Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, April 16, 1822, Image 4

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VAAiAyX. Ml K t. l|J/» *• ' 1 .1 r r ' “KhoiV |i y n " w mi i. tt «i. v si in s U/wn the he. wuti In P a Oubini'* ■ tn ilitrhl»r.ll«**J< nr after tear sh'» l> K ' 11 "' 1 '' .■(I III r/y- a,ul ’“'TT'a 'v'.o I fill H- it Whim* too I.. # 3 to •« support*) In h.T Ion* silken • > • ' L'V.fvlwwililcrcl among the ^r, »W (ImugM, which sniM’ 1 ' 1 '*' ! io>| to ili-lingoisl, !»• tl,c 1 d ’ the sounds i f M'isip. | ove »nlm' and weeps While IH'HIH.» •■«<T S • 0 for Music's softest uunibor*, To proritpr «th.-imr, Kur Beauty's ilienin, gi.fl ns I he |iillotvsi)f her slumbers. Thro’ groves of palm Sieh n«lna "fbelnii Fire flies on I lie air arc wheeling i While tilin' Hie Kill"" 1 form*-* soft in” I nine, Tin* distant lu*d* of flowers revealing* O wake mol '> v< • A Iffis-D lie real excelling ; fin longer sleep, Kruin lattice peep, An,I list tlio tale that love is Idling. Vi-IT TO CONSTANTINOPLE. IvoRon^li" rs and ceremonial o. al,u Turkish ( ourt. . While at Constantinople, h)s excellency the Kngli'li Ambassador liml an audience With the Seignior. Tile lamed spleil- r!,, r of the Sublime Porte anil the non. scenes It generally invite the M en j*”' of all Ch istians to witness the osteiiliitinn winch is unit iTgitlly disphtyed on itueh c- rusintts. together with the impr.-wst.m ha few of mv eoiintrvinen Imdetei hi i n admitted S?hr InJlho MUo. were motives which plead sir accept o* the very p"hl Exc. Ilet c\ to aernrnpony him. The winter residence o< the Am was at his Palace it. P«’«, opposite to Co,- stunt’,(tuple. There most of the dtp omanV eon.* representing He LiU'-peatt ‘ •' " l 1 ' sale ; and from this place we nuieheil to T-mlnna on the soa side, afu*r having !>« «*n tivirsludlcd by the Secretary of Legale "“^^i^ofJanittaries.onderthe enlimtl ••foVol. I. dressed lit the true Turkish Mtlc-nex. appeared .he ho seled of hi* Excellency, in l.wry-hcrc - h wed the Ambassador in a palaitqiil" ’> six dates in red—then came English gentle- men and strangers who had invitations, which closed the procession. , \| the place ol embarkation, we found Ceynnes waiting to transport us to the op- ' .j j t , mi... t...nniif i.rtliis u njjly in favour of invitation of his The beauty of litis kind of hot is worthy of notice ; tlu-y are eighty feel in lendli and carry from twenty to thirty oats, at dp O I With astonishing facility—to a l-« moments we were all .... the <U i»- site shore, where were horses for the wltol party supplied by the Sultan. They ww !,n lads. and neatly caparisoned ; that on which the Ambassador rode was clepintly dressed in gold trappings. We I"" c - led much in the same manner as w hen on loot. A s we app.oarhed the s.tbhme Port-, he ditlicnltv in passing became very great, the Mits being extremely narrow, mnd.l', and filled with an immense concourse of people of both sexes and all ages, gaz.nRW.lh won iu ,d astonishment at this prodigious pin cession of infidels. We arrived at the outer without any accident, where u> lelt luirses. As we entered the great gates of lie Seraglio, the first sight which |.r. sent- „ | its,.If to our view was right thousand Ja uizuries, paraded without the 1'^ appear- nnce of military order or regularity, all "all receive their pay and pillage. I nmhl not avoid n il. cling what a distribution nfturhiins fv petticoat hr .dies, there would be, should we let louse hall the uuiubl-l ol sailors among these Mussulman. A. length we were conducted to the Di am pri V i/’cr (’;tpud;m Pacha, the keeperof tlic Pfi- Vale seal , and some other officers of dis tinction, »ho composed the Court. Vizier was dressed 111 will ei| with rich furs ; a high pieted his atllrtt—tbc l a talin robes, and ornamented in the The satin, ornament- white turban com- aclia was ill green ! " The'a! v 'rtment was a large square room, with I. concave ceiling, highly finished with ornamental paintings j iarge solas extended „ iije room, covered with git« n S»I1K, the b.ek richly embroidered with gold j over ♦ he head of the Orantl Vizier was a small flue grating, behind which the Sultan enn- o, .L himself, and hears what passes with .1 Viaier and the Christians—we could evt- dently sce some person there, but could no. for il' being the Sultan. Viler we hud stared at each other fur two hours (no one being permitted to sit except tv Mioi-ter) they commenced toe. t. ■ am- cemoonv of paying oil the .1 mrzaries vv litv It care to perform when any Lhrts- |i nl Minister lias