Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, February 06, 1821, Image 4

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:v.\ t \>.\x\. FOB TIIB TWwrur.A. • Tilit <■-/. /. ot'Hi wiox Th' Chicfuiki f»rbi« rotnirv bleeds nnd >lie«, The Sol her t.> tli? Held of bjllle Dir*; Th>- Statesmen Kraloin in hi* eWunlrv '»* alter, £>n I • lii> la-t. turrU. drfcn !-t.iler laws. Xiity urr.fiee their fortunes, live* to fame, In honour, trnB«'f nt as » meteor-flame AnJ shell the Christian at hlslenders call Jtefijse *,i sacrifice bis life, lys all ' JaV, wbat tbe laurels shown around lha tomb, To a namrrthinr wreath's immortal Moo n f Or whet the splendour of a monarch a throne* To Uarrv crown* in Heav'n by conqueror* worn: Net In-. iia I see Religion weeping ‘land An . waving to her favor d )outbs her band; She point* to forest* where the Indian finds No God but in Ilia clouds or pessiog wind* ■ She point* to Palestine, once Invor d ground, ' Where the liomauucl *hed hi* florin round; TV he -e indent J'HS. that people now di prnM. Saw Salem .Temple bural, Iheir holy cily lost. Methinka tbe qW*. tell that despised race Their Saviour * come—their Sav ur tor in bra ce She woeping point* to India • »citry plaint Where Salen triumphs and despotic re gal: She points to linages’ *lrc»ni that roll* hi* flood R.-d with the dye ofbtlinen victims' blood. She point* them to the blarin. i in'ral pyre, VV ere iho»*and* *bo'it lo*ee llie tvreteh expire; T i bi ts tv I ie n ju\ whe e he roll* III* car O i eon rate v.etinn: "111!" I.ic d from afar ;t v ent of blood, the feudling Jnrknl* come, A 'll; the hslf-riying wr Ich soon meets hi* doom, AnJ now *l‘e speak*, “my standard go unfurl, All J from hi* throne bloody J.lgnaut hurl; Go, an I proclaim to captive* liberty, And -el trn„i Satan's bondage, millions free.” Bd..ixn rauafy, J-n. 1821. We arc Indebted to a friend for a copy of the follow,ng fine versa*, wri'ten by a Lady of this c ity —no ltd Compiler. I am the /fixe of Sharon (thi the lily tf the toHitt—Solomoa's Songvdnnfi. n. vi « warrior I pluck the laurel bough, Add hind it round fin* recking bruw ; l’r son* af Plevhint 1 blithely twiuc A chaplet of the purple vme; And Braid*, cull each blushing flower, Trial cvhrd 'cked tkasylftl bowel, Ho w'le-the i* I,right, no garland fair ( Unless sweet Sharon's Ro,e be there. The laur* I branch will droop and die. The vinfi it* purple fiuit deny, The wrentu that smiling benuty twlh'd, W ill leave no lingering bn I behind ; 1'or beauty's wrralhe, and beauty's bloom, lu vain would *hon the withering tomb, Where nought i* bright and aoeep,: frrir, tote*- sweet Simeon's Rose be there. Bright blossom! of immortal bloom, Of uJrle.s hue, and sweet perfume, . Tar in the desert s dreary waste, In loqfi neglected beauty placed, Let other* -erk the blushing bower, Ami coll the frail and fading flow er, lint 1 11 to dreariest wolds repair, If Sharon * drulbirs* Uu-e lie mere When nature s bind with cunning care, No mure the opening bud ahnll rear, B it b'lrt’d by heaven's avenging sire Descends the eartb-consuiuing lire: And desolation's hurrying bln-t, O'er all the -addoned scene has pest, 71.... .< * kinoe, lurrvrr lair, And Sharon * Hr,.* strati fl'SrirL Iks.a. .ANECDOTE, Of the force of imagination. There is t* very singular nnocilote of the lorce of imagination recorded in the nniukof tne theatre. When B ink’s tn- govF of the Carl of Essex tvaa brat acted, a soldier, tvlio stood sentinel upon (lie ei.i-e, eatrred so deeply into tin- distres ses of tbe scene, that, in the delusion of his fancy, ho conceived the whale to he real; and, upon Nodi ogham's denying tli-* receipt of Hie ring which Essex hud nrm b tier lo the tyneon. to rlairn a pro- nnsp of favor which Elizabeth had made as (km she delivered it to Isiin, the indig nant soldier exclaimed, “ She lies, the h h 1 she hits it in her bosom —and immediately seized her, to make lier deliver it. • Tni* story l *vu» accustomed to look upon a* n fiction, (ill a rimliar instance, which I happened to meet with in n ro- p'duble writer, gave me reason to change B>y opinion. It is an unecdote of the chrv ,her He Grillon, whose valor and sente of honor rise almost to a level with the «t indard of romance. When litis rriiowned bcTO bad a? length condescended, at (be n»e of se venty. to giro his mangled limbs rest ; and, in pious contempt of all worldly honor, detuied the residue of his days to the servic* 1 of Heaven, sin occasion presented it«nlf, which showed the ex traordinary