Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, January 23, 1821, Image 4

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O *1 S* ■f yi%v ^Wt cucv W •a; w m o. till, V? rt .. .T HUM'!: VXD T.NfH.AND 4 nl Ac 07 at /'' I itinbiirg'i l.rr'c, ) ., «ry large proportion of (lilt French na- tiin,' composed of im'Te «ouul»y laborers, found themselves unexpectedly rai cd to the jw , , rank of proprietor*, by the sale of national |)|P 7 ,. ( [ rril | < lands in small parcels at the beginning nOlic j , )V ,, K . -q,.,,,. revolution. A prndigiou* imputes was given to industry l>y t ; s change of situation ; and the love of property if originally produced, lias continued ever since to increase. Tito competition for I lie acquisition oflantl is such, that a farm in the neighborhood of any vil lage, if sold in small lots, is sure to Inin •1 1 .. f n.t.n M'llnrn ponce and publics. Wi, w'.;5 Us.'In there end? rtf tin earth, only lieai of the rumour* of oaY like the. roar of di-vt.iut thunder. Il is to b. hoped nor remote local situation will preventer from lieing swept into its vortex, IV-e Constitution which was proposed hy onvention, has boon adopted hy the Slates of MnMvichiisett-i, Co.nice tieut, Jersey, Peninylvnnij, Deliiwaro «od|;:Ue|,. Georgia, So state has rejected it. The j < >, % ,j Convention of .Maryland is now silling, and j |),,e smiare'of 1 and No. 1 Oh, in the seven 'ill probably adopt it, as that of South (a-1 </ VI „|, levied on as the property or rolma will do in May. The oilier Cwtmm'i-! freaeli, to satisfy an execution ill fa- ofTIuiiiihs Moore. NOTICE. VTTIT.T, nr. SOI It, on the fire. Tuesday vd in Fi-brita-« next, be!wecn^tlie u ual hnu'r- 't:f sale,at the eolll l-hoi; ic jo the oirvn of f 'i hlin, Limans county, the following property, to wit : 1 hie stpiure of land in the. second district NY. 1:1, taken t.s the properly of Alexander hear, to satisfy executions in favor ol | tins will a'. Hoiuhlc viicly in the summer. { Hitherto there has'Leeu ntuclrgreater uuu . , 1 nimity in favor of the proposed government instances of sales at the rate of eighty or even; f),,,,, cmlJ have reasonably been exported, a hundred years’ purchase—the new pmp l "“| should it he adopted (and I think it will hr,j tor depending tor hie subsistence in a giv: l . Aineri'Vi will lift op her head again, and, in a degree, on the produce of his personal I;iI»op | |V,v v , y become respeetifl le among the nn- and that of his family. Children usually ni-j R j s „ f!.,t t ,-iii ip: and ronsolatory re- lierit eipud -til mm <ii' tin paternal properly, although the law allows the father to dispose of one third if he leaves tw o eliildte.n, and one fourth if he leaves a greater number, '•ribs is another and a constantly cnrrcnsiug, principle of division of property,; ad with it of population, every proprietor thinking lip can marry upon his small patri mony. One lildf of the population in l' rgnee h composed of proprietors great and small, an 1 onwsixth agricultural laborers: and al together two thirds are employed in agricul ture. fin Great Britain, on the other hand, proprietors nnd farmers together, (the latter witbp may fairly be ruled among proprie tors, Living" a large capital vested 10 Block andamproveme-iit'on land) do not appear tc lfiiount to more than 2,1)7f»,00t) individu- ■ jds/and agricultural laborers to i.lia 1,142 ; altogether not more tlian one third of the Blitisli population (17,000,000) is concerned |/ agriculture. /Upon the whole, there appears lobe in England a saving of about one half the labor jbestowed upon land in France*; and thus, /owing to a better system of husbandry, lar- /gcr farms, and more pastures, we ran afford a double proportion of our population for commercial and manufacturing labors, the liberal and the useful arts, and a life, of leisure 0ud enjoyment; and yet, if we look to the result of this state of things in the two coun tries, for tlie last few years, we shall find no great reason to boast. In Franrr, » whole army of more than 400.000 men was disband ed in 1810 ; the mer originally raised by the conscription W#ro Ymst of them I lie sons of proprietors ; they dispersed in all directions, each of them taking the. nearest road to his native callage ; neither robberies nor assassi nations took place, and travelling through all parts of the country reniained perfectly safe. A general failure of crops occurred immedi ately after this, and the scarcity amounted almost to famine. In several