Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, January 02, 1830, Image 1

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/ / / / r?/y >/ SOUTHERN RECORDER. !,V GRANTLAND & OllME. n EC uRl>EH in published weekly, on Han- , between Wavne and Jefferson, at I liree k annum, payable in advance, or Four Dot- liars per ai iiiviinr isKMeN raconspicuouHly inserted at tlieusu- I'no tlie tii itlioul a specification ot' llie T.f of insertions, will be published until ordered 01 I eliarued accordingly. , „r Ian l and negroes, bv Administrators, Exe- 1;“,,,linns, are required by law to he held '(’iiusday in the nioutli, between the hours of moll and three in tin nfternnon, at the die county in which the property fs si- I ,,f tile sale of land must be given ill a M\rv da -a,and jf negroes FuKTY days, lie.. mlo orpersona! property must be giv- r, i >urv days previous to tin the lebliir* and creditor JUST REGSXVSD B Y the Subscriber, Tht Atlantic Souvtnir— The Token for 18!iO. Also, several WBW IffOVELS, among which is to be found, Cooper’s last cele- braleii Novel “ Wept of VYisli-toii-Wish.” December 5' If. COSNARD. " e ,_\o..ces n iitc - izc "i' ions to nu Satires of tb ' ' like mail \!so, notice I be 0 '1 he Seotlsboru 1 Female Academy W ILL open again on the 1'lit ST MONDAY in January, 1x30. Young Ladies cun be ncconmioihited with Hoard in respectable families ite ni’i« it application ! tO ' • attention at the Re< ri.ns Inn bus.ness) in vria Wfi tire .ItpIlO i/Otl to liltIIOI1 lice Oil MILKS D. H AMMOND, n enndi- ,. for Itcoeivei of Tux ltcturns of Baldwin imty at the next election -yV-.lf August till _ 1 WT. nre nutlmri/.rd to nmnttmce KD\V A 11) GRESHAM, Esq. ns u cun- date for lleceiv Jones, at the i YUZIHt *29 on moderate I The Principal would niuive no extraordinary c day ol | protensions in relation to conducting this Septum- ( rs oi tin , |.y t He desires tliut his past efforts may ho taken dir Conn of IIJ pledges of his capubilily and anxiety to befuitb- i be pub.imIk J foi | j ( vvou |j | )e we || however, to state, that the si tuation is well calculated to promote the health nod facilitate the improvement of pupils. No greater testimony of the health of the pluce can be desired, than that a considerable number of young ladies have resided here for nearly two years, with ill nicer with id. out one (Ulack of fever, or any indisposition in the ri smallest degree alarming, further, the nature ol the soil is so ubsorbent, that alter the heaviest mil the eartb-is dry enough in u short time to udinit o walking without wetting the shoes. The regiot being fuvored with a peculiarly dry atmosphere, children may w alk to the Academy utul pursue their studies before stm-risc. without endangering f Tax j’elurns tortlie county | |,,. a n|, „ r comfort clK "'- , i This Borough is well supplied with wutcr, which tdc | lieing slightly impregnated with iron, aids much as j a stomachic and general tonic, and ensures those MISCELLANY. ntoM acblrman’s forget me not for 1830. VERSES Inscribed in nn Album, by Francis Jeffrey, F.sq. Why write my name.'midst songs undlluwcrs, To meet the eye of Indy gay I I have no voice for lady’s bowers— For page like this no fitting lay. let though no more my heart must hound At witching call of sprightly joys, Mine is the brow that never trow it'd On laughing lips, or sparkling eyes. No—though behind me now is closed ^ The youthful paradise of love ; Yet can I Mess, with sole composed, The lingerers in that happy grove. Take, then, fair girls, nty blessing take ! W hcre'er amid its chums von roam ; Or where, by western hill or lake, You brighten u sereuer liomu. Ami vvbib the youthful lover's name Here with the sisterhealy's blends, Laugh not to scorn the humbler aim, I hat to their list would add a trieud’s I —:oooo:— Lines, not before published, written by Hums ou tlie old church door at Dum- iries, on a day ot thanksgiving for some victory gamed by tho British urnisi MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1830. Ye hypocrites, nre these your pranks— To murder folks and then give thanks? »ter. where lie now oilers on good terms, a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF , _ most desirable handmaids of health, appetite