Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, January 19, 1836, Image 4

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Administrators’& Executors’ Sales. <1 testatum -I nt the C< A greeably i«> the in*t win Sarnh Lewis, dcrensed, will Ik* home hi Greenesborough, Green«» comity, on tli Tuesday in February next, between tin* usual ofsale, Eoiir namely, lien ni.d el, two voting fellows, between the age of 2*) years old, and two girls, Ma’v and Sw-hy. ! < I the age of 1*2 and 15. and one rig end haree*-. Also, on Wednesday, tin* bid • I J nu i y u> be sold at the house of Freeman !.*’wis m G county, the p< k i*«a«i2l property of said <i. ed, consisting of feather beds, bedding, a d household furniture, too tedious to mention J made known on tin* day of sale. EDWARD D. AI.FK!END. 1 November *20 TNI>1.1: an order of the L-fi J county vv lieu rilling lor su'd, mi the first Tuesday i md testament of ! <’■ 1 rt -11 o ; • dour in Monlict Court of Jaspe y purposes «i i next, Indore tl 202 C-2 Acre of , be i.f Wall.r 1 710Lit months after dute, application will he made 1 to tin? honorable the Inferior Court of Fayette count) , \\ lien sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell nil tue land belonging to the estate of Pet< r Mum, fCt XW*»Crt fK.-TK'jJUS? : of said i SilEBIFFS’ SAI.ES. siicriir'N sale— \\ ill be lif fmvn 1*1. I lilt 0. M -WN jiiu.N r. ji.\.v ifil, liefbri; ibf Conrt*Mim«e door ii.!in\ ill'*, on the lira Tuesday in Fehiimry enveoii the ustm! hours of sale, the follow itig lteid’s 1 in m oved Independent j Houston Lunds for Sale. St’ICI.VO TH I'SS. ! IIE subscriber offers for snip in Houston county, A NEW end improved independent I*:«tc»it 8 100 acres Kood I’ine Lund, all in 'S’l'kass, for the immediate and permanent re-1 f ’ r >** body, lying immediately on the road lending from lief, and pruhah.e c um, of those u ho are afflicted uiih To Haw kinsville, 18 miles from Macon, *24 from ingu nab, and umbilical h rnia or rupture.— i Haw kinsvilb*, and 10 from Ferry, with 300 acres of * ■- ' " r ■' K<VH U i IT to .1-1 ill be u..til -.f Laurei - John .1. i in, one horse• hkJ, to s ,tis| v kivmt.i. keel\M, A utr.i i Ait Ol • \.l l Mil !d■ • \ .HI . I I’ll I'll - F 8p ilk', orpl •cl Trim* ma V km... li()E\NI) FAR UHi. hllei tun aide lull id ,v. 81 (1 hark-hand. and s tli<? JM’oj'el t v of y a li fn issued from I.mii- jicuior Court, in bivor of Jacob Chi iik»*r, a*! ini - r nl John G. Fetree, decea.od. vs. John.I Lu ll—pnoperty poin'ed out by pbuHtifl'sattorney. MARTEN SHAW. U. Sh'if. mhei 15 *, requites neitliur belt, strap, h any other appendage to make it retain it- pn*pe It will answer equally well lor both sexes. mi frnsh. Willi lh« pxccption of 60acres, 1 repair, with u comfortable framed dwelt will I 1 ".--,:' giodiouse, :ii» feel by 40, and nil other out- not prevent atlenti will it prevent dressing in ner Its application pi mb tirely prevent the prolriisi' neither buildings that the .*1 ETiiot.nbb- lid willc For Division nmoitg !isc S.< j;:0«*< O N the first Tuesday in February u-xt. "'- f be before the Coiirt-hou-c door in 1 !••»(•> • «• ’< Lots ol J aiid. Nos.7*2 and IlM. mi 1 .. -Hi trict of said county. T’ln re is a large | 1 mt *i the premises, comfortable houses. A c , 1 • ", go lilt* estate of Thomas \\ • Garner, di ce i- >1 I i will be liberal, uud made know n on ’'• »* <■■ y "I sc.! JFS-r OS I IN. 1 x'or TIIO.MAri GKIT.V Ex’ii Sopteniher *21 In iigh 1 ->f li»•* v I.I.ABIA t be «■ I I Ml* 1*1 111 i dimiry pm poses, | III tl.udth Ui.-trict by J. II in, a mi .immI. REBECCA I KEEN. G PT OMADEM SSicrilFVs Malts- fc* A sold before tin* (hmrt-lioiise door ill v.iic. Low tides county, on tin? first Tuesdo; next, within the usual hours of sale, the folli —\\ ill he Franklin- smg| i ,• .mi v. . u the first Tot - 1 ,y Ti;»< t o»* l,ol oJ l.aud, Iiady I. u iv. i<o»v Thoma* • <01111 v HE", alter dati I J isp licittioii w dl li not v. 4 '0 acres pine ! md. k 1 Ptli d.strict "f formerly It le\ ied on as the property cn I»v Eot No 11, now Low 1 . in the county. for t . lit John < Id lor till! he ld. No so, the |5 .list. :o l lit- : !r inde J,i Mill benefit III Hie AlAli I IN QN the first Tuesda line .Vi' Hi the estate of danilicl Edlll m-oii, of the Jasper, deceased. M \UT JIA EDMONSON. Adm t.dicr 2M. |c.:5. in t! 1 ■ ) 1)1 sobf before fh • < 'our Dublin, Lauren* <* unity, ngnca'dy t* Court, all the Ltfllil SkTlfl to the estate Ol James Kinchen. la'e . I deceased, c«Jiisi 4 tiiig of ah ut Ki III \t more or less, whereon the di ee i-ei! re - 1! Negroes, a woman about R0 years off a ::n! d. and h boy about seven years old. Terms made know 11 on the dav. JOflN C,. A N DIME ON. ) , U AE .McEENDo.N > 1 s ,,IS November .70 ids mfoTTci; ishcTehv gTvTrO.v'iTie i x. col. r». I 1 i.|. John Rutherford, I .t»* of ihildw i.i ciini). d. cM. that a sale of ail (he sratl-rcd Triads belonging to the decM, will lake j- act* at li.eC- oil- boiise in said eounly. on t!ie fi ^t r"c»-d >>■ m f*. le mi ry 183C, viz: one j'r.iet'nm 111 3 1 di-tri< l Witkiiwm county. No. 318 on the Oe.omu* riv. r, con’ <iniu^ I 1 l 8 10 acres, together w ith about 30 acres on the opp •- site side of the river, being the place on w hich d - ceased once had n ferry and fishery. Also, om* sninll tract fu Washington enuufy. ad; dug (l. .8frange, near the river containing 75 acres pine land. The I’rarti on, &c. on the Ocenee is iinimprox ed. !. if has >omc good swamp land. Also,one fiold Eot No II-, l.Yh district, *2dsection, now Cherokee enmity-—aDo, two Lotg of Land, No. 75.*27lh district, 3-! teetion nod No 245, 48th district, 3d section—both lhe«o Ust Lots »U|>posed to he in Walker county AM the ii.hivo named lauds will lie sold for cash. WILLIAMS RI’TII I’.RFORD. ) BENJ. 11 RUTill KI HIED, Do com her 4 -.upp. the I nt.