Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, February 13, 1821, Image 4

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« V: V rata thl woKtiio curum-l-e. THE SORTTir.K.y BLAST. Jlon' 0,1 uc shiver will, atFrL’ht, *!.. lir»r iu H;i» cold «Inter night, Thr demon of the g*le ; jp. i, ml), end ell the welkin rings; jj,. nr its the window w*ith his wnigt; And every cheek turns pale. He rule* a tyrant, stern nnd proud, Jhe r»iu-dri>jn falling from the cloud, lie toui Ues ere they light— And nowr hy transformation fare, They dance like feathers in the air, And clothe the ground with while. He stands beside the murmuring rill, And so, the gliding stream is still, As chill'd by sudden t"ai ; Froze into horrors hy his look, All life and motion are forsook, Medusa's head is here. He strikes a tree, and lo it grieves, Bereft of all its gaudy leaves. That once its power defied , Aad on those houghs of verdure bar d, lie hangs a hoary silver beard, No more the forest pride. Where is the mirth, and where the sting, And where the gaudys painted throng, '1 hat cheer'd the summer bough*: Alas I thro - fear ami sudden dread, To warmer climates they have ucu, Before the tyrant's brows. On all the How'ry race below, He piles hi* sepulchres of snow, The children lair of June ; And in tin* colJ and dreary night, 1 hear him howling wilts delight, His dirges to the moon. And shall sve not the tyrant fear; No, no, mv M , lor warmth i> here, And friendship rules tha hour— Then hy tiiis taper newly lit, Aly fmOld and l v*-111 calmly sit, And brave the tykant's power. Thus arm'd we well may stand thy shocks, Thy tyrant of the hoary locks, for friendship is our cheer; Then beat about thy ltillen wing. The rose-lip'd aepbyr of the spriuj, Is not more welcome here. * A. THE STATE OF OHIO VtBSliS THE bank ok the united states. A joint committee of the legislature of O’lio tiave mule a very long Report, to both bouses, on the subject of the con troversy with the Bdnk of the United States. In the report it i» proposed, that a compromise be made by law, pro viding “ that upon the Bank discontinu ing the suits now prosecuting against the public, officers, (of the state) and giving assurance, that the branches shall lie withdiawn, and only an agency left to settle its business and collect its debts, the amount collected lor tax siiail he paid without luteiesi." The committee conclude, by recom mending the adoption m certatu resolu tions, of tvhii h th" following are the most important, with the votes on them in the House of Representatives of that state Resolved by the General Assembly ojthe Stale of Ohio, J bat in respect to the pow er* of the governments of the several states, that compose the American union, and the powers of the federal govern ment, this general assembly do recog nize, and approve the doctrines asserted hy the legislatures of Virginia anJ Ken tucky, in their resolution of November and December, 1 Till!, and January 1300, and do consider that their principles have been recognized and adopted by a majority of the American people. (Tilt- resolution carried in the (louse. Yeas 38, Nats 7.) Resolved further, That this General Assembly do protest against the doctrines of the federal circuit court, fitting in this •tate, avowed and maintained in their proceedings against the officers of state, upon account of their official acts, as be ing in direct violation of (he 1 till amend ment to the constitution of the U. States. (Carried, Yeas, 68, Nays 7.) Resolved further, That this General Assembly do assert, nnd will maintain, bv all legal and constitutional means, the right of the states to tax the business and property, of any private coiporution of trade, incorporated by dlie Congress of the United State*, anil located to transact its corporate business within a- Iiy flate. (Carried unanimously.) Resolved farther. That the bank of the United States, is a private corporation of trade, tho capital and business of which, may be legal!,, i.i.J in any state where they may be found. (Carried, Yeas GI, Nays d.) . Resolved farther, That this General Assembly do protest against 'he doctrine, that the political rights of the separate states, that compose the American u- nion, & their powers as sovereign states, mav be settled and determined in the Su preme Court of the United States so as to cnncl ide and bind them, in