Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, August 08, 1820, Image 4

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*>\ \ Si' Vi \illAX 1» * 1 |u>M THK HAL \Nl’E. Xiiv: calm OK Tin: WORLD. An awful calm pervade* the worlil rruplictir—fearful—«ircn»l; An.) (hough »«r"sDanm r still is furled) Vico it«rs her snaky bead. Vvr marked die wav. s all hn«hi'«l » rest-*- Culm ns the sleop of death > Smooth as I ha mirror ocean .* breast, Unruffled by » breath. Think ye to me this scene wu- dear- That the., my heart was glad • Alas I I'd then imnd enusc 10 ,rar ~" Most cause I’d to bn lAd» For then 1 ken'.i a small blue speak Upon the veil of heaven: Tlmt aloud presaged onr vessel s wreck, And wreck'd was she era. even . I’ve marked the stillness in the air, That tells the earthquake mgn . It ramc- I saw their eity lair, In shapeless ruin lie 1 am no seer—I cannot sny tVhat will or will not 1"'; Uul era. 'had pass a year away, Tba world some ehaagynnsMee.^^, LINKS Bv Mr. Rosroc, efLiverpool, on rereivIng from l)r. Kush, of l’hilndel|H|iu, a piece ol the ice, under whirl. William l’enn his t eat. iv ilh the Indians. The tree had been blow n down in ldld. Vrom dime to clime, from shore to shore, The war-fiend raised his horrid yell, And mid i tlie storms wills’ll realms deplore, Venn's honor’d tree of concord fell. And of that tree, that ne'er again SIikII Spring's reviving influence know, A relie, o'er lh« Atlantic main, Was sent—the gift of foe to foe • But tho' no more it« ample shade, Wave green beneath Columbia s sky; Tho' every branch he now decay d, And nil its scatter’d leav. » he dry : Vrl 'midst the pelic’d sainted space, A health-restoring flood ahull spring, in which the angcl-iorm of Peace, jlav stoop to dip her dovc-likii wing. So once the stalf the prophet bore, Bv wandering eyes again was seen To swell with life thro every pore, And hud afresh with foilage green. The withered branch again shall grow, 'Till o’er the earth its shade extend ; Ami this—the gift of foe to foe— Become the gift of friend to friend. Norn.— 5 niece of this celebrated old F.lm, is deposited at incoHic.p of the Freeman's Journal, in Philadelphia, for the inspection ol'tlio curious. '■ 'L'g THOM fnc (albany) rLocou Bnv. APPLE TREK. This tree delights in n warm, fertile, dry, mellow soil, and w II grow better even in a soil that is light and sandy than in a strong stiff clay. In this country, it will generally he found best adapted for about North lati tude 38, and cannot he cultivated to advan tage. beyond seven degrees on either side of that line. It. is said that-of the apple trees reared in this -country, those which have ■grown the largest, and attained tho greatest age, have been from seeds brought from Eu rope : if so, it is a case serving to illustrate, the advantages of frequent changes of seed. A circumstance almost peculiar to this species of tree is, that it is generally, but with many exceptions, an alternate bearer. It is said, however, that this peculiarity will not he found so general when the trees are planted out in the fall. It is supposed that the alternate bearing is caused by suffering the young tree to bear too much at first;— that this so exhausts it as to render it una ble to bear the next year ; but tiiat from This period of rest it becomes so much recruit ed as to be enabled to hear too large a crop the third, and of course disabled forbearing the fourth year, and thus it becomes con firmed in the habit of alternate bearing. The means of preventing this habit are two fold; first, by a suitable reduction of the number of its bearing limbs, so that it shail not have enough deft whereon to bear too great a bur then ; and, secondly, to take off’ part of the Ruling fruit, as soon as it is shaped, and con tinue thiH for succeeding years, but less each following year, till its habit of yearly bearing is confirmed. Fruit trees should never have too many limbs, leas the trees become ex hausted by the quautities of fruit they bear; and the limbs are taken off with much less injury to the tress while they are small than wnen they have attained considerable matu rity. It is well known that seeds of apples pro duce trees bearing fruit of an infinite variety in taste, quality and quantity ; and that some of such trees, from their being naturally year ly bearers of large quantities of the best-sorts of fruit, are "f ten times the value of others.' It is, therefore, of the utmost importance that the best trees, wherever found, should be cultivated for rearing others of the same kinds, and this is to b'e effected in three ways: by the Chinese method of forming new trees from the limbs of others ; from slips nr cut tings, add by engrafting. We shall hear de scribe the first of these methods. The Chinese select suitable limbs, which can be spared from the tree, and cause roots to grow out from these at such places