und subscriber lius REMOVED tnllic Store clieertulness. IS formerly occupied by Joint Miller, corner ol ; ^ bile the sociely is respectable and intelligent, .iviie and Ihracock streets, opp- site \V tley »x - || le ,. e nrc , io stores to tempt youth to extravuganee, . .. nor parties ofluxury and taghioit given, to break in | upon the even tenor of mind so necessary to uieu- ® ,_. x rpti v* ' -*4 j ml improvement. In fine, here, in heulth and re- £•; tiliCr* i 5 t,.l | J di r.8»i rx I lirement, (without which no studies can he pursu- ** j ed to advantage,) the industrious pupil may find i delights mingled with labor, and gather (lie rich 1 rewards of application, in well regulated Imbits I inida cultivated understanding. I 1‘ayiucnl required in advance. Ohljjtraw. Made:-. Wu-., I ROBERT C. BROWN, Principal. Jlwnsses Georgia and'^tertn. Candles, J Scottsboro’, Dec. 23 48—gt CON-lcilNG OF Suit, Iron, Sugar and Coffee, VVhisKey, Gin, Rum Congniae Brandy, IlnllaiiJ Gin, Monongahe'.it Whiskey, OMJtraW. Mad. Wit" , nasses Georgia tun! 'i Ci'iit. Candles, Powder and Shot. Nails, Segura, <!Lc. Ac. AI O, I0fi pieces Cotton oils: lug, Forbear, I say, proceed no further, For God delights in no such murder." •■oatRu..- FROM BLACK YY'OOu’s M.VilAZIXE FOR NOVEMBER. tom paine. Extract from the Aotcs of an Observer. -M , on Sunday last Mr. und R——M culled «m Iter and nsk- f'to take a walk; she went witii them, nml when site got near the Ivy Gu bin, Mrs. Rl pretended to be ill, and ii carriage was sent for; site went into it with Mr. und Mrs. P M and they then drove off ten or twelve miles, when they came (to u house into which they en tered; Mr/. M and Miss H were re loft a/mie, and Mrs. M then told the younalady that site was brought then of the passengers had succeeded in loosen ing their hands, the whole Ctfnipnfiy, the driver, und the horses, were untied, and the stage returned to the city.” FROM THE BOSTON GAZETTE. The next Census.—Previous to 1 TDD, when the first census was taken, the fra mers of the constitution caused n division of power uniong the thirteen original States, according to, and guided only by their judgment, as will In; seen in tho first in order tint the marriage ceremony might, column. Alter, 1790, V irgiuiu then styled be performed between her anil Mr. S—— the Ancient dominion, was possessed willt- M , tind that there was n Priest in tho J *“ u O'tolion of one fifth (Ji'tlie whole pull- house to "marry them. This oiler Miss R tical power, was twice us large as Now- defined in the most positive, manner. I ^ or ^> ul1 ^ 0,10 third larger than Penn- The two ladies stopped together until! «ylvaniu; and in the d2d Congress, or two night, when the Messrs. M came in, j yeara hence, New-York will he precisely and Mas B declined the prolffieil j ,w ice us large us she—Ohio was not then marriage. Mrs. M and Miss 1$ j known, nor did shu submit her humble MEXICO;—MU. POINSETT. A gentleman of Huston informs tha Editors of the Massachusetts Journal that he met at New-York u few days ago with a gentleman who had arrived direct lrom Mexico, at New-^ ork, by way of Ve ra Cm/.. The Mexican was a merchant V»f respect.ihdity, and lie gave .the follow* mg interesting untl extraordinary acentmt:. A few days before lie departed from the city of Mexico, Mr. Poinsett, our Minister, was waited upon in the dusk of the evening by u person, who delivered at the door a message from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, requesting his [Mr. Poin sett’s] immediate altendanr.o at the Pu- rettu of Foreign Affairs. This meuen- ger was not admitted within the door, tiie precaution having been taken for some time, so to confine the door l«v u chain as slept together that night; in the inonti the latter was awakened and Told by Mrs M that she might as well make up her mind to lie married to S M , for that sin- herself had been t un away witii.