- 1* 5th di>l 1 ntv. S. ! of l> i < M )El. V. 1 H'.MUl-t the hen sitting for ordinaiy pm ;ios<-». for 1 land belonging to tE ? orptiaus of \\ 1 STEF1ILN ri. W lim: (ill <1 i John M. them. pr<'per! md. Iited t » i.i BADER iimnllw all H 1 to the I a fun »r I Mtiiug for o' ilinai y p' ANN M \KEMW, Adm’ WAI. II TOUR \ NCE, ,hf p;iy • i i:.nm;tt i: r i.i.v. i;« i'-:; led ; and I'm mediate pay i i sons In*v mg demao M• E-n lou, late ol ie-tf d ! • pre-ent tie- i’ 1 .■li. eon nty, d> 1 1 me duly a 11 the 1 •tale, y.ili maki v ill he 11(1 Ne- 1 imraMe the • 11 :ity, lor leave to sell 1 lie g to*1 he estate ol Faul < ’oiiNou. dm eased TIE) M \S I’. l»E \ ( 'KSi I!. \R A«l mV. II I..NUY W 1 CUE, Adiii'i in light ol hi., * WIEEI \M E. MA FI*. Adm' I - '. 5 lint ts eounly. D e. I .I A I.I. InOn /IL I! 'I .1 m- a. . • .mi. • 1 sit 11 n I '«'• 11 be ■ilma III Hi Aid, for le ; to tl . tlie intestine-*, from a report of a com mittee of tin; .Medical Society of Augusta, Ga. : •• Tlo* G'nmmittee have had placed in their hands, the certificates of two ot .Mr. Reid's patients, and the st-ileiiicnis coneerning the application of the Tru-s to five others, making in all seven cases. Emm some of the patients 1 c-iding < ut of the city, yve hay e been a- bie toex.oniiu* and collect the paiticulars of hut five case* out of seven, to yy lioni the Truss lias been appli ed. .Mr AE. yyhoyyas ruptured on both side--, be lieves him-i'li permanently cured on one. lie has ve-ir'l -3 I taxable h-ft olf the i’i usi for more than 44 hours, and not yy ith- • I t« me by a cmiMn- standing c ui-iderahle etfirts were designedly made, ;i<\w 1). Sb'tr. «« |1I<.1111-ion liMik |.|nce.” ... . .. ' ’ Mr. .Marlin, nuw in his ‘l.'.lh your, nml well kiunvn - ’ ns tlie ultlf.t inhabitant ol" Aiiku&lu. bin liven HHlicIml BIBANHK’K Miei'ill S Null*. Will he with horniii fbr imire tlian forty yrnrs ; nttil niterInv- L So s-tld on tin- lir-t Tue-'l v in .March next, at the jug tried every Truss that he had ever he/ml of.ex- Eouil-h'ui-e in the low n of Sparta. 11 uncork county, pres-es lii> entiie sati-faelioii of the relief alforded. within the usual hours of sale, the folluyviu / property, it rid thinks he yet may he cured by wearing the one to yy it: applied by Mr. Reid. A certain Slave named Huzzaed, otherwi-e lileii- •• Air. S. after wea. ing the new 'Truss about (5 weeks, nei lias-elf. tho pr-tpeilv of William r F. I.ivelv. taken writes — ' I am in by cn cation of fiei i'ladas on foreclosure of mm t- lord the alibi ted gage again«t said Eivlev, at the insJaur.e ol James W. noyv (juiie easy yyliile wearing it ; andyyouhl M Rcrrieu—pointed out in the mortgage. mend it to any person afflicted with hernia lb K. BL I TS, I). Sh'if. ; *• Tho m-gro man I-hhc. helnngiug to Mu Rowell, January 5 hn< already been presented to the Society, and all ~ ~ Imve 11 a<1 an opportunity olCxarniiiiiig him personally PI pi fM I£ Mbtrrifl s I^;ilt*.---A nl "> , in( | (l | „j* u 1L . operations of llie Truss in hi* k{ li sold at tin* < oiiii-hou-e do"r, 111 the town ol 0 0 1 Sparta, on the foM I nc.-d.iy 111 I* ehroary next, "itli-, •• The (i'tli case, yvhicli wc have investigated, is III (he I *’ yy Ini hours of sale, the following piooeity, tt) , |j|j|t n| . i((t , „ w . Ml af}(| himself, who lias w,f: ... , 1 I bet n afflicted yy it li inguinal hernia on both sides, on 11)0 a ere- of pine I/iiid. more or less, mi the waters ( f||lp mon , ,| inn ; ir , years, and oil the other for seve- "! F.ulialn. ntlp-i.nog lands ol John (.. < 1 lenuiu and . ,. ;i | . arilJ ;l(lc;r ex.^riencin*/ the defects otthe Trusses, others, h-y i, d - u as the pmpetty ot I bzahctl. N-rns. j w|)l€ ., 1 , |H| , been recommended to him, is m-w relict ed to saliMv a fi la in lavnr of J. tin. (,. M ulford-.properly | ||y uhicil , llf h H s invented, or imp. o veil.” pointed Oiit by said Mudnrd. ( ' •• (>| | patients lliat yve have examined, one AEn. one Negro (.-rl. mined Julia, aged 14 y 1 ar«. V( . H ||j m? ,.|| entirely cmed on one side; and all levied mi as llie properly of I n-dei irk >colt, *0 "Htisfy H| . f , ,,( || h . 'Pru>^’ maintaining its proper situa n| J - • 11 n (1. Mollord ami oilers again,t | t j OI) j r ,, j,i».,, t |y of miv other ap| i;.'k nV 1 i s. n "s .hi. !- ' a farm. Po.nession will time bet u ecu nntv mid the 1st of JlHreh THOMAS D. WALKF.K ' hei- II 52 ,f A N AC'| t. <■! tli u-ion of the Indians of tiio (’reek nation, 1 . December, IH-JS. ' in act entitled an act to pro- tlleinents of this State from li out ie the intn ed 4()lIt Section I. He if cnnrtnl In/the Sen ale and House of l»t jnc.icutatirfs of the State of (i>orsfia in General „lj. //. A/// met. and it is Inn by enacted by Hie authority of the ft, Thu •di fe pay n.ent llARW I I E |)( rnle 1 1-35 I tu r.x’.M 'll till* the fir-t dav ol nco of Allen Mr- tsed. the pensha- late, con-istiug of •beep, goal-, cat- W ILE BE SOLD on Momlt February next, at the residi Lendon, late of Butts county, den Me property belonging to the s lid « corn, fodder, stock ol horses, hogs, tie, two road wagons, two carts. liouB-'Iiold j «n furniture, plantation tool-. Arc., and oth too tedious to mention—sale to continue from dnv to j day until all is sold. Term- on the day. Also, nt the same time and place, a small stock of | drv goods, groceries, Ac. WAI. F. .MAFP. Adm'r. 1 Dec. 14, 1835. 51 ids article w flLL BE 8t)!,l). at the Eomt-h town of Dohlin, on tin ruarv next, all the real estate of the first Tuesday in E« l»*te of Laurens county, dei-eascd; sob! by the adm Istrator. Terms made known « n the dav. RICHARD HARLOW. Ado November 10. 1835 43 Ids rgl AHi: NO r S 8'.-" Ml pei-ons I U J.diti Alyrick, late of B ddwin county either by note or aeconut, will he ii'puiai immediate payment, a* their (h h’s become all per-ons I nldiog notes nr account* again (leccs-ed. will present tli<! 111 ;tr!