Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, November 27, 1838, Image 1

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A ~T7 D y a 111E VE & O R M E. ] MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1838. f NO. 45—VOL. XII. ie Recorder is published weekly, on Han.-ork Warehouse and Coiumiwiaa Rctlnce*. VALIABI E PROPERTY FOR SALE. mi°P?^r‘“ llle MiSo: “ c Hd '- at Thkef. Dollars ! r pilE undersigned beg- leave t.. inform llie public, that j rjlHF. subscriber now offers for sale Ids valuable Planta- ** r annum- payible in a iranre, or-Four Dollars, if not *- -they have connected themselves together for trannet-1 SHERIFFS’ SALES. i,.’end <>f the year. 1 lion and Mills, two miles and a half south of Forsyth, a Warehouse nnd Commission Business in the Citv of • Monroe county, on the Big Tobesofky, situated in a rich. , Their i keallhy country, containing near 000 acres of land, about 400 j f° re acres cleared, and in good f land and negroes, bv Administrators, executors, or | r .*”* 1 - u- and are required by law to be held ou the first Tuesday | merchandise. Its .ocuiion is near the h.-adol Collin: liciween the hours of ten in die forenoon nnil j nur, on the corner of Cherry mid First Streets, conven f-|GLETHORPE SHERIFF’S SALE.-Will be said ; ITANC6CK SHERIFF’S S\LF l OSTPONTB- | U on the first Tuesday in December next before the | ±1 Will be sold onfoeLIiHS iSJ3SLi n “ e fin-'afternoon, at the Court-house of the county in . property is situate.—Notices of these sales must lie arliicli.t in I i - z( . t!e sixty dava previous tolheday of sale. .:^n 111 a 1 ,UI * - rpiTOMAS SBB1UKV SALES POSTPpXED.—\Viil [ SZZoZ" | “ W«W~U-u. i™ • w A oe sold, on tiie first Tuesday in December next, be- j ty, between the usual hours of sale the followmr proDertv ' ,lt Couri-hou»c doorin tliecoimt} of Hancock, witbiu the the Court-house door in the town of Thoinasvilie, be- j to wit: ° r JP j u ^u»I hours oi sale, the following pn.pertv.tu wit: r>y of eighteen Tears of a.^. One negro woman -‘1 yeuis old. named' Creasy! levied . u- | • . , - - , • -r> i ,e. . . «• « i » —' trad of laud containing 351 acres, more or less, i on as the property of Thomas C. Butts, to satisfy a fi. fa'. i Ave- ! ! * - F*' mtnhutmd Ian , all run by water The nulls . Early now I nomas county, containing 250 acres, more or | adjoining lands of Thomas Vaneev, Eli B. Tack, and others, ! “e-finst him, in favor of John E. Lewis. Levied bv a con- 5SiK!S*ct~d.c«*.„„u»...a„,„«a «, WV4V.O W1 lauu, tU’UUl xwu j v i 414 IUV. MIWU VI A UlliliaaVJUV, UC* J tU Will j uoo xu repair; good dwelling and all : tween the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: i Walt, a boy of eighteen rears of a » other houses necessary ; a large two-story gin house, with a One lot of pir.e land. No. 3, in the 23d district of originally ! Also, one trad of land containing^351 from the risk of lire. 1 he undersigned will deviate their [ mere valuable on that account, as all the flour and cornmeal j perty pointed out by the plaintiff. Notice . j-,,r the sale «f personal property must be given in ;:TV davs previous to the day of sale. Also, like 1111 ,rs and creditors of an estate must be publish el tor application will be made to the Court of Ordina- clnoge I ^ such requests, to inform us as well of the distance, vi j, (> t3lfi-' C fro u which they desire it changed, as #IU " e which they may the-eafter wish it sent. authorized to announce .imi'j Edge, as a can* ... ' r,. Tax Collector of Baldwin county, at the d Election. Cct. 9, 1838—38 wl*2w • .i . i • , r .i r I * -~-»|-4wjpv4 V «»*•••(, •iM**44vv« ova uxui Miv tu«u ofFof- • tlir^e fi- fas. isHu^d froin the bupfriur Court of Butu county, Wi'liain Luster to « H ♦'» f r ,, rn r ul %>».. t •!> > » . , < • n • to the most business par of the town am very secure syth, at the terminus of the Monroe Railroad, is considered iu favor of George W. Murray, is. said Robert Brown. Pro- Court of o iedio^e eoanr in favor o'Ta.t Pa -e is V L \ ° uS™*' ' I’ ^ ‘ ^ ‘ ... - - mmeal! pern pointed out bv, !»■ oWitf 1 William Lu«cr pfoArtv^inLedoutbypi.^riff: ’ ! c’limis “i!'' ‘7 ^ thepropcryof Thomaa Oct. 30. 1838.-41 L ' P M. C.HALE. SVff. ^ \r * a V S, > «•«’«««» «. . MD;th ami Martini Cubb, a^ r ani»t *u»d and hia ^ecu L. S. STEW ART, Sh’ff. 33 tds cotton factory. Apply to the subscriber, liviim in Forsvth. A. CCCHRAN. Aug. 13, 1838. 31 if best individual and undivided attention to anv business 1 that can be furnished at the mill, and also all the lumber which may he confided to their care, and will be prepared to make liberal h 1 vaaees on cotton stored with them. They w ih also attend strictly to the sa.e of auv cotton con* fid-vl Jo their can*, and will in all cases use their best of- .., ro sell Inn 1. must be published for four months, j f ‘" ^ :,bt li:l ll " ? highest market prices. They will make r ’, r el ;' e . s , the line of printing, will meet with prompt ! * he best in rangem-nts possible for ieaining the earliest in- "the IlECOROKR Office. ; lelligence f ont I u-eign markets; and w iil always cheerful- , F«»R H VI E j’ V’r'vKS (on business) must be post-paid | '?}!"£'* iojoHi^nce tbus obtnit.ed to their planting ; A valvable / /oK<c and Lot iu ' CrawforJtille, end Stock J* lers. m njqucsting the direction ot t... lr paper j and rneuaiiiile r.’iends. The und<M*«i^ni*cl being 1 planters*' J Pnn Oifice to another, are desired, in every t!icni>clvc.s f will feel their i.iterest j^earlv n'JieJ ii> the planting interest* In conclusion, ihe nmlersig’m’d wi»u!ii only a<l.l further, that they will he prepared to attend to | every branch ot business connected with the warehouse and commission; such ns receiving cotton on storage, for sale, or to ship to other markets, receiving and forwarding goods to country merchants, tilling’ orders, &c. &c.—Jo all of which they will promise that tiieir best attention . rilU t.are recpiested to call and settle them with j shall be given to promote the interest ot those who may ° ^ j- ],\\'K immediately, or they will tiiid them in , patronize them* Any favors received ia the. line of oar , f.. j u Ti t *er for collection,before the next, return business, will he JhIv nnnreeiaLiv!. \VM. G. ! 19.1338 12 1,1. persons h >. perry pointed out by the plaintiff. Oct 16,1838—30 Ida BEXJ. WOMACK, Sh’ff Ut5TaM _ SHE RIFF'S^SAI.E.— WHrbe “sobi."^ the fi : first Tuesday in January next, the following property, to wit: ! One bay colt, about 2 years old, one gig and harness, four l*"" _ head of cattle, one side board, len teoles, four J<>zeu chairs. . t ‘*? t w* ,.„vii:ig Janua'Y rv T0Ti( of Goods'. T HE undersigned being desirous to close tiieir mercan tile l.usiness, offer for sale their Lot in the town of j Crawfordville, Tnliaferro county. It is well improved, j ^ having n first rate Storehouse tti.d counting-room, comforla- Also a bav ble dwelling, kitchen, &c.. all nearly >!1 arranged. If the lot is not sold before tin GLETIJOHPE SHERIFF S SALE.