Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, October 18, 1836, Image 3

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W IchlB the paat w**k, apward, of thr** haodrad | rt« tinder Gov. C*tt bad m»t with xiMlwhM *ear | dtviicd to Mr. Cfoben. Tho toot »ro to con bun of Cotton w«r« brought into oar aorta, nod fort Dan*, nod «ft»rn *111101^ with thooi 4ti Monday tinuo the bueineei exactly aa before their lalhar'i ,, . , . . , .. .. w-a >ru- ... •■»*. drove them into the hammock., the laihan, Irav 1 •old, we onderttand, at from 15 to I6| eonu. Th. * f i ingfonr of .heir -lead on th- field Ne,i day (T.ieada,) * ttele la quoted in Auguila on the loth frog j •n»lher»himijli Inotr place, with aimilar loiuHa, Imlian. leaving 5 d- od »u the field. The flcndpinan. mill e Imm «e drill I II this inforun ion, mider-iu.d Imi mine "f nil** mi’ll were injured. Major IVrce '•a uii Ilia way to join Uen. Cull, at Vnlu-m. ( Sir. Uturgiua IWA in 17 to 17*. Gen. Job* B»th. of Hall, we aliould have mrntiol •d Ihm week, but linen apiminlrd liy Ifie Gorrrtioi Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary, tice WiLKia Hoar, E*q., reaigned. Lcgifiutive Itt-turns (ET The firat named g-nlleniau, in each county, ia the Senulnr. Appling—I.egsett. Hull. Hftirr—Holme,, Culler. BuWitin—D. II. Mitchell,* I. Harrla, C. D. iianunuml. Bibb—Law-lie, Ja,. Lamar,* Jno, B. Lamar. B-**n—Hines,* Bird.* BuUoch-i 'one, Wilkinson. J1»ir*e—Lawson," Byne.* Harrw. Hurst. Bulls—Wilson, White, Camden—Hopkins.* Clark. Cnoe. Campbell—Cochran.* Camp, W hit*. Carroll—Bell. Haniaon, Huger,. Cats—Morgan, Eapy. Chatham—McAMialor, Gordon, Bulloch, Dryadale. Chtrokt.—MoConnell, Foard. Clark—Mitchell.* Stroud,* Moore,* Barnett.* C'oM-Guew, Maya. Columbia—Avery.* Rnhertann,* Gunby,* Alford.* Cowtta—Echols, Wood, Smith. Crawford—King, Curr, Colbert. Decatur—Curry,* Hines,* Keiih." DcKalb—Johnson, Powell, Diamond, Murphy. Dooly—Jlitali, Bowen, Eariy—Hnlmea,* Wilson. Effingham—Waldhaner.* 11 iocs.* Elbert—T. J. Heard,* Duvia* White,* Johnann * Emanuel—Swain, Drew. Fnyeltc—King, Allen, Landrum. Forsyth—Wtiartoo, Hoys. Franklin—Freeman, Mitchell, Knoi, Aeh. Gilmer-Cooper, Price. Greene—Dr.Janes* Sanford,* Moaelay,* John. E. King * Glynn—Stockton.* lierrie,* Dart.* Gwinnett—Blackman, Ezzard, Hamilton, Rambo, Shipp, Llrarn tlial the President (ins ordered a Court rasa THt lavaanAU arruai.itAV. SPORT! RARE SPORT!! A party rtmeislitig of »i« gentlemen, lefi this city on Saturday for Pipe Make,** r reek on a li-hing ant! hunting excursion. Alter finiehing the day's sport to decide a wager, they proceeded to count, and the fol- I lowing w as the reoill: 8:17 pikn, 71 |u?reh and brim, lni|»iry, to ennsist of .Major General Macomb, as l> | 26 trout. Ml cat lish, MS aquirrel*', 89 miiumer ducks! «"«< Atkinson, mem. j 34 English ducks, and 17 brace of snipe. Let (lie editor of the Sporting Magazine bent this, if he can. PIKE. T hers*; and Cupain Samuel Cooper, ms Judge Advo cate and Recorder, to be held at Frederick, Maryland, aa soon mm the state of dra service wifi permit; of which the Piesideut of the Hoard will he the Judge, to investigate the CMii*e of the Iniinrc of the campaign in Florida under General 0cott ami i•eneral Guiues, and of the delay in prosecuting the camp dgu ugumst Creek IwdiHiis in Alabama.— Metropolitan X'i ANOTHER 8LAVE CASE We are informed that a colored man was discover ! ed on board a vessel in the harbor, on Saturday. by 1 some colored men who were parsing the vessel, ami ; he making signs to them, they approached him, desi- j r “»«s «f ascertaining his wuiits, hut were not allowed j to come along side. Supposing all whh not right, they j made known the circumstances to 8. E Sewell, wli j immediately furnished a writ of habeas corpus, lint il | sheriff being at home, the writ was not served. Mean* while the captain of the ves el, becoming alarmed, oh* I tained a writ, and had him committed to prison for I debt, twenty five dollars being tho charge for his pas* • »«g«. The place and cause of his confinement was, however, soon discovered, and the necessary hail be* ' ing furnished, he wus of course liberated, and by this time is probably well orchis way to Canada, lie is ■aid to hen fine looking ydulli, of uhout eighteen. pos* sensed of a good degree of intelligence. Il seems that he escaped from Norfolk, by secreting himself under a deck load of lumber, with n supply of prov sion; hut the deck-load being Washed overboard o the passage, left him exposed, nmJ the captain conti lined his vovago with tin* intention of returning him to hie owners at no early opportunity.—Boston Jour. And thus that these honest philanthropist* rob—' yes, rob Is the word, the Southern people of their pro perty? Tl «• **»th will not, cannot, ought not to . .10(1 1 Lyc Habersham—Smith, Cleavcland," Holcombe. Kim* 1 stand these things. -Alexandria Gazette mV, //«//—Ounnngnn. Keith. Roberts, McAfTee, Clark. Hancock—Hr. Ingram,* Smith," Culver,* Turner.* Harris—White,* Henry," Pryor." Heard—Wood. Peddv. Henry—Sager," Beck," Bentley," Love. Houston—Dona. Kelly, Dupree, Duncnti. Irwin—Polk, Young. Jaiksan—Liddell, Bums. Penticost, Pitman. Jasper—Reese." Burney," Hill, "Price.* Jefferson—(Stapleton* and Holt," fie)—Campbell,* flmifli * Jones—HnlchingM. Day. Gray. Renfrne. Laurens—Wright." Allen,* Hampton." Lee—Shotwell." Ford.* Liberty—Hines." Spencer* Quartermnn.* Lincoln—Lnmnr,* Lockhart,* Jennings.* Lumpkin—Mr.Lend, Crane. Madison—Polk,* Strickland, Daniel.* Marion — Bond,* Jones." M lutosh—Powell.* McDondd, King. Mtriicelher — Barks. Reeves, Fletcher. Monroe.—Rutherford," Black,*Flewellen,* Gordon," Barron.* Afmf*omer»/— McLennan." McArthur.* Morgan—Floyd," Ogilbv," Swif\,* Stalling*. Murray — Baker. Carroll. Muicoget—Lawhnn.* Flournoy.* Holland * Neielon—Floyd.* Cooper." Harris." Lovnll." Oglethorpe— Hardeman.* Hill," McKinley," Cook." Paulding—Walthall." Bryson. Pike—Harris, Blackburn, Williams. Pulaski—Bracewell, Kent, Whitfield. Putnam—Gordon,* Meriwether,* Hurt,* Dr. Joe! Branham." Itaudolph—Conyers, Wood Richmond—Walker. Rhodes. Jenkins," Miller.