Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, June 26, 1821, Image 4

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msm. fame. Oli! who Mi all lightly fay that fame J« nothing but an emp!) nn mr ! \\iiiisi in tlint sound there i-a ( harm, Thr nervrs to brarr, the heart to S'ftVm, A®, thinking of the mighty tlrnd, The young from slotliful entirh will start, And vow, vitli lifted hands outspread, Lika them to net a noble part? Oh ! who shall lightly say that fame Is nothing but an empty name !— When, hut forthose,our mighty dend, All ages past a blank would lie, funk in oblivion's murky bad— A desert bare, a shtpless sea ? ’They are the distant objects seen— The lofty marks of wind hath been- Oh who shall lightly say that fame Is nothing but an empty name ' When mem'ry of the mighty dead To eartl'-worn pilgrim's wishful eye, ‘The brightest raysof cheering shed, That pointto immortality ? [.Visa Baiflic.] FLORIDA. TflE P.nODE I Q LAND MANUFACTURERS JOURNAL. The following description of a part of Florida in the vicinity <>f Fort Gadsden will be found interesting, it >> contained in a letter from m friend, to the Editor dated “ tort Gadsden, April 27, 1821 «< My [tersonal observation of this Country has been hitherto confined to the vicinity of this pace, which is. at pre sent, a perfect wilderness. There aro no white inhabitants, except a few Indian traders, nearer than the Georgia line, seventy miles distant, and all our com munications with the world lead through deep and extensive swamps, except that by the Gulf. The messenger who ia sent to convey letters, &c. hetween this place nnd Fort Scott, is obliged to swim across Creeks and lagoons on his way. The route to Pensacola, on the west, is very circuitous and more then three hundred miles long. 'Ve have had no inter course with that place since 1 came here, and but little with the Fort of St. Marks, which lies 70 or 80- miles to the East, and is divided from un by an almost en tire tract of swamp, intersected by large rivers. ‘ The general face of the coun try, for sixty miles from the coast, i« made up of swamps, covered with heavy timber, and generally overflowed, and low pine lands which sometimes rise in to bluffs 6 or 10 feet above the level of the water. Fort Gadsden is on one of 1hese latter, and Pensncola on another, very extensive and high, which, lying open to the sea, accounts for the healthi ness of that place. Immediately on the shore of the Gulf, all along, as far ns 1 have observed it, the storms have piled op the sand in ridges, parallel with the shore and in some places to the height of twenty or thirty feet. These ridges gen erally extend half a mile or more from the Gulf, lying parallel to each other and cqui-dislitnt, in the same (orm as a suc cession of heavy sens. The. river Apa lachicola is about 150 miles long. Its hanks are overflowed, nearly all the way, in some places for several miles hack.— This overflowed part is covered with a very thick growth of almost every kind of tree common at the north, as well as a great variety peculiar to the South, particularly cypress, from which the swamps derive the name ol cypress 'twamps. All these trees grow remarka bly large and bear in great abundance a singular kind of moss, which is thought to subsist entirely upon the miasmata in the air. It has no root, nor any radical con nection with the tree, but only hangs over the litebs in the same manner as if it had been placed there by the hand It has a grey colour, and in the winter, when the leaves have fallen, it gives the sunken forest a most dismal appearance A traveller front the North would sup pose that the trees were all dead, and that the whole country was gradually sinking into one watery grave. Rut the spring changes the prospect entirely.— The hoary moss is now concealed by a most luxuriant foliage, which, from the great variety of trees, presents almost e- very shade of green, and furnishes a de licious fe.'st to the eye. The whole bank ofthe river is lined with a rich bar tier formed of cane? and bushes interwo ven and matted with nil sorts of vines, ■bearing a great variety of flowers, and the scene is new beginning to be still more enriched by the blooming of the magnolia, which is indeed the king (or at least president) of all (lowers. This tree * K which you hate seen descriptions e- nough) occupies a very considerable share of the forest, and is always con spicuous lor the great size and deep green colour of it® leaves, but when in bloom its beauty is beyond compat ison With any thing of the tree kind. It is then covered with milk white blossoms, the smallest of which exceeds in circum- fbrence the crown oftny hat, fa compa rison more true than poetical.) These emit a sweet odour which fills the whole atmosphere. Hut all this scene is but a guilded sepulchre. Within is contained all manner of deadly vapours and the abodes of poisonous insects and huge 6nakes.” third < f sixly horse power, ts ex lusively used for wielding the battering appara tus attached to the mainmast, fee.