Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, September 15, 1863, Image 3

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55{jiif!ient Aicturijcr, yi ILLEDGEYILL E: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1063.' • FOR GOVERNOR. -T. 2!sZl_ PURLOW, OF SUMTER. EXECUTIVE VAN 1 TV. Strange as it may 'seem, Gov. Brown a- furnished evidence of a proud, person- ambition. One instance will be given, which will astonish all who have observed ;lin apparent humility of hia lifo and attain ments. IIi* lirst letter to President Davis, as .riling the Conscription Act, and the reply with several notes following, were pub* ihhetl >a the papers at Richmond, and al- MAJ. FURLOW’S ADDRESS. . To expedite its appearance, Major Fl u low very properly selected a daily paper in which to publish lifs address “to the Vo ters of Georgia,” several days'in advance ol our weekly issue. We are much grati fied at the straight forward course he has marked out, and at the manly firmness with which he will pursue it. Now is the time for the people to obtain the services of a man who is above guile, and whose superior common sense, established integ rity and glowing patriotism, emincutly qualif^him for the first office in the State. We cordially adopt the language of our Macon cotemporary : “We refer to this eloquent paper in to day’s '1 KI.ECUAPH. Major Furlow leaves no doubt ot his position, and it is-one wor thy the man and the -occasion. Its spirit should animate the heart of every freeman ot Georgia, unless he wishes to be a more abject stave than any other white man on the globe. '1 he Lincoln Government leaves us the election only between dis honor and beggary or resistance, and there is no particular merit in choosing the lat ter. IV e are shut up to a prosecution of the war with all our power and ardor, as lully as the stag brought to bay by the hunter. I he manly and courageous atti tude ot Major Furlow, will therefore ad dress itself no less to the honorable spirit than the practical common sense of the people. We commend tiie address heart . ki pamphlet form, by order of the Bros- I !f 1 \ • G COIn “ eud “ ie a(ldrcss **ear T j - , , 3 , . , T ily to their attention and approval. ’ jlent, in his letter dated “Atlanta, June -»t, 1S62,” reviewing the whole question :i twenty two pages, Gov. Brown com- h. “While I cannot suppose that your sense [ r’iuty and propriety, would permit you to publish part of an unfinished correspond ence, for the purpose of forestalling public - inion, I must conclude that your course not the usual one in such cases. TJplg Current Hsre-ws. Morris Island was evacuated by Geu. Beauregard on the night of 6th inst., the enemy having advanced their sap to the very moat or ditch of Battery Wagner. Our guns were all spiked to prevent their nse by the euemy. On the 7th Admiral Dahl- greu demanded the surrender of Fort Sums ter, to which Gen. Beauregard replied that he might have it when he takes it, and that all such demands wore “peurile and unbecoming.” During the last day's fighting at Wag ner and Greigg.the bombardment was very severe, and our iess was 150 men, in kill ed and wounded. The evacuation was ac complished in 40 barges, between S P. M. and 1 A. M. One barge containing twelve men was captured by the enemy. ^The Virginia Legislature convened in extra session on 7th. Gov. Letcher’s mes sage was mostly devoted to.Staie defence, by the organization of an adequate force between 16 and 60 years, not in the Con federate service. At 1 o’clock on the morning of 9th, the enemy approached in 50 barges, determin ed to possess the ruins of Sumter. The Charleston Battalion was in charge, and in fifteen minutas fightiug, chiefly with brick bats and Laud grauade6, drove the enemy back, capturing four or five barges, 115 men, 13 officers, and three stand of colors, including the original Flag which Maj. Anderson was permitted to car-ry from Sumter on its fall in April, 1S61. The village of Moultrieville, ou Sulli vans Island has been burned by the shells of the enemy- Gen. Sam Houston died in Texas in Ju- The Soldiers’ Relief Hospital, (Dr. Huger surgeon.) of Charleston, 3. C.,acknowledges grate fully, through Messrs. Grieve A, Clark, theTeceipt of a very liberal supply of bandages, Hut, linen and rags, litis donation, the wounded and am putated soldier will appreciate, and will prove a punishment. Attention. Baldwin Cavalry. Y OU are ordered to appear at your Faradt- ground at 10 o’clock, precisely, Saturday morning, Kith inst, with side arms. Every ireni- ber is expected to be present. No one can be ex cused from Drill.—Absentees will be reported for comfort, and largely facilitate their recovery From the Ladies’ Soldiers" Relief Society, Mi 1- ledgeviile, Ga.