Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, May 14, 1834, Image 1

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SOUTH Hit* RECORDER. ,{%' OICICVE & OltniE. niLEEnMEVILI.E. GEOKUI4, tVUU.'VKSUVV 910tt.\(.\0, illtV 14,, 1M.U. No. K~.VOL. ir. rr* Phe Rzcoture.R is -He/I wrrklv, mi 17 h»tw«n Wavnennrt Jetr.-r.on, nt Tttree Dollars ner ,Me in mlvunce, or Four Dollar., .1 not paid be- Hancock ULonn mo hotel, Samlnsvillo. fieorvin. T HE Subscriber begs leave to inform Ins friends and the public ge- nerallv, that be ins taken the only TA> HIH in the town of Saiulersville, Washington Comity, for merly occupied I v Onl. Brown, and more recently bv Capt. Pruden; and hopes, through the exertions of himself and mother, to merit a share ol public patronage. lie will use every exertion to make man and horse comfortable, Von mo, payable in advanc '"^tivKHTP-R'tE-tTs M tlie »«’inl Xhow «ent witlmtit n specification of the number of [nlerl’it.n., will be published until ordered out, and charged ‘"salrtof'llmd and nerroes.hv Administrators, Executor* JGuardians, are required l.v lew to lie held on the first S! v in the month, between tlie linnrs of ten in the fore- and tltree in the afternoon, at the Court-House or tlie enontv in which the property is situate.—Notice, of these i.ics must he given in a public gazette sixty days previous l0 \ndees for the sale of personal property must he given nunnpr forrr dnv«» previous to the dav of sale.— and shape Ins charges according to the pressure ol the wm ” • ‘ - - - ! times. ALMERIN DILLARD. riundersville. 7th March. 18d4. 8 9t Also, notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must ^Nntire'thnt application will he made to the Court of Or- dinary far leave to sell land, must (republished for four “Til business in the line of Printing, will meet with prompt attention nt the RneoniiKit Ofsick. . Letters (on haziness) must ho post pnut. = nancock State lligtats Ticket. SENATE. nr. ftitrirrO Sneratn. REPRESENTATIVES JTtthn II'- Stabun, r.sq. Col. IPiffci ts Smith, tt'illi wwt Taylor, E*q. April 30, 1834 14 mtIA vvto. J\KW ROOIi ItlVUHlIY. H AVING employed n ->st rale workman from N. York,end received nil necessary materials, we have now in operation, at tached to Ihe Recorder Of fice, a new Jf WO /:Ml JT Mis T.M n L MSMM.JM M2JYT, \\ hor«* svery variety of work in that line " ill be exe cuted with expedition, and in the neatest ma'iner. The orders of Merchants, and others, lor BSIa tihr KSoofiM of every deception, tiled, anil made t»l the lifwl inulernls. will be promptly executed Also, Kooks Ke-boimtl at tile shortest notice, and ill »UV style de-ireii ; cflbtnHS made to order; CliU isrlirringy Minting, Sc. Sc. cxeout ed with dispatch. GRIEVE ORME. Milledgeville. Jiiniinry 1 for sale, A T the Recorder O.lice, neatly bound, a few complete lits of the names of fortunate drawers in tie I ite Gold, L ind, atid Fraction Lotteries, all in one volume. Price $ b. Al^o, a List of the Fortuva-tf. mtAwr.r.s m tlie Fraction LorrKHiES, in .separate Pamphlet form.— Price $1- J tiiuary E\ 1831; & FebrunrvI •Hi/ JtBcdieal •Iccouiits are in the l-.atitl, ol Air liOBLliT tt WASHINGTON, wlm is aulli lised to collect Mini receipt for them. SAMUEL BOYKIN. IR31. 3—If L. COAVLESi <* CO. Have junt received, English Wluile-bone Bonnet.*, Berlin H.'rts, Splendid Calicoes for Summer, II rnatii Ildlitfs., Block white »V Green Gauze V«*i!s, French Muslim*, Lice t'aus & Pil'erotis, Broad ll'm’d Linen, Camb. IIilkfTs. Eni' , i*h Silk do. 8-4 ID-4 t*g-4 Damask Table Cloths, Duntutik Table Linen & Cotton, C-4 iV 8-4 Liiioo Shiteiiu^s & Shirting*, Gen’tln. Raw Silk 4 Hose & Gloves. May b, 16 if. i7ai a y irml sa * ll. ga^Hl-i "ell kno" ii*. i Jg now under the inanng* , i , iMit an i superi lit end** mt*s «f tlie subscriber, " In. ■ niters an assurance to i lie public, that no p.lins nr expeiiee slutil be spined in ntf’nriliii}'In those "bo may call, a* inueli comfort and satisfaction, ns cun be bad in any biiuiSur establishment in the South ern Stales. PriVStlC ROOIIIS entirely dutiicbed from the bu-iness part «*t the iiou.-e. ure prepared a id neatly lit ted up for the accommodation ol LADIES and FA MILIES. Tlie Piedmont Line of Stages—the Mail tine be tween Augusta and Columbus—tin* Accommodation Line between Mdledgevillo and Cohiinhiii—and tlie Ti llabassee L’me, all stop at Lafayette Hull, affording facilities lor the conveyance ol passengers, m-t to be iiad in equal extent, ut any ofner point in the State, with the exception of Auzuslu. D. B. MITCHELL. Milledgeville, Feb. 14. f> If -Mill r HIFDICAL CARD. D^R. PETERS, inconsequence «r circumstances transpiring preventing bis being in a foreign country at this lime, us lie had anticipated, and in addi tion to that, the grateful recollection of ihe very exton nive patronage extended to him in this city for the last season, with the earnest solicitations of numerous Iriends for bis Iontr«‘r continuance among them, lias determined on spending the ensiling winter in Mil- ledge v die. Dr. P. for several years has devoted bis entire atten tion to the treatment of chronic or invitrrutc diseases in different climates. l)i. P. may be seen at bis ollice on Wavne Street next door to tfie post *dlice, or at the Eagle Hotel, kept by Mr. Robert McCombs, where be boards. Dyspepsia and V^iver Complaint. Dr. Peters lias succeeded in forming a compound from several proximate regetabfc principles, which has proved far more efficient than any remedy heretofore discovered in curing those distressing maladies "f niinrl atulbody, which are generally compieheii led under the sweeping terms dyspepsia and liter-complaints. It is likewise an almost certain cure for enlargements of the Spleen. They are put up in parcels with full direc tions for use. From one to three parcels will be neces sary to complete a cure. Tin* price is $5 a parcel; any person sending !