cases con trived between individuals, and where they are, no one of them, parties direct. (Carried, Yeas 64, Nay I, Wm. Vance.) Resolved further, That the Governor transmit to the governors of the several states, a copy of the foregoing report nnd resolutions, to be 1 iid before their res pective legislatures, with a request from this General Assembly, that the legisla ture of each state may express their o- pinion upon the matters therein con tained. (Carried unanimously.) SLAVERY. Nxw-Yoax, Jam 20. The bill declaring that slavery cannot exist tn this state, was called up in the assembly, on Wednesday la«t. General Root spoke for some lime in favor of-the bill, and quoted The Declaration of In dependence, the* con-titution, anJ the character of fhe Couu’nrV'ift- proof that slavery cannot, and orfght not to ex ist in this state, end uiq*ed in ittrong terms the pnMAgi*of the law . Mr. Verpluock considered the bill as incongruous—it did not emancipate, but merely declared thag slavery cannot exist, and founded also upon principles which could not be defended. The number of poor and a- gad black* would be increased, and be- cook a public burden* and their propri etors wooIJbe happy to get rid cftfcere. A law is now extant, which declares that slavery shall not exist after the year K 27 ; preparations are gradually mar king to carry it into effect. Mr. Ford concurred in the opinion of the incon gruity, and contradictory principle* of the bill. Mr. Hopkins offered an amend inent, which went not to declare that slavery cannot exist, but to emancipate all blacks at the age of 26, exempting the master from all obligations to main tain his slave, but to pay for their ser vices subsequently rendered. Mr. J. C. Spencer could not avoid offering n few remarks on the subject. He perceived, it was true, some little difficulty about the bill, but was in favor of it, nod tho’t it could do no barm. He was not in fa vor of the amendment, and thought it bet ter to pa*s'the bill, and anticipate the act which liberates all slaves in 1827. He thought it impossible to make owners liable for the services of their slaves.— Mr. Spencer did not say a word on the sub ject of the three blacks, whose “ names lie caused to be registered, in order to secure thsir services,’’ although it was a favorable opportunity. A motion was made for the committee to rise and re port. Mr. Speaker said that lie would go Ss far a3 any citizen to alleviate the miseries and evil of slavery ; but that lie did not believe that this bill would ef fect the object. In 1C 27, all slaves would be free, making the abolishment gradual and benelicial ; but now if tlu- bill passes, the mo-t jioor and disabled will be emancipated, and thrown upon the counties for support. Look, said lie, to your stole prisons and penetentiaries, are they filled with slaves ? No, with free people of color. Before the law was passed, which abolished slavery in 1827, «n owner of a slave would offer 100 dollars for bis apprehension, when absconded ; now they offer six cents re ward and no charge*. If this declarato ry act passes, will you consent to sup port the aged emancipated blacks from the treasury ?—no. Will the rounde* suppert them ? no ; for in some Counties they put up their poor for sale by auc tion. Mr, Thompson, of Seneca, said there was much difficulty on the subject in reconciling slavery to our constitu tion, and much difficulty in emancipa ting them : he offered an amendment to apprentice the blacks at a certain age.— General Swartwout moved to reject the iml , hu thought it ...I unnece*s.trj cue. !!c v,*Oa!u "o f ir to 2?? 1st in tho ,v< * emancipation ; his vote was recorded in ill it lionet! 2o y cm e ,lgu ag.liilSt eiu but this bill would do nc good to master or slaves, but 611 our poor houses and pri-ons. The committe rose, and the bill was referred to a select committee, after Mr. Williams had made a ffamin; patriotic speech, about liberty, constitu tions, and all that kiad of thing, pretty enough m theory, but very much at va riance with his practice.