\ qualification tin; law r« ( 1 • mr. REDDING A AIVIIK K. I'x’in-s. November ‘2s 50 wfit A I.E per‘en- indchtcil to tin* r-ialc of Magcr- Eu- .'H banks, deceased, f.i/e o/’Ja-per coum) * . urn te- (pu.'sted to mike immediate payment; and tln*-e to whom the estate is I'ldch'-ed will present their tie- mauds w the time presenbi d l»v l.r.v. llOELIS EOOEEV. Adm'r December I 50 (it \oTin;. IE!, be sold at the late roidemm of (’ gli. late nf Laurens county, dcrea*- I Jth day ctf'l’c bniaiy next, all the perisba- Ide pro pi it) belonging to said derra-cd, to wit: hor- . -es, mules, cattle and Img-, corn and fndder, liouse- | hold and kitchen ftiniilure; al*o one col ton gin and 1 running gear ()cl o’ er 3 Anl R rlin, late cl -aid couutv, deceased JAM 1.8 D A NT IE, I JO'T'FH Sb’.M.M ER LIN, 5 De 11 fay. Mill, pl'Oj ember *2'< until- i.l';< Mint\. application yy n! i»e 111a homnahlo the Inferior Court of 11• -11 •n -itting I’m- oidiiiary pnrpo-es, for lea f Land No. 107. in the (itli di*tri( t of sa the benefit nl'the minor In-irs of Jesse < ’ •»I \\ 11.1.1AM CRAM CORD, Guard.a November 17. IS55 tin 3 lol’lf m- oit .is alter d •!•-, applicate HI a ill I J. 1 to the limit•iM'de lie lolf-ri -r Emirl • *{' Lame Mint), w lien tuning lor ordinal y ell all the omit V, (le .HftrsSiat's Nfifr. ILL 111'. SOLD, on the first Tuesday in ruarv next, the Court h use d'nori • I Al iiledgey ille. within the law ful hours the dlow i Lot: el IV. I alter the first day of Fobrtia- i y next, it shall he unlawful for any Indian of the (’reck nation to come within tho limits of this State, excepting the City of Columbus; nun that whenever c uch shall come within the limits of this State, it ‘•hall be the duty of each and every ci% il and military oil tee i in this Slate, having know ledge or being inform ed nl the fact, to arrest -ueh Indian and lodge him in pul, there to remain until he .shall bo relieved there from by due course of law, and on payment of all ex- p( inclined ; and that each and every of such Fn- (bam (>fiending against the foregoing provisions of Ibis act, shall be guilty of 1 misdemeanor, and, oil ennv icijon tli(*reof, according to law shall he punished ati-fied of the benefit il will uf- by impri-uiimeut at hard labor in the Penitentiary, for l( Inis uivoti me relief, and I am lll,,e not fhan four months, nor more than i:.. ivi'.'iritiit it : hikI would i. com- «ught months, for the first offence ; and the second of- feuco not less ti'uiii one year, nor longer than three years;—or, imprisonment in the common jail of the county, at the discretion of llie presiding judge: Pro vided, that this act shall not he construed so ns to pre vent any Indian or Indians of tin- Creek nation from coming into this State unarmed and without any of- Ibn-ive weapon, lama tide to colled any debt or debts due or owing such Indian or Indians, by any person or persons being nr residing within this State, or to prosecute nr defend any suit or suits at law or in equi ty in any of the Court* in this State, in which such Indian nr Iudiaus -hall he a party nr have a valuable interest : nr to give evidence against any Indian or Indians in any of the Courts in this State, Provided, such Indian nr Indians shall he accompanied by some while perron of known good character and respoinu- iicl of ille bilij v. Sec. 2 And ht il further enacted, That any while I'hu eniHle.-l iintirnvRtnenl. Iimv.-ver, which m: ' piM-<nn or piw-nns win) ~lii.ll trailn or tlen! with or_liiro to the committee, is, that tlii- Tru.-s operates in lor work nr labor the said Indians vv illiiti Ihe limits of ic il, ,„,sii'i„’ii U ill'll) Il liic ai.l ol ill'll, Str ip, 1 ,llis>'. lie. she or ill my oilier iippriichieu u Imlever, lie’ clnifinc ! nlean,ir . ttttd on com ii ill.:, r. eal.leeir.Tls ol u liicli, eiiiise patienls so «e- line one liun jj.. ,,, r( , m i,|iiiii.” j and tor Ihe second oili \Ve believe Mr,' Reid entitled to full credit for nil | dollars, and impri cl<lc shall he indicted for a niisdo- ii shall he punished by a fine •d dollars for the first offence, *e, the sum of live hundred i tin; common jail of the naily Earlv tin *2. in the 1st distri t, nf orig laker enuntv, being tin* plantation w Inn ni A! it- R Moore now lives—Ai-o.a Negro girl. ELIZA, bout 12 years old—both levied on ns the prop* rtv of lie said Matthew IE .Moore, to si Tro ll Ins Patent—That the Independent Spring i improvement; that il operates and retains n, w lien applied, independently of any other apparatus ; that il due- prevent the protrusion of the abdominal contents ; that it thus a Hurds relief: and eiil e-t ile ul James Kinclu n, late of said JOHN G ANDERSON, } w An MM Al( IT.N DON. .b'jifemhrr 4'b I - L5. 4'u i jl ()E R mon lbs after dale, a pi>l ical cn will he mail. 1 to the honorable the Inferior Court of Decatur >untv. when -iiling for ordinary pm poses, for have . sell all till! land belonging to the e-lale ol Conrod Milpv (|i- ,, i*nse(I. JOHN HARRELL. Adm’r. United Slates J : M • of the 1'ost .Mu.*tor (i W. F. SCOTT, oral ul' the i Hint if hi i this one other Tr * "ill I" , per i nt i i I ‘ |s \NAM AY (>< in-taut, mv N bold lock and sp'eal. k complexion, tl; arohabl \ December •Im Al* , at f time -I Id ( ill Im o N the first Tu dl he sold before the Court h" county, within the ruarv » r* i„ Paulding sale, f,c>1 1>, in the 4d district, 3d -action of formerly Cherokee j county, belonging to Mngers Eubanks, deceased. HOLERS COOLEY. Adm’r. , December 1 bis f Mill, for the lei m of t w rlv e mouths. To two on the day by the admiiii.-trnlnr. h DRERV F JSCARBOROEfiH. e lOER months alter date, acplicat 10.1 wiil he 1 to the hmiarablc the Inferior Court < f Do county, wlion silling for ordinary purposes, for f" -HI a negro woman belonging to M ibis Curr Maltha Curry, in order fur h divi-i >n J \A1E.8 BROWN. Guar the subscriber about the 17th rn Man, ISAAC, who lots n loud w hen talking ; I derahly i-e of fflx feet high. II- may |h VV'a.