Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, March 12, 1834, Image 1

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SOUTHERN RECORDER. «y GKIEVE A OII.HE. uiu.rnui;vieee. ocoitau wewmesd.iv diobxing, iubch 13, w:u. No. 8—VOL. XV. >f, l) rue Rr.ronnxil i' nnl'li' 1 "’' 1 "r/’-l’fcw •fii VVnvn.MUiil Ji’ircnion, nt I lirf tlile in iulviiiu:e, a 1 in* end of ilo* your. VOVKKtHEMKSTS yolisptr Dollar*! 1 Koiir Dollar.-i, if not l>"iil 1 ," r 1, .out lit.. "I tile mint,**, o [n«''ri'ioi'‘*. w ill l«e imhli.liail mini ordero.l out, uml charged *‘<?rtel'nf'litnrt anilneirrof.f!,hv A.liiiini-triilori., I*. i r(M|mr*' • law Central IlanL orCeor^ia, Mii.i.bD‘J£Villk, March ii«l, 18 .4* P U51SUAIVI 1 t-» an act of (In* General Assam- lily, p.tssud tM * tliu’J-Ll day ol Duct'inhiT, 1833, witlion't a spacifientinn of the tiumhar of enlitlei! •• An Hct . to alter and amend die U)\\i serli- ’ * ‘ - 1 ofi of tin act, passed I9tli of Dim:i*iii1h!i\ 1829, in n*lti- i lion (o Ilia Central li.tnk of Georgia. and I" provide for tin* sale a id disposition of Lands lo- l'. iled t > I lie State,” the following Brands how forfeited hv (Iik original piircha-o*M. \\ :ll D«5 Oii<*lV«l ill l’llblic Stilts «i the follow ing places, to wit : | la the Tow II of llatVliillKVilhs Oil Monthly, the. Teh day til May next, and on Un; following day-, ( until all are sold. Fiactions No. 1,36,37,72,?:*, 11)8.11)0, 1*2, 183, | *420, 821, and ‘222. in the first district of Lee county. | I Fractions No. 07, 102. Il»3. 221. *273 . 27 L 28), 287, 1 i*ptnai apiMii 'uiiiii '>m •»«• made to the ( ourl of r- . |n( j •)?>>*, in the second district «d L»*»*. for leave to sell land, must lie puhli-lieil lor tout | Fractions 27 J, 274, 287, and 288, in the thiid i Fri i Reserve, sixteenth - held - of fi'l ceeulors, lhe lir*t the fore- »e of the situate.—Notices of these j a public gazette sixty days previous *l*».,***‘1,*■ v in .1.1* mnnth.b.-twecn the mi ni.rttl.roP in thcahermmn.ut tiu* l ourt-ll cmmtv ill whirl, tin. prnprrt s „1es must In* given 111 “ pmi ‘"volioM fur dm side of P-rmnnl property nmst .,U(* mu....Or, fouty days previous to tl.o ili.y <** * Also notice m the debtors and creditors ol un estate, must be n.’ililit.l'o.l for KOHTV days. Notice that application will lie Hinarv lions No. 2 uml 3, El'uu motliln d.strict originally 11 • Milton now I'p-i Fractious No. 100,866 mid 300, in the first district origi nally Ho iston mow Crawford. Fractious No. 271 and 27d, in tlie 4th district originally Ilo'.eUiu now llihh. [ Fractious No. 809, °ll and 232, in the 5th districtorigi nally llousion now liil.h. Fraction* No. 851, 2 »*. 2d», 2(50, 271, 272, 278, 230 and 231, in the 5th district Houston. Fractions No. 110, lot) and 171, in the 8ih (list. Houston. | Fractions No. I Id. 117, and 13.7, in the 1 llli dial. Houston. j Fractions 2d, 07, 17o And 133, in the sixteenth district o- ritiitinlly Houston now Fpson. Islands No. 78, 80, 82,33,3.3, 30, 37,90 and 95,attached to Houston county. Islands No.53, 54, 55, 50, 57,58, 59,01 and 73, attached to I'ihh. Islands No. 20, 27,30, 38, 39 and 1ft, attached to Mon- At the Court Mouse in the town of Campbell- ton.on Thursday the ‘20th day of June, 1834, and on the following days, until hII is sold : Fraction No. 1(52. in the Till district Coweta. Fractions No. 163, 171. 172, 173, 175, 176, 177. mid 180, in the 7th district originally Coweta now tump- Ml MISCELLANY. spoke, hut he alone knew the word* that ahe al tered ; they seemed accents of mingled attgtyah, "f joy mill ol lilesaiug. Fur several minutes, he bcnl over the bed and wept bitterly, lie held her withered hand in h.s; lie started j and as we aw proached him, the hand thin he held was lifeless. THE SOLDIEK'S ItETl/RN. BY J. M. WILSON. St'.VKN or eight years ago, i was travelling he tween Berwick nod Selkirk : and, having shined j . • , , , , Fractions No f>!>,07!H, KM. I7rt,nnd 1711, iotl.ogili 1 nl .lie crowing of .In* cock, I had fell Melrose be- . , ! I,e K- 4 ®'** 1 {hedead body district of originally CiHvetn now Cnmpbell. fore lin.r in Ihe nlierni.iei. On rnving st Abbots- '! 1 * . •» l. ■! ol tw mother luseycswa.i- Fractmiis, No. l'. 3, M. 41. ft3. Mi (111, (il.fift, I . orii , ..erceived a lligl.lsml s.d her. apparently I : ,er 7 I'o.n one to the other—l.a smote hh. (is, tilt, 71), 71, and 7*.*. in the Oil, distr.ct originally , as mssell. le.mmg upon a walking stick, I han ; ! U P°" t,row - »". d “»«”» o0 a Ch*t, Coweta now Camplmll. .. L . IZIII , intensely on .he la.rv palace of the j . iv,, ! Ik ""scy tr«,,.fi*ed Utm. st tf a thunderbolt I will pot ei.e a dt'scttpjiou of I lie melancholy font ml. and sol.,ary n.nairber. -The fathers oils* IT i ihe line of Printing, will meet with prompt MONTHS. \|1 lm*inc« atteniion at the Krcohdf.h Ofki* k. Lv.tfK.ns (on most Ik* po q t pnnl. ■ horehv notified that the ii>l hi* Deputy, will publish tli ir : 'der. \VM. F. SCOTT, She rill*. (F/* The public a of Baldwin county, sales in the 3ouih»rii Iter January 29 IVEW BOOK III A OE It Y. O VV!Mi employed a rate workman from N York, and received all i ece««ary materials, we hove now in operation, hi (ached to Ihe Recorder Of- 1 district of 1 | Fiactio is No. 1. 32 33, 12 j 224. and 225. in the thirteenth district of Lee. —. Fraction* No. 212,213,238.262, 283, 302, in (lie Sheriff I f , ' l,,l *.*oiilh district of Lee. u 1 Fiaelions No. 2,3, 16 and 17, in the fifteenth dis the ninth district originally Monroe | iimlly Monroe ! trie! of Lee | Finelion* No. 1.31,35,(58,69, 102, 103. 136. 137. 1 170. I 7 1,201, 205, 238, and 239, in the sixteenth dis trict of Lee. Fractions No. 3, (5. ‘27. 30. 52. 53. 54 55. 393. 3'U. 395, 399 and 400. m the twenty-eighth district origi- w ^uniter. No. 5 and li, and Lot No. 4, Buck Bur- My ]..*e. Fra clio i Res Lois 9, 10, lard 12. 21. whe Ul.YliEeS V EST.1 II/.ISll.ltE.YT, ■ vci-v Viuicly of work in tlmt 'in** " ill Pc esc- Jill, ;.x|icrtili"il. mid in the neat,*st iiimiu<*r. , ,, r .irdecs of Mm clmiils. and ulliers, for Itltinli iioofis **f every ilccripliim, ul**d, mid inadiicd the j j -J.) Ill, II. *dl. *g.i, III. *11 11 m. H, 7. 