho various brunches of the Balt innuu faclurc of Syracuse, N. Y., aud tho product of the springs haB increased from 154,071 bushels in 1850, to 8,208,019 bushels in 1850. There aro 10,000 vats employed for coarse or solar salt, and 10,000 kettles for fmo Balt, producing 100,000 bushels per week, with a consumption of 120,000 cords of wood mutually. Neurly a million of barrels aro used every season for packing salt Dry Goods Trade lu New York. The dry goods trade is rapidly contracting. The auctions are lew, and of scanty catalogues. The silk jobbers are now closiug their full busi ness, while tho woollen jobbers aro not yet active, though anticipating shortly an active de mand from tho clothiers. Staples are dull, but a fair demand yet remained for seasonable goods, prints, delaines, and shawls; tho latter from second hands. Unbleuchcd sheetings und shirt ings are very inuctive, and the stock continues light. Bleached goods arc rather more active, but the stock is large uud the market favors the buyer. Drills arc dull, yet steady. Osnabtirgs ure quiet, with an accumulating stock. Denims aro dull aud heavy. Stripes arc without inquiry Ticks are freely offering, but without effect. Canton Runnels are active, selling quickly on receipt. Printing cloths are firmer, with more inquiry; yet the sulesarc not large. Prints arc still in request, at firm rules; the new goods coining forward meet ready buyers. Ginghams are inuctive, the season being over. Delaines arc in fair demand at full rates; the continued supplies meet ready sale. Cloths are dull, with an ample stock. Cassimeres are injvery imbed supply, nnd prices rule firm ; funev styles are in request, ut good rates; blucks alone are dull "’weeds are more active, both cotton and wool, t steady rates. Jeans aro slow of sale, and heavy. Sheep’s grays are uctivo anil firm, Linseys are dull. Flannels are in good demand Blankets are dull and heavy. Shawls are dull from first hands, but active in the distributing trade. British fubrics arc in very limited tlo- inaud. Delaines sell the most freely, but the stock is light. Linens aro moderately active. Woollen goods are held with much firmness, with c light demand• French nnd Continental goods aro less active than they were. The silk jobbers are buying a few parcels for special as sortment. Delaines, and ull printed goods of fine qualities, are yet firm. Ribbons ure very beuvv. Velvets are rather better. Cloths under $2 50 are in active request. Silks are firm of the better qualities. Tho prices yielded from auc tion sales are very irregular, out are mostly ut depressed rates; the demand is no longer equal to sustain tho prices nt forced sales. Importa tions are vet light; the spring goods will begin to arrive freely ubout the end of next mouth. Hnviiniinli MmUct) Dec. 2. COTTON.—Thera was a good demand yesterday, and the sales reached 1,00G bales, ut the following rices : 3 at 6, 40 at Clfc, 49 ut 7%, 57 at 7%, 228 at :*4, 208 ot V/8, 234 at 8, 13 at 8ft, 147 nt 814,1 »t 8%, und 20 bales fine Hancock county Upland at 9 cents. Prices were easy, and about the same us ou Suturday. Siivnnnuli Export* 1 . Per brig Wilson Fuller, for New York—719 bales Upland Cotton, 50 casks Rice, 42 Cowhides, 5 bales (ins, 49 Iron Hinges, und 1 box. Per schr. Hcnricttu, for Baltimore—195 bales Up. lund Colton, 101 casks Rice, nnd 5G bales Domestics- Per brig Annundulo, for Cardenas—107,590 feet Lumber. Melancholy Accident.—Under our Marine l Head of this day wo notico tho urrivul of tho British shij) Colonist, from Liverpool, viu New 1 York. COMMERCIAL. LATEST DATES, jiverpool, Nov. ir>.|Iluvre, Nov.C.’IIavaim, Nov. 15, 7^ OY8TE118. \£Tva f 9 J The undersigned nro prepared to fur- w jr nish their friends uud tho public with Oysters of the choicest quality, cither fresh, pickled, or in the shell, at markot prices. Fam ilies uud parties can always he supplied with them fresh every evening. All orders from tho country promptly attended to. Apply to G. M. WILLETT Sc CO., Smelt’s new building, opposite St. Andrew’s Hull, Broughton street. Whore cuu also bo found choice G os lion Butter, at 20 cents per pound. Also Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Biscuits, uud in short a choice assortment of Family Groceries cheap in proportion. dec 2 RECEIVED by the subscriber, uud lor sulo low, ladies Gaiter Boots,' Walking Shoes, India Rubbers, and Morocco Boots. Gentlemen’s