Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, April 22, 1823, Image 1

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/ VOL< IV. MILLEDGE V1LLE, GEORG I A,‘TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1823. ■ Ms2~Six*miLj rnH.tSHKl) WEF.KT.V, ;; v s' YTh i V/J V R. .’/• O/f UK, ')« nancnk st. between Wayne <<■ Jctferson,) AT t liltKK UOI.L.VIIS, IN A IH AM 1', (IK KOVH lulLLtH* A T TUB KXPIUATIOW Or TUT »• i: A II. ' j Advertisement* conspicuously inserted #l tli» i)ii<tonwry rates. Letters on business, nil on ■*■*, must bn tost /aid. ■ \\\ S OF THE UNITES STATES. [BY AUTI10IU I’Y.] \N ACT In amend 11 An act for tile establish- n,out of it Territorial Government in Fiort da," and for other purposes. lit it enacted by tin Smile rind House of Re present at ires of the. Unit'd States of Jlmtnea in Congress .Issemhlid, V< at hI tlmt territory, red- , :l ] by Spain In the IhiiteH States, known by the name of Fast ni: 1 \\ est Florida, shall constitute n Territory of the Foiled states, under the name of the Territory of Florida, the govern, meat whereof shall be organized and adminis tered as follow- : Sec. ‘2 .1 ml hi it farther entitled, Tliut the Kteeutive power shall be vested in n Governor, who shall reside in said territory, and hold bis office during the term "f three years, unless sooner removed by the President of the I’nited tstitles. lie shall be Commander in Chief of the Militia of li e said territory, and he, ex of ficio, Superintendent of Indian Affairs—anil shall have power to grant pardons for illences nesinStthe saidferrit oly, and reprievusfor those j"’,,' "• j'",'.'"'V' against the t oiled Stales til the decision of 7 S pm,,n t " url ,,{ " !p 1 ' ! ‘!'d ''tales, the President of the Tolled Stales thereon shall the rnme enses, and under llo-,nne i egulatioiis, li»* mado known—-ami to aipp<»inl ami mininis r»*• ■ t TIiitp shall l»t* n Superior court for Ill'll p.»n of !iio turrlfory known a j West Florida) to » ousist fit m*e .1 »ift^# ; he hall hold a i’ouit al runs'icohi) on the first Mondays in May and Novcmhrr, in »»u« H ymr, and at such other linn*- and places as the Legislative Council shall dilccl. Within its limits, herein describ ed, each court shall have jurisdiction in all cri minal cases ; and exclusive jurisdiction in all capital offences j and original jur^diction in all civil cases. < f the value of one humlred dollars, arising under, and cnguir.ablfi by, the laws of the territory now in force therein) or which may, al any time, he enacted by the Legisla tive Council thereof. Each judge shall appoint a clerk for his respective court, who shall re sale, respectively, at St. Augustine and Pensa cola, and they fchafl keep the records there.— Each clerk shall receive for his services, in all cases tni.-ing under the territorial laws, such fees us shall he established by the Legislative Council And the said judges may adjourn their respective courts to any other time or place, whenever St. Augustine or Pensacola shall be infec ted wilh a malignant fever, and wnts if error and appeal from the final derisi ons of the said Superior courts, nuthoriued by this section of this act, shall he made to tin* Supreme Court of the United States, in the same manner, and under the suipe regulations, a- from I lie Circuit Court of the Unit* d States, where the amount in controversy, to be. asrer- Liined by tin; oalh or affirmation of either par ty, shall exceed one thousand dollars Sec K. And be il further enacted, That encli of the >a*d Superior courts sliull, moreover, have and wxercise the same juris diction within it- li mits, in all cases arising under the laws and constitution of the United Slates, which, by an act to c.-tabli'h the judicial comts of the Unit ed Slates, approved the twenty-fourth of Sep tember,one thousand seven hundred and * igli ly nine,and “ An act in addition to (he act, en titled ‘ An ni t in establish the Judicial Courts of tlie I nitnd States,” approved the second of March, one thousand seven hundred and nine ty I lave, was Vesh d in the Court of Kenltii-kv district. And writs ot error and appeal from the decisions in the said Superior courts a tlio- lized by Ibis section of thi- art, shall Id mad d States, or cause or procure to be ?o import j the district, where tin land claimed is sitna- 11ca dor brought, or knowingly to aid nr assfot in ; ted, in the manner pn scribed by the act to of importing or bringing, nuy slave or slave*-- I w hich Ibis is an amendment, on or before ; Augustine and IVnsiicoln, in tin, territory of I?' V'y nili'iidlng, and fii'itq; tlieivnl j 11,,. firm day December next, shall bo 1 Florida, n-pectively, shall bo, ami they are ss hav^'v^s ^hlnr^ln l, "s!o"r";;;;; , i"w ,r ;: T1 ,. lorloi, and cad, a„,. every sho o, ... j , * ;,; ' « • tnac ed fha. i.1 «« hUjub . «Uun, ar.stns, thru re- lurien mho pay, inr eat;u anti every Mat . . v . ,, , » imported or bio*.ghl, the suinotlhre. hundred hha | ,i 1 shal to cxi-cute ■ ■ timl tyi'aI.'ii itiIiii',, ..4 ..11 ..... . 