-liiniilon county, where In* was (nice In lure «| prehended. 1 will give a reward ol Twenty |)"lbns forhix apprehen*i<tn and ronlineiiioiil in Jail, so that I get him, t.r hi- d» livery to me, or Fif ty Dollars if found harbored by any while person, w i lit proof sufficient to conv id them. ROWAN JOHNSON. Emanuel county, Nov. *21 41) wT4t Ten 3>ol3;aas ICcwurd. 'S’\ 1 k] 2> from the subscriber, on the night of J Committee IS January 5 JOB’K L.- Int No. *2 D-coml.i I -:’>5 o N tho first 3’u mi Ft In next. ill lie old at the Court-house d"or in Ja-;o r eoinitv. nil Ilio pri'ikliisble proporty In longing to the estate of Alagers l'.uhaoks, doof a-* tl. HOLLIS COOLEY. Adm'r. December I bis hold any ( In by notified to ing Hi • prop! id .’8th ili-tiid of Sumli • mi it Abo. it any | ,1 lot of! in,|, they at •rw nrd and -hew tliei • ..I su'd lot of laud, i plication w ill he i•»r l (nu t of liii ■JJNDER an order of (lie hoiiora .le In IJ of Campbell county, w hen purposes, w ill ho sold on the fil'd Tue*il iv in Maieli next, before the Conrt-liou--e door in Cumphcllton, | all tin* real cMsilr ufSaumel Freweti, ilei-’d, : to wit : Fractions. JS’o. 15*2 and 15'.), in I hi* 0 h di-trict ' originally Coweta, now Campbell coiin'y . lying mi Camp creek, containing l-T acres, on w hu h there i- about 80 acres open. Also, ut the same time and place, 5 Afcyrm'*, to wit: John, Duke and Jim, men. Svlva a woman, and Edmund, a boy, on a credit until *J.»ih December. 1830—small note- and approved security will he re quired Sold for tho purpose of a div Gimi. ELIJAH WYATT, Adm'r in right of his wife. December 14 Id* ■'1" .1 lot ill land Mom unde •ted ’o puh'i-h the -1.i M nti.vbn, ,!a- »‘>".r,.. band. J. G. BARKER 57--It n:nl Federal Cnion nr e, nml forward their ai nunt v. B AOER months after date, a fel ^ to the Justices of the Inli county, when silling for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a pai l of the real estate of Hie late 8imcou El lington, deceased, consisting of Lots No. *214, in the •Jdih ili*ti id originally Ecu county. No. *.M^, 4lh dis trict. l*t section, and No. 550, 4ih district 1st Hc.ciiou of oiigimdly Cherokee eoiiulv. FT INVAR D BRYAN, Adm’r. November *20. IG»5 4m Dili in-t., four id to .Madison, a Non to he a dark sorrel. I li, om* hi ml foot white, each si do of the hack, I '.atont iT FIob’so, rather inch'll- , o is from 15 to lf> hands I jonsiderahly saddle marked about live or six years old, 1 syviteh tail, natural trotter and new ly slmd all round.— Anv p'-ison delivering said horse to William .Mattox, re-iding three miles from Eatontmi, on Ihe .Madison road, will r f, ceiy-(» the above royvard—or any informa tion respecting said horse, addressed to the subscriber m Rossvilla, (.in., or C D. .McFarland. Mount Ver non, Montgomery county, (la., will he thankfully re ceived. ■ IE <E Ale FA RE \ N I). F.atunton. Futnaui county, Dee. It> 5(5 It F. F. !’.YE, ) E. A DEGAS, > Augu-In, December 4d. I*»33 “ From the minutes of the Sociefv. I. BOWEN. Secretary.” • I have examimitl a Tru-s invented by .Mr. Reid, and yvitne-scJ its application in several cases of scro tal hernia, and have no hesitation in pronouncing it an admirable iii-tiument lor the treatment of these dis tressing afflictions. In fact, in many respects it is su perior to any Truss I have ever seen, or employed. F Al ROBERTSON, Ai. D. '• Augu-ta, December 3d, 1^35 ’’ The subscriber's Fatent for the above described 3'iims, will continue for 14 years I rum the 31st of ()r- tober, 1835 Tlie patent i- now offered for sale, and I will be disposed of, either by Slates Judicial Di-triet- j or Counties, as may best suitjtho-e who wish to engage I in such an en'erprise There i- no quackeiy about J ( the instrumeiil, il w ill produce all that i« promised, II. REID, Fatcntee. Augusta, Ga., December 8, I w 35 52 4m (1 V 'Flu* Augu-ta Cori-titutioriali-l, Alilledgevillo Re corder and Federal Union, will each publish the lure g »ing, one a week for two months, and lorvvaid Iheii Hceoiint-to this ollice - State lli^hls S, nliml. unity, at the discretion of the Court; one half of said line to go to the informer, and the other half to county purposes. See. 3. And be il further enacted, That the said In dians shall be permitted to lish in the Chattahoochee river; and that if any of the said Indians shall be found fishing in said river it shall not he deemed a vio lation of this art, until oTierwise provided by law; and that any delegations of Indians fiom said nation, on business with the General Government, bona fide, shall he permitted to pass through any of the comities aforesaid, without being subject to arrest, piovided they can produce satisfactory evidence of their boing such delegation appointed according to Tie cuuiuiou usages of said nation. JOSE FH DAY, Speaker of the House of licpresentativss. ROBERT AE ECHOES, /‘resident of the Senate. Assented to. December *21, 1835. WILLIAM SCHLEY, Governor. January 1*2, l^dtJ 08 4t N ACT I A : rare [A OUR nionlh« alter datt - , apphe niou will be made |. to tin; honorable th«* Infoiior Court of Ogle- (GTHUHA, SLtiivock t onally. n & I RW LEE INGRAM and Wil iam Fraley apply y 0 to ni" for b Iters of administration on the estate of Thomas \V. Ingiaui. late of said eounly. deceased These are therefore to cite and admoiii-h all and singularlhe kindred and ciedilors of said d< ceased, to be mu! appear a l mv ofiiee w it Inn the time pie-criln d by law . in shew nni-e (if any they have.) w by said let- thoipe enmity, while sitting for ordinary purpose*, for leuve to sell the Negroes belonging to to A W. Hill, minor of Thoma* II ill. late of said county, dec- a-ed. THOMAS B. J. llll.E, Guardian. December 15. 