$5 in a letter, (post paid) stating where lit; wishes the Medicine sent, will receive it by mail Among the symptoms of Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaints, are llatulency, sou rue.'* or burning in the sto mach, melancholy, irritability , disagreeable lu<to in the mouth, great irregularity of appetite, which is some times voracious and at other times greatly deficient, thirst, fetid breath, nausea, weakness of the stomach, acid eructations, palpitations, drowsiness, irregularity ,if»thc bowels, picture on the stomach tiller meals, pain in the lieu..*, dizziness or \ertigo, coiifusion ol' mind, attended with a loss of memory. a gnawing in the stomach when empty, chilliness, affection of sight ami hearing, pain and \ve.tkio*ss in the back, languor, dis turbed sleep, cold feet am! bands, tremor, uneasiness in the throat; cough, pain m the side or breast, &c. I'rom Dr. James Eirill author of the Medical Compan ion, or Family Fhysician. Xc:c Orleans. Dec. 20th, 1831. To nil trhevn it may concern.—This is to certify, that I have wit flushed the operation of Dr. Fetor’s Medicimt Stomachicai et Ilrpitaciie in a numb**r of very obstinate Ib^Ki'iic and Liveit Akkkc nuns, of long-standing, likewise in several cases ofeiiljrgemenl* of the Spleen; I ami its effects were truly astoiusnitig. I have, no hesi tation in declaring it the most valuable preparation for those distressing ailments that lias overcome within my knowledge. JAMES EWELL, M. D. AREATS. PitroR Wrwht, Milledgevilte. Samuel Cone. Sen. Decatur, DeK.ulb. Tiiomas Richaui»«on. Sole Agent for Augusta. E. 14. Perkins, Tallahassee, Sole Agent for Flori- MBLE.EDGEVIEEE Authorised by the General Assembly oftlicStatn of Georgia* Dame Fortune stands in merry mood, Pouring her favors to the crowd ; Be ready friend, before they fall— Who know s but you may catch them all. M OJYE TFMONE Y! “ lots of tievrv ::»» W HEN we consider that Fortune is daily diffus ing wealth ami happiness In all parts and every corner of this extensive country, through the mujiun. of the Lottery System, that scarcely a day or a week wheels by us. without bringing the intelligence, that some one of our friends or fellow-uitlRens has drawn a Prize, and that if only requires an investmeni of the trivial sum of l>oll:srs, to give us a good CHANCE for Yuomy Ttioiisauri Dulhll'N—Suralv it is unnecessary to urge upoi this liberal and enlightened people the policy ol step ping in the way to wealth ai.d the favor of the propili out Dame. The m:xt drawing WIl.l. TAKE PEACE Oil Saturday, “31 st, Jane next, nt the (binrt-house, in the town of M.lledgeville. at which time there will he FLOATIiYO ill tlie Wiai’FI., the following APLE.V/HW M*MIMZM2S, to wit: i riu/i; of s io,»oo, 1 I* IS IKE OF 4 Prizes of * 1,000 1 :t Prizes of $500 a ** of OOO 4 of 400 u “ of hOO| » “ of :too i “ of TOO 1 '* of aoo 3 “ of OOO | 18 “ of lOO Which added together, will exhibit the brilliant spec tacle of 36,500 DOLLS. in tliti Wlrettl, exclusive ol a great number of fib's anil •J.i's. The 1\vu m'pat Prize, ofPl.OOO, which have been lira vu in tlii Eoltery, tv vre ImiIi (l..,|iu9eil ol by I lie 8e* eretury in this |i|acp, one of uiiidittas drawn by i'rniLiui Hutlit.rfunl, I’-i[ ,of Wnshingion county. The Loll,tv i. now rajiitllt driiwing to a close.— Those persons t\ bo are in Hie lea.l desirous of in creasing their fortunes, or being placed in eu-y and coinlurlahle cimiinslauct-s, w i I be ne st wretchedly blind to their own iutero-t, sl.ou d they permit lire present golden opportunity to pa-s unimproved. fjttok al Ihc Siilcntlit! l*rizcs above : i'l.erefore. we nivile all to come, or send immad.ute • y to Pryor Wright, ?ecreiary. SCUK.nMi. 1 Prize oi $ :“vr.woo is 3 5 3 5 a a a 3.1 •YO 0.10 I.OoO <lo <lv> ,((, ct« do (lo do do <lo do ,1 o <io do S iO.OOO ilO.UUl) JiO.OOO 9.000 4.100 ‘i .ObO tt.ioO 3.000 U.IOO ii .oOU 1.000 l.UUO ft.loo 54.00 ,» lii.OOo 00.000 niSCEELAAV. ItiiEHICAii. A S.C, in III! ‘-ioual piirsni 1 * i atU'cih'd i I'm. mg •logy pvt the sound- ul cm iptaint — lira* Ot 111 , holies i"g, that it till* natui corr**i*tlv apprehended a generally mcttsfi.l prarFce would certainly have been devi-ed. Having heconio 11;us inipre«*etl, lie gave him*< II upt*i ihc inve-tigati- oii of the subject, aided oid\ by his know ledge ol 11• e general science of the human body, amt some yi-ais constant practice, lie believes hitnseil now tohyve ar rived at a correct knowledge ol >lu* state oj Hie sys tem, which operates as the cause of Dro/sy. in its van oils forms. |li* \ iuwsin this respect, are indeed quite different frmn the scholastic th*•«>• y id the cause of Dropsy, but perfectly pathological. He feels more and more confirmed in his correctness, from Ihe su perior suct'css " liicSi attends the • ppiic ilion ol medi cine according t" his principles. For the lust seven or eight years, Ire !ms confined hi. pniciice exclusive, ly to dropsicnl subjec 1 *, and has Ired tire salisfnclion to sire hi- intullectunl effort, crowned with Ihe most happy results - , many persons during this pet inti have ul by Ins discovery, tv|n> were dispa ired rtf, nt tire court-lion.e, in IMilledgeville, on \V ini'day nud.Tiiursilny. tire 14tlx nnd Ifitli ol .May next, fur ili- purpose of COLLECTING Tax, and « i’ll close bis Bunks nt (lie sauie time. April 2l», 18:14 <11A H LI S SMITH Tax-Collector. 