—Will be sold , ri:v, on :ip,.eal. before the Court-house door in the town of Lexington, : ()cr. 7, ig3S Ogiethorpe county, between the U3ual hours of sale, on the —-—"— " “ * ' • LAFAYETTE HALL. subscribers announce to their friends and die public, that this well known establishment will be open during e . . sixteen beds and bed clothing, one lot of crockery ware, one fbe session of the Legislature, for tae reception ot traveller* T~ h‘' st 1 uesda y *" Deeeiub> r next, before the Court house - lot of glass ware, and all kitchen furniture, consisting of ovens a,lu boarders. Memoers of the Legislature will find Lafay- aoormthetownof Eitontou, Putnam county, within the usual 1 pots, kettles, &c.: levied on as the property of Joseph Jen- 1 ette Hal! 1 adapted to their comfort and couveuience, b*- honrs of sale, the fo.L.wmg property, to wit: I kins, to satisfy a mortgage fi. Ia in favor of Thomas Ai Brew- , ln ? ^' it , hin a few minutes' walk or the Capitol. ars of age, by the name of I er, vs. Joseph Jenkins. Property pointed out in said mortgage !, Tables will l>e well v of William Catching, to j fi. f a . s it MAXWELL, D. Sh'ff. i ^et affords. John T. Hieunl, aduiiuis- I Oct 30. 1838. ai ,.1^ ' tlie best liqi One negro boy. 12 or thirteen ve. Maryland, levied on as the property satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in favor of J trator of Tiios. Kihpatrick, deceased, \s William Catcli’ng, The Tables will be well supplied with every thing the tnar- The Bar will be iuru.shcd in the best style, with liquors, and attended by a competent and eccomuxoda- VI! pc rsoiis liiut bted to me, either by note j t M K the Iih. day- Apr A render them. pay will L>c dnlv upprec.iiitivf. WILLIAM HAMILTON, jg3<; i- it j WILLIAM REYNOLDS. hling claims against the estate of the late ; .Without intending to disparage the claims of those of our i ,-arm m, de<’d., of Morgan countv, will please friends who are now engaged in the warehouse and conimis- lemdly proven, within the time prescribed by | si on business in this city, wc would respectfully recommend f.r seuieineut; all persons indebted will (dense make the above gentlemen to our former patrons and friends, us uMtlimil delay. J. NORTHINGTON, Adm r. vvortiiv of tiieir confidence. Tiiev-being our relatives, deli- inelU»> . t, /« luMiV A , t»», ‘ -v- i ,* l - J . 1 1,1 ' . . . cacy torlmis timl we should say more m their favor; \v e, however, trust tiieir stiict and diligent attention to business, will secure to them a liberal share of puliiic |>u- trunagp. E. HAMILTON, 21. 1338.—L*7 tf J. R. HAYES. I let 18—39 Lb in tent them t» toe rd to i.-iak "Tt 16. 1838-39 Lb Per 1 ' L i June. 1^34 \ >y.'iO, given by m E. C. PEARMAX. Adm’x. having just demands against Da vid E. Butts ,t e and persons indebted to linn are WASH. BUTTS, Adtq’r. for a note of - suliscril payment. W urehoiiMf and CoiuiuiNMiou Businm. unlersii? ned have taken for a term of years, the -4 Warehouse of A. II. Ralston near the head of cotton I Avenue, and convenient to the centre of business, where they will transact a general storage* and commission business. The Warehouse and commission business will be conducted and j managed by E. Beall and Fred'k. Beall, members of the firm; I they will devote their whole time and attention to the interest I of the merchants and planters who may favor them with their H , ,i ,1..., i,,. I,... i custom, in receiving and forwarding merchandise and storage , , _E_ < < s o i 1 ’ ‘ , A, , I and sale of produce. Early arrangements will be made to i , S ^S^ 1 i worn. operation a Line of ' ,nn 111 uai 1 | make liberal advances on produce in store, and such other j * tn ’ e- via \\ atkiusVille, Madison, to hatonton, j f a ,.;|i t i cs trade as shall be for the interest of the customers. as follows: The concern also will keep at their store on cotton Avenue are cautioned against trad ill to one Thomas Lowe, dated lltli and due January tin reafter: said note was condi- all' given, and I am able to prove a failure on his part, I i i,Vl „ci nav said note, unless compelled by law. II (Vt’t-H 1838-42 31 ROBERT HOLT, Ajfvv JIAIL ABRANGEMEJfTS. cT rBAIlE subscriber respectfully annoitn- rooi... co.iiroiia- Also a bay mare muie: levied on as the property of William j , ot good mate- Catching, t<-.satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. iu favor of llobeit A. Wai- i * ^ rials and well arranged. If the let is not sold before the ; ton. vs. William Catching. R. BLACK, Sh’ff. first Tu-sday in Dcccinher, it will then be offered at public j Sept. IS. 35 t d s . sale, and possession given the 1st day of January nest. jfJUTNAM POSTPONED SlfultiFF - SALES.— Will 1 ertns v, ill be ncconiiuoduting, and be muite known at the j JL be soxd, on tixe first Tuesday iu December next, before time oi sale. ; the Court-house door in the town of Eatotuon, Putuam coun- Thev will also sell u good bargain in tiieir stock of 1 D’- between lue usual hours cl sale, the following property, Goods, which have been well selected in Nevv-Y'ork ar.d ! to Y.-it: Charleston, and is generallv admitted to be one among the ! , *‘ e e re y mare, 1 bay horse, and 1 serrel horse, one lot ' 1 tne town 01 Eatonlon, now occupied by I*’. C. Sanford, I livery stable, iu letter X. adjoining P. 11. Clements, | ing one quarter of an acie, more or less: levied on ai j perty of Henry D. licit and Franklin C. Sanford, to ! mortgage fi. fa. iu favor of Simon Holt, and otiie | against the defendants. Also. 011c negro boy, Marion. 12 or 13 years of age: levied on as tne property of William Catching, to satisfy a mortgage i j b-/ a - in favor of John T. Blount, administrator of Thomas 1 | Killpxtricl;, deceased, vs. William Catching. Also, one bay mare mule: levied on as the property of ' William Catching, to satisfy a mortgage li. fa. in favor of ’lio- j bert A. Walton, \s. William Cat. uing. ! RICHARDSON BLACK. Sh’ff. tds Tild SL'BSLXlBKIi i ton. j Fourne woman 30 years old, Andrew, a boy 13 y : ! 1 years old, one yoke of oxen and cart, one grey mare, and j 100 acres of land, more or less, whereon Edward Alberson : „ . , - ... _ now lives, adjoining Edward Payne. Zaciieous Price anti oth- ,r J -' s ?‘ et;£ f. ’ ' ,:u " arra.neti to be ot die best quality ers: levied on as the property of Edward Alberson, to satisfy He o..ers uietu tor sale iu :.:e ce: ti lcuce that theycaunotba a fi. fa. in favor of Cary Wood, vs. Cary J. Mathews. William 1 iar pas t ,edii l this marxet; a few of the leading articles ara NOV. receiving a supply til articles iu his line, car* E fully selected, best selected stocks in the tip-country. Any person wisb- : ing to vest capital in merchandise, would da well ti^ cull j and exauiitio this propertv. BATTLE &. DICKINSON, j Crawfordville, ]4th August. 13315. 31 lhr B ROUGHT toJail io Muscogee county. Geo., on the 3th day of January last, a negro man named Pltku | Monroe, who says that he a five man. and was born Havana; but he has no evidences of his freedom with him. i Peter Monroe is about 45 years old, 5 feet 10 inches high. | ot a yellow complexion, speaks very broken, at d weighs j 100 pounds, wears rings in his eats. 1 would suppose j from bis brogue that he is from the lower part of the State j of South Carolina. The owner, if any, is requested to come forward and prove propertv, or be will he sold for I iiiii foes. N. M. C. ROBINSON, Jailor A-uff. 14, 1838—30 if of Mii*rosrf*c Co. toliowing pioperty, to wit: Six mules: levied on as the property of Peyton H. Col her:, to satisfy a mortgage Ji. fa. in favor of John (J. Coiceri vs. Pevtou II. Colbert. SCPREY ANDERSON. Sh’ff. Oct. 30, 1838. 41 “GLE THORPE Oct. 2. 1838. o in Said county, will property, to wit: SHERIFF'S SALE.