1835 4m W' Mi'll ml. at ollice, thi-2'.Mh I IllENRY ROGERS, \ (>1' R mouths alter t'.a » the honorable the aunty, w hen sitting for or . sell the real estate belmi lorry, deceased, eoii-i-lin i '.I of Troup, and I ot f Ml! It. .ade ig In tin* IH'phil I E >t No. !H. Mil Join i 5th di- ,M I!.EE.DG I:\TI.1T:. December 20, 1'35. rjn ME SUBSCRIBER returns his sincere thanks to iJjose who have favored him with tho transac tion of business in the Central Bank ; being now about to remove to Columbus, he lias transferred iiis hooks !•> Iiis son. Benjamin T. I'eibune. and Hamilton IE Ga ther, who are authorized to settle all balances due to or from him on said hook*; and they will attend to the renewal of notes in Ihe Central Bank at the usual b e ot one dollar for ea Ti ren*vval. IK.* solicits the p Urouage ot Ins former friend- and others in their lic et . half; lie feels confident lhat all business entrusted J i ti. I- T’CTTEC 11. AI DAS, Guardia •Im their care, v\ i'.l he faithfully and promptly attended JOHN BETHCNE 211th of W ILE BE SUIT) on W-dm-s I January next, at the residence of Airs. Junes, (near Evansville, Alorgau comity,) the perishable pro perty of Robeit Jones, late of said county, den a-ed, consisting of iiousiTioM and kitchen furniture, h u-es. hogs, cattle, wagon and harness, one small j. i«ey wh om, corn and fodder, and many oilier articles too tedi- gons to mention. Torn*, 1*2 mentlis. At the same time, the negroes of said estate vv ill lie hired, if not disposed ol before. LITTLETON T. 1*. HARWELL. Adm'r December 4, 1835 51 tils (UiGOkIGSA, k.njmts comity ■^LMETHEKEAS J* sse .L iner applies lo V v l'-rs ol a if m in i-l rat ion mi the estate ol M illia John-nrt. late of said niiiuty (lecea-ed — 'l'|ir*e are tin refine t * cite and Hilmoni-li all ai singular the kindred and ciedilors nf -anl decode to come Inrward ivilliin the time pre-cr'i'n-d by lav an<I -letw cau-e. if any they have, w by said lettr bha'I not be grunted. (uvrii under mv hand il.i- 2-ih Dre. I‘-3*5. ' I RANI ES E1K ).M AS, c. c. o. let* H^OER li' t.> in nuths after date application will he m ule honorable Inferior Court ol M’asliinglnu | 1 eo:;:i*y, v.lien sitting for o'dmary purposes, lor leave tu se'l a par' of the m-grocs belonging to the estate ol ' A* I Im r Uhitlidd, late of -aid (omit v. deceased, for | the benefit of the heir- and creditors of -aid dccca-cd FRI ER F. 8Al ITH TEx’or. Nov ember <i. I "’35. 43 4m The other paper- of NI i I ledge v i Hi -ive till Im hidden. J B. B’SflILOTOliOA. OSHOKN’S FIHI.OTOKO.N’ is H y cine di signed for. and highly valued I liliilcs ; it lias stood the strict investigation of many Fhv sii bin*, and many hundred patients, who have <•- A ETER the expiration ol fo _\\ will be , Jai O N Friday, the 2*2d day of.Einuniy next, will be sold at the hit ere-ideuce of .I.ime*, d> e’d, in Henry comity. •.I! the |M*i'i^li;iIx|«* pi'OjX'l f } of said deceased, consisting ol hoii-eliold and kitrhiii furniture, plantation tools, cows am! calves, and sun dry other articles too tedious to mention. Terms on the day. ALEX A N I) ER Me KIB BEN, A lm’r. November 23 t<!« (•(LORtiilA, Hancock 7Z AMES ASKEW applies to i coll lit V of M tl Epson, draw the Inl'e for or.! y'o. 11•(». Ion dra g|cthor|i , for le is testili,».I i rdin edici Jacksonvii.i.e, Ga , Dee. 21. IP33. •tSSltS. FT>IT( )R.8 :—I very unexpectedly no- paper of the 15111 i 11-t., a publica tion mad" by William Bradford of Irwin couutv, of what 1 term a collection of the gros-e.-t nhsurdiiies, sha|)(!(J into a caution to all per.-ous from trading for notes held l*y mi! against Align* Finiayson and Willi am Bradford, and against said Bradford alone. Hence I feel it my duly, in as brief a mariner as po*-ible, to correct any laJ-e im/ue—inns relalis o to this ma.'Pu. as no doubt the same might he produced by said publi cation, particularly when; neither of us is known. It will be ol.s.u v.-d, that William Bradford sta'es in bis caution, that I bold -mall notes to Ihe amount of S 250, given to James Smith ofTat'mdl (minty, by Align* Finla vison a* principal, and ‘igiooi by himself a* seni lity, and that (ho said Holes were paid oil' by Angu- I’inlavsoii. w hen in fact I hold joint notes unde by adlbid and Fmlaysoii to su'd Smith o| T'attnall (111:v, for •something upward-of ;S 201), which note* •an prove by said James Smith were p id him by !*. and not Aligns Fiulayson, as stated by Bradford. (I which was done too, some ten moutlis since, to ep them from being sued on the same. Furihci mthorize the i-sning of grants by tho eorgia, to tin; fortunate drawers of all land situate ill the counties of Cherokee, Cass, Forsyth, Floyd, Gilmer. Lumpkin, Murray, | Baubling. Union, and Walker, w hich were drawn m ! the late land ami gold lottery ; and to repeal all luwi i repugnant to Hie same. Whereas, the Legislature of Georgia, while it has : hitherto been directed to promote the general good of il* citizens, has at the same time kept constantly iu I view the. Indian tribes settled within its chartered ; limit- ; and whereas time and experience have clearly demonstrated that the habits and principles of the red 1 man are adverse to the progressive and enlightened character of the present day , and the longer lie is kept in Ihe neighborhood, nml the oftener he is brought in to contact with a civilized man, that he rapidly sinka into a corresponding Tale of degradation ; and where as the present executive of the United Stales has, for year* past, u-eil the most untiring efforts to transfer ihe remaining remnant of ihe Cherokee Indians to a climate and soil beyond the Mississippi, far more eligi ble lor them than that they at present occupy, with an 1 oiler of protection and ample support during their re moval ami early settlement: they would have been surrounded with comforts vv Inch are withheld from the yeomanry of our country who emigrate to tho 1 we*t : to a country i<> which other Indian tribes have vliintHiily gone, ami in which Hie nationnl character I habits of tin* Chcrokces would remain un banged, ft is assumed w ith confidence, that the great i-ia-sof these Indians would long ago have acceded to 11(.