Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, April 15, 1823, Image 1

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MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORG! A,-TUESDAY, A PHIL 15. 1823. PUBLISH I’.D W K K K L V, }J yS. Gli.l YTL.I.Vn Z,- It. M. OHM K, r, n Uuiicoftk st. between Wayne k Jefferson,) Ifruni'i: B01MM.I* ADVANCK.ORFOUR iHt AT THE KtriliATION OF TUB YKAR. il y Advertisements cnnspicttously inserted „> (Ik, enstomary rates. Letters on business, in all cases, must bo tost rAID. i.VWi OF TUI'. UN IT HU STATUS. ihy authori rv.] yN ACT making npproia for »},^ „„ p . i,oil of Government, for tlie year onu thou sand eight hundred und twenty three. He il enacted by Ihr Senate awl House of t'.p- nialicci of Ike Ihiilcd Slates of America, in .« assembled, That the following sums iln'd the same are hereby, respectively, an- printed for the year onu thousand eight hundred and Uventy-three ; that is to say: For compensation to the officers and atten dants of the Senate and House of Rcprcsonla- 1 or compensation to the messenger in ‘ aid office, seven hundred dollars, in full of all al lowances. For compensation to the Treasurer of the United States, three thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks in tiro office of the t reasurer, per act of twentieth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, live thousand two hundred ami fifty dollars. For compensation to an additional clerk, and also for an assistant to the chief clerk, as allowed since first of January, one thousand eight bundled and nineteen, twelve hundred dollars. For compensation to the messenger in said office, seven hundred dollars, in full of all al lowances. For compensation to the commissioner "f the Geuorul Laud Olflce, three thousand dot Ian. For compensation to the clerks in the offier of said Commissioner per act of twentieth of April, one thousand eight I died and eigli teen, twenty-two thousand five hundred hiuI fifty dollars. ( or eoinpc.oeullun to (In- ill• • o,. i in said office, nud pay nla laborer, nine hundred and forty dollars, in full of all allowances. Fur compensation to the Rcgi.-lur of the * F^luW&olfSferk, in the of the Register, per act of tw entieth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, twenty-two thousand three hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation to the messenger, includ ing the allowance fur stamping ships’ regis tors, eight hundred dollars, in full of all allow in said office For contingent expenses of said office, tour thousand dollars. I’or compensation to the Surveyor tiunerul, tvo thousand dollars. Fur cm.' pciisalion to (lie Clerks in tire office of the Surveyor General, two thousand one hundred dollars. l'or compensation to the Surveyor south of Tennessee, tw o thousand dollars. Fur compcnsuliuu to the Clerks in the office of tire said Surveyor, onu thousand seven hun dred dollars For compensation to the Surveyor in Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas, two thousand dollars. Fur compensation to the Clerks in the office of the said Surveyor, two thousand dollars. For coinpcmutmn to the Surveyor in Ala nia, two thousand dollurs For compensation to the Clerks in lire office of the said Surveyor, one thousand five hun dred dollars. For compensation to the Cumuli “boner of he l’ulilic Buildings at Washington City, one thousand five hundred dollars For compensation to the late Commissioner of t onri' hi Georgia, from tile, srenud "eplciii onu thousand eig'it hundred and eight, to thirteenth of June, one thousand civ lit hundred and ten ; for printing and stationary, as settled at the Treasury, one thousand three hundred and sixty-live dollars seventy-two i of foci, stationary, printing, ot the oenaxe auu House ui „«■ r or an H“i-!aiH messenger m said twenty-nine thousand two hundred dol- J three hundred and fifty dollars, in lull of all allowances. For compensation to the Secretary of !h“ Commissioners ul'llic Sinking Fund, two bun died and fifty dollars. For allowance to the person employed in transmitting passports and sea letters; for ex pense oftranslatin ; foreign languages, in the of lars. and all other contingent expenses of the twi Houses of Congress, forty thousand dollars. Fur tlie expenses of tlie Library ot Con cress, including the salary of the Librarian ime thousand nine hundred and