—Will be sold, : on the first Tuesday iu January next, at die Court house a "t the usual hours of sa.e, tlxc following ot fi urpeittine, Aimouils. Olives, Capers, C-tsup, Gunpowdar i d ea,Smoking and C lxcw ing Tobacco, x'icc - XUlmers, Lemons, j and Apples, Siiu-ked Beef, Bologna-Sausage-*, Ac. Ac. Also, 20 ooxes ana xiaxt ooxes ot ilaixiu*. of the new cron, all j ot which will be sold at a moderate profit for cash. Oct. 20, 1838.—40 tf .V. B JLIIA.V. IVxiTit. II. •IRStoXS desirous of purchasing d y goods very cheap, are respectfully suliched 10 call ami examine my -nock, comprising every article usually kept iu the tine, as I ain uis- F Oil SALE.—An excellent Newark made carriage,but [\^.y -vs rt.fnm Athe..< . , nl ] bark, 3 times u week, leuvingand returnui Leaving Athens nt li P. Si lt may be seen at Mr. Mott's Live April 11 — 12 il Fund ivs, Tuesdays and Thursdays, a large and general supply of Staple, Domestic, French and k. \. M.. and an icing at Eatonton at (i o’clock fancy Dry Goods, ready made Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery the same davs. ! Ac Together with a grncral supply of Groceries, Iron, Sait Mondays, Wed ~ ‘ ' r * ' ‘ W rsdavs and l'ri- I Saddles, Bridles, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ac They have , L ‘ "v ' 7; liviork" a" arriving in Athena at (i | ba ' ,d a large supply of first quality Hemp Bagging. Bale Rope da'-» n ’ 0 j and twine. 1 he undersiguea are deterimnea to do businetjo u'cluck 1’. M., same du\s. ^ ! on the most liberal terms; any orders by the planters for bag- II. N. M ILLsO.N, Contractor j in „ Bale Uope and Twine,or any other articles, shall meet March 27 ’ ” *•* j our prompt attention. ELIAS BEALL, A Co. w count to Thus, s. C.. Adm’x. ft’OTH’E. fll.L BE RENTED, on the first Tuesday iu Decem ber next, on the. plantation ot F. G. Calloway, dec d., , in tiie county of Baker, 300 acres of fine Cotton Laud.—j •'■.Tins on the day of renting. i SUSAN S. CALLOWAY, Adm x. i Oi- !4 1838. tdr 1 r. ~j> The Columbus Enquirer will please insert this week- I 1„. till the day of reatiug, an.l forward their Ciiaifin. Grx .vfor.iviHe. Ha. S- A f.Y BO.N'S Y1VAK8. B OOKER & YOUNG have this day dissolved copart- nership, by mutual consent. All persons who arc in- (i hii-.l In the subs libers e’.iher hv note or account, are re- c|.jested m make immediate (invuien! I<» L. A. \uung. who isanilioi-i/.-'al to sett le nil demands. No indulgence will be ■l than the it.:, of September. HOOKER &- YOUNG. lie. July’:.). 1333 stabiisbmeiii will hereafter be carried on un- diate direct ion of rhe subscriber, who would j.. j', j I,,is ned the public, that lie intends keeping a e -ie a! assortment of Confectionary, Ate. His i. will In- surpassed by mme. as regards ii'-atne-s, j ,| tie* most rhoire liquors; and he therefoi t hopes 1 - ’ Elias Beall, Frederick Beall, I. S. Rainey. Thomas Beall, ThomasX. Beall. Macon, July 19. 32—tJl. grunt Mi 1 long rdgev The • iinnv' ..a ii: bin*. : irnlr i In- n Warr-Stousc and t'oniiiiissioii Rusiiirts. ITU. MIDAS L. GRxVYGILL has taken the interest of • ? 3 Air. John Jones, in the late fi*m «f Hardeman, Jones A Co., in the above business, which will hereafter be continued by the subscribers, under the name and style of Hardeman, G RAY I! ILL A Co., at the old stand formerly occupied by- Messrs. Hamilton, Hayes A Co., the well known situation of which, both as regards safety against fire and the convenience of its close stores, needs no recommendation. They areuaw ready for the reception of Cotton, and for the receiving and forwarding the goods of their country friends, that may be shipped to tiieir rare. Tliev are prepared to make liberal advances mi-Cotton stored with, or shipped by them, to Sa vannah, Charleston, or New'-York. And from the fact that they are pledged not to deal in cotton on their own account, tliev hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Tile selling of Cotton from the wait- house or from wagons and all other business connected with their establishment, will have the exclusive attention of Thomas Hardeman and Mid.-is L. LOOK AT THIS. 7'ILL BE SOLI), under an order of the honorable In ferior Court, sitting ns a Court for County purposes, in the town of Madison, Morgan county, oil Tuesday the 27tli d -.y of November next, sixteen Town Lots, containing each an acre or more, lying in the Southwest part of town, the high est and healthiest part of town. — day. Madison. Morgan county, Oct. OR SALE, that beautiful, lot, on which the subscriber n miles from Miliedgeville, and a Oglethorpe University. It contains ten acres, and has ou il a large, convenient, ami pleasant dwelling house, w-ith out-hou ses, a well of excellent water, and a spring, besides many oilier advantages. JOHN A. CCTHBKUT October lOili, 1837. 38 tf OUTN AM SHERIFF SALE—Will Le sold on the first | ,° Me u ?S ro g“T h J' the name of R >4y, about seventeen years ; posed to give bargains. E Tuesday in December next, befot «• the Court house door ! ?, f a ' e ’ Jar ! i ^mp.exiou: levied uu as the property ot Faria ! Also, on as good terms as an v l in Eatonton. Futuam county, between the usual hours of sale, i V. ace : j osatlsi - a mortgage fi. fa. issued h-om the Inf anor Court . large stock of saddlery, comprising o»c. . mucicmuu | the following propertv, to wit: ! “'. Said COU,, . t - V > la lav ‘* r of M oody Jackson, vs. Farts Face, j Sole, upper and harness leather, of sup'enor dualitv, The following named negroes, Tom, forty years of age, i roperty po.nte' oiitinsm mortgage x. a. ( iactureU in Miliedgeville, iu quantities to Suit purciia: I Jack 30, Joshua 23. John 21, Tyler 40. Charles 40. Ueubiu 18, ) <-'«-t 22, lri.»8.—41 tl js M. C. HALE. Sh ft. : Also. 2000 pair Negro shoes, oi superior qu.xity, j Ned 16, Ben 14. Little Jack 12, Harper 10, Monroe 3, Stew. \ ^"AGLETHt)RPE SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold : lactim-d in Miliedgeville. j art 2, Frank 3, Sally 40, Sarah 35, Anna 30, Celia 20, Betsy ! *-9 on the first Tuesday in December ne-.t, before the ; WANTED, 10,000 lbs. dry hides, for which the highest j 2", Jane 8, Martha 9, Fanny 7, Caty 4. and Sophia 18 years j Court house door in the town of Lexington. Oglethorpe i casli price will be paid • 200 cords tsu bark, for which j of age : all levied on as the property of James M. Dunn, to j county, between the usual hours of sale, the following pro cord wtii be paid ou delivery. al. li. ROOT, satisfy three mortgage fi. fas., one in favor of Robert Bledsoe, perty, to wit: one in favor of James Nicholson, and one in favor of J ere- i Fourteen a house in tne up country, a every article in that lie: in an u- puicuasuts. ImlxxU- Oct. 16. 1838. mial: Clark. Property pointed out in the mortgage. Also, at the s.-.ine time and place, one house and lot iu the acres of land, more or less, adjoining lands of, J. W. Moody, and William Jewel. Also, a negro woman by the name of Rachael, about fifty H •iinice liquor? with a share of public patI'-maae. L. A. YOUNG. who wtil spare nopn A NY of th at rediic i Irwinti Lot Nm ti:i-*i 1 3 2 Fraction f x A X I> s-’ O 5 i- follow ing L"is -.1 price .a. Will 31 ’ 3 il) :>:> l 111,5 15 (,:D» I 1(13 12 27 (i !) 243 5 2ti‘) 27(1 234 31 259 Alxffi. .ami lie pni-'-lmsed 1\ niipficatiou to the subscri- iinlv. Geo. 1 Dist. Cherokee, ivlacon, Sejit. 21, 1838. ms to serve and please their pul- TROilAS HARD L-5MAN, IvIIDAS L. GUAYB1LL, J. GODDARD. 37 4in April 17. 1833. 13 tf “ Muscogee, “ Early, “ Irwin, “ Doolv. H. J. WILLIAMS. * 'OS iUCI W nirlionsc and Cemxuissicn HiusiursN. TEA M. SIMMONS having taken that safe and con- ! £ a venient Fireproof Warehouse on Broad Street, for- j merly oecupied by I*Iessrs. 