Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, December 13, 1870, Image 2

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t 1 I'll— gB!«[.IUtU?3Mg!B I ii >on the language of the Convention, f vv is emphatically rej, ojfed ■ bv tin* American CnmmNsiuue'»; nhd Hupe- upon was abandoned by flie British jtlenipo;enli iru >. Mil-1 article first as it stand* the Convent! m. was substi- [;, however, it. be Saul- tbn.t this claim is founded on provisional or The whole nation is interested in se- our obligations. A furriter reduction j It is a reform in the civil service oticlosejff the-last fiscal year, by patent j cii ing cheap traps-.ort ition from the of expenses in addition to a reduction ! the country. I would have it go beyond or. other equivalent evidence of title, j agricultural States tye We.«r to t!i« ! of internet account maybe relied on |'he m'ere fixing of the tenure of office | to States mid corporation^, 27S.p<>:ir I Ailanrtc se-ib-wH.'- Todhe citizens of) to make this practicable." '*■ clerks and employees who do!.57b 3-100 acres ton railway#* canals; those States if secures a greater* re ; revenue reform. not require the advice and consent of | and wagon roads. It is estimated that turn tor their labor; to the inhabitantse Revenue reform, it it means this, has 11 ie Senate to make their appointments : an additional quantity of 1 74,735,523 I ot the seaboard it affords cheaper food: j mv hearty support. II it implies a co.- complete. I would have it govern not acres is still due u^d«-r the griuits for, to the nation an increase i;i ttie annual j (ectiou of "all the revenue for the sup - ■ t '* e ^ nu f*» ou ^ manner of making J like uses. The policy of thus aiding §0ittl}crn lUcortcr. _ oMp!N/dlO!'f colonial -tii Lutes, and not upon the j surplus ol wealth. It ts Imped that, 1 | )or t. of government, for "ttiff payment ! a '| appointments. There is^oo duty ! the States in building works of internm+ * < on vent io", •! 1 is Government canno' ! the Government ot (.'reat Britain wi" >„f principal^ind interest of the public j ' v m * 8»> much embarrasses the Exec- improvements was inaugurated more; f, bar rc'oit J ih m as ,, t.fVi- ndlv; and in j see the justice < f ab-m.lo nqgPhe uar-d,;ht. pensioR &c., by directly taxing | " tive an<1 heads of departments as that j than forty yeais s nee in the gr fits to, | coul’aveution of the spirit, if not of! row and mcon&fcuf da! ns to wfi'Ce the'people, tlien I am against revenue j ot appointments; nor is rhere any such Indiana and Illinois, to aid those Stats* 1 J mr t, i for the faith- 1 h**r row and inconsistent "aims to wuc the'people, ttien I am against revenue i °* appointment*; nor is rhere any such Indiana and Illinois, to aid those Canadum provinces have wage* 1 ' reform, and I believe the people arc ! arduous and thankless labor imposed.,in opeuing eanaU to connect the wh- t Put adherence. i with me. 11 it means failure to pro- j 00 Senators and Representatives as j rers of the Wabash with those of Lake, the'revival or foreign commkhoe. j vide the'necessary means to defray all’thatof finding places for constituents.; Erie, and the waters of the Illinois •’ Our depressed commerce^'is a sjib- i the expenses ot the Government, and j The present system does not secure j with those of Lake Michigan. It was j ei j • t 1(> w iiich I cal ed you: special ut- 1 thereby repudiation ot the public debt j t,lie )es t men, and often not even fit; followed with some modification, in j rout j aveiitior the let ter. oTt'n fill execution of \Vhl>fi (be I'dperi Government is : throe 'rcwponsfljle. Anticipating that art attempt mii be made by the Canadian authorities. ; HCt , , - . . .* , , . •- -- . - in (he coming season to repeat tlieir j r inn at the last session. I suggest- i and pensions, then I am still more op- j n, ® n ror public pijce. 1 he elevation the grant to Illinois of alternate sec . u u neighborly acts towards. 6 nr fisher- j e j that we might in the future have to p to such kind ot revenue reform, j P un ” ca li° n °J the civil service ot tions of public lands within certain lim- j men, I re ornmend you to confer upon j look more to the countries south of us ! Revenue reform hasuotbeen defined |*“* Government will be hailed with j its to the Illinois Central Railway. the Executive the power to suspend j a nd to China and Japan for its revival, by any of its advocates to my know!