7. IS, !*, «». :i.:, :t*t, itj, :i7, ;:m, gp, an, 4;t. 41, 4">. Ill, 47, 48, 411. fill. 51. 711 ft. -7. 88. (II, 'Hi, 1)7.118, <l«l, lull, nil, lug. III:!, 1114 III!!, 1117, 108, 100, HO, III. II >, m, 114. ilfi 117. 118, 11(1. I lid. 1*71, 122, 12.1. I2ti. 127, 128 .... l;n, Dili. DI7. 1.18, Dio, III, 142. Ill, 14 1, 140 I iT^u mmcnils. will be ||.tlV i*«cciiled Al, °; 110. DM, 152, l-.-i, D‘>4, I.Vi, 177, 158, 17.0, l«0. ir,| ! Kooks Bc-botuid »' till* shortest notice, mid | | (i g i u ;;j, | n |, |l>:., Illli, HD, IlH, I HO, 1711, 171, 172 in miv st vie rtc-ireo *, ,*f /!>>(»«.« mmb* to order; j |*,j 17;,, |7,$, 177, 17s, 170, |*u, 181 1-2, |8:t j LiiH Lettering, Minting, Sc. Sc. cxecut-l l8) , K; -, ihu, 187, 1.88, iko. ism*, 101, 102. I0;i, 101 t e d "ill. dispatch. 10.'., lOd 107. I0-. 101. 2HU, 2H|, 202, 2li:(, 204, 2 r, (jRir.VF. ,V ORMF. o.iij 0117 011-1 aoo, 210 *211, *212, 210 214, 215, 211} iBimnrv 1 I o|7. 218, 210. 220, g.*|. *.".*,'. 2711, *227, 228. 220,2:11 I 2 ,2. 2:10, 201. 20ft. 2:tli. 207. 2.,- . 2.10, 2 HI, 211,212 ! 240. 241. *2 to. 248 *240, *2.'.U. 2ol, 2.V2, 2V.I. 254, 255 ; Ocimilg, .... ,„• I'.i!' “ir.'l 1 At the (7iiurt House in ihe City of Columbus, Vi'i '1 i"i tr '•'op' *0-' o' .' , J Thursday tin* 5th day of June, 1801. mid on the OtIU, 0HI, -to2, .10, * ' 4 do.. oUU. .17. .18. O'' , . | r.illowing days, until nil are sold. 012. Oil. Oil, Oil, 017. .'00, 0 IU, Oil. ol*.. 010. 011 I I’lariioiis No. 1(1, *2(1, 05, 0(i, 100, 104, 171 17*2,200 210 015, 0HI, 047, 050. 051, 052, 05 I, 05d 057, 05H, O.VO - - :(i*,o. an 1, 0o7, out, out, ous, 07ii, 0,75,070.077 .',-2 380. 081. 0-5, 0-ii. 0-7, 4*10, 410,411, 112. 110. 411 121 121. 42(1. III). I 'd, 40*! 110, 441. 14. »r, | 44)1,447. 451 451,455. 45", 457. 458, 450. Hill, 172. 177 Millertg ,11 >1 Hied ir ttl ,lcconnts are hi llm hands <il M* UOIH.KT li - r ' ( . WASIII.NtiTON, who i- anih*.risi*d | * to collect and receipt for them. S.VMU1X BOYKIN. February 5, 1834. ^ *1 1 b YOU SALE, T the Recorder Olllce, neatly bound, Fraction No. 971, w I l*'rm‘ti«)ti No. 3, in the fourth district 199. Kit), 161. 192, 193 nov\ Butts. Lots. No. 1,2,3, Mdntodi Reserve, Butts. Lot* No. 5, 6, 19,3*2 i\ 55, Indian Sprim: Rc*erve,Butts. Fraction No. 56, in the 9th di*triel origniilly Henry now Butts. Finetion* No. 110, *260 mid 4*29, in the ninth district ori ginally llcnrv now Newton. Fraction* No. 313 and 311, in the first district originally Walton now New ton. Fractions N’«i. 87, 88 and *257 in the Id district Walton. Fractions No. 5*2 and 313 in tin* fourth district Walton. Fiaelions No. 2*21, 2*25, *2*26, 335 and 357, in the sixteenth district oririnnllv llenrv now Newton. Mauds No. 1,2, 3. f. 5. li. 7,8 9. 10, II, 1*2, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 19,20, 21 and *2*2, iiltaelied to Henry. Isluiul* No. 477 mid 183, in the second district originally Baldw in now Putnam. Island No. 10, in the 3d district originally Baldwin now Putnam. Island* No. 21 and 60, in the fourth dimriet origiiiallv Bahia in now .\lorirnn. Islands Nii. 192, 213, ‘25J5 and 357, in the twentieth dis trict originally Baldwin now Morgan. Island No. i96, in the eighteenth district originally Bald win now Jasper. I-land No. 225, in the 9th district Baldw in. Lots No. *2, sijuare 59, No. 7, sijuure 42, No. 0. square 20, in the city ol' Macon. W aier Lots No. *2, 3 and 4, in the eitv of Macon. Twenty \crr Lot No. 21), ndjoinini; tlie eitv of Macon. 100 Acre Lots No. 19, 3t», 4*2. 13,61, 89, 99 and 135, Ma con Reserve, We*t side Ocniulgee river. Fractions No. 38, 49, 53,03, 09,93,94 and M l, Macon Re serve, West -idc()cn»ul»rec river. 109 Acre Lots No. 93 and 11 I, MaeonJRoserve, Last side atnpl Fraction* No. 1, H. 19. 20. f>l. 5*2. 131. 116, 151. 152, lf»8. 153. 161. 164. 16.5, 166. 170. 171. 174. 175. 177 and 178 in the 1st disttict originally Carroll now Campbell. Fractions No. 225, 2*26, and 248, in the 2d district o- riginally Carroll, now Campbell. Fractions No. 211,215,246, and 217 in the 2d dis tant Carroll. Fiaciion* No. 94,95, 169, 170, and 211, in the 3d district Carroll. Fractious No. 3. t, 5, 15. 57, 58, 60, and 93 in the innmnn .. wand in since broken, but whose magic still remains. I am no particular disciple of Lavater, yet the man carried Ins soul upon his face, and we were friends at the first glance, lie wore a plain Highland bonnet, and a coarse grey coat, buttoned to the throat. Ilia dress bespoke him to belong nnlv to the ranks ; nut there was a dignity in his manner, nnd a fire, a glowing lan guage, in his eyes, worthy of a eliieltam. His .111 il.Ntrirt origin.illv Cntroll now Cmnplmll. | Imigl" might t*xi*.ee*l live feet nine, mid hie age be Frurtmii-t No.*J57, *J8,> ‘J8(1, *i87, *J88, g.8J. 290, 291 1 abittil lltirty. The Irai es of inimly beauty were ‘JIV. 1 . *“):l, :t()7. ;l(H, :t!H), HID. in ibe(iiliiiittrn-t Cmitill. | alill iipun bis c lieeks J hilt the stilt ol a western Frnciimis No. 1,1H. 4. 5. tl. 7. 8. (), |l). 11, ‘J'J, *J:i, ' heiitispltere had tiugtd them with a sallow hue. *Jl.g.i* *Jd. —.. ami *48, ; l} tito 7th tlistrict ('arroll. , imprinted untimely furrows. ,rai ti' 11 '*' Nn. dd. d4, HI). I Hn II,. 31.4. 'I. ‘Jt>'J. () UI cvnversaliuit related chieliy to the scenery if a: mcC J.;; joj; I .»*> -•» - 1 - 1 triet Carroll. gether lur too or three miles, when ive arrived at Fractions No. 50. 70. 71, nnd 93, in the 9th district a IHlIe sequestered burying ground by the way originally Favetle now Campbell. siile, near which there was neither church nor Fruction* No. 135. 148, 161 and 16*2. in the 14th dis- dwelling. Its low wall was thinly covered with tri'*t originally Fayette now Campbell. . (nil. and we sat down upon it to rest. IMy com* I*ruction .