his audience. This is un- dmil.te.llv intended to impress the behold, r w i ll a c-uiceplion of their rlehcs and puwe,. They bring in the gold u. bags, w hich l- ,,i ,,l lit, lietwei n the Turks ami lefidck i, nil they can just see each other ; this is Raccoon. Of by the Al-oister of F. ►j.,,,ee. who directs a sum sufficient to pa\ o-ie Regiment, to he placed on the Hag . hi-tore the door, at equal distances— the ltegimarit. at the same time is waning u- anxious expectation .... pposhe side n the Court—a signal is then made by one ol tin- officers, when the whole troop start at full speed for this most enviable prixt—the ♦Vt who reach the spot stop to seize I n when those who follow prenpilate. the n,-? t into the dirt, and this formtdal letioop nl' l»i roi“ 4 lay pr.iwtratu bnfnn* »* r«* covering lliem-elve.s, those wlio had sure, cd in getting the most bags retired to tltri quarters, cxnl’-tng in their agility. Tims vv- XVere nnnpelild to witness tips limn-ums , ,,-u-l Hu- whole corps of Jamz.itle vy ere paid off- I'r.-pi,rations were now made fiir dinner stool- being pincell hefoi'C da Grand \ ix’n ImV.-r rtw Oi-wn put as they were seat, i ill -late, nit vv Ilieli were pbo -ol go'll or silvi-i *'hree '«r four feet in diameter, of a eh • form:,- Weinfidels took seat-oppnsit Turk’s, when were introduced a ih- 0 f pasted fowls which vve pulled Io piee* ■ fingers, the next, pi rhaps a ragiiii 0 f ib'liits or vor.i." othci wild game — lino of an exquisite kind were tin i ;■>. In this manner were gurnethir altcri it- lv hrought to this nnis Evitertoimm nt, from all "f wlfrli vv. In'Alt In,-live- mo-l plt-ulifiillv, with on \vai\ixopt from those tli-ln s vv 1 c cun Xai "\he liquids : for the-e we were on. Aie-^lh t-lloOtiS ol turtle Bill'll 01* wood— ,i, ,-p tu-lnz die only instruments to manage t V, ,b. Kin.-r/d.sli, ash waslirooghl in. die Mt.-selmiin who sat nl the tab e wd ; | me.nlways took good care to l»' 1 P 1,1 _* q,e( it being considered sortilege r j Christian to touch In-fore he has a Jiiigri' 111 1 {*»,*. After we had finished oorrejMs., Tinned water was hrought w,l . cm « tiered low els to w ipe our moijl.n. and In ;ers ; Iho Mussulmen smoked then long beards with burnt odours, the fragrance ol which scented the whole loom. A- sunn as vve had done regaling omselves at the Sultan Mahmoud's expefi-e, we re paired to the Court, 10 tl dressed ours. Iv. - »ill, pebs-es, tiin.n.ed with fttr. tin, --I it" A.nha-'ador being extremely henjd'hd- In a drill time the Droguman ol the hmltn made his appealanee, vvnh inlormatnui tv his Excellency’s Droguman, that d the lnfi- M.1 had I,rn-n dollied and fed, they might he pc,-milled to appear I,dure the might V Uulimoud, the Sultan of all Sudan-. I v\o lauizarieseamt- up and seized et-cli id uv by the shoulders, and, in this manner, we were conducted into the presence m tue tuand Seigninr. We passed through another gale, w here were arrayed the must hideous look ing set of wretches that ever appeared in hu- form—thev were a disgrace to the links themselves. This sallow, meagre race, were eunudis who guarded the Sultan. Such mass of ugliness loot have generated by I lie mdinurv rmirse of nature. '1 o cumplelt this spectacle, these walking ghosts vv.-i, dressed in yellow, with caps of the same ro lour, in the form of a sugar loaf. " lien vv, readied the presence diauther, the Sulla, was seated on hi-throne, surrounded by In Court. The Ambassador made his speech, which was translated by the. Drogomati, wlm repeated it to the Vizier, lu answer, the Sultan, in a low and emphalick style add' esseil himself to the Vizier, who repeat ed it to the Ambassador’s Droguman, and he translated it to his master. During thi ceremony, the Sultan never turned Ills head 'I,wards the infidels, or mut ed a musele o! lis face, but eyed the Mini-ter vvi'h scruti nizing seventy. His throne was about eight feet square, of a flat surface, and three left liigli, covered entirely with embrnidered gold, interspersed with pearls . f dillm-ul shapes. Over his head was a canopy, sup ported with pillars at each corner, win, I, were beautifully decorated with preciuui stones. In the centre of this canopy win suspended a globe, elegantly adorned will jewels of a variety of colours—on the outer ,-dge of this canopy were smaller globes va riously ornamented. There were many mure ornaments to this most extraordinary •ce of furniture, which constitute tuo great , uriely for desenpti >n. Ilt-re elided our audience and we returned grappled in the same ungenll.