—This cnnsi»t«, first of a series oflargo iron bars or clubs, moveable perpendicularly oo joints arranged about the centre ofthe vessel, on each side ofthe nast; when in action they are raised alternately, and like as many energetic flails, heal with tremendous nnd unceasing force npon whatever object they are directed n- gnin«t. They are intended for close quarters, and when they are made to de- cend upon an enemy’s vessel, they most >eat to pieces every thing they strike, men and rigging, and even the decks of the enemy. By converting n perpen dicular into a horizontal motion, one of them is made to ply in that direction, and as it is jointed and very! ong, it must make dreadful havoc among the men, be ing armed w ith lances and jagged books, and every thing that can cut or tear. In the event of its encountering a mast or standing post, its joints yield and set it free. An engine something resembling the catapult of the ancients, is construe ted on the starboard bew, of such amuz ing power, that it can throw large stones of two hundred weight to the distance of 20e or 300 yards, when the whole force ofthe engine is employed. It is also cal culated for discharging hot water, boiling pitch, am) melted lead. An apparatus i constructed likewise forfeiting the pitch on fire, which is discharged flaming on (he enemy's vessel. r l be oh! practice of red hot sand, is likewise in preparation, and*Vvben scattered among the men must have a powerful effect. All this time it must be observed, there are not above half a dozen men on deck ; two at the wheel are protected by a redoubt, two or three superintend the necessary move ments of the catapult, and about three more at the other parts of the vessel.— The rest arc working the great guns in. the lower and middle decks, or attending the engines. The valuable parts are de fended with double strength of timber, and in some places faced with steel.— The decks are bomb proof, nnd in short, it is pretty w ell ascertained, that with tbe help of her steam paddles she is impreg nable except by boarding. To defend against this, one hundred erdoked irons and tbe like number of spears, at each side, are in readings to be worked by machinery, which would, in two minutes, annihilate the rrevv of half a dozen large frigates; and besides this, as her men arc not exposed on (he deck®, she can show er down melted pitch and hot sand on the hoarders, and a moveable wheel is pro pelled in any direction, armed with knives & saws, which will tear in pieces any person against whom it is moved. 1 have not heard yet what is to be tbe name of this infernal engine, hot surely, if tier name, is to agree with her description, she is worthy of no other than what 1 could give her, viz : “ The Devil.” cheating. If the li&tfr crams the brow- j er with alum, hr i® in his turn drench: with treacle mid quassia juice, ll the apothecary drugs the coachnmker with sham calomel and pulverized pest, he gets n had spring to his carriage, over sets, dislocates his cerebellum, and is in return bled by come brother fotion with horse leeches, and vomited with ipeca cuanha made of rotton coflins, and white vitriol. This i«, indeed, a sad world ; hut if Mr. Accum's re-agents nnd retorts, backed by a dozen acts of parliament, could he rendered a substitute for hon esty, it would go on well enough. In defect ofthe!, we fear there is nothing left for us, but to fat our dinners and swallow our bolusses with what appetite we may ; confident that if death does not come to ns out of the pot, or (lie gallipot, in the shape of acetate ol lead or copper, ar«enic or mercury, he will find some othermodc of getting at us.'’ j.V. V. tom. An act of intrepid benevolence was performed yesterday morning, which ought not to pass without commemora tion. A person employed to clean a well in fifth near Spnlce street, on descending into it, f 11 lifeless to the bottom, owing to the foulne ss of the air. Money was offered to whomsoever would go to hi assistance, in vain, until a Mr. Peter Scnntlin, in tbe employ of Mr. Brady, Morocco dresser, undertook it gratui tously. lie went down, fastened a rope to tbe other, and both were drawn up. Mr. ScantUn himself being to all appear ance dead. Me however soon recover ed. It is expected that tbe well digger, who has abo revived, will be restored to health with medical aid. [Aulioncl Gazette.] GLUTTONY. A pauper from Milbrookwns taken on board a ship in Ilamoaze, where, for a small wager hetween two seamen, he de voured in 75 minutes, the following ar- ticl®e, viz : a Ipg of mutton 9 1-2 lbs. •1 1-2 lbs. of bread, and drank C bottles of porter, calculated at .3 lbs. in all 17 lb«. end the next morning he complained of being hungry.