Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, May 15, 1821, Image 3

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recorder: IU,'hnrv,r * „ — —- . — »".l n.anl,,,, srsus&y-JteStt 'SSiSKS P iv "■")i™n», „ i ;' r "I l,l «’”"'« lp»s presuming and mi " f adopting the fictitious «iguan„" d cu ‘“»«nai'y plan of V INDEX CQNSTtTUTlOJiia vaSiT Hrii - ,„ , Cl ar <!sIon ai)d Savannah, is calcu Don. The vatious rumdnrs of a battle said to have been fought between the A.J t-aanand Neapolitan armies, in which the no 7r ? ‘° h “’ C been »i'‘orious, are t fully conJJrmed nor positively contradict- b -rrr ° fpicd r nt ’ *» Oftht Allied Powers, augurs well for the success of Naples and of liberty. All Eu rone exhihife At „ .1 F ° a TnE nEC °HDsn. seems tohir?-eWvi!i l i e v SU - ,, ’ ect of Ed,,c "‘ i on ‘"id is beginning to "iJ^ ^ nnera ' “tlentiun, some de«?e" u s S .lv' c H*™***, and in •egret that thlle Ar^tiM'm"T b “ Ve <0 the propriety of r vv 10 doubt ‘ages to ftuL£ ‘.n, 5 ll,l ‘'S hRS ‘ H dvan- stale objection of its ! allt ‘ d e re the the discharge ofthe d 'f> md ‘O r ' n E‘hum fur proper sphere I . ? U, f ,lul ei '" 'heir little to iqvestigate th.^. i'T’ r ° re , be WR,, » a and universallv’re. .. - ' I a,,d, ‘y "fro ancient at JeasUt",. been » “ °l , 7 0n ’ signed a, hSffe 5, t, , tCa " tl,atl, e the do- in >vhichtEw& in/,i r< ‘“ tUrM ° f , God ed exercise S I V* r,< ?‘ , ' B3 are not allow ;T7" •‘ hr legislature having acted on the priuc,pal business introduced at this session, B i n Itr m V 1 ''’ 0 ’' Tl,u Ln »<* £"l, ihn some disagreement between the house,, which was finally adjusted by committees of conference, lias become a laitf It does not materially differ front (i,e act au-' tl onsing the last lottery. Several other “ ’ f ,,Cri,ll y "f« private or local nature, have been passed at this session. Among those or public interest wo notice the repeal of a law passed some years ago, which i,n posed a penalty of twenty-five per cel on refusal of the State Banks to pay specie- and on act prohibiting the sale of lottery tickets, (except of lotteries authorised by the state) under a penalty of one hundred dol lars for each ticket sold. c ^ I-"’ C f;Uit Cour ‘ of ‘he U. States foi the District of Georgia, was held here durmg the last week-Jndge Johnson pre- snhng. There was, we are informed, much important business before the Court—a d»>- ckon made at this term, relating to the Bndgo at Augusta, j 9 likely we under- stand to produce collision between the Fe deral and State authorities. ft?” The Executive appointment of Tho- mas U. p . CharPon, us Judge ofthe East ern Circuit was last week confirmed by the legislature, \f * . T1,E ,iEC 0»»KR. Most subjects delight in prefaces, but mine 'Itaded'V^f Constitution has been Jl^L d > “ nd 1 a,n r ‘ , ody to speak. The Co- XmmL*u. d 30me ,nemLer * of the Legislature a tQsrrumeiit; and tf»e con- eequMiee begin to appear. “ Constitutions «re the property of the pepple, and not of Die person, exercising the government.”— rTi ,„^ 1 ' n ,°- rl,i,3 . sub8tituted ‘ liB Constitu tional discretion given him, to appropriate certain monies and. fill offices, fur the will of r >tUoUt l i egari110 * he limitations and restrictions to that discretion, and has, not only been habitually making uue.vpect- appropriations, but largely engaged in « Img, wit . members of the Legislature, the offices w.thtn his gift-offices too, of “ emo- '?™ e " ,s l i and compensations,” contrary to that weU recollected declaration of Hie Con stitution, than which no other part was bet ter understood but a few years since, which lit hi?? ' n,,mber sl “"l after tak- X!' tw be ? ,,glWe *° an y of t; ' c aforesaid ollicos—(referring to those “ having emolu- compensation annexed thereto,”) during the time for which he shall have been ei^cte , And the reason is obvious, when \ve advert to the alausa which declares, tnatthe Legislative and Executive Depart ments shall be distinct, &c. &ic. I therefore piotest "gainst the gubernatorial appoint ments of Generals Adams and Newnan as commissioners for Georgia at tile late Indi an treaty, and against their acceptance. I protest no less at the appointments