\o.238, hi the 17th district of originally j,union became silent and melancholy, ami his < urv now c .i-». , eyes wamlcred anxiously among the graves. I raetmns No. i<o, 1/7, and 1/8 in the 18th district n . „ • i i ,• ,• .l./, originally Henry now l)e Kalb. I,er,, » ""'V h , e * “'V ,f P so,,,e ul «»> ‘alters Fractions No. 4), 42 and 354, in the 6th district children, who died in infancy. ’ (iwmuelt Fraction No. 364. in tin; 5th district Gwinnett. I* ructions No. 97, 139, 1 It) in the 7th district Gvvinn *217 iU complex liW of the names »f fortunate dmvBr., 415. 4Itj. JO. J 1 *. 4I *'* J- 1 , ; l * JJ'; if,The late Cold,, and Fraction Lotteries, all in LA f,!'2 , *^-f, j?,.-, 4:,. V.,7. ir!-. t‘r7:i f t K nKAVfF.e.s in the 178. one volume. Price Also, a List of ihe Fortun , Fkactios LorrcRiits, in separate Pamphlet form.— | • • *. y ' Price m 1 I January L r >, 1831; 9 ‘ f :,, 4-1, H2, 492, 493. 4 M 3, 1-1.4- 434. 19 :,Mii 4-7. 48- \'M\ 197. t 1 )**. 499 5*17 5 '-v 5 i9. 51 u .VOTtCJE. | ; Ji Off'S C A3II* ISSsIjL, considering: himself 1 ,, j (g permanently located at Louisville, lor the purpose j Ware of Practicing Lair, respectfully lender* Ins professional services to his lollow-citi/.ens. He w ill attend ihe Co Hits of the .Middle ciicuit. in the coun- 1 '*• tie* of Washington, Montgomery, F.nmiiuel. Tattnall. | * ; ’ Rcriven, Burke, and Jellersou; and for reference, he | ‘* * most respectfully refers his ftdlow-citizens, to R. I J * L. (fanihle. of j'Ml’eison. George W. Crawford, and *' Charles J. Jenkins, of Richmond. Louisville. Jelfcr*on county , Jan. 16, 1834. 1 9t 118. •5*i 1, 5-5. ; i the twelfth Lois No. 1, 3, 2". r,D, 62. 71, 96. 51. 52. 53, c 63, 64, 66, I 75, 76. ?:, 7 8)1. 87, 8 W . > 97. 9S I <F*), P 591 595.61)3, GO f ally Appling, now 5, (5, 13, H 29, 3D, 31, 32 4'), 4 2, 43. 4 1 91. 9 2. 9 1. 91 1)12, 11)3. H)». 114, 11; I 6 :17 I 129. 149, 1118, 109. I 10, III, IP. 119 I VO 1*21. 122, 123. 124. 125 126. 127.12* 130. 131 111, 14 1H, Ml, 14 1. 145, L.UMV^TTL UlMi. rH5MI8 well know n eslahlidimen) § now under the manege.'.enl and J |r»|. 152. 153 1-5!. I >5. 15* 1 I i si||ierintendein:*» of ihe milmerihcr, wlu»' |62 163. I' 1 1, 1 1 ■•». Ido. !l»7. I( vivV'ii^iL lenders ail assurance t«> the pu)>lie, 0*el no j 17 I, 17 », 17**. I 77. f 7 —. 17 4. | -0. pujns or expellee •‘hall he spnieil in ali«»r'iim; t 1 th'»%e IH*•. I ■"*«, 1-8, |/**). 19 ). 191, 19 2, who may call, ns much comfWi a*..t ~.e.faction, as |*»s, r*>.209,*291,2)2 *203.2 M. cati he had in any similar calahlishuieut in lire So.ilh- | 211. 21*2, *213. 21 I. 215, 2 6, cm Slate*. i 222. 3> 22J, 2.-», -26, 22r . V;aJ<* J*Ot>«lls, entirely detached from (he ; 233, *2.;4, 2 15, 236, 237, 238, business part «»| the hou-e .ere pr» and neatly fit- ! 211, 245, 246. 2(7, 2I-. 219. ted up for I lie accommodation of L ADIL8 FA i 255, 2/6, *257, 85-, 253, 2 9, MILH'S. >266. 267, 2il-, 2»»9, 279, 271, The. Piedmont Line of •Stages—ihe Mai' line he 1277, 278. 27o, 2-0. V^l, 882, 2-.I twern Augusla and Co|..m6«»*»— the A- comm >dali..u ; 2-8. 28 I. 290. 241, 292. 293. 291 Line between M Hedge villa hi.4 Colum' .»>—cud ll«* 293, 3«HI, 3H. HU. 30.3, 391. MM Tallnlitissee Line, all stop at Lafayette Hull. ; 3! I, 312, 313. 311. 315, 3|«., 817 facilities for ()•« conveyance of pa>s«ngers, not to be 3*2. 3*2:1. 321. 325, 326, 327. 328 had in equal extent, »t anv oilier point in the Slate, i 2*3.1, 3.1), 335. 33(>, 337 u itli die exception of Augusta. I 341. 31.», .3 I). B MITCHF.LI Milledgeville, Feb. 14. 5 If 136. 137 138 n: 117. I IS. I -to. I5i 1*58 | "\A, 160. 16 '. 170, 171, 17*2. 17* . I - l -3, I - i. I - , I0J. 195, iO ..10? die Itlt district uriginallv Lee now |{andolpit Fmcii.m* No. t. 30, *39, 76,77, Ilf.) 1.5, L52, P.M), 223 and and 22’4, in ih.* -5i(i di<lri< i ori<2intilI v Lee now Randolph. , Fraction* No. 20, 9.5, 96. 133, 13f, 172, 173,212 and 213, in tin' 6th district ori^inn 11 \ l^*e now Rnmlnlph. Fraciimis No. 21,60, 61,Till).221. 10.5 nnd II7, in the 7th di*6*icl of uri'duidlv Lee now Randolph. I rnciions NO. 381,3.i2,3.53, 372 and 379, in the Cl li dist. ori/mallv Let? now Randolph. Fraction No. 2159, in the twenty-first district original!\ Lee now Rmidnlph. Fiaelions No. tJit, H9, |2|, 122,193, 227J823, 309, aml|:l55, in l!i.: 28d district «>ri<rJuci 11 \ Lee now .Stewart Fraction* No. No. 3, !, 5. 6, 7, 9 and 6*, in die 24ili dis trict of or initial! \ Lee now Sip wart, i I (action No. 2.56, m the 32d di-irict originullv Lee now 1 Marion. I Fi actions No. 211.212, 213, 211, 24.5, 216 and 210,Jin the l 32d district orisrinallv Lee now Muscogee. | I* Mi' lions No. I. 8.3, 4, 5, 6,7 uml 3. in the 33d district j originullv Lee now Stewart. I Fractions No. U, 12, 17, 10, 19, 20, 22,23, 21, in the 33d ( <1.-*Hicr origin illy Lee, now Muscogee. I l*raciious No. 10 and 1 Mil in die 7th district Muscogee. | Fractions No. 30, 31,50. 70, 103, 104, 100, 109 and 110, nid I-land No. 27, in the Kill disirict Muscogee. Frnciinii* No. 17, .51 ami .52, in the luth district original- y Musi o :••»> now Marion. Fraction* No. 10, 51, .52, 85,06, 119, 120,153, 151,222, -'55, 256, go *. 29;), 293,241,896,2!I7, 290, 299,301,302. 303, Ml. 305and 306. in the 11th district originullv Mu.-cogpc Mi. a- No. I ft, If, 12, 15, 16, I2( 20 .80 j >7. go-, 2 i*3 217. 21', 219. 2'.), 2 J| 1 2 •'». 2 10. 211,212,218 2.59. 2.1,252. 253 25 f 26 J 262. 26 1. 26 . g 2-8, 2-1. 2-5 28? ■ n l 2 1.5, in die I' iactions No. 33 nnd 6 -•o.-ce now Talhoi. i an ions No. 193, 224, inallv Mn-cogcc now factions No, 9, jJ, II. dlv t s No. 818. {|J 329. 309. 3.0 329. 3.’| ; ,331. 33 • II i. 127. 1<»2, 103, 193, i*strict oiifinally Muscogee now , in the 17th district originally aml, in the 17th district Harris. 12 and I f. in the eighteenth dis- iiow Harris. 2, 99, 109, J91. 133.139, 1 10, 1 11 '2J i, 282,235, 292, 295 ami 296, I9(h district originally .Musco- \ •/.). 3 10. 311.34 J. :*.-| \ 4 4 , 319, 351). 351, 352. 35 k 3.1, 355 35»>. 357, 35H, 359, 360, 36t, 368, 363, 364, 3(>5, 366 j 367, 368, 369, 370. 371, 37/. 373, 37 t, 375, *76, 377 378. 379, 3*'<), 3-1. 3H», 3-3, 8-1. 3-5, 36.i. 3-7, <8* 3-0, 390, 891, 398. 393. 391. 395. 396, 3 *7, 398, 399 490, 401, 192, 493, 491. 495. 40 1, fm, \ U, \ 12, 4)3 III. 415, llii. 417. 418, (19, 420.481.422.423,421 425, 426, 427. 4*.M, 4U, 4 1/, 183. 