Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, November 07, 1820, Image 4

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anftiraUiAJCX. jYuni iht Nation&l Gatrtle. y/e find the following verse* in the Lon don Courier of th' 1*h May. Dr. Hul man, the author, wm sentenced last year to trans portation for seven years, for having forged a letter-fnnlc value ten flag-lit* pence. His verses indicate a cultivated mind and refined feelings. That such a man should be placed in such a situation for such an offence, affords # singular illustration of the constitution of modern society, and of the genius of the Bri tish penal code. TO THE “FULL MOON." «am>n><sd al 10, f. -v. iwh J**e !«'?- **$«■ near the Caait nf fitw-lluliand, by Dr. F. U. HaUoren. «A’«i eral; el Cato fulgent Luna irrtno!" Queen of the Night, whose orh serene, Through liquid tether calmly flouts; By her is tliv mild radiance aceu On whom my heart with fondness doats. Oh ! at this hour, when Nature sleeps, And Want and Miserv seek repose, Thy hapless Votary wakes and weeps, Nor finds an opiate for his woes! JJia wife,his babes, his distant home, Still on his tortur'd fancy rush: ||* views around the billowy foam, And tears of burning anguish gusli! Yet 'midst the fever of his soul, His heart’s reflections never err; But, aa the magnet to the pole, With trembling fondness turns to her! JLnd—do my Anna's pensive eyes View thee with kindred thoughts to miner Ah! no from distant western skirt On her meridian splendors shine ! Yet few the hours, and short the space, Ere thy mild beams her eye shall cheer : While in renewed diurnal race The sun shall shed his fervors here ! Oh! could’st thou, on thy silver sphere Inscribed, this heart’s emotions bear; Its yearning hope—its anxious fear— Its fond regard—its tender care. Conld’st thou, sweet planet! fair and calm, To Merits faithful love disrlose, Twould yield her suffering heart a halm To read ei'n what so well she knows / But, no! hit heart thou can'st not show, Still cliangiug in thy nightly range, Whose love, whose truth, in joy or woe, In life or death, can ne.ver change! From the 1intern Argus. A scientific and highly respectable Physi cian in the county of York when railed up on by the Selectmen of the town in which he resides, to give his inventory under the new law of this State, set down and wrote bis statement in the form following: “ To the. Selectmen of : 'I. A. B. to you send Grerting, One old Chaise, to ride to meeting ; One old Cow, whose milk srnree flows, And one old Hone, good food for crows, I have a Sleigh the worse for wear, A Pig to lean, ’twould make you stare: One old Houtc, fix’d up anew; A Shed f have and Stable too *, Also a Shop to keep my drugs in, One acre Iwmd to pastere bugs in. ! I have a wife and little ton, And here my inventory's done. H GEORGIA. tip hit Excellency Jon a Clark, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Jinny andXa- vy of thil State, and tire Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. AVING arranged and cast up the votes of such counties as have made returns uf the election held on the first Monday in the present month, for six members to re present this Slate in the House of Represen tatives of the Congress of the United States, from and after the third day of March next, and it appearing that Robert RArno.ND Reid, Alfred Cltubekt, Joel Abbot, George R. Gilmer, Edward F. Tatt- >’ai.l, and Wiley Thompson, Esquires, lia\e the highest number, 1 do therefore pro claim'tb.'' same, in order that each of the said persons may signify his arrogance or refusal of the said appointment, and adduce kuch evidences of his being eligible therefor. Iis are required Is the seal nf the said Apse in Milledge- peventh day of f our Lord oiu umlrcd and twenty, and of the Independence of the Uni ted States of America the forty-fifth. JOHX CLARK. By the Governor, Ab’r Hammond. Sec’ry of Stale. NOTICE. W HEREAS many Persons are in the habit of hiring my fellow Frank (some times called Frank Smart) without any tick et or permission from me—all persons are hereby cautioned and forwarned from doing the same, as I shall most certainly require them to pay his wages to me withoutregard to any payment to him, and shall further in- forcc toe law against them. Isabella Ann J^RKi.r.v, t at much _ jin harness, and . lie went oil’, a hurtwITliU withers, not healed; lie is u horse of more than ordinary value. The Buy is of a dark co lor, very wild mid spirited, accustomed only to the saddle, and is u very line riding horse. A liberal reward will be given to any person who will return them to this place, or any informa tion whereby they may he recovered, will he thankfully received. TOMLINSON FOUT. Milledgcville, Oct. 3 i, 1320. 