11 i. — one moiety for 1 lit: use ol the United Slates, and the oth *r moiety for the use of tins person or persons who shall me for the same ; and every slave, so imported or brought,shall, thereupon, become entitled to, and receive, his or her freedom Sec. 15. JInd be it further cnnrlrd, That the citizens of the said territory shall be entitled to one Deiegute to Congress, for the said territo ry, who shall posse » the seme powers hereto fore granted to the Delegates Itom the other territories of the United States: /bo* idtd, That no person shall be eligible (or that oilicc w ho shall not have resided at least twelve mouths in the said territory. The Delegate shall be elected by such description of persons, at such limes, and under such regulations, us ill* go vernor and Legislative Council ina> 9 from time to lime, ordain and direct, soldiers of the Unit ed States excepted, who shall, under no cir cumstances, he qualified to vote. See. It» .dml be it further enacted, That an act, entitled “ An act for the establishment of a Territorial Government in Florida," be, and the same is hereby, repealed, so far as the same itf inconsistent with the provisions of this act : and that the proceedings of the la t session of llm Legislative Council of Florida be, and the same are hereby, confirmed, to remain in full force and effect until the end of the nest sessi on of the said Council, unless sooner altered, modified, or repealed, with the exception of all by and wilh the consent of the Legisla live Council, all officers, civil and oi the mili tia, who^e appointment* are not herein other- wi. u provided for, and which shall he e-tablisli- cd hv law. lie shall lake care that the laws be faithfully executed. Sec. G Jhid be it further enacted, That a Se cretary of tin! territory shall be appointed, xvlio ..hall hold his olfice during the term of four y ears, unless soonct removed by the ('resident Iff the United Stales—who e duty it shall he, under the direction of tins Governor, to record and preserve all the papers and proceeding 1 * of the Executive, and all the actsofthe Governor, mid Legislative Council ; and transmit nutln u- tic copies of the proceedings of the Governor, in his Executee Department, eveiy six mouths, to the President of tho United States. Sec 4. rind be i! further enacted t Vhat in case of tin! death, removal, resignation, or necessa ry nbuuec, ol the Governor of the said terri tory, the Scoretuiv thereof thal) be, and ho is ,, ,\vj , - ,; ( ,,| ,, U( ] u> execute nit tbh powers, and pc torin nil the duties, *»f the (inventor, during the vacancy occasioned by tb« removal,resignation,«*r lu'ccs-uiy abscuce, of the said Governor; who sliall, in uncase l<*ave the said territory without pengisrinn fii t had of the President of the United "tales. See 5. Vliid bt it further u iulcd. That tlie le gislative powers shall be ve b-d in tlie Govern or, and in thirteen lit and dLneet persons of the territory, nine of whom frhall constitute a tpmrnin <o do business, to be called the Legis- Inlive Council ; who shall be appointed annu ally, by tbe President of the United Stales, by and with the advice and consent of the S< nute, from among the citizens ol the United Stales, or bom among the inhabitants of the territory, i«*'id* , nt there at tlie cession; but no pri on shall be eligible ns u member of the said Legis lative Council, who f.lialI not have resided in the said territory at least six months previous to bis appointment. The Governor and Le- gi-lative Council shall 1i>ive legislative powers over all rightful subject* iff Icgislction; but no law shall be valid''which i* inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United Slates ; or which shntl lay any person under restraint, burthen, or disability, on uccount of his religi ous opinions, prof* ssione, or worship. The Governor shall publbh, throughout the said lerritnry, all the laws which shall be made— mid sh ill, on or before the first of Dcecinbpr, in each year, report the sat no b> (lie Pi evident I i f the U. Stales, to be laid before Congress ' ' xrhich, if di approved of by Co--gress. . 