Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, May 03, 1870, Image 2

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Powers and Duties of the Legislature precipitated the hundred* therein assem* if. e: r..ii....r I bled t« beat the decision in the Mayoralty caieof Ellison and Chahoon, upon the Conservative caucus then sitting in the Hall of the House of Delegates below. It is impossible to ascertain the extent of the injuries at this hour. Ainoug the killed are P. H. Aylett, a Udb,j Joint | diMingulihed lawyer. 1 1 ' Dr- J- b. Broca, reporter of the Enquirer /mm G over nor Util loci'. i It*' Inflowing message was sent to the Legislature through the Joint Committee of the two houses, Wednesday last : Exkcctivk Dir a ktm i’.nt, ^ Atlanta, Ga., April 2S, 1S70. J To the Honorable Chut email and Members of Tit .Joint Committee ti/i/iout if solution of the Provisional Legislature April 20, 1S70. (j bwti.kmkn ;—After having 1 1 nefit ot a full and free consultation with o > tit selves, and, in your company, with From the Cnustituti •«. April 26th. OUTRAGE IX WAURENTON. Front Rti autlientic source, we learn the following particulars of the arrest of Mr. II. Martin, of Wan cut on, Ga., charged with conspiracy and murder, and the ac ! tion of the civil authorities in the case. | It nil! be seen that the civil authorities ! are powerless to enforce the law* of the country, and that, in this case at feast, the bulwaik of constitutional liberty, the ! anil Examiner. department. N. P. Howard, a lawyer; Ash Levy, of j I of incense or veneration, and constituted in the end, a beautifully variegated aud i imposing telegraphic wreath. Yet not one single grave, whether s‘raugers or natives, isolated or in rows, had escaped attention. All blossomed in die richuess and fresh ij^ss of their floral beauties, as if bedewed j with heaven's latest show era. The grave j of Gen. George Doles was specially no- An Independent Judiciary-The Bulwark , (Monday, 25f!i.) at 10 o’clock, at the Ma- toru very badly. p a sayThTwilj eet me j sonic HaH and Odd bellows Hall, and or another before h>m*. a . • • . j .1 J ganize for business, after which an ex cur* 1 .1 child’s th^t ( V hp, ‘ ia 8 *J 8 she acetiously moved that; j own t j jfl r j r * r to $\, rt F u j as ki has , >ea-ler. sir, and I been arranged, which is the orogramme j ave eeD ron g» it eight or nine times. . for Monday. | Cicer0 V d Hemosthenese, come up : what The excursion cars were.nnder the im books hare you? The former r mediate direction of Col Wm. Rogers, the . have Davies’ Series of Mol, „ »• , - - - ^ " * maniematics, and of Liberty. Dr. It. D. Arnold f it he drank in silence, standing. Cant. G. A, Mercei responded. It. N. Gourdin, Esq , Vice President of tiie Chamber of Commerce, offered as the third regular toast. able and courteous Superintendent of the Bu11ious * Latin Ser5e8 i Central Railroad, ami the veteran eon A railroad system for the whole South ductor.itfr. Pat Whelan, assisted him. iceabie as covered neaily, by a chaplet of | alapted to develop her agricultural and j white lilies; indicative of his spotless es- mineral resources, and to build up centres j General Terry, touching the subject mat- Rj c l lins „d, and Cuarles Watsou, of Dan j Sheriff, arrested H. Martin, of this place* Warren-ton, Ga., April 22, 1870. , On yesterday afternoon, J. V. Morrir* I cutclie0!1 a8 * soldier and Southern patriot, j <>* trade within her territory, worthy In Puritanism -A Pharisaical rigliteous- : ness, that is more righteous than the writ 1 he latter says I have Day’s Series of Mathematics, sir’, a id Stoddard’s Latin Works. And so on, Mr. Editor, until the last scholar is dis posed of, and the result is the teacher can if the resolution by winch your com i > e was authorized to act, I would most ,-illt R. R. Hugb,- Hutcbiuson, and I and put him iu jail at ouce. This morning, j tire rank of Captain of one of i , „ Lew- at the instance of CoJ. L. U. Pottle, at- j a „ teer com panies of Infantry had raised j her ex P or,s 1 ‘Specttully recornmeud to you, and thro 1 Webb, a prominent merchant of this torney, a writ of habeas corpus was issued 1 , . u , ... . . . . , y<>u to the Legislature, that by Joint reso cily P j by the Ordinary, and served upon th« ! h,m3cIf efficiency and daring conduct, Schofield, a brother of Gen. Scho- j Sheriff. He was a native of MilledgeviUe and from j terprise. popnalation and wealth, of the \ * en iaw ; * BH PP 0 *« d wisdom wiser than . c | ass BO two, because he lacks uniform its first vol | variety and value of her productions and j ’ 80 Uappmnte an se -constitu tsxt hooks. But notwithstanding these . -i»y- jouon .