38—if ITtOIl SALE, very low for cash, a SI.YGLE Ju GIG or SULKY, with good plated har ness. The whole can be bought for less than 5100. Apply to Elisha Whitney. Milledgevittc- October 24. 37—if T\\e Tranters’ \lo\e\ H AVING undergone a thorough re pair, the subsrriber respectfully in forms his friends and the public generally, his house is now ready tor the recepti on of company. He has twenty rooms to his house, nearly all with fire places. He can accommodate from THIRTY to FOR TY members of the legislature. His Sta bles are large and airy, nnd will bout all times supplied with a plenty of provender. THOMAS IIUSON Millc.djevilhs'Oct. iG. 30—tf. WILLIAM H. CRENSHAW iTCtu HAVE RECEIVED TIICIR EXTENSIVE SCTPLV or Winter &¥ftncj (iootVs, vi* : Piano Fortes assorted, i two Chamber Organs; Irish Linens, Lawn», Cambrics &. Dimities; Merino and cashmere shawls and dresses; Rich *attin,gauze.crapc,krambric embroidered dresses ; Thread Lanes ; hlark and white sattins ; \ large supply of Watches and Jewelry of every description; Silver spoons; silver plate in setts of 7 pieces; Fine clocks; Looking glasses, nnd Cut glass uf every description; China, Crockery and Hardware ; Blacksmiths tools iu setts complete ; Mill, Fit, nnd Cross cut saws; Fine Clollis and Ca-imercsassorted ; Blankets, Plains and Homespuns; Fancy work boxes, writing desks, and fine work Baskets: Rifles, dueling pistols, fow ling pieces and large ducking guns; An nssoitmeut of Shoes and Huts. They are agents for northern manufactories, to furnish to orders, carriages, gigs and sul kies, silver, good of every description, side hoards, tables, hcodsteads, and mahogany fur niture of every description, rut glass, window glass, piano fortes ami organs. October ir. _ 30—4t. Co-partnership Dissolved. T HE co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Goodai.!. k Wash burn, is this day dissolved by mutual con- sent. Persons having unsettled business with the above firm, will please r.ill mi Sa- onud Goadall, Who is authorised to ndiust the same. -SAMUEL GOODALL, JOSEPH WASHBURN. October 24, 1820 g* Copartnership Formed. W C.'flEDlJINO, having purchased of • Samuel Goodall his interest in the late, firm of Gmidatl k Was'>huui, and con nected himself with Joseph Washburn oftlie above firm, business will in future In: conduc ted by them at the old stand under the firm OfltLDDINO k W’ASJIUtp.N. W. C. REDDING, Oct 00-i38 1Q$. WASlIRUiN, 200 Bales Cotton Wanted, For which the market price will be given. THU S M. UR. W FORD. October 30 it A. B. FANNIN k Co. R ETURN their thanks to their friends in the up-country for the liberal sup port which they have heretofore rrceived from them in ihe Factorage Commission Business. They inform them that they still cniitiruc in husinc**. nt tlroir ok! stand Bolton’s Range, and respectMty solicit a continuance of tbrjr favors. They have ex tensive and safe Ware- Hntiscs for the reception of Produce, and will ns heretofore, makelibernl advanres-ou Pro duce deposited with them for sale. Savannah, Oct. it 38—tf NOTICE. VITILL BE SOLD, in Dublin. t,y:rrns tv county, on the fip-t Tuesday in De cember next, between tile usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One square of Land in the second district originally Wilkinson, now Laurens county, adjoining Stand ley and others—taken us the property of Adam Hunter, to satisfy an exe cution in favor of Scwart k Hargroves. One fraction of land lying on the Oconee river, known nnd distinguished by Fluker’s island, to satisfy executions hi favor of the administrators of Freeman Lewis against David Flukor nnd Thompson Bird—proper ty jiointed out liv John G. Bird. rourtren head of sheep, taken rs Ihe pro perty of Alfred Thompson, to satisfy an ex ecution in favor of tiie state of Georgia. One Sorrel Horse, taken as the property of William Burl; to satisfy an execution in fa vor of William Lynutn—property pointed out by Jacob Shiver. One negro boy named Sam, taken as the property of Thomas W. Ilart, to satisfy an execution in furor of Hardy Griffin and oth ers—levied on by a constalile, and returned to me. CHARLES S. GUYTON, Sheriff. Oetober i7. 