— tMifs ft immediately got up and dro- 1 herself, jumped out of the window, not to permit it to open so far as to admit „ j claims till 10 or 15 years alter, and then j t|i<> passage of a man, uulc. s the oimtu only through a solitary delegate. One year hence, Virginia und Ohio will beside by side. After the first census, the ratio of r. presentation was fixed at 30,000, iit 1800 at 33,000, in 1810 at 3.5.000: in 1820 at 40,000, and the probability now and lints made her escape from the house. I isihui the next rut.o will be at least .50,000; Site met the two M ’s on the road,i' vo Have supposed that number in the fol- anil they wanted her to go buck, but she | lowing calculations, and .have likewise wduld not do so. A warrant was granted ' added the result at 00,000. But let its usldnst Mrs. M , her brother-in-law,"t the itililc: When Paine bud fallen into disrepute, and husband. Hi a short time after these Year*. 1787 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 . . ... * ’I .... n.,.;,. 'KMUUi 'MIwmi ‘ir.iiiwt lioiioi r.iui/wi ,•< and was shunned by the more respectable j • It lee persons entered the Board-room. of his friends on uccuunt of his drunken Mis. M is a very bcnmifoi and fitsh- habits, lie boarded m tlie house of one Wil- ioimble dressed woman; they asked per- liam G , u farrier. TIusG and 1 mission of the Magistrates to rend for 100 pair Negro Shut Horn) Ills. Bill nil, ami 30 barrels l'lonr. OVMULQLE ACAIJEMT, TWIGGS COUNTY, GEO. T HIS Seminary vv iiI be rc-upened on the 11 111 j could get in his power was beheaded, Paine being acquainted, I had free access to Ins bouse and frequently called to converse with Tom Patue. One evening he related the following anecdote : During the slaughter}’ of Robespierre, when every republican that the monster P. A. CLAYTON. E25S3 S7S3GSIZBS21, <? «® T ILL purchase COfTON during the sea- f V son, utul curry Cotton to Savannah at the customarv rates. P. A. CLAYTON. MiHedgevtlle, September !* 33—tf " SAOCHCZiTCr. " fur sill scribcr, at Craft A < LAGGING : by the sub iim J- s. CALHOUN, yj* T:,; hubscri'icr will RUT COTTOX dur ing 1 In- season. .lfillcilijet illn, Aug. 29 J. S. C. 3!—tf •J?y PVBLSG. 9-—:—y? day of January next Having engaged tlie un ices of a competent, ussiduous and expertenc- il Instructor, we rati confidently recomtueuii this institution to the patronnge of our friends and the public. The English Language will betuught trraminntically, together with tlie other branches usually (aught in Academies. Every meuns will be employed to secure the moral, intellectual and physical w elfare ol the pupils. The Rec tor, for his emolument, takes the avails of the school, and tiie tuition lees nre graduated ut $ 14, 8 10, and § 24, according to tile branches studied. Many persons ut a distance being unacquainted With our local silnutiou^mi advantages, have been prejudiced against this place by groundless and idle reports—Though some purls of our county are unhealthy, we can assure distant friends, that our Academy lias as many advantages, and its site ami vicinage are as healthy as any in tlie middle or even up-country of Georgia. Desirable Board ing for youtli of both sexes can be procured in the most respectable and intelligent families, for the moderate sum of $ 30 or less, per session. THE TRUSTEES. December 24 48—8l TtStHi. Commissioners of Walton County Aca- U_ demy having engaged tile services of the £ev. John F. Hii.lvek and Ins Lady, to lake clmieol the Academy at Monroe, inform the pub lic tluit they will enter upon their duties on tlie se- was cast into Prison, and bis uamu \v as on a list with twenty who were ordered for execution next morning. It was customa ry for tlie clerk of tlie tribunal to go round tiie ceils at night, and put a cross, witii chalk ou the back of the door of such ol the prisoners as were ordered for the scaf- 1 old in the morning. When the execu tioner came with his guard to remove the victims, wherever u chalking was found, the inmate of the cell was taken forth utul executed. In these horrible shambles there was a long gallery, having a row of cells on etu h side. The passage w as secured at each end, but tlie doors of tlie cells were left open, and sometimes the prisoners stepped into tlie rooms of one another for compa ny. It happened, ou the night preceding the day appointed for the doom of I’a ne, that he had gone into his neighbour's cell, leaving his door open-with its back to the wall. Just then the chalker came past, and being probably drunk, crossed the in side'of the cell door Counsel. Mr. Cole, said, be should post pone the business until tin ir Counsel was sent for, requiring good bail for the ap pearance of the parties. The requisite hail was given, and the matter was post poned.