departments, this occasioned some trifling disturbance^' on market davs ; but the peace of the country was never seri ously endangered- All Europe, and even the United State! o? America, have since ex- "perienced unexampled commercial and ma nufacturing distresses, and France liar, had her share; yet complaints were cbVnputa tively less than any where idle, and we have heard of no riots in that country. Tuxes are no doubt high—on lacd they are equal to n- bove one fifth of the net produce, yet they are punctually paid. • LETTER FROM GEN. WASHINGTON. A friend has politely sent us several num bers of the Literary artnrrra! and Belles Let tres of lleposiloiy, an interesting Miscellany, published monthly in New-York, by C. S. Van Winkle, and conducted by a fraternity of lityrary gentlemen. This work contains a series of Letters from Gen. Washington, never before published, from which we se lect the following as exhibiting a felicitous specimen of the ease with which a great man can lapse into sportivcmvss and famili arity.—[R. I. jlmtricnn. Mount Vernon, April 25, 1788. My Dear Mak/Rus, In reading your very friendly and accept able letter, of the 21st of December, 1787, which came to hand by tbe last mail, I was, as you may well suppose, not loss delighted than surprised to come across that plain American word, “ My wife.” A wife !— well, my dear Marquis, J cun hardly refrtin iroin smiling to find that you are caught at last. I saw by the eulogiuin you often made on the happiness of domestiek life in Ameri ca, that you had Swallowed the bait, nnd that you would, as surely as you are a phi losopher and a soldier, be taken, one day or other. So, your day has at length come : I I am glad of it, with all my heart and soul. It is good enough for you:—Now, you are well served for coming to fight in favor of the American rebels, all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, hy catching that terriblucon- tagion which, like the small pox. or the plague, a man can only have oner in his life, because it commonly lasts him (at least with us in America—(I dont know how you ina- trage these matters in France) for his life time. And yet, after all the. maledictions yon so richly merit on the subject, the worst wish I can find it in my heart to make n- gamst Madame de Chastrllux fe yourself, is, that you may neither of yon get the better ot this domestiek felicity during the course of year mortal existence. If so wonderful an event should have, oc casioned ntc, niv dear Marquis, to have writ ten in a strati?" sty In, you w ill understand me as clearly as if | had said, (what in plain English is the simple truth,) do me the justice to believe, that 1 take a heartfelt interest in whatever coiirerns vour happiness; and in this view, I sincerely congratulate you 00 your auspicious matrimonial connexion. I amhappy to foul tint Madame de Clias- teHux,** so immediately cinnoctifd with flip Duchess of tL'leans, as I have always under stood that this noble lady w as an illustrious pattern of coitnhj-.d love,' as well a i^PU’iculel ef qL'm general. * ZliT'fc'm aifciViiimislnvr f WjffidlEili' 1 : 1 o'* S L°. l 1 ^ 1 . h^ffneeTi ^ '' "ire n,il ‘ ,r '■'iTWaflUon of WMlffSi Nowf *;r my putt, I humbly eoti- eetve yA, had much the boot and wisest of the bargKia; for certainty, it is is more eon sonant to all thfrprinciple* of reason ami re-' bgton, (natural and revealed) to replenish the earth with inhabitants, rather Ihati to de populate it by killing tl.ase already in exist dice ; besides. i t js f or ,|, e kh( . errantry and mad lK.roi.un to be at an lour Woung niiVde.fy men who went to reap theliarvest rd'laurids, don’t care 1 s„„. pose, how many seeds of war arc sown ; |,‘ti fur tiie sake of humanity, it is devoutly to In wished, that the manly employment ofairri‘ culture, and tbe humanizing benefits of com merce, should supercede the waste of War mid the rage of conquest; that the sword-’’ tuight be turned into ploughshares, the spears into pruning hooks—and, as the. Scripture expresses it,“the nationsdeam war no more ” I. will now give you a little news from this aids the Atlantiek, and then finish. As for u», we Arc plodding on in the dark road of flection,that nor rising Republic has the good w ishes of all philosophers, patriots, and vir tuous men, in all imtiont /and that they look upon il us a kind of iisyhtn for mankind.