of James VV.ifsmi and Robert Glenn as Surveyors, and at their acceptance—all having been members or tn* Legislature at the time of their ap pointments, some of them even quilting their seats to perform the double service, all receive the pay, and all return to their seats in that body, which, alone, has cognizance of impeachments and of (he prodigal use of the public money; (here to hold a culpable si cnee (if the question be raised) or to ap prove their own conduct, and vote the joint Praises of themselves and the Executive, thus it seems that the two departments are coming together, and Paine, the celebrat ed writer on government jlius justly remarks m this place, “ by a change of scene and cha racter, the actors, the approvers, the persons responsible, a- the persons not responsible arc the sair persons, ’ and “ the parts help each other out, in matters, which neither of them, simply could assume to act.” Shall I he tho't imposing, and meddling with the rights of those in high authority, to judge for them selves in their own way ? I should not won- . r at it—fur already I hear our representa- ives refuse to he turned to the constitution Is the foundation for correct opinion, but ii'izing high their own inclinations, declare heir unwillingness to hear, and object to tho fading of offered arguments on subjects.— * speak again in the forcible language of aine—“It i s no t for the benefit of those who tereise . the powers of government, that 'Ostitutions, and the governments issuing 11 ra ‘liem, are established. In all those "ters the right of judging and acting is in ‘sc who pay and not in those who receive.” -« one of the people—we raise the funds— d w" remind our representatives, whom ■i have placed as a check over, and not as «tjulors with the Executive, that in band- i our treasure, all license taken under dis- 1,003 restricted by the Constitution should governed by the loner lifed rule of right— onesty is th.c best policy?’ We have given i our Constitution ns that rule—we have re guarded against combinations, forested- s, and other political speculations—uiul would entreat you to quit the present oj wisdom—this boasted state ofimprovc- ■ and civilization, and return to the sim- ii.if #i ll4 * • * # '■ s p**ero must be wronc. com e d n na ‘ ,,re ' ^rtainly, muVt lfe ib'iH J > i ii * S ncres * ar y ,0 carry our bur- ,1 8 * t0 * dl our ground, to attend our rat- bc •«nHf P rU 0 " ffoOd and c ‘°!ithing, kc. to Inve If 11 1 '*’ na/>m * ee! " 3 wonderfully p-A-m ITm h E” 1 sTy's l^'wilfbefimnd Se deckTZVn^ more s a e Smi , and mpr8 8c!io1(ii . irked a?„F V0IRe * Wpg tortured Heaven The Cl ‘'T “ SJ 1 l, . ,,gisnl ! ii .aven, the Christian world, in ireneral li»« yf t it'f.TT h ' ;r l ° <>7- 30 ,n ' !re « Plaything. , , 13 ‘" b ” regretted that she is everywhere il3 a milter to keenerT, l and mao y« fh «r duties as house- but not a I 1 T’ T C ‘‘ rti ' inl y °f this class: .nfTT a T ,,0 " sh ,ve find differ- exahedTro^fhe'sla.i:.! 1 m'the 1 ' ^ ^ halfo P f nTfn^V'rt bCe " ‘‘f 11 * ** think' . which, one would think, must imply at least, diversity ofpow- m min" reason and truth first began to dawn t6 b i n! h M1 ' r so . rt Bred with indignation » behold a creature in w hom they took so modi delight, degraded below the dog of the chaSe, resolved to amancipate berfrom such TiTrt l!l0u Sh not tliem- ff .n To ,gll °- r; ' nt of her Proper character. Ifence the origin and mad adoration of knight errantry But thus it usually hap- pens to mankind: an evil is suffered to pro- gross unmolested beyond endurance, (lien a C Ug U Uy d> ing wi ‘ h 111 j"dged h.iste and intemperate zeal to an opposite continue i 1 n °‘ uof f''1 ,wn ‘ | j' ‘he vibrations hke , fi. 7f’ Vt ;.7. ,on «» before any thing 1 *1 f ' xud Equilibrium is attained.' Shall a reformation therefore never be attempted 5 m'Jr h: ‘ v ‘jfyiijinoioletlge cannot unfit wo man for duly ; since, if, as is believed, a dif- munV'il* “• l 3T n ' ficii d '° society, and wo man hold an influential post in it. how can it be Injurious to her? Ifher mind he nntural- 1T, M®. ’ , 1 ‘ 1S ,s vur >' c °mplacentlv affirmed) shall it ask no strengthening ? What would be said of