— Ijublin Morning Register. The Sardinian Girl with two Heads,— The following note has been sent us, the original of which is signed by several pro fessors of the King’s Garden, anti Pliy- s c U'ts of the Hospital of la Pilie, includ ing Huron Portal, Huron Cuvier, und G. 8l. Hilaire: “ The Professor Rolando, first physi cian to tin King ot Sardinia, having ad dressed to one oi tlie administrators of the Museum of Natural History, the bice phalous girl, horn in the kingdom of Sar dinia, M. Pun di, the father of the child, on Ins arrival in Pans, repaired to the. Museum of Naturii History, und lie has requested tlie Prof-’ssors of thut establish ment, and the Physicuns of the Hospital of 11 Pita , to have the goodness to exam ine Ids daughter for the interest of tlie or- '.omical sciences. The bicephalous girl llntio. Ultimo 3;itmt) 35000 ltmuo 50000 00000 Maine, 0 0 0 0 7 8 6 Miissaolinsotts 8 15 17 20 13 12 10 Vlliinipxliiri ,3 4 5 6 6 6 5 Vrniiont. () 2 4 6 5 5 4 liliudu Island 1 0 2 2 2 2 1 Connecticut, 5 7 7 7 G 6 5 New-York, Ii 11 17 27 34 38 32 New-Jursey, 4 r> 6 <> 6 6 5 Pennsylvania, 8 14 18 23 26 27 22 Delaware, 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Maryland. (i » 9 9 9 7 5 Virginia, 10 81 22 23 22 19 16 N. Carolina, 5 II 13 13 13 13 10 S. Carolina, 3 6 8 9 9 8 7 Georgia, 3 2 4 6 7 6 5 Kentucky, 0 8 6 10 12 12 10 Tennessee, 0 1 3 6 9 10 9 Ohio, 0 0 1 6 14 19 16 Louisiana, It 0 0 1 3 3 2 liidiimn, 0 0 0 1 3 7 6 Mis“issi|q)i, 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 Illinois, 0 0 0 1 1 3 4 Alnlminn, 0 0 0 1 3 5 3 Missouri, 0 0 0 1 1 3 2 Total, 65 114 142 187 213 228 187 were unlocked for that nu. pose, I at only to nilnnt of conversin''; . M \ Poinsett suspected some sinister ensign i.nifi thu unprecedented hour til winch this t quest was made, and returned for answer, that he should call on the Minister in the morning. This answer Wm- delivered", «fe Mr. P. on applying ut the n.mlow, ..m sixty men about his house, a un d with knives and bludgeons. The Mi xiean luiti no doubt that thc intention was to obtain admission by stratagem, murder the mi nister, and rille his house ! Hut this is not the only, fir most ex traordinary part of the gen tit m au’s nar rative. While he was on the road hi» tvyeen Mexico and Vera Cruz, travelin g with » company in tin; stage, they were arrested by a bund of ruffians, to see if Mr. Poinsett was among them, it having been reported that he was to Wave Mexi co at this tiijut. The narrator of these facts being closely muffled in a cloak, wn* n particular object of scrutiny. IBs chink was roughly thrown open, and his It a’. -e« closely examined; and when ut le. ill the assailants became satisfied of thcr mistake, one of them drew the, bad- of his knife across his throat with u decisive action, saying, “ it is lucky for Ijjur. that it is not he.” Columbu- , (Ohio,) Dec. 11. Unparalleled Expedition.—By the ex traordinary exertions of the Ohio Stage Company, the President’s Message, which was delivered ut YVu.shiugion City at 12 o’clock at noon, on Tuesday last, was re ceived ut our office at fifteen minutes be fore II in the evening of the following Wednesday—having travelled tiie whole rf.n ,,W L I hr. ci.nd Monday in January next. The rules of tu- sme ot uie cell floor. .enur regioo. , ue r.giu portion oi me ■ ^ i ii •""vow* Vxiif* 1' W—' p ' i‘t* 011 nle P e i’ quarter. $ 3 for the lowest class, $4 Next morning, when the guard enmt^•( child (Rittn) is of a complexion tnorede- ,Gv,3„ce! mV d'witli'unod • ,or ,l "“i nidd,e - a " d § d l '" r ttlB Highest, including j w ii|, a n order to bring out the twenty vie-1 l-cnte, bat is sensibly improving, according im6aB,ltl i * 1 A P H d ng i’ie WrUi iu “ nd "'f liu.., and finding only nineteen chalks, to the statements of the parents and the r~ n . . . A _ Ar.tbmetic, Granin er&tieogranliy j in tlie third. 