Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, October 24, 1820, Image 1

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No. 37.
(oN TUF.snATs)
m* Advertisements conspicuously insertod at
flic eiistomsry rates.
From Vilh till, to the 4th inti, fconclusion of
pamphlet sheet No. 7.]
Jesse Johnson, Isham Meadows, John
Dumas, George Stinson, Wm. Edwards,
Ja’s Coiner, Titus Wimberly, Z. Fletch
er, John Chambless, Bryan Jones, John
Ci^enoss, John Henderson, Win Cham
bless, Allen Green, (captain,) J. Mea
dows, Win Wells, John M'Luska, Lucre-
tin Singleton, widow, Wm Harrison, So
lomon Wilson, Jenkins Weathers, Wm.
B. Hester, John Hoskins, Joseph Mar
ket, Ainos Young’s orphans, Thos. I.e-
vingston, Elizabeth Trice, widow, Rich-
ard Scott's orphans, Rebecca Burge, wi
dow, Wright Murphey, Aaron Stripliag,
Wm J. Chiles, Caleb Stripling's orphans,
Caleb Winninghmn, Isaac Justice, John
Gapebeart, R. S, ; Edmund Dismukes,
Mathew Brooks, Marcus Meecham, T.
Saunders, Sampson Beartield, William
C. Osborne, (maj.) Nathan Breedlove,
Drury Ilodgcs, Henry Be.lrd, J. Il.trk-
ness, George Duncan, Priscilla Izell,
widow, Sarah Mpsley, widow, Richard
Harris, Thomas Grant, Allen J. Davis,
Reuben Coal.
James Hammett, Isaac Peebles, Le
muel Drake, Willis Howard, Michael
Watson, Caleb Cooksey, Vincent Carey.
Isaac Barrington, Charles Fretwell, Si
las Covington. John Sample, H. White-
head, John Marshall, David Brinson, M.
M. Wood, Phillip Johnson, Samuel Sla
ter, Sbcldon Bailey, Samuel Greenway,
Ja's Smith, John Fleming, Harriet Rud
dle, George Jlf’Kinsey.
David S. Murray, Ales line Gaither, E.
lioftin, Samuel Jl/'Kinzio, Arthur Fra
zer, .Mathew Brunson, Payton Htvws, J.
JH'Kinny, jun’r, Thomas Jeter, Sterling
Edwards, Andrew Tankersly, orphan,
John Carpenter, John Walton, Corneli
us ArrJnt, John AT. Ward, John Sanders,
Jacob Liatrunk, Bailey Cainron, Wm.
Reynolds, (gov.) Travis Af-Kensey, Ja’s
Bibb, Jeremiah Thompson.
John llarrill. Levi d/organ, Washing
ton Winn, Wm Fateh, Joab Ferris, L
Le Conte, John JW'Cranie, Washington
Smith, (general) Robert J. Wheeler, Je
remiah Shaw, sen’r, Lydia .Mallard, wi
dow, Aaron Frier, Geo. Kershaw, James
Thpmafe, John Cash’s orphans, James
Roberta' orphans, James Darsey.
* Wirt Smith, Thos. Hall, Lewi* Linder,
Wintiejd fright, ^ i,rr y Gibbons, Joseph
Dorsey, Elizabeth Tison, widow, Simeon
Ellington, Noah Lambert, Reubin Mar-
relsoo, John B. Davis, Silas Wilkes, M
Waller, widow, Ebenezer Stephens, B,
Shiver, Levy Nelson, Isaac Benton, W.
Wright, Joscy Coleman, Warren Hart,
Win Gibson, Js.nies Brantley, Jas Miller,
George Bailey, Thomas Register, jun'r,
Baptist Brumblv, Daniel Trnmmill, So
lomon Sivey, John Collier, jun'r, Josiah
Gray, Charles W. Morgan.
John tV. Ilanson, Jesse Beck, John
Pollard, Uriah E. Ammons, E. Spinks,
Humphre y Gilmore, Thomas Dixon, E.
Adcock, Wm Hurt, James Lemcstcr, F.
S. Cook, A. Burnes, Thos. Summerlin,
Thomas Johnson, James B. Morgan, J.
Daniell, Christopher B. Brown,
E. Cochran, Wm Dean, Nathan A. Suns,
Robert Mullins, sen’r, jMICS M'kenzie,
John"Wingfield, John Sunil, 'V ia Smith,
R. S. ; Nathan Swanson, Nathan row
nil, Martha Crocket, widow, D. Craw-
. — - n t - 1U1, ill aaI.
ford, Russel Brannn, Beasley Whitlock
- ■ ** • " - Jno.
Joshua Parker, Benj. Brown, jun r
Bruster, jun’r, Benj. II. Johnson, Ann
Dupree, Jabez Brooks, Thomas B ack.
Robertson Hendon. F. W. Arnold, Jeese
Austin, Robert B. (. esnn.
N. Martin, Jno Cardwell, Wm. Burks,
E. Pritchett, John llendrick. Jamv.s II.
Holland, James Thompson, Wm Jones,
John S. Anderson, Sam’l Long, sen r, U.
Albright. yoj^pQQMERY. u
M. Sullivant’s or|)han, M. Peterson,
John Williamson, Hester Lindsay, wid
A. M'Millon, James M‘Leod, David J
Smith, Daniel David, sen’r, Augustus M.