—150 bandages, 6 yards each; one box lint, one bag cotton rags aud four rolls linen. From Miss Rebecca Harris, one lot cf liueu. From Miss Mary Lamar, one lot ol linen. From Miss C. Jones, one lot of linen. From Mrs. Joseph Gibbes, one box lint, one bun- le rags, HUGH R. BANKS. September 15,1863 Tribute cf Respect. Capt. John T. Lane, “Glover Guards,” Com pany “G,” 4th Regiment Georgia Volunteers, died iu U- S. Hospital at Frederick City, Aid., July 25th, 1863, of wounds received in battle of Get tysburg ,«Pa., July 1st, 1863. Camp nkakOkange 0.41.. V* Bv order of Capt. S. G. WHITE. T. H. Hall, O. S. 57 It i v through Congress, aud the Legislature of the State.” Here the Governor betrays a secret which may explain the origin of his war (idoil the Conscription Act, which he re* ir.mied as much a violation of the Consti- •mion, and as odious as were the Alien and Sedition laws of 1798, passed'by the I*. S. Congress -ill, over President Adams, on the issue rinde on the uuconslitutionality ol those laws, S-) it was no doubt the intention of i, v. Brown, to achieve a similar victory ver President Davis, and either become i; -accessor, or to organise a State Rights MR. BUCKNER’S ORCHARDS. To gratify a natural curiosity, we paid a visit last week to the extensive Orchards aud I incyards of L. D. Bucknee, Esq., near Scottsboro’, in this vicinity. His 12,- 000 bearing apple trees consist of about one hundred varieties,—the. Shockly or As the | Romani.e, lorming four fifths in quantity, j ly. Pendleton Murray has been elected Governor. The people of Texas, are on- | tirely loyal to the South. They have great direction, at right and acute angles. As much as ten or a dozen bushels ol apples may be gathered from a single tree, worth not less than $50 in the market. The whole crop of Fruit now on the trees is valued at $20,000, and we think the esti mate is borne out by appearances. The c'lnThj’.-iuueuce v. as an official one upon a I he trees are set in regular squares, 17 feet Constitutional question, I had sup- apart, iu a perfectly straight line in each nosed that it would be given to the coun 1 ° The crops coniideuce in Gen. Magruder. have yielded abundantly. A nieetiug of Governors Moore of Loui- I siana, Lubbock of Texas, Flannigan of Arkansas, and Reynolds of Missouri, was held at Marshall, Texas on 17th lilt. Re sult unknown. Concert of action was the sight is beautiful beyond description. Ma- i object. Gen. Bragg has evacuated Chattanooga, \s Mr. Jefferson triumphed in n Y of B ees are so heavily loaded as to bend the limbs to the ground. Some of j against which Rozencrans had made a August 26tli, 1863. The members ot Co. "‘G,” 4th Regiment Geor gia Volunteers, having assembled for the purpose of expressing their feelings in reference to the death of their late Captain, John T. Lane, the fol lowing proceedings were had: The meeting was organized by calling Lieut. C. R. Ezell to the Chair. Upon motion, Sergeant .T. L. Hutchinson was appointed Secretary. A com mittee of five was appointed to draft' suitable res olutions, consisting of Lieut. Kobt. Childs, Serg’t O. C. Freeman, Color Serg’t J. F. Murphy,* Corp. J.L. Campbell and private J. Y. Patterson. The committee reported the following preamble and resolutions which were unanimously adopted, to wit: Whereas, among the many sad casualties of this j fierce and cruel struggle for constitutional liberty, it has pleased Almighty God to call on the people to mourn their most ateemed aud gallant defend ers, who, from time time, have fallen during this bloody struggle; |nd whereas, He has seen tic to remove from the »eue of his active useful ness, Capt. Johu T. LSie, Co. “G,” 4th Georgia Volunteers, therefore, Jk Resulted, Thaiwial^^^Uth of Capt. Lane, the country has lost a patnWP|h«yh^aliant soldier, the cause of our independejcer^WfcyWSVnTT'd aud fearless leader. Resolved, That by his learning and incorruptible integrity as a physician, he^nmnauded the high est respect aud coufideuce cA his profession and the people of his county ; by his courteous and dignified aud polite bcaring\s a gentleman, and his warm-hearted kindness ana unselfish generos ity as a citizen, he was Su ornament of society and doubly endeared to his friends. Resulted, That we, the surviving members of his company, most deeply deplore his death, and will ever hold in sacred remembrance his worth as an officer, a friend and a gentleman. Resolved, That we tender to the friends of our lamented and beloved Captain, assurances of our sincere sympathy. Resolved, That these proceedings be published in the Augusta Constitutionalist, Macon Telegraph and Milledgeville Recorder. Lieut. Kobt. Childs, Sergt. D. C. Freeman, Sergt. J. F. Murphy, Corporal J. L. Campbell, private J. Y. Patterson—Committee. Lieut. C. R. EZELL, Chairman. Serg’t T. L. Hutchinson, Sec’} - . Attention Capital Guards! A S ALL Companies