as are best adapted for forming the new trees. The Toots are made to groiv in the following manner: at the places intended for them the tiark is taken off for tho length of about ari inch ; round these places globular bodies are formed of loam, say, of six inches diameter, and these are kept lo their places by encom passing them with tow, old rags, kc. tied round ; a vessel, filled with water, is then to be placed over each of these, so contrived that the water is constantly dropping on them, in order to keep them sufficiently moist and the vessels are to be replenished as they "become empty. In a short time roots will start out from the limbs above the places where the hark is taken off; and when these have grown out to the surfaces of the mas ses of earth these arc to bo carefully taken away, the limbs sawed off below the roots, and set out immediately where they are to grow. This operation is to bo commenced about the middle of Septemlier, the now trees to be set out ihe same fall ; to be well secured from being shaken by the winds by tying each to Stakes. * It is said, however, that the life of trees, formed in this way, will always lie determin er! by that of flu- parent stock; anil if this he the case it will he advisable to take limbs for the purpose from young thrifty trees ; which may he done as soon as their charac ters 1'or^parly hearing, and quality L quan tity of fniit, arc know n. Whore scions are taken from yearly hear ers, and grafted on limbs of trees which are alternate, the scions will also he alternate in their hearing, because the habit of the tree prevails in this case; but it is believed that where such scions are grafted, close to the ground, on young stocks, as soon as they are fit for the purpose, the habit of the scion will roRpeetablc aoricly who emmot qnieltiy discern and duly npprecintc a vacant or well informed mind. A display of learning in female socitj should also be avoided. The pedant is as lightly esleefri”d as the Coxcomb.— Conversation should in a great degree, be suited to the company ; but whether grave or gay, should always evince a re flecting uiiuil, and lie worthy of a rational man. Independent of Ihe immediate pleasures we enjoy in the possession of knowledge, the advantages we derive from it are inmimorable. R is this that commands the esleem of our acquaintan ces, an’esteem lasting, because based up- , . ""I 11 ' 1 ''"' 1 on solid acquirements, that when once by carefully stripping ofl all the bark from . 1 • • - • - '-I o . .. . im , (ui attained are ours through life ! The old apology, “ excuse my glove,” i« ru> longer necessary. It is now the fashion, both in Ni'vv-Yoi’k and Philadelphia, among all tlie “ genteels,’’ to shake hands without taking off the glove, a very great improve ment this in warm weather—l hope st nmj be generally adopted.— Old Lavncelot hiint'- Lord Karon was asked by King James I. what he thought of iMr. (.'adores, a very tall man who was sent on an emhas- v to the King of Franco. I !c said, “ very tall men are like lofty houses, where the uppermost rooms arc commonly the most inoanlv lini-'hed.” prevail, and the tree will be a yearly Nearer. This is a point of importance, and might to be particularly ascertained. It is mentioned by a late Drilish writer, a» a fact well ascertain. <1, that by making a se lection of the finest and largest seeds, taken from the south sides of the finest apples, growing on the south sides of trees, most va luable for their good qualities, and planting Mieli seeds only for forming the nursery,-a Variety of trees will he thereby brought for ward nearly or quite as valuable, for their good qualities ns those from whence the seeds were taken. This is conformable to the plan of Mr. Cooper (of New*Jersey.) of improving the breeds of plants from the seeds, ami is rertainly well Worthy of trial. Apple trees which arc not in a thrifty or hearing state, may he greatly improved ' ~ ark " the bodies, and for suitable lengths up the large limbs ; the operation to he performed at the time of the summer solstiee. The in credulous may rest assured that this is suc cessfully practised in Pennsylvania. Anew hark quickly forms round the inner coatings which enclose the wood; cave being taken that these, while thus e .posed, be not injur ed hy cattle, or otherwise. This tree is liable to Ire injured hy shot p nting off the bark, which may be pn vented by plastering the bodies with a mixture of flesh cow dung and water. The same re medy is to lie observed where the trees be come liable to tlic depredations of the birds commonly called wood peckers. KEEPING IiOR-'ES. Every gentleman who is obliged hy his health or his business to keep a horse, cn: i- jilniiis of the enormous expense incurred by it. If allowed to eat and waste as much as he chooses, a horse will consume fmm four to five tons of hay in the. year besides the necessary grain. Itut it is asserted on actu al experiment, that ten pounds of good hay. with two quarts of corn a day, art enough to keep a common horse in fine order. T*n of hay a day an- .