Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, November 07, 1820, Image 3
j^'vurrcs ofyour reason, nncl tormented! the delicacy of your conscience, to per- ■fuitclc yourself that you belonged to Hol land. The Dutch citizens who inclined most to France were neglected and per secuted, those who served the interests of England were advanced.—Frenchmen of all ranks have been expelled or de graded, and 1 have had the grief of seeing in Holland, under a prince of my own Mood, the Frencli name exposed to dis grace. But 1 carry so deeply in iny heart, and have been able to bear so high, on the bayonets of my soldiers, the reputation k honor of the French name, that it does not belong to Holland, or any one else to slander it with impunity. The speeches of your majesty to the nation have been distinguished by a dis affected disposition. There is seen there nothing but allusions to France, and in stead of giving an example of oblivion to the past,they recal it constantly, and thus flatter the secret passions and feelings of the enemies of my government. But what do these Hollanders complain of ? wre they not conquered by our anus ? do they not owe their independence to the generosity of my people ? ought they not to hless the generosity of France, which has constantly left open their canals and custom-houses, which has employed its conquest only to protect them—and even to this hour has used it? power only in oonsolidating their independence. Who thpn can justify the conduct of your ma jesty, insulting to the nation and offen sive to myself. You arc to understand Unit 1 do rot separate myself from my predecessors, and that from Clovis to the committee of public safety, I regard myself ns the responsible representative of the ‘whole, and the ill which is fondly said of the governments which have preceded me 1 take a# said in the intention of insulting Myself. I know myself. 1 know that it lias become customary with some to eu logise me and decry France ; but those who do not love France do not love me ; those who speak ill of my people arc my greatest enemies. If I had no other rea son of discontent than the sight of the disgrace, into which the French name laid fallen in Holland, the right cf sove reignty permitted me to declare war a- gainst a Frince, my neighbor, in whose dominions such insults were permitted a- gainst my people. But from this 1 have refrained. But your majesty is mistaken in my character ; you have a false idea of my kindness and of my sentiments towards you. You have violated all the treaties you have made with me. You have dis mantled your fleets, disbanded your sai lors, and broken up your armies, till Holland is without forces on land or at eea ; as if warehouses, merchants, and committees could consolidate a nation.— These make a rich association, but the royal power cannot exist without fi-m- cos, without a regular system of recrui ting and without a fleet. . Your niajcgty has done more. You profiKed of the moment, when 1 was cm barrassed on the continent, to renew the relations of Holland with England, mid tt) violate the blockade laws, the only successful means of annoying her. 1 showed my discontent with this conduct, by laying an interdiction with France, and 1 caused her to feel that even w ith- out the assistance of my armies, by clo sing the Rhine, the Weser, the ShcIJt, and the Meuse against Holland, 1 could place her in u more critical situation than if I had declared war against her, end that I could insulate her to a ruinous degree. This blow wa3 felt in Holland. A our majesty implored me to be generous, ap pealed to my fraternal sentiments, and promised a change of conduct. 1 thought this would be sufficient warning. 1 took off the interdiction of my custom houses, but your majesty soon returned to your former system. It is true that 1 was then at Vienna, and had a heavy war on my hands. Alt the American vessels which on being driven from the ports of France offered themselves at those oj Holland were admitted by your majesty. 