Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, April 24, 1821, Image 4

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NU St ALLAN'T. fg THE HU • •• !•> r ■ «- Trinmphart r »*hthat fill’st the sky When ftermr prepare to part, I a*k not proii»f philosophy To teach me what thou art. Shil! #eem as to my childhood’* sight A midway station given, For happy spirits toal.ght Betwixt the earth and heaven. Can all that optics teach unfold Thy form to please me so, As w hen I dreamt of Rents and golJ Hid in the radiant bow ? When srienre from Creation’«f«ce Enchantment's veil withdraw«. What lovely visions yield their place To cold materia laws * And yet, fair bow, no fablingdreams But words of the Mo-falluh. Have told why first thy *>be ol beams Was woven in the sky When o>rth<- ert-fn nniMerfd enrth Heaven 5 ro'rnani thou <!'•! »nmr, How came the world * pre' latlren forlU To watch the tarred si 0 m> And when it. yellow lustre sinileJ O’er mountain* yet • itrod. Each mother held aloft her child To bless the bow of God. Metliinks thy jubilee to keep. The first-made anthem rang, On earth delivered from the deep, And die firn p 1 et sang. N'or ever shall the .Muse’s eve I'uraptured greet thy beam ; Theme of primeval prophecy, lie still the poet 9 theme. The earth to thee its incen«e yields, The lark thy welcome sings, When glittering in the freshen’d fields The snowy mushroom springs. flow glorious is the girdle east O er mountain, tower, ami tow n, Or mirror'd in (be ocean vast A thousand fathoms down. As fresh as yon horizon dark, A* young thy beauties seem, A* when the engle from the Ark First sported in thy beam. For, faithful to its «rrred page, Heaven still rebuilds thy span, Nor lets the type grow pale with age That first spoke peace to man. rnoh ForisoVs awfnira* davit AnvrRTism. Some think it a hardship to work fortheir bread, All bo' for our good it was meant, fiut th"«e that dorit work, have no right to be fed, And the idle are never content. Au honest employment brings pleasure and gain, Aad makes us our troubles forget, Ter those thrv. w:rk lard,have no time to complain, Ar,u ti» Ulitl lo labor iuanirel. F c»» if *e iiusi riches, they could not procure A happy and peaceable mind ; Rich people have troubles, a* well as tbe poor, Although of a different Lind. not w hat our stations bas e been, .Nor whether we re little or great — For happiness lies in (lie temper uithin, And not in the outward estate. VTt only need labor as hard as we can, For all that our bodies may need ; £*lill doing our duty to God and to man, And we shall be happy indeed MURAT. The following account of the death of Murat, is extracted from a very amusing work, entitled Ars Logics, the produc tion of Colonel Maceroni, who was for some time Aid do Camp to that celehrated character. As it has not, to our know- ledge, found its way to the public eye, escept in the publication of Mr. Marce- roni, it may not be altogether uninter esting us coming from the pen of a par- lizan who knew the revolutionary Mo narch thoroughly. “Joachim sailed from Ajaccio in the n id lie of the night between the 2Ctli and 2Jth of September, 1815. Hi, force eoniistcd of five feluccas and about 300 followers. A Sardinian, named Barbara, was entrusted with the conduct of this little squadron, and wa, on board the fe lucca of the King. Joachim’s intention was to land with his force nt Salerno, which is only thirty miles from Naples, and where a considerable part of the Neapolitan army wa, then being re-or ganized. On Sunday, the 1st of Octo ber, Murat and General Pranceschetti, his Aide de Camp, were awakened at day-break by the vessel coming to an chor. General Pranceschetti, went up on deck, and inquired of Barbara w here they were, and what had become of the other vessels, of which he could observe no appearance. Barbara replied, that the King's vessel had parted from the rest ot the squadron during the darkness of the night; and that to his surprise, he now found himself off the town of I’izzo, in the Gulf of St. Luphemia, dis tant an hundred and fifty miles from Sa lerno ! On this, Pranceschetti