431, 435, 436, 137 13-, 4 11, 442, 413, 4 1 1, 4 15, 4 16. (17, 4 18, 149,451) 456, 4*5 47« 499, HIAiYSIOX HOUSE. ri-niK i***»pcctlol y informs [ the public. Hint lie hn» ju-t openeu | •I House of Entertainment .on Broad street, almvc the Market, in the town ol Louisville, where he will accommodate XVl- miiieu and Traveller*) upon the most rea sonable terms. ! john bust wick. Louisville, January 1 1 I3t J TO THE PUBLIC. C iOTTONI SCREWS. The undersigned, j living hi the upper pari ol .Morgan county, near ; the line of Nt*. Ion county, and two mile* from the j line of Jasper county, i* enabled In make StTt’WK 1 . Fraction* No. 61, 1 17, 148, I'M. 231 ami 232, in the 12th for Parking ( ollon, of « superior kind, and , distrtet ungmalHv H.iiisjon now Pida-jk 1 . ..1 „ riti! *,,. rt-a-ttitiiblt*, that tl.o-!* «lilt a small cft.|. ih. Jisind ot cotton, will find it to then* advantage to have one. i |*,. I( ., UMM \„.‘.'37 \* 233 in rlic |5th,li Wltfit etuclKil, tin*)'caittB ititia incliBS ul i'vi*i*y lurii. j |*iiu-tt,,u- \ti5;.\ -JDi uml Jll), tiiul l.i the |io\\er of their own w eight, u ill tall do\\ n , |' ||st ( |i>irid of Dool\. owitliin two t ui lit* of i me k mg Ihu bale. lent Ihe | Fraction* No. 45 and hid, in the eighth district original- rew and tap ready for framing lor $ 29—delivera* j |y Dooly now Pulaski, hie at my Haw Mill. The frame ary for the | Fractions No. 304,311, 311), 3.50 uml 357, in the 13th dis- ercctioii of the screw, can he made by any comm kuian.ulio can us** Ihe broad axe. Htid make inorli*e and tenon. I will give a .in Is No. 5.3. 9, 19,11. 18.13. I 1.15. 16, 17. 18. 19 am! ' i dic2(llh district origimillv Muscogee now Harris, •ctions No. 63, 361. 370,'371, 372, 383.384, 335, 395, ml 101, in thc20lh district originally .Muscogee now •ciions No. 889.290, 891,292 and 293, in the twenty- : id district ori/iimllv Muscogee now Harris. ’ I K tioas No. 3'I|,3iJ2 303,and 391. in the twenty-second cl originally Muscogee now Talbot. ‘•■’ions No. 275,309,311 ami 3l2,mtho 23d district o* dlv Muscogee now Talbott. 8 10 12 15 16 26 151, 452 4 3, 461 474, 475 486, 1-7 497, 492 599, 519, 511, 51 !, 5|;\ 520, 621, 522, 52 t. 521, 5 I, 532, 5:15. 537, 588, 545, 516, 517, 558, 551. 5 -4, 565, 566, *567, 56.8 triet nt originally Appliu Fractions No. 61, I 17, 148, I’M. 831 459, 460, 461, 462 160, 4'-9, 479, 471.472, 173 179, 4-0. 1-2. |H3, 18 t, 4s5 •191, i 1*2 I »3, 194. |95, 496, ’,93. 5t)l. 595, 50 507, 50*t 936 087 *28' >1 I. 515. 516, 517, 51.8, 519 309 3|0* 32 V25. 526. 527, 52-, 52!). 589 >39. 510, 511.512, 543, 511 >57. 558, .>.73. 561,562, 563 o7 I and 57 2,in the I3ih dis- 87 91 9 2 91 95 96 98 99 100 ]0| 103 105 106 107 108 109 110 117 118 119 |V0 133 I3| 133 115 116 150 213 216 849 253 851 HI 143 111 415 217 813 223 830 838 156 253 2.59 860 263 865 >8(1 881 888 833 881 88.5 293 295 *298 306 307 398 13!) 312 366 373 375 373 383 400 439 Fraction No. 1, and Uland* No. 1 &. 2 disttict Hall. Fractions No i 13. 85, 67 (H >U, 91, 93. 107, 110, I 18 and 176, in the 9th district Hull. Fraction No. 159 in the Nth district Hall. Island No, 3. in the 12th distric Hall. Fractions N.i. 126. 129, 139, 131, 133 and 134, in the 4th dim ict I label sham. l iH'tioii No. 19, in the 5th district Habersham. Fr ictions No. 8, 29 and 37, in the (3(0 district Hab ersham • Fractions No. 52, 53. 58.5!), 295, 206, 207. 8<H. 211, 822, 823 and 221, in ihe loth district Haber shnu,. j I .actions N-. 104, 12:1, 130, 152and 175, in the lltli district Habersham. I Fractions No 12 13. 40. 106, 215, 81* and 220, in i the 12th district llaherxham. I No. 84. 25./4 KH. 105.108, 148. 171 an I . lU'i. in the 13|h district Hubei sham, j iioiis No. 49, 76, 77 and 78. in the 3d district 1 Rabun I Fractions No. 12,39, 60, 79 and 80, in the 4lh dis I triet Rabun. j Fractious No 83 and 96, in the 5th district Rabun i '1 he right to either oft .e foregoing Lets. Fractious or 1 -lands may he I tifiCHle iw.ed by the bite commissioners, by settling he Bank the whole a in on n I of the original purchase mo- I remaining unpaid v\ itli all inten st dm* thereon, he j foie the 1st day of May next, or w itli the officer author- | ised to »ell (he same on any day before the re-sale, j The purchaser of uiiy Lot. Fraction i r island, will he required to pay mie-'hird part o|TIm purchase mo ney on the day of sale, and the remainder in two equal ; annual iuslolineiit-; and any p'liciiHser tailing to pay 1 any i'lMaliiient t<i the Ceiitiul Bank of Georgia, with in sixty da\sailer the sum* becomes due, shall forfeit (lie Dim,mu previously paid, and the Lot, fraction or Maud so pun-based shall revert to, and become Ihe | properly ol the Slate Bv order of the Director*. ' m:\KY w. MALONi:. Cashier. \ ttT* Tho Ti'h'gr iph and Messenger, will puh'ish ( the sale* that are to lake place at Macon—T he Lit- qtiireraud Sentinel, those at (hiloinhns, LaGrauge, , Newnan A Caiiiphellnui—and the Southern Banner, those at < auipbciltoii—each commencing sixty d before the sale. M uuh 5 7 9t D lttttOL! ’'I'JO.V,— 1 Tfie firm of Bitmap Si Harwell islhidday dissolvml hv mutual consent. ' LYMAN BURN \P, LEWIS P. HARWELL. F.ntonton. February 24 7 :it. CiLORE 2IOTEL LFANE VOlt SALE. rit hi: Subscriber oilers for sale, his 0 unexpireil Lease of (In' (Molu* Hotel, together with all the Furniture belonging to that establishment, now oc cupied by him*—The llo.ise is as well furnished a* any one of the kind in the Southern St.ifcs ; atjd the whole will hc sold on liberal terms and long credit for undoubted paper. If application is made pt » vimm to the first day of Ho picked up a small stone from the ground, tnd throwing K gently about leu yardu, **Thal,” lidded be, •* is the very spot. Thank God ! no i gravestone has be» n raised during my absence ! the 8th | i( } | token I shall find my parenta living—and,” I continued he, with a sigh, ** may l also hod their love! It is lin'd, sir. vylien the heart of a parent is turned against his own child.’