1. W. A J. T. Heard, will be prepared to attend to all business in las line. He will be i thankful fora share of that public patronage which, by strict ; attention to business, lie hopes to merit. Augusta, Sept. 11, 1838 34tf Warehouse and Commission *£usiacss. TgAIIE undersigned having taken the Warehouse formerly fi. oecupied by Mr. Benj Baird, on Green street, offers himself for the transaction of the Warkhouse and Com mission Business, and respectfully solicits a share ot public- patronage. Arrangements have been made to afford liberal advances on Cotton and Goods in store effected to cover all produce in store. y:s-:s<:s & Fire-Proof Warehouse-, Auguita, fla. rBMIE undersigned, grateful for the liberal patronage and JL support of their friends and customers heretofore, beg leave to Inform them and the public, that they continue to transact a general Warehouse and Commission Business. at their c4d stand cu Broad-street. Tiieir warehouse and close stores are ia good order for the leception of cotton and I goods in store. Lit erul advances will at all times be made | | on produce and consignments. The agents of the Georgia j Railroad will with promptness receive and forward all cotton | consigned to us at the different depots, as also any goods that ( may be ordered through ns up the road. ilopkins, Jeunings A Co., Wfceicsalc Grorem, [ are now receiving and opening an extensive stock ol Groce ries, in the fire-proof store of the warehouse newly erected, which they w ill be prepared to offer on the most liberal terms. All orders through us, and filled by them, will be free of com missions, and to the entire satisfaction of the parties ordering. All communications wdl be addressed to us jointly, as the business ill future will hi conducted in llie name ol ihe firm. Pledging tiieir usual promptness to all business confided to their care, will hope to merit a continuance ol the confidence heretofore so liberally Lestow ed. JOHN REES, EGBERT B. BEALL. Augusta. Oct 2. 183A . 38 tlJ ISATs* ASi) f .fl'.n IHE Citizensj «. AliJeiigcviIIt:, u.cinders uf the Legisla ture, aud others visiting the city, are respectfully inlorui- »Mrs. God- assortmeiit aeon, ex- equal assortment may - ; ,, J* • 1 I •' I* • rn I , ., I *VUI**4| •UOHiWIlUiilV 4 44W444VUU UUU W AUV U» 41U LtJUVff. ikUSSlil D. Hightower _ Court of said county; also one m favor of Iliomi.son xatoot, I Ueaver, Satin Beaver, and Moleskin Silk Hats of superior M. BilEWEU. 1). Sh'fT. j issued trom the Superior Court Oi $ai«kcouuty, vs. 1 uomas j E LBERT SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be soUTrihe ! ^ ow J- v al! , d Vv ' i ' Jtt WiUiams: property pointed out by said j ' Also, superfine premium Otter, Sea Ottor, Seal, Mink, Court house door in Elbert county, within the lawful ; aU °' !e ^ led ° n a l ' ,e - n '° L ’°- V ’ nau,c "l ' Muskrat aud Nutria F nr Caps. Also, children’s Cloth and hours of sale, ou the first Tuesday iu December next, the fob I a!,, . ,u r l lf ! - vears a ? e ' as ll ": H ru ! n '* l -V «•» ihom.-.s moody to . Velvet Caps. Together with a good assortment.,fvouths’ and lowingprojicrty, to wit: ' 11 - ,JS • =>- inJ - v P° 1,ll< ^ »« b )’ | children’s Fur and -Silk Hats; black and drab Wool llntx,. Six bales oi* clean cotton: levied on ns the propertv of ^ aI!1 i t ‘ 3 hi. xlc * .lortrr. ( Hair. .Seal Caps, an.i Tarpaulin liar. Also, outhe same day, will be sold a negro wo,nan bv the j f cre d al fair prices, for Cush ot ii^me ot Itachael, about years oiu—ami her emiu h.112. 1 about six months old: levied on as the property of \\ tley j MiUedgeviile, Oct.30. 1338. Pope, to satislv a n. la. issued iroin the Superior Court of ; — w - j Oglethorpe couutv, B. F. Hardeman and A. S. Hill, Execu ; JT^AKEN UP by tiie subscriber. nLout die i«ih ulu, on th«i | tors. Ac. vs. Wiley Pope, property pointed out bv T. M. ! 3 Augusta stage road, two nines from Miliedgeville. * H ANCOCK SHERIFF SALES—Will be sold on the j Smith. Si- R- MAXWELL, D*. Sh’ff. j dark eb.-snut sotrel Hor.-,c. blind in his left eye. ami his bind first Tuesday in December next, at the Court bouse of j Oct, gc, 1838. 41 tds ' * e< -t inclined to be white. I-e is a common sized horse, ap- Haucock county, betweeu the usual hours of sale, the follow, j „,, A <rjT.-;?i i.-i.'-a: < a rri? "ri'i ...i.i—I Roars to be a natural pacer, and I should think about 7 or 8 m llie mortgage, vs. Jan d on ns the property Thomas G. Elliott, to .satisfy a mortgage li. la. from the Infe rior Court of Elbert county, in favor of James \v\ Strawu Co., •*nd B. C. Wall iNc C'o., and Bud C. Wall. Proocity pointed out bv plaintili’s. Oct. 9, —38 tds WM. BOND, Sh'iT. A*: ui whilu tare ol- GEO. A. KIMBERLY. 41 3m ROAN SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold, on tiie first Tuesday it: December next, at the Court-house door Insurance has been K41 A, OGLETHORPE COUNTY. Augusta, Aug. 18, 1838. TO LEASE. IY IUVES. 35 3m ( F' \\'it Kile hVramus L. Upson applies to uie for letters ,,f administration upon the estate ol Benjamin C. Baldwin, late of .said county, deceased— These are therefore to ind creditors ol saiil deceased -the time prescribed by 1 if anv thev have, why said letters should not be srrnnted (liven under ,.,v hand, at Office, tins 20tli October, 1833. (Vt 30-4 lot* H E N RYBK1T A1N. u. c^o. in EOliGIA, OtiLETHORPE COUNTY. I 5 I Whkkkxs Charles Moore applies to me for letters ol oJiiiiiiiatrati.-m on the estate of Charles Moore, jr., late ol said | ' The-e'arc therefore to cite an.l admonish all and singular llie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he a,,d ’ a, ,nv office within the time prescribed bv law to sho ..ia ing property, to wui: ? » Oueuegro man, Anderson, about nineteen years old : levied J . ,• .!• \.t nv . .. r i , b ,,-n- ,j i. i ii . . r ♦* .• : mine town ot Mauisoc, Morgia cou*it%, Lne loaowiUii pio- cin as the property oi \v imam H. i* lewelleii, to satisfy a n. la. • - ’ ° * ° 1 in favor of Bradford, Sa\re Co., and one in favor of Wil limn Watts. Said negro now in possession of John M. Shi j ,. . - v, • j , i j V » t town ol Willington, adjoinm vers. Bropertv pointed cut bv uelendant. * r i • *i r \.r -iii via i .1 . Mrs. Newsaui. levied on as the propertv ot M. D. Brewster, Also, six hundred acres ol land, more or less, on the waters • r - - ' of Dry Creek, adjoining Hardv C. Culver, and others; levied — “** \ V..V\: ■ 7TU' I Ti •, J ».,?>••!• ‘it t?i , M . • r i-. i ster, levied on and retained to me hv John Amstun const.tiile. oil as tne property ot \\ liham H. Flewellen, to satisly sundry j ’ li. fas. from the justice’s Court of the 112th District G. 3V1., i to wit. twenty-six in favor of Edwin F. Birdsong, three in fa- | •c sold pertv, to wit : One half acre of land.more or less, with a store on it. in ihe * Lands oi Isaac Walker and f M. : to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of E. W. Thrasher, vs. M. D. Brew- me LEWIS CRAVE.- vears of age. The owner can have him agiin, by c alling ou the subscriber, proving p.upeny, and ]»a >iig all necessary expeiises. WM. MORAN. November 13, 1338. 