-*»! humane rod benevolent oilers, but for the intrigu- ug and sc I lid) motives <•! their < hiels, in whom, by old -tom, they have hithe.rlo confided their destinies.— • tor Mic nf ml- I th w ill annexed, ill couutv, de- W ILL BE SOLD, mi the first Tuesday in Alan h next, at tlie Cnurl*hou*e in Appling mumv, a- greeuhlv to an order of the Imuoiahle the tnleimr Court of Bu'ke county, when sitting for ordinary pm- poses, all that Tl'tici of in the 2d di-t ict of said county, and known by this No. 038, drawn by and granted io Turner IE AL»ore,containing 4'.)t)acies. Sold for tlie benefit ul the heirs and ( leditors nf the paid Turner IE .Moore, deceased. Terms cash, pur chasers paying for titles. JOHN GOODWIN. Adm’r n-lrati'Mi <I•! hom* non. w state ot Joint Askew, la liese are tliorefoio to cite and admoni*h all and ul ir the k'lidi-ed and ere litors ol the deceased, to •ar at Illy ollice, witbi.i the time prescribed by law, lu»\v cMi.-e, il any they have, ttlij said ictteis, 11 tl not lie grunted iven under mv haml. nt ofiiee. ihi* I’h Jau'y. I -3d. lll.NRV ROGERS, c. r o. , Taneis A. Freeman, cout.uuii ROBERT FR ITEM AN. Adm' markable lor its power to relieve all the sympathetic di*ea«es of pregnancy, such as heart-burn, sickne*- pain*. »Yc. quiets the mind and sooths the feelings, as nlso painful menstruation, vi here every other re medy has li.i'.ed. It the directions are strictly followed, relief is a!vvay« obtained, generally by two or three doses, sometimes November 20, 1835 LNOEU month* alter date, iq plication will I to the (Tmrt ot’()i(liiuiry ol’()glethm p( W. Veal, late of Aladis. 1*2 ijAHI'K the ! A^. toiiiav, s.i < ■:i,ii ! iuminiH, in Tl All main the pie-ent s of AL Kenan, at .Mi l. mg i inia, (lie di-tiiigni*hed si ging t., Eo|. U m |* j,,' *r*. T. B Howard, of C . of w ill i id bill seii-on- at the -tab BENJAMIN E IIARDI’.MAN. \< 1-35 (4in] nfAsaW.V. iinmllis alter date, application will be urt of piirpo-es. lor 'Fliis medicine i- nently put up in small square Ind- lles, with tin! propiietoi’s name impressed on one side, and his vvrit'eu signature on the nUier. at 1 AO per bottle, accompanied by copious directions and a large number of certificates. The above valuabb cine constantly on band and for sale by Bradford *ays that he gave his own notes to the | And whereas a crisis has arrived when necessity de- said Fiulayson for'ijjt 1-0. winch notes were discharg- mauds that Ihe past policy of the Stale, in relation to ed an i paid oil’, and at the lime, Ate. the said Fin- ’his tribe of Indians, should be earned out, to wit, o»f lav sun said they were .at Ins store, and Hint lie should curing to these ahorigine-e a distant e'tuhlishraenf, have tl.eni ; whfii in fact tlie notes were nut Angus w In re they can enjoy their old and established habits Fiulayson** to Id him have, but notes taken by said and peculiar modes ol guyernmenl, and thereby keep i Fiulayson of said Bradford for goods of mill'*, sold up their identity as a separate people; to place our him. and winch notes are not in any way discharged citizens in tin 1 pos«*es*ion of undi^turhed lands, which I n 'T paid mV, as stated by said Bradford. Again, lie have long been withheld from them; the occupation j slates, that the s ii.l Fiidaysoii ah-f (inded from the emu.- and cultivation ol which would strengthen the Slate j ly, and he believes Hie Suite ; and it can be easily pro- and add E> the sum of human happiness. And where- i veil, that when llie said Fiulayson left the county la*1, as recent ar; I melam holv experience has proven be- j it was with a drove of beef cattle lor the Ghai le-ton yond doubt that a while population, nml a dense In- | market, and that he was ns»i-tcd in driving the same dian one, cannot with safety intermingle in the same by tin? said Bradlbid. some 30 or 40 miles on his wav, reg’u n ol country, especially in the Cherokee counties, I and some distance too hey mid the Irwin county line : in many of which Ihe Indians predominate, whoso j and yet it seem*, the said Bradford charges him with minds are uninformed or uninfiueneed by moral prin- | having absconded from said county. I will now men- ciplcs, and w ho-e habit* and ferocious customs make j,. tion fi.r tin* comfort of said Bradford, and information them insensible to the effects of penal sanctions, I of the public, that said notes are not for sale, but that J Hier.-by placing our citizens, their wives and children, I. Jr | * '(■ii of Turner IE Ain December 21 A greeably to an order of the i»»r. of Decatur county, when s.tting fi purposes, will la.* sold on the lit-1 Tuesd.r ary next, at the Court House in the t ivv bridge, Decatur county, within the usual Ii tlie LAND belonging to the estate of Dan late ol said county, deceased, being Hit* following lots, to wit: 450 acres, it being Lot No. 315, in Hie 19th district originally Early, now D catur, county, 200 acres, more or less, it being a part of Eot No 346, iu the 19th di*tiict. originally Early, now Do. a tur, county , 175 acres, more or less it being it pail o Lot No. 375, in tho 19th distri. t, originally Early, now Decatur, county- Sold lor tin* benefit oi’the Imrso Mid deceased. Terms, twelve uioutlis credit. ROBERT M. McNAIR. I . , . JOHN (E Mc N AIR, ) A,llu ,s December 16,1KJ5. 56 td* re, dt-c'd. I * No 1Wl * rol,s Yirgi'.ia ai ,,j, ken ut in the highest term*. Afire.* j bekept at .SB) per montli, and rect n Uonrt |—they w.11 be under the inimediati ordinary • etor. T he season will e iinm -m > E. bru- and end E*t July, 'i’erm*. Hie .<*«». °l Bain- I|au<!bibs v\ill he shortly scut out. d N. York are *p> cut to A in! re vv w i ive every atten'i prop; I-tot Februar n» last scuHon.— u s of sale i M.