Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, March 29, 1870, Image 2

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Tilt fforlren Monroe l’oDf>renff. A writer over the signature ol “Del la,” in the New York News, professes to give a correct account of the cele brated interview in Hampton Roads, on the subject of peace. After a long introduction, in which he describes the condit on o* the Southern army, and gives the views of Mr. Davis, General Lee, mi I others, and reflects somewhat ha r? term ih till! Th* New York Dry Goods Mon. ; How (heyfeel with gold at 111 — What (hey my—Reduction in Price*—Small Concern* mint- Standfrom Under—For eign Fabrics at Cant Prices—Domes (ic Gooda HoUl (heir own—Proba bility o) a Panic. The New \.>rk Star, of Friday last, I says : A Romantic Ineitfeni jtt Central Park. I her to keep still. The swan came Spirit til is in Eclipsed by Ancient Myiholn- j directly to her side, and laving its head gy—A Woman met a her Dead Lover '-' n l,er * a P» ne stled as closely to her as in the Body of a Swan-One of the ,lu ’ ellcou!d « manifesting the delight ,. , „ J . .. „ , n , of having found an old 'riend. The la- Mm Rmurknth tarn «. Record. ()y caressed t, lll} | v , which Kerned to The ancient Greeks were linn he-, intensify the poor dumb creature's joy. Severs i:i met emsychosis, or the traits* I he gentleman now moved toward it migration of souls ami as logically con- u,,d |’ jl forth his hand to pat it, when i wo great questions agitute the tended for their faith as do the Andrew ! the swan ruffled its wings and hissed m.lids of business men, and these are. j Jackson Devises el id omne genus of . a defiance at die intrusion that caused jits would be friend to withdraw. It j then replaced its head in the lady’s lap a id renewed its manifestations of de- ar?h‘v upon what he is pleased to " J" u h , , r are, :.uach«>u uav,$e* ci .u omne genus of ,rm .W “ilfehnw." «rMr. Sttpbew, S?*!1*1 tl» fall «r gold i the presenufaj lor modern ,e writer proceed, will. hi. .lorv,■ a " d ls ' a, 4 •‘‘‘yi l, e ' 1 ' u, ‘ ul U1,,ier , Produced hi, 3 . 1 * 1 onoly, how tar will the security of photographs of the real presence of the photographs _ firms who are holders of stocks and j departed with the living, spiritualism light. more mythical basis r|,i .... , , w.„t.:.i.t * l lc uouiers ot siocus auu • aeparteu witti itie i / **! r [V n * ,1 rooirr iasion #°° d ’ *’ e influenced thereby ? The ; rested oc a vastly rr . rLTstsASssrs I««< -I-**™»-m-i, ,,,.; o».. u* mm* The loss 1 agoras [From the Philadelphia Age, March 13. 1 The First American Flag 1 —and j a b!y been Where it was ZSSado, John Hancock—No man has prob- more overrated than John Hancock. Ho was rich, lived o^ten- Alcforbcr. Last evening ari interesting meeting jtatiously, and uas ! - v genetoua, Imt of the Pei.nsvlva'nia Historical Society ; he was van. and unscrupulous^ A - was held. Col. J. Ross Snowden oc- most everhody with whom he traded cupied the chair, and William J. Can- was obliged to sue him. j \ a i by, Lsq., read an essay upon * The I told me that one coiild^seldom pass American Flag.” He discovered, in tracing tlte history of this National em \ the Court house in Bostoiftdurmg tern i time, without hearing the crier of lh Idem, that the first instances when the court proclaim from the doorsteps. stars and stripes were unfurled were at the siege of Fori Schuyler, August : “His Excellency,,John Hancock, come ! into court and make answer to A. B., 17, 1777/and upon ari occasion justloryou will be defaulted.” He would j about one year prior to that time, the ! present to a^ clergyman, for exam pm. o, r uling v,o,,. j t j r sl (|Ue) , t j ori CIS’ pro forma; but the President and 4wcfet , , hH „ ,, )e 8e#on( , Ins Secretary, Mr. Seward, resolved to! , . . . . . nro -eed to Fortress Monroe to meet ! Up0 '‘ ° r depreciation of im- occasionally rev.yes itself to contest living her caresses tbemrtitbr- gentlemen sent thither hy T the • ^ ( ^' V|n 8 lo Confederates, for the purpose of having j 1 he Decline in the Value of Good*, , a quiei and dispassionate talk about w easily measured by that decline, and | ,ra . t, . Mn , u,! -, ecll P s f 3 Mumler’s j ‘ the-“situation.” 'Phis conference then |correspond exactly to it, inasmuch as ! JP. ,r ‘ t0 . P»“ ,0 g r «P lls » and places the wms entire v mioflicial, so far as one, I imported goods are paid for in gold, i . . .. unc,eiU3 ,r,,ic ! ahead of • . , i -—6* un.i l.v im • ,h.- most imnorluul mle, i invoice .count anH tint, i„elu.l.-.l.— ** ™ “» »t he- S ! . lh ® Wal ":. 4nd »** soon ! the .National banner, net!. So mud) Inr imported good,, Pxcr „, i I'ellms yet been deveit.ped. should not he litrgnuen juat here, 1 |* lc contingency ofa panic, prnduced j . ^ 1 1 . l '‘ 1 - u r uenlh I Hun has been enid and I '■? '!» '"«« H'C«rred. in which case ; ^ ^ ‘h - T • „ Vl S ? 