eiclaimed that Barbara hid betrayed them ; this altercation brought the King upon deck. The unsuspicious Joachim gently re proved Pranceschetti for thinking so ill of Barbara ? and observed that (hi, was tiotime for crimination and division ; but that a plan must be instantly adopted, the best calculated to meet the emergency of the case. “ Pranceschetti,’’ said (he King, “we most give up thoughts of the expedition to Naples ; and it occurs to me at this moment, that I have the means in my power of proceeding to Trieste without interruption. Atwand, said he, calling to a valet-de-chatr.bre! *• search in such a portmanteau, and a- mongst some papers you will find a pass port which was given to me bv Macero ni at Ajaccio ; it is fortunate I topk it with me ; this will guarantee us a safe- conduct to Trieste.” To this measure Barbara objected, on the plea of there not being water and provisions on board sufficient for tbe voyage. “ There," •aid tbe King, *• is what money you want; go 00 shore, nod purchase provisions." ** But, " resumed Barbara. " the masts have suffered much ; it will be impossi ble to undertake the voyage to 'J rieste with this vessel in ber present condi- kb>o.“ *• There are plenty of good ves- ,els in the pnr.lirre of Fi/r>, cm' the. King,** I have money sufficient to boy thought it necessary that he -liould wait and equip the lie-' ot them ; go on shore till the evening of that day for any nr- au.l provide every (lung necessary— ders that might be transmitted to him here is m ine v.” Bai baru now objected j from Naples, by the telegraph,.—ami that he wa. afraid of going onshore withjthat in the event of no important orders T'.u General told tlir King tlinl lie y Y ( \\\\ it A s\ *. Ji,, llii rjr'U'nry Joi'V V •-*. C.r'Msr ant I'ornnaniUr in Chief of th' ,'rmy nta .Vary of this State, and of't’i* Mil Hid Inert oj V \U>U L A.M AT ULV. part of the crew, lest the King, wishing 1 concerning hun arriving, through tin to diminish the number of p»— nc-rr, on medium, be w uuld put him on board the brig, at night fill. " It may be easily conceived with what anxiety the telegraph was watched by the king and his attendants, during the rein under of that day ! It was about liir season of the equinox. 1'liree o’ clock came—four o’clock—the telegraph remained motioobs*. Five o'clock— the same : the evening was fist drawing in. The weather wa« squally. The board, should sail off and leave Inin be hind ! but he consented to go, provided the King would lru‘t linn with tbe pass port, a« a pledge of hi, not sailing off without him I “ Well,” said Murat, “ I’ll goon shore myself, :»il purchase all that’s necessary ; and do you remain here, ready to receive me on board a- gain." Upon tins he got into a boat, with Trance«< betli and four or live oth er,, amongst vvliotn Armand, now in 1’a- I passing of a cloud might decide hi, dcs ri«, wa, one; and proceeded towards tiny. The sun was set.— fhetelegrnpl the shore. It happening to be Sunday, had not stirred!—when just on the a number of sailors and soldiers, with verge of nocturnal darkness the arms o| the inhabitants of Pizzo nnd tbe vicinity, the telegraph began to move, though were walking near the landing pi ice, ‘scarce light enough remained eren to li- vv hich formed the principal promenade nis'i the repetition of Ihe fatal signals of the town. As the King and In, party were proceeding towards the Custom house. to give in their names nnd des tination, in compliance with the usual formalities, he was recognized by a sol dier, who immediately communicated hi* discovery to lus comrades. It spread like wild-tire, and in an instant the King was surrounded by soldiers, sailors, an inhabitant?, who prostrated themselve at bis feet, and with tbe loudest accli mation* shouted out. I'iva il Re twitra . viva Joarhino ' Joachim was deeply af fected at these ilomorntrations of regar and on Ihe first impulse of hi* f'u ling- lie cordially embraced several of the-. sturdy Calabrian*. As soon, however, a, he could obtain a he .mug, be addros— rd the multitude, and after exhorting them to ppice nnd tranquillity, lie as sured them, that he had by no mea come amongst them fur the purpose prolonging his struggle against his :.d verse fortune. The people, particular ly the military, supplicated Inm to re some his l ights ; to put himself at then head and march to the neighboring city of Montcleone, the capital of Cal vhrta. His eul genius at length prevailed.