— God grant that we may not be disappointed in uni honest expectation* by our lolly or pei'vri: i iicf.s ! IVith sentiments of the purrst attachment and esteem, I lime the honor to lie, my dear Marquis, your most obedient and humble servant, (i K< I II G E W ASIIINGTON. T. S. If ill** Duka iIb L&Wrnnis still with you,'* “eg you would thank iiim,’mmy name, for Itis kind remembrance of'Kie, and make my eompliments to him. .!/«•/ 1st.—riiuee writing*.he above, I have been favored with a duplicate of your letter in the hand writing of a lady, and cannot. close this, without acknowledging my obli gations to the flattering prospects of the fair transcriber. In effect, iny dear Marquis, the characters of this interpreter ofyoursun- liinonts, arc so inurli fairer tliSo 1 : those thro' which i have liee.i areiislouied to decipher tliein,t!i:il I already eimsi.ler myself as tin sm.ill by y<mr’ iiuuiinionial. con next- on ; especially, as | hope that your Amiable aniamieir-is w ,d out forget, at sonvO'tftfiFr, to add a f ew anun'.aiitins of her own to your original text. (J. VV. LIST OF LETTERS Rcnidi- ,w; in the Fosl-Oliicc at MHIedge- vilfe, uu the 1st of January LT2t.Hml ifuoj taken out within three, luoulhs, w ui lie sent to the General Foat-Oifice as dead letters. .7.| Will. Anderson, £ ; John Allen, I) Janu s AUlou, Win. Atkins. Ln\« nla Alex ander, David E. Adams, Corunna Allen, /!.] John' Brown, Itursnii, John Bates, Ann I’arrot, John II. Iligieun, J.ien,. Brae.erwll, David Bell, William IKviu-, ,1.,- Blair^ Steven Bird, Ann Branley, Georg. Bnllneh, Litre Birdsong, Sterling Buss, Beni. Bledsuy, Solomon Becklftim, *.mies I Bai l, nioii, •nisliua Blaigdiard,' Thomas Bo*rl<e, Benjamin Brantley, 2 Edwin Baker, Wdl:- am W. Baker, Samuel lh«ul, Marv Arm Blotiat, Elias Bliss, 2; I,, B. B:r llie,* Sain’i i’ecklihm, Jolin iiljire, Issaclrer Bafes, laaae Brykin. Henry Carter, Peter Cralrford, Feter Canenge; Clawson, D. G. Cftmp- hejl, Green Cousins, Wm. Cone, M. Crus- hair,'Hugh CravT-v, AYilliatn ( efry, Maury (unity, Aim Carkkou,Cyduey Cook, James W. G'aijy. /A] Levi S. D'T.yfln, Hiram Deracon, 2; Peter Dubbse, Jlem v Dartte, William Da- viVs. H. ] JohnC.Easier,MarmaduknEthrltlgr, AUen Eash rs, Rev. Ellis,2 ; Andrew Elliott, Samuel Ewing,3; Thomas M. EMis, F. ] Isaac Fuher, Thomas Fitch, John Foster. A; Jonathan C. Failcy, JoSn FIhsv- elling, Samuel Fit i»ng, A'alentineFoard. G. ] Malimia C'.Gatnble,^; Jos.Griirftley, John R. Golding, T. 15. Gorifinn, Phcbe Golding, James Gamble, Wm. I). Godfrey, Darling Grriui, Mrs. G ii It ip, J, Guwvkoi, Sally Griflin, SeatuaJGIrantiand. U. } Tlioinos ll;^R, Everet Howard, Ed ward llarslen, Leroy G. Harris, Henry S. Harding, Henry II. Harris,Thomas Hansom, Daniel Hughes,William Howell, William B. KolzendoiT, £; John Hatcher, Eli Hanson, Daniel Hotchkiss, Micajah Henly, Nathan Ilacknny, Hyatt. ' L] Iticliard Jordan, Anne J. Johnson, Mary Jiiillet, Adam Jones, Jacob Jackson, Overofl' Jordan, Bat. Jones, James Jopes, JospjiIi Joiner, Henry Juice. A’ ] Joseph Kitchener, John King, John II. Kai\}he, 2; W. T. Kilher, Ann J. B. Kirkley. I-.J Mary Lawson, Freeman W. Lucy, Samuel Lockhecrt, Edmund Liwv, Rxhai’d IL Long, Edmund Lane, Abner Locke, Al- Dn Loyclacft, William Levingstou, WTson Lumpkin, Thomas Lunf)ikiu, Miss. V. La dle, William Lasse ter, Waller Lawrence. .17.] William Miles, Mdses Marsh, John M’Culloiieh, Wilson R. Moss, George G. Miller, Janu s M. C. Montgomery, 2; John Mathews, Robert C. M'Couoel, Alexander M‘Kay, Richard A. McKee, —— Mickle- jolm, Tlieod, Moot fort, Francis Merrier, John Minton, Col. Matliaws, David Mallliie, Thomas M. Mure I, B.B. Moyre, 'FliomasP. Model, Moses Mathews, Robert Mitch William IF. M'Chprry, Henry Meacjiam, George W. Melvin. Spencer Momje, James Montgomery, Andrew M'Clean, Hugh Mc Donald, F. L. Munroe, I)r. Myrick,Thomas Mnugliou, James McNabb. A'.l II. rris Nicholson, John C. Nieliol. 0.1 Lucinda Owens. I\\ John Peirse, George Payson. AlieJ Pearson, Rohert Presrvood, MaViah Pitts, McKinnie Pope, William Perry, II. W.Paw ling, PormfH, Jlarlin Palmer, James Perry, Oliver Porter. R.