Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, November 23, 1869, Image 2

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From Charleston Courier. Washington Corrfjpondrnre. Washington, Novemljer 13. The appointment of Mr. Folger as Assislnnt Treasurer hi New YorK, at fords tjeiieral satisfaction. He is a man of decided pbility and undoubted integrii\. He was strongly urg ul for the place, before General Buiterfield was selected by the President. The long threatened conflict between the Federal judiciary am! Congress is again deferred, though not settled. It is plain that the conflict likely to aiLe from the Texan and Missis«ipp : an Habeas Corpus cases has been evaded through the iact uni prudence of Pres ident Grant. It was first thought that the A turney General \v u!d compro mise the qu<--tion by withdrawing his opposition to the application for the writ of Habeas Corpus. In that case the Government would have yielded WHAT THE FRiMERS OF THE FOURTEENTH 4SEJIDIENT INTENDED. The Mongomery Mail goes back to the ofFcial record and discussions of Congress and proves conclusively that ihe forced intrepretation sought to be nut upon the Fourteenth Amendment by certain prominent Radicals who regard the prospects of ihe Fifteenth Amendment as gloomy’, is wholly wrong and without authority. Itshows that on the 23d of May, 1566, Senator. , , Howard, upon presenting the joint res- I g emleme, » are self-made- men, who olutions emhotf expressed the thirty two nails in his shoes, allowing ; its premonitions, and cry out that it is i Co\'Pi;xi.\r. Interest. Jlflutjicrn lUcorkr. The Now York Commercial Adreriiser says: There are 17,919 names who pay an income tax in this city. Sixty- seven persons who pay on incomes of 8100,000 or over. Most of the solid dying the amendment. j hav ? come up from tne lowest round of s views and motives f. he 4 dd « r ^ The mau wbo eat3 lhe eti the committee. Sen- |«t, A. f. Mewart, everybody knows which influenced the committee, alor Howard said: The two last clauses of the first sec tion of the amendment disable a Slate fiom depriving not merely a citizen ol the United Slates but any person, who ever he inav be, of life, liberty, or propeitv. without due process of law, ; pal can’t be compromised. Right can’t liability to error or mistake. By no be compromised. They can only be othe” aritfimet’cal proc ss can the de- ! sacrificed, sufijected, set aside. Then j sired'information be obtained by so few | comes Falsehood, arid Error, and figures: Wrong. These arc the evils that Poli cy brings with it. Policy’can’t help it. Six per cent.—Multiply any given i number of dollars by the number of i suit was -< eu and evaded by the At tora-\ Geueral. As he couid not car- rv out tiie t xiieme views of the Gov ernment, he lo.*k care that the Goyern- meru >h<»ufti be permitted to retire from the held with the honors of war. I am perr»uad d tint Grant himself was the prompter and author of the ar rangement v‘'htch has been finally made. \erg* r amt t»i1’exan compeer are to remain m their present condition for an indefinite time—that is, until the ■ Executive Government sliail see fit to turn them over to the civil authority lor trial. 'The Supreme Court, on its part, is to take no order at ail on the subject, remaining content with the af firmation of its jurisdiction. On the other band, the Executive Government relaxes us eniorcemeut of the Recon struct ion laws, but does not yield the rigiit to it. A collision between Congress and the Supreme Court is thus to be avoid ed, at least, for the present. The feel ing o! lhe Radical majority in Congress towards the Court is very unfriendly, and projects for reorganizing or de- stroving it are slid contemplated. * ‘ LEO. Driilgltis flic Ocean. By the use of steam on the ocean and as the motive power of our huge printing presses, and a liberal subser vience of the deep sea telegraphs, we are rapidly and still mote surely anni hilating space, and bringing the peo ple of Use world into a closes and more perfect daily intercommunion. The Atlantic cable announces the fad this is an Irish emigrant, who commenced life with a capital of less than twenty- five cents; indeed, with few exceptions, j most of the parlies iu the list were j scarce as well off as Mr. Stewart.— Take Henry Keep; he boasts that he ! graduated from the poor house of Jef ferson county. Jay Gould drove a claware order . „_ ra _ f. - - - ” ri to get money enough to reach Hudson Elates and doe» away the injustice of ^ J , r , ° , . . . ... „ o’ River. David Groseback, over thirty subjectin'” one caste ot narsnna t« ,i ’ the point, uni tl;ejudiciary would have or f ro!I1 deriving to him the equal pro ; * ? ,.•>* - ! . T ‘ w been opeiik sustained, and cor.slitu- tecti(in of th ' e laws of the Stale. This herd ot J aU !