Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, October 31, 1820, Image 4

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r* ► I ODE TO WOMAN. Oh, "Woman! on thy laitbful breast, Tin; weary wanderer seek* ivpost*; And, in thy fond uffaclionblest, goon find* a core for all bis woes. The wakeful Son of worldly rare, SI,-iMiK softly in thy lander arms; To Mammon he prefer* Ins prayer, Hut owns thy far superior charms. Oh, Woman! if lire’s pro»>ecla lower. Thou bidVt the cloud* fly far away ; And even iu Sorrow’* ilorheot hour, Thy bright eye lends • cheering ray. <Tis thine to balm the wounded soul, That with the world long time has war d; The storm of passion to enntroul, nd melt the spirit frozen hard. Wrnnan ! wert thou heavenly fair, nil those charm*cxternul shine; "hell no mental beauty share, Ah! what avail these charms of (time. Unstable still is Beauty’s power, Whose base is built on outw ard form ; And not the rapture gleaming hour. That oft precedes domestic storm. Oh! If the glowing gem of mind, Illume the lovely female face; If bright intelligence he join’d, With feeling ;n the form of graec. *Tis then that Beauty’s bourns impart, Her charms to intellectual cy es; Then, if affection fix the heart, Can Man appreciate the prize? From the Raleigh Star. To the Editor.—You request mo to tend you something interesting to the Ag riculturist. 1 make it selection front the life of the great and good Bishop Wat son. The Christian world has not yet ceased to deplore its loss in the death o r Dr. Watson, the celebrated Bishop of Limditff—whose talents and piety have acquired for him a more honorable dis tinction than the possession of any mitre could confer. The memory of this pa triarch prelate, is so generally and justly revered as well in this country as in England, that any authentic sketch of his, life could hardly have failed to be well received by those who have long been ■accustomed to venerate his leaning and his virtues. Happily the task of com piling his biography was not left to in competent bands. The Bishop revi sed and completed this mein°ir, which has been published under the inspection of his son ; omitting those things which relate to his professional life. I shall on ly transcribe what he says ou his having retired irnm all public concerns. I have now lived, says he, many years in re tirement, and in my 75th year, 1 feel no wish to live otherwise. 1 pursued nay intention of retiring in n great measure from public life, and laid, in the summer of 3789, the foundation of my house on the hanks of Winandormore. 1 have now spent above twenty years in this delight ful country ; but my time has not been spent m held diversions, in idle visiting*, in county bickerings, in indolence or in temperance: No, it has beeu spent part- • )y in supporting the religion and consti tution of the couutry, by seasonable pub lications ; St principally in building farm liouses, blasjiug rocks, enclosing wastes, tin making bad land good, in planting lui - chec, and in planting in the hearts of my children principles of piety, of benevo lence and self government. By such oc cupations I have much recovered my henltb, entirely preserved my indepen dence, set an example of spirited hus bandry to the country, k honorably pro vided for my family. A Miser.—A master of languages, nam ed Dandum, died lately at Berlin, lite rally through want of the necessaries of life. It appears that he gave instructi ons to his pupils during the day and so licited alms nt night. Under (he floor of hit apartment were found concealed £Q,QflOc.row n * in specie. He had no o- thw¥aV than his brother, whom he had twijppjh see for 37 years, because he hacWliit a letter to him without payiug portage.—London paper. The price of the newspapers, in Lon don, containing the proceedings of the trial of the Queen, were from half n cron'n to a pound note each, and increas ing in value each day, as the trial pro gress ed. WILLIAM II. CREXSir.VvV fcCo. ,iv ** nrt xivsn tiii in r.vrrjmv* *urri.v or Winter Sc Vnw< \ GooAs, Pinno Porto* assorted, K two Chandler Organ*; Iriols Limns, Lawn*, Cambrics f- Dimities; Marino :0i*l ravlinirrc. shawls and dresses; Rich aaltin, game,rmpc,&innibric embroidered dresses ; Thread l.nres ; Muck and wbifo ratlin* ; A largo ‘.apply of Wat olios and Jewelry of every description; Silver spoons; diver plate in sctt*of7 pieces ; Pine ( look*; Looking glasses, and Cut glass of