- j *_‘P rova j bf whole people of the. Fourteen States and sundry corpo-1 — - — - - - —^ by proclamation, the operation of the i Q ur representatives to ah these gov-j edge, but it seems to be accepted as ; United States. j rations have received similar subsi-' OUB NOnMEE FOR CO!ttiK£SS, law" authorizing the transit of goods. | emments have exerted tlieir influence | something which is to supply every j T Ha management of Indian affairs, j dies in connection wirfurail ways coin- j FOURTH DISTRICT wares and nrereban Vise rii bonds across j t0 encourage trade between the United j man’s wants without any cost or effort j Reform in the management of Indian j pleted or in progress of construction, j the territory of The United States t«* j States and the countries to which they ! on his part. A true revenue reform j affairs has received the special atten- j As the reserved sections are rated at; Canada ; and,'fiiri her, should such an are accredited; but the fact exist - j cannot be made in a day, but must be 1 tion of the Administration from its in-j the double minimum rate of them, the : ext rein measure become necessary, t<* that the carrying is done almost eit ! the work of national legislation and ol j augu ration to the present day. The i enhanced price lias thus in many in-! sus'deird the operation of anv l' ,ws ! tiivly in foreign bottom's, and while! time. As soon as the revenue can be ' experiment of making it a missionary ; stances indemnified whereby the vessels of the Dominion i ti;is state of affairs exist we cauno«- | dispensed with, all duty should be re- ’ Tsiidtj, Dreembrr IS, 1876. Winburn J. Lawton, OF BIBB. THE GREAT ST05E & 9VVKBAT CIRC 1 S. Tlie Col’ioeiiin of Exliil>iiior.' NEW DESIi; «S TO ARISE I Peerless Talent—Matchless SkUi ’Fresh Sensation for 1870 of Camilla are permitted to enter the , control our due share of the convnfcrce j moved from coffee, tea and other ar- waters of the United Sfhtes. A like unfriendlv disposition lias of tin* world. That :ific States and been manifested on the part, of Cana-: a | J0U j; a || j| ie car ying trade now con af between the Pa ; tides of universaljuse not[»roduced by China and Japaii is ! ourselves. The n»'cessities of the coun- da in rhi right to maintenance '.xcbide tlie of a claim ot ■itizens of the ducted m American vessels. i try compel 'our ports. us to collect revenue from An army of assessors and -. ,. . ... , ... Treasupr >, coXGRESSlO.VAI. NOMINATIONS, work was tried, with a few agencies: the gran ted lands. I he construction of I given to the denomination of Friends, j some id tbe>e thoroughfares has no-j j 8t u; s t.—w. \V. PAINE, of Chatham, (short- and has been found to work most ad-' doubtedlv given a vigorous impulse to term ) , . , i .1 j r 1 i A. T. MclNTlitE ot Tnomas, (long- vantageous. All agencies and super- the development ot our resources and t erm.) .i • ‘ -fn. “■ ‘ Donghertr, (both WILL EXHIBIT IX i Milledgeville, Monday, December ! ! Forsyth, Tuesday, December 2P. ! Giiffin, Wednesday, December 21. ; Macon, Thursday, December 22. I Americus, Friday, December g:}. intendencies not so disposed of were \ the settlement of'the more distant por- 2d Dist.—NELSON TIFT, ot given to officers of the army. The acts tions of the country. It may, howev-; 1^™^ p WRIGHT EXTRA ATTRACTION. J would reeorhmend a liberal policy j collectors is not a pleasant sight to the of Congress reducing the army render? j er, be well insisted that much of our! terms.) United States from the navigation <>f ; tuvv;m -j that hue of American steamers ! citizen, but that, or a tariff for revenue the St. L'iwrt*nce. Inis river consM-j—one that will insure its success and I is necessary. Such a tariff, so far as tiit<*« » natural mitlet to the ocean for ; pve.11 increased usefulness. The cost ! it acts, is an encouragemeat to pro ne? witn an aggregate popu- j 0 | fc> U iJding iron vessels, the only ones j duction and affords employment to la- about 1 .• .SOO.OiHl i iliabifants, | can compete with foreign ships ! bor at living wages, in contrast to the i an aggregate tonnage. oi ^ j„ the carrying trade, is so much great-! pauper labor of the Old World, and »7 tons upon the waters which er j 1( Suited States than in foreign j also in the development of home re- 5 into it. i he foreign coni- j counties that, without some assistance j sources, o ir port? on toe sea waters f ro . n the Government, they cannot be I the regular armt of CnwetA, (both army officers ineligible for civil posi- legislation in this regard has been i 4tk Dist.—VV. J. LAWTON, of Bibb, (both tions. Indian agencies being civil offi-[ characterized by ‘ ' J! terms ) ces, I determined to give all the agen- profuse liberality. ftth Dist.