‘lie appropriation act of 1SG9 be, in ; proper proportion, continued for the first and second quartets of this year ; that the Comptroller General he authorized to pro cee.I uhder the rax act of 1862, aud that ted saints, to whom have been confided the g rea t disadvantages in the way of edaca- will and intentions of the Eternal; the . tion, tho teacher continues his professional It. H. Maury, Jr., Senator Bland, negro, and Powhattan Roberts. It is supposed that twenty members of Gen. A. It. Lawton responded. . , . Mayor Screven offered as the fourth ! F« eu,,ar P eo P ,e ’ zealous of.good works and duties without a committee to visit his an, I deeds of charity, whea at the expense of equipped school to see whet profieeincj ■others. The direct and positive effects of bis pupils have made in their studies - _ uct O yj | mm j mm 11 vr no 1 • . . your honorable body then adjourn uutil i t j Je State' Legislature are killed and j held subject to the order of Gen. Terry, j tIie reaiams of Gurlingbr, a German to tiie rank of Brigadier General. But his The return or answer of the Sheriff was | was not au exceptionally decorated tomb. 1 re s u ^ ar toa8t : iu substance that H. Martin was arrested j Distant from it some sixty or seventy' Agriculture—The source of our prosper , _ on "a warrant duly issued, and charged ! var( j St ail ,j bv itself, ig the soot where rest I in tlie l ,ast 1 tlie occupation most cou- I Punt*™ 8110 - 18 t0 ,n, k« hypocrites, and j Which cannot be great under such sad with conspiracy and murderthat he was « ' J “ 1 . , , . . . . _.r i * • bar, i g® n ‘ a * to , ' l ° traditions and tastes of our such time in the future as will be most likelyio emniace the action of Congress^ for tlie recognition of the State, and her j admission the Union ; and I would ; respectfully suggest tho fiist Wednesday | wounded. The Judges of the Court of Appeals all ; with the writ. e>capetl unhurt. Ex Governor Wells was badly injured. I L. H. Chandler, counsel for Chahoon, ] July ho h convenient time for reas- | ou ,j je Mayoralty case, was injured. j Jamed Nelsou and Judge Meredith, 1 2d. 'I he warrant was not shown. i people. With the blessing of God on our resolution and our labors, our sunny South About two hundred persons in all were : ited. hurt by the Hccident. sembling Th; recommendation in regard to the reso lution lor appropi iations, &c., is made be cause we have the assurance of the Gener al commanding this District that, owing to the pressing necessity for such action, he will give validity to the resolutions, find Htiiltoiize them to take effect. And the adjournment pending the action < r.giVss is i ecoinu peculiar political vie are* placed. The government of of the State being provisional, subject in respects to the district commander under j the reconstruction acts, the Legislature! cannot pmceed to general legislation, nn-j less i' shall organize by administering the j test oatli to itN members. This position is’ established bv the opinion of the honors, eminent citizens, many local politicians, and for these reasons he could not comply j her, and Confederate volunteer soldier, who gave himself to the cause of the : Exceptions were taken to the ret urn as j South, and who served to the end, when shall again yield her increase, and our follow 1st. The body was uot produced Court tried friend, respected and lamented iu death, by disease which had attacked him j waste places shall blossom ouce more as in camp, terminated his life; a true and ! *he rose. where one observes an over display of j nn( j deplorable circumstances. At length, prudery and piety, look out for a wolf in before the school expires, somebody gets sheep • clothing, especially, it a man is the ma( j an) j 6 *y b bis children are not learning professor. A very nice man, according to , anything, something is rotten in Denmark, Swift, is a man of very nasty ideas ; and j f or Jb on is uot out of Websier'a old spell, there is sotno truth in the assertion, para- ; i„g hook yet. And the consequences are Dr. A. Mean* responded. counsel for Ellison, were also badly Hurt, j 3d. No order of Gen. Terry wasexhib- ! life, and iu death uot forgotten. These excepting were sustained, and j Aftor ail tl,eso Bcene3 > * ai mHn y more ‘ doxieal as it may appear; and pretenders the poor teacher is banished from the halls Mayor ticiew.i announced the presence 10 8U P' !1 * or purity or religion, will often . of learning, as an ignoramus, because be i of representatives of the St. George’s So- j ^ oun ^ much dirtier and profane than ; didn’t have the necessary books. Now, This he j °ver which admiring devotion indulged, | a * l _ t *^ ere ^ * hundreds of persons are on the (Japitol square weeping and wailiug as ihe dead j the writ, ascertained that he was powerless ' t0 be drawin their neighbors. The greatest excitement prevails, aud i the Sheriff ordered to comply. ndreils of persons are on tlie Capitol ! refused to do. The Ordinary, who issued j the crowd appeared again, as if by magic, .. .1 ^ .. , . . 1 EnglauJ. Drank in silence. , , , , _ . . . - B to the center, and again to j 0 1(1 and dying are brought out of the buildiug. to enforce au attachment for contempt, aud . ... . , „ ... , „ r I John Cooper, Esq , of St. George’s So* ,-fj Governor Walker ©scaped uuliurt. tboagb | bere tbe proceeding .topped, end 1 ."“ell.l'V!” \ ciety, responded. mu. it l.i i t- .1 r\ !•' The Puritan zealous in his MasteFs cans*, 1 he Health ot Victoria, the Queen of : Makes that cause, his worldly gain ; Mr. Editor, every body knows that with* out plows, farmers cannot plow; but give And when with sanctimonious prayers, lie pravs. 