1 was obliged a second time to shut my cus tom-house against the Dutch intercourse Certainly it was difficult to make a more authentic declaration cf war. In this state of things we may be considered as actually at war. In my speech to the corps legislatif l gave them to understand inv discontent, and 1 shall not conceal from you, that it is my intention to unite Holland to France as a complement ol Ifbe territory, as the most Fatal blo w 1 can ^Inflict on England, and as treeing me from the continual insults which the leaders of your cabinet are constantly of fering me. In fact, the mouths of the Rhine and the Meuse ought to belong to me. The principle that the channel [talweg] of the Rhine is our boundary is u fundamental principle. } our majesty wrote me, in your loiter of the 17th, that you are sure of being able to destroy sill commerce ol Holland w ith England ; that y ou can raise finances, armies and navies ; that you will establish the prin ciples of the constitution in giving no privileges to the nobility, in abolishing the marshals, which is but a caricature, and which is incompatible with a pow er of the second rank, in line, that you would scivc all the deposits of colonial merchandize, and all that has arrived in American vessels, which ought not to have entered your ports. It is my opinion that your majesty has promised more thau you can perform, and that the union ol llol- land with France is hut deferred. I al low that 1 have no more interest to unite the territories on the right bank of the Rhine to France, than l have to unite to it the grand duchy of Berg and the Han seatic towns. 1 then can leave Holland till the territory on the right bank ol the Rhine, and I will repeat all my acts of non-intercoursc whenever the treaties already Oxi-ting, nnrf which sh ill be re- neivod, shall be executed. The follow, ing are my intentions with respect to it. ■1. Interdiction of all commerce and intercourse with England. /*• A navy of 11 whips of the line, 7 frigates, and 7 brigs or corvettes, armed and equipped. ‘.-1. A land force of 25,000. ‘1. I be suppression of the order of marshals. ‘5. The apolition of the privileges of the nobility, contrary to the constitution which I gave and guaranteed. ^ our majesty ran negocinte with the Due dc Cadore, by interposition of your minister ; but you may rest assured that at the tirstj packet-boat, the first vessel ivhich shall enter Holland, I will re-es- tablish the non intercourse, and that at the first insult, which is offered to my flag, I trill cause to be seized by force and hung at the yard arm, the Dutch officer who, dares to insult my eagle. Your majesty will find in ine a brother, if 1 find a Frenchman in you ; but if you forget the sentiments which attach you to our com mon country, you will not complain if 1 forget those of the relations which nature has placed between ns. In fine, the un ion of Holland and France will he of the utmost utility to France, Holland and the continent, for it trill cause the utmost an noyance to Kuglund. This union may lake place either peaceably or forcibly. I am sufficiently aggrieved by Holland to declare war. Notwithstanding this, I hall lie ready to agree to au arrange ment which shall cede me the boundary oftho Rhine, and by which Holland shall engage to fulfil the conditions stipulated above. ‘Your affectionate brother, [SignedJ NAPOLEON. •At Trianon, Dee. 21, 1G0P.’ \ treaty was at length concluded up on the bisis of the proposition contained in this letter, and signed March Hith, 1UH). It provides for the introduction of a body of French troops into Holland, to incorporate with the Dutch troops en forcing the continental system. The following is also in the number of the articles. 10. All merchandise brought by Auie- an vessels, which have arrived in the ports of Holland since the first January 180!), shall be sequestered and shall be long to France, to lie disposed of accor ding to circumstances and her political relations with the United States. By virtue of this article, a large a- mount of American property was subse quently delivered to the French govern meat and thus lost to the owners, Wi understand that an attempt has been made by our government to obtain satis faction for their loss fioin the present government of the Netherlands, as res ponsible for the acts of the nation under a former government, but without effect. •AT. Am. Rev, Oct. pp. 254—253. OF TTIE PLURALITY OF WORLDS. Translated fttorn the French of Moil, dc la Tile resemblance that is seen between the planets and the earth has caused many great philosophers to believe that the planets were also destined to receive living beings, and are