11n11 ! thenceforth he of no f »rce. The Governor uinl! L. u'sbitive Council shall have no power ovei ; the primary disposal of the soil, nor to tax tlie Jnnds of the United Slat* s, nor to interfere w itli the claims' to lands within the said territory — The Lepislative C* unril shall hold a ses ion once in cucli year, commencing on the first Monday in May, in each and overv year, but shall not continue Ion weeks, nfler tit* 1 first session as from tlie Circuit Couchs ot the United States I In* clerks, respectively, .•hall keep the records «t the places where the conrtB are held, and shall receive, in ullra-rs arising under the laws and constitution of the United States, the satin fees which the clerk of the Kentucky district receives for similar services, whilst that court exercised the powers oi the circuit and di Ariel comts. See. 9. rind be it further enacted, That there shnll bt* appointed two persons, learned in the law, to act as Attorneys «ff the United States as wi II as for tin* territory, one i’o part of the territory known as East Florida, the oilier b>r that part of tho territory known as West f lociihi; to each ot whom, in addition to their tilted fees, in civil ruses, shall he paid, as a ful. compensation for all extra services annually, the. sutn of two hundred dollars There shall nU> be. appointed two Marshals, one foi each of the said Superior courts, who shuii, each, perforin the same duties, lie subject to tlie same regulations and penalties, and be c.ntitled *.. .4.o mnrnm for.., to u tltl'tr Mrtrt-ttttl: i.i ..tltrr ili. tricU an; entitled* for sliniler services—and in addition, lie paid the sum of two linn- *!•"* *1 dollars, animully, ai a r.oinpciisat extra .ervicex, atid .liall also be subject to such regulations and penalties a. the Legislative (. shall iin, ose, white acting under, ami in virtue id, the ten ilorial laws. Ree.. Ill .lint he it farther cnnrtril, That tlie Governor, Seerctnry, Judges of the Superior Courts, District Allorneys, Marshals, and all Reneint otlieer- of tlie tniii'ia, shall be nppolnt- rd by the President of the United Stales, by anil with the ndvire and consent ..I the Senate — All judicial officers ; hall hold their olBeeb for the tern* of four veinr, ami mi longer. Tin Governor, Secretary, -radges, members of the l.egi-lative Council, Justices of the 1 and make return of all process which ni.ry be issued by I lie said Commissioners, or (lie Commissioners may, where they deem it necessary, authorize and empower any o- ther person to execute and return said pro fess. Sec. 7. .hid be Ufurther enacted, That, so sennas the Commissioners shall have decid ed and reported on the private claims, in suid territory ol'FlmiJa, a surveyor shall lie pec live jurisdictions, of the inluiCitantB ol said territory, or llreir represent!lives, agreeably to the provisions of the ninth ar ticle of the treaty with Spain, by which the said territory was ceded to tlie United States. Sec. 2. .hid be it furthir enacted, That in all cases in which said judges shall decide in favor of the claimants, the decisions, with the evidence orr which they are founded, hall he, by the said judges, reported to till appointed lor the territory of Florida, olio j Secretary of the Treasury, who, on being shall keep his office at slit'll place, within satisfied that the same is just and equitxbh , tl»! said territory, as the President of the United States slia'I designate ; and shall ic- celte the sum ol two thousand dollars, paya ble quartet ly, at the Treasury of ihe Unite d States, Se e. tl. .’tad be it further enacted. That, for itr di posal of the lauds of tlie United Statei, Ij ieg in tlie District of Cast Florida, a Lurid Olfice shall fie established and k**|)t at such, within said District, as the President of the United States shall direct; ami that, for the disposal of the lauds of the Ulited States lying in th • District of West Florida, a Land Office shall be established at inch place, in said District, as the Presi dent of the United States shall dire* f. See. 9. And be it further enacted. That, so soon as, in tbe opinion of the President of venue laws imposing tales on the inhabitants ; the. United States, there shall be a sufficient continue longer 1 h in tbe city of St. Augustine, * i at such other place, or places, as ||n Governor and Council in.