* lie dropped his head upon his breastt for a few moments, and wa* silent ; and, hastily raising his forefinger to his eyes, seemed to dash away a soli tary tear. Then, turning io tub, lie continued, " You may think, sir. tins is weakness in a soldier, hut human hearts heal be.ieatlt a red coat. 51y father, whose name is Campbell, and who was brought from Argyllshire while young, is a weal* thy farmer in this neighborhood. Twelve years ago, I loved a being, gentle a* the light of a sum* mer moon. We were children together—•and site grew in beauty oti my sight, as the star of eve ning steals into glory through the twilight. But site was poor and portionless, the daughter of a mean shepherd. Our attachment olfeuded my father; lie commanded mo to leave her forever: 1 could not, ami he turned me from his house ; I wandered, I knew not, and I eared not whither. But I will not detain you with my history. In ible pc pWry i.&nT'Wiative, (juies were delayer!, and ilie sou laid both his p» rent! in the same grave. '* ■* Several months passed away before J gained in formation respecting the sequel ol my little a,cry Viter hi* parents wire fan I io ihe dust, Wik'/tt Campbell, with a sad and anxious heart made in quiries alter Jeante Leslie, the object of Ms *7< r best alTeet on*, to whom we have already aliri4rti. For several weeks bis search was Iruiilt&a; *t»u i»t length lie learned that loosiderahie had been lelt io her fa'hei by a dis.i and that Ui now resided somewhere in Dunilrie- shire. In the same garb which I have already describ ed, the soldier set out upon his journey* With little difficulty he discovered the house. It re sembled such as are occupied, by the higher class of farmers. The front door stood open. He knocked, hut no one answered. He proceeded a- long the passage—he heard voices in an apmt- menton his tight; again he knocked but was un heeded. lie entered uninvited. A group werw standing iti the middle of the door, and ainons them a minister, commencing the marriage service ol the church of Scotland. The bride hung her head sorrowfully. & tears were stealing down her cheeks —she was his own Jeanie Leslie. The clergyman paused. The bride’s father stepped forward an grily. and i iquiri'd, ** what do you want Sir?** b >1 instantly ■ ecognising his features, he seized him by the breast, and in a voice half choked with passion, continued—** Sorrow tak’ ye for amouD- drel! what's brought you here—and the mair es peciaBy at a time like this? Get ofll o* my house sir I say. Willie Campbell, get out o* my hou*t> 401 407 416 .517 131 432 433 413 450 451 452 455 490 493 <*l of I loiHtmi. triet ofDi 493 50) 507 503 510 521 556 5.57 559 560 56| 568 .7*l 503 501 595 596 597 603 GO t f,05 606 611 Columbus. a Lots No. 7,81 nnd 22, adjoining the city ufCo- Wre Lots No. 35, 41, 13 and 46, adjoining the eitv of (’olunifm*. I»K) Acre Lot- No. 61,71.78, 73,75,76, 91, 99, 111,133, I3!> nnd ! 10, ndjoiniinr the city of (’ohunhiis. etiou* No. 56, 115,1 l'i, 147, 1 18,149, 150 uud 151, ad- Iiimhii* 'I’WIM! rianinn*! \u. I ll, 113 I 111, 11~. I)(», lDD, I‘)0, 131, IDI, 'l«*<•»>' 1,1 *-'ultinibn». draft nnd iustruc- oi* ( tr this purpose, to those who buy n screw.— ■ sving every facility for Ihe purpose of making them ! peddimisly, thone who may vvanl them, can he Hip- 1 »•**1 at short notice. From the gieat number made at my cslabliMimpiil ! last sear, and the general s.iti»laclion of those who j have trie 1 them 1 feel no hesitancy in warranting | in h 11 those who may jniichase 1 in future 1 will also extend credit for the pay- I crfent. until the 25tlt Deuember 1831, and would re* I nimend such as want them, to order them soon, so that they may have them greased, and belter prepared for service. Many who have tried them and subsequently re • moved, have real.zed their advantage so much, as ti send orders to me for others, end to he carried even U the distance of a hundred miles. JESSE M. WILSON December 18, 1833. in Min .ally Fifty Dollars Kcward. ^LMTAS TAKEN Irom the stable of the siihscriher Vv in Og'eihorpe county on the night of Hie 2Ut nil* a very dark bay Mare, six years old next spring, live f**e( 2 or 3 inches high trim made, with a beautiful head and neck, and long tail; her fore feet aie a little inclined to turn out. and sin* is reelfooted behind, winch are tlie only objections to her; she i* a colt of lehraled horse Sir Andrew, and 1 care not where she goes *he is calculated to command the attention ol the judg s of good horses. 1 will give twenty live dollars to any man who w ill deliver said mare into mv baud', and twenty five more for the thief that look MATTHEW VAKNKIt. Jniumry 1 mrtin M ltE OF UROrsvT D IIS. FALL Ac ELLIOTT inli-iid rnn- H.uitly !uI>hh|i mi liiml. with M. D. Kilwnrdi nl Milli»Ji{Mvill». a hii|i|i1^ uf ilucir valimhiu Murtu inu liir j ti cure uf Drill).)'. Noveiiih.r VD 4i, n ilf uml Luud Eoli, I*or Hull*. Sill */«l Kcc. IdiiiiI i, 850uud 254, mid Lot NO. 194 in the fifteenth dis* (riel of 1 tool v. Fruelhni No. 839, in the sixteenth di*U*ief of Dooly. Fiaelions No. !••>, 133, l.i I, 151, 166,167, 190,218, 225, in the first district of Irw in. Fractions NO. 61. 102, 103. 137, 133, 163, 169, 135, 196, 218. 219 and 253, ill the second district of 1 ru in. Fraction NO. 183, in the tomth diHiicl of Irwin. Fraction No. 129, in the first district of originally Ap- pling now Telfair. FrHctioux No. 136 and 316, in the first district ori Early now* Baker. Fraction No. 178, 8th dist. originally Early now Baker. Fraction No. 412, Dili dist. originullv Ivirlv now Baker. Frarnous No. 8 9, 3/5, 356, 338, 39 >, d'hi] 40o, 406, 414 an I 115, in the eleventh di-triet of originally Early now Baker. F; union No. 3.15, in t!ie twelfth district originally Ear ly now Baker. ' Fraction* No. 166,223.243, 263, 265, 267 and 292, in the fifteenth di-triet of originally Ea I> now l)e<*aiur. Fractions No. 391, 393 and 3*38, m the Iweiiiieth district originally Early now Decatur. Fri \f the Court House in the town of LaGrange, on Thur-d iv the 19th dayof luiie. 1831, and on ihe following days, until all arc sold : Fractions No. I, 8, 4. 