Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, October 14, 1856, Image 4

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3Jptoss.toml Prolific Cotton.—The Selma (Ala.) Sentinel thus describes a stalk of a varie ty lately exhibited : This stalk contained over one hundred full grown bolls,-, and quite a number of squares and small Boils, and judging from its appearance, it would have yielded at least two pounds of the best quality of seed cotton. It was what is termed the “Bovd Cotton,” and was grown on the plantation of Mr. Dillard, near this city. NVe should think cotton planters would find it quite profitable to plant this kind of cotton altogether. Air. Dillard inform ed us he had about eighty acres planted of this cotton, and that almost every stalk in the field woirid yield equal to the one shown us. We sHvould think Mr. Dillard would do a great fav to the cotton plan ters generally, by 'saying his seed and placing a few of them in- market this win ter. SHERIFFS’ SALES. Tobacco Ciior in Missouri.— The Brunswicker, of the 20th September, pub lished at Brunswick, Missouri, says the farmers are now busily engaged in cutting their tobacco crop. The earhVplanting is now ripe, is of good size, and lias been but little disfigured by .the worms, hail or wind. The late tobacco*, yvill require at least three weeks yet to rnatqje. Should there be no kiiling frosts in ‘that time, there will he something over a half crop raised in that section. Tobacco CroV of Maryland.—The Marlboro’ Gazette, in noticing the unfa vorable account of tiro tobacco crop from other parts of the Union, thus speaks of the prospects in Maryland : We have made diligent inquiry as to the quantity of tobacco, thwgrowth of this year, in our own Statcya'nJ are assured that it is far below the^verage yield. In a fe\y sections of this cotrety the crop is fair—in other places not oim^half as large as usual. Our planters tliefc^forc may fully calculate that the present pri ces will be fully sustained, or advanced next year. T attnall shekiff,sales.—will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Reidsville, pn the first Tuesday in November next, within the lawful hours'of safe, the following pro perty, to-wit: / 401} acres of pbie'land, lying and being in the county of Tattnall^, unimproved, adjoining lands of Lewis Cobb, Kufifcrt R. Collins and Susan Col lins; levied om's theViroperty of Mathew Collins to satisfy a Jffa from Bmanuel Inferior Court in favor of Tfiomas Strati a vs Thomas C. Collins, princinj*T and Mathew CoffUis and W. W. Collins, secusrnes, and Ira T. McLemore, endorser. Prop erty" pointed out by Mathew Collins. Also, at the same time aucl'placc, will be sold 100 acres of pine land, unufiproved ; levied on as the property of William, B- Miller to satisfy a li fa issued from a Justice’s Court held in and for the 351st district of said codnty*of Tattnall, in favorof Elisha Turner vs said .\V. 1!- Miller, principal, and Edmund Kenida, endorser, and E J. Hall, stayer; said land lying and being in tlureounty of Tattnall, on the waters of thcsOhoopee rAr, adjoining lauds of Stephen Fendlwand the Emtmuei line. Proper ty pointed out by William 15. Miller. Levied on by Dempsy Holland, constable, and returned to me. BENJAMIN F. DOWDY, Sh’ff. September 30, 18(5^ 40 tds pUTNAM SHEK1F SALES.—Will be sold on the first Tucsday'Vi Isovember next, before the Court-house door in tratown of Eatonton, Put nam county, within theTcganhours of sale, the foi lowing property, tivwit; \ 70,000 bricks,more or lcss^levied on as the property of Alvin Osborn, to satisfy a ti fa from Putnam Superior Court, in favor of Freeman «Jc Roberts vs Alvin Osborn. Also, the following negroes : Henry, a man about 20 years old; Caroline and her child, Merrel; lev ied on as the property of Green Simmons to satis fy ti fas from Putnam Superior, Inferior and .Justi ce’s Courts, in favor of Lewis- P. Harwell. Davis &. Walker, Linch W Davis, and other ti fas vs Green Simmons. - N JAS. Wv MAPPIN, Sh’ff. Sept. 30, 1356 V 40 tds 1 A statement was tnade in the Cincinnati- Chamber of Cotmnerce recently, that with in a circuit of sorrtesixtv ones'eventy miles, in Ohio, l,o00,Q00qjnun4! , fe of leaf tobacco is raised annually, of this 2,300 tons were sent to LouisvillcSIast year, while some 2,100 tons-came t.n C/i-uciniiati. Is it So?—It is- a popular belief that the age of trees ean be determined by the “rings” or grains that overlie each other in their trunks. Mr. JoslyrS. Howard, of Maryland,’"<h^TacL He says that these rings counfSd on the section of the tree are not of ainuuil growth, but are formed one jevery fuTf^noon in the growing season,•'and in the latitude of .Ma ryland five in a year. This lie has fre quently proved by felling young trees, the age of which he knew. The extraordina ry age given to trees by the papular rule has made many persons doubt whether it is true. Tiie Potato Hot.—The Salem (Mass.) Gazette says that potato rot prevails ex tensively in some parts of Essex county. In Roxford it is doing much damage, and about Newbury it is still more de structive. \ / M-H.FA1K SHERIFF bALEbV-M ill be sold before the Court-house door ii^Jacksonville, Telfair county, within the legal houre of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following property, to wit: Lot of land, No. 103, in the 9tli district of Tel fair county, containing 2021 acres, more or less; levied on as the property^ of Silas E. Rushing to satisfy sundry ti fas issuediY-om a Justice's Court of the 339th district, G. M.,4n favor of Jacob A. Clemens vs Silas E. Rushing^ and W. A. Rush ing and Malcom McCrane, endorser. Property pointed out by W. A. Rushing; levy made and re turned to me by a constable. Also, at the same time and place, one half of lot of land, No. 263, in the 14th district of Telfair county, being 101$ acres, niore or less ; levied on as the property of Daniel Irowen to satisfy two fi fas from a Justice's Courtfif the 339th district, G. M.. in favor of Wright ifolliiis vs Daniel Bowen, James Kyalls and Philip Agaves Property point ed out by John C. Dstfdcl; feo’ made and return ed to me by a constable. LUCIUS L. WILLIAMS, D. S. September 30, 185(5 40 tds The Great —This monster clipper ship returned to^&ew York on the 10th iust., after an absqnct^of nearly two years, during which ti^ie she been em ployed in the French Governnl'fept, trans port service during the war in the Crimea. Some idea of her capacity, says the New York Evening Post, may be gathered from the fact that on one of her trips from Mar seilles to Kamiesch, she carried 497 caval ry horses, for whose accomodation the two, between decks were partitioned into stalls, besides over 500 troops and the provisions and forage necessary for the voyage. On her last trip from Sebastopol, she brought to Marseilles over 3,000 infantry, besides her own crew and a large corps ef cooks, servants and waiters required for the com missary department, and this,too, with her lower hold full of guns of great size, shells, baggage, and the necessary water and pro visions. In every port sire kas visited, she has been thronged with -people ef all classes, who have expressed their admiration of her enormous size and beauty. Music in tke Karem.