Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, March 01, 1870, Image 2

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From the Troy (N\ Y.) Times. CURIOUS FBFAK OF SATIRE- The Heart of a Turtle Found ai'et. Hen s Egg ’ We Imve just heard oi one ol Ihc most wonderful freaks ot nature that it has ever iieen our lot to record. It; seems that one ilav last summer a little irirl, living on Beaver street, was ua Irom a former generation, hss al-1 ninety-one thousand dollars wavs been in moderate circumstances, lived upon a plain, coarse*-vegetable diet; that he has never drank any liq uid hut spring wa'er, and bids 'lair U> live many years longer. He enjoys perfect health, possesses all of man hoods attributes, and wants to marry. He has survived seven wives, and j having lost his last one about sixty i The The re ceipts for 1S70, will be one hundred and ten thousand dollars. The Trus tees were entertained here by the Pres ident, and also by Secretary Fish, ami will he received to-day wiih marked attention in Baltimore. ' LEO. >flu%rn $Uf0rkir. the publi&.iuterest, be inquired into and State uuritjt exclusive military surveillance^ decided by the Supreme Comt. That And, lastly, we would appeal to Bullock, Wa shingtox, February 19. President has the Mississippi down near the Island creek playing years ago, he now begins to feci cjuiter i Admission Bill before him, anil lias lonely. Remarkable Robbery. A robberry that has just been done with one ol her mates when she chs covered a uery small turtle, ol the land i species. Thinking it woule be nice lo, have the shell for a plaything, the j ... - ... child pu ked il up, carried it home and ; in England , is the most remarkable aave it to her mother, who first cut offj and audacious piece ot rascality of this The turtle’* head and then proceeded j wicked and ingenious age. to dig it out of the shell, in pieces.; A clerk, with $50,000 m a bill case, After awhile the heart was taken out j chained lo his body, stood at the coun- atm eWired no little curiosity from the ter ol a bank to deposit the money, fact that it was beating still, although waiting bis turn. Some person touch some time had elapsed since the turtle’s ed him on the (shoulder, ami said he life was supposed to be ended by i had dropped a paper. He sloops to NEW BOOKS. We have received from that excellent | body is iu truth aud in fact,^theoretically , be had uot already aeknowldgN publishing bouse, D. Appleton & Co., thro’ j and essentially, the custodians—tbe body j ed the truih and correctness of our asser tbe politeness of J. M. Cooper Sc Co., Sa- ; guard of the Constitution—-and whenever '< tious, (by bis report or message now in , vannah, book dealers, the followiug late : the President conceives it;to be violated] print, and properly criticised and quoted publications. . by Congress, no honest foinded man. no j by the press as proof positive of his trick-i “Search for Winter Sunbeams in the patriotic heart, would object to its invest!' I ary and unprincipled conduct.) that no Riviera, Corsica, Algiers and Spain,” by jj|h i gatiou by that tribunal. There are nice such lawless conduct on the part of his Samuel S. Co*, author of the “Buckeye subjects,” had ever occurred, but that the Abroad, ’ “Eight Years in Congress, ’ Sc^. t been urged to delay its approval till : Congress pass some act for the remov al of political disabilities, under which some ol the Mississippi Representatives elect now labor. These Representa tive* cannot lake their seats until re- , lieved from disabilities. Congress is j slow to act either on the Bills relieving j three or nr four thousand persons by name, or on the general Bill providing 1 _ ======== a mode ot relief by application to RADICAI DOGMATISM AND CON- j and delicate questions, we admit, bat none i the less important, practicable and imper- . whole ,wasonlythe doings of a few i ative ; aud it is only necessary to reflect, less ayd. disreputable characters! ; upon the doings of Congress, its blunders • and its many high banded measures of leg | islation within tbe last past few years, end rorth- General Terry Incompetent. That there was an under current to all , which are still progressing—still accumu- 1 superficial manipulations of* 4 horrid MTLLEDGEVILLE: Tuesday, March 1* 1870. with numerous illustrations. The book is beautifully aud elegantly gotten up t embracing 442 pages. It gives the travels of Mr. Cox, in tbe countries above named, and is written in a pleasant, easy and flowing style. Just such a book, as one who enjoys reading travels would delight Courts. A disposition is manifested by thr ! lating—to satisfy all that the “drag chain” a o d damuiug crimes ’’ designed aud I should be applied to its headlong.reckless j concocted to make oat a fictitious case and to peruse, as it gives an insight into man- | strides, or else every section of our once j to institute a plausible issue, for Congress ners, customs, ideas and peculiar notion* j happy country must prepare to accept any to hang a loop upon, there can be no doubt> j of the people met. There are forty-oue and every alternative that irresponsible ; —R circumstances have any force whatev illustrations gotten up in a better style GREbblON AL TERRORISM. J body may deem to be for their interest or er ; yet will have nothing to do with thau are usually seen, with several beauti- 1MC wa.