1 ante being m bed imd his door shut, they | nurse, the bust of the left portion (Clirts- presented to the undersigned wus horn in distance between the Iwo places—estimul- 8ardinia,fltSassnrin, on the 12th ot March jd Q t about four hundred and twenty miles Iasi: she is double in all the superior fe- uion from the navel, und single in tiie in terior region. The right portion of the ography tlie Languages, &c. Mrs. Hillyer will »l struct such young ladies as wish it ill the art of Nee dle Work, A c. The Commissioners having great confidence in »:k tu,I, lie will nave tiie i . lion cm - j p„. p,. ( ,l,ity 0 f purpose, and ability to teach of Mr. ;-liuid:iig below die Lock Jtiiis own j & .Mrs. Hillyer, and being assured uftlie liealthtul- ness of the place and the low price of board, re commend this instilutiou to parents and guardians as out: highly favorable to tho purpose oi educa- above the Lock, on the Town Commons, wlier he will receive COT TUX OX 'il'OHAGE; and j should the Lock fail, In* >vill have the Celt rietl to a Boa exp-vice. The SOAV SA.TTGY J.&GS& is iiuyv lying at the Uliuriubove the Lack, wait hig lor treight. Apply to I*. A. CLAYTON Mi’ledgeville, December 3 45—If i\T £.HiJ ii idzits i MIL LED (SEVILLE,\ GLORG1A. FVYIlE undersigned have engaged in business, a under tic: firm of C'.l tiXl.S Sf MIXEIl, anil I pnrclmsedllie old stand known as Mrs. Jenkins’, on 1 Uancuvk Street, where they design keeping a : HOUSE OF PUBLIC DAVID JOHNSTON, RICHARD It. BILLUPS, V HARALDSON, T. W. HARRIS, ELISHA BETTS. Monroe, Walton co. Dec. 21 48—It ENT3B.TAINHEN7 NBir WCSBS. ij UST received, Lalayette in America in 1824 'S' and 1825, ou a vuj age in the United Stales— j A. Lnvasseur. Adventuresol a King's Pape Ac. Ac. to be bad at 11. COSNARD'S Book Store. took ti prisoner from the further end of the gallery, and thus imule up the requisite number. About forty-flight hours after this atro cious deed, Robespierre was overthrown, and his own In a I chopped oil', so that Paine was set at liberty, and made the best of Ins way to New-York. 1 asked lulu what he thought of his al most miraculous escape. He said the Fates hud ordained he was not then to die. Says I, “Mr. Paine., i’ll tell you tirtiia) is fine and graceful, and takes its nourishment belter, and pleases bv its vi vacity The life is more peculiarly con centrated in the superior regions; the common nml inferior portion is thin, or very singularly impoverished. The hind part and some of tlie organs have been struck with some effects of fusion. This subject, which is n repetition perfectly identical of the bicephalous man, who liv ed twenty-eight years ii 1 e vigil of Jam s ill. King of Scotland, ought seriously to With very little improvement to tlie lot, tii ace pleu9cd to annotiuce to their friends and die | indebted to them, to cornu und seltic tlieir accounts iey JA HE firm ot PITT'S St UllOOMEis now dis solved, and they request all persons who ure public generally, that their House, nml ils sitau- either by cash or note as soon as possible, and in lion, 1ms uilvunlares far superior to any other in so doing, will more than oblige their creditors and ... 1>otired fl . i( , llds D PITTfi & BROOME. MiJIcdgcville, occupied us an Inn, being from die crowd; well arranged for families, and perfectly convenient to the State House, where ad business relative to Intuits ure transacted.— Friends and strangers visiting die sent of govern ment, are respectfully invited tu call and exain- hic the Mansion House. . W. W. CARNES. , C. MINER. Milledgrville, January, 1829. 57 Newborn, Newton county, Dec. 9 47—3t A OUR months afterdate, application will lie what;—I ihink you know you have writ- interest the persons engaged in nuatormi- ton nml spoken much against what we call the religion of the Inhle ; you have highly extolled the perlcctibility of human reason when left to ils own guidance, unshackled — over excessively had roads, in the space of thirty-four hours and forty-fine min utes— inn.ils ot' travelling in this section of the country. c=— A Rich Beggar.