—A letter from Constantinople says: “The European taste of music has of late made immense pro gress here. The Suk3.11 has at present for his harem, an excellent orchestra, compos ed of women alone. One, in particular, is remarkable for her performance on the vi olin, her style of execution resembling that of Theresa Milanolo. Very few harems are now without a pianoforte, and many of the Turkish ladies are excellent per formers. The Sultan has signified his in tention of building a theatre.’” B aldwin county coroner’s sale — Will be sold before the Court-house door in the city of Miiledgeville, between the legal hours of sale, on the first k .Tuesday in December next, the following property ,' 4 N*wit: / A negro man named ‘-iiDidyron, about 22 r ears ot age, of brown complexion Emeline, a woman, about IS years of age, ot/bro\n complexion, and l;er two children—Emejfne, IS ninths old, and an infant not named; levied on as property of Thomas J. West, to Satisfy a mortgage fi fa in fa vor of John A. Breedlove- Property pointed out in said ti fa. / E. S WALL, Coroner- September 30, 1856 40 tds B BALDWIN SHERIFF SALES.—Will bo sold on the first Tuesday in November next, be fore the Court-house door in the city or Milledge- ville. between the usual hours of sale, the follow ing described property, to-wit: One house and lot, known as lot, No. 3, in square 45, containing one \crc,, more or less, in the city of Miiledgeville, well improved, adjoining of “Gay and Staley”; levied omas thp^property of James W. Denton to satisfy tw»o,.fi fas issued from the Justice’s Court of the 32Cfflfc district, G. M.—one in favor of Isaac Newell Vs Jjunes W. Denton, and the other in favor ofjtewis Xenan vs said James W. Denton; levy ^ffade and returned to me by Isaac T. Cushiug/constable. Also, 60 aereS’of'land, more or less, w hereon the defendant now lives, with a good, comfortable dwelling house and other out buildings, and well supplied with good water, bounded north by lands of Joseph Lane and the city common, east by the common wagon road leading from Miiledgeville to Midway, and south-west by land and*premises of Thomas B. Lamar;.levied on as ..the property of Thomas A. satisfy- two fi fas issued from the Superior Coun».of Baldwin county—one in favor of Win. A. MottSkfministrator on the es tate of Wm. A. Mott, deceased, and the other in favor of John L. Laui-fhin. Pi^erty pointed out Also, one negro woman by the n^me of Mary, The Knickerbocker is accountable for the following :—“A friend of ours, who re sides in North Pearl street, went a fishing the other day", and among other things tliat lie hauled in was a large sized turtle. To enjoy the surprise of bis servant girl, lie placed it in ber bedroom. The next morn ing, tlie first tiling that bounced into the breakfast room was Biddy, with the excla mation ot “Bejabers, I’ve got the devil.” “What devil ?” exclaimed the bead of the bouse, feigning surprise. “The bull bed bug that lias been atcing the children for the last month.” As this is a new name for the domesticated assassin, wc thought we would let it out. Bull bedbug is good.” A New Field-Piece.—The Dresden Journal says: “A great subject of conver sation in the military circles oi Berlin is a new kind of small field-piece, capable of carrying correctly one thousand yards, and which is mounted -on wheels, and so light that it can be drawn and manoeuvred by a single man. It is said that pieces of this description are to be given to the infantry, and that as acommcncement, each battalion of the guard is to be provided with two.” Quite a laugh was raised in the Su preme Court, not lung since, by an official who, when the Judge called out for the crier to open the court, said, “May it please your Honor, the crier cant cry to-day, be cause his wife is dead!” Knives should never be dipped into hot water, as it injures the handles. They may be placed upright in the water in a mug, by which plan the handles will be kept dry. A Bold Wager.—On Tuesday week, a wager of $10,000 was made in the city of New York, that Millard Fillmore would have twenty thousand majority over John C. Fremont, in that citv. The money * - - - 20,000—was deposited in the hands of a - Pro P erty P“ out by Dure ^ ^ gentleman to abide the result. October3,1856 ’51 by plaintiff. Carrie < about twenty-seven years old, of a nmlatto com plexion, a good cook, ironer and washer; levied on as the property of Louisa O'Brien to satisfy two li fas issued from the Superior Court of Baldwin county—one in fa\\u- of Asher Ayres vs Louisa O’Brien, and the oththyn favoynl Chancy S. Mar tin vs Louisa O’Brien '•♦’roperty pointed out by the defendant. Also, four negroes, Mileah, a woman about 2' years old, and her three children—Susan, a girl about six years old, Alonzo, a boy, about four years old, and Cicero, a boy. one year old; levied on as the property-of Thomas J. West to satisfy three fi fas issued from the Superior Court of Baldwin county—one irivi'avor of Scott, Carhart & Broth ers vs T. J. We st,Vo no in favor of Wm. Sheffield vs T. J. West, and the other in favor of Beecher & Fair vs T. J. West. -Property pointed out by the defendant. ’ , % JOTLJJ A.M3REEDLOYE, Sheriff. October 1, 185^ \ 41 tds ALDWIN J&ORTC AGE MIL KIEL SALES. M ill be sold on the firlt.Tuesday in Decem ber next, before the Uourt-hoifhe door in the city of Miiledgeville, within the usual hours of sale, the following described property, to wit: One negro man, slave, by the name of John, about twenty-five yeaVs old, of a dark 'complex ion, and Henry, a negrdv man,•slave, about twen- t.y-eight years old, of a Sark complexion; levied on as the property of ThonThs JiAYest to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from t}<!e Inferior Court of Baldwin county in favon/Cf Pjearson B. Monk. Property pointed out in s»d morlgage. Also, one large and ^unmodiouff.Livery Stable and lot, well improved^ containing oi?fc-fourth of an acre, more or lees, bounded North by fbt of Brown &. Callaway, eaet-By Wilkinson street, south by lot ofR. McCemb, formerly owned by W. A. Mott, and west by lot of S. T. Beechor and Mrs. O’Bri en’s lot; also, live hundred acres of oak and hicko ry land, situated on the waters of Fishing creek, well improved, bounded north by raid creek and the city common, sourii-eaet by the road leading from Miiledgevilleto Mscotydmd west by lands of Isaac Newell, at presentwn possession of T. A. Goodwin; levied on as.ft"(\j) roperty of Mott «V Ware to satisfy one mertgage'fi fa issued from the Superior Court of, Baldwin county in favor of Thomas Humphries vs "William m. Mott and Na than Hawkins, administrator on the estate of Titos. Ware, deceased. Property pointed out in said mortgage. Also, two