-Nair.! —— Ucoi'^h), CamTl Eotiaiy. IN CARROl.l. SI IT’.RIOR COURT, OCTOBER TERM, 1335. ^ RULE. NISI, for foicclosure of a rrnt-nt l-.r ui . S '-“S''- rstlir. j,, Titi.iii of Clinrlrs (’. nml lercminli I?,'nil. J. iii'-iclnnt*, ttadii under tlie firm and style of C. A .! B'm.I, sh'Wftb. licit on the tweii’y-seyfiitli d iy of February, eichtaeu hundred and thirty-three, 1’erehy Beall ( xecult d nml delivered to y our petition er*, her certain deed of mnrttage. for the purpose of securing the | :i\ incut to > our peti'iencrs (•!’ a piomi*- sory iio’e, given by the sail 15 r.-hy * lo your petition ers. on the day and year aforesaid, lor the sum of me bundled and thirty dollar*, dm* the twenty-li:th day of December, after dale, (1*33.) by which deed id'mort- g tge. tbe said Fert'hy conveyed to your petitioners al gbt. title, interest and demand in ami to Dot of number oik* hundred and lif'y-niue, (159.) in the sixth ili-tiiel of v a ;,| county, (Carroll)—and your pclitioi.ei s further shew, that the wltolo of the princi pal and interest of said note i* now due and unpaid : — Stilt * i Whciefiore they pray that the equity ol*redemption A GREF.ABI.Y to un orJ.-r »( Uih lul er i„r c-nurt I ni'U -ttia '"HMB'P'll prt of Twiggi county, when hilling a a U.niit of OrdbiHiy, will he b if), between the usual hour* <>| tide, at the courthouse. In the town ol Wnrrenloii, county, v\ lieu sr ling lor or to sell all the real estate, land and negr, (l**ceast d. late of said county, |br tho hem lit of the heirs ol said deceased. ELIJAH WYATT. Adm'r. September 15, 1835 4 m HIDER month* nfier date, application will he m.i.le j 1C to llie Inferior Court of Thomas county, when I silting fn- ordinary purposes, for h ave to si li the two | Negiocs. 'Folli ami W arren, In longing to tlie estate ' of Nicholas C. Lewis, deceased. All persons cm- d. w it! ph' >se lake notic e, and Hid their objec tions, if any they have. AI.LSEY STRICKLAND, Adm’r. Si*;-.(ember 2*2. I>35 4m nl his Drmr Tin- above .Medic ’I’SUING, a* trave I) •(•ember 48. I "*3 / Bo W. C FOW’F.EE. A unit, h Store. Miliedjrn'iHe, Go. | w ill also be sold by I. T. , Agent. into nl collecting l be I 0 . If. JOHN FINLAYSON. w fin A ELS E of Letters i AI(‘;1it*:^ N »!ii*<*. PfiSu. I>. €!ASJ: ie?p»*cifiii!y informs the citizens of AI illci’gev ill**, and vic inity* that be ha* opened an ollice iu the East tenement ot the Re corder Olfice, w here he would he happy to wait iip<in all those who m iy favour him with their patronage in tin* various departments of tin 1 medical proli ssioii. Boarding house at La Fayette Hall. Milledgeville. Sepl. 45. 1835. 37 tf taming in Hie Fo-t ()ilice l-t dav ol J.tunary, 18. not t.iken out by the l-t dav ol April next, w Francis Adkins Green Andrews Office, as dead letter K William Kendrick AI B verfy .t of A greeably to an order of the infei Oglethorpe county, when sitting t purposes, will be sold at tin! Court-lion Dooly county, on the first'I’liesday ill Apiil next, a l . l ' in ' n tract or lot of laud containing 204<J acres, know n a* M n lot No.217, iu the Billi di-trict of said county, drawn T• by Charles Smith, dcceuwd Sold for the benefit ot , 1 r ,‘ h»s heirs. Earn! FETER80N SMITH January 1*2, 1336. , I PMint months afterdate application will be made *o tlie Supeiior Court of Jasper county, when *i ting for oidinary purpose*, lor leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Garner Dog- get, late ol said couutv. det-en.-ed. REUBEN DAWKINS, Adm’r. January 1*2 « r >*^ B ader months after dale, application w ill ne made i t.) the lie the Interior Court ot U adon e.unity, w lien sitting a* a Court ol Ordinary, for leave to -ell the Negroes belonging to the estate ol Boyce Fow ell, late of said count y, deceased. J. W DICKENS, Adm’r. Walton county, Sept 22,1835 4m PIN OUR month- after date, application will be S4 made to the Inferior Court of Greene county, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary. Id Heave to si II the real estate of 'Fhomas Jarrell, deceased, to he •<44 for ilit! benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. ELI AHA F. JARKF.EE. Adm’r. December *29. I*35 4in A TearlitT Waiifcd, rOp<) take charge of Jenkins’ Aeai'em V, a( Wa Q. Hall. Harris comity. Application to be u nde to the 'Frustees ol said Academy. None need apply w ho cannot Iniiig evidence of iinexeeplionable moral character, and of ability as a teacher. The engage ment to commence from llu* fir-t of Januarv next. GF.ORGi: DSIBHEN. \ . SFRINGER GIBSON, | i \VM. W 11 ITEM F.A I), } 7 T HOMAS MAIIONF.. I = JAS. YARBOROUtHI, J N’ovember 3 4 2 if htrah W. Biacket John Bell John Brooks Uriah Brown I Vatin Brantley William Bia-slield Jain**s Burns A*a B -ai li Job 11 Barge David Henry Britt .lame* lxe ly E Janie- I/inier AI William .Mur;.bey 2 Abel Massey Green Almki-on Rev. E. V. McKee Augusta Me.Muiry n:i I all’hat ii dear to tin-in. at the mercy oft he savage, stimulated '■ y Isis vindictive passions—and whereat, I’i "in a ku twledgo of tin* Indian character and from the pre'ent feelings ol these Indians, it is confidently believed that the right of occupancy of the lands in • heir p ?.ee*-iou -liould In* w illuliawn. that it would bo a strong imluceineut to them lo treat w ith llie general government and coii-enl to a removal to the west— and whereas the pres**i-t legis'uturu openly avow that their p iinary object in Hie measures intended ’oho pur*iied are b linded 0:1 real Immunity to these In| , (bans, and x\ illi a view in a di-tanl region to perpetu ate them with their old identity of character, under the paternal chk* of the government of the United .Slates: at the same time frankly disavowing any sel* ti-li or s'mi-t(»r mot vu- tuuuiuU tl*«m in tbclr prescot Elizabeth N >rtbii U fealial of Georg 1:1. rniHE undersigned Otiicers of thi* Bank will liere- il. after attend to the renewal of all Notes that may he entrusted to their care, lor the c i.