— Some of the party hastened back to tin- vessel, to bring to the shore tho-e who had remained on board, and in the me ri- while the people got ready mules arni horses for the conveyance of the King and hi« follower., and ha*tenej to aril! themselves, in order tu accompany him to Monteleone. ■■ A greai part of tiie town o| Piezo ami its dependencies belong to a Spanish Grandee, the Duke Del lnf.1nt.1do ; lii- agent being resilient on the spot, |toss’>- sesmuch infhienre in the place, and no sooner had Joachim turned hi* back on Pizzo, than this agent commenced with the greatest zeal and activity to call lus acquaintance and dependents to arm, fur the purpose of opposing the King's fur ther progress. In this he wa, secon led by a 1>utennnt-colonel of gendarme-ic, named Trentacopelli, who happened to be at Pizzo on a visit to hi. relations. “ Colonel Trentacopelli mid the agent went with a strong parly in pursuit of Murat. Not taking any horse, with them, they were enabled to make short cuts across the rocks, so as to get be tween the king and Monteleone ; an I in accomplishing tlii«, they were acci len- tclly favored by the king himself, for on seeing them approach, he stispende I his march, under the persuasion that the party he saw advancing vva< coming to join him. The first intimation that lie received of his error, was a volley of musketry poured in upon his parly. “On the first discharge of musketry the king exclaimed that he would have no blood -hed ! and strenuously exerted himself to prevent the continuance ol the firing. As soon as colonel Trent ica- pclli advanced into the road, General Franceschetti rushed upon him, seized him by the collar, A: clapping a pistol to his head, summoned him to onler his men to cea-e tiring. The undaunted Colonel disdaining the threat, attempted to turn aside the muzzle of the pistol—it went ofl'in his Tice, which was scorched by the powder, but only slightly wounded by the hull. “ In the mean while the king a id hi attendants made the best of their way to the sea .hore, in the hope of getting on hoard their vessel ; hut imagine their rage at.d disappointment on perceiving it to be underweigh, nnd making from the shore!—The party of colonel Trenta cnpelli, scarce thought of pursuing the king, some of whose people, threw themselves into a boat, uod attempted to overtake the vessel, which made but lit tle way, hoping, if (bey could reach it, to be enabled to bring it back to that part of the shore to which the king was proceeding. But Barbara now threw off the mask, nnd following up hi*perfidy, opened a bri«k fire on the boat from two guns with which his felucca was armed, at the same time that he redoubled hi efforts to get off" to sea. Those in the Ixiat were thus forced to return, and tbe king left unarmed without any further resource, was compelled to surrender. “ Joachim, as well a« his fellow suffer ers, were lodged iiv the fin t of I’izzo, and in the mean time General Nunziante sent off to Naples a telegraphic account of the event. The King was furnished with the best apartment in tbe fort,or rather citadel. General Franceschetti, as well as the King’s two valets de cham ber, who were both tnen of literary ar- juirements and polished manners, were permitted to attend upon him. The rest of the prisoners were disti ibnted in se veral chambers within the fort, and were treated with kindness. “ On the 4th of October an Tlnglisb brig of war came to anchor off Pizzo, upon which the King claimed the right of being placed onboard, as the prisoner of tbe English. ! “ General Nunziante immediately re paii ed to the apartment of Ihe King, w ho -till remained in doubt v-hetlicr lie wo hi be permitted or not to go on hoard the English brig. Tbi- suspense was soo . removed by N'linziante ; who, rvi- den'lv much affected, informed the King hat lie was that right to he transferred to another part of the ritndel, ami explod ed from any further communication with hi* attendants. The next d.iv tbe ceremony of a tri al was duly cone through, and the pre parations which followed served not 11 little to increase the state of anxiety aril alarm which pervaded his faithful inl- !ower«nnd fellow-prisoners. 