-»y, from time to time, direct It ‘•hall he tin* duty of the Governor b) obtain all the inform ation in his power in relation to tin* customs, habit?, and dispositions, of the inhabitants ol the said territory, and rotnmunicaie th ? njhh:, tVoni time to lime, to the President of the Unit ed Siries. Sec ti. And he it further enacted, That every bill which shall have passed the Legislative Council, shall, before it become a law, be pie- S'.’nted to the Governor. If lie approve of it, he shall sign it ; unci, if not, lie shall return it., With his objections, in w riting, to the Legisla-j entitle* live Council, w ho shall enter Ihe objections af j pm. 'J all other officers, civil and off lie militia, before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices, hall take an oath, or affirmation, to supjHjrf the con-titufi >n of the United State-, arid for the faithful discharge of the duties of their, office, bcfoie a Judge of the Supreme or District I’ouit of 4lie United States, or before a Jnd.M! or Justice «*f the i ’cate of th* -Territory Ihe Governor shall receive an annual salary ot two thousand live hundred dollars ; the Se cretary, of one. thousand five hundred . and the Judges, of fifteen hundred, earti; to be paid quarterly, out of the freasmy of (lie U. Slut*?. The tm nibei s of the Legi-intive (’ouncii slmll receive three dollars, each, per day, during their attendance in Council, and three d*dbos for every in enty miles in going lo, ami relurn- ii*e li"'n, any meeting *>1 th** Legislative Uouu- i il. oik e in ear It reason, ami no more. The meinN-is of the I.egHla'iv Council shall be pri vileged from arrest, except in cases of treason, felony, oi 4 breach ot the pence, dining their go ing t°» atleinlance a(, ami retuiniug tiom, eucli session **t -»u! Council. See. 11 And be. it further enacted, That the inn lit an four! biW' of the United “Antes, rotating tn the icvc- wliiali shall not n . ,le ' lu ‘ 1 c >l|. t lion, or llioir property, and the law authorizing th. Governor to borrow five thousand dollars on ilia credit of tlie said territory, and the law es tablishing county courts; which ure hereby declared null and void : provided, That no loan ol money already made or obtained, under raid law,shall be . ffecli d [affected] by this act,and that die act approved the second of September, one thousand < i;lit hundred and twenty-two, try the Governor, repealing all (lie laws and or dinal res in force in thesuid lerriloiy, shall be, and is hereby, duel ned to have effect on tlie day "! it- pax-age by the Legislative (.’ouiieil, and nut of its appre vat by the Governor. PHI LI I* P. BARBOUR, Speaker ol the House of Representatives JOHN GAILI.AIvD, President of lln; Senate, pro-lempore Washington, M.u rll 3, Ls2.f Approved, JAMES MONROE. AN ACT amending, and supplementary to, the act “ tor asoeilaiuing claims and titles to land in the territory of Florida," and to provide for the survey and disposal of the public lauds in rio,i.ia lie it enact'd by the Senate and House nf Representatives of the Vailed States of .inur- .‘ci in Congress assembled, That the powers of tho hoard of commissioners heretofore appointed, for ascertaining claims and liHe- tr> lands in the terri ory of Florida, shall ir< confined, exclusively, to the examination of titles and claims ill that portion of said ter- rito'ry, heretofore known at West Florida: and that, for arcertaining titles and claims in Hast Florida, the President is hereby .mil appoint tim e < onim's-mncis, which ap poiotni. iits slmll he of force until the end of Ihe next session ol Congress, thereafter, who may appoint tie ir secretary, and who, with their secretary, s'oull, wiiht’n the Distrii t of East Florida, possess all the powers given by, perform all tlie duties required, and shall, iu all respects, be subject to, the pro- 'i'ions and restrictions of the act ol th.' eighth of May, one thousand eight hundred 11 uiul twenty-two, entitled “An act for quantity of the public lands surveyed, within eilhhr of the Districts of East or West Flori da, to authorize the opening of one or both of the Land Offices aforesaid, he shall cause the same to lie opened, and shall proceed, from time to time, to appoint, with the ad vice and ronsent of the Senate, for each of the said Olfi' es, a Register and Receiver of the Public .Moneys, who shall give security, in the same sums, and in the same manner, and whose compensation, emoluments, du ties, and authority, shall, in every respect, be ihe same in relation to the lands to be dis posed of at their offices, as are or may be provided by law