7 and 8, in thedut district ori ginally Troup now Meriwether Fraction* No. 10. II and 13, in the 1st district ori ginally Troup now Talbot. frictions No. I, 31. 35 and 08, in the 3rd district originally Troup now Harris. Fractions No. 201. 805, 238,239,272 and 273, in the 3rd district of Troup. Fractions No. 17, 8(3 and 153, in the 4th district of Troup- Fractions No 113, 144, 801, 300, 315 and 316 in the 5th district of Troup. Fractions No. 830 231 and 280, in the 5th district originally Troup now Harris. Fractions No. 8.»8. 853. 255, 258. 260, 231,263 nnd 874. in the 9ih listrict originally Troup now .Vleriwelh- l **r his IVie- ds until that day Any person wishing to purchase, will please call and limit through the establishment, us the proprietor ! will tike great pains in pointing it out to any person wjbhaig to purchase. W.M. SHANNON. Augusta. Match 1. 183-1. 7 <)( | * CiM)I53; TAVKILY, <T>vi u^loai. riilllis lloise sidJ continue U under* the tie Williams, who jointly with Mr. (iraves, kept it the past year. Persons calling, will find tin* same attention, and Table furnished in the same style as during the past j, ear. She invites her friends to call. February' 19. 1-31. 5 5t josiv hs:\iiv Lnina\, .JTTOlLVi: I* .IT JL.l If, D H \\ determined on an immediate and x* a permaneiit location at Livingsioii, in Floyd county, rcspee fu'ly lenders lus professional services to hi< lellovv-citizens He will attend the Courts in the several con.tie-in the Cherokee Circuit ; hiiJ h!I usiness Hint may he Confide 1 to him. connected ui It nuy branch of his proless.oii, will meet with prompt and ne’er darken my door again wi’your n»’er-do- vvell counieiiancR!” A sudden shriek followed the mention of his iiamfl, imrt J«*»iiie Ltsliu fell into Ihe liantll of her bri'lemiiid. “Peace, .Mr. Leslie!" (aid the soldier pushieK liie old man aside; "Since mailers are thus, I will only slop io say farewell—for auld lang syne— voti caiiiiol deny me that.'’ He passed towards the object of his young love. She spoke noi; she moved not; he took her hand, but she seemed unconscious of what he diu* and as h*i uazed upon her beautiful countenance absence became as a dream upon her lace. Tho very language he had acquired during their sepa ration was I nid aside. Nalure triumphed over ait and lie addressed her in Hie acceut* io which he had first breathed love and won her heart. “Jeanie!" said he, pressing her hand between his, “ i s a sair thing to say fartittel, but at pro- sent I maun say it. This is a scene I never ex- pecled to see; for oh, Jennie! 1 could have trust ed to your truth and to your lu»e, as the farmer iriisis io Ins seed time &. harvest and is not disap pointed. I ihouaht it was ill oiiou«h when hoping tu find my fathers forgiveness, 1 found them d,gf ,.r his grave; or when I reached my mother’s beiDside and found her only able to stretch out her hand’ and say—" Its my ain bairn!—it’s my sin bairn' but I maun bid yef.,rewell, Willie, faretvoel alres- * "' s H , nir ;'" I* 1 Hut oh, may ihe blessing o’ die f.od of Abraham” As she said this tho death rattle grew louder and louder in her throat iysj forth through die darkness of despair, like the I *“ ,or n moment her eyes became bright as-D*. I fir., id,si, ,,r it... ...i I ntonils—I thought il was the immortal spark | e »,*- **»•> body; and before I could speak. ;h* cold til in ol death passed over them, and th- mars I saw gadieriug in them, while she was speaking, rolled down the cheeks of a corpse' But oh. Jennie, woman, it was null Inal like this! dis is like separating the flesh from the bones, and burning tin. marrow! hut ye maun be another* now, K.ireweel! Faretveel ! •• No ! no! my ain Willie!” she exclaimed re covering from Ihe agony of stupefaction; -••niv hand is still free, and my heart has aye beeuyourV sine me, VV ilhe save Ml* anil -he threw herself """ hl " )"*'»•’■ I bridegroom looked from o,m "I ami’her, iniphiring 1'ieni to commenee ari af- I.irk die intruder Inn he looked in vain. The father again seized the old great cuti rf the su'di. r, ami almost rending It in twain, discover e l underlie idi lu die as'iinished e<mipni,y *.• >. riehlv lied iinifunn of a brilish offieer! He drop ped Ihe fragment of ihe outer garmnit in won-’a; mi l ill the same lime dropping his wrath, exclaim e l, *• Mr. t’amphidl!—or wltai arc you! will jno explain yntwlf?” A few words explained all. The bridosroo.g, M wealthy, middle aged man witliout « heart, 1c - the liunsB knashing his teeth lindly *,, . ur mt . Idarv hunurs are conferred, merit is nut ;dwny, nveilooked even m mis country where money l* every thing, ami the Siuliish soliliei had obtain e l ihe proinolifin which he deserved. J nni.’/ joy was like a dream of hein en. In n few week she gave her hand m Captain Campbell, of hi.: Majesty's —regiment of infantry, to M'honi, long licluiu ^iie had eiven licr vountr licari —:oooo!~— •"(■>■•”'e- »• i->m • * J .. ... j j t**d i.i tli" |jolil»*r of tin* c» r- j my utmost need I met a sergeant of the tony ae rond, who was then upon tin: recruiting service; ami in a few weeks I joined l))t* regiment ol proud henris. I was nt Brussels when the mvit ition to the wolf and ihe raven rang at miilniglii through tlie streets. It was the herald of a day ol glory and of death. There were three Highland regi ments of os—three joined hi one—joined in rival ry, in love, and in purpose; and, thank Fate ! 1 was present when the till then invincible legions of cmrassed Gauls rushed, with their war ho.nes neighing destruction, upon a kneeling phalanx ol •Scottish hearts, shielded only by the plaid and die hare bayonet from liie unsheathed sabres oi the milled glory ol France, as they poured the torrents of de.n)i on the waving plumes of our de voted band, to ex'irpate our name from the annals o 1 * ScullLth heroism. 'I hen, then, in the hour ol peril and ol death, the genius of country burst forth first ll »sl» ol tin* young sun upon (tie earth when God sud “hi there be light!’’