Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, March 22, 1870, Image 2

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irti.L^saHFhribnaEtord Moudm The Georgia Bill as it Passed the-) Secrets of the Silk Trade. . \veii*h something mure by artificial i Armies of the Great powers. | XII k LOSS OF 'I IIE OS El l» A. House. ! Patterson. N. J. t the Lyons of America— j means; so, while the young girls were | A recent number of Blackwood’s j One Hundred and Ticenty Persons Go the Silk Question—Secrets for the La- spooling the silk lor ‘’filling in, ” they i \fooazine* 0nd 5cusses in some forty col- the Bottom dipped their fingers m a preparation of, umns ihe organization of the armies of: oil atul lamp-black. Bv this means 1 **-—* n • • ■ ■- two ounces or more were adoed to the pound. When they happened to get on j worth condensin'* dies -—How to Buy a Silk Dress. A lively writer in the Philadelphia The bill recites in the preamble that i the people ol Georgia have framed and j adopted a Constitution of Stale govern- j r , ■ i • i, . i-ihpi a lively writer in me rnoautapma meni which is Republican , ttiat me { T , r, r • al 1 Press sends from Patterson the follow- Leuislaiure ol Georgia elected under . . . ... . ,,id 0....,million lms ratified the Four* I mgmstde view oftlie ,dk busrueiss: ,.e„.h H...I Fifteenth Amendment, lo | . f»r many reasons , I. e finger of <le* i /. . . . i-.i , r:,-, p i c,i linv points lo Patterson, New Jersev, the Coo'tumion of the Lulled stales. , • • . ■ . . as the future headquarters of ilie silk j manufacture of America. Patterson Isentalion "of'ihe t»«*'« Unile.l Stales vvl,at Cv-j JSXf‘.’Ilk ons is lo r ranee. W ithin a few inoaths marinfaclories established elsewhere, have been removed to this place. The Reduction in the Price of Gold. '' ll UlC 8 e, ‘* j Gold has been flnced down -Mjjjjjj!« ChineT ft, Z! lcpal V ndeis up, bv the appliances oi mg , ,8 ' and the effoitsofthe Admin- ever, „ he tenns of their con- A Francisco so much tha- the boxes which held the fabric were oiled, these silks were pro nouneed “oil boiled.” To-day there are clerks in slores who will taiU to us about “oil boiled silks,” adding “this wears.” After the silk is dyed Sometimes a the < treat Powers, and affords inform- j. \ r ' Hn . anon a, ,o ,h,ir ,,re,eut condition "'"S'/S",I*""”;” 1 "" 0, ' he . 1 ?“ ? readable lirrs ! United slates steamer Oneida, which into 11: and that tin- performance ol these sev eral acts m good faith is a condition precedent io tlie repre State in Congress. The bill, therefore, declares that the j Siale ot Georgia i» entitled_to rej r *?' ; M, )St 0 j- t j je (na „ u j aclur( . r3 „f Paiter- ation in the Congress of the Lniien, . ,. Suites, provided that befit* auv men.- I *«.l««« *P«“ »Ppren!.ccsh,p Iter or the |.e«.l«y« ol said gtMe i >n horope. l o ttos are added 1 ankee siial! lake or resiline his seat, or any j ingcmmy awl a .lelerrotltatton utecl.pse tVffitter of said State shall enter upon , ,he " ork * .- the duties or his office, he shall take! Il 15 /'"'S 1 ' ,n h ""S '« >° and suMerihe, and file in the office ofjevery Amencan wontana cheek to the Secretary of the Stale of Georgia, i «»>«* > *»'«"*■> brothers ol ours for permanent preservation, an oath or : musl he " hi .'S eli lo smoggle their dam-; j, <)ni one establishment in the country affirmation m the following form : j l ' e5 ‘ S'™ 5 •«<» marktl “■«»« * '"rag" I that makes “spun goods,” and these I . do solemnly swear or (orlhrand, because women refuse In he-l ln ade in , Ue | and „f /...wooden nut affirm) that I have never taken an oath |1«™ "> '*>« > , . ro £ bet . wl . ,,> 'i.. born . megs." usa i.iem .i*,-Congress, or as an olfi-i jl ,c,r ow " neighborhood. The tone cer of Hi. United States or as h mem- j bas > been when domestic sewing silk; (farthe Centra! Georgian.) Iicr of a„v State Legislature, or as an i *«<l l « »' ei,r “ /'"g | Dubliv, Ga., Peb. 80, 1570. executive „r judicial officer of „„ y d>'s nonsensical wh„„ ol women has j M „. Medlock . ,,r been swept awav, and there is nothing j „ blaie, to sup|>orl the Go 1st t )i . American «eWiittr silk wearing » Dear btr :— In your issue of the 23d the Unite<l States, and afterward en- American sewing silk, wearing a H lludin- i oosstsict senutne laltel now to be found in the m l *' . n 1 auuuin e gaged in msurreclionor ret»ellionagHtn>t : o , . cninmitted n ihis ofmmv fli^ao..-, or oiven aid or comfort to market. -It is true, a duty imposed up-1 committed ... county the enemi, s thereof; so help me God.” i on t lie foreign article had something to The North German urmv is raisetl out of a population of 30,000,000. Il , consists of'300,000 regulars, 250,000 i hve „„ ; , . , il- i accident occurred a' seven reserves, anu a laudwehr ordrilled m, • evening, the United blates Minister the ring istralion, to ft premium ranging from ten to twelve per cent. This is very near to a specie standard. Now, who will be benefited by this. First, the Government. It collected from ihe; The steamer left her anchorage about people about $170,000,000 a year in j e o’clock in t tie afternoon, ami tha internal revenue, all of which it receiv- ■ ed in legal tenders or their equivalent. | When gold was forty per cent, this; ! left Yokohama on die 22d of January, homeward bound. the same tracts. Yours, faithfully, DEVON. [S/ID. Rep. March 2. l^Froiti tlie Charleston Courier.] OUR WASBZHaiOS CQR3LS ». ronDZHOS. Washington, March 11. mill »ii of *170 non f »j evening, i ne united states atinisier when gold w r as tortv per cem.uns; \V .tu rare promptnees and unanimi- mili tiaot 370,000men, nuking agrand . . .» . , . . . . u » , u . j tv die House has passed the Bi re- teh.1 Of 1,080,(00 men. This force .» ! hei !