a planter, who affirmed his land required no tilling because it produced not spontaneously P That the female mind is weak, superfina! and vain, cannot be denied : but can no cause be assigned for it but a de- nat Hr e *! Probably a large proportion of this pusillanimity is to be ascribed not to the advantages, but to the errors of educa tion. The watch word, aud indeed the vv hole vocabulary of the nursery may bo re duced to this one word—pretty! Does alit- tle girl put feathers in her hair, a flower in her Imsuin—“ Oh bow pretly !” Is she sul len or self-willed—Oh, that is not pretty ; nobody Will love the little girl who is not pretty; come, have on this pretty now frock,' and sen how pretty the little girl looks in the glass, k,c. he. It the mind be thus from the very cradle inspired with the gross vanity ma f e personal shew, can other fruit be ex pected m riperyears? The supposition would deny the scriptures, which require to “ train up a child in the way lie should go, with he assurance that lie will not depart from it.” Why should lie, if trained in the way lie should not go P Boys, early emancipating liiPms-Mes from this pretty thraldom, e <pe- rience « diitcrent excitement. If a boy ram ble in the fields, wallow in the mire, or tear bis cloatiies from off him, lie is perhaps re- proved for his badness, but bears nothin"- of the pretty, If he put a feather in his hat, or shoulder a stick, “ that’s a brave soidier 1 he must have a sword learn to fence, aud be come a nolde general I” Though the ideas conveyed bn very indistinct, yet from the manner of expression and tone uf voice, the boy is inspired with ambition for honor, and to «fo something great; the girl with ambition lur admiration, for looking veryJint, ! Tim subsequent process is of a similar na. ‘"re. 1 hey are sent to school where the boy is oaijy set to the sober investigation of r , 11 ,' . ^ ln matliematics, or the acquisition of foreign languages, and being obliged to define every ward, acquires, at the saim time a habit of attention, perseverance, rea soning, a general knowledge of language and retentive memory ; to say nothing of the high ideas, dignity and honor, imbibed by early acquaintance with tile ancient classics. Miss is taught at the same time to dance, to play, and some of the lightest branches of polite literature, with something of the fine arts; and paint altogether indescribably.' The result of this process being folly, it is averred that nature has rendered the female mind incapable of a connected train of think- mg, and dose application and investigation. The following comparison drawn by a wo man, and one of the most reasonable, is per haps as indulgent as can be made. “ Women seem to possess equal parts with men, but are inferior in wholeness of mind, in the iute gral understanding; (bat, although a super' or woman a!no-In . .luster proporfmn In the mind of n *• """'i that if women liavo i,. J , ?'T° rlor the faculty of fancy, wliidi <• n T ,nl . degree and the faculty of J memo v Ti i “"i!*' *’ and stores iduas, they seem hli'l "1 equal measure, th/faeu v „r Combining, aualvsine n y 01 rom Panng, ideas; tlmtdeep^ndTtatient^W ra ‘"'« ‘{i°se goes to the bottom of i L„i •' which power of arrangement ivl u' 1 ! 01 ’ "? r “’at link together a°tim,sm l I ,Ch kno " s . h otv to one dependent clmin u -im nn !’ c , ted ideo * in of tho original idea, out ofthSch U.'" 8 gietv.and on whici, they aTh l ” Queen Eltzabeil. is LJ.frlM convinc ng instance nf B . ,ed ns •» inconsi.tencyofa wVa 'b, "? hec lit - v a " d state of soefety m fe " laU '' Tl "> difficult to determine .v), 1 . 0 , raa J r render it but if wc predecessors, and successn . !l " nmed,! “ B Indeed, from tneri.inj the chatti^.?^ f 1 r hty or inconsistency. Yet sav ,, withstanding her mascunn!. 7 th ? y> not ‘ disposition, she ivould act the“ nd was she not bred a ZmT„ p'’T? n ‘ . H u ‘ chivalry of the limes , Jn ' *^ ,d no ‘ the extravagant, and Zel m 6 a m " ch fnor « sk SfsSMTSa? ‘F s » ~ ; dinary human being. J? 0 r top-m7 cxtra .° r ‘ the validity of idea, that Tail cver beTr, 81 ° n nerated, and in which w,\ er b tl ” ' c * infancy to manhood, and which h^vTh" f ' ° m tlio abo ve just coiidusion from Mi.