every description; Chinn.Crockery and Hardware; Rbicksaiitlis tool* in *c'ts complete ; Mill, I'ft, and Cro»* cut saws; Finn ( loth* and CnMnnuvsassorted; Blanket:, Plains and Homespuns; Fanrv work boxes, writing desks, ami fine w ork baskets: llitles, dueling pistols, fowling pieces and large ducking gnus; An assortment of Shoes end lints. They are agents for northern manufactories, to furnish to orders, carriages, pigs mm sul kies, silver, good of every description, side boards, tables, heiidf.trr.ds, nod mahogany fur niture of every description, cat glass, window glass, plane fortes and organs. October it. 36—4t. JOHN LUCAS, has orrsun \ HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT In his new building at the comer off Greene and Wilkinson street*, tietwei n square and government house. Milledgcvtllo, August 13 27—tf NOTICE. rpilF undersigned, attorney for Mr. Thomas I. Wiley, contemplating to leave, the service of the said Wiley on or before the 15th day of October next, desires all persons indebted for contracts made previous nml during bis absence to rnll and liquidate their nceounts on or before that period. All accounts unliquidated subse quent to that period, will be put in suit. C. W. HI TLER. Sept - miier o 50—tf V1/7LL lie sold at Ibo court-house in the » v town of Dublin, Laurens county, within • lie usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday iu October next, the following property, viz : Two hundred acres of land lying on the Oco nee river, adjoining Col. Troup ami Jesse Hes ter and others, levied on as the property of W illinm M. 3 Vice, Li satisfy executions in tut or f Thomas Kirk anti others—pointed out liv L. i. Hati—-levied on by a constable and rcturnctl to me. .Ninety-nine antes of land lying on Rorky creek adjoining Hardy Wood an i Daniel Pin- bps ; levied on us the property of John Pitman, to satisfy executions in favor ot A. Hampton— vied on by a constable and returned to me.— Terms cush. C HARLES S. GUYTON, Eh’ff. August 25, 1820. TO RENT, F OR one or more ycavs, the STORF. former ly occupied by Messrs. J. k. V. Lucas, and recently bv Urucn&i Hopper For further par Uculars, apply to M. HOPPER. August 22. 28—tf. INUW GOODS. TEIIONDET, ATKIbON & CO. \ 11E now receiving, ami opening their 1\. I'u 11 fy Winter supply oj’GOODS, from N. York, consisting of the following Fresh Articles, nil of which they will sell low for Cash. Regent’s double, milled him 1 and black Cloths and ('assimerea, oftlie first quality, White and Buff Caasimeres, Ditto ditto Marseilles Vestings, Course Cloths and Cassimercs, Rose, Dtillil and l’nint Blankets, Flannels and Negro Pining, Irish Linens and Sheetings, Cotton Cambric and Ginghams, Jncom tt and Mull Muslins, Bomhazcttcs mid Bomhazcens, Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, Printed Muslins and Calicoes, Flagahd Bandana Handkerchiefs, Ladies’ silk, kid and Cart r Gloves, Yellow and blue Nankeens, Nankin and Canton Crapes, Magnetic, and Emerson's llazor frtraps, Cambric and furniture Dimities, Filk Velvet and Italian sewing Silks, Power and Steam Loom Sheetings, India Blinds and Wire Sifters, Tortoise-shell Combs and Coral Heeds, Saddler’s and Shoe Leather, Saddler’s Trimmings, C nrrie.r’s Tools, foil Rope and Bagging Twine, Fine Razor and Shaving Cases, Imperial nml Gunpowder Teas, Prunella and Kid Slippers, Aral, an assortment of Ladies’and Gentle- m i'n Boots and Shoes; and misses,’ youth’s and children’s ditto. Casteel and Borax, and sundry other arti cles net mentioned. Millcdge; ille, Sept. C9. fl—S3 ADMIN1STRATOR’S SALE. W ILL he sold pursuant to nn order of the honorable the Inferior court of Pulaski county, on tiie first Tuesday in November next, at Hartford, in said county, one hundred and twenty-seven and nn halt' acres of Lnnd, the -nine whereon Needham Hrynn lived nt the time of his death : also,one hundred one and n quarter acres adjoining the foregoing, sold as the property of said Needham Bryan. Terms maue known on the dnv of sale. THO’S W. HARRIS, AdmV. August 24 29—tds STORAGE AND GtmiwiftMtiU IVnaineas. T HF. suhscrihers renew the offer of their services to their friends In the. above business. Thev continue nt their old stand on BROAD STREET, and their WARE HOUSES are in good order for the recep tion or v COTTON h GOODS OK EVERY DESCRIPTION. They take this oppovUiuity to return thsnks for favors heretofore received, and respect fully solicit a continuance of r. portion of public patronage. A. SLAUGHTER L C. LABU7.AN. Augusta Sept. IS —(>* .wav uoirn wilky & Baxter, A RE receiving their fall and winter . ply of Goods, consisting of 280 pneka- , selected from the last importations at New-York, Boston, and Philadelphia : 1 ca«q London Electorate blue Cloth— 33 to 8,'Is. sterlig. 