—Aat. .Mv. FROM INDIA. Cxicctta, July 14. The Missionaries at Rangoon, repair ed to the cupital on the accession of the present monarch, in ortjer to congratu late him and solicit his protection, when he returned for answer that they might freely posses* their own religion within his territories, and preach as they pleas ed, but if any Birmahs quitted the reli gion *f the country, to join them, he would decapitate the apostates. ICE BOATS. A Boston paper says; “The river Arcush- net, which divides the towns of Fairhaveo and New Bedford is a in le wide and has been crossed on the ice, however incredible it may seem to you, in one minute in what is called an Ice Boil. 1 received a letter yesterday from a gentleman in Fairhaven who has constructed one of these boat', in which he states that himself and Hire ■ others crossed the river in otic minute an.I a half, on Thursday the 4th inst.—and that he lias sailed, when the wind was fresher, at the rati- of 60 mile* an hour—45 mile* i.s quitmc.mi- mon. These boats, which are not imirh known in this country, but which arc prev alent, I believe, in the north of Europe, are nothing more than a common boater yawl, placed on three runners, and propelled by the wind- The lee runner, or skate, is a lit tle sharpened so as to take ice, and prevent IceAvay.” RjtLttan, (N. C.) Jan. 26. Remarkable Preservation !—Two or three days since, one of the workmen, (ao Irishman) who was engaged in pul ling the shingles from the roof of our Capitol, was accident illy precipitated from his situation, at the tap of the buil ding, and must evidently have met in- staut death, had he not, providentially, been arrested in his descent by a pro jecting ten-penny nail—which entering deeply into the fleshy part of hi* thigh, suspended him on the eaves of the house, until the ueccss.-iry aid was afforded him. Hi* wound, which was the immediate ob ject of surgical care, is pronounced trif ling ; and the honest and in-lustrous la borer is likely soon to be able to m ike a second ascent and, we hope, not so dan- geroqs and rapid a descent.—Star. A northern paper suites, that the Ire form ed at the foot of Niagara Falls, i* reported to be within twenty feet as high a* T.ihle Rock. If this l>« true, the thickness of the ice is about one hundred ami twenty feet. AO Jv cr,Yova fov Sale.. rjUfE Sl’ti H’RIliKP Uviiie; oe. line i the •L farming liHMnc'*, wblie? to suit lii* K imi lie* of NUGROGS; they will he oR'rred ht pri vate sale Oil the 17th day ot March* at tiie Utc residence of Maj. Green Wynn of Jones coun ty, sixteen ini'esnfjove Clinton, fourteen below Monticello, and twenty-five from Eaft»ntou.— SlioulJ not private sales be effected on that {lay, eighteen will positively be *old to the highest bidder for cash. They enn^i-tof men, women, boys nnd girls, young and likely, and can come as well recommended as any in the flute—-n first rate bout nnd thoemnker, swyrr*, bouse servant*, n good seamstress end weaver, wet and dry nurses ; therefore, I flatter myself pur chasers cannot fail being suited. At thp same time an i place will be sold the cropof Corn, EodJer, kitchen Furniture, I'lun- Itttion Utensils, three work liorse®, two Mules, a first rate top (Jig with plated liarnesf com plete, hud a Carryzu!. The latter property will no sold as applied for. United Stales pap*;. p» e- fered. JOlVe tvY.W January 30, 1821 02—tit* GUNPOWDER. a forthf.k aurrL* of cylisdi t i>otm>: proof itlFLK POWDER, IN UEO ', AN It ALSO IN CA.VliTKRS OF ONE POUND cannon” powder, in kegs—Iroiu the Bo-ton nnd Clielm-fford fac tory ; equal, it not supeiior, to any made in merle?.—just received and tor sale, tvbolesa'i uud retail, by ROBERT S. GOFF, • (Jlgmtfcr the Company ) No. 20, Bolton s Range, Savannah F.j raclt of Sundry Letters rcrotnintnding their P under. From Gov. Brooks tit Aiav-aehusetta, to his Ei celleney l>. 1). Tompkins—Jan. Jil, loiit). ‘ 1 find that the Powder manufactured here is of e.rctlknl quality, in the course of Iasi year I visited the factory twice, at each oi which limes the works were not only minutely exam ined, but the Powder Aiibjecied totems which were »uiSciently rigorous and peifrctiy satis factory, and am confident this factory is able to famish h* good powder for the National De fence as cun be any wheie obtained.” from Uioigefl. Ihooke,Cot. I $. Army, to Col. (it o. Hum font, of the Ordnance Department. “ On examination ol the Powder of the Bos ton and (Jilt l ms ford factory, I am fully convin ced that it is equal to unv Powder 1 jiave ever seen, either of English or American inuuuiac- ture.” /Vain Thomas Harrison esq Military Store Keep er. “ I have attended frequent trials of the