'r j .. %« . t-x • _ . llipv won i hp thrmvn r bu(ll Ih.Jl the soil! of frig Nancy was chattered by the Con- j on election day, n suit ot clothes, am tiuental Congress to procure military j the tailor would have to sue the Cover I’he couple remained seated nearly followers of Pvill • Hn hour, the poor swan remaining And even to-day mythology ! :ld ‘I 11 * time close lo its friend, and re-! stores in the West Indies, during the iy revives itself lo contest, ceiving her caresses. Then they rose i latter part of 1775. While at Porto with spiritualism the control of modern to depart, when the swan also rose, and ! R.j C o, in July of the ensuing year, the j Scott, who married Capt. Scott, mas- mind. We have an instance, in illus- stretching its neck, watched them far! information came that the colonies had ! ter of one ot Governor Hancock’s Lon- nor for payment—and so in numerous other instances. His widow, Madame away : then, Utteriwg a strangely wild shriek, MILLEDG-EVILLE: Tuesday. March 29, 2870. was eoucei it despu ... printed, that Mr. Davis was entirely \ 1 ,e Y wo , uld Re thrown too freely into, . , , - , , • , to leave the snot, , , i • c ]■ 11 ! the market with the nhieci i>C rr*a\iv tnan migtit, at 111rfcalii, take posses- , , . * .’ opposed io di s meeting, feeling well ; ! ,,a '“ n wt, » m ine ob|ect of realty 5 j on ol ;t bird or a ouadrimed : or anv ! (,e<l her co,n P an, °n assured tfiat absolutely nothing ot im-j'J'f? hard cast), and would suffer a fur-: <t _ ,• • ... . ’ i and sc#» if ih^ enm ould result from it- H®*! l ' lCr ( * ec ‘" 19 * Domestic good are not , yielded on !y whet! most strenuously \ be effected to anv great ex-.j . V appealed to !»v some of the most prom- j ^ enI > except in the eventuality of wide , inent me- alxmt him, foremost among | emtumercia! distress, but tin whom was Mr. Stephens; and as there ! “ r chne of gold and the consequent was no love between “ the chief ” and i Cheapening of Imported Goods tlu-Vice Piesidetit, fie resolved lose in the midst of its ordinary eompan- i death io,1 , g - , In the mean time, the lady, impress ed by this singular adventure, was loth death, take posses- to ^ eave d,e spot, and finally persua- ; ded her companion to return with her and see if the swan would renew its this belid, the soul, be- : v,s, f to l,1em - Vtr y q'detly they stole back ami resumed their seats, but scarcely were- thev ’ declared their independence, and with don packets, told me in my youth, j- this information came the description ' that on one occasion, the Governor in- | vited the whole Sen;ite of Massachu setts to breakfast with him without Fhomas ‘ S' v ‘ n S her any notice , oe ! have no milk for the coffee of so many Georgia in the way ot another reconstruc- and successfully accomplished it. The ! f*rio„3,” ami lie replied, “Send ihe | urnctioo. The Heu,e pat ihroagb Ik. flag was nnfirled, and saluted with common. deprived of the pn\v*r of commumca , J must bring these latter into a ievrre j ting, by word with them. Such was leet Mi. Stephens as one of the trium* . competition - with those of our own : tnetempsycliosii. Now firr the revival % irate who were to compose tilts barren J manufacture. One thing is certain, I of-his ancient faith after its slumbers taking care, however, to ap- |hat firms, whether engaged in the j for iwmthousand years. Wiinnen j wliolesale or retail trade, who held otner species of animate creation. A a sequence to divine esceflfce ; would, in us new dwelling, be aide lo recognize the forms of those it loved and associated | *' Vau again sung within its original form as man, though 1(1 die shore anil to the lady’s of the flag that had been accepted as A young man, Captain Mandeville, set to work to make ooe, THE GEORGIA BI^L. We had expected ere this, to have She said, “We known what Congress intended to do with servants out to milk the cows on the j Bingham amendment so quickly and easily, It was the custom then for that we expected the same would be done thirteen guns. When the brig Nancy j . . * was on her return vovage she was | die mhabitatits to send tncir cows to : [ u the Senate; but strange to ?ay, there hemmed in by British vessels off Cape i oro P die g ra33 <>n l ' ie puohc common, j wer6 a f eu , ra di C a! Senators, who got * * i But Hancock was not the only man in j i those days who dishonored his position. May. Her officers succeeded m re- V;‘ moving all the munitions to the shore,! I,,. 036 . Ua ^f 'j ° “ lsnon ” rF “ n ' s po.-iuou. j pr j ne - hey stated when the, . . • , , | I he late Judge VV m. Jav informed me p r Ins delight, rfnd lias-1 n . lhe la st boat put oH, a youn 0 , 6 - ( he;tr<j that c< I,n/i to.i.,*o! man ,n ,l * John Hancock, jumped into;*?. M e he _was / l_ ! . I j PY’Pn 1 ! side. He manifested the same repug- T f’ t ’ ;« a | nance this time as before to the gentle-! * hrnu ? s ° l l , he -! na8U and , ?e man, and when jumped j the sea, swam to tlie vessel, ran up the i ^ ing the I notion into their heads, that there were pies involved in the Georgia Bill, that could not well be ignored altogether, j Chancellor Livingston say lo’his father, 1 eveil ]i iatlicai ru!o waa to be prolonged Jav, what a set of- r a sea Is there I f° r « season. The moment the Senate be- out tti Th^‘"wil t h.