uniueucs religion had over ins mind. Oik- day, when lie was present at a •orinon upiu the passion, he was to strongly atlerted by that tulditne m ste- tv that, while the preacher described vNhe ti.igeilntiun of oar Saviour, and insist- 611 the rage and cruelly of the sol diers, he started up and cried ia a trans port id’hot* indignation, “ Where '*n«t thou then Grillon ?” .There is another story told of ihe same, clicv tlier, which,though not immediate ly applicable to the pre-ent subject, il lustrates hi* cli.trjcler in a maimer that makes this tiiglit ofimagin ,tion seem less extraordinary. Grillon (says his hixlo- rian,) ate not le>s jealous of a reputa tion lor Driver*, purclnsed to often at ihe exponx- of hi* blond, than R,j«*i U‘- Amb. ii. The tnuti'.sl jealousy mu*t ne- cessjrilv prod ire a couihat. Ilu-ai be- gti, t'.i- \ --ei. Me.'tiua Grillon one y 11 If r ie S;. Honnre, he askfl him', in n time, c, bat oYlo.-k it was. **T!k hour of m> doeth !** (replied Grillen) p tltuic hi- hnu ; to hi* «word. NOVEL OCCL’RREVCF. A. lett, r direct td to a per-.m in tin, town, which hid oct been taken up at the Pust-OlSice, an I wak of, . ir«e, lit the end of .lire* montlia, tran-milte,l to the ^ ^ocral I’o^l-t t'.h'v, v* n dead le'ter. wa- riu'en'ly return I to llm Fn-t-Otlice here, on .K'couot of its obtaining metiev. The Witter *tited, thrt h» Ini Mmelirao runnd the persuo in when) the letle r • u is dirfeted, and enclosed a five dollar liAik note, as re*titu'.inn nnd renui- Ji nee; aivi.- nc, «t the *ame time, that V the recqueet had cheated nnv one, he »h i.tM •* ds liVowi-*.” —The. receiver (Ti„ ^o* nn tioo ledge of the wri- l that fce hn* been , heat- lie cannot even gtiett at Ai i'j»\Nw-/'rcridxjue f«r. h fi^TN’m.F.Il CAt’GHT. A lew week*aipce a Btan who wrote hi-r into \* illiatn 1'. -I).it is, l ivnrcd us •till) a'xisit,*ar.d spent some liuie in our town, during llie Ilnva—rt I.and Stiles, lie was Ihe^duiiration of nnmerotil well inforuic.l citizens ; and his company, we are informed was collided at till the to- verns. He was Apparently, both deal and dnnib, and vntrtied with him, a slate ami pencil lor the purpA-e ef conversing with ihe people, bile slated that lie had received the first principles of Education in the Deaf and Dumb seminary in 1’aris and the last polish in a seminary of the same nature in Connecticut. Numer ous were the questions a-krj him, and pertinent-answers were still received. He fell in love with a gentleman's watch who deserved better treatment, and net his departure from our town, he Imre u with him, we suppose, us a*w®flu*br»*tce oftbp hospitality “f the awner. A few days sinco he v* ts taken up in the neighborhood by some pez-ons and brought into town. His ears were o- pened, he found his tongue talked fluent ly, and confessed a judgment before n magistrate lor the amount claimed by the owner of the Watch, and is now confined in thocommon jail in this place. Thi- i- indubitably a fulfilment of the scripture *bich siys, “The dumb shall speak.” file.—Knoxville Register. Mir.u \m> tv . Minium— ti Boston, Mr. Juiis Milk, to Mis* buz * \V* rtr.j. While brandy, whitkry, ram and gin, Yhe'r votaries daily *lati ditrr, Death ne'er n victim yei Hi.i ivin, Fiom drinking Milk ami Haters.' Take pattern lirre. Colarob'.a's *uns, And eke Columbin's daughter*, Avoid the draught which wiidoui shuns, And uiingle Milk with Haters' NOTICr v . ./NOTICE. • *1 A. B. FANNIN* t To. rasni- etwsisrnsi r t i ■w-*rri*6 RE SO’ l>. ,*i.u Crtt Tc. i-vl I"9 F.TL’UN their thanks to tin tr friend. T ,,E ' I , rS ' [-E'BMtA^i.t r fi-rtned yj : , rr h m-tl \ •• tvtnl 5 E. i > rti* up-eountry for the lilwwl tturn U etttiui.Utm in lieFn i iicbmI tho.*vsv- < ( j., t |., t„-% ,■ pint which they have heretofore raceirA Tliey H’lll Lf* ai>!tj to attend the hiiairiior i l*yt: ,.. . * ,i„ • (Jo..i-in the. arffVralcauaticiu the Oc.),'.* .I/Vublin, En.iren* comity, tRn follow mg from them trntl.e ..... T , : ,B ivAW-OFFICE. •>f.i.V«td, Atti*»m v & fnr*e- kCLLOA -,t I-aw, having fixed himself at lAw plaea, opened an oi’.b e, wi.ere ite nil) attend punctually to any bo«i,ie-s in Ice profession witieh may be court led to birr.