Water Proof Boots, Cork Solo do., und India Rubber Overshoes. Always on bund a general assortment of Shoes and Boots of every size and quality. All in want are respectfully invited to call. W.HK1DT, dec 2 Corner Broughton uud Barnurd-sts. CAPITAL FOR THIS DAY $30,000! In 3 Prizes of *10,000 enrh ’ Tickets $3 OO—Shares j„ Proportion Sales Close at 3 o'clock. " Office So, 0, Whitaker St,,—Up Stairs ( Corner of Bay Lane.) ' J. \V. MAURY & CO. MANAGKHS OF THK * OREEN^AgY^.A^KJ^UjNUMLNT Have heretofore Bold many handsome prizes in o. vannnh, among which wore severnl Capitals, uml , n of which huvo been promptly 1,1 CASHED ON PRESENTATION. They now bog loave to offer at their new office stairs, No. G Whitaker street, among other Prizes’ n following * 111,0 $75,000 CA ®^ S - *8,000 50,000 10,000 OO , 10,000 12,000 4 000 All of the ubovo Prizes are for sale every dav until 3 o’clock, P.M., nt prices varying front Aoutnci' Tho Suvunnah locul classes ure drawn ever • ursday nnd Friday, at 4*4 o’clock, P. M., under ti.i, imcrintondenco of Commissioners of tho grant at tl . 'ffleo of their Secretary and Treusurnr.No.G \Vhitnlin'1 treet, upstairs. HKir J- W. MAURY Sc CO., Savannah, tia.' lHnntera’ llanli, } SAVANNAH, DEC. 1, 1851. 5 D IVIDEND NO. 72.—The Board of Directors have this day declnred a Dividend of (G) six per cent., from the profits of the past six months, payable on and after Thursday next, 4th inst. dec 2 2 II. W. MERCER, Cash’r. WANTED. A SITUATION by h Female, who can come well recommended, to do the Cooking in a small pri vate family—is a good Washer und Ironer; also un derstands Chamber work. Apply at Mrs. Fay's, No. 12 Indian street. 2* dee 2 dh f? REWARD—Will ho given for tho return of fJpfJ u Buggy Harness, lost from a buy mare, yes- lord ay found astruy in Williamson's old field, dec 3 II. L. BILBO Imports. Per Br. ship Gipsoy, from Liverpool—5,421 sucks Salt, to J P Graves. AUGUSTA, NOV. 29, P. M.—Cotton.—Wo have another quiet market to notico to day, and the sales have been limited, and if any thing prices ure in favor of buyers. Tho market is so irregular thut it is im possible to give quotations with necuruey. We un derstand that sales were made to-dny of Middling Fair at 7% ® of Fair at 7%, nnd Good Fuir at 8 conts. MADISON, NOV. 29.— Cotton.—We have had an animated Cotton mui ket during the week. Tho plant ers have sold fiuely. Prices lmve rangod from 7 to 73fe. To day our market is rather dull, Vu consequence of a decline in the Charleston and Augusta markets ; tho best prices uro cents to-day. CHARLESTON, DEC. 1.—Cotton.— 1 The transac tions in Cotton on Saturday last, reached 1,500 bales, nt extremes ranging front 68V4C. The market was depressed, und the sales showed a decided down ward tendency. TO MANUFACTURERS. M ANUFACTURERS’ ARTICLES, such ns Loom Pickers, Loom Harnesses, Shuttles, Spools,Bob bins, and Belting, furnished directly from the Manu facturers, ut lowest rules. Also, wo aro prepared to receive orders for Machin ery for Cotton or Woolen Mills, in nil its variety, to be furnished from tho most colebruted Machine Ei tublishments in the country, the single Muchine or i complete wets, ut rates lower than before known, dec 2—2w SAM’L HOYT Sc CO. C ORN MILLS.—-For Grinding Feed und Grist. A grout variety of patterns and sizes, for hand uml horse-power ; for sale by doc 2—2w SAM’L HOYT Sc CO. R ECEIVED und for sale: 12sots Gin Goeriti Planes, Nos. 7 to 12 feet diameter, dec 2—2w SAM’L IIOYT Sc CO., No. G Whitakor-street. Tho disturbed state of France, is mak ing both French und English residents; here cuu. tious. It is suid that within four weeks tho Bank of Franco had lost a sum equal to four On Tuesday, 25th November, during a galo, I millions of dollars, in gold, which lias been the master, Uupt. Rouers, ascended the rigging 1 withdrawn from it chiefly in the provinces by toasaistin securing one of the sails, in doing I persons desirous of lioardiug the precious motals which he was either struck by a block or thrown so ns to be prepared for any contingency. Many down by the sail to the deck. Ho was taken English work-people have also quitted, and it is up senseless und died the next duy. 1 likewise Baid that French families are constantly Capt. Rogers wus r. gentleman of very high emigrating to Jersey, Guernsey, Brussels, uud tnuructer in iiis profession, uud was deservedly I elsowhoro." esteemed by tho rcspcctublo house in whose 1 ... . ■ , . , employ he sailed. His remains have been brought & f 16 7?!