—Lots. pap. HAS RECEIVED, AND l'OU SAT.F,, C rnsk r Train Oil, tor t\i<> tanning lm»ine-s; 1 pipe Cog. Brandy, of a superior quality, 4 years old ; 1 pundiroa be»t Jam. Rum, 4 yean old; 1 lilid. lu st Wesl-lntlia Ruin ; Rye Whiskey in barrels ; tiugar ami Coffee in barrels nnll bags ; Snap ami Candles by the Bo* ; R by id Window Glass; Loaf Sugar and Macksrcl.—.d UEXERAL ASSORTMENT OF Dry G oods, Hardware, &c. All ( f which will be sold low for Cash. Wanted, FOUR THOUSAND YARDS UmuUvy Wm\H' s\Aun, for which Dry Goods will lie given. June id. 18—3t. nrmc'fc. i W n,T. rr, .SOLDorithr.firat’JVjtJ.ij in July next, in,tween the u>iml Imura of sale, at the court-house. in the town ml Dublin, I.utirens county, the follow ing pro perly, to w i(: mil) Acres <»f Land lying on Pew’s creek, adjoining Iteddin UegiMer nnd olhers—levi ed on as (lie property of Thomas Register, to sAtisfy an execution in favor of Fulwood and Welch. One lot of Land No. 807, in 17lh district— vied on ns tin: property of Itarnabas Flan ders, In satisfy an execution in hwor of Cur tis Nelhnns. One aquarc of Land No. 127, in IRtli dis trict'—levied oil as the property of Benjamin W. Fairehuh, to satisly an execution in fa vor of Esnias Fountain, and otlters. CHARLES 8. GUYTON, Rli’ff. May 25, 1C2t. Ywrewts tuuY liutmVvnns. S IX STUDENTS of pood rijoral character will be received into my aclinol in Jones copnty, near the Mansion bouse of Cot. tV C 0,\ ■rut. They tnu-,1 commence nliont the IRtli or 201 It of the present month. The whole ex- pence for six months is fined at # 51, including tuition, Itoiird,tvH. I intend to u-e my best eic deavors to do my duly, and to make the Mu dents do theirs. No male student wilt be re ceived above Id years of age, nor female above fourteen. DANIEL DUFFEY 5ohe !. 17—3t". The Subscriber has on hand, 4.00 Y\u*\u'\s Mum Salt, Which lie will sell at 75 cents per bushel,(if applied for immediately. May 28. W.BUTLER 16—tf. 100 ItowaYtV. R AN AW AY or stolen from the subscriber on the 2d of this month, a negro man named IIARRY, twentt-seven years old, black com plected, five feel two inches high, stout built, a sensible and Arkwd fellow, of a hold rountc notice 'when spoken lo ; he is ft tolerable shoe and boot maker. The above reward will lie (jiven for the thief and negro, on the conviction of I lie thief nr thieves, k: ten dollars for the tie- pro alone, delivered to me in Jackson county, Georgia, or securing him in any safe jail so that I get him. CHARLES McKINSKY. Ttie Editors ofthe Knoxville Register wilt in sert the above advertisement two months, and forward their account to Thomas Hyde, Esq. I’ M. at Jefferson, Geo. where it will be punctual ly paid. C. M. May 25, 1821 17—8t AN AMERICAN FRIGATE A writer in a late English paper,gives the following descri|Hion of an American frigate, represented a® equipping at Bos ton. The description will excite the risible faculties of the most splenetic man in the community. “ There is nothing rematkable in her size, excepting in the prodigious and un wieldy strength of her sides and masts ; and she ranks among the first class of A-' merican frigates, which are equal to Bri tish G4 gun ships The mainmast, which is strongly hooped and clasped, with iron, is of remarkable strength, and has attach ed to it the principal weight ofthe defen sive machinery which renders her form idable. She has three steam engines on QUARTERLY REVIEW. We have rend with much satisfaction the Quarterly Review for April, which we received from our correspondent in London by the Importer. Several of the articles partake of more than ordina ry interest, but few of them are of a character that will enable us to make much use of them for a newspaper. The first is on able article upon the important question of unrestricted trade between nations, with particular refer ence to the propositions which have been successively made for years past in the British