Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, May 24, 1870, Image 2

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^JTScHCSSSSSS? The impress, w hether for good uf evil* |f Reported Express^ for lhe Atlanta Llafoy fcun.J *»IK0 ttUL by family instruction and example, is ! Proceedings of"Tlie Western And Atlantic indelible. In the Home-citcle is found Rullroidlmeitlrailnj {«Bi£ilute. Bfc :HE *kXi’ DEBOCttirti! t j ie h a( i addressed an accomplished and stitutional right to resist. This is lhe|U>gJ}* l-> vfcl ‘' I 1 ‘e tl»ii., M.iej 1 «>r th.. j i , , . a>.».uiiYiioi«A J7, 1 ,«<four ctnn tn \Y asmngtoii as the repre- , l,,ve >y young lady of Mobile, was ac- imlortmfate romnium ol :«N lb*- s * tive j of l!its wllr ,] H „ f tllcin> a „d two j course, unable to desig-: cepted, and they became formally be- North and South, ['hey have surien- caule w |,o * e ,e uot members t»f the Legw- iiooMs Wk.stkhs & Atlantic Kailkoad ^ tiatCc-ibe iptfividuai. hut. The Day-Cook frothed. A tim * was appointed for ilcre.i ail thtir rights—the Nortu iu. a ; j atur0- lie lent them fivnn twelve to til- is- CSTIUATINU committkk, , Ati .itta, M;ty 18, ls.0. ) Tlie com mi tuee met at 9 morning. It was called to order >v Senator* will venture to predict that the first mail, personally fitted lor the, that solejunly.and. distinctly pledges hiinseirto the restoration of the Rtyvblk of Washington, os it icns^tchen.^Abraham Lincoln began Ins war/a re on it, will be iiie celebratiou of thfor nuptials, but i war upon the South, and the South be- teei , hundred dollars to pay their expen lute decided that they should never cause she could not help herself. meet again. General Cleburne currie 1 with him into i ennessee his wedding suit, and expected, at the fiisl opjxniunity, to a domestic and Patriarchal Church; the training school of the kingdom of Christ ; die pledge and foretaste of the bli ss of the kingdom above. Indulgence in worldly and fashion able diversion is an other great enemy of earnest piety which is invading the 1 B^’ck, chairman. Church, and threatening to estrange The journal of yesterday was ivari 1(>c ue.\t Democratic Presidi o;, vv+jcih- +«tt»Fii-to Mobile to be married. The our children from us. Dancing, in and approved. , . , , er that man be McClellan, Sherman,-, i rest $ quickly told. Ho fell at Frank- particular, whatever pausible excuses l he cotnmitten dee ded to takc Blair, Jefferson Davis, or j hn and was buried in his bridal suit, may be pleaded for it, is destructive the business’before it in the following |{ t )ht. E. Lee ; and furthermore, it will j a5 one of his staff, who interred him. to the growth, not to say the very ex- j order : venture to predict* that there never 1 hut recently informed me. The young islence of spiritual religion in those who ; 1* What has been the end re earn- again will be. a Democratic President j Ddy, some time alter the war, \'\p [ jave been used oi- attempted to people : manied. hut last\ear she loo passed g ena tors oh the Georgia question, raaiiea ed and forbidden by the Word of' «.«««.D and its tendency is only evil. In immediate connection with the j expends °f the road i spiritual welfare of the Church, the W hat disposition has been great and only effectual remedy for : °f the profits of said road r Ik ° K -.i'^T5r i.. t_T. i. Anderson. G f! H a.i K. U N A„.,i 0 G 1- S 1* , v E i.I.T m ,G ll -P c *'*I- 5* i - L \t rr y- g. m. s i Vaii, u. )IIle M - 2d Vail, E. D. W. K. Peacock, G. Gartersvil’e. ees. ainTouly a small portion of the mon- e j had beeu ^funded. The amount of [Associated Press Dispatches J money made use of by him from the 5th of; E. \V. H. Fuller, G. M *2he Senatorial Sribcrv Case ou the March to the 31st of April, was fourteen lanta Fifteenth Amendment- \ tfovtisand five hundred dollar?, and of this. v Bullvik spinds §14 500 in six weeks. His amount, four thousand eight hundred dol- printkg i,UU two thirds higher than prop- i lars was paid to Forney and foe hundred 1 -I and live dollars to the Globe. It appears ™. ,, . , J- • _k„.hom Governor Bullock’s testimony that Ttf. Committee on .he il..,. ... .. special .grwment with,he’ 1st At. G Tre * 9 - August,. were instructed to inquire report , ... publisher of the Chronicle for the work - whether any corrupt and itaproper^nea^ Rg w „ t (he m|tter , oJor pn Wication him without fixing on the price. A man named George D. Chapman 1. ' What - has been the. entiro earn delight to indulge in it. Generally, j * n e s aT1< j r ^ cp Ip*s of said read ? I wiihqul such pledge to the it is a species of “reveling” condemn-: ~. VV hat has been tbe necessary \y e j uc [ uc |e the name of Jefferson iaway from eailh, and the betrothed re u Qr t this afterdoon.'' Tiiey experienced . ,, . , by the Word ot , working expenses ol sail roatl . . Davis as a possible Democraticcandi- spirits fiave doubtless met before the i much diificulty in ascertaining facts, and 1 salt ^ cou __ in rm. UC8 p^*_'i, , 1 # . _-j- _* God ; and its tendency is only evil. 3. What has been the actual working (;, r || lr Presidency, not because j Gieat White Throne of Heaven, where the examination was protracted by the un t01 i of liis.emiiienl fitness for the position, made'Xr because, as tilings stand now, he is E. W J Pollard, E. J. E. Blackshear, Gr. Sect'v^M " E J. E. Navy, Gr. Sent. Aug^’u. ^flir%rn JUrurher. most, if not all, our deficiencies as a ^ * ial ^’"tracts have been made Christian people, is an increase of in- * or material and supplies for said road, ward, genuine, scriptural holiness.