1 he gate* of die citadel were closed. The pris on r» were locked up and prevented from holding any communication with the gari-on, the greater part of w hi li was even removed to the other parts of the fort. At length on the morning of the Cth (I think it was.) of October, a dis charge of musketry resounded through the citadel, which the prisoners wen- toll had terminated King Joachim’s earthly coarse. “ In the forcing recital I have ronfiri- •’dmyselftn the miin circum-t inces of the catastrophe. My information Ggii- on upon the lory tir-t authority, it ha ving been obtained from sever al of the parties who were with king Joachim du ring the w hole lime when these occur rences were passing. In •< fifth edition ■f inV work. Calleil “ The fill anil ilnjlli if Joachim Murat, King of N aples, the capitulation of T.iri, in 1815," Ac. Ac. which I am about to publish, I shall he enabled to give more detailed and minute inf vravation on the matter j i«t spoken of. I shall also inform tny readers of some curious imd interesting parlieul ir- con cerning the time and manner of King Joachim's death ; from which i: will ap pear that this even did not take place at the lime it was reported. That ano'lier |a'r*on was shot in stead, nnd that the body buried on the occasion was not that of Joachim’’ W IIKRF.AS by the eighth section of Ihe second nrtirte oftlie Constitution of this Smtr, it is ,lL-rlared that tin- Governor-tinll Imv power to convene the General Assembly on extraordinary orcniions. Asp WHcnrval have received information tloit ihe Trent)* concluded na tin- s, h day of January ta-t, between tbe t 11 it ed Suit- * Com- ini-.imif rs and the Creek Nation of Indian! for Ihe extinguishment nfllteirlitle to certain lands for the use 11I this Stall-, tin, been ratified, and di-eming tins nn oren-ion requiringthe immedi ate attention of the General V-emldy, I hnvr thought lit to issue thi- my Proclamation for convening Ihe -nine at live dlale-lioti-e in Mil- led.! V dtp, nil MOM) XV. the 1 iltlUlKTI! ilnv of APKil. in xt, hereby enjoining nnd requiring tile niton,Inner of ihe "si-eeral meintn r, of the re*|iertive branches tliereot, at Ihe place, nud im the day above mentioned. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the State-hou-e in Milleil;e- villr, tlii. 171b day of .Match, in Ihe year of our l.ord one th-m-and eight hundred end Iweni v*»ne, and ot tlie Independence ofthe United Stales of America the forty, fifth. JOHN CLARK. Hy the ftorrrnnr. .IB.XLtl ll.lMMOVn, Secretary of c lntr. W.vnW rVi’.xU' til! Uiunv’v-A, Savannah, April 111. Mil. VTOTICr:.—An election will lie held at -.a tin- Banking llnuse in t!ii< city, on MONHA V, tilt- 7th day of .May ensuing, for nine Directors on the part of the Stock holders, to manage the rnnrerns ofa.tid in stitution fur twelve mnntli, fnnu t mt!-. The (tolls will be D|tened at 3 A. M. li. dose at 2 r. >t. Bv order nf the Rmrd, A. POUTER. Cashier. (7y*The Edito-s of the.4u£UMfa ChronirU, Washington .Vites, ami Sonlhtrn Htcordtr, at Milledgcville, will pli-ise insert t!ic above advertisement until tin- day of election. April l«. 10—dt. V..VV v7\VV.AI.V.M\tA*T. ’IXitr. SCil-.v'tUKtiR has ope-n-d it MUItll- .! JVC; I/O tv; nud ll'H 'j; of t.XTr'.K- r.HXMEXT ut Scotsloro . ft» ir mile# from Mille^-rev ille, on the r.»«d leading from Clay- Ion’s tVrrv to Fori Hankins, an*. I,very ntten- lioij cljall l»<* paid at all tim*** to the cAiufurt and ttcconuiioiidtioo of tiie^uc N. It. MORGAN. March 27. 