-. — J . , moupv vani-hpel « disposition is matlliesieu me ! J —J -• — ‘'■'“"•'"I ° e ’* taikine off his head. \\ ishing to m pick it up, . < - c , s . " Republican politicians to give as much I Wo have been am? are still alarmed, j advantage to promulgate. We say irre- such conjecture. What our own private folly colored. Price $3,00, and well worth : .... „ CitU mi.I qpp inst bow i out of the case. Alt ettotta to nnu tne . . .... ., . .... . > -i ■ i .l ’ 'j- . i i. • m •. . r- , ; _ experiment a little and see just how j out of the case, i much life there was in a turtle’s heart rogue /ail. * i * i • I I . .ii/wtn S " I eclat as possible to the consummation at the interminable phases which tbe domi- j sponsible, because both co-ordinates are li- opinion may he is sufficient lor our own sat- I the money. _ ! of the Fifteenth -Amendment by some j cant faction of the Uuited States, iuclu a ble 10 punishment aud removal, while .’sfac tiou. but we would prefer to demou-j “The Origi • V h-. 'h.ll the mother nierced it The London Standard thus com_ ; r i.teetiMi Ameuumeut uy some ; cant taction ot tne United Mates, iuclu i " ,l.i. condition ! menu on the affair; j appropriate celebrat,on. fto ? e suggest j ding Terri,oriaa. P,<, and waste pi,. This is the very legerdemain of! connect ion with the jberv. allowed of no preparation— 11 ( * a y °* ^ asbl it wilha needle, and in this it showed life four and a halfdays, when it was thrown out m the back i robbery, allowed ot no preparation yard and finally disposed of bv being i the deed bad lo be done quickly or not swallowed whole by at. old g.ay hen,! at all. It was done, and in the face of , were a crowd at the very elbow of the unfor- - tutiaie collector, and no trace remain ed. The rogues were off with their celebration of ngton, but the cP9, has given to itself', tvei since it be- ..... Pi -.-i came possessed of power. We might tru' ofhcial annunciation of the ratified , . . , , . . „ , , , , | ly say that bhakespeare ought to have amendment will not be made bv that \ . r ° .I.,, . audea one more process fur gaining great- in and Development of Re* they seem to defy every summary convic- strate from facts pateut and unquestioned,: ligious Belief,” by S. Baring Gould, A M. ( r laws. They are a self \ before making statements intended to con* , and fear neither judge j vinee our readers. Notwithstanding, we there But as this amendment is the _ j crowning triumph of the party, and is which, with a few other fowls, kept as a *ort of pets for the children. Not many day after the heart had been thrown awav, and all recollection j booty, leaving him helpless, of it had vanished, old -efray “Biddy’ took it into her head to lay an egg. Arid now comes the niarvellou an ««. the itbe'rerr,lory of Utah, the orgjn orj-' tl.e Republicar. party may hecottsi,I- — Young at Great Salt Lake i e r e « as ended. 1 he party will become process for pertainly the gaining great- lladicai party retied upon as its tulure basis, some ; were ,i0t own to so great height—they tiou known to const it uttd ]/v nor executioner; indeed, it seems are uone to make them afraid.” But we will euntner&te an instance or two which more specifically consigus their author of ‘‘Carious Myths of the Middle Ages,” “The Silver Store.” &c. In the can argue yet mote from the record, and ; preface, tbe author says: “This book is present some features that may at some written from a philosophic and not from a religious point of view. I have therefore subjected Mosaism, as I have Heathenism, THE MORMONS. In regard to the terrible Culloin bil in ^d of the execution of the laws mode will be adopted lor bringing it into the political calendar, as a nation al holiday. This is the completion of the recon- i struction measures, and the “mission” time or other he. worth the trouble. And, 1st. We would inquire if Georgia representative element, aud how] By i fhetr declared rights of assumption. The ! Gmit an(] Geueral Sherman ordered Gen- ,i n o, to settle lh« coffee, ,ik “Biddy’s” egg, opened it the t j,e. Brigham City, the Evening News, has declared divided upon other questions ol public what means was it secured 1 Simply by ■ assumption—by usurpation ; by fraud ; by | vilJainous^corniption ; by theft, “ reconstruction of Georgia” is frongh 1 .j rj j with errors aud incousistences, and with and all i A a g rant > palpable abuse of honest legis- very center of it instead of I »» b eh a |f ofthe Utah saints that they 1 pobev. Moreover, there is always a she (bund tne very identical j h * ve no objection ; o the passage of this | react ion against any political party that iiimivn utav <,r nny bill—the more obnoxious the has long held power, and made some ich had been thrown awav . . . . , . , v and in a* perfect