Barrington King, Charles Dunham, L.
Harper, Thos. O’Neal, John Spears, J.
G. Bell.
Wm It. Brooks, Charles Carter, sen
Andrew Turner, Sarah Rhodes, William
Bailey, sen’r. Benjamin Blanton, Pultnia
Ward, John Stewart, (bricklayer) Mary
Barkwell, John Hitchcock, William An
drews, James Eidson, Robert Haynes
Thomas E> Scroggins, Asa Moor*. Johu
S. Huddleston, Wylie Tipper, J. Bird
song, jun. Elizabeth Ponder, J. Thomp
son, U. Hardeman, Znchariah Kidd, G.
Lumpkin’s orphans, Allen Kilgore, Bur-
ditt I inch. Thomas B. Dossey, Henry
Johnson, Jno Brockman, Lucinda Luus-
lord, minor, Wm. C. Goolsby.
Hardy M'Glawn, Joshua D. Frazer,
W. L. Walker, Grecnberry Gaither, W.
Simms, Redman Watts, Lemuel Skaggs,
John Martin, jun. Thomas Stone, James
Dismukes, John Lipham, Thomas Haw
kins, Johnson Sawyer, Olivo Dotton, S.
Crougli, Thomas Head, Nimrod Vinson,
Joseph Cooper, sen. R. S. ; Wm Rich
ardson, Jesse Blakev, David Averit, Jo
seph Cooper, sen. It. S.; Jesse Keaten,
Abijah Dennis, N. Holt’s orphans, Ro
bert Wnshntn, Solomon Blalock, Walter
C. Dent, Richard Hollis, A. W. Cole
man, Hiornas Doster, Aaron Hatowny’s
orphans, Wm. G. Bryant, R. S.; Michael
Stinson, ?en'r, James Brooks, jun. Gide
on George’s orphans, James Sadler, W.
Foster, John Belcher, James Berry, T.
Clements' orphans, David Saunders, li.
; John B. M’Koy.
Francis Moreland, James Dykes, Chs.
Ballard, Wm Johnston, Joel Sherrod, I
Nicholes,' Ambrose Pipkin, John Sulli
van, 'Thomas Hatton, Samuel Dyk- s, W.
Gorkins, W. Yarborough, G. Kingsley,
Thos. VV. Harris, Caswell Lasiter, Jus.
Trulij Benjamin Hollyman, John Pearce,
Carnes Branen, Elizabeth Ashler, wid.:
Robert R. Ashley, orph^MHHHptep-
herd, widow, Stephen itWw; Jam'**
Lane, orphan, Allen Scarborough, John
llarrel, Henry Dykes, John Razor, jun.
Elisha Wabinghnm, Phillip Dossit, jr.
Samuel I). Shilly. Phillip Tinlev, Hardy
Revel, Timothy Nichol’s orphans, John
Turpin, James Leslie, Garland Elling
ton, Wm Cain, Rartbolorncw Labuzan,
T. A. Bradberry, Wiley Dismukes, or
phan, Mary Winget, widow, J. S. Grum
bles, Hen *y Bird, L. Bush, John Messer,
Wm’Bnrton, Elizabeth Primrose, Ebe
nezer Miller, Jason Watkins, II. Griffin,
A. B. Stnrges, Robert II. Musgrovc, Ja
cob Danfovth. dEMfeftm
Ephraim ltigdon, r< oh fcMiuJP Wil
liamson, jun’r, Alexander Kemp, Geo.
Mock, James Rryant, John Thompson,
sen. Daniel Daley, E. VV. Bevil, James
Fox’s orphans, Wm Lambert, John Mer
cer, Thomas Pengree, Wm. Scott, Jo
seph Butler, John Lambert, J. Conyers,
William Black.
James Barnard, Wm. Wallers, Sha-
drack Douglass, Mathew Lewis, Lewis
Williams, Moses Langford, R. S. ; Le
muel Tippins, Martin Hardin, Malcom
Macarthen, Joseph Durrence, Shndrack
Stanalanc, Sam’l Cason, Archibald John
son, een. James B. Stripling, Jno Higgs,
Joseph Little’s orphans, John M’Arthnr,
Mathew M. Dees.
James Hurson, Isham M’Daniel, Johu
Fletcher, jun. Elijah Hubbard.
Wm Simmons, Coleman Leonard’s or
phans, Benjamin Williams, Nathan Bus
hy, Elijah Nis, Ebenezer Joyner, Geo.
lloleman, Daniel Thompson, L. Brown,
James Rogers, R. S. ; David W. M inn,
Joseph Fowler, sen’r, U. S. ; J. Noland,
John H. Powell, Wm Batson, Wm De-
shnzo', Bennett A. Ferrell, Win. Griffin,
Adin Hamilton, Stephen Graves, Hiram
Powell, Alfred B. Reid, Stephen Page,
Samuel Carter, jun’r, Henry Anglin,
Thomas Beaty, Abraham Miles, sen’r,
John C. Iiasler, Penny Smith, widow,
James Jones’ orphans, David I.ovelt, I.