organized for home de defence are required by a latq qrdjrr *‘ ie Adjutant General to drill twice a wees.’ you will, iu compliance therewith, assemble at the Capitol on VI ednesdays and Saturdays at 3 o’clock. P- M., with arms and accoutrements complete and iu go*d condition, until further orders. Absentees from drill must h ind iu their excuses iu writing, on or before the succeeding meeting. Members of the McIntosh Light Infantry, and I others, late members of the Capital Guard, who have drawn arms, accoutrements and ammunition from me, afterwards became connected with other Companies, are notified and requested to return them immediately and have their receipts cancelled. JOHN JONES. Capt. Com'dg. Milledgeville, Sept. 15, 1863 37 It V\/E are authorised to announce W'ASHING- ** TON J. GOLDEN, as a candidate for Rep resentative in the Legislature, from Wilkinson county. Sept. 15th, 1863. 37 It * Adjourned Court. r JMIE GRAND JURY of Baldwin Superior X Court have been adjourned by Judge Harris, to the Tuesday after the third Monday in Septem ber next, in order to pursue their investigations of matters given them specially in charge. The Petit Jury have been adjourned for the trial of the Homicide case from Jones,Jo the Thursday there after. iiy order of the Court. B. P. STUBBS, Clerk. August 26,1863 35 3t . • Female Soliool. ISS ADAAlS, assisted .ay i competent teach- of Mathematic*, will - sumethe duties of her School, Monday, September 21st, at the Fe male Academy. Terms of tuition for ^frssion of 12 weeks, $20; French, (extra) $12; Latin, (extra); Music, (Pi ano) $25 per quarter. The contemplat' d reorganization of the School will not bo effected fi-I January, 1864, when an efficient corps ef Teachers iu all Departments can not fail to please those most interested iu a com plete course of scholastic s Indies. Milledgeville, August Id, 1863 33 tf W E ARE requested to auuouuce the name of JOHN C. DANIEL, of the “Mvrick Vol unteers," Company G., 45th Keg. Gh. Vols. as a candidate to represent the county of Baldwin in the next General Assembly, September 15, 1863 37 4t* We are authorized to announce NATHAN HAWKINS, Esq., as a candidate for Representative in the Legislature from Baldwin county. September 1863 36 tde jXjOUCE.—I luive about 366 bushels of good £>€5©<i3_ Ooft© for stile—winter va riety. Persons desirous of purchasing would do well to call soon. My address is Montieello. Ga. KOB T. F. EZELL. Trickem, Sept. 8, 18(53 36 4t the apples weigh, twenty ounces. The Rb- j feint. The lather crossed iu force at Bridge- j manite is a large hardy red, easy to keep j port and is advancing on Rome. It is ! through the winter In the Peach department he has twelve varieties, early and late. Some of the fruit is stili on the trees, attractive to the Mr. Buckner's Vineyards are quite ex cover two or three acres of ground. The present year, owing to the rains, has been of for President while the Provisional | probable that the great action of the war 1 ' will soon transpire iu Wills Valley, within 30 miles of Rome. Army projects are kept concealed from tho public, but we an ticipate a victory to our arms. Gen. Burnside is in possession of Knox ville, and the rail road to Virginia has beeu broken. These events arc hastening the crisis. The Standard office at Raleigh, N. C., lias been mobbed by soldiers of Jenuing’s brigade, for the treason of Holdeu, the ed itor. Gov. Vance addressed the mob and prevented further outbreaks. X-ia/tesrit 1ST ©-w-s. Iterns from North Georgia siguify a are quite abundant iu their season. j great battle> daily expected. Our forces From the refuse Apples alone, 2,000 gal- | ar(j gaid t0 u rcady . It is reported that Ions of Vinegar can be made, worth $3 j Bnrnside has united with Ror.encrans. If per gallon. Mr. Buckner has a patent ci- j go tbe Federa i avmy on the Georgia line der press, manufactured in Baltimore, is pro bably 100,000, to meet which wo about live feet by tbiee, which can ciush j bave numbers adequate to.a victory under In this city, ou Sunday evening, by the Rev. F. L. Brantly, Mr. Geokgk W. Haas, aud Miss Kit tie J. Whiddom. party of which he was to be the acknowl- jged leader, to profit as the future might j e y e aiK ^ luscious to the taste allow iu political contests. From ihe language quoted.Gov. Brown j tensive, embracing many varieties. The expected that his constitutional arguments, j Scuppernong arbours, if together, would ii: the shape of letters, would bo communi- j cated by the President to Congress, and j pnuted with the message—and 10,000 or; unfavorable to the grape culture, yet about copies, in the imposing style of j hundred bushels of the Scupperuoug j ' public documents,” would be distributed j are now’ ripening, and will soon be ready I ;. ali parts of the Confederacy as a plat- j for