-manly manner as we entered, tieltveen two Janizaries, vylio grasped our slinulders as hrmly, not with - standing wo "ere all unarmed, as though their heads depended on our committing no outrageous at t upon their Mahnmi dan Alas ter. We found our horses n ad' Jin the out er court—we mounted and proceeded to the outer side, where the Ceyqnes was manned and ready to take os to I’era.— This tedious ceremony lasted alioul six hour ■ —during which time not one of us had been seated hut the Ambassador. His Excellency had previously invited the majority of die party to dine at the English Palace, where vve found spread the greatest variety of delicacies which the o dry pro d-ieed and the appetite could de-ire. H forgot the fatigues of the day, tin- Sultan, the eunuchs and the whole corps of Janizaries, ill potent libations of exquisite w ines. The Sultan Mahmoud is thirty-fire years of age, in stature rather inferior tn those which the Grecian artists of ancient times would cull noble, lie has large, black, pe netrating eyes, dark swarthy complexion, small nnse, a long black heard, which he appears tr> take much delight in stroking down. The tout ensemble of his features is good. When I saw him on the throne was dressed in purple roln-s, with a plain turban, in front of which he wore a small plume fitted in a cius er of diamonds. Near him lay an elegant -word, of exquisite work nip. In his girdle he wore his Yata gan, the handle ol Which was studded with diamonds, which, contrasted with the dark purple colour -if hi- robe made a brilliant ap pearance which eclipsed all imaginary beau ties. There being no display ol colours, there was a simple elegance "hit'll defies all description. Take my visit to the Sera gllo in the aggregate, it gave me infinite sa tisfaction, and I shall ever remember it with pleasure. The character of the Sultan is of that aus tere nature which marks the nation over which late has placed -im;but the most pre dominant trait in his character is avarice— it frequently extends to meanness and often proves fatal to the unfortunate individual who is concerned with him or his govern ment. should lie prove to lie a Greek or Ar mcnian, and in possession of much wealth. Frequently, without the least apparent cause his property is confiscated by the State, 8s. the poor devil either beheaded or banished lor life. A circumstance of a similar nature took place at Constantinople, a short time previous to my arrival thereja very extensive family of Armenians had amassed an immense property and had extensive engagement with the Pope. Suddenly three uf the principals were beheaded in the most public manner, and the prnperty confiscated n the infernal avarice of the Sultan. lhi ihc PretiJcnl of the T uilttl Intuit v. \N ii♦, tin lhi -idem of the ITnteii States is authorized h) law to cause lands to he tiffined fur sale: . , Tln-iefme 1, Ja»1KS Mo.mnf., 1 re-itlen of the United State■*, do her. by did o r amt make known Hurl the public sales shall Iw held ns follows, viz: ,, . . . At the Land Office at Terre Haute, min ,liana, nn the first Monday in July next, lot Tuvvusbips 17 and IS, in range 1. cait of the 0.1 principal no tblmii line 17 and IT, in rniig'u I to lb d”. At tin- Land Office at \ midali.., in Illinois, „„ the thud Monday in July next, lor the Township* II, Id, lit and Hr hi ranges I and 2. east of the Hd principal inerblind hue II, 12, IT, IT and If',in rangesT mill -t, do At thu same pl.m?, on tin* third Monday in August next, fur tin* sale of , townships II, u, IT, 14 and lf>, in rm,|p o, h mid S, east of the ltd principal itiemirn line II, in range 7, . 1,l i . At the Land Office at Palestine, in lllltois, on the first Monday in August next,lor the sale of Townships <5,7, 8 and tl, in ranges tl, lO'iml 11, east nl Til pa'incipid meridpn line r>, 0, 7, 8 ii y, ill range 14, West It 2d do H and Id and ll, do At the same place, on the first Monday in Septa liber next, for the sale nl Townships 111, 11, 12 and IT, in ranges!), HI- II, east uf 3d principal iiieridlmj line HI, 11, 12 and IT, in ranges 12, IT w 14, west of 2d do At the same plan-, nit the first Mond.iy ii October next, for the sale of Townships 14,15, Ittaiul 17, in range*!», In T \iiwt ?>uUce. XHE SL'flStttlil'.ltT have r-.-ociated to gether In di'Tn.un i-t tmV V’ii>Vv'ftYi\i in the ITtACTK'B of the I.A -W I In n 'The „ opened he A cl vide of die I > ml"''' " .nunre. T hey vv ll attend tin *e" i al ''tq' i iol ( nurts el the (Jjinulgce fireuit, and ol the counties of itauctik at 'I 'l«igg* hi'. A IK tit A tOM-h. 111 At li. HUIV \I!P P S. The stibscrtlicr will continue lo practice in the r - ilei.d ('unit. -In litiary 1,1822. >. J. east --I Td principal meridian li a. 17, iii rant 1 I, to, Id ges 12, ITs; I 1 vv e-lot 2d do At the same place, on the first Mouday in Novc-nber nr'xt, for th'-snle o( Town hips 18, 19, glitz 21, in ranges'.'