™ P ° ‘ he into port for interment. Pluladelph.a Lcdyer says : 1 It is rumored that Gen. Duft Green is to cs - The New Orleans Bee announced some 1 tahlish a now press iu Washington, with the aid rXT' “V 1 -—ityof u private letter of Blair, Benton, MaU.t^Vanfi^n.mtdthe re- nvana, thut Juan de Castanedo, tho in- I j ttC £g 0 a dynasty. The paper is to be Dcmocrat- utviduul who captured General Lopez, had been 1 jc, slightly inclined to Free Soil, and is to ndvo- assnssinated. The information,it seems, was er-I cate Win. O. Butler for the 1'icsideucy. 1 ho roneous, since tho captain himself, over his sign ?* lr , e . me Soulh .»! loug J 1 b ?! a ,U, ° " lul ° n .S 0, ° r . , . V. T 1 Dickinson, nnd then for Buchanan, arc already nual, assures the editors ol LI Pelayo that ho 1 i 00 k; n g in a now direction to make sure of their is still alive. He divides tho honor of the cap- I game. Evop a Union with the Barnburners tureof the heroic Lopez, with the Spanish dogs I does not distress them, so tho Presidency can be who huuted him to the death. Long may lie snatched oft by-a Southern man. livn in frlnrv in hi* al.ninfl II knew that this would bo the cnso, ns I knew. ® 0 y ! * I that no matter wliat the professions of the South- OT The N. Y. Journal of Commerce thinks ern ultras were, they would, at the last hour, ♦hn*... .i.anumfl w• , I prefer a caudidute from a Slave State to every that as the name ol Kossuth is now on nearly J ther> Let ll0 ouc flatter himself that as soon as everybody s ups, it would bo us well to pro- I Cass is thrown overboard, Buclmimu will bo in- liounce it correctly, and thereupon proceeds to I stalled iu his place—tho overthrow of Cass could stato that tho pronunciation is Kos-shool only enure to the benefit of the old friends and placing the accent ou the first syllable. At firs! n,,d "° l ‘° view, such a pronunciation seems inconsistent *1.« I... ..... ... Kossuth’s Residence iu London. A correspondent of the New-York Herald thus writes to the editor of tlmtpnper. Your special correspondent writes from Lon don that Kossuth had taken up his quarters with Mr. Mussingbcrd, iu Eaton square, an officer in the Guurds, und u gentleman of large fortune.— Knowiug the family und gentlemun in question, 1 can inform you upon some points you may FUNERAL INVITATIONS. The frionds and acquaintances of ALEXANDER J. MAXWELL, Mrs. Maxwell und family, arc invited to attend the Funeral of the former, from his late res idence in South-Broad street, near Eust-Broud street, at ten o’clock, This Morning. The friends and. acquaintances of Mr. und Mrs. R. G.Guerurd, aro invited to attond tho funeral of their youngest child, ADA DUNBAR, from their residence, No. 7 Columbia squurc, This Morning, ut *>•* past 11 o’clock. Departure of Htcniners from Savaunnli. THIS DAY. JVrn. Gaston, Clughorn, for Palutka, &.C., at 10 A. M. Hancock, Murruy, Augusta, ut 8 A. M. Tho regular U. S. Mail Steamers Gordon, Cupt. Brooks, Calhoun, Cupt. Barden, und Metn- mora, Cupt. Frooland, leave every morning ut 4 o’clock, for Charleston, and arrive every evening in Savannuh ut 5 o'clock, l*. M. Departure of Cara ou the Central Railroad. Two Passenger Trains Daily. Evening Train.—Leaves Savannah at 8 P. M., and arrives ut Macon at 5*4 A. M., connecting with 8tnges to Augusta, with the Mncon und Wostern day-trains to Athuitu, with Columbus by Stage, with Georgia Railroad to Augusta, and with tho South-Western Railroad to Fort Vullcy, und by Stages with points westward. , Morning Train.—Lenvns Savannah at 8 A. M., and urrives in Mucon ut GVfc P. M., connecting with tho Mucon und Western Night Truins to Atlanta, Montgomery und Clmttunoogu ; with Stages to Augus ta, from No. 9 ; and (going East) with Stages to Mil ledgevillo from Gordon. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. POUT OP SAVANNAH DEC. it. AUDEN SliiiDH, Heal Wlieut, Seed Ryo und Oats, for sulo by SAM’L HOYT &. CO. H 1 Also, light Garden Hoei, and Iloes lor thinning Cotton Plants; for sale by SAM’L HOYT Sc CO. B OGARDUS’ IIORSE POWERS, for two and four horses ; for sulo by dec 2—2w SAM’L HOYT Sc CO Putont Cast Iron YARD PUMPS, the best urticlo over in use; do. do. Force and Suction Ph nps; for sale by dec 2—2w SAM’L HOYT Sc CO. r i\ COILS COTTON ROPE, ussorted size t)U and 100 dozen Mule Lines, of assorted sizes, very low prices, by the puckage or single lino, dec 2—2w SAM’L HOYT & CO. B altimore flour and bacon. 