proof of this Powder, and must acknowledge that yours has the preference Jo any I have seen put in competition—and that it ij equal lo any ;.i the world.” from Gov. Miller, of Jlrhansair. “ The. Indians are careful to get goo J Tow- dcr—if they are judges of any thing it is of that article—they say it is very good. The old white hunters »ny it is the best they have ever Coin. Hull mid other officers of the Navy an! Army, and alsooi the New-Eugland iniluiM, with nessed experiment* of its goodness, and have given it their uiopm?if**d npprobntion SU‘ The above i’OTY DEIl constantly for sale by BUTLER v HOPPER. February 6 —-It. do ill sizes from rrMlR subscriber will Ic.i -L \«irs, i r a term of on moderate gromnl rent, Lots in M:JlrdgeviJIe advantageously situated for mercantile or other business. S. UUANTLAND. February 5, 18-JI. TEMPLE CHAPTER. rjlHE regular meetings of Temple Chap- X- ter, are belt! on the serond Friday in each and every month in Mtlleilgevill*. It. S. GRIGGS, Sec’ry. Jnn’lnrv 47 fit—4t THOMAS WILEV, T_-Jf Afe j"«t revived hy the limit Industry 5. u the toilotvinlf article*, which are off'er- . d for vale at hi. Grocery and Ovmmiutun Store, 3 Pipes superior Cognise Brandy, ,-i do tin Holland Gin, 40 lilils. Buttenburg do 20 do Whiskey, e' 1 ’, t SUGAR, )(i hints. ^ It) bills, first quality Loaf Stt-ar, 35 do 2d do do ■20 do Lump Sugar, 4J casks Cut Nail*—; to 40d. 5 baskets Champaign Wine, l(i boxes White Currant do 15 do Cordials. < JO do Cbi-t Wine, J.; ri-.Jt, first quality London Porter, 40 boxes* by 10 Window Glass, 15 do lOiiyti do do 10 do Spci in. Candles, 40 do Northern do 1st iv 2d quality, 15 do Bloom Raisins, to do Muscatel do 30 bills. Potatoes, SO kegs White Lead, 6 casks Linseed Oil, C eases Shell’d Almonds, 4 libls. Cranberries, 5000 lbs. Swedes Irvn, Axe Bar, Waggon, Chair and Cart Tire, 25 casks Dexter’* Rock Lime, suitable lor finishing, 75 casks Tbomastown do 300 bushels superior ground Galt January 15 49—tf &*A\aT. IX HUNDRED BCSIIELS will be sold •notice. W -JI.L r.E SOLD on the f..-t Tuexdaj i.i March next, lielwocn the usual hours of rate, at the court-hou*e in the town of Dublin, Laurens county, the following property, to wit: One half square of Land In the (list dis trict No. 276—taken as the property of James Wright, to satisfy an execution in fa vor of Wright Flowers. One square of Land in the twelfth district No. 174—taken ns the property of Frederick Swariugalm, tn satisfy an execution in favor of John J. Underwood. One square of Land in the second district No. 480—taken as the property of Samuel P.eatuy, defeased, to satisfy an execution in 'favor of John L. Ray, for the use of Alf ed 15. Ken-. CHARLES S. GUYTON, Sli’ff. Jannniy 2J. If.21. ’’^TN'E mouths after i.’atx>, apj-iica:;, r, v J.X be made tn the Inferior court oft!, |,i nin county for h-av e to sell the tract of p.,, belonging to Iv.rson Smith, orphan of; mas Smith, deceased. SAMUEL GOODALL, Guardis,, January I. 1821. W ILL BE BOLD on the first Tuesday in March next, between the usual hours of sale, at the court-boil r ill the town of Dublin, Lauren* county, the following property, to wit: One square of Land in the twenty-second district Wilkinson, nevv Laurens county, No. S.SI—levied on as the property of Davv- lon ami Stewart, to satisfy an execution in favor of David Donnie, property pointed out •y Holland McTvre. Cl IA RLE low, delivered at the Boat lard, ply to REDDING Si WASHBURN. Miiledgeville. Jan. 9 46—tf ,\p S S. GUYTON, Sli’ff. January SO, 1941. NOTICE. A GREE ABLE tnari order of the lionor- xY aide the Inferior court of Laurens county, sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at the court-house in Dublin, Laurens county, eighty ai res of Land on Turkey creek ad joining Hicks and others, tlic real estate of .Min Calhoon, deceased—sold for the bene fit of tile heirs. AXCOM CALHOON, Athn’r. December 21 tds* NOTICE. WILL HE SOLD, u.ttrv nave tormea ai , ,, ; , , i /jxN the first Ttiesdnv in March next, at I KAcric rot the L vvv. 11 , •• .. , r ,, i ^ vz tile Gotirt-housc III the town ofi'Ion- ticcliii, Jasper county, a Negro fellow (fv the rpilE SUBSCRIBERS have formed a connection in the They will he able to attend the Superior Courts in the several counties in the Ocmul-1 ,v . . , r . Hancock name ol Darnel, belonging to the estate of | Georgia, 1 u iggs countj,, Superior