10.1)00 3.000 1.000 ooo Si 90 oo ooo 500 400 iJOt) 5.00 toO 50 540 la i.ens than T’.vo Ulan A* to a Prize 1 All lire Prizes in be Homing trout lire commence I Deni, exceiit tint lollt.wiog, depuslletl us tidluw s, viz : ! . t'ir.,1 IJoi/ j Or,tiring —4 I’uzes-I fi.UUU. I ol 1,1100 ! I ol IMII. 1 of 800, 1 ut rib), 1 ol t.Ud, J off,DU. I ul 4UU, I oi .I'm. i oi J') 1 ). tieconit Ouj/'a Drniring—1 Prize tif $ lll.OOU, 1 o: 1.0011, I or.'i’lil, I ol 8 I I, I ol 700, 1 ul UUU, J uffiUil, 0 tu.i, i oi i :i .o, I ot auo. Third Oni/'s Draicing—1 Prize of $ KI.UOU. I of 1,!)I)I), I of 1)1)0. 1 of 8 Ii), I of 700, 1 ul bi)U, 1 of 51)0, 1 ol 4011. I of 3110, I of “400. Piwrlli Out/'x Ontiriiiti—I Prize of $ 10.000, I ol 1,001). i nfoilil. 1 nl* 8!li), I of 7t)t), 1 of GUO, I o 500, i of iiio, i of yon, i oi auo. Fifilm id Otsl Ormrinie—I Prize of .8 a0-,l)0(). 1 of 1,000, 1 nfD'.IO. Iof80), I of 700, 1 of GUO, 1 ol 500. i of 400. i of 300, i ot aoo. And on the coutineiiceincnl of lire First, Second Third and Fourth Day’s Draw ittg, the Jirsl dram, ninnlier shall be entitled to a Prize ol 1,000 tlofrnrs and on the tionclmiott of the Iasi Day's Drawing, the first and last drawn number shall b.- entitled to tt ea- pital Prize t.f$5,000 each, in a idilinn to such Prizes ns may he drawn to lire i tut tubers. The whole Lol tery to be completed to FIVK DAYS DRAWING! M*riscs Ontu lo be MPrairn. The whole ul flic Frizes payable in hixly das s aflei each Day’s Draw ing—subjeel tu .« decluelioi. of fificeu percent. All prizes not applied fur in twelve niunih* teh drawing, (u be considered as a duiiafiun to A»Sccm? in the West. IIr COLONEL CROCKETT. It during the latter pari of September, in the year—, that il was my fortune to be travel ling through the Wgstern District of Tenuessee. and along the main road whtfch now leads on from Bolivar' o Paris. The close of a pleasant day found me fatigued and weary, jogging along through a Wild and thinly settled country, on the qui vive for a rest ing place; the few clearings which I bad passed, indicated contentment rather than wealth, or even comlort, and ihe hooting of owls, ihe long howl of Home famished beast, tho rapid passage of birds on their way to roost, together with the recollec tion of many stories nfhair breath escapes and des perate conflicts, which have taken place in tlie country through which I was passing, caused me to feel much solicit tide as to where I •liowh! sleep, and made me think of home, and happiness, and the busy crowd of Atlantic cities—and when I con trasted all this with the fact tlial I was a stranger in a strange land, and beheld the quiet, yet wdd appearance of the d» use and dark forest around me, I involuntarily tightened my reins, and urged my horse onward. It was in this mood, that, upon turning an an cle ol the road. I discovered a horseman coming towards me in a sweeping trot—he was rather biid- Iv mounted ; but bis dress nnd appearance were of better order, and bespoke him a genuine back woodsman of some note. Seeing that he was about to pass me, with a common salutation I hailed him to stop. “ Halt Biily,”—said he, and Billy halted so sud denly. I thought his rider would have gone over his head—“ An now stranger "hat is you want with me. you must talk fust, for the way I’m in a hurry* is curious.** * I shall he obliged to you.* said I. * if you will (ell me where I ran sleep to night !** •And is that all!—well here’s the B« ck Horn ills! a head of you, tho’ it-* right rough there—an dioul eight miles fun her there is an excellent house—an if you don’t like either ofthcrq, **pose you turn back with me, I’*e got but one cabin, & its f ull of young ones, hut I’ll make you a pallet &: take care of your horse.* • I thank you. sir. but my horse is tired, and I am anxious to get on,* * No thank**, no thanks, stop at Buck Horn, you can make out there for the night.* 4 But I think )ou said it was right rough—can I stand it ?* •Oli! stand it—yes—ter stand nnv tiling here— I only said so 'cause vno s» c(npd to he n «traoger in these pans, and I thougiTT*you"'niight’nt like their ways.* • W ill they give mo and my horse something to , „p NOTICE. j |£ h - h v '"fF,Bi,<1i ami pin it bii.s Mini are mow living xv it A IIF. 1 of Bahlutnciiunty will attend j nelWlo ol'wlre. I. here vt.iu.rt_ Standing thus iu«ulat'*d "iih a rfii'etly m Ins hand. . j r which he heiicves, (and in this belief he .*n not alone,) | funds of the Milledgeville Street Lottery. surpasses any thing known in the medical world, for j The drawing lo take place under tlie superinten- tlie cure of this distressing inn Hily—l e lias Iti.night ( deuce of iVillinm It'. Carnes, Samuel bnffiiuglun, Sa- proper, for his individual hem*fit. and the benefit of mnel Hoclctrt ll. U'tn. II. Torrance, Jinrndi U P. Stubbs, medical Board Of Georgia. ! till SI* who at any time labor under this disease.1.1 ex- j j naCf ,l, Stovall. J It' A. Sanford, Hubert McCombs, him) T Ihe last Annual Session, whirl) look place 2d ' remedy to the «i"ld. in the Inraiof I’alctil j , uhn /, /Fare, v-'ornmissimiers—also, a Board ufVisi • Oh. ye*—stuff both as full as ticks. • And a IipiI * • Yes—-they'll give von a bed—you don't mind s|peniu2 thick—do you I • How thick ?* ^ 4 r vJi ! sorter thick, an*! not so verv thick neith er tliev'll onlv put you in spoon fashion, an vo i must be awful still, or all turn over tr#<ie*b»*r. if vnu don't tlie ntrside ones will fill out, and if they ‘to. they'll he r»«?ht a;il to hurt themselves * •Well, is this all I have 4 o fear at Bock More?’ • Fear—von have nothin'.