-s Muoi^f «k fir;”;,:”™:,; jssrsssrF onlv set >11, ,, .u woman must not br<* ik* -*11 »i pwytidices ot (’(lurntion, break all tlie powerful associations of infanev S K?.. ?‘’■‘“t- And ir *»« to all this, such are the cusionis of society SK half the advantages, that to man! facilitate he acquisition of knowledge ever eomo within her reach. But it js niv design to enter into the question, w hether Ihe native abilities of the sixes bo eqm A ET"; ' VhiCh Ca !' Iw ' decided hut by e.v bt. bl 5 "" , ; x,)m . , “ <:r " ‘but ran be. made ies wiih a tbT g >Ut 1 lUe imp CM 'Cuinstan- Uie’si i.r T 9! "” e ? 0l,n ‘ 8 an(1 iuducemetils, un same views and prospects, Ihe same cv>- eitements and impediments ; in short, situa tions, in all respects the same. As such ex periment is not likely (o l)g made I slnll rational - on T ,il ™fr whether, as rational immortal beings, it is not proper to bestow equally on both, a solid, rat onal end mora rducationP We’nrc all moral" gen?s, act on Tbl 0 ’ ,0actf ;i «’b himself, tn act on the same moral principles, are all bound on the same Voyagi, to L same T“ the Snd,”i r ul■ VV ,“ y ‘ben should not same DrtrJl be .T rly ""’med with the mides P „r * L,S ’ a, ’ ( l •■• ‘be same . 5 reaa °b'flS i I would not be nndcr- n‘ 0 '’ d l0 ‘ ni| "3', that the education of every person should he the same—it must be :is vario-.s as circumstances, and avocations re- qmre. Nor let it be Understood that the fine 81101,1,1 noc ,,)ake hev shm m'T i ^ trucll ‘ ,R j ‘be contrary, iney should make part of all where eirciiin- * 777 7* bu, , an ®* c|,, *ivq devotion to n, Jontin t0 ° ,Vc : , l lu -" l - v i'lfiucoees the "iiagination. bearing it above the sphere of ^un^smgexpectations too high, creating r!,rT;-i! t a n,10t b p satisfied, and a relish f r eh kl'sh trifl. tl which renders us unfit for «. sober investigation of truth, and prevents iuhiS; co i'!!L?. r “r.f to rpa! . ,y it would he weh T** St ‘, C,ot r " as '"""g 3 ! «nd »««o„M i». m iSriSr wth - ‘hinkforthcmselvea v . n u l co “ rage 10 will admit this ««Tu . ye * P« r b»ps few men discover; ? a “ ». a " d ‘he —.. sum meir own cas#» • s»r«'3!ttrs= Wind ami passiotiT: *« snwiei'nf‘jM, 0 * ? f ‘ he very important to the .liscovLy r.ftmlS in ra> ? h ? r reasoning tliat is alivavs •lished Iw 111" 8 * hisi#bu ‘ lave then- mTn '* * in L 1 i” ,r ‘" u ‘ thatchildrei entln „ chSakT? !2^° ycd * } Mr «‘ jecu of wb ,.u d at>d dn'eeted to suh- thiTgJt inust L ^ " ndr,-!, ‘ ar >d some- sfeaf ftasatttsK gain much t.ilTi 1Eln may ver - v pJ««9 "ttlv Ssrtte,^ ''-™ 1 “SttoSl they set no Z , P - ,a !° n *° ‘ h « Mies, that ‘ivconiplishnient!., , ''||yT l .;T^!TtoTiTr 1 r r '' : '| l hesf.irasmcmury serve,, was as S-' »*• A ot.ig cootemp atini: himself ii, .. fountain, and being charm,-d witUdfnohle Wh«n,| t v 0, , n . i, l v C M l,llR1ed - ,Vili ' c bngriu, 1 *3, ntible an unimal ulmtiM i>n disgraeed with puoh spindle shaukt;' hut be I d I know rcTecTing the parlies iutcm.lod aV.- * n I ' ur,: ,n 7 tnlrociuctlon of a parcel of A nesn, wh'cb were taken tn the Agency h k mw “ u ”■ v.' r ' The fioHowIng is what / week in'll 1B ,ub J r . t ‘-, t &0|n, ‘ I'We In the first at th. Creel * ' B " ,h o( UeCRn, b*c, 1817, I was ut lie Creek Agency attending to the trnnspor- Irion. i, f „ P dr i, ‘°“ ("■: " l0 «b« “• S,m« ,.,,i if.’i'T, ?,*'P eu ' n ‘ contract with the Colo- ,e United Striteslnfantry* then com* Certain ir‘ 8 l dl " ,rlr r’ W,,<!n C "P* Uowpn with a Wee J amei Lob S " rriveJ lhere with a icauainteH^m"'•U 1,06 '' b°inc Intlmatcly Sv^ -T-P*- I h"d frequent usked him V th i 1 !” nlloul l,| e negroes, and rep'led thl m WOul<1 4eI1 ‘ l,em S ‘P which he 2 : ! d " 7 Wfe not for sale, but were •Savanmdi m h t, r se,! n “" Mr. James Erwin of were" olcl’v il,.!| C mr "’ for their own use, and lerest in tlfemT ,P ro P er ‘y> except a small In- I than ad. ^ bctonglng to the said Dr. Long. ,0 rcmo « ‘bem te’i'A "■ v a ®5 , »te l Co y e lr cy “ntbeirlvay‘fromVort flaw- &*t^ 1 fe:T, ic b w«nld endanger tlrslir scrviid n, .V,' ,0 wen to my representations ob- tbcm al “ *“ lm l> 03 »lMe for him to remove Agmry ShXh H I" W "T lbfiy remained at the a? 5TSsSSi» under the impression that liaVa’s appB.fd'of uio whirli I i t ,aii A .r I*," e v° e *» tuo danger lo which i believed them exposed—and to m*.