Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, May 01, 1821, Image 4

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94 NUSCLLL.LVV ; Mc.rtiir: Clironirie, inflnfwnilently of iis belli); well I 0 *' 1 , *' iutorcstinf, as a de monstration of (lie »up«*rioritjr of (kill o- ktr were strength or stature. HIM. E.\TR*OBPIKSItY. “ A Correspondent basseut us an ac count of a boxing-watch of rather a no- Icociiption, which tof k place in a frequently arn-stul i m i»uj '" , . ,, , \ <■; (ie>cripn<)D, "miui ™ • I'li'-i- citizen, and a M;u. » t|-t , about three Rule. from Un- ««'« *. ....... r . j& Russian inilitaiy post*,but wai always relen rd <« reference to the nearest romnandmg officer, lie did not complain of haling suf fered any great hardships ui the course of his journey, which he was compelled to lake by the following eircum-tai ees: Having 1 sold his cargo at Okhotsk, lie dispatched his si I to Calcutta, and remained himself to the proceeds. done he had no means of returning ■ undertook the <er by lie went on for fifty vwi, without one and obtained permission to take a copy It contains good sense as well a' ems to inelo censure an errnr in lucati on not uncommon—an error, too, of impor tance, ns it involves the. sacrifice of much time, and some essential objects, I coinpliabment, most elegant, ind< pleasing, when property attained, not lot which comparatively few can lie suppo'crl f«» possess genius, and whicli. even if it ** * 11 mere result of practice, i > seldom more than half acquired. Yonrs, rcspectliilly, *• THE PIANO FOltTE. That I'd have you tau;ht mu-ic, unfi that I could buy A Forte Piano, mV rliilJ iv your cry Your music, you llmik.nculcl,I,<|.rU yery care, Would gi?c Iftflfour, eunui. and |' a,n ,l ’ llf a,r * But, believe me, n.J cHd, by experience I in and rnvu mi. »sri» l » U1 «1 you t c following sportive eni,tl«, which was written hy an affect mnalc father to his daughter, on her In quently imporlun ing him to buy her a Piano Fort'. thnr, a | deht'ofn'vtlire. The lady to whom it was I don. m« comua.auv. J —"6 but b y bud, and th addressed, not long ago showed il to me, _-< mleman, a collegian, and a Herculean, a ,,j ,. xtr , o;i *i :u -, ai»d it pleased mo to ivurli that 1 requeued • blark?mith looking kind of a man. I « e he his >moe -o * ti ' ’ «f.t >0|jn „ one blacked by Ins Iriend, a , will he a matter of cm ■ • well fancier, and the Cyclops by one ol precise rwut w his own kind. ' ' i had not been d. e -t T. •• Hound 1. It was terrific to see the jw d.«c by or j » ;y. w shirt-surrounded arm of the Trencher-' jp* , ^ V . „ f man opposed to the huge naked black L, olv ^ x i,., ;.„r arm ol the k night of the anvil, and to , h..,e g wn n .. ;.-.. , n.I have betted by appe,trance*, the odds , nor ahle :«• do. He dul vv ere any thing on the latter. 1 hev •etjvora’sy ofil,- trralmrnl one another boldly, holh on the sparring lr, ‘ :n the it ystetn. The young one showed he had no slight knowledge of the use of bi« i daddies. The smith thought he had, and J he was wrong; it was all strength a- <• gainst science. Trencher politely tip-, *’ ped his opponent a compliment on In-! . ear, which the smith not liking. lo*t hi-i patience, and lell-lo on his shop system. ]/* luckily for Trencher he was soon drop-1 ped. j” 2. Trencher sparring. Filackee’s eai j looking red, one, two, three on th- ! Smith’s head, whose foot slipped us he was coming into Ins work. auJ he wi sent a little faster to the ground by a well hit left handed oobber and a heavy tickler on the rib. from the Trencher’s j ^ djfpropiirti ; io uf „ ^ (ve nphl hnn J. Some small disnpfu-obatior. , n j m lhe c Io*e*t friendship—lie < tHIld ft, That music willi prtr-r. like thee iv not fraught When langnr or sorrow have on llic mind, . Small, small's the rcliet that Iron) Music we find. Indeed, if a t k or a month set apart Should suffice 10 goc competent skill in the art— A week ora month'—Who would grudge •hurt time, To acquire »o« 'sill in an art so sublime ? But a rompeteni skill to attain, it appear*, Will demand,not a week, nor a Biunlli, but some Then our time, Itt me a»k, shall w* waste on an art, Which gives nothing to Knowledge, doth nothing impart, Save a flr-etmg emotion, which goes like the wind; It i. felt—it is gone—it leaves nothing behind Let those who have wealth, and who »eek but enjoyin'* lit. To keep them from vice, let tbein have some employment; Let them finger the Forte Piano I ween. It may keep them from cards, and trom dice, and the spleen. But how vuin ti; to