\ John Ileilley, George Rhodes, IV111. Rabun, Catharine Rhodes, William B. J^iy, I'ad well Raines, John 'J’. Rowland, Joel Rushing,*Henry Robinson, Rachael Read, liavrii f E. ltives, Joseph llouie. iS'.] Adam Saflbhl, 2 ; Sanford k Lutns- diiiq-Lelmard Sims, Wiiliam R. Stone, John Smith, Wm. Smith, MiSs U. Spoon, Jesse Saafoni, Stephen Swain, Benj, Stripling, Ja- ab Sial^v, Wiii. F. Ste* I William N. Sigler,George Schley,Dav id i'Jmmons,John Sewell, Turner Stark, Sledge k. Turner. T.] John T»liafarro,9; James M/fale. fj: Amo-Travis, Nrney Turplod, Eli/.a Tll<i«|i, Willi nil Tompkhtn, E. Ton, Jesse Turnon, Traviey; Tung. F.] Aimer Veasy. B’J Henry WillianvsMary Ar.n Williams,' Tkonins White, Geo. Wiiher, Isaac Welch, Benjamin 5v jitaker, 2; Frederick - Ward, Win.W.WdlisimiiM, |, Sarah R. Wales,Win. Weatherhv. David \V right, Eli/.a lie. 11 Widis, Dixon Williams. * I. ] Amos A tiling, Willis Yates. Tho‘7i"s AItradfont, /’. .17 N. B. No nrlvuitised letters will lit- for warded unless the postage due is paid. January !'. m _jjj Due sipian til laud No. !f>1, ill tbe gerund distrirl ; also, one adjoining tlu* other, and '.lair square adjoining the other two—taken a 1 * thr property of Henry Britt, to satisfy tin execution in favor of George \V. Welch, and others. Our square nf laud in the twelfth di- triet No. levied oil as the prnpi rtj ofjooa- llian Miller, to satisfy exreutioiis in fiivoruf J0I111G, Underwood, and others. One Negm Girl named Venus,levied on a : the properly of Thomas IV. Hart, to satisfy executions in favor of David Ingram, and o- rt'.ers. CHARLES S. GUYTON, rih'fl. Yloremher la, JtliO. marinr^Lu: I N the_ town of Clinton, Jones county, on the first Tuesday in March next, the ba lance of the Land belonging to tins estate of Gardner Davis, deceased, riss: thirty acres, part, of lot one hundred and eighty-five, in tbe’riinlh district of formerly Baldwin now Jones county. Sold agreeable to the will of said deceits/ d. ICHABOD DAV18, JAMES DAVIS, December 1!) ,!,D, M.ileli next, at h town of Mi 11- ;ro I'.lloiv liv the to the estate of directed by his rfii of the heirs Ex’ora tils WILI, UK’SOLD, T O the highest bidder, on Monday t!i t 12th of Febrn.iry next, at my plantati- ofi’in Raldvv in county, Ail t.ho Prrishnl)lc Property belonging to the / stale of Mildred Mainer, d» reused, consisting ofll/m-ehuld L Kitch en Furniture, Stock and Crop, Le. At the same time and place,Avill he sold, several IAKVPLX sXEGVVOViS hy mutual /anisent/if the legatees, consisting woman, two girls and three hoys.— Tc/ms of sale m id.- known on tin* day, by CHARLES MALONE, Ad’mr. .t-oneirV . u .1. 47—ids. hr NOTICE. said at the house of James in Lnirciiscounty, on the tenth i v next, the perishable proper- I'eir, sen. late nf said county a liable to the will of said de- WT, 1 : • y ol ('/-Ii , -it I lavii ie/.',-.ed, rased. JAMES SPEIII) r.x'nr. December 20 Us V'ji.i, m: S' f tytl^jh-tTm-da, , , V } tin- < onri.-liou.-e 1 in lic/'llo, Jasper county,.. .\> name of Daui/'l, hriuiigii.g Benjamin Ilii/lnctt, dee d, will to ho sold for the !*•*( and creditors. Terms will bp made known til the lime of sale. GEO. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN HOD.NET J , y N. B. All persons indebted to thecatuti nf Benjamin Hodiie't, rlee'd, are re/pusted to make payment without delay, nnd those who have claims against the i-stnte arc re- q.lirrd to bring lliem forward, duly unlhen- tiented, within tin: time prescribed hy law .lannwry lb. -13—tits’ O N Tiu-sday tin: 2nt!i day of February next, w ill he sold at the limi-ie of .Mrs Raker on Fishing Creek in Baldwin enmity, the perisliahle proj-.eity of Eli-ha Parker, deceased, eon -ist’mg of sonic honsi-linld fur- liilmc, horses, hogs, corn and fnil ler. ’j'ortns of the. sale will In* made known on the day. At the same time will lie hired a negro wo man and her cliildren, belonging to the es late of said Parker. WILLIAM PARKER, Adm’r. Jannarv r. ^ td w ADM EXIST RATOitS’ SALE. ILL BE SOLD nt Monliccllo, Jns- pei enmity, on Itie first Tuesday in March next, one NEGRO BOY hy tin name of Elias, belonging to the estate of Francis 11. Linartt, dec’ll—sold for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of said dcc'd— Term* cash. The above Imy being sold at Montieello on the, first Tuesday in this inst. to Abdrn Alexander as the. highest bidder, and he k mg failed to comply with the terms of sale, lie will be. re-sold at his risk. ELIZA SMARTT, Adm’.x. JOHN HILL, Adin’r. Janifarv 0. 4D—ids XOTK'K. A greeable to.-m mier of the honor- . aide the Inferior of Laureus county, sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at the court-house in Duhlin, Laurens counfv, eighty acres of Land on TifHtey creek ad joining Hicks and others, the real estate of J ohn Calho’ftu*, deceased—sold for the bene fit of tile heirs. AXCOM CALHOON, Ailm'r. December £! tds* ~ wiu7rt:~80iVij O N the first Tuesday in February rieyt, in the town of Clinton, Jones county; part oflot of Land No. 18a, comprising thir ty acres, living the residue of the real estate of Gardner Davis, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the lu irs nf said deceased. ICHABUD DAVIS, > r , , JAMES DAVIS, $ Esois Deccmhcr 18 ' tds* CoUon NVwu\im>. rpHl. subscribers w i.