a condf-! better; that it will not injure the peo- : unaVfm * a ble mistakes or ventures and •’* 1 ’ ’ pie of Utah, though il may give them ! personal aniirosities and antagonistic trouble, but that there is on resolve, ; interests against the “spoils ot office the known shifts of robbery and plunder 1 tl0n ’ 8,1,1 unconstitutional usurpation of that ever gaiued a footiug in the affairs of | P ower - AH deliberative assemblies, it is, men or nations! They have assaulted ^ rue ’ are l' a h!e to mistake ; but they should and carried the citadel of rational Freedom j j U( ^e e( ^ rightly for the exercise of pow- -they have entered its sacred walls by j ers forei S n t0 lheir a «Hiority. It is for erry to inquire iuto their outraged aud imperiled condition, was not a Mili'a ry Department with Terry,.and troops al ready in the field, to guard and protect th e j hardly believe her eyes called her husband And j however, which we have ■it Id sh** h 11 of whom Jwere satisfied as the same heart, as the nee- still plainly visi- ! or 0,her vv,se » ghal1 ever heart! ex- m the Federal and Slate Governments •lures were uadis- l ^e Federal Government are vastly greater now than they were in the Adams’, and Jackson’s, and Van Bn- There is now on exhibition in Leipsir a s|>enUins maclwne, invented by Lal'or, which is a masterpiece ol art. It is m imitation of all the parts j shall find that reward for their villany ! of the human organs ot speed), exeeu- ' n olir possessions. never achieved it, nor has it been thrust ] nsur P e,i taiperteDances to just ,nd, g ,,a '; at ^ ver} . time s euator Wilson howled and as I shall, in the next volume, subject upon them iu the usual understood sense t,oa ’ t0 the dread of 8ti11 greater en 0 ut his iamentatior.s in behalf of the “ lov- 1 Christianity to criticism. Tbe reader i 3 of .iiose terms. Bu, ,h.j „o Sses . i„ m . in | •“*• «P»", '» *' '' * ■ i. That the existence of a God is not assumed. 2. That tbe truth of Revelation is not assumed. 3. That hypothesis has been avoided, people in their rights of liberty, life and j and the argument based on demonstration- propei ty 1 W £ « not Governor Bullock as Consequently, the Bible is quoted not sured by General Terry that he was will- a8 authoritative, but as an historical record open to criticism. I have been precluded from using the Bible in any other way, by the exigencies of my argument.” Judging from the glance we have given the book, it is to the enquiring mind deep ly interesting. We give the beads of a few chapters, viz : The Seat of the Reli* gious Sentiment; The Religions Instinets; jug and readv to defend the people from the use of bribes and by perjury-by ly- j tli0Se tbat tbe F a " d a »> ' ali manuer o{ vIo ] euce j A nd did not de- ing and by treachery ; by false issues and j dunouuced a8 usurpers and tyrants. A\ e tachment a after dotachment, here aud there’ and executed in all by Governor Bullock pressed, which we trust will never be | cannot long be monopolized by one false standards—by iutimidation, aud by I wsa F uot hi n g about the first Provision- j Either aud thituer, led by Attorney Gene' forgotten—no mob, sanctioned by law j party. The patronage and pr< ills of arms; in fact, by all the several and known I al or g anlzatloa under James Johnson, j ra { j’ arrow . j„ gom# instances, and planned Plljoy — — -II- I I Vts» {ZeW'C* r»> rriAtlf nrfX Vflftl iu *• < > « .I. . _ ! Per, *• mnen I lion mknt n , n I I _ . _ i tttrbcd the fruits of nur toil. We would rather see this land (Utah) con- j *, * -• — anv people,few or many, Christian or bar- ! verted again into a wilderness an<l the r co a linieu when they were touqht lor , . . . I labors of iwenty-fi : in a few liouts th . V.. ... nnvuu I ^ appliauces of unholy, illegal, uncoustitu | ^ s 4 r -* “ore than what we belive will be t i • > n a I aud unjust power, perpetrated upoa; accorded at no distant day ; which is that traversc> State in search of evil doers’ any people,few or many, Christian or bar- , n sbou,d bav ® been accepted as jrnt and , dioUubeis of the peace, disloyal rebels and barian, over whom the sun has ever shone H honorable by Cougross, aud made die j tbe Kuights of Klu-Klux? And did no* Tbe idea of Imnaortality; Tbe Dame of Vi-nli to miK'ii nl imrinir, u,ei »ooiu I ue sun lias evei SUOne ! i s ■ ; tUe JVO lg!l tS ol iVIU-iXlllX ! AnflOlUDO 1 , “ ivc vears swept away joi . , ides. Senator Car nentef re -They have ahpUsLed law and its customs precedent for all the other States in like | Geiieral Terry receive all possible assist- God ; the origin of Polytheism ; of Myth *JU U131 OUT CIICIIjI^ , K - _ ^ * J HI.. 2 I v ponrlifinn tn i»f» tn fnrmni' ! ^ * Tkanaenaiac . rkctrvin ted in India-iuhber and wtxxl. A key board, like that of a piano, played by a young lady, puts the part* in motion, while bv a pedal and bellows the re quired air is sent through the wind- fCorrespondenep of th** Charleston Courier.) Our Washington Correspondence. Washington, February 17. The Mississippi Admission Bill, with marked in one of his aide soeeches, the defiled its rights and its usages, and other dav. that there was no reason erected, instead, au idolatrous fabric, cum- why the Republican [tarty should now pared to.which “ Bels Dragon ” were bat die out. He has himself given some good reason for it, and they tnnv be a pigmy to a mountain. Are not all tbe.