Parliament, to open the ports ofGrept Britain to the free access ofthe world. Considering that much of this article will apply xv ith great force in this country, Uni! that it will till be read with interest, since the question between our Merchants and Manufacturers has awa kened public attention to the subject, we propose publishing it at length in a few days The review of Accum’s nppallins Treatise on Adulterations of Food ami Culinary Poisons, exhibiting tho fraudu lent sophistications ol Bread, Beer, Wine, Liquors, Ten, Coffee, Cream,and almost every article for the table, by mixin “ Arsenike, Vitriol, Snltlartre, Argnle, Alkaly, am! a thousand other hideous and unut terable thine?,” is written with much humour. The reviewers make the Doc tor in some measure a subject for their satire ; as Blackwood's Magazine di an article of last year on the same sub ject, headed “ Deal!) in the Pot.” Take the following for example. After quo ting a passage from Accum, m which he mentions a series of subjects concerning which these frauds are practised, and which concludes in the following man ner :—“ The frauds committed in the tanning of skin®, and in the manufacture of cutlery and jewellery exceed belief.’’ —The retiewers say :— “ Aye, and in the manufacture of nigs, too, Master Accum, its honest Strap can testifv. Our very shoemaker, in spite* ol a special act of parliament, makes but one ®titch where he should make three ; the candle manufacturer puls tallow into our wax, and'the oilman whale oil into our spermaceti; springes sire made to gravitate with sand nnd water; Colc- raines are thickened with hn«ty-pndding, and solid leather trunks made of pasteboard. The tityior cabbages our rlpth, and the house carpenter innocu- lates our roofs with the dry rot ; the ve ry chimney sweep puts dust in his soot, and the dustman carries offe.ur hams and silver spoons in his rart;—the brick maker Mows up his bricks with cinders nnd sand that they may consume less lire in the baking. In short, we know of no manufactures that are. not adulterated, except slate pencils and ice. .Nature, however, has kindly as well as happily provided a compensation in this world for all our misfortunes ; in this particu- rnOM TFIE RICHMOND REMARKABLE LONGEVITY. Died, on 17th May, 1821, in the coun ty of Campbell, Mr. Lavne, sen. at the remarkable age of 121 years, fie was born in Albemarle, near Buck ingham county, in the year 1700. At the period of (ion. Craddock's defeat, Air. Lnyne was 55 years of age, and w as exempt froni military duty on that alarm ing occasion. 1 He has left a widow, ag ed 110 years, and a numerous and res pectable family down to the third and fourth generations. Mr. Lnyne was a subject of four British sovereigns, and a citizhn of the United Stales for nearly ■1G years. Until within a few years, he enjoyed all his faculties, with vigorous bodily health. (Eg” TVut pen tic men who handed vs the a- hnve Communication is of unquestionable Ve racity,and positively assures us that all these circumstances can be authenticated.—Editors (Jjj 5 * ANSELM (iVANS, will be a can didate for Tax-Collector in Putnam county, tbe ensuing election. June 15tn. 1841. in—2t* TOBACCO. W ANTED immediately, 00,000 pound good LEAF TOBACCO, for which the Augusta price will lie given, to be deli vered at our residence seven miles north o Clinton, Jones county. VVm. CABINESS, fe J. E. BAILEY. June 15,1821 10—14-teon* CttsYv You* \Y\wtt\. T HE SUBSCRIBER will give One Dol lar cn-!i per hnsln I fo. a,000 bushel Merchantable WHEAT, delivered at hi Milts near X Tpdgcvtlir. on the Oconee river PARISH CARTER. June 15, is:t 10— 4t STOWAGE AND Ccmviulssiou Wusvayss. I AW.—The subscriber® litiving entered into J co-partnership in the PRACTICE OF L-tW, tender their professional services lo the public. They will attend 4lie Superior court o *he several counties in (lie Ocmtllgee Circuit nnd nl=o in the coffnlics of Twiggs, Lauren Fulaskiand Hancock. JOF.L CRAWFORD. LUCIUS <1 C. LAMAR. Mdledgeville, 28th May, 1821. 