— outside of the Estate of Georgia ? We fear that the doctrine of Per se, as tilings ! quite as like to be the whom were such contracts feet Love, which casts out fear and purifies the heart, and is the “ measure of the staiuie of the fullness of Christ,” as taught m the Bible and explained 6. With' made ? 7. Bv whom made ? S. Who vi ere interested contracts. 9. With whose,approval This was a prominent theme in the dis- '^ e purchases so made . courses of our fathers, and alike in 1L W ho were interested in said dis- their private conversations as in their counts ? public ministrations, they urged reli- i How are Pomeroy. Tbe Committee bad not i- . _. . . . ... , , , - thoueht it advisable to delay their report ; al believers m Divine Revelation must will.,.goes* ot witnesses who were .a a po- ' f o for Obapman, who. from the admit “there ,s no marriage or giving su'<.n to know toe trnth 1 hey first ex- ^ % efore it F aMnmed he could leatler ofliie . ' u uiarriage.” amine on. . aims ug ies, uun 11(11 COJ1 t r ol a Seuator’s vote by corrupt means; Ainencun Democracy for the, reslora-; Gene, a I Cleburne joined the Lp.sco- ^ , (lim 0 ® e oveui (21st ’ tion ot the t edcral Union of these ; [>M Church before the war, and was; (>{ March ja-|f) \ at he was nnl p08itiv -e distinguished Suited at 1- ranklin with tlie full rites oi a j, 0 - llt date. Porter asked him w’hetb that church, which were performed on ur j ie couid control tbe vote of Senator the occasion by Bishop Quintard. Carpenter. Ildgbes replied lie did not -——» j think he coiifd. but had no doubt he could The Stw Hold nl Atlanta. * ; ascertain .. .. was going to vote upon Some idea of the extent and magniti- 1 a11 )' question ol importance. Porter said were tl^V ‘ enuneni, or sp Liithfully* 7 gtru‘r<ded for : vcnce of'this new enterprise may be j that SiJ.OOO iu railroad bunds, endorsed r! ’ • ■ ' y :."Vi outlines i the 8tate ot Georgia, or the Governor 1 of Georgia, could be put up to secure his i vote against the Biugbam amendment.— States, as any one of the gentlemen named, but because, from the begi ming of our national troubles to this hour, no man, iu all this broad those ; |,a S so truly embodied the princi ples of the American system ot gov ernment, or so faithfully siruggled for and enforced in our standards, as a i . _ , , . , . ^ . distinct and practicable attainment, is j m!, ^ e • _ ( ' the preservation oi -our, Democratic | gathered !rom the following too much overlooked .and neglected.— ; Were any discounts made upon j ustltut imts. The time has come to , which we extract from 'lht Period: stand by the be the in tor- !' : tell llie truth, and to truth, and \vlmlever may finality, or seeming contradiction or cross-ties, wood, and jj n the Democratic mind, a KIMBALL S HOTEL. gious poople to “go on to this perfec- |ether railroad material procured in liit-1 v . lgl tnnjoriiy of American Democrat: : know the perfect truth of our asser- , Hughes told Porter that lie could not ap? For the details given below we are ! proaeb Senator Carpenter with any propo- fol.inrl lo \V H p.irt-lni sitiou of that sort, but he was satisfied in his own mind that he would vote for the lion,” of satisfying love. The revivals i °t Georgia f which followed their ministry were not j H. What prices are paid t sujteificial. Their getiuineness and j ^ hat employees or officer? ate power were proved by the holy lives j interested in procuring and triumphant deaths of the converts, j aiu * supplies . indebted to W. H. Parkins, Resident Architect in charge of the construction of Kimball’s Hotel, now in progress of erection in this city. Mr. Kimball tipn, that Jefferson Davis, above all j hopes to complete it in time for the amendment. Before Porter left the room he made some remark, the S 10,000 were to be Porter and himself in case o j rov to his conversation, as testified to by . Governor Bullock, Senator Pomeroy came before the Committee, and showed that Chapman was unknown to him save by introduction and not exceeding ten min utes’ conversation, and not in any man ner connected with any of tbe matters thro’ which Chapman assumed lie could con trol bis vote, aud that the pretext of Chop ; man being able to influence bim one way ’ or the other was without a shadow of j foundation. The Committee feel constrained to 6ay, from tbe evidence before them, that such means had been used and attempted.— . „ w . , However unwilling some of the witnesses ' Cotton for tbe y ear i860. Tuesday, May 24- 1870. COTTON PaHxTrTesT ^ ^ From tlie Comptroller General’s report, we see that only S2.338.94S is invested ia to the effect that itupl> cate( I in the transaction had shown ; ^ e thought that we had at least Dear : uch material 15. Whether any officers or employ- 1 e living men, has sirugled for and suffer- p a j r of the Slate Agricultural Society done. Hughes told bim ed for tlie great principles established j 0 ( )5 i )e l ( j a i Atlanta next fall. | nothing to do with such by the men of’7b, and whatever hi divided hetweeu themselves to disclose the whole truth, 000,000, bat it seems we were mistaken f its being enough has come out to satisfy the Cora as t 0 what was actually being done in that he could have j m ittee that H. J . Avery both attempted 1 and used improper means to influence transaction.