. lOiill- en-t of Td principal meridian line IS, iy,20anil 21. in ranges I omul IT, west of 2d principal meridian line IS. Is,and 2tl, in range 12, do do 18 11, do do 17, 18, lOatid 20 10, do do At the Land Office for the Northern dis trict of Louisiana, at the town of Ouachita, on the first Monday in November next, foi the Bale of lownships 15. !fr, 17, 18 and 1!>, in ranges t, 2, T, 4 and .*, west of the meridian lim- At the Land Office at toe Sent ol Ju-liceol the co ihty of Indepcndrnee, in the Arkansas territo V ,'for the sale of such land-of the Unite t States as arc situated in the fullnw ing descri -d townships and ranges, and which have been excluded from the lottery ol the lauds appropriated for satisfy ing warrants loi military serv ices, viz: On the first Monday in August next, for the sale of such of the ahuve described lami as are situated in the following townships and ranges, viz: Townships 1,2, T, 4,5, 7.8, 0 and 20,in range 1, ea-t of the 6th meridian line 1,2,3.4, 5 X. t>. in range 2, do 1,2,3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8 6. tl, 3, do 1,2, 10,11,12 IT X: IT, 4, do 1,2, 6, do 1,2,3, 9,13,14,15,58,19 and 20, I, west do On the first Monday in September next, for the sale of sue!, of the above described lands as ate situated in the tallowing town ships and ranges, viz: Townships 1, 2, 18, 19 and 20, in range 2, west -. c , ofth.- 5t It meridian lincl hours of tsale,— 1, 16, It), 17, 18, 19 and20, 3, do 1, It), II. hi, 14,15, Irtti 19,4, do 1, 2,9,10, II, 12, IT and 10, 6, do 1,2, 4,6, 6, 8. 9, 10, II, 12, IT anil IT, 0. do On the first Mouday in October next, lor e sale of such uf the above described lands arc situated in the following townships nd ranges, viz: Townships 1,2,3, 4,5 6,7,10,11,12, IT, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, in range 7, west of olh me ridian line &\\ev\fTft »Vi\Yy. W ILL HE MILD, on the first Tuesday in Alay next, at the Court house, in the town of Dublin, Laurens comity, be- ecn the usual hours of sale, One liux of Carpenter's Tools, taken a* the prop, rty ofSimcun Woodson, lo satisfy J. Si J. Guyton. Also—one Lnl in the town of Dublin, No- 25, l\ ing un (taint s -hr. t ; taken as the pro perty of L. C. Pitts, t" satisfy sundry h las in f;i\ or i if John Fillivnod, issued not "I " ,1 list ices ri'iii'l—lev ied on by Solomon Junes, cmistahle, and returned to me. Alan—Two Luts ill the town of Dublin, taken as the proper!y of Wright K. ( nlenrao, No *21! lying oil (i ’iries street, mid No. Ib-l lying on Broad street—levied on by Solo- nun Jones, constable, and returned to me. U. KING HEN, -shfl. March 28. S\u‘v\tV*n >Sv\e.. TTT7’IM. lit- tOi.ti, un tin- li'-l Tuesday in S v Jvuie next, ui KuIujii coiirl-Uou-'C, xvitli in (lie iiiiml hours, ASHY ,\t'vt’S a,V \iW\u\, known in llu-plan nfllii-6 ii disliiet, try Vo. 20, levied on by virtue of an execution ill favor I’l-ter Iteiil, a-ainst loliri Mi tienzie, as the | ! petty of said tobo McKenzie, to sail fy ihe foresukl li fa. SllAIMUCK M0Rni8,«hi». February 22. VET ILL be sold, in the town of Dublin, y f Laurens county, on t*-ttuiday, th 11th May next, a part of the Personal Property of John U. t'ooper, dee’d consisting of a quantity of Klim and Gin. one-hot gun, one Heaver hat, one half of a Canoe, and "tiler IItides too tedious to mention.—Terms Cash. A HUNT, Atltn’r March 20. 7—Ids. I N pursuance of an order of (hr lionorahlr tin Court of Ordinurv of Jo e« county, I'll I- BE SOLD, in the town of Clinton, op the first Taesdtiv ill May next, the following proper*. belonging tn Ihe e*tate of Inch I. ckett, d- c d 130 Acres of I ,:hi 1, whereon the. d( c'.l died, adloi dll* K ITi'« ea't .1. I.ockett, mill other — EIGIt I NEGItOi - .Matilda, a woman, and her -even cliihlri* from IS months to 15 year- old. T erms of snl —credit until Christmas next, with small note and approved seem it v HOY At, LOCKETT, Adm'r March I. 3—tdv I jf.’T OF LETTERS ruru Ini g it. ti.c ..V p,l;l (Jliill , Mllil'l g' Vll'.e, Jilltvll Oi l I Jj - (,,j.)_-Wm. Atkins, Jnliti Ad,,ms, 2 ; John Atdhotiy, *2} 'j holnHb Aryes. (It.)—Thorn,,.- to lb'll, ; Surah llu-'r. hatliioit, Jushua I tglmo ,t uni- P:av. ei. Abram Holland, Ldtii'ii W L nk-i, 2; Geo. I hud, W ill Pari nvv, J- ■ inn . I’u.