43 tf Dl’i VV called Beulah, the late resideuce of James Barrov deceased, on tiie East bank of Oconee, opposite the city of Miliedgeville, exclusive of the Turf field and 20 acres around and admonish all and singular j t j Je 0 ij seU l e inent called Jolinsouville. This tract contains the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear I aboul x-2 0 0 acres; about 400 of which, we suppose, are open, mv office within the time prescribed by law,to show cause, , Tliorrgrh the farm is at present partly- overgrown with bushes j ’ aud briars, yet the land is excellent, having never been worn out, but merely abandoned to fallow, according to the last witi of the testator, until the heirs should be of age. The quality of the land, and its vicinity to Miliedgeville, \ make Beulali cue of the most valuable grain aud stock farms I in Georgia. We offer to let it only for this purpose. The I -.-ultivation of cotton will not be allowed; nor will tenants be permitted to cut wood for market, except under a separate i contract. Convenient and fine range for a large slock of bogs j is afforded by the river low-grounds, and other forest, con- j tabling nearly eight hundred acres, while an extensive luea- j dow, either for hay or pasturage of cattle and liorses, can be j mai le in the valley of DerDeau creek, with no other trouble i than a fence. The whole place is well watered and healthy. I Also, we will lease for a term of five years, the farm called j Walnut Level, on tiie West bank of Oconee, adjoining the ; town common, above Miliedgeville, containing Hit) acres oi j first q uility land. This would be a very convenient Ihriii for \ a gentleman wishing to reside in town. | Persons wishing to cultivate a grain farm, near a good mar- i ! ket, are invited to examine the premises. The lease will lie long euouali to give tenants all the comforts of a permanent home. Mr. Byiugton, at Beulali, can give information of the j premsse*. 1AOII -,v v.-ar 1839 the House and Lot where Jesse join- ! The lease will probably be reiiewod at the end of the term. r er now*lives, adioining tl.e lot of James T. Lane, in the j W. McKINLEY." Lexington, f4th Sept., 1838. . 3 ? ^ i' f’ The Federal Union will publish this until foibid. 1). C. B. A W. McK. ■Oil under my band, at office. on 30—41 HENRY BRITAIN, c. c. o LOOK AT THIS. IIIIIE subscriber wishes to inform all those persons who I are affected with Iiup'ure.or Herina. that he "ill con- , , llu . Miliedgeville during the sitting of the approaching Lcaislatnrc, he having made so many radical cures, has come to file c-oMclusion to warrant cures, aud in case he tads to make a cure, will charge nothing for Ins •«««• T. T. CUSHING, .Sen. .38 tf Miliedgeville. 8th October. 183 TO KK.U5 "" 1 Tfoil ihe vear 1839, the House and Lot where Jesse Jom- uow lives, adjoining the lot of James T. Lane, in the j North part of Miliedgeville'. Half the lent to be laid out in ! repairs and improvement of the place, under the supermteu | deuce of the tenant. , , Abo, two vacant Lots in front of the house, across tilt- street. Apply to D. C. BARROW , | NOTICE. A FURTHER sale of the personal property belonging to AxL the estate ot’ Solomon Lockett, deceased, consisting of mules, stuck cattle, hugs, household and kitchen furniture, corn, fodder and oats, and many other articles. The sale to take place on the . Ji day of December next, on the plantation where the deceased lived, in Warren county, lerius made known ou the day of sale. JAMES LOCKETT, ? URIAH T. LOCKETT, $ ^ r °’ Oct. 2.3, 1838. 40 tds NOTitFSt. rgMIE firm of Tillman A Whitehead is this day dis B solved hv mutual consent; the business <4 the firm will be settled bv me. W W. WHITEHEAD. Dublin, Oct. 20,1638. 42 lin. NOTICE TO PLANTERS. 1’Alll Ob' NEGRO SHOES, of superior quality, manufactured iu Milhulgeviflc. For sale by A. 11. ROOT. Miliedgeville, Oct. 2, 1838. 37 ’1 | NOTICE. ' j rjjMIE subscriber will sell on reasonable terms, tile Lots of | a Land fielow enumerated, by application to him in Mail- j ison, Morgan county, either in person or by letter. Lot No. 252, 9th District formerly Wilkinson, now Telfair.! “ “ 236, 4th “ Heurv, “ Fayette j “ “ 155, 27 th “ 2d Se :., on the line of Gilmer and | i M urrnv. And 2 unimproved acre Lets, in the suburbs of the town of Covington. Newton county, adjoining Erwin and others. Oct. 16, 18.38— 39 tf * HENRY KIRBY. * EIRE ' W E offer to sell the standing Timber on any part of our j woodlands near Miliedgeville, in quantities to suit purchasers, from one to Jive acres, for l-’ire Wood. Tile lands lie in sight of town, at die East end of tile river bridge, and adjoining the Common above Tobler’s Creek, and bear at least 100 cords of good Oak and Hickory Wood per acre.— By purchasing standing timber, so near town, families can cm tiieir own wood and supply themselves at less than half tile common prices. D. C. BARROW', w r . McKinley. Lexington, Oglethorpe Co., Oet. 3d. 1838. 38 wtf Xctrlou Superior C ourt. September Term, 1S3S. Zach eus Price, Adm’r. of j R. F. Smith, deceased, j BiU for D ; scovery Relief. vor (• f B. F. Latimer, adiniui.-stratoi*, three iu favor of Sayre ‘ & Morgan. Also, one negro rain by the name of Moses, about twenty- | seven years old: levied on as the property of William H. j Fiewellen, to satisfy sundry- ii. fas. trom the Justice’s Court, j in favor of Charles Medloek, an«l others. The above pro- j pert;*' ?->»•»“(! tun by the del’ru.lant. The levy on tiie land anil last mentioned m-r rL and returned to u*e. W Oct 20, 1838. 41 tds LBEltT SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold on the lirst Tuesday in December next, al the Court house Oct. 27. 183S. TgletTiokbe butt. 41 td. iVi FOR SALK. R. T. FOSTER wishes to &ell his place at Crawford- ille. Ga. Tin re are 129 acres—&b<Ait 40 woodland- house is new and commodious; situated cu a handsome eminence in the ed^e of the viiiiee, lacing the railroad, wiih'h pasries at some distance iu front, and commanding a line view of the cars as they pass. The out houses are new and convenient. An eiceUym - 1 ’ *-. 1 a rme spring not fur oti. Vhysicinua, opectauy, wnouemiv an excellent location, for the practice of medicine, would do well to examine this. Oct. 30, 1833. 41 6t iude bv Iva eLdi Miller, constable. ! V. II. BRANTLEY, V. rjiiii. * E HE RIFF SALES.—Win I lure the Court-house tluor. in tie nmm i —- Oglethorpe c.»unty. Wiltuu the usual hours ot sale, on the first Tucsrlnv in lJeceuiber next. tl*e following properly, to wit: One hundred acres of lan.l, more or lens, ou the waters of 1 Broad River, in said couuty: levied un as the property of.Mad- Don Culbertsan. to satisfy a fi ft. issueil from the Superior Coart of Ogl tliorpe county, ?.ii(-iiael B. Hopper A Co in jau-i... <?-u.i^», Also, 70 acres of laud, more or less, adjoining John Jones 1 and others, in said county : levied on ns the properly of Tan dy C. Goolsby, to satisfy a ii. fa. issued from the Superior Court ] door iu Elberton, Albert county, wuhin the legal hours of °f Oade,horpe county, Michael B. Hopper & Co. vs. Tandy C. j sale, tbe following property, to wit: Goolsby. ... . , , . . ! One tract of Laud, containing three hundred and sixty , A!s “- one ” hn,,t ™ - vear3 oI<! - a "‘i° 1 ,,t baj’fidy, acres, more or less, lying on the waters of Vans Creek, aj- Svearsohl : levied cm as the property of John Phillips. ; It I Csi XI 6.VI) iSOTEL. joining lands of William Patterson and others, whereon j to satisfy a fa. la. issued from the Super or Court of Oglethorpe ; ffbE suUcrmer fir,ring purcl.u-cd the enure interest of Jeremiah E. Moore and John rf Moore, now lives; levied I >’ ou,, 'y- ^ ltlli,d B f ^° l '. per& Uo^ vs John l fii hps Proper- | A Mr. Euwaru W. Comer, in the above establishment, on as the property of Jeremiah E. Moore, to satisfy two fi. j V pointed out by delewianL t.IlAL SMI ill, D. Sh .x. , would by tots means ndoru. his friends and the public geo- fas. issued from ihe Inferior Conn of Elbert county, one in 0l t l 1 .. ! eraii - v ’ t ,a ! ^ ""s hi* undivided attention to theac- favor of Beck & Clark, the other iu favor of Young L. fi. i OUTN AM SHERIFF SALES.