inhabited. The idea of a plurality of worlds is found in those ancient Creek poems at tributed to Orpheus. The Pythagoreans taught that the stars were so many worlds. Many ancient philosophers admitted even an liufluity of world* beyond ti;o reach of oar eyes. The Epicurean* were of tile same o- pliiion, and Metrodoru* thought it as absurd to suppose there was only one inhabited world, ns to suppose that only one ear uf corn could grow in a vast field. There have been some who would only allow inhabitants to the moon. A much more ample detail of the opinions of the ancients upon the plu rality of worlds may be seen iiiFahricius, and the Memoirjof Mon. Bonnniy. Hevctiuscnlls the inhabitants of the union Sclenita*, and he has examined all the phenomena observ ed in this planet. The plurality of worlds lias been since or namented with all the graces and wit that can be put in physical conjectures, by M. dc Fontonelle; and >1. Huygens lias a dis sertation, at great length, upon this matter In effect, the resemblance is so perfect be tween the earth and the other planets, that if we suppose the earth made to lie inhabited, ivo cannot well doubt but what the other pla nets were equally made for the same pur pose ; and if we conceive any necessary re lation between the existence of our terrestri al globe and that of mankind, we are forced to extend the same necessary rel ition to the other planets. He who would refuse to do so, would be as inconsequent as one who, seeing that one of a species of animals con tains bowels,should believe that all others of tin- same species might contain only stones We see six planets around the sun ; the earth is the third of them: they ha movement of rotation like the earth ; they have, like it, spots, inequalities, and moun tains ; there are three of them that have moons or satellites; the earth, one of the three, has one moon or satellite. Jupiter is flatted at the poles, like the earth. In short there is not one visible character of resemb lance that is not actinlly observed between the planets and the earth. Is it possible to suppose that tile existence of living and thinking beings is confined to our earth? Upon what can this privilege In: founded, except upon the narrow and imaginations of those who cannot raise them selves beyond the- objects of their immediate sensations ? What is said of the six planets that turn around our sun, must naturally ex tend itself to all the planetary systems that surround tile stars. Every fixed star ap pears In be, like our sun, a luminous and im moveable body. If our sun is made to re tain and euligliteil'the planeti that revolve around it, vve oliglit to presume the. same tiling of the fixed stars tint appear to be suns, and that they too have their phinets revolv ing around them. And if we suppose that the existence of inhabitants of the earth Las xtny necessary relation with that of tile ter restrial globe, we must suppose inhabitants in all other planets. There have been wri ters as timid as religious, who have reproved this system, as contrary to religion. This seems to be but badly to maintain the glory of the Creator. If the extent oi his works# announce his power, cm there be given a more magnificent and sublime idea of it ?— We see at the simple view several thousand stars; and there is not a reginil of the 1 leav ens, in which an ordinary perspective glass docs not s*low many more than tin* naked a here • ye ran distinguish. ’ When we use the great telescopes we discover a new ol der til things, k another multitude of stars, tluit vve should not have suspected with the ordinary glas ses ( ami the more perfect tin* instruments ire, the more this infinity of new worlds nulliplies and extoads itself: the idea pier- res beyond the telescope, and discover* a iww multitude of worlds, infinitely greater than what our weak and limited vision ran trace. Thu imagination goes still farther, and in vain seek* for limits* to its range.