30 Vl/TLL BE SOLI) nt the Court-house tt in the town-of Dublin, Laurens coun ty. within the luonl hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in December next, the following Property, viz:—One bay tnnre, bridle mid -addle and saddle blanket—taken as the pro perty of James satisfy sundry exe cutions in favor of William H/Purramorc k others—property pointed out by Plaintiff this 10th day of Octobetr, 1820. DANIEL ROBERTS, n. s Oetnlier 24. tit—37 JOHN LUCAS, has orrNr.n a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT In his new building nt the corner nf Greene and Wilkinson street-, between the state-house square nnd government house. Millodgcvillc, August 15 27—tf NOTICE. T HE undersigned, nttorncy for Mr. Thomas' Wiley, contemplating to leave the service of the saiii Wiley on or before the 15th day of Oetober next, desires all pprsons indebted for contracts made previous and during his absence to call and liquidate their accounts on or before that period. All accounts unliquidated subse quent to that period, will be put in suit. C. W. BUTLER. September 5:i(i—tf TO RENT, F OR one or more years, the STORE former ly occupied by Messrs. J. it W. Lurn*, and recently by Bruen L Hopper. For further pur ticulars, apply to M. HOPPER. August 22. 28- tf. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold pursuant to an order oftlie honorable (lie Inferior court of Pulaski county, an the first Tuesday iu November next, nt Hartford, in said county, one hundred and twenty-seven nud an half acres nf Land, tlie same whereon Needham Bryan lived ut the time of his death : also,one hundred one and a quarter acres adjoining the foregoing, sold ti the property of said Needham Uryun. Terms made known on the day of sale. T’110’3 W. HARRIS, Adm’r. August 24 29—Ids STORAGE AND Voimwissum Wusinuss. r.| SHE subscribers tenew the offer of their A services to their friends in the above business. They continue ut their old stand on BROAD STREET, and their WARE HOUSES are in good order fertile recep tion of COTTON k GOODS or EVERY DESCRIPTION. They take this opportunity to return thanks for favors heretofore received, and respect fully solicit a continuance of a portion of public patiounge. A. SLAUGHTER k C. LAttUZO Augusta, Sept. 15 —fit FUODOsaLS FUR CARR F/.VG MAILS OF (THE EXITED STATES, On the following Post Roads, will lie receiv ed at the General Post Office, until the 20tli day oWJctober next, inclusive. ' GEORGIA. 53. Fror Perry’s Mill i!G miles. Leave II. _ arrive at Perry’s Mills or Leave Perry’s Mills 011 sonville, to (two weeks, at 6 a tn, k by 8 a m. at 3 p in and arrive ut Hartford on Wednesday by 0 59. From Pewelton, by Mount Zion and Gutonlou,to Monticello, oucc in two ucdks 53 miles. Leave Rnwe-Kon every Tliursihry at Gam and arrive at Monticello on Friday by 10 1 111. Leave. Monticello on Friday at 2 p in. k arrive at Poweltonon Saturday by f> p m. Contracts fertile routes 43 to 77* inclusive are to he in operation on the 1st nf Decern her next, iu>d to continue until the 81st dat of December, 1,822. Tiie contracts will stipulate the usual pen allies for failures and delay. RETURN J.MEIGS, Jr. Postmaster General, General Post-Office, Aug. 22 fit RILLS ON BOSTON, Payable in New-York, Charleston, or Sr rnnnah, for sale bv , ., WILEY k BAXTER, jilillcdjt' rjiie, Sept. 26, p gy WILEY & BAXTER, A RE receiting tlieir fall and winter sup ply of Goods, consisting of 2C0 packa ges, selected from the last importations at Ncw-Yuik, Boston,and Philadelphia: l case London Electorate blue Cloth— 33 to 38s. stcrl’g. 1 case do. Saxony Black do—30 to 35*st. 2 do. do. assorted mill’d and single Ca sinieres—Us to 1 Is st. 5 hales com. and low pric'd Cloths ami Cnssimcres, Flannels, Baizes ami Bomha/.etts, 10 hales Blankets, point, Rose nnd Dufile, 1 case ladies black and worsted Hose, 2 eases do. cotton and Angnlo do. 1 do. gentlemens 1-2 Hn-o, S cases Irish Linncns, 1 do. Sheetings k 1 do. drill Lawns, 300 pieces London superfine kenm. Prints 100 do. Rich Furniture, and Cassimcre Shawls, 1 hale fashionable Merseilles printed Ves tings nnd White, Buff Valencies and Silk Strip, Vesting. 10 hub s Waltham "bleach'd ami Brown Sheeting nnd Shirtings, 2 eases Salimits, and 1 do. furniture Cheeks, 1 ease hlk. and changeable Sinchews, 1 Ho. green pink and white Florences, 1 do. Cambrics anil Jaconet Muslin k Ginghams, Eicgaut Jaconet Muslin Rohes k Crape Shawls, 50 pieces elegant damask Nankeen Crape, and Shawls and Scarfs, ■Elegant Merino Holies and Shawls, 3-4 to 8-4 F.legaut Cnshroirc Rohes k Shawls, Damask Silk Robes, Shaw Is k Mantles Silk Velvet, Gloves, Stockings and Italian Sewing Silk and Twist, 50 eases superfine and common Hats, 5 cases superfine Straw Bonnets, 1 do. Leghorn, do. 1 do. Straw Trimming for Bonnets, 2 do. Jniners Tools—iSnoemnkcrs lasts and Boot Trees, An assortment of Hardware k Cutlery, 10 complete setts Blacksmith's Tools and Bellows, RECEIVED AT THE SHOE STORE, 100 Packages SHOES k BOOTS,which renders the assortment complete. 