seek new amploymenU for such, Who, fulfilling their duty,before bad too much Besides, let me tell you the trouble we find, In acquiring the art, inditpo-e* the mind ; That tedium brings on wbicA, we very well know, Is of pleasure the fatal, implacable foe f'vr toiin »♦ ’’, The pnpil approach with disguM and w ith pain, Which alone with a view to h» pleasure ua- set. There's a fitness, besides, which we ne’er should transgre**, In attainments a fitneti, a fitness in dress ; And thisfitneas whoever neglects, 1 am sure, Will the keen la-h of ridicule often endure. Though the inhtreNS may w ear and become her brocade, We scoff the fine stuff on the back of her maid. Though the lord may become hu fine velvet and lace, Vet if Hodgt w ere m deck’d, folks would laugb in bis face. Thus those who from all humble cares are exempt, The elegant arts may not fitly attempt; But those who are doomed with such care..* to contend, On nrts of mere pomp have no time to mispend , And as all on life’s scene have their own propci parts, To the rich leave the showy Jk time-killing arts But to see a poor girl, by its vanity led, Its finger* j»o nimble, »o empty its head ; To see such a thing, and to it, in vain, V'rge its fingers and throat to produce a poor strain. Contempt doth beget, or, its half-sister, pity, In all who are forced to attend to the ditty. To *>ee a |K>or thing who can scarce read with ease lt< vernacular lingo, or make its chemise, ^\ho, to save it, can t tell its punce-table by rote, Tet mu*t whine out its ditty by book and by note \ To see such a thing, I must say it again, IVill be sure to excite our contempt and disdain I conclude, then, my dear, that the time you •an steal, From the needle and scissors, lha loom and the wheel, You'll, if I (in take not, most certaiolv find, By tar better spent in iruproriug your mind, T hau in thrumming a Forte Piano by note, Or artem ftcundtinutre straining your throat And, if time on your huuds perchance ever lingers, Give that time to your head, uud not to your fingeis. FDtfCATIO* or THE POO* 1M FRAXCK. According to an ullicial report made Xov. 1st, 10II>, there existed at tlut time in the department ofSeine including Pans, sixty seven schools on tin* principle of Lancaster. Of these til were in Paris, and 16 in the de partment— 11 of those in Paris were gratui tons, two of which were founded for Calvi nists by Monsieur Delessecrt, a Swiss pen tleman, whose name is ever foremost among the contributor* to public good in France.— The number of children that ran be admit ted in all these schools, is ns follows. In the gratuitous schools in Paris, SW;—in the schools whereihey pay, Uf l—in the schools out of Paris, IOC?—total, U male and fe male pupils. Of this number Paris contains 5*6 and the department 1-0. As to the rest of Franc*:, the returns of only 1-3 of the kingdom for 1C18, had rear lied the Society when Monsieur Jomard wrote—and they are ' as follows—960 school;, capable of receiv ing 40,674 children male and female. In Ju Iv 1816, however but 19,170 attended—ii August 18.777—in September 20,6f>o, or a bout half as many as there was room for.— According to a further report hovrerer, for the first three months of 1819, it appear* that, in the whole territory of France, there might be at that time something more than 1000 schools, capable of teaching 123,000 pnpils of both sexes—two thirds of which, or about 80,000 were actually filhd. The ex pense of educating each pupil in Paris was estimated at twelve francs per annum—but in the departments it was only 9. THE FINE ARTS OF ST. GILES s 1’ROM Tftc uvmroof MKIICURT. Although it i* not our practice to re gister in the Mercury the frequent prize lights, which are not very creditable to the nge, we bav* occasiona'iy been indu ced to record those scenes, when they have been drown up with humor, and a critical attention to the genuine milling hut the (about g or notH^c^ f I < 9-1, as c oinp.ii - liiajeiji pov through hih.ihnw hid left kJwfor<-. Ad bail then ili s, of which 4500 ~ . .- ~ i j* ... »creKwiii|Mi»iiru i»rin*Jg|lv ill in *Unj. he foil* wing, copied lr«a the , the short space of fourteen tU Vs! lie had mnl m • / kart i I Vl-CAI * ult. rlJHvhtion which v firv-rcutcd. It iv to »M*rtain the follow rd, but this rsn. and could nut o were with him ad. Had we Met umld ba»e spent and I might lin n rmalion than 1 am not *;«ak »*ry fa- h> had esperlenc- of tile (x thithtr-f r«pt G Irat'llrii in id to vinler—but the nttnr. . Me rap idity . IteUtd ky niuhl, luue irt than Iia* miles bp d tbn! rapt O. mud lie the i -idedat h iiing arriredsafe- tr mgUhare made some hewn bt some foolish ignoramusei but all was drowned in the crie* of-• the )onng one is a good one, he’s quite right.” 