| l rew 8 broke ! ^g^hmuVhr^r'^iurnphamly' io the | wei " e in t,ie 01d CongressP-Leicis Tap- g*a to discuss a principle, and not take k ' shore, through a hot fire from the Brit- P a>u emoassv point as ih<- two others his The same movrnfid wail. ' ish men-of-ivar. and most trusted ii iernls, Senator Hun- J J ar ^ e foreign stocks, and whose real! ^ 1 tlocs a ter arid Judge Campbell. General i on pita l has hitherto been haicly enough ^ lady, not unknow Grant pa>s< d the three gentlemen j to carry them along, must go to the ' c ' ,<des * "as engaged U eilding. n in metropolitan Called to Preach.-The papers tell -per- j council of their hate or party success, the question began to loom up into no little importance. Aud the result has been the cailing for the second sober thought; and , them along tl rough Mis lines, and they proceeded ; wall. The loss upon goods'imported ! ,ew years sine "» P -nress Monroe without unnecessa-1 ; n January, amount* in some instances l,in! ‘ ' 4l “ r “'*' i v del iv. I hey were received w ’'h j l(> twenty five per cent., which will rou.tesyby all official* with whom j cal flie {)rofll oul of ,l ie season’s trade The third time thev returned, but i I,i ®. first A mer,can fl^g, however, ; a 8lor y of a member of the- •hair ed their seats, * Stilt life swan ! a ": c ;, ,r,ltn - to ,ho (,es ’« r, 1 and f a l > P r " val j suasion, who, a.nbi ions of ministerial j “—rj; IUUU6U1 ’ ai , m i j , , . , ' w of Cofisress, was made bv Mrs. Eliza* l • • Question how will the passage of (he -le,.ere,Mho prerence ol ,he lady ami | h , lh Xhree ol & da„ri„Br 3 ! h "" ors ;.' vas <n Ihe wood, lor ,„ nt . - , this of high scion of b«i (utt was enfraeed to be marrierl a I i i - , - oetn itoss. inree ot tier riaue it . * ^ nr linn i ieo ti I came to her suie receiving and return- , n r - ■ • , c ir f s,!U (Mo a ymmg gentleman i inj , },rr carresses, and angrily rejecting f ‘r m ) ?' ,r V ! C, . n, ‘-T l ,° J°- nfir,n 1 character and stundmg, i ;)i! nl , M . r3 . Tlie cir cmSsiancc* vva! ! g ' T “ f one of the best families of Man- j rnonj singular from the fact that the , _ , 5 a’ V ma some divine manifestations ofa call lo I p 00, S*® bhl l°°k a lew years hence ; and preach. While so engaged a John - l,ow w,n ,h0Ee who vole {or “ before tiiev rnei, mid especially so by Mr.) m |> casc , wh ere a season’s slock has ! m,ey :u ’^ chail ? n S ed fbe warm- engageuicnt was a most i lady had never visited the swans, and Secretary o! '{been laid in. Every one en^ed in i esl , C, ’ n - raIu!?,,,nn8 ‘ A lhe l.u. ai the very outset Mr. Lincoln d.s- , he f orrign !rH(le mtJ3t | nose so ^ P , binfft ! e«»*er parly. Time passe, tmetiv mformed them that it was not ! } limPV( , r rnrit j OIJ9 or prudent. lhe consuinmaimu of the h; hi> puipo-n* to treat with them. } n 1 He calmly discussed the state of af-j . lhe Dry Goods Trade fairs, referred to tlie tremendous force I ‘OHns one of the most important feat- lie held m the hollow ill’ his hand, and ! 11 rw * die import trade, as well as in spnbe ol the iiiexfiaustahie supplies in ! d,< * custom returns, and in order to In- command in every section friends of on, and ' certainly had never fed them, us *o i many visitors are in the habit ui doing. Nor did she or cries for u,e countr J as statesmen ? We are not over sanguine a* regard* or even modification of the custom if the i ,e? ' t dlc feelings of those most interes*.- count i y t SHid that tin (Mo two wtis at hand. Cards lo mi find the arrangements lor event were pei feeted tua! impatience, th tppiuess of if vemng make any ! ' !e attract the plial ceremony were prepared • Lhe aUerU,ou iH die 8vn,I i» . or I generally known that to Philadelphia "« ;i!2pwe; „ir?;i;;. ,,i, "- v >» ,e f , e at, ti ,i“, lo „ l /b elo „ f!Slhe 0l ^ tMe tnler.-sting «asd, with mu- heirothed pair l h overs spirit in the Stunn. >t upon j Donkey set up one of those c .... , ’ man - v I which his race is peculiar, which Wal years lie ore t iry were imin, mil upon j ber jjjj^took for an affirmative reply to defeat A neice of ^his h.dy, Mrs. 1 Margaret ’ |"; Sap P e;i! * tiCre ‘ J P on he a PI ,1, ®‘ 1 {u |'! Bingham amendment, for knowing is we v, , • - b i license, when the following colloquy; . . , , , ,, . ,. fe . • 1 - I <lo, the power of the part} lash, there are not enough men in Congress that have the Pastor—“Do you believe, brother ll€,rve > taey have the will, to vote against Walker, that you are raffed of God to ‘ a P art y measure. However, the delay preach, as was Aaron r” Walker—“Most sarlaitdy I does.’ e in the habit ol iloint? r> . ° license, wnen i tie tottowing colloquy; lier companion on lilts P**? t**' ^ P'. ear *’ m,w i occurred boHv„en him ami lhe inlcr- i f _- PJ ' n lh,S ! '* v « 3 Germantown, and is conver- j rogalin? ])rcf , ch<5r . noise or motions to j ?ant w j t j, ,{ ie j' acl 'p| ie f acl j s not : the first star-spangled banner to the breeze, hut to ;i Philadelphia lady be speaks well for a slight returning sense of justice on the part ot the Senate, and good the game was al-1 ed in the present crisis, we made in- j counted the hours-that must intervene lo! Plie sequel of the story is quickly j longs the honor ol having made it !