<>re„on„ end rece.v- | amounted .Q *103,000,000 .ndmlcom-ly F A lier the close „U ,-]ed the usual salute, and the guns were | nio dity. It now amounts to more than uut - &. ^ A reloaded with the expectation of reply-; $150,000,000. Thus our internal rev-j'v ar » 1113 U:,ua . ° r a "f, 10 ! 13 lo tut nvure the \ at about twenty years of’age, serve for I | n = to a sa,ate from ® R,, *f an g an '; enue taxes increase nearly one-thin 1 - | ^^sbeen prim Jd up bv pretei7 silk than is j three years as regulars, then pass into | bosU lo Mr * DeL . on 8‘ The salute, how-, B ut at the same time the capacity of; R | just; the reserves for four years, and then, ever ’ 'Tf S ,ven ' " nt lhe S ,,ns re ' ! the peof little oil is u»ed lor softeuing purposes, i raised bv an annual conscription of but anything adilitional is a positive in-I Kto.OOO.' The conscripts, drawn at jury to the silk. When weight of five is used for s necessary’, die silk is depreci; half in value. If thrice is added the | after five years silk is depreciated three fold. ; wehr are iiua By these and kindred sorceries die j set vod t\t elve years. French are trying lo drive American | footings When war manufactures out of the market. There the same tune the capacity oi ’ .. 4 ‘ .■ , . i n .L,, ; ed diliicu ties of reconstruction. One >ple to pay diem is more than | " «’ "'service" mThe hmd- m . ain ' 1 ' , As Oneld:.slemn-; correspondingly ' reduced. Price, i.“amT'l'a'rvdS dly discharged, havino I ed oul ot ,he harbor lne crews ot ll,e I tailing ; business is depressed ; the wa- j ago, agaiiui a rec ucuon oi tne number , " This°i« the peace ■ vari,,l)S v£, ^els, and the men at work i ges „f | a bor are reduced. The break* out each in the l ,ort ’ 8 ave cheers and wished her j holder is profited. battalion of 500 men is doubled by the i a . ha , 1,f, T V °P g c ° n pa "? in ^ °. ul 0 [|his bonds tl was with legal tenders some number drawn from the reserve.., lke tlor bres werc a "' 1 ! worth forty cent, on lhe dollar. To ! steam blown off. The bond- 1 ut officers of the army was that the oul- When he bought lying Stales would .equire a military force lo keep them in subjection. This pretext is no longer available. jury. under tne pains and penalties oi per-1 *'.tl. die change of opinion, but the (as the case may be:) or such j ‘"ne w.ff come when American ribbons person shall in like manner lake, sub- « n ‘| f » road 5,lks "‘‘Man.l dehanlly on hie the following oath „ r | »hc.r Imnest reputations; and yet it is affirmation: I, , do solemnly M “* ! h,,lk how many silly women swear (or affirm) that l have, by act of| l,,os f° ,n fa,le awa y .^fore j Congress ol die United Stales, been re- j ‘|* al certain transition takes place.- j lieved bom the disabilities imposed i Over four millions of capital are invest i upon me by die Fourteendi Amend to die homicide on the lfidi ult., yon do violence (undcsignedly of course) both to Mr. Williams and to the facts as they exist, and believing that you intend no injury to any one, 1 write that you mav correct the error. The evidence betore tlie Court of en quiry. develope the following facts : 'I’hnt Parsons had several days pievi- ous to the homicide, visited the resi dence of Mr. Calvin H. iml remain- shouted, “ steamer lights ahead !” and j ligeff to take them, whatever they may j the g rovrlh ^ a inilllar y aristocracy, a midshi^ma:- gave the order to port ■ be worth. Were this reduction in the j It abolishes brevet rank, and forbids helm. Every tiling »eemed quiet on j price of sold increase in the value ot I fhe assumption ot a title on the wear- n "“ ; ihe circulating rnedinrr Jaccompanied | '“g ot a unilortn of a higher rank tlian i by a reduction in taxation and in the • l ^ iaL actually held. It forbids an army incut recalling from con ed in the sill< business m Paterson.— . tin (' million id tlie Fniied ! Nineteen large separate establishments J companied by his bieml, i < ' ! u| r d or under he ! nmy tie fonml within its limits. ! ri! al l,1R lloll3fi an<l " 131<le (lt ' '^ V ; to perform. II. case of . oe> , m) help me God, < r under the - < y at< j from sun set until after dark, con- ' war footing is reached . tinually abusing Williams and msuli- A v isit to the silk mills has disclosed lion^ shall fie laken before and cerli- j the awful fact that tficre w no such fled by any officer lawfully authorized thing as cheap silk, any more than to administer oaths. And any person 1 there is cheap gold. Il is true, we find who shall knowingly swear or affirm j sham silks and dollar jewelry in the I means lie could devise to provoke th i elv in taking either ef such oaths or I market, and both hear ‘ l The land wehr then undertakes the re-1 s ^ a "‘ ,ai * force them now up to ninety cents «nd ; ] he ^‘ lr ^ reduce^pay and serve duties or garrisoning fortresses ; ^hiie the officers were at dinner,; over ,« a great triumph, when .Ms re-1 f.d ^fi^eTadveL to and keeping up communications, tnus ! abfMl1 seven 0 cIodt ’ the Iookoul ,nan ! membered that the (.ondliolder is oh- j emoluments, and, in