Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, April 23, 1822, Image 1

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y C-*£ f i jr c -•/ps.'tW : • • . III. $ ' Asm?* iL , ■. m"#"; f . ■ ; %J> hJ .11 4 /•'•"*: ... •• *"''•• • V ,> i dp •■ . . !Bgggg! —^r—■ .r *.-”• *-"***£'''•' ■ *■ ’ •»•''• , . ■ •;•■ ...V* . .'Kt.'r , .. , 7 . ■• s ... *c. ■ • •• „ 4 » • ’ ' ' ' - »%-•. * W-:>-~a -*•■* - ■*—^ « i ’ ;;i* m i)’.y, HYS. o/uxr>,.iv/) ?,■ n.M won:. O ' H huiv 1: Sir i,f'l’im-i'r Jli Virlion Sion*, At i Hi.: » noil 1 .:*, i:n \t>\ \ ■ r., on I'nvii I'lM.I Mia AT Tin: KXPIKATVD.N nr Till. w \n. ascsss-.TrssK , .' l:ES 1 > AV, AnUlL W, i l> ' V F'rrtFrmmh conjjneuoirly in.«crtcil Okm rt . a ny iair«. L Umaoh busina«4, in r > «-»•- nm* l h • r c r i* up. *1 • ••>•.•,«-»»»«iv.* •-» w -.*wwr -w-nr-fym -n-1 i was poritim:*, of ill** inhabit:!!’'■ Tip ■< .• ’ > 11 Hi r . ami i .Mii:i)i|!il’' : ’.i• • rive. Imuii lime to tuns!, to the l’i<. idem ol tho United 5"'t;i(i’*». Sec. ('■. . ’hil be it Jiirtlirr enacted, 'PI:at the judicial po.v or -Ip.ill lie veiled in I v. superior courts, and in snrii iut'erinr courts nnd jn«tir.’<’8 of the peace, a* the leinsln'ive <.hin. jl of the territory mav . 11utn lime to time, establish. i'li : • sindUc. a superior court fir put ol the territory known ns C ist Florida, to consist ol mu judge ; he shall hold a conn on the tii.-t M'HiiIhjh in .1 -lury, April, Jiilv. anil October. in enr.l. car. at .~i. A •■■-.; dine, and it a in.: !l i lu e tune- ainl pine* is the legislative con in il -I in II j ■ lin ft. There sh ill be h supei ior cmirl I tor that part ol the lew i dorv J.u ■ wi. West Florida, tu consist of on*-j i Ig . •hall hold -a emut ill Hens.tcolnon tilt Monday* in January, April, July, a October, in each year, and at > ." Ii otli*" lines and places as lie■ letp-lalive com. ,;/ licjiri a . .'a i. vet a) the laitrd Males ol;,.,, Within its Inn.Is, here-1 >V\ A\5TlUitt.Vi , \. v, r.-i - T.'. : ■ . • va p ,W-> . Act r.,r th.e ostaldishtneut of nteriitorial g'lver -inont in I>'lurid i. He it enuete. I by the ! • i. . ft an / li„me ilnrinst their atteitdai e.e in council, nnd ihref* dollars thr every twenty miles in .■puna to, nnd ri'Uiiiiinu fiotn, any meet- iint of the hep Itiivo it.oineil, mice in i'.icli ses-inn, an l no more. 'J’ho tnetn- n:rs (if the I. ..i-l itivo Council iliall lip privilege il from arrest, except ii cases of treason, foleny , and bren Ii of the peace, during their going to, allt-mlnni e at, and relnrning from, each session of iid CiHitn il. See. 0. Anil, be it further enactcil, Th it the fnllotving act*, Unit i- In -ay . “ An ail fin the pniii-limenl of certain crimes against the L'nite'l Stale.., up- proved April tllirie'h, HIM* Ihnn-iad s**.* vn hondicd an I ninety, all ad- in ad- ill Mi, or -Up, lenient iry Ui .-retn, v, ill a a, ■ Il tore M their rargors ; and all other public In' . of the l* nttr-,1 States w inch are not r«- pugnnnt to the , l ovi- oos ui tills art, sl*dl extend to, mil lure full force and elle. . in. the teriilery aforesaid. Si c. 1Iml be il further enacted I hat, to I a; end (lint lb" mliahitanis mu; hr protected in their liberty, property, i!c the exercise of their religion, no law shall ern be valid which -hill impair, or in any nay restrain, the freedom of religion* opinion*, profession*, or wor ship. They shall ha eiHlllml to I lie- benefit ol the writ of hale as corpus.— I hey slu'i tie bailable, in all cast a, ex ccpl Iri ; pi :il die:. ,s vliere the proof, deli\en-i| in • i , is i i id i ; i presumption gi .■ .t. \Ii I" 7 }?, *'*‘ u d, and orderei fourth Cen-e-. ; and that the r* -iil’ie ol ill*.’, iup'ir- ol ti e mill returns be depo siicil in tin libi ar\ oi < '■■ igr—s. (•mi,ii i* h s>: on;. Speukvr of,llw I’ aiM wi .