* Scnrrn—B. Green,* Roberts,* Scruggs." sSleieart—Robertson. Dismokes. Sumter—Cownrt." McCrary.* Talbot—Powell, Drane. Towns. Taliaferro—Gresham.* Stephens,* Darden * Tattnall—Surrencv,* Sharpe.* Telfair—Roger*, llatteii. Thomas—Reynold**.• Daniel,* Blackshear * Troup—William-*.* Dougherty." Lewis." Ttciggs—Smith. Solomon, Fitzpatrick. Vnion—Boll. Welborn. Vpsnn—Goode." Blount,* Collier " Hatton—Echols, Eistev, Bryant, .Moon. IVare—Fnlwoml, Hilliard. Ifarreu—Gibson. Franklin, Blount, Andrews. Washington—Saffnld, Robison, Floyd," T. J. War*, ff'fltpte—Robson, Jones, then." Wilkes—Willis, Brown, Bradford, Bolton. llilkinsnn—Beall," Hatcher, Rivers. "Those marked (*) are State Rights and White men. Arkansas.—Tin* Legislature of the new State of Arkansas asmniMed tni the 12ih nil. S. C. Roamc whs elected President of the Senate, nod Joh*« Wilson was chosen Speaker or the Homtenf Representatives. On the first day m the session a hil was introduced in the House (tuire read and referred to a committee) to provide for the election of Electors of President and Vt.ui President. The vote for Governor was ascer tained, and was as follows: for James S. Conway, 0.33S; for Absalom Fowler. Tiro more United S ales Senators.—The Little Rock (Arkansas) Times, of September ID, announce'* that the Legislature of that Stale, on ihul day, elected Col A. II. Sevier and Governor W. S. Fui.ton to the United States Senate. Colonel Sevier has for several years past been the Delegate in Congress from Arkan *as. Mr. Fulton was the recent Territorial Governor. The Baltimore papers of Saturday announce the afflicting intelligence *.| the death of the Honorable Roheit 11. GnhUhoroiiuh. of Mar\ land, who expired on Wednesday last, m his residence near Easton, after a shoit illne*i. This dispensation bereaves hi* State of an able mid faithful representative in the United States Senute. and society of one of its most accom plished and estimable m-inh-rs Mr. <i. repr seuted bis native State in the Senate more than twenty year* ago, ns well as recently, and he whs always, ns the Patiint justly observes, - a conscientious, upright, and consistent statesman, nil iiecomp islied scholar and ora tor, and a gentleman ot the most polished manners.” I Alex. Gas. The Hon. Lewis Cass, resigned his Commission as Secretary of War yesterday, and left this city for New-York. preparatory i«» his embarkation for Eu rope. He sails in the Quebec on the iGtli. The Attorney General, the lion. B. F. Butler, will perform th« duties ol (he Depuilmeut, as Acting Secretary of War.—Globe. Slave Holders, atraAc/—The Pennsylvanian. Van Bureii’fl iirgnn in Philadelphia, is appealing to the Quakers in behalf of Van. mi the ground that he advocated the Missouri restrictions, or in other words, the ground of his hostility to slavery. The Penn- ylvanian calls on the Quakers, ns Americans, as free, men, a* Christians, to vote for Mr. Van Boren as a friend, nod against Gen Harrison as an enemy of those restrictions. The South will remember this in November, and crash the incipient treason. [Neicbcrn Spectator. mportant to Lyceums.—Editors of newapap^l^ 1 in the U. States are reqiialetl to mention ••that the rR£$£ftTfli£NT8' Fhiyeitt. Superior Court, September T*nn, KM- W E the Grand Inquest ckoeen, ae ected and •worn f »i the county of Fayette, make the fol lowing presmtiornln, and recommendation*, vis We have axnuiincd into the aimation of the Poor School Fund, nod find that it has been expended upon the indigent rlnldteii of the county in conformity w illi the law upon that subject, and that the di’diurtiiig of ficer hn< kept bis ncommix to ilia enlira satisfaction of this Grand Jury. Although wo cannot say that the present system «if educating poor children is without its good results, yet we believe Fiat touid public spirit he aroused upon tho subject, a more beneficial one might he Nought and adopted. Therefore, for the pur pose of eliciting ail enquiry upon the tulijocl. we re commend Die next Legislature to authorise the Gov ernor to offer a premium of a sufficient amount to call forth the boat talents of the country, for llu moil approved system of Free Schools adapted to the situ ation and population of Georgia, and when adopted, to set apart a sufficient fund to carry it into operation. Congre*«toital JRetwriM. store Rig his' Ticket. Pennsylvania Lyceum is prepared to deliver, gratu itously, an elementary set of specimens in Geology and Mineralogy to every county lyceum which j nf Hie Legislature, authorising the establishment ol a is, or may he formed in the Union. If any Such j Court f»r the Correction of Eriors No person who thought improper for us mildly, and with duo deference to the opinion of others, to make such suggeUious and recommendations oil the policy of the Slate, as seems us of vast importance to the welfare of it* citizens. We hailed ns a new era in the jorisprude*. e of tho State, Hud one which would result in iucaleiilnble benefit to the citizens thereof, tho alteration of a part of the Uonstitution, consummated at the last session any Lyceum will request some person who may visit Philadelphia this present season, to call upon John Simmons, Corresponding Secretary of the Penn is acquainted with the present organization of the Courts of lh*» state, and the admiui*tr iiion of the laws 1 ! by tlioni. will deny the fict, that it is next to no impos sibility for the decHion of the judges in the ditto sylvama Lyceum, or upon Dilcoyer Parish, corner judicial circuits to !v* uniform, each judge having it in ol Arch and Kiglith streets, they can procure a j his power to he a little m.itnrclt in his circuit, mid Ins set of specimens of the most important ores deciunns during hi* continuance ill office may ha inl and minerals, and many other useful articles for yCnutahle law, there being no tribunal by which his /\ the X, I •*« The U. S. brig Porpoise, Win, Ramsay comman sailed from this port yesterday, for Brunswick, G having on board, as pa*sengers, Commodore Woolsey, , .. ... . . . Cnpl. I liiMuii, mid #ln«1*r Co.mimi.dnnt Sh,.brick ! °! m - """> l ' ,w ,hu '«'*'•“'«» wl '“ l “ '*» cm led by the lion. Se.