fine, is adverse to liberating the whole of the regular i mops for field service. Austria musters a total force of l, , , , , - . . rv---> in in _ i . , 0f board trie other steamer. Inis leads 0o3,0U0 out of a population of 30,000,-1 , , 000 Tlif. nr v • r ‘ar nf nflO I l ° 1 ,fi be IG * S " e had not obseiVCil „ ... . reoulars 545 000 reserves 63 000 fron ! l hc Oneida, although her lights were j amount of our indebtedness, it would (officer to hold a civil office, whether by tier troops, and a laudwehr of 200,000. i burain S brightly. The steamer, which j be a subject of general blessing. But j election or appointment. Thus the Each year 97,000 conscripts are drawn. ! l ,roved t,, be lllc Bombay, of the l en- j when you make money more valuable . I re»u ent cannot again appoint a Gen- These conscripts serve three years in ! 1 " s, 1 ,Ia an ‘ ( J ne ‘ Ttal Ine ’ ca,,,e r, S bt or 3 ‘ ! *" d harder loget, and still ask as much I era! of the army as Assistant 1 reasurer the regular army, seven in the reserves i a [ ld 3lruck l h« Oneida on tha starboard j G f a a9 before for Government purpo-|ol New lork. and after Ins dismissal ! and two in the land wehr, and then like ! abait tbe gangway, about half way be- | se s, a great injury Jis done to the poor! ™ the civil service, on account of like their German neighbors are dis- 1 lwe#n ,be mam and mizzen rigging. i and laboring classes. Itispayingaii|hisconnectionwiihtnegoldpanic,per- charged, Imvin<» served° twelve years. I bo ^ e was cut, through which the | expanded war debt upon a contracted j m * 1 him to resume his military rank, Oft he young men of military age (20 I .^ bole iat L erb)r P arl , of tbe sb, P was v, f g P ecie circulmion.—Cincinnati Eng. | ai j d without trial by court martial.— to 21) in each vear who are not drawn i lb!e ’ 1 bc bl "" ac,e - wbeel and r,,d ' | Th p - ’ - I A11 and commutations are Irom tlie bulk are assigned to the land- i der were ™ TTwd , awa >’; n , nd lhe uvo j fin _, ^ he Fund '° S r> B,,L . , . . j SWept ° fl b> , lh 'f- B,H ’ und a Cerlam men standing at tha wheel were in* i i he r unding and Banking bill, m-1 P a y assigned m lieu thereof. I troduced by Senator Sherman, pro-| Thus the Lieutenant-General is to Williams, ae- i wehr, where they serve twelve years. f . . .. j I’he remainder have no military duty 1 * lan! Y kl * ct '* and. penalties of perjury, (as th* ciiM* may be ;) which oaths or yflirma- ing his family grossly. Williams and his wife urging him to leave all the while, but Parsons persistently refused to do so but endeavored by every j hostilities the by each regi- ils own reserve The Bombay did not stop after crushing through the Onedia, though the guns of the latter, which happened ihe rvquiri-d number ot men, the lalui-ll 0 'f lo " ll « 1 ’ ' vere “ lm0 * 1 i 1 i __ ... ..i! i I fired to attract her attention and bung her back. Orders were given to lower the we fir succeeding to all garrison and guard duly, as in North Germany. j Russia has recently re-organized her . ! b vide? the following : j have ten thousand dollars a year ; a 1 That ?400,000,000 five per cent, i Major-General seven thousand five ten twenty year bonds be issued al par i hundred ; Brighdier, five thousand; for gold or for present live-twenty ' Colonel, thirty-five hundred ; Major, year bonds. The gold lo be used for j twenty-five hundred, &c. The retired redemption of five twenty bonds. ; officers are to receive seventy-five per 2. That 8400,000,000 four and a cent, of the full pay of their rank. In oats, but only one life boat wa* avail- j half per cent, fifteen-thirty year bonds j the pay or officers alone, this will save ! army upon the North-German system. ! u , J a P* r ' c,u ’ «'*^n-ininv year oonos j u.y F av *iunc, im* wm save 'O it*( f a nor-ilation of (37 000 000 an i ablbc ol bers * ,:lvin S been crushed. \ be issued at par tor gold or any Gov-!! fifteen hundred thousand dollars, and fai eiy in taking eiltierct suen oatns or : maruet. and Ooth hear exactly the j ott! m:ui t » combat. Williams kumvirm ! Out''of a population of (37,000,000 an , .... , - .. n . . affirm.,nous, shall be deemed guilty of same relation to the -original. An ! thal p arsoll3 h:1(j t l }r eau-no<! to kill him", ! army of 700,000 is maintained, which. | j "?_"!!!!!il?!* 1 mg 8 ,,S S ber rale ot j e “ t "!“_ l f d _ at ^ in vain to induce : retired inside tlie insisted on his coin- lie fined not less than $1,000, and noi I ffic silk manufacturer, it is the belief ofj n)fT ou( more tlmn $10,090. And in all trials the writer that the Chinese and Japan-1 re f USC3 relation to the -original. An perjury, and shall be punished therefor, ounce of pure silk is worth its weight a f ler endeavoring bv imprisonment not less than one year, j in silver all over the civilized globe. ; Parsons to IcavT* ami not more than ten years, and shall ' Without consulting the opinion °lj house and Batsons and renew the quarrel. W. . . and is dragged bv Parsons’ for anv violation of this act the cerlifi- ese barbariuns send to outsiders only f r ; en ff f, om |,i 5 house, 'i'liis would eaie <4 the taking of either of said oaths ! their refuse silks. If wc had our choice seem t 0 have been cnomffi io cratilv or affirmations, with proof of the signa- | in their markets ms we have in France! t ( )( , base whim of any man but not so tare ,?f the pariv accused, shall be tak- and Italy (yet we are somewhat i'R-i j n this case. They"go further and uu- *■«' a " (i bfltl as conclusive evidence | strict ed there, for they are jea!ou« of ( | er tnke to r/rc/tc/nhe°o!i1 rnnn W. with that such oath or affirmation was regu iour progress.) we should find theit t liquor. Not yet content, Parsons in- larly and lawfully administered by —raw silks” quite as good as Italian. v i (es him outside the vhioI for a fight, competent authority. Every such per- j Chinu and Japan treat the world with j refu=iim but ordering Pars0n7 to soil who shall neglect for the period ofj tea *uch as they never taste themselves | fo ave his house, and when finally in tlie act of leaving. Parsons notifies \V. by recalling the men on furlough. She draws 100,000 conscripts ant from the young men between twenty- one and thirty years ot age, wbo-are three millions. 'Phis is a beginning of 3. Thai an unlimited amount of I practical retrenchment. The old offi- ,- . i , onn nna [ darri, the boa swam, and filteen of tbe ' coin interest m case of war, can be raised 1,200,000! T . ’ - . . . * She I crew - rive guns were fired, hut be-j 3, lhati nuallv ! b,re lbe slxlb ? un cnu ' d be discharged, | four per cent. twenty-i<>rty year bonds j cers of the army have more influence • f the Oneida sunk within ten minutes af-1 be issued, as the Secretary ol the ! with the Senate than with the House, ter she was struck, ! Treasury may decide necessary, in ex- j and they w ill oppose the passage of the I |- j i- i'll ' blit one half' N° ne oP lbose saved, saw a man or | change for any indeblness of the (Jni- ! Bill in that body. > the time on furlough ' | heard a' voice on board the Bombay.— ! ted States including legal tenders. | Tbe progress of the Funding Bill in : 'Vrauce* holds ' ihe “Empire is i ^' he y re P orl that when it became evi-1 4. Total excpmtion from texas. j the Senate is w’atched with great intrr- jon non mmlar ,Lm« j dent that thtre was no hope of saving i 5. That coupons he paid abroad ns i est, and every movement in regard to I l(£:«U0 I officer, piherad around | well.. ben. i, ufleots .h e pneo of gold m Wall serve* and a Garde Mobile of330 000 ; —‘P la,ri dhams, and h* was heard j 6. Agents to be appoirited here and ! street, lhe national banking interest i * 1 -.T* • . 11 . ‘o nf 1 n;c nno I to say that if the ship went down he ! abroad lo sell *nd negotiate the loan, j has made a strong protest against the out o, a population of 37 500,000,! wo,J ( go Wlth her * 1 he lite-ooat wa* j and not more than one per cent, to be • eiglitn section, which requires the I) _ _ _ * ! to fpiiv^ th*» QinUl/HT shin In ! ifum i hanky 1 rt *T( , fiunt,p ttioir tmmlu ilarmaii. thin\ days next alter the passage oM To our sorrow we have learned their liiis act to take, subscribe and file such I adulteration of this beverage. We oath or affirmation as aforesu-d, is to j know that tea is sent us afler having be deemed and taken, to all intents and t been already “steeped*” By what purposes, to have \itcuicd his office, j means shall w r c decipher the secrets of ft is further declared that tlie State the silken skeins? Each year the conscription takes 100,* j obliged lo leave the sinking ship to j paid them. j banks to exchange their bonds deposit- 000 men of about 21 years ofagV^Oi : avobl being swamped. j 7. Reserve $150,000,000, each year j ed as security, for new bonds drawing time I these, 70,000 go al once into ranks for | Alter pulling about for a while, the out oi import duties for payment of in-- ess interest. A numerous body ot crew of the life-boat seeing none ot the teresl snd reduction of principal of; bankers have appealed to the ^secretary miKl-’rv rlolkf Rnn/1 imtu Ar I imran fli*r ! tit 1 lift I fFH QllrV MQf3!nt! I hp hnnlcKin n f 160 that he would kiii him the “first he (B) caught Inin (W) outside of his j five years, and then pass for four into j ^ floatin nol one ofall the ( s).eiu. osureo. ; e si.couu leserve, .un. ar i t_9 | w b 0 went down, unwillingly bent their | |o be held by the Treisurer in the j this section, and the Secretary has and “Special Fund” j referred them to the Senate. They public debt., Bond now or thereafter j of the Treasury against the hardship of T.iieold man being eery old (05 years) j charged. The second portion, or 30,- ; W3 hea(J lo lan(iward> about fi ve I “Sinking Fund’ and infirm, in fact quite an invalid lor j 000 remaining, constitute the first re- \ ,• « , i- .i . ! . .. . ° back lo their ; mdes <-1 istunt. On landing the natives j shall be cancelled and destroyed. will accept the Bill, however, if they of Georgia is admitted !o rejiresenta- ; It is very natural for a woman to} several years past, am! feeling his ina- lion in Congress as one of tlie Slates of! want a heavy, elegant silk dress for as j b j|j f y r,j contend with Pardons, who ih«- Union upon the following funda-j moderate a sum ns it can possibly be j was a forge, healthy and athletic young ! during the first two years, mental conditions: first, thatthe Con i procured. How can it be cheap when j ma n, wei^hm* over 200 lbs. coining enrolled in the reserve without peace I lu w “‘ u , . r . . . - , . . . • so j .silk, just a9 lhe worm leaves it is worth | a ||y remiTinu.f n! his limiso Irom the | Gi8y for several years longer. All the I [ eac,1 S ti at lhe next moromg. | Bank crculat.on ; time of the first difficulty, to trie date siitmion