Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, February 15, 1820, Image 4

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4(1. / ■i/diiitRUL. gh, -cli’d beneath a hostiJe sky, io’ the deep between us rolls, vlship shall unite our sotils ,n fancy’s rich domain, hall we three meet again. ,*nen around the youthful pine Miss shall creep ami ivy twine, 'When our burnish’d locks are grey, Thiim’d hy many a toil spent day, May this long lov’d bow’r remain, Here may wc three meet again. When the dreams of life are (led, When its wasted lamps arc dead, When in cold oblivion's shade, Beauty, power and fame are laid, Where immortal spirits reign, There we tlirce shall meet again. From the Ladies’ Literary Cabinet. ON THE PUBLIC WORSHIP OF GOD Man is a social being. He delights ■in communicating the emotions of his heart and in dispensing happiness around him. He rejoices in the prosperity of those endeared to him by friendship or the ties of kindred, end U grieved in their adversity. In solitude, without an opportunity of exercising, and conse quently of improving the faculties, hi: Blind becomes indolent and debilitated., "Ilut when engaged in some desirable ob ject, in promoting his own interests, Or the interest of others, his powers become mere vigorous, and he is stimulated to continue his exertions with steady and unremitled perseverance. The great Creator has made us de pendent, not only on himself, but also on one another. Hence the - -cessity of entering into societies, an^. of putting ourselves under laws and regulations, adapted to promote the good of the ttholt, and to render this dependence reciprocally beneficial. Thus mankind ?T e divided into greater or. less societies. Nations are bound by general and exten sive laws, designed to advance the inter nal iers are '"It- IV- He nine jury You s, iu* iif its i my8- i sake, ior« *is timent, ,*sj and mid in ion and ntn com- j it is tobe orisons.— rod us with .unpanion in Ards children of love and inhinod should addressing the cr of good, die >inui|#»ciit ’God! anaticism, or the »ral authority; not i one sect and blcs- erushing one porti icvatiug another; but i God whom you fear iu approach with con- art—whom you call up- blessings with that frec- from an unsullied consci- tdeod a luxury; and those g who think only of dress, »f folly, instead of encourag ing pious redectioi.s, while f worship, lose sight of the id end of religion. There is ligion which is repulsive to hu- , it is alike foreign from thegloo- ne monastery or the fastidious in if the bigot; religion is ever cheer- purity, and there is nothing nppal- i sacred, character. Should we not eonrge it? Should wc wait until Ibi of trihiilalinn arrives? Should we for- ■nrGod until aniietion warns us of our dess eonditioii?—No.—In our prosperity us be grateful—in our adversity resigned, njefnlly receiving the good and ill with Iiieh our lives are chequered. These sentiments were aw akened by the ight of - ’ ‘ church r er templating the nature of that Being to whom their petitions are addressed, that he sees their actions, and is acquainted with their motives, and that be will re ward virtue and punish vice, they are iffected with a solemnity which seldom fails to annex a new sanction to his laws, and to inspire them with more virtuous principles. As m<!n in general have no religious principles, and no rule of life, but what they learn in these assemblies, an argu ment little short of mathematical demon stration may be adduced to prove, that if these institutions-were abolished, morali ty and virtue would soon disappear from among m?n. Experience has shewn that human laws tire of little avail, unless enforced by the authority of God. Look at the impious attempts which were made in France to exterminate every part of the Christian religion, and substitute athe ism as a nation’s creed. What was he consequence ! The public peace was endangered, mutual confidence destroy ed, and villany let loose upon the world. Persecution, with all her infernal train, stalked amid the smoking ruins : rob bery, rapine, and murder, were estab lished and perpetrated by law: civil so ciety degenerated into a den of thieves: civil authority was changed into a licence to break down all the barriers of justice, and that security of life, liberty, and pro-, perty, which men have by religious in stitutions, entirely abolished. Assemblies for public worship are of vine appointment. As such therefore, it becomes our duty to attend them. But had they not been commanded by God, yet considering the muny benefits which result from : the regular observance of them, they should be encouraged by every individual. If even infidels allow that they conduce much to the happiness of mankind, what shall we think of those who from child hood were instructed iu the precepts of religion, and tr.ughi its doctrines, and who by education are capable of appre ciating its advantages not only shamefully