- lf we would he life tl#m in power and usefulness, we must resemble them in holy consecration. Nothing is so much needed at t;.e present time, through- cut all these lands, as a general and powerful revival of scriptural holiness. yiinistcrud Education. The inadequate support furnished, in many parts of the Connection, to the preachers regularly engaged in the ! yards where brick me manufaetuied pastoral work, and the consequences hv parties not connected uith the ; road, which must follow, if this evil be not) IS. Has any property of tho, roan remedied, will not tail to be noticed j been taken by officers n.* employees of by you. We must perpetuate an ilin— i l ^ e r °ad and appropriated in meii own erant ministry, separated to the holy ; use . office, and consecrated to the care of; 19. Have any officers or employees soul?; with all of time and thought and ( d the road received nr collected any of energy devoted to their sole and appro- , die earnings of Hie road or money on priate work. But to enable them to do account thereof, and failed to pay the Senators to vote against the Bingham Lewis Porter, an The geueral plan was drawn by j Mr. Hughes subsequently met Senator Senators to vote aga Griffith Thomas, Esq., of New York, j Carpenter, who said he would vote for the j amendment; and t a it embraces iu its details ail the i m - ! amendment-, and against the bill. Mr. ; '^er of the Govern e it embraces in uei u ? a t tbe m , . tlieu mentioned to him the matter, ln undertaking for pay to proveinents it. modern hotel a.chitec- an( f g te ,, that p<Trbaj) , it was due t0 ! his purpose ; H.B. Bullock i M r officer of the Government, acted improper- aid him in in paying D. the Chronicle, line. As to the manufacture of coarse goods we bave enough factories for that purpose we think ; but wbat is wanted, is tbe erection of factories for the manufacture of as fine cotton goods a« we get from any of the New Eugland Mills. We should have in our State, with her are to bu preserved on this Continent li is the.ignorance, moral cowardice,.j and mean, mercenary office-seeking spirit of professed or pretended Deni ocrais, rat Iter than the delusioun of the suggested tfiat perhaps , - . himsidf that he shouid bring it to tbe at- i C. Forney pub.isficr ot teution of the Beiiatc. He laughed, and ! ha viug tlie patronage o. tha Government, It will OCCUPY the position of the old : replied that he had done nothing in the | prices for printing pamphlets and j unrivaled advantages, at least as m aD y T*- . I — I matter, and did not so propose ; that in I inserting in his paper articles anil speech- ! Cotton Mills as Massachusetts, and become Atdinur Jm ! on the Georgia question ; and the same , j ;er ac tj ve competitor in the . Forney, in publishing said articles i . , . , . speeches, with editorials, concealing goods. I here is a ready market for *11 act that he was la and ’ripple pr: purchases i that Carpenter said ho would vote for the , mea, ' d i n “O erc “ f'i ’elers and ! amendment and against the bill. This ! r ' n J ac Georgia quest. > S°2 000 i was the end of the matter. The name is ^ enca tuai an ^ & “ ua Lewis Foiter, wiio is the financial clerk oi the city post office. The Committee next examined Porter, ton. There is no evi- i-uator was influenced, but it is not unreasonable to suppose that a newspaper in tbe position of the Chroni- provement, y the fact that in some sections there is a j P en ed r great amount of negligence in raising 21. \\ ore any the means of support, and of conse- j interested in < r quern privation and suffering among j losses . the preacher* Ho nnt rhp mpmhpr< 1 22. jo wnat errors in regard to means or mistakes ; Griflfith Thomas, Jf*sq eesot the road are iiueresteJ in eiiting j f> |- policy, tii« men of the next geuera- j [ t embraces in its details all tbe houses where road employees are (j o;1 xv j|[ unanimouslv confirm this as- * et ^- > . j serliou. We repeal, tlie time has j mre. 10. Are any officera or employees , L . 0(lie j;, r Democrats to speak liie truth j «;.titatiom avo fxtp-vt ot the road interested in warehouses in ; a;it | |p stand by thtj truth, and those which goods shipped over the road are i w j JO j mye<>ol intelligence <>r honesty ■ . , „ . , ,p, „ . or have bei n sloren ? sutfcientlo do justice, to the cause j ‘ ’ ‘ ant J . ° 6 ? r . e ompso* 1 , one j pr eMiut state of tho public feeling he 1 ea ou ^*0 Georgia question ; and the same j j ;er aC {j ve competitor in the manufacture 17, What officers, ti any, or employ-j [I1US ^ tqke back -seat? or be silenced l»^ eer h °t e l-keepers ot tne Ga^e | ^ P yt ^ the? lJ0<ori J t , of having it j D. C. F -* — res of the road are interested in brick- . a h«*e«-tlie r , if ilia! cause is ever to tri- Cll - y ’ .?"« r ,pp e< a,,cI caterec °M known t | iaJ eveu :iuypersoll i ia j bold him j ftade P®- , .. . , ° | that could be made • and as >* wnnU k umrdi aoain or D’mocrauc iustiiulions ! lhe P ubllC - 1 he § r,,unH P urchased so C beap a? to suppose'tbat 1ii 5 vote could tbe ho was _ paid for the same ha could be made a.,it as we wou.d be - ' \ f j , ,, . A • ’ o ’, from Dr. Thompson cost $<6,000. To : be bought. lie afterwards told Porter j ,J(,ub53 aQ ^ ,r, PP ,fl P rICOS * Qtd ase improper both producer, manufacturer and part cou- is chi'll . 