Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, February 12, 1827, Image 2

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M) to (ho 20th, nt <t r-u-ro pit- »- - *"""•w n ** -*•?* Tn ^;X"w 11.• '■m * V* h, (nis eoiniliv from the side "i n’u'Hiis just sufficient to prevent that ng- e , cssion vvern no doubt to he tli" measure nfihu lutfc employed by hisMajesty.— On the stunt! principle it follows o( fours*') that if the host tic spirit of Prance nml Spain, or their want of wisdom, lias been tinder rnte>l hy the British Government, an,I tlinl in consequence oor »tavhI ,. ministration in (lie Tayai** has not sufficed 'for the intended purpose, irun-dy. the pre vention of nettial war, ad-litfiinal tneiins to he reMirteJ to, and no nugmenl- ti! nntinmnnt |*ut in motion, more adc* ■ Ooute to the jrr»in«l nml inestimable nh|ecl of deterring the House ot Bourbon from J:h«t commencement of u sanguinary war. There is no truth more pm fort ly undenm- |il ■ than that a powerful arm it* nineteen ci Bus out of twenty proves the most eft cient peace-maker. Mr. (.'mining most of course lie aware ot’ tins ; inrh*e*l, he has illustrated his sense of it hy the squail- ron in the Tagus, «s well as hy Ins verbal explanation of its intended uses. 1 be Foreign Secretary and his cellengues have only ’failed in the uxecutiou ol a policy which cannot in reason or justice he con ■ demited. If, therefore, the si|uailrim al ready on the spot he Inn s-niidb u v what ■ virtue there may be in a r. tufnrreinent ; If i-hips canniiot he applied with admit uigo, Nt'ti.l u few regiments from Cork and Plymouth. Garrison Lisbon, and release the troops of Portugal from their inactive duty, farther, if Kings Ferdinand and Charles make war upon our ally with P'U'Uifpt'-ae rebels, what nrg-imeiit run they urge whv England and Portugal con- pintlv should not I'oial'Hte, hy employing tin- Lila mis of Spain for'he overthrow ol a ,|siH)i'win , eqtJ’ellv hoNtile to the li'cedom ,‘of’iill three tmtions ? Hut, above every Uiiay, wo must pre-s iipmi Ministers the immense moral effect which would he jW'iihteed instantaneously throughout the Pcrtilisuln, by the de.lmrk at ion of a single brigade of Fintflish redcuais on tin* territo ry of Portugal or of Bpuin In i -adf. 'V e | sidu flint uii hour's delay may prove fatal. ■ Ci The .Tournal dn Gotntc.erre, of IPth De- eemtier, before the English news was known, tints comments on the King ol Frimre’s speech— “ As s um us the speech was public,,« ixnnsuierable fall oticurred in '.lie funds; this mav have been tlie result id several dim bill'ill's'll uses, blit the words put into llu' knurs mouth, must mainly have con trdiutnd to if. These wonls nfl'onl but /in ble assurance of general t-eace. H * ' I and tu U' l'i' |.i tin i «ii h«w4ilii.U’<* iS'ir’i'Ui I These lines, extrar: ; lit',* as c* "■ i f the eot'ijM'st, hi. Giiii'inn i ut " w ith Mr. ( mining," al Iiout the <lnolnii- ili uili rn 1*1 v to ’ut! (ml the com icr w bo is to reel'd our (i-nop# has set tsurh is the first effects "I it for Spa n- ('null! Cadiz is 'll to occupy but as a sol Kielr i ',!\ p Hit we slilill iu-1 !i\ the title Af ' if nointof! a near, as Mil id i bat uiitmii* • nqiiest, la addition to tlu-e papers,.from which w c make Copious si lections, we ha* *• been favored with a copy "f the speech id the idlin', Baron Dr Damns’ Minister of F< Relations in the Cl aodicr ol Dcputtia translation of which "id be found below ; from which it will be seen that I ranee un equivocally disavows all pniticipaiu n m the war between Spain and Portu^ .J. i ml h ares ptiain to extricate herself from her mi’lt '■ nl • mb at Havre, which wits considered to to war w m, , cue**, mid lie will wtl- imdcriiig certain I ho emilitmaui e of inmly b-aie os nm ,,, sy,. *-x p.-ii.. i«.,. e. I,ad au immediate effect upon « '‘7 jndlm*.-mo, v y.'at Id l ,v , v',,,-r-McetM' iMrtWI, ti’u. (‘'randier,'nci', will som, dtsc.nvsr dm ^ Eaton.llrn- u is iiiio ii i i r ui l ece-.i-, l, an en uii o r| K ,vi„ r0 |, Mink*, Mau'lelphi need, Tliis Minister ol in*' t no- lea 11 \ him, I qieei peof market, which reimiincd much depressed, vi lieu tlie Chelsea eitilcd. Our London dates, in the French pn-; pers, are to the Jc'ili December- three <-r four days later than previously tvci ii eJ. The kins of Prussia broke his lejmi^ the 15lh ol December. SPEECH Of Till! HARON 1>E 1'AMAS, .Minuter <\f I'ni’ i^n tt>hil.ovf, to iht Lhem- ter of Deputies at 1,'aris. j “Noble Pekiis -Tho dtsi iK-sion before de cln «t list It oiili hixSt^tliat |)lwit That portion of the speech w hich relates to foreign affairs, is inexplicably laconic, considering tlie deep interest id the actual relations id France with other powers.— N ; t a word ol tlie Hast, yvlieti tlie Knglisli G-iveromeiu is publicly mediating be tween Greece and Turkey, and will pro- bnblv not neglect herowti intei-ests. Not a word of America, whilst French r*mi- jc-r.