Newspaper Page Text
.• 1 * -‘ar'iSf s- -* f ? ni?*.
Georgia Gazette*.
(Nfo. 768.)
Madeira Wine.
\ PIPE of Genuine Madeira Wine just broached, and
A miller.
, Savannah, yug 2 °*
p r£ S H GOODS.
A CHOICE Assortment of SPRING GOODS,, im
ported per the IMp Cafolutt, Capt.
. f nr r a ie on a credit, if applied for mnoedi-
London, ROBERTSON* and CO.
June 1, 09 3* 1 ‘ •
HAVING convenient (lore? on Clarke’s wharf for the
reception of Country Produce, or Mercbandife of
anv deferipyon, offers his best fervkes to his friends, and
the public, in tranfafting any business they may place m
his hands as a Faftor or Commilfion IVJerchant.
: Savannah , October 7, 1 797* _ ,
A Quantity of GUNPOWDER
Tor sale on easy terms, by
May 29. ■ ’ .
The fubferibers have for sale, at their store under tile Bluff,
The following Articles,
Which they will-dispose of on moderate terms for cash or
. produce, viz.
PUNCHEONS high proof Jamaica and Weft India
rum, barrels coffee, ditto beef, ditto frefh fuperfine
Hour, ditto pilot and fiiip bread, ditto lihfeed oil, ditto
lamp ditto; kegs white lead, ditto Venetian red, ditto
Spanish brown, ditto yellow paint, ditto green ditto, ditto
Prussian blue ditto; caffes gunpowder, ioSlbs. each; boxes
’’diflerentfized window glais; alum fait, best French brandy,
and Northward rum.
_ They have also on band , A general Assortment of
5T JIPCHANDLERY, consisting of the moft ufeful articles
in that line.
- Likewise, Different kinds of dumber.
. |£P Who coiKtotte Factotage M*K3on)U!tfEqi> Bo
fmefs, and have bn hand for sale, a quantity of rice, in
whole and half barrels.
May 17. •
paint oil. .
THE fubferibers have received on consignment, a few
casks of best DUTCH containing 40 gallons
each, which they will fell low, if immediately applied for.
May 14, 1798. MCCALL & MILLJtR. .•
Georgia Paper Medium.
Apply to James Mackintosh. v
January 24. ; .■
* ‘
Dresseb r- *
RESPEGTFULLY informs his customers and the pub
lic, that he has removed from Mr. Cummings’s to
his new shop in Lincoln street, nearly Opposite Mr. Dillon’s
boarding house, where he will endeavor tp merit a conti
nuance of their favors.
Sluyter & Baker
Rave received by the latest arrivals, and for sale, at their
Grocery and Liquor Store, in St, Julian street, in Mr.
Hogg’s buildings,
HYSON tea London, and Philadelphia
Su S*r pongr in bottles
JJ I** 1 ** * ‘ ‘ Superfine and fine best Bdri-’
Chocolate more floHr
Raifms Crackers
London particular Matjeira New Jeffry pork
n * ‘” e ‘ • Black eyeF peafe
Bouraeaux brandy Smoked and pickled her-
Jainaica and New England rings .
tt }} m - Mould candles
Holland geneva Tar an&turoenrine -
Lonuon aid “Philadelphia A quantity‘of firft quality
Parer in hogsheads • fii„ t corn. - ‘
THE intending to decline the Dry Goods
Bufmds, offer for sale,
Tncir Remaining Stock of GOODS,
* a moderate advancf ’ for cafb or P>dce, or on a
credit. A. W. JOHNS! ON aid CO.-
Prime Slaves.
P® f^e^ f SL . AVESb y the Eagle will be con
whofc TrUi u° m J7 to at sale, until the
™ aonbted exchange, or
will be received in payment. Apply to *
SavontLil n cr CAIG and CO.
21 jt y unt) 179 §,
THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1798.
On the frjt Tueffay in Xugujl nixt y ivill be ‘at
the Courtbo\ifPin the city jfSavdrinaßy between the.
hours'of X and Tl, • * •
THE HOUSE and LOT in said city at preferit'bdfti.
pied by Capt. William Pittdcr, lei zed and t 6 be fold
as the property of the late Robert Montfort, deceaied,
pointed out by she plaintiff.
f G. R. Dpke, s. *c. s.
•^l^H^following articles wer found in Yamacraw Ipqie;
JL time in the moiith of May last, luppofed t to have
been stolen, viz.
1. dozen figured handkerchiefs, 15 yards blue cotton ca
lico, 14 yards ditto, “9 blue fberk.handkerchiefs, 1 3-4
yard blue striped cotfe>n ftuff, r a pair sailors duck
trowfiers. ~ ” >
The owner is desired to prove the proj)erty, pay clfarges,
and take them away, wirhin thirty days, otlierlVife they
wiil be fold for the benefit of die County.
Savannah, June 20, 1798.