of Georgia shall never be amend'd or changed as to deprive any j sixteen dollars per pound? The dc- eoizfti or class of citizens of the United j sired result is brought about just exact- Siatos oft In- right to vote who are en- j ly the way that “Erie slock” was en- iwo reserves m litloii to vote by the Constitution herein : hanced in value. The purchaser pays j j,j s determination to kill W. so soon as eeive not more than fifteen drills ol one recogt izi j <i. except as a punishment tor j for the silk, also n modest sum for the j | )fJ should see him. Finally on the Jf>th ! day each during the year. The war such etirnes as are now felonies at corn-| labor, and a big price for tbe “dye I j ns t M Parsons lakes a gun in his buti- j footing draws on the inon law, whereof they shall have been | stuffs. To such perfection abroad i ay, arms his little cousine and conies duly convicted under laws equally ap-j have the dyers brought this art that I with him to this place, borrows ahoth- plicable to all the inhabitants of said j they are now enabled to make silk j er gun and leaves town thus armed, States, provided, thal nny alteration ol j weigh five times as much as it did be- declaring that he knew Williams would said Constitution, prospective in its j fore the process of dyeing. For in- not huitlfiin, Mint he was “loo much effects, may be made in regard to the j stance, one ounce of silk prepared for I () f a coward to shoot,” arid while goum time and place o! residence of voters, jthe loom, when returned from the dye- ; ()Ut of town to Williams’ house, (wiiith- house, weighs five ounces. ^ ,- rr | JC ffirecily went’) distant miles, now to choose black 3U.K. 1 he declared his determination to three When a woman is about to choose I different men, (at three different limes.) race, color, ...- previous coml.l.on ot ] bl{|f . k siIk j, ia we ll „„li B ,» irM ,l! t* kill Williams “before sunset” that servitude, of the rig under the C’onstiiution il ome* and 1 are* drilled five months kindly treated them, and they obtained j S. After October 1st, 1870 no other j be relieved from taxes upon their cir- dirir o'the first two years but remain' lbe ass * stance of a 8 u i de > and started j bonds, than those under this act shall j culation and deposits. They profess L< ’ 1 “ looiohama, which they 1 be received as eecurity for National I to favor the policy of funding the debt t _ _ and two thirds oi at a lower rate of inteiest. The Bill , nop. wfir» in p^r-h 1'- ie Bo'T'bfov ' r » tried iately order- j such bonds must be of the 4 percent, will, at anv rate, damage the banks in ,, ..... • , „ i V° < U W ! ed lo tbe - e,,e "«■ tbe wr - k > aad — ! issae. Existing National Baiks must ot the killing m the inean.imc i .jr.mns >«-. . ‘ Mobile- and’ re-! ceeded ,M saving twenty-nine men, | withdraw their securities and substi- corilinuallv ami repeatedly declaring fenrolied m the Garde Mobile, and re- j w[)o ha(1 gQl inU) “ cuUer ^ hich down. Several Second, liial it shall never Ire lawful for the State lo deprive any citizen of ihe Uniital States oil account of Lis lint nr nrevimn condition of one respect, for it will prohibit them securities and substi- from taking more than seven per cent, tuie bonds as above. j interest. The managers of tlie banks when the ship went down. Severall 9. No bank can receive overSOperideclarethatiftheBillistopass.with- olber ve3?e,s i one vv ’ th Minister DeLong cent, of the par value of bonds depos- j out alterations in their lavor, it will succession, and places the Gardello- board, proceeded-to the scene of tbe heff. break ap the banks and force them into bile on guard at the fortresses and ! ! h " aster lJunn S tbe (,a - v ’ bul no more I 10. Any bank can pay legal tender j liquidation. linos oi communication. I lives were saved. ^ ; notes to any amount to the 1 reasurer, ‘ The proposition of benator Williams, Great Britain’s army, including tlie ! The Japanese Goverment sent boats j and receive circulating notes therefor, j of Oregon, to authorize the payment ot * ’.^,1 i qo nnn j a »d apparatus in search of tlie wreck, based on the 4 per cent, bonds, with- ! one-half of the amount of duties on im- ' ,' u " , , , « i black silk, it is well to pull out a thread !ki gh, to hoi,I olhce|, lfllle .. tran „ or6||i ■ Sh „ Hoy. on and laws of said t. , .u i >,-*. . .* ! R. Parsons went, as stated, direct- fore s in India, is estimated at 1SS.000 j ‘ ,,K a BP araius Ul . lHtt j bas * t .‘ on tr,e 4 l >er , ., , ■ , regulars, 130,006 regular reseves, and ! aad d t,ecossar y lo 1 ,e *P°J— | «uL limitation, and said egal lender iq, A i)f) 1 s . reserve ' Of the first re- ! 1 " e P as . sen S ers , OH 1)0:1 rcl tl,e Bombay | no ies ehall be cancelled and destroyed. ' ’ ‘ s ' . - vvere quite surprised when they beard the calamity that had befallen the ves sel they had struck, but declared they neither heard any request from the Oneida to stay by them, or minute guns fired. A navel court has been serve all except 2.000 pensioners and militia, regulars are while the last reserve is made up of 14,000 yeoman ry and 170,000 volunteers. The Brit ish army recruits 14,000 annually, out j ... vtn< omoi u r ; u . . l' OH DrtlJ LL/f ■’S'l tllllS IIICU* M(l V L I LUUI t IJUC 11 ; the strength of the thread. If it breaks j ’.V »«> 1° ^ house and leaves the mail of a fiojtulatiou of A ,00 3, 0. I hose | cie(nanf j e( j b y the captain of the Botn- I easily the examination has »»«•.