— lie practises in tile Several Courts oi the •Ociiiulgue Circuit. WILLIAM F. ST£F.LC. Ealonlon, Tut no ill r , <■* f 61-H Jkuuary 211, tc-l. t TO SELL Oil RL.YT, ritllE HOUSE ami LOT at pre-ent oc- *. copied by the Mibscnln r, on Jcll'erson •trert. The house is spacious Jiconvenient, the lot furnished w ith a good Kitchen, Meet hottcc, Sb>;e-iiouse, Welland VVell-houtp, Stable and Carriage house. For terms ap- ply to SEABORN JONES. Janunr? tf. . f )0— b Circuit; also in the couuty of I!? "* f rt a ■ -- ... J vf'n- Cne liali tijuare oW.iTH in tli«* N#rti«rrn v anH in the count Twand Laurens, in the Ciri’uit. One or the other inr.y *t i>»: found at thrir circuit, STEPIID'N W. HARRIS, EU F. SHQKTEK. Entontun, i.ij /nn. MX' ^ I ~ T r Rcie Ni, , . Vactorarc *V Commission Business. i the first dis trict No- STli—takvu as the property ,.f T'i'y inform them tlnlAlieyjuli continue m lames Wright, to satisfy ao execution in fa vornf vVrigISrt'lower One square o* Land in Ihe I#* !ft!j d'strirt No. 174—Liken as the property of Frederick satisfy au execution in favor of John J. Underwood. One square of l.aud in the second district No. .J<>—taken as the property of Samuel Beatey, deceased, to satisfy an execution in favor of John E. Hay, for kite iwo of Alfred B. Row. CHARLES S. GUYTON, Sh’ff. Jammy 27, I DJI. 57LL HE SOLD on the first Tuesday in March next, hetwoen rite usual business at their old *tand Ihdten'.- il-iog ahiil respertfully solicit a continuance of their favors. They have extensive anil safe Ware- Houses for the reception of I’roduce, and w ill as heretofore, make liberal advances on l’ro- duee deposited with them for sale. Siraniuth, Oct. 2a S8—tf tNTEltTAIN.MEN’J’. HE SUBSCRIBER baring taken po-- sion of lliat large and commodious buiiuisg in C.intoii, known by the name of die Oi.oiiE 'J'avkii.v, and formerly occupied t>y Messrs. Wy che ^ Brewster, intends keep, ng a HOUSE of ENTERTAINMUNT, md hopes l.jr the a- i-t.u're of .Mr. Brewster, oih: of the I'-TUicr proprietor* of tlte in,ust 1 , to .iff'tird general satisf lion to all who inay favor him with Iheir e .vtum. ABNER 11. FLEWEI.LF.N. January 26, IS2I. • il—2t EL'GKNE KEENAN, 11 ESI’I'.CTKULLY informs hie friend* and the public, that lie will commence SCHOOL on tlu*8tli iust. at Fortville, Jones county, where youth will be laught Reading, Writing, Arithmetic,English Grammar, Book Keeping according to the most modern form, and agreeable to the most approved authors hours of aide, at tin: court-house in the town extant—the elements of Euclid s*it*t a r»- of Dublin, 1 .amen* county, the tuliovvmy | ,-iety of Reducible Problems, Mensuration, [ifoperty, Mriaadkla FOll SALE, TVa'tc Tracts of \*nuA, In it:—Lot No. 4-3-S, in ttip Sf h •lii>lrict ot Ap- plinc—al'O, Lot No. 4i*0. in the £Mli of Curly—HliO, the tract of land on wliicli4he «aib- nrifibi r lives, in Oglethorpe county, on*1'wiling crrol, containing 140 teres, in good order for cultivation. A Negro Boy rr two will be taken in part pa vme at for the above 11 n»!. M ALTER D. Df^SI.Y. January 2-7 MnvsYuvVs IMYtcr, FOR THE DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. HJVji.VX.iH, -V«r. II, 1H20. 7flIIF. Assistantsuf(lie Marshal ofthia Dis- trict, “ for taking the Fourth Census, nr enumeration of the Inhabitants oftlie United States,” nre hereby notified that the time for Irjuaiuitliiig Iheir returns to this Department is near at harm i •*. i J. p^d Eu.l no ueiay j |>ROU(iHT to Baldwin Jail on the 2td will take place, so as to prevent a ij#w*rel rt £5 i„ M . a fsegro .Man who says his name turn i*ciu( made according to law. JOHN II. MORET Fifty Dollar.-* ilewarti. S TRAYED or STOLEN from the sub scriber iu Milledeville, on Saturday uiglit last a lAgAYt Civcj Worse, dark mane and tail, about seven years old, about fourteen nnd a half hands high, w ith a piece bit out of the lid of Ida ngbt eye. which make* that eye appear smallest. If stolen, 1 will pay on apprehension and conviction of the thief the. above reward of Fifty Dol lar* am! all reasonable expenses—or l ive Dollars for the delrvrry of the horse or for such 111 w ill enable mele gel him. ISAAC T. Cl SUING. January 29. 61—tt. NOTICE Marshal Di*. Geo. The Darien Gazette, Augusta Chronicle, Washington News, Athens Galettc, anil Re corder and Journal at iMilledgeville, vv ill pub lish the above till countermanded. November IS 41 tf FT1IIE Subscribers have formed u conne.c- J. lion in tlm Practice if the Laic, under ihe lirin of KncEWKCL Si Hemrax. AM business confided to their earn will he punc tually attended to. One of them w ill at all times he found at the nl’ico of S. Rockwell, curler of Jefferson and M’lntnah streets. SAMUEL ROCKWELL, J Y'fEFIl L. HEPBURN. Millrdegville, Sept. 18 S2—tf »A7.Ta S IN HUNDRED BUSHELS willbasold low, delivered at the Boat Yard. Ap- *’ y ° , REDDING k WASHBURN. Millcdgevtlli*. Jan. 9 48—tf SALE OK NEGROES W ILL be sold, for ready money, j n the town of Wi.msnB, Bertie County, Nnrth-Carolina, on the Idlh day of next monlli, (February) between THIRTY V FORTY .VCCUOES, b-ing the whole nmnlier belonging to the estate nflluldy Aabburu,deceaaed. Among them are several valuable tradesmen, hut the greater uumber consists of boys and girls. JOHN BOND. Windsor, Bertie co. N. C. ) January 1. 