« lrom Del Dr lional guara nees affirmed. This re- Lboli^hes all class legislation in the | coun ^ for 50 cents per day, ... persons to a code not applicable to another, prohibits the hanging of a black man for a crime for which-the white tnan is not to l>» hanged. Senator Howard continued : Bui, sir, the first section of the pro posed amendment does not give to ei ther of these classes the right of voting. The right of suffrage is not in law one of the privileges or immunities thus se cured bv the constitution (See Annua! Cyclopedia for 1S6G p. 1ST.) Nctv it is its nature to drag these evils after j days4»f interest tlesired, and divide by is; and when it takes the place flfj sixty, and the result is the true inter-J Right, it becomes of itself, Wrong. It jest on such sum for such number of doesn’t improve the condition of those j days at six per cent, who adopt it. It would be impossible j Eight per cent.—Multiply any given for it to do so. it may seem to relieve ; amount by the number of days upon : = present troubles ; but that is only a de- j which it is desired to ascertain the in-: T Xi Xj ~P.X> O- E ~V ILLE: It only serves to strengthen terest, and divide by forty-five, and the result will be the interest of such for luston future .voes. Private and public his in this i those who are ‘ sowing Tuesday, November 23, 1869. lory wilt sustain this assertion. And the lim^jrequo’ed at eight per cent. the wind’’ in 1 Ten per cent.—Multiply the same r How the Sontli Feel* About Hie War. j t | years ago, his brother, who was this country will surely whirlwind” in the future. Devotion to Right will surely* avert j ten per cent, the evil. No swerving from the Right— no faltering in the path of duty—no de viation from Truth—-no sacrifice ol , fathers be held inviolate, and that justice ; right and equality be the principles of the j government. With such a recognition peace may le preserved to the Union- without it, there will be fierce discord.and I eventually another war should the North attempt to be again aggressive. The le=. son of the past will not be lost upon u« for he who has been forwarned will bo wise enough in the future to be forearmed THE STATE FAIR. Wa regret to learn from persons return ing from Macon, and from the letters of correspondents of the press, that mueh ! embarrassment, inconvenience and dissat- ■ isfaction was caused on the first day 0 f t h 8 ] F * ir by the incompleteness of the arrange ments, and, as some charge, the ineficien i cy of some of the officers of the Society We feel that due allowance is not made j for inexperience and the vast amount of We are sorry to gee such a respectable labor which the arrangement of such an reap the 1 above and divide hy thirty-six, ancflhe 1 and weil informed newspaper as the Jour- exhibition imposes upon the gentlemen in ! result will show the rate of interest at j naL <>f Commerce speaking of the "peni charge More or less confusion is insep. : fence of the South, and making state- j arable from . ch a task, and it is unrea* : meats so wide assuuder from the truth as aouable to expect perfect order and com-, j that the Southern people have “prayed plete arrangement iu a first undertak- I Congress for forgiveness." The Journal wholly misapprehends the moral status Fire in Washington, Ga.—Gen. wi Toombs T.nsfs come Valuable Horses.— Principle but devotion to Right, wheth- j Weleafo^ private sources, says * of our people in relation to this subject, er in public or private action, is all Augusta Chronicle of the 8th, that and, we regret to add, does us. uuinten the barn and stables ol Gen. Robert j tioually no doubt, great injustice. used to mend old shoes for a respectable | shoemaker in Albany. We all know , the history of James Gordon Bennett can bring true peace, secure pros- * ■ . . - — and Robert Bonner, poorgboys, lull of jly a|)( j j a ° t j n ~ happiness. This is ' Aoomi > s * <n Washington, Ga., werede- , beg to enlighten it regarding Southern - . • V P . *i . I strnvpil liv Urn at thui, c.. n sen ti m ent an d s-aard it against similar #r- We _ j talent and industry. Rufus Ilatcl when a young man, hail •an to hold the ryins or a peddler ambition wagon. E. D. Morgan commenced life with a quarter of a measure of molasses, it is scarce a dozen years since Henry Clews was an errand boy in one of the banking houses down jpwn. The in Arrival of German Laborers Orleans— There have recently arrivei in New Orleans from the West about I' 1 * his younger days, retailed pork by a lesson which the people ®t the South j SIra J6d by lire at three o clock on can not too often learn, or too untiring ly practice.—Banner of the South. A Chinese Funeral. When carrying the body to the grave a solemn looking individual scatters little slips of paper with aphorisms from mg cn so gigantic a scale. To obviate such complaiuta in future, the Society should fix the location of its annua! Fairs permas nently at Macon or some equally central point. I ban their buildings could be made permanent, and everything neces L, ‘ v v,v o o ■ ^ n ^ Til • t • • J o MW vta - r , sentiment and guard it agaiust similar ar- sary^Ior tha exhibition and the accoinmo- day’'morning last. Four valuable hor- 1 ro, A ia ^ a "i . 