„r jgcijsKstsRrjsaG d, oh? ’’ baowlodge, and seemed rather to lTrtrrl.l| e tw rB h " eS *. " f n,y biformation, but of far • l by ob,Rrvln S> ‘but if it ,va, a mi,Her mil 1 . "l y ow “ knowledge, he would a " y I ' ss i |i ‘»"re f e mid jcnnjnedto do I,St (bee to null ;' ;;fi " ry ’° n hb Way loCImtaboo- Creek L, ll d ?. ,n , eRtm K ” f ‘be Chiefs of the lT , «“• ? " w, * lr, J 1 think was appointed for ;, n ;! I ‘ ,be m0l "b> (December . Wl,ether a-sasisart Ilovrcn Wert token away by Mr. McIntosh, <*- eopt those taken by Dr. Long, and three Who lind absconded at the time, of the seirnr*. After the negroes were detained by (Jen. Mitchell, , some of them, some times more, some ■ less, wero in the public yard at the Agency e- very day when this deponent was there, grind ing corn for their own use at a hand nidi.— some of the smnll negroes who were sick anti Oflrm—some with burned hands—some wilts m?i Wfiro PM*”* by order of lieo. • utcliell in the cabins of bis own people at the ^”7 f ° r ', l,e P"r|>ose of being nursed & takers v R °‘—ind lo some of (h« men who hud the. b ( '°P- Mitchell personally attended and fflMh TT medicine and proper nouriabment i r ®“id support. Theso turn wet* 5K Mltcbrn. 0 Cal,i0,n « ar (Signed) J. 3. THOMA9. July, 182(J°' *" d ’’’bsoribed before me,this 28d Jsstas Fumixq, j. t. B . e> Q c0 , AVGTLOais*. W ILL BE BOLD, in Augusta on Wed- j flHSlillf. ffitli inat n» in .LI a. a. u . on W60* - - nestlay, I6tli inst. at 10 o’clock, by Fraser and Bowdre, an entire * V STOCK. OF OOOB&, Droll, n | ,iD *t ,0 a h °"‘ S 30 ’ 000 - Torm3 . «P* proved endorsed notes a, o and 9 months. Augusta. \t.y j.. • , ADVISOR. ^ r ®m. a ‘ u but a few hours, onJ " • MUcheM il',ll n !!H.T y ,0 ..* or ‘ “awkias. (J '['Vqul.l the reader believe the preoediug to I Mitehln ! i ,“ 8 ‘" ne Hay 10 1 '«»rt Bwlibir "'u.T ■ . • • '.''if ■ '* n not mistaken is the fact. 'apsja In the, mailer of the allciged un'portation oFJ. Jncuns inle the .Slate of Georgia. J * ST.trr oFTepsrseer, Muncoi- corvrv called upon by Genii) B.Vl'iM,all I thM alffio IsTi i'T' 'r‘‘ lvc| y declared, to theTvli aT 0 W? n «»SW« taken af J cr wh.«b, he would m,t permit them remTv-’ .. k Agency in the winter of I n 17.1 ed » .‘octnity was given to take them.,,,,. DM Tag IT. T'*' If them-anri •sf«f sstesstea -ar Mitchell remained „, e Agency but « flw ra^'wffih bllflm-l' 0 to "P cnd Christ- ihM i b'»f«n»dy, and positively declared, nnll lT ° Wn , e ‘' S l , m(l decHned or Delayed ro- tno. ing them, he .),m,l,i ‘ . . to the Dm. ,r a , - Ir , a, ‘ n,, S I OR3 taken „ , cl w . n, «h would not permit them reroov- . ' , Agency in the winter of I ft 17 I R ).' unless sccuiify was given to take ,i,,,, ,, , by a certain Capt. William Bowen. In Uw " f “ ,6 ,; " i,ed S “'‘ R "- 1 rollroed to Georl c-uly part of ||ie winter of |«t; business of ■ n ? y8el ‘ * l *nme time, and being invited 5n importance with Col. Andrew Ertvln, ft fir- mllT' *? j® 1 , 10 * 1 to dine with him’ on Christ- in, Groce & Co. Called my attention to S-, r?f ’ i d,d s0 ’ a,ld w » 3 ‘hewn by him a co. vannah in Georgia, and while there n n-in l7e TrlT k '" er he "' rH,R "> 'be SemTary f mnnedi.r . in 'a* i!w r raraptor,- «-V ed in the hands! w ho rode Part of the »v i.i ° r ‘ eB , ry ' Charles W. IUS ON HAND AND OFFERS FOR SAT.fh 1 Muscovado Su. ar^ 111* bbh New Orleans do.; 2* do Loaf J 0 • * 20 Imgs Code,): ' fid bbls Whiskey; .2 Py** 1 Holland Gin; so dt. Brandy; A lihda Jnmnii’o Rmn ; 2 pipes Madeira Wine : 10 Boxes Clnrot do. superior quality A Quarter Casks Currant, doi; ^ IS lihdi prime Molmses ; 25 bbls Northern Four; 10 do Half Jo, ; Tierces (new crop) Rice; 6 Crates Crockery, assorted ; . - Jo “afi 3 wrought Nails do.; liipOOO llis. CnslingB do.; 20 keg, rl 8 w d t1 OUbto bar,Bl Sh0t 0W ^' ft Trunks Shoes’; am! 3 Cases Hate. •SSsOL h_«. rnrtnea liy Air. James Erwin, merchant nfl told n» LI'"l'"," 6 , *?” "egrovs Me also tliat place, tunt he had placed in th„ . ' i who Z i *. h J? , l,,ld ,nfurn * G <i Col Brearly, “fa certain Capt. Bowen '3VsfiT?