— Wliat an ustonishiiig spectacle 1 COMMERCE WITH ASIA. From the. Kentucky Reporter. Those who attempt nothing will accom plish nothing; and wlirtt is smiled at to day as a visionary project, may bo practised to morrow as a familiar operation. Wliat i* more familiar at this day than the navigation of the Mississippi, **'*d the ex tort of produce mid the import of merchan dise upon that route ? \ eV ill the year 17111! a majority of the people of the U. States considered it impossible, and eminent men employed their pons to prove it so. The falls of the Ohio, the sawyers of the Missis sippi, the length of the river, the rapidity ol its current, were severally insisted upon as fearful obstacles to its sale descent. To come back was held utterly impossible. The river was too long, to he re*88ceuded ; the country between was filled with treacher ous savages ; the only wav to gut hack was go out through the gulpli of Mexico, and mill tn riiiladelpli'ui, and cornu down to the Ohio, by tbe Pittsburg road ; mid such was actually the return route of some of the first traders to New Orleans.—It would lie amusing to read the publications of that day, to seo how many insurmountable obsta cles to the navigation of the Mississippi were conjured up, anil placed in terrible array, to p. event forever the progress of any trade up on that liver. (Morse’s Geography.) And then to compare these dogmatic opinions with the spectacle at this day exhibited up on the bosom ol that uohle si ream. An equally formidable array of impassa- ■ obstacles may be conjured up to oppose the navigation of the. Columbia and Missou- i; to become in like manner tbe subject ol idicule and contempt in the lapse of some few years. If'the force of habit did not reconcile us to the. greatest absurdities, a merchant of the valley of the Mississippi, who would think of trading to the. East Indies by the route of Philadelphia, the Atlantic ocean, and the Cape of Good Hope, would lie held a in fin out of Iii* senses, and unfit for the manage ment of his own affairs. Tint the line of the Columbia, the Miss ouri and Ohio, will eventually become the channel of the American commerce with In dia, must he obvious to all who observe the progress of human events, the march of the American people to the west, and the facili ty ofcoiniuunicating with Asia by tbe north Pacific ocean. The eyes of eminent men have rested up on this obvious road to India. In projecting an expedition of discovery to the Pacific ocean, Mr. Jefferson was not indulging an idle and barren curiosity. He sought a channel for the commerce of the Republic, ami a port on the Pacific, whence the furs of America might be exported di rect to tbe markets of China and Japan.— Instructions to Lewis amt Clark.) Would that lie were yet young enough to carry in to effect the plan which his genius project ed !—May be yet live to see upon his table the tea* of China imported upon the lino which bis patronage developed ! With the aid of the American government the trade upon this route would immediate ly begin. That aid is not required in money, but in government protection : in giving to an A- incrican Fur Company an uctol incorpora tion, with leave to forma port of entry at the mouth of the Columbia, and to establish a chain of posts and trading stations Iroin thence to the upper navigable waters of the Missouri river. With these aids the. enterprising citizens of the west are now ready 10 commence the trade. In two years they would have it in operation, and would begin a revolution in commerce which would clue!, the drain of gold and silver from the United States, and revive upon the banks of tbe Columbia and Missouri tile wonder* of Tyre I’nl- nivra, of Memphis and Ormus. ’Without that aid, tiie same revolution will be eventually accomplished. The valley of the Mississippi is filling up with people. In the year CidOits weight may be felt In the councils of the Republic. A system of commerce may then be estab lished, adapted to the geographical position of the United States, bottomed’ upon ils resources, and free from interruption Iro n the arms nod the intrigues of European powers. The island of Cuba may tlien he occupied, because ilia the key to the Gulf of Mexico, and because it will furnish coffee to the Republic. The empire of Mexico may become a commercial all)*, or a province because from thence alone can gold and sil ver be derived. The trade of India may be carried tin upon the I’aciflc ocean, the Co lumbia and the Missouri, because on that route it will be free from the interruption ol European powers, will have a shoit and di rect transport, ami will be bottomed on the furs and peltries exported from .America.