Garrott, Lewis Adkins, Daniel Bulloch,
R. S. ; Samuel Quarles, Edwin Thomas,
Wm. Nobles, George Wilson, J. Ricks,
(savage creek) James Cartledge. Sarah
Denton, Hiram Martin, Freeman Carden,
John M. Smith, John Guerry’s orphans,
John Ethridge, John Barron, John Allen,
Jesse Pollock, Fred’k Tippet, Thomp
son Sauls, Wm. Clark, Wm. Faulk, Sa
muel Weathers, Samuel Pale, sen. R. S.
Elisha Ward, John Rogers, Willis Ward
Duncan M'Pherson.
Waddy Brock, Silas Vicars, John A
Hopkins, Jesse George, Mioajah Thur
man, George Fielder, John Hodnett, R
Butler’s orphans.
John Bailey, John Pitman's orphans
Benjamin Hutson, Wm. Waller, jun. T
Kinmon’s orphans, Thomas Collins, Pc
ter Wood, Wm. Prosser, l. Sherer, So
lomon M'Gehee, Joshua Price. I. Her
rington, Joshua Howard, E. Simpson’i
orphans, John Barnes, gen. Harriet E
Rive9, widow, Caleb W. Harris, Wm
BHrbe:, jun’r. Edward Rogers, John P
Turaell, Samuel Van, Henry Crowell
Wm. Sinquefield, Ezekiel Daniel, son'r
John Register, Levi Horton, Barbary
Wilson, widow, Isaiah Coleman, Person
Young, James Jordan, Wm. Dean. W m
W, Bates, P. Cody, S. Jackson, Aaron
Osborn, C. Usry, I. M’DoSvell, J,. Lock
hart, SuuTl S. Parker, E. Barton, Mica-
jah Darden, T. Rowland, T. Ansley, A.
Wood, C. Camp’s orphans, L. A. Jerni-
gan, D. A. Weaver, Z. M’Math, Joseph
C. Johnson, R. VV, Holliday, James Bar
field, P. Inge, R. Powell, J. Hays, Ro
bert Edwards,-Vincent Pratt, J. Sims, J.
Wheeler, J. Hicks, sen. S. Marks, Willis
Crawford, Jesse Pitman, A. HarriR Lou
isa Bell, widow, J. Cody, E. Bull, Isour
Ball, S. VV illiums, widow, M. Kinsey, D
Stewart, James Pace.
Shadrark Jacobs.
W. Littleton, C. Wheatley,H.,
R. Chivers, N. Powel.J. .Morgan, Jere
miah Burdine, R. Graham, S. Carter, J.
Eidson, VV. S. Howard, S. Gibson, John
S. Lee, C. Mnore, 1). Bruckner, jun’r,
A. Brewer, P. Calloway, Edney Willis,
widow, J. T. Kent, H. Shank, J. G. Bai
ley, C. Coats, It, King, D. A. Martin, C.
Ralls, J. Clarke, A. Hugulrv, widow,
W. Gill, J. Blakev, D. Ogletree, E. B.
Norman, G. Owen’s orphans, J. 'Thur
man, (little.) John J. Harper, Wm Lit
tle, F. Shank, minor, J. Floyd, J. Che-
vers, W. Harper, J. Willis, J, Holiday.
T. Rinnsey, J. Calloway, J. Farnsworth
. //arris, B. Honipton’* orphans, W. O.
Rutledge, S. Wade, J. Pindor.
I. Milchelf, Nancy //til, w idow, Snm’I
Bloodvvorlh, R. Hatcher, C. Davis, Jno.
G. VV. Greer, D. //dwell, G. Leu’s or
phans, J. Sanders, J. Mooring, Jacob M'
London, Eliz, Brazil, widow. It. {’.itton,
VV. West, VV. Tinny, J. M’Croan, Marv
Mitchell, /?. f/icks, C. Coplen, J. Deo-
nurd, VV. Bland, T. Fowler, S. Brewer,
Mary Wnrd, widow, John Stalehan. Eli
zabeth Herrington, T. Scartley, VV. Ale-
sdith, M ago r Griffin.
List of Fortunate Drarrsrs from the ith
to the 1th. instant, contained in sheet No
John Ivy, James H inter.
Rolen Lunsford, Sam’l Boykin, Ber
ry S. Chapman, Wm Willis, Dan'l Scur-
>ek, James M'Mtiliing, Joseph Cook,
ohn 11. Hicks, Thoin t® Knight, Samuel
Porter, Wm Shepherd, Bartley M'Cra-
ry, jun. -Levi Justice, Lemuel Wilson’s
orphans, James Horn, Peter Gent, Wm.
Robertson, Hiram M. ftcracan. Daniel
Triplett’s orp’ns, James Godwin, Wm
Musslewhite, Sam’l Dent’s orphans.
Josiah Saucer, Brice Simmons’ orp’s,
Daniel J. Blackburn, Jacob Futch, Wm.
Rottenbury, Enoch Fagan, James Nes
mith, jr. Joseph Tiltnan, Charles Cona
way, John C. Everitt, Wm Grover, Al
len arown, Jesse Hag in, rtenj. Ilodgcs,
Garrot Williams, Garrot Williams.
John M. Jones, John Runti Is. John
M'Gee, Moses r.ryau, sen. Murv & i’.li-
ha Knight, orphans, Benjamin Madry,
John Gray, Stephen Cross, L. Bell’s or
phans, John Stockdale. John Dawson, S.
Parker, llopkin Dye, Elijah At taw ay, IT.