'Aill-dgevilli., Sept. 18 32—Hit LAsT NOTICE! k LT. persons having claim* against t’..i Qunr- i-Y ter Master General*’* Dtp .rtment lor It- Hire ol Waggon*. Horn's, or oilier article* fur nished the troops during the Seminole Cam paign, arc requested to dcp»*.t their account*, with the evidence in support of them, in the liniidx01 the commanding officer nt Fort Haw kins, or to furnish them to me at this post, on or before the ’2i7h of October next, to the end that they mty be forwarded for the examiention and decision of (he War Department. Receipts will be given and such accounts ns may be disallow ed, w ill be returned Hi the claimants. By or der, A. DARRAHi A. D. R. M.Gee’l. Fort Scott, Aug 30—Hf JAMKSFINILAN, COACH, HOUSE, SIG.V fy OILVA ME.XVAL PAI.VTER, R espectfully inform* the inhabitant* of .Milledgcville and its vicinity', that he earries on FAINTING in general, nnd earnest ly solicits n share of the public patronage.—All orders left nt his shop on Wnyne-slreot, oppo site Mr. Rosseter’s store, will lie punctually nt tended to. .Milledgcville, Sept r2. irtt—3i ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. YTTILL he sold on the first Tuesday in v T December next, at the court-home in Madison, Morgan county, agreeable to an order of the honorable Court of Ordinary for said county, pait of the Real Estate and Negroes of \\ ilham Walker, deceased, that is to say, 390 acres of land, within 3 miles of Madison, bring part of Lots Nos. 207 nnd 179, with good improvements nod an excel lent farm now in good order for cropping, having an excellent Peach Orchard k about 250 acres of cleared land.— Also, one other Lot on Sandy creek, with about forty acres cleared, and two excellent mill seats there on.—Also, eight likely young Negroes, con- -isiing of six Fellows, one plough-boy, and a young Wench. Terms made known on the day of sale. SIMEON WALKER, Adra’r. October 3. E t fTMIE Suhsrrib'Ts have formed a connec- -L tion in the Prnrtxrt nf the Law, under the firm of Roctw k IIki'iu h.v. All business confided to their care will in- punc tually attended to. One of them will at all times he found at the office of S. Rockw ell, corner of Jefferson and M’Intosh streets. SAMUEL ROCKWELL JOSEPH L. HEPBURN. Milledgcville, Sept, 18 32—tf TO THE PUBLIC. T HE undersigned take this method to in form their friends and the public, that they continue to transact business at their Ware-House in Auousta, as AND C o\wm\ss\ot\ iN\tvvt'Auutls. Their HARE-HOUSE fy STORES art tit good order for the reception of Merchandize and Country Produce ; And tliny intend to give llu-ir undivided at tention to the husitn ss. and hope by industry and prompt attention to all ordeis, to give general satufactiu.’i to those who may favor diem w ith their custom. M’LAWS k IlOLT. Augusta, Sept. 15 32—lit I t llahhrin S’ipcr'or Court, Feb. Term, 1820.’ Nicolas Dr.LAtsLr., ) v*. k Rule„Yi>i,furforeclosure. Fa inti* Coax tv. y U PON the petition of Nicolas Delaigle, pray Ine the forccinsurn of the equity of redemp tion in nud t-> a eertHin trnet or parcel of land lying ami being in Ihe town uf Milletlgeville, eoiitaining half of h lot, kuow n nnd distinguish ed in (fie plan of said town by the number one, (No. 1.) in square fiftv-five (5Ti)—«nid half ot said lot, fronting Franklin street, being bound ed on the north side by said street, mortgaged by the said Francis Cornay to the. said Nicolas Delaigle. by n deed of mortgage bearing date the tenth day of July eighteen hundred ami nine teen, the better to secure payment of the sum of five hundred dollars, being the amount of a note henrinc equal dale therewith, ami payable ten days after date thereof, nnd defnult liuving been nnide nnd the pnyment of the said sum together with the interest: Whereupon, on motion of Samuel Rockwell of counsel for the said Nicolas Delaigle, it it ordered, thnt the suid Francis do pay into the Clerk's office of this court, the sum of money aforesaid, with the interest and the costs thereon, within twelve months from this date, or the equity of redemption wilt be