—Wili he sold before the j commodutio,, ot al. woo may call mi him and hopes by Lis m- Harris. vs. said Jeremiah E. Moore—and one fi. fa. issued ; I- Court-house door ia the town of Eatonton. Putnam coun- | 'ended exertions to please, to merit the fiuTiier patronage of from the Superior Court of Elbert county, in favor of Weston ty, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in 1 lue JO,lse - JESSE CLARK. Patterson—and sundry other fi fas. vs. said Jeteutiah E. ! December next, the billowing property, to wit: Moore: property puiu.e-1 out by Henry B. Bailey and Wes ton P itterson. EASTIN FOR.TSON, D. Sh fi. Oct. 30, 1838. 41 tds i A 'i’KACnEB WANTED. rfmE Trustees ot" the Weat Wetumpku l-'euiale Acade- 1 .B my, will give employment to an approved Female Teach er, xo take rtinr-e ot x'„e AsmIuui^ lx. this place, ou the first Monday in F thru ary next. A Lady with her liusbami will be preferred. Sufficient testimonials will be expected. By order of the Board. A. CRENSHAW, Prcs’t, R. 15. Houghton, Sec’y. Wetumpka, Oct 19, 1838. 41 5t Oct 30, 1938. ( ~1 EOKGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY, T 41 £m estate ot O glethorpe sheriff s sale.—wm fie sold ; before the Court-house door iu tiie town of Lexington. | on the first Tuesday in Januaiv text, withiu the usual hours ' of sale, the following property, o wit: Li-ddy, a girl, about sixteen years o’d, and her chihl Sam, ; five or six a»;ii;b old, (very bright muh.ito's;) Hannah, thirty-three years old, (bright mulatto;) Auny, fifty years first Tuesday in December next, nl the Court-house door in the towny)!' Sparta, within the usual Louts of sale, the following property, to wit: A tract of land in said county, on the south branch of 3ea verdant Creek, on the road from Sparta to Pnwelton. contain ing 538 acres, more or less, in tl e occupancy of J.even E. L'ul- •irt! Valentine Huff and John Smith. and Injunction. J w. McKinley i l."-. ::,--ii:l. Oglethorpe Co. Oct. 3d. 1838. 3o w3m A Valuable PlanJalion lor Sale. 1 I|IHE subscriber wishing to move to Irwiutou. ofiers lor j l snip Ids valuable Plantation in Randolph couuty. on the i ek.el T JT appearing to the Court, that Va'etitine Huff does not l'9B SALK. j J reside in Newton county, it is therefore ordered thatser- 111E Subscriber offers for sale his House and Lot, con- j v ce ] e perfected on said Huffliv publication, according to the laiuin 0, about 10 aercs of Land, at .Midway, 1.1 miles j usual rule in such cases, and that Etheldre 1 Sorrell be made from Milled Seville, and half a mile from the Oglethorpe j a party defendant to said bill, aud served iu like manner. University.—Persons wishing to purchase a most healthy I A true extract from tiie minutes, this 10th day of October, i and desirable resideuce, will do well to apply soon. : IS. L. COM LES. I’a aula Creek, eleven miles south of Lumpkin and 20 miles cast of Irwiutou. It contains 1518J acres, with about 400 m Jnrtll) -■> • ti high state of cultivation. The plantation lies tolerably well, ; ami lias many good sprit _ _ is mostly fresh laud, and will produce as well as any up- | Jp an( j , n JI! s „ ;1 Town-Creek, will sell on libs •rnis the following described prop rty in the city of Mil- BAUC1AIAS 31 AY «l! EiA£5>! AUGUSTIN W. EVANS, Clerk. Jask Harris,^ lR, c if or Divorce, vs. > . .. , T Hale. Also, six negroes. Tom, about23 years old, Nursery, about | 45 years old, Mary, about 33 years old, and her infant child, Wiiliam, about 5, Amanda, about 12 years old, household und kitchen furniture : levied on as the property of Seth Cowles, j to satisfy executions in tuvor of Charles L. Hall, against Seth i Cowles and Everet Wetsel. Troperty pointed out by George Hall. L. S. STEWART, Sb’ff. Oct 27, 1833. 4 1 imp BERT SHERIFF’S SALE-—Will Le sol i at the H_J Court-house door in Elbert county, on the first Tuesday ia December next, within the legal hours oi sale, the follow ing property,to wit: Eitdit barrels of corn, more or less, two small stacks of fodder, fourteen bead of hogs, nine bead of sheep. 4 plough- hoes two axes, three sprouting hoes, two singletrees, one Eiffut liundiid acres of land, more or less, adjoining Mad dox and others, a negio man, Henry, .35 or 40 years of age, and one yoke of oxen and i-art: all levied ou as the property | apply tome for letters of administration of Thomas Carter, to satisfy a fi. la. iu favor oi Lewis Gibson, i Thomas I-’engin, la;e of said county, deceased: and sundry other li. fas. against said Carter. j These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular Also, 000 acres of land adjoining Cali>way and others: le- j the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear vied on as the propertv of Isaiah Favor, to satisfy a fi. la. in i at mv office, within the time prescribed by iaw. to show cause, favor of William S. Thomas, and other fi. las. against said j if any they have, why said letters - bon id not be granted. Favor. Given under my hand at office, 5th November, 1833. Also, 209 acres of land, more or less, adjoining lands of Jas. j Nov. 13—(3 5t i’lULIP J. ECIIOLs, c. C. o. i ft Hurt and others : levied on as the nro.icrtv of Overall Wal- ' T V • vs » J. ly person or Jailor ION SIMS, 8ims is about a man of blv well proportioned lor fits age. He has lorn, tly been a citizen of North Carolina, and more recently from Laurens county, in this Stale. He h is a family in Fulstki county at ibis time. Sims has a blemish in oue eye, w rich deprives him of sight— ha-'- a felon oh it which looks white The has. on examination,- large si-ais on lbs hips, occasioned by iy iuy on them iu a long spell of sickness. 11-- was o> fined :n jail for stealing a ne- ,!jro; and for a more full description of Sims' viliair.v. I refer •’ ; the puniic to a piece in tne Recorder and Stanaaid ot Union, r, i i i which has been published for the Ins: -ix irioniusovertliesiir- h fa. in favor of J. F. Harwell, and sundry | niltllrtJ of U 0 unt Joi j O. tuber 31. lt-38. L Also, hot) acres of land, more or less, adj. lining J. J. More land and others: levied on us the property of Edmond Butts, to satisfy a fi. fa. ia favor of Sampson W. Harris, and other ti. fas. against said Butts. Also, two negroes, one a man named Charles, 36 years of aee. the other a girl, 10 or 1 I years of age, one yoke of oxen ver: levied oil by virtue ot an execution on llie tnreclosure ot | tj( j three cows, twelve head of hogs, more or less, one mortgage against \\ illiain E. Broduax, in tuvor ol Samuel ) fen l her bed, 170 acres of land, more s: ail levied -m as the property of John W. j Floy d and oth ott, to satisfy I other fi. fas. against tiie said John W. Scott. The same laud ! levied on alnl returned to uie by a constable. Also. 316 acres of land, more or less, auji.icing Wright and j others, and the following named, Nt-d, a man 30 years | of age! Folly-. 