3t j Uare t | )( . j Q( additional purchases that Carpenter said ho would vote for tbe | m « aiia mfluepce the votes^of Senators,. 8am e r , we could manufactare cheaper than have Itecn made from It. Peters Joint P. King, amounting to ll will front ou the Railroad and on ,, , , i , I Prvor and Decatur streets. It? Pryor masses. Unit enable? tne monstrousi - .. ,. . . • , -i • j r,- • 1 street or mam front, which faces tlie; , , . , ,, , . , , , . and nevil-possesseil Abolition niinori- • T , . , . T | who den-.ed, qu «>ain, ljaviug knowledge of ; Ci[ y 1 ark > 15 2!0 feel in length. Its | a|1 attempt „ n the pait of aoy oue £ iu trouts on the Railroad and on Decatui j] lie uce a votg on the Georgia question street will each be 163 feet. that be had talked with any one THE FIRST story. ’ Judge Hughes- It was not until alter a § M i . -ii , „ ; protracted examination that he testified i , . In all three aspects will rireseut an f , , . .. _ it nubhsbed. bearing on . r *. i he Itad conversations with difierent persons . 11 r » non front, and win contain sixteen , fa Q ,: !Jn> and had askei, ,0 “- were f, . ,r at r- We are astonished that Savannah with ; stores, four fronting on the Railroad, j , d Hu-hes as to Seuator Carnenter’s 1 a P erson b * v, . n S aD ^terest to produce , astonisDed tnat barannah with four on Decatur street, and eight on j vote g He°then asked to be allowed to ;i P H,uc " ta ‘ As t “ ere . is uo 5aw der sa P euor auTaEta g es a seaport, a ; Pryor Street. j take legal advice. He wanted to employ j | or punisn-ng suca attempt, they must be j number oue cotton market, and a city as- The main entrance will be on Pryor | Hughes a.s an attorney in the matter. He j ril ‘ P 6 ;* 1 ^ 9 *" 1S e , st f ?. °. u ' e p* f ing to a wholesale business, does not Street, lacing l lie City Park. This will told Hughes be eouid have a fee, provided lod ’ . t0 J ne J®' 0 ** which'w : ”^not erect 0ue ortwo fine Cottou Factories,for ' occudv about fifty feet of the front — ; he could do good! He talked about five i * n J J ust P' ,b ” e ^nt.ment, Welch w,„ no. occupy aoout iiiiy teci ot tne ironi. . , < , . . fail to visit its condemnation upon every ih; a o T • thfiusauct dobars, but there was no positive i , , • r r rom mis a Ladies Lnlrauce is ertect- < ; attemnt ot tbe use ot imuroper means to - I i . . o arrangement. 1 or this five thousand doL * v , *. . , etl ; also a mam staircase to the Par f? , . . , . nttueuce the vote ot a legislative bodv. . i t. i i I lars Hughes was to look tbe question over | “V, . , , “ G lots, Promenade, Balcony, etc., on the ull ^ „„„ rta ; n t h« I be report ia signed by Senators 1 rum iy peop at the North, for there would be the sav ing of freight on the raw material. Lat the capitalist* of our State wake up, elc, enjoying to some, extent the confidence aud invest their money in Cotton Facto- ot tlie Administration and o, the dominant rles j or manufacture of a superior »r- carry in Congress, would have au influ « , . , _ , j Lee upon Senators, while assuming to act t,cIc of cotto . a S ooa »- What Columbus, iixce /t i independently and from a sense of duty Augusta and Macou have doue, is but* ‘ which it would not possess if it were kuown drop to what should be done iu that line 1 that the insertion of many ol the articles Their success is a atandiug invitation lor peL.d.n 0 ques- gurjj j nvestinenlg< extravagant prices <le. roughshod over a gical r __ r _ , and seriously endanger the this,the Church must make provision for j same over t° the I rea^urer ol the ro-.ul : grand American system founded by a proper supply of their wants. While j (,r P a ‘d the same to other person* Uiati i lbo men of 1776, and which, for three it affords us pleasure to say that in | die Treasurer " • I quarters iff 1 a'centary’, ' was the wonder most of our wide fields of operations I 20. What quantity ot goods have j 0 p (| le e .j r jh and the hope of mankind ! there has been witnessed a decided im- j been lost ol those received ot shipped ^ tK ] n j nv , unless there are Democrats vet there is no doubt of by die road, and bow these losses hap intelligent enough, and brave and pat- ! riotic enough, to organize and lead the officers or employees Democratic masses into a straight fair, benefitied ln*r : *aid-1 ! {it;)nd-tip fight’with the madness and fraud, and crime of the faction in pow- occupy about fifty feet of the front.— i,c couM do good, tie tatted about five s\t Tts com!amuati..u upon every !t W(iuld a( M to b e r importance, especially extent have over- erj then there is no help for it the i From .this a Ladies’ Entrance is effect- tb,,usaucl t-oltar^batl.iere was no positive j aU g m t tbe uge 0 f improper * means to if fine goods were made, of the Church need to be specially in- j charges been made for height ' Deindcratic’cause must be fought out ed ; also a main staircase to the Par ; f.