negroes—Ned, a man, of dark complex ion, about 40 years old, and Antionettc, a girl about twenty years old, a mantua maker a fid seamstress, one store-house and lot in the city.e’f Miiledgeville, fronting on Wayne street, forty’-eight feet., eight inches, running to the rear o&said lot 210 feet, two store rooms,-at present occupied, as a grocery and barber shop, one large room fitt^ up in the rear as an eating and bowling saloon, ^nd other im provements; levied on as the property of Louisa O'Brien to satisfy two mortgage fi fas issued from the Superior Court of Baldwin county, in favor of W. &. .J. Nelson vs Louisa O’Brien. Property pointed out in said mortgage. .JOHN A. BREEDLOVE, Sheriff. October 1, re5ti/ 41 tds L AURENS SITSRIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold before the CourWiouse door in the town of Dublin, Laurens oounty^vithin the legal hours of sale, on the first TuesdayVi November next, the following property, to wit: \ One lot of land, No. 299, in'the I7th district of originally Wilkinson, now Laurens county, known as the place whereon Jarried T. Cooper is now liv ing; levied upon as the property of Jarried T. Cooper to satisfy three Justice’s Court fi fas in fa vor of Francis Thomas vs Jarried T. Cooper and Jerry MeDaniel, endorser; levied&nd returned by a constable. Also, one negro man ngmed Richard, about 45 years old; levied upon as’Hie property of A. B. Niles to satisfy one fi fa” from Laurens Superior Court in favor of W. CJKnightvs Thompson Smith and A. B. Niles, endorser. Property pointed out by plaintiff. JOHN T. DONCAN, D. S. October 1,1856 / 41 tds Fi^ELFAIR SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold J- before the Court-house door in Jacksonville, Telfair county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Novcmbernext, thefollowimr property, to-wit: • / Two negro men, vixr One by the name ofEnocli, about twenty-five yearS old, and one by the name of Dick, about twenty years old, both of a dark complexion ; levied on as tlie property of Daniel Mclnis, to satisfy two fi fas from Telfair Superior Court in favor of Cohen &. Durr vs-.Daniel Mclnis. Sh’ff. i 1 tds SHERIFFS’ SALES. N ewton sheriff sales.—^wm be sold 011 the first Tuesday in November next- on the public square in the city of Covington, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit; One lot of land whereon Samuel Duncan now lives, it being lot, No. 33, in tlie 10th district of originally Henry now Newton county; levied on as tlie property of Samuel Duncan to satisfy two li fas from a Justice’s Court in favor of Wood, Wells & Co. vs Samuel Duncan; one in favor of John A. Jarbour for the use of Cary Wood. Levy made and returned to tne by the bailiff. Also, 50 acres of land in the north-west corner of lot, No. 61, in the 10th district of originally Henry now Newton.county; levied on as the property of John Fridle to satisfy a fi fa from Newton Superior Court in favor of Richard Lovvorn vs John Fridle. Also, eight acres, one rood and eighteen poles, more or less, of the original lot, No. 224, in the 10th district of originally Henry now Newton count}-, bounded 011 the east by lands of Mrs. Berry, west by lands of Osborn Rogers, south by lands of Thomas M. Meriwether, and North by lot No. 8; also, lots. Nos. 15 and 17, containing together 25 acres and 12 poles, more or less, bounded east by the town of Oxford, west by lot, No. 17, owned by Mrs- Martha Berry, south by lands of A. Means, north by lot, No. 14, owned by Z. Price, the said lots being parts of the original lot, No. 289, in the 9th district of originally Henry now Newton coun ty, recently surveyed by Joel C- Broadnax. All levied on as the property of Moses A. Cunning ham to satisfy a fi fa from Newton Superior Court in favor of the executors of C- M- Berry, deceased. Property pointed out in thefi fa- Also, one acre of ground, more or less, and. the houses thereon, where Bryant Cooley and Henry W. Lampson formerly lived, adjoining the Geoigia Railroad on the north, Joseph Nix on the west, Thomas Hyer on the south and the Depot lot on the east; levied on as the property of Cooly & Lamp- son to satisfy a !i fa from Newton Superior Court in favor of Richard King vs Cooly & Lampson. Property pointed out in the fi fa- Also, at the same time and place, will be sold the west part of lot, No. 175 in the 9th District of orig inally Henry, now Newton county, containing 72£ acres, more or less; levied on as the property of Alves 15. White to satisfy a subpoena fi fa from New ton Superior Court in favor of Harry Camp vs Al ves B. White. Property pointed outby Harry Camp. Levy made and returned b} r a bailiff. LEWIS ZAC HR Y, Sheriff. Sept. 30, 1856 40 tds ADMINISTRATORS’ SALES, kt. Executors* Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the honorable Court of Ordinary of Tattnall county, w ill be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Reidsville, on the first Tuesday in November next, between the usual hours of sale, one negro man named Tom, about twenty years old. Sold as the property of William Joyce, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. R. C. A. BRYAN, ) ^ , H. W. ADAMSON, $ ri5 ’ Sept. 9,1856 37 tds CITATIONS. L TNDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of ' Putnam county, will be sold at the Court house in the town of Eatonton, on the first Tues day in November next, within the legal hours of sale, the real estate of Dr. Greene Johnson, deceas ed, being837.^ acres, more or less, adjoining lands of R. H. Ward, J. A. Turner and others. This place is well improved, is well watered, and well supplied with timber, is in a good neighborhood convenient to Mills, Met ting-houses and Schools. Terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale. W. F. LITTLE, ? v , W. G. JOHNSON, 5 rs ' Sept. 9,1356 [wbc] 37 tds B Y order of the Court of Odinary of Montgomery county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next between the usual hours of sale, be fore the Court-house door in Terrell county, Lot of land No. 21 in the 11th district oi originally Lee now Terrel! county. Also, on the same day will be sold before the Court-house door in Polk county the two following Lots of land, to wit: No. 1134 in tlie 2nd district of the 4th section of said county, and No. 1272 in the 2'ffh district of tlie 3d section of said county, all belonging to the estate of Matthias Adams, late of Montgomery county deceased.— Terms on the day of sale. MATTHEW B. ADAMS, ? , JOHN W. ADAMS, W Sontembcr 16, 1856 Adm’rs. 38 tds. TWO MONTHS NOTICES. ^IXTY days after date, application will be made O to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Jasper county, for leave to sell the land and negroes be longing to the estate of George W. Adams, late of said county, deceased. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Adnr’r. August 19, 1856 34 2m months after date, application will be J- made to the Court of Ordinary of Laurens county, for leave to sell a negro hoy and a lot of land belonging to the estate of Thomas J. Moor- mon, deceased. ELISHA RAWLS, Adm’r. August 19,1856. 