-hing t-i purchase COT- . ION, w J| give tl.u highest cash price dur ing the present November 27 10 MIP L 1T ON r.. -12-1f A GREEABliY to an order of the Court -FA. of Ordinary, of Putnam comity', wilibe sold to the highest bidder in Eatnnton, ori the first Tuesday in February next, 101 and one fourth acres ot Land, lying in Putnam comity, adjoining Bass k others—to he sold as the real estate of William Hardin, dec. for tile benefit of the heirs mid rin-riitors. DANIEL SANDERS, Adm’r. Novi-inlier fi. in (ds* EX ECUT( MU S~ SALE? P IMISI ANT to nit order of the (intirt of Ordinary of Hancock comity, will lift sold at tlie enurl-lmnse i.i said county, off the first Tuesday in February next, between the usual hours of sale, all the NEGROES belonging to the estate of Thomas \ inkers, dcc’d, consisting of men, and chil dren, for the benefit of the I.i-gn't, 1-3. Jehu I t'v.’icrf, (^Uiiliiii-J lax’ov. November 21. 11 tds. ~VviLL EE SOtif>7 O N tlie first Tuesday in Felirmiry next, in Hartford, 1’ujaski cuuuty, under j:ii order of the Court of Ordinary of raid coun ty, the real i state nf Needham llrvan, de ceased, to wit: a part of tlietrictoii which he. lived at the time of his death, and one Ii mid rid one and a quarter acres ndioiniii"'. Terms of sale. cash. TIIO. W. HARRIS, Adm’r dr lioniK von. December : 48-Ud* NOTICE. W IU. BE SOLI), on the first Tuesday in April next, in the town of Dublin, Laurens county, between the usual hours of Stile, six likely NKBROF.S, to he sold tile property of Richard Bnicrwell, bite of said crmiily tjeeeaseil, for ill." benefit of the heirs nnd creditors ofsaid deceased. Terms of Side twelve mouths cr. uit with sine, U notes and good approved security. JAMES BRACEWELL, Adm’r. Jamifijy i s .u-tds nn'ORTANT. FJAIIE RUBSCRIBElt proposes to soli or -A rent the w hole of that elegant and well finished row of b-Hidings, situated on the X. E. corner of the public squitro in the town of Montieello. The buildings are now in a complete ami Weil fi.fished condition, and well rnlrulated to receive n tenant in the line ol a PUBLIC ENTERTAINER. There is every out building necessary on the lot, and the. hack ground is beautifully improved hy an experienced L tasty Gardener.—'There is nlsrytwo very coiiifmtable rnnmx on the lot, detached from the main buildings, which are very suitable for any public i.tlice. Thorp who wish to embark in the ho fi- nessof Public House-keeping, would do well to make a stand at this place, ns it is rapidly improving, nnd affords as much business o"f that nature as any village in the hack coun try. The new Aeath niy buildings which are now in a state of forwardness, together with tin: celebrated Indian Springs, 1C miles west of this place, renders it a place of considera ble business throughout tlie year. There is good stable improvements on" the lot, anti se veral store rooms attached to the inaiohuild- ing, which commands the greatest, part of the transient custom in this place, together with their very favorable situation for busi ness. By early application to the subscrib er, a bargain may lie had on accommodating terms. JAMES A. HASCALL. Montieello, Jan. 4. 48 qt. T HE Commandant at Fort St. Marks, E. F. reported some time since to the Commanding Oifirn- at this post, a nagro man in conlinctnctit belonging to a citizen of the United States—-the negro was taken bv a part y of Indians on ( Uko-ink-mM- river, l ie had w ith hitn a very good horse—it is behVicd that lie L one of the three (hat run away from iiear Milledgevillc, mounted on finises which they had stolen. It would he w ell for his owner to eall at Fort Scott 011 bis tv ay to St. Marks In- him. D. K. TWIGGS, Mnj. U. B. A. Com. Fort Scott, Dec. 4, 1820. 40—01. . l’ir!:r. A'olicc! RICHARD MORGAN £2 SON, "^1^7" 1 &HiNG to clo.