market. on which he was to build up a great; A nursery of 10,000 apple grafts is most j national reputation, entirely eclipsing that j valuable. Figs, Raspberries and Plums, | of any Southern partisan chief. Perhaps these letters were to be referred to the Judi ciary Committee, and a report formally made sustaining tlreir profound logic. This would of course give the Governor extra- rdinaiy eclat, and make him another Jef- tersun. It is known that Gov. Brown was spok- U ! NDEK AN ORDER ot the Court of Ordina ry of Putnam county, and for the purpose of makiug distribution of tbe «tate of William Gar rard, deceased, agreeably t of his will, will be sold at tbe Court-house door in town of Eatonton, in said county, within hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in NoPS^^jiext, the p'auta- tion belonging to tbe estate J^^^^Ieceused, con taining 1945 acres, more or liss, lying in one body, adjoining lands of Dr. J. It! Waller, Win. Boze man, Thos. Respess and Stcliael Dennis, with good improvements thereon. Terms of sale will be made known on the day. A. C. PHILIPS, l v . T. O. MAHONE, ) r>x rs " September 15. 1863 [wee] 37 tda t^TATE OF GEORGIA’, Tattnall County. EO Whereas William Moote lias filled his petition for letters of administration on the estate of Eli A. Moore, late of Tattnall county, deceased— This is therefore to cite and admonish all con cerned. that i:' they have any objections to the granting of said letters ofiftiunnistration, that they .tile the same in my office within t9l- time prescrib ed by law, otherwise letters of administration will be grr uted to said applicants in terms of the law Given under my baud aud official signature, this 3d August. 1863. WM. W. TIPPINS, Ordinary T. CJ August 18, 1863 33 5t TATE OF GEORGIA, Tattnall County. Whereas Benjamin Grooms has filed his peti tion tor .etters of administration on the estate* of Johu W. Grooms, late of Tattnall county, dec’d— 1 liese are therefore to .cite and admonish all persons interested to show cause why said letters should not be granted, if auy they have, within the time prescribed by law. Given under my hand aud ofilcicial signature, this 3d August, 1863 WM W. TIPPINS, Ordinary T. C August 18. 1863 33 5t A LL PERSONS indebted to the estate of Heu- -Ti. ry J. Collins, late of Tattnall county, disc’d, will makeTinmediate payment to the undersigned, and all having demands against said estate will present then? agreeably to law. BENNET B. JARRELL, Adtn’r. August 13, i860 [\VWT] 33 bt V LL PERSONS iudebted to the estate of Hampton K/ nnaJy, late of Tattnall county, deceased, will please make immediate payment to the undersigned, and all persons having demands against estate, will present them iu terms of the law. JAMES P. DANIEL, Adm’r. ELIZABETH KENNADY, Adm*r August lb, 1863 [wu t] 33 tit A LL PERSONS having demands against the estate ot Simeon Tootle, deceased, will pre sent them iu terms of the- law, and all persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. COLUMBUS TOOTLE, Guardian, August 18, 1863 | w wt] 33 6t O RDINARY ’S OFFICE, Montgomery Co. Ha Whereas, Richard Chaney, James Chaney i and Charles Clianey, executors of the estate of Piles, Fistula, Tumors, Diseases of the Womb, Syphiltic Affections, &c. D R. J. A. CLOPTON may be consulted in Milledgeville on the llthand 12th instant. He operates with perfect success, as hundreds of the most respectable citizens ot the State must cheerfully testify. He has never had an accident to happen, or lost a patient, though he has operat ed upon many who had been pronounced hope less by the most distinguished surgeons South aud North. Patients are not confined to their beds, unless iu most extreme bad cases. Ladies will be. visited at their houses. September 8, 1863 :56 It* To the Citizens of South-Western Georgia. UR ERA MEDICAL INFIRMARY, Of the Olapathii* System, I HAVE located at this beautiful, retired and accessible point, to all sections in South* West ern Georgia, where’there is plenty of good water, j J al, ] e5 Chaney, deceased, applies to me for letters pure airaud clever citizens, where I will be pleased of dismission, to attcud to all calls and receive patients of all sex- j I hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and es, and treat them for" any and a’l accnte and (singular, those concerned,to tile their objections, B Y VIRTUE of an order < ary of Laurens couutv tbe Court of Ordin- b" ill be sold before the Court House door iu Dub A, Laurens county, on the first Tuesday in Noi^mAr, all thg^rcal es tate belonging to the Estate^|^Wii4f?T5raswell, late of said county deceased. ^Stofor the benefit of the heirs and creditors.—Terras on the day. JAMES D. BRAStyELL, Adm’r.- September 15th, 1863. 557 tds. J, Herty s Estate. L AND FOR SALE.