Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, December 20, 1870, Image 2

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MBS s$flut!)et'n iUcortcr. I' IV trimiri* a* we 4.»tjMu rumors i<* lh«* <‘ti j ijfrtviL'* iivt ttiug siniti* of inline furnish**! h\ [ ■"** 'lliat unexcelled iruri ol *01 item* mi . ^ Administrator's Sale. CANARY BIRDS r as. Dt ~P<«r : titled the |iall tor ih«» occasion, and to he i*o iimrffe ol sn«nH4 ftr » Delong* an ; vt . ar , ahhoiigh last year we grew three j equal share of credit for their liberality ■ million f* fh providing carries t<> transport the 1 and this year we shall send four mil-! . . - , , , , lion or tnoru to market « and we shall i voiiuii ladle* to inp danee, and for uteir . . • » . i • i doubtless continue t» hear H when ; »eiu r.d good management. 1 he thanks - «.l lb-da v. and cotf-n the ablest, the clearest and the most j fiae of not t less than one or more than eased to lie fairlv re mil* 1 bn id that we have heard in many ; twenty dollars. In default of the payment dav* The demurer* loall the p ea.' 8!ic!l h ® subjected t«» imprisonment 1 /"^EORGIA. RICHMOND COUNT!— Mr. G \nBME. of s^y--, n . , , v ; ! cr-fon crop <»' I860 was two were sustained. The matter was in die common jail of the tfeuaty of bl#< ihVconrt^^Vordlna^oTB^hmonaV^nmy! ’ ^ rP "'•••, e-dnv nn.i I't sirs.: - i O e were told that ' »hlv argued a lew (lavs by Col. dw,n f ? r **; r "‘ "* ,,ot l * M ,b * n 0ne nflf 1 will be ...Id on tha first Tuesday i, K.brnary. December 23th and 29 h. with a \ b J. 1 6 - *• J - i more than tenfflaya public outcry, before the Court Hous., in 1 , e L c ., on CANADY Mrif- ", True extracts from tha minute*. i Dublin, Coauty of Lanrena, Ga.. within the icgal r» l-i < lj . 1 p FAIR i hours of aale, tha following real estate, beiougii.g > r llsri which he will P < ii <h, .... ~ . J j to the estate of Tcreuce S. G. Anderson, minor;; I said real .state is situated, lying and being in the — I j County of Laurens, in said State, to-nit : »fter ; 14 A. ! Married .in the 15th inat. »t the rea- I t * S “ 5!7«-'l'wohundred and severty eirhf, containing one hundred and sixty-seven der th« ir leader, l-apt. F. I). VV right.j , n jj ||„ n nu. _ . Too much praise cannot be bestowed j was tho acme ol Southern production. William Dougherty in favor oi the . noon Messrs. C,l!aw«v rod Trite lor i ;..jd ii cmld not b. in eroded, be- demurrer., and by Measrs.Law, Llbyd i 1 * . ! i.i.., «•.w«l.l ,,-erv nrnw ami Basrnirer in lavor «t the nleat and 1 the handsome manner m which they •a,ho l d" r would every rear grow and Basinger in favor of the plea* and ,.-aro. r and deteriorate. ' And we against the demurrer.—Sav. Advertiser \ tbi« sa tie old song, vnsr of th awake. wide* MARRIED Married on the l-5ih in**., at '.he rea- \ 'f," J"" s' V',"',’'" ALL ABOUT ONE OF BULLOCKS ‘deuce ol the bridrs brother, Mr. J.M. | mor ? or No. (*7#> Two hundred and seven- four hundred thousand bales, ; ‘ i.noven nr Tv , ^ T T1 , n . ' „ I ty nine, ctmtammg two hundred two se t a jmI? rAUUO.N tUlfclb. , Jones ol ttancock Lounly, bj tne Uev. acres, more or less : Number (lirto) Two hundred . HoMtBv.LL., O, , 0«. 