-i ry hill, J "ho Vie, Baker Hoi tl, S. Bit I,-, 1.., a I, |1> 1’biiw, 2; Joseph Brawn, Samuel Itry an, .Major Blunt, J Bit it y, Ltiz.utrs Bat th , Simon Biooks, —— B.ittell, l.itas Lli-s, Thiuiitts BolHter, Durham Ununii. Ir \ C'lerk 1 h S C rcuii Court. John (' Caldwell, Julio W. < "'-k, I .dab t'lr q mail, I'.nist Caiman, Jo-htm Clark, Thus t "lay- Samui'IC. (,'aulkn s John t tdlic-', John oinhs, jr. Tltnioas C lower, J. A Cull,hi it, Sans N. Clark. (/>.)—Tollin-r Davis, Eli ha Di lk, Lucin da Demean, David Dean, Hiram M. D.-ra- nm, Samuel Drew ry, »; Jouallutn Dicks, Henry Drewry, Joint Drr wry, S; Washing ton Dawson, Ann Dixon. E.)— Neheiitial, Edge, Jus Rdtnuti(lson,2. t<\)—Wy at I l-'ot d, James Finiguii, Jetties Fox, 2 ; Jam.-.- Futile -, Benjat Ferguson, Peter F. Flnurnnv, Joseph L Fletcher. (C.)—Jesse Glover, William B. Gregory, Sandy Glover, Jaeon Gumi, Flank Grubbs, Mr. Gamhl. , Baiyii.niu Greene. (//.)—C. II Ila\den, Hardy P.Humplm-, Elias I lai I i-, Polly Hill-old, James Hyatt, John W. ilei.d,nl,. Ruhr it llutrliu. on, Henry Harford,-2 ; Dana llungerfind.Sarah Iill, .Tu-ajah Ill-Ill), Micajalr L. llines, E. Ill,,Ison, 2;. Halt, Reddick Hughes, Win gate Hull. (/) Di 01 V J ukson, Ambrose Jones, Hu,.) L. J Walter S. Jenkins, Jolm J..,i- . Li nun 1 Jepsou, J-diu S. Jones, 1 ut ters.,, J .mtt. (A )—Eugene K.-nnan. (L)—Ja,. I.oc '• ,t, Jour dan B. Lemire, All, n Litlt-’, B r - I L aw. Drot yM.l. sure, Loren I! L< is, lav'dLill,J<»i*phLump- Kin,-2..I re i, lint:,,, VAT,:. Lo,gold, "2 ; John li. E * a- mi, fcadomon D- Lcn.le, 2 : ,i , ui Law re, n, 1 . J.iliu I ' Ter. (J, ", M.el,:. . Nancy William 'll. or, A c d Mi I d, I) I II. McCarty. It tu-rl Mickl-j. hu, Suiela.i McMullen. >. el .McAli-M'. H"heit M.l ra , Miller, G-rage McWhorter, James in pi i ) , G-"i»- M int' low, J'dui J. Max •veil, R. h. rt M-rivvether. <J""d» in iMxii' k. James MeDon dd, John M' Laug in B ilurph), Daniel AJrCav, J Ini 'lollin, Mot rici 'Putin, Jolm Miller, * ; J. S. Murray. Arthur Mori*'i\v. j—1*» 11*r iNorlhrrn, Is»nr N«»rm'>n. (/’ i-Daniel l’ralt. 2 ; George II P-rtil J nos Perry, Nicliolas P. iy, 2 ; O ') Pm,-st r . George Pat ker, Lev i Pi rry, 2 : Ed .aid Price, A. Peaison, Ltiz.i Piicc, Jr. ;it 1 «.• Ar. <1 fur Sale, at tl (♦INN & ( Tin? l*i h \ *»• iii ‘J \ *i! I viirly, Ml »- c. Tin* U> «?ii ; » mki N I M i—f:otr. I ',.y Mtnj'Mii’f 11 ».i . - i' \ lew a « I Soul:ty ant] M.\ March \H i iv 1! • ( '. olv; Administrator’s Sale. W ILL lie sold, at the Court-1 Inuse in Dublin, I,alliens County, on the fir-t Tuesday in May next, between lilt- usual One likely Negro Man, Named FRANK In-hug g m the estate of Mary Franklin, ilece s I.—Mold for tin henefiy of the heirs of said dec'd. Terms made known on the day i.f sale. DAVIS SMITH, Adm’r. March Kill, 11:2-2. 7— d- (/L)—Risclon Ryan. W, A. Robison, Anon Rodgers, \A illiaio |{, hell-on, 2 ; J- ll !»" , ,t-un, II u rielt E. Reeve-, Th"- It Ruf fin. John Ranis, Henry Rohiunon, Sarah Ro gers. .V ,—Ja-. Sparrow, Tito* St .ms, Chares •ini' . Je-se Siuillnn. J mes Shepatd. John S. Smith, John R. S.iW.TI, Turin r Starke, Joseph Stovall. Judith Sims, Willis Spier. Win Seurloek, J'd'" R Sroll, J' ho Stm- Iver-ori It. So.itlt. Itiehiirrl Sp Ft - dei a k Sims, John haw . Ti olllils Slarm (T)~ .lames Thon ♦, Unity Thom#-, Turk, (t: ,1" -iilim. Allen Torn' Thompson, Bn I, 2,3.4, 5, 0.7,8, 9,10,15, 16 17, 18,19 and 20, 8, do J, 2,T,4,5,6, 7,8, 9, 111, II 12,18, 19 and 21, 9, do 19, 10, do On the lost Monday in November next, for the sale of such of the above described lands ns are situated in the following town ships and ranges, viz: Townships 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10 and 11, in range 10, west nf the 5th meridian line 1, 3, 4. 5, 6. 7,8, 9t- 10, in range 11, do 8, 3,4,6,6, 7,8, 9 and 10, 12, do 5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 nnd 9, 13, do 3,4, 5,0,7 and 8, 14, do 4,5 and 7, 15, do 6, (5 and 7, 16, do 6, 17, do Each sale will commence with the lowest number of section, township and range, am proceed in regular numerical order. The lauds reserved by law for the use of schools, or for other purposes, will he reserv ed from sale. Given under niy hand at the City of Washington, this 14th day of March, t <12*2. JAMES MONROE. By the President: Josiaii Meigs, Comm r of the Gen. Laud Oflic.t March 13. 9—tNl » 6/11.1, ho s.,.u, " , F: -lay, ... 