-rrl.irv of , r the Navy, to examine the southeast coa-t of the Uni ted Slates, in order to ascertain the most eligible site f ir a nuvul depot.—Charleston Courier, Alh instant. CONTENTS OF FARMERS’ REGISTER FOR OCT. Original Communications.—On the Habits of the Ileasiao Fly; On the Rail Roads of North Carolina, and tho South generally; Account ofu sheep on two legs; Death ol the second mule’s colt; Land and oys ter shell luniks of Naiisemond; The respectability of labo.; A precocious heifer; Which i* the best route for a mil road to the Southwest 7 No II; Rough notes upon some of the ngiictillural improvements nf Char lotte, and the ad|oinu g counties; Improvement of the Appomattox river; Liming m.d draining; On raising two nr more successive crops of cocoons in each year; Information and aid wanted, for the purpose ol pro- pagatiiiE the best native grapes. Selections—On Bones as manure; Natural History of Ants; The ice trude between America and India; Small matters; Si!k culture proposed in Loudoun; On ilia difference in the effect of dung on different soils—and upon the same laud before uml alter it Iils been limed ; Memoir of V\ i limn Dawson, the Scottish ultiirniist; Fruit kept sound in cotton; Copper Bivb County Election.— We last week announc ed tiial then* w Hi a tie in this county ill the eleciion for Senator. The votes have since been recounted by rnmpetent authority, when it wa* found that Davih F. Wilson was elected by a majority of eleven votes, lie hiving 14 more votes than were numbered in the first count, and Lawshk three. The seat will probably he claimed by both; in which cn«e the Se nate will decide between the pnrlie*. We believe there are circumstances that will ho developed to the Senate which will satisfactorily explain the difference between the first and second count, and that Mr. Wil son will ho ndmifed to the seat.—Messenger. We are glad to see it announced in n Wash ington paper that the government intend to fur nish a substitute for the clumsy and ungightly copper coins now in use. The new coins will he composed of that mixture of copper nnd silver common in many countries of the continent of Europe, and which long use has demonstrated to answer perfectly well the purposed required. Be sides the c^nt, which will he of the very conve nient a;7.e of the silver dime, hall cents and pie ces of the value of two cents mhI a half, will he of the same metnlic composition. [IV. Y. Evening Post. in Virginia; Slacking hay; Agricultural Jurwpru Drink* in harvest; Aiitunl Report Richmond, Freilerick*hurg and Potomac Rail Road, Wilmington and Halifax railway; Beet rout sugar; the perxinnmn; Florida arrow root; Uliiueso Mul berry; Geological survey of New York; Trade in lords* egg*; Li*t of Patents for iinprovemeiits of ma chines, Alc , to he used in agriculture nr domestic eco nomy ; Debate on the ( row Bill, in the Senate ol Vir ginia; Account nf the labors ami improvements of Robert Barclay, of Ury ; Opinions on the proposed Southern route for the mil way to the Southwest; Water power ol Richmond; Increase of trade and travel oil rad ways; Toe progres* of steam ; The dif ference of exhausting and euriclii'ig tillage; To cure the big head in horse*; Toe Waterloo Canarian Ever green Cabbage,’’ alia* cow cabbage of New Jersey; A London auctioneer's advertisement of lands in Vir ginia ; Verd antique marble: Harlem rail road tun nel; Brooms; The corn trade ^ errors (if any committed) may he corrected, whether , , . they arise from an imperfect knowledge of the law, or I Gwrmn®M from political, personal, or avaricious bias. By his I Hiicce r s'»rs those decisions may he, and very often are, ersed; therefore what is law this year in law in circuits at the ftam> a time. Not so when the Court for the Cor reoion of Eirors becomes organized- Those judges will have more time to investigate and mature tlo-ir judgment upon (he law. They, will know that their decisions will be published to the world, in books of report*, a* the law* of Georgia; hence, as well lor their own digmtyund honor, as supreme judges ol the Slate, as for the dignity and honor «»f the State itself, they will lie careful to investigate and examine the law well before they send it forth as law. In a few years the most of the legal and litigated points which have dis traded our best jurists, will he solemnly adjudicated and settled, and the hooks of reports disseminated ‘among our citizens, that the tides of our property, and the rights, lives und liberties of our people will he id- M^rio most universally known, so that when we may acquire MTntosli, property, by inheritance, will, purchase or otherwise, Monroe, by coriipariug our title* with those hooks ol ieports, we can pas* upon the legality of the same ourselves. The parlies litigant will have the advantages arising from the establishment of this Court without the in tervention of a jury, and with very little, if any, addi tional costs. \Vu, therefore, without stopping to in quire what was the unwarrantable cause which pre vented tile last Legislature from organizing this Court, earnestly-recommend our Senator and Kepreseuta- l*ike, lives to lise thfitr exertions to carry il into effect at the Buhwkt, next session of the L“gislntnre. Putnam, We request such of nur presentments as are of r Rabun, public nature to be printed iu the Southern Recorder Randolph, and Stuudurd of U Appling, j. 87 80 80 89 S9 87 86 135 131 158 138 135 l-t.. lbikur. mi 26 29 17 17 17 17 17 173 157 181 146 156 158 Baldwin, sn» 300 30* 315 305 303 322 :too 30b 277 500 3!7 306 310 Bibb. rr,,j 562 502 66*J 508 500 504 570 566 650 770 565 571 605 Brvnn. 7li 76 76 70 70 76 76 76 01 01 U0 Al 61 01 Filllbich, III 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 330 329 338 331 332 328 Burke, Wit 534 522 527 519 521 518 020 126 108 650 128 132 124 Bull,, 21S 211 213 itlJ 216 210 214 214 379 370 573 364 370 373 Camden. 