16—tf. Jasper Superior Court, April Term, 1821. Itri.r. Nisi—for foreclosure. U PON the petition of Hoses Web®ter nnd George Webster, stilting that Hugh G Johnson of siiid county, did on the 24th day of June, eighteen hundred nnd twenty, mortgngc to them n certain tract or parrel of land, lying nnd being in the twentieth district, of original ly Baldwin, now Jasper coijuty, known nnddis- lingnlsliad in the plan of raid district by part ofiot No. tliirty.five, containing one hundred nnd twenty-five acres—which premises wore mortgaged, (lie better to sreere the payment of the sum of sivteen hundred and fifty-five dol lars nnd eighty cent", besides interest, wliirh is line from the raid Johnson to the nforesnid llosea Webster and George Webster, and it np peering that default lias been made in the payv men! of Hie aforesaid debt; It is therefore ■or dered, on motion of O. H. Kenan nnd J. W Burney, of counsel for Mortgagees, that the said Hugh G. Johnson do pay or cause to he paid into the Clerk's office of tlip Superior Court of Jasper county, the principal, interest nnd cost due on lhe said mortgage, within twelve months from this dnte,ortifr equity of redemp tion ia nod to said mortgaged premises will he forever hared. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this rule he published in one of the public Gnzetles of this stale, once a month for twelve months, or he served on (he mortgager or his special agent, at least six months prior to the expiration of the time within which said money Isto be paid. A 'true ropy from the minutes, JOHN WILLSON, Clk. April 21, 1321. m12m. Greene Superior Court, March Term, JijiM The President, Oireclorsand Company of thr Rank ofthe State of Georgia by their At- turnies in fact, George 11. Clayton if Edward Cary, James IMt. Rutr Km on foreclosure. O pi i C nr pi Superior Court,April Tem, 182;. Axdm w Low te Co. 1 re. > IllLF. NISI. StrwuiiT to Pr.ftit. ) U l'ON the petition of Andrew Low, Robert' lsiuir nnd James McHenry, merchants. trailing under 1 lie firm and using the joint mime nnd style of Andrew Low Co. praying the foreclosure of the equity of redemption of, in ti. lo a certain tract or parcel of land, containing two hundred acres more or less, situate, lying and being in the county of Oglethorpe, on the waters of Fishing rrerk, adjoining lands of Mo ses Brockman, Beuj. Blanton, Abraham Greer nnd John High, and whereon William Stewart lived at tlie dale ofthe mortgage,which said tract of land wos mortgaged by William Stewart and Moses Ronn by their indenture of mortgage, hearing date on the fifth day of April,one inou- snnd eight hundred and twenty lo William Me riwether, Howard Beall, Elias Beall and Tlmd- deni Benll, to secure the payment of two ccr- tnin promissory notes in the said mortgage mentioned, to wit—One dated on the KM, d„y of Juno 1818, whereby the said William Stew- nrt and Moses JVnn, merchants, trading undrr the firm, and using the joint name mid style of Stewart and Penn, promised to pay the said William Meriwether, How ard Beall, Elias and Thaddeus Beall, merchants, using the name and stylu of Meriwether, Benll k. Co. or order, one thousand nnd three dollars and nineteen and. one half cents, one day after the dute thereof &■ the other bearing date on llie first day of De cember eighteen hundred nnd nineteen, where by tlie raid Stewart nnd Tcnn and William W Bird,and Thomas Stewart promised to tiny the said Meriwether, Beall & Co. or order, lhe sum of three, thousand dollars, on the 25th day of December 1820, the Inst of which said promis sory notes nfter the making thereof, to wit, on the said first dny of December 181», the said William Meriwether, How ard Beall, Elias Beall ir'llindtleus Beall,by the style nnd title of their said firm of Meriwether, Beall k Co. endorsed to the sard Andrew Low,-Robert Isaac k James Me- Henry,hythe style nnd title of their said firm of Andre w LowkCo.,kof which said endorsement the said William Stewart and Moses Penn after wards, to wit, on the said first day of Decem ber IRIS) had notice. On motion of Joseph M. Molloy, attorney for the said Andrew Low k Co. it isordered, that the principal, interest and cost due on said mortgage, by reason of tbe said last mentioned note,be paid into this court within twelvemonths from this dale, or the equity of redemption of, in and to the said mortgaged premises will he from thenceforth forever bared and foreclosed. Andjlis further ordered, ilmt this rule lie published in one of the public Ga zelles of this slate, at least once in every month until (he time appointed for payment, or levied on the mortgagers or theirsperial agents at leu«t six months previous to the time the money is directed to tic paid. A true copy taken from the minutes, ISAAC COLLIER, Clk. April! 