•■ ,. unlives IMMI I. U rO.Ml'KI NS, ' ice 1 "ill d i I tile I ,• ,-.t Mi : ■, no. C, I a d I I' 111.' .-Jiuialt . Washington, fYlntittiy •! I- ’ - - \tifir*>i • ■I \A.'. MOMi'ur, A lA.VliVU'.S' 1.A.M) tl. I'lCl.; IAA HI ■ \ I iO d, HOI I.'.,..' M* .Cl! ...J, I!' all'. M, frii'ii .- |, , , ,. tl: ■ dow ic/ li. j uh'ndi al to In- n., tea ,-.i . , .... i Riiard 'lie i i .!i: - a. d iiOit*-ts !' !;:>• : ei., Ironi the ceciouieei el ol ilACiiiliaa- p. Tl.e I 1*11(11 III *• Jim Ihe an V e, •(. , || , polh \, and w i ui Id In* I lie ! i-i to w I-..! i'll i* i lull in'* in Ihe go' ■ i mm i.l. il .1 t ,i: *....■ ol .Mi. 'i'li nuns is di rtily out n ai i i,. "oil "i- 1 lie spirit of Ihe fi.-.-l, , ,u| il , I lin'd he con idi ri d -s * lulu an d ia ill- l a t *■ r vlictsc, hs up) i ■ ui ii lent would, m\. In* cuiisliti.iioi/.d, Mine only ihe. li"l‘-i"K ii ciiiiip.itildn 11dices .0 the mn.a inn. is | * olidi.lei.l, w lltl w till ii idea Ihe i! i- ly pi'-e'Cre of I he gm * iaimellT, Ii nr ii-. - ir illl/alloil, is ill .-tlii.l 111:i. ■ c.i. j . in tact, lu ( .mu[ ,--s o' ii,,' ih'lal* bus | i,,,. I"'* a the sueitr* on which the atde t i • if nnrcoumiy have f.-ci.m- distil.'* > i ra il in < ' nnemUeif, J ill i : i ipiiiiari c. ! I bv Spam lo the U. 1 1 .to*, known In the name of Ka.-t and A -' Tl.*ri*l I,shall r.on-ii! a lerrilary i f .In 1. cied ;•' i*e«, nuli'i' the nmnn ol l • leirnarv isf !•'i*>ri.Ti. ill" government v .o if shell he orgn l/.ed and adimnis- t r t as till la < s : Sec. -1 .hid be it further enacted. That th. cxnMinc power -hall hi; vested mi a Ci arniDr, v. ho shall r"*i*le in the said j tc:i Holy, ami hoi 1 his offi a* during 111*' ter n of three y cars, nnle-s sooner re-; • n vc i by the I’ie.-idefit of tho United | u.'i Mo shall be r.oinm amler in cine I i of the rni'pia of the. said territory, and he, ox *• lli 'in, * iperintenilenl of Indian nlVatt.-, and shall have power to grant V nalnns for offences against th > said ler- liiarv, and reprieves for those againsi presiimpii lid* < -r • mu.lee .1" .m l ;..'H'U- "'i -;:;*- a I • : ’ ■ Itn t!ie o.l. nee ; unit excessive bad »h i | pun ■ le for the punish- ' - K he reijuir d, nor cruel or nun- i d : ,- v , anil tilth l-Vbiiinry, Ik-.’j, in idi.-dien u oitennea coil ; 111 It hincms inflicted. No eX past I to III ncvural residnlion* of the llnnw of 11 >» • 'he in.dan t*'Undaries, approved 11, .', nr law impairing the obligation ol . ..ii.t, in thousand eight hundred ••♦ntracts, shall ever be j j ■ t ; nor n..' - v * ntcen |-imll private property be taken for pub- V:i ict in addition to the a t fiar the 1 If nsng without just cnmpensnliun. Ie*cii'u'<|, each court shall li.u in- t,*Unis i .,*'ut of ceriain crimes against the i Sec. 11. .Lid be ii J'uother enacted, i r lie ii v him' .md mend. .lie: nnd „■ "! hen -UJ,'' ri-di (inn in all cri.nin il rases, and elusive jniisdh lion in all capital ca.-cs, and ol igin il jui i.-diciinn in all civ il c i-es of the value of one hundred dull m , a- lisiiig tin ler, and c ivmx'ibln by, tin; I a iv- ofthe territory, no.v ol f *rca tlierein, or w hi di ni n , at anv tini U. Sta’c- and to repeal tin; acts tli-re- j "hut ail fr -e undo while persona, wh* hi tnentio i- d, approved Apiil twcnlieth, , re lioiiselyeepers, and who shall have It. c at : ai I'.srntnlivvs ol (lie -till J . nmr; , nod l* , cl> aiary, IhJ:, rcspcctiic: the in in Which th .1 Luill Oil'll 1 have In-cii exami'i* d, by vv aohi examined, a d the mo neys pai l lor such cx iniiiatinn, tv.r. ; li..v ing (;xa: iin d I c .-cojet i svihinirted lu t'e m : with gmal th ,ijciuiion, make die alowing live aial Juda cl !)■ part.ncia • ' *., ,a.d lo fori ign cuvlils al> oad, vvuli t *pml v.i. to the oiiirtineol and rvalii.U ii is of the nation. I . fi fora, then i .... la i an In - ciiinpatibiii)) a — i- imagim-di it vv Id then i er ol vi ii- if into the (cvr.iun, vv licit * .’dr. 