fifty dollar). For the gradual increase oi the Library, J |j ue ufthe Sccieliuy oftbeTroumry , furetutiou ..... thousand dollars. Fur compensation to the President of the United Slates, twenty-five thousand dollars. For compensation"to the Vice President of vlte United Stales, five thousand dollars. Fur compensation to the Secretary of State, six thousand dollars. For compensation to the Clerks in the De partment of Stale, per act of the twentieth of April, one thousand eight hundred Ac eighteen, tiftvcn thousand nine hundred dollars. For compensation to the messengers in said Department, including the messenger in the Patent Office, one thousand four hundred dol lars, in full of all allowances. For the incidental and contingent expenses of the Department of Stale, including (lie ex penses of printing the lav -, and for extra co pying of papers eighteen thousand eight liun- /li’Cll iloIlitl'S. For preparing and reporting nn additional Commercial Digest, pursuant to a resolution of the House of Kepresentaves, (Representa tives,) of lire twenty-first January, one thousand eight hundred uud twenty-throe, one thou and dollars. For compensation to the Secretory of the Treasury, ,-ix thousand dollars For compensation to tire Clerks ><■ the nflioe ot the Secretary of tlie treasury, per an ot twentieth April, one thousand eivjia and eighteen, ten thousand (our hundred dol For an additional clerk in said office, from first of July, one thousand - 1 11 auu twenty-two, to thirty-first of December, one lowunces. thousand eight hundred and twenty Hirer, one thousand seven hundred and twenty five dol- ary, fuel, printing, At all other iuridi ntal l. eon tingent expeu vs in dm Treasury Department, and the several offices therein,' including tire expenses of stating and printing the public ac counts for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, thirty thoimmd three liuu dred dollar-. For allowance to the superintendent (super- intendant) and four watchmen, employed for the security of the Slate and Treasury Build ings ; for tlm repairs of engines, huso, nod buckets, one thousand nine hundred dollars. For conipen ntion to Hie Secretary of War, six thousand dollars. For compensation lo the Clerks in the Office of <he Secretary of War, twenty-two thousand six hundred dollars. 1 or compensation to the Messengers in said office, one thousand and fifty dollars, in full of all allowances. 1 or compensation to the Paymaster-General, two thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation to the Clerks in the olli of the Paymaster-General, three thousand one hundred dollars. For compensation to the Mo«w»w»r in said office, seven hundred dollars, in full of all al lowances. For compensation to the Commissary Gene- nf the Commissary Genein! of Purchases, liv thousand eight hundred dollars. Fur compensation to the Messenger in said office, seven hundred dollars, in full ol all a lars For compensation to this in ssisng office, one thousand and filly dollur ull allowances For compensation t of the Treasury dollars. V of April, one thousand eight hundred s in said in lull ol .... First Comptroller three thousand five hundred or compensation to the clerks in the office he Fn >t Comp'roller, per act ot tweutw h iisauil eight hundred mid ctsb- thousand eight hundred und For compensation to the messengers in said office, one thousand uud fitly dollais, in full ol i,|| allowances. Fur compensation t > troll*;!' of tlie Treasury the Second Comp- throe thousand dul- Fur compensation to the clerks in the office i the Second Comptroller, per act of Iwenti- anc-thuusaiid cigut hundred and hundred and in said ot eth of April. eighteen, nine thousand sev fifty dollars. Fur compensation to; the n.msnngev _ office, seven liuudrod dollars m full of all ul- 10 For compensation to the First Auditor of the Treasury, three thousand dollais. _ Fur, niupe.nsalinn to the clerks m the oil,,, the First Auditor of the .Treasury, per act ‘ office cl two twentieth of April, one thou ,and eight h die ! and eighteen, tiftoeu thousand two liu i died Collars. . , For compensation to the messenger in ran. office, seven hundred dollars, in toll ot alt al low auras. en|la ,j 0I1 to tho Second Auditor of tin' Treasury,three litousand Dollars. Fur compensation to the clerks in (lie of the . Auditor, sixteen thou.uin 1 hi ml rod dollars For compensation lo tlie in *a»«l office, seven hundred dollcir.