7, 1621. ml2in. DISSOLUTION. T IIF. copartnership of Lewis Sheppard (f Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having claims against said firm, are requested to apply lo Joel Rtfth- in, F.sq. for settlement, as the business will be continued hereafter by him. LEWIS SHRPINVRD, JOEL RUSHIN. April 20,1821. IG—tit Hv^buvu & I' yUycy, , NEW-YORK, H AVING disposed of their old stock of Goods, are now receiving by recent arrivals from England, an entire fresh supply of new and ve ry desirable articles, consisting of every descrip tion and variety of Hardware and Cutlery, which they are dhposed to sell on the most fn- voralde terms. They al«o keepa constant sup ply of the Razor Strops and Paste now univer sally approved ami in use, and known by the POMEROY STROP.” May 15. 14—8t NOTICE. T ill'. SUBSCRIBERS have re-nnited their professional inlerrstsinlhe PRACTICE OF THE LAM , and have taken an office in Shaw's buildings, Joh,.-Oil's square, Savannah. Their general practice will be limited to the Circuit and District Courts ofthe United States, to the Ceurt of Admiralty, and to the Superior court ofthe county of Chatham ; hut when particu larly requested so to do, one ofthe firm will at teml any of dip Superior courts if such attend ance can he given, without interfering with previous engagement®. WILLIAM DAVIES JOHN M \CPHERSON BERRIEN. Savannah, April 2<t, 182?. 14 at* TTPON the petition of liic President, Direc ts tors and Company of the Bank of the State of Georgia, liy theirattoroies in fact, George. It. Clayton nnd Edward Cary, praying the fore closure of the equity of redemption of, in nnd to a certain trnct of land lying and being in the county of Greene, containing si* hundred and twenty-seven acres, more or less, bounded northeastwardly by Parrott's k Flournoy's land, northwestwardly by Burnett Perry's luiul, south east wnrdly by Joshua Perry's land, and soutli- wcstwnrdly by the Oconee river, including the ferry-landing thcieon ; the same, being the tract of land whereon the said James Holt now re sides, mortgaged to the snid Bank of Georgia by deed by 4tie said James Holt, bearing dute the third of September in the ycur eighteen hun dred and nineteen, for the better securing the payment of the sum of thirteen thousand and fifty-eight dollars, with the interest us appears by sundry notes recited in said mortgage, w hich said several notes are now due and unpaid : Whereupon, on motion of Seaborn Jones,*of counsel for the said Bank of Georgia, it is or- tF**re»l, that the said Jumes Eolt do pay into the Clerk's office of litis court the sum of money a- foresaid, together with the interest and costs Within twelve months from this dale, or the e quity of redemption, of, in and to said rnortga' ged premises will he henceforth nnd forever barred and foreclosed. It is further ordered, that n copy of this rule be served on the said James I Jolt or his special agent, at least six mouths, or published in one of the public Ga zettes of this Stale once a month for twelve months, before the time tit whichtlie aaid sum of money is directed to he paid. A true coni/from the minutes, \ Wit March, 1821. EBENEZER TORRENCE,Clk April 2 ml2m In (irtene Superior Court, .March Term, 1821. William Lewis, 1 Rule Nisi vs. v On foreclosure of mort Jlranson D. ITootrn. ) gage. Raldu inSuporior Court, March Term, 1821. I T appearing to the Court that llenry Haas h(i® cither lost or mislaid a promissory note given to him by William Moran, for the sura of forty nine dollars, and (hat he lias likewise lost or mislaid four promissory notes, made pay® able to the said Henry Haas, given by Ja cob Jackson nnd James Thompson security, copies of which notes are. now filed in office. On motion it is ordered, that the said Willi am Mornn, Jacob Jackson k Jamue Thompson shew cause, if any they can, on tire first day of next term, why copies of said notes should not be established in lieu of said originals, and that this rule be published in one ofthe public Ga zettes, once a month for six months. A true copy taken from the minutes, 7th A-, prll,1821. THOMAS H KENAN, Clk. April 0. • m6in A FTER the expiration of nine months, ap plication will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Burke county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate of Jesse Warnach, late of Burke county, deceased. BENJAMIN WARNACH, Guard'n for the minor heirs of Jesse It'arnacli. August 11, 1820 fullm board, two aro employed for propelling feet in light winds aud calrr.s, and the I lar case b ? a tmiversnl equipoise of rrxii E SUB8< RILER hnvin g taken a on i. tl c M are-Ii ou-e, recently occupied hv Hol» com be V Tucker opposite Mr s M’?. Sims \Vil»i< ants, 1 He Me hi one, Co. u ill be thankful to his fi t unis and the put,lie fo * .i thare of their patroi :ine. Ex ery- attention will In* paid lo the iulere ®t<4 those who may f a or him with theii hiisinc .