‘e charges patent ? Aro they not too condition to be relations with the General Government.— We will not even review the present situa tiou of our hybrid government of Military i Dictator. Provisional Governor, CoDstitn admitted to the former j Rnce from lhe Jadiciary and its officers in ol °gY i Idolatry ; Theocracies ; Origin of aid of his efforts to catch some body offend - ! Monotheism; Pantheism; lhe idea of , or who had .fmdtd 1 Now all these ’ Evil i Sacrafic* ; Sacrament* ; Human questions aie in point, and will go far to i prove or disprove the necessity which was ideals, dec. The Pursuits of Holiness.” A sequel pipy. The key-bord has only fourteen 1 conditions, has passed the Senate by a ; keys, representing the sound of a, o, u, ■ strict party vote- But the proposition i, e, j. r, w, f, s, b. g, d, sh ; the oilier sounds ol the alphabet tire produced bv the same movement, and the adm sion of more or less air. The sounds of the Judiciary Committee lo admit I. , , . . „l j (he Stale without eo,Millions, failed by i ' rre « s ‘' We ' 1 lhe power -l i.ut.i is- I imlv live votes. The time will come 1 f rs ’. Ihal »•« s,m ' sh '' ,k<> ’ ,lle found as plenlilhl as blackberries in COU i m „„ am i too notorious lo be denied or, liollal (?) Legislature, with Cougress as au i ,n tdgeJ to . (j eor6 i a - s being remanded to to -Thoughts on Personal Religion." la the assumption by Congress ol power. M r >q 0 i re demonstrative proofs 1 Nav. I Overseer still, and President Grant and a p° lvUi „ n ,| l)e„,, 0 denoy. and another carry the reader someebat for. over State Legislatures. Bui there are ! ^ • «-•*- * *■ - —- 1 r - ' 1 -* , «... ■ . « aiising in - the West, according lo Sen ator Carpenter, political combinations have they not reached that frightful cli- J Geneial Sbe r m a o to Word of com- j IltCOn) . tr , K . I i ou A ct,” hastily prepared to ther onward in the Spiritual Life, by E 1 m o n/1 Si riAiun the ai ■ — — — D until * V. n mimL * C C 1L T\ T \ TIT _ ^ f t- t »»V> UlUV III WWIV. I I ... j wh'en Congress will repeal those condi- <io ?” nan ’e i 4rt ''’ ,, « t » i rv a o a n i tr'gxr* i f 111 irvii o I 'I’lva I 1-Alllltciry Cl oi tn ami b are produce*! by closing the i tions as unconstitutional. The eondi- lips, a and I bv pressing the tongue tions imposed are based upon thr. as- agaiii-l the roof of the mouth. &c.! sumption that Congress may legislate The French nasal sounds are produc- for the Stares in any maimer it may ed bv a separate contrivance. The deem expedient for the purpose ol de- , , . JaugliniJ. savs the German General In- : tending or upholding what il mav deem i a, „ 1 , al 1 ,R sounds ‘truly diabolical. I a Republican form of Government in the same. Tlius it mav alter orestab leiligenLer and very comical is the roosier. crowms ol tbe entire Union. Jominittee r>t the House will make thorough work of the investigation into the alleged traffic with the members of Congress in pre sentations to cadetships at West Ptunt, ^ piO' l J eo ([jieypgj of the earnestness with which the Com mittee will pursue the examination, it max where they receive.condemnation on ly l»r failures or a waut of success; o where exposure is threatened by a disap pointed partui r, because he has been cheated or robbed ot his share of the lev- ies ? The faculties of men mast be clouds ed like the beasts, if they do not see all J these things. maDd “ dowD tbe wires ” until tbe right ring of the mettle is beard from Wilson and coiisiimate what that “ undercurrent ” so cautiously and stealthily concealed, yet so G. Goulbum, D. D. We tecommend it to those who are striving lor a better inherit- Butler and the other wh-ifflers of tbe two | gure! ^ nnprrin „ ly borc t0 it , destined • aDee be ? CDd the E rave ’ aod 88 aD aid t0 -f n 1 J ° J 1* • 1 i* r houses of Congress The Georgia Outrage. First of all, we arraign for tbe benefit of history, their remanding Georgia to a da. | goat All these questions will prove o r disprove that Cougress usurped the power | for it bad no reasonable or honest pretext whatever, to disannul the existing organi- reli gious belief. “What is Judaism ] or a few word* to the Jews by Rev. Raphael D' C. Lewin. Tbe author says in bis preface : “The ! al Satrapy. As the record presents the zation of Georgia, and haul her into chao* v0,ce of Reason is the voice of God. * * * ... i ll7 !*L ski#. on an An* AAntfl AflAn tt VTY1 _ Washington city has indeed become a i caU se or causes, for this outrage nr double again, other than perfecting their party Legions swarm and in- j beaded monster, Senator Wilson, of Mas- ! machinery, and strengthening Radicij feet and choa.e up those spacious avenues j sachusetts, while calmly enjoying his hours 1 ful®- Yea, they will do more , they will !i?h systems ol education or land ten I urres, or judicial tenures in a State. The House, by a vote on a re.solu Reduction of Postage.