^'^Hn^hnawA - m took ih« mwtnn ' v ** influence the vote of a legislative body. We ara gratified to know that C-olnm- structed and trained in this class of j 23. How are liiese over-charges : ( h rol ,gh horrors, anarchy and blood, ! lots, Promenade, Balcony, etc., or. the j a * r J aa# “ rUin tbe situation anil render' The report i? signed by Senators Trum- : bus has taken tbe initiatory step in show religious obligations ? i 111e ’ a,lt a,e ° i ^ rS- °. r ein ... ) ' 1 ' , 1 titif>ai'alleled in human annals, and tbe second story, j such aid as he eouid. Mr. Avery connect- E dmaad3 » ^ ou ilu o* arpenter an j U g w j ja t can be done in the way of turn- Our attention has been ot bte years j eeso tie roat mtcreaiw oi juil ec em l of AA^ehi no living man rnav wit- \ V j, ere ar e to be, besides the Parlors, j ed with a railroad m Georgia, was in com-! g^^ors Stewart and Rice, in the iug out fine goods, and we hope that it arrested by the inadequate supply of, by the same . ae ss —A- I - Day Look. ; lhe Dining Room, Breakfast Room, j -nun,cation the wttoess, and had ten ; ^ b them, say that it is will become the Lowell of the South, for young men offering themselves to the 24. What, qt person* ueie f!„nm« ei,- I thousand dollars woith of bonds. Avery ™ p ? ,k« te^timonv .t . - at P l me ■ . un ihppmnlnrmnK of 'he road durtno ■ r :- ,, ,- T ? i r amity Jtooms, etc. «,nVi « in th«’Rrnnfiwfpfc in 1 Alho i disclosed by tne testimony that many the water power ic sufficient for all desira- work. May we not assume that Christ, 111 Uie employ m m <>, .lie rr au uur i a [I; rom the Memphis Ledger.] was a director m tue JJruuswick an.l Alba- ,. ntll ] oll i,tedl v occurred not creditable l. * u u 1 J r 11 T . the Year 1 >69 ? i . u- THIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH STORIES nv Railroad Companv, and admitted bav-' tblu § s Q d 01 d y , • • 6 bte purpose*, the Redeemer of all men, the Inlerces- tne year . , ! Crcbume—Seme Iuisrestms Fuels About hiin. „ T „ , . . . y , ^ V/ ? ! to the parties concerned. The investiga , / . , sor tor all, does call men to the holy I 25. What number Hurvtig each i - ! Will he set apart tor general sleeping mg gone to see Porter, who was an ac Uve , tion ba l s bee n mainly directed tothecon-j In this coanecnoa, we will also notice office in numbers sufficient to the de- month ? nen General G.ebun . a? killed ro0 fr)s of winch there will be, in all, j politician in the Kepuulfcan party. Avery ; , opposed to the adoption of the'capital invested iu Iron Fouuderies, is office, m numbers sufficient to tie rte Who. m.mher since the first dav at Franklin, Tenn., in I?64, he was in L h(Tnl 9 ao 1 admitted that he went to New York to ob : d , uct D ot l “ 08e ° vv °*? " Tt P ® i , * Q ^ n , , ■jjancls ol His cause m the world ?- ^ lhe hu ‘ hU thirtv-filil, jea . Hv education he •‘ h ° U * i «i» *~»W to write letter, Senate,, ; dme '.„o W J ,oTle I “' J * a - ' ” t f A 2 i. Are there any person? m the , ■ ** ^ 1 j 1 ® Will contain a Billiard Hall, 50 by 130 money. tbe such consideration as it de- wotId perbap8 . i n Mining. S 15,395. Two r ‘-' K a ‘“ ' ^ e ' V (MMhe ' could beat Irs age in thit profession, i b ’e«. P.ovision, Fuel, Boiler and Ball. It appears from the testimony of Henry j J erved ’ favor of That amendment fine fieIds for investments. 11 [.When about•twenty-oue years of. age, j Hoo.ns, W ater Closets, etc. The j - f ? «cep* « P S the conduct of Chapman was in- , . . , , * tj “ manv an .j what persons i he abandoned uie-monornnv-of bottles building will be healed by steam, thor- ^ lh - * h u c:tiz P ,^ of Vebra -ka^a^d : cideutfy inquired into. The report of tbe fervent prayer to “the Lord of the j l 2b. ( How maiiy ^ an! vv hat person? , ^ ^ _ and ^ mag r;redCfin J oughly ventilated and guarded against j give a 60 Ut as Aver ^ aod Porter are would an increase of piety and zeal in the Church supply the remedy of this j employ ot the deficiency? What can be done to j whose names do not appear arouse our whole communion to united, regular pay-rolls ot the load . 23. How many an i what person. _ , harvest that He will send forth labor- ; have been put in ' the {icy of the road aI “l - abf ^ 3,1(1 lbe GJ1,n g oi f ,edcn > since the ISth of Ft 29. What servic in'u a ry. cs hav 1370 ? ■ been ren- , tions, and joined the British a/my as a j his services I have not been abie to as RASCALITY EXPOSED. Tbe Atlanta Constitution has been giv ing to its readers a full expose of the ex penditures of Gov. Bullock for tha past j accident by fire. . . j dollar*, Tipton would ^te’ Vgafolrt the I concerned, ia fully sustained bytheevi- It is estimated that it will require m Bingham amendment, which the witness ! dcuc ®' 1 here w no evidence to connect its construction 4.000,000 of bricks, f 8a J,J lie coustrued ns an offer 0 f 0 „ e any Senator or Governor bullock with the fifteen months, and conclusively shows and 400 win- j sand dollars to induce Tipton to vote colu ^ uc ^ ol P- 1; P J:< -- 9 °| an o ” ^ ese men - Tipton iineitt. It also appears testimony that Gibbs majority we think you may hnd it practicable j t()U ';! (1 ’ anti J r ' I Hiding the to adopt measures that will secure a uniform scheme of instruction, which 32. What amounts have been paid ers into His vineyard ? You will consider, of course, with . . . great caie, the whole Sunday School , ^ (vhTnnm'ber Vf nersons have I vte.riaip, bpl it is uot probable that he | ov er 10,000 floor joists and ^ - j interest, which, we are happy to say, ., * . . bv ^j.j in } '. lct or remained in the armv. many inunths. i d(tvv fra[ne V , • a,nen has assumed a magnitude and impor-, f. L hum up lost cars ? Thh much is known: He landed at j Messrs Healy, Berry & Co., have | Gom Atkinson tance never before know in the history ti ’ fo^t e-irs iiave been ; N ew Fork pvior and friendless, and j d)e contract for^the brick-work. John j ot the Southern Methodist Church.