— The Atlantic states may furnish most of the : manufactured articles now received Iriuiil at one moment lie is hoard ofaf Brighton, the next in the neighborhood of Windsor, and at another visiting hi* country relations. One account say*, that ho has a frigate and two sloops of war, t oady at his call to tako him to Han oi or, if his nflairs with the t{uccn should conic to the worst. RECORDER, Mlfjl.V.n.iLt II.I.P., Tckidiv, Kovumi 7. (U 3 Both branches of the General Assem bly were yesterday organized—In Senate, Midhew Talbot was re-elected President, ami IVUliam Robirtson, Clerk; Alex’r Greene, door-keeper, and Henry Williams, Messen ger. David rldams was re-elected Speaker of tbs House of Representatives, amt IFilliam ■Turner, Clerk ; E. Roberts door-keeper, and Marlow 1’ryor, Messenger. The subjects of principal interest which will occupy the pre sent session of the Legislature, we can mere ly conjecture. The ‘Penitentiary Establish ment deserves, and w ill probably receive, some share of their attention—another effort, more fortunate we trust than preceding ones, may be made to remedy our defective sys tem of jurisprudence, by establishing n Court of Errors. (tj 5 * A loaded boat, containing upward., >f l i|000 weight, (the first that lias ever de scended that part of the Oconee river) came down from Putnam county through the Shoals yesterday, and delivered her load op posite Millcdgeville— other boats will follow wills lumber, flour, Ecc.—It is much to bo re gretted, that while the. navigation uhovc and below lias been greatly improved, nothing has been done to remove the obstructions to boating nearly opposite the town, between Rousseau’s Bridge and the present landing. The Savannah Georgian of the 81st ult. says, “ commerce is again (and by magic a* it were) reviving. The number of vessel* which have arrived, together with the. number of passengers, those of our citizens who have returned from tlm iuteri >r, give a new face to the solemn and melancholy appearance which for the last two months, has hung o- ver our city.” Sav AXIN'Alt, Oct. 31. POLICE OFFICE, October 91,1020. I have tbe happiness to announce, as au thorised by a communication from the chair man of tli* Health Committee, that this city, “ excepting catarrhs, appears to tiavu reco vered ils health.” Titos. U P. Cii, Mayor. Number of deaths, 28tb, 20th and noth, inclusive—14. Total—2 tl, And four from iho country exclusive of the above. Detract qf a teller from Fans, dated Aug. 31. “ In a conversation with Mr. Gallatin this morning, 1 learnt that the Flench Govern ment shew no disposition to home into our measures for the present at least; therefore the direct tradu uf the two countries must fall into third hands for some considerable time to come. Cowes lias baen bit upon as the plaee’for deposit of cargoes destined for this quarter of France. This system, howe ver, appears to me ridiculous, when neutral i essels can he found in abundance to carry on a direct trade with less delay and expense.” SPAIN'. W e have it from such authority as ea- lilies u* of tbe fact, that the King of Spain has ratified the treaty with the United States, for the cos-ion of the Floridas : we are also satisfied Unit the ratified trea ty is now iu the United States, and will he submitted to Congress, immediately on ii* assembling next month, 1 he manifesto, I he tyrannic and war like manifesto ol'thc Emperor Alexander on Spanish aflairs, which we likely pub lished, hits been explained to I he entire satisfaction ol the Spanid) King and Cor tes. ’i lie Emperor i* understood to have declared, in his explanatory state paper, that Ins first manifesto was predi cated ori the belief that the Arum had u- surjicd the authority iff the kingdom, and dictated to the people by force <rf arm the present established form of govern ment; but that subsequent advice* ha ving conveyed a more cm rectst itement, and iiis imperial majesty being satisfied that the change in. the government ha* Constellation*—another Stripe for the o- iiotnies of our country is displayed—an other bulwark of liberty is erected.— This morning ut half past 10 o’clock, the elegant ship of the line, the 1>lju\vai\k, embraced her destined clement amidst the roar of cannon anil musketry, the ac clamations of thousands of anxious spec tators, and the inspiring sound of martial music.