1°^Jjfs the ,P abli « coo,d be ranged ses, twenty-two choice head of hogs, a i Mr ‘ C ‘” 8 . f Justlce 3 L haM - fompfeband. with deliberation and upon an ample scale. - ” ’ conditiou, and correctly reflected with friends lot of forage, and a small quantity’ of fertilizers on hand, were burned and entirely lost. The handsome grey mare, “Alice Grey,” well known loj sequeutly, for her there is no such 0 w . — . v,. .mu, | ^fbe General’s friends, and j as repentance. Repentance is a rt . v — brothers Setigman started out in life jConfucius written on them ; at the lin- j highly prized by him, was one of tb&j conscious guilt—a feelingof self condem- eonsideratioa the gigantic seal with a peddler’s pack, David Dow ^ .... _ L __i - L - ° L - l our it in a private interview some days ago. The South does not believe that she lias siuned, and, con thin: The above is from the Savannah News, and is s» just and sensible, that we endorse i the remarks. We attended the Fair and were impressed that there was a want of result of order and system, but when 1,000 skilled German laborers, who have at been sent to the Teche and other portions of the Stale, where their labor is so greatly needed. The cost of transporting these laborers, we learu is but 812 per head, the railroad (Illinois Central) charging §6 to Cairo, and the steamers S6 from Cairo to this point. Of course this does not include rations, which, we presume, may be reckoned at about fifty cents per day. It is asserted that our planters can readily obtain from the West any a- mount of skilled and reliable labor at very reasonable rates, and the large arrivals referred to above prove that their eyes are being opened lo the fact. Iri every way these white and intelli- the half pound and n oiasses by the gill. H. T. Helmbold was first cabin boy on the sloop Mari/ Jane, that navi gated the Delaware River. We might go on through the list, and show that nearly every one of these solid men were the architects of their own for tunes. Young men, who. are battling for place and position, should remem ber that these individuals had to battle with life just as hard as they arc doing. Let them take heart, and never say ! d ]ev very die. tels of the doorways are strips of red four horses burned lo death. Owing to the unseasonable hour at which the fire occurred, the building and fences adjoining were quite envel- i we took into e upon paper, on which are marked similar wise sayings. Upon the grave is placed a roast fowl, some rice, a bottle of “Chinese wine,” after which the mourners depart, never looking behind them. There is, however, another class of gentlemen who are concealed near , at hand. No sooner do they see the Uignedly set by some one unknown, last pigtail ot the retiring mourners dis appear from view than they make a 'rand rush for llje edibles and drinka- uation—which no man in tha South,whose .1 - , . : , , . . • n which it was gotten up, and th# laexper. ; heart was in the late war, entertains. Uur or r status toward the Federal government is simply this oped in flame before any available help j believed » c , ia u a ..guw w * uugul . was on the gtound, and the rescue ot : for independence, heeau*? we believed we , any of the stock was impossible. ^ - -■ —v. -—u """U euce of the managers, and tha tardiness with which the goods were sent in, we had to be ei- of Anglican clergymen in different! bies left for the"benefit of Joss* and ! P a,ts °[ En S land have prepared a peti-1 soon make short wJrk- of j l j T nnl ° b * f nt to ^Council of the them, Joss, no doubt, getting the cred-1 , aU ^ n ’. lh ® P ra >' er °[. ^ h,c h 1S » ‘.‘‘hat, | Description of Clirist. i !?• grave, the bones are dug up and care Peblius Lentulus' Letter to the Senate of\ f u [| v cleaned and polished with brush- j'} n,,t ‘^P^hable it wiil be) to the val- , world ever saw.” wa are neither sorry nor Rome. Conscript Fathers:—There appeared bundles, which are nicely labelled and j gent labores are preferable to Asiatic in these our days a man of great virtue, ; stored away in a small tin coffin in the importations and it affords us pleas- i named Jesus Christ, who is yet liv- particular hong or commercial house ure to note the setting of the tide of i m2 a emigration from the West to the South. Our lines of transportation and our mg among us, and of the Gentiles is accepted for a prophet of truth, but his own disciples call him the son of Gad. He raiseth the dead, and curelh ail a man morning, that the French trans-Allan- Southern people should encourage it, tic mail steamship Periere, which left for the South needs millions of sturdy manner of diseases; a man of stature Sandv-Hook on Saturday, the 30th of yeomen to till the ferule fields and to somewhat tail, and comely, with a rev minutes past | convert our wilderness into agricultur al paradises. To the laboring men ol the West, the S mill extends a hand of (the color of a filbert full October, at twenty-five three o’clock in lhe afternoon, arrived at Brest, France, on Monday, the Slh of November, at eight o’clock in the j welcome. Here they will find a soil