neglect them, but exert aH tbeir ef forts, by precept and example, to abolish ordnance J4,U3U Rt. lion. Geo. Canning, presi dent ofthe board of control 28,620. C. Bathurst, chan, of Lane. 19,200 W. W. Cole, mast, of mint 57,720 FOREIGN MINISTERS. Lord Cathcart at StiPetersburg and vice admiral of Scotland §120,000 Hon. C. Bagot Washington 28,860 Lord W. BentinckTwo Sicilies 02,120 Lord Burghcrsh Tuscany 19,200 Stratford Canning Switzerland 19,000 William A'Court Naples , -o7,9CO A. J. Foster Denmark 23,550 Frederick Liimbc Batavia 23,550 Constantinople 82,180 U* iis pei ittstil b ‘ w or lTi ests of all. I hose again are separated t hem altogether. Such behavionr into smaller parties, as may seem fconve- creatures called rational, is at first thought Blent for more particular purposes.—-J inexplicable. But if the cause that in lluenrc their minds were duly serdtiniz ed ; if the motives from which they act 1 hus we may trace the mutual and uni versal dependence of one man upon ano- “lf r . **-* *' e descend to the union of a -man number, which in the common ac ceptation of the word, more properly, may e called a society. From a prin ciple implanted in us by nature, we are proud to associate ourselves for useful parpeses; andthe advantageous effects sufficiently justify our conduct. Man is also u religious being. Tl.ere “Jl P"“ c, P , f , wilh '«b winch forcibly "••kts the mind with the idea of a reign- ' :ng power. rrL - — IHIO each. 179 do. 536 do. ,.440 >3,330 84,440 53,330 37,770 h 26,000 24,040 rrester 21,77i\ jlti 19,090 sbury 18,540 ; are 16 other bi- by the ministry,' i an average amount (0 each. salaries exceed $10, a crowded audience hastening to »n Sunday. 1 follow ed, in imngina- ion, the various sorts having one object in ieiv—listened to the prayer of tlie pious pre- ati—1 dwelt with pleasure on the discourse of the able, theologian—I saw the priest heave high in air, and marked the curling smoke of frank-inconse hovering over the al- r; the full swell of the deep toned organ verheruting through The petted roof, burst oo the ear—the hymn of the choristers float- d through the aisles, and even the angels ml cheruhi ms joined their voices iu sacred harmony of praise, and devotion, while with one voice the multitude cried aloud “ Our atlier which art in heaven, billowed be thy name.” HOWARD. do. $5,000 do. 1,000 •7 whose pensions exceed 10,000 each 56 do. do. 5,000 287 do. do. 1,000 “ Of pensions and grants there are in the official accounts considerably above two millions six hundred and sixty-four thousand dollars, and upwards of eleven hundred names receiving public money, among whom are many who have ren dered and can render no services to the state. Some of the offices are filled by w omen and some by children.” were minutely inspected ; a sordid and self interest would be found predominant, nnd biassing them against that, 'to which (if their passions bore not the sway) they would immediately accede. AMALGAM. Sept eruber, 1819. Venice, Sept. 21. Pgypt reviving.—We learn by private letter from Egypt, that the j ~ ■ . The “'’age traverses the 1 country is in the most thpving eomli-1 T ’ .rei, v° Unt '! 1 ?’ an< * contemplates na-1 lion; no longer are the rdads infested 1 Sir C. Abbot, chief iust kin*’ e her wildest and ma*<flpijfciikentV by robbers; agriculture and commerce! bench J ‘‘ 8 K. Liston Gore Ouseley Persia 26,660 Geo. H.'Ross Berlin £8,880 Lord Stewart Vienna 60,700 Sir C. Stuart Parts 25,610 Rrodk Taylor Wirtemberg 18,981 Sir II. Wellesley Madrid 47,100 E. Thornton Brazil 23,550 Viscount Strariford do. 11.550 VV. Hill Sardinia 24,550 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICERS. Earl Talbot, lord lieut. of Ire land §133,200 Duke of Wellington, field mar shal, Sic. 133,200 Mar. of Hastings, gov. gen. of India 115,100 Duke of Manchester, gov. of Jamaica 62,160 Sir Hudson Lowe, gov. of 9t. Helena 63,280 Lord C. H. Somerset, gov. of Cape Good Hope 53,280 John Baldwin, receiver of the 7 public offices 7,7,770 George Gamier, rfpoth. gen. of the army 53,940 Earl of llarcourt, master of the king’s robes and other offi ces 35,960 Lord Grenville, auditor of the exchequer 17,760 Viscount Lake, lord of the bed chamber and pension 60,560 Ruroti Amherst do. do. 17,760 Rt. hon. C. M. Sutton, speak er ofthe house of commons, 26,660 John Hatseil, clerk of do. 35,520 Henry Goulbourn, under sec. of state 26,660 Earl of-Chichester, joint p. m. general 22,220 Lord Aukland, sev. offices and pensions l‘4,64f> Edward Cooke do. 17,760 Sylvester lord Glen- bervie daly # 18,640 Rt. hon. wTuundas, keeper of the signet in Scotland 17,760 Rt. hotx C. P. Long, paymas ter of forces, ke. 15,550 Patrick Colquhoun, receiver of Thames police 30,750 P. F. Finne, dep. sec. at De- merara 15,000 A new way of fishing for Pick-pockets On TliurKny, the ——inst.a young mev chant of this city was robbed at Boggs and Thompson’s auction ol his pocket-book, containing cash and notes