34 2m S IXTY days after date, application will be made to the Court cf Ordinary of Laurens county, for leave to sell a part of the lands belonging to the estate of Jonathan Parker, deceased, known as the Billy Smith lands, or where Porter Parker formerly lived; also, a negro man named Ben, if necessary. JACOB T. LINDER, Ex’r. August 19,1856 34 2m < J!\\ O months aftcr date application will be made -L to the Court of Ordinary of Emanuel county, for leave to sell the negroes belonging to the es tate of John C.C.Lane, deceased. B. L. LANE, Adm’r. August 19, 1836 34 2m fjlWO months after date, application will be JL made to (lie Court of ^Ordinary of Putnam county for leave to sell the negroes belonging to the estate of Nathaniel Denham, deceased. THOS. J. DENHAM, Adm’r. August 26,1856 [who] 35 2m 11 tWO months after date, -application will be -1- made to the Court of Ordinary of Putnam county for leave to sell the negroes belonging t the estate of John .J. Stubbs, deceased. ELIZA J. STUBBS, Adm’x. August 26,1856 I wbc] 35 2m Administrator’s Sale. W ILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in No vember next, before the Court-huusc door in the village of Cusseta, Chattahoochee county, within the lawful hours of sale, one tract of land con taining two hundred two and a half acres, No. 15 in the sixth district, lying and being in said coun ty. Sold as the property belonging to the estate of John C. C Lane, late of Emanuel county, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. B L. LANE, Adm’r. Sept. 16, 1856 38 tds B order of the Court of Ordinary of Decatur county, Geo., will be sold before the Court house door in the town of Bainbridge, in said coun ty. on the first Tuesday in November next, be* tween the usual hours of sale, the following lots of land : Nos. 348, 341 and 349, all lying in the 14th District of said county, as the property of the estate of Job D. Gibson, late of said county, deceased ; as also the undivided one-half interest of said estate in the following lots of land, all lying in. the 14th Dis trict of said county, to-wit: No. 347, whereon is the dwelling-house with all the necessary out-buildings and plantation houses ; No. 365 ; No. 370, a fraction al lot of 101 acres; No. 371, a fractional lot of 27 £ acres; No. 364 ; and No. 372, a fractional lot of 18 acres—all plantation lots, and lots Nos. 363 and 339. All of the above lots lie on or near the Chatta hoochee river. Sold for distribution. Terms easy. MARTHA A. GIBSON, Adm’x. Sept 16,1856 [ JI -] 5^ tds Administrator’s Sale. A GREEBLY to an order of tiie Honorable Court of Ordinary of Laurens county, will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Dublin in said county, on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, one lot of land containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less, in the second District of old Wilkinson, now Laurens county ; lot No. two hundred and forty-one, it being the place on which John Coleman, late of Laurens county, deceased, lived. Sold as the property of said de ceased fur the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms 011 the day of sale. THOMAS W. DUPREE, Adm’r. September 16, J 856 38 tds f|4WO months after date application will he JL made to the Court of Ordinary of Newton county for leave to sell the land and negroes be longing to the estate of Ann Bcssent, deceased, late of Newton county. P. G. BESSENT. Adm’r. August 26,1856 [wdl] 35 2tn r nwo : -L mad months after date application will be de to the Court of Ordinary of Newton county for leave to sell the real estate of Richard L. Simms, deceased, late of Newton county. SARAH L. SIMMS, Executrix. JAMES P. SIMMS, Executor. August 26,1856 [wdl] 3o 2m f f^WO months after date, application will be made JL to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of New ton county for leave to sell the real estate of Joseph Airey, deceased, late of the State of Ohio. WM. W. CLARK. Admr. September 2, 1856 [wdl | 3(5 2in X-ffotice. S TATE OF GEORGIA, HANCOCK COUNTY. All persons concerned are hereby notified that two months after date, I shall apply to the Or dinary of said county for leave to sell the interest of Elizabeth Mullins, late of said county, deceased, in a certain tract of land, lying in said county, and her interest in a certain negro man slave. Also, for leave to sell tlie interest of Alsey Mullins, a lu natic, in the said property. Sold for the purpose of division. HARVEY MULLINS. Adm’r with will annexed. HARVEY MULLINS, Guardian. Sept. 16, 1856 38 2m T pWO MONTHS afterdate, application will be -L made to the Court of Ordinary of Tattnall county for leave to sell all the real estate of James L. Graham, late of said county, deceased. JAMES B. STKIPPLING, Adm’r. September 16,1856 38 2m T WO MONTHS aftdr date application will be -L- made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Putnam county for leave to sell the real estate of Nathaniel Vincent, late of Putnam county, de ceased. WM. W. McCRARY, Adm’r. ISABELLA VINCENT, A lm’x. Sept. 23, 1856 [wbc] 39 m TflWO months after date, application will be JL made to the Court of Ordinary of Putnam county for leave to sell the land and negroes be longing to the estate of John Graves, deceased. JOHN F. ADAMS, Ex’r. Sept. 30, 1856 [wbc] 40 2m fit WO months after date application will he JL made to the Court of Ordinary of Putnam county for leave to sell one negro belonging to the estate of Simeon S. Cox, deceased- SARAH COX, Adm’x. Sept. 30, 1856 [wbc] 40 2m B Y an order of the honorable Court of Ordinary of Laurens county, will be sold at Dublin, on the first Tuesday in November next, between the legal hours of sale, one negro boy. and also one lot of laud, belonging to the estate of Thomas J. Moorman, late of said county, deceased. Sold for a division among the heirs. Terms of sale made kuown 011 the day. 'EL1SIIA RAWLES, Adm’r. Sept. 23, 1856 39 tds w ILL BE SOLD ar. the Court-house dour in Miiledgeville, 011 the first Tuesday in No vember next. within the usual hours of sale, one tract of land, known as the Sand Tow n Place, con taining two hundred and forty-five acres, said land belonging to the estate of Lewis Butts, deceased. Sold in accordance with the will of said deceased. Sept. 23,1856 JAMES I BUTTS, ? T . , A. I. BUTTS, r XIS - 39 tds f 1^ WO months after date application will he made J- to the Court of Ordinary of Sumter county for leave to sell all the laud and apart of the ne groes belonging to the estate of Thomas G. Hud. soil, deceased, of Sumter county. WIDLIAM D- STEWART, ) WILLIAM W. CHANEY, VEx’rs. JOHN NEWTON HUDSON, ) Sept-30,1856 40 2m T WO months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin county for leave to sell the following negroes, as a portion of the estate of John J. Mitchell, deceased, to-wit, August, Polly and Suckey. 