—The provis- ! ions of Mr. Bingham’s bill, amendatory j lion tor an issue of greenbacks to the i sa,lfl dollars lo pay the contingent ex of the postal laws, may be summed * ’ * as follows : First, to reduce the postage on let- j rency j (1 that mode ters t«) two cents per hall ounce and one cent for every additional hall ounce ll P ; amount of fitly millions of dollars, si*;- investigation, j nified a disposition to increase the cur-; e Uommutee directed ‘ | is to be noticed, that besides power to which once lad lo the Ualls of honest, pa- ! 0 f recreation from public cares and labors- j shew that General Terry by accident, or 1 send for persons and papers, they have i tr ' ,) bc legislation to the 1 orum of nn ; aw ay ofl' in the far depth of New England' j knowingly and wiliingly, contributed to 'writes to President Grant or General 'disorganization for party political purpose*. Sherman, early in last fall, that Georgia wheu as a military conservator of quie 1 is yet a waste howling wilderness, a most i and order, he ought to have treated with j disloyal, unsafe and rebellions State,— | mdignant contempt the .treasonable and where tLe lives and liberties and property ! se!fi8k aim8 of Bullock RBd Ll8 j nnt0 - If of loyal citizens were disregarded, and in j is P 08sble tbat tbo General, surrounded as olitaiued an allowance <»f three iliou- Camelled investigations, aud a pure dau of firm and independent executive control of the constitutional laws oi the land.— that the Where now are those pillars? A Radical The resolution ^ esl ' mori y taken from day today should faction—a conclave of unprincipled usurp- 1 will come up again next week, with ! 1)e ke l H . secret * Il will be time enough j ers—a mere fraction of a moiety of the But the late to consider the facts when thev sba” . some prospect of success. or fraction thereof ; second, to impose j decision of the Supreme- Court mi t | ie be re I wleit by the Committee. lhe fair . nd stalwart proportions, like tbe fa- I General Shermw to interoose what! presuming, bv “witnesses” up „„ »*W,paper, ant, penodta.., 1 .egal-teeder <««««» plainly forhitl, an-1 “a“h^nS.’l t ^ ** i ! ^L e and ^ „4 by sued daily, weekly or monthly, or at) other Legal-Tender Act, especially in any [other stated period, and not ex 1 ceeding four ounces in weight cent postage, and one cent for additional two ounces or fraction there of; third, on drop letters and unseal- j ,j on 0 f a reasonable time, ed circular, one c<-nt postage, and one (Jourl cent to. every additional half ounce or fraction thereof; fourth, to exempi from postage all newspapers, circula ting in the relate or Territory where published, or within one hundred miles of the pLice of publication free transmission of excha tween publishers; and scripts intended for pub! exceeding two ounces in weight, to be ; [ three cents postage, and one cent inr every additional ounce. i time nt peace. The necessities grow- one i i,,„ (>IJl or the war is the only argument every i by which die pieseui issue of green- ! liacks is sustained, and alter the expira- a reasonable time, the Supreme . . . , will probably decide that lbey ; many instances, it. may be conjectured L legal-lenders in the discharge ! lbsl ,he Si,le has beeM 50 m the ous, are liable U) contradiction on an explanation; It's quite certain, how ever, that these offices have been sold for money by Representatives, and though the fact cannot be proved in American citizens, arc wound around their j daITy per y > and caIIing npon tbe p resi aent | be WR8 ’ aff - 01lter y tbe “ nst nnblushing r_: s . .? ■' ' 1 ' ' ’* the most official “ posi- i the most commanding and honorable are not legai-ienuers in tne discharge jot debts contracted since the passage j«»t the Act of 1S62. A new Legal- [ Tender Act al this lime, or any subse other instances, as to avoid publicity ll these military and naval offices were the only one« in which there was a i traffic, it would be well for lhe riiim- possible authority they possessed to inquire w.tnenng lotas an that is vital to UepuO- j into , be fact8 . General Sherman refers lican government, and all that is virtuous J the mat(er promptIy to GeneralTerry at ! mi S bt bave beun >®POse d upon-might aud bo!y of social aud religious iustitu. ! Atlanta , wifh or d er9 to investigafe und re- i ba ve had palmed upon bis attention for port to him concerning the grave charges- * f ac * s ar,d indubitable testimonies, tbe mos* We pretend not to give the exact words j skillfully coined lies aud the most ground but hope our memory will serve us in stat or by a hasty resolution, or other hurried ! j n g ^ be ma j n particulars substantially and ; sentence, called an “ act or by the die f truly—our purpose being not lo confuse or ■ turn of a chairman of a standing committee, mislead, and not intending if we can per i such actually happened to him. and des- or worse still by the intimation of a sub com j ceive what ift : U8t