to a consideral amount....several others were robbed at the same time. The ensuing'morning, an elderly' gentle man from Albany, boarding in the same house with the merchant, advised him to fasten a suing to his pocket hook, and the other end to his pocket, filled with news-pa pers, fcr. and repair to the same place. In lew moments, he felt a nibble, anil direct ly after a strong bite the string broke....lie oolly east his-eyes back upon his man, pal and trembling, and with much presence of mind, appeared not to notice it. In a monent he observed bis man writhing from the crowd, going up Wall-street with quick step—he soon whistled, and two others fol low'd! him, all three set off together in .great glee-down Ceiar-street to the North River, the. merchant and two faithful friends fol lowing at a proper distance unobserved. At the end of a wharf, at the moment they were opening the pocket hook to diiide the supposed spoil, the merchant and his two associates seized upon the three, and the gentlemen all are safely lodged in Bridewell This and other expedients we hope w ill soon rid our city of such vermin. At ic- York Columbian. v - 17,760 From the -Vue York .Valional Advocate. Tlicrc are moments when serious reflec tion is a luxury: when the gay and elastic spirits, the sportive fancy, the lively and ex uherant imagination, delight to dwell on pen sive subjects—when the eye pierces the mind, and holds communion with the heart Then the frail tenure of existence, the help less condition, the dependent state of man are seon and felt—thru the monarch, tile leader, and all those “dressed in brief autho rity, “ sink into equal stations, and are sense hie that affliction and death reach alike the sovereign and the peasant—Whenever such feelings steal over my mind, 1 do not wish to heck them: they “come like shadows,” & leave a soft, yet melancholy trace, behind which tempers that lively disposition which should he judiciously controuled, not effec tually destroyed. Under the influence of such sober feeling, I was seated at my win dow last Sunday, and contemplated the vast concourse of peonic which, in every di rection, was passing to the several places of religious worship, as the hells with “ the’ iron tongues and brazen mouths.” callc them to the fulfilment of that sacred duty.— What a noble and illustrious institution is that of Sabbath! Millions of beings scatter ed over the globe ; shunning at the same mo ment. the allurements of pleasure, the avid! tionnrv bnllad, which contains these homely lines: " King George for a dish of tea, Did lose this fine countrc." Where the principle is important, it matters not how small the immediate value of the object in dispute. Tli? slave holding states consider this s/ia/a put upon Missouri, to he owing to a ause in which they equally pjirtici- pato. Having been a good deal thro’ the southern states, 1 have had fre quent opportunities of seeing how quickly they feel whatever tends to in terfere with their domestic concerns • and of this the eastern philanthropists' who arc in the quiet of their closets' and by their fire sides calmly writing about it, do not appear to be fully sen sible. If the condition of their negroes is to be rendered better, the southern 1 people seem to think that it must he left to them ; and I entertain little doubt that the interference of stran gers will only tend to render the exist ing slavery more severe. The story of Don Quixote and the shepherd boy is familiar to most readers. It is with reluctance that I have ventured to ex press my opinion on the subject, but it is unpleasant to be misunderstood. H. M. BRACKENR1DUE Annapolis, Jan. 20, 1820. A case of considerable interest wins lately tried in the District Court for the city and county of Philadelphia. An ac tion was brought for slander, and dam ages laid at 10,000 dollars. The plain tiff had been charged, nt different times, by the defendant, with seduction and illicit intercourse with certain females. The slander charged in the declaration was fully proved on the defendant, who pled justification by attempting to prove the facts. In this, however, the defen dant’s counsel did not succeed. They finally, themselves admitted the insuffi ciency of the proof adduced, and the platntiff’s innecence ; and recommended their client to the consideration of the court. The court observed to the jury that it was merely a question of damages —that the plaintiff stood before them without any defence, and had retracted all Hint he had said; and that, while their verdict ought to vindicate the character of (he plaintiff, it ought not te prove ru inous to the defendant. Th^jury retir ed fora short time nnd returned with a verdict of 5,000 dollars damages. The court was crowded duringthe whole trial, which lasted two days, and the verdict appeared to give general satisfaction.