—Not an accident of any kind oc curred during the anxious moments of preparation for this cheering scent—nil was perfect system and regularity, and she glided with the gracefulness of n Swan into the watery element. Wo may congratulate our country on the acquisition to its naval force of one of the finest and bustships that over float ed. This is no assertion of our own, luit the opinion of the most experienced judges. The Delaware is of the largest class ofships which have been construct ed for our navy, to which there are only two others ofthe same size yet built, the Ohio and the Noith Carolina ; mid uc mention it to the honor of Mr. Francis Crick, the Master Carpenter, and his Assistants, that she is in several respect* more perfect (a* far as a comparison can be drawn between specimens which might be held up a* models of naval ar chitecture to tbe world) than either of those vessel*. The scene which this interesting occa sion conjured into view was grand and enlivening beyond any thing we have av er behold. The circumjacent scenery of Gospoi't is naturally picturesque, die perspective above and below being litiuly relieved by pleasing objects, and the shores opposite beautifully pointed with verdant gruiiud and clustering trees—-nf* furdiug convenient situations for the nu merous group* of immense magnitude, and of nil sexes and conditions, who dis played themselves to the distance of more thau a mile in extent. The river was covered with boat*.—The Mieum- hoats Virginia, Richmond, Fetersburg and Seu Horse, worn all present and crowded with spectators, amongst whom were an immense number of ladies. Tbe frigate United IStiito* laying at the Navy Yard ; the Alert Store-ship, anil several merchant vessels were also animated wit H vast, numbers ofthe assembled po pulation And the Navy-Yard hospitably received as many us chose to seek situa tions within it* walls to behold the gra tifying and imposing spectacle. The num ber of spectators in tbe aggregate, coulJ have been but little short of 20,000. [Herald.'] Pr.Tr.R.snt'Hu, Va. Oct. 27. INFLUENZA. A king ofcuf/e/mtal influenza or epide mic cold, lately prevailed in this section of country to an unexampled exteut.— Almost every person that we meet, seam* more er less Infected with it. We un derstand (lie sains disease for* a consider able distance both North und South of us; •uni that in some parts of tin* country people have died of it. Uulike most other kinds of cold, this appears to bold no fellowship with ardent spirits. • spir its token at night, with the expnctalaosi of producing perspiration, have bucu the means of bringing on violent fever, some times attended with a temporary delyi'i- um. (ier.tle purgatives, bathiug the feet, together with spare diet, we recom mend us the treatment that will bring the Speediest relief. Superfine Clotht, Ilatiy Ifooti fy blK., JAgrdfttfegAft. x REDDING 8: WASHBURN, TTAVE received from Ncw-Yuik, an ex* _I. J. Tensive assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING. HATH, BOOTS U BHOK8., HARDWARE, Ac. which they offer for Snlc on good terms, ut their Store neat dcuf j north of Darien Bank, Wayne Street, aitlot4(. Which are the following s Superfine blue Cloth Cloaks, Switch Plaid und Camblr.t do j Superfine black, blue and coloured Orel* , Coni* Superfine do do do Frock doj ciotir W driih Surtouts and Wrappers, d and ilrnb' ludniiiucluiuiuni's !■■*" mm me emmge iii tne government nu Europe. (.’uranercc upon the Atlantic u- bccn lhe act Ul)t of ,| (C nriny |, ut 0 f p, eean may then dimmish, dependence upon j . • i„ :i,a , European workshops may then reuse , nod.’ > a commercial a* well a* a political indent u-i the < linage, deuce of the Republic may he established , authorities Without embargoes, restrictive by stems^rid enjoy prosperity k happiness under;Hi.? and ‘Yiittou, lie is now entirely reconcile I to hopes tiie constituted the Spanish people tuny duties of prohibition. It will lie to no purpose that statesmen, for the time being, .shall wish to prevent these changes, and preserve all lli.ugs in their ancient channels. The progress ol em pire is from east to west. Tins power of this'continent now gravitates to the. borders ofthe Mississippi, and no human effort* can jirvvcut wliat the laws of Nature have de creed. * Travellers as»ert dial the tea of Chian Is iocouipur&bty more delicious at home than il is iu Europe and lire Luiteci states, lire ubbe Kaynul gives us die rfusaii of this different'.:. He says that lli-» flavour of the tea is lost and di.