7-lf. ADVEmTINCMF-NT. TTrriF.Tir. IS the «uh«rribrr ha# tnken tic \\ iKMl’vIHV* IIOl SF„ jn«l Mow the roal anil market-house, on l»ro;ul Mreet, in the rrty of Nngmlii. return* hi#thanks to a Renermn public for the support already Riven, nnd soli cit# a continuance of their favors, nnd pledge* himself fo Rive every attention, and BnardinR at the following rates, fo wit:—Horses at 50 cents per night*ii»Rle feed 87 1*2 ; hoanlinR for man per day $ I; dinner 50 cents; supper 87 1*2 cent# ; breakfast 87 1*2 rents ; lied 25 cent*— clean nice herftand a well furnished table, nnd a good attentive lioaUer from the north- I al so keep a \\ mroii Yard in pood order, gratis, to those that take boarding. I am, kr ter. TijuHNToN Huffman. March 22 B—41 you. s.\\iF, T HE PLANTATION on which I live, on tlm road lea * ag from Mill«*d^(*\die f«> Jrwinton, and from Clayton’s ferry to Fort Hass kins—it is an excellent stand for business, particularly for a House of E,.Ui tainment. There are Rood buihlings and e verv convenience for the accommodation of tra\e!h*rs. I will hell a bargain if application is made soon. JOHN BIVINS. April 8. 9—It Town tif MonigomcT^'. rnilF. AGENTS will otTer for#ale, the secoud J. Monday in May next. Eight or Ten LOTS on the roramntiHiui ntul beautiful eminence, in the They afford a romantic amt ex- trnniv'e view of the river, town, and surround- ins rotintry. Gnntlcmrn vvitlung a liraltliy Hnil elegant private residence are invited to view the properly. There w ill be offered at tbe same time, a va riety ot LUTS for hii.lnf JOHN I XVI.OR, ) .letnli of Hit \\ TAYLOR, If jut .Italia- XV. B. LLCAS, ) inn Com/amy January 28. H—c'i'.vUvc liosTnN, March 28. Jaia- On*.—On Monday I.el in tue Su preme Judicial Court f>r this county. was tried the ca«e of Dr. Nile*, xj. Major lvil«*ell, fur n libel. Tl-.e all-.-dgi-d libel ron.j.'cd cf a paragraph puMi-he l in the Cenlittol in October last, i-np itin- the decease cf a young man, who died about I hut time, to the unskilful practice of a Physician, understood to be the pi liutlff. I’tie cau«e occupied the conn the w holi day, and the jury vesterd iv morning brought in a verdict for the plaintiff, with six hundred dollars damage,. Messrs. Hopper .and Webster conducted the rau-e for the pliintiff, and Messrs, y. |„ Knapp and Bigelow for the J f-mlml.— Chief Justice Mov.liall sat on the cause. Olti .7gr.— Mr. Sam lei Welch, of Bow, adjoiningN’ew -1 Ian-, u- hire, wa, 110 year* old l ist month. Hi- was Itoru ul Kingston in this state, in Feh. 1711, m the reign nft^'iecn Anr.e. Sevei il gen tlemen of lilii Tillage xi-ited liim on Thursday last. His sight and healing are still a-good lie people's generally arc al 80 or even under. He appears to l intelligent, though meaiorv is some, what impaired. Ilis xvifa, (a seron ‘ tnarri tge.) noxx 82 \ earn oil. i- -till liv ing with hint, and i< shrewd and coint-r- sihlc.—Concord -*v*. //. ya-yter. It i* «lated in a 1 ite London paper, that the Royal Mint i, coming into fall ui tix i- tv, and that preparations have been made for coining ton millinntnf Gu'itrai within the year 1821. The i-.iie, are calcula ted to amount to 200.000 per weik. LOTTERY EXTRAORDINARY, for the enrnurngi if nt nf domestic ind’.ti- tty.—We art-iiifurmi-tl.tliat a company <-f ladies have projected a lottery for the oh m purpose, in which every lu lor nr widow- it xv lio purrliases a ticket, xt ill be entitled "o i valuable prize tcithmit ony tie./,ml ion. [ -Mu n u/actun r's Joti r. Tit for Tut.—A Kinft/cFy pnppr, throw ing h.i.-k the sarcasm of some of our Eas tern prints, udvi-ing the Bank, of Ken tucky and Ohio “ lo redeem their notes with hams and pit/atnri," reconimeuils Ihe Bank, of Hallow ell and Augu - ta, Wiirasiet and Cattine redeem (heir's with “ laths, shingles, codfish and oni on*," and for small change, with “ her rings." This i, a fair and palpable hit. *• Those who lire in houses of rlait, Should not throw stones at tko.:e who fins.” Munificent Hcr/uest.—The late Jacob Sherred,, of this city, lur*, bv will, hp. queathed to the Episcopal Theological Seminary, ofthe State of S’ew York, |vro- perty variously estimated at from 10x7,000 to 150,000 dollars.