Mathews, John Atkinson’s orphans, nen- L. M‘Natt, Benjamin Nixon, Wm.
Sinclair,jun’r, Jesse mss, Nancy Owen.
Joseph J. Phillips, Benjamin Palmer, J.
Ponder, Mary Garrot, Elizabeth Hadley,
John &. A. Greencway, orphans, Nancy
Hodges, Abner relcher, Lem. Scarbo
rough's orphans, George Weathers, or
Thomas Douglass, Joshua .Smith, Jas.
Alexander, Stephen Cannd.iv.
Giles Ellis, Jehu Meazell.Edy crown,
Catharine Long, widow, Joseph Mills, S.
Noah n. Sesson, Worthington Gain, S.
Marches, Dimas Ponce, Sarah Savage,
Smith Williams, Frederick Densler, G.
Henry, Henry AlilN, Joseph Garnett,
John nransby, Solomon S. Shad, Stephen
II. Timmons, VV. h. Joyner, JolinKack-
ler, Margaret Askew, Wm P bccis, Ann
Schyo, George Biiillie, George S. Par-
kin9, Julia Wilson, Robert Watts, Wm.
C. carton, John Dillon, Ann Watt, wid ;
David c. Nichols, Peter Mitchell, lie-
loise B.inliueare, Georgian:) Nunga*er,
Riley M’Neil, Thomas Williams, Jane
II. Cunninghmn, widow, Sol. Rebecca,
Emanuel and Eliz. Shcftall, orphans, J.
C. cloan, Wm Hrownjohn, L. D. Ac herd,
Margaret S. and John Coleman, orp'ns,
Martha Calahan, v\ idi>;v. Goo. Kerr, L.
Mason, Peter DeveWx, R. S. ; Thomas
Riddleburger, Ricliu Richardson.
Thomas cowling’s orphans, ,T. Henson,
Wm Manley, Janies Hale, Chs. Stewart,
Wm Roberts, Charles //agin, J. C. Farr,
Mathew Marlin, Daniel Jackson, Ander
son »urt, Spencer .Martin, Ja’s Stephens
John nooth, John Thrasher, jun’r, Wm.
Dogott, Win Meadows, Asa Poweil, L.
Hezekiuh ceull, Robert F. Kent, Geo.
JFatson, Aron Daniel, Thomas neall, S.
Lovel’s orphans, Edward Short, J. PuJ-
lin, Andrew N M Edwards, IF. F. Jack-
son, Daniel M’N.air, IFm Cullicr, (Doct)
Daniel Killings worth, Win Entrecan, J.
Drewry, Thomas Benuctt, Geo. Folds,
E. M. M. Swinoey, orp’n, IFm H. IVil-
kios, jun’r, Henry .Maddox, Eliz. Cou
sins, widow , James Pearre, Sam’l Crump
Robert IFynne, Reuben Runnels, Roh’t
Lusseter, Joel Johnson, G. Batkins.
IFm M‘ Donald, Levi Smith, J. Nichols,
Aaron Dixon.
Solomon Gii tme, Gottiel Dasher, Chs.
Ry.ils, Joseph and MahalJ Hawthorn,
orphans, Jolm Henley’s orphans, John J
Metzger, jun’r, IVm IFilliams, Jno. ifal-
der, Stephen IFoolf.
Clayton Thorna9, John Neel, Daniel
Overstreet, IFitlis Darning, Geo. Cock’s
Micajnh Ferrcl, John Thompson’s or
phans, Lewis Irons, Auric* Vawtor, Ja's.
Gunter, If'ai Hansard, Henry E. Nash,
.'i/ark Smallwood, Anderson AFGiiire, J.
Lotvremore, Joseph Shanyer, Augustin
Edwards, David Kelly. Sion //uni, Alsea
Cooler, Thomas Bell, jun’r, IFui A Beck,
James Hu ley, Samuel Tyner, Nathan E-
vaus’s orph-ms, Muncy At. Hunt, widow,
Shelton (Flute, David Brown. IV. Roberts
Job Franklin, Haley cutler, Alexander
Vaughn, Benson /Maxwell, IFm Hurben,
sen’c, R. S. ; Burwell Ridgeway, Thos.
Tatoin, Fanny Cook, Francis Powrell,sr.
R .S. ; George Anderson, Ch’s. Ragen,
Win II,dlls orphans, (Fin b. Christian, It.
Burke,sen’r. John Calson, Jesse port-
son, Dun’l Casey, R. S. ; Ehzy Putter-
son, Jane Jones, widow, Thus. Horton,
sen’r, Win Henderson, IFm A. Brown, J.
/lock, jun’r, Thomas Bryan, S. Jones, J.
J. Daniel, Asa Cooker.
John Groover, Griffin Hogwood, Hen
ry T Jackson, John Trigg, IFm. Flem
ing, Wyatt Lankford, Peggy Pair, orp'n,
Francis Calloway, Sterling Vaughn, Hol
comb’s orphans, George Shell, Jno Airs,
Robert Harrison, John Holcomb, sen’r,
Wn S.avull. Kenhcu Cleveland,/!. Frank
lin, Peter Wilson, Hugh Stowers' orp’ns
Thomas Davis, sen’r, Isaac Smith, John
A/ills, Richard Perry, Joseph Lewelling,
James Watkins, Samuel Tait, IFm Hol
ley, sen’r, IFm Scott, Thos. IF. Davis,
Robert Taylor, Elizabeth Chalmers, wi-
doiv, Nathan Arundell, James Rusk, J.