12,-70. N. B. Biuimt, Z. T. Binion ,o Miw A . Editor CoiiikitUtlOTt .* Unc Crrunt ir J # Jonci Ol iho ?ftmc county# Bcinj I ^ nn( ^ r ®^ *n<3 eightj iix—coutiinicj on# buRdrfd ' en year liom now the crop wiil be C° ‘here (or j In a t*m Janee as special groomsman, I Altogether said lots containing six hundred fifty m million ol bales or more. Peo burglary in the night, and recently 3GEVILLE: fe«m5»r?0. 117t. E FOR COH(if*E9S : TH DISTRICT n j. Lawton. OF BIBB. nommittee ara due to our f sPV ri energetic Irietid and tellow-cit-; pie can’t seem - to comprehend that : pardoned by ILufu* L. BoIIock, was re- i , , e ... .• 1 .... * . ,, 1 ik» to.k but double hearty thanks for the kind i “• Oconee Uirer and swamps thereof; on th< tve are induced to tender, not hearty, 1 ,1X * n V ^ d one half acres, moreor less, acd bounded on one side for about the distance of one miie hr irased j sf>n \\ ,, Darnolfl lor the quick tr*n»- 1 white labor is gradually supplement . . ! ’ ' 1 . , I me -i„d sidistitutintr necro labor • and Pearsoa k Gaskin’* store, in Coflea i compliment bestowed. Would we were Weils, of D. Hobbs and E. v. Black?heHr. in the ; For t.h.e *..nJ | , s (l , h * J e( p^l.iiiv, i oounty, which J. near., be pr^nuer | , Jane.; ,r . Smi.h, » ,h„ „me !*3SSSi£-£-. We hope to o j element in the cotton ball. •uch ‘ Hops” suit will anxiously ook . mail y yearsoldei lor the next of the series ol festivities j to comprehend the chai. B ^ s *•*.. —• t . . It » • , r , , .. . so nropitiouslj inaugurated. 1 derourownnoses,orloaceept theessons the neighborhood, and on the following j The young ladies present jio matter 1* - - they ought to bonvey. night, broke open Pearson & Gaskin’s how envious, we would advise to But these ehanee* ar# eoitM! on, store, taking out all that h« could carry. I chance their names, as the Smith fara- Ihfet productive v> r r> * J f V Vti i S J 90 tftOt time > , ted in Dublin, the county site of said county of crop before they tni'iusorthft Airuis^ick and Albany wou ld show forth our appreciation of j Lanreni. and known therein as No. (-9) eighty We do’t seem uadroad, immediately after his release , . e .. rl j nin* and No. (97) Ninety seven, »nd trontingon • i Minlp u an-i of riot hi from ■ n-wm ir, l ” ,s BOte d familT. [Franklin St., containing each three quartres of mges going on un- i * ole a aait ot clothing trotn a negro tn ; - taa acre, more or ie M ,*ud having ,„me little in.- Qct ViNB. provements thereon. Sold me the property of the said Terence S. G- Anderson, minor, for the purpose of reinvestment. Terms CASH. Purchases t> oar for stamns p>cscLy Relie 4RD PIB.U1.U.1T CURE OF Consumption, 3Broir.olT.iti3, ASTHMA. GOIDS, CUNGtiKSSlONAL NOMINATION'S- : 1st Dist —w. vy. PAINK, of Chsvhata. (short j elect ‘“"“a! T. MclNTTRE of Thomas, (long j WD'A-KELiOSTIFT, o, Do., l-J. ( b»^ I ra., ^ .. ,, we wm ..... ,a.w our „wi. «»»,-» I , -. „ . „ , F WttlonT, .< C...U, (Vub.bel.eve.1 ihui lue Demecrei. will cur'! mu „ bc „ ut 1)v th# , heriff . Rut M do. Whereupon .he negro Iron. 1 Joh ' 1 ■» »> M'd-V- terms ) «f Bibb (both ! rJ * ''**' 1 h * •® ,b * w,n g h **« h ^ n I one year lunger can Georgia-stand the ! who™ be had taken the clnlhes drew In Midway, on the 1st inst.. bj the Rev. j 4th Dist.