-, in tail id nil al lowances. For compc«ntion (o the Third Auditor of the Treasury, three tlioumml dollars. For compensation to the clerks in the office of the. Third Auditor, twenty-three thousand three hundred mul filty dollars For i^.oniiuMisntUMi t<> Hit*, mrssenser and a?- ... (mi in said offn o, one tli msancl and fii y d.»H;ns, in full of nil ulbnvaiMvs. Fiji* compensation lo llio Foui th Auditor of tbo Treasury, three thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks in thr office of the Fourth A uditor, per art ol twentieth ol April, one thousand cifclit liumlred and eigh teen, ten thousand five hundred dollars. For couipen-siion to the mr < ■?eu^* , r in *aitl office, seven hundred dollars, in lull of all al lowance* For cmnp'*n?atiou to the Fifth .Auditor ol • j • Tn asm y, three th md lollars. F( r cot j mi s lit I n to ' i< clerks in the olfi e of the Fifth AmPtor, per m l of twentieth «*f April, one thousand ej^hl Huiiiirt d and eighteen, L*ti tlnjii-Htitl five hundred dollars. For two clerks, to complain the duties the ('■ - tninissior It) the offie.e of Ft'r compensation to the Clerks in the office of th« Adjutant General, two thousand hundred und fifty dollars. For compensation lo the Clerks in the Ord nance Offices two thou uul nine hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation to the Clerks in the office of the Commissary General of Stib.-isteiiro, (suInstance) livo thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation to the Clerks in the, office of the Chief Engineer, two thousand one hun dred and fifly dollar?. For compensation to the Clerks in the Sur geon General’s office, one thousand one hun dred and fifty dollars. For the contingent expenses of the War De- ent, includi : , t itionery, &c. six tiiousund dollars. For compeii>aJion to the Secretary of the Navy, ?i\ thousand dollars. For compensation lo the Clerk in the Office nf the Secretary of-the Navy, per act of the twentieth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, ci^lit thousand two hundred dol lars. For compensation to the Mes'en iers in said office, one thousand uud titty dollars, in lull ot ull allowances. For the contingent expenses of said office, two thousand dollars. For compensation to the CY*mmi-sinnr « of the Navy Hoard, ten thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation to the Secretary of tin* Commissioners of Hie Navy Hoard, two Ihou- qnuil d<dl'* • 1 or compensation to the Clerks m «i,» ,,ffi,, of the Ciniinii-sionei ' I tlie Navy Board, p* r act of tin* twentieth April, one thousand eight hundred and eitrhfren, three lliousdnd live hun dred and fifty dollars. For compensation of three Clerks and h Di nfi e mnu, ns allowed hv tho acts of appropria tion since the first of .lanunry, one thousand eiidit hundred and nineteen, four thousand dol lars. For compensation to the Messenger in said office, seven hundred dollars, in lull of all al lowances 1 or contingent expenses of said office, se venteen hundred dollars For allowance to the superintendent and four Wallichmeu, employed for the security of the War and Navy buildings and for the incidental and couthiip'iit expenses, including op, fuel, and candles, two thousand and sixty-ei *ht dol lars. For romjxm alion to the FoMmnsler Gene ral, four thousand dollars. For compensation to two A*«Munt Postmas ters General, five thousand dollar-. For compensation t > the Clerks in the Ge neral Post Office, per net of twentieth April, one th-iisaiol * ip lit hundred an! eighteen, twenty-two tlio’.isaod « \ cn hundred d»»l!a; •. For additionul clerk hire, and other e’.j ea ses in tho General I’o.l Office, for the year otio thousand cght bundled and twenty-two, three thou and four hundred and eighty-ono For compensation to the officers and clerk of the Mint, nine thousand si\ hundred dol lars. For persons employed in the different ope rations of tlie Mint, ten thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses and repairs ; costs of machinery , and for allow- net* of wastage in the gold &- silver coinage of the .Mint, ten thousand one hundred uud fifty dollars. For compensation to the Governor, Judg es, ttinJ Sec rut ary ot the Arkmism Tvrritory, six thousand six hundred dollars. For lliu contingent expenses ofilie Arkansas Territory, three hundred and fifty