'JOHN II. BROWN, Ex’r. October 7th, 1856 41 2m Laurens County Court of Ordinary, JULY TERM, 1856. W HEREAS Eli F. Curry, administrator 011 the estate of John Curry, late of Laurens county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission on said estate— It is therefore ordered, that all persons interest ed will take notice of said application and file their objections, if any they have, in this Court, on or before the second Monday in January next, other wise letters of dismission will be granted the ap plicant. Whereas Rachel B. Ellington administratrix and James I. C. Stanley, administrator on the estate of Josiah Ellington, late of Laurens coun ty, deceased, apply for letters of dismission on said estate— It is therefore ordered, that all persons interest ed will take notice of said application and file theii objections, if any they have, in this Court, on or be fore the second Monday in January next, othei wise letters of dismission will be granted the ap pli cants. A true ext act from the minutes of said Court Witness my hand and official signature, this 7th day of J uly, 1856. F. II. ROWE, Ordinary L. C. July 15, 1856 29 infim $15 ESWARS ! ANAWAY from tlie Subscriber in Laurens county, about 14 miles Southeast of Dublin, a negro woman CANDICE, about 39 years old, of dark complexion, about five feet 2 or 3 inches high, upper front teeth all gone, good ones below. She left about the later part of March last. The above reward of Fifteen Dollars will be 1 aid for the ap prehension and delivery of the woman CANDICE to the Subscriber at Dublin, or for her lodgment in jail. w. s. McLendon. July 1, 1856 27 tf Public Sale of Euilding' & Wood Lots AT OGLETIIOIITE LMVERSITV. rriHE Trustees of the University will offer at J- public sale, on Wednesday, the 15th of Octo ber next, at JI o’clock, A. M.. in front of the lintel, near the College, a large number of eligible BUILDING LOTS, each containing nine-tenths of an acre, lying on College Avenue, and other streets crossing it at right angles. Also, about 290 acres of Land, near tlie College, most of it adapted to cultivation, and nearly one-half densely covered with a heavy growth of Oak and Hickory wood— the best fire-wood that can be obtained within the same distance from Miiledgeville. This tract will be divided and sold in lots of from five to twenty acres. The University being now established on a per manent basis and in succesful operation, the good Preparatory and Primary Male and Female Schools in the vicinity, the health of the place, its accessibil ity, and tlie high moral character of its inhabitants, render Midway an eligible location, surpassed by none other, for families who have children to be educated. The terms of sale will be one-half payable on the 1st of January next, balance January I, 1858, with interest. Notes with approved security. By order of the Trustees. D. C. CAMPBELL, ) Committee R. H. RAMSAY, V of W. McKINLEY, ) Board. September 16,1856 38 tds U NDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of Putnam county, will be sold at the Court house in Eatonton, on tlie first Tuesday in Decem ber next, within the legal hours of sale, sixty acres of land, more or less, being that part of the real es tate of Rowel! Rees, deceased, which had been laid off to Mrs. Zara Rees, deceased, as her dower, it adjoins lands of Lewis Linch, Esqr. and others. Terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale. FRANCIS STUBBS, Surviving Adm’r. Sept-30,1856 ' 40 tds nncE's Anti-Rheumatic Powders, A Safe, Speedy nnd Radical Cure Jar Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout and Sciatica. We, the undersigned, citizens of Putnam coun ty, Ga-, cheerfully bear testimony to the efficacy of Linch’s Anti-Rheumatic Powders in tlie treatment of acute or chronic rheumatism, many cases having been successfully treated by Dr. J. G. Gibson of Eatonton, within our persona! knowledge, in which these powders were principally used. Joel Branham, M. D. D R. Adams, Stephen B. Marshall, Mirhcal Dennis, T. B. Harwell, G■ R- Thomas, Wm, B. Carter, Thomas Respass, Daniel Slade, James Nicholson others Any reasonable number of individual certificates can be given in attestation of their efficacy. Prepared and sold by J. G. GIBSON, M.D., Eatonton, Ga., at §5 per box. All orders directed to him, with the above sum inclosed, and a description ot the case, shall receive with the Medicine such advice as may suit any pe culiarity thereof. SyForsale by James llerty, Miiledgeville, Ga.; Richard H. Hutchins. Clinton; E. L. Strohecker Macon; Hurd &. Ilungcrford, Monticello; Dr. W. A. Wright, Bartlesville ; Z. Cray, Sandersville ; K. W. Hubert, Warrantee; Charles Haywood, Perry; B. H. Clark, Vienna; Hall & Fort, Amerieus; Jackson & Jones, Polmetto, Campbell county, and J, G. GIBSON, Eatonton,Ga. February 5, 1856 6 12m Bennetfs Embrocation, THE GREAT LINAMEIIT, Will cure Rheumatism by few applications, Will euro Neuralgia by two applications, Will cure Toothache by one application, Will cure Sprains and Strains by three applications, Will cure Chapped Hands by two applications, Will euro Burns and Scalds by one application, Will cure Pains in the Back, Breast and Side—and Bennett’s Embrocation Will cure the HOUSE of all outward affections of the limbs that require a Linament, in a very short space of time. LF’Try it, and be convinced.*^ For sale by E. J. WHITE & BRO., 3d Store under Miiledgeville Hotel. Sept. 9, 1856 37 ISt OTATE OF GEORGIA, Tattnai.l Cocntv. (J To all whom it may concern. Whereas James Standficld will apply at the Court of Ordinary foi letters of administration on the es tate of John Speares, late of Tattnall county, de ceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection, (if any they have,) on or before the first Monday in January next, otherwise said letters will be granted to the said applicant. Witness 11. Strickland, Ordinary for Tattnall county, this 9th day of September, 1856. H. STRICKLAND, Ordinary. September 23, 1856 39 5t GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. GENERAL ADVERTISES]^ 5 PLANTATION FOR SALE.! Pulnam Land for S a |; i^TATE OF GEORGIA, Montgomery County. (-3 The friends and relations, and all concerned, will take notice that at the expiration of two months from the date of this publication, I will tender my resignation as Guardian for Sarah Ann Tillman to the Court of Ordinary for said county. If any one has any objection to my being dismissed in terms of the law, they are required to file the same in the Ordinary’s office by the first Monday in De cember next. JAMES F. TILLMAN, Guardian. September 23,1856 39 6t G 1EOEGIA, TELFAIR COUNTY. f Whereas William F. Williams applies to me for letters of administration upon the estate of Thomas Fletcher, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. JOHN McDEARMID, Ordinary. Sept. 30, 1856 49 5t GEORGIA, Putnam County. September Term, 1856—In the Court of Ordinary. I T appearing to the Court from the petition of Thomas 15. Harwell, Administrator de bonis non of the estate of Whitfield T. Sammons, de ceased, that lie has fully administered said estate and praying to be dismissed therefrom ; Ordered, that this, his application be published in terms of the law, and that all persons concerned show cause, if any they car., on the first Monday in March next, why said letters should not at that time issue to said T. 15. Harwell. W. B. CARTER, Ordinary. Sept. 30,1856 49 1116m WE offer for sale enr Plantation it j Hancock county, containing eight bun dreu and forty acres, more or less, ad- j joining Bass, Hall, Holcombe and Mrs. Devereux. Persons wishing to buy can get further information by seeing A. T BERRY in Putnam, orF. W. BERRY on the place. A. T. & F. W. BERRY. August 12,1856 33 19t VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE, I OFFER for sale my Plantation, lying 3] miles east of Miiledgeville, containing 790 acres—one-half cleared. The place is well improved. Fine wa ter and good health. Price, nine dollars per acre. Terms.