richer than they ever dreamed of, and cheap, and oeople with whose customs ynj.un c So morning, having run across the Atlan tic in eight days, sixteen hours and thirty live minutes apparent time, or thev can readily eigtit days, eleven hours and thirty-\ Pi five minutes actual time, and landed mail deuils of faille telegrams and written commercial advices to her day of sailing. The general reader will fie able to estimate the rapidity of this passage more accurately state that, owing to the tance of Brest, it is equivalent to a run of seven davs, twenty-one hours and thirty-five minutes from Sandy-Hook to Queenstown. Ireland—a feat which, we believe lias not yet been accom plished. Science and energy, aided bv a liberal cash outlay and directed with judgment, constitutute the actu al beneficial propagandist!? of the age ; that which will eventually secure a assimilate.—JV. 0. world-wide peace by the redempt and t isinthralment of the N. Death Among the Great Men.—The ! death .ot Secretary Rawlins a few I weeks ago was followed by the decease j of Senator Wm. Pitt Fessenden. A | few days afterward, France, which j further dis- ^ ,H< ‘ hardly recovered from the loss ot M. Berrver, was thrown into mourning bv the ileath of Marshal Niel. Ex- President Pierce followed Marshal Niel, and then England lost her veter an Tory statesman, the Earl of Derby, j j Within one week the American Navy has lost its battle scarred Admiral Stewart. Hardly had he been consign ed lo the tomb when the army lost that gallant veteran, Major-General Wool, j t ra ted Times says : And while the bodies of Peabody, — W ool and Stewart were being lowered j into their graves, the telegraph announ- j erend countenance, such as the behout-1 ers may both love and fear. His hair; ripc) to his j ears, when’er downward it is more" orient of color, somewhat curling or waving about his shoulder?. To the midst of his head is a seam or partition of his hair, alter the manner of the Nazarites; his forehead plain and deli cate ; fair without spot or wrinkle, beautified with a comely red ; his nose and mouth exactly formed ; his beard thick, the color of his hair, not of any great length, but forked; his look in- ! nocent ; his eye grey 7 , clear and quick. In reproving awful ; in admonishing j courteous; in speaking very modest (and wise; in proportion of body well Imped. None have ever seen him augh, but many have seen him weep. A man for his singular beauty sur passing the children of men. wmcli is responsible tor them. When a sufficient number of these interesting mementoes haVe accumulated, a ship is ch frtered, and the coffins dispatched with their contents back to according to Mogul theologians go hard with them in the future world j unless they repose on native soil. We went out of the Union because we no great fault to find. It was to be we had a right to go—-we fought p« c t e d, under the circumstances, that •ncenee, hecau*? we believed we , , , , , ,. 1, , , 1 j .here would he more or less of disorder —, ; ued a right !o be independent, and could: It is supposed that the tire was de- j be neither happy nor safe in the Union— aud coufusion, but we feel assured that ! we did our best, fought like men in a each and every year {hereafter will be an cause which we belli 6acred—we were improvement upon the last. Evils will Le avoided at the next that was patent and almost inseparable to the one just past, aud as we have said, there will be a con tinued improvement on each one bereaft ter. If the Fair was permanently located at Macon, where it ought to be by all means, a" great error to regard j we would have several suggestions to contrite sinners on our make, for we flatter ourselves that we have the gift of order and system about us.— However, as it will be at Atlanta next year, the good people of that place will doubtless profit by the experience of the last aud be better prepared for the emer gencies of the case in every respect. By all means, let there be a street railroad to the next Fair, and a double track at that, It is slaleit that “a very large body” i whipped and defeated in uur plans, and, ‘ ’ | n different! brave and honorable men, acknowN edge the defeat and submit in good faith toallitsjnst aud legal consequences.— TYe are thia and nothing more, and who- .u- I . . , , , - . . ... ^ jever thinks differently of us makes ft mis- After lying some months in ihej 8 1 t ecision ot the Council be : ta ij 0> So far as concerns any wrong com- . unfavorable (a? the petitioner? believe : mitted against the “beat government the es, then tied up, and each put in little ! idil ^ ot , A *S lica, l ° L r(,er f’ , tlie petition- psniteut, and it is icelv labelled and ! ers and othcrs of the,r bo(j Y who haVR “ 8 M 4 “* tl . on 1 ...... kuees begging for merey. Haying fallen in the war, r/e now ask only for peace,and such measures as are likely to reinstate ✓-,! 