140 141 132 mi 141 122 139 130 154 155 160 1*>5 155 154 Cainphell. ltd 141 105 154 142 142 141 142 477 454 555 455 468 452 Curroll. 103 112 123 1 1!) 111 109 110 108 520 512 595 604 508 503 Cass, ‘J56 251 253 253 853 253 238 249 334 335 538 336 332 330 Chathani. :t')5 303 301 307 309 313 :ni7 305 472 408 486 473 473 473 Cherii eu, 140 147 148 15! 109 148 145 148 311 330 446 327 330 324 Clark, 510 518 552 585 55 k 557 552 561 355 339 8G8 307 255 357 Cobh, 180 175 179 177 177 174 173 175 388 371 500 367 370 300 Columbia, 414 412 410 410 •112 411 415 ‘*1*4 2IS0 254 460 257 258 250 Coweta. 40'J 390 407 401 309 396 392 393 5v»J 521 814 524 523 518 Crawford, 317 327 327 327 327 326 327 »*7 499 499 bl'2 497 499 499 Decatur, 314 325 320 324 322 314 318 321 202 •202 491 200 200 192 IfeKulb, 501 461 000 493 478 472 480 480 792 747 1182 748 753 714 Dooly, 100 102 101 101 103 98 100 98 306 307 383 305 307 302 Enrly, 56 53 51 52 51 48 45 55 211 239 274 242 842 235 Effingham, 163 163 103 103 103 104 163 102 1-21 121 281 121 m 12! Ellmil, diw 798 789 603 801 tfOO 708 790 117 115 584 115 115 109 EttlaniieL 70 73 70 70 70 70 70 70 183 224 181 182 176 Fayette, 25U 245 955 258 231 242 238 210 410 410 629 403 412 4U3 Floyd. Forsyth. 205 194 201 201 193 191 190 190 371 302 635 357 370 371 Franklin* 307 304 306 306 302 300 302 305 810 814 105* 812 813 810 Giluier, 2J 29 31 38 30 29 29 :iu 121 120 151 122 1 Cl 119 72 04 71 74 73 71 88 70 •27 20 70 24 29 *28 Greene, 762 766 764 77(1 705 706 707 771) 35 37 25, 37 37 35 Gwinnett, 776 776 781 705 775 777 775 781 852 841 1477 833 B59 843 Haherkham 317 308 289 330 4U3 31)6 Bit) 0H 080 009 920 098 676 008 260 240 270 274 268 273 264 27. 704 702 934 099 715 703 Hancock, 421 424 420 456 429 487 424 427 2?0 2*5 078 ‘274 300 293 Harris, 655 653 003 050 651 052 059 610 418 413 709 415 *112 417 Hoard, 218 239 250 217 214 243 •242 24? 332 3;k r > 000 3..M- 329 328 lletirv. 687 081 685 701 600 650 071 62- 601 t^y 1280 6Js 029 6*4 Houston, 501 504 504 007 507 007 505 5U5 010 608 1033 600 on 1.04 Irwin. 30 1 2 22 114 77 135 114 127 125 Jackson, 259 258 258 203 201 254 254 261 450 455 054 461 457 452 Jasper, 578 503 559 581 501 557 Gab 55! 427 408 870 428 427 421 Jetferson, 488 496 480 481 477 48H 483 48. 81 75 605 79 76 7b Junes, 429 428 428 428 427 42J 419 421 404 453 057 404 404 400 Laurtjus, 409 407 405 407 408 405 407 40- 305 1 1 1 Luc, 146 140 121 142 141 141 140 137 111 110 1.15 108 112 >19 Liberty, 159 101 101 Mil 101 103 100 III mo 1117 178 106 107 100 Lincoln, 271 271 272 273 272 272 273 27. 225 2-27 497 226 227 2*7 Lowndes, Lumpkin, 218 213 214 271 218 214 212 SIC 601 599 795 572 nor. 593 Madison, 263 204 205 271 208 *J65 204 26C 270 278 507 •275 272 209 IU 134 100 167 313 914 &7'i 071 feflt 0* 61 3‘2G 336 3SW lift 130 136 37 J 376 373 150 156 1&f* 4f/J 444 461 BOH 509 511 33 T 3*33 333 470 460 479 :W0 380 330 «W 358 368 369- 367 368 960 855 * 357 625 5*6 498 490 199 201 752 754 304 306 241 24* 1*1 1*3 121 m iu ii7 187 182 182 404 403 407 200 742 302 408 4tHJ 409 *0 *5 *3 8:12 801 Meriwether. 573 5*4 Montgomery. I (33 167 Morgan, 405 401 Murray, Muscogee, Newton, (tglethorpa Paulding, 14 II 804 797 033 631 14 477 800 541 167 439 IL 814 007 801 538 5*2 1G7 448 II 801 6JO 641 406 29 800 6*2 168 400 I* 793 6*0 112 232 H5 584 103 232 233 187 186 507 591 531 546 536 506 ID 11* 107 111 230 231 234 105 105 185 538 59* 59; 383 3* 801 5*4 181 402 12 801 610 5*5 III 355 79* 118 *9 35 813 666 70* 205 414 366 813 123 30 35 836 843 632 694- 701 702 205 296 411 419 3*8 324 3^2 832- 606 610 111 455 4*7 77 630 629 600 61V Ml 116 <56 455 4*8 421 89 77 110 111 118 104 2*6 227 474 1 122 HM> 22T 304 234 235 232 239 219 224 2*3 224 302 99 760 053 7 070 8ft* *38 *39 5J* 515 317 346 90 77 m ii8 370 362 *85 *50 191 157 438 95 108 752 1347 591 1085 302 101 761 653 no 8 0 466 270 28* •*4I 239 *33 921 519 524 653 348 348 601 90 03 195 1*7 585 369 433 205 333 198 273 301 289 302 100 100 100 758 050 752 051 649 654 8 7 7 270 282 239 520 MO 316 540 95 93 132 123 370 370 129 371 803 598 27* 27r 309 304 100 100 760 760 650 656 7 7 279 28J *40 239 519 5*2 340 344 92 94 *05 204 *05 195 193 193 339 345 609 327 342 337 335 368 369 131 370 *84 193 339 379 129 37l *84 193 434 37* October Term of Twiggs Superior Court. 18!M5. The Honorable Caklton II. Colk presiding. Judge Strong, ilia feeling ami appropriate manner, announced the mournful intelligence nf the Heath of Charles P. Gordon. Esq., a member of the Ocinul- geehar, and moved that it Committee In; appointed by Court, to draft and report resolutions expressive cl the estimation in which the deceased as n brother | child, about 1C months old, by her sid and n man whs held while living, and shall he honored now (li.-it lie is dead. ereupon his Honor the Judge appointed Judge Strong ol the Flint, M J. Kenan Esq. of the Ociutil- gee. Judge Warren of the Chattahoochee, and Col. Wiggins of the Southern Circuits, as such Committee, who reported the following Res dot ions: That in the character and person of their late friend d brother, Charles P. Gordon, they recognize talents of no ordinary grade, virtues of the Highest order ami deportment, both private and professional, worthy of! the croud imploring imitation. Beirg one oftlie oldestand most respectable | possible m altord him th members of the Bar of said Circuits by his brethren he was most alb ciiooatcly esteemed in life : cut off a? providentially lias been In the meii-linuof life—we will honor and cherish his memory and wear the usu- •badge of mourning for thirty days as testimony of ‘ ir respect for the deceased. ftsoletd, That we sincerely and deeply sympathise with the surviving relatives and friends of the deceas ed, and that the above proceedings be hv order ol the Court entered upon the minutes thereof, Hilda copy f ilie same be transmitted to the family of our said brother, and published as usual. Atrus extract from the minutes, this 12th October, HENRY LOYLKSS, Cl’k. FROM THE U. S. GAZETTE. SHOCKING RAIL ROAD ACCIDENT. The billowing account of a most painful acci dent on the Columbia Rail Road, was left at our office by a liieml, who, it will be seen, was a wit ness of the painful scene which he describes. Fairvikw, Sunday, about 3, P. M. This afternoon, as the train for Lancaster was approaching Fairview. the axle of the forward car, or car next to the baggage, broke, which im mediately precipitated the car upon tbe railway, the fragments of the axle lipping up the bottom of the car, in which was a Mr. Gibson of Phi ladelphia, bound to Cincinnati, with his wife and children. 