1821. 1 48—tils THOMAS WILEY, H AS just received by the boat Industry Ibe following articles, which are offer ed for sale at his Grocery and Commission Store, 3 ripe, superior Cogniae Brandy, 3 do do Holland Gib, 44 j,bls. Uuttenburg do to do Yf.Jsl-.ey, "..ft,.! suoa «- 10 lihls. first quality Loaf Sugar, 36 do 2d do do do £0 do Lump Sugar, 40 en-ks Cut Nails—all sixes (rein 4 to tt)d. 5 basket Champaign Wine, til boxes White Currant do l.i do Cordials, 10 do Clare laWitie, 18 casks first quality Londbn Porter, 4u boxes 3 by 10 Window'Glass, la do HI by 12 do do 10 do Sperm. Candles, 40 do Northern do I at it Jd quality, to do Bloom Raisins, 10 do Miisc.itel do flO UWs. Pot.itoe q 30 kegs 1\ liitr Lead, C casks Linseed Oil, C eases Shell'll Almonds, 4 bills. Cranberries, JOnO lie.. Swedes linn, Axe Bar, Waggon, Chair and Cart Tire, 26 casks 1) xter’a Rock Lime, suitable fur finishing, 76 e:>-k<Th ira:.stown do 300 bushels sujierior ground Salt January 16 40—tf is MILES, he is 6 feet 10 or It Inches says bv. belong- to James Lockett of Jones county. 'J’he owner i, requested to come forward, prove the property, pay charges and take him away. b HEDRICK SANFORD, Jailor. Milledguville, January 22 51—St WAREHOUSE, AUCTION, AND COMMISSION’ UVSI.VESS. C NmRLES W. BbTLER an,! MATTHEW j IlOI'l'Eli, hale associated theoiselve* to gether, under the firm of BUTLER f,- IlOrPER, foi the tranRarllon of WAREHOUSE, A17C* TIO.N nnd COMMISSfOaN BUSINESS. They have nm chased of Mc«srv Harvey al Redding Iheir Warehouses at the Boat-yanly nnd have made luraagcDients for tlic estoujion of every convenience which may facilitate the reception and fonvnnling of Cotton, uc. tills fall (CT They have two first rute Bstots* hnrthen 4VO hales each,which will ply heftiern this and Darien so .soon ns the season commence-, ami they flatter themselves that by unremiMed at* t'Mition, they will he able to give satisfartion to those who may think pro|ter to entrust business to their care. A now mail has been made to the Boat-yard which .shortens the di>taure,and is much more rouvenient than the former one. iN. B—They will atteud to the pure hast- uud sale of Cotton. ar-rr.RFNrrs. Messrs. A. B. Tannin Lfo.—tnrninnh. Hai l, Cooar Co.—Darun. Hah vkv Reiuhng, U ) ...... ... Mr. Tiiua.s Wiliv, \M,lledglU. Angil*! 2-2 tf— 3S HOUSE L: LOT FOll SALE. rplHE large nnd commodious House, at pre- I. sent occupied by Mr. Jarob Barrow ; the Lot contains one acre oi ground; the Ilo«»%e tea be seen hy calling on «Jr. Barrow. P or lurther particulars, empiireoi WM R'^RTSON. N B.—If not ai.ld iu two wc« L», the Hons* will be to rent. JO Nov. 14 ANDERSON HOLT, nrira* ut* **Hviir.x to tiik n auc a* a VR.i CTITIOdVER OF LA IF, In tin- Ocmulgre Circuit. Hi* uffire i« on Franklin -Irirt, opposite Mr. Ifna-rlcr’a Stun. Letters adihctaed by mail will be promptly atbuidiil In. MUledgevilie, Si pi. 25 8.1—tf JOHN LUCAS, if a I orrvro a IIOUSC OF ENTERTAIXMENT Li his new btiilJing nt D.»* corner of Hw enc a»id Wilkinson itr tU, between the .L«lt-hou*r stjonre h*m1 riii.ieut ••ouse. ^ K.d» ige\iHe, Au ’ *t l » 2T—tf THE MANSION HOUSE JEIVLY creeled on Ibe site of the Sa- i\ E v To KENT lor one year, t CONVENIENT HOL'-jL, which i- xjL two btt*ries hirli, with convenient out houtm, near the Market. For terms, apply lo the buhsviibtr on tin prypiae^. Cll UvU.S LANDS. J;inn.;rr2. 4# — tf. \I.E, very low l.*r caH>, n >l.Y(iLL oi HULk I*, with go I plitid Imt> Iht whole cau be boujil fur I 1 than A,jfly to Midi* iHiilnru MilleJgevillr, OctoJ»er 24 B7—tf. re >l*X) rpiIE Cu-purtneohip luTi-lufori' i-vi-tulg *■ between Juhn Wtiitrsidcx ard Wtliinin Willi*, ia this d- •olv.-d. Persons win aimah l,lotel, destroyed by the fire in |,.tve claims sprout The firm, nre re*|U*»ted January Is-t, nt thecoraerof Broughton nnd Whitaker-StreetSjJinoo nn enlarged and im proved plan, calculated to accommodate Gt Airmen irii6 single flams, and Families u ith large Itooms. and a Table detached limn tbcpuMic part of the House. JOHN SIIELLMAN. N. B. A Carriage-Htmso and Stables are alto provided onnn adjoining lot and an Hos ier to attrnd to iiur-es. Savannah, December 1820. 