1 , • , - . . us in harmony wfith the North. We do it Criutch, ordained as priests, employed as such, and allowed, if married, to continue so until the death of their entwred the ministry of the English Church through religious motives should be received into the Catholic! in goad faith, and are ready to perform our full part in the work of restoration, in . fact and spirit But we come not as infe- j Canton, for ! P resent wives—those married not to j riors on guilty suppliants, hut as brave, ians it Will • h* 6 em f’^°5' etd as confessor's.” This is j high-minded Americans, iu all respects 1 I a very extraordinary storv, but >t is re- equal of our conquerors, and with con [ Correspondence of ike Xcir York Herald] \ Ctibitiri Minister's Brauns for 3iot Favoring; Favorable to the petition, and will urge flip Annexation of Cuba and St. Domingo. Washington, Nov, 14,’69 I heard a Cabinet Minister remark the oifter day that “Cuba would not be a desiroble acquisition for the Uni- pnrted^ on good authority, as being en- : scieuces vc dd °f oflence. If the North re- with at least twenty cars funning coutiuu tit-61/; true ; and it is added that “many 1,8 as au y‘biug else, it will be j a jiy prevent confusion and crowding. Bishops are if the English Catholic As to the Fair itself, though we do not badly cheated. We kuow there are miserable servile crea* ,, , , , tures and hypocrites in the South who ; look u P oU ll 88 8 S re8t success ’ 11 was tar 1 would make any humiliation of themselves : from being a failure, and will do remarka- tbat "thrift may follow fawning” but 6nch i bly well for the first since the war, con- tod States.” Said the Cabinet Minis : lo have ter: In the first place, it would destroy VV iH work our revenue derived from that jsland. I consists of a small conlrivanc^ which]| its adoption by the Holy Father and 1 the Council,” and that “the signature eftf j ““l | not the teui P er u L i t L Lo 6 reat body of tha j ei( j er i n g w h at we , as a people, have pass- merous, and are increasing every day. : Southern people. They are honest, high- ; . , • , , , . . , —— ; . j , r 1 1 1 ; ., 0 r ed through, and the opportunities we nave A ,u„ r,_ i - (toned, honorable and lucapaule alike ot , B A captain in the Italian army claims on ,i i, vr , nri .; sw For i had to recuperate in the past few years. ", J ‘ - . , 1 servility and Lypocrisy. For them we invented an instrument »b,ch j k th ,/ d .. Amon .. t0 k a revolution in warfare. It ; all we have Wli tteu. The display in horses was fine, quite so. Cattle only passable, and if it bad not We now obtain from her some fifty or according to th7"i'0^^010^'can insure ! We eudor6e tbo above from tbe Savan ' I b<fen {oT Mr 1>eter '“ stock lhat we saw ' h sixty millions of revenue. That would such precision of fire for lar^e g Un s | nab Republican, for it is the sentiment of would have been a failure, though we be all lost to us by acquisition. In the j an J small arms, that the mos'ignorant truo nien seceded from a principle j learn that a gentleman from Baltimore en- seconti place I dont think mingling ; mart will be able to calculate, without ; and fought for priuciole. The think tered, during the Fair, a large number.— with the Latin race, and " ’’ ’ trie ie Latin race, and particularly difficulty, the distance of the object he j ing men of the South never questioned for in,art., ->* , ene C! c,a !' j aiming at, and the height ot the tra- a moment the right to secede from the Just look at toe ( history ol the^South , jectory, and also be certain that he Federal government, but there were thou- will hit tbe mark American republics and of Mexico Has it not been a series of revolutions, j which prove their inability for self gov-: The “Lounger” of the London Ulus- *rnment. I ask you honestly if that is a sands who questioned the policy at the time and the reason* for secession. If human mine; Y. Herald. Remedy for Bone Felon.—Take the bloom or root, (bloxn preferred,) of there ia a “y‘b>ng the intelligent men of not a fact now? I wonld like to see I the Winter Pink, make a strong decoc- | South flatter themselves that they are Cuba independent; but, after all, I am tion bv boiling in water, Add to this, j posted is upon the genius and spir- ! lard, simmer down to consistency of it of the Federal compact as handed down By the way, speaking of waterproofs, 1 think I can give travellers a valuable _ ^ hint or two. For many years I have Cubans to succeed. They never soft pace, apply to the affected part, to us by our fathers and the rights dele- ter idea of the display in every depart s •/111! 11 rrnvprn t ri p m ao t uiu! tvarn ...III L^. t .1 !