11 is wife and child fell through, and nearly the whole train passed over her body. 1 cannot picture to you the heart-rending scene that ensued, when Mr. Gibson was called to the spot where his wife lay a mangled corpse, with the covered ith the blood of its dead mother! The top of her head was cot oil*, and the hinin lay on both | sides the rail; the body, feet, arms and legs brok en to atoms. Heaven-*! what a sight! the dis- traded man tenderly dragging from the spot the { remains of his ! ex. laoiaiions, hut she could only answer by an j expiring look ot agony. He next picked up his babe, and believing it too was dead, ran among felance, when it was im- i least consolation. The liild was miraculously preserved. I was next ailed to witness another scene which beggars de- | cription. Dim, in Butt? county, on the 1st instant, Mir. Mary E. Humhkk. wife of Rol»ert Humber, Esq., in die 4'4<l year of her line, with ilie bilious fever, which she Imre for sixteen days with firmness und resignation, leaving n kind and tender husband and ten children, to lament their irre parable loss. This woman lived beloved and much re- spee.fed by all who knew her; for she was a kind and af fectionate wife, a tender and a kind mother, ami a good mis tress. Il is hoped, in (Ilia afflicting dispensation of Divine Providence, that t>he is now sharing the reality of the saints in glory. There I shall Imthe my weary soul In seas of heavenly rest, And not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast. Departed this life, in Twiggs county, on the Gth instant, after it painful illness of two weeks, which the bore with much fortitude, >lr«. Catharine Anderson, nged 42 years, consort of Cnpl. Thomas \V. Anderson, formerly of .South Carolina. She lias left a bereaved husband, wiih six children nml numerous relations to mourn their irreparable loss. She was beloved hv nil that knew her, nod the poor at least will hear evidence of her worth. She lived and died a Christian.—Pence he to her. Departed this life, on the 3d day of this month, at his residence in Crawford county, Mr. James M. H. Whit- ting ton, in the 2()tli year of his n«rn. Mr. Wlii'finirtnn vvns a worthy member of the Baptist church, and in his dying moments cave strong testimony of his confidence iu God. By this stroke of Divine Providence the pa rents of Mr. Whittington are bereaved of n dutiful rod, and nil affectionate wife and child are left to lament an irreparable loss; hut they are consoled with the hejjef that his immortal spirit is now with his Savior and his God. Presentments Of the Grand Jury—Hancock Superior Court, October Term, I83G. w f and Inferior Courts of this countv, nnd find fins records of each office in u condition in conform ity w ith law and highly creditable to the respective Cferks. W.e present ns n grievance the prnctive of retRilinz ... - . - e .j- i spirituous liquors to slaves in viola'ion of law. The Juh»._ calling upon her in (ramie j ^ pre v.-nti.. s tl.i. r r,c,i.:e i, ,„l,u»ry. and one meet- in xr the approbation oftlie greater pn tion of our com munity, and yet w e have reason to believe the law is constantly violated, to die injury of die slave, his owner, und the community, with Imi a trifling benefit to the violator: sdll no prosecution* are lind, for the want of prosecutors: it would theref ire see in to us that the character of a prosecutor is n stutii.n which i few of our citizens are willing to assume: we think • , , , ,. . . , , j’.here is a false delicacy upon this subject: w e recoin- A h ack man, who had vainly attempted to leap me(lt | |,, the citizens generally to become prosecutors for every violation ol lliis law. Wo hazard nothing ii saying that prosecutors under ibis law will be pro- ill all classes wlm desire Henry Lancaster. Joshia E. Callaway, Lindsey Holland, John Westmoreland, Dacid Hanes. William W. Wakefield, Benjamin Sturr, Elijah Dodson, J >seph Banks. Thomas Mich nils, On motion of Young J. Ordered, that such of (h< Fayetteville, Sept 17 Scriveii, 241 241 air *2411 240 914 238 841 196 194 420 193 198 193 193 195 196- Evans Wesley, Samuel Pyle, Stewart, 303 303 378 303 304 360 064 339 495 49" 743 500 603 500 499 491 504 Sumter, 337 337 317 005 331 325 315 334 •271 277 649 279 209 259 2G9 209 207 701 09* 710 097 698 690 086 70-1 821 822 1275 824 819 821 824 82U 837 James Loyd, Taliaferro, 429 420 427 435 429 426 425 423 15 10 298 12 10 15 12 15 13. Tnltmdl, 105 165 107 161 165 17) Dili 100 44 9 171 48 41 40 44 47 Telfair, 101 mo 101 IU) 98 urn 107 90 K4 88 192 154 15!) 154 150 164 154 Thomas, 357 318 340 341 311 311 339 337 09 70 391 72 71 08 75 76 74 Troup, HikJ 870 875 880 875 865 871 070 211 237 520 234 233 231 230 236 VI9 Twiggs, 313 310 308 315 31 1 312 305 3101 09J 399 590 398 390 400 398 397 400 Up,on, Ut^inti, Walker. Walton, 5&I 650 552 654 550 551 55 J 5531 357 358 456 353 361 358 357 350 300 Lung, it is presentments as arc of u 451 423 435 461 421 423 427 42H 075 663 1029 038 COO 677 CG7 606 608 requested by the Grand Ware. 10 II 10 23 17 II 37 10 128 20 133 131) 137 133 131 13& 134 Warren. 470 477 485 488 479 480 479 480 501 499 750 604 601 504 501 603 64)3 Wftfliingtot , 497 494 493 496 49!l 492 491 493 481 479 929 488 488 480 487 480 487 IT fl. HEFLIN, Cleric. Wayne, 33 32 33 32 32 36 54 00 95 90 131 97 Df» 95 90 100 90 40 Wilkinson, 335 331 335 316 331 342 331 347 060 115 073 367 307 370 301 371 37*. | Wilkes, 357 354 330 33!) 