* to fear Bock Hero is considered l»v ninny ns a very clever, nice (dace — an don’t they have nnis'era there 4 an don’t they have shootin matches ? an don't they trv warrants ? so you see Buck Horn is not so coarse—in ifanv nf ‘ nil should trv to use you up, von'll fi r! more olio’ll fight for von. than agin von — a stranger never want** for friends in I fuse parts.* \V**|I I must go now—good bvc—if ever you come my wav, gi’ me a caF, voo hear—just a-d; for Little River Jack ; they all k»mv me. Go along Billy.' and he roofed his old horse, who wriggled, shot forward, and eurlp*! }( so ratiidlv. that all which remained visible of him was a black streak. Contracting Western with F.asfern manners, ami thinking nf Buck Horn and its inhabitants. I pur sued my wav until from well known signals I knrw a bou«e was near—and in a few minn'es after, sit uated in a small clearin'*, immediately on the road, appeared a large rude double logged cabin, with a Buck’s Horn over the door, which means, in the west, entertainment for man and horse, and this f after bis kin in the old mutiny, all of whom tie fancied I must know, mei sty be* ause I came from the same State....discussing this and sundry other topii s. we wiled away some t me....I learned from him, that he, with his wife, had that morning re turned from a vis’ll to Alabama, At that some of his neighbors would, drap in presently to bear (tie news....I could hear tlie crowd gathering in the ad joining room, and was soon after called to supper. The supper though plentiful and inviting, had been prepared in the room, where the largest part of the company hail assembled... .and there every face was joyou* and happy, save that of the good dame, whose duly it had been to prepare the evening meal.b.she looked rather crabbed, and slung about tlie puis and pans, seeding enlir> ly careless of the shins of her neighbors. But she received mv thanks, for among other things there was a large quantity of sweet potatoes, sliced and fried, which 1 tiad ordered for my own use. We crowded aronnd the table, cracked jokes, and be gan to eat. There was a stranger at my elbow who dipped into my sweet potatoes so often that I began to take quite a dislike to him... lor it was a dish of which l was very loud, winch i had orJer- ed, and consequently considered my own proper ty....besides this, I -was keen set as a hawk. • Stranger,'....said l,.... l yon are fond of pota toes.* • No I can't say as how I am....but the way that Aunt Fat cooks 'em is a caution, and I think these am quite Sujjiunk• Jest stick me up a lew will you.’ • You meen to say they will soon be defunct, 1 supposed • No s\r....suffiunk is the idea, and if you don’t know what sullinnk is, I would advise you to ab shize, for it’s quite impossible for you to stmpronc here. Having supped we arose in order to m ike room for another tabm, and I adjourned to the room which bad been alluded me....thither I was fol lowed by my potatue opponent, who accosted me * Come stranger, mind not I sav — we are all iree and easy here ...I wouldn't liuit.i hair ul your head, to savo my* 11ie — tli« old mail just come home to day, and we drapped in merely i o’have a In He sprt-e....come • .-pose you join us f I thanked turn, but was so tangoed ironi my ridu that i wisned lo retire early Consider a moment....* did you notice llit m gals f said ho. • Yes.’ • W ell, I've a notion of Jinny.. .she's a tick- lur, and when sue daucus, s.iu slings a nasty fooi ....1 i el I you. • Doe« she !' • Yes, she does so ; * twoul J do you good to see her dance.' T ie company now began to get moif noisy, and the landlord alter telling me several times not lo the boys went about ins business....the cli.ef gathering wasin'ilie supper room, winch echoed with loud amt iminy glee, leaving me com p.irahvely alone. But uniur.unaie y me whiskey barrel was near my lied, and as regular as an hour glass, but ai much shorter intervals, did the land lord approach it with a mug, draw out the spile, nil ii, and then drive in (lie peg with a hammer ...saying dool let me disturb you, there’s your bed, uiiiihle in when you like it....and so there was i nice lied — I*, was packed, from ihc wait to about Ihe middle, w ith two row* of children, fined to cm h oih* r in the same manner ns shows are done up for exportation, and In sides this there were many persons around thi lire &. among ihcminuiiy grrls just grown. Under these cm utnsiiinct a, leli loth to undress for bid-- hoi upon ben.g loin again that my bed was ready, and seeing that no body was about to leave ihc ro< in. 1 conceived that ah was right, anil stripped, retaining my shin and drawers, woh a toleianle degree ul composure. Hiving bee i accustomed lo -deep alone, 1 w.i 8 as ah aid ol being to idled by a c old as 1 w ould have been < I an eel, and consequently courted sin p lo no purpose. Hoon all -r gelling into bed I be.u*d a scuiiie, and a general itisli iu tiie entry, saying 'you sh ike him agin.'—Wishing to see ail tile fun, i slipped out Id bed, and cre,)t to tiie door, where tlieie was such an etern d clatter ol long-es that it was some time before 1 could .is. er- iam tlie cause of the distuibam e —with h turned out to be this—a servant belonging to one of tiie neighbours bad coine over, as, it seemed, was bis usual custom to buy a pint of whiskey, and while | waiting at (be door for tue landlord, was accoded . , . .guA nnd nt it they MtPnt. The. first copciiNsiou jra* like the meeting of two Socomotit^Tit fall »pet4 ... the jar was’so great that both were thrown into the yard, where clinching, they rolled over like * couple of cats, squalling and using the most horri ble execrations....hurra for \Vo)fe....