->fijO pounds, little, more thnii'a ton and a half a year—and two quarts of corn a day are about twenty-three bushels a year. < all hay seven dollars r. ton and corn four shillings a bus hoi, and you make the annual expense of feeding a horse twenty-six or seven dollars, 'about halt as nun’ll as it commonly cosh* To keep a horse in the cheapest and heal thiest manner, let him stand on green turf, dug up pretty thick,rand placed on the floor of his stable ; let him he carefully and faith fully curried every day. This is of more importance than is sometimes imagined. It opens the pores and preserves a healthful fate of the skin, on which, in horses as well as in men, depends as much as on almost a- ny thing else the proper and healthy opera tion of the various animal functions. Although the inferior animals is not like men subject to natural appetites on account of unnaturalstimulenis received into the sto mach, they unquestionably often consume more food than is necessary to maintnin their vigor and spirit. This surplus it is economy to ascertain and retrrncb. Corn is cheaper than oafs for horses, be cause there is more heart in a quantity of the same price. It is hotter to he given two or three times a «lny in small masses; and to be given dry that mastication of it may keep tire mouth in a healthy state. To measure hay tlie tare of the basket may bo tain n, and the. hay given from it. in small quantities through the day, but chilly at night. A horse that is not used should ho fed with corn but sparingly, lie should occasionally Ite salted. It is not perhaps generally considered, that horses are subject to colds out) fevers as re ally as men. They should therefore be used with great tenderness and delicacy, and often washed in cold water. The pulse generally indicate the health of thf horse. It may lie felt about an inch back of the eye, and in health beats about :!5 strokes a minute. The great secret in making horses look well and do well is attention •> them. Men who are too great gentlemeni to look to their horses, must be too great gentlemen to ride good ones. In using horses it is better to drive briskly and slpp often than to drive even slowly hy long stages.—JJuiimoulh Herald- E. & II. A. WOOD, HAVE just live fivkii a svri'i.v of V. K\ tt ttS . Conslstingof HIDES, (assorted) LINEN'S,' LAWNS. LIVEN CAMBRIC; COTTON CVMHRIC, Ml si,IN -; liioiilimon and King IIANDK KKCTUKF?; Linen and Cut Ion BED TICKING; SILK UMBRELLAS,'COTTON BAGGING tl/,.VAliI'RGS, Src.—And a variety of other seasonable Articles, which makes their assort ment tolerably general, nnd will be sold on ac commodating terms. Also on Consignment, 49 bags prone COFFEE; 2 boxes SHIRTS, which will be sold low for cash. Milledgeville, July 28 25—3* D. LYMAN, Jiin’r, orrcbs ron sai l ai ; % it rhi< r.s by rnr. EMI 7 Bales London Dulfle Blankets, 3 do. Bristol ditto, 5 do, Bose ditto, AiiffU't 1 25—f NOTICE. D URING the absence of ihe subscriber from this Stale, Messrs. Maviii w Hopcek and John A. I’ecx, will net us his Atlornie«. 1). LVMAN, Jun'r. August 1, 1820 go—3t C>., E.rpriele—Jon Corn nr.r of Geurgiit, ) In the District oflne vs. x United States Tor lira Xincly-fitc Xegroet. ) District of Georgia. INFORMATION. f k kill'. Governor *d the At utr of Georgia hav- ing in behalf of (he said 'elate filed an In formation in lliE Court, again-t sundry Negroes, ninety-five in number, alleging that the. same were imported, or brought within the limits of the United Stales, nnd of the Stale of Georgia, cor Dairy totho net of Congress in such vase pro vided, nod praying Unit the same nir.y be dared to be forfeited and subject to the provi sions of an act of the Legislature of the State of Georgia in flint behalf. On i •<ion ordered, that the same be tiled in the Registry of this Court and llint nolico thereof be given by the publica tion of this order lor the space of sixty days in one ot Ihe public Guzcltcsnf the city of Savan nah and Milledgcville. .hid it irfmllicr ordered. that n commission do issue to take the examina tion of witnesses in the above case offer ten days notice, by leaving n copy of Interrogato ries in the Clerk’s oli'tte, and that said commis sion be directed to any three or more commis sioners, with leave to any two or more to act in the same. Extract from the minutes, District Court of Georgia. GEO. GLEN, C'Irrl:. June 17 25—7t ““tHES (ill SCI 11BERS SHERIFFS’ SALKS. **T|7lLL he sold to the highest bidder at Toll- V v mill roim-liouse on the first, I uesdny in September next, between the hours ol Mile, the following property; Jim and hi-wile Violet and Child. Diene 25 years old, May 12 years old, Hilly In, Sam 12, Charlotte ft, Cyrus a child, Gabriel (i, Jordan 