47—3m- . - ■ y - > r m t mie forward and present Iheir nreonnt*. and tiiosn who me owing it, are desired lo make payment. WHITESIDES k WILLIS. January 18, 1821. 50 jy A f;w Co; it* nil ho Drawing of ihe late La..d Lottery, with an Index to the counties, hound ill board.*, for sale at the Re corder Office. January tJO. lit • J One -iji'ore of Land in the tw enty-second district Wilkinson, now Lauren* county, No. 2.’.|—l.'iicd on as the property of Daw son and Stewart, to satisfy an excrution iu favor of Da*id Don nie, property pointed out by Holland McTvre. CHARLES S. GUYTON, Sh’ff. Januir- 2(i, 1821. WILL BE SOLD, ETtO tlo; highest bidder, nn Monday the I. 1 ?|li of February next, at my plantati on in 1J ■ * I lwin i ounty, All tlio Perishable Property iH'lon^in* to tli»» estate of MiMrrd Malono, ilfcfiL'Oil, con?*of UousehoM Kitcli- on Furniture, Stock anil Crop, kc. At the same time ami pl.ico, will be »ok],*8ftvt*nl 1AKY.1A N-VAlWAHbS by mutual rou*entof lit* legatees, enn-isting of one woman, two girls and three boys.— Terms of sale made known on Ihe day, bv * CHARLES MALONE, Ad’mr. January 2, 1821. 47—ids. Guaging, Trigonometry, Dialing, Algebra, Surveying, hofll Theory ti. Practice, N wiga llon, the use of the Globes, Maps tec.. Geo graphy, Re. Re. kc. Boarding may he ob tained ** ithiii a snort distance uf the School, or. very moderate terms. N. 1!. The solution of problems in the a- bove sciences, w ill lie wrought by Scale aed Compasses—the Pupil taught the me of the Slide Rule in Qu'gmg, and anew method of eqi^itiug plus and minus in Algebra, fcc. January I, IE2t. 4?—Il’-I 50 NOTICE. YIJILL he sold at the house of James . 7 Speir, in Laurens county, on the tenth day of February next, tbe perishable proper ty of David Speir, sell. I tie of said county deceased, agreeable to the will of said de ceased. JAMES SPEIR, Ex’or. December 2'.1 I' 1 * NOTICE. A GREF. ABLE to an order of tlie honrtr- Tm. able tbe Infi rior court of Laurens county, sitting for Ordinary purpose*, will bt sold on the first Tuesday in March next, nt the court-house in Dublin. Laurens county, eighty acres of Land on Turkey creek ad- inininc Hieks end fithrrr, tb; l*«l e.late ul John Calhoou, deceased—sold for the beg' fu oi tne bt irs. AXCOM CALIIOON. Adm> December 21 td-*' l3o\\on WunleA. T ill' * lib h* Tiber* wl*l)iiig lo purcuaFp COT TON, will give the highest c«ili price dur- i:‘g the present season. 10ARD k MALONE. November 27 42—tf GEORGIA, Jasprr f’.a.ifw, Superior Court, March Ter hi, IbiO. J.VMEJ IIAFI.IbON» ) a- fille.XitL toh.x r roLE«. ) 9 [PON the petition of James !Inrri*on, ?t»t vJ in? Him; John P. Coles on the eitiiteentli day of Jiiiitidiy, in llie year eighteen hundred anil nineteen, made nnd delivered to hit moiigace for the lots of land, known hy numbers thirty’lvvo and thirty three, »q the thir teenth district of Baldwin now Ju«per couidv, nnd the lot number ninety one in tlte seven teenth district of formerly Jfnldvvin now Jnsper county, lortiie better secunn* the payment of the sum of aii ihonsnnd two hundred and forty three dollarshikI forty oac vents due to the .-aid James llarrison by n piomisorv note; on mo tion of William Took, counsel forth* petition er, it is ordered, that the suid John P. Coles do pay into the Clerk’s office of this court the ruui of money aforesaid with intcre-t and cost,with- in twelve 1 months from this date, or the equity of redemption in and to the snid mortgaged pre mise-will he thenceforth forever barred and foreclosed: And it if further ordered, that a copy of tim rule »,*• served . . t!.C ft.iiu Joint 1\ U Old or his spcciul agent nt lea.-.t n\\ m rot * erhr l»u’uii»i*eo in one oftlie public Cur Rite* of this state at lea4 twelve months before the time the WILL BE SOLD, O N tha first Tuesday in March next, at the Cuurt-hniiie iu the town of Mon- ticello, Ja*prr county, a Negro fellow l.v the name of Daniel, belonging to the eUate of Benjamin Hodnctt, defl'd, directed by bis will tube *n!d for the benefit oftlie heirs and creditors. Terms will be ninde known at the time of sale. GEO. CUNNINGHAM, ) P , JOHN IIODNETT, ^Gxors. N. B. All persons indebted lo Ihe estate of Benjamin llndnrtt, dre’d, are i. quested to make payment without delay, and those who hare elaima against llie estate are re quired to bring them forward, duly nutlien- tieaicd, w ithin tbe time prescribed by law . January 15. 