—HKhaeres more orjess, two miles from MiliedSville—all in woods,* adjoining Modlin, Viusd^^nd others. Terms Cash.—Sale at Court to highest bid- oO bushels of apoles an hour, ami tutu out ; General Officers as have lately gone t der——on first iuosday of Novw^^^vnext. i \ 15 or 16 barrels cf ciuer per day For tbe last twelve years, (Mr. Buckner ; tigress was at Montgomery, and the j has devoted Iris entire attention to build- ; piiihcnt was greedily accepted and ! ing up and perfecting bis large fruit farm, biished l-v a portion of the Georgia Five bands are sufficient to keep tbe whole in order, aud a less number have been em ployed most of tbe time. This fine prop erty is now offered for sale by (Mr. Buck ner, whose advertisement will be found in another column. chronic diseases that human flesh is heir to. After an experience of two years in tiic Hospitals in Eu rope, and fifteen years in the malarious sections, from Virginia to the Gulf of Mexico, 1 feci pre pared to offer and to render my services to all who may need medical or surgical aid. 1 have had great experience and success iu the treatment of all such diseases as are peculiar to females. I will attend patients or consultations at any distance. I have associated the Rev. Doctor Ravins with me m practice, who will continue my treatment, and attend to my patieuts when it is not convenient for me with them, for riding and attending to patients. I will be governed by the established rate of charges as published by the board of prac ticing physicians of Amcricus. T/tctt to all who would sure, time, health and money, / 1could say, do not delay to sec your physician early ij you hope fur relief. (Bills due when services are rendered.). As for who I am, 1 will very respectfully refer to the following names: J. W. Jones. M. D, and Professor ot the Atlanta Medical College: H011. D. J. Bailey, of Griffin, Ga.; lion. E. H. Clark, of Albany, Ga- For further particulars, see me at my office in Eiluvilie, Schley county, Georgia. Very truly, ,J. Si. TROTTER, M. D. Ellaville, Sept. 8, 1865 36 tf if auy they have, in iny office within the time pre scribed by law. otherwise letters disniissory will be granted after tho lawful publication of this ci tation. Given under my hand at office, this August 14th 1863. F. McRAE, D. C. C. O. August 18, 1363 33 m6m FRANCESfHERTY, Adm’x. Sept. 15th, 1863. ' 37 tds. press. The idea of being President, lias ever since disturbed bis dreams, and bis anxiety to be endorsed at tbe ballot box a iomth time in Georgia, is to cap the climax* 'this popularity, and to fix Lis positiou as c man for the times! This or some other extravagant hope, certainly animates Gov. Brown. His am bition is that of an intellectual giant, while his real worth i3 stiil an open question, un less Lis electioneering documents should he resorted to for the purpose of settling ‘ ie point. TRrough this medium it w ould j there to support Gen Bragg. - Nothing from Charleston later than 12th, j up to which time the firing continued with* out any known advantage to the enemy. A number ot caissons and shells in bat tery Gregg, uow occupied by tbe enemy, w'ere exploded by a shell from battery Simpkins, and great confusion produced. Ail is quiet iu Mississippi- All tbe rolling stock and machinery of gippi> Lucy Grig{ , B (f ornie rly Lucy Drake) and the Fast Tennessee Rail Roadllias been J her husband, Elam Griggs, of the State of Teu- G ' EOKGIA, HANCOCK COUNTY. r At* Court of Ordinary, begun aud held with in and for the county aforesaid, within and for tbe county aforesaid, on Monday, the 7th day of Sep tember, 1863—Present, Thomas I. Little, Ordin ary. The will of Susan Drake, late of Hancock coun ty, deceased, having been produced in open Court, by John Drake, too nominated executor therein named, and he praying that the same may be proved iu solemn form. It is ordered by the Court, that William Drake of the State of Missis- removed from Knoxville to Dalton, to be a communication appeared written by. a gentleman who was several years ago a plainly appear that Gov. Brown had done candidate for Congress, urging ihe pecu- every thing, or most of the good things in j jj ar fitness of Maj. Furlow for Governor, Geoigia for tbe prosecution of tbe war, lor which lie said : nothing the soldiers, and for the subsist- 1 <1 j( 9 j g a planter -by occupation, and in euce of their families, and without him no- : that department of life, has approved him- thim* could be done of value to the conn-! self a model. Emphatically he is a man Such is tho tone of all his messages, of business, with hands always full, nnd •■j. ouch is iuo Ul j y et, in the language of Gen. Bethune of ■ 1 Carnations, aud other on.cial papeis, or; ( j ]e (] orner Stone, in a notice of him a few "'-mi-official communications. Gov. Brown ^ years ago, when his name was suggested a swift historian