1 them plows, and good farmers with good Asks damnation to those who bate his ways, j 8eagonS( wlli mafee 0 J d motber earth groan Quarrels :—The storms and hurricanes j and sway under the fruits of their labor that sometimes sweep across the human and toil, blood and sweat. Just so with lended because of the be was on the court room floor at the time, j case continued until Gen. Terry can be Soon, astf the fittiug tirno had suggested 1 , ^ Wright bein**- called out referred I condition in which; heard from. | itself, ami every one was in waiting— ° ° ’ . ! The question, you perceive, is one of j pr a*-er was proposed and offered up by the ! m ha PPJ term3 fo the B y m P Rtb y ,l » d P*^ ] h ®* rt - and not nnfrequently purifies the teachers. Without uniform text books. T t j Tr tT 1 , - .t i .. tiality which animates tho people of Ail-! feelings, as does the lightening and the I teachers canDot teach; but give them gusta and the whole interior toward Sa- ! storm, tne atmosphere, ^o quarrel would uniform text books, and they would be the vaunali. He thought at least one end of' J a gt long if the fault was all on one side ; means of having ere loDg men who conld FURTHER PARTICULARS NUJHT DISPATCH. . , , .... .jurisdiction. Ric.inond, April 27, Night.—In addition Have civi| auth()rities aay ri ght to try to the particulars before sent, the following j- m sucb cage# j ’ have been ascertained: j ls , )a b ea8 corpus suspended ? About eloven o clock the Supreme Gourt , ■_ _ ___ - I Appeals of Virginia was crowded with Episcopal Church. The appeal w’as ap propriate and fervent, arid in devout ac. knowledgement for His mercies, who rul- j every railroad in the State should point to an d with lovers, it is the artful trick of Cu- write and speak with a vim that would United States a "d a great many of the public at large. That opinion I *'lio were drawn there by curiosity to hear my communis ; the result of tlie late hearing of the ques- Februai v 2d, , ‘ on °f l * ,e Mayoralty of Richmond. | The friends of Messrs Ellison and Cha- boon, who comprise the prominent Uepub licaus and Conservatives of the city, had S! :n Savannah. He concluded by offering : Me case of \ frginia. the honor to quote in my communis •hi in the Legislature on (), as follow s : it is required under tiie previous law •r umoi the. .question of adopting the . . * | Aineudmeat.s| to tie Constitution | assembled to hear the decision which it was expected would bo given to day. etb and upholdeth all things, and bv* > . , , « , ~ c . . • | , “ , . , ,• , •, • i * t i Augusta J he daughter ot oavAnnab— make the attachment stronger; “ and ■ than angels themselves. Oh ! yes, yss; whoso power nations like individuals are ; ....... ... 6 i.. ,. .. , . .... , .I ne ir material interests aro not antngoms- many are the instances among friends 1st the people adopt uniform text books, controlled. It was moreover a proper aud ihe U ited •of. ne- *r it .ng it .States before the admission iresentation in Congress. . thprefdie, tliat if inav rani/,?, and act upon that hat until Congress shall he constitution, and the n:l shall have restored oper place in the Union, i form of government as mhliiM'ii, and admitting it to representa- ii. 'he Legislature is not untitled, aud dd not. without vi dation of law, he al- ed lo tr ie-act any business, pass any or resoivi*. undertake to assume y other function of a Legislature, if tho t oath lias not been required of its mem having adopted the Among tlie many prominent persons present were ex-Gov. "Wells, ex-Congress man Neison, Judge John A. Meredith, Batrick 11 Aylelt, px District Attorney lor this District, ex United .States District Attorney 1. H. Chandler, aud others At eleven o’clock the gallery of the tlourt room, which was crowded, fell in. j The floor followed, and all thereon were j precipitated thirty feet to the floor below,; which was the floor of the House of Del- ; elates «T Virginia, mi which some few of j O . „ J the members of o caucus were waiting i around. 'l’liere was a general crash of all the ! timbers, and thelaliiug ot the insidu wall iu which w'ore killed, Patrick H. Avlett, | pleasant prelude to the closing scenes of tic; their fiiendiJiip should strong in the future. the day — which received its last and beau fill benediction from the lips of the Rev. ! , , . , , lerreu witfi Mr. Philson, Rector of the St. Stephens! . . . , . •> i ... propriety, m tbe midst or the discussion or; ( ore i Episcopal Church, of this citv. In a short 1 , . , . . . . , , . . f i r . , ' material thing* which always take care of | and happily conceived address for such an j themselves, of cherishing those sentiments occasion — replete and glowing with feel ; iugs prompted by the experience of a continue j where a momentary rupture has only serv i and hire good teachers, appoint committees ; ed to consolidate the subsequent attach- ! to visit the schools, and some of their cbil- 3Ir. J. R. Randall being called for. re* j m «nt. hi a broken bone that is well set,! dren’s names, perhaps, would at some fa- characteristic taste to the ; usually becomes stronger than it was be I ture day be written on the scrolls of fame^ There is that