in relation to the Registers anil Receivers of Public Moneys, in the se veral land offices established for the disposal of the public lands of Ihe United States. Sec. 10. .hut be il further enacted, That, wlieiiev. r ti Land Office shall hav. li en es tablish* <1 in either of the districts aforesaid, and a Register and Receiver of Public Mo neys appointed for the same, the President nl the United States shall he, and lie is hereby, authorized to ditect so much of the public land., lying in such district, as shall have lieen surveyed according to law, to be offered for sale, in the same manner, and with the same reservations and exceptions, and on the same terms and conditions, in every respect, as have been, or may h. real le.' be, provided for tilt; sale of I lie piit.fie laliffs of I lie United States. Sec. 11. .ind be it further enacted. That an entire township, in eaeli of Ihe Districts of I , , .• ,i , - | Eatt ami West Florid.*, shall be reserv ed *1 in ti**; recess ol the Senate, to I ,■ , , ,, , , ■ . ’ I till sale, lor the use of a seminary ofl. arn- ing, to be h eated by the Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 12. .dnd be il further enacted, That all the navigable riviix and waters in tlie Districts ot East and West Florida, slinil be, and forever remain, public highways, R). .dml bt it further enacted, That within the provisions of the said treaty, slial. pay the amount thereof to the person or persons in whose favor the same is adjudg ed, out of any money in tlie Treasury, not Otherwise appropriated. Washington, March 3, 1823^-Approved. THE NEW DURUM LETTERS. In a periodical work, recently established in the City of New-York, entitled The Uni ted Stotts' Magazine and Literury and /‘o liticat Repository, there has recently appear- d a Rev lew of Johnson’s Life of (,’reene — When it is understood that this Review is attributed to the pen of Gen. John Arm sTiio.Nii. our readers will need no other in- iteiiwnt to peruse with attention, that part of tiie Review which relates to the Netv burgh Letters.—A ‘at. hit. EXTRACT FROM THE REVIEW. On this branch ol our subject, it but remains to examine what Mr. Johnson tnay consider his strong hold—his sug gestion that Mr. Morris iras the author of Rut popular and contemporaneous opin ion weigh nothing in the scales ol bis criticism ! The public either wanted industry to set k the truth, or judgment to discover it, or good faith to report it , and hence it followed, that both the cul- prit, and the impostor, (who was willing to appear as the culprit.) remsined un detected, till ferretted out by his acute ness ! And how think you does he nc- v omplish this ? Not by adducing a sin- gSe witness : not by an iota of direct tea* timony : not by a degree of evidence, whicu according to Mr. Justice Johnson (if report speaks truly) would be requi site to Cv'invict a negro conspirator.— No—his process is purely arguments* tive—“ Han 1 the letters been imputed to a major geuetvd, or even to a brigadier, to Putnam or Jo Staike, fur instance, (here would liaVv® br*’" some rettmi; in the charge, arid pt rhape no doubt of its truth ; nut to imagine, that a simple and subordinate officer of t\e line, would have dared to write such letters, even if lie had been able, is to suppose a case so very near an absurdity, ns to be ut terly unworthy of credit,” Such is sub stantially the argument given us, and if it docs no more, it furnishes a nevv glimpse of an old theory ol talents and spirit ; and proves at the same time, that Mr. Johnson has unfortunately mistaken for sober earnest, the ridicule of the poet : Tis from Inch life, high characters arc drawn, A saint in crape, is twice v saint in tuicn." Rot, savs Air. Johnson tnnmphanily, “ where is the production, ut all compara ble to tlie first of these letters, the ac- the -A cwburgh Letters. Like some sturdy knowilcdged offspring of the same pen t polemic, whose zeal increases, in exact proportion as his reasoning fails, ii who hastens to supply by confidence what he wants in argument or facts, he no longer stoops to the low drudgery of examining documents and exposing the nakedness of confidential lettois, hut boldly commit ting himseifto bis imagination, overturns, at once, both history and tradition, and To this question, it will be a sufficient answer to ask, in our turn, wlier* is to he found any production, the acknoza- ledged offspring of the same pen—it we except diplomatic err other otlicial re ports ! And is it in these, that our au thor would