when he himself D the ' for Governor, ‘he manages his affairs with iiero. We think he has carried his pro j such system tuaf beseems always as if Le penalty a little too far. He has disgusted , ^‘ IC ^ * lot bing to do. the public mind with his self-praise. j ijif" A communication signed “ Geor- *•”“ | gia,” will appear in our next. TjjP The Marietta Paper Mill, tbe larg 1 f:s; in the State, has suspended for the Another CiUMlidiitc for Governor. ^aiitof hands; or is at least on short work, The correspondence with Hon. T. M. nuking cartridge paper for the Govern- j Fuhlow, of Snmter county, which we copy -ii 1 j • i .from the Southern Aceort/er, places turn Ulfcnt * 11,e newspapers will be dried up ^ bcfore tbe peop!e of Georgia as tbe third generally iu the State, unless other sources ! ca ndidate for Governor. We have already expressed the opinion that Maj. Fuiu.ow is one of the most patriotic aud high minded men of the State, and is qualified for, the 'was in tliis citv, a few days ago, enrovtc j position tJotli morally and menta’iy. He lor the West. *11 is Brigade acted a con j is a plauter of eminent success iu his busi ness ; a most charitable influential and useful citizen; and a man whose strong good'sense constitutes one of the best safe guards against great mistakes or wilful -4 supply can be opened. Gen. Dkayton, of South Carolina, fibuiGus part iu the lirst battle of Manas sas. rT The last CoufeddHtte Union, states *' a t Mr. J. N. Moore, who has been many years iu ihe office as printer, and a part of 110 time Foreman, lias been admitted into partnership, and that the firm will in • 'Ure he, Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore. t-ir Wo notice that Dr. E. J. McGehee Houston, ami Col. William Gibson of '■wliinondj are announced as candidates Congress; the first in the 4th and tho ltci in tbe 5fh District. L Gem Howell Ccbb has his Lead- Quarters at Atlanta, as Commander of the t n , , * I sent down the State Road, if possible.— S,000 Georgia troops lately organized lor • r . , 1 ‘ Parties of tbe enemy’s cavalry have ap- State defence. J , _ ; peared at lunuell Hill, Catoosa and Dal- In the Recorder of July l ltli, 1S63, j ton. Written Cutler Abraham’s Nose. Martin F. Comvay, an Abolition mem ber of Congress from the State of Kansas, has recently written a letter, dated from the city of Washington, to the editor of the New York Tribune,in wliioh he uses the following language: Thus the. war became a failure and utterly ceased to bear upon the question of the subjugation of the South in any manner whatever; and now, whatever may be said to tbe contrary, there are few reflect ing minds which have not come to the con clusion that the independence of the South is an established fact, whether recognized or not. The war for the future, therefore, be comes simply an instrument in the hands of political managers to effect the result favorable to their own personal end*. * * As for the Union, I would not give a cent for it, unless it stood as guarantee for freedom to every man, woman aud child within its jurisdiction. I consider ihe idea that everything must be sacrificed to the Union as utterly preposterous. What was the Union made for, that we should sacri fice ourselves to it 1 I, for one would beg to be excused. As things arc, I would sacrifice the Union to freedom any morn ing before bieakfast. Very truly yours, M. P. Conway. Washington, May 29, 1863. uessee, Susan Barnhart, ((formerly Susan Griggs) and her husband, Robert Barnhart, Frank Griegs. Harriet Jei"kius (formerw Harriet Griggs) and her husbuud Jblm JerkiiB, ot the State or Florida, be served by jiubncatioiwin one or more gazettes in this State with a Ckvydtf this order once a week for three mouths; anoint Pleasant Drake, Mar ilia Drake and her husUm^Gargil Drake, of Cobb county. Georgia, Beverw DrinSfe-ofTaliaferro coun ty, Georgia, and ViueJ Drake ®f Fulton county, Georgia, be served peftonally with a copy each, of this order, at least teugUays before the 2d Monday hich time, each nnd every hereby required to show Court of Ordinary to be held-in the county of Hancock, State of Georgia, if any they have, whl the paper produced, ptir porting to be the onlylrue last will and testament of Susan Drake, late Vt said couuty, deceased, should not be proven in said Court in solemn form. A true extract from the Minutes of Hancock Court of Ordinary, Sept. 7th, 1863. T. II. AUDAS, D. C. C. O. September 15, 1863 37 13t G eorgia, decatur county. On tiie first Monday iu October next, George Munroe will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of administration on the estate of Wm. B. Justice, deceased. H. M. BLACH, Ordinary. September 8, 1363 36 5t J.M. an order from the Court of Ordinary of De catur county. 