undefined and unexplain- and embalmed in memory’s halls forever. In the selection and adoption of books, ed mystery of the heart, that loves some- i it 19 deemed of vital importance that those which elevate our spiritual natures. times to teal the patience, spirit and for-j only which have a tendency to elevate recited the exquisite poem written bearanee of a friend, and after a ruptuie,! should be selected. For the benefit of the tried a tit approved soldier ot the self same j b y him several years ago, entitled, “Who j j ove fa mot0i a negative respeet and love, i people of this section of Georgia, I can cau-'e—(for he. too. if we mistake not, vol unteered Us mite, and could well aj pie will Guard the Camp To-Night.” ciate tiie depth aud height of ali its re Xews. offered Cal. W. T. Thompson, of the Savannah j s t rcn „ attachment. ; resolved into a positive admiration and heartily recornmeud A. S. Barnes & Co’s publications to leading places iu the schools But there are sometimes words spoken, of the land, in reference to that character aiities.) the eeiemouieB and tiibutaiy of j I lie Memory of Stonewall Jackson, j tba ( af0 sharper than a serpent’s tooth,! of expression calculated to improve the ferings of the people of Milledgeville to j £>r«nk standing, in silence. MIL L.E DGEVILLE: Tuesday• Xffiay 3,1870. MEMORIAL I)AY. Auother Memorial celfbratiou, another Everything harmonized with the solemn • ‘feast of flowers” commemorative of the yet grateful pastime and more deadly thau the sting of the morals &c. And as Mr. George H.Ratcb- ^ their departed and gallant wa.iiors, were j Mr. J. A. Englebard, of W ilmington. SC orpion, that neither time or memory will , ford, of Mount Vernon, Ga., is Messrs giacefullv, feelingly and reverently ter J N. C. being called out, made a genial re j forget or forgive, and the door of friend- miunted [ sjionse, and offered : Savannah—May her p roeperitv be equal i The living for a few ! to !,cr ‘ ,nter P rise C»ipt. G. A. Mercer offered : skip and love is forever closed. '!'! , T 1 n v i l • rr ,1,, J >»*» ,1 I ;a "1 WHICH Were KlIICU, i HllICK Jl. JlYICll. ; ^ * . o r , n , -. r «■ J fundami-:?! conditions and amendments j Captain Charters, Chief of the Fire Brig- j “Boys in Grey.” whose honored remains j hours, were the interviewers of the deed.! C'ipt. G. A. Mercer offered j reouiied bv the reveral reconstruction acts atie : E. M. Schofield. City Assessor aud ; are resting withing tiie pale of our city j Their trirJs and sufferings were photo j The Press Ihe Invigorati and bovine- elected Senators, tho question brother ot Gen. Schofield, late Secretary j eeme teiy, was appropriately observed by ; graphed to the life —their cause and the i n ‘* er8tand * n 6~ The So!( PuRfiATORt :—A necessary invention in : the oarly stages of the christain belief, to igorating Touic of \ reconcile justice, mercy aud forgiveness Solomon’s Bit -r shall have approved and the citizens of War; Dr. J. 1). Brook, editoi of Rich- action under it. I ,,,0,, d Enquirer ; Julius A. Hobson, City ’.stored the State to its ■ Union, by recognizing . , nent as republican, aud mission merchant of Alexandiia; Samuel j revived ; revived in the Milledgeville last purity of their convictions that it was holy ters of the Mind. Wo cannot close without returning - Collector; S Dagger, a member of the | Tuesday, the 2Gth of April. The Lost |-the devotion they brought to its sup- ----- ° i tod ia a few brief years House of Delegates; T. A. Breivis, a corn- Cause, was tlien and there most feelingly port, nud last of all, its failure and defeat, thanks to brothers Sneed, Thompson, and 1 , I,, .-n c .1 • i_- j j j i be the lot of all men regardless of engaged and chained the uiiuds of those cnrl ond..». i with the divine attributes. It was repuls ive to the early Christian mind,that infinite . . . . . .. _ .. ! past. But let us have peace and a uoi and eternal torment for offences commit- i r r Barnes & Co’s, agent at large, be will with pleasure furnish any school with the best and cheapest books extant. He him* s eif is a great friend to education aud of mankind, and is most especially devoted to the South aud the constitutiou of our fathera, those ancient and good men of the c . . . , ,, ! formity of text books, of existence should ; J to representation, is now ration by Coagress, and is d. It would. rateful lemcm* Eaton, of Boston, Mass., aud formerly the j braDce of the sacrifice of husbands, broth- atrical manager of tlie Boston 'i'heatre ; Powhattan Roberts, Coincnissioner in am as: the. Di appm. .vise if not unla >nn general legislation at tli is mred by the general command- | 1Io 'r ard ’. a law >’ er j. As . h Lp T- v ’ » ni «‘ 0 bant strict that lie will approve a res Estill for their kind attention and endeav-i , , , . # their general lives and the provocations who vet remain t > witness its end, and ors to make the visit of their brethren of . r , i • i i .i ,. ", . , , ! i . , ,, . to sin in ungarded moments, or the ers aud sons—revived by the recollectiou ; ever to hear testimony to the sacredness the, quill pleasant and agreeahle ; that; . , ° , r commissions of great 6:ns without pre they