hence forth nnd forever barred and foreclosed : It is further ordered, thnt n copy of this rule be serv ed on the said Frnnris, or Ids special neent at least six months, or published in mu* of the pub lic Garottes printed at the seat of government, onre a month before the time ut winch the mo- nev is directed to be pnid. i certify the foregoing to he a true copy tnken from the minutes the 2iith of April, 1820. THOMAS H. KENAN, Cl k. GEORGIA, Raldwin County, Superior Court, April adjourned Term, 1820. O N the petition of Elislm Whitney, statin: that lie holds a mortgage given by Willi: Ferry to him, conveying a lot of land lying and being in the town ol* Milledeevdle, rontnininr one hundred nnd fourteen feet fronting of Wash ington street nnd two hundred and ten feet fronting and lying on Wilkinson street, adjoin ing Fort i n the east nnd Allen on the south; said lot known and distinguished in the plan of said town by lot number three, in square nunibeer forty-three, to secure the payment nf eleven hundred and thirty dollurs, on the first day of Marrli lust, due 011 a promisors- note at tached to said mortgage, and thnt said Villi Ferry' has failed to pay said sum of money or a ny pnrt thereof: It is thereupon ordered, that unless the said Wiliis Ferry shall pay the amount lie on said mortgnge with interest and cost in to the Clerk’s office of (hi* court within twelve months from this time, the equity of redemption of, in nnd to said mortgaged premises, will lie thenceforth forever barred nnd foreclosed in terms of the statute in such cuse made nnd pro vided. And it is further ordered, that this ml lie published in one of the public Gazettes ot this state, once a month for the space of twelve months, or served on the sniil Willis Ferry or his special agent nt least six months previous to the time the money is directed to he pnid. ! certify thnt the foregoing is n true copy ta ken from the minutes, this 24lh of April, 1820. THOMAS H. KENAN, Cl k. April 29 ml2m RILLS ON NEW YORK, For sale by WILEY k BAXTER. September 2C 38 ANDERSON HOLT, OFFEI1S Kls s; livil l-s TO THE AS A FiiJicrmoxER of, In the Ocinulgec Circuit. His office is on Franklin street, opposite Mr. Rosseter’g Store. Letters addressed .by mail will be promptly attended to. .Milteilgn’itte, S>{ t. 25 fi.q tf .wav uoons. ^RICHARD MORGAN L SOX, \ RF. now receiving from New-York /3L their fall and winter supply of Good?, consisting of a general assortment of DRV GOODS, HARD WARE, CUTLERY & GROCERIES. Also nil extensive assortment of PATENT and other MEDICINES, with a variety of FAINTS, Linseed k Train OIL. The above goods will lie disposed of on LkckftmUVs Work. T HE SUBSCRIBERS having agreed to ear ly on n Blacksmith’s shop in this place to gether for the term of one year. oU’i-r tlieir ser vices in the above business to nil those who may lliink proper to favor them with tlieir custom Mill Iron* of every description, Cast-steel Axes nnd plantation work generally will he kept con stantly on hand—Carriage springs made und mended ut the shortest notice. O’ CASH given for nil the eon’that will be delivered between now and Christmas, ut the shop opposite Cnpt. HettonV Tavern, south east cornel- of the Stafe-house square. /. T. Cushing L. R. Lewis. October 23 37—eoiv tf. LIVERY STABLES. T HE subscribers have recently purchased out Mr. J. Reid in tlienhovc line of bu siness, where they intend keeping a constant supply of Horses, Gigs, kc. to let. They will also keep horses iu very Superior style on accommodating terms. Horse drovers would do well to give them a call. A. G. k A. B. BECKHAM. October 3. 3—3tw—41am 3m. VALUABLE LAND TO 11E.XT—AXD I'OR SALE. ^ .N Saturday, the 4th day of November next, will he rented on the premises, to the highest fodder, for one year from the first of January next,that valuable Plantation in the upper part of Baldwin county, belong ing to the estate of Fleming Grnnt’land, de ceased, (formed)’ Ren. Byne’s.) Tim qnnli- vory reasonable tortus, either by wholesale ty of the land is excellent—about 150 acres or retail. _ cleared,-of which part has been in cultivation ADM!' ’> kTOR’S SAB. W ILL bo odd nt the Court-house Dobin', Laureni county, on the first. Tuesday in December next, between the u- su:-.l liours of sale, n part oftlie renl estate oF Samuel Beaty, jun. deceased—consisting of one fraction, No. 300, in the (lrat district for* merly Wilkinson now Laurens county ; also one half of fraction No. 499, in the same dis trict and county, both adjoining Beaty’s fer ry fraction, on tiie west side of the Oconee river ; also, one bounty oil the cast side ot the Oconee liver, adjoining Ihe same, ferry, containing 287 1-2 acres, more or less ; also, one other lot adjoining the same, containing 120 acres more or less ; also, one half of all the waler privilege belonging In Jnmcft Bea ty’s ferry tract, on tiie east side of the Oco nee river; also, 7 1-2 acres, adjoining the- same ferry tract; also, one half of lot No- 287, in tiie first district and same county— to be sold for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Twelve months credit will be given.