—j,—5. ,, hern the co^t ol some years before the war was found'q H- Peck is the General Superintendent j , UCU1C , . . - . . - r . ^ al Cincinnati by a gentleman of Helena, jConstruction. j he ever said ho had authority to offer mon- *87 object in concealing from publication. Bu jj ock bas been gnilty of all the above Arkansas, who induced him to go 1(1 THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAIL- ®Y* It was anly a figute of speech. The ] 1 -«4 it I„v M »i».tinr Cammit- that place, and accept, under lum, a I _ _ J Committee think-it will be a matter of ° cK **57:.. , situation in iiis drug stole. The young j ROAD. surprise to the reader of the testimony Tlie Albany News, in commenting j why the man Gibbs, who pretended to ognized his meriis and talents, and ' upon lbe piobable passage by Con-| know so little about Georgia, should have paper, the j ’ l persuaded .him to study law. He was i gross of the Southern Pacific Railroad j aa ,Hterc8t 1,1 tho Geor 8 la soon admitted to rite bat, and became |»E'd» . u\ ? . , , j W. C. Bestor, of Riggs A Company’s jibe partner of Colonel Mangum, an j l bus is about to be mated the j Bank . testified that the bauk has cashed f tbeir ^uiiueni lawyer of Arkansas^ who was project <>f a noble Georgian, v\lir» lived | dra jj g drawn by Governor Bullock in fn- j ^Uerward one of Cleburne’s staff offi- thirty years in advance of his time, j vor of Sykes, Chadwick & cers, and who is still ptactictng law al The late Hon. Thomas Butler .King, j Georgia National Bank, amounting to be- Heleua. When the war broke out as early us 1S37, projected a trans- tween ten aud eleven thousand dollars. Cleburne went out from Phillips conn- continental Railway via Albany, Vicks- I John Kerr, Cashier of the hotel kept by CV as camaiit ‘.I a company. His sub ! Imrg, El Paso lo San Dicg.i, ar.d while j Sytas, CMivick t Uo lestifiej that af teupeivisor, was invited | s 'equenl career is pan ol - lhe. known ly«t ihU .ponkw * ’ " ’ I......... R„n„.v . h.n ~.M >se? r 33. What amounts have i‘eeu loan ed, or allowed lo be, and by what j irishman soon made friends, who rec ti 1 ’ i.i. f bv texts furnished at our own publishing for [ ,rinlin g P u, i house, together with the enlargement of the Sunday School Visitor, and pos- j - sibly, in addition to that paper, the j° | fhcer °, r e mp ,0 .V-ees lhe road, for other publication of a monthly journal adapt- j " ,an 1 a, ' r °ad put poses ed to teachers and the older classes of 34. \\ hat officers oi die road who, by- pupils. It is very desirable that theie j bnv ’ :ir ^ required to give bond and se- should be an improvement both in the j curdy for the proper discharge oi character and the price of the books! duties, have failed to execute prepared for the use of Sunday j bonds with the security required scfiool libraries. We recommend the | * aw appointment ot a suitable person to be Mr. A L. Harris, Master of Trans specially intrusted with the oversight portation ai.d Supei visor, was invited of these vital interests. before the committee to give such in- j ^ni / • [ formation as maybe necessary to en- [ able the comcntteee to call upon the! In conclusion, dear brethren, we proper persons for the information that pray earnestly that the plentiful en- tnav be desired-, to enable the commit* richment of the “spirit of power and of ; e e niake a full investigation as di love and of a sound mind,” may rest rected. upon you in all the deliherations and The following resolution was adop- decisions of the present session—the j teH ; * first ol the kind, in the annals of Melh- Resolved, that during the iiG'estiga- odisni. Could we lake you up the tions bv lb's committee all persons shiningmounl of vision and show you giving evidence bclbie tlie of the iine was in le virgin forest ami inhabited by the ter payiug Bullock's hotel bill, eight thou sand five hundred and sitv-nine dollars fame be- \ l11 '- ''"c" 1 ,,JI “““ I were placed iu the Governor’s liauds. hi? native j red man, al great personal risk and pe- | w F g Huntington. Cashier of tbe first that between Tha following is a list of tbe living Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, iu the order of seniority, and their places of residence : Bishop J. O. Andrews, Summerfield. Ala. Bishop Robert Paine, Aberdeen. Miss. Bishop G. F. Pierce, Sparta, Ga. Bishop H. H. Kavauangh, Lexington. history of the war, and his longs alike to the South and .... , _ _ . w . Ireland. Strange and unnatural as it ; cuniary loss, lie surveyed and located | ^ationa.! Bank, testified may seem, he had a brother, in the lhe line from Brunswick to tne Chat- March 18, and April 21st, 1S70, they paid ; Federal army. Of this fact he never tahoochec river. . 3,508 75 to D. C. Forney, ou a draft drawn spoke even to his most intimate friends, foam from Charles L. t~chla>ter, ! by Gov. Bullock on the Georgia National and few of them ever ventured to broach Hh ! the subject. Albany Passing over this circumstance, j possession of the family, a portrait of; ^ ; P n,1 ' ,S! ‘^ 01 " a,1 J Bishop E. M. Marvin, St. Louis. Mo • which ha< many painful o-iralleD we Mr King, reptesenling hiiTi as thought- 1 ,,rn "®. ’ <> - U J ,C 1 t’ >» e \ Ja ? Bishop D. E. Doggett, Richmond, Va. wniui lias iiidii) paimui p.tiaiieis, G . 