'i'iiiaiiHS, hv acceplii l i.e a; ■ i i.jl ■■ • I, ■ ..I cnl. it his aval in In - i In*.I v your ( "inn riiuj l). .t one llinusimd eight hundred and eiglj teen " \ i act f-r the punishment ofet ime- lliereui specitied, approved Jin. thir- 11 lietn, on« tliuu-aiid seven hundred and t)v ihe. I ni-la ivo cmrto il thereof. K ich ] iiiiii'ly-nine judge shall appoint a clerk for his i - ’ * An act respecting fugitiv e* from speedivo court, who shall reside, respec tively, nt 1st. Augustine and I’cn*acnla, and limy shall k cp Urn record* lucre.— F. ich rle: k shall receive for Ins service ■, in all case* arising uudef llm. tenatoia rl laws, such fee* as may beesluidialied by Ihe le.'islaiivo council. See. 7. .Iml bi it further c u acted, Thai each of the s,ml superior court- shall moreover have and exercise the same toe L mied fat sites, until the decision ol j j !JriaJiclion ullhin it , , imils in tlie Ih c-Idcntol Ihe lulled Nates there- \ , lmler lll0 | ;! . vs ; , n( | cnn-tiiulion on -hull l*c made known ; and to upp.nn* , ,. nilP " Unile ,| lv |,j c h, * nod commission all officers, civil, and -I , 0 ee ,„,, U<h ,|„. judicial powntc dig U- nited Suites, approved the twen irlli d iv of September, one th* • -even hundred and eighty-nine :■■■ . act in el (in* ii to the m t, •• nti* 11 k \ v e-fnhli-h the jndi-i d court 11 : i*v j '"J States, ’ n. pioved I ha t ; ■ ! M-irr.h, *o" thnns.ind «evu n if I Cijnetv-llii'ee, w as vested in 'lie itL . .1 ' lire.! !'.’* .. . ! \ d'.iio-t. And writ* o| he. militi v, vvltose appointcients are net licrein otherwise prov id- I for. fi which jiinll he established by law : lie shall ta ke caic that the lavra be faithfully exc eeded. : \r.» it it fun;, u red ■'i y o ' (err. , I,. I! |. Thu i also lx • Hire d c be,-unite tu recor ,a. rf lion ol th*’ Gov ernor ]’!'* I’rve nil the paper* and praceeiling- clThe Kvecntive, and nil the. art* of the (iircreor and Legislative Council, and transmit authentic copies of tho proceed ing* of Ihe Governor, in Ins Executive Department, every six months, In the Tre-idcnt "f the United State*. Sec. 4. And be il further enacted, That in case of the death, removal, resigna tion, or necssary absence ui tho Go- vernor of the said i'erntorv, the Secre tary them I shall be, and lie is hereby authorized and required, to execute all the powers, and perforin all the duties, ol tl.e Governor, during the vacancy or- c i i..ncd by ihe remov al, resign.- iu:i,or hacpssary absence, of (he said Gov ernor. Sc. d. Ami be it further enacted, I hat the leeisl.itive power sh.ill he vestevl in the Governor, and in thirteen of tic most lit and disci pet persons of the terri- toi > i i he . idled the Legislative Conti- ■ o shall be appoint) ) iitii . illy, by tlie (’resident of the United Suites, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, from among the citizen* of the United Stale* residing them. The Go vernor, I,y anti w nil the advice and con- •fnd oi the said I.- i l. live Council, or a majority nf t|iem, ili.ili have power to al- tcr, tnndify, or repeal, (heiavviwhich may be in fnee id the commencement of this act. Their legislativ e puivi r- shall d-o •.x'l'inl lo all the rightful subjects of ln- f,elation ; but no law shall ho v alid which j* inconsi-tent with the* censtitutinn and *;,ivvs of tlie United States, or w hi li shall of lit)e i. c', upi-iinr couits, uuthoriz nl by '"I | (hi* *ec! in nf t. i* act, shall he made tu the *upre me court of the United St it*.