100 bbls. Howard street Flour, 10 hlids. primo Bacon Shoulders ; landing and for sale by dec 2 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Sc CO. strcc Add dec 2 i New uml Beautiful Style «f Raised Einbroitlcjy, Tapestry, Wax Flowers. atEWEL I I.OWKKS, READ WORK iVc. &c. M RS. LAW, from Alabama, informs the ladies of Savannah that she proposes remaining for a short time, for the purpose of giving instruction in several polite and clegunt branches of female education, spcri. mens of which can ho scon by calling at 50 Bryan-m first house below Reynolds Square. Mrs. Law trusts the Ladies of Savannah will avail themselves of tho opportunity to acquire a beautiful und useful accomplishment, which is no Ic.-k necessary as a part of a finished education thun an advantage m the frequently recurring necessities of life. n 09 ST * ANDREW’S HALLl The Celebrated, Far Famed and Original New Oi lt iiiiH Opera nml HnllctTrnupc, C COMPRISING the greutest combination of talent hi J the world, will appear at St. Andrew's Hall in Snviuiuah, on MONDAY KVEN'G, DECEMBER 1st, and every Evening during the Week, in a grand change of Programme. The Company consists of the following Arti Mr. Sandford, Kavanaoii, Rainer, Lynch, Collins, Holman, Mr. Vonbonhorst, Ole Bull Wyatt, Williams, McKenna, J. Lingahd, Aud numerous auxiliaries. The whole under the management of Samuel!:. Sandford, tho eelebrnted Comedian. Joseph II. Kavanagh,Musical Director, J. W. Holman, Louder. Theodore McKenna, tho well known composer, will preside nttlie Piano Forte. Tho Entertainments given by tho Now Orleans Opera Troupe differ entirely from other Minstrels, as they introduce all tho best Original Songs, Ballad*, Glees, Choruses, including tho best selection of old Euglhli, Irish, and Scotch Ballads, With their Bur lesque Operntic Scenes, with the Dancing of the Ballet Troupe iu their Burlesque Pas do Deux, Cachucas, Flings, Reels, Jigs, Hornpipes, which were originally introduced in Concert Rooms by this Troupe, in order to satisfy their audiences iu every variety; nnd with the established reputation of this Company, of their Chaste, Unique, und Moral Style, has drawn the must fashionable und numerous audiences in every place which they have visited. The entertainment, through out, is enlivened with the Bon Mots, Jokes, Readings of Shukspeare, nnd Local Items of tho day, by that inimitable punster, S. H. Sandford. I ^ Tickets 50 cents. Scats can be secured dur ing the day, without extra charge. Doors open at 7 o’clock—to coiumcneu at half past 7. S. S. SANDFORD, nov 20 Proprietor and Manager. in, 75 do P & II Connecticut River do; 40 do Domestic Brandy, 10 do old Georgia Pencil do; 100 do N O Rectified Whiskey, 20 do old Mouongnhola do, GO do Rye do; 80 do N E Rum. In storo aud for sale by dec 2 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Sc CO. I riLOUIt.—r>0 bbls best Baltimore Flour, landing per sclir Woodbridge ; for sale by dec 2 BRIGHAM, KELLY Sc CO. r Hams, - und 10 do do Sides,landing per schr Woodbridge; r sale by (dec 2) BRIGHAM, KELLY Sc CO. High Tide, 2h. 38m„ Morning.—3h. 17m., Evening, ELECTION NOTICES. Friends' and Fellow Citizens: I am a cuudiduto for re-election for tho office of Tux Collector,and respectfully solicit your support, nov 29 1 • F.M. STONE. ARRIVED. Ship Gondar, Burstow, Philadelphia, to Muster. Br. ship Colonist, Cupt , from Liverpool, via Now York, to Andrew Low Sc Co. Schr. northern Belle, Thompson, Riceborough, to Amlersons Sc Co. Steamer Calhoun, Barden, Charleston, to S M Laffi- te&u. CLEARED. Brig Wilson Fuller, Lewis, New York—Brigham, Kel ly Sc Co. Brig Annandale, Sherman, Cardenas—W P Tefft. Schr. Henrietta, Peed, Baltimore—Brigham, Kelly Sc Co. DEPARTED. Steamer Gordon, Brooks, Charleston. To the VotcTH of UkiUliitm County. Fellow Citizens :—I am a Candidate, for the Of fice of RECEIVER OF TAX RETURNS, at tho election in January next, nnd respectfully solicit your support. EDW’D. MULLIGAN. To flic Voters ol C’liathnin County. Fellow Citizens :—I urn a Candidate for the of fice of Sheriff of Chatham County ut the ensuing elec tion iu Junuury next, und respectfully solicit your support. (nov J7) JOHN DEVANNY. Messrs. Editors :—Pleaso announce Mr. JOHN A. STALEY ns a caudidute for SHERIFF ut the en suing election