49—td-* NOTICE. THUILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday v v iii April next, iu the town of Dublin, Laurens county, between the usual hours of sale, six likely NEGROES, to be sold a* the property of Richard Brarewell, late of said county deceased, fur tile benefit of the heir* creditors of said deei ased. Terras of sale twelve months credit with small notes and good approved security. JAMES BRAUEWELL, Adm’r January 16 48—Ida O N Tuesday the goilt dav of February next, will lie sold at the house of Mrs. Baker on Fishing Greek in Baldwin county, the perishable property of Elisha Parker, deceased, consi.*tiiig of some household fur niture, horses, hngt, corn nnd fodder. 'J’etma of the sale will he made known on the day. At the same lime will be lured a negro wo man and her children, belonging to the es tate of said Parker. WILLIAM PARKER, Adm’r. January 8 tils NOTICE. O N the first Tuesday ill April next, will be the court-house in Clinton, Junes enmity, 11.1 THU I..I.YDS luilonging to the e*tale of William Powell,dec’d—ii.IJ fer the benefit oi the heirs.— i cruis oi aulc made known on (he day. ICHAEOD COV. AJra r .tnmmrv 2fl. 51—ids. NOTICE. \ I.L persons in<i»btrd tt» thp ^»tute of Tho iiihs WelH, late t>f (.’l«n-k county, dee d, arc requested to make iintr.ediidc psycient, and nil hHfibig elaims a; aiusl *oid estate, »rr ni* o reqaeited present them toi)i»» »ubscribcrs - JOHN GORDON, * Wy H. Nl’.N.N ALLY, Repreanta ivn of 111 »m as VVi i.i s, dec. Jnn:iftr\ 10 . F I PR t«i«e expiration oi niun months, np* plication w ill br m.i !e to the houonibie the Ink*nof couil of Bid kc coauty, w hile sitting oniin-iry | irposes, for lo. vc to >.41 nil tin- real edatv ot Jejse VVaiiiachi I»te ol Buiki MUly, decea-eil. BENJAMIN WARN VCIL Guard 1 n for Hi t minor he irs vf Ji sx lt'cmac/i. Alien*! 11» 1820 mOm FTEIt the p\pirfttiou of nii.e i thri ft< the date liereoi, application will In* to the Inferior coart of Laurens county, win sitting tor ordinary j\;;po.-c*, lor L’ave to th»* real estate o| Arthur Inman, d**r« a-rd, t< the benefit of the heir- ami cr* ddor» said tie- ceased. HLN11V f. FUQtA, Adm'r. Jm>e 2*L i •* TVTINF. month*, n’ rr Jirle, applieatiuu will be *. >! made t«) tue I aff rior court ofTatunll co tv, for lea re to *41 all the r»*sl e*ta'e of Daniel Howard,dec d.—tor the heticdiof the heirs und Junto rv mJ>m iit : on w ill be I Curt Lea from the mimit » oe pi that the loie^oiiiL' i* a true copy vs tliis 11th April, 1h20 A prills JOHN \\ ILLbON, Cte. h, ral2m GEORG LI, Jasper County,, Superior Court .March Turn, i*U0. Jamks M’DoNAt.nt and j William $. I’ur&i I for tl.e use of ( n , John M’Kinne, f Kule J.sars lliciiAnns. J U FON the petition of Jnmes M’Donnld nnd V* illiam S. l'one, for the use of John sic Kinne, stutinp thttt Jnmes Riclmrd* did mi the twenty-sixth day of November irt the yea •eigh teen hundred and eighteen, make and deliver to your petitioners a died of mortgage far the lot of land known and (li-tincui>hcd by tl.e number eight in the fifteenth district of Biidwiu now Jasper county, for the better securing lire payment oftlie sum often thousand dollars due to the petitioners by » promiiory note dated 2‘ld November 1818, and pay able twelve months thereafter. Ou motion of William Cook, counsel for the petitioners, it is ordered, that the said James Richard* do pay into llie clerk’s office of this court the sum oi money uforemud with the intc- reft and cost thereon within twelve month*from this date, or the equity of redemption iu uud to the said mortgaged premise?, will be thence forth and forever barred and foreclosed : find it i* fuithcr ordried, that u ropy of this rule be “jrved on the said James Richards or hil spe cial agent at lr s» -It months, or published iu one of the public Uuzettca of this state o^ve n month for twelve months, before the tiuf the money is directed to be paid. I certify that the foregoing is a true coj^ ta ken from the minute*, this I Ith April JOHN WILLsO April IS ne cojW tr d. I« w d- tiLViml.J, Ini rior Court, Uetcfye Term. 1220. 1 'Jl’flN I he p'titbm oil-ini; I lorn* Jar *,n J tliai lie hail lo*t two nro:ni»ory note*. I I; given by Kiaiit Hobb«, one to i.oirelfoi b. a r, Jateil the elevenlli ilay of January IB'20, id due three inontba thereafter, for .eventy-iix ■ d- lar* ninety-three end three fourth ceBl., wit credit en :he *nnie beuriu^datc llie 20lh ol J for torte-nine lioilnv* '11:eotlirr of note. benr$ date tlie Slieinlh .lay of An 1^20, end Is due ou or befoie Ibe 25th dn> December next, made pay able lo Levicy \. ber*on, for seventy-five dollars, whieh ul-o a credit for twelve dollars oiiirty-tlirce mid tl fourth cent*, givrn on thr fun enth day ul lober I JV'J , mid that lie bas filed copies ul notes in tkc clerk's oGcc of this court,am! pra that the same be establish, d in lieu ol tue oii mils On uiolioe of Henry G. L unar, ett iru for the apolii aat, it is orderc I. that >uid c Ire e.tublt bed in lien of ruid lost note* nt ti next term ufthis court, nnlc'sceu-e should I, imd there be shewn to tue contrary, nod that copy ot'tlu* rule he puldi.