3. The ?mith went in at once, heat down Trencher’s guard, and bored him down. Smith uppermost. I. Smith again on the alert, when, in cotninn in, he got a good straight one somewhere between his “ uosegav smel ler” and his *• potato trap,” which sent 9oroe of his best ivory “ dinner set” down ins throat. He would hare reeled down from it if his second had not very un fairly shoulder’d bun up. in a close, both down on their siJcs. “o. The young inan got somehow puzzled, and w astluored fromalie-up in the wind magazine. C. The u.iiiio hod lasted id minutes, the voune one was nininy. the hitch- tnith looking queerer than he liked or wanted to look, but (he trencher knew he was to tlirowr away no chance, if he wanted to win, so in this round he made all the play he coulJ, got uut of the way of the blacksmith's rush, and just gav him a small teazer on the side of his head, which turned hnn right round, the swell following tip his advantage, nobbed his opponent seriou-H , and lightened him of the trouble of looking out of two eyes at once ; the blacksmith grappled at ran-' lorn, and was thrown for the first time in a rally. “ 7. Smith now came to the scratch a real Cylopa, as one of hi| eyes was her metically bunged up. The young man had nothing to do but hit away with the little strength he had left, it was all up with the Smith, “ Carlton house to a Charley’s shelter ! “ Three more rounds the Smith came to the scratch, tint rather languidly ; he seemed to be a thorough glutton. The young one had recovered his spirits with a drop of Deady's. and painted the .Smith nicely for the insult that had led to th mill. The swell was one ofthe best hit ters I ever saw ; and the Smith lost the fight hy throwing away the chance in the beginning. “ The swell wrapped himself up in an upper boodlcskiu coat, amt drove home in his gig. “ The Smith was taken home *n shutter. The mill lasted 31 minutes From the I,nnd'<n Iflerary Cnzellt, Felt. 17. EXlltAOKDINAKY JOURNEY Capt. Ookdom. A few monthsngo we were enabled, hy a letter from Moscow, to mention some par ticulars, in iiddition to those stated in the newspapers, respecting the remarkable movements of (lie gentleman whose name stands above. A gentleman nf celebrity in both hemispheres, who recently travelled over lend from India, met Captain Ciord in Persia, and gives the follow ing account of that adventurous and meritorious individual, of whom we may premise that his forme life has not hern a little marked with vieissi tildes—for he w as taken prisoner in going to India during the war, gnt home to Kr through Holland, and published an aerount of his liair-breai'th 'seapes—and subsequent ly made a trailing voyage to Japan—of hi: intercourse with the people of which couii try an account appeared. Of his situation, when last etirmintered. our informant thus writes.—“ I had reached Ispahan on my wav toTrbrix, when I heard for the first time of Captain (i’s arrival at Tehran. The cominuniration was contain ed in a letter from the Knglisn Charge d'Af- fairs at the Coutt of Tehran, bearing date till May last year, (I8J0.) In the letter In says, “Captain Gordon, formerly rnmmand- er of the schooner brolhers, eelebrated fot Ilia voyage from Calcutta to Okhotsk, in a vessel of si\ty-fivetons, arrived here yester day from Okhotsk. He has made a very rapid journey through Siberia, and comes last from Trailers, wiiqfe he heard that III Duke de ltrrri had been assassinated. H leaves this for India on the 2ith. It was to lie infeired from this letter, (continues the gentleman from whom vve derive the intel ligence,', that our party would meet Captain Gordon in our further eourse northward— and vve met accordingly on the Ail of June, near a plare called So,almut aixty five mill s distant from Ispahan. Capl. G. was then walking at thiq|ie^il of his mules, in good THE HM’Pl FATHER. The Chevalier Jnhn«tone. in his Memoirs ofthe Kebel.hon in fscnlln-ui, in tbe year 174 J, relates the following affecting story : *• .'ly acquaintance with Mr. Macdonald, of Scott-howse, bad only commenced w nh the Pimce’s tvncdition,and,notwith;t:md Inp side look, without one yielding thought, without one motive in his heart which lie might not have bud open to the view of (Jod and man.— lie is gone!