—.V. Y. .Imcr. lxF.MOV AL. Vi \\.AVv\ iViSW. V, V T V .VAX f g \> rfmmi'ii from bit* #1on* on W;u n»* * tsiM*el, »i» lilt* *lor»* r«»rm»* v nrru|ued by Thorn is VYi|#»y t where lit* uflVrs *»r sab lilt! folimviu^ GOOD vS, RECEIVED ON COV 'LAMENT. .‘ID bag, prime Green ( i .fee, CO barrels live i\ ni-ki-y, 20 tin Northern Gin, 4 pitN-s 11 illttnd du. I 3 du Cog. Brandy, 15 bill]# M-■!..*-«- 4 tisxll’|»ij>t*3 M ul ira Who, 10 rj-'larltT 'lalasatlo. 10 pit M's N Hnnilv, 1 flu \’inoj;«r, 4 p ini li*.«D»* 4th |T«>(»fJam. Hum, 10 b irn N Now Ark Cider, C fink* lfunbm INutor. C, b irr !'* B'^ton Ciacker*, 20 do Ijo.ifSti^.,r, £0 do Ni'W-CMcaim do. 1st qual 10 biiif# Bloom Halims, 10 Almond*, 4 C , ri»rk"ry. assorteif, 1000 btibliHi I<i> erj'ool ground and Al- Imn S *It, C000 \rt.SfVf't iU Iron, assorted sixes, 4000 do Shovtd M.uil'ls. 10 Uiclirno.nlTt>baccc», '20 do ) n , 400 Canisters { K,fl ' Powd ‘ r ' 10 Trunk- N. V. Bo and Shirco, 1 cnH4! Furnitnrr C.ilie/o s, 20 bo\es smoked II i ' Hi^#, I rnsi* inverted Padlocks, 1 IMl It* Bedfords, £ bir "!* 4’ »;»pcr"«, £ c itl.* ;l *|.i"dvi .<rc. All of'vJiifb will lo* soli! Im# for C.i*b or approved pnprr t Oil day#. Afarch 9. o— Dissolution of ( oftthursiii/i. HE C «parl I.n mfor*- «*\:-tii- tier the firm ol ft «l>r v ll>»pprr, in ivo* .lay dissolved by unit mI imi, - ,1. \j| |vrs»» * having dcfnaiixl- .Uiii-m ilu i:dhc^it», *.ill , •< - sunt lliiun tor pasut *nt .»;ut ilio.p indflOcO t* Itie same, u ill lile i »* noike .111 n**.f'iaie pa# ir .0 to ririrlr* U . Bullet, \#!:,» i< dulv mult . « I 1 > r-i\ f !U.s w fit 11.Fit MAI JHi.VV HOPI’I K V -cttlf the* #nmc. March 12, 1P2I. fl V!\iur\oA \V. UmUyv I Mat ! . I!-; Ill U i;!ei ; \\ |Mi part iiit«'iT#t in t!i prr. the Inisiiies hi* name. .March 12 i will in f.ilurc !>•' 1 T AViW VA.V. \ iiik scbschibh: i - ha rd ome MH*o’*inU‘i)i * ! .1 fou*i-tiuR of fine t? il l • Keys, fb#t quality P» a-I Siti’ Ear Ili'iR-f. Finger Unis# and ! Sil#»*r n;d Plated Tea s i« ! . S l).*M*rt, Tea and Soup S rt ’Mvrd a d'T.UtV St .is and k. 1*1.110 *. •: j ins, Uvi . , (j'*M and Silver Wittf lif". (\Y itrail ctl i, lit d W ire, xVr. A!.-#(#• Hold, Hdr and S»h *r F.i’anleti* (tilt, Platoil nn«l Leather Sr.jijb * i >vv.»rd all of tin* best quality. JOSHPUIJs ItCID Fobni.irT *20. to—tf P EH SONS li 'viug u > ##;tl» tills Inititoti»» :'f» Etnilen/iary, lt/i April. I'VJJ. f il»*tl irrounb dealings »»ri«ir t » the Hr-t of J tinjary h-f. *i f f * *iird tu adjust and p *y tbe sam** it b • ! . (b l iy. >Vc Vx»i\t I’uv Wagon**, Ox and !*•)•« • (*,.rt-. V# ■ i-ldiar- no# •*, Tablfs, SI ib*. \Y twh .*!•♦! -» .b, Ch«*HlH. iof pun*), Spii»ui;iR- »Vin*.4*« k < 'lo I,. S am! Looms, Ced*»t»*ads (adl. > l C; ibb.-, Wind nor Chain, (Vt ‘■tn l Ft I \\* , < !r»j.- pin^ diHo, UmbbiuR 11* . Fifth Clu: *, Stretrltem nnd Trace * ; •- i tm .o* fiuo•» lily of Stioef, WapRou H -.rn* .*r.ft |; b -. and can n*nair Carriacs » I II.hid . .me ilo all kind* »*f B ark :«»d»'* nurk . Taylorinx with neat■n*v* . J fit-p.tuli, rmiiiced piicut for i’adi. (9—it.) mi lip coo;, r x. i ! Tu YVc*nt uv tieixsc, an# term of yen.*, the corner Store Boom, (now occupied by Mr. Ko^e- ter) at tiie intersection of Hancock N* Wayne streets. It is an excellent stand for tin* Dry Hoods or Hrocery business. Immediate possession can be bad. Apply to S. UKAXTLAXf). April 10. A. B. FANNIN iv Co. R UTCHN tlnnr thanks to lltrir frienda - in the up-country for tbe liberal sup port which they have lieretufoie received from them in the Factorage V Commission Business. They inform them that they - til! continue in business at their old stand Holton’s llnnge, and n.