-•■•, m the .ini' cases, nnd under the stmie. regi'hitions, as from the circuit court* of th United States. The clerks, re*pec- tively,-hall keep the record* at the pla ces where the rourt* are hold, and shall receive, in all cases arising under the law* & constitution of the United Slate*, the sumo fees which the clerk of the Kentucky di-trir.l received for similar •errices, wfil-t that court exercised the j -1-1. n, and person* escaping train the u 'l'vnie of (heir masters, approved 12th Tehruary, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three “ An act tu prohibit tho carrying on the-lave trade from the United States to any foreign place or country, approved .March twenty-second, one thousand se- >en hundred and ninety-nine " An .'_•! in addition lo the a t, entitl: d “ An act tu prohibit the carrying on the slave tr nle from the United States lo any Inn m pla.-e or cuiuiliy, approved May lUiu. 'me thousand eight hundred : " l lie act to prohibit t ; • importation of slave* into any port or place within '.he jui iuictimi of ill*.' United S.aies, linn and ,.fi< r 1 j Inst day of January, in tli-i year of our Lord one thou-und * ighi liundrt ,1 it eigh’, npj.-r >ved Al.i.r.h I io tl . ■ bundled and seven “ tu act ( • ’'event m ■ * T - in ervt* being w . I ■ >. ciLBta until a ui,-..ized by l i-v, pj . " 1 hint. one thousand cigi : iiuJr,;.| aid seven " An act in addition to An act to prohibit tlie importatinn of slave* into •my port or place within tin* jurisdiction (filie U. -dates, from and alter the fir si day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight handled nnd eight, and lo repeal certain part- ot the same, approved A, nl twentieth, one thousand eight hundred and ■ ighleen “ An act in addition lo the acts prohi i (sided one y car at least, in the s.n 1 ter- i/torv, shall be qualified to act as grand am) petit jurors, in tlie court* of the said territory' ; and they shall, until the le- ,'islaluro thereof shall otherwi-e direct, 1m -i lode. I in such in.tuner a* the judge* »l the said c oirt* shall respoctiv ely pre scribe, no a* tu be mo-t conducive to an impartial trial, and (.* be least burthen- [’ some lo the inhabitant* oi’ the baid ter ritory. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, i That il shall not lie lawful for miv tier- son or person* lo import, or hung into the said territory, from any port or pin* e without the limits of the .United States, j t, by the J.nvs of the United I'-t dr--. ,al is mad'* ' thp ilmy i • .... Pri to i a use. at f»nst mice every v« ar. t!l" hook oftlie otfic . -Ilf flu* Land <i ■<*k s t-> In- ex.’ niiii'il, itiivl the hal nice of | itlrli »• tii'iii**ys ii lire hands i f the sever 1 r-ri , % l of |)«lhlu* mo n v* of he said ol i . ' H -J« t V 1‘I !. • i ;; d." Thai, pre.iuu* to the y.-sr ICI6, tins exaufioatio i h ul bet n mad C hv |K i’S'lflS It aidu.g itl llle v emit j of 1' *' re *p« 0- t i\ i; oflie s ; but, in irogre.'s ( f tiui" 1 e aiii^m nlr timi in the r ceipts of l!ic“P i fici * niuleivd m we inf *i m.ition nee.-• " y, and ir.iM* an i miortance tn til" c-x • min lion, pillion rbirll it hi I not previously possasped.— ! th - a n nstHiiees pi ot ed the i inrti pi icy f 11)*- old sj - iem, anil, in ] K16, in-! dalle j (le Mr. 11 .lias, then Seerelarv of the Tna- j lirect the exa'mi'i itio.i to he i iiienuiug, ior ms services, in eai i year, iii me i.uc oi ■fare anv I h dollar* per day, in addition to hi* . alary '"' ’ j’■"' l " v, hi. mg i ns clerk. That, since the.y ar 1017, lilt" < |i ’ , \ a ! aioiiialin'i Inn bn u rude hv persnii, if ' ‘ '.he power* of the circuit anddistti t courts ting the slave trade, appr IT'cre shall lie appointed, in the said territory, two persons h artied in tlie law, to act a* attorney* for th’Unit'd Suites as well a- for (lie territory ; one .veil March , suiy, to .lii'.'Ct ''ie •< onr, !; orcause or pmeuro to H *o imported , ,c, ks th „ u,I or brought, or knowingly to aid or as-i-t onire, who was ido permitted to inakvs u in so importing or hiingin*', any slave or Uhoilar examinalion in t il7 ; and rnrciird slaves. And every persoil *o offending, j for his services, in each year, af the rale o( timl being thereof c.mvictcil Icf court within the said territory, _ , , . • i- , „r , i - amnia! "i has bn u end.