\Vell done Aaron—how gouge him....Oh ! you miteed a chance, how give it to him....why don't you bit* him / These and similar expression*, wer4 con stantly vociferated by the partisans of each, and seeing the affair was about drawing to a focus, I sl'Ppfcd off and went to bed. F.very thing was now comparatively quiet, and but a few moments elapsed before Poll with a crowd at her basis, gam* in almost convulse*! with laughter* • What is the matter 1 * said I. * • Oli! the prettiest fight, said Poll, ‘they we*» both cowards, but you ought to hate seen »L...l know ih£y were sturbin you, standing there quar relling, so I made them fight merely to hava it oter.ji. I tell you what, there’s no mistake in Aaron wdien he does begin.' At this moment Aaron canto in, walking very carelessly along, with his lace much scratched, and a handkerchief oter ona of his eyes. Poll,....* Well, Aaron you is a root; I did’ut know twas in the little man.’ “ Poll, you know 1 always told you I was til gristle.’ • Well I did'nt think so, hut 1 tell you you was all over him ; I did’nt see the licks, but I heard 'em and they seemed to mo to falljuM as fast as if I was shttkin down sitnruons.' , . How much longer this dialogue would have last ed* heaven only knows; but being uncomfortably situated, I called to Miss Poll, whose face I re illy liked, and asked her to be good enough to arrange the ohildien, lor if stie did not, I should soon be kicked out of bed My wish was hardly express ed beiore Poll stripped down the covering, and began slapping • very child which was out of its* .place, without paying the least regard to the.fiic** whither it w as a deep or awake. This Had the de sired effect with the children. They were soon packed away, with a strict injunction from 1’oMto " keep quiet Ol they’d git it nnd I cannot say that i felt more sleepy, alter Poll had leaned over ma to arrange tho children, £ud was kind enough lo wish inq^i good night's rest. 'Pile house now soon became very atil) So much tu that one would hardly < ven have suspected it ol having been the scene ot so uiucit commotion as the one described. I he sians winch led to the loft, ran up frnmmy room, and while i was endeavoring to sleep, Foil quiet;y trip ed in ag.un, bearing a child in he# aims, win* s< vcral small on- s following her*...hush now don’t make a noise....* () the r-evil p said I you dout mean lo pul them in my bed P* •No sir—these belong in the loft j* and sh« marched them gently up,stairs, disposed of them and again reluming disappeared; semceiy a ini- mutt passed before she tripped up with another; and (lieu aiiothei, and another cuiif she begun to labor up. and i heaid her say, I never seed so nut • >y children in my hie*...anil so I llioupht; sprat* mg wiinin ine bounds of moderation 1 think she caiiled into tiie loft Iron) twelve to fifteen children j then coming down, pulling with fatigue she disap peared and all was quiet Well, the scene is over for the night said I .. not so liosvevc I lor 1 again heard Poll's voice in the en- *ry amid a small bu.ile, saying, 4 now take youf ■moes off, march ea-y don’t disturb that gentleman. The door opened ami Poll appeared with a light, and as slit* »hd, she turned about nud whispered hi a low voice, * now march on....llif*D led the waf up tafrs. fo.lowed by I will not say how many of dir crowd, woo bad gathered, all inarching «ilefU» December. Ifj&l.lhe folic Licensed to Practice Medicine : gentlemen were i the Slate : Licensed on presentation of Diplomas. 1 William II. Ilollinslicnd, M. I)., Transylvania. 2 John J Wilson, M D.. Jefferson C"lh-ge. 3 Will.tun \V. Jordan. M D.. Transylvania. 4 Mark A. Franklin, M i>., Penn. University, fi George \V Cobb, M. I) . Transylvania, fi Philip Young, M. D . University, S. (J. 7 Samuel Snoddy, M. D., Transylvania. H John M. Dunn, *d M‘ s»*s Rogers, M. D .Ohio University. 10 G. M. Newton. M I). 11 Charles W. Catnpbi-ll, M. D. License granted tu the follouflng applicants on examina tion : 1 Cary Cox. Newton county. 2 Thomas P. paik, Greene. 3 L. J \V. Krutitz, Baidwin. 4 E. II. ,\jncon. Greene. 5 G. W. Hill.Troup. > James T. Wilkins. Fotna i’. V William P. Hensley, Jasper. 8 Edward F. Knott, Henry. ^ II. J. Clark, do. 10 I-anc Fuller. Dooly. 11 James O Watts, Telfair, 1*2 E 1* 1 la'e. Franklin. Jfi W. L. Walton. 14 Ad.un G. Clemens. THOMAS U. GORMAN. Sec'ry of the U<aird. .Tannery 1, IRH4 14 ;j( DIVIhLUD Bank State or (ikokoia \ Sacannah. 2oth April, 18B4. ] » bl ME Board of Directors luivnin this day deetared 9 a Dividend at the rale of eight per rent, per annum, or .$4 per Shan* on ihe Capital Stork of this exped tnuisly, ili hi tut his remedy to the "mid, in the form of Patent Medicine. In doing which, lie lias no up logy to offer orfavorto ask, farther Ilian strict justice. Believing that the remedy here recommended, only requires to he faithfully applied, to give unparalleled satisfaction, he feels hiiusell willing tor il lo stand or fall by its o" u merit. Willi reference to the foregoing medicine. I)r. H. Branham, ot Eatouton, Putnam county, Georgia, ex presses himsell thus : i “ 1 have known Dr. Fall’s prescription for Drop I sies used in many case-i w il h singular success. Asa certain ihurAic, so far us my observation extends, it j has nn equal I believe it altogether the best remedy | 1 have kjiovvn for ibis distressing di-ease. J1 BRANHAM. November Bib. {LF TV198 •IMftlicine may bo bad of lloxey & i llrqubHiM, CohiuitiiiH*, - -— Johnson, Macon ; !M E. j Edward-,Milledgevillc,and Hinton *V Bacon, Athens. March 1*2 tt !il—Itedintl identified as the tavern to which I bad been re I by a large bony crabbn i iimii, name I Wulie, who commended. f r0 fu some cnu>e which di t not appear, thought pro- It was now die dusk nf evening, nnd nlrhnugb | p,. r strike him —ibis was peiceived by a small, its appearance was uninviting, it seemed In me n aharp looking man, cal.e l Aaron, who having n welcome spot—it was quiet—and as I rode up, j <i 0 ad sh «re of artilic nl stnnuliM added tc much nntbintr was to be seen but the cattle lying about i natural firmness, briellcd up, uud sirulied about the yard chewing their ends, and the fowls arrant?