Daris, J. Bond, sed’r, J. Duelling, jun’r,
Z. ./Mize, E. TFilkinson, E. Jlfiller, IFm.
Johnson, sen’r, Thos. Davis, jun’r, Jas.
Colyer, J. Poe, T. Pulliam, J. England.
George Abbott, Alcx’r. C. Wiley, Nancy,
Kesiuh and Martin Manning, TIios. Ellis, J.
VV. Armstrong.
Robert Johnson, Jerry F. Culbertson, or
phan, Lemuel Moore, sen’r, Philip Hunter,
orphan, Archibald Smith, Milly Jinkins, wi
dow, Abraham Eurby, Simon Morris,jun’r,
Wm Sanford, James 11. Lynch. L. Moore,
sen’r. Joseph Jones, Isaac Livingston, Thos.
M’.VIIy, Benjamin Fulrill, Tliomas Johnson,
Josiah VVatliirls, Augustin Greene, i. Low, J
Reynolds, Jonathan Newell, Eliz. Christo
pher, widow, Branson D. Woollen, Arm
stead Brown’s orphans, Colston Copeland,
Washington Ledbetter, Young T. Gresham,
Julius Alford, jun. James li. Shockley, Jour-
dan Harris. John Aivtry, John L. Moore, J.
Maufnrd, John Dupree, Dennis Serbian, Jno
Swann, John Browning, Jackson Bowies, U,
H. Ely, Ezekiel Cone, Johu Froemufi, sen.
Frederick Johnson.
James M'Hofey, Win Baker, jun. James
James VVulborn, George Doss, Shadrack j Joshtin Johnson, John H Pri*f, Bob*t
Hogan, Win. Barnwell, sr. Jonnthan llemjf
hill, John Frank, Enoch Rogers, Win. IK>s*
ter, James Tate, John Wade, Thus. John
son, Michael Walling, Nicholas Stiles, Ham
lin D. Mattyx, Samuel Smith, L. Roane, J.
Todd, Wm. Haimnon, lliehaid Thompson,
Allison Culpepper, Shadrack Bogan, nich’d
i, VVin Mathews, jun. Chs. Wnl-
lace, John T. Davis, Wm Todd, Samuel M’
Kinney, Thos, J. Bowen, Preston Hardy.
Redding F. Hdhter.
Daniel Trammel's orphans, David John
ston, Win. Messer, Win. B. Pennington, Jno
Lambert, John Campbell, Mary Duck, T.
Robertson, II. S. ; ,M. Crenshaw. Jas. Fret-
well, Wade II. Turner, Edward Harper, Jno
Graves, jun. Elijah Twilley, Wm. Harden,
Jeptliuo Yarborough, Tliomas Clay, Win.
M'Cord, John Woodall, Joseph Gunnells, J.
Tucker, Alfred II. Brown, James Caioe.rson,
jun. Daniel M’Dowell, Jeremiali L'lrosdeu,
John Giier, Ubediah Echols, F.ldred Wilk
inson, Francis (barter, Wm II VVells, Rirb’d
Lawrence, ’/.. VV. M’Micliael, Mary M’EI-
rov, Isaac Hand. Isaac Coleman, Robert G.
Kilgore, Philip Uurrough, Barbara Ousley.
Thomas Tuclcer, Iguatiiu Stokes, Samuel
White's orphans, Pnnitum Turkey Britton
W Chapman, orphan, Nelson Colley, Par
ham Lindsey, Moses Marshall’s orphans, J.
Turner, VVm Johnson, sen. Julian Brown, J.
Jacobs, Robert Cole, I/.ariah Doss, George
Porter, Absalom Ford, David Hunter, Ma
ry Adams, Thos. Studmun, Celia Bartlett,
John Canard, James Henderson, Jas. Dow
ney’s orphans, Jolm Kenard, Charles Re-
nolds, Levi Murtiu, Wm Thomson, Jolm St.
John, Wm H. Pearson, John L iyd. Samuel
Benton’s orphans, Jeremiah Mosel}', James
Bullard, Wm Jones, John Lanier, Thomas
Wilson, Lemma Kirtley, Garland B. Terry,
* ' “ ' r,T.
Wilkins, David Richardson.
Hawkins, A. Smith's orphans, F. Barber, Lane, Wm Epps, Richard Thompson, S.