* by pur-un ' oinpetent j'lii* liction, shall lorloit and . , C. J • 11 . a mi c 11 I w nil 111" 11 eia neat, a pay, fir "... h m . every -live so i npor- ,, .. fop ■ „. 8 -,l tl « r.t, tr I or Lu. ugiit, the sum of three hundie.l ,,p- g 0 j, er ,j ll>Vj and s',! I'm every ill mi- diiltars, "Hi! moi' : v far the u-e nl 'lie I . ! navel. St itrs, nod tin: other moiety lor tin u.i j ‘1 . .i in the year IC51. Jesse U. Timm.: ! - , . : person* who sh ill sere j L’XJ- a mtornf the W’ ' far the same ; and every slavi *„ imoor- !, V / , , ,, . i' i t n e J U led nr ■brought, shall thereup n liecorsi" j ... _ yiUi' ■ A Co. and roi'iuve. Ins or bill* ilTC- . c ted, in th i .... 1 i in i11 t ' ' '< J 1 1 rv, at t lie corn a uif "inert ol I hi- act. ■ l *' :r m .u m perm:! ' a • ■■ I Jc c tJ and not im (insist int wi'b tl" " r ■ ■' tln:n' f, shall continue in I r it, y, , . .. tbC duty ol ■ v.i..,,,.. „ not fuel! ci id.'" >• as iv a- c i oi:"! " an in tin- i .ie- "ins t > illiv v- ICC ill Ilfd li e prav . I'll III till .dnp'ini) Ivy those vv ho bore a p: po-i g it ; mint, lb i d !•> have Uiwlvn* •■ d it The can.: IP c no. of Mr. Tl v, a | 1st a le-. by i’l ■ -id, nt A 1800, lo Inspect til c- nd northc i-stvnl li t a ' vice, Mr. Tracy ri c ivc. -a'i.'il, ai.d "Sim rmli'iij u i the record* of tm ;■ Under tiie av.1i ni-a .-tna Air. Ilawsun, a im odi. l: •prc"..'ll'rt!iv(: 1, .'. "a d as Iba hearer ot a paid lor perform iai: t latii Smita, a pp ’inti I a I -.nor itli ilu Indian*, n.d .a't.ueii . it" s, under the- poiutm i i.-i-c to ihe iiisiim. ", a! a : ,- "iiatiir n til. A mult*, i : ! ■ ! a tiler .(I*, wh, • • natc i a, of :i It of I Mi gin ia ■ runty t ; ilit- d of the - oat nr - (• Li.;, the V Hi il . Jift’ci lira.. Mr. VVoiih v . a it, , in , . ■■ tii-- - a., J|,|"l,li | - ' rata'i , and v ; and dill s',..;." Presi- m Tenor - • 'f Ini - t "x-oited tv o ,. They ai- iill p ore ti - ui riitiui) of p( Ill, ,.| of ■ 1 . . . Blor- a;ij, ' o- ii lI ' t tie- -i and liru> i iml- :*• until d- tered, modified, or repealed, by lliu le gislature. Sec. It. And be it further enacted. Tied tin i i'l/a’ns of live -aid leriilm shall be entitled lo one del >gite to C-’■*i• gr.-s*. f r Ihe sai l territory, who -h |.o*scs* the same powers her. i fir, j granted to the dc h ., d* - from til ’ • • * c I State*.— dec'.nl h ! ilm l.lllirij I" "111 Ilf that lie • United el,mi ; lutlnli Xposit art of Ci :ppi vice Im tie M"d, iltii'd, one thuuxand eight hundred anil i ral teni'ori.'- of th" l mnetten i The - id delcgat- -li til li “ An a t to establish the port office ot Uorhilc-ciiptiiv.i oi'' : -on*. :t ml mid. r *u h regulation*, a ernor stahlisli 1 lav any person utiiler leslraint, bnrllien. tin ilu: United St for that part of the Idrri'.orv known a | “ An act further tu alter arid Last Florida, .the other for that part ! certain post roads, and for Ihe m**i< of ihe territory know n as Wc-t i Tori ' i ' -ecure can ingo of the mail o! the Unit" ! To each of whom, in addition to h:s rtai 1 ■'males I'd I'e, S, shall he 1 .idiiualiy. t'v a j “ An act far the more general pro- bundred doll II'*, as a li.ll emiipeiwation! mulg.ilum of the laws of the U. Stale* :" for all extra service*. There slnll also '*-An act in addition to an net entitled, be appointed two marshal*, one for each j “ An act for the un re genet..1 promul- oltne rai l superior court*, vvlio shall,! gatton ol ilu: laws *4 the Unil"d State-, each, perform the same dot: -, he sub j “ An act to provide lor the publiva- ject to t im same rcgulat ivtn* and penal - | itnn id ilu !