—One-third cash—balance in three year ly payments. R- Y. McCOMB. August 5, 1856 3*2 3m L aurens county court of ordina ry, August Term, 1856.—Whereas James C Carroll, Administrator on the estate of Alexander A. Giltenan, deceased, applies to this Court for let ters of dismission from said estate— It is therefore ordered that all persons interested take notice of said application, and file their objec tions (if any they have) in this Court on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant. A true extract from the minutes of the Court of Ordinary of Laurens county. Witness my hand and official signature, this 7 th day of August, 1856. F. II. ROWE, Ordinary L. C. August 19th, 1856 34 m6m O RDINARY’S OFFICE, Montgomery County, Ga.—Whereas John A. Morris, Administra tor on the estate of Nancy Morris, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said estate to show cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why letters of dismission should not be granted said applicant from the administra tion on said estate. Given under my hand at office this 4th An 1856. F. McRAE, D. Ordinary. August 19th. 1856 34 infim /GEORGIA, BALDWIN COUNTY. vT Whereas Mary H. Tucker, administratrix on the estate of Harper Tucker, late of said county, deceased, makes application to me for letters of dis mission from the administration of said estate— These arc therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to he and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any, why said letters of dismission should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 3d day of June, 1856. JOHN HAMMOND, Ordinary. June 3, 1856 23 m6m G i EORGIA, DECATUR COUNTY. f Ail persons concerned will take notice that Slierod S. G. Swain, Administrator on the es tate of Canneth W. T. Swain, late of said county, deceased, will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county, 011 the first Monday in February next, for letters of dismission from administration on said estate. Also, at tlie same time and place, John C. Patterson, Administrator on the estate of Wright Parker, late of said county, deceased, will apply for letters of dismission from administration on the estate last named. By order of the Ordinary, this July 17, 1856. J. LAW, Ex-of. C. C. O. July 29, 1856 31 m6m G eorgia, decatur county. r William C. Thomas administrator on the es tate of Elijah Shaw, deceased, will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Mon day in Novcmbernext, for letters of dismission from said estate. By order of Court this April 12,1856. J. LAW, Ex-of. C. C. O. April22,1856 17 1116m G t EORGIA, BALDWIN COUNTY. T Wncreas John M. Tucker, administrator on the estates of Leonora and Mary Tucker, late of said county, deceased, makes application to me for letters of dismission from the administration of said estates— These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to he and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any, why said letters of dismissiun should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 3d day of June, IS56 JOHN HAMMOND, Ord’y. June 3, 1356 23 m6m The State of Georgia, } Montgomery County. $ TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. W HEREAS George McBride, administrator upon the estate of Willis P. McBride, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of dis mission from the administration of said estate— Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased are hereby cited and admonished tofiletheir objections, if any they have, in my office in terms of the law, otherwise letters dismissory will he granted the applicant at the January term next of the Court of Ordinary for said county. JAS- G. CONNER, Ordinary. June 17, 1856 25 m6m Good Bargain in Dooly Band. ON the first Tuesday in November next, at the Court-house in \ ienna, will be offered for sale 656 acres of good farming land, belonging to the estate of Levin Adams, deceased, about 299 acres of which is cleared, 100 fresh in high state of cultivation. Said land will produce from 18 to 29 bushels of Corn, and from 890 to 1090 lbs. of cotton. This land lies immediately on Turkey creek 3 miles above Minim’s Mills, 8 from Vienna, 14 from Montaznma, 3 from Byromville. Said lands ,can be bought at private sale or at any time between this and tlie day of sale at $5 per acre and time given to suit purchaser, with Corn and Fodder on tlie place, should purchaser desire it. Terms on the day. SUMMER ADAMS, Ex’r. July 1,1856 27 tf Putnam County Plantation for Sale. I OFFER for sale my Plantation nine miles East of Eatonton, on the road leading to Little’s Ferry, con taining 800 acres. There are about 250 acres of first rate wood land and from 150 to 175 of fresh cleared; the remainder is of fair av erage old land. There are several branches run ning through the place with considerable bottoms. The place is well improved, with two good dwel ling houses, a framed kitchen, smoke house, and negro cabins pith brick chimneys; also, a first rate gin house, screw, and all necessary out houses. There arc good orchards, and two wells of water, probably unsurpassed in middle Georgia; conve nient to Schools and Churches, and in a neighbor hood possessing superior advantages of good socie ty, health, A c. Any person wishing a good plantation at a great bargain, would do well to give me an early call, or write meat Eatonton, Ga. WILLIAM A. WILSON. Julv 29,1856 31 tf BY virtue of a wrm et) make and entered into bv tees of the estate of Thomas'', 1 late of I utnam county ,1 0 , be sold before the Court-house doc ■ ton, Putnam comity, between ti e 1 r h L sale, on tlie first Tuesday in N, vembS? : land in said county belonging to the , L being that tract cr which said deceased resided at ti — 'I death, containing nine hundred j a a t:!l - j rrtfirn nr Iota nf ti ni.