Court, fj,- her Term, 1420. Roger Lawson, Guardian, ) t *. > Rule Xisi John D. R. Finn, { I T appearing to the Court that the plains tiff was possessed of three several notes of hand for two hundred dollars each, giver, by defendant to the plaintiff, copies of winch are herewith filed w ith the original petition, and that lire same are lost. On motion nf Wm. Crocker, attorney for petitioner: It is ordered that the copies of said notes be es tablished in lieu of the original, unless sul!?. cient cause he shewn to the contrary on or before the first day of the next term of thit court, and that a copy of this rule he publish, i d once a month for three months in one of the public Gazettes of this state. A true extract from the minutes, this 21st Octuber, 1620. ARCH’D M’lNTVRE, Clk. November 14 Circuit; also in the county in the Northarn, ar.d in the counties of Pu laski, Twiggs and Laurens, in the Southern Circuit. One or tin, oilier may at all time* be found at liieir office, unless when on the circuit. STEPHEN U\ HARRIS, ELI S. SHORTER. Eatnntnn, £.4dJan. 1S21. 51— St LAW-OFFICE. nprit undersigned, Attorney L Cnr.i- Hi njninh Hodnrtt, dec'd, directed by b will to hr and c at the time of sale. GEO. CUNNINGH AM, l, JOHN HOD NETT, ^ txora. N. n. All pfrsons iadt Ftcd to tin* c*st:»t<? of Brni'-auiii Hodnrtt, dic’d, nre requested to make payment without delay, and those who have claim* against tile estate are re qaired to Bring them forward, duly authen- (.•FOKGIA, Morgan county. Hy the honorable the Inferior court for the sa'i county, titling for ordinary purposes. WfiEKiMs Mary Zubrr la(a of this county de ceased lately died intestate, liavln" while lived, and ut die time oi lier deJth, divers good?, right* and credits within the county aforesaid, l»y means whereof, die full tii>pot>ition and pow er of granting the administration of all and sin gular the goodrights Hi d credits of the ?aiJ. derensed; and idso auditing the accounts, ru!- culations an J reckonings of said administration and a final dismission of the same to the court afoicsaid does of right belong—They desiring that l!ie goods, rights and credits of Maid dec’d. may be well and truly administered, converted and disposed of, do hereby g» «»t unto Benjumiu bmith administrator, full power by tjje tenor of the.'^e pr- cuts to administer the goods, rights rh.I credits of said deceased, which to him in her life-time .and at the time of her depth did belong ; and lo ask, levy, recover and rfseivt thesitnie, and to pay the debts in which the de ceased stood bound, fo far forth in her goods, right* and credits will extend, according to thei | rutrotfd order of lair, (being first swoni on the Jaiiuaiy lb. “til—td^ # •V i. to & at Law, having fixed himvelf at this pi n e, has opened an office, where he j ticated, within the time prescribed hy law will attend punctually to any business in his profession which may be confided to him.— Up practises in the several Courts of the Ocmubrec Circuit. IVILUAM V. ton. Pitlnum co C.R > January 20, 1821. ^ to ho sold for the benefit of the heir* IMy Kvanrclfei* of Almighty God to make reditor-v Ycrirs W;!! I»* inede knowr. I tro*» nnd r**rt‘t i inventory thereof, and to ex hibit the :»mc to the clerk of the court of ordi- niiiy iu t!io county aforesaid, in order to be re corded, on or before the first Monday of No vember next ensuing, and to render n just and true account of .said administration, when there unto required)—ami you are hereby ordained, constituted and appointed administrator of nil and singular the £0ods, rights ant! credits of said dcceu’ e I. In testimony wHFRFor, we have caused the clerk of this court to set his hand and seal this fourteenth day of September,one thousand eight hundred and twenty. JOHN MSBF.T, c. c. o. October i7. 36—in9ai t fl H L X tion r>ui»scritn r» nave ioi ineti a connec tion in the Practice of the Law, under the firm of Rockwell Ha Hephi u.v. All business confided to their care will be punc tually attended to. One of them will at all times be found at the office of S. Uo<%well, correr of Jefferson and M’lntr>sh Ftreets. aSAMn:?