«• 1 anu halts alongside ol W’s fence, near ; recruits of course go into lne regular ar- :, and halts alongside ot W’s fen W. seeing bi n, th btate, or upon anv such ground to re- , .. , , . ’ .. . d . 15 .... . icasilv the examination has gone lari omre ot him tiny other qualifications * , • • , , , • , , '■ ,i... i ir .,, af . ! _ . -. 1 . . . enough; it is wisdom to look farther. | lt,n MOU3C l„r offix-r Hun, ouch as are rt-.|uirrffi «l j U c fup|)oje , llo bas bee „ j ,i!l ,,lh, r c,u«n-. riiird,tliallhi‘Gon- ||iei) an(! ,, l( |i MI , ;9 s „ llle hnck-Umr,j os me ii-nci- rarsnn foe,, ram shall never l.e »! lhe „ „ ia l)cccssarv> jr , lle a ! him (W) ami lull, him near recruits of course go into the regular ar- j j rnv where they serve twelve years, the ■ ‘ ' * '• of SUrllios Slfttittlis. Some statistician has been figuring on the cost of an “occasional drink,” and ports in greenbacks, is generally hailed as the very tiling needed for paper currency to par with gold. It will bring out the gold now locked up in the country. A Philadelphia paper declares that the merchants and man- on an the result is positively astonishing. In j ufaeiuters of that city are desirous ot answer to the cjuestion : “ How are j resumption, and desire it at once.— so many drinking houses sustained f” ‘ Williams’ proposition is declared to be j he shows that men at 36 cents a day, i “the open sesame” ot resumption. amended or changed as to deprive any ctiizen or class of citizen* nf the United States oi the school rights and leges seemed by the Constitution ol said Stale. Provided, That no section in if he crosses right brave, ami dare do such h tliiucr f tLe fence he would kill him instantly. .„,. s 9BsfiW j when |,, relief,-1 reserves being with the excepriun of I T ? e aml "«!?/ f ,he . °" ei . ,la \ wil1 W <Wnil>8»hops $2,190 a year. A j The Republican Sen lor, have got e, lhc fund Parsons iul-ul, hi, gun It I pensiobers. Imle more limn Jlualaryj ^ wbo payS 30 d<1 ? drmk6 ! •»“ co ' ll “ s,on “P°" lhe B,1! ’ nno'e ot o ’. . \ the [jutrouage oi" Steddard nnd two junior ; pays S109 50 ay«ar. ff’his is the imer- j and aie obliged lo go back to the cau- pensioners organizations under the Government. with a handsome pair of clerk’s eyes! Williams then called lor his gun, when j North Germany Withdraws front ( l )nvi j hearing down upon her like a privateer ! Parsons drives oiralongsi'cte oftiie fence j industry one in 300 of her population,, _ ltfl n 1 nnnn a noor mr rcliMntm^n ir, -oinn itm 1 a few yards and act* out of his bueav. : and maintains a regular tinny of 300,-1 New York Herald of Saturday, has an , . . . , , - ,,; i r>-n • u u upon a poor me rctianiman, to teize tlie “ ‘ “ b' 1 * l 1 p?- v ..... . . of «*q non • t , ....u r,v,m ! enemy that steals away a man’s brains” i to the House Bill, winch, they say, j^ilk bv lhc corner iiikI nil) it just ^4 tlie | ^ nlmins ih^n (jrpd, l . went lu'lnnd j 000, nt un riiinuctl cxjic.isc ol ctOjOUU,* j ^ iiclc on tuts subject) itorn w incn wc ... . . - — * — ,l " 8 1 washerwoman would when she intends I llis horse, came out again, mid W. fired i officers, survived the disaster. The Fall of Gold—Its Cause.— i est on $1,564 at 7 per cent, at simple | ens machinery, in order to maintain : interest. The sum of 30 cents a day, j ihe Republican principles as to recon- qq Je amounts iu te» years to $1,17195.— | sruction. The Georgia Radicals pro- ' All this is wasted, paid out “ for an j tested against the Bingham amendment < act contained shall bei construed to va-1 , n rcmovc a slam . if terrible or- j li,e 2d time, tli^n 2 or 3 guns wen. cate anv office now filled in the htHte j,j ea | ca; , fi e perliumcd to perfection—! Hrcd from B’s position, supposed to be of Georgia, either by election of the rftinern ij er eoilie muscle must be brought j hy lhe little boy, accompanying P. people or by apfKm.tmentof _ihe Govern- ; i|Uo . )lav _ lhe si | k is honc *t and fogui-! This unforlm.ate affair then Mr. or thereby and with the advice ami con- mafe '. ft will come out triumphant. If Med lock, can be summed up in a few sent of ihe Senate of tlie *.tale; ,u ’ ,lb 1 f r j it is heavy with dve, if held up to tlie i wor,,s Gonsisteut with his quarrel shall tins be construed lo extend tbe I light, gfigjit traces of disaster may be j some, garrulous and domineering ehar- j ticler, Parsons as he was ever prone to i do, by loud mouthed threats and abuse | of the weak, had pul this old man un- n industrial i exlracl tlie following answer lo a quus- i a , n ' 1 ,obs h, ' n - " nJ , ln * 11 T , " r3 S‘ Te nci - j wil1 S ive G '“' | S i »^ 10 lbe Democrat reps 308.000 ; ,i„„ that is very generally asked among i lh " ' lr '"* ,h 'be body, vigor to lbe | ami rebels, /be Conservative Renub- • - J j. 0 j ve3 b 0V y e ver only ' [nH,d » resolution to the will, elevation : hcans of the benate support the Bill as causes of the fall of 10 mora l 3 nor dignity to character.— | it came from the House, with the Bing- of to official tenure of any officer Slate hevond the term limited by Constitution thereof, dating from said the the j discerned. AVOTHBR DECEPTION. 