S. Smith, A. Giles, J. Hartley, J. Hearn-
don, J. Avery, S. T. Smith, J. O’Qnin,
jun. Lawhjn RIac.klin, D. Horton, John
Webb, S. Joiner, A. Peacock, E. Jjuer,
J. Long, E, Fcnn, Joel Williams.
Harris, Edward S. Callahan, IFm Davis,
Elizabeth Thomas, widow, 11, Moore, J
Espy, John uyfc.rd, John IF Harper, Jo
seph East, sen. Reuben Stephens, R, S ;
IFm Sliatv, jun’r
Peter Grammar, R. S.: Charles A. Grout,
sen. Neil Harrel, Nanev Erasure. wid. Staf
ford Pearce, Win. G. Springer, Rob’t Bird,
James Grant, Thomas Goore. jun. W. llil
hard, Wm Dudley, Isaac Blount, 11. S-; Pe
terson Harris, S illy Houghton, widow, Ed
mond S. Bass, Zacharinh Judkins, Thomas
Wadsworth, Win L. Guirv, Wm Dickson,
Andrew Baxter, Charles Grant, jun. Chris
tian Nelson, John Thomas’ orphans, Jorepli
Beall, Charlotte Morgan, widow, Alford Mid-
dlelirooks, Richard Lewis, James D. June
Jesse Pope, It. S.; Betsy T.ary, Elizabeth
I.anear, Russel Palmoro, Elizaballi Ilmn-
plire.y, Abraham M. Williams, Joseph Pat
terson, Wm Brooking, James Harvey’s orp’s
Nancy Runnels, widow, John Maddox, Jo
shua Edge, Wm Bretikley, Wm Miller,
Adonijah Ilulsey, jun. James Warran. T
F. Terrell, Jeter Bryan, Robert Carlisle, Da
vid Stroll, Gidco i Holmes, Wm Deaton, sr,
Malone Mullins, James Jordan, Robert IP r-
per, John Lindsey, Judith Sellei-s, wid ; Lu
cy Savill, widow.
Thomas Glaze, Elijah M’Crnry, minor.
John Hammond. John Calls, John Oneal
James M’Cright, Francis Eliiaon, Wro.M
Ceavcr, Andrew Collins, Thomas MehaCfey
Gavin Black, Samuel Cartitbcrs, Solomon
Wofford, Owen .7, Bowen, Andrew Hazelett
John Adams, Charles Gunter, Win Camp
(Snip) Harris Davidion, John Frank, Isaac
Mobley, Hope II. Watts, Mary Bochannon,
widow, Jno Kermiciiaol, ?* n. Ralb igh Bow
en, Bartlett C.Joliiis, Ambrose Y.wliorougb,
James Rogers, James I.iddlc, Jas. Rwinrmv,
SalvadoreTliompson, Torrence (fnnnnn, S.
Mandcrs, Martin Holliday, John Lambert,
berry, Auuilty Byfof
Shadrack Griffin, Bait. WyAst, L. Clarke,
Solomon Smith, Allen Hester, nan M’-
Qm an, widow, A. M’Mulleii,jun. Greystogk
John Driggers, John L. Hopkins, Rriihuh
Oberry, Annon I .a fils, James Calder, jun.
J. Boll, J. Beasley, J. Ray, N. Bornm, J.
Peters, jr. J. O. Kelly, D. Kerr, R S •, Cha,
Thaxton,’ V. Ponder, C. Gai lington, S Allen,
J. If ise, J. Gilbert, B. Rhodes, sen. J. Turk
J. Dicks, J Griffith, IF. Greene, R. Hoff, W.
W. Edwards, H Ragan, J. M. Edwards, R,
iroodrnff, I). Rniiney, J. Young, jr, i/Blnlts
J. //urdininn, J. Patrick, M. B»ineT, J fFH»
liania. J. Thomas, If’Stephens, 71, House,
IF U Stanfield's orphans.
L. Fretwell, 9. IFeatherby, B. Cook, Car»
naby Veal, E. Ft. Evans, J. Lawrence, Bo*
brut Hottums, L. Hardaway, widow, Zara
fFilkinson, S. Brown, E. Oneal,'B. Dupree,
IFi.lFhatley, R. Ross, H. IF. Ector, A. stur*
divant, IFByiitim, L Blnkey, D Smith. Jas,
Rush, S Horton, B Rogers, J Fannen, scn‘r,
J Hooks, T I.oy less, H Garland, A Adams,
" ’ eday, IF Peek. Z Parker. IFNeaves,
John West, Joel Vickers, Joseph Rocker
Keimedv, David Hamilton, JamesS. Banks
ton, David Gresham, John Mays, Win Ross,
Benjamin Merritt, Thomas Martin, llorley
•Tulin Stephens, John Bullard, sen’r, Seth
Williamson. Janies A. Duncan, David Mor
gan, Jones Bnekhalter, John D. Cuton. Hen
ry Hootch, Henry Wyche,Thomas Boswell,
Jolm Clark’s orphans, John Mitchell, Chris
tian Duckworth, widow, Thomas VVoolfolk,
Joshua B. Clark, Jno Hart. Harrison Smith,
Nicholas Waggoner, Arthur Kilnries, llich’d
lloleman, Jno Usery, jun. Nathaniel Peters.
Rebecca Jones, wid.; Fields LewD, Tims.
Eubanks, John Barron, Cullen Pope. Harris
dlayd, Wm Clemuiiugs, Cliestin Kenedy,
widow, Win Northen’s orphans, G. Scmir-
ins, VViley J. Gibson, Joel Palmer, Wripit
L’endor, Sti pben Vent.ress, David Howard,
Ephraim Cuz, Newgtm Hicks, John Tho
mas, Stephen Hawkins, Johu/uampboll, D.
A. Piiiilips, George Maddox, John Brantley,
Josiah Calaway, Lewis I). Wimberly, Wm.