®®, \» lietl er in rrceiv ng or forwarding, sat ex, and pure wisinc: 01 Cotton or iMrrf’hnu- dize. liis W, r.House am Stores are in n enlrnl purl of tl uni tire. ’Augusta,.June 1. c city, and asituatian secure ROBERT MAW YE lo—tOct. NOTICE. bJNflERE will bn sold n: the Cnn"t-House in 11,ill county, on the thirteenth day of FURLIC LOTS Belong- Terms made known on Julv next, all th i'lg In said tiling that day. JOHN BATES JOHN KBERHA'RT, WiLUAM CODli, June 15 19—It h brought lo jL’rtM'wm Jail O N the 171 li June, a bright lunlntto man of lhe height n 15 h• rt 8 1-2 inches, who ha a scar on his left cheek near the angle of hi mouth—lie call-himself by the name of IIF.N- RY or TONEY, and say® lie is the property oi James Smith, of Jones county. F. SANFORD, Jailor June 18. It)—at NOTICE. W AS brought to this Jail hn the Gill inst. THREE NEGROES, one man named PETER, about 35 years of age, black complect ed,5fuet 7 or 3 inches high. One negro man named H ARRY, rather yellow complected, a- liout the snmo size and height. Also a negro woman named AI.SE, about 20 years® of nge, black co’mplectcd ; say they they belong to a Mr. Lyles in Columbia, South Carolina; also further say that they were stolen and run off to this state. ROBERT COLEMAN, Jailor. Dublin, Lnrcui county, Juac 6, It)—3t. .hay \a,u\. rTTflE SUBSCRIBER has rereived a A handsome assortment of JEWELRY, consisting of fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, first-quality Pearl Setts, Paste hi plain Ear Rings, l'ingi r Rings and Breast Pins, Silver and Plated Tea Setts, Silver Table, Desert. Tea and Soup Spoons, Gold and Silver Watches, (Warranted), Plated Ware, kc. Also, Gold. Gilt and Silver Epanletls, Gilt. Tainted and Leather Scabbard Swords, all of tuelrest quality. • JOSEPHUS REID. Fehriflry CO. . )o tf. FOR 'SALE, A vaYtvoVAfe VYwutwTum S ITUATED in Warren county, Georgia, eight miles from AVarrenton and forty-five from Augusta, on the waters of Hart's and William ereek, ndmining lands of Major It A. Beall and others—containing seven hundred anil sivtv- nine acres, whh a very commodious Dwelling House, w ith all other out hoiift-s necessary — Persons desirous of purchasing lands in the up country, will do well to call and view it, as 1 am determined to sell, and w ill dispose of it on acCoinmodtfling terms. JESSE M. BUTT tVr.rrcntnn. Oa. % 1 th May, 1821. 15—ntlf N. B. The Augtrsta Herald, SavTmnnh Repub lican, and Charleston Times, will insert th hove monthly for three months, ami forward their nreounts to this place for payment. X TIUN lhe petition of William Lewis, pray J ing thA foreclosure of the equity of re dcmplion, of, in and to n certain trnrt or par cel-of land, situate, tying and being in the mini fy of Greene, on the Oconee river, containing seven hundred and forty-'evcn acres, more or less, hounded on the north-west by McCoy's J, on the north by Ward's land, on the north east by Howell nnd Slaughter's, nml on all o- tlirr side® hv the Oconee live*-—mortgaged to the said William Lewis by deed of Indent lire bearing dale on the second day of Marcus In the year eighteen hundred and tw enty, for the bet ter securing the payment ofbcertniri promisso ry note hearing even (into therewith, whereby (lie said Wooten ami James Holt promised to pay the said Lewis or order, two thousand dol n or before the seeornl day of January, then next ensuing. It appearing to the court that the sitiil sum of money with the interest is now due, s.nd ow ing from the said Wooten nnd Holt to the said William Lewis: whereupon, on motion of Seaborn Jones of control for the aid William Lewis, it is ordered, that the said Branson D. Wooten do pay info the Clerk’s of fice of this court tiro sum of money nforesnid, together with the interest and cost vvithin twelve months from this dote, ortlie, equity ofredemp tbn, of, in and to the said mortgaged premise 1 w ill he henceforth nnd forever barred and fore closed. It is further ordered, that a copy of this rule lie served on the said Branson I) Woo ten or his special agent at least six months, o pnhlisbeiHti one ofthe public Gazettes of this 8tate, once n month for twelve months before the time at which the said sum of money is di rectedtn be pnid. A true ropy taken from the minutes, this 1 March, 1821. EBENEZER TORRENCE, Clk April 2 m 12 A. J). FANNIN Co. R ETURN their thanks to their friends in the up-country for the liberal sup port w hich I hey have heretofore received from them in the Factorage <-V Commission Business. They inform them that they still continue rfi business