-t-miary fee of owe dollar (or each lenewal. Letters oriel-'siog note and money for the renewal i,f notes, post paid, directed to the •• Odieers of the Ueiitral Bank of Georgia om* of tin m. w ill In* promptly nt’eiided to. The old noti*. notice an I Id 11 k note, will in all cases befoivvurde i hv the earliest mail. (' U. MILES. (Ttshier. W. J. DAVIS. Teller. E I). BUCKNER. Dis’t (T'k. B. 11 REYNOLDS. Book Keeper. Angus* 25 3*2 tf B-'tij imin (bun Lewi* Cannon, or Enruitla Bartlett Robert Cummings 1) Almarein I) Hard 2 Mrs. Nancy Davis ** F. 4). R. Duprco E Leroy Edwards Henry IV John Frid R Amler«on Ri-.blle Jonathan R .bis m Capt. Cato Riddle E 1 Jolm Fi'k Robert Fluke It is theri Corn ordered by the Court, that 1 unless tile s ii-l Fereliy pay into tlie Clerk’s ofiiee of I this (*"iirt. w illiiti six mouths from this time, the vv hole Si 100 Warren comity, oil the fir-t Tue*day in Man h, all the Laud* belonging to (lie estate nt J .bn B.iitoii, la of Twiggi couutv, deceas'd. Term- on tlm day. .MARTHA BARTON, Adm’x. January 12 5* A LL perKon* imb bted to lb Dogget, late of Jaaper cuilUly, deem I. ice a lo make bninedcdu payrnent; miT llio-e In raqueatad viug claim# ugatuM Raid e.Uite wlll (.( pruftcut them in term# of the Uw K IKWKIN8, Adm'r January 12 ft- iinoui.t of the principal and mtere*.t of-aid ry note. I gethei* with the ro»l of this Rule, that the iMpnty of redemption iu ami to -aid mm tg'igeil pren i- m*s, le* thenceforth forever burred and I'orcelofed — And t i« fuither mtiered, that a copy of this Rule I u pub- AS V7IEE he given for Ihe apprehension and defiv V V rv nf I IT I AR IE TICKER at Chi.- place w'.io made his escape from Hie jail of IbU county, on tl..* evening of the *21 December li»‘t. Said ITT’K- w a* committed to jail for negro Ateuling; lie i« a man about 4U or 45 year* of age ; lie ix 1 u' Iki --I t<» ho chunky and well -et. eux about 5 fi-( t 6 or 7 inches Mrs. Gilmore Larkeu (iriil’en J 1) 11 (Ill-Oil William II llnrdciick AI Ira Jack-on 2 Radii l Jenkins Januarv F2 1 Bhed • . for four 1 l this Suite, or l»e p«*imindly 1 • y. ut |ea*t three mouth- prt-v - < 'oiirt, if to he found. omple The W t • I of Iiis in, ing 1 olliI, f.n t )c|oht JOHN Long, t F. a. ., grey e> 1 ly and black will lie given by the •Iibxcriber. nog himicll'by tin- name of |(iim T HOMAS Jo.NI S. TTinnin* county, July fi, I**35. 07 N IL ll‘‘ i* u *ilppo*» 1! to In* in Iloiiitoii or Dt ly county ol tin* Stale MfOl'Vr ZION U'ABIHIY-Tl..* Eru- i V M lees fake pleasure 111 announcing lo tin* friend* oft Ins iusumtiou. ami the public, in general, lliat the services of Ah. Air*. WEEDS luve ..secured as Teacher* for the ensuing year, ami solicit a ronti* nuance ol'lhal liberal patronage which this School h i- enjoyed lor upwards of twenty years, with the hope and expectation from the literary qualification of tin Teacher*, tin* m-tiintion will routiuiiu to sustain its long standing ami ulev uted The School will he open 011 the first Monday in Ju-1 hundred doll unary next. I cannot hr JOSEPH BRA AN, SeeVy U T Mount 7.ion. Decemlier F) W Section I. B; it marled by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State nf Georgia in General As sembly nu t mid it is hereby enacted by authority uf the same, That immed atdv from ami after the passage of hall W.Northmgton tins act, it shall he the duty of his excellency the Go- F - vernor, to cause grant* lo issue for all lots which have been drawn in llu* late land and gold lotteiies, now situate in the counties of Cherokee, (’ass, Cobh, For syth, Floyd. Gil in-c, Lumpkin, Murray, Faulding, Union, nod Wa'ker, in the name ol the torlunnte draw er- thereof, upon In*, her or their application upon the payment of tin* fees now established by law, into tho tieuMiry of thi- State. Sec. 2 And he it further enacted by the. authority afore• said, That if any Indian de-ceudaut nf'an Iitdinti, or ether person entitled t<» the privileges of an Indian, shall be in the p >s-e-*ion or occupancy of any lot or lot* nl land which may hr hereafter granted according to thi! provisions of thi* act, or any part thereof, it shall not he law I ul I r such grantee, or any person claiming under I im. Imr or them, to di-possess, molest, or ill anv wav disturb tin* p i-se-sion of such Indian occu- p i’nt. (|» (»y ided -ueb Indian or person entitled to the piivib-ges of an Indian are entitled to the possession under any of tin* laws now in force iu this Stute,) un til th'- tvrenty-fifth day of November, 1836, and not then, if a future legislature shall deem it necessary to give such Indians in rl her time to remov e from the land* yy it hi 11 the lim it sot Georgia ; and such occupant shall he protected in his possession and occupancy of such lot or lots of land in tin* same manner as is now pre scribed by law, until the time as pointed out iu Ihia Eli S 11 ith I >avi I Sneppard Tnbi'ba Smith A hi fair Gideon Strange \V iliinnisnn Tarvei John \V. Torrance Powcl Vi s on W Wooten Y Mary Yales II BROOKINS. P m. A T4‘5i4*Ii<‘i* Wanted T O tike charge o| Dnvi-bnio' \caileuiv in Wash- j Sec. 3. And hr il further enacted, That all laws and glop c only. T’l'i- A. ad.-i iy is •iliiuted 13 ! parts ol law h w Inch militate against the true inlent and lie* from Sandersville, and 1*2 from Louisville, nml meaning nl the tniegoiug act, he, and the suuie ure 1 as healthy a situation ns any in this sec- hereby repealed. j (ion of the country. !l /* The Standard of Union vxill pubhdi the above | A salary of Iron* live to -D given. None need apply who deuce ol uiiexccplionubiu moral elm* and o! ability a-a teacher. Application to the undersigned, will meet wi'li prompt attention till the I-t Man li January 5 J \MES Al FRANKLIN, flec’ry. 57 3t JOSEPH DAY, Speaker of tin House of lie prt tentative s. ROBERT’ AL K( IIOL8, I’resideut of the Senate. Asiculcd to, December *21, 1835. WILLIAM SCIILEY, Governor. January 12 I "36. 58 ft