—hut there is not a single day of his honest life of which evervgood Iti-lunun would not lie more proud, than of the whole political existence ol his countrymen, the annual deserters und betrayers of their native land. The following just compliment to our country is extracted from a long article in Hell's Weekly Messenger fur January relative to the politics of Europe. 1 he piece from which it is copied abounds in the usual metaphorical language ol those who say much and mean little, such as ;—“ the Allied Sovereigns walking over Ihecui&m, not the ashes of the re volutionary system of Trance ; carrying a torch over a surface of gunpowder, fcc. Jcc. We shall endeavor to rescue the pre cious morceau from the oblivion into which it might pass, by the premature explosion of such combustible materials. “ Through all the kingdoms of Europe, not even except our own, there is a strong disgust, jealousy ar.d indignant feel ing towards the lavish expenditure of sovereigns, courts, and monarchical in stitutions. There is a strong sense and feeling that the expenses of these insti tutions. and the large individual sacri fices by which they are maintained, ex ceed tiie value nf the thing it-elf ; and that personal l.bertv, personal security • nd private property mi_111 he well and sufficiently maintained at a murli less cost. I lie example of America and her institutions, is in the mouth, heart and understanding, of almost every one.” trrtained for nir the affection of a father.— As he was naturally of a gay disposition, the grief in which he appeared <m hit entranc., attracted my notice. On enquiring the ca 1-e, tills worthy man replied, wilh tears in his eyes, •• Ah ! toy friend, y ou know not what it is to b>- a father, lam one ofthe detarhment vv Inch is to set out this evening to attack Lord laoudon. You are ignorant that a sun whom I adore is an officer in Ills regiment. I thought inysrif fortunate in be ing ahle to procure such a situation for this youth, (wing uoable to anticipate the land ing of tfce Prince ill Scotland. Perhaps to morrow I may he so unfortunate as tu kill my son with my own hand—and thus the same hall which I fired in my own defence may gue to myself the most cruel death.— However, in going with the detachment I may lie ahle to save him, and if I do not go, he may fell by the hand of another.” The recital di«tre«»rd me v ry much, a:.J I could t not re fra-n from mingling my tears with his, j Men, t'onien, Boys and (brls, excellent fiel.l ..I:!,.,n B l, I hail never seen me ynutli, the I several valuable house servants, ten sohieet of ...el -f-;! r --; : ;- .... .,ff, uth two gaoj d-v. f.„ nuning, .unit verv able-bodied hands, an I will positively lie >ld either at private or public -ah-—anil al Wank of Geovgitky Savysvah. 17(Ii \j*ril, IH21 [VOnCK—The Board of Directors ye«ter- - ^ day declared a Dividend of £ 2 per »linre for the lu't six month*, on the Capital Stock of this Btiiiki payable on and alter Thursday next By order of the ll'irtrd, A PORTER, CatSitr. April C4. 11—21. JVt^TDC**, for 8t\\t‘. O N the fir*>t Tueidav in June next, in the town of Clinton, Jones county, the «tih- irriber will offer for sale, for cash, TWENTY LIKELY country horn NKGllOFift—\ it. : NOTH K. W il t. nr. SOLD on the first T ie day in June next, between the ii-.uul hour* of H.-de, at the Court-hoti-e in the town of Dublin, Laurent county, tin* Billowing property, to wit: O-ic square ol land No 17.5, in the IJtli dis trict, levied on uk the properly of Nathaniel Miller, to wtiisfy executions in fuvor of John Hutson and others. One nq jare of land No. 29f», in 12th district, levied on ns the properly ol Davis Joiner, to Huti-fy an execution in favor of John and Jos. Guv ton 7’\ro hundred acre* of land lying on Big Creek, ujoining Arlineand others, levied on as the property t»l Joseph Salteiivtall, to satisfy nn execution in favor of 1 homas Wiley ami others 1’ive bend of Cattle taken us the property of Henry >miUi> l° satisfy an execution in favor ol Fuqua and Coleman. One box of Dry Goods, assorted—also, cue box of Hat* of h very good quality, and a «uihI! quantity of J ohan o, levied on as the property of A. M D. Wilkison, to sati-fy an execution in favor of Each a rial) Faulk m r One Fraction of land, No ‘292 in 2d district, levied on at the property of William Dean, to sati»fy an execution in favor of William God frey, properly pointed out by the defendant. C. 3. GUYTON, Shff April 20. NOTICE. W ILL BE SOLI) on the first Friday in May next, at the plantation ofThomas Homes, late of Laurens county deceased, the following property, to wit: one lior.»e, saddle and bridle, cattle, sheep, goats and hog*, corn and fodder, some leather and plantation tools, one hand mill, together with household and kitchen fur niture. Nine months credit will be given with small notes and approved security. MARGARET HOMES, Adra’rx. 3. 