-e their business the Tin' :-i O FFERS lor sale, the cargo m Hit: Dual aliilildii, at reduced priei con-fi ding ol 2a Keg* Nails, a-roited; 20 1 tuxes Candles; a do Sperm do. It) do Snap; 10 do VV indow Glass ; r > do Raisins ; ■’.fit ('add'u-s superior Tea ; tu bills. < 'lu rry Brandy, < ', ditto; 20 bills. Giu ; 20 do Sugar ; 1 Hilda. do. It bill. Basket Salt; f> bids. Tongues ; to dn Mackerel; 10 Kegs Powder ; 2a Bugs Shot; loo pair Negro Shoes ; 10 ('oils Cordage ; 100 Rais Sweed 4run ; 20 Illids. l.iine ; And a general assortment of Domestics, sorb as Plaids, Stripes, Shirtings, Bed Tick ing, kc. Le. DANIEL LYMAN,jr. January 10. -it)—St. ;j i ioa&s wiley, "FTf AS just received by the boat Industry .IL * tlie following Hi'lielvs, which arc olVcr- ‘ d for ss'.e. at his Grocery mid Commission Store, S Pipes superior Gogniac Brandy, 3 do do Holland Gin, 40 Mils. Riitlnriun'-g do 20 do Whiskey, 10 hh,L. \ SUGAR, 10 bids, first quality Loaf Sugar, 3j do 2d do do do 20 <lo Lump Sugar, ■10 casks Cut Nails—all sizes fiotn 4 to 40d. • r > baskets Champaign Wine, In boxes Whiti! Currant do 1 ■> do Cordials, 10 do Claret Wine, IB casks first quality London Porter, ■10 boxes f. by 10 Window Glass, , la do 10 hy 12 do do 10 do Sperm. Candles, 40 do Northern (to 1st 2d quality, 15 do Bloom Raisins, 10 do Muscatel do 30 bids. Potatoes, SO kegs While Lead, 0 casks Linseed Oil, 0 cases Khcif'd Almonds, 4 Mils. Cranberries, boot) lbs. Swedes Iron, Axe Bar, Waggon, Chair and Cart Tire. 25 casks Dexter's lluck Lime, suitable for finishing, 7b casksTlionirsbiwn do FOO bushels superior ground Salt January 15 4:1—if TSSEivT S IX HUNDRED RUSH ELS will be sold imv, delivered at the Boat Yard. Ap ply to REDDING Si WASHBURN. Mille’dgeville. Jan. !> IB—tf MavsYiaVa FOR THE DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. s.irjAVW7/7, «VW. 11, 1820. (TIME Assistants of the Marshal oflliis Dis- trict. •• for taking the Fourlli Ceusus, or enumeration of the Inhabitants oftlie United States,’’ an- lu-reby notifiedlliat the time for transmitting their returns to this Department is near at iiandjand it is hoped that no delay will take place, so as to prevent a general re turn being made according to law. 4 JOHN II. MOREL, Marshal Ui*. Geo. The Darien Gazette, Augusta Chronicle, Washington News, Athens Gazette, and Re corder and Journal at Millcdgerille, will pub lish the above till countermanded. November 13 41 tf The MANFTi) V 1; • MVLY erected on the on. v I 1 vainiidi Hotel, de ti oyed.k’ January last, lit thecnrml 'of Bui,. Whiiaker-riucets, upon 1 ,o enlaij " proved plan, calculuteil to ac... j Cl nth men ivitk single lit mis, and fi nilh large Rooms, and.u T able detach At,' the public part of the Hm use. “ JOHN SHF.LLMA N. B. A Carriage-Ho* se and Stable also provided on an adjoit ling lot and an ler to attend to Horses. 1 Savannah, December I U20. e. u h7aT TvooiT~ A LE now receiving at ,\ opening their \ ply of V IA TEH (ii JOlis, , Superfine blue mid hit t: lt Cloths am r n , • meres, llhinkels, Tlalnt, Carpeting, l-'lom’r Uaicc, Boinbnsetts, Hom, ry, Lonfd W ' and Italian ('rapes, She,, -tine,, Shirtings, jj? cus, Hardware and Cntie ry,§hoe Thread Bar g.„ S Ju inc. 1 trunk (irs«. quulity Hoots, , llu )j' general ussortnient oflai ics’ and centl,-mn„ Shoes, With a variety of other m 'TRIG Suhscrihers liri ve formed a 000111-1 J. turn in the React ti e of the un j the firm of Rockweii t, & lIupnr R j,. Ah business confided to the) ir care will h<- tually attended to. Ol e of them will atL, times lie found nt the c| like of S. Rockwell corrcr of Jefii-non and M’Intosh streets ’ SAMUJllL ROCKWELL JDSEPFf l. hepburn’ Milledcgville, Sept. 1/ 8 32—tf December 10. THE SUB .iCSIBUR . ned a LA, ir OFFICE at Me ne*. iuTwiggsJ ounty. His practice wjll he cuufiiu'd to (ha 1 1 Circuit. JOHN G. B1HD 44—at. AU-At V.f-vuivU’ri WttvAv. r lUIK wrasCKIHF./ <S linving agreed to cur- ry on a lilai ksmj fa’s shop in this place t 0 - gether lor do- (mu of, one year, offer their ser- vici-. ill the abov e Inisi,aess to all those irhomav iiml, proper to tuvor them with (heir custo*. ') I. Irons ol every d, -jcripllon. Cmt-steel Axes aad plantation Work .generally wilibe kept CO n- •'mm v on hand—tKuringe springs made and mcjulrd ;<f tliu*hort/r*t notice. I! V* CASH riven, foridl llie cnnlthut will be delivered between now nnd Chrislnms, at the shop opposite Cut It. Belton’s Tavern, souili- east corner of the Slato-house square. I. 7*. Cushing. „ . L. Jt. I^euns, October 23 y\f t f 4 LL pttvons uulebu-ti to the ■ii*- Luke Moore, deceased, arc requested j to make payment without delay ; end jwr- siiiti who have claims against said estate, arc required to Icing them forward duly au thenticated as the law directs. WILLIAM D. RAY, Adm’r in pi;;ht of his wife, December n \ 1. Administrators Sale. VS/MLI, he sold on the first Tuesday in » V