—M.idamoiselle Collet, formerly a teacher, resided on the fifih floor of the house number 21, Rue dela Huch- ette. She lived on the alms of some char itable persons, and bad been for a long while entered on the charity list of hcrdis- triet. Yesterday this lady, trim wus se venty-seven years of age, was found dead on a wretched straw bed, and in the most complete stale of destitution. The Com missary of Police weiit, according to cus tom, to die apartment of the deccasod, und on searching it, found under tlie 6traw bed the woild a living co i na t t > n your doc trines. Ymi now s. oiv what human nature is, when left to itself. lit re you sit, in an nuihi to llic honorable Inferior Court ol obscure & comfortless dwelling, stilled with suulFuml stupilied witii brandy;—you, who were once the companion of Washington, of .lav, and of Hamilton. Every gootl man has deserted you; and even Deists, Newton county, when sitting Inr ordinary parpo-1 t i in: |, ilV ft!1 y regard for decency, cross the i* .1 II *1... ..tlw. nuliilo . r . “ J ' Jar fawn i Sail. i 'gjliE Subscriber having pnrehns- | ses, for leave to sell tlie whole of the real cstute of Oliver II. Lee, u minor. L. HOPKINS, Guardian December 24 in-lm cd the house formerly occupied hy John Downer,known l>y (lie name of the COFFEE HOUSE, NOIP .. SHERWOOD’S GAZETTEER OF GEORGIA, is for sale ut Messrs. Craft & Greene's Store. Milledgeville, December 18 47— street to avoid von.” W Georgia—In tlie Superior Court uf linker county. \ Elijah Barker, ) ■ RULE NISI for foreclosure. and having added fourteen rooms to tlie building, which makes forty of different sizes suitable for fa- milieu, Female private rooms, w itli a change of the Arthur Jones, j PON the petition of Elijah Barker, slating tliut Arthur Jones did, on the twelfth Dining-room from the upper to the lower floor,' dtiy of November, in tlie year of our Lord eighteen renders it convenient, commodious and coniforta-1 hundred and twenty-seven, make and deliver to hie. His Stables being in the best condition, hor- the said F ' scs can be put on either plank or dirt floors, with a I in mu) to gooil lot convenient and a Well in it, suitable ; t liiril district of originally Early, now Baker coun- for Drovers of every kind—also, out-bouses fur-1 ty, for the better securing the pnyineat of two cer- Elijah Barker his certain mortgage deed, j Lot of Land Number sixty-oue, in the rict of originally Early, now Baker coun- .. , _ , ...o better securing the pnyineat of two cer- nislied on the bc-l terms. Willi those adennta- tain promissory notes for thirty dollars each, dated ges, he flatters himself that by Iris sirict attention I {|je day and year aforesaid, und payable to the said ami long experience in his line, the public will j Elijah or bearer, on the twenty-fifth duy of De- confmue to lii.'i that liberal patronage they Imve Lemher thereafter—and it further appearing to the so long bestowed on him, wilh a knowledge that he lias, and will always adapt his charges to the hardness of the times. SAMUEL BUFFINGTON. Milledgevillp, Aug. 28. 31—tf STRAYED WTYRfl.M the Subscriber, living in H. Walton county, near Ellison's mills, ou the Appalachy river, a flea bitten T-UCIT five fret two or three inches high, eight or nine years aid, long mnne and tail, tlie mane inclined to lie «u!\, scarred on both knees—she wus formerly owned by the Rev. Benjamin Pope, of Oglethorpe uoutity, and left ine 6a the 15th I Ir.tober Inst. JO FIN F. MARTIN. December 48—(it Court that there is now due and unpaid oil suid notes (lie sum of sixty dollurs principal, besides in- j v.. a: ,f I7» ■ U'iihh'v Uolinxt'l fllP terest—On motion of Eli Waiihen, Counsel for petitioner, it is ordered tliut the said Arthur Jones do pay into the Clerk’s office of this Court within six mouths front this dale, the piiacipal and inie- rcst due on said notes, together w itli the cost here by accruing, or that the equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises lie from thence forth forever hared and foreclosed; and Hint a co py of this Rule be served upon the said mortgagor three months before, or published in one ol tin public Gazettes of this 9tate. once a inoath until it a! F...nfail i'/yi' iIyh rutL'iiii'nl nforpsuuU id Court,llii- the time limited for the pay A true copy from tlie minutes ol 20th May, H2!>. JAJyJE3 r qqoDWIN, Cl'k. Jane 87, !