dollars. For euinpensatioii lo the Governor, Judges, and Seeretary of the Michigan Territory, six thousand six bundled dollars. For the contingent expenses of the Michi gan Territory, three hundred and filly dollars. For tonip. n sal ion 1 > ilic Governor, Judges, and Secretary of the Florida Territory, includ ing uri enrage, (arrearages) tor the year one lusatid right hundred and tweiity-iwu, r!e- ii thousand six hundred uud forty-nine dol lars and seventy cents. Foi conipen Hi in and travelling expenses f the members ofllic Legislative Council ; and lor tlie contingent expenses of the Territory ; including arrearages (arreurges) for the year one thousand eight hundred und twenty-two thirteen thou- ind three hundred and eighty- six dollars and fifty-four ceuts. For coinptuo.iion to three Commi-sioner- settle Land Claims in said Territory, inclu ding arrearages (iirrearges) f .r the year one lli.susrtii.I eight hundred and twenty-tun, nine thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars and eleven ee ills. Far compensation to the Chitf Justice, the Associate Judges, and District Judges, of the G. S|ate.-, including tlie (Jliicl Justice and us- - iciate Judges of the District isf Columbia, -e- veuty-eight thousand four hundred dnitru , For Compensation to the Attorney f the U. States, tinct! thousand five dollars. of the Attorney General, eight hundred dol- lap*. For compmH»ui>».'. to tlm Ib*poilor ot tlie du- cisiotis <if the Sup.eme Couit, one thousand dollars. For compensation to sundry District Att t- ocys aii 1 1 Mat ih il 11 - uilis - gr stilt i by taw, iuotuding those i i the seven I tarritori nine thousand niii". himdi .! seveidy-riiree dol- ! lars and sixty three cci.h. I For defraying the expenses of the Supremo, Circuit, mul District Courts of the t un d States, including the District ol Columbia, and of jurors und witnesses, in aid of tho funds u- !•;(jugfrom lines, penalties,and lorP itiires, >v. for defraying the expens s of proseeulioiis for of- "> agi.itist the t ailed ^taie-, aiidftu iUi safekeeping of prisoners, sixty-live thousand dollais For the payment of sundry pensions, grant ed by the late and present govt inuieiils, two thousand two hundred and filty do liars. For the support and uiuiiitenaiice ot i houses, beacons, liuuys, and stukcagi s, i ing Hie pnrclrise ol oil, keepers’ salaries, p.n.s, and luiproveiiici.ts, and contingent ry of Arkaiisxs, the som of three llinii.- ol dol lars, tn be expi-iidml under the direction ol the Secretary oi the Treasmy. Fee. o. Jtml in ,/ further cniiclcil, That the se veral sums hereby appropriated, shall be paid out of any /Horn v in ihu Trim-in v, nut otber- 'Viso appropriated ; Prodded,however, That no ) Iippijpriated by tliis act, - hall be paid to toiy persol, lor Ins euuipensutioii, who is in arrears lo tie t uited blates, until sueh persuu shall have >ruoiinti:d for, und paid into the Treasury, aJI sums Cot which lie mev he liable: l'riu idtd, flrlher, That nothing in this section contained (hall extend to balances, nri-ingsulc- ly from llxt depreciation of Treasury notes, re- reived by sueh person, to he expended in the public service, ur lo the appiopriallon for com- pensatioiT to the \ iee l’resideiit of the Hulled Stall"--—Jut in ull cases where the pay ur sala ry of aiv person Is withheld, in pursunce ol this shall he the duty of Hie nccbunliiig officer, | demanded by the party, his agent, ur allorrief, to report, forihnith, to the Agent of IheTrcisiiry Department,the Imliinee duo—kit shall b« the duty of the said Agi-nt, within six iv days thereafter, lo order suit to be com- ijM ud against eucli uelimpieet und his sure- rHILIP P. BARBOUR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN GAll,LAUD, President ufthe Senate, pro-tempore. Washington, March 3, 1823: Approved, JAMES MONROE. S: »c liunilretl nml tv inndred uud loily-one and > md lour live C(Mlt3. ifllir li •vfniiH, trau^tVi red j doMnrs ai;d niimlv cents t* Fifth Auditor, two lhou-| For tin- shlnr.irs of two inlditiorml Clarks in , one tliou-iuul six liuu- sand live Uumlrrd :»ntl fifty iloilars. * thn Gfimral IN)st O For oho rlo.rk, on tin; fxisinosi of lho Ac;cnt * tired clullai •«. t.f tlm Iro.iMiry, irausforrcl to the ofiio- of, For coiii|u n°Htjon to tlm Mo «)»i»gors in n»i I tlie Fifth Auditor, uuo tUuusuiui oua Imntlrod office, one tli'ui.