-xjD i ifoil# solicit a cominuanreot their fitrnfli They! '•••: ! :.f. V..... Houses for the reception of Produce, and ## ill is heretofore^ make, liberal advance on Pro duce deposited with them for sale. Savannah, Oct. 25 8C—tf V nVuAvWle litv\u\ i'nv ftwVv. t Tl’WAHOf* of Scuen liun lr>A nnd forty .4- * J errs lying within one mile of .Millcf^rville, tue qiinlily of whir li i# Rood—there arc little upward# of 2<K) acre# of cleared land, ami all under Rood fence, the balance well and hea vy limbered. There arc good and convenient ImibliiiR#, nnd it i# one of tiie most dedrahle f.osuitry re«itlcnre# in tiie state, n spring of e\- cellent ##ater rery near t!n* dwelling ^ a num ber of fine spring# agreeably dispersed through the In ml—water can be find in almost every field. There is also nn orchard of the best sc- levied frmttrce*. The above mentioned pre- m : #e«ranbe ln»d on liberal and very acrornrno- tt itin.i terms- Possession riven the l#t of next .Fonmry For fnrthei particular*, apply to the Mil>#criber on the premise^. II. R. TROFTMAN Afi-il IB. eo\#4t. NOTICE. O N the firsl Tuesday in May next, l»E SOLD, at tnc Cour(-1iou*ein Clinton, June*county, Thirty Acres of Land, belonging to Itir estate of Gardner Davi#, decM —sold for the benefit of the heir# of shm! dee d LAW. T iii; SL'BSCBIBERS hsvin. joined toe;; in'ere.t, in the I’rartirr of Istir, they pro iTii-i- the public, that all business w faich may he entrusted to their mtximgeinctit in the line 0 f tla-ir (irufession, shall be faithfully attended to O. H. KEJVA.X. J. IV. BURKt¥. Mouticello, 8th March, 1820. 7—ttt THE MANSION HOUSE N EWLY erected on the site ofthe Sa vannah Hotel, destroyed by the fire in January last, at the corner of Broughton and Whitaker-Streeti, upon an enlarged and im proved plan, calculated to accommodate thnilrmtn with single Jiooms, and Families a ith large Rooms, aud,a Table detached from the public part of the House. JOHN SIIELLMAN. N. B. A Carriage-House and Stables are also provided on an adjoining lot and ati Hos ier to attend to Horses. Savannah, Ihcrmher 11120. 47—3m ~S3(TrE\VARR R AN AWAY from the subscriber three N>. uroe#, vix: HILBERT, TONEY HAH* Kl.Nti l’ON. Gilbert is about 20 or 22 year# of age, light complexion, 6 ftet 0 or 8 inches high Toney, his brother, about l8or 2n. some com plexion and height, hut stouter made—Harring ton h lad of 17. dark complexion, same height, very rparc. They will no doubt endeavour to make their way to the low country. The above reward will fie paid upon their delivery to me, or ten dolhi.**# for either of them CHARLES J. rAINE. Milledgeville, April Id ]0—2t \\Ys\'X CATYLY. CASH Win, BE GIVEN FOR PRIME BEEF CATTLE. From 20 to 35 head will bo required month ly, commencing about the 20th May. Ap ply to thi- Contractor of the supply of provi sions for the I’cnitentiary. Cash given for CORN. Milledgcvillc, April 1C. 10—2t VWftU. T wenty -five c ents per pound #r;n Riven tor HEt.S JF.LX, delivered at the Se» cr:!..rj of Sbuc*. Gluve. Milledgcville, 2dth March, 1H21. 7—tf Cotton Wanted. T HE subscribers wishing to purchase COT- TO.N, wilt give the highest cash price dur ing the pre»cut season November 27 FOARD k MALONE. 42—if FLOUR. I ^YIFTY Barrels Baltimore Howard Street FLOUR, jujil received nnd for sale by April Id , jii*l received nnd for sale by FOARD ii MALONE. 10—tf Much ft. ICIJ M OD DAVIS, ) JAMES DAVIS, j h f»— id#. NOTICE. rrril.L BE SOLI) on (lie fir-t Friday in Nlny x V next,at the | lanta.ionofThomii# llumcs, h*e of I Hire ii** « ounty deceased, the following propeity, to ## it: one h*»r«e. saddle rnd firi t'le. «hcep» goat^ nnd hog#, corn ami fodder, leather and I'l iutation totd«, one head .iil, together #ri,h hotilehohi nnd kitchen fur- iH'iic. Nine month# credit will be given with uinli notes and upfirnved -ccnritV. M flGABET HOMES, Adm rx. S. b. HESTER, Adinr. Dublin, March y, Irf*' I tds* Rule XUi. . • < ie fir«f Tuesday in June next, will be * r >id al the t*niii*t-hnu*e in Mndi**on, Mor in i 'Unify, the following tract of Land, or so .• 'i tloMTot at will be sullicient to salisfy Ihe t\ <* e* il.iT.MMt. with co#t*— J 1 '') acres of L.uid, #« cond rpmlity, adjoining 'Ltelit . tk. No p)j in the lWh District of Bald- 'du *ow Morgan, grunted to St raw a hin! return, d by George Reed—tax due for Ibly four dollars and Linely-sevcn cent#. THOMAS ROBERTS, T.c.M.c. Mir f. 19, 1-Jl o t - NOTICE. ILL BE SOLD, on the fir«t Tuesday in May next, in tbe town of M.uiticello, Ja-per county, agiceabb* to an order of the ho- b Interior Court of »;d,l county, one NE- GRO FELLOW, by the name of Jim, Itching- »»R to ti»e 4'*tHte of Francis B. Smartt, dee d— »,* he sold for the lieiicfit of fhe heir* and ere tiilo.