and proper l y ,] ue to any P ite his * ffort8 to bold the 8cale8 at tions. The army and the navy, those wings of a nation’s body, are controlled by a wag, a nod. or beck of their head . less circumstances that ever deceived mor tal man. We thiuk such possible—nay> we are almost constrained to believe that Sprrrli of $r. Bird, of Nrw Jersey, asaimi : propos ution, authorizing the Government to i O 1 ssue 1 rcasury notes, ami make ttiein egal tenders fir all debts. The tarifl i? lo he the great bone ol ot Congress generally have the seleet- serva: N of the ‘President, ara now the urea • ion ol the revenue hihI other profitable tures of Congress, and not his assistants or offices within their Districts. Her Britannic Majesty’s great new be the pe°I out Gonstitulional advisers ; in fact, tbe role of each seems to point tiiem out as only dancing attendance to the loaders of the ouse of Representatives !— pised at the submissiyeness and Senator Wilson’s letter thns referred to was return to a Provisional government. L p We think he lent too willing an ear to . men • • V snch ex i iarle evidence that lacked of itself Drec i at i 0 n of tbe members of tbe the vnmum mobile of Georgia s second , , ,, , , , r loc . ... . , . the fullness and consistency of the com- , narrating of Ins personal known :n to a Provisional government. Lp-; r r v. • . - . contention in the House next month— j * l , eam sb, P’ be M< / fiarcb , , 6 „„ u< thr Gfor»ia Bill. There are signs of a decided opposition! 0 ^? 1 P^> ! « c ^Im.ratton for the next ( Senate and H JH understand the temper of tl c ; to the protective features of the Bill j " a e f * S‘.e xv.U be about lour miles | r ople, this strange, unnatural, ar;d : reported from the Committee on Ways ! °^ r °! n lbe sbore aL An,,a .P ob f. - .‘l be nanance of Pr trageous interference with the right?; aud Means. It will be remembered , ls * aK lbe n,0il ^Pjeniijd ship_ P" a free people will never be accepted j that h week or tr >re ago a declamatory ) aboat ’ 1,1 ever y respect. \ ery lull de-1 . erman, e ^ . ■jy those who sincerely love a constitu- resolution in tavor of a tariff based ; \ 1,6 ar i P“ bl ' sh ^’ '^e. ought to think and^act as _ i BO Solomon we confess-onr gensrsi infer* j ^ :ional iorm of goverement honestly and upon strict revenue principles, without 1 ' >st ot , !' R ^ pi1,11 England k.aiserf to be the Chief executive Magis- j . g ^ other man ; *> d faithfully administered. Youmayappen j regard even to incidental protection, ncar .*y ” .™ 1 , . 11,011 ° f*° la ! s > an(i * sUC '*' , tra f« »f die whole country—created co- . y , , upo his change to the. Constitution, but the obtained a large vote, being defeated ! !l ?b, P‘ 1 * 10 cuu 1 ’‘r buib « a r<ned and e ,j Ua ] with Congress, aud above and be ma y m ° Ve an er ' 88 we 8 w ? ° ’ n ” r 0 i a b of a free people will never be accepter by 7 those who sincerely love a constitu-1 resolution in tional fait hi th people of many States will neillioi res- j by a majority of only twelve! This in- peci nor obey it. It will bedenoun ; dicates a great change of opinion on who j the subject, and promise* a further ad* vance in the same direction. The Connecticut Democratic State Conven or! which we remark with all due defer ence to President Grant and General Sher man, that under the circumstances it President Grant and General 1 formfld the m08t P«erile and weakest pre The former, we h ; raonest kind of proof, such a* he ought, iu our opinion, to have reqired before he gave ; to his superior officer the solemn and mo- With this earnest conviction deeply im- , pressed upon my heart, the following pages have been prepared, and are now respectfully presented to the public.” A very readable little book, especially to those fond ol theological discussions and views. Mr. Lewin is rather progressive in bis ideas, and 6teps somewhat oat of tb* old beateu track of old Judaism. “Book of Snobs;” by W. M. Thackeray, also “Filz Boodle’s Confessions,” by the same. Price 50 cents each. ‘ Mrs. Gerald’s Neice,” a novel, by Lady Georgians Fnllertou, author of “Too Strange not to be True,” a “Stormy Life,” Ac. It is No 13, Library of Choice Read ing. Price GO cents. Also the Monthly Parts of Appleton's Journal, Nos. 9 and 10. nicely bonnd. Price 50 cents per No. Excellent read ing ; full of tbe very best kind. D. Appleton & Co., 90, 92 and 94, Grand St. New York, do a large publish ing basiues, and we recommend them to onr Southern reader* as gentlemen who can supply most any want in tbe book line. We take pleasure in giving Bishop Beckwith's endorsement of the publishers. “That tbe house of Appleton Sc Co., is worthy of al! confidence, and shows his ap firm by knowledge cer tain of their acts of kindness. We note 150.000 volumes of school books given to the South ; several thousand copies of religions works given to tbe different : mentus opinion that a stronger power was Southern dioceses ; 310,000 given to the ■ needed than had been committed to his De- Bishop himself for the erectiou ot an Or- urably be- i tpxt for the of it8 