—S. H. CORKER, D M. DoBOSE. 6tb Dist.—W. P. PRICE, of Lumpkin, (both j cies to such religious denominations as ' government aid to states and cor ! 7(1| r. young. *f Bartow. fb<nh I had heretofore established missionaries; porations. tenm.) among the Indians, and perhaps to ' The United States should not loan Note.—Wh«ro two n*m« *ro aentioBod, th# ; some other denominations who would | their credit in aid of any enterprise uu-; j .undertake the work on the same terms, dertaken bv States or corporations, nor | »tate<l on th« ballots. 1 that is, as amissionary work. The j grant land in any iustance unless the __ . \ ~ People’s Tirkrt. nierceof (lie lake routes with the .At- IbfHHV;would be in foreigji, hands — tlieir vessels on irans-Atlautic voyage? having access to our fake ports, which would be denied to American vessels on similar voyages. To state such a proposition is to refute its justice. During the administration of Mr. John Quincy Adams, Mr. Clay unan Herr SelirofTeTrained Wild Beast? w' . coujointly with til*' Circus Perf >r.imn,•••*. witli..i;t : dili«nfti charge. Herr Schrrtff, trie ereat Linn Hunt. , . , , >111 , -•! 1 ~n Lit. I wi 1 enter the Den of Lv»>na: eivim: an exeitii ■ h .,** ji'i - , , , - , : 1 1 j? - - - 1 , - 1 . oc j * day arid Mlfledg^YlH*. and Pflblic thrilling Performance these Ferocious AninmU gress in rue course of the present ses- • gradually been reduced so that on the 1Executive, and are expected tO|clmed to t l -e opiuiou that it is inexpe- yimn. «^in 8 t I t!ie forest, exemplifying the immense pot.-p,-v n - ‘ ” * ‘ ' 1 ’ * ‘ ® i Man wields over the Brute Creation. $9 a day, Atlanta and Pnblie Villainy. J Thr Opulent Resources of the Suprb Centralization of Arens'C Talent I To delight and amuse are of a character quite r , w D British competition, andtn^j SUCCaJSS f u |[y built tiiere. There will ; Under the act of Congress of the! agents selected are allowed to name j projected work is of acknowledged na- rt \ l * s 'f 0BB ni ^ r,ns J ; be several propositions laid.before Con- j loth day of July LS7.0, the army has their agents, subject to the approval ol tional importance. I am strongly in- the Amerie.ui seamen be ex j g rH83 j n t |„. course of die present ses- gradually been reduced so that on the ; the Executive, and are expected to 1 clined to t l -e opiuiou that it is ine.xpe ,m lills natural avenue U» tm\| s j on looking to a remedy for this evil, j first day of January 1371, the number ; watch over them and aid them as mis- ■ Jjent and unnecessary to bestow sub- oc-m 1 , r iw monopoly of the direct eom-j PVt ,., p j t should be at some cost to the of commissioned officers and men will ■ sionaries to christianize and civilize the-allies of either description, but should National Treasury. I hope such en- not exceed the number contemplated j Indian, and to train him in the arts of i Congress determine otherwise, l earn- It will he nee» that we b«ve deToted tiie couragemeht \fili «>e given as will se-! by that law. I peace. i estlv recommend that the rights of set- . , . . . .. r» • -.- - - - curt* Oil tilG high ’ IHE \XAR DEPAKTMEXT* ■ govprnrncnt \Xfttcht.- OVt3r thp j tlcr^ und of the public be Iliorc.cficc* , - /I *■ l * 1 richedan t adorned by performer luimita; ’ seas and American ship building at ’ The War Department building is an : official acts of these agents, and red,t.wiiiy secured and protected by »p-. dent# Message, let read it and judge ; ^rewrobes.and the splendor of tiieEnte, home. | old structure, not fire proof, and entire-iqaires of them as strict an accounta- j propriate legislation. * for tlieuiselvea of its qualities. safety of the national archives." ! ly inadequate iu dimensions to our j bility as if they were appointed in any i thf patent office The condition ot Tile archives at th,; : |- r eeent wants. Many thousands 0 f; other manner. I entertain the confi- • During th. year Sept. 13th, ! Department oi State calls for the early I d ? H “ r “ are ?°oP a ' d for l ent !' ien ! h T- policy now pur- , S70> there were tiled in the Patent * f /if nriroto Knildl nrro tr\ u m ono tn t SllPfl VV > II. in A trtU* V Pfl Tfi. hrillfT fill fnP i /\o» *#-».