«!. !n/i it ro/mnnivail i ba .f n o t ThA linn im it ti'nc marl t\—“Give the Ciiurch, that is. the may conxe of the Question involved. in-si played oul.” and that lhe one j quiry yesterday among the retail dry • ere they should be inseparably joined. liif * vicinity where iiing that the Confederacy, “so called” j g f *ids stores. Trade seemed to be i The last evening arrived. On the foi j Miet his death. S oust do just then, was simply to—j brisk, considering the time ot year and lowing morning they we-e to he mar- ! ^ orne convinced th The lady recognized the spot as i The house in which ii was made still re her former lover ’stands—No. 239 Arch street (the old.j j I! , . _ suoMiit ! He promised to secure for | dlP [unseasonable weather, and the ma- rieti. That evening the two had ar- them ihe best terms possible. As lo j.j° r * , y those we callrd upon took ! Fringed to puss in each other’s compa A Cheerful View of Affairs, i ny. The filir There was . She ret ii rned to her • t his spirit had met r in the form of this swan, and with ali’ihe sad memories'‘of the past rush- sl.iverv that was dead! Soule 1 allusion lo the “ mixed (juestion ” by ■( muri, and to die probable contingency ! H that doubtless years would elnpae ere j ti,,n upon the commercial policy of i h t l.c 'mutter would lie definitely decided,! Government was expressed, inasrnue! number being SO)—the last of an old ; anJ Wfast | e it Ollt .o brethieu, the proof.” W.—“] was mightily diffikillcd, and .subject: was delertniacd to go into the woods The : Savannah Xeivs has the following on the row. It is related that when Congress . had decided upon the design of Colonel P.—“That is it, brother Walker. W.—“And while It is now two woeks aiace the Georgia hill, with Bingham n amendment, passed die House of Representatives. The iru- lady arranged her | u ff r,|J * )Pr njind, she shut herself up settlement of the i hut did rim conceal the fact that among ,oiietl<; wiu: crupulous care, fn order j a,ld - ult refuses u> see even 0,10 5-° v the .Supreme i th^ir poorer brethren there was likely ' * r ° I >lea3e t,,e ow 3!l « loved so well. ! w ™' 1 , 1 slie , 13 e "g a ged, and who shared ! smash. Considerable refiec-1 P,ie 5, I > l , °" iled *' 1,ur arrived, but lie i George Ross, and General \V ashington j ;tcob like, I hum one of tiie curiousest the part r>f tha Scna:f would immediately j voices I ever hern in my horned days.” fellow, and tint ili« t.iit on'll AO with her this strange adventure. e expressed, inasmuch mi tliis was perhaps a mere placebo.— j as it is believed that the present fall in and L is Reported that whisky Wll CO ifnte or t wo ally facet ions. He met hi* old con- i -—" !>-a’!—cor<fi-i'Mv;"TmlfctI upon ( came not. An hour later, aud still he tarried. Impatience gave place tojust a tinge of anger—sut h augei as lovers indulge toward each miter. Another Metempsychosis. Here then is a case visited Mrs, Ross and asked her to make it, she said, “I don’t know whelh er l can, but I’ll try,” and directly sug gested lo the gentlemen that the design j '^couldn’t tell, "for" the life wrastlin,’j pre6einB was at that time that action on i immediately follow, and that the bill, with or without £’—“You are on the right track, Bro. ff je ntnendment, re-reconstructing Georgia Walker. Go on with the narration. was wrong, in that the stars were six would be passed, and that the proclama tion of toe ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment would be made in time to ni. of metemnsv I a[,d " ot five cornered, as they | air " o ; dowri'iu "the' sky edition tided so | t0 vote in the Connecticut , . nieterapsy- j should be. Ihis was corrected; shel riir - , - jcio.sts, ot at lea&l somethingthat looks ; i nac |e tlie flag, Congress accepted it, and | p o’me, whether the voice was up in tlie water; the precious metal might have been j »» wa f» mtier. Another ; vasl! y n , ore piausi h, e as aiTinstanee of! a '«ten v^this ladv fflrnfeb^ ' rfn'To ' nnbdied freely, and that Mr. Lin- made more gradual, and merchants h°ur, and still no tidings. I ears came | t |, c nractical realitv of ilmi -im i-ni ! r a <lozen 3 ear a fh'S lady furnish ditbkilied. (.o in illustrated his views hv an ayec- i {hereby have been enabled to work off' Uid, ' ( !den on the cheeks of the disap- ' • » - “ ■ ' ; ed the government with all its national ; \^ H n. pr Hnw Mr. Seward was cspeci-1 their stocks, at a reduced value by dr- j P ointed maiden, am' giees. Gold nt 15 or 20 f>r the next ! iii;n witfi said, vexation Drought ; hitter thoughts to her mind. Midnight. _ iioi message, in many instances, altfiough there are ‘ il,ld ad vexation and bitterness vanish- . , ....v.. .,. . llie government wnn ait ns national m\i io ogictii system than anything j flag^ having, of course, a large assist Poor ereetur U0u, wtlieb take place nn the 4th of next month. Fur nearly a week the Geor- hou he was gia Dill was the standing topic of diseus- ori to norrate, Brotlier sion in the Senate, aud the people, with • i i - , . — lucre are < ....w i/nn,nim v c thi.