25 or 26 years of age. Mack, a boy 9 years oid, j immediate payment; and U j Spencer, a lmv 7, Bill, a boy 5. Mariah, a girl 4 y ears oid. ! lo present them :it terms cl ‘ Phfhv, uii int'aut rliiM 7 mouths, one road wapon a»ici har- | i ness,*4 mules, 1 sorrel horse 4 vears olu, 1 bay mare, 1 brown j ! horse, and l sorrel mare, 4 \ears old: all levied ou as the |»ro- | ' perty of James C. Burt, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fav.;r of John K. j Wilburn, and other fi. fas. against the said Jas. 0. Bart. Oct 30. 183P—41 tds U BLACK, Sh’tT. mr* I? \vt63TS i IK K1F F * £ 6 A L E.—\V iii b e d at the j i Court-house do*»r in ike town of Covington, Newton c«»uu- :AAliL L. V* LBD, Jaiior. 42 U f a. is persons in• e !oi t»> ti.e esia'e of Andrew tellers ' tijL late of Henry county, dec’d.. aic requested to m-ke lt uiOUitiiids, are uoiified and those i.aviL ti:e law. JOHN NoXTinber 13, ^ELLLIIS, Adm'r. 4't fit coulter, one chest, one dock, oue bedstead, one red yearling, ‘ ty. outhe first Tuesday i?i Decetnber next. betwee:i the usual j Hamilton to Cuinmbns, by Ilobdn itig hoes, and seven chairs : levied on as tbe { hours of sale, the following property, to wit; { are pleoty aud roudortabh:. good ^ 1 running water in every field, j tj j.- subscriber, wishing to locate himself :>t liis pltintii- ! John Harris. 5 ‘ Se l ,telnlje tiiree small weediug fi. fa. issued Iron: the Superior Court of Elbert e.iuuty, in favor of Young I.. (J. Harris, bearer, vs. John Allgood, Micajah Burden. James | Five stacks of fodder, thirty-live barrels of rani, more or LASA>.1» c.S.r, VC,’, X ACRES OF LAND, 6 or 7Cid thereof good farm, oo ing land, with CffD cleared, a good S w and Grist Mid, with another good siioal npon tiie san e stream, in Harris cou r ty, eleven mites north of Colgtnbss, Ga.. and ten mile? sou.if of Hamilton, immediately upon the road le..u".ng tro^i 1 e’s bridge. The building* water, tiie society is good, ouiitry healthy, and vx id.iu a uaie o : . Fieciiaont Post land in Stewart or Randolph county. The buildings are one mile iron: die Pataula Creek, ou a very beautiful, e.eyated situation on the public road to Irwiutou. The place is un- 'fif-stionufily healthy, aud lias a well of good water ill the > ar.l, a a 0 od gin house, packing screw, and all necessary build ings. Th,. settlement inav be conveniently divided into two ®r three setdemeuts. as it’luis three sets of buildings already on it. The purchaser can have 2000 bushels of corn, and fod der in proportion. The terms will be very accommodating, a!J d the price moderate, as I am determined to sell. ABNER McGEHEE. Summerfiel.l P._0.. Oct 17, 1838 40 6t CKORtliA, Lowaies C*«ur- 1 YrrtM.ui ..*»•» "t> fit? c t I n ('lil.'NTi T\ l LE N l?T. letlgovillc, viz. Lof No. 2 (two) in square sisty-ciprbt (b*S) on Clark and Montgomery streets, at present occupied by C. D. Hammond, Esq.; possession given 1st January, 133').; Also, ihe north half of said lot, on which there are com-j mod'ous stables. Also, lot No. 1 in square 70 (seventy) j on which there is a bath-bou»e. Liken i>e. Lots Nos. 1,2, and 51, of one a -re each, in square (i‘J; all being wellsitua- j ted for private residences. Also, the corner of square 43 ; (forty-three) where Mr. K. W. Miller now resides; pos- 1 session given 1st January, 1339. Persons desirous of pur- j oln,.!.!<• in an ii-rt v at a reduced price, and ou uc- ' -ral f T appearin'; to tbe Court, that the Sheriff has made a re- ; Barden, and James Lunsford. Property pointed out by John ; Joseph Davis, bearer, against William S J tj|_ A turn, the defendant in the above case not to be found in I Allgood, oue of the defendants. _ _ j Sigaiou. Property pointed out by David 8 j tbe county—ordered, that set vice be perfected on tbe defend- i Oci 26, 1838—42 tls WM. BOND, Sh'ff. I “ SURREY’ ANDi 1 S ant, John Harris, by publication iu some public gazette ! v-g. A r kIGIO’SHErTf1-”S SAUK—Will be sold?at Oct 30, 1838. less: levied on as tiie property of William S. Echols, to sat- ! Ob;- e and Academy. V> c vrid n:.w say to any gentleman igfy h fi fa, issue 1 from Newton Superior Court, in fnv.r ol ; win > wishes a good settlement, that we will sclithe above pro- i« this State, once a month for three months previous to the ^^Jcou^t house doot in tiie to next term of this Court. uls a'rtti David ; smoti. JLr-SON. Sifff. 41 ids \Tiilb. small single story traaned house, kitchtii and smoke house on -e, a good and law- - tar 12ili district of formerly Irwin, now Lowndes county; a, ri that the said Penny well Folsom departed this hie wit.iout executing titles, ill compliance with said bond. It is there- Dre urdeted. that all persons concerned show cause, it any they can, by the first M.-.iday iu January next, why Hamilton A true extract from the minutes, this 10th day of October, 1838. AUGUSTIN W. EVANS, Clerk. Susan E. Bryant, ^ Libel for D , vor ce, % °: T ,, ( September Term, 1838. William IL Bryant.) v | T appearing to the Court that the Sheriff has made a re- - j t "”™[ lere ‘ H. H. Andrews now resides: all levied upon as the B turn the defendant in the above case, is not to be found . > of Hermou Mercer, to satisfy a 11. fa. Lured f.oin m the coumy-ordere.1, that service be perfected upon t ie P Court of Taliaferro ciu:;iv, in a case Thomas J. defendant Y\ illiam H. Bryant, by publication in some public j for tL# u-e vs. Hermou Mercer, principal, and gazette m this State once a month lorturec mouths, previous | ’ y Mt , rccr> aucurit y ou lUe stay, to the next term or this Court. ° G1LC ARE ST OVERTON, Sb’ff. A true extract iroui the inuiutes. this 10th day ot October, t ,i ; 133d. AUGUSTIN \V. EVANS, Clerk. 1 of Criiwfiu'tiville. Ta liaferro county, on the first Tuesday iu Deceuiber next, Within the lawful k»>urs of sale, the following prnja rty. to v. it: | thorpe county, on tl^e first Tuesday in December next, Uit One improved hail* acre lot, in the t«*wn oi Crawfordville, i following property, to wil: whereon llerinon Mercer’s biaek-sraith shopstauds, one other | Two neifro boy's, Henry'. 13 years ohi, Dennis, 9 years old : j half acre lot, whereon James M. Callaway now lives, adjuin- . levied on as the property of ESbert Il^idemau,to satisfy a fi. . inis tin* depot at Crawfoidville, oue three acre lot, w ith O GLETHOHPE SHERIFF’S SALE fore the Conrt-liouse donr in the town of Lexington. Otr perty c.ieaper man any property in tue country. A. li/GRIFFIN. Is. B. L\ONS. Ais ‘,1 will sell from 100 to 1600 acres, all in one settle ment, and adjoiiiiuic rue al-r,ve, r*ur iy!i»« on the main market road from La Grange to t -oicmous. This seltitmt n has 1000 or 1200 acres ol ld;i as.d second ouaht td creek i.xinj*, with 4J0 or -0J acres'open land. Terms will be easy, but ti e pav- int*:;u must Le sa'iniactoiily secured Ly tae iui»*4 o otherwise. A- li. GRIFFIN, Harris county, Ga., nea: Vit p. O. Aficu-st 30, 33 ui.'tzr : ,1, Alexander, vs. Elbert Hardeman. Property pointed out __ UU Alexander, SMITH, D. Sh'ff. rf^lEORGIA, MONTGOMERY 41 uls V3C Whereas Joseph Miller and trators on the by defend ! Oct 39. 