11. HESTER, Adoi’r. Dublin, March 9, 1*21- 6—Ids* { YX the fir»*t Tuesday in June next, will be * f sold al the Court-house in Madison, Mor gan county, (he following tract of Land, or so much thereof as will he MifUcient to satitfy the tax tine thereon, with cost?— 2t«» acres of Land- second quality, adjoining Hitchcock, No. IH5 in the 19tb District of Bald win eow Morgan county, eranted to Sfrawn and returned by George Reed—tax due for ln!9 four dollars ami ninety-seven rents. THOMAS ROBERTS, t. c.m.c March 19, f—tdx NOTICE. VTTIF.t. BE SOLD, on Saturday 111* fiflli Hay ▼ f of .May i.wxt, at the house of Jerry Brant- ly- 'lerps'* 1 '!. in l.nurens county, nil (lit FRIS SON VI. FBOIT.IiTYof said Bruntly dereai-d, roiiM-ting ol Horves, t nttlc, Uu,.., llouscbobl ami Kit.'-lieu Furniture. J.1MES MU.XTLY. A.lw’r. Dublin, March M, lH-21. (i—|,l. health, unit extremely slov <0 niih-s a day) I with the rapid Hitieria. lie state Okhotsk eight innul travelled about 11,000 were accomplished prnbAly in -ledges, 1 nate father. I kept hin. with ine the vv hole day, endeavoring, hy every means in my power, to divert his attention from so me lancholy a subject, and made him promise, on Ills taking leave of iue, to visit ine imme diately on his return from the expedition.— Next evening I heard a loud knocking at my door,and running to it, I perceived this good father holding a handsome young linn hy the hand, lieinsta tly railed out. with his eyes sparkling with joy, “ Here, my friend, here he is w ho caused me so much anxiety . I look him prisoner myself, and having sc- riir.-il him, I troubled myself very little a- bout taking others." He the:i shetl leant u( joy, very different from the tears of the pre ceding evening. We supped all three to gether, and I scarcely t ier enjoyed more satisfaction than in witnessing this tendi r scene between the father and the soil.” The following strange but well attested nrrurrence, actually took place a few days since. A man-scrcaiit in the employ of the Rev. Dr. Palmer of Yarronibie, near Chard, be ing taken ill, the m< dical attendant on the family was sent for, who prepared for tin man a bolus from the family ni'-dicine chest, and hav ing wrapped op in paper the grain- weights used in weighing out the proper pro portions of the drugs, left them on the table, and near to them the bolus, wliirh be. de siied one nf the females of the house to car ry to the man-servant, with instructions to take it immediately in treacle. Some bourn afterwards, bis master came to enquire a- boul the patient, and found him suffering un der very uneasy symptoms, which the man attributed to thi strange kind of medicine toe Doctor had ordered for him and which he said “ be could never have got through with had lie not rut it into smaller pieces," b it •' he thanked God that, though it vvas ra ti er rough and sharpish, he had gut it all down.” This account puzzled his master exceeding ly, who, however, soon discovered that tin man had actually swallowed in treacle a complete set of bras- grain-weights, in.-lc ol of a bolus, which was found lying on the ta ble, in his master’s room ! Proper reme dies Were immediately ad ipted fur dhuuri,'- iog this uncommon duse from llic n au's stomach, who subsequently recovered from his iHnes.,. Ii would lie difficult to fi d a parallel to this instance it implicit laid) in the power III the <•:ir tin- art, or a similar exhi bition of astounding ignorance among “ un fledged animals walking n two leg Ilristol .Rente™. The la.vt number of the Edinburgh ft-riow con tains in uu article “On llic Mule of Ireland" the follow mg eloquent character ol Air. Grat tan Thank God that nil is not profligacy and corruption in the history of that de voted people—and that the name of |. rishman does not always carry with it t Vie idea ofthe oppressor or the oppress ed—the plunderer or the plundered— the tyratit or the slave. Grent men hal low ii whole people, and lift up all who live in their tima. What Irishman does not feel proud that he has lived in the days of Grattan? W ho lias not turned to him for comfort, from the false friends and open enemies id Ireland ? Who did not remember him in the days of its bur nings, and vsastinsfs, and murders ? No government ever dismayed him—the