-e, abaudoiied by our diplomacy, is exposed to o thousand vernations on the OotiHi of Buenos Ayres, and is menaced by •a ni w blockade of ill if Const of Brazil: it J g U ot cert said whether the itea'y of oc- enpation with Spam will lie renewed.- The only express thing is the reference to tie troubles in Portugal- “ I will unite rny cfTbrts, say the authors of this speech, “ with tiiose of my allies, to living to a dose, and prevent the consequences ol .i,„vi»c“ Ana yot itie Iasi phrase iu the speech, supposes the case that lio ilor might compel France to display her warlike virtues. This parade of semi •items and expressions, is it called fur by such au lusiguibc.uiit event, as (lie taking up arms by a hand of deserters seems to be, if it were not feared tliat that event might pioduce consequences more inmor (nan Internal commotion in Portit gal.’’ Paris, Dra-la Madrid, Dec. 4—^Private Correspiih dime.]— 1 can assure you that the naea siness of our G ivcrmrieiit is very great in consequence of the iitvasimi ot Port t il and it spares no pains to quiet >1 iimb, whose notes daily become more threatening. To this end the minister of war has sent the following order to all the com naoders **,' the frontier provinces :— “ IS very Portuguese Constitutionalist jvho may have been made a prisoner of war on tlie invasion of tin*, and shall enter the Spanish Territory, slidll he t,-i med will! every kindness, and such horfotklity shown him ns is due to the of friendly nations and allies.” Hut events have become so serious, that it is not iu tlie power of the Government itself to stop them ; not only those whiqh are passing in the interior ol’Portugal,'. hut even those which are taking place in the S;.*m*h Territory ; for we luurn today, ill,u the regitnotu of the Prince lias pas se 1 the frontiers in a body, with the ex ception ef its officers. If this bn true, of which I have no doubt, tlli$ tuny he ron- siilcrud t»s a rcinfurceinpHt sent by our ap'istoficals to their brsthren of Portugal. ' The Portuguese CbaYgeD’AfTiiires yes terday communicated to our Govermuent the decision of the Portuguese Regency, not. to recognize M. de Casa Flores as Spanish Ambassador. To this coniinuni- ■ cation was added-the. reports of the Go- tenors of t!;c Portuguese Provinces, on tin- frontiers of Spain, announcing the tn- vb- .'it of the Portuguese refugees. He oil leludelhis letter with new eoinplai'nts, I & by ilemandmg further explanotiotis, but }n- end of giving them, M. Saimnn in Isis' repiv vesteriluy evening, observed that its • tli functions of M. de Casa Flutes had cvi'seil til Li.-hon, ihosB of ill. Ponte de J, ni, Piinuguesu Charge D .Ufaires ut SfLulri'l, were also at tin end, all’ll tlmt oousequenlly he was under the necessity of terminating his diplomatic relations with him. The latter (M. Ponte de Lima] received liis despatches hy an extraordinary couri *r ne A from Lisbon to the French Minister ' git Madrid., iu these despatches lie was informed that otlieiN would be sent the next day, (the Qt3th,) but w e learnt yester day that tlie l>e.urer of them was arrested at Villa Viciosn by the Portuguese refu- f ees. Their couteuts are of course un- , now'll. The CiBirt returned tills morning from the paCUrial. Tlie report of the diamia- , eal of >1. Galmnardo gains crqdit. Count d’CHIYrtt and M. Zea Bermudez are spok- <tsti of as BUc-cescors.- Journal d.s DcLuts. FROM 1IAVRR CtiAur r, *t« Felt. 2. Wears ii"l- o <:.,|,,aio Ornion, of li dull which 1 nm now about m fulfil., “ VVlien tlie French uruiy enterco' intoj Spain in Ic*’/:]. the English Government j dettniuded and olituiued Iroin 1’', tly yle.lge doit no Ims’ilify would led Hguinsr I'oitugal, an from that time it eonsiiliu i>d In prior treatie.", to r. in i nse of invasion. “When the lata troubles broke out i;j Portugal, a similar declaration was made | by England to Spain, nvl enmuiuniriited j to Frauee, ie, well as in ,il| the great con- j titietitnl powers, anil it was ugieeil that jSjHtiu would iiiidertake nothing ogi'iist j Portugal, nml tlun F.nglit’H slioiilu guar | antce tliat Portugal would commit no act j of hostility against Sj >n. 11. 1 “ TVe must ncknow lei'gc that E"g. I'.d has fulfill'd her engagement, and thui w iih it common accord, all oilier pow is lime root inn* 11 to uet at the Mpu nisi t Com t, in « rirmii"r to furnish no subject ol elun- plaint to Portugal. Mcvertlmless, hi the very moment that this (tl.c (Spanish) Court, give tin; ns.-tir- mee that tho i.nus taken away from the fugues would be deli.vere.l to the Portu- iis-'- Goverutm.'til, and that oideru were sueil to removo those refugees frmn 'he trontiers, those bitter lima entered ii inns info Porto;. 1 nl,and tins sudden nttio k lion of s point or t wn inti:** Pen without any profit. Iloweier, thA recall of the lew tro<'ps that we lime at ?L'"ir'tl is net without importance, siii'ee ii an nounces tin* l*f. I u a I *11 - lilioo ol tlie I' re lie 11 Gmeroment to keep npnrt good terms w i.h Great Britain, end U> smiritiee 10 that po'.v- ! ert’ul micro,-i the mij r. tiwcy of the Spun- ) i-li PrieMs and *d■ oi-.s.,i"I w hi-diw* 1 Intro j luiliertn saenlieeil eiery thing, ’dim A- po-lolii'ttls ol’ I'rnm'i*, Sjilin, and Pottle , i , i gal. must do whnt tliev wdl tber reign vou, imposesupon me me duty ot .u qfiauit- . ( iv.