1 case do. Saxony Ei-el; do—30 to 35s st. 2 do. do. n sorted mill’d and single Ca- ritnercs—Os to t ts st. 5 bales com. m.d low pric’d Cloths and Ca*sitnerc3, Flannels, Baizes and Bnmbnzctts, 10 hales Blankets, point, Rose and Duffle, I case ladies Mack and worsted Hose., 2 cases do. cotton and Angola do. 1 do. gentlemens 1-2 Hose, S' cases Irish Lumens, 1 do. Sheetings k 1 do. drill Lawns, 800 pieces T nndon superfine k com. Prints 100 do. Rich Furniture, and Cmsintere Shawls, 1 bale faslrionnhV Merseilles printed Ves tings and White, Buff Valencies and Silk Strip, Vesting, 10 bales Waltham bleach’d and Brown Sheeting and Shirtings, 2 rases Satinetls, and 1 do. furniture < 'hecks, 1 case hlk. and changeable Rinrhews, 1 do. green pink and white Florences, 1 do. Cambrics and Jaconet Muslin k Ginghams, Elegant Jaconet Muslin Robes k Crape Shawls, 50 pieces elegant damask Nankeen Crape., ami Shawls and Scarfs, Elegant Me.rino Rohes and Shawls, S-4 to 8-4 Elegant Cashmire Rohes k Shawls, Damask Silk Robes, Shawls k Mantles Silk Volvct, Gloves, Stockings and ■Italian Sewing Silk and Twist, 50 cases superfine and common Hats, 5 cases superfine Straw Bonnets, I do. Leghorn, do. 1 do. Straw Trimming for Bonnets, 2 -do. Joiners Tools—Shoemakers lasts and Boot Trees, An assortment of Hardware k Cutlery, 10 complete setts Blacksmith's Tools and Bellows. RECEIVED AT THE SHOE STORE, 100 Packages SHOES k BOOTS, which renders the assortment complete. ' T '-.nib... Ci, ■ t lb rr- ’nt The ITfiniers 1 Hotel H AVING undergone a thorough re pair, the subscriber respectfully in forms his .Viendl and the public generally, that Ids house is now ready lor the recepti on of company. Jle lias twenty rooms to his house, nearly all with lire places. He. can accomruodato from THIRTY to FOR TY members of tin- Legislature. Ills Sta bles are large ami airy, and will be at all times supplied with a plenty of provender. THOMAS IIUSON. Will* dgevillc, Oct. Hi. 86—tf. Kxclvaugts Coffee-House, AND NORTHERN STAGE OFFICE. M RS. TORRANCE,Informs her friends and the piihli.', that having had con siderable repairs to her house, that she is now fully prepared to accommodate thirty members of the Legislature, ami as many transient persons, Her rooms are large xud well furnished—The house being in Jess than 3W> yards of the State-House, makes ifniore convenient for persons attending the Legisla ture than any other. There is an excellent road from Ruus- eoau’s Bridge to the House. Milledgevil’iC; Oc*. lO. Rf,—qi A VALUABLE settlement ofl.ANl) FOR SALE, near lhr Flat Rtm .is 0 f Commissioners creek in Junes county, six hundred and fifty-eight acres—-two hundred and fifty acres G-’ared Land, good orchards, *ppl» and peach—tnlerablr good buildiugs. If is the former settlement of Jason Gardner, Bsn. A bargain can he had by applying to the subscriber... jU/UABUD COX. {September RF 08—fit 1*RUFOSA.j& FOR CARRY ISO MAILS OF THF. V.XITEI) F TATES, On the following Post Roads, will he receiv ed at the General Post Office, until the C3th day of October next, inclusive. IN GEORGIA. 511. From Hartford, by Jacksonville, to Perry’s Mills, in Tattnal, once in two weeks, 80 miles. Leave Hartford on Thursday at C a in, k arrive at Perry's Mills on Saturday by 0 a m. Leave Perry’s Mills on Monri ly at S p m, and arrive at Hartford on Wednesday by 0 p in. 00. From Powolton, by Mount Zion ami Eatonton, to Monticello, once in two weeks, 53 miles. Leave Poweltonevery Thursday at 6a in, and arrive at Monticello on Friday by 10 a in. Leave Monticello on Friday at 2 p m. k arrive at Powelton on Saturday by 0 p m. Contracts fertile routes 13 to 77, inclusive, are to be iu operation on the 1st of Decem ber next, and to rontinue until the 3lst day of December, 1042. The contracts will stipulate the usual pen alties for failures and delay. RETURN J. MEIGS, Jr. Post muster General. Genera! rosL-OJjke, .dug. 22 At ANDERSON HOLT, nrri:ns ms mmcra ri run ream as a PRACTITIONER OF ElIV, In the Ocimtlgec Circuit. His office, is on Franklin street, opposite Mr. llossetcr’s Store. Letters addressed by mail will be promptly attended