355 358 350 30-1 467 400 691 471 471 408 468 409 <6* hoot 9f sojv F #‘200 REWARD, OR toy boy GUY. whom I sent to Bn Monroe county, Gn., lor some rye, wnsville, | yitli twi fAVE just received a large and desirable ns- I mules and a carryall. The carryall body wus painted H sortment of Dry Goods adapted to the sea- I yellow, and die running gear, except the tongue Army Movements.—The U. 8. S. Major Dade, LumiI. Ilowiion commanding, arrived h| St. Marks from the car when the accident took place, fell | upon the ground, and the car running cdl the track | upon the side he jumped, the wheels passed over | tected by public opinion I both his legs and cut them off in the most shock- \ the good of community ing manner, grinding the dirt and clothing into i the mangled flesh, lie lay writhing in the most I excruciating agony, under the body ol one of the cars, until enough of assistance could he rcndei- | ed to raise the car oil him. lie will not, it is believed, survive. A gentleman in the forward car had his left arm Among them are best qualities Merino Cloilis. Figured Merino«. superfine Black. Blue, Green and fancy colored It 1*0ml 4 'lot Its, ribbed and plain Cassiineres, SATT1NETTS, 3-4 and 6 4 English Merino*. SXXiKS. Rich Black and Blue Black, colored, figured and plaiu Gros de Nap’s.. 1’uix do Soie. Blaik Indian Lowering, Siucliewe*, Florence fan cy Handkerchiefs, rich idackiiud blue b'uck uml tuiici colored Belts, Pongee Hdkf’s. Silk am! Cotton Hosiery; French nnd English print*; plain stripe and check Cambric*; Swi-s Mu-lins. Thread and Buhhiiiett Laces; domestic Cottons and Calicos. Canton Flannels and Check*; Damask Table Co vers. Rose and Point MIiti*lhcls, various sizes nnd prices. Diaper nrd Negro Cloth*. Ladies and Guiitleincn’s GLOVES, of various qua lities. Misses and Boy’s do. Ladies Kid nnd Prunella Slippers Prunella nnd Gaiter Boot*. Ladies' rrunella and Velvet waier-proof Boot* and Slippers. Gentlemen's Shoe- of every description. Gentlemen's water proof Hoots* Gent's and Boy's lashionahle Hats, and Cloth snd fur Cap*;. READY XVIADB CLOTHING. Ladies' and Gentlemen’s Cloaks* Ladies fig’d Merino and Circassian do Gent’s, t'amhlet OVER-COATS ; frock nnd dress Coats; Pantaloons; Vests; Stocks; Linen Collars; Bosoms ; Cotton Elannel and Merino Shirts ; Drawers, jfc. Src. Satldlory, Crockery, Hardware, mil TIN WARE.»! «U descriptions. Thankful for past patronage, they respectfully in vite their friends and tile public in general to call and w . .. and I hat was painted red. He had overalaid hi* time, and | 1 snpposed that h*» was sick, and sent to *ea idler him, j and could hear nothing of him, only at Murstm'd's old | ferry, on Flint river, having at that time a soldier in i the carrynll with him; mid I am induced to lodfeve that ho lias been inveigled or perounfed off by tho j soldier. Ho Inis always been a faithful servant, and for the lust eight or leu years my carriage driver, lie h about five feet six inches high, of a numnou size, tolerably dark complected, speak* perl mid mild when spoken to, has a pleasant coHiitoiiance, and w alks very briskly; no particular iiinika recollected, only his hair is very short all over Id* head, und not very thick. He is about 25 tears old. lie was raised near Raleigh, N. (’., and brought to this Slate in 1821, by me. | The nkove reward will he given for the thief, uecro, j carryall ami mules,delivered to the subscriber, in liar- i ri* county, Gu , or Fifty Dollars for the negro, carryall and mules, or Twenty Dollars if (lie negro is put m jail, and information given me, ut Mulberry Grove I Post Office, Harris countv, Gu. VIRGIL H. WALKER Harris county, Oct 15 40 6« LAW NOTICE. rill HR undersigned, at the request of Charles P. k H Gordon, Esq. deceased, will close his profits* Honal hut«iiiet*4 All commnuiculioiis addressed to me, at Eutoutoii, Georgia, wi l In- promptly attended to. JAS. A. MERlWETHOt. October 18 [40 3t] Attorney «*f Laur. GEORnlA, Jones county. W HEREAS Robert V. Hardeman applies to m« for fellers of ndmiuisrraimir on the estate of Daniel Malone, late of said eiHiuty, dec»-u»fld—• These are therefore to rite and ndmoiiish nil snH‘ singular the kindred ami creditors of naid deceased, n l»u and appear at my ollicH. withiu the time pre scribed by law. |o show eau-e, if any they have, why. said fetters should not bo granted. Given under my hand, this I'bit day <‘f Oct. 1836i CHARLES MACAUtHY. c. a. o. Ort IS 40 54 tver part ' county, iv horse. Mill dark Id. in, I,- Horses Slrnycd* TIIAYED from the subscriber, in the 1 • of Wilkinson county, adjoining Lauren TWO HORSES. One is a middliitg *.Z'*d h with one and perhaps both hind feel while. \ switched tail mid mane, and about 8 years i tied to he inw-houml. Thu other is a hrigni hay «»r light roan, with long Ifex mane and tail, well built, and remarkably short iu the couple, with a bald face, walks very wide behind; no oilier marks r collected. Whoever will take up said horses, and deliver them to the juhicriber iu Inviriton, Wilkinson county, or will inform him Jiv letter where he may obtain raid horses, shall he reasonah'v compensated for their Iron hie mid expenses. ’ W. B. SMITH. Irwmtoii, Oct 7, 1836 49 3l" Milledgeville, October 18. 1836. 40 tf Upon the subject of a Court for the Correction ol Errors, it might seem unut>ce«*ury for this jury to ex- ! press any thing whatever; before the alteration of! the Constitution for that purpose, such a Court lias One liuntirt fi Thousand Doilarg / worth of GOLpO U'anlfd / HE subscriber has on hand, and is receiving, at his old itRod, an exttn ive assortment nf WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, FAN- | been .» fm,nemly reommemle.l by different Jurie. ,.f |UR ,; waUE.'ac. nil of wl.ieh i. offered on i this county, that we suppose there nr-* very few grand j jurors who have not at some time recommended such p< OUR months alter date, application will be made the honorable the Inferior Court of Grenim •untv. when sitfins fur ordinary purpose*, fur leave to s»*ll a negro woman named Rhby, nnd her child, belonging to the estate of Joseph Wright, !at»* of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs JAMES M PORTER, Adm'r. Oct 18 40 W ILL BE iOLD. on Friday. tb« 2nd day of December next, at the late residence of Daniel I McIntosh, deceased, ol Morgan county, nil the perish- ! able property of raid deceased, consisting of lioraes, I stock of hog•>, cattle and sl.eep. corn and (odder, wa- I gou and ue.n. plantation iitenails. household and kitefe I e«i furniture, and many other articles, too tedious !