succeeded, we bear testimony for] . • r HENRY C. RYALS. Lumber City, Ga*. April 17, 1870. CTTLtLLEISrT NEWS. wfu" 1 to™ sttempt ! Chancery of the Court of Common Pleas; j of the wrongs which their noble struggles and honesty of what is still believed to T ... a 1)1 I ,.L C 1 I- !L, J . <>., J *»- V. I .. ^.,.1 1... *» I ... U.. _ - i .) . . . l i the Legislature providing for tujent of a committee, such as fur by me in my communica- Legislature in February last, I herewith respectfully repent James A. Blamire, of Berlin, Prussia, S. I failed to avert; aud trebly revived by the have been a just and righteous, though j ourselves. E. Burnham, of Syracuse, N. Y’.; N. P- petty persecutions which their conquerors ! hasty and precipitated actiou. In the Ian ’ ’ ryer ; Ash Lew, a merchant 1 .... r . e , r v> .1 i> c ■ , T \v li im' a , are still forcing upon a remnant of people guage ol l ather Kyan, “ for vs prmrtp/ »»i mio uii * ) «* • »V • U. ft negro j . , , . , , . . ... * 1 Senator from Princo Edward ; J. Watson, j who8e on, y m,9do,n S s con8,Bt ,n tlie fact >s principle—right ts rt S lit, to dav. to a merchant oi Danville ; Thomas W. Wil | that they cannot kiss the rod which has | morrow—FOREVER !” cox. ex-Confederate General; Samuel H. even smote them unjustly, and seems de- Haiiston, a wealthy Und holder Henry j termine(] upon no otlier mode of concilia tion. Truly the words of the Psalmist, in- enemies, are more county ; Cbas. J. Grinnan, of Woshing- ton, D. C ; Robt. H. Maury, Jr., a land MLiu^.1 ,«i official! *g° ut i E4. Ward, n( E» R l«nd ; Wm. H. | voking aid against hi, enerat, if vo - honorable body will author Davis, a coal merchant ; John Robertson, j than pertinent to the Radical PRESS ASSOCITION—SAVANNAH. After a week’s absence, we find ourself j meditation. The humau mind uatu- We close by giving this sentiment—Sa- j discriminating in regard to punish- ^ vaunah—The first boru daughter of Geor- i ment8 and de S ree9 of cr,rae ’ thoD ? ht t0 ‘ 000 ; gold notes, 840,000,000; greenback, gia, and as fair grows the mother, fairer | crMte * Pur g ator y be Y ond the g rav ®> aud | S356.000.000 ; ^ National Bank_ notes , Showing the Age and Body of the Time*. The total currency of the United States ! is represented as follow ; Gold,8150,000* rows the daughter; prosperity to both | give to poor mortal man a chance for more 8300,000,000 ; fractional currency, 840,* ’ ] reflection, r.p.K.uce .»d f.ith th.0 b. j J> ul - ! TiHE PRESS CONVENTION. The Savannah News, of yesterday, 8736,000,000. Rliode Island, which is a Radical State has alawwhicli requires every voter t# .imm . . again at home nud upon the^heel of our i t j on delegates to the Press Couven- | quite, deserves to be true. ..... „ - . , al majority, or publication day'. We cannot in this lias- | tion in that eity on Sunday afternoon.— ——— the re- 1 a ." e S ,o l3d fl tl l t . m ! ms lZ r >' C,d | Black Republican party, of the United j (ily writton artic]ei do justice to our visit j The News says : committee to sit durin^ - , . , ^. investigate tho indirect charges : “j G J," , .-Y’. L. ! States Congress—"And ichyl the j.n 'Treasurer through the public sf tlie Executive, ns well as fliarges he inav now have to Marshall; W. E, Raudolph, of New York; R. E. Bradshaw, a grocer, and thirty-three ir cowi* j miming is not for peace ; but they imagine heis. amongst them one captain, one ser j deceitful words against them that are quiet , lin > im llil» O |U m . .■ ., j {fully recommend i g eatlt > B,ul ll > ue privates of the police, who j in the land." to Savannah, or to the proceedings of-the Georgia ion was a pleasant union of a number of could enjoy in the flesh. It is a happy medium between the two extremes of per* ives the following account of the recep- j dRion and salvation, and almost if not a “ re gi 8 t r y j ax ” before they aie si , ... -i-- - . j 0we q vote. The people of the United States, ac cording to Commissioner Wells, swallow* ed by retail in a single year, 81.573,491,- The Reception Committee, headed by r> , 0 . • I Col. William Rogers, Chairnian, left the city on a special train kindly placed at the disposal of the Committee by the Cen- Imporlanei of Uniform Tat Book*—Ur. Ratchford a* Agent At. Mr. Editor :—I Bee iu your issue of the | S65 "worth t.f liquid" poiiou, Of this va»* 12tb inst., a very able and comprehensive ; sum. New lork guzzled 8236.917,520 ; the Cor persons ithorized to Tend - wt " r6 ou dl,1 y in 1,10 building 1 papers, and to admin-j Amongst the wounded were ex Gov. J 1 Wells, ribs broken, and otherwise inter- cctfullv recommended that | nally injured; Mayor II. K. Ellison, Presses of ihe State, and augurs good to tral Railroad Company, with two fine pass- i article, written by Mr. Lewis, of Douglas Pennsylvania S152.6G3.495 and Illinois . .vnovo UK, ..ill, auguia JU'IU IU , tiflj iwaiiruau \juuipauy, mini iwu 1111c pass- / '811*? 