-sip.ited iu tne immense sea voyage whieh ii makes in doubling the C ijie ol Hood Hope to arrive iu Europe. (Fiit. if. Ida, Jlui.rry uj the Indus.) lie says Ihut the lea drank iu Rus sia is iulinrlely s rperior In liprt u.ed iu lire soUlh of Europe ;. because lhe U is-iuus import il over- laud, or along the river* Oiu* and Wolga (p. yi. U ill die Columbia turd Missouri be less favourable limn the Wolga ami lhe O.u* to die preservation of die native flavor ot the Cuii.u tea ? The Loudon paper* say, that iii* Ma jesty, George the IVth, appears at pres ent, like an exile, and iHd* his court, lip uflwly established order of things. These explanations & congratulations have been received in the most fr iendly spirit, nnd tne best relations of frieudlincM arc es tablislicd between the two governments. [Phil. Demo. Press.] * It i* ascertained that Joseph IIzisteii, now a Itcpi’CAL'n’utiw*. in Congress from Ilia stir to of i'mnsyltar.iu, is elected Governor of that til.ilu for lire ensuing term of three years. By whit majorty it not known, hut estimated at about three thousand Mite*. [jYuI. Inhl.] FLORIDA 8. A practice is now pursued in territo ries, which may produce injurious citusr* queoccs. Slave* who urucumicledofciimus in several o! the colonics, and ormw- ed to be transported, arc carried by specula tor* and sold in the Florida*. Iu ihe course of time the Florida* will become n second Botany Bay,-if the practice is not disconti nued.—,Yul. A Ait. Norfolk, Oct. 21. Launch of ihe Delaware Ship ofthe I .ine. Another btar is iuldcd to our Naval The Agricultural Society uf Maryland lias resolved to moot on the first tVoo- nesduy of June, uud ou tiie second Wednesday cf Oct. of eacli und every year : nnd that ut every tucli meeting, there shall lie an Agricultural Fair lor the exhibition nnd sale ofthe best breeds of neat cuttle, horses, sheep, bogs ynd o- tlier animal*—of waggou*,curu, ploughs, harrows and other implements ofh.ishan- dry—of nil kinds of seeds, und also of e- very species of domestic manufacture*. Will be performed This Evening, 7//t inst. by Ih« tilhledgeville Thespian Society, 'rue cojii dv or SPEED Tl-IE PLOUGH, By Thomas Morion, Esq. After which, the F.ibci; if the SLEEPING DRAUGHT. November ,. 88 .1. ». HAYBE.Y, DENTIST, lath a or tin. i:. ii. haVdu.n or LAcamotte, ESFLUTFL fit,k offers cLprofession- ..I sci races to the larlics a..u gcnlleHioi] ol Mihcdgeyallc, and t!s vicinity. He for bum: entering into lire hackilied, of opera tions a.-, customarily practised try itinerant deoh.iU, and 1'iiorins ill* citizen* generally, that ire purionus ull the rci^siU operations ir the preset ration o^llieZclh, fiu'.li IhniI- ruusi improved Tund urtiik'iai ., a» w itu Iiga- Itii plate* of gold, i usctul anil ornamental; i lie pursues rvilli strict olibe - methods practised by his pn eep- lui, nnd which havt been app.orrd .aid war ranted by a In eiiiy y ears practice iu lire ci- ly of Baltimore, in ull cases thoinusiiiu- pl.cit. candor nuy he t. lied on. Persons wishing to Ire waited on utlheir place of residence, will please .end a u to to in* Induing* ut Mr. Husnu's, Planter’* Hotel lteji.iei.cen in MillcdgtvUlt; ifix it illiauisuii, Mr. i). Lymuu, jr. li.iloc.N J approved Dentifrice nnd Tooth Hruslits of the best quality, utay lie had us above. If-lit) ’ Nov. 7. Do blue, black, mixed t and Cnsaimerc Pantiloona, Do blue and black Csssimere Vests, Black Silk, white Mereellles, It, Funey Uq. Youths umi Boys' Wrapper^ Misses ditto p Childrens Suits, * , - Men’s flue Linnen und l liiDtiel Shirts, > Superfine, fine and Romm Rats, sopie, with w ide brims, ; Women’s Morocco and Leather Shod*, . Miirsfi's nnd Childrens do '* Men’b line Leather am! Morocco do Welling. Boots, '* Superfine, Blue, Blark, Brown, Oxford, Mix! and Lfiub Cloths, , [ Superfine Blue, Black, Mixt and Drab Ciissinurcs, White uod Blue Negro Plulns, Rose Blankets, 11 inli Linnen*, Long Lawn, Linnen Dhiper, Superfine 4-4 and a-4 Ciuribrii'k and Mtl'a- 1111 Fnints, Brown Domestic ShirtingHnd|Sheeting, Domestic Fluids, Stripes aud Cbumbray* Osnaburngs, too Ream* Vellum, Foolscap, Pot, ami Letter Paper, 200 Cunnisters best Sporting Powder, 100 do do glazed ditto Smith's hallow*, Aiml*, Vice* Sc llnm’rs, Cordage—4, 