- i with huge consequence. .•rt in Hos, Ollier, on the,* nf nn oak which j T!)er# wer0 nlBn y person, about ihe house, prew near ihc .loor: my arrival however, seemert I w)l0 a o pelire(1 u „,„ove.l by the passmp scene, n rnlirely to chance the scene, for the rtnp, came | w ., s 'i’.eip„|| y M.eyounger person. who-urrouml- blinking and harking about me. as if .hey wishe.l , , ^ expected comb..ante, g.rls and men fo m- lo know who anil whal I was, anil what we* mv 1)1). ] sines*—the cows eyert me—the turkeys chirk- I cil—and I thought an ol.l pohler would have j twisted his neck off in his solicitude to g»'i in a sit- I nation, that he might take a fair squint at me. 1 Turkeys, when they examine any thing closely, only use one eye. ami my old gobbler would first t-rcscnt l*rifc of Tif hr hi. \ Wholes - - - $ 1(1 OO IBalves ... !% OO <piarlcrs ... a ,*50 For sale in a great variety ol numbers at tire Conn.ii olie ryp . al)11 my ol „ B#11 , ltier , I Office'and^sTa'le D*nk^ 1,e • lrea ^' u I’ |,os,te ** ,u Cosl.i ,, y . „ ne the other, and ,Iren he would pot , , , , I Oil,..,, and Stale Bi nk. of |h- j hls h wl h,s wing, as if for lire purpose „f| '"he* h.s part is no hetter than a briglileniri^ bis vision and drawing if out, would ed the ring promiscuously, llie girls chuck full of fun un i life, Inddi.ig aloft largo liglitwoud torches, dtiertnim d lo see II was to be seen—con ceivp myself undressed, peeping over tlie crowd, and you have the scene as I saw it when Asrou cr ed out, “who Sit tick that niggur?" 1 struck him, a dam black utaniprie. an he U Orders* for Tickets, from any part Stales, (post paid) will meet with prompt attention. Address FKYOKt AVKEGHT, Sec'ry to Commissioners Milledgeville. April 10 1P:»4 ulay C < I B Bank fur the six m^ntlis ending on the fell iu«t. tlie fH,,, e will lie paid to the respective Stockbulders there- °ff or (ulheir order, on end Hlter Tuesday next. By order of (lie Board. _ ir> 2t A. PORTER. riH.l.ier, Ofice of ISuperinlcndunl Hoads, ^c. Eastern Div. Watkinsville lOtli, April. IHd4. ril HOSE person* who have demands against llie | .K ttla'.e w»r aervices rendered nr articles fumi-hed i f"t the public bands, m Hum division, and who have | lieglerted t » band them m for settlement, are notified J 1 iar I utu prepared lo senle them, if sent t<» me pro • P* rly ultested Mild receipted, before the loth day of ■ " ut wlucli lime, the concerns •»( tJii*divi«inn will U < ' [H ,i-j "1LLIAM C. LYDAN Suptriniesxdant, \c ixooi'Kiu, (■r.'fitt> eoiini)', P nx t'i'tt i C I4'.w Ih.lrirl, G. il. I 1 ';D l.v L'hnrlo- L. Maithaw»,oii» . ' <f ' ’**> llut-u. in-ftiitrt lent nnd right forefoot C, ft XU) III lorvbaart, ahoiit c.glu ytutr* old, a A|i|irniM!.l_liv |J. G. ||nr|ier, anil 18.11 •I»'*«l all r«iiiud Jmre. B. iVmivUuo.u, fortv-fiv i, dollar., thia bill April, 4 , , James w. GODiaw, j. r. A Uu« txtncl fiuuj Ilia E«tr#v Book. ■. >vinclnt a.\.\roun, crk. April ip, . jjj TO THE IN illrlC. OTTOS SCREWS.— IT.e Iimlersigrrert. living hi Ihe upper part ol .Murgao emiiily, near the line of Newton county, and two miles Iroin the line ul Ja-per tnninly, i« enahled tu make Scrt'tVS f or P.'icliill^ FoKotl, <>f a superior kind, end at a pure so rerf-un ahl«-, tlial those with a small cpqi of cotton, " ill find il to their advanlage lo have one. When erected, they gainc nine inches at every turn, nnd by ihe power of their own weight, will fall d >w n to within two tuiu-* of packing the hale. I cm the screw and tup ready fur training lor .*5 M— delivera ble al my phw Mill. The Iranie neces ary for the erection of the screw, can he made hy any common workman, who can icn* the limad axe. and make a morliie nnd tenon. 1 will give a dealt and instrue- lions for this purpose, to those who buy a screw.— Having every f.u i ily for the purpose of uiakii>(i;t e who may want them, can be mij piled al short From the g ••al uiiiiibcr made at my CRtHldi-binent Iasi year, and ihe general sali»laeliou of lliiao who I have tried them l feel no hesitancy in warrant in*; J them in all partieiilath. t • lbo«e w ho may purelia*e ] them in tu'iire I will also extend credit for the pay- | men! until the goth December and would r. -i commend «urli a- want them. t*» order them suoii. «o | F* a I thev may have them greased, and better prepared i* service. Many w ho have tried them and subsequently r< moved, have real zeti ilu ir advantage •“> inueh, a*> t.