&'•»• m(im 22,000 francs, (about 8H0L sterling,) of cal and physiological studies. Tho |iu!i- wliidi one part was in gold, and carefully lie administration would dou tliinp iierceR put into numbered hags. A thing still hie to the lovers of science, in granting; more incredible is, that the lied was with- tlieir protection to M. Purodi, the father out sheets, and there were thirty-two pairs bv priestcraft and superstition. The God 1 01 the bicephalous child, especially if, full I found in an old basket.—Paris paper. in whom vou live, move, & have your lieirg I of goodness and foresight for this unfor-j — has spar, d your life that v< u might give to j lunate infant, the reply to lie made to the j Profane Language.—Apart from tiie request of its parents should have for its j fearful impiety of this practice, it is most object the prolonguiiftu o.' its days.” j assuredly ungenteel; and I never will—I [Journal dcs Debuts. never can enter on my list of gentlemen, This account exactly accords with what the man who swears profanely ; whatever we heard a few days aso, from a Liverpool 1 «»ny bo bis accomplishments—descending captain, lately returned from the Mediter- lo this vulgarity utterly mars his character runcan, and who saw this extraordinary ! as « gcntleinun. “ ’Tis worse than the us us natures.—Editors Livp'l. Mercury. \ dead fiy in the apothecaries’ ointment.’ I - [f amily Visitor. The Reading Chronicle contains n long! He was then the most disgusting human j and particular account of tlie late robbery j Massacre of a Ship's Crete.—Informn- being that’could any where be met with. | of the mail, near Philadelphia, furnished j lion of a dreadful affair, said to have ta- Iatemperance had bloated his countenance j hy one of the !) passengers, lie states, ken place in New-Zenland, lias been beyond description. A lew of his disci- j that there were no arms, or weapons of; brought to this country by the Captain of pies, who stuck to him through good report j defence of any kind iii the. stage, except I the Halcyon transport, who states, that and bud report, to hide him from the ah- penknives; and that the passeugers were previously to bis departure from Van Die- horrence of mankind, had him conveyed! ordered out one by one, tied, and searched, man’s Land, the entire crew, consisting of to N. Rochelle, where they supplied him The “ Gentlemen” robbers, however, it is thirteen hands of the brig Horse, which with brandy until it burned up his liver, rumurked, behaved tm civilly as circum- traded from Sydney to New-Zenland, litifl But this man, beastly as he was in appear- ; stances permitted. The account adds:— “ Bye and bye a ‘ pourpurle’ was open* rties, approaching almost to good humor. One of the pas sengers complained of the wet ground, | victims. The Captain of the Horse alone and asked the robbers for hay to put his escaped death, but be bad not been heard gouty foot on. Another for a chew of to- of.—London Paper. bacco, yy liich was banded to him ; and —QiO©— an tlier that they would please to replace Ins bat ou bis bead, alleging it good rea son for not doing it himself-—they com plied. One desired to have some papers once, &■ dreadful in principle, still retained something of humanity within the depra-j ed between the two vitv of his heart, like the gem in the head of the odious toad. The man who suffer ed death in his stead left n widow, with twoyoungchildren, in poorcirciimstanccs. 1’aiue brought them all with him to New- York, supplied them while he [lived and left them the most part of his property when he died. The widow and children lived in apartments m the city by them selves. I saw them often, but never saw Paine in tlieir company; mid I am well assured, and believe, tlmt bis conduct to wards them was disinterested and honoura ble. G. T. Abduction.—A Miss S——— B——, a young htdy, of great beauty, and entitled to n considerable fortune, came before the Magistrates, and made tlie following ex traordinary statement:—She said that she was acquainted with three persons, n Mr. P j\F——, Mrs. P—-M , ami Mr. UM-l said they would restore them if he would! Hertford when lie was last in Italy. It let them know his residence, or perlinps|a pity that it should be removed from the they’d meet again. Ono passenger re-j“ Eternal City,” where it can alone be marked that lie would rather meet them i fuirlv appreciated. This celebrated stu nt, a certan bench, to which the robber cool-! tne yviis found in the Struda dc Leuturi, ly replied, that he liked to see such spi-; near the Caneelleria, during the reign of rited little fellows. After a hasty search 'Julius II ; and as the head lay under one of the baggage, they were assisted by the| bouse, and the rest of tin: body under a- robbers, to get-into the stage, with their j notlier, the two proprietors were on the arms tied. After this the robbers hastened: point of dividing the statup, when tlie away, not forgetting, however, to bid the! Pope interposed and rescued it from this passengers a “goodnight." YVben some tmsfortuue.