^ HawklTtH n “° T,'! y Wi,1 ""a. from Furl . llwll b bw Tennessee, and on my arrivul J !a, , no ‘ me since. Truth and justice r, . ■ j ® ,s ‘ a » being intimate with Col. I qcireathat 1 should fuwi,..- , arrivul |v*iuth and justice re h ;'T*r l ."> ™ n I inmtiatfc with Coi; Erwin e *'. hu ' ‘>houid further declare In tfi 'ca* llTl r d mC ; '" tter which ho had just re PT " ? ! ,,y Relief, that I have a corlec kTT reived from n Cnpt. Thomas at Fort Haw ,'! ge 7 ,lle who were interested Kins,saying, that a parcel of African negroes »nd trltM® and l *» < r oductioijr of those negroes, bad been takef, to the neighborhood of he Mitchell if “V 7 C '7' ! c °nvicUoa, tha*G« n ! C cek Agency by Capt. AVilli mi !, 1,01 on '/ bod no interest or concern which the house of Erwin r„ ’ ■'? <• iaso / l ‘ d ‘"‘roduction, but w U s e,i to have nn interest Tb. i r ', V ' ;ru said " rt '-V 'Soorant of both. I uUo declare tMnH i .in„a !„.i.. ' , lu “iforination con-1 “ r >'» ‘be introduction ofthc Africans by cant ^Tj’jben reports were ^rowdentWi stiu ect ol cntiVMtaui mi. . . . •-vswvvi vsujpj ftjp what she generally receives. The es*sen!iai Er t0 ,lV ’ female accom- S & n ’:’“ 01 ' of display, while tliat reeled in7\ SP * mur “ gcheraily di- able to -.rt* 1B US, fu 1 ,J -"‘ 3 ‘ : u-e woman is e fin t V- 8ll0,dd not her best fa- nrodor.Tl CUJllVa!ud > an,! so directed as to her I f 1 T P 01 ' 1 ' 01 * of happiness to !£tV £m d '! y T ulJ,c;,s ? A,,,! si "cc so. Dfi. lf.t l f ’ ila ? dR9l o"«i her for domestic tlie*dutiesofV ,r< if C » r,y P rR * ,arcd IH’rform tile duties of it. But is it not a mistake tn „i,nr,„o ,l , u,u ‘3 it not a mistake I Une » n ,n ™ y l mbli,r lifu i' e q‘*"' l 's talenti vl freT ,mu p m ''’ ‘bat ill state affair •* llRI C IDlVil — ... . . „l • '-■'I inai til state allairs, laws anTlT t ) ‘ SU . at!(>n8 al ’ e raadu "P on fi xod simislm dd i* B! ' 10 , ’ euso "‘ t, n s »nd eonclu- in f .nfm» d u ‘J 0H, J*‘*r*“vcly easy; whereas, stan • !; ’ r v — aod nVw o.ireu™ solrchlmf -“J' l,0,,rl y •wurring, deep re In so , W ''mT l* pno ‘ n “'«>. and rapid com Lotte, min" d 7 '’I'l'bsite. Could she not vants w k Ke •‘ rSt ' ,! '’ h «'r children, and ser ties of Th k , n0W,n * of‘he suhtil- , ,°* lh , c b"'i'an mind? and better direct c household f,„. having some knowl -dg surlSo fll' lhw m * a * hay “ b'Hsn cZ 8 “ ‘ • f 1 extravagance, whose only crime was ignorance? And how many children mf- ft- CP1 V ed mon eonsnnd very pernicious | ejudiee.s from the same source ?—prajudi- rease'n iv' Cb “'’‘'"i , rip ° ned - v< ' ;ll s and >»“m ed led™ wh;T'." n ‘, " ,e 10 «™*>icuS.-. That know- cdge w hica subserves not some useful pur pose is, I confess, “a rude unprofitable ,na v” butgranung 1 ,' 0 it is not indispensablT t, Lot I, ” ' Pf !r ‘“ rln a"ce of duly, would i not be useful to have within hoVself an inno L'RIlt. lmli.ii/xi.. ..... « . mm* . 4*1 ••-••■•vv, »»t ii 1111 iiHHen an inno tent, mdenciident sourco °r cujoyment?- W ould s.iu experience no more, solid sa And ,• r A r r ‘tenre no more solid woftl D, fl 01 r t ,e , T nsciR '*liuu3i*t'9S of real Aniii'. fr0m ‘*V of personal l.tauly ? unfilled :JT M r :Ut ' W cr « hours are unfilled with interesting mutters, and conse- pieiitly spent by the ignorant, either in lis|- ess idleness, impatient Iretfulness, busy ea- ntTU. "| r r‘T y dlss 'l* ; "ion, she would 3 find intern.,I delight, would ToTiB 1 »* 1, u lj,i ** " l,t>re ‘enseal pleasures cloy, \V , ; , T "’"b finer Joy : J ’ V to J flameI h06ep0 ' VeM “ 1Ul ‘' UiSe ,e soul Tlia ti,e'flt Cb nm ' e ’ and vibra « e 'hrougb' But let uj hold the subject more directly in • moral point of view.' She is taught, « i -x* 9 uoics lor a Jarcre amount tn u,,t fi'om Tu^ fi,l r and t ' od * :e a ‘ Amelia Island, r!!?',' 1 '.V*” m 'woeii on tliut subject, ftom where flio negrrtes wore said to liavj I f ", n \ ulllfo !' ml >’ ""vised by Idm tobuvono- been hrmiglit, and as I was then about leav. •, l .", n ?'