1 , ° , , ; transaction* with Bullock were purely of a , tt v \-. c i,„;ii. i come to the saddest romance ot h.s Tully and earnestly making out the j bllcillcai| , cliar acter, and exhibited bis „, A Blsbo P U ’ Mcl y eire ’ J ‘* slw,Ue ’ gieat life, which involves.another who , route upon a ghfoe. His index finger • boo ^ g showing the transactions between eLin - I i 5 nmm Sun ^* “ “ ‘ ‘ » » v iGtii ll j I mu Giiai ICO ».tina< ict t u y mm uu me iiououai ief Engineer of the Brunswick and | Bauk, payable to said Forney, and endorss bishop W. M. Wightman, Cbr tany R. R., that there is now in the j e( I b y bltn - SC isessior. of the family, a portrait of Di Ci publisher of the Daily E . M . Marvin. St. Louis. Charleston, 0 co.nrr.Htee \| 6 f h^r-^Fnf-^n Chmrr-h 'gnnih ih hesworn. was as gentle and pure, and patriotic ! rests upon San Diego, and his eye fix- , them ; §4,459 were paid for printing pain? The Secretary of tbe Treasury has ai- iats tor extra printing, and e ot i? [ y 01 1 L ’ e Also, a resolution requesting the fo j| t j- sphere, as ■ lit; was brave and j et ' upon the same spot with the uner- ; phlets, publishing speeches aud other mat- rected four millions of gold to be sold dur-j are not paid. It is believed or his representative to knightly and fierce iu war. She, too, ! ring exactness of destiny. . ters, copies of paper, etc. 84^228 of the ing the current month, the committee to-mor- ! j )as { gone to the spir.t laud, anti we vi His [)!ans were scouted as visionary above amount was paid to tne publisher g avanna lj cotton statement for the olate no sacred confidence now in anil impossible, and Georgia rejected urirrg t ie present session o ongress, ending April 30th shows total re> ^ ‘ ' ’13.740 _ _ 391. . . . , - ouable, or whether any other consideration 77 ’ ” - * - oi the j * ,,M superior genius iheu saw is now ti, an the printing doue, aud tbe papers aud ; • > olil | about to be realized. pamphlets furnished, may not have in-* 18 Army °f Tennessee, that while the a - j All honor to the memory and great d uce d Bullock to pay such prices, it will j 3 i an( j Messrs. Candler and Mynalt were mv was in winter quarters at Dalton, thoughts ol Thomas Butler King—the i net be difficult for the impartial reader of l3 ‘ grained permission to appear be ore General Cleburne had leave ot absence projector of a railroad across tbe Con- the testimony to understand, the committee in behalf of a number c f' a nd went to Mobile, a? it was impossi- \ tineut on the line of the 32° parallel. sublime possibilities which await lhe j g * - ’ ‘ " development in the ages to come, and £ eaf be(ore which, as their condition, ask lor un-1 r '^ , n „ rni K , (| , fnisJl „ |B „ , swerving fidelity to Christ and lhe sol- „ luchi fi . sl f(mr illlrrr „.. llo , rjM entt, trust He has placed m your gi(en ab , )ve , |Y„„, ,1,,. Jim of January hands for the world, you would need ; lhe o( A , 1870 . or al)v olh ,; r no loftier inducement lo the patient, , i . ■, -,li . . , . , , resolute, prayerful discharge of the du- ! fof office. C ° nn 1 i su ' vivnigjnembers of the grand lie? imposed upon you as represent a-1 r-.,...ii i ai i tives of tlie entire Church. That the Divine counsel may guide you in a!l no sacreil coiiiidence now m : aiui impossible, and Georgia rejected (llli & * ! -. P esen 8tlS!0t . h gres , week ending April 30th shows toti g thus briefly a tender episode tn iHem as the theories of a dreaming en- ^ Ht h ea ^pts, 424.973 bale* of upland and 1 arrior.’s life. It will be remem- thusiast. _ What his prophetic soul ; ^ ^ [ ^ f.” ™ 8 bale, of sea island ; total *b.pmeou wrilin the wan tiered hundreds ami ihuusauds , | enable, or whether any other consideration , 149 bale3 o{ up!a . ld au J 11,979 of sea and ; leaving stock ou haud. 33.S24 bales of upland and 1.761 bales oi sea same time spent oulv $6,623, uuder tbe same pressure. 2. Governor Bullock spent $12,800 in fifteen mouths, iu “defraying the inciden tal expenses of the Executive Depart ment,” while previous Governors have not averaged $350 a year, making over 812,'* 000 more. 3. Governor Bullock spent $14,204 46 iu five mouths for extra printing, of which $G,16S was given to his own paper, and d is said, went into his own pocket, wbiio Governor Jenkins spent only 81.070 in ten months, making Bullock's aud Je°' kius’ extra priutiug expenditures bear tbe proportion of $26 to $1. Ftom the let «f Jauuary 1S69, a period of sixteen and a half mouths, we find that Governor Bullock has spent tkirty-J uUr thousand Jour hundred and fort y-eight dob the accounts that the »■ mount will run to fitty thousand dollar* 1 Over fifteen thousand dollars have gone to iiis personal organs. The same paper has the following • rtl * ele that is direct to the point, aud tbs committee caunot well get around reeom- meuding an impeachment of the iallow : “If we mistake not, tbe Legislature of 1S6S passed au act authorizing the Gov- things, prayer is our devout and constant citizens who they state, propose to em- j f>Ie for him to gel through the lines to President Grant haa demonstrated his eruor to raise by bonds enough money «• George A^Bffily“one“ofohe pnbl.sbeis of contempt for wbat be is pleased to term pay the expense, of the Legislature I the Congressional Globe , R. O Polkhoru, “Virginia chivalry” by appointing a negro J. O. Andrew, R. Paine, G. F. Pierre, H. H. Kavanaugh, W. M. vVightman, E. M. Marvin, D. S. Doggett, H. N. Mclyeire. Memphis,, May 5, 1870. ploy Hill and Candler and Mynatt and fog home. When he returned to the j Connecticut.