„t,. a „i, „ n , ,,l They brv" iug you with ouraetui'l rehmons with lh “ 1 the i-onswL.nou ofislirnug up*.me tr.ui- ' vl,u 'f ,ht< ' r, ' st ' ' ' I 1,lev , m d....bedding a little l.daod ; but they tieubirly eonneetedwilli Into.'vents. 11 wj|| ,, MII ss0 lido there; mo dvspo- tlus duty winch 1 am now about 1, jv „ o| -f,., , tjll . lM1 j , v i!l ianish Itolbre tin* first breath ol* Enel; holers (iom London, that tluiroga ami j Valdes are about to depnlt lor Portugal • (with tbe E"g'lis!i troops. Mina, it ap pears. will not lb!'.1 n part of the first ex- pi'tliiiott. Ferdi'iaud has no other me mu* j of sa* in" Inti: -■■'!’ than tin* * stablislitaent | of a tegul regimen; he must i/sign ifinti- self with as goud a grace nn possible either to give ur to to'itept ;i j'onsmuuon : lie must sehimtily swear to it, \vlti'' , i will cost him nothing, end he must'keep his oath, wiii'li ivoald Ijo Hideh more extrnoriii ad* line oi i a main stationary. .W w Times. Private ed* ires state in confirmation of the reported paetfic deelarntions ol M • ^ lele, I bill Lord Granville, our nnifiassndnr. had been most cordially received at an in terview he had, not only with the minis ters, but with the King himself, in which the same lissiiranees as those expressed in tins ('Initubers wore given to his lordship. [ London .'/. Chrun. 7?, iP- (T.rndov) ll rckltj Mi .*.»cn,<r'r, of ilid I lOtli |)i-c. ri'inarks —“ li emigruli'Ui i« to I take place from t> .ci'Oimtry, we decided; j |y .d'jert to Caunihi. A.Cana,linn «oon tie'*,lilies an A iierieali t eveiiiuliUy he must be one. ('aped l tV‘V*'r w as, and ne ver will he wot tli keeping. ’ * New- Orleans papers to the 7.Till ultimo, cnrilcln intelligviu o Irnm Natrliitorhea of a Revolution in Texas. On the 10th ult., the united forces of .Varay'i/or/u.'! nml %‘bieh /b. yoii had'•!•■' hived tin' Proviiicc'ofiTpMis ami Inelependnit of the Cnim.d Slates of'Mcxii o, atid hoisted a flag in Nueogdo- encs with ihu words “Liberty nod inde pendence” on it. I: is said that a few days previous, six Indian Chiefs, in that vicinity, held a conn dil, g., | promised to assist—anti 200 Itiui- an#, principally Clieroltees, had actually joined the new party. The n<;w ltcpuli- lie 1 ad keen clirietened “ Republic mf bVciluuia”—and their flag consists of a It is known by j stripe of red ami white, cifibicmatii’al ol' the union between the red and white men. Later ncedtintt', received at Natchitoches, furnishes a treaty (intertill into between tlie insurgents and twenty three Tribes of Indian 4 . A National Congress is to ns- smnble lit Naeogilochcs it ihu Lit Mon- dm in February- •X'VUCIL' SECOND •a\\\ 1’OYTgTttSS. •KSSION. dn: lias been nceoiMpaiiied by such ciri’tiut D-m. 20. rev n'Is relative to Portugal and the mitts arrive from * Cnurii r Franca is. rh ickK, Kmg, Macon. Mm lu.igclv Itnggli d,'iiril, Seymour, Smith nf S t Tamm ell, 'Van Itiircn, White, WilUy; W ifiianis. Woodbcriy—25. The I louse of Repreh^ratlves jwter- dny acted on lb** Miinufaciuicra Hill in Oointnittea of fhe whole on the, suite of ihu Union. Th» proposition of Mr. ll trnr.y, which went to establish a fourth oiiriiintitn was agreed to. Horttfl other propiisitious were made to amend, hut they 'vvern rejected, nml tlie Committee then rose lin'd repotted the lull. It is pio- hiililn that the hill will lie to day ordered to be engrossed and read a third tune. f.W. Journal. The rejection of the Bankrupt Hill hy si* large a diojulily in the Bennie, hits ex cited griiei'iii surprise; the expectation hm ing been not only that no large mtijo rity wotiul he found against that measure, hut that it would pass that hotly. It. i vain to speculate on the causes which,pin- plo or eomhineil. may have produced the defeat of this measure. Hut it may he ivoillt while to observe that it has not yet been decided that the Bankrupt Laws which some of the States have establish ed for themselves, ure unconstitutional while sin'll laws exist, and are admitted to he of force and validity ; it is possible this mav he om* reason why Benntors, even front some of the commercial States, have not felt inclined to favor an uniform sys- tejn of Bankruptcy. A serious division of opinion also obviously exists us to the question whether the iiill should he con fined to merchants and traders, or extend ed, under certain circumstances, to other descriptions of persons also. This diver sity ot sentiment doubtless had its intln- cnee. in deciding the fate of the. hill. Wa think the vote so derisive ns to discourage ;di It. pool'a general Bankrupt systom, at least fur somo time to t ome. lb. • February 2. We snit!. in our last, that the Bankrupt Bill was defeated : arid so it was, in the universal opinion, ns vei'll as in our Ie i efi by the r> lemn vote of rejection, in the Se nate. j]y the process of