-u- Y’lm.] complacency, am i some speculators of a hopeful tun. „fj ed before a rising apprehension of dan- “fiod bless you, Hunter, my old ; mind, who do not friend, I am sorrv ior \ou. ger. Sadly the disappointed one Just |gold shortly at something n^ar :ha"t ! ,ou a^ 1 l ,er vouch, hut not to sleep. V;t- gue misgivings filled her mind despair of seeing . ^ >ri IV ftf onmnlbin,* .1 round iho weapons of your rebellion, j margin. and we will do the best we can Ibr you. f , - ■ n,ieu ,ier mum N‘, ,lo"t„ |I lew Of J*)U wUI heH,uug"-| T J?SX, , ? < h!!S?*«S^ H An *< *»» ,m °. I Hi«W paper, in cun’.ult.ung up"’ f ™ !*'«« ‘o • «... me mu i V r . 8,dent Gram’s declaration ten Vir- : <1,n g da ' • ^ ()or b however, the myste ,n,I [gini a <leleg;uio:i : “That vnu want °^ ier , ; lrUaiiL * over ’ s absence was! ' ' the heari-sicliening an i would never see that lhe spiritualism cf our times has nrniluced. from ihe Fi»v i.->M lipping lo Mu infer’s ghost v ho will explain the mystery more smihii toriiy than the young lady ha herself explained it ?—»Y. Y. San. lance. This ladv was also the wife uf!, one of the lineal descentlants pictures. ) 0 ( (Oliver Cromwell. How did it app '.nr to sound wavering doubts mid hope, waited from ; nay to drsy for the note. Suddenly the “Wa\v- ; Georgia hi!i has almost ceased to be dis cussed in the Senate, and to-day lhe quea- unto your W.— ‘Why, this way i waw-ker ! Waw-waw-ker i Go ; preach, go preach, go preach, go preach !. l0n . P aS!, ”S e se c ; cs to be no nearer a ! _i. j _ r , . ° '■ , 6 • final decision than it was ten ah, go preach ah-ee-uh-ah-ee-ah !” P—“Brulhering and sisters, dial’s and anxious doubts and banished sleep, s night wore away and place to a sad morning for a wed The Rome Cornier relates lhe fol lowing, which it says will he vouched ! A Slew Flaa to Sill the Oatetpillar. Mr. Charles Steinman, of Assurnp- j the right sort ofa ^all. lion Parish, Louisiana, has shown the j Brother Walker, editors of the Picayune n model for a college calls. I coiron worm destroyer, which is thu tertain a very sincere regard for you, and some it 11 hi si be confessed you have thrust j yomselves into a very bad predica- I „ v * »-wq„i,,.e> n men,, really very bad. Let us take | whelfier (|i anoltier ifmiK. Ami ihas die conference close. . 111"* I -- , 1 ubir.v)iuu'l ; •• J n*j| fT t>f lit T l| ll.lUt »0V(!I‘ S t ot my old friends associated j* . , # J , ‘ - N,)l1 " anI i remnvfwl m with vou in tin's stnpeiidnoiH lolly hut " , Urera "'° ,e ,llan chivalry,” { removtd 1,1 P - r,,u f reviews die past history of the Som l. ! ' K,u,,ce “. ,enl lh:U sh ' and compares it with dial of the Norih,!; V aln ! e ’ lhs body i tt ,j| on hj 'era carefully die propo*itiou aad fol,!)d al early hour in the ! e “chivalry of the South has 2 or,,, 1 ,, 8 ,“ e;, 1 r lliC lake Ccutral Park, dwarlcd her intellect, impaired her j manhood or diminished her resources,” | under die three separate heads. )/ «, &«,»/. 1;.-M«,y ol .lie reader, j Uic^oianhoo!. otahe^slmth", ^ »•»! O..I, soflore.1 c„„ S ola,i.,n ,o T 1,,n "r ,a, ™ d *i«„ n,,,,* -Thain» 7i~7! c,ec i* in, » ,K -*r »-„ u „<i«ii.,.» r uh roug b Ti,wtl; i S/f lbe T'y " r i“- he i .• . * . . olales WHS commanded hv is me oreen Line, about which lhe tic, rn . fl • - , ,, .e., rf „ JO.,-,4,j..™ SO much, lo j t w SS J;: savotlate. J he Augusta CouAtitu- . r> . . . ,\or.ti , „ uotiwnu JCmohna, gained ihe most laurel* and : j inflicted the heaviest blows upon netnv. In the | for by at least three' hundred citizens | %TgilnT TT* •of olaee : ! described f»v that paper: It consists ol an ordinary steam boil of l lira place : The most remarkable death we have ever witnessed came under our notice on Sai urd beneath a was ten days ago. Me are at a loss to account for thia singular delay in acting upon a measure Enough said, j vrhicb, in its early stages, was pressed Thill’s none of your with such eagerness, not to rav indecent No doctor of divinity haste, by its authors and supporters. No and for sure.” er, provided with a novel arrangement j The license was granted, the story ever got sech a call as that. Brother ^ ld ‘ ijas be . en brought before the present Walker must have a license hit sartin G 0ll o res3 involving more important pern-, cip]f3 or ^ravuf interests, or iIjaI Las px•* cited such universal attention thioughont die country. Not only are the people of r U,,UCI MU ‘"Qffubesor pipes for the distribution of i goes, and Walker is now doubtless -f oai 7 « r « l be people of ay. A negro was working ,l„ , 1 r , . i» , , * aiKer is now, uouuuess Georgia, but those of Tennessee and ml.- Sank Ol dirlfllie dirt broke ; toir y ,h ’ \T T- 0 ! makln 8 lbn . roo "" la "' 9 rl,, 8 wilh •>« Sautkeru Slates, held i„ ,„ speu ;„ l. and erasbed U ; V ™ r "r lank to coma,,, lhe flmd, wjmd, > srenlonao li.cga. , daring lh. deliberations oftl,. SeaaTb" i.- i .. , latter is a secret ot the inventor. Ihe — i nearlv all the Radical The “ Green Line'—IVhitt it Is and How he had met his deajli was inex plicable, and never was satisfactorily ascertained. The stricken maiden mourned a.