in Junuury next, and oblige oct 27 MANY VOTERS. Mb. Editor:—IMoase announce S.CURRELL candidate for SHERIFF of Chatham county, ut tho election on the first Monday in January oct 24 MANY VOTERS. Feli.ow-Citizens : I am a candidate for re-election to the ofllco of RECEIVER OF TAX RETURNS, on the first Mon- day in Junuury next, und respectfully ask you for your support. (oct 11—td) JOHN MURPHY. with til. orthography; hut vve should recollect thut tli in the German aud other kindred lan guages is equivalent to t with us, und open the u as in Union, and the mystery is solved. -Jr*" The New York Evening Mirror under stands that Mr. George Law of that City, in connection with Mr. Seymour of Utica, and others, have closod a contract with tho Cineim ltuti aud St. Louis Railroad Company, for tho I <leom ol ' llter< = t! - Mussingbertl’s father, soven entite aurvey, gradiog,bridging superstructure, iron depots, equipage, &e., of their road, for I of enteriprise, highly educated, and ol cultivated nine mill ions of dollars. This road is about 330 tastes. He penetrated beyond the Far West, miles long, and is to be delivered in comnlet. 10 tho conlincs , ol ! ,lle Ilock y Mountains. The :■> nil e hardships to winch ho was exposed undermined . ® ■ s P ect9 within five yoars ],j a health, and lie died six years since, leaving tor that sum. I ltree and a half millions in cash, the family property, Guuby Hall uear Cundlcs- aud tho temainder in stack and bonds. I bv, in Liucolusliire, to bis only son, the subject ; oi' the present notice. This young gentlemun, f? 1 A Washington letter says :—The Whigs at the date of his father's death was a midship- havo a new ticket to-day, and it seems to be u mBn 0,1 hoard *lio Irigatc stationed nt Hong pretty formidable otto ; it is Clay for President Ko , ng, 1 , f ? e r . eturKcd ‘.° England, left the navy «n.t it,,. r. ' , ,, ,, ., and obtained a commission in tho Guards. Hi nit I' illmore for V tee-I resident. I j remained quietly ill Kngland for two years, when advise you to tako it cun graiw salts, hut still I the hereditary love of udvcnlure inherent in the ‘ assure you the ticket is seriously discussed | Massingberds impelled him to visit Asia Minor. Should Clay meet with an net idem, then Mr b e *“»““! Kossuth, and the intimacy ripened , j£ , i*« mary i - i UICU mio friendship, until lie idolized the Hungarian ady a tried man. Clay would I Ho returned to Loudon, his leave having ox make a strong man in die Southern Whig Staten | nired, where he could only think and talk of and Fillmore would do tolorable well at the I Rossuth; and when he avowed his resolve to North. Others speak of an entirely new Ret or throw up his commission and join tho Hunga- candidates, young men for Whigs and von J r “ lla . shouldthev „ IIC , V the struggle, bis reV - n-i l * •/» , B . a young tions thought him tund. You now comprehend men for Democrats ; and if tho people are con- I why Kossuth resides at his honsCf or rather at euhcdf young men will be in the field, 1 his mother) Mrs. Massingberd’s, Eaton square. A'newwork on Austria,by the Ho„. w. llow KossorH Mastered the English H. Stiles, late charge of the United States at Language.—It is stated that, in 1837, wlicu con- Viennu, is about to be issued from the press. 1 deumed to three ycurs imprisomuentby the Aus- - I triau Government, Kossulli at the end of the first ry* The Ship Virginia, which we have ol- year, was offered tho choice of one book for his v ’ ready reported as having been on shore ou Cape I amusement, provided that It was not political.— Komain, was towed into port yesterday by the I Ho replied that if, instead of one, llioy gave him Steamer Pilot, Capt. Adkins. She was (owed | three, they should not be political ; ho selected To the Electors of Chatham County < Fxllow Citizens:—! mn n candidate for the office of RECEIVER OF TAX RETURNS, at the election in January noxt, and roapectfiilly nsk your support. BARNARD E. BEE. off the Cape, ou Suturday, after four days hard work by tho Stcumer General Clinch, Capt. Crewen. She is, we understand, but little damaged, and her puntpn can dry her without difliciitty. Two thousund bags of salt were thrown overboard to lighten her, the balance, os we have been informed, has sustained little or no injury.