—w. J. LiwiOu, . | recieved : + rxport drain of fifteen or twenty millions | his pistol and shot him dead Thus J. M. Bonueil, D. D., Mr. William Har-1 s;h Disto rt. CORKER, D M.DvBQSE. | AuorsTA — Two thous’-md vxvtes pod- • fhr WcsJef „ COrn „ n(i meat j and the i ended the life af a hardened criminal ; perof Baldwin county to Miss Mary 8 ‘ p. PRICE, .f Lnmpkm. (both |«d. Democra** ahead, iliapublican* j SOtinrr , hi# so lemn conviction is fasten-1 " ho our worthy Governor pardoned, I a olH 7 7 ’ terms.) _ t divided. Ad qutet. ; ««| on our minds, the mote healthy will i with same seventeen rm te, for the sole ! Savannah. No dislutbance. Brad- j |f |aru3 g., ‘ ; purpo'e of voting the Radical ticket ' ley, the colored independent eaudtdaia . ! and perpetrating his power. Before j for Congres*. is receiving a large por* CI1SRI5R. ! he was killed, the partie* who had Iti.-n ; non of the colored vote at the regular How fh9Blf » n gs Looks* oa Opaaiaf in custody, proposed precinct. Other election precincts • • were opened in the eastern portion ol j *. *»• ivjocvs.w. — term*.) . V 0Te —Whsrs two names at# ■entioaed, tha Irst is a candidate for the F«rty-firrt and the tec ,ad fertile F< rtv-second Congreee, awl mast be i# stated un tbs ballots. iufihead of Midway. SCHWARZ <t BRADY, People's Ticket. Bay. . - „ . Grace Greenwood thus sketches the Sfi a 4ar and M.lledgrviila. and Faldie | 1 ® tU -' '- V J ^ , fput>t,v,an». rea99Pn ,bled Senators in hsr letter to * a " & Gov. Bullock s manager* h ive pro- , , r •. liV . __ ,, „ f .tr.inii . .. , ... * , i t her tribune ; “From the gallery of v irtue against tested s^amst the proceeding as d egal. . c- i j , , -- i anJ Pablia TiIUiot- ! c, 6 the Senate I mw deer aid Governor t9 a day, Atlanta anu t j Several negfoei we;* arrested lor vot ~ iug more th;m once. No *•*»• subscribers '* 1 *!,*!*_ r>i . ■ renity and digaity. I lake the‘old* j mt not the other adjective. Senator Buckingham. I beg his pardon, for violence or ^ bears few marks of age except ae- :hal it he would i promise to Steal no more that they would give him 175 la»hes and liber [ ate him. This he declined,as in eveat of conviction pardon was sure. Truly your, CLINCH. I US BROUGHTON STREET, (Bstwovu Hull and Whitaker.) Retail and Wholesale Dealers TAY IT. Will oar Baldwin county .«— or . C oLUMBfa. Dec. 20.-Elcvfn hun T 'ZZr.tSlZ " mc ‘ poil " i - V* "" ,j " r!l - T vm ; : i’n 'hi* '*piaci , j looking slor- vtr,e 1 i !' Ex 'i'“ rhen they pold their cation, please in isg were uegraes. Democrat* ahead., ani \ (. nn „, a , n «k in hii a«n our {supreme Court decided the case Tea Bible as a Law Book.—We i have received several letters from ! ministers of the Gospel, asking u*to{ -IN— in mind their pronns?*. We*ra ,00K!n p All quit t. fur our friends averv day to call m tmi j Atlanta, Dec. 20.—Klection quid. pa y us. Don’t Compel os to run you down j Six Republicans artesfed lor illegal for a few dollars. We need the small | voting. Many negroes brought to the . moool , do, (join each no. ol .oa. Be.r ! rily Chattanooga ami nllipr |ilac ,h. lael m ra»an,b.r.«M .ha. torn, | d.finna lo ihe reaull. Home, Decemtier 2<>.