* MMid order* lo me for oilier^ end lo he carried even P the di-tauce of a hundred uii.c*. JESSE M. WILSON December |H. Mhii n lo»ig searebinp look —nnd then be e x a mi n ed bin rnfist, am! said snmetbiug to the furkien around hint, which f could not understand—but they all clucked, and ndjiis'ed fliemselves. con eluding a** 1 thought, with. *• lie’s n sirmger in these pans Jnotl I ilun't much like Iiim looks”,,.and they would have liked them much less, bad they known the state of mv appetite. While all ibis was passing, an old lady came to the door to see what was the cause of so much commotion, looked out for an in-tant. and then -next came a flock of children of all WeNlcrn itledical Society. A Ct OlilH.Nti to pievioiiM notice, on Wcdne the Ititli day of April. |H:14, n niimtu Practitioners <tl Medicine met al McDonough, Geor gia, lor the purpo-e of forming a Medical Society for their mutual iiMniction and the benefit of the com munity—Alter the object of the meeting had been Vated. Dr. David A. /It esc was called to the Chair, and l)r Lilicard F. Knott, appointed Secretary. • . ^ , On molioii, tlm t hail* appointed the follow ing gen | 1 '* i Heine.. lo draft a L’.o.Mil,ition, \iz— Dr L. Augustus j S,ZPH l »*»rHiioied, with abort cntion shins, who not Dr. Jacob Stokes, Dr. Francis E. Munson and j ‘“’freely anw me, before awav thev scampered, r. Mackey. j tumbling over each other, into one of the side The Committee reported the following Cmistiluti- doors ; and finally there came wbh stately stride, i, w hich w Hi* unanimously adopted : . ihe landlord of llie bouse ; be was without a coat. Article Ixl. I lie >ocioty shall he called the U ol- j ron"li in appearance, large and portly in bis form. I with a goo 1 ii tmored jolly looking face, zndAvbile I Ii* 1 approached, a pair of eyes mig'il be seen peep- j mg ihrongli every crevice m the bouse. ern Medical Society ••! Georgia. Art. ‘id. The is- ciety shad consist of a Fiesideut, Vice-Fresidftiil and Secretary, l«i he elected annually hy t(allot ‘Gome friend won't you • alight ?* •Thank you sir I wi-di to spend the evening with von.* | * Oil down... git down .. T’il take your horse. | and fix von as snug as a bear in a hollow.* Aaron making toward him—•* now don't you call mf) a niggur. AVolle, don’t you* call me a niggur; if you do drot me if 1 dou t walk right into you I'll go entirely through you.' ‘Lome on then, I’ll lick you—and the way I’ll lick you, will be a caution to tho balance of your f» ii'lv, if I do i’I drot inn.* Part 'em— pari 'em, w as the cry from many, nud again I beard Aaron’* voice raising above the miters—saying. ' Did the niggur mislist you." • No—but I in rnded n.v conversation upon him. and be conld give me no answer.' “Well I sav '(was drotied mean. In beat a neigh bor's mggur’merely because lie c it no to gei a drink—now you now Wolfe, when you wastn the nrmv, under general Jackson, you would s»eal out to get a tlriok. and why out 'low a poor uiggur same privilege.* *• Drot the niggur, I’ven great mind to ust him up. and you too tot t iking his part.' •• Now. use vie up, ju^t as soon as yon choose— you now Wolf** you is a bigger man than me—but I tell you I'm all gristle— &. God never made a man wlm could walk ov**r me or hurt faster when lie up- gins—I weigh just one bundled nud twenty five pounds.* • 1 ilun't care what the dev.I you weigh, nor any ly after her in stng.g file. They forniwj h Jui line which was several minutes in passing a R*mK 0h* 1 witnessed what 1 Iqar I shall never see HftMItE <xl « lui a ■111 Art. Bd. The Society slot'.I m*tct, on the third Finlay in May. Art 4th. Any regular praedtioner of Medicine may become a member ot ibis ttocicly, by xub&ciii*ing to the Conslitiition. Art. ruh. The IVesident nIihII preside«t every meet, i ||avi»!g dismounted, be. stripped my borse/and ' thing about yon—all 1 can say. »s. I can lick you mg; m Ins ab-eiici . n shall be llie doty ol llie Vice- ' LT ; v j lltI „ H . mv Maddlebaya and saddle..,.*now take | —if von take that niggur'* pari Win H mi hetter cttVled lo the'Chair H8 a iu,,ce ’ ,,,t in cl M,i ‘> *' | Vm in. and put 'e u under the he I... and m ike I than a niggur—I say tins ami stand in my own Art. liih. There‘sI.hSI he an address delivered nt 'ourself a 1 home... children clear the way. and let ! shoe vi<ry hdmiihI iirei-lmz of lire Soririy, l.y -ore irt il. I It'-oil.'nizo rums;' I rti.l ns I was rtirrcli-.l. sliali be chosen by ember iciety present. t >u uioiion, it w n« order majoniy of the ’il, that the proceedings < f Ibis meeting be published in some of the public G • Z»*lte* ul the filnte. DWID A REE8E, Chairman. EnwAttn F. Knoit. Heeretarv l-t ’.It MTUATEH I MIOM llw* subscriber, living nine mile* front Fa- tninoii, Putnam county, near A»liur*t'p MilL. on Mnrdor Creek. Two vtv. i one a llltirK, 2 year* old, uud theolhuru lin t el, IH nr *20 mouth*-. Ihe -orn l ba« awluta drunk in her hire, and (lie hhek u niiihI) slur, uu- or both of ibmii have «oih* white about tiieir hind fuel. Any pi.*r»ou who will |nk« thtm up slid give iiio inform ition, no that I cun gtl them, •bttil bo hboruliy tswsilicKi for ilieir double. JAM EH URKfff* May 1, 1604- 10 4t* AToticc and Caution. W" I)<> I a U •• till* meliiuil ol | i »\ aiiiing it;.? public a- gainst trading lor loo promi««nty note* nunie hy ni\«el| and pay able to r.lijim Joidao orbeeier: one for tlie sum of eighteenNl"llar* and the other lor Iwen ty-fivM due the first day of Ihiiomit last, the cmisid>*ro lion for wltieh said notes was givi ii having entitely failed. I am determined not to pay them, until eotnpei ft H'M BRINKLEY BROUN. fi I Hi led fiv law Fehrii ir uml Lund Luu, for mhI«*. T t i>. *41* Mill Bis!. v>d five. rim, dill 1st hold. 660, llli l^t Gold. 9IMEUN ELLINGTON. Dublin, Lauras count;, lib. Ii 6 i* h* i observed that the old gnhnler ro*4e m, nnd j fumed his head towards tlie door I entered in or dor tint he might keep n sharp look nut. was ! nobly dope, he seemed resolved never to turn his j back to an enemy. ! Having exanimsd (he npartment. I drew a chair I before a b!a/.iny fire, and miitenfed with app* ai anci'i, *at a silent spectator nt the giotip l»e|r*r** 1 tlie... ihe house contained hut two room*. #'<1 • | garret nr |nfl as p is there railed, rootling ill* j whole extent nf the building, and yet I had fi eri children enough about the estahlifthmrnl I** hnv* filled up