* one that rctused lo be reservoir is supplied with mechanical; A traveler in Paris, having occasion • heaii was sliot out from his body and thrown to a distance of sivlv-two feel ■ .. • • , . i, (i... . - ‘ ■ I appendages lor tlie proper distribution j * or a ‘ ,a,r cutter, sent tor one. At the .w«„"3! aM - The ihllh on clegnndy a.iired nearly nil ci.e Radical official in iha State besides numerous delegations of carpet- baggers and uegn>ea are dancing attend- auce in Washington, spending thousands is placed upon a frame with wheels, in t person orrived, and the gentleman sat 01 doiiar* uaiiy in tb^ir efforts to sustain maiden j . . • l . . • , . ; is placed upon a trume with whet . . . . to. com- ‘ j . i.. 5 , ‘ , ’ >od Yorder that the machine may be easily ! down before his dressing case to pre- 11,8 or: S* naI G»l! and defeat Bingham’* a- - pferely crushed by the d,r«. 'Vhe„ | transportab!e jn i|3 operat ] on8 ^i,,' j pare for iheoperatiox. The man walk- men,5niBUt ' the cotton-worm. d io[ei!T,| lamiliar scenes. travel and un- lu duo’ lime slie jt-turned to New , recorded. II a bombshell had exolo- i UUi, \ is .a.sen . -—j -s “ . r-*-— I gr0 H- .o’lw^r^r z^T-n 1 'n ,ib - , hu u r m/ r : | , — *•. * - C Z h Tile I 7* .P- «•> '!'* ?»'f ' -e.«r.- w» .h, ^,^1 . “1 ihe din was thrown off! it was found dim he was broken ail to pieces. His chest and his stomach were rifled, and his legs were shapeless masses. W T -e warrant no sucli death had ever been j. i ed round his client once or twice, and In regard lo the operation of the ma- ! finally taking his stand at some dis- - v y 0 |, ave on s chine, we learn that after the boiler and j tance, attentively scrutinized lhe gen-j _ Iinn Aaife Znsarsace—It3 Importance. healer have been supplied with water • de naan’s face with theairofa eonnoi | and the tank with fluid, steam is raised i 3ear looking at a picture. “Well, t several occasions written ' upon the subject ot Life Iusurance, ami tiouahsl ihiis clearly answers : {: is a (M-operaiivp freight Ciii< innali to fi"* i e Savannah, corn- thc i ( . . war of 1S46. both I posed of tlie following mails, Louisville i rn ' , '^r ' J l“ Catl :ir,tl 3 were com- (>r ly courted bv and Nashville, Nashville aud Northl | “"tl one JCb...», ww Jr r,,,,ll,e, ?' ,er - 1,1 h • I wwr ot IBCi, no great <hs=n»ter befell I i he we-tern, Nashville an Western and Atlantic, which is inter- , , . . , the arms ot cried by me Lome and Dalton, ft : ( | lirilia , hf? <( Kingston, and will be completed in a | t |, e few inonihs, tlie Georgia, South Caro- ! •• lirct, a in Columbia and Augusia, Macon ! The fj rsl the gaHum beaux of lay, and al last promised her hand io one well deserving ol ihe prize. The courtship has been ;.u agreeable one up arms ot tiie South at any time j ihe moment of the singular occur rence we now proceed to relate. A drive in Central Park. agasa refer to the subject on account of its growing importance and the absolnt© ne- essity that should impress itself upon tiie . .u 6u,m. anui — , . minds of men in moderate circumstances, ‘ ; transforms it into vapor, which, inter- j Hrn 1,01 *fi e operator, hut the physiog- to avaii themselves of the benefits to in- J >ur years struggle*, without v doming mainly, nr in part * (l! FlPt* M\Ul> T .( { C . 1 t \ nn ^ I ] * * \ It IHIU > cl , WUfUIip IIIItT* J * ' ,,v/ Y J D -vu.uvuyil Ul liic UtUC iiiti III* - ,r i ei citizens, j uiingling and spreading out with the | riomist !” Adolphe;” he ctied out,: ure to ouoV family from taking out a poi- ! steam, envelopes the proximate rows of i and a sleeved andjjaproned darher en- icy in case of their death. It is a wise cotton plants and kills evciy caterpillar | l( ' re d from the hall, “« la Virgil!” provision to provide against the loss our A ballet dancer who turned the heads i or-other insect upon them. Iis effi-ct 1 With this laconic direction as to the f anii i ies muet eu9taia ° by cur j eat j lg> for A WOMAN’S KISS. j from one of her own recre int nd Western, Macon ' and Bruns- j CreVkuJrl™ "' HS " l ®. c ' ed al ...k, Atlantic an,I Gall. Atia,,.-'"y™ sons. Mill The ic and West Fomt, and M and West 1’on.l Railroad?. These roads have signed (he com -.Ig mer\ , 1/<e j nru ,y of Buil Run, whs owmc to i the Generalship of Orel, . 1 i»lDraaesTille. W - |.acl wtiicli takes freight Irum Cinon. Kcdeml army ha, 6-va..".l, ,l.m ! |. without change ; Chickutnattga T “f cars. Ihe distances arc: Cinciti-1 ® , ol the amorous gentlemen of the Rus sian capital last winter, i= a native of Cracow, and reputed to be the illegili male daughter of a Polish Count. She received presents by the score from her admirers, among whom was a very wealthy noblefnffn. He made her ac- iali to Louisville, Short Cinciti Line, 107 I miles ; Chat la nooga to Atlanta, 128 j aiI 'i “V,- „ miles; Atlanta lo Macon, 103 miles;' Macon lo Savannah, 202 miles; total, SSG miles from Concinnali to Savan nah. Before lhe Green Line was ceitih Jisherl, four years ago, Southern and j Western merchants were obliged to pay a much heavier freightage, besides having lo wait (bur times a.