1 will oft’er for sale, at Bainbridge, on Tuesday, 3d day of November next, at public outcry, lots of land,N<>3. 235 and 28(5, iu loth dis trict of said county—the same belonging to estate of W. M. Harrell, and sffid for division. CONRAD HARRELL, Adm’r. September 8, 1863 36 tds t O RDINARY'S OFFICE, Montgomery Co. Ga. Whereas John W. McArthur, guardian for Alexander McArthur, minor of John McArthur, apples for letters of dismission from said guardi anship— This is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, those concerned, to tile their objections iu my office within the time prescribed by law, if any they have, why letters dismissory should not be granted said applicant after the lawful publica tion of this citation. Given under my hand at office, tins August 14th, 1363. F. McRAE, D. C. C. O, August 18,1863 33 5t f PWO MONTHS after, date, application will he JL made to the Ordinary of Hancock county for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of Mark S- Anthony, late of said couutv, deceased. . JOSIAH STOVALL, Ex'r." JANE E. ANTHONY, Ex'ixJ August 18, 1863 [ui:, ] ' 33 9t in January, 1864, at^ one of said parties cause at a term of sj( T 1WU MONTHS alter uat| made to the honorable 1 Laurens county, for leave t«j improvements belonging run C. Wright, late of Laurcif application will be lit of Ordinary ol i all the lands and of Cauie- Sty, deceased. September 15, 18651 WM. G. WRIGHT, Adm’r. 9t T mal-administration.— Col. Enrp Col. G- W. Lee, late Commander of tbe Post at Atlanta, Ga., Las been granted a Commission from the authorities at Rich mond, to raise a large force for the purpose ol arresting conscripts, stragglers and do- serf ers, throughout the State of Georgia. For the execution of his orders, the home contingent force ol the State are placed at iiis command by tbe Government at Rich mond, and the Governor has pledged to him both the civri and military power ol the »State for th'cir enforcement. Confederate Societies have been fonn- med by the citizens iu many parts of Miss issippi and Western Alabama, pledging their sacred honor. 1st, To establish, ordain, and receive Confederate money on a basis of gold and silver. 2d', To devote their time and all their means to tii© reduction of prices to the specie standard. - They have issued a Circular address to the people throughout the States and urge up on them the necessity ot organization for protection against home enemies— specu* ators aud extortioners.” 1WG MONTHS after «^te, application w ill be made to the Court oaOrdiiiary of Hancock county for leave to sclltl^^^To^^belo’jgiiig to the estate of Thomas V^ni^HWate of said coun ty, deceased. . _ edward l. Norton, exv September 15, 18653 C TH *I 37 9t riMVO MONTHS aftermte, application will be JL made to the Court oMprdinary of Baldwin county, for an order woman belong ing to the estate of Cau^BNMfcJxaiues, late ot said count}’,• deceased. MATILDA T.T- RAINES, Adm'x. September 15,18(53 537 9t T WO MONTHS after date, aji made to tbe honorable Laurens couuty, for leave fl Edward T. Sheftnll, late of said W. S. RAJ September 15,1863 licatiou will he Ordinary ol real estate r, deceased LY, Adm'r. 37 9t T WO MONT US after made to the Coui _ ery county, tor leave to McAlister, late of said com C. C. McALlSFE THOS. ILCALH September 15, 1863 application will bt ■y of Mon'gom- nds of Samuel d. A LL PERSONS iude uel McAlister, late deceased, are request* meiit. and those bavin present them iu te.ius C. C. McALIS' to tno estate ot fsam- ontgumery county, ke immediate pay- required to THOS. B, CALHOUN, j Adm rs September 15, 1863 37 Ot Confederate Money Wanted; I OFFER FOR SALE, my entire premises, sit uated in, and contiguous to, tbe village ot Scottsboro’, distant from, and south of, Milledge ville 4 miles. I have acres of Land, (80 acres woodland)an excellent dwelling, all necessary out houses, a well of never failing water, many good springs quite, accessible, and other appendages answering a farm. The chief vaiue of the place, however, are the APPLE ORCHARDS, occupy ing 100 acres of ground, all of which is enclosed by a picket fence, eight feet high. I have now growing and bearing, ticelre thousand trees of the most approved Northern varieties, and of unsur passed quality. The harvest of this year aloue will yield $15,000 to $20,000. I have, besides, a nursery of 10,000 young grafts that can-readily be sold at $20 per hundred. I have also extensive PEACH and PLUM orchards, tine VINEYARDS, composed of the Devereaux, Catawba, Warrenton, and other chffiee vari'-ties, and about fifteen large SCUPPERNONG AR BORS. The latter will yield, this season, between 75 and 100 bushels of grapes. FIGS, RASP BERRIES, nnd indeed all minor kinds of fruits are abundant. I have a stock of hogs and a few milch cows, entirely supported by the products of the farm, which will be sold if desired, and