to. MiUtageville, Sept. 25 35—tf N Vj\Y GOWttS. RICHARD MORGAN & SON, A RE now receiving from New-York their fall and winter supply of Goods, consisting of a general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, CUTLERY fc GROCERIES. Also an extensive assortment of PATENT and other MEDICINES, with a variety of PAINTS, Linseed k Train OIF,. The above goods will he disposed ofnn very reasonable terms, cither by wholesale or retail. Miiledgeville, Pppt. 18 32—tf TO THE RUTH .1C. rpilE undersigned take this method to in- I. form tin ir friends and the nuhlie, that they continue to transmit business a' their In At m svA, as AND C v. vYvmVaft} tm •t\ oy c\uvnta. Their If .IRE-HOUSE if STORES art in pood order for the reception oj Merchandize and Country ' Produce ,* And they intend in giro their undivided at tention to the business, and hope by industry and prompt attention to all orders, to giw general satisfaction to these who may favor them with their custom. M’LAWS k HOLT. Augusta. Sent. 1J> 32—8t LAST NOTICE!. \ LL persons havinc clsiins ngaiiul the Quar ter Master CeneraKs Department fertile I (Ire oi Waggon-, Horses, or Other articles fer- ni*lisd the troops during the Seminole Cam paign, me re picte I to deposit their nceounts, with the evidence, in support of them, in the hands of the commanding officer nt Fort Haw kins, or to furnish them to me at tin* post, on or before the 201 h of October next, to the end that they niRy he forward'll for the examination ami ileei-ion of the B ar Department. Receipts will he given and such accounts n« may he disallow ed, will he returned to the claimants. By or der, A. DARRAH, A. D. Q. M.fienl. Port Srolt. Vag Dt>—Hf James finigan, COACH. HOUSE, SIC.Vk ORXA MEXTAL rAIXTER, } EPPECTFFLLY informs the* Inhabitants fc V of Miiledgeville and its vicinity, that he carries or PAINTING in general, and earnest ly solicits a there of the public patronage,— All orders left at his shop on Wnyne-stroel, oppo se Mr. Ito-setcr's store, will be punctually at tended to. Miiledgeville, Sept i2. ifit—3i NOTICE. ^FTTJ’M.L he sold on the first Tuesday in No- v v vember next, nt the court-house in 0 ;le- thorpe county, one tract of lnnd lying on the nti-rs of Broad river, containing three hundred and fifty acres: also lot 17!*, in the 9th district of Wilkinson county at the time of survey. And at Jackson court-house on the first Tues day in December next, four hundred and forty- four acres, ou Chandlers creek. The above being the real estate of Clement Glenn, (h e'd, and to be sold by order of court. Terms mad known when the land is offered. WILLIAM GLENN, Adm’r. July 27 26—Uls N INE months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior court of Twiggs county, for leave to sell the re: l estate of Jacob Zv.ber, deceased—it being 202 1-2 u- eres offend lying in Putnam comity. ABRAM ZUBKit, Guardian. August l7 mitm ADMINISTltA'I OR’ri SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, at the court-house ill Madison, Morgan comity, agreeable to an order of the honorable Court of Ordinary for said county, part «f the Real Estate and Negroes of William Walker, deceased, that is to cay, 350 acres of land, within Siiiilesof Madison, being part of Lots Nos. 207 and 11 8, with good improvements and an excel lent farm now in , pod order for cropping, having an excellent Peach Orchard k about 250 acres of cleared land.—Also, one other Lot on Sandy creek, with about forty acres rlenred, and t wo excellent mill seats there on.—Also, eight likely young Negroes, con sisting of six Fellows, one plough-hoy, and a young Wench. Terms made known on the day of sale. ‘ SIMEON WALKER, Adm’r. Octobers. 34 fFW’E Subscribers have formed a cormcc- .1. tion in the Practice of the. Lute, under the. firm of Rockwell k Ur.PBfajr. All huMnvss confided to their fare will be punc tually attended to. One of them v ill at all times he found at the -office of S. Rockwell, corner of Jefferson and M’Intosn streets. SAMUEL ROCKY EEL, JOSEPH L. HEPBURN. Miiledgeville, Sept. 18 i>-2—tf In Pc!,’trill Si'j.trier CoUt!—Av flyf' f: ifll Wife J Thomas B. Sti bbs, ) Petition for foreclu- v h. s sure. James Fi.cminp. S livlt f PON the. petition of Thnmii* B. Stubbs, V > pj Hv ing the foreclosure of the equity ol redemption io and to all that lot of land, 1) ing nml tiling in tile town of Miiledgeville, state of Georgia and county of Bald*, in, con taining one fourth of an acre, being the om fourth part of lot number four, In square number forty in the original plan of said town, lying on Wavne and Green-streets, mil adjoining Charles Williamson, which said lot was mortgaged by ti c* said James Fleming to the said Thomas B. Stubbs, on the 2:tth day of June 1811*, the better to te- 'tire the payment oftlie sum of seven tho .