1 y v May next, at the late residence ' f Henry Colpeptnr, deceased, in Laurens tty, a part of the Personal Property of s:\iil (Incp.'iscd, rotwRiiui; of Stork of riou* kinds, corn mid fodd* i t lums* li"Ui ; kitchen furniture, pkmtatinn ul» M '*>i;ds, jilimhrr of cither artirlrn loo trdiou mrnliun. Thi* nrjsrues "ill '*)<* hired nl th«* »• time nnd |dm*, for the hal. iut* «> year. Tin* sale " ill he continued t»nn to day, until completed, and t»Min> made k noivn nn the day. RY THE ADMINISTRATOR March Kith, 1822. w Administrator’s Sale. 7-ILL IIK SOLD, pursuant tn an order of Ihe honorable Court of Ordinary, o Tuesday, llie Tilt Mav next, \AYTS, .Vos. 1CAA & YoA, with l heir improve,nents, in the t vv n nt c, - cn borough, being the real c-«la,e of U,,be,t It.-n Ington, of Greene county, deceased. Tern muilc known on the dav of -ale. DEC I OH HALLS. Adin'i March 9. 6—tils YYvAYwvs YYrwvwtY. 1 71 SC APED from if the Cell* of the P, J niter,tiary, on the night of the 7th instan trvo Convicts, to wit: Y.tYw’wvtY S\)»\yA , _ truitchy Englislmtan about 40 years of age. feel 3 I -2 in dies high, "f fair complexion, grey •ves nnd light linir, n Taylor by trade, q,tic 1 qiokcn and down look, cumtnotily vvr.nrs -p, c tncles ; w as convicted in Savannah for stealing pocket Book, ill Tunc 1820, and UrnvN, ,trout 23 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, of iiijfcomplexion, blue eyes and dark Irair, now egged, and lias some mark «f powder on on arm, a Shoemaker by trade—Ira served a seu- :euf liiree yea," for stealing a Pocket hook in a-;,or enmity,under the nainenf I,din Wi.-r. man; was discharged, and assumed the nan,' if lolm Walker,nut) married Grimy Clifton i itnnm county,.and iva? last convicted of horse lealing in Junes cuunly, under 1 lie 1 I, n v Wi-emnn. Tim above revvard will t,e ...inj for the apprehension and delivery of tlm a ore-aid Convict* nt (hi* prison, or i'il'tv l)"l lot-s for either of them, and reasonable expen PI I Penitentiary, April 8. • . i E subscriber has for sale L. COOK, P K I J !l—3l hi- pkmta guild YYuw^Yv \\oysc8 w N\u\ps !-o, -I-U'.al CUII H with voting callc*. H. GUANTLANL March 29. Sheppard, Roger C. .. Lewis St* phrns. re -, 2 ; A mo- Thom- OtlinwT W. Taimii II, n Tar-er. Samuel Tar- , Job Taylor. l\ tthau li. Pro'is'rhde, Orray ickncr, R B. Till.-r, M. Ticket, John L. Thomas. f I'.)—Enoch Underwood (V.)—W illi.iiii Varn. r. (W.)— W illiam Wilson. Hamton West, William I). Wright, William Williams. Al len Wl it*. Hit 1 Wiggins, Jnsi pit Whit- .■Id, William Wilde, Benjamin Wnnlsey, I ,lei,In, W illiinson, !-, mo, I Woolen, U. Wist, James Welelq P. Wright, Nicholas ! ! Wtiiiams, \U*x'r atsoil, David G. \3ur- l»a 111. Jolm Winters. ( Y)— Ruth Young. Persons vv i-hing miters from the above list, will please say they are adicrti-ed. THOMAS M. BRADFORD. P. M April). 3—31 Wtwkw y\\ & \\c \t\.\iy r\ T \j'ILIj nt!«*• (1 Li pr.ifi .-uidlI In:-'u (.r- n f? 1 tin counties ol Hoti >2.011, lirury ... l MiVnrms. FVl». fip. 4 1 iiU~i t'.JiT r> OF A DAILY ^ COUXTRY XEirSPARER i nth i i u TWAh YvYNNYUYl.LV. Edited £{ published in the City of Snv. -r.noli.. 15r GEO. ROBERTSON, Ju. M ORE than three year# have now expired since tin, crlahlislunenl ol the Geur.;i;,,. It is known, at least with t ho,c gcntlcnieii vi i'ii whom it originuted, 1 lint the only and utnliv. 1 ed ohjer I for which it was created, vv,,s vauccuicnt oflhernlere ts r . tl.e cuaiiinmiti,, which was exp, cted tn !".-!( r nnd palrou'-x.- i', A* the (ieorgian vv a- tl.e offspring , f no faction^, so it Has engrafted upon no puily. save Unit in which Georgia war, eothrnri 'l .'.eai ly a irn now ekipsed since lie Gi-"i'. an wus t::in• - ferret! to tire present propiiet, lie c-pi , *, upon ihe duties iv hill) it Itepu-i ■; nude; in; v cu;- harras UEi-i.l I low |;u In-hit,) , , , E , .< hese duties, i• rtf-rred ! , - .'i, i mm of tl leis inn rested- rind corn judge than linn-a If. I >i in', i tin:. „ however, hr- cun .'}>< hU " . • Mstii ly—;\.i- (In , Imve Ijitpii in\Hrinbl> dirivS.l i.. t !i • (idol . ijiiiil and exucl juslici to alt aif , v •; to ?. f Vllluui li q n«11\e of Geoi . i . , bsi ncefi n it, \\ ilhoiiit irn|»uiiin^ liis Bitnclu:.<:iU to I. i toil/ lirih piuvui tt il bis foruiiiig pujudiees ol «tny kind lu Iter parties. Owing a!!t i’ir.i.tCi I i IUM1E, lit- i-u illmut tfUstililY ludiv. Divest* ed ui pidilical altauiinicnts, and b ing ut tbo p»*oph , lit* is lor tin* peopb*. li ving no pmly pinpoMS to serve, his only obim "ill be ilie -t i v :t i «'i in • native suite. 1 Iw (>- orgion si a 1 In* (he ndvorMr < I Georpi;—« q alls against li!r«i* wlio would assail lid-IVg:. .1'ioad, and Ibtisr who \\ oulii oppress bei ut Lome, li will ( \n be opposed to the prusenl dt inestic fauti- (D s, " hi!