14, Hercules II. "Rat-had 10, Harriet a mulatto girl lu years old, all taken as the property ol James A. Tipping, si eerily, to satisfy sundry executions in favor of the State ol Georgiua- geilist the tux collector ol Tattnall county. ./ H. STRU'IJXG, 1). fili'f)'. Julv 25. FEOM THE REW-TOR# COMMERCIAL ADVEUT1SEK. IDLE HOURS, “ M ill Indies honc«.encourage lads of merit, And spurn at Fops with becoming spirit.” llow prevalent is the opinion atnony young men, that the fopperies of dress nan give them respectability in the eyes of the world, or favor in -the-sight ot the female sex. A more degrading 1 yea of female discernment could not be enter tained. To suppose that the exterior decorations of what may, or may not be a handsome person, are wotghed by them against good breeding, evinced in a con stant desire to please, or the solid acqui sition of know ledge, is preposterous in the. extreme. A lady of sense would scorn tho man who should avow such sentiments ; and even she, who is her self destitute of literary acquirements, holds him cheap who depends solely on extrinsic qualifications for respectability, A coxcomb may amuse in company— may occasionally command a smile or a compliment from a lady, but never per sonal regard. A graceful dancer will eS- citc admiration ; a superior singer will gain applause ; a humorous punster will create a laugh, but it is good sense only that can ensure esteem, or inspire affec tions vvi#i the amiable portion of the ic- male sex. It is remarked hy Miss Edgeworth, that “ a woman may always judge of the estimation in which she is held by the conversation that is addressed to her.” When balls, fnssions, dress, izc. are the sole topics of conversation, a lady must naturally either suppose that a mean o pinion is entertained of her understand ing, or that a gentleman himself is desti tute of the rich treasury of knowledge ; unacquainted with the refined pleasure of a well stored mind ; unable to enjoy the ‘ feast of reason, and the flow of soul.’ Though dress should not be esteemed our “ sumtnmn bonuni,” yet it must not be altogether neglected. Let q man be neat—fashionable if you please in his ap pearance'; it is a respect lie owes to his friends and to himself, but let dress be a secondary consideration. All the use less accomplishments of fashionable life cannot compensate for the want of good sense, Then' are indeed few females in imr. .it st nEcF.ivr.ii TENSIVE SO IT’ l.v t V. I HIOM DAIIIEN* A VKKTr.X- T.NKKAL ASSORTMENT OF WILL HE SOLD, O N the first Tiws.lav in Supiemher next, In tin.' town nf Dublin, Laurens county, be tween the usual hours of sale, the following pro perty. to wit • Still gallons W hiskey, 30 gallons Rum, 150 gallons of Gin, 5(1 gallons Cherry Bounce, 15 gallons Cognise lirmnly, 15 gallons Wine, 25 gallons Apply Brandy. 1 hogshead nnd 3 barrels Sugar, Boo vvt Cnlme, 200 gallons Molasses, 200 xvt. Tobacco, and an excellent assortment of Dry Goods ; 3 Shot Guns—to satisfy a li fa in favor of John Tanner, against Fuqua and Coleman ; property pointed out by Fuqua— Coleman security. dim ng-res of pine land, adjoining Mrs. Orny- hnra ami others, on the waters of the Oconee l i ver. pretty u ell improved ■; to .satisfy executions in favor of Archibald M. 1). \\ ilkinson, against William SptVey; property pointed out hy the defendant One half of lot No. 154, in tlie second district on Dry Greek ; levied on asthe property ol Tho- mas I "rey, to satisfy an execution in favor of David W illis ; property pointed out hy the plan- tiff—levied on hy a constable and returned t< me. Terras nnsh. t’H VRI.r.S S. Gl.’YTON, Sti ff. Julv 14,1820 WILL HE SOLD, O N lhe /ie.4 Tunsdiiif iv August next, between the usual hours of sale, at the Court-house in the tow n of Dublin, Lauren's county, the fol lowing I’RGBERTY, to wit: Due IJay Horse, Gig and Harness, Trunk, Vi olin ami Blanket—taking us the property of Mi cliael Vc. -er, to satisfy an execution in favor ol Daniel llill—property pointed out by the plain tiff. One Ray Mare nnd Bridle, a^lie property of Stephen Low,to sati-fy an execution in favor of John M. li. Thompson—property pointed out by tin’ 'defeuil.Tnt. One half of n Boat called Ann-Jaekson, known By Beaty 's and M’inliam'sbont—to satisfy an ex ecution in favor of H m. H. T’aramore k. ethers, iigR'.nst said Beaty. Also, one Negro Boy named Dick, about & years old, and one Waggon—taken nstlio pro perty of Jacob ftir.ith, to satisfy an execution in lavor of George Jamison—property pointed out by the deft ml,wit. One House ami Lot in the town of Dublin, on Gaines-street, No. 22 ; one B :v Horse ami Gig nnd Harness; two Mahogany Tables, and one large Looking-g!n«s—levied on in the properly ot U l ight It. Coleman, one ol the iteteiulaut-. to sat is tv an execution in favor of John Tanner. Tennx. cash. CHARLES S. GL'YTOX, Sheriff. Dublin,June 17,1824. 