‘ >d " ' vi ‘ h sueb tramaclions, fortbose who mg Augusta for Tennessee, Col Erwin re I hnV ) vr>l! , e | 1 l ,e . r,ence no ‘ <"dy pecunlnry loss quested me Kr goby the C.U a ,c : but destroy tbeir reputation. y purchasers I accordingly left A ™ ' W* F: ftcplmi- u&,* H VVTNr, ,11,posed Of their obllJJkTITiv/ds, “T now receiving by ree- ,t or. vjfrom TSilTelf'jr fr ** h ”“PP‘> of new ami ve- fonZl v^|? ,COn “ rt,,, » ofe v a *> d ^ Hardware and Cutlery, vorutle tell rB d -i? 08ed *° ™" °n «be.,m,t fo. Ply of tb. Razor BtroVSd^^urt^ “foBo'y srjior'7’ “ nd k “ ow " by th “ Muy lo T4- For Au\fc, A likely you tiff Negro TM.1.0W & WOMA.NV -Jour wheel Carriages fr one Gie on moderate lermv 6 * May 14 on moderate terms. Enquire at the Recorder Ctfflcc. ——— — —. . re7i?r°iJh l ^ ain offered i n Lang, I I l». S „Vt SC !i l,aE ? 0 "' ,r ' for ••!«, tftfto a. j. , C TS Land on ih« Oconee river, a short ffistancc below Dublin, <88 aere. of whirl to Swamp, of good quality, the balance adioinino pine land well tiinlierud-there is uhnnini T'"i rC ' iin ‘be»wa4, aTd lie «p and, with a good Apple aud Reich oreli- n 1*11,1 10 7? mp " nd in ®«Wvatlon, with Uttla additional labor, can be banked in, Jo a, to Ml cure It from ordinary summer freshes th* mITilfr 8 ttdvan, . a 8 es that w ill more fully 7* pear on an examination. The wh„le can^ n , J op £ 3K >° •" hand, or ,f 4100 t,v »500 on or before the 1st October uel aud the ba ance In fourenii.l i ■ ■ au * from the Is, day oMlrl ne,?“ f 77“^ fected by the said 1st oflScttfberT * * a * “ *' La,liens comity, Mav 1 X SMITH. purchasers. I accordingly left Amro at a the 71*7777 llU ‘ 2™ k Agency by wS of Milledgevi e anil ir ....i y ■ y J.IMIKO, j. i. c. Baldwin co. (teo. of \r;n ‘““ Oreck Agency by wav ‘ llc vv ‘‘nesi being cross examined un» , .T g ;;r u antI ^« 77777’ **y*z me « pli *l1 7 V , G, ' n - " ho gave J" 1 7 Gi ‘ ™“ Morgan, of Tennessem De! n * a letter o! introduction to Gon. Mitch- |f! onen { * aw t,le Colonel nt tho Abciicv some “ , of Whom I had no personal knotvlcdro J' 6 "boutllie middle ofDeeemberflBif— that fia , ! 1y „ ai ' nval at ll, c Agency I saw General sf . c ' >nvcrN ®' 1 w, ‘h him on (he subject of the Mitchell, and stated tohhjiny lLi„™ ed^ZTffcT ^ w«. infill Tnc next morning I went out to the PamD l l !.! !' b ®fore he saw Ucn. Mitchell, and saw (lie negroes about half •. m i V P • *'"‘bonzed to offer the nereocs to 'he Agent’s rwb!ence '^ l found ,h?t 21 lo7-‘” ,e ’ 01 ' J 7‘° *«aure the amount due • , . 1 * ivunu (tie neifi'oei n n deplorable state of nakedness, apparent y much fatigued and reduced to mere ske- , C ; un - Mitchell expressed much fenj- "nt h r'V m T’ and ;1 PI ,ri| r*d willing • t wy should |, 3 nsmoveil. rrom Un* •*»Jnrmnhon I could cr*| attlte Acducv With "di a, , had been told by J amca Erwfo ,'vh ’sM al °" ll)e •‘tbje.ct of James Er- froJ , iT C, r*. ,n0ney *° Bowen, as well as lime ft l tl0 "’ led * e . ‘heir situation at that Mb el fit \ n ! y °P"" r ”' 4oridedly, that Gen. . r bad ! ,n ,1, ‘ L ‘ I 'M‘ directly or indirect tn of bole Ar ‘ulroducti ori oi those Afiicnn Negroes. Srol'l’ 1 m GIDE0V MORGAN. j„n. tsi.viF. of Te.v.xessk®, ) Person,I M>nroe county, June Hlh, \U0. leappj'. he Peace S ‘ UVvns , " ^Mtien of the 11ace for said county, and after I,, in- dnly sworn on tho Holy Evangelists of \| K mighty God. saith, that the foregoing stale! signed with his own I ™ mid true to the best of bis knowledge and bo- [signed) GIDEON MORGAN, jun Ilpnrij Stephens, j. i>. m. c. J otatr or Tennessee. p, 1 W * ,,iam s - Blair, Clerk ofthe Court of 1 h as U Quarter Sessions, of Monroe coun ty, do certify, that Henry Stephens, esquire eerlTfl ai,,,t ' !,rS tl,e for 4oing £ C | , lh ? te ! rd deposition, «-as at - tl 11)1* OI 1 111* fl.'lt ( lUIO.^P .. . . t NOTICE. rrillE SUBSCRIBERS have re-uniteA ,k.i riir V’Aw‘ onu ! V' lero8,s in prac'Kceof v DAW’ and (myc taken an office in Shaw’. bml' 1 mgs,Johnson's square, Savannah Theto .cneral practice will be limited to the Circn t mid District Courts ofthe United s,..,-. Court of Admiralty, end to the Supwiorlo^rt of lie county of Cliatl,am ; but when nlrdll * "liy requested soto do, one of lhe firm will ,1’ tend uuy of the 9u|ft*rior courts, if sacli ntt»nA ance can be give!,, without in previous engagement,. *«nwiug with WILLIAM DAVIES. JOHN MACPHEHSON BERRIFV Savannah, April 2(1, 1821. 