reconsideration It to another person,, neither reiiXrin public service. I That the Committed lie instructed tni quire and report, whether or not, any n,,,.' lion nffhlst exclusive jur’nrtictinn over i,.,. ritory, persons nml things, has since l) PP| J granted to the General Government q. the Constitution of tho United Btates; nill f if so, to specify, particularly, uacli and <>'. very portion of such juriadittion, which ntny have been so granted. That tl.c Committee he particularly i n . stnictod to enquire and report, whether any power has been granted to the Gene, rul’ Government to violate the right oljiri! Mite property at its discretion ; and, mure particularly, to take private property from the owner, nml give it to another persoov neither rendering public service. ^ That the Committee />o, also, instructed to inquire and report, whether the sen-ra| laws, passed hy the General Government^ for the purpose of Internal Improvement? do not assert or involve a jurisdiction over the Territory within this Commonwealth beyond the gr,tuts to that Government, ape! cilied in tho Constitution of the U. States, That tho Committee lie, also, partita. Inrly instructed to inquire and report, whether the law, generally called the T«. rilF law, does not violate the rights of p r ]. vutc property, by taking it from its owner and giving it to another person, neither rendering public service. Tliat the Committee bo particularly Ot "at uncertainty 'he inti l figeiu-e fnan rn. :t I'ontl'itiliclorj in difiiMi'tit source#. Ti after ns Madrid Correspondent, nnncUli ces tie ilolent oft ho rebels at J.nmegc and tin* seutiiern siihjmn i'(t * acts, stem to confirm this re port. ():i i **-• other hand, the (ittotidicn- nt* asserts, ti.*.* u .'ms received intelligence from Madrid to the fitli inst. in which the succors of the iiisiii'eton# is represented ms becoming more and none decisive. Tlie Loudon Journals, from which extracts will be found in another part of our pn p«r, -upport in some degree the version el' the (looti.lterme. The following is an extract from the Irnlicnteur of IV.rdentix “ The rebels are still in Trus os Montes. The I Miiriptis de Clmvcs and the Viscount de I (Aiioilnlcgr IN 3ENA1 E.—Jvx'ivriY 25, 1327. l'HE FAMILY OF THOMAS JEFFKRSON. Mr. Hague rose, mid said, he tint! Iicrn request- ed to "I Hi nt a, aliitli. 1'iotn iis cliinac- i <>I’tlint vote, however, the bill has been re fer, ns well us the quarter fom which it came, j snscitiltoil, perhaps only to a brief axis- w'lab'. he win - ure, ren-i* e tin* (non rcspecjl'ul j tenet', but possibly to n ilitTbrerit destiny . c.oiiaiiicra'iuo me 3ciiatc. It r. ns a petit 1- reonsi'Rt'ed yesterduv, with the on from the* i'annly of rticniafi Jnfleisou. ft (lid not ink for an* pi’cuuiavy relief, nor did it nt- lenoit to cntist llio ecoecoiis sv ni|irtliii.‘fl of ihe '"7* , American People, in lietulf of ilia dniigiilci «f section, winch authorizes others than tra avowed purpose, which will be probably CRtried into cfl’ec.t, of striking out thelnli • auces ns to banish every doubt ns to th« uinl cn-opi'ratiun uf certain of the Span sh iiuthorities ontrusteil with tho exccii ttoil of the orders for disiirming and dis o«rsiliS the refugees in the interior. . ,,,, , . , r . ‘ B . . r . . ;_. t positions. 1 heir combined forces do not xceed BOO or a 101)0 men, iufantr) and arnlry, dr. filed it i to guerillas,w Jiic.h s:, a I •outturn.' to occupy ti*e kRiio* . , i .. .. “ France, who htul most stronpiy inst I upon |ireittiting tiny hoatilitics on ilic art of flpiiin ; w ho had tlto lie is t rights to lie observed ; nuil whose interference should have given both to Portugal a *'d Engldi-l the highest us.-uranee ot thetul- lihocnt of the ciigagomaiiid tuado h\ toe. anil pillage ivhtitcvcr putts them. About 7'XIO Bponiards, in great part armed wlti. lances, nti'lcr tlm catumno.' ot Viscount tb* Villa G.ire'oi, I ai'c jus' turned vVttli them: Gen. Abrohaa has circclt d n junc tion at Chares with the Gaplnin-Geuerai Bptuosh oabinot, cannot remain ft", in ib« iVrciit Miectutnr of events wliiclv evidence j , either a contempt of her corns, I or an in- ll,H ' I’, ro ' |MrH! t,,< ’ ability to follow ,t. Tb*.government hnal 11,0 ™ 1 ll ‘! K"v nt eagerly ne been coupclled therefore to e.xpivss its! "I'/'” 1 <hc services ol the brave fo.onrl lisapprol'iilion by immediately recalling l “"'"'C"*. 1 ; its umbuusador. “ 'I'he French Government cannot con- disposnbl" men of toe i'll 1 Nos. B and 21, ami the No. 12. Lgimcnts dn ,ri irmont test the right which is given, in (act the; **• 1 wimemcvo by YUin duty winch is imposed upon England bv a ! 