^autl uuil filty ilullars, in tull o» uad fifly dollars, ^ i all allowances. \,r procurin': and pluring three buoys <m tin* !, *r near the poi l of G i tovvn, South C tru- lina, in addit ion totliubum Imruiotore appro pria'ed for that object, six hundred dollars. For snrvL'v in ; tin: public lumL ot liie Fni' cd State*, one bundled and ninety-seven thou ii J dolla- • For carrying on the centre building of 11k Cnpi;ol, one Im.ulu d thoosnnd d> liars For payment lo Johu Trumhull, for paint in ; oiniiiLMiiorativu ufthe. most impoiunt cvei of me devolution, in tlioti-.uid dollars. For stationary ni»«l boobs tortile olfic-c* ol the Comtn' of Loans, six thousand and Uiirty-five dollars and uirudy ihreeceuls. I* or the dii cho c o( s it h mi cellaneou cliliun uuuin^t tli*-* t iiiti.'d Slat#**, *i«»t othel W i.” jirovidcd for, a* be ndtnilfed in due emu so nt sctllemenl at tlie Treasury, six thousand dol lars. For the salaries of tli“ Ministers of the Unit ed States to Loudon, Faria, rSt. iYter.-burg, i.isbon, and Madrid, with the. salaries of their several, S. ere. aides U I. g«Uhu., ami tlie sala ries ol the ( ioi e 0 1 Attain »t the Ha tie an 1 .it Stockholm, ntty-four tlmasaud di)iSars. For the contingent expenses of those mis sions, ten thousand dollars. For the siihtiirs of tlie Agent nf f'hiims at London and eight thousand dollars. Y’ur the s dm iesot the Coiniuibsioncrs, Secre tary, Clot, and Messenger, to el hot with the contingent expenses of the boinmis iun under the #devpnlh artiele of ilie treaty with Spain, of the -~d of Februaty, 1S1L», eiglit-uu liion- ! sand dollars. For expeus* s of carrying into effect tho fifth, sixth, L cventh articles oi the tn aly. of Ghent, concluded on the - lih ot l‘ crmbvr, 1811, in eluding the compensation oltbo (’oun.nsAiou ers, Agent», and Surveyors, and their c .j.iin- nt ex| • on For tlm Corporation of tlie City <"1 Uu !;iug- ton, to reimburse the s.ii#l cotp "i Gtion a jmt p,ntion ol the expioiH* of making streets, nud other improvements, adjoining me public pro perty, five thousand dollars. | Fur carryiog into exeentiou th<* corivonlion ! rei eiifly ratified, relating to tli sl«v-:s carried lawny in contravention to the Uist article »*i ! the treaty of Ghent, twenty tlioiibaud dollars For surveying and marking the boundary AN ACT lo discontinue certain Post Ilouds, and to establish others. /if il en u ted Lf the Senate and House of Representatives of thi l'nitnl States of diner- ica in Congress assembled, That the follow ing post routes be discontinued, to wit: In Massachusetts. From Morisot) to Palmer; From UritnfiulJ to Sturbiidge. In Rhode Island. From Pro\idum:e to ChepacLctt, in Glou cester. In Pennsylvania. From Green burgh, in Heaver county, thro* Mount Jackson, New Castle, and Mer cer, to Franklin. fit .Yorth-Carolina. So much of tlie route from Warrenton, \ortli-Carulimi, to Fdonton, [Edenton] a li‘‘s between Halifax und MmIVetsborou^b The route from Tarborough to Scotland Neck, fcc from Stantonsbiirg to Fayetteville. In Kentucky. From Howling Green, tu Corydon, in In diana. In Tennessee. From Lebanon to .Mount Richardson. In Ohio. From f'hillicotbe, through Wilmington, in Clinton county, and Lebanon, in Warren county, to Ciucinn ili. In the Florid ns. From Pensacola to St. Marks, tlionco, to Vollutia Dexter’s, on St. John’s liiver, and tlienee, to St. At grustine. MiSfWrtifevferf hlsiU^tllur ouvrio.i mu... .. .. are hereby, established. it : . I' 1 ..' ./fillgV, in uanaan, So- merxi tt comity, pa »I„K »l> rough Madison and Solon, to Solon Post Ollier:; Krona the town of Harmony, in the conn ty ,if Smr.eiscri, through Kiph-y, l’.trkma.i S.rngeixilie, (luilforrl, Koxcrafl, and Dove: to Si her, in the county nf Pcuohacolt; From IVifo-t, to I’raiiUfurt, thro’ Swan- villi, and Monroe, in lieu of the present route, which is hereby n pealed. J.i Massachusetts. i-'riini Sj-ringfield through Wilhrahnm, Munson, llr'uulii Id, Slurbridge, and South- bi ldge, to Thompson, in Connecticut, and thence, through Chejiatkct, to Proviilouce, in Rhode Island. lu Connecticut. from Spencers Corner, in Northeast, buutiess enmity, New-Vork, by the Meet ing-Mouse, in Salisbury, lo tile Port Other: in North Canaan. ]ii Hampshire. Prom Hancock, lino Stoddard, to Mar low. ^ From Crawford’s, in Nash, and Sawyer’s location, to Littleton Post Office. In Vermont. From Foultncy, to Whitehall, in New York. In Xeu-York. In Arm .krsr.y. From Kingtonn to Som.