On tbe firfi Tuesday in Augufi next wiil befAdi at Rlce
<• borough, betweertshe hours of X and 111 o’clock , by
public outcry, ‘
The following PROPERTY, viz.
ALL that valuable and well kncHvri Rice Plantation,
or Traft of Land,'in'the county of LiLeVty, in -
three separate surveys, containing, on a late resurvey, 800
acres in the whole, bounded eaftwanlly by land's of John
Lainbright, fouthwardly by lan ls of John. Elliott, and
northwardly by lands of the Estate of John Hext. ‘
600 Acres, in the laid county of ‘Liberty,’ in “two fuiar
veys, lying on Gofhen swamp, which will be more parti
cularly defcrilx-d 011 the day of sale. ‘
That, handsome Situation on Colonels Iffand where John
Mitchell fen. Efqf now relidis, containing” 130 acres,
bounded weft by lands', of the’ Estate of John Timmons,
northwardly by Jands of Peter XVinn, Esq. east and lbuth
by maVTh., . “ ‘ ’
Affo the following Negroes, ‘ viz. Sambo, Saul, Wally,
Pegg, Rdfe, and Jacob; the fcQow Jacob is a carpenter,
and ha been run aiyay upvvards of two years, is still out,
and will be fold as he rims. > - *
Two Lots in the Town of Sunbiny, known tn the ori
ginadplan of tfie said fowfr by the numbers 237 and 238.
Ttejhole_of the above prppeny feiadagdtaken'under
and by virtue of several execufions as die property of Joint
Mitel id! feri. Esq. and pointed out by the said defendant. .
At the fame time and place will be fold,
Two Negroes, Viz. Nelly, a young Wench, and Prince,
a fmall.boy, feize'd and taken under and by. virtue of an
execution as the property of tltfe Estate of William Bacon,”
at the suit of the Auminiftrators oi G. Dupont. and Doint
ed out .by the administrator. g f” ’ \ j
50 Acres of Land in the county of Liberty, commonly
called M‘Girt’s Cowpens, bounded on all (ides by’ vacant
land at the time of furvev, taken undet execution as the
pioperty of Robert Sallet, deceaied,. and pointed out by
the executor. • ‘ •
Three Negroes, viz. Dick and Cealy, common fielff
slaves; and Frank, a cooper; feiJsed and taken udder exe
cution as the property of the’ Estate” of William Norman, ’
and pointed out by the adnliniftrator.
500 Acres of Land-m tlie county oTLiberty, ‘bounded ’
on the eait by Samuel Burnley, and on every other fide by
lands vacant at the time of fumy, taken under execution *
as the property of Robert C. Baijlie, deceafej.’ T
Also 200 Acres of Land in.the said county of Liberty,
T S eV 7 on^ r ’ John'&llar,
deceased, leized and taken under execution as the nropertv
of Robert at the m 3T
pointed out by the defendant.
Conditions cash. : u c. ‘
Ktceborougb , 30 tb May, 1708.
: ” sheriff sale::
On tbefirfi Tuesday e /M, nt the
- town of Rtcpborßugh , between the bdurs X and
111 o’clock, by public outcry, ” .
-NLGRGfiS, v.iz. Philtida, Chloey* Rachel,
Marv, Billy, Roger, Snd Annette, leized qnd-taken
under and by virtue of several executions as the property
of the Estate o£ John Hext, Conditions eafhi •*; r <
• June 25, 1799. JN o . JONES, s. l. c. -
SHEkIFF s j>A'LE. ‘
On the firft Tuesday in Augujl next, will be fold, m*
t the town of Riccborougb, between the hours cf IX
and 111 o’clock, by public outcry,
All thai.Plantation or Tract of Land, near
Siuibury, containing upwards of .200 acres, late the resid
ence of Nathaniel Saxton, deceased; and One Negro Fel
fow; seized and taken, under execution as. the property of
the Cud Nathaniel Saxton, at the suit of Adam Alexander,
Lfo. Conditions cash. JN 0 . JONES, s. l. c.
Riccborougb, xlab Junp, iyqß.
Chi the firfi in *vgnft nexi, will be fold, at
use town of Riccborougb, between the hours cf X
- and llleTclock, by pubTicHufiry, ‘*■ J i
• ; eleven negsoe's. v
and taken under and by virtue of several executions
•afcrthe tvT.pmy of John Mhehett fen. Eic.-
COTdkiomcam. JN“.JOX£s7? l .c-
Riccborougb, the 27th June , 1798,
* - . 1 .
(4 dollars per arm.)
T7T7ILL be paid *0 any person who may lodge In the
J*f Workhouse in Savannah, the following jRE.
rur M wht> ran m Sa,,tta y ni S ht last from tlie
iublcnber’s plantation in ftryan county, ta w*; 1 Fortuny.
a remarkable flout, healthy, rebuff fellow, about 6 foot
• high, has bad fore teeth, and has lately had a very bail
lose on one of his. thumb#; which is not quite well yet.