1838. T COUNTY’. d l’berebj Miller, adminu- f Samuel Mil’er, late of suici couurv. Libel for Divorce. Sharpe'and Elijah English, administrators < of the s fid Peimvwell Folsom, should not be din ru!f: tll 'e s eoiupliance with llie bond aforesaid; and that a j “J® b ^“J^ blow irround, except about 40 acres, which '°py of this Rule be published in some public gazette three | xiic wiioit tract n-low ground, ex ta _ _ ln,)ll fii6 previous to the time aforesaid. Atrue extract from the minutes, this 6tli Sept.. 1838. WILLIAM SMITH, c. c. o. Sept. 25, 1838. - 5 i"3m i bend of tiie river. Several good houses are on the place, I and the steam saw-mill on the next lot. wili furnish every fa- 4 LU persons indebted to the estate ot Ezekiel Yeazey, j c ili t y for building more. This place is as healthy as any river 7*- late of Greene countv, dec’d., are requested to . ake j plantation. The swamp can be cleared with unusual ease, as unnieffiaie payment; and all those having demands against | t i ie l ar ^ e timber is mostly live oak, winch need not be cut s:j i<l estate are requested to present them in the lime pres- | down and rolled, because although it can be killed as easily Sarah A. Holder, 'f John Holder. 5 | I T appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, : that the defendant is not to be found in Newton county, j boating. Wiili common seasons and culture, every acre ol ; and it also appe iriug th it tbe defedant resides ontof the State | the swamp v,-ill yield from 1200 to 25oo pounds ot cotton.— n f Georgia—On motion ordered, that service be perfected in i The whole tract is low ground, except about 40 acres, which t ] je a R UV c case on the defendant by publication of this rule, • are choice pine flats, aud producing nearly as well as the once a month for three months, in one of the public gazettes swamp. One line of fence, most of which is uearly built now, j D f t fo B State, before the next term of this Court- will enclose the whole plantation, by running from bend to ; ^ lrae extract from the minutes, this 10th day of October, B2VXB JvA.YJl*. E offer tn lease for live years, 5U0 acres first quality Flint River Low-ground; 80 acres open and culli- niv n»mu—“ rated; lying on the West bank of Flint river, iu Decatur coun- of the estate i ty, opposite the town of Bainbridge, at the head of safesleaui- , ! tn.,,— ■ u — asnlia mul .-lllilll-IV '-VlTV KCTI1 Ilf ected to exe- | Oct 30 1838- rflALIAFERRO SHERIFF SALES.—Will he sold at 3 :’.e Court-house in the town of Crawfordville, Ta.’afer- ro county, between the usual hours of sale, on the tir-t dues day in January next, the folio wing property, to w itu Two negroes, Dick, a matt about 45 years old, Hannah, a woman about 22 vears of age : both levied upon with a m’»rt- ease fi. fa. issued'from the Inferior Court of Taliaferro coun ty; in a case James M. Callaway alia Thomas J. Shaekeltora, vs. A. G. Janes. , . . . Also, one travelling trunk and oontents : levied upon as tbe •» itTY'AI I, SHERIFF SALES.— U iii he sold, „ c - j , , , ,. . ... fore the Cmin-bouse door in the couutv of Tattnall., a J ''W? »•'»“’ haters dium.-sory ir.rn. saiu es.a.e: I ,,,. T rsdav in December next, between the usual hours . r f*r s * ^e toerclore to cite aim admonish ad anu s.ngmar ! s ie ,llc following propertv, to wit: i tne k “* dr « ! “ a»d creditor* ol said deceased,to be and appear Oic tract of pine Land containing 250 acres, more or less. 1 ?! m 3 office within the tune pres, r.uea by law. to snow cause, I , itua , e b, the couutv of Tattnall, on” the wa.ers of Miligan s | ll tne > V' VC ’ V 'T‘ :et ;r rs *“»«*“««« W Creek- levied on bv virtue of two ti fas. issued from a'jns- j Oivcn under my namt, at office, od day ol September, tire, in favor of Goodall &. ttobetaou. vs- Samuel S. Wester. ' • o _ , J£: ” a - H1G “*’ C * c -«* Property levied on an. 1 r, turned to me by a constable. • ‘’t 11 " ’/ m * 11 Also, at the same time and place, enc tract of laud, contain- ! •> . ’ EOKGIA, MONTGOMERY’’ COUNTY’, ing 470 acies. more or less, situate in the county of Tattnall, j r ff Wuere.-.s John Gillis and Stringer Colhoun, ad.-oiui# on the waters of the Ohoopie River; levied on in favor of a j tratofS cu t..>- esta.c c-f James Ci.;houn, late of sa:o countv, fi. fa. tseueii from a Tax Collector, in favor of the county, vs. : deceased, apply to me ior letters ilismis.-ory trom said estate > Nathaniel Fifield. Properly levied ou l.v mr. These are therefore to cite am, admoinsu ail and su-nulaj 1 Oct 3U. 1338—41 tds ROBERT PARTIN, Sh’ff. | thekfiidred ainicreditors of said deceased, to be and appear 1838. October 23. AUGUSTIN W. EVANS, Clerk. 40 m3m cubed by law, and as directed bv law. ALLIaON E. VEAZEY, Ex’r. November 13, 1838. 43 fit T ( »iC\ AND IFOUIIER i Git MA4.K. HE subscribers have sixteen or eighteen hundred bush els of Corn, and forty or fifty thousand pounds of Fod- "cr for sale, immediately ou the Stage road from Sanders- VJ - r to Miliedgeville. Persons wishing to purchase will do u 'e!l tn call early, as the article is touch in demand. K'ov. 10, 1838—44 3t S- W. & J. J. BUCK. as other trees, yet it seldom ever falls. Part of the land is subject to a harmless overflow, iu very high freshets, for a few days iu winter. Not tiie least injury results from this, aa it never occurs in crop time it being well known that Flint river never overflows in the lower part of its coarte, imm summer or spring rains. The attention of planters, removing to-the low country with from 15 io 20 hands, ia invited. D. C. BARROW, w. McKinley Lexington, Oglethorpe Co.. Oet. Cd, 1838. 38 tf ]^OTir^- - 1 , r ,'n e ti°T*^KI?|n-rtk!!t*anaf,ef r a : id ; l ffoor hmh J't'f.wn of Elbeiton. Elbert county^ withiu the usual I buildings, said iots known and distinguished in the plan o, j adminis.ration on the estate ol J oLu Blat y. iate cl H jiiu-dci miles South ot Talbouon, 1 aloot couuty, Ga., lying on | door in tbe town ot i^lociion. m / J. {f{ * iGrtene^huro'l bv Nos. 219, autl 220. tud 90 feet ! county, deceased— the road leading from Macon to Columbus It ie a firsime j °{ ^ f 1 "*, J^mfmn/ee-un hundred acres, more on East street, of lot No. W with an alley of 30 And a so, Thomas Pariah applies to me for lettm of a,’. Bland for entertainment, a beautiful situauon, well improved, Gue tract ot tana, comm adioinin-r lands fee' between said lot and Union Church, said lots bounded . mm.s ration the estate of SaruLPmhh, Die of said coun- good water; about 125 acres cleared; two squares of the best j or less, lymg on tue water of Ceda'C^ s tetl _ on U , c S c^li by said alley, rock- ty..Waedr up land m Talbot county, the otner two mixed with pine and j of James Jones and Trtcfeird Itiee to satisfv a sprirm Lot and Main sirce-t. an.l on the- the Academy These are theiefore to cite and admonish all m,i singular - Also, a first rate saw mill and grist mill, and different j fives; levied onus dm PW™ L^e-aU levied un as the pioperty of Thomas P. Dale, to | foe kindred and creditors of said dec d., to be and appear ti satisfy a fi. fa. on the foreclosure, ot a mortgage, in favor of j my office within the time prescribed by law, to show < t.u.-e,if Seymour ft KlcKiniey, vs Tlio^fc P, Dalt,. Property point- j any they have, why said letr- rs should not be grained, ad out in said mortgage fi. fa. * Given underlay hard at office this 3d November, 193?. Oct BO. 1838—47 tds WM. B. STRAIN, D. Sh £ j Nov. 1f), 1838— 44 5t tf. M. AMOS9, c. c. 0, streams, and a good chance for a.oilier saw mill beside! fi- &• issued from the Superior Court ot E inert county, in the grist mill; or I will sell any part of the land. Any j favor of William D. Clark—and sundry otner fi- Us. vs said person wishing to purchase will do well to call and view the Richard Rice: property pom,*d out y * " -wtx avwr premises. Terms will Le reasonable. ! UiLLIAM EDND.Shf. Nov fi, 1338—42 St WM- DICKSON. Oct- 30,1838-