B. 8tnbbs, Titus Starnes, John Martin’s or
phans, Axmn Dunn, Stephen Gafford, jun’r,
.1 nliri I tonkins, sen’r, Robert Woodall, John
Taplin, Charles Mangmm, Robert V. Hurd-
tnan, Wm Fluellen, John Bovver’s orphan,
P. Sledge's orphans, John Coueheart, R. S.
Nicholas Waggoner, James Carlisle, Win.
iriflin, Garret Woodley, Thomas Kemp, J.
Userv, sen’r, Robert R. Ruffin, Benj. ftled-
dows, Wm Head, John Hughs.
Elbert Hudson, Stephen Parker, Wyet
Arnold, Wm Hrckton, Elvy Devenport,ivid.
John Fleming, Thomas Vvonion’s orphans,
James Bird, Nancy Earnest, wid.; J. Ilar-
grovt’s orphuns, James Smith, James Cox,
Dompsey Hal!,- Rani’l Sinter, Ism c Williams,
John Dillaynor, Hugh Wilson, Mund Cross.
John Hammock’* orphans, Isaac Peebles, A.
Whighncu, Michael Burke, George joucs, J.
Bullock's orphuns.
John Smith, IFilliatn Statliam, Charlotte
Gantt, Robert Gilmore’s orphans,- I. Jones,
John IFiseman, Lewis Howell, Lewis Cros-
sou, Holland Rcviere, Nancy Gregory, wid.
Robert Reynolds, Silas Tatoin, J. B. Ayers,
Win Glaze, Isaiah C Walker, Wm Parkes,
John Landers, Win W ILudy, J. Matbeivs,
Elizabeth Knott.
Richard S Baker, Oliver Stephens, John
Gcrardcnn, VVm Parker, Nathan Hathaway,
Angus Marlin, Daniel Sullivan’s orphans, J.
Elders, John Dunwoudv, Jacob Rims, Wm.
Mergan, Ana Somcrsalf, wid; S. Sapp, aen.
Joint W. Stacy, Eugim* Baron, F.lizabciii S.
Mill, orphan, James Darsey,Wm. P. Fulton,
Wm. Smith, junV.
Josoph Saltonstall, Elisha Walker’s orp’s,
John N. Martin, Owen Fields, Joseph Al-
berson, Reuben Gay, Benjamin Moreiuan,
Jonathan Parker, se.n. Johri Calhoun, ven’r,
Juliii Barlow, Thomas Gilbert, IFin IFatts,
Nancy Rolterts, widow, Jacob IFatts’s orp’s
Laban Thompson's orp’ns, John Lambert,
jun’r, David Blnekshear, (Gen.) Eli Hutto, J.
Mathis, Mathew Nutt, IFm Smith, 1). Hays,
Crawford, widow, James A Newman,
orphan, Hosea Clements, Caleb Faircloth,
sen’r, Elizabeth Hines, wid., Jonathan Mor
ris. Cornelius Tison, John M. Daniel, Hen
ry Anderson, orphan.
Hardy S Williams, Thomas W. IFyot, IF.
M‘Glowii, Elizabeth Still, widow, Sampson
Lanier, James Hagan, Tliomas Vanlanding
him, IFilson Lumpkin, Suwnnah Stamper,
widow, George. Harris, jun’r, IFin Heaver,
IF in B Files, Zadoek Kellev, John Brown,
Sarah Mangram, David Reiman, R. Espey,
David Kelly, James IFilihah, John Mbrgan,
George Phillips, Samuel If Greene, Abijah
Brooks, Jolm Franklin’s orp’ns, IFm li Gre-
Gory, John G IFilliams, Jno Hail, Eld ridge
i, i - r, I,...' HI.
C Canm*duy t
R S ; J Jackson, 1) Smith, J Martin, reu‘r,
L Low, wid ; J Lake, J Allen, J H Bass, t
//ill, ////all, It Slaughter.
D Simpson, J Lester, S Johnson, J Hot*
ton, J Hutson, J Dees, S Trultuk, jr. J Ro*
gers, scai. R Davis, J Braeewell, E //arrell,
widow, IF Peppkin, S Gatlin; T Tbomly, R
S ; Ci Brown, K Bush, N Posey, T Tliora-
ley, R S : I) Adams, T Burnham, E I'billip*
Joseph Butler.
J M’Mann‘9 R S ; A Rhodes, sen. O Phil*
lips, 8 C Dnrtirk, II IF Andrews, S invb*^
widow, IF Smith, J Palmer, IF Skinner, sen,
A Milledge, widow, L Campbell, P Dosset,
senr. R S; JO Lefoy, P Rozer. IF Morgan
IF Robbins, J. B. Csrry, IF. J. //oliby, /I'm,
Stoy, A Brux, IF IF.illcu, J Roman, J Nor*
man, R Ketchum.
S Gill,T Braswell, J I/urst, orphan, Arch,
Condy, N Joiner, P Moody, J Burnes, Ja
cob F. Jones, IF N 9umm< rail, Julian
Marks. A Fraser, 31 Janies, J Bryant, sen’r.
/ Hendricks.
S F Brinson, D Hancock, vv. Sapp, David
Boyd, J Dees, p Tippins, J Mixon, //Lank*
ford, F Douglass, vv. Stephens, w. Triplett,
G Mrrzle*, R. M‘Donald. C. Fiadalsooj
wid : T Singletury, A Bland, E Beasley.