—as the Scots Greys flying m our aid raised the electric shout, •* Scotland forever!” — ’* Scotland forever!” re lumed onr tartaned clansmen ; *• Scotland fore ver !” reverberated .is from the hearts we bad h it : behind us ; and "Scotland forever!*' re-echoed • \ iciury !’ li was a moment of inspiration and triumph. I* orward dashed onr Highland heroes, tearless a* their lathers, resistless as our mountain cataracts ! The pmud steed and its mailed rider quailed at the snout. Home and us world ot uu 1 inter.tine joys—yes, home an.I i'• e lair bosom that | would welcome its hero—glory tl<»«I the spirit ol j our lathers—all rushed upon our imagination at ( liie sound. It was n moment oi poeuy, ol pa M*»v, undoubted titles will he givon to the p'opcrty.— triousm, and ol n.sp,ration at the sound. Ilea- ILm*e will be kept in its usual style until the first vena”' added lie. surfing to his Uei. and grasping of Mavand too subscriber solicits the patronage of | Ins stall*, as th" enthn*nnsm ol the past cuMied back upon )»isoil. •* to tiau* join**d in that shout 5 5t Ehcrokov Eaiid. ih-ii I7J, in thi* twentv-fir.t | Kr«*li°" No. 2J1. In the I’Jth district ofTroup , Y raelion No. 28o,tu too 12th district ongitially Ir uni.'imliiv Dud!' now iv.-junr.' * """ ! Friu-iimi Nu. -JdO.iu ti.o I’rtihdutrirt origiually Troup ■ ii.ii ,\„. tV>, in llu* J.iih rti-iriii oflholv. now Ifennl. lion Nn.660, in the sernad tb-iii. i of Apidinj. | I ractiou* No. H and 9. in tho I llli district originally 374, in the ninth district originally Appling | Carroll now Heard. [ Fractions No. 107, etiou.s No. 1, 3, 3, 25, 60, 61 and 301, in the first dis- ■in originallv Wilkiii-im now Laurens. Fraction* No.286, -Jlu and 311, in the 17th district oripi- r.llv Mhlkiiison now Liitireii*. etion No. 813, in the eiehteentli district originnllv Will, l''i*uciioii »•*. nit **0, III! 1M (Rlltl. IS 1 4iu)<l. nil . , SIMEON KLI.INtilON ifiiMin, Laurent county, Feb. II (1 if Uol.l Lola lor huh*, In Clieroltoe. 1°’ Stl lilfcirl« l, 1*1 N««*l)oii. .ATI*, :|«! ftu, III, .to. r ' r i)>rlher i li I • u iii.i*ion, address Nov»n,b» r 3 A U OULC.Ni:, in A<i 8 ’4.K fi..« So. 381, i<i flic second di-iricl Wilkinson. Fraction- No. 6 and 12, ia th-* loniili dist'ict .Vilkinflon. Fraction Y>. J *», m ihr* 88d district Wilkinson Fraciion No. 881, ill tli" gJd di-trici W iikin.soii. IjMellon- ,Y». 213 uud 844, in the 2t ih dist. Wilkinson. I* ractiou* No. 185, IJ)| and 2t.«>, in the sixth tlistrict ori- n dlv \\ ilkin-on now Moni^omcri. Fraction No. 418, in the ci”liih district nriginidly W il - kin-on now Telfair. Fractions A. No. I, B. No. !, Nos. 838, 417 nnd 438, in fir-t di triet of \N n\in*. Fraction^ 1 No. 8 (9. 85*• and 288, in the 2d dist. Wayne. Fraction« No. 221 nml26.», in tlir*-t«| district \Vnv lie. At till* Court House, ill the City of Macon, on Monday, lie* 8)’nh dav of May, 1831, and on tho following dav », until all arc hold. Frunion* N'o.8sud 85,ill llio f;r»t dislrjel miulnally Mus cogee now .Marion county. Fractions No. 290,291 and 383, in tho first district nrigi- nullv Mii«curt« now Talbot. Franiinu* No. 172, 171 sad 820, in tho I Itli district t»ri- j •ginsllv Muscogee now I allan, Fiaelions No II, |t)7, 126, \ 12, I V,. \W, 157, VJ\, IT . i 19M, 19|, 19*.', EKS .iii,l I'.lI, in the 21th di*tm i on.utall) Mlisoinpe now I’mIIniI, I Fraction* No, 5, ti, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17 and 18, old At obey IF* I * em», Loi” No. 3,7,8,9 13.15,1*1,17, 19 mu| *8*2 and Fn». Hons 11, 23, 21 ui,d 27, old A^em y l(s*aiv. \\ st sutu ot 108,111,15^. 164. 165. 166. and liiH. m the 14tli district originally Carroll now Tr nip Fraction No. 155, in the !5lh district originally (,'ar- rnll now Troup. Fractions No. 161,178, 181, 184 180, 188, 189, l‘.X) I and 192, iutlio 15th district originally Carroll now | Heard. Fractions No. 8. 20 and 59. and Lot No. 2. in tho It itli district originally Carroll now Tioup. \l the Court House in I li • town of Newna.n 1 Coweta county on Monday the23d day of lunuu 1834, ! and on the following day* until ajl is sold; Fractions No 854.885, 312. 313. HJ4. 389,334, 336, • .137, 33*. 339, 341, 312,34311113 344, in the 1st district of CoWPtH. Fractions, Nn. 338, and 341, in the 3d di«trirt orgi- nally Coweta, iu>w Heard. Fr ictions No. 94,96. 113, 116, 137, and 157, in the till di-trici Coweta. Fin li«n N‘>. 195 in the 1th district origiuully Coweta now Heard, Fraeijou No. 119. in Do* (llli district Cowelir. Fraction No. 186. ill the Ithdi'l/iCt. Carroll. Fraction* No. 193, and 204. m the till d.vtrirt origi- n dlv (’airoM ih w lleaid Tract mi- No. Ml-. 127. 146. 164. 165,199,211,815. * 1) 4>i I l \ i .»•* Dm 0th district. Carroll. F•actions No 258, 87.9. 271.272. 273. and 281. in MiaOUl district " iginally CaHolt non Hrml Fraction. No. 7. 8, 9. 16, 14. 15. Mi, |H, J9, ami 26. ill tho 18th district originally Cm mil How Heard Fractions No. 31. H j an . 33, in Uu) Itli dptiivl urigi* nally Hoary now Fayotlt. | r HIIIE SC B8C Rill lilt liMAiog located himself at of Alaiomia. Santordv tile Fust Odicc, Cassc.onn- ! IV, ochi tjie centre of the Cherok* e country, lakes | Hi is method ol iiiforniiiit; his friends and Ihe miblic. 1 that lie will attend to any business entrusted to hi» I care, such as tin* levying exet otions oil lands, and at- I tending the *«le according to the instructions, and the I testing of any gold lot or examining uoy laud lot in , the county and forwarding iiiloriuatiou, fur a reason- I aMe coinpeiisalioii, r&c. SFLNCER IULEY. May 23 20 tf HLAD Ul AKTKIiH, Sixth Uieiaion, G. M. t Mahioi. FabmnrV 18. 1831. O RDERED. m*»t John G Hlappy be, and is hereby appointed Division Inspector, with tho rank lit i.ietileiiaut Colouwi. in the place of Nimrod W. Long, i removed from too Division. He will Uierefore be re I spec ted and obeyed accordingly. By ^.uj. Gen. E. WiwBKRi.t. STEPHEN F. MILLER, I \7 4tl Ji/dit? Adrmatr.. j A Ei ixMciil I’caHier IVaiilod. r|NHE rectorship of Mason Academy will he vuent- ! JL ed in fi few weeks by the present incumbent, i thi-* IiMliliP'Ott is par'll tumilly endowed—it odors , strong inducements to insirnctora—' y'ona however I rti'sed Ins hand j need apply who are not qualified to prepare youth for j m, »** i'.iirt culals with gnef, exclaimed inquiring j the Jiinior Claus in our Slate Universitv. j ly, •• My oiotlier I” JOS HENRY LIMPKIN, Secr’y. The wondering peasants etaried to their feet, Le x ill It to OfFe 11 26. 