'fi n have turned lines again,and are. I.visk series of treaties to assist I'oriugal; .1 will j iy purs.i.ol by the peasants to the ntimbe countetianeo its efiliris to prevent the rc-1 "* "l"'.”' ^ w-lio gave tltein no qimr ncwal of those acts vvhicii have authorize! tho measures taken by tlie British Cabi net—it will spare no effort to arrest a nip- turn between Bp'iin and Portii^ol—it hopes to succeed in this effort, nud lots already iti concert vvitli nil its allies, made at Madrid, the most positive advances to secure the ao-operution of the Bpauish Court. Nothiug which has transpired previ- \ 1 'J ^I'citcn o against an at.act,, ous to the late events, nor since, will an-j 1 ,ie Memorttd Bordelais Buys:— A thorize his Alajcstv’s Government to en- M u,l, ’ r nl ,llt? 1 d 1 . . ,n -»»:i.lii,l, fttv- lertain any doubt as to tl*ese assurances, 1 that 10,(Ki0 I’m t.igne-c pdasants <);t their i>art, Ministers tire positive I \ <le- have joined the troo| teruiimid to uilvise his Majesty to refuse any assistance to the Spanish Govern ment, in tin: event of its pun tug, hy its own fault, that of Portugal under the necessity of hshiiimug uii offensive attitude. “ France therefore, cannot be reduced to the necessity of yielding up tlie advan tages of peace, but by unforeseen circum stances—her loyuity und her dignity will not permit her to maintain acts, both un just and passionate, cud which have or lined in contempt of her advice, und in from New-York, wits seized nt Liverpool, violation .of the promises .-be lias received. | with nil her cargo. During the disclinrg- “ it is in thus observing the ruU's of! ing of tlie vessel, the Custom llouscOt.i- j list ice, and respect mg the luith of treaties! cars on looking over oik* hogshead of bark, and the rights of other jiowers, that Fiance-! discovered only three inches nt hark all will preserve all her iillvantoges for the I round, (he interior ot tlie hogshead being support oflier own rights, ami those even: all mliaccq; 11 other hogsheads were of spaiti, if uajuatiy tittiukod. | founil to be of the same dcucription. It is “ It is by tho support of the principles rot known w ho committed the Irrtud, tin of order and legitimacy, that England sin: reeded vviili victory in live long and tibm- liy contest which she sustained against the French revolution ; the same nieces# will be assured to us if ever we are called iti our turn to defend tbe same prinuiplcs.” Paris, Dec. itj. We are assured that tbe Gbnuilne do itrnnls, trout which we | tho man whose iiaini* alou ■ would he a so port to the confidence nml pmtccii.M of every Atnei lean. It merely rcqncKcil tho sanction of Congress to an an alignment, by w tlir.h Ihe Cor- j poratton oftliiiCity havo egreSil to Icntlthiir nid to i fleet tin object, w tilth, it was believed, would ncco-r* |>! is Ii the " ivies oeareM. Itie heari of Aii. J "(Verson, of placing liis only surviving child in ii state of independence ll is known to the American People, said Mr. It tliat dining the last years of liis life, Mr. .lef- ferson's all'.nrs acre consi.t irntily rmlinvrssscd This, it Is weJI undersionrl, was not occasioned any tiling ci old he .fil'd attributed to him os u faint. Sonic unforeseen misfortunes— the gicat depreciation of real rotates—but tt- boie all. the peculiat s.tualion in winch In* **.m placed, brought upon him, in his old age, liaise calamiliis, of wtncli ne have all I,card, and wtneli we hare all deplored, ft" ictued from ltic I’residencial chair, ihe idol oftlmpo ly of wl.icli be had so long been llir efiieieni lieae ntnt lour:,I hi riS! if during tl.c bitter years ot hi. tile in possession of the respeci ofall ’ rlas-c s ill tl:e commuoity . ! fi w as, indeed, re- ffr.rtled a3 ihp Pairiarcli of Liberty, and hi# becaihc n shrine to which ils votaries their anmie.l pi’giiuiagt'* Hence it has. that, in the exercise of whin Inis been to rolled “ n tibeiat though frugal hospitality,” in-became involved in pecuniary difficulties.— 11 hen placed in that situation, it is know n to all who now heal me,that heuisdaimd toasl. or to i, ciive fiom his countiynny (resistance be yond tin 1 gi int of a Lottery, the whole object of w hu h w;.s to dispose of his estate at its nppiais- •d value. To iliose who may t e disposed to ac cuse us of ingratitude towards Mr. .iefi'erson, it s propel to say. that he obtained all he desired, a id, as be in.ret positively nml publicly declar'd. „;i Umt he would have consented to ven ire.— Thai he did not attempt to avail himself of a po pularity without a parallel, to put him:.dl ut once above his difficulties, proves that lie (lied, as tie lived, true to tiis prinripl."^. It ,s known to the pntdic that the lottery g anted liy the State ot Vn jinia, had not been lirougbt to a eon elusion, nt the time of Me. Jeffi rsoii s decease, but it is not so generally known, that he died in the belief that it would coon be brought to n success ful termination : nor that, in his will, (which is now before roe, written w ith Ids own band, but a few days before bis death,) he made n disiribn tiem of hi* estate, manifestly founded on this be lief It is needless for me to stale the causes which have hitherto delayed the completion of the lottery ; and it is only necessary for me now to.say, that an arrangement has been made with tlie Corporation of (lie lily of Washington, by which the Jeffi-rson Lottery is to be connected w im the lotteries established here, ns to accom plish all the objects which Mr. Jetleison bad in view 'I bis lias tieen effected thiougli Messrs Yates St McIntyre, who, with a liberality enti tled to all praise, have made the most satisfacto ry arrangements on this subject. The only dif fi’eulty in the way. arises bom the Charter of the City of Washington, w hich restricts them fiom making any lottei v, except such a* distri butes money priest. Tne object of this petition, therefore, is to obtain an act of Congress, giv ing a ti dimity to the < .orpotalion of Was liingtoo, to connect the .!