—Londoa Paper. FARMING. If one half the zeal, energy and ex pense that blots so many gazettes with low and coarse abuse, setting the commun ty by the ears for the sole gain and the p 1- try purposes of a few demagogues and of fice keepers were bestowed on the ad vancement of agriculture ; if the people were half us ambitious to improve and beautify tlieir fields, as they nre to settle the nation ; arid half as angry with th s- tles, thorns, mid poor fences, as they ri'e with their political opponents, who pr - bulily wish as well to the country as the . selves—we should have more product v a performance unparalleled in the j Helds, less complaints of poverty,-^no *.. "" * ’ * * 1 '" ability to be charitable and mum lie ;t, and abundantly more good feeling, r rr - Pittsburg to Natv-Orleans the son pirn g ■ ns his father did before him, and .the ■- maos of farmers are as stnimimrv in tl e . theory as they nre in practice. Nine ; ten of them believe, at this moment, th hook farming is the mere useless, vise ary dreaming of meii that know noth r about political agriculture. We would tell them that England t the garden of Europe, simply because most every acre of the ground is culm ed scientifically, and on principles vv. have been brought to the test of llie s rigid and exact experiment. .We tell them that \i:w-England K A»t >- soil and climate they are accustom think, as consigned hy providence to k rility and inclemency, is the garden of th*, United States, only because the industri ous and calculating cannot throw away their efforts in the exertion of mere brute strength—but bring mind and plan, and system, and experience, to bear upon their naturally hard nnd thankless soil. On e- very side the passing traveller sees ver dure, and grass, nnd orchards, in the small and frequent enclosures of imperishable rock, and remarks fertility won from the opposition of the elements nnd nature.-— After an uhscncc of ten years, on our re turn to that country, we were struck with this proud and noble triumph, conspicu ous over tlie whole region. The real benefactors of mankind, St. Pierre so beautifully said, are those, who cause two blades of wheat to mature where one did before. The fields ought to be the morning anil evening theme of Americans, that love their country. To fertilize and improve his farm, ought to be tho prime toiinporial object of every owner of the substantial soil. All nation al aggrandizement, power''and wealth may lie traced to agriculture, as its ulti mate .source. Commerce and manufac tures ure only subordinate results of thin main spring. We consider agriculture e- very way subsidiary not only,to abun- ! dance, industry, comfort and health, but I lie statue of Pom pry, at the foot ot U) g,n,d murals, and ultimately eyeu to e c..ii i 1 ■— ‘ religion. We shall always say and sing, “ Speed tlie plough.” Wd sbalf alway* regard the American funner, stripped u* his employment, and tilling ids grounds, us belonging to the first order of iio'dc- men urnong us. We shall always wish him bountiful harvests, good beer, and moderate use of cider, and, if lie will reer it himself, of the grape, hut uone of the pernicious gladness of whiskey; and shall invoke upon his labors the Hessing been cruelly murdered by the natives of N Zealand, in consequence of some.offence given to an individual. The account adds, that the savages roasted and fed upon tlieir which Ca'sar fell, mid which bus for in; ny yenrH stood in the Spudn Palace, at Rome, was, some time ago, reported to of God, and say of him “ peace be wijb- ifl thy walls.”—Plint's IVcship Review* Mm know batter bow la taka good touusurai than lopursiMtiietD. -•