—Demorrat? to ibe city Ay and knotty as an oak in his awn West, and Senator Williams, with bis powerful, lowering face, and Senator referred to in our sonce of the new supreme Court rooms in this city IVnniUI, t nt.1 , Cl I ill CX liat.'l . . . , ,, aril s . .p. _ . . . i i i • It was the rase of Stumps v*. Ke ey. Senator l narmatt, stoutest and dough- , . . . 1 -< c p, _ . c . o ‘reported in 22a volume ot “1 linots t t«st «>f Pemr>crats. Senator Sumner, ,;F ,,, , , . r „ _ . i .. ; Reports, page 142 brought by the ol course, was his post ef duty, and I , 1 tr 1 • e » ( ATTENTION DEBTORS. .Mr. John A. Ormk is authoiixed to over two to one ahead. Negroes *r- tesied for illegal voting. Ad quiet. Uijion Point, December 20.—Noth , : ing definite liom Greensboro and collect all amounts due th« Racnrder jAVhite Plains. 'Office for subscription or advertising Mobtezuma, Drcembei 20—Ue- Our friends who kave been owing us ; publicans supposed to be ahead, for several Tears P **t most now make j Cuthbebt -Republicans seven T - T i hundred ahead. Nearly ad Ihe black- arrangement* to pay. Indulgence has cessed to be a virtue. Westv$l collect , port Gaines.—Republican* ahead Our creditor* are impatieni with us, to-dsy, but tf;e Democrats will lie si p and we are equally impatient with our the close, as they are raserving their j Anlhonv were tall- l’ l *' nll£r "* a " ,,t ,he . dafen.lant lo r.cov- . though lh« h„l <T (la.1.3.^ oOL-a.f.nrtl l.y I t. tlflr.-j no relaxing, or cared to haie. ami !' *"' » l...okma the plaint o T .v._ i__u; .i i_ i Judge Walker, who tlthverea the j Sherman xund mg tn work x**^nntor Ferrv a a* looking as though i .. . ^ . , i i* . .. t • i • , opmon ot ttie Court, a ter *islmg the he ought to he «til! prolonging hi» rest i d , s . and recreation, Richjrd Yates, freshen-j ,, . .. i e,lbT prairie winds, ia quite like hit -And apt telatn lot ling to restrain j own self, with the hontedithl vet on i '!"* a '". ma !' all,!r klK, " ln ? "« P" > P <, '> I his face. 1 sadly mi CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, EQATTIIEKBSa TTUTDiro 3EAES2, W&it FAPESS, 0URTA1NS, the home-hghl vet on ! issed Delaware'. I ?"•>' >° '* llal ' l<! for ll " i injuries that may result to persons by I was mournful over the .nip, 1 h ' , rum,l "« « lar 8 f - ‘ B '« »'"«<« eav Saulsbury, and taciturn Garret .. - J - - 'her running at slow debtors. The amount* due us | strength for to-morrow and our friend* must pay j Cowman.—Eight hundred l)s Vl$e V vv«»c IKV'WI IJIMI »*» vi ll»V Vl«l|/a , • I I - I I „ .eat of Nye, of Nev.d, .who ,lw,v. j "° ! " M , t "' lh •'« h "™ ' look, to me like Benj.tnin Fr.nklin\" mf P” sl ' “ ni ' l ^ be'" testified ,,,; . ■ . i-i t ; itsfowner, and hs hath not kepet him in, und t* s tihilosopner, too, in his way.— . , . , , t ... . « ’i ' ' ep J but that tie hath killed a man or wa- Inoked in vain tor the gallant of Nebraska, and Stewart , of Nevada man, the ox shall be slotted and hi* »«« and for those two United Brethren of: ow " er P u , 1 Wb »» * is *•*“ New York, Conklittg .ml Fenton, and jtqmmtxn.le.l by the Drew Jehovah- our business n» we city. are smail , • ^ i m i o . ,, ii i . „i. polled. Resit!.' not known. us. e are comp, c : Fort Volley.