• Jfeison Lottery with those they Hie u w auihoiiv.ed by law to establish—an ol - joet. widen, I trust, will be accomplished nith- j;t ibjer.tion or difficulty. Air M tti, n presented the petition of Thomas Jefferson Randolph, executor of Thomas Jeffer son. pr»t log f(>r an act of Congress, fot the pur- poies above meridotietl. t he petition wn* read t and. on motion of Mr. Hogue, rt h in d to the Committee on the District of Columbia.—Xat Jui | ter. Tltis innv* mertt took place t-poRtn | rtNiusIy, its soon as these courageous I country people were hltlffto reckon upon i the support end protection of troops auit I from Lialton. . | P. ti. Whilst tile troops of the regency i worn mnreiiinf ngnin-t tlie rt.i ••!■> the | Eogli#li tliw-e.tnlinrkeil n Lisfinrt, i,nrl now ! form tin! tarn, .m ofi Dint capttr.l, t# Hers, xvuii their mvn consent, but not o- tlieriv ise, to liecotne bankrupts under the provisions of the law. Thin provision ivas inserted, to 'coiicilints the t’nvor ol’the a- grieiiitmal an-.l othe. interests, not incite .led in the bankrupt system as it exists in diher countries. Without httvittf* ihise.f- fieei to any irn|iortan*, extent, however, the insertion oftiint provision (leienrtinerl se veral vote# against ihe bill, which would otherwise hove lie* n infutor of it—e suffi cient rinmher, it is stippoEcr), to have de- eided the f teofthe bfii, as it was li' tertViitied by the vote of Wedncrday.— The qitu'siioK now presented,is, ivhotitei t!.>• !:.'!•! section shall lie expunged ; and. if it be expmtgod, whtsilior tlto l>ii! sliaili passas a system of Imnkniptey adapted to merchants ami nailers only. The whole country look#, with great interest, to the result of this great qties tinnf; it bring morally certain, thr.t, if it fail now, it fi lls for the present gene ration. it i*t not consider'd ofi so much cotiseqnettoe, however great the conse quence tuny lie, in what manner this ques tion is decided, as that it should he put finally to rest.—.Vet. Int. F E 0R ua n T 3. The final decision of the fate of the Bankrupt Bill, in the Hermto, has, it will be seen, been postponed 10 a flay nml irour certain, viz : Monday pest, nt. ond o’clock. Its fate continues doubtful, at lea#*, in the Senate—ami, should it pass the Senate, is wholly uncertnin in the II. of Representatives. Its friends hope ititieh its adversaries appear mom comi dent. lb. strticted to inquire and report, whether/ under tlto* operation* of the said Tariff law, a portion of tho proceeds of the Ig’ior of the inhabitants of this f’oinmortW"Hltlt is not transferred to other ptirts of the f. nited States, in violation of the two grent principles upon which tlto Constitution of the United States is founded, to wit ; j; 0 . tiernlity and equality ; and, ifsu, to rppnrt. as far ns practicable, the amount or the value of such proceeds, thus trunsferrvil. If the Committee should find all or any of these unauthorised as.-tmiptions 0 f power, on tiie part of tho General Govern ment—then, rlitit the Committee be, also, instructed to report such rneasnres fur tlie aifoption of the General Assembly, a# they shall think, will most effectually tend to arrest these usurpations ; lo stay the hand of avarice nm! despotism ; to reinstate the good people of this Commonwealth in nil their essential rights mid lilrertiea ; and the Government thereof in all the rights granted mid secured to it by the funda mental laws. A fter reading hi# resolutions, he remark* ed, that it would he perceived that the great object was to look first to our funda mental laws and then to tlie federal cun- stitution, and by a comparison of the tivo r see ito'.v much of our jurisdiction had been parted with. He said he wished the investigation to be made by a Committeef and, that whatever measure should grow ont of ir, should proceed from them, and not from hi n. lie desired that gentleman of all pt- rites might he put upon the Cum- rriittee, that the enquiry might be trulya Virginia enquiry ; and that tin* Stale should prescut mi undivided front in oppo sition to the General Government. After a few further remarks to show the injuri ous operation ol’tiie tariffupuit us, be laid the resolution* on tlie table, and the Uottsk ordered them to be printed. B02£ES5T3CC. Rcgellcy to march ngainst the inanre- nt#. the latter hnve met with a severe check, winch com polled them to retrograde toward# Spain. The adib ess in answer to tlie Speech from the Throne was vend yesterday in tin* Chamber of Peer#, and after several Noble Peers hud delivered their senti ment# up in it, *. as again referred tcv the commission appointed to draw it up. Havre, Dec. 27. The packet ship Cniimln, Copt. Rogers. 