«« i - - r . swnrably demonsti a ted the natural ! d<: ‘ ,on tU'-United Stores 1 ren l t ' c * tructure atan inconvenient distant from the Executive Mansion and right of the citizen to Lite navigation of this river, claim iug that the act of. the Congress o. . . Vienna, .in offering die Rhine an d i tlm olln-r de }!: irkmeuG. It is not wed o'ii«r rivers to;iU natmus, siiowed the ‘ u,1h 1‘ £h ‘ j ro t? ‘ e W r 9m for winch it is capacity to accommo- iment of State calls for the early " y Ior rent ! ,( c . ^ poi.tyuuw JS70> there were filed in ttie Patent Ot Con arcs. The buitditio now P rlvste buildings to accommodate i sued will, in a few years, bring all the 19 lu applications for patents, by* that department is l frail 1 !»*>“* I!urea “ s ol the Department— I Indians upon reservations, where they , 3 , a74 caveats, KMI applications for the ^ * .. rT rpi'nmmpmi n.11 nnnrnnrmtinn fnr « i Will llV r 6in hoilSPS. hfWtt Rf*IlOOI«hoiJR6S i ^ ^ I recommend au appropriation for a will live in houses, have school-houses | ext( a 1)S j on new war department building suited and churches, and will be pursuing .5 | used ; has no judgment of European jurists aat statesmen, that the inhabitants of a country through which a navigable; river passes, bav.c a natural rigiit to enjoy tfie navigation of that river to . and into the sea, even though passing! through the territoru^ of another |iow- ' h u, ‘duig or i patents, 13,622 patents irom — _ ' r o ; . . , -. . *• >-> | including reissues mid designs were is- jto the present and growing wants of peaceful and self-sustaining avocations,; lfy exteaded and 1 0^9 allowed j’the nation. , and where they may be visited by the J but not issut>d by’reason of the non- ' The report of the Secretary of War law-abiding white man with the same avmeut of the g nal <eeg q- )lP re _ shows a very satisfactory reduction in | impunity that he now visits the civil- j |. ni * q( ^ oflice during the fiscal us si end or con- ^e expenses of the army for the last |«ed white settlements. j yPHreXceet i the expenditures., the absence of a sunplvi^f 1 ^ For details you are refer-1 I* all your special attention to the- the census bureaus., he neighbm hood, leive | red to htaaeeompanymg report. l re P 0 . lt of the Commissioner of Indian | The work , of the Census Bureau has ttie hope of safely for either Jhej^ fTn 7HB navy DEiUR-mENT.^ ^ ] - ftr ^ ir ° r u In or,ua Ion 0,1 19 8U > i been energetically pursued. The pre date the archives, ami is not firA-proof. Its remote situation, si ruction, an of wafer in tno but. riched an l adorned by performe-e luimitaHle i i tain: will be eniianeed by every accessary reqn sire f n m , i them elegant in style and finish, end manctirtc. — their genera! character. . . r .i ... • n j j The great variety of celebrated Performers in ti . II* oar issue of tlie t>'Il lust.. We ■Illlded .Xronpeip potent to sustain the elevated star. !ai to Dr. Case as having been the nominee j excellence acqnired by this popu;ar Circus I A perusal ot the annexed list of ramon. actors of the “Loyal LsiJUi,” baviug been in- serve of palpable evidence to confirm pr. , , , i that the «tt,aiued eminence and consp cuous mii.m tormed by Otis WUOoS Dauio we are ready ity of Stone ,V Murray's Circus wi ii be an !vv to give, that on the night of the ult„ | ? Xho!d tbeXaotiona! he. our informer, was present at the house Exhibitions Will be giffD AftfriiOOn af George Wallace and i>t the room, the , .... , ,, til 33u >I£Dt. one n whicn tne • League assenanio— _ . , „ a _ [ Ccmmencin- at 2 and 7 1-2 o clock. It whan Dr. Case was nominated. The one hour previous. meeting whs, we are note informed a “at Admission) - - 75 cent izm*meeting." iiav* >g seen no notice, j Children, under 10 Years, 50 nor having heard, (hat the citizens of the SENSATIONAL SPECTACLES, town were to assemble in the room where ts contents- in c.tse Oi PUBLIC LANDS. Stone &. Murray wi!’introduce two new ex :v:n- 1" e ~ . ,, t it. r ,„ r „„„ ,,.i, i Free to the Public 7 Tl.e first wi!! be p lirninary report, containing much in- °' jn ' a ~ *’ ‘J | the moramg of the Exhibition day, in the |..rj, ; formation of special value and inter- er P^ ace> we n,tura J 111 erre t.att e, Grand Street PagPllt! During the last fiscal year 6,095,- est, will be ready for delivery during was th® nomine* of the League. ! Preceded by the Elegant Band Chariot, «i are less than §19,000,000 or t 4.13 acre^s oT public lands were disposed the present session. The remaining; Dr. Case however denies that he rau aa 10.000,000 less than they were ; Of this quantity 3,693,910,05 acres volumes will be completed with all the nominee of the -League” and more- The expenses of the Navy for the|J ecr whole of the last year, that is, from ■ 1S69, the date of the last ! Of tliis quantity 3,693,910,05 acres volumes will be completed jwere