■ vv s of la*' f aite.l St ales, an a lii's, and l>e entitled to the same f es, to fur other purpose- : which ma|'»ha,l* itmlher district* are en- “ io act to proiuote the progress nl tilled for similar service* ; and shall, in ua <■: * j l ait* and lo repeal th" act heic- ndditjon, be paid the sum of two bun- iofor« made Ior that purpose dred dollars, annunllv, us a compel:.-a-1 “ An act lo extend the piiv ilegeotob- tion for all extra service*. i taming patents for u-efil discoveries Sec. C And be it further enacted. * *i it J aid inventions to certain persons therein the governor, sc* tclary, judges of the mentioned, and to enlarge and define the superior courts, district attorney*, mar- [ canines for violating tho nM.iU of pa- shals, and a!! general officers oi the mili- , ientec- : hall he appointed Ivy the President I “ An act f.r the encouragement ol " I! mav. md lagi-l dive no from time to lime, ordain and direct. I” I IT,[I* I’ UMfitnu::, Speaker of tin- tlo..-"ui U [tn'o'iii.itiv i-c. JOHN G.V1LLAKD, President <*f tin-, pro-ti mpore Washixglon, it), IhiJ. - \i.pi• ■ v.•■!, JAMliti MONUOli. ■ iy nnii[":n A!r:* ii,:- not rcccii ed oi di i.tion. Ii* in late" con-idol IKJrt, i. , ontr ete. . "tutu p. ty ot ternti*. nlllces lygi'.ting ir ill 111" 1110,1" •y Is* il', Hi ■) ari ally r. 1 lo do- ; 1, - C'a til ■s not require an ell has been pursi pc.-ic a .mail with : it :g Air, i u.'iDhs a as passed me Had " An j■t tii t, from nt: l no member "f ici ay, nini.-a-lf, -1.1 ■ ci in Im i i" it, nr on nia hold, or i-nj contract or a- . ' i-i.t.-r. ■! •art of the t ■o oil", .''dug. oi disability, on account of his religious opinions, professions, or worship ; in all winch l:e shall he free lo maintain hi " can, and not burlhenod with those ol a- Tiolhcr. The Governor shall publish, tin oughant the said territory, nil ihe law* which shall he made, and shall, on or before the first day of December in c xh year, report the same to the I’re- iilent of Ihe Uiaitral State*, to hr laid hc- f,n e Co::gres*, vvliich. if disapproved by Congrc-s, shall Ihenc* forth he of no ( tee. 'J'!:r Governor ar.,1 In dive Conn il t,hall have no power ou r the priir ' v d -po it of the soil, it. :• lo I iv the hinds of the United Stairs, nor to i.n- b it'-rc with the claim* to lands wt.thin th -ii t terri' rv : the Legislative Oono- ■ '■ I shall hold a se -*on once in each ' "•ir, commencing it- lit si session a the serninl Monday of J*ine next at l’"ti*acola, ami continue in se-sioo not lunger than two inoath* ; and thcreaftei on the first Monday in May in each and tv. ry yra.r, but shall not continue I n- 8* r in ■ .-: tliHii four week*, to hr I,id,I at such p|a,;u in said territory as the Guv ernor and Council “hall direct : li “hall be the duty of the Govern n to obtain .ill tho inl'nui itioo in hi* power in reU, ui to tho customs, habit*, and di> ol th" United titalos, hv anil -villi 'll" ad- ; learn mg, by securing the > opii • t maps, j ,, l( y miy chart*, and bunks, lo the authors nnd piopriotot's of such copies, during the lime therein mentioned “ 1 he act supplementary tin rctn, and f-r extending the benefits thereol to th* art* of designing, engraving; and et< he g AN ACToir the pri-s, rvntion *'f tlio tnub- % tn* L'ltiit il rttato in Florida. He il enacted by the Senate an I Hausr of liejirraeutun.-ei nf the United Suites <J America in C'uiigress assembled, I Inn 'll" Tiesnbmt ot mo United Slates be, and hereby i-, authorized to employ so much (:f the lum! and naval forces o/ the United Sul** .is may Lie necessary eflcc- iually to prevent tlie f iling, cutting, or other destruction of, tlie Umbel' < / the United St;.;i • m I tonda ; and, also, to prevent the Iran poi lation or earn ing n- uch timber a* may he already vire and romsent nf the Senate. Allju dicial ollicpr* shall hold 111*• ir offi 1 - Inr the term of four years, and no longer. I he Gov error, Secrluai y, J mliin m- bsrs of the Legislative Council, Justice,' of the Peayte, and all other i liiiyi s, civil and of the militia, before they enter op historical and other prints : on the duties of their respo.otn e t-likes, shall t ike an oath or affinnation to sup-' port the constitution ol the United .Slates, and for tho faithful disi huge of the ilu - lie* nf their office ’, the Governor, be fore the President ol the United State-, nr le Tom a judge ol th" supremo or di- ti id court of the United .'