—, Both the parties were married men. to Titr. rnrrons or tiie'krauklja oazktte. The Editor of an eastern paper has lately done rne the honor to extract a passage relating to slavery, from my work on South America, and at the same time expresses surprize at seeing my name among those in favor of ad mitting Missouri into the Union, with out the famous proposed restriction. I do not at once discover that aversion to slavery is at all incompatible with the opinion, that it it proper to leave to each state the right to legislate on tins important subject of internal police. With respect to the propriety of legis lating for the Territories ofthe United Stales, on (he subject of slavery, l have expressed it as my opinion, that Con gress has the pow er and ought to ex ercise it. There is nothing incompa tible in my hostility to slavery in the abstract, and the opinion that Missou ri, having obtained the requisite po pulation, ought to be admitted into the Union’; and that the United States are ; hound in good faith to admit her.— That I am not so far w rong in the o- pinions which I have published, is pro- ed by the fact of the eastern members of Congress, in the compromise lately attempted to he brought about, hav- offered to make the Missouri river the boundary between the region vv here slavery is to he permitted, and that whence it is to he excluded, The difference is not in point of principle, but in the adjustment of details ; the attempt to effect a compromise having failed, in consequence ofthe southern members of Cohgrcss insisting upon .the present territorial line, embracing a narrow tract of country on the north side of the Missouri, containing some important settlements. I am in favor of admitting Missou ri for another reason, drawn from my knowledge of the country. It is this : it is not likely to become a slave hold ing state under any circumstances. The population which flows into it, comes chiefly from the non-slave holding states, and no large slave holders set tie in it at all; those who settle seldom bring more than a few domestics, who are attached to their masters. I ain satisfied that much of the declamation on this subject to the eastward, arises from a want of a knowledge of the country. But it will he asked why do the people ofMissouri contend with so much earnestness for that which is scarcely worth the contest ? That is question for themselves. This, I know, that with very few exceptions those among the inhabitants tvho arc against the further introduction of sin very, arc as averse to the restriction, us those who arc favorable to slavery They consider it as depriving them of an essential principle of state sove reignty. I recollect an old rev ok- 1 To ANECDOTE. A widow, who had been taught by the declarations of her deceased hus band to believe that he would make a vvili much in her favor, after his death found upon opening his testament that he had acted very different, and ex cluded her from the property she ex pected to possess. She made known her disappointment to her female ser vant w ho cheered up her spirits by assuring her that the effect of the will might he avoided, and a new one ea sily framed. The mistress desired to know fcj what means. The maid an swered that there was a poor fellow named Tom, the barber, in the neigh borhood who much resembled her late master, and that for a small sum lie would fain himself a dying man.— If therefore an attorney was provided and proper witnesses, a will subsequent to the date of the true one, which con sequently would supercede it, might be made. Tom was sent for accordingly and agreed to play his part. The parties were summoned, the attorney attend ed, and the expiring husband dictated his last testament to be framed accord ing to the wishes and interest of his imaginary wife for some time; but at length he proposed, that as he had till then complied with her desires, he might leave one legacy according to his own wish, which was five hundred pounds to Tom the Barber! To pre vent a discov ery of the fraud, the lady was obliged to consent to the proposal, and faithfully paid the money to the proposer, in order to insure his sc- crecv. From the London Morning Chronicle. SPANISH MADRIGAL- When stars liedcck the azure sky, And shine the sparkling goms of night, Oh, Lady ! oft I wish’d tu sigh, And wander uoar thy chamber light, Whose faintly glowing ray discloses Tlie spot where innocence reposes. And when the smiling moon beams play In silver radiance on thy bovver, In loneliness I pensive stray, To worship there its fairest flower $ And hope so sweet a rose as thee, May ever bloom for one like me. But still thy immage is the shrine Where all my inusings fondly dwellt Yet strange, this wayward heart of mine,, To thee can ne'er its feelings tell; And though ’twould dare a host in fight, It trembles iu a lady’s sight. Then happy ho thy hour of rest, Though hopeless still my heart must sweU For one, within whose gentle brnast h grace, I love so wrll; my only doom may be anti to despair for thee.