<r* | enuiiirrale. Terms made known on the day of sale. CHARLES ALLEN, Adm’r. j V B. Plantation to he rented for tlm year 1838, and one Negro Boy hired at 'he same time. C. A. l fe.t 18 40 Georgia, Hancock County* Clerk's Office, Court of Ordinary. W HEREAS Rice P. Knowles nnd Jamas V. Kn'wles apply to me fur letters of ndmiui*- rration on the rotate of William Knowles, late of Greene county, deceased : Tlir-ie ere therefore to cite, summon and admonish* all nnd singular (lie kindred md creditors of said da— ceaa«*d. to be am I appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters «lim»!d not be granted. Given mirier inr hand, ut office, this 12th day hi October. IriW. HENRY ROGERS, CPk e. <*. October 18 48 St T' Sunday last, from the Suwannee River, having ) broken, ami breast much injured, but it is possible i large number of sick sailors and soldiers on lioard, ( ptisnnigcrH to Pensacola, to which place the vessel is j *. 0H r ®biriiing to refresh and refit, having been cm- ; P'"Ved since June navigating on this pail of the coast *^nil up ||, e Suwannee. Lieut. II. confirms previous | . ‘report* uf the sickness of the position ot Gamp Call . . 1 "‘Suwannee Old Town—where five companies of the i * was with m\ lai Ilk Infantry U. 8. Army, have In-en encamped tho ' % “ w ‘“ ‘ PAM three months. Twenty-four deaths liavo occur- 1 among them, and between 80 and 90 of I he re urt. The Constitution of our slate as it now (ami-, declares “ flint the Judicial powers of this lie will recover Slate shall he vested iu a Supreme Court for the Cor The irain was propelled at the rale of 15 lo i ration tf Error, .. Superior. Inferior I Jo-lice*' IS mile, per It Hie moat reasonable term*, lie will also pay ml pi ice for i«v amount of nalite GOLD. The [ preference will be given to gold in its native .tale (not S Unveil ) JACOB FOGI.K. Oct 18 40 if "Hinder are «t tbu time ill, leaving only 30 reported 'c-duty, The Commander-in-chief, with the Tenne»«ee ’""""led Brigade, were ferried over the river on Ttlee- "y and Wednesday Inti, nod took np their line of vy 1 , i 1 fe* "“*• day for tbe Indian .ettleinent. on Hie ’"blucoocliee. Tile guide, bad joined the army and e. -i 1 * 18 lroil |'' "round, to hope for n meeting with "ndernbla hodie, of Indian, within (wo more dav, march. •la'll ?' ‘•’"•O'"' 1 b*ed remained in the river to 1 nrigadier General Heed in enlahlitldug a depot at fee old Block Hmiie on the Wilhlacoechee, Mi? . r T take with him the Florida Mi- r J lo wlttelt point all the iofaiilry, marina,, and enrlly Indian, from tbe Creek country, are ordered C * 8 t I’* 1 " Tennaaiee troop, had wtfervd hut h.a / ' ,om *' r lv»e*». and a. Ilia rainy wa»nn be * l,d "neb of aupplie, ara lo Ml .'“"'v Pl»e*d within eanvenianl re.eli, tba ram- al l ^ M " l ,,| m!' , le„ prograta with a vigor and »n«rjy I l ' Ul *hl «'*ure a enereMlhl remit.—Fltridisn. at '"I®’ '■brdLriau rutain*. tL Ian.!.. '®/ 5 '* 1 1 hoaatu,*rfifr^ . fe*"< Jaekeoiivllla, which flee, ah* left ‘ Dome te-wnger Mfe learn Ihai the ferae. Court*, mill in micIi other Com ts ns tin* Legislature may from iimo to tiino orflain and establish.” We appre hend that flio Constitution of our State giintanfee* lo every party litigant a tribunal for the Correction of Errors. From a failure heretofore In pass laws necessary to carry tbi« pi siitntion of our Stale into effeel, the cisizeim of Geor eia are barred of a part of their constitutional rights. . . We would tlieref(»re nrg** tqeoi our pie-eut Senator : and Representative* the tieee-niiy of usiog their at the time of the accident, anti an nut more limn (lie length of the train, or 50 arils, ere it brought up. mily in the next car to life one which Mr. Gibson wax in, nnd the fragments over which we passed, tore up the boil on without in- juiy to any of its passengers. It was a miracle that we escaped— fine of tint wheels was spoke less, nothing but the naked rim left [o give nasur- | “Vuoi'iV'fe. hove mrcli low, pinned n. may "curry llu, anen it ever was a railroad wheel. Lveu the i c | ni m0 0 f our Constitution into effect, rails for a considerable distance were tom trout \V'« ptesent to His Honor Judge Andrewsourtlianks their fastenings, and some broken. | for his faithful, able and impartiul administration of This seems lo he one of tlio^e accidents against | justice, which it is difficult to guard, unless hv some new 1 Wo present also, our thanks to the Solicitor lie- arrangement of tlm wheel, uml nxlea of the car*, j r ’ ,r tllB di " ch “ r * e « r h, » duli,! ‘ I'™’ or p.rltap. hv a thicker flooring to the car,. 1 K '^"™ 1(e ,| ol)r p r ,„ ntnl , nt . , 1B p llb |i.had in D fur the liiatructiuii of jl i, mrritiuned In u, that the engine and one car wa, immediately deapaichct! lo l.anca,tef city for medical or surgical aid lor the NUll'ereta, and that before it returned, the cars were »et in mo- tltu 8uuiliuin Kecordt— and Btmid.rd of lininn, JUlIN A EVANS. Foreman. Jottph II. Sunlit. Urnt E Cultur, IF*. Mtllrr, In (he hope of conveying ihe wounded towards j Motn WtUn medical sid, Ihey hail gone lo a short turn, when | ”'"• 11 the loeomolivs came sweeping round, and wa, ' not checked until It came iu coined with Ihs car, snd did considerable injury. Alalcum Jakiitltm, Ihlkim Smith, Irby Had,on. F. E Brooking. Jot B llaoiont. Ilitlimond llurolty If'o i Frnlty, R. t. Sun'll. Hrownwood Fnnalc Iiistilulc. It. HUBERT C. BROU N, talc of Scott,I,m take, this method , f iiifoi'ming Iris friend,, and i tlie l>»f»irili.i.i' l'" r '* n,< n " <l guardians gcupially, that h« intends, in I , f January, 1837. opening an iusfllutiou l nrl ol tlm Con- .si- of La lira upe, Troup count Yonii'4 Liislfes. I A suitahfe building is now hemp eroded iu n neigh* 1 Imi bond, onibrari i'g hoMiitiliil »cs-uory. n hoaltby at ; ino*p!iero, and good locioly, and while the retired lo- i . istioii is peculiarly adapted to uni 'indents m the j ' puraiii!