- sand nine hundred and twenty dollars, and interest. On motion, it is ordered, that tile principal, interest mid cost, due on said mortgage, be paid into this court within twelve months from lliis date, otherwise the .equity of re demption i i mid to said mortgaged premi- II he from .henceforth barred and fore closed’: And it is further ordered, that a co py of • is rule be published in one oftlie public. Gazettes of this state ofSoe in every month for twelve months, or serv i d on the mortgager or his special agent, at least six ntlis previous to the time tlm money is directed to he paid into court as afore, aid. A true copy, taken from the minutes this fifteenth Priii'-mbcr, t820. THOMAS II. KENAN, Clerk. September in. i-’m— In. Jialdwin Superior Court—AugvA Marlow L. Pkyor, ) vs. > Rule JVm. Wilms Perry. y U PON the petition of Marlow I.. Pryor, proving the foreclosure of the equitv of redemption, in and to all that lot of land, n the town of Miiledgeville, in the county and state aforesaid, containing one half (if an acre, part of lot numbi r lour, in square for- tv-two, lying brnsii-i.le of Wilkinson street, Hid cornering on Wi*shington-street, and running on said street one bundled and tin feet, and ‘.'ining John llowatdV lot on t.V north, which said lot was mortgaged by said illis Perry to your pi titiom-r. on the 28th V of April, in tile year 1820. for the bcttci ■nring the payment of four hundred and fifty dollars, with t•:•* drawing interest there on. hearing date seventh day of March lust, and then endorsed to his credit to the Dari- n Bank in Miiledgeville, due eighty-nine lays after dnte. Ou motion of R. Rutherford, it is order- d, that the principal, interest and co-it due on said mortgage, he, paid into litis court within twelve months from this date, or the qnity of t^emption in the premises will In- from llutflPiiruier hared and foreclosed And it is farther ordered, that, a copy of thi ■ rule he published ill one of the Gazettes of this state once a month for twelve months, or served the mortgager or his special a- gent at least six months previous to the time the money is directed to be paid as afore said. A true copy, taken from the minutes this fifteenth September, if,20. THOMAS II. KENAN, Clerk. Septemhi r |8. mi2—3-2 GEORGIA, Hancock cot. -h/ Aprii Term, 1820. Pf'Sk.xt, his lionor Judge Dom v—Rule JXisi U PON the petition of Georee W. C. Shivers, graml-son cud legatee under the last will and tV'staiueut, of George Covven, deceased, and fTOie age of twenty-one years, tiy illiam G. Springer,praying the y oftlie last will aniltes- L'owen, deceased, (which that it raunot tie found) ; n copy of said original last will and testament being herewith shewn to the court as nearly as ran he recollected, and tiled in ttie clerk’s office thereof. On motion of counsel, it is therefore ordered, that said' eopy of said original will so a* aforesaid destroy (d he established in lieu thereof «1 the next term of this court unlesscniis* be shewn to the contrary. And it is further ordered, thut a copy of this rule be published in ono of the public gnzettes of Milled/ev iife, orce a month for si* mouths previous to the time of making application for a rule absolute in the premises. A true extract from the minutes, thb C2d dav of April, 1820, PHIL. L. SIMMS, CUrk. ' April 25 mdm ADMliviSj iiA I OU'h hifl.E. 20 Dollars Reward. B ROKE jail in Dublin, Laurens county, nn the night of the ldth inst. throe men, viz.—HENRY SMITH, aged about forty five years.—GREED COLLINS, aged a- boiit-10; and BENJAMIN BUiNTIf^i, a- ged about 21. The above reward will In- paid for the apprehension and delivery of tin’ above persons, or in proportion for either of them. ROBERT COLEMAN, Jailo Dublin, Sept. |5. 