-lird in one of the I evitreof ihi, stale al least once a month lur inantli; Cb ik’s oflice, Inferior court, Pecenibertcrr ldJO—t, Henry b yche. cleik of mid e*>urt, ceriily I’ lit tho airose i* a true copy ot rccor sin tli.i oftiic, tliirfl-vih dr v ot Dee* tnber A. 1 1820. 11LNKY MYCTJL, r.i. c. Herember 23 npioi* “K INL mouths alter dele, application \v i* l«, made to lit" Infi rior court of J.i'a'f county, xv hen sitting for ordinary purposii for leave toacli the lea! estate ol'JohuKudg ers, decea-ed. THUS. E. RODGERS,? ,, , JOHN C. RODGERS, rj I,,r,/!bf)rm S.tpHvr Court, .iopitl Jim.* Cl.iRK, assignee, ) l’ctition fur lo IV \1.TT* Joxv*. X TTPON the petition of John Clark, »-;i:life •L.' at John McKinnie, praying the toftqj* sine of the equity of redemption, in olid ■> at the! l it of land lying an'i being iu the to\vj. e: Miliedgeville, vo'inty of Baldwin and state ot Georgia, containing one Half acre uf hint, bound* d on the west by Jefferson-*lreet, on Ihe north by tlreet, on the e.nt’nn'l suk'.i, by Sfnborn Joue.' lot, being the mrtbern t- r of lot number tliree, iu square number liventv nine, »* w ill more justly appear front referent 1 to the original plan of raid lown, w hichNsid b. wits mortgaged by th* snid Walter Jonet to on Jtdin Mchinnle by deed of mortgage, hearit' date llie iilsl day of August IMU, (and ; ..nnj to this petitioner by the said John MrWinnm? the 18lh day of May 1820,) for the better set iirT the payment of a promissory ante fur the t un ,,/ twenty-six Inradi-ed end eighty three dollaisan * tliirty-turee cents, with the interest liierrun drawn by saidfValter Jones in favor of J ;ine i Ilmiiscaa or order, und Imaring dale 81st day V ' of August 1811*, end payable tbr. 2tth oi l)" comber luerealU-r, and which said protuissurt note was endorsed by said James Rousseau to said John McKinnie or older, nnd by said Job:, McKiiiuic lo this petitioner On motion, it i* ordered, that the princlpa', inlriC't nnd co-t due on snid mortgnr.e, bep .id into this court within twelve mouths frcnnilui date, Mlienvlae the equity of redumption in nmt to said mortgaged premi-ri w ;*1 be thenceforth forever barred ami foreclosed ; nnd it is further ordered, that this rule be published ia oneot ihe public £nkvllet of this slate once in every month for twelve months, or served ou tin. mortgager or Iris special iv.riit nt least six moi.thx pre* ious to the time at which the money is di rected to be paid into court as aforesaid. A true copy taken from tie urinates this nth September, ladi’ THOMAS If. KENAN, f i le. Set Id i. i In LiiJJu'.n ■ 'ijirnor I unn—.t Tern.. 14.: Marlow L. l’mox, j • . ts. s Rule .Vtet. ’ V.'im.i* Prnnr. y C T I‘ON the prtitiagi of Marlow L. l’ryoAK ■ tiray iug ti.a foggclosure of the etjuitx'^’ of rraeniplion, iunnit to all tint lot of laiiti,! in the town of MiMgevilK-, it^the rouidy and xtnte afurc'imk rot,mining one half of un acre, part of lot tygnhcr four, in square for ty-two, lying hffamitlr of \Vilkin« 0 j. str. rL ami corneriric *>n Wa»hington-«treet, nmi running on rn^slrret one liutidred and/i»c feel, ai d jui.iiiy John Ilor.aid’x lot oq ihs north, xvlnrhVPd lot xvas inurtgnged by raid \\ illus I’errvTn j our pi titionor, on the" 28th day of April, in the year 1820, for liie better securing the payment of four fiiundred and fifty dollars, w ith the drawing inti rest there on, bearing data erxciuli day of Mnrih last, and then endorsed to his credit to the Dari en Bank in Millcd^etille, due eighty-nine days lifter date. * Un motion of II. Butb»rfnrd, it is order ed, that the principal, it ler st nnd cost due on said mortgage, be paid inio t*>i« ctr.r! within twelve raontha fiom this date, or the ■ e'::*y rf ■< *J. uipliou in Uie premtxea w ill bo front tltenre forever barred at d foreclosed : And il is f'Sjhcrtum-ieu, iiint n copy n! this rule be published in one of Use (i«/a tle* of ibis state once a month fur twelve mouth:', or seriid on the mortgager or his special n- gctitat least six monlhs previous lo the linn: tile money is directed to he paid ns afott said. A true copy, taken from the minutes this fifteenth September, Il2 f >. THOMAS I). KENAN, Gietk September i8. ini-2— vTiTl inreour* of Oxlethi*rpc cminty, fitting for ordinary purposes, fur leave tu fell a trsi t of land ly ing in said county, on Ihe w aters of Lillie river nnd Falling rrcek, belonging to llie es tate of Charles Bowden, dre'd—for the be nefit of the heii'i ai d creditor* of said dee d. JESSE BELL, Adin’r. MARY BOWDEN, Adtn'rx. January 4. 