February next, in the highest bidder in the town of Lexington,Oglethorpe vountv, between the. usual hours ot sale, one. leant i.i Laud lying in said county 011 the DrV Fork nl Long creel., containing two hundred a- ria-s, he the same more nr less, with a Mill- Mouse and gear ready for use, with about forty nercs cleared, it being purl nf the real estate of William Walker, dei-eas/ d, of Mor gan county, sold for the benefit in' the heirs of said deceased. SIMEON WALKER, A,ImY. November 27 | > 1,]., "ITt/' ILL Up said to the highest bidder, at T r the courl-hnusi- in Madison. Morgan comity, on tin: firs! Tuesday in February next, a tract of land containing tin acres, (adjoining Win. Radford’s and Norwood’* lands) belonging 111 lit/- estate of Reuben Rad ford, deceased. Terms will be made known /,n the dav. W«. RADFORD, ? JOHN RADFORD, ( Dci-enibcr 2 to elo. •nsiuug spring, inform the public that they have made such reductions on ihc pri ces of their very general assortment of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Cutler)/, founts, Oil <>r. as to render them an olip-et to liiote who may wish to purchase. Persons desirous'of purchasing Goods by w holesale, can obtain Hit-in at uncommonly low, and 011 an extensive, ert (lit for approved notes. All those indebted to the above firm, are request/ il to make payintiiiky the first Jan uary next. Mili’edgcrille,l)cc. 20, 1S20 ■;;; r.t Ex'e : 1—4;^_ /-. 200 BALES CO r- EUGENE KEENAN, r 'i HSPEGTFULM infiirms his friends b and the j/uhlic, that lie will comiiu-iice SUilOOL on llie B:|i inst. at For! vii!•-. Junes county, w hei/'yoiilli will lie tijughl Ilea 'i"g, Writing, ArilImietic,English(irainniar, *.nik Keeping aeroi /ling to the most modern form, and agreeable to the most approved authors extant—the elements of EueliJ with a la- riety nf tkdiicihle Prnhl/ nis, Mensuration, Guiiging, 'Tiigononietiy, Dialing, Algebra, Surveying, both Theory 8;Practice., N;i\ iga- tion, the live of tlie Globes, ?.Uqvs Lc. Geo graphy, Lc. Le. fee. Hoarding may be ob tained within a short distance of the Sellout, on very moderate terms. N. B. The solution of problems in the n- hove sciences, will be Wrought hy Seale and (.’/impasses—llie Pupil taught the use nf the Rule in Gunging, and anew method of equating plus and minus i i Algebra, Le. January t, 1C2L l!'- -l!*i "0 -\ t’.tji I it <) ,S ill'll:' ith i i the inijty, next W ANTED lo pi: TON, for whir h llie liitliest nnu-li 1 price j will be given. “" I! l'A h ll.'ATF.B, I Windsor, He DcccmbcV ! I SALE OK ILL he ?«ld. fiv r-a town of AV1.Mi.m1 North-Garolina, on the ' month, (February) betwei THIRTY 7,' FORTY .YEC,ROES, being tlie whole number belonging to (In- estate of BaldyqAnhbin'ii, dece.aged. Among them are tu-veral valuable tradesmen, but tlie greater number c;insists of i 10vs and girls. JOHN' ROND, rtie co. fy. Ch j[ marv 1, 1B21 J EDUCATION. P ARENTS nnd Gtmrdini.s will pier-?.- ob serve, that Hit* undersigned has agreed to open a select English School on Monday the fifteenth of January next, near the house of Col. Wm. C. Oslmi 11, Jones county. Tin- whole cliargc for Bo,aid and Tu»ti«mj is fixed at one hundred and two dollars per vestr. A few male students under the age ofsixteen years, and a few females under the age of fourteen, will he received. Every exertion will he made to larilitate the progress ot the pupils in useful kno-vledge, and prtiper re gar J will lie paid to ni/uals, decencv and vir tue. <‘ol Osborn will board as many as twelve or fifteen of the students. DANIEL DUFFEY. Dccnaihnr 2 4 y jr T! 1E STUSCJKUiEKS H A\ L\G tliomsplvc? in t!u* Mer- c:?in(ile b«ainc«a, liuIff the firm of FOARD fy MALOMfy bre leave to iatorin tlo-h-fi-ieiulsam! the public that they arc now receiving at their store on tVnyiie-sireet,liext dour above Messrs. Ited.liu^ k U iolihmii, a general assortinenl of ST APLE and I AMM fiOOllfj, o airli they v.'ill sell on very aecomtmnlatlii'.' terms. 'Ttlo.My? FOARD, HENRY \V. ftlAEO.NK. November 14 4o 4C— tds A. B. FA VMN Si Co. R ETURN their thanks to tlu-ir friends in the up-coiiiiti'y for the sup port which they have heretofore received li'om them in the. Factorage fy Commission Basin css. They inform them that they still continue in liiniue's at their old stand Bolton’s Range, and respectfully solicit a continuance ofthi-ir favors. They have extensive and safe Wnre- I louses fur the reception of Produce, and will as heretofore, make liberal advances on Pro duce deposited with them fur sale. Savannah, Ort. 2r, ™ ip v7aheh()i : sTi, auctIu^Tand COMMISSION U U SIX ESS. ( NITARI.F.S W. litm.F.R and MATTHEW J JIOIT’EK, Imvo nssociateil llteiuselvts to gether, miller (he firm of IS fy UOPPF.R, fm tlie. transaction ef WAREHOUSE, AUf’. TION mul COMMISSION I'.t'SlNESS They have piircliiis.