6,0,10, li, aml.2Ud Cut Nails, Brads, Cast Steel, Rifles, hsiiut Guo*, Ste. Kc. Milled*,.mile, Nov. 7 39—T .Milledgevdie Raiding Hoorn. riSfclK proprietor proposes furnishing for" Jk the use of hi* subscribers, nnd transient visitors introduced by them, a H.ffectJnn of Magazines, Reviews and Newspapers, viz:, Ackerman's Elegant Repository of the Ari* r Fashions &l Literature, London-*—Annual Register, •xbibiting the news uf Europe; Edinburgh uud (Quarterly Reviews; North American do ; Huston Aihunirum, or Spirit of the British Magazines, American Farmer, Portfolio, Christian Observer, and Medical Recorder. Among the Newspapers nru lhe* Richmond Enquirer, National Intelligencer, — Advociitu, and Gazette, the Dari en Gazette, and Savanuah Republican, to* which arc usually added, from forty to fifty others. The whole nrcsculiiig within the reach of a short period of attractive, l eading, a view of uluiott every thing worth noticrt passing in tbe world—its Literature, Religion, Avis, Policy, Agi Iculturc, UouiineieirfNrlvs, Auacdots, £u\ uud the discussion of those topic* that interns, or agitate lira human fa mily, delineated by the btstuls of masters. On tbv utility of such ustnhiishinetitS) h »» duvulud unnecessary to enlarge beyond tbs obvious remark, that thoy afford to the inge nious mechanic, the intelligent farmer, Iho profossional inni), and Ilia man of business, jpnoi'tuuitv while enjoying tlnr desultory lull' boor ot aeudful relaxation, to increase his stoics of vahubto information, hi* acquaint tonce w ith Books, Authors, Wit, Poetry, See. •„.d boi lu*ite, uxcitumuut and materials for interesting rsflccuou and enlightened cover- Half'll.*.-— Subscriptions frortj permanent resident* to he for oue year, at gfl pr.r annum, payable quarterly or srUti-finnually in ud- vujjce. From gentlemen lucntenbere, but trot peruiftncut resident*, uuharriptions will ha received for one month. The room Will ha opr ir from 7 a. m. to 8 r. m.— No hook or paper to ha lent out. Such refreshment,* of tbe he.,t dsscrintiuD, will be kept In readi ness, a* aro i ' ml in similar establishment* to the northward. (vV- Subscriptions received at tiie Soda- Water- Room, Uijs Office, Bonk Store! of Mc4*rg. Giun St Curtis, And at the Post Office. November () 38—St t pURHE or four -*■ wanting .U to whom till mooli)—Cloth' quarter annua November 7 oij ajyfldy young Men ' y us Guard, )« given per iikT, nod paid C. M CARTY, p. k. r. 89—tr SALE, HIRING hi RENTING. ft bff II<ia be sold nt too late, residence of VV Stephen Gufford, jr. doc'd, in .lone* county, on Batuiday the SOth December, the following property, viz: The crop of cord and fodder, vnicut and cotton, ;i few planta tion tool,:, f;e.; also the negroes to hire a plantation and good stofe-hooso tn rent, suitable fur u large stin k of goods, with wa ter very convenient. Terms made known on tbe day by the administrator. JGU UARIAU GAFFORD, Adm'r. BUS ANN AII G AFFORD, Ad ii* Nnvwttiuar 7 iJis&wution 'of Co-part ^JAilb^^^kiei'ship hiAtolurc * j£cr tlBfirm of Gordon by niut to tf- NOTIUE. P ERSONS fideIdeil to Hu. | v te firm uf Goodalt li Washburn, arc requested to come forward and make scUleincm with Sa- aiui.'l Goodidl, at the Store of Iloddi t\ a diburn. SAMUEL GQODALL. November 6 $0—tf 0*0 htod will nay lo y tiie demands *g*mst die- JAMES GORDON, RANDOLPH MOTT. Millcdgeville, Nov. o u A GTlEflAGLY to an ordor ofthe honor- nhlo tlio Inferior Cm.rt of Baldwin county, Bitting as a court of Ordinary, wjfi lie sold at tlio court-bousti in Irvvinton, Wil kinson county, on tho first Tuesday in Janu ary next, numbers 105 and 151, each con- taming 202 i-i acres, und o..e half ofnumher 03, containing 101 i-4 acres, all in tlio frf'ih district ol Wilkinson, being part ofthe real estate ol \\ illiam M'Lrary, deceased, and sold tni ihi' benefit ot ihe heir* aud creditors. Terms madii known ou the day of side. BARTLEY M‘CRaRY,jr.Adngr. November 8 3U—ids* 4 , _j.EOKGlA, Baldwin county. G bereua John Allen applies for lettcra ol administration ou the estate und effects ot* Ezra Evans, Iu e rtf thin county , decl ined— 'I brae nre therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to HieW cause, if auy tlrey hlkHA why said letters should not L*e grunted/ GF ven under iny haud ut office, this 7th day ol November, 11|20. THO. II. KPN**’ it Kept in readineiz at t-—' November 7