^ RoruvKM,, J JSEFH L. HEPBURN. Milledogville, Sept. 13 r ?rl—tf /sptlc* aUbaCIUBKU forvvaru? a.iy person J . from trading with his wife Viny Me.Nealy, any further than she is hb!;* to pay of herself, for he does not intend to pay auy of her c< tract?. fWLLIAM M NEALY R'lllorh countr, Tan. '20, Is.’l S2—2t’ NOTICE. East Alabama Company. T HE SliH'kli are lieritiy nutifieff that liieir annual meeting will be held in this town on the Mill tit May next, heiiq; the secoml Monday in t>ai<J month. The Agent* request the pnnclin.1 attend ance of (inqirietor-., a* the affairs of tills com pany absolutely require th. ir attendance. JOHN TAYLOR,) AV. TAYLOR, AV. B. LUCAS, January ?!> Agents. -4t ( 1 i.ORGIA, Bald T John R. Scott of unfit. Riwsel’a district, only T John R. Scott of tolled before Sterling Buss, Esq. a Sorrel Mare about four feet • i^bt incite; high, twen ty-one years old, with sonic white in her forehead, .nid some saddle spots—appraised to fdly dollar*, Jan. 27tii, 10 2t. THO. H- KENAN, Crk i. c February 9 ” 52—rit THE MANSION HOUSE \ EAVLY erected oil the aite of the Sa vannah Hotel, destroyed hy the fire in January last, at thccornei-of Broughton ami WIlitaker-Street*, upon ail enlarged ami im proved plan, calculated to accommodate Gentlemen irilh single Itoom.e, and FnmilifS icith large Rooms, and a Table detached Iroin the public part of tlic House. JOHN SHF.LLMAN. N. R. A Carriage-!louse and Stables are also provided on an adjoining lot and an Hol ler to attend tn Horses. Savannah, December 1829. 47—3m NOTICE. T il IF. SUBSCRIBER wishing to decline tile Drug busiu' S*, will dispose ola large assortment ol Fresh Drags, Patent Malic Lies, Shop Furniture, $-c. at very reduced prices for cash or approved paper. Those wishing a supply III Medi cines, had better make early application. THOMPSON BIRD. Frhrnnrv 5 52—3t J UST received and |.»r sate by tlic suh- scriliers, 15 Bids. N. O. Sugar, 10 bags Coffer, 5 hiids, Molaises, CO pieces Cotton liagginj lu boxes Candles, tv) krgs Rifie Powder, 3 lil canister* do do 15 bugs Almonds. BUTLER UHOPPER. FfWti I it—tt superior quality. February 2 COFFEE. r, has COl FEE, hriv crop, rnnOMAS AVI LEY, has jmt received. X thirty hags Green C 52t .MiayhUvaV'a VMYvrv', FOR THE , ntlCT OF GEORGIA. SAE.1XXAH, .Aar. 11, tagi). fplll’ Assistants of (he Marshal oftllis Dis- trict, “ for taking the Fourtll t ensus, or enumeration of the Inhabitant* of the United State*,'’ are hereby notified that the time for tr:iii*iiiitting liieir return* to this Department i* near at Ivtnd; and it is hoped that no delay w ill take place, *o as to prevent a general re turn being made according to law. JOHN II. MOREL, Marshal Dis. tiro. T he Darien Gazette, Augusta Cbroniele, Washington New s, Athens (iazette, and Rn- rorder and Journal at Miiledgeville, will pub- lisli tile aleive till couulei Utah Jed. November IS 41 tf < FOR SALE, TAvrtc Tracts of \itvm\, to wit:—f.Ot No. 1'>o. iu the 8th dirstrict of Ap pling—aho, Lo! No. 400, in the 2ritli district of Early—also, tin.* tract of land on which the sub scriber live* 0 , in Oglethorpe county, on Falling creek, coulaiuiug 1J0 acres, in good order for cultivation. A Negro Coy or two will be taken in part payment for the above Land. WALTER li. D09SRY Jannary 2->. 61—U* NOTICE. WILL BE SOLI), on the first Tuesday YV | n Aj.e!| r evt, In te«Tti ef DttMm, Laurens county, hrtwern the usual liours oj sale, six likely NEGROES, to be sold as the property of Richard Bracen-ell, late of said county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms of sale twelve months credit with small notes and good approved security. JAMES BR.ACEWELL, Adra’r. January 15 49—tds O N Tuesday tl.-e 20th day of February next, will lie sold at the house of Mrs. Baker on Fishing Creek in Baldwin county, the perishable property of Elisha Parker, deceased, consisting of some household fur niture, horses, hogs,corn and fodder. Terms of the sale will lie made known on the day. At the same lime will be hired a negro wo man and lu-r children, belonging to tile es tate of said Parker. WILLIAM PARKER, Adm’r. January 8 td« NOTICE. B ROUGHT to Baldwin Ja l on the 22d inst. a Negro Man who says his name is MILES, he is 5 feet 10 or 11 ini-lie, high says he belongs to Janu s Lockett of Jones county. Tlic otvner is requested to come forward, prove the property, pay tliarg and take him away. FREDRICK SANFORD, Jailor. Miiledgeville, January £9 51-—St WAREHOUSE, AUCTION, AND CUMMISSIU.Y RLSLYES& C lf ARI.F.S AV. BU’I’LLR and MATTHEW IIOITER, linve ae ucialad Uitnivclvei lo- futile., under die firm of SUTLER norPEB, for