look for puiuted seutences, finished periods, or high wrought don l.i- , niation ? As well might he expect to ascribes to the pen of Mr. Mor- j ijiid the sage of Alonticello traversing his iis, a production, in which that gentle man had about as much agency as he had in writing Solomon’s Song, or the Psalms ol David—a conjecture which, as far as we know, has never yet been plantations in a com t suit of embroidered velvet. The first law of good writing, is to adapt itself to the occasion and the business on which it treats ; and unless our author could show, that oo some si- rtaining claims and titles to lands in ihe territory nf Florida,” crept (except) -o far a- the same is altered or changed by the pro visions ol Ibis art; which board of commis sioners, heretofore appointed, wiili that lierea I lei appointed, shall hold their sessions, severally, at Ihe place w ithin their respec tive. divi icis, heretofore designated l>\ law ; but tnay adjourn to soino other convenient place w ilhin their di trict, and miiy contin ue their ses ions until the second Monday in February next, when they shall make a return of their proceedings lo the Secreta ry of the Ticaoiny , to be. laid belore Cun- Si Representative e. 2. .Id be it further enact cd. { fiat, in . iru m Congrtss ed, unsupported, on such an attempt ? of the act, approved the eighth day nflAnd when* is the production at all roin- May, o:ie thousand eight hundred and twin- parable, to the first of those letters, which ly-two, entitled “An act for ascertaining ('aims and titles to land in the territory of f’jurida,” as is inconsistent with the pruvi- |i"ii- ol this act, be, and tin* same is hereby, •rpralrd ; and so much thereof as provides for the appointment of a surveyor General, «nd allows him to char | killed. stiington, Approved, March 3, 1823, offered lo the public. Mr. Johnson’s ar- milar subject ol public interest and gmnent, on this point, being a unique in citement, the pen to which the New- dialectic.s, we shall give a literal copy | burgh Letters have, been so long attribut- ot it, with a few Uriel remarks of our j ed had tailed to show similar powers, °' vn ‘ ) this argument will continue to be a genu- I ltd author oitiiG Notvfiurgh Lot* t jii<* non M 6Qtiitur> ters has hitherto lain concealed, l'o-j Having thus, by the mere weight of Ins pular opinion has attributed them to an opinion, set aside the pretensions of “ nl I individual, who has been satisfied to simple and surburdinate officers of tbe compound for the doubts ciwt upon his J line,” and of him in particular, to whom morals, by enjoying the eclat ol giving popular opinion had so long ascribed birth to such brilliant productions. But these ••brilliant productions,” it, no those who have examined the question doubt, became incumbent oo Mr Jobn- w ill ask, would a simple officer in the j son lo find i substitute, a fit bead for tfi" line, ami of interior grade, have ventur- Vv • I IK* IMiJlU •v ht weeks; lo be lu'fill stipulated liv the fifteenth aitidc of Hi ' lieatv ol'llic tvvrulv-. *, oi.,1 of 1'i'ln'iiiii y, on thou,nml eight hue. inim d i.iucni'n, iii favn of Spanish u— it- an.I li . u argots,all other public, acts ol tin- fi a it c J Slat: , not inconsivl cut or repugnant to the pruvi-ions of this now in force, nr which may here,uiit I the examination of titles to land before flier iff'said boards of commissioners, the I rt | |,y i| le Buiueine t'i I claimant or claimants shall not be required ! off sp ites, to report i's d | to produce in ev idemie the ileraignmeiit of entitled to loeeive, from tin | title tlie origin,al grant, e or patentee, but the commissioners shall confirm every j claim in favor of actual settb rs at the time ] ! ses-iun (cession j id Ike said Territory to i Ihe United States, w here the quantity claim- I .'d dues mil. exceed three thousand live . hundred .acres w In re. sin h ileraigumerit can I not he obtained, tlie validity of which Las Y | been recognized by the Spanish govern ment, and where the cl..imant or claimants ill produce sntisfartoiy ev iilcnce ol hi has been Ihe acknowledged offspring ot the same pen ?” “ 11 there was in the United Suites a man whose hold and de cisive character, whose popular elo quence, nerve of style, and vigor of con- lees,'is hereby re jeeption, qualified him, more than any v- thcr, f,.r the author of these letters, and the leader of this undertaking, it was Greene’s correspondent, [ lie late Go- verneur Morris.”] It is somewhat unlucky, that the first step in this