8—33 Li llalihrin Sujti rior Court, Atignri Term, hint. John Clark, * signer,) Petition for forcclo- JUST RECEIVED, ami ton svi.r. ci tiii; surscribcr, CO pii res COTTON BAGGING, 20 c.isks NAILS, (assoried) 10 dozen COTTON CARDS, f» boxes CLARET WINE, loot) lbs. CORDAGE, (assorted.) August 2-J 29—tf D. LYMAN, Jun. SHERIFF’S SALE W ILL BE SOLI), nt the court-house in tiie town of Dublin, I/niirens coun ty, within tho usual hours of sale, on the first Tutsdetj) in Xovemier veA, the following property, to wit: One half of square of Land No. 151, in the second district of WilkintOn now Laurens county, on Dry creek, taken ns the property of Ezekiel Ford, to satisfy execution; in fa vor of David Willis. i:00 Acres of Land ly ing on the Oconee river, adjoining Gnl. Troup and Jesper lies- trr and others, to satisfy executions io favor of Tlnunas Kirk—levied on as the property of William M. Price—property pointed out by L. G. llall, Price’s security. One lot of Land No. 290, in the second district of Wilkinson now Laurens county, taken as the property of Samuel Beaty, sen. deceased, to satisfy an execution in favor of Lewis Johnson. CH’S S. GUYTON, Sh’ff. September 15, 1820 HILLS ON NEW YOKE, For vale by WILEY k BAXTER. September 2b WAREHOUSE, AUCTION, AND COMMISSION IIUSLYESS. C HARLES \V. BtJTLER and MATTHEW HOPPER, have associated themselves to gether, under the firm of BUTLFll fy HOPPER, foi the transaction of WAREHOUSE, AUC TION nnd COMMISSION BUSINESS. They have purchased of Messrs. Harvey k Redding their Warehouses at the Boat-yard, and have made arrangements for the extension of every convenience which may facilitate the reception and forwarding of Co rrov, fee. tins fall. HT They have two first rate Boats, burthen ’450 hides each, which will ply between this and Darien so soon ns the season commences, and they flatter thomselvei that by cnromitled nt- tentijii, they will tie able to give satisfaction to those who niny think proper to entrust business to their care. A new road has been made to the Boat-yard which shortens the distance, and is much more convenient than tiie former one. N. B.—They will attend to the purchase end sale of Cotton. RK.rEnrarr.s. Messrs. A. B. Fakxin Si Co.—Snvatmah. Hall, Cook >: <■: Co.—Darien. ll .nvrv k Hkiuiixu, St ) . ,,, Mr. Thomas Wu.i.v, Mdkdg'lh ' August 22, t|--23 ) Petition for force 1- > sure, j Rri.e Nisi. Wat.tlr Jobes. TON the |ietitinn of Jolm ( lark, asei. of John McKinnie, praying the foreclo sure of the equity of redemption, In and to all tln-Alot oflnpd lying and being in t!)P town of Miiledgeville, county of Baldwin und state of Georgia, containing oue half acre of land, bounded on the west by Jefferson-street, on the north by street, on the cast ami south, by Sonborn Jones' lot, being the northern half of lot number three, in square number twenty nine, as will more justly appear from reference to the original plan of said town, wlii'.h said lot was mortvaged by the said Walter Jones to one John McKinuic by deed of mortgage, bearing dale the 31st day of Augus! 1819, (and assigned to this petitioner by the said John McKinnie, on the lBtuday of May 1820,) for the licit - r securii the payment of a promissory aote for tho sum of twenty-si* hundred and eighty three dollars nnd thirty-tnrec rents, with the interest thereon, drawn by said Walter Jones in favor of James itoiissenn or order, nnd hearing dnte 81st day of August 1819, and payable the 28th of De cember there niter, nml which said promissory note was endorsed by said James Rousseau to said John McKinnie or order, mid by said Jolm McKinnie lo this petitioner On motion, it is ordered, that (lie principal, interest nnd cost due on said mortgage, tie paid into this court within twelve months from this dnte, otherwise tiie equity of redemption iu und to said mortgaged premises will be thenceforth forever barred and foreclosed; Rnd it is forth, r ordered, that this rule he published in ore oi (lie public gazettes ot this slate once in every month for twelve month*, or served on tiie mortgager or his special agent ut least six months previous to the time at which the money is di rected to be paid into roun as aforesaid! A true copy taken from the minutes this util September, i82u. THOMAS IJ, KENAN, Cl'k. September Id rnJ2m r. iiTm vniniiil:, tor sale bw Milletizc SAIT.. till.