the tmn«nrthifi nf WAREHOUSE, AUC TION and CO V» MISSION BUSINESS. They have purchased of Messrs. liarvry L Redding their Warehouies *t the Coat-yard, and have made arrungemi-nt* for t?ie « xtc*n'ion of A*ver^ convcnieurc which inny facilitate the reception and forwarding of Co r roy, nc this fail. 3'/ They have two fir>t mto Boat?, burthen •loi» bufas each; wiiich will ply between till? nnd Darien pu soon h» flic ' a-nri coinmeiicen, and they llatler tbera«elves 1 hat by unremiflcd at tention, tiiey will be uhle to give *ati*faction to tlKisc who maf think proper to entruht businers to their core. A new road im? been m ide to the Boat-yard which shorten? the •li*‘tance,aud s much more convenient than ihe former one. N. B.—They will utteud to the purclia»c and ale ol Cotton. HEFFREN'f TS. Messrs. V C. F*nmn Co.—Saronnah. Ii all, Cooke Co.— Darien. IIarviyU lU.ULiNo.k > Mr. Tiiumas Wilev, \ MUUdgllt. August 22. tf—28 TOR SALE, very low lor cash, a SIJVULE (HU or HULK. \, with good plated bur sa. The whole can be bought for less than $100. Apply to . Khsha fltntnnj. MUltd-cville, Oclnlmr 24. 37—tf. 7TMIE Co-ptirtncrdiip hcrctnfiiri- existing ■L between Julm AVIiitesidea and William Willis, ix thia day dissolved. Persons who have claims against the firm, are requested to come forward ami present their accounts, and those who arc owing it, ant desired to make patruent. WHITESIDES k WILLIS. January 18, 1821. 50 A. li. FANNIN k. Co. R ETURN their thanks to their friends in the up-country for the liberal sup port which they have heretofore received from tlieni in the Factorage Commission Business. Tln-v inform them that they still continue in busines* at their old *tand Bolton** Range, and respectfully solicit a continuance of their favors. They lurtetUmsirfynnd safe Ware- Houses for the reception of Produce, and will as heretofore, make liberal advances uu Pro duce deposited with them for sal;. Havannah, Oct. Si 33—tf NOTICE. O .V the fr<( Tue.'dny in April next, will be sold. :-t the coiirt-linnsi! in Clinton, Jonr* county, .11.1. THE EAXU5 belonging to tlic estate of William Powell, dec’d—sold fir the benefit -it the heirs.—Terns of vale made known on the day. ICIIABOD COX, Ailm r. January 20 91—Ids. notickT W ILTj RR SOLI) on the sev^ntp^nth of iit*xt month at tho latr rusidincr of Benjamin Smith of Laurens county t d, part of flic |*ersonal nroporty of Mid d«*- rf i-cd, ronsisling of IJor^f’?, Household and Kitchen Furniture, and other articles. HARDY GRIFFIN, ActingRxV. Dublin, February 1, 18£1 65—st \ T often. \ PPL1CA1T0N will be made to the Inferior court of 1 nitrent uoiinfy. when for ordinary purpose?, nine months after date, for leave to sell a Lot of Laud, lying in Hull coun ty, No. M l, in the bt!i district of said county, pnrt of (he real estate of Jonathan Pope, late o! Laurens county, dec’d—sold for the benefit ai the he irs and creditor* ofaaid dtc <1 FLEET VOTE, Adm’r. Jaouarr IP. —mVin. • NOTICE. \ LI. persons indebted to the estate of Tbo- . mas Well.*, late of Clark county, dec’d, are requested to uiafie immediate payment, and all tho** linviiu! claims against said e?!atc, am .li st* requested to pieseot them to the *ub«cribers. J IIIN GORDON, Wm. 0. NUNN ALLY, Ilcnrcscniatii'cs d/Tuomas Wells,dec llB—Tf lib M—M. GEORGIA, Raldwin County, Superior Court, April adjourned Term, lrC(J. O N the petition of E1M;ii Whitney, *t»ting that be holds a mortgage given by Perry to him, conveying a lot of land lying and bring in the town ot MilledgevilU?, •containing one hundred nnd fourteen feet fronting ofWarh- ngton street aud two hundred and ten feet fronting and lying on \\ ilkiinon sti^pi t, adjoin ing Fort on the east and Allen on the south; 1 lot known and distingnislied iu the plan said town by lot number three, in square number forty-three, to ‘feme the payment of Irven hundred and thirty dollar*, on the fint day of March lust, due on a promisory note nl- tnched to .