2<l NOTH F.. TT/m.mi H t' 1\ENM1 AM', hftvirtg joined v V the finn of Bradford, Hepburn k Diuielly, a- a joint nnd equal copartner, Ihe business will hcrenttei V 1 ' conducted under the firm of CRENSHAW, BRADFORD &. Co. by which firm bII coutrnrts made by Bradford I iepbnrn Diuielly. u ill be settled. If illinm II. Crenilittv, Tlrmtjonl, Hepburn v Danelly. Milledgcville,July I, 1820. 21—U NOTICE. \jrnr.L be sold on the ’'-th September next, v v at or near the house of Amos Sutton, kq. In the doiwty of Irwin, about ten miles above Tt Hair cniirt-hou-v. the stock of , stile belong ing to the estate of James Bealcy, deceased, of Laurens county, contamin.: about five hun oeil bead, among w hi* li are e number of prime Beet Steers, from four to six y e<frs old—the reTna'„i- der are likely stock cattle. Beesons wishing to purchase either Beef or Slock Cattle, will find it to their advantage to attend the sale. The Beef Cattle will he sold for cash ; flic Stock on a liberal cred.t. ALSO, M'iil be sold on the’22d said month, at the house of the aforesaid James Beat try, deceased, the reman,ing personal e-tatc of said deceased, consisting ofginedand seed Cotton, Salt, Iron, and a few other Groceries, Hoi ch, Hogs, Sheep. Ilousehoie and Kitchen Furniture,"a Jersey W aggon and Harness, and a iminherof oilier ar ticles thereto belonging. The Cotton, Belt and Iron, will he said for cash, the other articles on a liberal credit. BEATEY, Adm'x. JOHN Gl YTON, Arfin r. Dublin, July Cl 24—7t NOTICE. I ">Y orderoftbe honorable cqurt of Ordinary > of I’ulmki county, will be sold on the first 'I uesdny in September next, at the eourt-house in Madison, Morgan county, two thirds of Lot No. Id. ill the 5th district formerly Baldwin now Morgan county, it lining the real estate of Har riet and Alary Gilley, orphans of David Gilley, deceased. Terms cash. It. M . W . WYNN, Guardian. July 28 25—Ids VmyTR cdVv.vvn; AVtvvk. 2,01H> pair ol SHOES on hand, ol all quali ties ; 200,000 feet of Plank and Scantling, at gl 2" per hundred; A quantity of low post Bedsteads, nicely turn- ed. st $:j High posted ditto, from (5 to 10 Tallies, from 2 In 10 W indsor Chairs, per dozen, lii to 20 Cart Wliei Is, Ironed off, fit for use, 28 Wagons nnd other similar work, equally ns cheap; 400 Cast-Steel Axes, at 2 50 Common ditto, 2 00 Carriage Braces, 6 iki Shoeing Horses, ; 25 All other Plantation Tools, nml Chains of eve ry description very low priced. Spinning M heels and Water Vessels ns cheap as they rrercould lie bought 03’ T.1IUllil.Va executed with dispatch, and not exceeded by any in the state for neatness; in the newest fashion. BrondClotli Coats made for fi’5 00 Pantaloons of the same, or Cassi- mere, 1 so Summer Coats, 3 00 All oilier work in that line, equally cheap. ' ri ' public are respectfully invited to call and inunyvAuiiS *, Which they offer hy wholesale or retail on accommodating terms for cash or good banka ble paper nl sixty or niiitjr days—consisting of the following article' ; 8 Ithds". Rye Whiskey; ft-5 ids. do do. 12 pipes Northern Gin; 4t> ids. ditto; 7 do. Peppermint Cordial; 3 do. Aniseed do. 2 do. Shrub—<> qr. casks Malaga Wine; 2 qr. casks Teperilie Wine; 2 pipes old Madeira do. 12 dozen do. do. (> tin.’Port do. 2 casks London Porter—1 do. do. Ale; f* bis. Cider—4 boxer do. 1 pipe Cognac, Brandy; 20 Ms. Cherry Bounce; 4 do. Northern Hum—1 hint do. do 2 hluls. Jnnu.ica Rum—15 do. Molasses; (k> Brown Sugar; 3 hluls. do. do. 3 boxes Havana do. 10 bis. Loaf do. 3 do. Lump do. 20 bags Coffee— 3 Ids. do. 2 boxes young Hyson Tea; 3 cadies Imperial do. 10 Pine-nnple Cheese; 2 dozen boxes Raisins—7 boxes Poaiq 3 boxes Candles; ft kegs Tobacco, (1st quality) 10 bis. Mackarel, No. 3—2ti do. do No. 2; 28 do. Netv-Yorlc Mess Pork; 18 do. do. prime do. 3 do. priirto Beef; H tierces new Rice; 2 kegs wrouglrf Nails, Rd. and 123. I do. Cut do. fill. (5,000 lbs. Swedes Iron, assorted; 800 bushels Alum Salt—2tl0 db. ground do. IT Those wishing to purchase will do well to call, nnd particularly country merchants, at col Lamar's new Imildlnc, first door above Messrs V, 6- Bx-xteii, Hear the. market. E. W. BARKER, k CO. Milledgcville, Jimr 20. 20 If 1 LL persons indebted to the estate of James .t Beamy, deceased, are requested to make Immediate payment to the sub•cr.bers, other wise suits will be indi-erpininntely commenced; end those having demands against the same, are desired to present mem. £1.LENDER BEATEV, AJu.’x. JOH.x G' YTO.s, .Adin’r. Dublin, Laurens eo. Jul . 17 24—71 WILL RE SOLD, O N 8ntur,hiy, the Iftfh dny of August next, ut the late residence of Hugh Thomas, de ceased, all the personal Estate nt the said Hugh Thomas, consisting of household and kitchen Furniture, Cuttle end Hogs. ace. NANCY THOMAS, Adm'rx. ELI M HIT DEN, Adm’r. IT Credit will he given until the 1 -t of March next, for small notes ami good security. July 3. 