933 945 ! On the day mentioned, at least that I tho profession, if all of tho papers of the I eugcr coaches. The train pioceeded as j Ga. He is replying in part to a beautifuL part of it which claimed the ceremonies of j State w ill outer into tiie organization, celebration—all business was suspended, The meetings were harm far as Milieu, where the car provided for ! composition which eminated from the pen IVhat Dsfealcd Jeicell. G-ie paper says authorized and directed ; slightly wounded; Mayor Geo. Chahoon, j the doors of stores and places of general j business relative thereto perfected and | au d the other proceed n Treasurer’s use of the . slightly ; L. H Chandler, Judge Juo. H. j traffic were closed, aud citizens of every j adopted.—viz. The adoption of a Consti-i delegates to arrive by that route armonious and the ! tl,e dele g ates w! I "’ w f re \° C °; n ° b - v wa ^. of ’ of Mr. Geiger, publish in your valuable pa - j ]}*** v ? te “ ! .- B . a ‘ wb ? armomous, anu tue j Au wng taken 1)y ,| ie Augusta tram, I w J n ,, r 1 he Springfield, (Mass.) RepMtcan, lisd* eto perfected and | aUl j t ] ie „ t i )er proceeded to Macon for the ■ P er 0 * ,e 22d of *ebruary. Both of these ; ca [ t gay8 . ‘(Shall we say it is ‘pure cus« r iiis own personal benefit, Alerideth, Jas. Neison. John Howard, m of bookkeeping in | Rush Burgess, Collector ot the District ; i t f ^ The j learned gentlemen, I am happy to see, aie | seduess V A spirit of contrariety, that age, men, women aud lisping little ones | tulion to Govern the association aud rales ! run was successfully accomplished, and wielding their pecs in a cause which should leads her to do just what reasoni and the ■ffic w 5. C. Diuican, agent of the Virginia i-f= c*(-intnr*n<1 further and finally, and New ltork steamship line; Hon. Thus. repaired, as if" by one self-moving impulse, f, xe d f„ r advertising. : to the silent mansions of tho dead—the the train reached Macon on schedule time. There the Committee met and received tho 1 i at all times claim the attention of every true patriot of the Empire State of the Railroad vou, genilemen of the committee,un uid from our interview with the Gen ommanding the District, lie desires ,:oid tiie exercise of any authority ■ver in tlie matter now pending, oth m the approval which I have hereto eferred to, l ot expresses the opinion ’ p unwise to enter upon any ion at this time. it w eral 1 wort ask muni nir 1 in until s V may r ’ moling. 1 respectfully repeat [OIl( >ni hie committee, to SHI ne to tlm legislature. 1 (tlli I at ion that, after hav- efl an d adopted such reg- r*\ to the appropriations, ! he C f nnmittces for inves- fsfl« (if the General As- fHf* the tw-o houses ad- da] ns that honorable ilin e t o be proper for re- ;in. ir entlemeu. very re- ate Army ; Col. Geo. \V. Brent, of Alex andria ; Capt. Geo. W. Allen, Port War* deu ; W. C. Ellam, newspaper correspon dent ami broker; Thog. o. Baldwin, merv cliauf. from Newark, N. J ; W. D Chss- teiman.of the Petersbu-g Index; Win. H. Safer, a meichautof Baltimore; and about one hundred others. Directly after the disaster occurred, the file alarm was used to give notice to tba ; reefed the various The reception the Press met with by j delegates, and, after the usual courtesies and receptional ceremonies, not, however, partaking ot formality, and the quiet iu» change of pleasant gi-eetings, the party left j Dixon’s Line to the Gulf of Mexico.— nd the | and receptional ceremonies, not, however, j South and, indeed, every State from the era tj 0 n seek for a sigu, we should say it s cordi I partaking ot formality, and the quiet in* | Atlantic to the Pacific, from Mason & was the fifteenth amendment.” committee be authorized and' di ! S. B„ C ock, ex Speaker of the U. S. House I revered confederate dead—there to <L n l> j „ , . . f 1 ry i , IU c Ut V filJi DGi lllCot HSoOt IctIIUDo* ft 0 inquire into the financial condi - Of Rei ressutatives, leg amputated; Geu. the tear ot grateful hearts, and to muiimir , . 1 jf.prr,li..o, nf the W.»,e,„ | M. U. Oo,«.,- Geoer.l C.nfeder- | mmU 0 n,e s L a .ed lo,e hr (b. soldier .»<l 'S'"''*' 1 /« «** leroca wlio lmd failed in tiuEtaining their 11 7 . f.i ,, i at 7 it clock ycstciday 'ccrt'lcg, t'I’hey are urging the propriety of adopting m i D i ne oiatittici ... ...... . , . ", tamed well, but it was elegantly done. , t(1 i-j n? up on fa wav delegates who ar-I ./ * . V / 3 x ™ n,n S ights, tiie ir liberties and their nomeS, ! fi’La. <•„!)„_, uuuorm text books in the common schools silver producis o B done with that taste that the good people ! rived on the Augusta train, iue follow- < 0 ' , geueral situation ot public affairs invite her uot to / PosJblj’. But if the public must have a reason, it an uubelieving gen- wliich repaired at once to the scene. A large force of police were stationed around die windows to Keep hack the excited crowd. Eor three hours after, the scene was full of horror. Minute after minute there ap heroes rights, against alien hirelings and treaclieious brethren. Everything pertaining to the sad and solemn duty was ornate, suggest ive and appropriate. Woman’s taste aud woman’s hands had presided over and di and enchanting ar- nd around every tomb they were visible like the devoted watch*' good peopl of Savannah know bow to do things. The The United States Commissioner of sties estimates the gold and of tlie mines of the United ing gentlemen of tbo pre., nerc .he 4.1. | * Ik M , wbleh *11 -.Ible men .ill ^“.Tn/.Tni cotton crop was and of this gold doubtful whether i*v mi.m kjs.