-nille ; From Trenton, by Allentown ai.d Cross- wivk, tu liuidoototvii. Ju I’irffinia. From Fredericksburg, by Danielsluirg, Orange Spring*, and River Dank, to Orange Courthouse; That the route from Lombn rely Grove, in Meeklenbuigh county, do pass by H.tkinton anrl Langley’s old store, to St. Tammany, in said county. That the route from Richmond to King and (Jut-eii Court-house, do pas* through Walkerton and Stevensville; From Giles Court-house, by Charles Din- S ess’s, Samuel Park’s, and Slloemate’s, the Falls ofGuyandotte, to liurbersville, in Ca bell county ; From Rood’s in Montgomery, to Grayson Court-house ; From Hull’s store, in Pendleton, to the Court-house of Poehahontas ; From New London to Cullund’s store, in Pittsylvania, to pass through Leesvillc, in Campbell county j From Richmond along the road called Le Pradt’s,hy Powhatan Court-house, to I'ann- ille, instead of the mute now established ; From Richmond, by Chesterfield Court house, Mechanics’ Ion, Culcsville, Willtin- sonvillr, Geuito Bridge, Tunstilville, Cassell’s store, Amelia Court-house, Paineville and James Town, to Faimville, instead of the route now established. In .Yurlli Carolina. From Baltimore. Maryland, by water, to Norfolk, in Virginia ; from llicnce, passing through Murfreesborough, Halifax, and di rei t to Tarborough : and from thence, thro Slaiitoi.sburgh and Wayriesborough, to Fay- etteiille, in North Carolina. That the route from Fayetteville n Wadesborougi), he so altered as to pass from Rockingham, by Sneedshorotigh, to Wades- huriu gh, and letiiru by Beard’s store, Alien- ton, Steel’s mills, and Morris’s slure, to Fayetteville. From Salisbury to Lincoluton and Wilks- borough, now established, do return to Sa- lishary by Sherrell’s Ford, Lincoln county, and Mrs. Stewart’s in Iredell county. In South Carolina. From Chora tv to Coburn’s store, in North Carolina ; From Spartansburgh Court-house to York, HancockviUe, Gundy’s store, Hopewell, and Thompson’s tun }aid. In Georgia. From Monticello to Covington, Newton county, then to Iienry Court-house,then to Manioc Court-house, and thence to Munti- cello. In Tennessee. From Columbia, by Wayneshnrough, in Wayne county, liardiiisville, in Hardin roun ty, Perry Court-house, in Perry county, Lexington, in Henderson county, Carrol tiV‘SSW«yiftiHhfy"r n,PU,m,v :,,ul ‘be law o l'rum Athens, formerly Mount Pleasant, oi the county of McMtn, by the way of Co lumbus, to the Spring Place, on the Georgia road, in the Cherokee nation. hi Kentucky. From Flemingsbiirg to Owingsville, to go alternately by its pr'sent finite and by Pop hr Plains, Alexander’s mills, on Licking, Hi. nee to Ow ingsville, instead of the route by Anderson's mills, tin said river. From Burksville to Knoxville in Tcnnes- i\o U. From Fort Dale, by P.mmett’s Store, in Butler county, to Cahawba ; From Ilarilortl, in the State of Georgia, by F.arly Court-house, Attawa’s Store, in Henry county, Alabama, Pike and Coving ton Court houses, io Sparta, and that the mute heretofore established, from Fol’t- Hawkins, by Fort Ganes [Gaini's] to Coni- eigC’ourt-lluiise, lo In- disci,n:inoed. In Missouri. From Rt. Louis, to Boom ille, by Win- ' lu ster, Niuian Ilainillon’s, in the western parts of St. Louis county ; New port the si at ol justice from [for] Franklin county ; G,.s- gonade, the seat of justice of Gasgcmado county; the city of Jefferson, the seat of go vernment of the state ; and Marion the seat of justice from [for] Cole county. In Michigan Territory. From Detroit, bv Pontiac, to the Military Post at Saganaw. In the Floriihis. From Pensacola, Preolata, on the rivrr St. John’s to St. Augustine, tlie most conve nient and practicable route in the discretion ofthe Post Master General. Sec. 8. And le it further enacted, That all waters on which steam boats regularly pass from pmt to port, shall be considered ami established as post roads, subject to ;h>- pro visions contained in the several acts regulat ing the post office establishment. Washington, March 3,182d : Approved. AN ACT to amend the ordinance and sets of Congress for the government of ibe teriilo- ry ol Michigan, and for other purpe c Be it enacted by the. Senate and llo.isi of Representatives ufthe ttiled StatcsufAmeri- ca in Congress assembled, Tlm l all citizens of the United States, having the qualifica tions prescribed by tlie act', entitled " Au act authorizing tlie election of a delegate from tlie Michigan territory to the Congress of the United States, and extending the right of suffrage to the citizens of said terri tory,” approved February tile sixteenth, eighteen hundred and nineteen, shall Ire en titled to vote at any public tk-clinn in the said territory, and shall be eligible lo any office therein. See. 2. And be il further enacted, That the same powers w hich w en- granted Hie Governor, Legislative Council, und liuu.