14—"t» . =.». be int v '"'’ ' liU ( M h 7‘ <|U:l n '* <l is personal * he Peafe ’ d “‘ly commissioned in and aim aL’uH r " V" ‘ / 011 Hny 0RC,, unt that f,,t ‘ «ounty, and that full faith and 1 11 ulr nr 5 '' Ct ,IR '' person ; but rather Rr, ;b‘ 1» dun to his official arts as such. tlult cittenlon ftt if.; rw.. .1 _ (lil'fri nrwLn w... I i ■ / b ..i. u.mcisui.juogi tiim, aunough a superi- this is liffhf. ami -i»»t or woman may possess single faculties in as the pretty" would not neld h ^’ "V , r » • 1 wi account that f t,r ' (?!, : ct b Rr person; but rather t hat (mention to its neatness, anil proper a - doming, should bo so perfectly a habit, !m n „t to occupy at least not disturb her mind Maj not this habit be formed, as w«!| as ns- soeiated with propriety and correctness, as y '. . veo uliildren as uniformly taught this is right, and that is wrong, ns they arc the nri'ftv. . ^ : irc ■ — .i.o ymi iui aers as sucti. Given under my hand and (private, having f, « 1 xv'ie" ’ 1 Tv St ; al of office Of (L.s.) Will,an, Dickson’s, tins lStli day of June, lti^O. J (Signed) muiam S. Blair, Clk. mt Mn.r.KnoEvrr.r.*, : .' ••VI — >0 IM'I neeu oe said, “ „t,i n ;_ „• callec J "P !, » by the Governor of Geor- oms the law 0! their conduct, and Idol of I Talv of^n“l , ^f!!! jr ?* b e *‘ B '®>i°f the Secre- la.j Ot State of the United Stales, to declare aim bR Paroba.’c ofthe negroes. After the Colonel G J" I ;.' M “f ,iel1, be Informed deponent hat lie bad offered (lie negroes to the general ml that be hud positively refused to have any s«JX° R’oTm ° le P '! rch -‘T ofthc,n > blit hud r 1 m ‘ Lo1 - Morgan,) might remove them — Col Morg," 1 t| le „ offered tho negroes todepo- " ea ’ bu ‘ n°‘ ogrroing on the terms, no con. tract was made. l|,c deponent was present nt the settlement made between Dr. Long and £ a , ' , B ? WR "« * h d five of the negroes W $* K . vveltvvard ‘ II Hnd ‘ aken b y blm^hc llftYh. a ‘ ,r ' °r s nnd °"P“'U* Bowen then Lf » ? Affaueyi ‘be former for Mississippi, t the latter to bring on the balance ofthe negroes, ns o the'rh I'T'" 1 , Mi,c,le “ Wft * H ' " lis ?one ,° th f Lha'ahoochoe. Oo bis return, and after he departure of Col Morgan, the deponent was present when Mr. Khfert, an old Indian counti vman who wnsscltling a new place three “r four miles above the Agency, applied tl General Mitchell for a few of the negroes to clear n piece ot land for him. Gen. Mitchell told him he had no objection, and he presumed capt. Bowen would have none, provided lie,(Mr them w*n °'M l 7f, S °° d Cnre 0f ll,cni " nd feed them well. Mr. Ll.lert promised to do this, nnd and Gen. Mitel,ell requested this deponent to select s'x oi the stoutest of the negroes to go vvilh Mr. Elilert. The deponent did so, and <f e - MtiliAm IhT by i lyin 6,® I'icce of yellow fer ret, ng to their jacket,. The deponent did not see the negroes set out for Mr Elilert’s, but lie knows that they went, and that they returned .“fV ,e ^eucy, nnd he has since^een them m Milledgevlile, and some of them are thll; now, or lately were there. The negrowell Mged a piece ofwooaiand within t!, e f Cl J of .ie plantation, in small hut, covered v dh d ‘> firos*. and built by themselves quarter where General Mitchell wns rottl !l for the use ofti-V houses that wero built, were ffi: W«'‘AUtf bini or * = ,ed «V A1) “* tha Ajency by caji. 100 Dollars Reward. R AN AWAY or enveig. led from the subscri ber, residing in Lobisville, aeHcrson county Georgia. L7L7 Tn*. . 6 . h» , „ icci ourn i!Jt°. nB of i ,lis u PP er fore t^h Mr. thinlv u f ,[jur lore ight complexion, nnd nlensl he is nptto smile when It is s.ipposjxMkathejMs illlucijfWel'one h» a I|I)|-S|.-,1|-WP.T Wi... Jim. ,/Lr nvetope bjr wTrd’. an Mr®^^"lbewK (TT Th, ten r AMBROSE WRIGHT. Ok 7 F : dlon °f tie s,at * papers of Alaba- ", Kentucky, and Ttn,,.,../.-. ?? IS™,,A~-« Strayed or Stolen JjNRO.W the subscriber# — obb mile from Clln- Jpn, at the house of WUio ™‘«”o n , A CHESNUT SORREL HORSE, 9 or ,10 years old, 6 feet 8 or marks of gear on his should*™ aIw’dUHI K*ving information, so (hat 1 aet be liberally peases paid. rowouwoto Clinton. May ®I<( O. Sheriff’s and c< Decla for SAXE AT :