900. Austria takes from pusuits one in 370, and kee[: men in the field, at an annual cost ofj business men. $41,000,000. Russia lakes from indus-; u portion of the try one in (360 of her people, and keeps j gold, or, to speak more correctly, the 700:000 troops in the field at a cost of; appreciation of currency : $105,000,000. France, by drawing j At the present time there is a plelho- otie in 000 ot the people, keeps 400,000 r a of the precious metals in the great ! I i * I i «7n i c . ' ..*• Tien man. Strong drink drags a man down from ham amend.nent. his high estate, depraves all his appe- If the Senate send the Bill back to tites, leaves him in want and misery, : the House, the Republicans who sup- the mere wreck and semblance of a regulars always ready, and pays $70,- \ financial centres of Europe. They j 000,000 for the army. Great Britain ! have been accumulating largely in the draws but one in 2,000 from produc- Banks of England and J ranee, and tion, and keeps but 18S.000 regular j money is so abundant that it is loaned troops, al a yearly cost ol $71,000,1*00, | «t twu and a halt per cent, interest. The constant u*e of intoxicating liq uors makes hard times for many a f man : thus, a family of five persons j will consume four barrels of flour a j polled Bingham will cave in, and Gen eral Butler will carry his point. LEO. Washington, March 15. Judce Strong, of Pennsylvania, has rn ’ v ’ ’ 1 a , l . Wo , a,a a ia . ' , 1 • I j year, or one thousand fifty six pounds taken his seat on the Bench of tbe Supreme [.*■». Ncm. This plethora and lhc exporlalion.of “"Vbl, iv nearly three weeds Ceert. There will b, further delay in tb. United Slates securities abroad, xvuh i .f " " e “ rl L ? “ ! ;o„fi, m .tioo of Mr. Br.dlev, but i. i, not to YV* election nr apjKtiril menl of such officer, Another kind ot cheap silk is palmed j ( j er ff )e mos t abject fear and -so over- nor to deprive the people of Georgia of [off Upon the American sisterhood for a j awe d him for nearly a month, that he the right under their Constitution to better article than it really is. It is j |j V ed in constant feufthut his life would elect Senator* and Representatives of j handsome, heavy in ajtearance, and |, e taken bv Batsons, and when he the Slate of Georgia, in the year IS70, |yet its deception does nol consist nlto- or mi the day named in the Constitu- j gether in “dye.” 'l’he organize or ii.*>u of such State, or such other day as warp is good, honest silk, hut the lIireills .resi. i.i ms memory, am. me ...... s . c «i c.ic.jn.Bc. c—- - , . tin0 , n W1 w iinr . ___,-— 0 r _ . •. , 1 he present Legislature may desigi.Htr j “tram,” or filling, is, in every sense of f ear of death at the hands of Parsons I a few more injunctions will speed the , gold just now. As long as the cotton j drmh3 ’ IS f, . r "’Ji nf L„ 1 | bo fl PP 0,nt , me ° t of Judge Strong ia the b V'-- T,,e . rer °* or ! P'O''"? »P«« Hk l„i„d. ,.; e al in ! work lo couple,!,,,, for ,he prove,, t (* n„d o, hers producu, r^eioj! - vVeaMlienffie breadfcr. j ! n l 1 ® , g A ,e( from '. H,™ 13 ! I ins 1 ! el i ,iess condition as he was—gave ! crop. , . , j and a , lar 8. e a« l ' ,unt , ot bd _ a ..‘; „ n | v lH ke two drinks a day?” Very i there ia no chance for such reversal. The house and presents ti t, with l ie threats tresh ia his memory, and the 1 (his great enterprise The B. & A. R. R.—We are pleas- the large amount ot products exported, j a da Y' ... — ev.-evn.,. ...;rt,! „ j —:- <>old from this side. > ^ or * 1 Good flour can be bought now . , , . .• ° nrobab e that Ins nomination will be with- a barrel; four times seven P^ it is now well nndervtod, that sun lo the old loan’s Breast, with the ! ed to report satisfactory pr*»gress with j prevent a drain ol gmu «*v« — i , MQ . o n „ nf . „ H av tnr ! araw “- i1- 13 —. --- S ' All’s well” and Here is the real secret of the fall of | makes $2S1 andI 30 cents a day for , h the State of* pressed . I .1 ; r rinl'a tC & I Oil ,lfl nr SS 1 .*»S illOfft - .1 __ ...A IvKN ri-CK. ax.s Inoignant.-A letter | old damaged cocoons are bought and j ,he fotal stroke, fully believing it to be j Halbert .3 now laying « mile a day ! ported m balance the trade against u. 1 -v •--- -; ih (of vour ' drlnks $75 | decision is, doubtless, to stand as tbe law >u, fo.iijkfiirt, Kentucky, dH i lot | ri y ,r ' j chopped up, and silk is spun from this j necessary to save his own life and hi* i and will be in time to the junction to j there will be no demand lor gold, * y m „„‘,i igB wni , n «v ! of the land. It was the decision of five islauon of the tfilate The road is of too great importance to the whole country to be overslaughed for the imaginary injury it? success would inflict on the business interests ol Louisville.” Paper petticoats at fifteen cents reUil are the laivst sensation in Ifostnu. ttul hi* j and will be in time lo the junction to s there will be no demand for j -. oa |^ $4.5 more than vou p«v ; ot tne tana. 11 was me aecision or nve , | Did he I meet the. requirements of the State Aid ; Another cause is found, too, for the j J° *j con9umP d bv your whole Jnsifoes against a minority of three, for . foj} “obey the strongest impulses of our I bill. | equalization of trade and value of the j if it coniains five poisons. Justice Grier coincided with it previous to « g, a - — UP ’ w< :!!l nature, .n anticipating the purposes of | There is an efficient. corps of engi-: precious metals the operation ot the j ^ then , see that the man j b Vom. r T^ now 1 j.ecis on (he section between Wares- telegraph, which bring the commercial 1 who even twenty cents a day for-j th}nk tljRt {be Bingham Georgia Bill may j boro and the Alapnha..another between j nations of Europe and the United | jj oi - f 9pe nds a sum sufficient to sup- ; pa88 tb e Senate, but not without their sup. ^ j the Alapaha and this city, and still an-; States in instant communication. But j » |.j 9 f ;im ily with bread, tea and cof- por t. They are reluctant to vote for it ; A picture in a Holland church .