„ — 1 * _ • _ _ _ _ _ . • . .1 _ u • L! iot satisfied it would be better for the The hogs what few we saw, was very good, though not enough of them. The agricultural impleiaeuts made a very good show. We have not room ia this article to enumerate. The ladies department was very good,aud did credit to the ladies ; we saw much to admire, but as we shall pub lish the list of prizes, they will speak lor themselves, and the reader will get a het- cctl the decease of Rob’t J. Walker and worn India rubber water proofs, but I coub i £ overn themselves; and were ; and relief will be had in a few minutes, j ^ a ted to it and the rights reserved by the ment than we could give him Amos Kendall, both veteran politicians j will buv no more, for I have learned I llie y 10 become aunexed to our Union, j This has been tried by parties of our s taU , 8 since the <”reat work of Mr Stes i Tbe amusements were va and leaders during Jackson’s Adminis-| that good Scottish tweed can be made ^ dunk it would be 110 advantage, j acquaintance, and recommended in tration. Truly, death is busy with the j entirely impervious to rain, and more- b:| L -* or iusft: Many years Andelusiati town a German tov maker The Papacy.—A Paris paper, La Liberie, gives a curious sketch of the individuals who have filled the Holy See since its inauguration by St. Ptter.; silver-haired veterans.—Sac. Repub. No throne ir. Europe furnishes so many ! — violent aud bloody deaths. From St. Peter to Pius IX. there have been 293 Popes. Of these 31 are considered anti-Popes, or usurpers in the same sense as the Bourbons re gard Napo'eon as an intruder. Of the 262 leeitnalo Popes 29 met violent of the young son ofthe Count Montijo. j and let it be in for twenty-four hours, She met his advances with the cry—j and then bang it up to dry without Marriage before love.” His affection J wringing it.” Two of my party—a over I have learned how to make it so : —— | and for the beneGt of my readers I will ago there lived in an j give the recipe : “In a bucket of soft water put a half pound of sugar of lead who bad a charming daughter. The ! and a half pound of powdered alum; young maiden w as famous for beauty i stir this at intervals until it becomes and virtue, both of which attracted the'clear; then pour it off into another attention and eventually won the love I bucket, and put the garment therein, nice, would we do with ; the highest terms. We cheerfully their negroes. They are not of the i place before our readers tbe remedv, same kind as ours. They don’t speak : believing it is worthy of trial. poisoned, 4*assassinated, and 13 b^v various means. Stephens was strati- of his lather’s obstinate refusal, he married her. The old Count refused deaths under circumstances that enti tied them to the repute of martyrs ; the other 35 also met violent deaths ; 18 for her was an honest one, and in spite j lady and a gentleman—have worn gar ments thus treated in the wildest storms of wind and rain without getting wet. The rain hangs upon the cloth in globules. In short, they were really waterproof. The gentleman, a fort night ago, walked nine miles in a storm of rain and wind, such as you rarely see in the South, and when he slipped off his overcoat, his underclothes were as dry as when he put them on. This gled ; Leo III. and John XIV. were the youue pair any assistance, so that multilated, and the latter starved to death, as also Gregory XVI.; Luke was stoned ; Gregory VIII. was confin ed in an iron cage ; Celeslin V* was ended by a nail driven into bis tem ple; Boniface VIII; committed sui cide ; Clement V. was burnt on his sick bed ; Urban V!. was killed by a fall from his horse ; Pius died from erotic excess. Sixty-four Popes, then, died by ex traordinary means, without 20 others who died suddenly chagrin, caused by reverses. Twenty-six Popes have been depos- 1 ed or exiled, besides the Popes of i Avignon. splitting the wood that has it in, and j every human action. But, do they? Thirty-five Popes were heretics. 1 j )( , a | ^ th e fingers. It has to Is the world, in its superlative wisdom The first 12 did not believe in the Di-1 | )e rubbed up with the hand, and ap-J of to-day, battling for these sentiments plied to the wound without any prepa- I ration. It will stick itself to the wound tfteir suffering promised to be very great. But the two eldest brothers of the young husband dying, the old Count had but the prodigal child, whom he took back to his heart and purse. This Countess of Montijo was the mother of Eugenie of France. To Stop Bleeding—A correspondent ofthe Ohio Farmer revives this old and excellent remedy : I have noticed va- countmg ; lions ways lor stopping blood. The ri' from aiiide you will find enclosed is as ea sy and sure a remedy as l ever saw our language, and a great portion- of them are pure Africans. Our negroes ! have, to some extent received the ins- ! press of the American characler. They are advanced in civilization, compared with those in Cuba. “If we were suddenly lo became pos sessed of Cuba I don’t know how we i rectors for the ensuing year : should get along wilh such an element phens, the “War between the States” has been put in circulation, the people of the South feel doubly strengthened in their convictions, and instead of feeling “peni iDawson Journal. The annual meeting of the stockholders of tbe South Georgia and Florida Rail road was held in Thomasville on Friday, no sins to answer for, and that all the the 12th inst., and the following named gentlemen were re-electod a Board of Di- varied and en tertaining. Upon the whole, we were quite