•'aid mortgage, aud that said Willi* Perry has failed to pay said sum of money or c- ny part thf reof: It is thereupon ordered, that unU ’sthe -aid Willi? Ferry shall pay the amount due on snid mortgage with interest and cost in to Hie Clerk’> office of this court within twelve months from tl.i* time, the equity of redemption of, in and to said mortgaged premises, will he thenceforth forever barred unci foreclosed in terms of the statute in such rrtfe made mu^ro- vided. And it is further ordered, that this ruin be published in on 1 ? of tho public Gazettes of this state- once a month for the space of twelve months, or served on the said Willlf Perry or Ids r per.inl agent at least si* months previous to tlic time the money is directed to be paid. I certify that the foregoing is a true copy fa- ken from the minutes, tills 2dth of April, 1820. THOMAS H. KENAN, CPI.- April 29 ml Sin UtiUon WwntevA. T HE s ib-rrlhcrs wishift, to purthosp COT TON, w ill i-.ive tlic liiglic.t in^ the present season N ovtmber 27 1829. sb price ilur- FOARD i MALONE. 42-lf Green- Superior Court, August Ti I’re-cnt liis honor Jiiil. r- Strono. U PON III" nppliestion ol the ailmini-trators of Arcliihnij Mnrtin, decease'), statlus (he esiilenre anil loss of the ori^inul hill of .-r.le from Wi linin F.JmunJsun,constabli ,tn f liurlc, Burke, for two negroes Foreday anil .toe, levi ed on nnd sold to satisfy two . neeutions in fa vor ol Iteiliuaii Thornton and others, against Charles Burke, iloeea-i-d, a, hi, pnqierly, and they having filed a copy of the sumo (iu ,uli- stnnee) in ufiier: On motion of hrnboi n Join-*, attorney for the ndminbtratnrs of until Martin, ordered, that (be said copy he establish ed ut the next term of tiiis mint in lien of the lo«t original, unless ceu-e In- luwv.i to the eon- trury, and that e eopy ot tiiis rulp he tinhlixhed in one of the public Oaretlas of this circuit, once a moiilli for six moiitiis. E.rtrct from the Minutes. EBENEZElt TORRENCE, Cl k September U m6in ( ' OERUIA, Baldwin comity. * \\ beret* Lewis Hillson, applies for letter, fn dismission on the eilnte of Aaron Hillson, late of tkc county afore-aid, iie«M,ed : These lire therefore to cite and » Iruonish all and sin gular the kindred and erditon of said deceased, to be and appear at mv orti-e within the tune pre-in led by luvv ,and shew ransr (ifanv)wby Olid letters should not be granted in lesms dA the law. Given under n:v hand t privnta wsl* 1 (tner- being no seal of nigra) this tih Seplem THO*H VT1NE inontUa after date hereof, nnpln a- h v tio.) trill br miule to the honorable t!n- Inferior Court of Morgan coxnty, when sit ting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sett the real cstat..- of Jelut Evans, deceased. • JOHN EVANS, Adtn’r. Isov. 14. 40 xvitii tlic will annexed. her, 1820. KENAN, Cl k. INE nmuth ^tn r date, application w ill he i, made to tucTiononitile the court of Ordi nary of Lkldwiu county, for leave tn sell part of the real estate of John Troutman, deceased, for the benefit of the b> irs nf said deceased. It li TROUTMAN, } . JEREMIAH LAMAR. ( A Im n M;qr 29, in 9m fn Baltuiin lluperisr Court—l.igu’t Term IbvOe Thomas B. Htuiibs, > I’etihon for force 1 .; vs. I xnre._ ) Rule .Viol. T 7 BON the petition of Thomas B. Stubbs, U pl aying the foreclosure of the equity at red* mptinn in and to ail that lot of land, ly ing ana being in the town of MiUedgerliir, stole of Georgia and county of Baldwin, con taining one fourth of an acre, being tho otu- fourth part or lot number four, in square number forty in the original plan of said town, lying on Wavnc arid Green-streets, and adjoining Charles Williamson, which -aid lot was mortgaged hy tho said James Fleming lo the said Thomas B. Stubbs, on tho 2Hth jlay of June 1319, the better lo se cure tlic payment of the sum of seven thou sand nine hundred and twenty dollars, and interest. On motion, it is ordered, that the principal, interest and cOat, due on said mortgage, bo paid into tiiis court within twelve months train this date, otherwise the equity of re demption in and to sahl mortgaged prcmi- si-s, w ill ho from thenceforth barred and lore- closed : And it i* further ordered, that a co py of this rule be published in one ol tho public Gazette* ol this statu oneu in every month for twelve months, or served on the mortgager or liis special agent, at least si* months previous to the time tha money t» directed to be paid into court as aforesaid. A true ropy, -taken from tlic minute* U» fifteenth S»plrmb»r, 18 JO. , THOMAS li. KENAN, Clerk. September 18. ‘—- ^ 07* A few Copies of ths Drawing of the life Land Lottery, with un iscifft *** counties, bound in beards, for tale at the * c*>rdcr Oflite. JamiHry 30. —* 30tt-m\NT\N*tis rxeCLifd will? Nualoc'i srtd Di?patcbv 1 c HttOKOl r UrFKE*