-, Sept. . NOTICE W TLL BE S0ED ’>" Dublin, Lauren* Yfi county, on the first Tuesday In Do- remher next, between the usual hours of sab-, the following property, to wit: One square of Land in the second district! originally Wilkinson, now Laurens county^ adjoining Standb y and others—taken a* tin* property of Adam Hunter, to satisfy an exe cution in fa'or of Srtvarl Si Hargroves, One fraction of land lying or the Oeonew river, known and distinguished by FI . - r ’» island, to satisfy executions in favor oi tho administrators of Freetnau Lewis against: David Fluker nnd Thompson Bird—proper ty pointed out by John O. Bird. Fourteen head of sin i p, taken as the pro perty of Alfred Thompson, to satisfy an ex-- edition in favor of the state of Georgia. One Sorrel Horse, taken as tho property of William Burk tosatisfyun execution in fa vor of William Lymtiu—property pointed out by Jacob Shiver. One negro hoy named Sum, taken as tluv property of Thomas W. Hart, to satisfy an execution in fin or of Hardy Griffin and oth ers—levied on by a const a hie, and returned to me, CH ARLES S. GUYTON, Sheriff. October 17. 80 1 IfM. Rale \!si. ABNER LOCKE, I S opening lit-small collection of CURF- OS1T1I. • and ANTIQUITIES, natund end artidei; I. in his Building east of the court house. a few ■ teps north of tho Planters’ Uo- a I, where favors will he gratefully received, • a loan, donation nr purchase, fertile pur- i.o ic of establishing a Museum. Miiledgeville, September 2fi. tf—33 GEOltGIA, Jasper County, Superior Court March Term, 1820. .1' v.f.f M'Don .u.n, and) Wii.i.i \m s, Poo*, lor the use of John M'Kinxk, vs. Jaws RicnAnn*. j JTO l ' ,c petition of James M'Donald and ... W illinm S. Pope, for the use of John Vtc- Kinne, stating that James Richards did m tho I wenty-sixth day of Novend, *rin the yen • eigli-- te n limit)ro,I and eighteen, make and deliver to your petitioners a deed of mortgage for tiie lot of laud known nml distinguished by tho eight in the fifteenth district of Bildwia mm Jasper county, for the better securing the. payment oftlie sum oi ten thousand dollars Hue *" the petitioners by a promisory note dated November 1818, und ply able twelve moulli£ thereafter. On motion of \\ illiam Cook, counsel for the. petitioners, it is ordered, that Ihe fund jRines Richards do pay into the clerk's office of (hi* court the sum of money aforesaid with the inle- r, St and cost tlmreon within twelve monthsfronx th.s date, or the equity of redemption in and lo the said mortgaged premises, will lie thence forth and forever barred anti foreclosed : and it is further onleied, that a copy of this rule ba served on the snid James Richards or bis spe cial agent at least six months, or published in one ol the public Gazelles of this stale once a month for twelve months, before the time the money is directed to be paid. I certify that the foregoing is a true copy tail keu from the minutes, this l lth April, 1820. JOHN WILLSON, Cl'k. April 18 mI2m "jVT INK months after dute, application wilt he -Lx made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Jones county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell (he real estufe of Tahk- i.ev Mali Attn, deceased. THOMAS BALLARD, \ a , , THOMAS WHITE, ( ”• Msy 9,102V—13-4 W ILL be sold at tiie Court-house in county, on the first next, between the u- stial hours of sale, a part oftlie real estate of Samuel Beaty, jun, deceased—consisting of one fraction, No. SOt), in the first district for merly Wilkinson now Laurens county; also one half of fraction No. 209, in the same dis trict and comity, both adjoining Beaty’s fer ry fraction, on tiie west side of the Oconee river; also,one bounty nn the cast side of the Oconee river, adjoining the same ferry, containing 287 1-2 acres, more or less ; also, one other lot adjoining tiie same, containing HO acres more or less; nljo, one half of all the wafer privilege belonging to James Bea ty’s ferry tract, on the east side of the Oco nee river; also, 7 1-2 acres, adjoining the same » ry tract; also, one half of lot No. 287, In the first district and same county— to he sold for the benefit oftlie heirs of said estate. Twelve months credit will be given.— Notes F approved security will be required. JOHN THOMAS^XaiDT. dc boms lion. Octobers. 8—34 W ILL BK SOLDTafthelafo'residence of William Dean, deceased, of Bald win county, oil Friday, the first day of De cember next, tin perishable property belong ing to the estate of said deceased, tmnsistiiig of horses, cattle and Imgs, the present corn and cotton crop, a yoke of oxen and cart, household and kitchen furniture, and other articles too tedious to mention. Also, tiie land will be rented and the negroes hired for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one. Terms made known on the day of sale. JANE DEAN, Adm’x October 10 35 VVlEl, re sold; O N tiie 3d day of November next, at the late residence of Alexander Smilh, de ceased, in Laurens county, the persona! Pro perty of said deceased—consisting ofH- r- ses, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep Goals, House hold and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation Utensils, and a number of other articles.