-l, L, a 1 , 1 FOR SALE- The Subscriber offers for sale his val- 1 liable residence on the corner of Clark and Hancock streets, opposite the Exe- j entire Mansion, in the town of Miiledgeville. The lot contains one acre, with a good kitchen, smoke 1 house, negro houses, barn, cow houses, and every thing in complete order. It has one of the best gardens iu tlie place j Also, the House and lot now occupied by Mrs. j Moore, situated on Hancock street, between the , residences of Mr. Hunter and Mr. Horton, with all necessary out-houses and a good garden. Any person wishing a good residence would do well to call and see for themselves. Terms made known when called upon. August 19.185(5 FIELDING LEWIS 34 tf Dooly County Land fo^Sale. I offer my Lands and Mills lying two and ahalf miles North of Vienna on the Macon and Tallahassee Road, contain- ing 1218 acres, 300 of which is cleared, A— a large portion fresh land, the whole in good repair and well adapted to the culti vation of Corn, Cotton and Sugar Cane. On the premises arc a good and new Gin House and Screw, and a fine Apple Orchard, Saw and Grist Mill; the dwelling House inferior, but good and convenient out houses, &c. The premises could be divided into two or more small farms, the whole well watered and timbered. Any person wishing to purchase would do well to examine the place, or address me at Vienna. I am determined to sell and move to East Florida, and am offering tlie above lands at $6 per acre on favorable terms. Also, I offer 292.] acres near Vi enna, but detached from the main settlement, on good terms. WILLIAM McDANIEL. Vienna, Sept. 2,1856 36 lOt Buy my Farm. I offer 655 acres ot land, 12 miles South- ««na west of Newnan,Coweta county, near the *fBl junction of Mountain and Caney creeks and New river,convenient to good schools and churches, 289 acres open and well improved—no worn out or waste land—decidedly more level and free of rock than the average of the country—soil of the"bcst, well watered, as healthy as any place in Georgia— an excellent, stock range, particularly for hogs. It is acknowledged by many to be the most desirable farm in this part of the country; but don't take the word of any body, come and look. There will al ways be some one on the premises to show it. THOMAS A. GRACE September 4, ]855 35 tf S TATE OF GEORGIA, Tattnali. County. ^ To all idiom it may concern. Whereas Benjamin Alexander, sen., will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters of dismission as Administrator on the estate of Anson Williams, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection, (if any they have,) on or before the first Monday iu March next, otherwise said letters will be granted to the said applicant Witness, II. Strickland, Ordinary for Tattnall county, this 9th day of September. 1856. Hf STRICKLAND, Ordinary. September 23,1856 39 niGm Laurens County Court ot Ordinary. JUNE TERM, 1856. W HEREAS Alexander Sumner, Executor of tlie last will and testament "of Rebecca Car ter, late of Laurens county deceased, applies for letters of dismission oil said estate— It is, therefore, ordered, that all persons interest ed will take notice of said application, and file their objections, if any they have, in this Court, on or before t he second Monday in .January next, oth erwise letters of dismission will be granted the ap plicant. A true extract from the minutes of said Court- Witness my hand and official signature, this 3d day of June, 1856. F. II. ROWE, Ordinary L. C. June 10, 1856 24 m6m ( '1 EORGIA, DECATUR COUNTY. On tlie first Monday in November next. An drew McElroy, administrator on the estate of Dan iel Maccinnis, deceased, will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county, foi letters of dismission from said administration. By order of Ordinary. J. LxVW, Ex-of. C.C.O. April 22,1856 17 infim G < EORGIA, DECATUR COUNTY. Y On the first Monday in February next, Dun can Curry, Administrator on the estate of Martin II. Martin, late of said county, deceased, will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of dismission from said adiiiinistration. By order of the Ordinary, July 22, 1856. J. LAW, Ex-of. C.C.O. July 29, 1856 31 m6m G eorgia, iioubton counit. Six months from date, I will apply to the hon orable the Ordinary of the county to be dismissed from the Executorship of the estate of James Pope, deceased, of said county. ALEX. EVERETT, Ex’r. June 24.1350 2fi mfitn TO RENT. S EVERAL APARTMENTS and a good Store Room in the east end of Washington Hall Apply at the Recorder Office. Miiledgeville, May 29, 1856 Two Valuable Plantations FOR SALE. FOR SALE, my Chattahoochee River Plantation, near Eufanla, containing about 1400 acres of land. 900 in cultivation, with excellent buildings, four wells, and numerous prings of good water. Also, niv plantation on Pa- taula, twenty miles east of Eufaula, containing 131(j acres, six hundred in cultivation. About three hundred and fifty to four hundred bales of Cotton are annually raised on these two places.— They are in good repair and perfectly heai hv, and will be sold on accommodating terms, and posses sion given at an early day. I also offer for sale my Summer Residence near Eufaula. Also, a large lot of Corn, Fodder, Cattle and Hogs, to be disposed of with the laud. ABNER McGEHEE. Sept. 16,1356 38 9c* LEE PLANTATION. I HAVE determined to quit farming, and will sell my plantation, eleven miles northwest of Starkville, Lee county, to the highest binder, on ihe first Tuesday in January next, consisting of twelve hundred acres, mostly oak and hickory, with about five hun dred acres in fine cultivation. Gin-house and screw, good dwelling, and all necessary out-build ings, nnd one of the best watered places in South western Georgia. Also, at the same time, I will sell twenty-five likely negroes. Terms for either land or negroes made very easy. WM. A. BARTLETT. Oet .7. 1856 41 3m For Sale or Bent THE HOUSES on Wayne street, in the city of Miiledgeville, formerly- occupied by Dr. Coyle as a “Water Cure Establishment,” Apply to Jas. T. Nisbet, Macon, Ga , or to the undersigned at the Miiledgeville Hotel. E. D. BROWN. September 2, 185(5 36 tf good spring water. Said land is situat* ■: miles southeast of Eatonton on tl 1(J teuton to Waller’s Ferry, adjoining t i u : estate of A. C. Harton, of the estate r u Dennis, of Sarah Simmons and others' r er portion of said land has been i-V-Li - vated. There is some good land in t n'- 1 which some is fine low grounds. " i: * The sale of the aforesaid laud wifi ( e .