12 hogsheads bring shipped to order. The e in#ignees stand too high to In '#0#- puclr-d. The Captain affirms lie was ig norant of their contents. Loxcox, Doc. lit. Tlie feeling# of unreuBonuble a .'ur n t, ex cited hy his Majesty’s Message, are t«st passing aw ay, and men’# minds begin to Commerce of. Paris took into corntidern-: examine the bugbear which fri/tjuatinl tiun yesterday the propriety of sending uu j them. Our predictions are thus ifrlien Id res# to tbe Ixiyg, setting forth the im-j aliiiii-t funner tli.-r, *ve couhj fairly rutv- ptirtuncetif the uminUttuuce of pence, and antiripntod. The question i# beginning .showing tliat wur, and particularly it ma- to lie viewed in it# proper liff-it ; Hot its a rHiiuo \v nr, would lie most disastrous to i (jucsiiun of war, but a# a me.|#ure Conner. the maiittfuclures and trade nfl'rance. A lettyr dated Vienna, Doc. G, suys :— “ We are assured tliat upon the breaking up of an extraoi’iliuaiy Cabinet Council, dispatches oj’high importance were sent nffsiniulpiiicbiisly to Loudon, Lisbon, uqd Ala,Irhl. It bus been remarked that the conferences lietiveert the Infant Don Mi guel nud the Portuguese Ambassador, have been very frequent of late.” Pari#, Dec- 18. Tbe Chamber of Deputies assembled yesterduv, but tlie election of the fifth cm. delate f«r tbe Presidency was not got ttirotijjli with. We copy the following from the Courier Francais—“It i# certain that Minister# hnve dispatched n Courier m Madrid w ith orders for the feiftul ijftb'e IN e.-di trqqp# in that tiiv. The orders J“ : ' relate to •the corps that ar" at Cadiz mi.I -Saafelona. The French forces *!•■■«) tviil uu tJugei he qlllfl snip, ur,;tved yestndtt^, ,firjr in tfip.-'in a.# a’Ties and j>rotCC‘*9jji ‘if d ed and executed iu tins sjntit ol’ peace.- \V«. yesterday treated with derision the absurd supposition of hosuhtii!* between tin# country and France ; and oitr Irilpst advice# from ParUcimfirtned, if they need ed eoiifimtatiuri, the opioinis we expres sed. We I. ‘arn, upon what we r.nnfwlei' good (lulliiiriiy, tint the French Monarch, being apprised of the course adopted by our Government, immediately caused a courier to be (te-pat'died to Madrid, hear iug an autograph letter from Inmseltj to F'-rditiaud, ititiuiHtieg that he was prepar ed to concur most eordially in the policy pursued- by England with regard to pot legal; nud Hint whatever tlie consequen ce# might ho of persisting in the course hitherto followed hy Spain, he. Ferdinand, must meet them on In# uv u i uapimsihilitv. It is not difficult t'i inmg'itc wluit would be the-effect ni'suclt n c '■romnioation, it it been m.-.'le■-Ferdimnd leli to di# ?(!#;#] with En^’-axid, ahe jtriftdfl’es (}f jjj! Vi’asii i.voton, Feb. 1. In tbe Senate, yesterday, Mr. Chandler fcom tbe Cominitteo oil the Militia, report- -■d a Bill t ) jtrnvide for the imtiont'.l de fence, hy tho establishment of an uniform iniltim system throughout the l’. States, and fi*r tin* discipline thereof. The bill tor tlie establishment of an Arsenal in the StHie of Main was ordered to a third re oil ing. The Biil appropriating annually one half ot’tho sum of two millions of dollars, uiiticrto alitliorij'.e.d to be kept in the Trea sury, to the debt due to the Commission ers of the Sinking Fund, until that debt shall he extinguished, was taken up; and, after dome discussion, wus laid on the ta- b!ij» The consideration of the Bankrupt Bill was roriimed. Mr. Smith, of South Caro lina, opposed the, hill, lie was replied to by Mr. Jterneni. Mr. Ihti/ne closed tlie de- luite with H brief nud eloquent speech in support of the loll The question was then taken, on ordering the bill to a third reading, and decided in the negative, as follow # ; Ykas-—Messrs. Bateman, Renton, Kerri n, Buuligi.y, IM-vncd* Man is m, 1 lay ne, Johuvon of Ky., Kaiic, Kaight, MiJI 4 , P.utbii.ij kitsbuo, itf :i3- V1RGIN1A LEGISI,ATU RFk House of l>e gates, Monday. Jan. 20. Mr. (lilts su. i, ne rose to call the atten tion of the House to several subjects that appeared to him to he of tlie greatest ur gency.. He regretted tlint so much of thf session Ii hi I passed. The propositions he intended to submit bail been prepared be- foto tbe meeting of the Legislature and if bn had been ahlo to take Ins seat, nt the commencement of the session, he should have Ftibr.iitted them within An hour af terwards. But when ho arrived here he found the house engaged in an interesting subject, and, tit thru time ho did not think proper to ob'rmle any thing upon their attention. The subject lie intended to hri'.g to tbe consideration rf the house, was one in which the commonwealth was interested. It. became tho honour, digni ty and morals of Virginia to cease to com plain, if her complaints be well founded