22 T3&R31L Inferii A NT to an order id the honorable the rior Court of Jones eountv, will he sold, on Tt ESI)AY, tlie 5th of September, at Clinton court-house, 11 valuable Nr_■■•<> Wench Mini child—part of tlie perishable .'.state of John Critcher, decease.!.—To he sold for the benefit of the creditors of snid estate. NATHANIEL W. GORDAN, Adm’r Julv II. 22 WILL RE SOLD, O N Saturday, the 2(ilh of Aug. at the late re sidence of Maurice Moore, dec, in Bald win comity, the personal Property of said de ceased, consisting of Horse*, two young Mules, a good yoke of Own i. Curt, Stock of all binds uml other articles, unnecessary to mention Terms of sale made known on the'dnv. It. 11. MOORE. ) , MARY MOD HE. f ' ld,n *" s ' 'July 11. 22 FOR SALE, V Ooxvrx’iFN r DII’ELI.'.XG-HOUSF. am. LOT, eligibly situated in a healthy part of the town of Milledgeville, with all requisite coNveniencies. ALSO, An Elegant TUG and Plated IJ.lIIXr.SS For further particulars enquire of the Printers. July JAMES FIX HI AX, R ESPKCTFCLLY informs the inhabitants of Milledgcville nml it* vicinitv, that he carries on PAINTING in general, and earnestly solicits a share of the public patronage. All or ders left at Appleton Rosseter’s Store, will be punctmdly attended to. Milledgeville, Ma^- 2j> P2t NOTICE. O N the first day of September next, will be sold at the house of Mary Joluisun in Hall county, all the personal property, Household nml Kitchen Furniture, and Plantation liienrtls of Allen Johnson, doceasefi. Terms of sale will he mude known on that day l,y the subscribers MA.RV JOHNSON, Adm'x. DAVID HARDEN, Adm'x. July 21 22—* ltd ADMIN'ISTHATOR’S SaLeT "VY7"ILL t'iE SOLD to the highest bidder nt it IIai*tlf»r«i, I I ask i county, on the first Turstlay in October next, on a credit until the Drcumhrr next, one Square of Land, No 1<S. *215t district ot \N dl.inson w lieu drawn— Sold in pursuance of nn orderfron? the honora ble Court ot Ordinary for the county of Join GCSTJi'L.i Ul.XDRllky Adm’r. July 31. ids EXECUTOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order ol the honorable the Inferior court of Baidu in county, when sittiiqjfor ordinary purposes, >xill he sold 011 the first 1 uesdny in September next, nt tho court house in Putnam county, a negro man livtlic name of Punch, belonging to the estate of .In's Neves,deceased. Terms made known outlie duv of sale. \YM. NF.VKS, ox'or. VI- Ids turnisb thcm.Hitlvcs with any of our Mauufac turns, its it will be to their interest, and for the prosperity of this »vu I liable and humane Insti tution ( a.*h will be ^iven for all Ihe Coni &. Tallow tint .shall he delivered in the IVnitrntiarv. C. *M CAHTY, 1*. k. p. June 0 17 20 DOLLARS REVYARI). jj.) \N \\\AY from the subscriber living op -fi.V Clodv Creek. Jones county } a Negro J'el* lo’A bv the name oi JO.M, 31 yearn of ago, black complexion, 5 teet 11 incheslii"h, ueighingpro bably about l?sO, ims n small lock of j»rc*y hair ipon tin. trout ot bis lorcbeii J, nnd u bad conn* tenaneo, tlio’ when p|x>keii to is apt to laugh. It i: siippo-ftl he was enticed aivay from Jasper Camp-Meeting, when*, be wun permitted to go, by some white villain, and has gone towards the \lalmmn. I lie above reward will be given lot bis apyichcnsion and coniiurment in aay sate jail, > ) us the subscriber will be able to obtain him. IS KWDYC ATE' OUSLKY. July 27 US} lit Baldwin Supurior Court, Frbntaru Term, lb'20, A iia.i xM C. Redding, j Fciilion for l ’.v. I foreclosure. Adn’er Locke. y Rule. Xisi. I TPON ilir pititin i of AVjllin#! C- U< d- J ding, praying tho foreelustire of tin* e quity of redemption, hi and to nil that lot of land, lying and lining in the County ol Baldwin, and town of Milledgeville, known as one fourth of lot No. ft, in square .db, in die original plan of said town, adjoining James Stanford on Wilkinson street, which •mid lot or parcel of land, was mortgaged by the sanl Abner Locke, to William C. Hea ding, the heltei to secure the payment of the sum of five hundred and eleven dollars and twenty one cents, with interest On motion of William Y. Hansel], attor ney for William C. Uedding: it is ordered. the principal, interest and costs be paid into court, within twelve mouths from this day, otherwise the equity of redemp tion will he from thenceforth' forever fore closed, and that this Hole he published one of the public gazettes of this state, once in every month, until the time appointed for payment, or served on the mortgager, o- i': , special agent, at least six months previous to the time the money is directed to he paid as aforesaid. .2 true Copy Liken from the .Minutes of Court, this dill dm/ of March, 13 -20. THOMAS H, KENAN, Clerk. hi lialdtrin Superior Court, Fill. Term, 1 J*-20. Nicolas Dbj. wole, ) vs. > HultXisi,forforeclosure. Francis Corx.xv. j V TI’ON the petition ofNienlas Dotniele, pray- U ing the foreclosure of die equity ofreiii ni'p- tioii in and to a ccitu’m tract or j' qyfl of land lying and being in the town of ... iudgevillc. containing half of a lot, known and distinguish ed in the pi..n of said town hy tho iiornhn: one, (No. 1.) in square fifty-live (55)—‘•uiil half ot .lid lot, fronting Franklin street, beingbound- d oo the north side hy said street, mortgaged hy the said Francis Cornny to the said Nicolas Delaigle, by a deed of mortgage bearing date the. tenth day of J niy eighteen hundred and nine teen, the belter to secure payment of the sum oi five hundred dollars, being the .