%,uciu t*p murnuitcB, 11 uui j It(3U. A.. 1\#. ritriiv, «im iTAtisdiB. iicury *, ... ~ | . • . 1 r 1 „ ,, A * ij. pr ^ f •. , * • j a qvajI PAtriok WftUh Aiifrusta : woald soon begin to flow with increased * more than miiO-teuths ot its value was no ther agreeable, were not wibout his-| A. Moore and Patrick VV alsh, Augpsta exhausted in cost of production. ^ ^ _ The Bonaparte T/ial.—The killing of J. F. Shecut, Madison Farm Journal. . boysTnd as pretty Southern girls as tread ; Victor Noi ^ bati C08t Jf. lDce Pie " e Major Anderson Reese, Macon TeleN i , , , , . 3 . ! parte over S30.000. This amount includes J 1 the face of this earth. - torical interest. 'i he good clieer fliut was aboard in the shape of a good dinner, aud a glorious Chronicle and Sentinel S. A. Atkinson. Athens Banner. : progress, and shed its influence on the rising geueration of ss noble Southern ers of the sepulchre of JeSus. Their gar- | , , , i i . i me ..v» ••• ».m. , , , a » i 11 . ‘ , punch, was enough to make one forget the , g ra P“' i t. • < > . • . .. , i laudfi flowers, had all been diligently 6 r ® W. A. Hemphill, Atlanta Constitution. * 8 ol lb « ntmost importance that ev ■ -„.i i .1 _ _i. . r ca,es au( ' ‘ajors of editorial life, and ban ; vr.-ii- t' — i ,i.« a. n ii. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. »nd tastefully deposited, until tho work of decorating each and every grave was com peared, swung out by a rope tied around j ,d et e, aud their labor oi love most careful* the middle, the body of some popular af- ! a »i.i -,i . r \ . i ly and exactly (lone. 1 hey neither enter- fvoritc, who alter being swung out ou top . , , of the shoulder of one of the fire brigade, ta,ned > n« r could they cherish the slight- mangled and dead, weie brought down ; distinction, but felt as— terrible Accident in Richmond. 7 - Floor af the Supreme Court. Gives IVmt—200 Persons Precipitated to (he Floor BaUiUh—Great Boss of Life— fftn 7 IJtsti/iauishcd Persons Killed and IVovvdcd— G real Fr a truant Tlnouerh- Riuiimond, April 27. — A large crowd illefcfe-i ibis m.lining in the upper portion ‘•If the bones of a brother Lie sleeping with tlmse of another. Though that other a strange? may be, Wrap each with the emblem of memory. Ami festoon their graves with its blazo'ur ibh from hi.s mind the beauties of Con gressional Reconstruction. The visit to the Cemetery to view the graves of our fallen heroes, strewn as they were wiili flowers by (he fair women of Savannah, was a sad hut pleasant visit.— the costs and 85,000 compensation to ths family of Noir. The Prince has also giv- ry lover of science and of the South, to on 84,000 for the poor of the City of lours Wm. Craig. Bath Paper Mills. Col. John H. Christy, Athens M atch- , feel interested iu endeavoring to remove wheie the trial took place aa *, T . .* • j those obstructions which have impeded the Robert G. Bui nwell. Debow s Review. 1 Col. A. R. Lamar, Columbus Suu. Three Things that Never Agree.—*1 wo the march of education so loDg. Let us cast over one mouse, two wives in oue : , . house, and two lovers after one young ia- i than aa man rvn fWArb Anri iflnnt fl avfi« 7 * Col. Joseph Clishy, Macon Telegraph, i then. « men go to work and adopt a sys- ^ F. S. Fitch, Grifiin Star. tern of education worthy of the honored tho ladder into {lie green of the public ' park, where it was instantly surrounded l.y two or three thousand of those who had gathered to recognize the alain. The park war. filled with anxious, weep ing women and anxious, men until two , < „ o’clock, when the last victim was drawn j t^keii up w 'ilb preparations and decora gia State Press Association, at the Pulas* • U. R Sharpe, West Point shield. Many of the graves were elaborately and P or{ ®r S. It. Weston, Dawson Journal. J F. Shaukliu, Rome Daily. H. E Morrow, Griffin Middle Georgian. R. M. Orme, Milledgeville Recorder. C. H. C. Willingham, LaGrange Ro, ftation we hold in the scalo oi existence. handsomely dressed. 1 lie complimentary dinner, given to the Indeed, the whole day was more or less : Southern Associated Press, and the Geor There are>at present 9000 ladies in tba Sultan’s harem. His favorite wives are : nd first adopt uniform text books, by D^uel, (the new pear.) Hairani, (excel ! good authors, j And te;ondiy, employ good, moral teach- | ers. and let vagabonds and imposters slide and float as atoms on the wind. And from the building. After this the police , tions. But at the hour of 4 o'clock, P. M., ! ki House, was an elegant affair There is Dennis W. Boully, Hawkinsville Die- 1 third j j et lbe e j 0 _ ees appo int a com rr!*;!:7 *•*>!• -i-r-^ been sent out. leut heart,) The staff" of the harem in cludes 2300 persons, and 500 tables sro set to feed them twice a day, with about 6000 different dishes. Cost nf the Late War.