— Notes k approved security will lie required. JOHN THOMAS, Adm'r. dt loms non... October 3. 8—34 W ILL BE SOLD, at the late resideneft- of William Dean, deceased, of Bald win county, on Friday, the first day of De cember next, the perishable property belong ing to the estate of said deceased, consisting of horses, cattle and hogs, the present com and cotton crop, a yoke of oxen and cart* household and kitchen furniture, and other articles too tedious to mention. Also, tha land will be rented nnd the negroes hired for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one. Terms made known on tbw day of sale. JANE DEAN, Adm’x. Or tuber tO 35 LAND LOTTERY. S HEETS, in pamphlet form, containing a cor- rect list of fortunate drawers in the land lottery, their reside nee, the number of the tract ot I,uiH drawn by each, ami the district and county in which it lies, will be printed weekly- lit the Recorder Office, and forwarded by maS or otherwise as directed to those who subscrihe for them. The price, Eire Dullan, for the sheets comprising the whole drawing, to be paid in advance. GRANTLAND k ORME. Milledgcville, Sept 9 NINE months after date hereof application w ill be made to the honorable the court of or dinary of Baldwin county, for leave to sell two neero boys, belonging to the estate of Jonathan Thomas, deceased, for the benefit oftlie heirs of said estate. GRVCY THOM AS, adm’x DAVID THOMAS, ndm’r. July 3,1320 m9m IliiUluin Superior Court, August Term, 1820. I T appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that on the ninth day of February in the ycur eighteen hundred and twenty, a proir.isso- ly note was mHde by John Bozeman, payable to Snmuel Rockwell or order, nt the Branch of the Darien Bank in Milledgeville, til days after the date thereof, for four hundred and nine dol lars, and it also appearing to the rourt by the affidavit of the said Sutnucl Rockwell, filed with the clerk of the court, that the same lias been lost, and u copy of the said note being also fil ed with the clerk of this court: On motion, it is ordered, that the said John Bozeman shew rouse by the next term of this court, if any he Inis, why the snid copy should not be estab lished in lieu of the said lost original, and that this rule be published once a month for six mouth* previous to the said term, in the South ern Recorder, printed in the town of .Milledge ville. A true copy,taken from the minutes this nth September, i820. THOMAS H. KENAN, Clerk. September i2. Bin—3i G OKKC1A, Baldwin county. Whereas I.ewis Wilson, applies for letters fo dismission on tiie estate of Aaron llillson, late of ihe comity aforesaid, deceased : These ui-e therefore to cite nnd admonish nil arid sin gular the kindred and erditors of said deceased, to be and uppearut my office within the time prescribcd by law, umi shew cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted in terms ot the law. Given under iny hand k private seal, (there being no seal of office) tlii»4tb Septem ber, 1820 THO’S II. KENAN, Cl’k. Milledgeville, Sept. 1-8 32—tf JUBT RECEIVED, AM) roll SA4.E k V Tlir. SUB Mill UK*, 20 pieties COTTON BAGGING, 20 e.i-ks NAIl.S, (assorted) to dozen COTTON (’\HDS, v5 boxes CLARET W INK, 1W0 Ills. CORD Age, (assorted.) August 29 v29—tf I). LYMAN, in WAREHOUSE, AUCTION, AND COMMISSIOX 11USIXESS. C HARLES W. BUTLER and MATTHEW 110BPKK, liuve asiuciulcii llicmselvti to gether, utulet a the firm of BUTLER 4- HOPPER, foi the transaction nf WAREHOUSE, AUC TION mid COMMISSION BUSINESS. They have purchased of Messrs. Harvey k Redding their Warehouses ut the Boul-yurd, und have made nri-angenientg for the extension of every convenience vv hicli may facilitate the reception und forwarding of C.01 ..,s, 8.C this fall. Ip They have two first rate Bout-, l.