* <4 literature, it* vicinity to LnGrang". reinaik- I able for ils moral nnd refined cnmiumniy, oilers every , I advantage which a parent could desire ill educating | Ins daughter. Board earn he obtained ill the family of Ilia Priuci- ' pal. and in highly respectable families near. ! A sp’endid Aparatus is ordered for the use of the ' institution, himI every biaiHi of Solid end Onnmental j Education, will he Innglil with ihe same lnithliihie«s hv which Dr. B ohlnin**il flint reputation which ho will i be ever Nitshuntn men* and ***cnre. Brown wood. Tmup co. Ga. Supt. 29 40 eov%6t remote Hoarding and Hay School. HE siihscrii‘ r wouhl inform his friend* and the public, that he intends opeminr. in E.ito'iton. Ga , on tlm first Moudav iu January. 1837.a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, in which will be tnuglit all the hranclie* ol n solid nnd n polite education. He will he ns-i-ted. aa lira wants of the acliool may require, by well qualified and experienced teachers. A Philosophical and Chemical nppnrutu* has be-n ; ordered front Boston. In fine, nothing ah ill Ira want n > ing to render this school worthy u| the pntroiuigo of an iid i enlightened coiniiiunity. A large, convenient and.elegant building will, by | contract, ha iu r**adineva by th • I .t of J-tiinarv. Mr. 11 km fir C. Wai.sii will have clinrgo nf || i0 niu- ! sicid depariiiient, whose knowledge «.( the scietico and experience in leaching, need no recommendation, i The «nb'criher will receive a limited number nl young ladies, as hoarder*, into hi* lainilv. who will be ! treated with tho same parental cure as hi* own child ren, and enjoy nil the comforts of n privute home, with the ndvantage of ft public hc.IihoI. Further particular* made kumvn on application to the principal, nt Kfttonton. JAMES W. ARMSTRONG, Principal. Oct 18 40 fit J. B- Edw'irds, Henry Gary. Hardy C. Cnletr. Bmj*i»i* Simmon,, Ou imxum. nrdtrsil. lh,( III* shuv* |>r«*n(awni. llolhschild h,s lull hi, «hI»* £10.000 prr an- ^ unbiirii*-! ,gyv**bl* lu rvn>i,,i _jm. all hi* fwrailur*. pisM m4 jswsis 4 (• bis A G. rilMMKH. Sol. G*». daughter* «a«h £ IfO.OOO, 1’h# raaidut of hi* | a tra* aitrad from tha mlnuui, Oct. 14. nine ii beq**a(hed to kit wnt rvtpl £ 10 000 i TUTTLE II. AUpVH, CUrb. A good Nit mii Son for a Trucker. HE Trusiec* of Madiaou, Morgan countv, Male ■ and Feina'n Acarlemie**, will elect, on Ihn first December next, for the ensuing year, n Teacher nnd Assistant Teacher, for each of I ha above Acndi inm»; also, a .Music In-tructor. for tlm IVnvafe Department. A Teacher, wall qualified lo take rlnsrga of eillior of the above siui*iioii«. will do well to nsaku applinition NOTICE. fjl HE Citizens of Baldwin county, who feel an in- .1. !ere*t ia the adoption nf a s>drill of lntt rnal linprovauicat hy ihe next 1.* gislaiuio, by which lira grefttest good may b« diffused, are earnect'y invited to aitend at the Ourt-honra m Midedfeville, at tue/rs u elack, daturduy the 22d io*l. w ltn a view In con*P_ _ sider of Ilia propriety of b#ing repri seined In Ihe Con- ! A € OOk. Wn*tier ttltd Irnner for Nlilc*. venflou lo le field iu Ihe town of .Macon, en the first ? A GOOD COOK and first tale VVushrr. Ironei Monday In Wovawil»er. J ^ and Nurse f«.i safe. ,\ra.|y thi« arfi»e VV7ILL BE 8IM.D. on the 28th ifiy ef November" f? next. i«t tho residence of Ambrose Whittle, all the PERSONAL PROPERTY of John W hitilc, late of Wasliiiigtoti eouutv, d-roused. WILLIAM BARWICK, AdmV. October 18 Ida w (ii lh" linsnl p.r-minIly, nr tli« worri.-iry >viUl I Al-n. »( (h« •*• J 1 . »ul)iui«u; Bvi,l«*««<>rih,lr^'„lifla’i'i iH«, to bs iuiri hu ! 0IUOfri.J* «h > GI"F- * mnii 84 yesr* uld i Cr*w- A«lu»iiiis«i-a(ap’s Kale. 71!.1. BF, SOI.!), nn lh<? 6r-l Tiir,d»v in Jn- in-11. m I Ii*- r,mrt*l,mi,r lio ir i" 'Tliomw- iiu. Thmn"« I'mlllty. williii, tlm lm»,» of »"!*. I,»t Nn. I. ,quart? A. in Th »«*ilte, Thnnianeonnty— tin wIikIi i, a ritn.inntlinu, S"?w hnn»e on* nf ib» lm«l .lanil, in tun \ illnta anil a!«>. « *m«ll dwelling- litittM anti tidier Nm. 1 ami 8 in Mptnra T Nn- I in sqnnie I. anil Nn S; in rqnare A ; all nf wliieli 1 re in die tmvil nf Tlinma-ville Alan, livn "f I.ANU. N"- -'W3'in I he Bth dial riel Ilf Irivin noil TIioiiih* roiiiKy. ami Nn. 10 in thtr 11 : 1. tij.iriri nf Irwin, nmv Tln-inaa connly. \i,n 1.1,17. h. a negro vvnmim nliniit (M nr V6 v*sr» „r a*e. IIAHRIF.T. a girl 7 yenr. old. DKNNtfl. a l.i.y,4yennoM.TOM, a bnv.3year, old.and SUSAN. a uni. one yenr old. Sold a*(he ur-qinily nf M4r*a F.-ignann, I tie nf 'i'iinnia.viile. Tluiiiitoi L-tmnly, der’d^'. In virion nl order nf tin- hmiiirable die Cnml nf Or- tI n iry of Tlminn, enmity, Gn. Sold nn a eradil— lermo nn Ilie dav. ’ IIRKRY IIGETII. ) JOHN FF.RGUSO.N. Oct. 18 (Ua Admiulatralor'i Sale. W ll.r. BF. SOt.D, nn ihe first Tiie,day In Janu ary neal, be firs ihe smirt-linns* door In Ihe i,mo nf .MnOnsniwb, Henry ennnty. Lot nf Land Nil. Ilif). in Ibe Ilia d.ilrioi nf H*nry rminly, a, lh* icut Minii- nf Tlmiiia, J. Stephan,, lalv of aaid rnnnty, licceaved. for dm Iwitefit id* (he huiranf aaid deeesaed, Al-n. al (be Mine lima and filar*, FIVri Jjf;. 1 Ihe board. Oil la M. G. A(*KK.W. Ser'v. 40 I»7i u*inb*r I*, itan On 4 Innl, a buy. IS y«ar» nidi William, a boy, 14 ve*r» [nil: Naie-y. a woman, *44 year, uid, and -Mtrdia, a girt, il year, old, l>*lri|igiiig lu tha main nf Mid de- cs*m?iI, fi-r din lie until nf ilia Iwira nf Mid ilrsenn d. WIU.IAM n. STEPHENS. I . , u ... LLUAJt U. JORHAN. [ Oil t* 40 td