taken under the homestead law, : the dispatch consistent with perfectover that he did not know that there wa« j cribed ia tii« lunira of n newspaper ad 1 and 2,159,515,81 acres were sold for accuracy in arranging and classifying to be a nomination. We therefore with-! therein*. reader wrelerrud tu the 1 Prof. O. P. Perry’s famed Orchestra Drw: teen Horne? ! M snaked by the great Maitre vai Mon?. J. H. Paul. Thu rare -ight w :! h. vested with to j many wonder? to be it. ■ _ for particulars. cash. The remainder were located with i the returns. We shall thus at no <li$- draw the charge. We will add that if, The second free Exhibition will be a mar ! military warrants, College or Indian i tant day be furnished with an authen-1 those pergonal/rtfarf*. by whom messages pn ' " ‘ i " ,r ' aa " Lret ' ,j!tv - vorre8pomiing ; 8cr jp ? orapplied in satisfaction of grants tic record of our condition and re- we re sent to tlie Dr. in relation to his , 10 estimates ' f /x FoilrnQ^o nr foi* ! * n, *• miKlio nano i i2nin*r*PQ J[^ Will, X il&V0 IlO iioubt, at- ■ * - - P*y this daring t iinainbiitiit, .iladrll Jeanette E n . . . IP IN THE AIR. ess* burdens uponTlie CQinm‘c7ce w'lMch ! P*P en ldt wkh ,lia “ pepartment when 1 r''^ i t0 railroa,ls or f f otIier P ublic uses — ! 8 ° urce f* ll vvi11 ’ 1 have no doubt . uoiaiuatioo , b y his competitor, who did ler.Wh.' the upcxof. Cthe right o” “ “•'* l'ri»ci|'»l tltpusilory el .he 'forTe year a7e ! T' 1 ' “*** r lb “ h »" »» f “'‘""h f ’T ^•»««»> 4- « he «. . * ’ ’ ‘ - . 0 , . . . Government achives, au.l recommend i l ) *’ l,luse J' 1 ® uext year are , d urln g the last year covered 961,54o country, although during the decade rr ■ H oan« , in pine., -.‘e-'.i a vau.agcou'- ^ n pnropriation for th” construction ! ^66,331,700, with $9-5,510,000 addi-i acrf , g niorethanthoseduringthepre-'whichhasjust cldsed.itwassosevere- to arrange uiese regulative by muiu <. . ^ a ‘‘ 0uj ; ]in; , foj . (he Department of * tionaifor^necessary permanent improve- j ce(ling year> ' ly tried by the great war waged to | would ,18ve beJ no agieement. 1|L rule » ates Hle meuts. Surveys have been vigorously prose-' maintain its integrity, and to secure reauy ra muxe any reaso.uame arrange-, ' * j These estimates are made closely for, cuted t0 t . he full extent of the means ! and perpetuate bur tree institutions. , have been given him. the mere maintenance of the naval es-1^appropriated to that purpose. The; pension?. ! In relation to the sale of the commons, j in««t us to the police of the St. Law- 1 partial reorganization of the de- reiict: whichbe suggested by partments demanded. Great Britain. if the claim made by Mr. Clay was ; *| ie j.roprieiy of transferring to the j provement. The appropriations made just xvUeu the population of Statis Department of tlie Interior, to which > for the last and current years were evi- D*m«cratJ»a4 delivered them .possibly he j 8r. d (he • of the e;!izen» of this vicinity. ! For details of these Dual Attractions, see the u.. trouble of making explanations would not i oos Pictorial Descriptive Bills and Program;n • I THE GRAND JAMES E. COUKf. tablishment, as it now is, without' quantity 0 f land ia iuarket will amniv ;* ULirm.-r tho t-ier fiscal fi, a . ; Dr. Case emphatically denied in the pres-1 Ameiica hia marvelous feats of Fpnitati.n on I recommend to your consideration i much in the nature of permanent im- i„ iu .i. 4 rvu^L: , Du nngthe last fiscal year the sutn • r....! aiv virm uopcw SIX NAKED HORSES. In aaditioo to hia other accomplishments ot Lfi burdens on tbe shores of d.o lakea ; t f, e V seem b.ore aopropriofolv to bo- : deotly intended by Congre M , ate j ^• ’’ ? f . b °-"‘ y , la ". d «‘0^“' W '"“"i ' M*liE CARLOTTA DE BEROE. was only 3,400,000, it now derive, fo„b, ,|, powers o.'.d dories in relation j sulHcieut only to keep the Davy on its ! a , unappropriated ,u?voy‘d public 1 “'i ' 7T T J ? , 1 ttStl.'ZtZZS?*’ ***** " ' " eryater force and equity Iron, the in-, t „ J rhmkli wilh which the lie-; present footing by the repairing end ; ^ m0 v, P ,'o .