-urlhen 450 bales ouch, vv hicli vv ill ply lu-lvv t en l|ii. and Darien so soon us the season rmuqionres, mi(l tLeyllutler thcin'elves that by twiri-miMi-d nt- Isiitinn, they will lie able to give sntidai t-on to tl\p*c who may think proper to entrust i mn miss fo tlicii-cure. A ucv» road lias been Made fo Ihe'^onlryaril which shpplens ilje dis(nnre,aiid is much more convenient tliau-l|m formpr one. N. :R.— They vv ill attend to the purchase (ind sale of Cotton. , ntri-qirNCKs. Messrs. A. B. F > sms k to.—’Savannah. M ali., Cookf. ic Co.—-Darien. )l vr.v ov (e lir.noiKq, k > Mr. Tuomae Wir-tv, } Milled* tic. Alien’s'. one or tvv o years only. There art- tolerable good houses on the place. Bond with un doubted security will lie required. ELIZA A. GItANTLANI), Adm'x. SEATON GRANTLAND, Adm'r. At the same time end place, I shall offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash or on a credit, as may best soil persons disposed to purchase, the valuable square of land adjoin ing Major John A. Jones, where Col. Gallic formerly resided. This land is level, fertile, and well watered—about 10U acres cleared : a good framed dwelling and convenient out houses, with a fine spring near flic house.— Few tracts of the size are more desirable.— Any person wishing to purchase a small pro ductive farm will do well to view this place. SEATON GIIANTLAND. September 27. 3 4 WILLIAM BRESSIE R espectful la informs his friends and the public that ho lias recommen ced the Tailoring Business in the house re cently occupied by Win. Bowen, and oppo site to Messrs. Sanford k Mougfiuu's store, where he will hn thankful fora share of puli lie patronage-—lit* will execute work in his fine in a neat laid fashionable manner. October 34. 4t—37 J j'IOil SALE, a very likely JVEURU lit) 1 about twelve years old, a good size fora Plough-Ut,vy. Enquire of the l’l inltrs. October 23. 37—if. Green; Superior Court, August Term, 1820 Present Ids honor Judge Stiiono. TTFON the application of the administrators U of Archibald Martin, deceased, statingthc existence anil loss of the original bill of side from William Ednvuiidson, constable, to Charles Burke, for two negroes Foreday and Joe, levi cd on and sold to satisfy two executions in fit vnr of Redman Thornton end others, against Charles Burke, deceased, as his property, and they' hnving filed a copy of the same (in sub stance) in office: On motion of Seaborn Jones, attorney for the administrators of suid Martin, ordered, that tiie said copy be establish ed nt the next term of this court in lieu of the lost original, unlets cause be shewn to the con trary, und (hat a copy of this rule be published iu cue of the public Gazelles of this circuit, once u month for six months. Extract from thr Minuter. ECENEZEH TORRENCE, C’l k. Pept ember 9 ntOiu A FTER Ihe expiration of niuc months from the date hereof, application will lie made to (he Inferior court of Laurens county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to tell the real rrtufo of Arthur Inman, deceased, foi Ihe benefit of the heirs and creditors ol saiii de ceased. HliNRY C. FUQUA, Adm’r Jnne2d, 1820. The subscribers have a number of the second edition nf the CLUSTER, by J. Mercer, for salp. Those who want, can have hy nnplviuT. ,T. BAUROAV, Jv SHACKELFORD RuUlwin Superior Court, April adj el. Term, 1820, Present, the H011. Cimustofiier B. Si«o»: Ui Piilue Goldek, 1 vs. Libel for Divorce. Mathew Coi.df.x. ) I T appearing to this court that flic same has not been served on the defendant—On mo tion it is ordered, thut service he perfected by publishing this rule in one of the public gazettes uf this state: und it is further ordiTed, thut the ante be catered us served as of the next term, 110 good cause being shewn to the contrary, l-.nd the same be published once a month for six months. A true pxtrivct taken from the minutes this Uth May, 1820. May 9 THOS. H. KENAN, Clerk. G ' EOltGlA, Baldwin County. ■" James Thomas, administrator of Jonathan Thomas, deceased, applies for letters of dismis sion. These ure therefore to cite all und singu lar the heirs mid creditors of said deceased to file their objections in terms of tiie law in such case made and provided, (if any they have,) \\ hy suit’ letters should uot be granted. Given tinder inv hand, this lbtli April, 1820. 