march of dtmonstration, . should hapben to be an error : for so far ‘.Vi Vd' nnd Hu . v f e V from laying concealed fur forty years, i'ld 'Til'd" lln 'liefet ' l ^ ,e i,,ll "* ,or of these letters did not lie ho shall, from time to lime, be appoint- ■ r ' rt of tile Uni- isioris, shall he AN ACT to contiimi in force the act, entitled “ An act lo provide tor Reports ul Decisions of the. Supreme Conn, ' passed tin; third day ul March, one thousand eialit hundred mid sevenlt * n. Treasury of the United State--, ;,s an annual compensa tion for his son ires, the sum of one thousand dollars: Provided, nevertheless, The said compensation shall not he paid unless the said Rep, ter shall print and publish, or cause tu he printed and published, the de cisions of said Court, made dining tile linn lu mo. I slmll ih liv er * igliiy copies of the cl - ............ printed and published, to the beerr- lorce, shall extend to, and have full force und | u'J'i '■”* titeir right to the land e-laimed : And lary of State, wiihnnt any expense to i ln- etl'ecl in the t rritory aft 1 said commissioners shall liuve the power, any United Slates; which copies shall he dis- Sir. 12 .; ' if j ■ a I, That, to 1 1’ 1 ' <un "uuDvith lauding, ol de- trilmtcd ns fullows, to wit : to the President Ihe end Unit the liiiiutiltants inny be protecle ! j 1 j"' validity of all claims derived | of the L'n.l. (I Stales, the Judges of the Su onccaled n single month. In 17!J3, he made no secret of his having written them ; and in D (J3, ho republished, ac knowledged, and defended them. Nor deep and dangerous conspiracy, wfiicli, according to him. now menaced the na tion. And it w ill be readily conced i. that if his selection has not been the uio-1 fortunate or probable, the range of it w ■ sufficiently extensive. The i hole L , .. ted States were ransacked for this t n - mutable leader ; and after doe examina tion of comparative fitness Govemuur Morris, was fixed upon as the man, who •• more than any other” was qualified “ to mount the whirlwind and direct the •• storm !” Rut one thing was now want ing to the fiction—a detail ol the sur prising endowments, wl,n li so peculiai- ly lilted this gentleman for the part I had to play in (bis great drama ; and in this, our author’s bounty is suffirieu' . visible—for, besides “ popular ei. quence, nerve of style and vigor of con ception,” Mr. Morris i- represented being unparalleled “ for boldness tit I decision.” Could such a tribute to I,.- ' s hall at as such Report) r, within nine qualified approbation—seie. out Iis alter sin li 11, ei si, ms shall be made ; i (he Secretary of her cxecuti te these acknowledgments followed j powers recal him from-the grave, wh by any sacrifice of moral character; a would be bis sensations '! Like Sparta- facl, sufficiently established bv the po- cus, he might at first wonder at Ins own career of the author. The state glory : but when he saw in it only tl ,. of h |= birth (Pennsylvania) hastened to decoration n| a victim, bow would be bestow upon him marks of the most un- spurn it from him! That Mr. Morris selected him as in;-;»»on llioir.iouriiftl, iu»*J ^r* cd to i If, alUT sui.ii ic*:onsid«ra(ion, Uvo* • ;: * o( ho iiieinbefs of (be Legislative Conii >. il agree to juisk tiiu bill, it .shall liectwnc a law , an*! ih«: nanu s nf tin? |i« rsons voting Inr or a* tin: itill -hall bt' entered on lat* Journal J’rui idtd, ntvt rlbelcss, J but all bill-to tax tlie iiihftbitunis of tin* baiil territory, or b, i» j»io- perty,shall, bt I mc tlu*> burmne laws, receive the function of Cotitrrefr-; excej.l when the *aitl in their liberty, proper!) , ami religion, no I slmll ever be vulid whicli shall impair, or in nywise rn.slrai/i, tlie freedom of religious opi nions, professions, ami worship They shall he *1 to the benefit of the wi it of hub* us cor* j pm. They ?liall be bailable in all ca-es, except for cnpital oflcncrs, where the proot is evident on the validity from the Spanish - j actual set {lets, u hn In* (! three thousand .'ivt hua bills shall authorize county, city, ami town of-j f rt , t . „ m | e white j the presumption great ; all fines shall derate, and proportionate to the ollence, and! excessive bail shnll not be required, nor cruel j or unusual puni htnents iidlieted; no cx |»oA tacto law, or law impairing the obligation of; contracts, shell ever be pas.-id ; n*>r > 11aiI pri* i vute property i.«: taken lor public Uh just compensation. See. Yd. And be U further enacted, That ell doe acres. Sec. 3. And be. it further enacted, That each of tbe tofouiiaci*.tiers heretofore ap point* d, w hu h.»