“The j olher on lbe lil<e hetwe'en this place we have yet to see to wbal extent and : , or tfae year . but they now say that if their Democratic Sacrifice of l*aac ” '■enrP'seuH ’ Abr-i- aod Eufaula. ; how long the exportation ol our pro- * - friends in Georgia desire it—as they are * ’ ^ We have cheerimr intelligence front duds and bonds will pay tor our itn- j Chinese Coming.—Our planting | represented to do—they will let it go. It the*c parties they are working vigor- ' portations If we knew that, we might | , ricnds on t he coast, who are suffering ; the Radicals in the Senate can defeat the ouslv, and the be" t possible line till j form an opinion as to the price of gold | fr<)m a deficiency, of laborers, will be , both Ho^ be selected without reg^l to the wish - : m the future. We must not forget 1 grali ficd by the information contained B ^ Re blican Senatrtr J are not united cs or interest® of any individual or com-i that the m«»re bonds go abroad 1 10 j a the following note to t..e 1 01 j a opposition to the Bingham plan, and munily. larger the debt on the other side be-i f ro m an entirely reliable sou tee : perhaps the judicious speech of Mr. Ed- The corps on the section between comes the greater will be tlie demand Savannah, March 1st IS70. mnuds may reconcile them to it. this city and the Alapah 1 1m/e had a j for specie hereafter to pay the interest, j Savannah Rupublican : ' The validity of the cotton tax whieh * - bar i time of it among the hills of Worth j At the same tune, should peace contm- j . 1 un,„ r rnm a friend in Hono I wa8 coffected from the cotton growers New Postage Stnmpt.—Assistant Post-j but afier rut nitis about one hundred ue in Europe and money remaiq so ; MR : l f the 11th Jannarv* ! i ‘ RCC tbe war ’ bas e0UtMtad before niMster Getteral Terre, lias received spe a , ir , " * |, a ve succeeded^in ! abundaul here, lar S e Jura. be ! K..og, ander of the llffi ,b. 8op»« Court.'/h. pr.«™. .m. ...r, UeeuM^.rurt.—mi... ! An ' 1 in,r, y ml,Cs * fia . . !l .. . l - ’ on,l . ihnr 1 tvr* Southern gentlemen, Messrs. ; or£ , n m B nt against it, on eonstitutional 4th, alluding to the defeat of the Cin ! material just as thread is drawn from j fireidefo'jrom outrage.' cmnati Southern railroad charter by [ raw cotton. This makes a beaoti' the Kentucky Legislature, says “the j ii-eling in Central Kentucky is intense | as the “thread” of the worm, but it will i hi*s a,U:moni?V. •- over the unprecedented refusal of the j noi wear like genuine silk. That is not! tl,,/,. Legislature !o permit them to have a j die p oper word, for it is all silk. We 1 railroad.” The writer say* “letters j mean wc prefer the work performed and papers from t fiat region are full of j by the first worm. It requires rlifferent indignation and auger. Eternal politi- ] machinery to make this kind of silk, cal condemnation, is de dared on all land only one house in the United States who have so cruelly assassinated their ■ makes it. This house has rolled up an interests. Tne movement for the road j immense fortune at the expe.isc of - has not closed with the action of the j woman’s credulity. Legislature, but is growing with a pow- Coming to Paterson the first tiling lo er and determination that will teach | be observed in the manufacture of silk Louisville liuit she shall not dictate whjushaii be the character of the leg is the utmost care and precision, from the moment the silk is found in fhe hands of the workmen to the time that it is put up and labeled for the market. “OIL BOILED.” In old fashioned days before our Eu ropean forefathers understood the per fection of roguery in dyeing, they too had $»i itching fo make a pound id'silk LAURENS. ep resent ham on the point of accomplishing the solemn act of infanticide with a mus ket. This anachronism Was equaled in this country a few years ago by a magazine. In a picture representing the presentation of the law to Moses, a neat post and rail fence was shown ruriningalong the ba«e of Mount Sinai. citnens of the new postage stamps. They i are, as is always stated in advance "far superior t<* those at pr -sert in use’ and prin ted in more appropriate colors It is proba hie the stamps will be ready for sale by the 1st of April. lirtv mile*, have succeeded in anunuam mere, iar»e au ».. «A„,lem#>n Mea*rs ! ,uo,L ’ u e‘"— t finding a line with a maxiua. grade of j sent to this country lor »»vestment, and , that .*,^8 wew lben thcrc | T^^fw^^ery strong. Tbe Court he^ thirty leet to the mile. I he last heard thus help to increase our ty r < 1 j |-; n o arranffemeulS to send one th<»u- Hated. Finally the ease is postponed for a from them they were op to their arm-j is not wise, therefore, to jump a | \ A Q(M) v Chinese laborer* lo Sa- re-hearing at the next term. Jodm^Bhar- pits in Little River. They were all i elusions Rom the present <ilale of | sand (I.OIM ) ^ni. k of fii M i„i pp ?, General Pih*, and Welland fatleiiing on it.-r-Albany News. ! tiling*. | vauna nt mmmmm . .W< . ; =..