—Charleston Courier of yesterday. tho English Grammar, Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary, and Shakspeare. Having obtained these hooks, he commenced the study of tho lea- guage, beginning with the translation of the first scene of the “'J earnest, ” which occupied him about a fortnight. This was in 1837 ; and how well he now understands the lunguagc is shown by his speeches, Fellow-Citizens and Friends; 1 nm a Candidate fur Sheriff of Cltatltum County, at the Election nu first Monday in January noxt, and most rcspectfullysolicit your support. CHA’S H. PICKETT. SPECIAL NOTICES. SAVANNAH MUTUAL LOAN ASSOCIA TION. An adjourned meeting will bo held ou Thursday Evening, 4tl» inst., nt 7^k o’clock, dec 2 2 J. M. GUERARD, Scc’y. CHATHAM MUTUAL JLOAN ASSOC IA TION. A meeting of the above Association will be held iu the Excliaugo on Tuesday Evoning, tho 2d iust., at 7 o’clock. JNO. POSTELL, dec l 2 Secretary. II. W. VKKST1LLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office 175 Bay Street. nov 1 NOTICE. Dr. JOSEPH GANAHL offers his professional ser vices. Office and Residence, corner Barnurd and State streets. St. James square. ly may 8 DR. P. H. DEHIERE. Office, Broughton street, next door to Lycoum Hall, residence 70 Hull. oct 22 ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER ! IMPORTANT TO DYSPEPTICS.—Dr. J. Houghton’s PSP8IN, the True Digestive Fluid Gastric Juice, prepared from Rennet, of the fourth stomach of the ox, after directions of Baron Liebig, the groat Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton. M. D., Philadelphia. This is truly a wonderful remedy for indigestion, dyspepsia, juuudice, liver complaint, constipatiou, and debility, curing after naturo’s method, by nature’s own agent, the gastric juice.— Pamphlets, containing scientific evidence of its vulue, furnished by agents gratis. See advertisement in an other part of this paper. eod ly juueJl INSURANCE COMPANIES. HOYAI. INSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. Capital, Tiro Millions of Pounds Sterling. Tliia Institution lius established un Agency in So- vuunuh, mill Fire Policies upon Produce nml Property will bo issued by ANDREW LOW & CO. oct 21 Omo MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Isaac AaBATT.Soc’ry. JosephB. Collins, Presid’l Da. It. D. Arnold,MadiculExuiniuor. Applicutionsroceived by febis ly VV. P.HUNTER, Agent MARINE FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE SOUTHERN MUTUAUNSURANCE COMPANY. AS1IURY HULL, President uml Treasurer. Albon Chase, Scc’ry. C. F. McCay, Actuary. The undersigned, Agent of the above Compuuy, con tinues to take tho following risks, viz: Marine, River, and Fire ; ulso on the lives of Servants. Lives of White Pcrsonsure also taken by this Com pany. No extra premium for residing iu tho South. F * WILLIAM KING, Agent, june 15 ly Corner of Bay and Drayton-sts. LONDON PU03NIX FIRE OFFICE. Takes Risks in Suvunnah. Apply to Aug 4 R HABERSHAM A.SON. Agts. BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. assortment of Hall Lumps and Luntorus, wire guarded und plain ; for sale by dec 2 COLLINS Sc BULKLEY. C OHN.—Prime Baltimore old White Corn, lund- ing and lor sulo by DAV'ID R. DILLON, dec 2 Foot of Weft-Broad street. Q ATS.—Pi doc 2 q Oats, landing ami for sule by DAVID R. DILLON, Foot of West-Broad street. ^yOOD.-Pr dec 2 i Ouk Wood, lor sulo by DAVID It. DILLON, Foot of West-Broad street. t TO LET.—An OFFICE on tho Bay, very I favorably locuted. Apply to L -dec 1 THOMAS, FIUERSON Sc CO. LOST. A Trunk marked *‘Mrs.A. Mitchell,” from on bourd Charleston Bout, or f o*n of Messrs. Morse Sc Shaksponro’t Omnibuses, on Thursday night, 27th inst. Thu finder will please leave it at this afiice. 2 dec 1 CHRIST CllUliClI. rpiIE vacant Pews iu this Church will be rented on JL Wednesday morning, 3d Dec., util o’clock. No tice will be given by tho ringing of the bell. Present occupants, who have not already notified the Treasu rer of their wish to rctuin their Pews, and those who ure in arrears for rout, aro requested to attend to the sunic prior to the day of renting. dec 1 W. P. HUNTER, Treasurer Christ Church. 