* of *aid deceased ELIZA SMARTT, Adm’x. JOHN HILL, Adm r. February 25 v 4 |,|*. W NOTICE. ^VMLL BE SOLD, on Saturday the fifth day 1 r ot ^Liym‘\t,.ttthehouM'4ifJeiryBruit- I..''e rued, in l, fire ns county, all the I’F-R- *'D > \L FROI* Eli I’V of said Bwntly deceased, i-onsi tirR ot lliiripj, Cattle, Hog#, lloiurhold md Kitchen Furniture. JAMES DIUXTLY, Adinr. D'lhlin, March 14, 1821. ik—id* LAWS AN!) JOUKAALS. V LL Civil Officer# of Baldwin t oiinty entitled tlicrito, art noli lied I have leceivcd the I. Wt" u.d JO! RN.ALS ot the Legislature of 'i''i.»refor t'ie year 1H20, which they can e "# applying THOMAS II KENAN, Cl kl. C. March 14, IsJI 1 I«L per-ons ar# cautioned not to trade % f*n a note of band given by the mihscri- fieri< II Smith for twenty-five dollar*, my d'!** 1.1 October or November next—the consider ition for w hich haul note was given having faded. I .on deh-rrained not to pay it •itiie^a compelled bv law . MASON TILLER. Aprils, 1321. O-St* THE Nortli American Review, A5D MfSCELM.YEOUS JOURNAL, Ptihlishcd (pmrtcrly in Boston, on the plan of the Edinburg Review, stands first among the periodical works nf this country. The. annual subscription i# S 5. Having been ap pointed Agent for this valuable Review, the uhserilHT will be glad to aid it. promoting its circulation in this state. The numbern will be delivered litre, free of expense of transportation, as soon as practicable after publication. Tbe last number of the lie* view can Imj seen at the Recorder Office, where subscriptions to it are received. S. CRANTLAND. March 12 CEO ltd hi, Jasper County, Superior Court t March Term, 1820. James Harrisoji, j v# \ John P Colfi. ) L fTON the petition of Jamey Harrison, stat ) ing that John P. Coles on the eighteenth day of January, in the year eighteen hundred and nineteen, tuHile and delivered to him n mortgage for the lot# of land, known by the nuinlHT# thirty two and thirty three, in the thir teenth district of B.tMwin now Jasper county # and the lot number ninety one in the «even- teeiilh di-drict of formerly Baldwin now Jasper county, for the better securing the payment of the *nm oi >i\ thousand two hundred and forty three dollar#and forty one ceuts due to the said .Lillies llarriMin by a promi-ory note ; on mo tion «»| William Cook, counsel tor the pefition- t r, it <’» ordered, that the said John P. Coles do pay i;ilo the Clerk's office of this court the sum of money aforesaid with interest and cost, with in tw clve months from thi* date, or the equity of redemption in ami to the said mortgaged pre mises will he them--'‘forth forever barred and foreclosed : And it in further ordered, that n copy <jf this rule he served on the said John P. Cole* or his special agent at least #ix months, or be published in one of thft public Gazettes of this state at lea-i twelve months before the time the money i* directed to be paid. 1 certify that the foregoing is a true ropy ta ken from the minutes this I Ith April, 1820. JOHN WILLSON, Clerk. April Irt ml2ni Baidu-in Superior Court, March Term, Ift2l. ] l’ appearing to the Court upon the affidavit . of John Watson, that he was in the pns>e« •ion of the original note# of w hich the annex ed ace true c opies in substance, and that thu same have been stolen from him. On motion of Seaborn Jones, attorney for petitioner, or dered, that the **aitl copies now filed in ollico he established (in lieu of tho lost originals) at the next term of thi# court, mile## cause be shewn to the contrary, nnd that a copy ot thi* rule be published, once a month for »*x month*# in one olthc public Giurettes ot this Circuit. cunts. Par John Watson, one hundred dollars, 5/A March, 1821 5ig/u d SJMLF.L III M ING TON. Put John lYalsou, tvo hundred and twenty dollar*, Ihtrruicnl monru, 5M I'thrunry, 1821. Signed SAMUEL BO VK/.V Due John liaison, t>ro hundred dollars, IlHh March, 1821. Sicnid fl.L.JO.\t.S. On or hr fore the first day of March nest, I pro miseto pay B titiiim Bowrn,nronter, jij'letn hun dred dollars fur vulue rerrired. Signit D B MITCHEU. A true copy taken from tho minutes, 2d Apr* , THOMAS H KENAN, < I! April 0