-d of Messrs. Havvt-y ic It'-diting their Wan-houses at llie boat-yard, nnd lowe made nmingeirieiits fin- tin- oxteosiou oftverv convrni/iiic!.- wbinli may facilitate tlie reception and forwarding nf Goi-row, (cc this fall. ITT They have two first rate Bouts, burthen tvn l»nl, « cacti,which will ply between this and Dari-11 so soon as the season commences, and I'.ey Ihiltor them wives that by mii'e,iiit|eil nt- boiiimi, tin y w ilt lie able to give i.diofaction to l!:nw who may think proper lo entrust business to their cure. A nun road Inis been made to llie boat-yard which shortens dip distance,and is niil'.-h more convenient than the former one. N. B.-'Tliey will utteml totim purtfiase and s.'.lr of Colton. i:Kvrr.i.-/cv,s. Messrs. A, I., ]•: v -.: s Co.—St! r a 11.1: e.h. 11 ti 1., Con: 1: ic Co.—Darien. HarvkvL Brnnisx, Si / , ... Mr. Tci.-mxs Wm v. * Milicag Ile. -August fig. tf~2fi To RiOiN'.r for one year, A CONYENIS'NT HOUSE, which i, I. two stories I i ’ll, with convenient out houses,near the Market. For terms, apply to the subscriber on the premises. CHARLES LANOS. January 2, 47 (j- Hotel. T HE subscriber iriforni* the public that his large and commodious bouse isnmv finished arid ready for the reception and ac commodation of TRAVELLERS. It ii tveli furnished, and all the exertions in tho poty i-r oftlie subscriber shall be made to ren der eomlortabli! those ivho may call upon hiL-i. His HOTEL is large and situated in the west part of the town near the Alabama river. Private rooms with good fire places can be furnished to those who want. His Bar shall be constantly supplied tviltotlie best Liquors—His Stables are commozlimi* md Well constructed, and provided with an ex- ellent hostler. Boauiu'.ks accommodated by the wee!; mouth or year. CLEMENT FRF.ENY. Montgomery, Oct. 2U 44 4^ ■port SAKE, very low for onsli, n SI.YCLE Old or St l.KY, with good plated liHr- m-’-v- 4 lie whole cun he bought for less than Sion. .Apply to Elisha lYhilnqu Mulei:,;. vibe, October 24. 37 it. LIVEHY STABLEST Dk eubsciIbers have recently purchased fi. out Mr. ,T. It/ iil in the above line of bu- aim -. s, vv here they intend keeping a constant sepply of Horses, Gigs, &c. to let. They wiil also beep hurst-sin very stijnrior style mi ucconunoduting U-iitih. Horse drovers would do well to give them a call. A. G. &, A. R. BECKHAM. October 3. 3 - iVw- t jam Am. KOUSE LOT FOR SALE."* FjfAUl. large roiomocli/ms House, at pre- J»- sent occupied hy Mr. Jacob Bnwow ; the Rot cuntnins one acre of ground; the House eun lie seen t/y calling on Mr. barrow. Fo; lurtlicr paili/'ulars, enquire of WM. ROBERTSON. N. It. If not sold in two weeks, the House Wiil hi- to rent. 40 Nov. 14 ANDERSON HOLT, orrrits 11 is sKuvicr.s t/i tub pchlic as a PRACTITIONER OF LA IF, In tin- Octnulgee ( ireuif. His offire is on i* r.iqklill street, opposite Air. Rosseter’s Mon-. 1 etleis addrcssc/1 by mail will ho promptly nttendod to. MilUtlgcrillc, Sept. 25 s.q tf JOHN LUCAS, HAS niO'.NFD A HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT In ris new building nt the corner of (irerno nnd Wilkinson streets, between theslate*iiouse i'junrp nnd ^ovcrni^ent house. Alillcfd^rvilie, August 15 —tf Appleton Kosseter HAS JUST r.KCElVED A SUPPLY OF ■ Y win is & Window Glass. TIE WILL TAKE 200 Bales COTTON freight to Darien by applying to him with-' in two or three weeks. December 12. 44—tf. IV INK months after date, application will lx he made to the Inferior court of Bald win county lor leave to eeli the tract of land belonging to Iverson Smith, orphan of Tho mas Smith, de/ cuacil. SAMUEL GOODALL, Guardian. January I, 1821. N INE mouths after date, applicutivin will be made to the Inferior roui't of Jasper county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the reu! estate of John Rodg ers, acccasi-d, THOS. E. RODGERS,? JOHN C. RODGERS, S ^Octnl*/-r 10. e—35 [VIINE months nfibr date, applitatlou will he Lx made to the h’oilornhle the court of Ordi nary ef Bahhv in enmity, fur h.-nve to sell Hie re- alj,et»tc nl Jolm Troutman, deceased, for tin-- benefit oftlie heirs of mid r.fe used. if. it. Troutman, } AltnV •GiRFMI ' 11 t UIAU; t 1 .May 2k, mOru >"v T - # 1 0 '/