- pose of a division. The terms cf sale, ■ V know n on the day of sale. Mr. ELISHA KING, who resides »i scs, or the Subscriber, will take p i ca ”' ' ing the land to persons who may j! T ' chase it. J e&u ’ e fa BUSHROD W. JOHNst, . Sept. 16. U56 " 10N - Ei BAND FOB SALE I OFFER for sale Montgomery countv, (j a side of the Oconee river.,);-.... river road, 22 miles below Dublin above Mount Vernon. The lands nr,.; ’ surveys, but all join, embracing about • ' sand acres, twenty-three hundred of «• ■ and very heavily timbered, none b,E miles from the river, and good blntjjL ber, and about six days run by water t,,^ On the land is a capital mill scat, ‘ 4 ing stream, calculated to carry on a ! : and grist business. There arc about or ' acres of pine land in cultivation t! j. " fence; tlie best portion of the land jr- a large stock of cattle has been kept for several years. On the plantation rr well of water and a never failing gin house; the other buildings are in; der, and the place is as healthy as *nv fi •' , The swamp and hammock lands,ofwii about 790 acres, a good portion is as 1 : ■ lands of that description on the river, v ■ timbered with white oak and hickory, GO acres under cultivation. Also, 1650 acres of laud joining the lying about the same distance from tiie ing below the above described lands 1.4 pine, tiie balance swamp ami hammock, s timbered with the exception of 39 acrc>-, ti vat ion, 22 cf which are pine and the bn , mock. On the same are a good log hous, and other buildings, and a good well There is a good grist arid saw nil-si;,- miles of tlie places. To persons who v.:.;, - the timber business, a rare opportunity sented, and a bargain can he had, as we ar- to sell- Further information can be had , on, or addressing either of us at Mount V Titles good. JOSEPH MILLlj \V iLLIAM Oaf Sept. 23. 1856 CARTER FACTOR! FOR SALE. TO those engaged, orabont • engaged, in Manufacturing .• kind, or to those desiring t- most profitable investment, thy cut opportunity for purchasing on extreme! terms, a splendid manufacturing building.’ ample w ater power annexed, may not be within the next twenty years. The lor I the manufacture of Cotton or Woolen G Machinery, is better, all things consider* 1 any in the United States. Manufactmii..- • at this time, is in anm-a flourishing cur. ~ : - with proper care and attention, always w; I better condition and more profitable tk- where else ■ The building is one hundred and twerp long, forty-eight or fifty feet wide, six stoii - with w alls well laid up, commencing with a: ness of two and a half feet. Call on and enquire of JAMES R. JOY Columbus, Ga. Sept. 23, i860 Sumter Plantation FOE SALE. THE Subscriber is desirous c ing tlie PLANTATION on wLii; now- living in the loth District, ter county. Said place conn Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Acres, s Hundred of which is Oak and Hickory, h Chokefooehickee Creek; the balance Ti.. Hundred and Fifty Acres are in good Frame Dwelling, Gin House, and : and Negro Houses are on the premise s place is about fifteen miles South East of. cus, and adjoins lands of T. M. Fnrlow. r Lamar. SAMUEL SCRUTCHJJ: September 23,1856 «J rrOTZCB TO BARD tbadss T he following LOTS OF LAND are for sale:— Lot No. 412, 3d Dirt. Appling county. 209, 9th “ Ware “ 226, 14 th “ Decatur “ 226, 20th U *4 408, 21st ' ,4 44 “ 154, 7 th 1 “ Baker 243, 10th ‘ “ originally Wilktnron 68, 8th < ‘ Carroll county. 217, loth ‘ 1st Sect- Lnuipkii c 5, 15th ‘ . 2d “ Chen bee “ 771, 3d • ‘ 3d “ Paulding “ 291, 8th ‘ ‘ 3d “ Murray " 95, 12th “ ‘ 3d “ “ fc 131, 2d ‘ 1 4th “ Polk 1082, 2d ‘ 1 4th “ PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE Subscribers offer for sale the Plantation in Laurens county, lyingon {MliK, Turkey Creek, containing twenty-four hundred and thirty-one acres of land, known as the late residence of Eason Allen, and twenty miles from sixteen station Central Railroad and thirty eight miles from Macon. This land is not surpassed iu point of health and fertility of soil by any land iu middle Georgia. About seven hun dred acres are cleared, two hundred and fifty of which has been cleared within the last three years. The balance, seventeen hundred acres, are in the woods, lying perfectly level, and every' acre of it susceptible of cultivation, and is the finest kind of corn and cotton land. The buildings consist of a comfortable dwelling, and all necessary out-build ings fur all farming purposes. Excellent spring water near the residence. Springs and running water in all portions of the plantation. The society is all that can be desired. Churches and Post Of fices convenient. Any person desirous of giving the place a personal inspection, will make applica tion to Mr. THOMAS HOOKS, who resides upon the place, and who will be pleased to show it to them. Mules, hogs, cattle, and provisions of all kinds will be sold with the plantation, if desired.— Terms liberal and titles indisputable. G. H. BREAZEAL, \ v W. S. BREAZEAL, \ I ec t September 9, 1856 37 tf Laud for Sale. L OT No. 249, in the 3d district of Bibb county, containing 2024 acres. Address R. M. ORME, Jr. Miiledgeville, Ga. January 22,1856 4 tf I will sell the above lands low for cask- U lump them all off’ at 5; 1,00 per acre, or sei. - ; lots at a reasonable advance. They are l - choice lots, selected before traded for. I also warn all persons from trespas-;".- of said lands. My address is Mount \ ernou. gomery county', Ga- ' ALEXANDER McGREoC'k] Sept. 23,1856 State of Georgia, Chatham County- ritHE undersigned have termed a U'-l- -I- ship under tlie Act of the Genera; A-- of the State of Georgia, entitled “An Act: ■ izeLimited Partnerships,”assented to:;. _ second day of December, in the year l' 1 - conducted”under the name of Carl Eppe r • purpose of transacting a Commission ar- ’ ■ Mercantile business in the city of Savanna State of Georgia. Carl Epping, of Savannah, will be tu - partner, and George \Y. Gar many, of w ho has contributed Fifty Thousand I; cash, to the common stock, w ill 1 e The business to commence the first .ay 1 ■; - in the year eighteen hundred and til;.' - ' 1 terminate on the first day ef August t-.. - dred fifty-nine. _ |n w itness whereof, tlie said Carl t;\ - George W. Gannanv have hereunto-r.; foregoing agreement, this thirty-first day 0 ie56 ' ; C’ARL ElTlN ( b - G- V GAEJiiM Attest: Mo.vtgomkrt Gumming, J. I. C-C.C. Oct. 7, 1856 ; BROUGHT TO JAlt I N Eatonton, Putnam county, Ga- on Thursday, the 18th insf a N e gro man (black) named LE iVIsi six feut one or two inches high, about tw enty-four or twenty-five years el age, and weighing one hundred aufi ;L ' Or eighty pounds. -vg: H e says he belongs to Robert Holonian • sippi, and ran aw ay from Abner well-'- while on his way from South Carolina to ^ pi. The owner is requested to eoraetorw. property, pay charges, and take hi®*''*- j^„ r . r F THOS- GAMBLE- * 4 » Eatonton, Sept. 30. Ic56 A Card. eraUf BLANKS OF ALL BINDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. I >EING informed that it is_ gen > ed that I am specially interes t Drug Store of Wm. L- White Sc Co., ■ , e :: -J method of correcting that impression, * state that lam not now, and never ha;• ■' * manner personally concftncd either m 1 “ i L. White & Go. orE. J. White & pleasure in recommending both as Druggists. September i), Je*)0 BENTON'S Tlilirn VENBS Vlf'KJ the State by mail, POSTAGE ly done up, on receipt of the pn- —$2.50 per volume. . rn gavsn^ 11 '-, JOHN M. COOPER & CG “ a , f , :5 V General Agents** For sale by E. J. WHITE & BRO- Milk Jnnc 17,1856