— A Confeder* ate medical officer has estimated that tba was then lifted, i »„ every sense of the word, and reflected , the itouie Daily. i A vast crowd moved and thronged the great credit upon those*who complimented he Press in such a manner. The follow- AH ihe stories in tiie city were closed and i . , A , , ,ij ..i-ii i walks, now pausing to gaze ud<‘U this, then . t Jscards put upon the doois—•‘Ufosed. in ' r b 6 r i i building, w here the Su* ( consequeuco of the disaster at the C»pi-< on another floral deposit, until silence j ing are the toasts drank : me Court is located, to hear the deci- ; i in the Mayoralty case. About eleven ■ , ck the floor gave way beneath the n-.. weight, precipitating the crowd to floor below, which was that of the use of Delegates. [t is difficult t<> ascertain at p out oi the luiuries, so great is the ex ■ nicur, though it i? known that many 0 been kijlefl and a large number se- nsiv ir.j.tired. Many escaped the terri* f.,*Jl by jumping into the windows when fj, gave wa\. The wounded are 1 being properly attended to- MXiiND DiM-ATCJI. ruled the hour iu the contemplation of the No more business was done duriDg the 1 various offerings that rivaled even Titan- iy ' j ian bowers with their cha«te and exquisite - adaptations month, and if they find tha teacher is not fug the war was 53.773, and including Hon. E. B Cabaniss, Monroe Adver- | doing his duty, oust him and get somebody those who died fay disease, the number to. ' , lost was 160.000. He savs tbe whole else. It is, in fact, Mr. Editor, words of sober Mayor John Screven offered as th ■gular toast— first tiser M. D winell, Rome Courier. J. F. Weaver, Thomaston Herald. They were met on arrival by gentlemen { ne88 Rm * tf utb available force of the Confederates from first to last was 600.000. Mr. George H. Tosnight, meetings were held of tho members of the Press Association, mein-! I be Pres*—Au engine ol might mighty in its power to euforce Truth, Justice aud ""7,, 1 'I , ^” uc .,.| ,,,, . ... , . *. ' r cuiwrce J mid, dohiicb auo ; sjd ne y Goodwin and others, and were ta j . . knnR ,i H d« B to his nunils — ve68eIs was 731, and I tl,e num hers of the Ue military associations and 1 he monument which was erected by ; Right ; mighty in it* poser to elevate i kcii charge o' and conveyed to their re* ; of > m P art,n S knowledge to tns pupils. 8oldier4 17 8.075. The total n .resent t lie (he members of the Bar and of the citizens j t j, e Ladies’ Memorial Association, to coin- j and refine a ; eople. spective “quarters. They thus, in the He calls them up one by one to ascertain 5n sel vice .fan General Lei 'Pimm ally, To morrow general mourning o ^® n ^ sa J , P e0 P' e Stuart, in a lecture in Philadelphia recent of the Reception Committee, Col. Ed. C. ! tho eonntry of my acquaintance, employ a • 8ate d that the number of men inflated m Andersou, J. R Sneed, W. T. Thompson, i teacher, and Monday morning he goes tho Union army during the warwas2 - and enters the school room for tho purpose 600.055. The number of commissioned vessels was 731, andjtne number or „olorpu * umber of .pective quarters. They tJ,ns ‘ in Hie fle « l,s ' uoul "f |Q aelVl ce wnen uenerai Lee surrendered hands of mine hosts of the Pulaski, Scriv what books ho or she is studying, and to to Geu. Graut was over a million. A. B. Luce, N. B. Browu, J L. \ illaionga, tion, gorgeously festooned, as it was, by a in a.lelicitous speech, in concluding which i (11 Constitution, dated Newuao, April 26th, says that the Georgia Baptist Convention, has decided to re locate Mercer University, unity occuriod iicre this | No point having been designated, *e pre ' ' ' suine the Trustees will invite competition '1 l.e floor of the Court of Ap will be obs ,r J »g a da • of i me010rat0 dl0 o rull P e noble dead, ( Responded to by Col A It. Jnc eo,,eiv ® a8 * a> ° j was, of course, the centra! point of attrac- I President of the Southern Associated Press i ® n , aud Marsl,a11 Houses, were made to . p rcscr ibe lessoDS. John, wbat books have have sixty-two thousaad mil® 8 of tfeel perfectly at home in the Forest City. | ut I have Smith’s Grammar, sir.- railway iu operation in tbe United States. Bv the Charleston tram, which a *.ved j ^ ^ ^ ^ y0Q , j have and it is said there will be, by the end of I Brown’s Grammar and Smith’s Arithmetic, the year, fifteen thousand tnoremilo*^ ;,ir. Harris. wh»t book. b.r. Jon t I! '7 P Tto Zoif«u”ion of j have Clarke’s Grammar and Davies’ Aritb * ' *" * have arrived whose names we have not; ^ Miry< w hat are your book. I Muiickr University.—A special to (he j splendid gariaud, at this moment uumer- he gave: neb il C toifol -nve way and I between the different cities of the Slate. ous bouquets, crosses of delicately arrang* j The City of Savannah—May she take ed flowers, and mottoes were attached to j (he lead where the cities of the South the garland, by different lady bauds, as ; shall follow. individual offerings of love and esteem The gailand was thus rcndeied an allar | regular toa.*t ; Mayor Screven offered, as the second here at 3 o’clock yesterday, B dan, Esq., of the Charleston News, and j Maj. J. A. Englehard. of the Wilmington , Journal, arrived. Other delegates may ; j jav0 Grammar and Davies’ Aritb V .ill ...einbl. .0 d.y, j W.b«.r'. bl„. .f.lli»« b-k. w. b*. il i. pl _ ... way enthusiasm bordering on insanity, hut other parts of the world are e»tch»i»| the fever from us.