3 MISS L. II. S A RGB ANT H AS just arrived iu Suvunuuh, whole she purposes giving Lessons in the art of modelling WAX FLOWERS in Parisian tusliion, for which the first pre mium was uwarded to her by tho Amoricun Institute, at their late Fuir in New-York, making Paper Flowers uml a variety of Fancy Work. Site solicits culls from the ludics of Savannah to sec specimens of her work, feeling fully assured they will be perfectly fuscinutod withtnoart, ut Mad.Guerurd’s, South Broad street, op posite the Academy.Imo* nov 24 South Carolina insurance co., OF CHARLESTON, S. C. Capital,$250,00(1, ull puid in uud wcllinvestcd. Fire, Marine, River, and Lifo Risks. CHARLES EDMONDSTON, President A. L. Tobias, Secretary. D1BBCTORS. Robert Martin, Col. Jas. Gadsden, 31. C. Mordecai, Chares H. West, S. Mowry, Jun., Henry Cobia. Thnsabscriber having beon appointed Agent in this city for Ut® above named Company, is prepared to re- coive offers, and issue policies of Insurance on Fire, Marine, River, and Lifo risks, on liberal terms. All losses insured at this agency, will be promptly adjusted and paid by tho undersigned. . . a pr5 J. C. LEVY, Agent. NATIONAL SAFETY, INSURANCE AND TRUSH COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Charter Perpetual. Hon. H. L. Benner, Pres. | Wm. J. Reed, Scc’ry. A reduction of 25 per cent, has been made on the ordinary rates of Lifo Insurance by this Company, past experience justifying it. The nett profits made by the Company, will bo an nually divided among those who insure lor the whole life term, cither in scrip or by an equivalent bonus addition to their Policies, as they may elect at tho time of being insured. 53^ Lives of Slaves taken. Applications received by 11. GANAHL, Agent. Medical Examiner, Dr. Jos. Ganahl. ly oct 19 TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. S TOLEN from the dwoliiug house of the undersign- od, Orleans Square, on Friday night last, A silver Cream Pot, Kirk nmkor, with the letters “R. H.” engraved on it. A plain silver Mug, with tho initials “J. If." A double Great (’out, worn on either side—rough side black, nnd smooth side blue—neither lined ; loo| instead of button boles. Also, a blue Cloak, somewhat worn, with velvet col- lur uml facing, rod pluid lining. The above reward will be puid for the recovery of the articles, or in proportion for uny of them, dec 1 ROBERT HABERSHAM. United States mail Line, FROM OGLETHORPE TO EUFAULA DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. T HE Subscribers liuve lately put upon this route line of first rate Coaches, superier Horses, un sober, steady und competent Drivers, nnd now olle to the travelling public, this as the best route to pei ms going North aud Eust. AlOglethorpe, it couuecM ith u daily line of stago to Tulluhassn, Florida, and with tho South-Western Railroad to Macon uml Sa vannah. At Eufuln, it connects with u tri-weekly lino ofstugosto Columbus, Gu., uml to Chcliuw, Ala., where it connects with the Montgomery Railroad. At both Eufuula und Oglothorpn, hacks can lie pro cured to tako travellers to any point. Apalachicola merchants going North, will find it to tlioir advantagfl to take this route, as the low stato of the water fre quently enables boats to reach Eufuula, when it is im possible to reach Columbus.. 'Phis lino is one duy quicker thun any other to Suvunuah, the running limn being only thirty-six hours, after leaving Eufuula. It is also three dollars cheaper than any other, the faro through being only $15. g AWY ER Si SMITH. A liue of Btoamers between Apulacliicolu end New Orleans boing established, persons Eust of Eufala de sirous of going to Now Orlcuus, will find it to their advuntage to patronize this line, as by taking steam boat at Eufuula, they will find the truvel much the B LAKE’S PATENT FIRE PROOF PAINT.-A supply always on hand, and for sulo by oct 16 tf C. A. L. LAMAR. light Vests, for evening Dress, just sale by (nov 27) * ply of fmo lived uml for JOHN MALLERY. ( 'IANDY, SUGAR PLUMS & TOYS.- J Manufactured by J. G. Newcomb, 170 Broughton Street, near Jefferson, Savannuh, Georgia. All arti cles of tho finest quality, and at the lowest prices, wholesale ami retail, fresh every day. All the a lmve articles are kiln dried, which makes them perfectly hard and dry, nnd will resist tho warmest climate.— From twenty to fifty boxes can bo hud ut one day’s no tice, put up in 25, 50, and 1001b boxes, free of charge. N. B.—A liberttl discount to dealers. 2w nov IB C OPPERSMITH SHOP.—J. J. MAURICE. No. 10 Barnard streot, would inform Owners, Captains und Eagineers of Stcumbouts und Mills, tliut ho is nowpropured to manufacture ull kinds of Cop per, Steam and Water Pipes, at 45c. per lb. sopt h» rjUIE 8UHSCRIHER is now prepared to lay X Motalic Roofs, Tin, Coppor and Iron, at tho shortest notice, No. 10 Burnurd street. J. J. MAURICE. SELLING OFF! T HE SUBSCRIBER will sell offhis stock of CLOTHING, HATS, and NEGRO SHOES at reduced prices, (nov 9—Imo) WM. B. HALL- F resh gum dJrops.