- Terms made known on the day of sale, DAVIS SMITH, Adm’r. September 10. tf—* LANDLorTERY; pamphlet form, containing o coi- KN rect lilt of fortunate drawers in the lottery, their residence, (lie number of the tract of fend drawn by each, and the district and county in which it lies, will lie printed weekly at the Recorder Office, and forwarded by mail or otherwise as direct. :1 to those who subscribe for them. The price, Firr Dollart, for the sheets comprising the whole drawing, tt> be paid iu advance. GRANT LAND fe ORJ1E. Miiledgeville, Kept V GEORGlA, Jasper County, Superior VourU March Term, 1820. James Harrisox, ) vs. > Rule .Yin’. John P. S U PON the petition of James Harrison, stat ing that Jolm P. Coles on the eighteenth dnv of January, in the year eighteen hundred and nineteen, made and delivered to him a mortgage for the lots of laud, known by ilia numbers thirty two and thirty three, in the thir teenth district of Baldwin now Jusper county^ and the lot number ninety one in the sever* teenth district of formerly Baldwin uow Jasper county, for the lietter securing the payment of the sum of six thousand two hundred and forty three dollars and forty one cents due to Die said James Harrison by a promisory note ; on mo tion offYilliatn Cook, counsel for the j'elition- er, it it ordered, that the said John P. Coles da pay into the Clerk's office of this court tbe sum ot money aforesaid with interest and cost, with-, in twelve months from this dute, or tbe equity of redemption in and to the snid mortgaged pre— nii.-cs will be thenceforth forever burred and foreclosed : And it isfurther ordered, that a copy of this rule lie served on tbe said John P. Coles or hi* special agent at lea d six months, or lie published in one of the public Gazettes of tlito state at least twelve mouths before the time tho money is directed lobe paid. 1 certify that Die foregoing is n trne copy ta-. ken ft om the minutes this 11th April, 1820. JOHN WILLSON, Clerk. April 13 ml 2m In Uuldic si .Duph ior Court, Fetirfiary Term l82<» William Ball,) RULE NISI. VS. k KOIt AtiNF.n Lotkf, ) FORECLOSURE. 1 7PON the petition of William Ball, > praying the foreclosure of the equity of redemption in and to a certain tract oc parcel of land, lying and being in tiie toiva of Miiledgeville, containing one quarter of an acre, being one fourth part of lot No. 3L known and distinguished in the plan of :;nid Town of Miiledgeville by square No. 39, fronting Wilkinson street, vestwardly 52 feet, southwardly by John Allen’s premises, northeast by tiie saij Abner Locke’s premi ses, which proceedings extend east and west* nrt cast line 210 feet nnd north m;d south 52 feet, making an oblong square, mortgaged by the said Abner Locke, to the said Willi am Ball, by a deed of mortgage, dated tile Gth day of*October, 1319, the lietter to se cure the payment of the sura of *?tii)5, which was to have beet, paid on or before the first day of March, 1C-20, with lawful interest thereon; and default having been made in the. pay inept of tiie said sums, WHEREFORE And on motion of S-'rnuel Rockwell, attorney fur the said William Ball: It is ordered, ThM tiie prin cipal, interest anil costs due oh said mort gage. he paid into tills court, within twelve months of this day, and that this will bn published once a month for twelve months successively, or a copy thereof lie personally served on the said Abner Locke, tit least six months previous to the time named for tlig, payment of the. said sums of money. A true Copy taken from the Minutes, THOMAS II. KENAN, Clerk. March 8th, 1820. Raldii in Siipfuor Court, April utlfd fens, 1826:. Present, the. Hon. Chrisxopiieu B. Strong. Sally Howell, 1 vs. J. »VILLIAM HoWKLI, ) frtllfi return of tho declaration, stating thnt. 1 the defendant in the above ease is not to be found iu this county ; on motion of plaintiff's counsi I, it is ordered, lliul service lie perfected by publishing Ibis notice o-ce n month until tho next term, in ono of the gazettes of this stute. A true copy taken from tbe minutes, this 8th May, 1820. THOMAS 11. KENAN 1 'Itife. May 8,182(1, Libel for Divorce.