“tale-, or be fore such other person as the I’rcsidci of Ihe United State* shall authorize to "'minister the sani" : the Seciutarv, Juitge*. and nieinh . "f l"ie Legi-I itl»* Cnuncil. before the Govern u ; and m other officer*, before such per-nn* a« thp Gov nior thall direct. I be G*>- veitior shall receive an annual salary ■ two thousand five hundred 'loll ir* ; tl" S cieiary one thousand five Icndre* dull us, 4: tlie judges of one thousand five hundred dollar* ruclp, to be paid ip ar *u y carl v cut of the Tre-i*"rv oftlie l .State- i he Mi i.Ik i s of the Ta gislativc Council shall necive three dollars each, per day fi lled or cut down ; end to take such other and further measure * tr a h 1 deemed ailvisahla for ! prgservatioi of the limber oi the L . State* in ! I nuda. LIP P, BARB if, Speaker uflhu H *u*e of t’a'in .-e.-utaiive*. ) JOHN O AlLLAIi;), Prcsidonl of the .‘jeutile, pro Iuikj'ui Washinjlou, March 2U, lrf2 - 2.—Appro> J AM Ed MO.viiOK An acl to prescribe the mode i»i which the public act*, records, and ju dicial proceedi ig*, ia each state. *ti dl he authenticated, so as to take effect in any otln r state "An act supple mentary to the act, en-1 of the t.-c mb returiii of the '' rth t ■: U- titled “ ' n act to pres ribe the mode in Resolved by the S nttfc einti tinust Represent ah, of (he tinted S-aUe " America in Congress assembled, 1 hat the Secretary of State I e itiMrn :tad to this was the k'l t inijmrtuiit object "t Hi" n fereiiC" of till-“Ubi<'.ct lo them ' anil du t l.n'd. ,ig'.i pii.u'ipatly was, licit Ii . y -llickd coiiaiiler and report upon the edict of per mitliiig Jesae !’. TliornaS, K-q. a Senate;' n lUV Unit' d Stall's, to' the * -itl <•!- ui flees,lu 1821, in which it bet upposed I Unit both tn« const tutioii cl lli" UnU" , j States, and tin: act of Uun: rt s " cnm'erii- j ing Otuilia* i-p"- d Ihe 21*'- i 1 A;• ri!, I IKOH, have been v iofiti-d. Aitlidugli the (Jonnriittea freely admii i t:juivvei arid juri diet inn of tlie Hons " 1 i- i .... . to guard the purity i u.stitutionJ from violu inn*, vv!.i* !i it is It" pectliiiir p: ivinre of t. o :g:'e*s or of 111" peo ple to pii,.i.*!i or remedy ; lliry eanimt re- . cngiii:-,. "it!ur it* jn- tii'c* or digi.i y, in ron : ,turting cx parte ii.veslig.itinn* int * luvadic- I I ■. i ■ ■ . : ■ - - ■ o i f mi di inean u'' am-uiiihie HiSlVi"nt ti'ilninal. Such | trail, ia vvoisc times, to n i uiiious nnd most trouble.: 1 They might be used to an a lii’-eoni" tlie i xp'isitoi'* t-f their own lav. ir i u;.ic; erly to throw the vv <-' Tl of tl- ip::,i..u iilto tho dl Idieratinn- ot tlie t'v !i,.i.! tiiiiuu iki. They »vitild h o lie r i;-."!! upon to produce pi II,-ct. 111,(1 II" perverted t<i th" purpo, ■ . . !.i:i*• ns mi ll nnd indivudu I i , sentuti-i At I tic same time, the cmumillie vv nit tie understood a* ascribing the pi't ov'idef late*. ■1 if any . a Ifof ho ni!ii'i i. v, <'PH u, on ennvicticu *; a high mi a nil an- iii o! :'nn i! thousand it thu The .nil section provides, that “ : [ia.-ing ol tin .at. it stia I nr the d.’iy of lii« ti.'creta-y of in Ti. t.