« long for ie : urn-. A through bill of lading .i.iild nd be of.mined. Each road I lie couple one afternoon last week < >> t<"»ka drive through the Park, up to j first confidence inspired in the demoial•; ^ ar ^ em lane, across McCnmb's dam, r j ized army of Buil Kun, whs owing to i and , oul *‘* the region of Fordham. lie- w _ the Generalship o| Ord, of Maryland, : lundn 8 die 3Un bad set before they en* qtiaintanee and was charmed with her, at Dranesville. When l\\ o-f birds of the ! t f ?rcd llu -' making tlie drive He offered jier a diamond he wore up- i.hrougii ihat heauiifui enclosure more on his finger for a kiss, than ordinarily romantic and enchant- and hegiadly gave he ing. On approaching the lake a flock ; lie\ing, perhaps, with Ovid : i of swans-were seen silently and mo* liordessly resting or; tl,c smooth water. 1 ne scene was too fascinating to he ^ , w... auua P a33et ^* l he [iar(y got down from would have been a complete Federal ,h ' J ' r ca ! ria g c » and approaching one of route and the Southern Confederacy ■ ,he rus,ic 8eats P rovid ed near the \va is said to be so deadly that it also de-! ,n °del after which tbegentleman’s hair t |, at (ate stroys ihe eg®s of the worm, and leaves , vva5 f° be arranged, ihe artist retired, its mark, invisible lo ihe naked eve, 1 upon every part of the plants which i aen , in Y mother .says no, there’s have been bathed with it. Through I no -^f fc , 1 , n Here js a sermon in a ° nutshell. waits us al! ; tiie young, the middle aged and tne old. Death has no appointed season or year to select his vic tims ; nor comes he. in any peculiar shape, manner or mode. When we think not, he had been scattered at j . . ~ Thomas, of Virginia, j ! * c « rock on the ocean against ! ...lies; Louisville t.. Nashville, 185: a!,d !ume and miles; Nashville to Chattanooga, 151 i a|1 .b,i Mir , T this agency worms which may after- j nui!l, i , } e "* Multitudes of parents sav wards come into life field from other j ll< ?’ ,ul a ff er ® good deal of teasing is at the door, and wheu we little expect piarters are kept off', thus shielding I and dtd,a,e d finally becomes yes. | it, we are called to waik with him npoft l. i *• .i _ • r » Love arid kindni^Q ari* p.^pminl I**. *» . •. it not been for the stubborn resistance of this one man, Virginian, Cliickamaiioa she accepted, ! hegiadly gave her tiie jewel, be- ng, perhaps, with Ovid : il W!.a ftaina h l*is* and gains *a more, Ueserves to lose (he blRs he pot before." His suit did not prosper, however. | as he had hoped. At the end of the j ijuiilh he presented her with a second, the plant against further injury by any j ^* rne af)d kindness are essential ele-1 the silent shores of eternity, new comers of the caterpillar species, j l[J ! * ie * uccess,ui management ol A young man with a family growinr . • . * * ‘ r* L I if 1 emt Kit ♦ r» rnt rt nn .t 41 .An ■ , . M . ..if —. • O O out a Life policy, according to his means, and as his means increase, he should increase and received a second salute, but be- d,e venerable collected its local freight and it required I , r - r - ' v «3 David (. Iroiti one to nvo weeks titrte to deliver ' - 'i ennesee M. This is ihctn. By the Green Line, (a term of designation merely the cars »*e«ug j,,. Delaw ; r * panned green.) freight reach the snine uf rv t an .i 'i . .T ~- •Maryland, made the first lod an established foci at this hour. Blair ler3 ed ” e ’ sealed (, ». e mselves i j Canby, Crittenden, Alexander and °° o1 rve,lin g :, ' r . the lovely Nelson were born in Kentucky. North- a " d d,e i,! "‘ em writers tell us that.the last named ' betore the,n saved Grant from annihilation at Shi h'h. r homas, Ncwu»n ami Cooke, are . Virgiuian®. Ord and Sykes are Mary-i itinders. The most 8 iscce*«fnl of «111 i i L' j .lie naval heroes wa. Daviif G. i'arra 1 T T kT, " l t ,3 l! e . rS ■ ?*' ,h "- v shoul taut of Ton,i ilulu.b Hie sliiluessihal rci*ne,l ; abotit ther j started by s to enjoy yoi.d he did tint go. moon- poetic scene Tl^"^machine,'" wkiZ'iias “aire^iy | but firmness, ,I,-cisinn, inllex-^ ‘ML.«“iiaulJ I i."k« S been put under practical test by sever- , t» , Iity a.nd uniformity of treatment are al planters, will be on exhibition at our i B °..® 9S l, ffl K)rlan ';. c iate Fair npxt mt.nib ! vv hen Queen Victoria was married, , ,,. ^ J twenty-nine years ago, she had twelve amouat ,,f hld P oIlc >’- Hope whispers. A Church Built with Mortar j l)r i d esrnaids. _ Every one of these !Lure is aot much nee,J of » P jl *cy fur n for the chaoces are iu Every day experi- In euce tells us of suddeu deaths, epidemics. Made of Wine; The Rev. Dr. Prime, ; young ladies has since been married ; .young- robust mau, nerable editor of the New York : one ha8 been married twice 5 : fevor of a long life Observer, who has been a famous trav- | nuvv a widom, and three are dead. Singular conduct of a Swan. I hey had been seated but a very few minutes, and had scarcely breath-, At the end of the year he parted with eler, and has seen some things which : a do2en maieens selected at random accidruts and consuming fevers. Wisdom nearly all of his diamonds, and was as * ew mortals have beheld, tells the fol- i [ om an .y American society, points to a Life Policy to mitigate in some far from success