-o "i Repiesenlalives,ofthe Northwt stera tei - l’itory, try the. ordinance of Compe-s, passed on the tenth day of July, seventeen luin- dri d and eighty-seven, and w iden powers aie transferred to the territory of Michigan by the act, entitled “ An act to divide the Indiana territory into two ceparate govern ments,” approved January tile eleventh, eighteen hundred and five, are hereby con ferred upon, and shall In* exercised by, the Governor and a Legislative Conned , which Council shall consist of nine persona, any five of whom shall he a quorum, and who shall serve for Hie term ol two years, and ticaunuuiUd as f^fi.iw 4 t.. u)i • iui From Prestonhurg, in Floyd county, to the Court-house in Pike county ; From Perry Cum t-houso to Mount Pica sent, in Harlan county ; From Bowling Green to Louisville, by Woodsunville, Montfordsville, Klizabetli, K the mouth of Salt river ; and that the pre sent route from Louisville to Woodsonville, he discontinued as soon as the route now established is carried into operation. From Hopkinsville to Kddy ville, logo and i t t uni by Gadiz instead ol by ti.e Hockey Ridge, [Rocky Ridge.] In Ohio. That the route heretofore established from Dayton direct lo Tioy, shall he so dim ged .,s lo go by Union, in Montgomery county, aod .Milton, in Miami comity, and then to Troy ; That tlm route from W if Clearmo From Almond, by Alfr>d, to Indepen dence, .n A legally county ; ■' 1,1 11 From Way m , bteiilien county, to Tru- "mi.iii uhiic mansbiirgh, in Tompkins countv 1,1 ^ I 1 ;]] 8 Btnmgo '' lr From Boffdoc. in Brie, to (jlem, in the Hopkinsville, and Dee,,.vld ; . ty of Calaragus. passing through the From Lancaster, through Circleville, in towns .Itl'.t ugh, B (ton, Concord, and Pickaway county, V)ushington, m bayctu. Ellicottsville • cmintv, Wilmington, m Clinton county, and From E icoU’ Royallon, to Hartland 1 1 Warren county, to Cincinnati; Post Ollier • From le liaiioi.-, mWanrn curnity, to Ha From the Village nf Greene, in Chenan- millon, in Butler county, he continued from go county, to Ciocionatus, in Hand Ir.dianopo'is, m in d|; - a, • ' At « county, passing through t ho Big Flats, in the T« way of William C n • town of SinithfuM, and Livermore’s tavern, ivvovvni.s. in (iermaiitown. In Illinois. Fiom Mor?:ms\ille, at tlie mouth of the From Green Court house, by George Mon'icivoiita cicek, in Niagara county, lo Cadwe’I’s, iti Morgan county, to Springfield, Loi-kport. in Sangatno county; and from Palestine tu From Postsdam, nn the turnpike, by Can the seat ot justice in < lark comity, to the ton, to Ogdcnburgh. on the mail route from seat of justice in l-Idgar county ; and from Plnttsburgh, by Malone, to O, densburgh. the . eat ofjtislice in Sangatno, lo Stephen From Alhaiiv to Hen-laeriille, I lienssda Siilnnn’s in Fancy Grove, erviile.l through the towns of Bi-tlilejicin From Shatviicelowii toHamillonCinirt- and Korn, tn intersect the post road from A 1 - house ; tinny to Siisipiehiinna, by the way of tho De- From llsrrisonville, by t’onverfc's mill, j law arc turnpike, to Miifonlvillc. ' (Tilumhin, and (Jahoka, to St. Louis, in lieu In I’, nnsytvania. ' ofthe present route from Hairi-oiniltc to St. From the city of Lancaster, along tin . Louis, which is hereby discontinued; Wii i!or*o [lioiiji-i road, to where it in-1 From Carrolton, by the mouth u! Apple T-rseebv the sl.dt ro 'd leading from West , en . k. Ross’s settlement in Pike county, in Chester to M’Call's Ferry ; I Illinois, to Luuisiauaville. in .Missouri, and From Kimbcrtpn to the Vellotv Springs ; 1 from < idea’ Giove, in Pike eounty, t From Gii enslinrgh, in Beaver coifuty.! ' ' ‘ “ * u ' through Mount Jackson and New Castle, to Hailetnburgh ; From Warren, in the county ef Warren, Glean, in New’-Vork; to pass liy thi this act, till' qualified electors shall choose, by