*i tlu’\ coilfiid !■•»• tin: n^gnuuiizc- inr-ut • i'the lew against t lie weilHrcid I Le n:,i* i»)—and "haL vur n»a\ Im id h-c llu condition ■ I public l«« lint. 11»»» (Ji‘iu>''mi, sbciil cvu. iaiso it-wtic-F a^air.M tin u.a or? ol lat t-on. If« v* r (ere skowlu If fur.'ned a jihiI), and such (In re uiM and \\ ill be, u hose object shall b * tl.e indication <»t the slate against the faciious w biclioppress her, tin i &. mu (ill llien* " ill i!:o jiao ndvocnlc a pad)—tor such a | .uiy the p. Oj le. lelHtiou lo the politics nf llu* union, 1ii? Cii oi Eiati wi'l inniutuin un rtpii.llv intlt’pei.dn.t posilmn. Republican in it-prineij.' i , ii will alwa)s recur lo llu* fundamental maxims of I7i'*. Oj pot*rd In tiie undue nggrnndu.etne; t ol llie general goveriimni'.. il will always main-' lain the independent powers if llie stale*.— Viewing (lie n^riciilturul nnd eoimucrcia! i.s llie most imporlant interests t-f llie union, Iho Georgian "ill ever advocate i licit cause, a gain.-b any oilier that shall ullempl to oppress them f wlu’tberb) the aUainmeni of government pro-' teclion, exrlu-ive privilege*, or by any pretax!,* bowevn sjt< ciou.**, undt--rwhich tlies are a-sii!- ed, for pecuniary or p< liticnl aggrandizements With ilie-c irnpressittiis nnd b.lentions, iho Gc’-'i-gian is offered lo the palromwje of the j nix be. w Ihi-i* \ erdiut mu i be ( jof ii? iale» Already in possottsiun of a re.*f»eclnhle patron*^ age, the Kdilur >\ iii begralilicd lo receive biic’.i an increase a- will enable him lo be more ux- tensively useful lo hi-follow citizens As an evidence ol llie public'* approbation »>? llii 1 - j*-.per, since the present Lditor i onuuene: d the mnna ;emeut «*l tl. H i only necessaiy to im i / lion, ihul Ir.e City subserijiii«*n has increased more than liny per cent, and advertising fa*» vors in proportion. The Georgian is sent to all parts of llie Union at llie follow leg rales : Dail» Raflu, ----- 5 8 Rer Ann^ Coumicy I*APK*i.(dlimes a week) o do Payable in Advance. (CrSuh.HTiptions w ill ho received by .Messr,^ Y. Ann v\y vY N\ wy aYa* n, Publisher of Pl.dYh. .\\> 4, Chamber, ; Chatham s'reel, -Y fir- York, lias lately Published, Gina it,- Curtis, Booksellers, who are Agei G for lied evilir, J t)* H Ely, Augusta, and ilia /W-.V Utters of the different towns in the stale* by Leltur to llie Kdilur. Adverii.>eusenls from all pails of Ihe country led nl llie lima! rab s. Savannah, February 1822. .V"Vu*<*, Y'\\\j s\t* Yvu\a. rptlE SUBSCRIBER bavins -iMcrminnl tn 1 remove, offers for salt- hi- PHOTElVt V in the town of Kingston, Morgan county, on the road leading from Katonlon to Greensb'»roiiuh, by the way of Furlow’s Ferry, on Ihe Oconee The importance of (his situation t- medical I'onileimMi w ho wish to locate for the pu pose of practising medicine, needs no oilier rocora mendation (liau Hint which naturrfly results from nn overwhelming business hiving been done from thL place for the space o/eight yeni:* annuaily S, tinted as it is, L» rniLs Lorn Mil dison and Gte tisborough, ii 10 Iron Katonlon, in the cenlreof Ihe most fertile section of Geor gia, inlmbited by wealthy farmers,lie does rtot Imsilate to believe it to be the best situation in the up couiitrv. Mis property is well calculated to accomtn date n family—his lot nrarty cn closed, with nn excellent frntnetl dwelling limise, shop, nnd nil the out huildiiigs nccessi ry for comfort and convenience, fie will also dispose of his A\vvYYc\ue, vwu\ YYotAcs m liberal term* to l1,c purchaser, tu-utlmiif ire invited to call. A|iplic:ilimi must be mud before the first of Mar nest. | CH ARLES F. I’ATUI LO I March 13. 7-6t «\ Gy cat ttwvgvuw. rBIHE St list HI HE It lias just received u cou S- sic-nment of valmilde Y*vv\yrV \ffiYtT YYatrtws of tiolrt Hid Silver, emltosscd ami plain I he) iv ill be sold very low for Cash nr approved miles. Appiy to (lie subscriber, or at Temple, ton Held’s. liLTUON HEPUl’HN Fsbroary -o. <j—if. Y*u\v*YLY\n\\YC u\. rpHE SUBSCRIBER iiifornin Itis friends J the public, i lint Ik- has opened a House ol ljlntcrtainment, nt the Shoals of Ogichee, on the road b iuliiU' from Augusta to MillLlgevdle, Sanderville nnd Marion I i is stables are large and commodi oils,nnd kept by aULitive o tb rs, and will be at all time** well suppHcd with provender.