‘limited an,oL, L »c i 'fo,‘XeTwe UeeVdtrted to 7 *°aT"' T 11 M’LLE JEANETTE ELLSLER. creased oopuiatiou. weai|,h, prodne-; po, tme nt of .State is notv charged bv;> refitting of our old ships. Tim policy „ uir ,. d under the former laws, if the: ...Lvore o-^ltinr ‘ > * “ d * Y ^ turn a id umuag|e of tne States ■ n the j rtW - or usage; and from the Interior-; must- of course gradually but surely de-1 part y ent i t |od to enter under them will i ,„;* t 1 11 01 ine 1 lice ' J ' " Cauadian fmut^jf. Since Mr. Clay ad Department to tlie War Department. : stroy the navy, and it is, in itself, far j com j enc in behalf of our the Pension Bureau, so far regu- from econo nical, as each year that it .j Dres( supply the present demand. The set-; paid’tb pensioners.Tnciudbig the cist ence of Pot,r (colored) one of the j tier under the homestead or pre-emp- j of disbursement, was S2;778 03i, and | committee, tint he was in favor of leasing eqseatrianisin vever, limited *■* ! ----- * ■ ■ .. .- ... l • ’• ^ at private entr ippropriated ; The astoDisliin^ and beautiful Tijrhi R 1 '! 1 " Da ! ing the tieccnsary qualifications lor officers, MISS EMILY COOKE vmiceti is argument m behalf ol our the Pension Bureau, so far as it regu- from econo meal, as each year that it, pres ‘ cr j bed l() regard Jo the residence I EiU , Ce^lrer^tXre , n V |Tnw , eT , Th^ , *n i, ‘ n i T..— fl , „ LE JEUNE BEk 1 , the principle for which he c.n- j llt „ the payment ot soldiers' peuaifus. i iunruasea the necessity lor more repairs . ^ Wi ltivating. * T b« actual settler’s I „” ■ r ‘^Z r e ™„^oi Jo "'’'I , °" r M ' n ' W Z253T~* tended lias been Irecpieutiy aud by , wou |,j further recommend that the ; in ships and navy yards becomes more |lreferred rigbtt of purchase is even at i f’Tf itints for the ?i7e" watfon P oi T 7‘!“* „ 8 * c f“* j MR. TOM BARRY, v»i , ;f.Ui , .L itimi.v, icco c niZ-( > , ta\\ or payment of peu-i-ms oc traus-i imperative and more costly, god our j t j me 0 f settlement. His right : been iiidicionsiv uw/ and \ *° d Men *6 eri ® Wll l visit our city from T’ie famoti! 1 Hiiierninn Clown, his fir.-t appear .i.oe by treaty, ami im» been extend*.,l to terred to one of the Bureaus of the | current expenses are annually increased ; wa8 formerly confined within much j t ‘ he r * esults obtained have been of un-' th ° nW ° T « omrRmcnl9r J r notices given it : America. ivy Department. THE GOVERN- i several other great rivers by tee treaty concluded at Mayence. in 1331 ti iiiiiue was deciced free.from the point j financial AFiAh.s ov - , use | ess- v. iicve it is first navigable into tlie sea. j Mi.Ni, I hope, during the present session of By.the Convention between Spain and ; 1 estimates ot i& o Q on „ regs> to bo able to submit to it a Portugal, concluded in 1835, the navi- lhe Government lor the next fiscal Jan w j,ich naval vessels can be uat.on of D.turo, throughout its whole .V 4 -'' 11 * irc Sl,b2J,4-> ,6i I 1 liAU _ir ‘ liuilt and renairs made with irreat sav- MR. DEN STONE, j for the mere repair ot ships, many ot j narrower limits, and at one period of! questionable benefit* to'the-service. "’| b 7 the P r « 8 ' tbink k » rtno of the be8t ; T . . . . _ .. which must soon become unsafe and • ()ur hi 8 t or v, was conferred only by ! " i Shows that has visited the Southern States , ° P0 irHie "samVapOTurp 1 ’ ' special statutes. They were enacted! -'OBicrLTfB. and education j tbigM . 8()D< Do „. t WI t0 g0 if you w . nt .: . TH ^ N0W BROTHER,. from time to time to legalize what was! . 1 ie 8ub J ects , of Ed “ ca " on «“ d Ag-, f0 gj , e 8omethi )d . W, - 5a authorized intru-1 nculture are of great interest to the ) The I f uccesa 01 0U1 ; re P ub ‘ ,caD institutions, | Tw0 Suicides and a Fatal Accident.- then regarded as an sion upon the national domain. *.— !l . , . , ..... opinion that the public lands should be | ba Pl ,IIie8S a! 'd gran' cur as a nation, j Freddie Swayer, a bov four years and ! can i re g ar( jed chiefly as a source of revenue ' f 11 110 111 ^ . one, i bureau has j n j ne nmn ih 9 „i,|, wa-? run over and in-'' \GRICULTURE AND EDUCATION. I thia ssacon I Inn t tiail fn cm tl vmi want * am and Alfred, (he aupa-i- Equi!ibrist» aad Acrobats. MR. WILLIAM DUCROW, Tiic intrepid Performer on Corde Vo!ante, and, HIS INFANTILE SON GEORGE i.kuiu-u .... » t ww .v.vmv.u . . — , ... The bravest juvenile Equestrian in existence. a 8 0V_ j is no longer maintained. The rapid j ^ eea established in the Interior , stantly killed at the railroad crossing! MR. CHARLES BLISS, country j se ttlement and successful cultivation of 11 artm ent, Bureau o. Education, i on West sired in Rutland, Vt., Mon- j acknow!ed"-*d Champion Tmnbier. f :> **■ line °n j them is now justly considered of morei ® . 111 th“ interest of the other an as- <| a y afternoon, endeavoring to get a MR. WILLIAM FRANKLIN, t OmiwHssional timvi-iio! w-hirh i UWUJ ULt: au», capius.> c w. and j j m p 0rta nc e to our well-being than is j sftCiate department, thatof Agriculture. r j(j e by jumping on to the shacking i The Pan P' a SomersauifTEqaestriAns. 