at their ohl stand Bolton’s Range, and respectfully solicit a continuance of their favors. They have extensive and safe Ware- Houses for the reception of Produce, and will as heretofore, make liberal advances oil Pro duce deposited with them for sale. Savannah, Oct.. 25 ?0—If r|THF, 2d Quarter of Mi®s Kinosbcuv’s L School commences Tuesday the 26th instant, J tin? IS It jVI INE months after dale, application will he lx made lo the honorable the court of ordi nary of Jones county, when silting for ordina ry purposes, for leave to sell two thirds of the lot of land belonging to the estate of Jacob Locket deceased, adjoining James Lockel,Kin- clien P ThWeiitt nnd others. ROYAL LOCKET, Adm’r. Fehruary lb, 182U* . GEORGIA, Morgan county. By the honorable the Inferior court for the said county, sitting for ordinary purposes. WiiF.Rr as Mary Zither latk of this county de*s cchsoiI lately died intestate, having while she lived, nnd at the time oPher death, divers goods, rights nml credits within the county aforesaid, by means Wlrereof, the full disposition and tiow- 1 er of granting the administration of all and sin gular die gootH, rights and rredits of the said deceased; and ulso auditing tbe accounts, cal culations nnd reckonings of said administration and a final dismission of the same to the court nforesnid does of right belong—They desiring hat the goods,rights anil credits of said dec’d. nay he well and truly administered, converted tnil disposed of, do heretoy grant unto Benjamin Smith administrator, full power by tire tenor of these presents to administer the goods, rights and credits of said deceased, which to hint in her life-time nnd at the time of her death did belong ; and to n-k, levy, recover and receive the same,<and to paythe debts in which the de ceased stood hound, so fur forth as her goods rights nnd rredits will extend, according to their rate and order of law, (being first sworn on tho Holy Evangelists of Almighty God to make u true and perfect inventory thereof, and to ex hibit the same to the cleric ofthe court of ordi nary in the county aforesaid, in order to be re corded, on or before the first Monday of No vember next ensuing, nnd to render a'just and true account of said administration, when there- unto required)—nnd you are hereby .ordained, constituted nnd appointed administrator of all nnd singular the goods, rights and credits of said deceased. Is TESTIMONY VtlF.RF.OV, WC ItaVC CRUSed the clerk of this court to set his hand mid seal this fom lecnth d«y ofSepteinher,o.iethousand eight hundred ahd twenty. JOHN NI3BF.T, c. c. o. October i7. 36—tn9m "jVTINE months afterdate npplfcnllor. will he J-1 made to life honorable Inferior court of Hancock county, silting a® n court of Ordinary: for leave to sell Lot rtf land number twenty four in the third district of Walton comity, belong ing lo the estate of Thomas Vickers, deceased for the benefit of the heirs nnd creditors. JOHN A 1CKERS, Qualified Ex’or. December 9 n ,o m jVTINE months after date, application will 1* be made to the Inferior court of Jasper county, when sifting for ordinary purposes, for leave tcfsell the real estate of JohnKodg ers, deceased. THOS. E. RODGERS,) n , . JOHN C. RODGERS, \ Mm October 10. 2—95 N‘ iVjTNE months after date, application will 1 x ho made to the honorable Inferior court of Oglethorpe county, sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a tract of land ly ing in said county, on the waters ofLittlo river nml Falling creek, belonging to the es tate of Charles Bowden, dot’d—for the be nefit of the heirs anti creditors of said dec’dr- JESSE BELL, Adm’r. MARY BOWDEN, Adm’rx. January 4. 49—m9m. INE months afterdate hereof, applies tion will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Morgan county, when sit ting as a Crflirt of Ordinary, for leave fo sell the real estate of Jehu Evans, deceastd. JOHN EVANS, Adm’r, , Not. \ie lo with the wjll annexed. lAl iNt. muiUns alter date, application Will he Tn made to the honorable the Inferior aourt of Laurens county, while sitting for ordinnry 'purposcs,for!cnveto sell a tract of land, lying in said county, on the waters of the Oeonrc ri ver, belonging to the estnte tifJobn Smith, dec. —sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec'd. JOSEPH SHORES, Adm e- Dublin, March 9, 1821. m9in. f\|' I ME months after date, application will i. N he made to the Inferior court of Bald win county for leave to sell the tract of land belonging to Iverson Smith, orphan of Tho mas Smith, deceased. SAMUEL GOODALL, Guardian. January j, 1221