-nry, X* * rrlaiy of War. Secret rv of lue Navv .md I’o-t i ner *1, . . i dly, to It till Ci. V" I): iicli n (Trigt'c s liii'ti two artini ms 1 .lit,” CO'. .my opm- ;y I! ;i“e,|" Uoiiirr"' iavestigalioi) to Slirh motives, amt, II* Vve RESOLUTION providaig^for the d rjbution .. , , , ;l :, li;; , . I diey of mu' institutions, ami the chaiaefi which t'ue public act-, records, i.nd j dicial proceedings, in each stale, shait he acknowledged, so as tu take effect in my other state •, , , r . , An nit for establishing trading-j Congress, nnd tl.e m-lcga c- l,...o,"m- l s vvilli the Indian tribes, and the Kotin*, the i’re-nb nt and \ tee 1 re*idcn oi tilt* i i.iteu . v -liUuS, tiiC furrish to each member of the I'l'^cm j«' ^ J}> ^ ^ p-, ( , , vn9 BHt „ , Iioupos wilh the !n<!ian tribe ~V\ Ol ovenii hc\» coutmmnjf the •- i^' *-tdius, u < ■ j Ad act making provision velotivo to each State aod l ernt ry, the Attorney alion* for Indian*, and their visits to the iGeneral, and Judges of the .-mu o, a:.) I the United Slat. *, and the Colleges nnd I •lutes 11 mverstltes eat of government “ And the law* oi the United :elating to tire revenue and it* collection, lone copy ; Mibirct' lo tlie modification stipulated by ;merit?, viz the 16th article of Hie treaty of the 22d lNavy, five Copi' s each ; and for the use T brn irv, one thousand eight hundred |of the llou*e ol Lepresent itii c*, ten the United State*, each, for Ihe use of the IVpart- i-iate, 'Treasury, War and and nice, in favor of Spanish vessels and [copies, of the mm-huTo returns ot Uiej .uirig tlie v car j.r, <u vV i limit me.".tog "i i"" n, v, licllier a court of jnslic | :• . . ;■■ I. tin* laws ns to Sc ::pj,!te ibm to till) ■ .. o: iIn- i'?::ii lua.ii.ii of t ." Land Oliicc- liy Air. Tlvu.'ias. tno cmi.m. Ice are avvaro tbit til" i'".! 1 " "V.iiiU.; In■*.-.,I, alld if | sin ti cunld be .uppo*"d tut.* their tree in- j lent and in*'aning, vveu! ! lie capaMe of on- [ |,i... , -, c . i rv i*i;; !;i d*’* c.> -v i ■ vv li, h n ! uM-mljer of Uuiigri".* coim; lu- c;.. ,V, a* |iit- ■ I'nnii ;mv duty, or nunb'i' any h'l’id' in fie- T '■’! i.alf ..f ti'." Uni" d Vt it* *,: ■ 1 which, Ly ; i.y \'f'. j |! v. etc. ild tv termed “a contract* iiai'goin, or ivg'i "iiM iit.” Tin cmilii Oja i c tty lie extended to tl.o appointment lo m'gt,l;.:e tlc.lti"*, whelllef 111: nil min I simuid III i vv-ids resign or not to :t:u '.),j intriM'iit of jirioler* to , ulilisti ilu: laws oi lli" United State* ; and to the ent- ..|- mi it of !:,':iiii»cl in <".i"e* in which tho I'ni’.id “'late* have an i iteresl '.him noun if wliii'ti, it ia ipi'.n in-i'd* I, is Ihe duty if , v'uui ing th* I, nil Olliei * m re plainly . iffli.i ilu ;,eope of the vv nut*. I!-.!, by tho "tcmp'iim p acMee which oPea-iofied I Is O' l.vv, and vvliiiu lot w*d *t "dactment, a- inong till.*" vv . n were liable So it* prov and * v I vv ii y. a disp.' to comply with is ■ i rm* : win • i i r i.alcd in iii.ikin: . "r iiv- i , a .uni ” . l.ioi.i'... I.* tn*: dim did "ir* j .'line U"'t w Im lit "a* lu.idi Jmd.nor* I coiiv ui *ait iv. in Ilu itu and their olijci*, | ,.j whom it was puMi d ; it has rercivi d u .ill', ieiit com'inictii'n ei h t . vt-rliitni I * on a ler* vl a* pie'.Ji. , any ol the CW' j ploy meuts shove enumeiati d. Ti," object was to take from Congress th*| From tb« organizi tioa oi the government or iudneem nl of creating place or down to the r of ( " law in tfidi it icuiuinmih for UiciussIvm, uud lhavby I li, J been ujv.4 to givc.uch appomunud-jy nit t. i ihe individual* conci-rni J, the, -u the I louse tiic g ■" ral view.* w inch ley i. <-• instri,incd to cuti t tain. The CornmiMee are cl'ally of opini that the cxauiinadml of the office* f tlie coii-titutiuii of llle U uitcd Slat* *. Thai forbids the appointment ■ f miuobcrs of Cour*'—*, (' . :og the Lin- for which 'i'"> wore i lected,to any civil lien, ere,mil, or Vlie cm*>!i;i'ieii' *'■ n i -hall have 1" en increased, during dial til |>et i holding office under i government fiom heiu neiiilier of Cong, ss doling hi.* coiilinun flic