1 *' on! v so much is asked ns Congress nriv 1 40,000,000 of progressive j t | ie f uu d which the sales of them would ! J. c 18 ^ e ! ,cve ^ that great good is to flow j j rmi c j ,jj P j t -r lo (he switch engino, COLUMBUS, choo-«* to "ive The ap|»roi,nat : on for P eo ple, with relations of every nation, j „ ro d uc ,e. ; from the operations of bot.i these bu- | )ut vva ^ thrown under tiie wheels and the same works P rU;”aJ! every foreign country to j THE PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS, v • >• was si ins i -i c <) | rest, with such inadequate meansol en-1 ' Tlie average vai m- of -old ns com i ,orcin S un ^ forei « n P oli cy, either of j The remarkable growth and pros-: consideration loo highly the reports ot j ch , s ier, on .he Harlem exiemion road, , <• i • t , ra * • rciied with theniU-i'WftSc?Sr protection or redress. Separated by penty of^our new States and tern tones j the Commissioner of Education and of sh:H himae lfwiih a pistol in .be freight auce wan the. uxed puncpfc? of ! . ^ui ' f the ^ 1 7,; ' ; the ocean from the wtions of the East- attest the wisdom of the legislation , Agriculture, nor urge too strongly such ; (lepol atlhaL p | nce ' nbom 9 o’clock, tmmj! Jaw, as J.ignways, o.. channels, I «rn Continent, our navies are our only which invites tlie tiller of the soil to j liberal legislation as to secure their ef- j Monday morning, the ball entering secure a permanent home, on terms ficiency. | near the heart. “ Me was a Imtchelor • T1,e ^lfA p,, ^lrt within the reach of all. The pioneer ; THE P0LICY of the administration, ami an old an wealthy citizen of Man- who incurs t e angers an priv ations In conclusion, I would sum up the I Chester, aud has shown signs ol insan- of a frontier hfe, and thus aid inlay-1 of the admiBiatratioD t0 * be a ity (or some months. Charles John- inn In a frtimriatmn nf nnv r*nmmDn. • l J __ . n . . cliaid. vessels of .all nations, the Crime,ip war was cSoh-u by a treaty which p'uvi ivd for the free navigation of tlie ifauujm. L 1 1856 Bolivia, by treatv. dtekued that. it regarded the j ieiius ii properly fostered. ; shockiuglv mangled. Churls D. Mua- i ^ cannot commend to your careiui ; son, for 2U years slutiou agent at Man Opened in u;; uie fertile commerce o! k ; 0 '‘H' w ia/u means of direct nrotection to ! narht. In 1659 H.e Paraguay the same relative value has been about | river was made tree/by treaty, and ,ii } ^ The approach to a specie basis 1 " 08 abroad * 0r lor the enf ° TCe is very gratifying, but tile fact cannot, THE Post OFFICE DEPARTBtENT. our C!tl- abroad, or for the enforcements of December,'’iW, the EiioVcroVof Bra-! is very gratifying, but the fact cannot j un >' (, ’ rel « U P ollcie9 ' zil, by Imperial decree, declared tlie j ^ denied that the instability of the! Amazon 1* be open, to the frontier of i valuc of our currency is prejuuicial to ; rfhe accotnpanying report of the , ,. 0 --- i a taithtul;;, to Lie umrcliant ships of ad na-: ° ,n prosperity and tend to ku l 1’ : p ostmast er General shows a most sat- j country, and is entitled to its special j • , , f 'Wf- P r, f' s }° th f d ‘^nmcnt of rade. The w()rkiug of thftt departmeot . f aV or and protection. These laws se- V,dtd T. I,v* grea est bv,., x Briiish author- : ovds of a depieciatcd o 'Pile aifontion of the recommendations I cure that object, and largely promote,] ity oo tins t.uoject - Mile asserting the currency are so great that now, when j Cul - jta j„ e j therein, particularly those in : the general welfare. They should,' Tlie snrpriAiriK Contortionist, wh f<e efrange fl ' of body anil limbi* has won for him tue title- «f ” boneless Alsn.'' MASTER GEORGE COOKE, The Artlstio *nu Graceful Principal Rfler. MR. EUGENE LEACH, The remarkably skiifn! and fearless Gvinnsst. MR. K. LEMOM. ing the foundation of new comtnoq- enforcemeiir, of every law*—I *on of Brntlon shot himself with a two wealths, renders a signal service to his ; a coliectio»i of every tax pro-! barrelled shot gun, Monday morning, the disburse-!© a school house in iiiat town. He MR. GEORGE ADAMS, Rem*jkftbi<* Scenic Protean Character and 1 Clown. MR. THOMAS MURRAY, The vereatic Pautomimio W«mder. MR. J. BACHELOR, The above Performer* will be as.-i-ieo bystu-. g: vc ecirst r< i os tract ii > ht British cfi.tim. j thu premium on gold Ins fallen 80 relation to a reform in the franking therefore, be cherished as a permanent .III*, I , IF •• ./Ml . UiJi.lll f ‘ r t 1 ! .. tl HP . .. * - r. l 1 I F* • I says : “ It seems difficult to deny'that ; ,m ich, it would see Great Britain may ground v*eT refusal i has arrived when, by m tliat the time wise and prudent economy ,n WTO uiduuibv I » o,.uuui uuu.