'TJlQMAh U. KENAN, Clerk. April 19 * JO TVTOTTCE-—Nine months after date, npplii u- i 1 tion will be usnde to the honorable the court of Ordinary of Morgan county, for leave to sell a certain tract ol Laud containing one huudred und sixty noes, more or less, on iln- Appalntchy river, adjoining Norwood ami o- ihers, the property ot Rcufon Kudford, decea sed, sold for the benefit of the heirs of said dc ceased. JOIJN RADFORD,) - , Wjp RADFORD, $ 1,4 0,1 April 7, 132() tu'Jitt’ A FTER the expiration of nine months, ap plication will be mode to the honorable the Inferior Court of Burke county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate of Jesse Waruacb, late of Burke- County, decea-ed. BENJAMIN WARNACH, Guard'ty for the minor heirs of Jtue B arnach. August It, 182U m9m In Baldwin Superior Court, February Term, 1820. Elijah Melton, ) D . n - . . vs (Billof /fi/uno. Daniel Mobley, ^ * I0n ’ c * I T appearing to the Court that the defendant resides without the jurisdictional limits a& this court.—On motion ordered, that the above hill be served by publishing a copy of this rule iu one of the public gazettes in this circuit once a mouth for six mouths, nud serving a copy qt the bill on the Attorney of the said Mobley. A true Copy, taken from the Minutes. THOMAS II. KENAN, Clerk, March 28, 1820. GEORGIA, Morgan county. By the honorable the Inferior court for tht laid/ county, sitting J'or ordinary purposes. Whereas Mary Zuher late of this county des reused lately died intestate, having While sho lived, and ut the time of tier death, divers good^ rights and credits within the county aforesaidj by means whereof, the full disposition and pow er of granting the administration of ull and sin gular the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased; and also ambling the accounts, cal culation* and reckonings of said administration, und a final dismission of the same to the Court afoicsuid dues of right belong--They desiring that the goods, rights and credits of said dec’cE mny lie well and truly administered, Converted and disposed ot, do hereby grant unto Benjamin Smith administrator, full power by the tenor o£ these presents to administer the goods, righto, and credits of said deceased, which to him in her life-time and nt the time of her death did belong ; ami to ask, levy, recover and receive* the same, and to pay the debts in which the de ceased stood bound, so far forth as her goo-.lq, rights and credits will extend, accordiug to their rate and order of law, (being first sworn 011 the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God to mt.kc a true and perfect inventory thereof, and to ex hibit the same to the clerk oftlie court of ordi- uuiy in the county aforesaid, iu order to here- corded, on or before the first Monday of No vember next ensuing, and to reader a just and true account of said administration, when thr re- un(o required)—and you are hereby ordained* constituted and appointed administrator of ult and singular the goods, rights and credits of said deceused. In txstimonv whereof, we have cuuscd the lctk of this court to set his bund and seal tbie fourteenth day of September, one thousand eigWl hundred and twenty. "1 JOHN NISBET.e.c. 4 beCj October i7. 3«—-idDid fu Baldwin Superior Court] Avgust form, 1820..- GEORGIA, Jasper County, Superior Court. March Term, 1820. James M’Donald, and j IV11.1.1 am S. Fort, Rule .Y'-li. for the use of John M’Kiknc, vi. I James Richards. J U FON the potition of James M’Donald and William S. Fope, for the use of John Mo Kinne, stating that James Richards did in tho twenty-sixth day of November in the year- eigh teen hundred und eighteen, make and deliver to your petitioners a deed uf mortgage for tho lot of land known und distinguished by tho number eight in the fifteenth district of Baldwin now Jasper county, for the better securing tho payment of tho sum often thousand dollnrs due to the petitioners by u promisor)- note dated 23.1 November !SlS,undpuyablctwetvc months thereafter. On motion of William Cook, counsel for the petitioners, it is ordered, that Ihe said Junu-s Richards do pay into the clerk’s offiee of Ibis court the sum ol money aforesaid witij the inte rest and cost thereon within twelve uionthsfroin this dale, or the equity of redemption in und to the said mortgaged premises, will be thence forth and forever burred and foreclosed ; and it is further ordered, that a copy of this rule be served on tlm said James Richards or his spe cial agent nt least six months, or published in one of the public Guzettes of this state once a month for twelve months, before the tfme the money is directed to bo pnid. I certify that the foregoing is a tree copy ta ken from the minutes, this 11th April, 1820. JOHN WJLLSON, Ci’k April 18 nUk’ro