—100 n»s. fresiiGum Drops. Just received, nnd for sale by nov 20 JOS. M. TURNER, Alonumcnt-sq. CHRISTMAS IS COMING! 1 7 HE World’s Fair, nor uny other Fuir, cannot pro duce abettor supply of Fire Works, of all descrip tions, thun can be hud ut ALEXANDER’S, by whole sale or rctuil, corner of Bull and Cojigress-sts., Monu ment Square.G dec 1 MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE, BY THK COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY Of Charleston, S. C. Capital $250,000—All paid in. WM. B. I1ER10T, President; A. M. LEE, Secretary Directors. Jamk8 K. Robinson, Geo.A.Tbenholdt, Robert Caldwell, A. R. Taft, The Subscribers having boon the abovo Coinpauy, ure now re „ and issue Policies of Insurance on Firo aud Muriue Risks. may 15 COHENS Sc HERTZ , Agenti Henry T. Street, Wm. McBurnky, J. II. Brawley, T. L. Wraqg. unpointed Agents for uuy to receive offers, _ the Couimiskioucrs of Public Roads of Chutham County will bo held at the Court House, in the City of Savannuh, on tho 8th duy, being the second Monday iu December next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. W. W. WASH, Secretary B. C. P. R. C. C. Savannah, lthli November, 1851. d20 New Wild ©Bale and Retail CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STORE. FIM1E subscriber respectfully culls tho attention ol X the citizens of Savuunuh to his large stock of Clo thing ol every variety, from the finest to the coarsest, which he will sell for cusli at the lowest prices, ut the Store 148 Broughton street, next door to Dixon's Con fectionery. K. H. CH1SOLE. O VERCOATS! OVERCOATS!!—GREAT BARGAINS !! I ut tho cheap Clothing Store, No. 148 Broughton street, (next door to Dixon’s Confec tionery,^ consisting of overy quality and style, from $25 to $3. All iu want of a good urliclc cheap, are invited to call early. E. H. CHISOLE, dec 1 is tf 148 Broughtun-st. 1 7* OR SALE.—Kentucky Rope of the bostquulity. . doc 1 Imo R. HABERSHAM & SON. 1 770R SALE.- . tion, for Sea dec 1 lino -Bugging of the houvicst descrip 'und, very low. ROBT. HABERSHAM Sc SON. C HOICE BUTTER.—8 lirkiua choice Goshci Butter landiiig, aud lor sulo by dec 1 COIIENS Sc HERTZ. FF 3 hlids. primo Shoulders; landing from schooner Mary F. Luttcrloh, und for sale by dec 1 COHENS & HERTZ. N EW ORLEANS MOLASSES.—50 bands JS ri70BACC0.—100 15113 boxes Tobac co, 3 plugs to X the pound ; 50 boxes pounds, favorite brands.— For sale by dec I THOMAS, FRIERSON Sc CO. roceived u largo assortment. For sale atlholowcs prices by PRICE Sc VEADKR, uov 14 147 Bay Street.^ R KUEIV15U BY ltUCENT AUKIVAI.S— Ilia nunnl HiippliuN of Groceries, Grapes, Raisin', Lemons, Cuinlies, Apples, Spices, Sauces, &e. GEO, ALEXANDER, c 1 Cor. Bull & Couirross-sls., MonmncnMie B rass and iron wire siftkks.- For sale by F. W. CORNWELL, 102 Bryaa Sired. B altimore fjlou R<f-i«8 i>bi»7 Flour landing from ship Isabella,'ami for salo ay eel COHENS &HKHT/-_ rn BOXES ADAMANTINE CANDLES! OU 25baskets Champagne ; 50 boxes smull Cnees*i on consignment. For sale by ,lecl THOMAS. FRIERSON Si C0.^ LUMBER, I,UMBER. T HE unilorsignod, intending to contiuuo the l.iu her business on his own ocoount, will keep stantly on hand a quantity of River Sawed L ,,m j Runging Timber, and Shingles; also Oak, Aslj Pino Wood. JNO. F. O’BYRNL, At the old stand, O’By r no, i wharf. inter CLOTHING.—Suitable for 8«' vunts und Laborers* We have a largo which wo will sell ut New York wholesale prices, some ut a littlo less, for cash. HOUSTON Sc GROUNDESON, Manufacturers of Clothiug, 96 Brynn, One door west of Whitaker-street, Savamiun - nov 29 rrp E nglish merino under MENTH—Warranted not to shrink, » sortmont of the vury best quality, uud largo size , salo from 75 cents to $2 50 each, by HOUSTON Sc GROUNDESON, Wholesale and Retail, 9G Bryan, nov 29 3 Quo door west of Whitaker-^ OR HALE.—Tliut very fuel ‘"‘‘W2n" “Mrs. Caudle," tho property of the late > -j. Henry Alongin. No one need upply but u per liug to puy a fair price for a fine animal. sn v nov 29 y lw ROBT. HABERSBAMfSOW. tv per steamer Florida, u few dozen ... ^u, Winter stylo Moleskin Hats, of superior ( l uu *iu Messrs Beebe’s, Leary's, sml other atyleirr-m y ^ store at 149 Congress-street.