-t iu I,„.i AAC > ordine.te aids a.s wid bo req-i'.red j meiit of the same—a prompt payment I was 22 years ot age and had been varied act*, of every debt of the nation—a reduc-! married only five weeks. No cause for MR. JOHN II. MURRAY, !tion of c»xe» « nfUtj «th« require- j Uw m-i it ka«w». , I'riv'l«*“ “"d the u'loptiori of tlie cor- feature of our laud system. Good faith reduciioI1 ol aD j tariff to , resppudeuce cards, a eelf-sustaining j requires us to give full effect to exist meuts of will admit—thei be so, Era ns Illustrated Seed Calais cut.— ; O crivcii from Messrs. uires us iog«v« »u» nuu .u exist, ■ arran d a3 to a tf ord the greatest re-1 We have just re speedily be looked j mg grants. ie ime-jonore an to greatest number—honest j Edw’ d J. Evans & Co., York, Pa., a ,.t.rer.r*F oecfnm nf AoHin (T nnorf nor. , respect to the Movigation-of the^t. 11>|» bee,, reduce ore than riglrt}’j I re'comuieod the authoriiatiou by .au'cccsu: gjimog and discredlta-, 'W! h "'‘ 8 *.!!“» | eV annum. *ir CollgreM t0 , he Postmaster General ble inconsistency with her conduct t steadiness in our present course there } , ®. X . t : 8 _ ue *. with rt sped to the navigation of the , 18 ,J() reason why, in a few snort years, j . - , • j ,/aTntpl thr*nirl Mississippi, on the ground that ^ he National tix-gutl.ertr J .J | nnss.oas^ officials appointed through j»ossesse<i a small domai Mississippi took its rise. She insisted almost entirely. With the revenue! lining descrip- 8 »;»vt 'w,Ut It is equally diifi J legislation, Congress should look to a j gystem> may speedily! .td*.,,';*; i f::: fZ SiX! a ">‘««- -«•“« ^ ^ «. | j ^ ^ !»w];k.■ nk J ,'£!’«1;*<* "■« •«-«*■* ba «- 1 tZ\»«••«--*•**“ \?» fr vanrn - sof C10na * u 111 poses in i nc iitsw oiaitssnouiu j, ^sequences ilia v be avoided, but Ganlen k Field Seed?, (with dirrcimns be continued When ample provisions, w f ui0ut g ; irrendeTing anv ri ghtor ob-; for Culture ) priced list ..t Fruit & ()r- havebeen made for these oojects, I sub-j,. ^ due t() u ._.. / cform - m tbe namenta] frees, Ro.-s, Redding nut, as a ques ion xvor y o senous, ofthe Indians, and in the ; Plants &c. Catalogue of Agricultu- constderutiou, whether the residue ^ | „ ho|e civil 8crrice 0 , lhe ^.etry—| r.l & Horticullural Book., (with pri-’ and finally, in securing a pure, un-Jceshy mail to any i’- O.), useful Ta- trammelferi ballot, where every man ; blea for the Farmer & Garden* », and entitled to oasb a vote may do so, just! other valuable information. It ! once, at each ejection, without fear oi j handsomely illustrated and mailed ! molestation on proscription on account I gratuitously lo ifirnr customers, or any sup**ri>.it>.ud L__ , „ will be jrivpn entire!} - deVt>i«i of nbjfCtiocab, and invet*fei writii tlie eharacreri-tics ol ivtio and purity in their representation. mav their respective departments. pres- our national domain should not be possessed a small domai,. iu which the 'lisappear horn the HoW'ui lim citizen | ^ ^ comlnis ; io , l8 , fhe ap-1 wholly deposed of under the provi «• IfHJ^ht to navigate the entire vol- dispensed hy ,h„ Postmaster in ! •"Vrreide.ti.l, a_re issued | .ions of lhe Homes,ead Pre-empt,oo The law | Laws. 11 me 0/] its waters on the ground that ev cry community, a lax upon liquoisj-* 5 ' ^ e P ar ^ n,er,t ri,t.p„e. PSS e 6 00: h hanks O, the St.j ul “I. sorts,and tobacco in,',, its dims; ' ha ..^ GRANT8 OF PUBLIC LANDS* ryr he popular ruies inan v -«ra'ed savew j, r a^o by Srone .V Murray for the preservation • older in th-ir Pavi'.lion wiil beadontr-dyhi*** - No ti'.nokinff ttllowed inside the Pavilhnn- ^ .. December X‘d, 1S70. LAND FOR SALE. -tfiefiiyah, avenue enougfi may be taised aflcn n respectfully raff yonr attention to one fev^vears ot peace amJ consequent re- ah of long'Ktaifdirig. which I would lion of iuuebtcduess, to fulfill all to #, « retnsdiod by this Congrssi poses, under the fl ct of ptsmb 1841, and the acts supplemental theie- j P re /® nt !he,u * cford,n «f to, there had been eonveyud «J» to the I D»eemb c r is. is:o WALLER Iir. I wiii sell before the Court House d" . urday Dec. 2lth »t 12 o'clock to the If 1 . (j 1 s * j uiie tract ot laud. i3U seres more or !«** ^ 8 pur- 1 miles West of Milledgeville joinnijC 1 '_/*,,}. chnsint* from ihem al ih«'ir Seed esiab- vv » ll ‘ er 1)unean - it,limrnt. ™“ ’