pleased, and have no cause for re grets, and feel that, as a State, we have . ! laid the foundation for a great annual dis tent” or asking for “forgiveness,” they j P 1 ®? hereafter, that will be of immense feel that tbe North is in error, and will, at b « Debt t0 onr P eo P le in a11 calliugs.trades- no future day, admit that the South has fl Q * arts, &c., &c. blood that was shed lie3 at the Northern door. man’s Bureau, and 1 don’t think our people would relish that. We would find them a difficult class to manage in an enfranchised state ; undasto keep ing them in a stale of bondage, of course that is out ofthe question. Now if we could get Cuba on a sort of | ro- bation, it would be well enough ; that is, if we could exercise a sort of healthy protectorate over it and keep it so for is, I think, n secret worth knowing, for i ‘ e!i (,r twenty years, until the African cloth, if it can be made to keep out wet, is in every way better than what we know as waterproof. We would have to revive the Freed- J ac h son ' J°hQ A. Davis, B. B. Lockett, L. L. Welch. Mitchell county—R. J. Bacon, J. B. Butler. Thomas county—J. L. Seward, P. S. Bower, S. B. Spencer, John Stark, R. H. Hardaway, R. W. Heath, A. T, McIntyre, M. C. Smith. At a subsequent meeting of the Board, R. H. Hardaway was re elected President and P. S. Bower, Treasurer. A correspondent of the New York Sun, writing from Constantinople on the occa- Devotion to Right. Devotion to Right and hatred of fried. It is called punk and is found J Wrong, are sentiments which should i in oltl trees. It can be obtained by j govern every human heart, and guide j vinity rtf Christ; 19 rejected the wor ship of images, and 3 anticipated Lulh- Is it giving Right the first place, and trampling Wrong in the dust? Does element might become civilized, or un til the Anglo-Saxon settlers might neu tralize the pernicious influence of the Spaniards and Africans, then we might safely say, “Welcome, welcome, to our free Union !” But until then, I think we are belter as we are. The Minister alluded to St. Domin go in the same way, saying that we wonld htive to encounter the same dif ficult ies by its annexation, though not, perhaps, lo such an alarming degree. He thought, loo, lfiat the possession of Dougherty !county—Nelson Tift, John ^We are in the Union, not by our own free will and conseut, but by force ; but so long as we are in it, we intend to protect our own rights and interests, aud as we have sworn to support tbe Constitution, we will see to it that others shall not open ly violate it. That all outside legislation shall cease, and we intend to bring back the government, as far as we are able, to j 7 its original purposes, if we remain in it. We do not feel eurselves the inferiors of any section, nor do we feel at al! disposed er in his doctrines. Many have been j afl( i ?l0 p the blond immediately, with- it reward Right and punish Wrong? accused of murder. Leo V. was a | woman. Twenty-eight Popes invoked foreign aid to keep them on their throne. out pain or irritation. There is said to be a young man in j Fa*,cite, Missouri, who, though unable It does not. Right meets an approving smile, here and there, hut Wiong is boon companion everywhere, and if I Cuba and Si. Domingo, in such an * . . . . : lmnt no tno tfist Ahioot* *%¥ L o ._ ( not a bosom friend, at least an agreea 153 Popes of the 293 t f) r( , a( .j ar ,j knowing nothing ot written ; ble acquaintance. Oh! the world is, .. . unworthy of th-ir pern-: arithmetic, can solve any mathematical very wise ; but it isn’t very good ! It i 0 riictc a, a,gt eet,. san ie irns To sum up were adjudge tion. “What Dynasty (ask the Lit)- j p ro b[ e (n fo a wonderfully short space : patronizes Right wjien it is its interest las such a hisloiy. And J el of time. Some instances of his facility to patronize Right; but it seems to erle) h the act which Inal Pope has called a council, j are „j ven> is going ft) declare him infallible.” ,-y £.Richmond Whig. Diamond engagement rings nro going out :»f vogue—emerald and pearl being ! substituted. Amos Kendall, in his bequests to his ; Tne number of flax seed to reach the sun, allowing six grains <•! fUx seed to one grain of wheat, and thirteen grains of wheat to the inch : Answer, 469,497,600,000,- 000 was answered in two minutes. Another problem: What would $3000 amount loin ten years, compounding erand children, gives to each twenty five , . - • , . f|, ousan d dollars, excepting one. to whom | interest at ten per cent ? he worked it 1.0 gives blit ten thousand dollars, because j <H)1 m three minutes, absolutely correct was in the Uvuf'tderate army What would a horse bring, there being patronize Right; Dut it seems to think it oflerier its interest to glorify Wrong—and so Wrong holds the first place and Right is forced into the back ground of obscurity. Men temporize, and time-serve, and fawn around Power; and sacrifice Principle to Policy, and Justice to In justice; and Liberty to Tyranny. And when Right steps in between, and lifts Us warning voice