and her consistency required that she should act. Hut lie wished herto act with the greatest circumspection ; and present to the world the w hole of her complaints, clearly and fully explained. It was not liis wish that his resolutions should be act ed on, mi that day, and intimated an in- tention to call them up on AVedncsilnv,—. He thought that every ono who had mark ed the proceedings of the federal govern ment, must sec that they are, nt variance with our fundamental laws. He had (Insight much ot tho course most proper in bringing the sub ject to the considera tion ot tbe 1 Inline ; and had enirnltitcd that reference (night to be made in the first place to fundamental principles. Such n re fere n,uc was enjoined by the Bill of Hight# as a duty. He would refferto them, uot to abrogate, hut enforce them. He remarked tlint lie did not propose to go into the merits of the subject tit that thug ; nor did he know that it would Int necessa ry to do so when it was taken tip again,as it wain mere enquiry. But should it be necessary, tie would lie prepared to su#- tain his proposition. He then offered the following, and moved that it should he laid on tne table and bn printed ; liesohnd, That u Committee he appoint ed to enquire ami report, whether or nut, the exclusive jutisduTiuii over ail tho ter ritory, persons and things, within the lim its of this Commonweuitli, was not #i cur ed to the Government of this .State by the Constitution thereof; ami whether pri vate property, wus or was not, iltyrchv, secured to the owner, Hgninsl the power i ftl e Gnvernmunt ; so far, ut least, that [ 'lie (iovetu-nffiit c(mld not, t ightfi ” -, wd ,• 1 f iTiudc pr.^cimj' fi-cm tijyc civtrcjr, ut.u CLAIMS ON FRANCE, Sir, The following Letter from the rfeeretscj of # iale, and the Kopmt to which il i cier#, was vest onlay communicated to the limit of .Representative'. The amour. f Claims exbeeda fifteen millions of do llarsf ■ Di.:'art.i:ext or State, Jan. 30,1827, Sir: In obedience to a resolution of tlie l[on#e ol Representatives of the I“t i of May, Iffiii, directing the Secretary <n’ ■elate to submit to the I louse at the present session of Congress, a schedule of tint cl:litn# of American citizens which Imvs been, or shall, previous to October 1,183,t, lie filed in this Department, on the Gtfc vernmenbi of France, Naples, Ilollawf, und Denmark, tor illegal captures, spaliit- tions, (•ontiscaiioiis, or any other illegnl acts, since the year 18Qfi, i n such manner as to present in a tabular statement, tin* names of the claimants, tho date ot tlie act complained of, tlm namo of the vcsoel wliicli wa# the. subject of the injury, tin! amount of the loss sustained, find any other eirctuiistancu essential to the understand ing ot the general nnrnro of tltd clniuisj discriminating aw far ns practicable !w- tween such eases us were, and such as w ere not subjected to adjtn! cation in ike Courts of the aforesaid Governments.— Ihe Secretary has now the honor to re port a digest prepared accordingly. Ifo respectfully requests a reference to Hit explanatory memorandum by which it is preceded. Tho execution of , tty work has been delayed hy tho itiatlen- tinn of claimants to tho punctual trans mission of their claim to the Departineid of State hy the time (the 1st of Of.toluT Inst) specified in tlm resolution of tit# 11 on so. They continued to forward their claims some time after that day, and up to within ti few days past. It won hi ad he safe to assume tliat the digest <:otti[)rUr bends nil tlm claims comprtberuled in tlie terms of the resulipion. Others,n« doubt, exist, which have not, from ucd- dent, inuuentlou, or other causes, hi'n transmitted to the Departmeut of Htnte. All hi’ which is respectfully siihinithA’' II. CLAV. Tf)o Hon. the Speaker oftbo House of Reproscniatives. The Hortso of RcpresentativcF SRchnsctts liavi- instrtineil n commitut 18 enquire into tho expediency of sn|i|ihkC all the caumioit schools in’ifie Plata ww the Declaration nf linlependenco, theb’ 011 stitutions of the United Buttes and iMiis#)- I'husetts, and Washington’s Farmittil.- 1 * dress. . r I his plan ivc believe origirsatwl in N>' w Hampshire, and a rn-'fit excellent otic it Too great care cannot he tnke« to insfritC' the rising generatioii in u knowledge < t* their rights nml their duties. The fj'l'jf of early inipressious nqd of early prkej’ pit's is as generally aiknowlcdgcd frih and tin* almost sttcreil excellence ul ik'* in (ti tuncnt# above alluded to, well cai' k them to the curly and intimate t»rq o u. tance of every American youth. A g |T “* -i-'n! ol'tirim is, if not wa. tetl, at least bird - e<] to poor account, in ui:.,<t scbt'uKi the pupils reading a# an exercise, sifistraci. «n-l to them nninierc-tiiig rr»iri|>it«*'0* ,! # I’lie same eml would he a# **eli aeltit’'’" hy Iriirisferriiig* their atc-'iili-m to the lory sad cuiistjiiiti .ns of th* ir nv a ■ ll 1 »a! N'irtion, in ti-e siinpcrt and ecf ■■ !.,( h the* w .!' I'll i-r.te iitl ituk!?*' paa' ty a«t. ' '.y. Y- Titty]