world could not bribe him—lie thought only of Ireland—lived for no other ob ject—dedicated (o tier Ins beautiful fan cy, Ills elegant wit. Ills manly courage, and all the splendor of bis astonishing eloquence, (le was so horn, and so gdi- rd, that poetry, forensick skill, elegant literature, and all the highest attain ments of human genius, were within his reach ; hut lie thought the mildest occu pation of a man w as to make other men happy and free ; and tu that straight hue good SADDLE uud GIG HORSE, good BROOD M ARE, two YOt NG .1 \CKS two large well broke MI I.IIS—it iv probable several good Waggon Horses, which are likely will be sold on a credit. E. W. BARKER April 23. 1|—id. lsOAY SV'IixUV. 30 barrels JUST RECEIVED r "'agg sale hy April 24. J^JY Waggons from Savannah, .and for C. 'V. BUTLF.R N ( IV.yuYv SUyIv of lieorgia, Savannah, April 10, mil. OTICE.—An Election will lie held at th* Hanking House in this city, on .MONDAY, the 7th day of May ensuing, for nine Directors on the part of the Stock holders, to manage the concerns of said in stitution for twelve months from t iat date. The polls will he opened at 9 a. m. Si close at l r. m. Uy order of the Hoard, A. PORTER, Cashier. (jy*The Editors of l he -luiruxbt Chronicle Ifashinirlon -V,U’s, and Southern llecordcr, at Milledgevilte, w ill please insert the above advertisement until the day of election. April tfi. 10—8t. Va.YTVAVl'A\.\\\\ Vi.VT. T HE SFBSCRIBERIiax openrd n BO.Wlh ISO HOVaFs an 1 HOUSE ofFSI'Ul T.llA'MFyT at 9cotls*bor<»’. four ijiiIds from Millciljuviltr, on the road leading from ( lay- ion s ferry to Fori llftwkin*, tic. Every atten tion shall l»e paid ot all lime* to the comfort and accommodation ofThe t'luMt. 11. MORGAN March 27. 7—If NOTICK. PERSON* indebted to the estate of Robert I- VYynn, dec’d, are earnestly requested to come forward and settle their account*,other- w i •• a cuiir-t will be |><ii»ued h* toon us practicable, without discriminations to have the ...»e .v.ij.iN.t d—«v ii.e situation ot the estate will not admit of f<>r«i.r»r ifd'r^cSws. AR I’HI R REDDING, Ex’or. PATSY WYNN, Ex rx April 21, 1821. 11- tf \Viv.ub\c Yituu\ fuv fcuYe. I ll’" ARDS of .Seven hundred and forty .1 J ms lyingwithin oncrnilt ofMilltdgcvilic. the quality of which i* good—there arc littb upw urii« of '!la> acrev of cleared land, and all under good fence, th* balance well and hea vy timbered. 1 here are good and conveiiien* buildings, and it iv one o('ha most desirable country residences in the state, a spring of ex- rollent water very near the dwelling n un , tier nf fine springs agreeably dispersed through tin land—water can be had ill almost every field. There is also nn orrhard of the best se- lei ted fruit tree. The above mentioned pre mises can tie bad on liberal and Very accommo dating terms. Possession given the 1st of nev*. Januar y. For turthe: particulars, apply to the subscriber uu the premises. H. B. TROUTMAN April lii. eow4t. LAW. T HE SUBSCBIBF.flR having joined (heir interests in the Practice of f,c.u-, they prg. n»is« the public, that all business which maybe entrusted to their management in the line of their profession, shall be faithfully attended to. O II KFXJM. J. II . BIIISEY.. Monticcllo, Pfli March, 1820. 7—6t. THE North American Review, AND jovnx.iL, Published quarterly in Boston, on the plan ofthe Edinburg Review, stands fust among; the periodical work? nf thi? country. The annual subscription is 5 •>- Hn\ ing been ap pointed Agent for this valuable Review, the subscriber will be plad to aid in promoting its circulation in this state. The numbers will he delivered here, free of expense of transportation, as goon as practicable after publication. The. last number of the Re view can lie seen at the Recorder Office, where subscriptions to it are received. sS. GKANTLAND. March 12 (jFOHGl.l, Jasper County, Superior Court March T<rniy i820. Jawf.s M’Don*i r*,audl LUM S. I’uPR, for the use of John M Ki \MF‘- Richarpi X *J I ON the petition of James M'Donald and J \N illie.m S. Pope, for the use of John Me* kinne, stating that James Richards did on the twenty-sixth day c.f November in Ihe year eigh teen hundred und eighteen, make and deliver to your petitioners a deed of mortgage far the lot ot land known and distinguished by the number eight in the fifteenth district of Bildwin now Jasper county, for the bettef seeming the payment of the suui often thousand dollars due to ilie petitioners by a proinisory note dated •28d November 1818, iuu! pay able twelve uiunths *.b#i*e niter. v):i