Fanny, a very likely young wench, who deferip
tion about Savannah, where she is generally kud#vn. The
above reward will ’be immediAtelv paid on detive/y of the
two Negroesat tlie .Workhouse, or nine dollars for fortune,
and fix for Fanny, if takeri separately. .
• ; -£i ‘ JA: TONES.
Ship tYardT July 3,
Fifty Dollars Reward.
ft** m [ „i -j | T UN AWAY from the fubferiber,
§ Q . m 1 *ho | bt 4 weeks lime, A Nmuo
J Fb l iow, named Rrate an Africa#!
.born, ftiwiglit made and jfkndcr, about-
S feet 6 indies high, dark
2i or aa years of age; it is supposed
he will change his name to Abraham*
* Ten Dollars, with reasonable charges,
wl Ibe paid on his ‘delivery to the Gao 4 er ih Savanttuh,
an l tpe abiive rewarcbof fifty dollars for proof oFTiisi btifig
harb ‘red by a white perl’on, so that the oftender may bp
’ brought to ptmiflrment. G&Ji Millen.
• Lottery Hall, June 25, 1798. . - ‘ *
On the Jirft Tuefday,'being ~tbe 7 'tb day r s A'tgujl nett,
\. w Wf e fAd, at the Gourtboufe in ikt’Ctty of Savaii*
mb, • .
ALU that TraA of Land, containing. 540 acres,
acres of which are.tidelwartip, the reinaindcr qak
and hickory; the above traift joihs land of SamuerWilkiris
••.tp the weft, and —to thefeaft; seized and tor be fold as
the property of James Moore, Esq. deceased.
: - jl. At the fame timp-a nd place will be fold,
.. Forty Negroes, belonging to the Estate of Joseph Cfitft
bert, Esq, deceased, seized and tb be fold to fctnsfy several
judgments against said EftSte.
Also, One Trail of Land, on Little Ggecbee, contain
ing 125 acres; and a Negro Man, named Tony; seized
and'to be fold as the property of James Mfcyere, deceased,
at ti* fok of Lrv'r SlifeH.
July $,1746. RicriiAHn Wali, 5. c. c.
■ • .
On the firji Tuesday, being the yib day cf dugitfi next ,
will be fold, af the Gourtboufe in tbe city cfSavan
.. nab, , • . r
A TRACT OF LAND, containing 214 and an half
acres, near this city, bounded pn the north hy the
five acre lots, adjoining land* of Richard Wylly and
Hampton Lillibridge. to the east, on the iouth lands of
.John Smith, and on the weft landis of Ann Hunter and
-Bwrnfufes. Also, ANOTHER TRACT, containing 35
4tcn.'s pine land, bounded .on the weft by the White Bluff
road, {butt ,by Bumfides’s land, north by five acre lot*,
and waft .by White’s lot. The above lands seized and tn
be fold as the property bf Philip. Milledge, Esq, at die
.suit of the State. . Richard Wall, s. c. c
. Savannah, sth Julyj 1798. .; :
—-t —; ! :■■■-■ • . : —1 — ■’ ■<■ ■ -
On Friday the 13 tb infant, between- the hours rs X
and XI o'clock, will be leafed , for the term rs tbreo
* years, on the premtfes, to the bigbefi bidder,
HALF of that LOT.of LAND,- together with the
buildings thereon, known by the fetter V, at prefeiit
occupied by Major £. While. ~
r . JAy Sr 1798* ‘ Ben. Wall, M.'c. s.
“F O r“s. A L eT CHE A.P,
A yaluabfe Traft of Lattcl,
LYING xm the River Alatamaha, containing 450
acres, the firft qualify of oak and hickory land,
bounded southwesterly by the (aid river, northweftefly by
lands of Lachlan and on all qther ficles by
lands vacant at the time of survey. For further-pameu
’• lars inquire of the Printer*. . December 15, 1797.
r A LI. |*rCini ImWg >n, dtnunds Eftate of
.4 Jk Jacob Wifenbaker, deceased, are desired to render
item properly attested, and those indebted thereto are called
onfor John Wisenbakeb, Adm’r.
. *.StbJulyr * y
1 .::<•?’L 7 M t iCL
I /\ LL persons are particularly wamed against purchasing
any Negroes, lands, or otlier property, belonging
to the Estate of John Ruppert, deceased, from any person
or persons wHatfoevec, as the whole thereof fs secured, by
the w ife of the said John Ruppert, to the sole and separate
nfe of Mrs. Burhey during her life, and to her children
after her decease. • :zs -s
William Lewden,-! ‘
. ; • ‘ John Eppiltcer, L Executors.
*Fbbru jryTr;’ 1798. * . • .1
A Note for 100 Dollars, ‘it.
it, and paying for adverting,
may. hays it* Apply at the Printenb *