48—aOni. in Boldina .superior t ourt, hhrvary fern leal* William Bai l, i RULE .YJSf. vs. £ »on An.-icx Lot nr, ^ FORECLOSURE. I TPON the ]>«tition of William Ball, J praying the foreclosure of tlte equity of redemption in nnd to a certain tract or parcel of laud, lying nnd lining in tlie town of MilledgexMe, containing one quarter of an acre T being one fourth port of lot No. i. Known and distinguished in the plan of saati Town of Milledgt villc by square No. S9, fronting Wilkinson strict, westwardly 62 feet, southwardly by John Allen's pretnUc's, northeast by tlig said Abner Locke’s premi ses, Which proceedings extend cast and west, on cast line 210.fci t and north and south !r- feet, making an oblong square, mortgngfd by lie raid Abner Locke'', to ti.i mi hi Willi am Ball, |,x a deed of mortgage, dated llie. fit:, day oft* lober, ljilfl, the beltrMo rc- f ore the peymetUjif the stun of funb, wliicll was to have been jcid on or before the firit day of March, 1120, with lawful interest thereon; and default having been made in the payment of the snid sums, WIIEHEl'OUE And on motion of Samuel Rock well, attorney fur the said W illiam Ball: ll is ordered, That the prin cipal, interest mid rosta due on raij mult- gage be paid into (hlaeottr*, within twelve months of this day, and that this villi- * published mice a moot It for twelve aliens.lively, or a copy thereof ire peraonnlly served on the said Aimer Locke, at least *ix^ months previous to the time named for lJrti\ payment ol the raid sums of money. A true Co ou taken from thr Minute», THOMAS'!!. KENAN, Clerk. Mirrhflth, 1820. y^l.'To mouths after dale, apt liratnu 1 v he Made lo the hoonrnble Inferior Octoli r 10. V' INK tuoi,tbs after ilat 2—95 , application Will In- . 8 rnntlc to tlie benurutric Interior court oft I Wig county, lur leave to sell the real elate of Jacob /liber, rie • H-eri—it 202 1-2 J. rrei ot laud Ijini s.i Hutnnn r.w»nty. ABUA.M /.t-iS.'.It, Guardian. August ,7 mu.o NlM; nmutiis alter Iirisut uppi.citiod will be ■arie to the L-.mir.-blc the court of ul- riinary of llnlriwiii county, for leave to sell two g* w boys, belonpiin to ibe estate uf Jouatlian Thoaiax. deceased, b»rthe Iu nefil oftlie lir'isuf *uidestate. GBACY TIIOMAB,arioi'x- DAV1D THOMAS, uritn'r. . July 3.1820 _inWin Batilu n Superior Court".input Term, 1820. I t Mipenrihg to the satisfaction of tlie court, tjut on tlie ninth day of PeLranry In t!,o year «■ - litcciv hundred and twenty, w pronri-cw- ry note wax rnuric by John Bocetnnn, jrayeble to baiuuel Hnckwell or order, at the brancli of llie Darien Bank iu .Mrilcdgeville,*01 days after ri'e date thereof,fur four hundred und nine dof-^ i.-l and it ul*o appearing lo the e/-nrt by tha i&VuvItof the said Samuel Kockwell, filed with lie clerk of the court, (bat Ihe tame has bei n Otr, Mil) a copy oftlie said note beiug al*o (SI d with the clerk of this court On iuodon, it -ordered, that tlie sr.iJ John Boaentan shew ause by the next term of this court, if any he at, why the auid copy should not bu e tah- shed in lieu of the said lost original, and that rule lie |HibUahed once n mouth lor *lx N INE monliis Htu-r date, epjili made to I lie honorable llu* Interior Ccurt ot'Joiiescouuty, when sitting for ordinary pur pose-.forleave to sell the real extatuof Take lav <b raised. THOMAb UXU-ARO,-) ... THOMAS WHITE, May P, 1820—Id—• jVINK Tontlis aflat dale Hpplu atiun willdie : 4 Mcsfli the honorable inferior rumtsf Hsne « k i runty, silting ns a roaitOI O.diMt}. for leave lo sell Lot of ln r ,| nun,her twenty four III the third district of fValton county, be>mc- b*^ t#, the estate of I honov* \ ickers, drcenMfl, fill; e benefit of the heirs and creditors • M l- MU ViC'hJj JU, Qntl'ficd r.x'nr mvm* i. ■ r.ths inevious to the Atid lams, in the | ■u Ireorder, printed in tue lowti oi Mith rqg copy, taken from the minvles this nth e 'll flfOMAS II KIN lit, Quk. rwber »2. dm—hi J0B-VKI.VT1XR, trcu'idwiili N'entofs and DispulctvJ* tl'e K/xuallr Orricc. ... ( * 3 \ . ■ V nsOmJKHSmS> _< A^s