Usoisun uf William Cook, counsel for the petitioner*, it m or«^ < «hc '.i: J > Richnnls do pay into ihe. clerk s/dfice of this court the sum of money aforesaid with the inte rest and cost thereon within twelve months from this dote, or the equity of redemption in and to the said mortgaged premises, will lie thence forth and forever barred and foreclosed : and it is further ordcied, that » copy of this rule be served on the said Janie* Richards or his spe cial agent at least six months, or published iit one of the public Gazettes of this state once n month for twelve months, before the time the money i* directed to be paid. 1 certify that the foregoing i* a true ropy ta ken from the minute*, this 11th April, I82i’» JOHN WILLSON, CTk April 18 ml 2 in GE0HOM, Ttcipift county; Superior Court, .March Term, 1821. ltd F. Nisi for foreclosure. O N motion of Richard Smith praying tht foreclosure of the equity of redemption oi* n trnct, lot or parrel of land,*situate, lying and being in the county of Twiggs aforesaid, but in the county of Wilkinson at tbe tune of survey, in the twenty-fourth district of said county, number two hundred and forty-two, containing two hundred two and an half acres, which tract or parcel nf land whs mortgaged to the snid Rirhaid Smith by deed bearing date the twen tieth day of April one thousand eight hundred ar.d nineteen, by Gilbert Gilder, late of tho county aforesaid, to said Smith, lor the better •ecmiiig the payment of three hundred and six- tv-fixe dollar* twelve and nn half cents, with interest from said last date, mid it being stated that the -aid fum of money ii not yet paid, but •till due mid owing to the said Richard Smith On motion of Leroy G. Harris, attorney for pc* titium-r, it is ordered, that the said mortgager do within twelve months after this date, pay in to court the principal, interest and cost due by virtue of said mortgnee- and this process, and that a copy of this rule be published in one of the public Gazettes of this State once a month tor twelve months, or served on the mortgager or his Vgal representative at least thirty da)? before the sitting ofthe next court ; mid on fai lure of the said mortgager to comply with Ihe terms of this rule, that his equity of redemption, in and to said mortgaged premises be forever barred and foreclosed. .1 true copy taken from the minuter, this 24//t .March, ls2l ARCH D MTNTYKE, Cl k Huh xu Till; MANSION HOUSE E\YLY erected on the site of Ihe Sa- i v vannah Hotel, destroyed by the fire in January last, at I fie corner of Droughton and Wliitaker-Strects, upon an enlarged and im proved plan, calculated to accommodate Gentlemen tvilh single Rooms, and Families with large Rooms, aud v a Table detached from the public part of the. House. JOHN SHELLMAN. N.I5. A Cnrringe-Houae and Stables are also provided on an adjoining lot and an Hos ier to attend to Horses. Savannah, December 1620. 47—Sin ¥0\i SALE, T HE PLANTATION on which I live, on tho road lending from Millcdjo'v dit to Irwinton, and from Clayton’s firry to Fort llawkins—it is an excellent stand for business, particularly for a Mouse of Enter tainment. There are t;ood buildings anile- very convenience for the accommodation of travellers. ] will sell a bargain if application is made soon. JOHN IRVINS. Aprii S. 0—It. fJMlF. I ha.ids i •W.W V.liWY SUU3CIUBKR has received a inrlmcnt of JEIVELRV. consisting of fine Gold Chain.. Seal- and Keys, first quality Pearl Setts. Paste ki plain Ear Rings, Finger Rings and Breast Pins, Silver and Plated Tea Sett., Silver T ilde, Desert, Tea and Soup Spi , Gold and Silver Watches, (Warranted 1 , Plated Ware, Le. Also, Gold, Gilt and Silver EpanbU., (iilt, Plated and Leather Scabbard Swords, all of the best quality. JOSEPHL'S REID February JO. 10—if. Penitentiary. It/i April, 1821. P ERSONS having unsettled accounts with this Institution for dealings prior to the first of January last, are desired to adjust and pay the same without delay. We Wave tuv sn\e, Wagons, Ox and Horse (’arts, Wheel-har row ., Tables, Slabs, Wash stands S. Chests, (of pine). Spinning Wheels,Clock Reels anti l.oo.ns, Bedsteads, CradlesL Cribba, Wind sor Chairs, Cast steel Felling Axes, Chop ping ditto, Grubbing Hoes, Fifth Chains, Stretchers and Trace Chains, a large, quan tity of Snoes, Waggon Harness and (Indies, and can repair Carriages and Harness, and do all kinds of Black smith’s work—also Taj luring with neatness and despatch, at rnlnri d prices for Cash. <‘j— tt.) PHILIP COOK, p. k. p. A. B. FANNIN Ik Co. R ETURN their