—Governor English, t Deli to act as attorneys for outsiders, army it was observed by all who knew j of Connecticut, was inaugurated ot ^“VatioDal Re.uublicun, severally' testi- , m securing a lull investigation oi tne . General Cleburne that he was dressed ( New Havei), on Wednesday last. In ffod as to tbe vary liberal prices "paid to ( matters whicli the committee are di- up as he never before* had been. He j his message to the Legislature he de-j D. C. Forney, Ironi which the Committee ; rected lo investigate. wore a uew unif .rm, \yiih the buff’' nouuces the Fifteenth Amendment as | draw the conclusion that one third of the Tho committee adjourned until 9 trimmings and insignia of a Cynleder- ihe result ol fraud and force exercised sum of 84.22S paid to Forney by Bullock, o’clock to-morrow morning. ate Major Geneial; also a new felt hat, j by Congress, yet counsels appropriate ostensibly fur printing and copies of his I.-* :♦ naner. would have been a liberal eoiopens .me Tim Taylor, to tbe portmastership of the University. Ojjictrs »f the Grand Conned of Geotgia ate Major Geneial; also a new felt hat, , by Congress, yet counsels appropriate ostensibly fur ] adorned with a sweeping black plume. ' legislation in view of the fact that it P a P er > w °ind l March | The soldiers grew facetious over the,j has been proclaimed and peacefully ' .osB, a change in “old Pats’s” appearance, for ] accepted as a part of tbe Federal Con- : ; pted as a part of the Ft From tbe Fort Smith Herald, of 18th, we learn that Mr. Lewis Ross prominent Cherokee, died a; Ms residence It is the determination of President in the foherokco N,.tmn, aged ab ®'^ : garb of a common soldier-, anij they ex* 1 j qunciations of Railical legislation. He White, to have tlie car* rnnnmg on the years. 'I no name of.Ross is deeply rden- ®. . . , \ J i , .. Savannah. Griffin and North Alabama i lifted with the history of the Cherokee ln j plaj.icd the Irano.ormaUnp jq many , only fads to advise resistance to the Railroad, from Griffiu to Newoan. by the diaus in Georgia, lie was a brother of willy remarks, ii subsequently t runs-j operation of the amendment because Dt day Jf July. I the notorious Chief, Johu Honi, p*r«-cl that during tbe General's absence Connecticut has not, he thinks, a eon- Bullock, in his testimony, said hbde- he li ‘ l 0USh V t r P T nt •‘ ,,r t ,ba 1 ? L ° re ; 1 , i Officers of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter pre's^t'state House buildingat AtlauU 1 members of tho Georgia Legislature to | VJhcer* oj j p * for otbtf for 1870. Iiobt M. Smith, Gr. Tb. 111. Gr. Master. j t j D Thomas J Perry, Gr, 111. H. of T. Wm, A. Graham, Gr. III. H. Ac. Richard T. Turner. Gr. Capt. Guard Wm. J. Pollard, Gr. Treasurer. Chas. R Armstrong, Gr. Recorder. John E. Navy, Gr. Sentiuel. 186S ; aud also another to pay the rat er ' est due on the public debt, to February. 1869. Governor Bullock sold a large quantny of these bonds, and iustead of appb 1D £ the proceeds,as directed by law. or dep° 9 ‘ them iu tbe Treasury .or to the « e “‘ of the Treasurer in some bauk. as (lt . er Governor’s have heretofore done. : deposited a portion in tbe National B* D . at New York, aud without any authority ° ( laic whatever, he checked out $35,0d0 which $31,000 he saya was paid on , » ( the make some formal expression of tbeir wisheijwith regard to the Bingham amend- tpeut, iand came to Washington for that purpose, a»d telegraphed them accord- . aud $4,000, he says, was spent m. e. m. i*. Eeiiogg, o. h. r,1 %r;L b :r,.,rz' of Georgia. Kellogg, G. 1 M E. It. L. ltoddey, D. G. H. P. For syth. ; or any oue else. 7 . \ oroves that the expenditures of Bullock They cannot concur in tne report of the * , . . i- wherein they attach blame to are nothing more than deliberate stealing. manifested gr^^ilxietTa/to ‘how Tfoton i GoVernor Bullock, for money paid to the A breach of trust, an abuse of official pow- would vote. ^ Chronicle, as there was not in the matter er, and a disregard of an oath, is in our Isaac L. Gibbs, in bis testimony, denies pvbiished anything ^tbat^there would bo opinion, iror»c than stealing, aud Gov. he above with the editori- »amed, and if the Investigating Commit- als. He simply paid the bills, asking no tee does not so find him, we shall have questions. j lost all respect for them. ‘ The dissenting Senators agree that tbe The pointg ajade aga ‘ mst (jov. Bullock, prices were extravagant, aud the charges ; n f our articles recently published by the ior tbe reading matter were hardly justifi ConaututnMj, are briefly stated as follows : able in a paper occupying the position of 1 governor Bullock speut 320,727 76 in the Chronicle. In conclusion, they say gj{ een months for clerk hire ia the Exec- Governor Bullock acted honorably and „ t i ve office, while Governor .Tenkius in the Co., on tlie D-rirly throughout tbe whole controversy. In other respects they concur iu the re port.