> p*:rf )nm:*i, ami shall here after peiTomi, tin* duties assigned bitn, shall receive compensHiiou in propotlion to that In i *’t*ifdre allow ed him. And eaeli of the » ortmtissioneis hneuft* r appointed for East Florida, who sliull actually peiform tlie du- wabout | li«s assigned him, shall ir.ueivc the sum of two thousand doll I.) nment in t.t\*>r *»f| pn-tne Court, the .lud piaotily claimed Courts, ihe All unity G Isertt him lo the Congress of the Confe deration, and continued him a member [of that body, so long as it existed. The | slate of his adoption (New-York) was not less favorably disposed towards bitn, f the District i arid (as her records will shew) delegated oral of the United was a man of genius, none who knew him will doubt. His ideas were quick, and clear, and abundant ; sometimes grand, often ludicrous, always ingenious. To these iutellectual powers, were ad ded others, physical ami adventitious, a line voice, a dignified person, a ready ut terance, a taste for letters, various rta- full quarterly, from tli allcct Lives for tho use ami b«i lii**ir ic peetive countie-, cilie*, and towns— uad for no other put poses. Her 7 And ht it further enacted, That tin jtt- di.:ial power thull bt‘ vested in two Superior Com . md In fiucli Inferior (toutand Ju-ti- rt*t> ol tho Peace, as the Legislative L'oiiih il of (he lenituiy may, from timet »time, establish 1'here shall lira Superior cou»t for Hint part of the territory known as E.wl Florida, tocoiisLt ul one Judge ; he ihall hold I vis court oo the first Mondays in Mhv anil November, in each year, at St Augurttno, and at such other times aud places as the Lcgislutivu Council .-hall di- lion e-keepers, and vv ) ear in the said territ act us gran the said gislatur* lotted in courts shall most cond least buG..w.w«. u ,v ,» M u„„. l .. l .w k ,. 1 *,„ 11U| . , . . . territory 1 lea to * he same cnnipeuhafion thorn Sec. *1-1. .Indie itfi rther enacted,Thai it flmtl' " h< n '"‘' 'Ming on til. distl ivt court o not be lawful for any permit or persons to mi of the* United States, one cop’ him, miller four successive appoint- ] ding, and a long acquaint . *• i-, . fix j » j —* . v j umg, nuu «» *‘■’•1^ m ^Hiiimsncc with the Wai'^auiTNa'v v, il.rComptreiierVof‘the I ,0 *>*[ •“ *»•« Senate of, wo, I,I and the world’s laws. Thus nc- Treasury, and tin- Judges nf Hie several j L ‘ e *- S, a,us. Different Lxecu- compllshed, he could have lieen no cotn- of the Union have equally distin- mon speaker; but tjie orator has Im guished hitn; by H ashington, he was ap- ! e-strum, as well as the^jo*'!, the souri'i s, each; liv !• eopies l\*r the use uf each ll.ui- o* *'ongre.-s ; and the residue of the copies | pointed lo superintend the collection of jofvvInch lies j n deep and exquisitefeeling, shall bu deposited in the Libiaiy of Gun t| )c internal revenues of this important and this Mr. Morris wanted. Nature', * a ' . state; by Jefferson, lie was sent to the who had given him much, refnsfe'il'to r 2. -'hid ,(• it furl. :rrenacted, That in j fi rst ceurt in Europe, as Minister I'ler.i- give him all, and neither art nor labor uliiee,' nf', il la-roofin'’’effb-e' s“be hire j j" » I»eriod l!»e most critical j could supply the deficiency. Hence it 1 mpii s of tin* det isions; 1 aDl * pvenl ,'» JUu ' continued there until it. that his eloquence, though manly and sell insisted on bis recal ; and by | respectable, was of an order which left n, be was placed at the bead ofl the passions wholly undisturbed ; and si important Department of the i which, (in even bis cul*>| logiums on the genera! suOicienlly tenacious oi ins pur- .w,.v.,„. ,-^ain : Mr. Johnson art- pose ; but that he was peculiarly calcu- 1 t - firuarv, one thuusuiiu eigut liuiwlrvd . .. . . r . , i ■ ■ , . . , ■ • , , d iiim t, en. ® nuts that “ they (the letters) have hither- latod '•< mount a bi each, or particula ly purl, or tiring into lliu said territory, from a-j Sec.L. .dnd bi it further enacted, That al I Re it enacted ly Ike Senate und House of <0 been ascribed loan individual, differ- j willing to suffer martyrdom for any sy • 1 - c.1. *• - I * ; .♦ .'i.., ...i.i. "... «• - ~ -I •» *-*' * il. n.. . * *.-. . . r -*- T . | {n , from the person he tins conjectured.’' iem, :c!igi i * ■ i ni ny port or place without ihe bluffs of the Lffut-i claims not fijed with tbe Com miss loners ui. li.tpieientc.lius of the Untied Sutes tj.lmer- ' tut fr< ^ious or political, we do not be-'