-1111011111 of 8 note hearing equal date therewith, and payable ten lays afterdate thereof, and default having been made nnd the payment of tlie sitiii sum together with the interest: Whereupon, on motion of nmuoi Rockwell of counsel fhr the said Nicolas Delaigle, it it ordered, that the -aid Francis do pay into the Clerk's office of this court, tho sum of money aforesaid, with the interest nml the costs thereon, within twelve months from this date, or the equity of redemption will he hence forth ami forever barred nml foreclosed : It is further ordered, that a copy of this rule he se’ rv . nd on the said Francis, or his special uge ^ least six month,, or published in one oft’. ln lie Gazettes printed nltiio seat of government once a month before the time atw'jicli the mo ney is directed to he paid. i certify the foregoing to be a true ropy taken from tlie minutes the 2r>th of April, l82o. THOMAS', II. KENAN, <Tk. April 2!) ml2m William tt. Clay, ^ *■** , in nqt-iTv. James Gay. y I "!] appearing to the court that the defendant in Ihe above case Is not to he found in (lie county: On motion, ordered, that the said lull he served hy publishing this rule in one of the Gazettes of this circuit, once a nioutii for six months, nnd hy serving n copy of the said hill outlie Attorney for suid Guy, in tlie common law case. True copy from Ihe Minnies, T , , JOHN NISBET, Clerk. February i I, 1821) m fi m |YP N>•’ montiis after the data hereof, nppliciT- 1 lion will he made to thelioiioriihlc Inferior Court of Teliuir eountv, silling for oidinorv purposes, for leave to sell the real, nml part of he personal estate of Edward Love, late of said county, deceased. JOHN C. LOVE,) , D ANIEL LOVE, 1 - h'ln'or.’. ■JackipKiille, fill Jununry, lygy. V V. fitter A, flalduM County, Superior Fotwe ri]>id adjourned Term, 1, 20 O N the petition of Elisha \\ liitney, stuting that lie holds n mortgage give., hy \\ illij l ’erry <" *"">> conveying a lot of land ly ing an,I being in the town of Milledgeville, containing one hundred and fourteen feet fronting of M n*h- ington street nml tt\o hundred nnd ten fee* front'll nml lying on \\ ilkinson street, utUmni iu^ Fort on the east nnd Allen on the south, ■nnl lot known ami distinguished in tfi c plan >f »*id town by lot number three, in sqmirn m.mlieer (brty-tl.ree, to secure the payment of eleven hundred and thirty dollars, on the first day of March last, due on 11 prom no ry rote at tached to raid mortgage, mid that said Willi*. Ferry lias tailed to pny said sum of money or n» ny part thereof: It is thereupon ordered, that unless the said Willis Ferry shall pay the amount due on rnid mortgage with interest nnd cost in to the Clerk 's office of this courl within twelve, months from this time, the equity of redemption, of, in mid to said mortgaged premises, will I,o thenceforth forever barred nnd foreclosed ia tenir- ,,f the statute in such rase made and pro- vided. And it is further ordered, thnt this rule lie published in one of the public Gazettes of this-tale, once a month for the space of twelvw months, or served on the said Willis Ferry or his special n.'cnt at least six mouths previous to the time the money is directed to tie paid. I cert|!y tliut the foregoing is a true copy ta ken from the minutes, this 24th of April, 1820. THOMAS H. KENAN, Cl k. April 20 11112m GEORG 1.1, Jasper (vuvty, Superior Court* March Term, ili20. Jambs Haiuiison, ) vs. > Ihile Xisi. John F. Cm.r.s. ) I j PON (lie petition of James Harrison, slat* V-t ing that John I’. Coles on the oighlccntlt day of January, in the year eighteen hundred and nineteen, made and delivered to him a mortgage for the lots of land, known bv the numbers thirty two nnd thirty tlnee, in the’thir teenth district of Baldwin noil Ja-pei cmu.tyj and the lot number ninety one in the seven teenth distiht of formerly Baldwin now Jasper county, for the better securing the payment of the sum ol six thousand two hundred aim forty three dollars and forty one cents due to the said James Harrison hy a promisor)’ note ; on too* tion of William Cook, counsel for the prli.lon er, it is ordered, th&fi the said John P. Coles d# pay into the Clerk’s office ol’tt i.