consequences j enU , dnlieg> or could be manafactare d phan’s Home in Georgia, besides S500 per ■ if he felt j of wllicb we have a,, y knowedge. We are oQt of tbe Recon8trnct ; on acts to ga ; d e or a " D “ m for hve ? eua t0 sn PP° rt the ° rpb “ 1 guide him in bis business! Here teas the stone upon tchirh Gen. Terry blundered, and it was . j--j— - n i .. a blunder we think he must hereafter admit cqu.pped here, w„ul,l be not less than yotld its colltro1 c , direction, in all matter, j [™\[° im J\ e6a j and ever condemn. His powers, we be ced as ilU*gitimalc, and those stand as its sponsors to day will in the hour of its peril llee from its vindica tion. It will be ignored and resisted. ' lion has pronounced in favor ol a reve- Greal and sovereign Stales will not : nue tariff! aod other political and con»- yield to an intolerable degradation al mercial organizations will follow in the the dictate of force, whether it be aim- ; same track, ed at them through a Congressional t wen tv or thirty per cent. more. LEO. Gen. Butler failed twice iu on Friday, tn get the floor to reply to Mr which tbe Constitution has assigned to President Grant lias the privilege, and it is j Iieve, were ample; and God know* he bad j that we. of ouselves know if a certainty that his department ; and General Sherman j Senator Wilson wrote upon matters and j tbe assistance of the blood hounds of Bal* the House ■ should know no other ruler than bis chief ^ b ' D S s which he was individually and j j ocb 6ee4) % ou j an j bring to bay all who personally, most profoundly ignorant, bat | defied ^ ]avs Qr putraged : we appeal to common sense—to the many ' Dawes speech of Tuesday, and to defend , • , , . , n ... • j . , , “. . / , r Ins duty to read the Constitution and to the administration lrotn the charges ot ex- J fravagance which the latter made so glar- majority directly or through the action of a far ofF Stale. * * * * The end is not yet. reconst melon is a monster which will create storm tempes , and disorder, ingly. Mr. Dawes, notwithstanding the abuse heaped upon him by some of his to stand by his record, interpret it, as his judgement suggests, if newspapers, daily aud ateekly, that were that judgement honestly conflicts with the | Pushed all over Georgia at the time, if foil.’ the “ trooly It, however, uone could be found, children.’ Such acts of liberality should be remem bered by our people, and if books are wanted of any description, school, religious, historical, scientific, travels, novels, Ac., a letter to tbe house will give tbe writer a full catalogue of all tbe books, published by them, and the prices. BP Mr. J. C. Derby has established a wise, overthrow the authors. There ii no snfety from despotism but in pr< A tariff, framed upon the report of "P*™ Commissioner Wells, will be offered ' 0W V '/• ten ' 8 . , , f ,. „ * * ■ i . i and will make a speech In defence ot hia . . j J- e a'Ri-protectionisU ss a substitute , 0Pe jj a bas rcce i ve d letter's from ns s^ sit ni o j tor lhal ol the Committee, and there is J Rorace Greely- the editors of the New ; Y’orkPost, Boston Traveler, and other Re publican journals, warmly commending his expose of extravagance.— Tel. ^ Me is. On tbe opening of tbe Ecumenical Conn cil on December Sth, Monsoigaeur Gan judgement raid action of Congress, he can what the Senator wrote, was even the sem forbid, or veto, and in case he is still bprue ^ aIaH(e of truth ?■ We appeal to the citizens es ^ cnt and m(lg t damaging negative tba t down, we do not think he is even tlieu ol our ^ State, if what he wrote as only inti* ^ General Terry’s “ Report ” can or will ev- it is but reasonable to presume there were Sonthern p ab lj s king Agency at Augusta, | j none !-aad we regard Governor Bullock's Qa <nd degire8 good canvassing agents. deQlaratien to that extent, as the unkind- Tbe fh#t wi „ ^ jsgned will CODta in an immense amount of interesting and in- souie chance lor its success in the House. At any rale the revenue and Until the people, by the ballot, nr other- i anti-protection 'principle is undoubtedly to prevail in our legislation on the lar- iff, at no distant day. As lo ihc man* altogether powerless, or at the end of his< row. The Supreme Court in such case, is remark coald have been justified by actual eircum mating the amount of erime unusual, alarming, and perilous to loyal citizens-: structive reading matter, besides a number to arouse. The followiug is the list offer- ourselves anil this great political inher-1 earnestly as they do for a stable and itance, we must Jo it through the just permanent system of duties, to which and fearless vindication ot those rights they can accommodate themselves. pa rat ion to reject tin? flagrant wrong ;: ufaetures the more intelligent anti skill* j dolfi was prepaiing to enter the Vatican, and let the issue come. It we save , ful ol them ask not lor high duties so when two strange priests assisted him to dress. He afterwards discovered that the stranger had taken a magnificent gnldeu cross set with diamonds, which the Pope had presented to him. Tbe statistics of the Methodist Episco pal Church South 6um as follows : There are nine bishops, 2.495 traveling preach ers, 4 413 local preachers ; white members 503, 596 ; colored members, 32, 0S5. Tbe aggregate of members and preachers is 545,000, tbe constitutional umpire. But most able of all, is the fact, that this co-equal >u “ cea ’ more than hav ? WP« u « d Iu « ve and co ordiuate “ estate” ol the govern meat is snubbed hy Congress, qnite as by some so long despised and rejected -—the rights of the State The 'Trustees of the Peabody South ern educational fund, have just held theie annual meetin^here. Eulogiums North Carolina Ahead.