at |o'iit lour rood rooms; and still everv inomeiil I saw anew face. ..llier** were mniiV giil- tniottg the group, all prenv.yei bare footed, and when tiiey would * atcli m« iooki'i. at their feet .. I love preftv lee*....they would stoop -•* nn l*» make their dr* ** ent'r»*ly couce.d them .. modesty most lie innate, thought I. Tim return of ihc landlord thinned the lit*It group Mound nt«;br sent off all (he small frjy tn tu t.Mr next room, smi duwtn^ soioc whiskey made Now, you need'nf talk about your shoe*, kasc? you m*c I'm barefooted; I liamt c»l *m» shoes it is true, but I aland ilatlooted and dr-*t fb« Ilian who can move me one inch—do\»»u f*ear Wolfe F j Y»*rt....I bear it....and A iron i can lick you ' | * Well W olfe, I'll fight you, but you’ve never > bad a better Iriend than | ve been. I'aC Iriendcd j you when no other man would.' I • Dul'nt I keep them steer* of ynttrn better than two months—and did'nt I >uiu that pied heifer ot } yotirn into my pea pnl* h ?* * An **posen \ou did, did’nt 1 call upynnrhoga buf ifiatH iioilnog to do witli tt... Aaron, you look liiaf uiggur* part, and you iiiiim fubt o.u.* * Aaron couid stand ibis oo longer but he made al him. * Part ’em ; part 'em, w:i* again the cry hot now the girh inierft te l. crying *h*i 'em fl^ht, you 'ajm*e vv»* gwiue to *4md here all night holding ibe light I' uni at the* mo* time l discovered a hear y. buxom, lively looking gol. whom limy ca'led Foil, rolling •irr Hecvtut up. uud swearing, al tiie same time both were cowutJfc, aod that sbe blip.ved jhs could 1 must contcss, with ihe whole acette 1 was struck dumb, iflu rly amazed, :w»d cotifoundetf...« good heaveTis, ihouglit I what a packing rtmcji they'd have upstairs....and >ct there wit* no bustle — I heard something that sounded like the ruMliug ul shocks, and iu a few ii.mutes after£very thing was quiet as the wild wood.*-^-iliis silence reigned unbroken,mhvo **n occasional jar which shook Ihe house, resembling the slight shuck of an earth quake, or some heavy body above me withe hand- spike..••'his was occasioned by the joint turning over of tiie phalanx in the loll; wfieu this caused all was quiet, and 1 went iu sleep. '( ■ Softs to the fort going Tale. •To lieit one's self,* msaus to get in 1 vluleui pa-taion. •To gouge a horse,' is to spur him. •Sling a nasty lout,’ means to dance exceeding-* ly well, *8lie is a nasjy looking gal,' implies she is e splendid wotnsfn. 1 know not by what singular chance this meaning leas been given to the word nasty- hot certain it is that expressed as above ft U considered among the class to which it h.s refer* ence as highly gdniplimentary, •Lick,' to heal, to wliip. •Shuck,' the husk of corn. (Knickerbocker Mag. —IOOoOO — The Voi.ii* Wife. Tt), young wif" ilioulii rcmmiber that ah, ha, cho»- en lior ownjloi in life, she has conmcted herself with hvf hitabaud, and if by decree of a lb wine Providence; h« becomes einbariassed. it is her duty to aid hiiu by her kindness—not to mutter or oppress him by ill temper. Upon the male sex, the tu kr of providing tlie means of siibiusteucu i- in civilized society, almost eiolujiwly imposed j oud conaeqiiently w hen they be come dMrcured, uud huve not wlien wiilinl to pruvpld for their par tn is, they suffer doubly. They have riot only tiieir own pr.vafmus to regret l utyoursalso; &ihs wuild’s frown—often limes unjust—censure, faliaexclu- up.iu the bpsbami Tlie wife can hide heryelf from the world, hut tiio husband must luce im p rids and its prosperity. May all young wives be perma nently prosperous s but fortceir own Si kes and for the honor of woirunhuod, we admonish them nut to let ad versity, should il unfortunately lay its iron h~ud upon them, induce them to di purt from dial affectionate con duct in wonl or d* * d which they owe to their husband* and conduct themselves m vnclqa mautiff as to do away me tru b of tlie old proseib—' when poverty comes in ullbs dour, lovs flics out of the window.’ [O'. S. ftl. £ r<>fk. —:ooooo:— t A Goon JpK*.—A resrnw r lalfly lost from Ills *v«g Du z lo'z of fmtt•r. iri.jcl) whs found l.y r .nan, «T)^ .nriird il Ire 11 « mills on t»8t,to the'rn of Mr. H; wlrers''lie fomid lire owner, >!r. II. (thr laixlt,.,«)> i il*.ci vrrt to liiut ilial l*e w «* ») all pnIrt— O at th tif you wire ivonli 45 <)< »i). a»t< thuVc you kindly wmill ;)7J coil. He ('i)e lorttmaib) soon railed lor I dinner, which was In, liwiih provided. Alter tuiiidung Uu, meal, lie inqiilrBd :h.-—the nuswtr vva. 45 cent,, lie tlieo.aiu 1 than* you kindly and moved off Tiio littirt on) I’lnucdi .tely cullsil to Uim Here, .fop wy frrenrt, apd reke yonr clianuc; there is ceuta due—/ our bill war Only 45 eiuls.’—Shut. Spy. —;I'naaiwo:— A lady brought a chid to a physician in Utica,'to! lino alxi it M* pr jytnn. liealUi. Aniuiig olnor tliinaa alia luqoired )l h« slid not think tire cpting* » mild be or'elu!! " Certainly oiailnin,” replied the doctor, a. lie eyed tiie child, and look a large pinch of mult. “ I Iiavo oil tire lea.l hesitation in recommending the spilt g.— and the sooner the Duller i" •• Yon really think i would be good for the dear lit- tie thing, uoii't veil I" Boon thy woiti madam, iu the b si remedy I know of!" - Whal Spring, would yon recommend Doctor t” " a v wilt do. madam, whcie you sea gel pteity of soap o<ai meter." « —;oooon;—. Crockktt's L*«t.—Col. Crocked few ti .ye -inee to ur the eapitnl, ir rrmpeny w|L I'oguisi.t ■) cn larim tui ar tiWb lb* Lu i ne state Van Biwoii spptoa. I,»d) tketi). Allow tlie meatier te Ciovkeit to ettfodoce you lo ‘J President " Die, no," replied Ike Cokorel.—“ hisesiy umi tellder nmim ube with met ’ you r