—Mi- table will be f'lrniahed with the bust the coun try can afford. Wollnce, n Tragedy, Prices 23 ’onscieitee. or the Bridal Night, do D.imun nnd Fslh’m-, a Tragedy, do Ylurion, the liero of Lake Geoige> do Lady nnd tin* Devil, IS 3-4 'Vnndeiing Boy>. do Warlock nf Ihe Glen, 12 l-2 Spectre Bridegroom, do d.other R..d Sister, do Ft)rest of Koseuwald, do Fire nnd \Y »t» r, do Promissory Note, do IV pliecy, do Mary of Scotland, 37 l-2 Mirandola, a Trage !y, do Rosa, 26 Notice lo Druggists. A FlNGassortment»fMl*)iHCINES, can lx* had upon lilu-rul li mis, h) ap plication cither nt Rui-kvvcll be. Ilmdunu'A tffico, or at the- Bookstore uf Gimi 2. Uut- N. I’. If not disposed of shortly at F i* tn Sale, they will lie sold at Audio:,. Dec. 4. JOHN H. WRIGHT Shoal* nf O.-cchcc. Li .ILSn—For Side, a collection of upwards of SIX ttV.XDP.EU single plays, including iilmost every piece, cither acted or printe I in thi country. A deduction id 25 per cent, will la made lo all w ho purchase to the tnuo iiit of ,S • worth. All orders from any part of the United States ill ill's line of bnsinoss, will he thunk fully received, utid prompt!) attended to March 12. 6—4t Wvtts \Y(hh\Yn —Barber, y K(«S l« u\v to inform ttir public, nod | nrti . > enbniy ge*ntlcmori vi-itiug Millodg. v.: * thL wifi k, that he continues the ab n <* ■ his old ‘land, on the North of, and front.i ^ n St ut o Hoik r* Square,'Where lie will he gt.i be subservient to their calls. Gentlemen of this place who regularly ; :• runise him. nnd are in arrears, are respectfully" desired to call and make seUlenient. March ‘23 7—tl Ten Doll a Entertainment. rnllF, SUBSCRIBERS beg li-Hve to inform 1 the public,that they Itnvo taken that large and cmnnii dioushmt«e in Enloiiton, lately oc cupied by Benjamin Williamson, u- a Tavern, where they hope, by their exertions, to inl-rit u share of the public patronage. Their Stable will be furnished wTIt Ihe hud provender, and attended by I'uitltfulostlers. Their Bar utid I t- bte will be the best tl.e country affords. WOOD!' AHDfcJ.’VN ILLIAMSON Februarv 25. U— If- -trA'iF. ofGkoiioia, l L'upliiin .!/■ Elvctu's Montgomery County \ District, ry i'.N'J \'.\ilN G. CRAY, nf the .'il'nrcsaK ^3 District,tolled Iodine William D. 'V J. I’, a small I! A Y MARE, three years old last spring, lliit teen or tltirli i ii amt a llul lianils high, a star in her fnreltead, no brain vi-ibli—apprai-t il by Eliti- .MeElvrcti autl l atnes Nash, to sevontj five dollars. True Extract IVimi Iho Minutes, 29tli Dc ccnibir, 1829. JOHN P. WYNN, (Tk April t 8—St Sportsmen ol the L'itt.. » MAIN uf Cocks lo then- tw,-ii!y-lhrer / » and to fight fur one hiinduul dullnrs t . fight nnd one tlunisand the odd, will be fought at Sparta, on the fourth Monday in Aluy. Sparta, Geo. March 27 8—tf ICP The Editor of the Raleigh Star, is re quested tn publish the forego! g six litnex, ntnl forward his me 'ant to li.t* otfie.o for payment NOTICE^ f ll YVE fbUnd a tertaln i met of !. n I Ijin iu MudisBt count) *-ti the waters ut Hr ad river,formefiy the proper!) of Francis McVVc It, in default fur Tux tortile >eur 1821, coi.tnie ing two hundred acres, and I .hi ,i"t know ol tuts attorney nil trustee legally constituted m the —j do hall upon Ihe person that eh,inn the * a ,d land tqcome forwurd and pay up the lax and cost, oil shall proceed Us the law direct in such ctisfi. II1RAM HAMPTON n r. r Match 2,1822 8-0:m To i-t Alahnm tlie a "i the second ti:«. NOTICK. holders ut tho E ompany are notified, that up of the Company will he oi M ndax in May next ; ;.t whit It time tit cited to appear either p -(-anally "r l.y The AgenU also apprise the prepib lor limy will cell nn litem for their portion balunm-due the Government, on lha prnperl -if Ihe town, will, a view < debt due ihe , v< ruincut prov e,a, lu the doth of scptcuiLcr next. IVs TAYLOR, ) .1 BVn'KLLK, .7,”it/s GEO. WILKIN iON, March 2. 11 Th Vt'u'tJ tuvl, F OR the balance of the present year in gro mail w iio is a tolerable plantal Black sin: b, anti ab" a pretiy good ft* Hat it. E quire of the printer#. Mauti 16. 5 - uf ' OSBORNE. lift i* about 5 ffol Ji incl'cs sivtidc '-.i ' ■ . W 1 nok—In* is Mijt] u ot lu 1-u* \vUhinthc suburb? >f Milled go v iliv, hn\ing a wifo in * aid lour. - if nut, bo l»;i5 lik«*L mnduhisuny for .Vu/;n*!n. nbova rvwartl will ha *»aid to nn) pc * : who \n ill dvliv * i ihe friluw U. me, or Jr. .! jcemnn, ur vccurn IGm in any safe jail mid ,e me notice, so that I can gel bins C. Ml’KIMIY? 25. 7—if Milled ULNA\V AY .' AltoVI thcsubscriberun' I S*»lur<l«^ Iasi, a lack fallow ii a mod r E O j)l Lout thirty 'oar* ofu^t i ;p<ik#*ri- ' liberal reward v,|j be giv.' person wlm will deliver him In nn* in ,’iilt:, or tueure him in uuy Jail in iho hat I get him. WILLI \M LIVING Mflrcb JOB 1'KINTINL, Executed with ncutnt < < S at the KECOitoEit O'er.'