as ever. Irritated by lowing strange story, which would j the af,er suc “ a la P se ° r nme ! degree, tbe blow that must and wiij fall L.. 1. • .... — 5ppm ‘ilnm&l im*rr>riiMp if tnlrl Kv' n V^OUiU IlkCiV Vt^TV CJlnt?rC!)t* . t .» •» . her stubbornness, he sought an inter- seem almost incredible if told by a less i fier for her resist- reliable man: view, and upbraided her ame. deliver ] greased eeritimeMt ni'./'v* '1 l,ie / x * | about them, when suddenly thev were term of p s3eu ecr,l " le, ' t °‘'fie Northern Gov-L tar ,^i hv ‘ ” eminent itself. Dupont, of slavehold- ond Goldsborough, of points in from four to six days, ship-1 .'hi 1 a‘,T‘'V- ,,,HUe l,,ft fir91 lodgments on pers receive a through hill of lading, j C and the ih ni bv A singular scream coming apparently from the midst of hope.’ ‘I have no rrmie diamonds to give you, he said. “ Lhen.” she replied, “I have no more kisses.” “Whatam I to do f Your,heart is made of ice. Give me some word of Mive. Ill rough bill ..r Uriink, ^.-r, - c0 «*'- lie p.K.k_ u |sleepmg swans. as.antly ,'inle? sire Itas by ten per ami L-.L ' S "°P. n "“'"'r--' ">»" Umt uoM, Mira ..l.l raule—Tel t- ' | ‘»"« “elion of tins r„ u „ lr y, «hoiloe. ll,e '' s “. w “I" " lhe g r »eet«l bir<ls A j not know that il it had been a contest! 8W,!nm| ng hastily directly toward I can’t do that, but I’ll give a word of counsel.” ‘What is il ?” “Never buy your first kiss of a wo water. Wine, good wine, better Wine than is in common use in America, is ouid likely be very different. , , f upon our families when w« pay the debt Difference in Locality.—An Eastern of naiure, be it when it may. It is a sate investment, for the money to our two wives. A Western editor replies families upon our death, be that long or by assuring his cotemporary that a s!jort . The following table gives one on “I was in a region in Spain where | edi ,7/s a ysI,iat a ' man' in New York wine is DKire abundant, sometimes, than ignt himself into trouble bv marrying invested yearly, will be returned \V!il#»r. Whip onni ivinp. hpllpr • . **r .• .. J mortar, because they had great quanti-j bue | promising to marrr, wniim.t P^icy the first ye-i. ,S27S ; the fifth year* lies on hand for which they hud no sale, j g 0 j n£ * any further. A Southern editor SI >299; the tenth year S2.(i67 ; fifteenth j and il was cheaper to use il than to TollUfkf! TlfE oCIIKMES OF Tlie Judiciary Committee of the Uuited States Senate lia« reported that General Ames is not eligible to a seat «* Senator from Mimsissippi, on the ground that he wa* not a citizen ot that State when elected. s j between the men of the South and the ! t l ,eui * ^ hey remained silent until the man. If yon do, though vou were the of the Uuited J 1 ^* 1 °! flic latter would have : ^' rd , reac ^ ,cd water’s edge, a L«*,sci Cur■HTtoiirs —Veimnnt lias r. (jUI red by law two yearn’ pievtou* acquaint- Ui.tb a» a condition precedent t« marriage. been destroyed.” nl.ln man married a particularl)’.| most run, directly toward them.* plump specimen of womankind, being ; The Swan, lays its head in .**■- r - J ’- abiiofa”’ 1 "* •~ l -> L - * • ° i — • - md Czar himself, you would be bankrupt i then'were more surprise i to see it come before }ou reached her heart.” from the water and walk rapidly, al- i t-.i ,rdd * ier one day that! she nlled the measure A junior student at the Cornell Uni versity, in rendering an account lo his father of his last term’s expenses, en- the. Lady's lap. , The lady was at firsL alarmfd, j nd nial foil for et his matrimo- j made a movement to escape; but her tered as an item, “Charity, $30.” His drill fill ind-jl ‘‘ ,e '? <ls Ijeauti-hil,; e«7inpamon, whose curiosity was exci- father wrote back, “1 fear that charity Jm 11 * 1 led at the?e strange movements, urged cover* a multitude of sins ” haul water a long wav to the building ! site. But there was little intemper- j ance in that region.”—Balt. Sun, 15th. ! going any says that a friend of his was bothered year, 34,ICS; the twentieth year, 50,647, enough when he was simply found in 1 the twenty^fitth year, 57,692; tbe thirtieth company with auother man’s wife. Some of the Spanish journals are in !•- i ▼ar of abandoning the Island of Cuba io tae Uuited States. The majority of the press denounce this proposition as coward ly a id unpati iotic. A Boston diuggist, who gave Uuduu- m year,-SO 702. In the example given, if the insured dies the first year, tbe differ ence between $276 aud 610,000 is great, CiReuMcisioN.—The lite of circumcis- j iou is no longer universally practiced among the Jews. Sixty-three Jewish fe f his family gets for tbe $2.8 paid by physicians of Vienna, have published a him, 510,000; and at aay time under manifesto against it, and the RaLinical twenty years, the margin between the two Congress at Philadelphia resolved that the male child of a Jewish woman is, eveu D lead of ihubard and killed a man, has if uncireumcised, by the very fact of birth been fined $30,000. 1 a tr«cu<hat of the Jewish community. is large and important. Even should the insured live thirty years and pay a pre mium of $9,702, Lie family wili g«u ki#