—There j mid resolutions in honor of memory of is a man living in the mountains of the distinguished benefactor, and the North Carolina, not more than forty report ol the operations of the Board miles from Greenville, South Carolina, for the last year was received. It la aays the Tarboro’ Carolinian, w ho has staled that the use of the fund has been reached the extraordinary age nf one productive of much good, chiefly by hundred and forty three years. the stimulus and encouragement it has time ol liradlock’s defeat he was twei;-, given to the Committee in the establish* ty veai.- old, aud bad a wile and three j ineniof schools. The receipts fronj the children: A aeiilfetnan at Greenviile ! fund for the last year were' ninety-six states that this man has cotpe. down to thousand dollars, and the expenditures ry State in tbe Union for the last qoartar l of a century ? We would appeal to Gen- arrogantly and dictatorially as has been | eral T ' Bn y* the *® ca,1 ® d c * 8eB preSL . n ted, and add or correct any the President. The exclusive province of j reported to him after he received the order ception we ma y bave ma ^ e . t b*t the one, as well as tbe honored prerogative ! f rom Sherman were such unmistakable facts, a* would have determined him to ar- | er receive ; but our remarks have acquired ’ too much space for onr column* this week ; tQ tbe pu blic. as agent for Appleton Sc * j we will endeavor to add other circumstan* £ 0 ^ ew y or fc. | ces in a future number. In the mean time, Appleton’* New American Cyclopedia, we trust all our reader* will reflect upon ifivol*.; Appleton’s Annual Cyclopedia, ! the train of circumstances which we have S vols.; Burton’s Cyclopedia of Wit and V r V _ — C ■ ■. ■ * Ift I Y a a* ft iftti a f t na Humor, 1 vol.; Smith’s Dictionary of tbe L u “°'' u “ Bible, 1 vol.; Cyclopedia of Commercial the truth AnecdoteSf i v ol.; Curtis’Life of Daniel of the other, have been alike entrenched upon by tbe Jack Cades of tbe legislative branch. We moreover believe, that it is President Graut’a business and duty, as it certainly should be his pride and pleasure, to maintain and sustain the Federal Judi ciary in all its constitutional rights, as and nothing but the truth may be under,, waster, 2 vols. ; Maybews’ Illustrated , stood and respected-; it will ultimately tri- Horse Doctor, 1 vol.; Beard’s Home Pby- rest the persons accused of these crimes ; bf am j it8 ho , fires wa ibould nol al- sician. 1 vol.; Wariug’s Farmers’ and ..d murder,, of hi. ... mure mo,mu. .ud ^ . Iti „ BaU h.d o, .mothered. 1““.^ \ '.°lf SSrtW iug of the Grey, 1 vol.; Greeley’* Ameri can Conflict, 2 vols.; Chamberlain’s Coro- , from a belief that conviction would or j should unquestionably follow ? and wbeth j ! er he as the military head of affairs in j ! Georgia at tbe time, and for months pie- , We see from a published list of , r ■ i t f t t.pir«15«bilitiea the mercial Law, 1 vol.; Richardson s Beyond Georgians relieved of their disabilities, tbe ^ Migfiiggippi| j voJ . M?fk Twain ' 8 I n . The citizens of Corinne, Utah Territo- it encumbent to have auy ry. have built an adobe Church, the first Christian edifice iu Utah. It is estimated iu London that the fetes at the openiug of the Suez canal have cost the Viceroy the enormous figure of wnat he believes to-he au ttm-onstitutionsal', *6 000.000 gold. much and tu eve,, l„ e .l e.tuut, he feel. | vim», Aft »AI «.liuof Georgi. ! folh..iug from B,ld.,u co. ■ W. G. Me- i ^ Vin«'. PuUic.- ... - , , i_ tnrhiilnhf rebellious lawless ar.d ' Adoo, L. H. Briscoe, B. B. deGraffennad. | 10 ns, in Monthly Parts, constitutional act i to be of a tnrbuleht, rebellions, lawless and Peter Fair, A. J. Pool. Thos. W. White, See advertisement in another place. of Congress executed. We deny tbe as*, ungovernable character, that with the Jn , g _ w diciary Department, organized and officered ^ Can.ngton, and Geo. M. Lncaa. We by Governor Bullock himself, to aid and , a ™ to state, that they ara all gen- assist bis military Pope;, he conhl not have | tleuieu of character and position, and wor- act, if that act can, without detriment to i corrected the evils without placing the | thy of public confidence. sumption that a mere partizau majority of Cougress can order the President to do I is estimated that there are three hun dred thousand women in the State of New York, with ao. proepeetdof ^airkop otf-^uo^ men enough to go around-