7 ^ Mil It) pointed to a lowly bed. He bus w;m to lime lived nu eternity n the vibr a ion ul a p*‘iiilulum !" in a fe>v moments liie ntmonted miul that cave eloqtfnce ohiu tongue drew n.self back into the t b.»mb**rs of limnan'y, and resuming Iris scat up on the wall, com nine I; *• J lelt my regiment with the pro-pcci nt promotion, and have since served in 111«; \\ « »i Indies ; hut 1 have heard nothing c*t my lather—nothing ot my mother—nothing of her I love !" While tie was yet speaking, the grave iligger, with a pickaxe and spade over his shoulder, en tered the ground. He approached within a few yards ol v.liere wesat. He measured off a narrow piece of earth—it encircled the little stone which the soldier had thrown to mark out the burial place o| ihe family. Convulsion rushed over the features ol my companion ; he shivered—he grasped my arm—bis lip* quivered—his breathing became short and loud—the cold sweet trickled Irom Ins temples, lie sprang over the wall, and rushed low aids the spot. *• Man !” he exclaimed in an agony, *• whose grave is that ?" ‘•Hoot! awa’* ui’ yt,” said the grave digger, sorting hack at his manner; wliatna a way is that to glilf a body 1 are ye dali ?” •• Answer me,” cried liie soldier, seizing his hand, " whose grav*‘ is that 7” •* Mercy on me !” replied (Vie man of death. “ye are surely out o’y onr head ; it’s an auld bo dy they ea’d Adam Campbell's grave; now are vunov llt.og Ilia »MHr fur spirt,,.’?" ... ,..., ...» —o,,or, u «uu. *• 51 v I nln r. end my coimuilc. as I ap« watched the fat old geotleman’s ronud (ace, w«tu.«. proached him; aid clasping ins hands together, | huyish curiosity, a a lie opened the book ofdestiuv, lie bent ins bead upan my shoulder, and wept a- and turned leaf after leaf, without appearing to be lo “ l,, .„ . „ , . „ very anxious for the object of hi* nurcli. Hit.,.; I "ill 1X0, invrll upon th# p.iiofn) .cone. Dor- port'y person jtrojecteil even farther forward lha . '"K li' 1 * alls 1 ttce. art varsity hail given the fortunes I ihe arms of Itis venerable elbow-chair, aud !.is bah. of the lailn r to the "toil; smt t,e had died in at, I li>*ait, crowtieil with m cirefe of light grey locks humble c.itiau'*, uni talented and uiinuiioctl by i resteil easily against the back. My undo Jerrv the Il f,tils III ins prosperity. ; Turnti,ruble lapped lichtly with his foot upon the At 'ho tetpifst ot tr.y lellow traveller I aet-om- I floor, to keep time to the current of hie ideal p iotftl hull It* lilt! house of mourning Two or j cit-tiog auguries on the smiles and impatient snt- Iitf. f poor cotta .fts t li around th« fur. The tele that alternately waddle,I over hw Usv cuunte- ciilli". »nli the ltd open, lay across a table, near! nance, anti lurked tu Ihe wrinkles that rallied round D e Window. A few white hairs fell over the wlti- | his mouth, nose, and eyes, as hrplodded through I'rtaceol the deceas' d, winch seemed to inili- | the nooks and crevices of the old pocket book.— calf th.*t be died.Irom sorrow rather than Iron, j A 1 ifoetit lie stumbled on something that otfract- *Hf. ’I'll- son p'f'sfd Ins lips to his latltei’s 1 ed his attention from • top to toe j’ for bis bead rnmik. Hr xro uifil tit spirit anil was troubled started up from its posture—he gave a start stihe u„ ...i ..... i t a^onv, and with a voice ul-1 leal of rite pocket book, brought it up close to Ins lace, then thrust it ofl*at a distance till hc had fix ed it to the locus for observation, and finally ra - * ed his feet tu my chair, which aloud before hi». hc poshed himself backward* on th* natrountie. My Unci,* Jerry. " Money ! yon voting speodthrft!" said ntv un cle Jerry Tiirntumble, as I asked him for a sh. hot; fo celebrate Independence, "money! letter, see ; perhaps I have an old copper for you.” I! J fumbled in the side pocket of hi* coat, and sect - •truly with much hesitancy, lugged out a ponde rous pocket book of very aboriginal appearnne*., which probably had not seen the light for many • lay. For.l’ncle Jerry was an exe-cdingly pru dent man, that never showed off his money fee fear ol being robbed, and never spent it, for a ati f ! greater (ear of being starved. Vet he wa# also c* rather a benevolent turn, lie always carried tliehuew ol,! pocket book by him, lest peradsenture, , should lit*caught in a fit of charity, without an* means of gratifying the extemporaueous qualm. FM’I II! SUUK'lillli.R oir,„.for ..tie, the following , letted forward—he tell upon his knees by the bed- ! of tlie ruekers. All who are acquainted with the v J". aeco"t""td"iiitg lerins, | stilt*. | ysokees, know what an ouconirolable prouetisilv Utct tlr-l si'efeot. tn fee (Toldfitegi^aud No th I | *'!> 1 °*. " , ‘" l h 7 ,,e ” r, * ,l * w '- i *!*'> "? V - gjves district lid section, lamd. i 1 ' * lu "' e n "‘ * 100,1 me—speak j them frequent opportunities of displaymg u* i CHARLES W. DANIF.LL. 1 lo ’ * «"• your own »on—your own Willie; ! agility at n stile spring to save themselves lro> firootiuslture’. Ms,eli ft 7 :ti ’ I l, " , e you loo lorgot me, mother ?” | lunthlipg backwards, aud perhaps a broken heau A LL |M*r.,.o» in.teiiie.n*' the eth.eribes, are res- , J J'"*’ , ’ ,0 1 . lH 3 f hp f , * 0,, « ho t'"le I T" 0 * sttttaled. uncle J.rry. with vast gravity a. I*. I tl.illv I t I .mil and pay oil. ilossv 1,1 l,u * *"* ; 1,01 ' ,l ” »ein*.ub*.'»d Sihee | •mmed the object of his Curiosity, tie turned .1 I, avo >lo»sr I Mv.r wavs | b* l«»*ed sun drove n l.-ck for a Rioinent. j first one sole up, then the other, gate il • (teat J ACOU FCHILK. ^he "petted Iter eyes —she ultemiitml to raise her j .tare, then a side squint; pish’d poh’d and rnbtied January 34 l 8l ‘ feeble hand, aud it fell upon hi* bead. Hh« 1 hi* fee* and bant into oat of theta tfMdiel (h