- com t the si.nx of money aforesaid with Interest anti cnsi,w th in twelve months from this date, or the equity of redemption in nnd to the said mortgaged pre mises will he thenceforth forever bunco and foreclosed : And it is further ordered, that: er py ol this rule he served on the said John F. Coles or lib special agent at least six months, erne published in one of the public Gazettes of this stale id least twch e months before the time Alia money is dire.rted to be |Kiid. I certify that the foregoing is a true c opy teu» ken from the minutes this lllh April. 1820. JOHN VVILLBON, Cl,rk. April IS in 12m Rule Xisi» GEOHChi, Jasper County, .Superior Court March Term, 1320. Jams* M'Donat.d, uud William fi. Pope, lor the use of Juua M’Kinne, vs. I Jamls Riciiarih. J X i FON the petition of James M'Donald an4 j \\ illinm 8. Pope, for the use of John Wc- Kiiyie, stating that JuniLaRicliards ilid n ‘.his tivent)-sixth day of November in the yeareighe 1 -ell hundred and eighteen, make and deliver to your petitioners a deed of mortgage for thw n)t ol land known nnd distinguished by the nliiribor eight in the fifteenth di»iriet of B.iidwiu now Jasper county, for the better securing the piyiucut of tlie sum ol ten thousand dollars dug to the petitionors hy n promisory note dated. 2dd November 1H18, and payable twelveinauthtfi thereafter. On motion oi William Cook, counsel for th© petitioners, it is ordered, that flu: said James Rithards do pay into the clerk’s office of tliij court the sum of money aforesaid w ith the iute- )v4 and cost thereon within twelve months from this date, or the 1 unity of redemption in and to. tile said mortgaged premises, will be thence forth anil forever barred and foreclosed ; and it is further ordered, that a copy of ibis rede tic •erved on the said Riehaids or his spe.-. eial igeiit ut lca*t ” x months, or published ia. one ot die puldie CaKe’tes t.f state once a modtll for twelve ’noptl.s, 1,. lore tlo. time thw money is dii’eeled to be paid, I certify that the foieguiug is ntrnc copy Uw ken from the minutes, liii.- I ltd April, 182(1. JOH.x WILLSON, Cl k.. April H ml'2m GEORGIA, Han cad ■ county, Superior courE April T r«s, ! :20. Fnr.r.i Nr, his honor Judge Doom — Rule Xisi T j 1*0.5 ihe petition of George W. C. Shivers, a.- gnijid-ton and’egnle* mulrr the last will and t" ■ trun*-111 of George Coiven, deceased, and n mil or Wider the age of t went)-one years, by his next friend William G. Springer, praying th(V '■stiibbiiiseiit of a copy ot the last will and tes-, lament of raid George Cowen, deceased, (which, has bi:»n si destroyed that it cannot he found) in linn hfsiid original: a copy of said original hast will and testauient being herewith shewn to the court as nearly as can be recollected, and filed in the clerk's office thereof. On motion of counsel, it s therefore ordered, that said oopy of said original will so ns aforesaid destroyed he, established,hi |:n 1 thereof at the next term of this court unless cause he shewn to I lie contrary. And it Is further ordered, that a copy of this rule lie publhhod in one of the public gazetted ol Milledgeville, cure a month for six inwiithtf pre\ i 1 is t o Ike time of making application for w rule absolute u the premises. A extract from the minutes, thisfy) ) n y of April, 1320. April 25 PHIL. L. ftjMM- 1, Clerk. niHm iw,?X r n r < "l“' , - l l lnh ‘dfd. Term, 1820. ' " 1 h the Hon. F uuis ro , Furze Goi.uln, ^ B. Sxrobu. M vrnr.w Gc 1!>V , : \ ^Wor Divorce. S 1 ,i,!'| 1| g '' '" e '^ lis , n "rt that the same h.-vx line 0 ' on .he defendant—Oil mo- nnV 1 ■' 0r '-'? 1 " , ’ <l * " ,u! serriee he perfected by J,, g this rule in one of the public gazettes ■ 1 us state : and it is further ordered, thnt Ihe saiLe be entered a* served as of the next term, '.in good cause being shewn to the ooritrary, and the same be ptiblisned once a month for six nicmllis. A true extract taken from the minutes this* 8th May, 1820. _ *’iny ft THOS. H. KENAN, Clerk. \ 1' J F.R tlie expiration of nine months from ■ the date hereof, application will he made to the Inferior rourt of Laurens county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, fov leave to sell the real estate crt Arthur Inman, deceased, for the benefit of the Ill'll -• and creditors of said dr- censed. HENRY C. FUQUA, Ailin'r.. _June 2d, 1820. j\IINE months after date, application will be -L l made to (he honorable the Inferior Court ot Jones'eonnty, when sitting fi*r ordinary pur poses. for leave to sell the real estate of i'Aiir* Bai labu, defeased. THOMAS BALLARD, ) - , . THOMAS WHITE, Mnvft, 1820—IS—> JY OTICI.-—Ni:ir months afterdate, applica tion will he mude to tho honorable tlm court ol Oi'dinury cf Morgan county, for leave to sell a certain tract of Land containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, on the. Appaiateliy rivei, adjoining Norwood and o- tln-rs, the property nl Renliin Radford, deei h- sed, soM t’>r the ixmelit of the heirs of suid do* ceased. JOHN RADFORD, ) „ , IV*. RADFORD, <, *’* 0TSy April 7, 1S2D in! ,r n*