against Wron<”, they sqoru its teaching, or turn a deaf eat to commander of the Turkish troops : “Abdul Aziz bears a striking resem blance to Mr. Toombs of Georgia, of Bun- kes Hill and Confederate fame—tbe same imperious air and tawny complexion and tinge of aboriginal blood—carrying about him that impregnable and immeasurable sense of power, which marks great slave and land owners, as well as absolute sove* reigns. The Secretary of the Treasury has fixed the salary of the Assistant Treasurer at New York at S8.000, which includes his St. Domingo would require to keep up ! salary for ’services as treasurer of the as- a powerful navy for its jirolejlion irj|«*/ office. The salary of deputy assists ease of »i foreign war, and that both *nt treasurer is fixed at $4,500 per annum. It is fouud from official records that the collector of customs in New York receives about 840,000 per annum as moities or perquisites. His salary besides is $6,000. Mr. Bouiwell and Assistant Secretary Richardson have certainly informed finan cial men iu New York and Boston, that offers from the most responsible sources in Europe have been made for any amount of money to take ap our six per centum bonds at four and a half per eent. The bonds purchased by Secretary Bout well have been counted and the result shows that up to November 1, 817,844,500 bad beqo purchased on account of the sinking fund, and $45,000,000 as special purchases, subject to the future action of Congress. sion of Eugenie’s visit, thus describes the to apologise for what we did in welcoming ; our invaders “with bloody hands to hospi tal graves” when they invaded onr territos ry. We believed then that we had a right j X — J i David W to secede, and believe it now still more strongly ; and in fighting, we were thrown j upon the defensive. Had tbe South seri- i oui lowed her action, she would have been j pride humbled ; Pick Pockets were about, and were quite lively in their businees, for we learn that a number of pockets were picked, watches taken, pins lost, and even ladies bracelets were taken from the rists. Several of the ! light fingered gents were caught and are j uow in jail, and will have a taste of Geor gia law pretty soon, upou the subject of ; stealing. 1 At a meeting of the Society, held at tbe j Fair Ground, on Saturday, after the traus- 1 action of some other business, the follow ing officers for the ensuing year were elect ed : j President, Col. B. C. Yancey. X ice- j President—1st, Wm. Schley; 2d, Benj- j Locket ; 3d, Felton ; 4tb, Henry D- j Capers ; 5th, Joel A. Billups ; Gtb, Darii ! C. Barrow ; 7th, C. W. Howard. Secretary, Lewis. Treasurer, Wm. Da- zlehnrst. Prayer :—-The petition of a penitent , sly believed that war would have fol- j the essence of faith ; hope made visible , ! vent, would be the fir si objects of hos- : tile attacks. “We would Imve to send isdom abashed ; strength armed to the teeth, and prepared at every | brought to naught. He who prays earn point before she took the 6lep. But not j estly will not sin wilfully, for prayer 1= que£oning her right, she went out un* the breast work from behind which prepared, aud only regrets her folly in not j fire upon onr sins and wicked des.rts a» having armed herself in advance of her j they approach. By prayer, doubts a.e re moved, fears allayed, troubles forgotten, We do not wish the people of the North i ^°P e streD ff t ^* ne ^» temptations • * -1 • 1_ — _ 1 J ■ntAbaJ ♦ b An whr actiou ter, “which might be better employed in protecting our own extended* sea coast.” Such are the views of this member of the Cabinet, and I have the best reason to know lhat they are shared by at least two other members. Three hundred and sixty-eight import ed fowls were sold in New York recently, averaging $8 25 each. The highest price paid was for a trio of partridge cochins, $80. Three Honda ns brought $86', and three dark Brahmas, $5$. desires checked, wicked thoughts banish” tified. lized. I { to misunderstand or misinterpret us; and, .. . . , we therefore speak plaiuly and truthfully 1 ^ f ^ u when we say—that we as a proud ot our war record as it was forced upon us, and glory in its achievements, and will teach our children to be proud of what we accomplished against the fearful odds that eventually overwhelmed us. We deaira now to live iu peaee with the North, nt>t as repentant sinners, not a| humiliated rebels, not as pardoned trait ors, but as a people sensitive, brave and fearless with no favors to ask, but simply demanding that tbe Constitution •£ otw people ^eel : raan justified andI heaven rea V is the sure aud ready pilot that guide. into the opportune port when tbe soui s tossed upon the angry billows of tempi*' tion and passion, and we find there a »* and sure anchorage from tbe rocks t threaten our destruction. ‘•Prayer ia the soul’asincere desire, Unuttered or expressed, The motion of a hidden fire That tremble i in the brerst. Prayer is the Christ* V» vital breath. The Christian’s native rir, Bis watchword at the gate of desjri Be eaters heaven with prayer.