ballot, eighteen persons, having the qua lifications of electi.iv ; and such . lection shall be conducted, certified, and the result de clared, agreeably to the t editorial law, pre scribing the mode of electing such delegate. But the time and manner of e ccting tho mem!,its of the legislative Council sliali, after the first election, he pi escribed by the. j legislature of tin: said territory : and tbo ! names of the eighteen persons, having tho l greatest number of votes shall he transmit ted, b) the governor of the said territory, to the President ofthe United Stales, who shall nominate, and, by and with the advice and consent ol the Senate, appoint, there from, tile said Legislative Council : and va cancies occurring in tlie said council, shall he filled in the same manner, from the list transmitted as aforesaid : And tlie Pi evident shall have pov. it, in the recess of tin: Senate, to make the appointments authorized by this act ; hut all appointments, so made, shall be submitted to the Senate at liieir next session, for confirmation. The first Legislative Council shall lie assembled at such time and place rs the Governor shall, by proclamation, designate. No session in any one year, slmll exceed the term of six ty day s, nor sliail any act passed Ivy Hie Go vernor and the Legislative Council tie valid, . ! ,, r ,- (I... j after the same shall have been disapproved j i ny Congress. The members of the Legis- _ I laiive Council shall receive two dollars each, mouth of Great \ alb y ami Kinkn . creek From Mercer, in tli’.' enmity of Mercer, to Fi ii'.khn, in the eounty Venango ; From the South Branch ol Tnwanda creek, in Bradford county, by way of the Susquehanna anil Tioga turnpike, to Klmi ra, in the state, of New-York ; From Alleiiton, Lehigh county, through [nidlrluirx,li townslfp, to Muncbchunk, in line between Hie Slate of Mi.rouii und teiritu- j Nuithamp'.un county. dtnn, and the route from Alt iniaville, is hereby discontinued. In Alabama. From Claiborne, By the Tensaiv , to Blake ly ;' From Tttskaionsa to Columbus, by Pick- ins’ (' e rt-honse, in hen of the present route, v, bit'll is hereby diseun'inued ; From Greenslmrough, by I’.rie. thro’vvlial is called the Forks of the TnmJiigliee and Black Warrior livers, By tlie Garden Spot, to thn Court-house in Pit-kin-’ county ; l’nmj Cahawba to Grceoshorough ; From St. Steven’s, By the vv.-y off Fort Stoddart, lo Mobile; t county, t> rovL of Go"lieu i l’ , r ‘ !i 'J • during tin ir attendance at. the ses- ’' bions tbertof, and two dollars fur evny twenty miles in going t«», ami returning tlierelimn, io full compensation for their snrviees, and wliieh slmll bo paid by tbo t uited States: Provided, That nothing ben in contained shall be eonstrm d to allVtt the. ri^lit of tlie citiy.t us of r aid territory to to elect a delegate to Congress ; and the. outies required of the Govcimi* [Goveinoi] and Judges l»y the act ri terreci loin the first section of ibis art, sliali he jM rfoiined by tlie Giivenor ;Governor] and Lcgislatii o Council. Sec. S. And be it further enacted, Thai the ] ow ers and duties ofthe Judges ofthe said t< rritory sliali be regulated by sueh laws as are, or may lie, in force therein; and tlm said Judges shall possess a chancery, as will as common law jurisdiction. The tenure of office of the said Judges shall be liuiiti il to four years : and on tlie lb -t day nf Frb- iuai y, one thousand eight hundred and tw en- ty-four, and every four years thereafter, the. office of each uf the said Judges shall lie- come vacant : Provided, That notlin g in tbiv net contained shall he so construed as to deprive the Judges ofthe territory of tins iirisdietiun conferred upon them by the the 1'rated Stal*s. to Louiri- c Set. -I. And be it further enacted, Thai the Legislature shall have power to submit, o', any time, to the people uf said leiriloi v, the. qiu .-tion, whether a General Assemh y shall be organized agieeabty to tb, provi-iiins ( l Hu: ordinance afore-aiid ; and. il a majority of the rpralilii d cb Guts slot i be in lavor oi such organization, thi n the poivt r« vested by this act in tin- Legislative Comicil, *li:.l erase and dilermim , and a Genera! A en:- lily shall he organized, in cunfmmi y w ith the “aid ordinance, subject to ll,e provision : 1’lre Goii" tu [Govt-, nor j et the . 11 Teni'.oi v -ball dtv idt- ;be :n'm ' i 'b,