possession giv en of the whole at any time after the sale. The Milledgeville & Gordon Railroad is one mile and a quarter distant from the place. Auy person desirous of purchasing the above property, I invite to visit and examine each and all the items enumerated. The orchard is now finely fruited and will speak for itself. The glow ing crop, such as Corn, Peas and Potatoes, will he disposed of also. My address is Milledgeville, Ga. L. D. BUCKNER. The Savannah Republican, Augusta Chron icle & Sentinel, Macon Telegraph and Atlanta Confederacy will give the above four insertions, and send their bills to the Southern Recorder lor payment. September 8,1863 36 tf BTotice tc Debtors and Creditors. \ LL PERSONS indebted to the estate of Jus. <la Stanly, late of Laurens county, deceased, will make immediate payment to the undersigned, and ali persons having demands agaiust said es tate will present them in terms of the law. JESSE J. GREEN, Adm'r. Angus. 11,1363 32 6t VTOflUE.—Will be sold in the town of Mount i-v Vernon, Montgomery county, on the first Tuesday in October next, ti:e dower of Nancy Phillips in the lands of Mark Phillips, late of Montgomery county, deceased. JOHN GILLIS, Adm’r. August 11, 18653 32 tds G t EOKGIA, HANCOCK COUNTy7~ ^ Whereas James K. applies to the Court ot Ordinary for said county for letters of guardianship of Susan Brown, orphan of Martin H. Brown, deceased—. These are therefore to cite and admonish all con cerned to be aud appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, to show cause, ir any ex ist, wbv said letters should not be granted. T. H. AUDAS, D. C. C. O. August 25, 1363 534 5t G »EORGlA, GREENE COUNTY. r Two months after date, application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of Hancock county for leave to sell a portion of the negroes and house aud lot belonging to tiie estate of Alexander Beck, deceased, in the village of Peuiield, Greene co., Ga. AMANDA L. BECK, Adm’x. •September 1, 1363 35 9t A LL PERSONS indebted to the estate of E. T. 8'iieftall, iate of Laurens county, dec’d, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands are required to present them in terms of the la w. W. S. RAMSAY, Adin’r. August 25,1863 34 fit npWO MONTHS afterdate, application -vil! be -i- made to tbe Cuiirt of Ordinary of Hancock county, for leave to sell ail tiie land belonging to the estate of Thomas Hightower, late of said coun ty, deceased. WM. S. CRIDELLE, Adm’r. WINNY HIGHTOWER. Adm’x. August 25, 1863 (th.») 534 9t jVTOTICE.—AM persons are hereby notified that L 'I the consideration for which three notes were given by me to Robert Robinson, executor uf Hen ry C. Fuqua, deceased, dated January 26th, 1863, and due on tiie 25th December or 1st of January thereafter—two of the notes for $50 each, and or.e for $30, with Eli M. Keen as s.-curity—has failed, aud 1 shall defend them, and all persons are hereby forewarned agaiust trading for said notes. W. Ii. KEEN. Dublin, Ga , August 25, 186:. 34 4t T WO MONTHS afterdate application will be made to the Coartof Ordinary of Clavton county, tor leave to sell the real estate of j. D. Walden, late of said county, deceased. J. 14. PHIPPS, Adm'r. August 25, 2563 534 Ot G » EORGIA. HANCOCK COC * Whereas John Amoss. one 1 T WO MONTHS after date application will he made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Laurens county, for leave to sell a negro girl be- (onging to the estate of Charnel! 11. Thomas, de ceased. \V. L. MILLS, Adiu’r. E. W. THOMAS, Adm’x. September 1, 18G3 33 9t NTY. of the executors of the will of George Amoss, late of said county, deceased, has tiled his petition in the Court of Or dinary of said county, in terms of the hw, praying to be dismissed from*his said executorship— This rs therefore to cite and admonish all per sons interested to b.: and appear at my office with in the time proscribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. T. H. AUDAti, D. C. C. O. August 25, 1863 ,34 iu6u. J^or Sale. HOUSE AND LOT on Wayne street, between Baldwin aud Seriven streets, where ihe subscriber now lives, containing one acre,“together with all other necessary buildings. Also, one acre lot lying opposite, with good Sia- blc*. Carriage-house, Cribs, &c., with a well of most excellent water. P. FAIR. Milledgeville, Sept. 1, I860 35 4i G eorgia, decatur county. On tbe first Monday in October next, Phil ip Ragan will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county for .otters of administration on tiie estate of Kurus R. Ragan, deceased, dec’d. U. M. BEACH, Ordinary. August 26. 186-7 35 5t fDWO MONTHS after date, application will be A made to the Court of Ordinary of Telfair conntr, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate* of William K- Hillard, deceased. DILLIA HILLARD. Adm'x- August 25,1863 34 ‘->1