J Candler, E. Ellis, B Ray, S weathers,
orp'n, w. Stephens, 8. wells, w. S. Hill Sa
muel Graham, A Daniel, A Kimsoy’g orp's,
J williams, orphan, T Also, J Lfftr. M 1 -ar-
by fl 9 Brown, D Crumpton, J. wall, G Ben
son, w. Hammock, w. Mosley, M Rivrl, B
Dprden, R S; w. vvallnee, J Dees, P Pivon,
J. w. Alexanjer, S Denton, S. waldcn, J;.».
Jones, (little.) J, Barr, w. Lewis. A Tbou p-
eon,J. Harrison, w. Bryan, w. Melton, wil*
liuin Bird, II. 8.
f! C Register, C Parish, JCnstalnV, C Cox,
H Holly, G Davis, J R Stone, 1 Chiles' orphans,
M Tool, J Dickens, A Cosu,A Helton, J Adams,
A Cone, K Parker, J l.a'.rf nee,./ ffiiliem*, sr.
John Pt'in ork, sen. Geo Veal, ^ce>lhltm Stnith,
.Martin Hilliard, .lesse Itopkins, Pleasant It,
Mitcliell, til a min Garrot, Edwin Pridgen's orus
James Mills, jr.
JEIIctt, IF I.inscy, JM'Glatnrj', It3; K!i«.
Pratt, widow, 1J Upton, P Hniter, D Goodwin,
N Abercrombie, wid ; J Poythresa, R Andrews,
B He.triin, widow, A Edojundaon, A IFhitaker,
F Woodward's orp‘*, Chs. I.ogue, sen. Abram
Smith, F.iirkicl Motes, fteiibun Jones, Zecliari-
nh Bailey, Drury liinoin, It. 9.; Thomas Dos.
ter, Stephen IF. Burnley, William Rivers, Fiie-
iiernld Bird, Ricliurd Powell, Green Newsom,
John Adkins, Catharine Bird, widow, Jolm Wil-
liiinn, Elisha Moses, Elias Wilson, I.ittlcberry
Powell, Jano Csnp, Moore Carter, A Johnson,
J Robinson, W Robertson, J Lambert, Tho*.
Gray, sen. B Lewis, D M'Goart.
J Knight, R S ; A Bird, 3 Browning.
G Pearson's orps, ii. b. IFooten, S Colley, T.
F.vans, T.Greshaip, _S Flournoy, J Cotton, T.
Baber, J Minton, F Colley, J IFalker, W T
Cosby, S. Simmons, James Pcnvy, William
Robinson, Beni Oslmrn a orphans; Wm Ham
mock. Surah ( . Cole, James Hughes, P. Ben
nett, Noh| .Mathews, Isaiah Ellington’s orphans,
Robert Cade, jun. Henry Sprulliiie, Jolm M. D.
Bond, David Callaway, Banuiel Brooks, seu'r,
George W. Hamilton, William Hull, William
Glover, Boiling Anthony, Johnson Wellborn,
William Garrett Vorahans, Elias Bryant, John
D. Reaves, Enoch Ellington’s orps. R. Graham,
Spencer Runnels, orphnus.
Worn Atiddleton, James Barter, Thomas
Benson, Levi Valentine, Wm, Dobbage, J.
Stephen*, Joseph Banning, Levi Stnusell, C.
Culpepper, David D Nichols, Samuel Mahies,
.Nathan Mettz, Jacob Ogbarn, Israel Fountain,
Sterling N. Rcessor, W illiam Dixon, Jtiebard
IFilliams, H Ard s orphan., W. Shepherd, Luke
Bennett, Richard Taff, William SbephepJ, sen.
James S. Cunningham, Joel Stansel, Zeptieniah
Mott’s orphans,George Clower, William Burke,
Nathan Llcr, John Moreland, jun. Major Grif
fin, -homa* Vicker, Reddiu W«llif,W. Barker.
The following elegant pauegyrick on tha
f General W.
Duke, Grant Davis, Benjamin Bkssingiun’s
N Brown, John Swift, jun’r
orphans, James
Francis Earley, Graves Harris, G. T. Long,
PeterTerry, Sarah M'Kav, widow. Thoma:
IFatts, (sadler,) Thomas Tally, Jesse Am
tnons, IFui Cochran, Samuel Black, Benja
min Brown, jr. F.dnnmd G. Berry, Steplten
Renl’roe, Janies Beavers, Stephen H’hite, B.
Brown, seu. Henry Roger?.
Isaac Moore, Samuel Hieginbotham, W.
Sjitnr, Jcrae3l
Kezi i Harris, widow,Thos. Eakin, P.eiiiam'm >L, r ks, Wm Jhons, John IFiHinnis.jun. Jno
i I?t>y. A a rou Spriegfii'ld, R. 8.; | Murray, Elixabetii M‘
.‘Kee, Caleb Stephens,
character of General Washinoton, i» ex
tracted from the London Courier.
General Washington, was in his 68tb
year. The heighth of his pepitba wot
about five feet eleven ; his chest full ;
and his limbs, though rather slender, Well
shaped and muscular. His head was
small, in which respect he resembled the
make of a great number of tiis country-
men. His eyes were of a light grey
color ; and, in proportion to the length
of his face, hi* nose was long. ' Mr. Stu
art, the eminent portrait pairiter, dsed to
say, there were features in his'fech/’to-
tally different from what he