thanks to their friends in the np-country for the hlicral sup port which they have lirrelofoie received from them in the Factorage If Commission Business. They inform them that they still continue in business at their old stand Bolton's Range, and respectfully solicit a continuance of their fav ors. They jiaveextensive and safe Ware- Houses for the reception of Produce, and w ill as heretofore, make liberal advances uu Pro duce deposited vv ith them for sale. Stteonnuk, Oct. ti 9b - if Tow yy ot MouVgottYCT^'. milE AGENTS will offer for sale, the xfcond Jl Monday In May next. Eight or Ten LOTS on the commanding mid beautiful eminences in the town. They afford a romantic and ex- teuxive view ofthe river, town, and surround ing country. Gentlemen wishing a healthy and elegant private residence are invited to view Ihe property. 1 here will be offered nt the same time, a va riety of LOTS for busiuM-. JOHN r\\ LOR, ) Agent* ofthe W TAYLOR. \ Fast.Baba. Vi. B. Ll’C \S, ^ ma Company January CO. —eJvxPw To Moot ov Lease, F OU »n) term of yean, the corner Store Hoorn, (now occupied by Mr. Komn*- fer) nt the interaection of Hancock & Wayne Rtre.eta, It is an excellent stand for the Dry (toods or Grocery business. Immediate posxeasioncan he had. Apply to S. GHANTLAMJ. April 10. 11BYENTY-FlVK. CENTS per pound will be Jl. given tor BFFS If. I A, dt-liiercd al the i*e creUry of Slate’* Office. Mdb dgev die, 2b!h March, 1821. 7—tf Lotion Wanted. T HE soWriberx wishi,-* to purchase COT TON, will fcive the higtn**l cash price dur ing the present huoi). FOARD U MALONE November 27 42—tf FLOUR. I ^NIFTY Barrels Baltimore Howard Street I Lot B, just received and lor sale hy FOARD u MALONE. April 16 10—If Dissolution of Copartnership. t|4IIK Copfirtnervliip heretofore evi-tin). U n- l Her I In-firm of lluthr 4- Hopper, j, (bis ||.|, dioolveil by iniitiinl ennrerit All penona haling ih-namDsgtinst the eoncern, will pre- -i in them for pn) ment anil tlnue indebted to file seme, will nleiive make iillinediele{leymeilt io ( tinrle- tv Butler, who iy duly nuliinreed to settle the same. ( IIAKLF.a W. BF11.FIi MATTHEW IIOI’I'ER. March 1-. 1H21 fi —If i\»t\rs \V. A\y\IVpy WING purcha-ed out Mattliun llooper'f interest in the concern of Butler a. Hop per, the business tt ill in future be conducted in hi* name March 12. if II IVINE months afterdate application will bo -.1 made to Ihe honorable Inferior court ox llnncoek county, sitting a* n court of Ordiuary, for leave to »e!l Lot of Iniui number twenty four m the third district of \\alton county, belong ing to the extate of Thomas V icker*,'deceased, for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors. JOHN VIl.KLR'j, t^ jalilird Kx'or. December 9 m , .*in’' N INE months nRer date, application will Ire made to the Inferior court of Jasper county, \\ hen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of John Dodg ers, deceased. THOR. E. RODGERS,) ,, ♦ JOHN C. RODGERS, " October 10. • 35 iiLuJiiil.l, Huldirm County, Superior Court April adjourned Term, 1H20. O N the petition of Elisha \\ hitney, stating that he holds u mortgage given *bv Willi* Furry t o him, conveying a lot of land lying and being in the town of Milledgeville, containing one buudred and frsurtccn feet fronting of W n»li ing'on street and two hundred and ten teet fronting and lying on Wilkinson street, adjoin ing Fort on tne east and All**n on tin* south; - lid lot known ami distinguished in the plan of «>nid town by lot number three, in rquare number forty-three, to secure the payment of eleven hundred and thirty dollar*, on the fir*t day of Mart’ll lio-t, due on a promisor)' note at tached to said mortgage, and that Niid Willis Ferry has failed to pay *aid sun. of money or li ny part thereof - It b tbcreu|M»n ordered, thn* unit s> the said Willis Ferry shall pay the amount due on said mortgage w ith inter* st anti cost iu to the Clerk's office of this court within twelve mouths from this time, the equity of redemption of, in and to *aid mortgaged pmni*e*. willb» thenceforth forever barred and foreclosed ir. terms of the statute in »uch ca*c made and pro vided. Ami it i« further ordered, that tbD rub be published in oue of the public Gazette* nl this state, once a mouth for the xxmee of twelve month*, or xerxed on the said Willi* Ferry *>: h*« special Ag^nt ut lea*t six months previous to the time the morm) is directed to lx- paid. I certify that the foregoing i* a true copy fa* ken from the minute*, this *2 Ith of April, l82*b TIIOM . 11 KENAN, t l k A'*ril2y tn 1 Jut