—Republicans ahead ! jp^he Pill form'of Mernll/oV Ter’moni : wh * n he " ad f hi * ! * w lo m * 1 ' we intend to j to day. Very tew whites voting. :ltK | the tine ohi Roman head Morrill | ,n V*« ol thunders and lightnings Electron Monn^en Atr'ttrd. of Maine j a no the dsep cloud that euselopeil U. M. ORME & Co. \ Special to J digraph and Messenger.'] “To be sure nearly al'these illus. i ^ ,na ’’ a ’ lesl,n 8 ^ 1S T ’ #a hle presence, W T^TTr in ofLc M,LLCDGBV< ' LB « I^cembrr UiK- ■■ ultmi g , nt i c ,„ c ’„ may'have been'in the j ™ l‘«ve ”o r '*'u to diTegard the prin- 1 rr \ AR ” ‘ ",. r e .'Three election manager? were arres- j doak room regaling themselves with i jp'e °»’di_vine justice thus announced. | c Mi’dedgeviil station for this Conference j ted and imprisoned at >pjrta to-day, and I may soon see them in j The. principle contained in thiseleva-; year, will preaelf in file Methodist church j f» r receiving i? legal votes. Others ,f, e i r places. Senator Schuiz I notic-1 1 '°* "PP 1 *” w ' 1 ^ | ts C“R force to a j —AND— UPHOLSTERY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION —AT THE- LOWEST PRICES. SCHWARZ & BRADY’S Ostrpet Warehouse ; l#e>d atock of FAMILY v j GROCERIES I ! CHMSTIM IK FAIT 0F 1 BACO.N. } LARD, FLOUR, j SUGAR, COFFEE, TE.^, Green and Black, i PEPPER, VINEGAR, MOLASSES. ) SYRUPS, l RICE, SALT, | SNUFF, BRANDY, | RUM, GIN, WHISKY, j CANDY, \ PICKLES, MUSTARD, | SODA, CANDLES, CRACKERS, GINGER SNAPS, TOBACCO, Chew ing TOBACCO, Smoking, STARCH, SOAP, POTASH, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, KNIVES, BROOMS, BUCKETS, SIFTERS, TABLE Sc TEASPOONS, KNIVES & FORKS, Aad »tk«r articles too mameroa* to mention. At! •f which he will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. IfilledgeTiile, October 11,157# 41 1m FenEEite fcg iq Ssbstascs :f th Liza causing them to throw of the acrid matter which i collects in the Bronchial Tubes, ar.l at the . . e ! time forms a soothing coating, relieving the ir . i tation which prodneos the cough, j The object to be obtained is to cleanse the • rg.t • ' «f all impurities; to nourish and strengthen ; when it has become impaired and enfeebled i.y d. . ease; to renew and invigorate ihe circulation . iihe blood, and strengthen the nervous organize cion. The EXPEC FORANT does this to an | tonishing degree. It is active bat mild an i co . j genial, imparting fnuctional energv ar.d narur.i strength. It affords Oxygen to vitalize the bios !. and Nitrogen to assimilate the matter— It equalizes the “nenoas inScface.” 1 producing quiet and composure. TO COtf BUMPTITES next Sabbath, S^th itist. i were sworn in, and MACON iTAUGUSTA R ’R. j proving , ,, l»r Brown was knocked down, bv We u iid erst and the following scbedlue . . „ Linton Stephens, will be in force on Monday 19th of Dec : jiheroalion. inst. Leave Macon 9 1-7, A M . arrive at ; Milledgevd!** 11 24 A- M. Leave Catnak j Tettie Psopl* af Georgia 11 00 A. M. arrive at Miliedgeville, 2 10 P. M. ami at Macon. 4 30 P. M. II,n el«-tion i. ...fc* i»Tir^iT*mind.TX j****™'^ "•“'"•S. i" injury, and un-1133 BrOOghlon St., laTMIlfc, 6t. g quite peaceful and innocent of, r l“''«"">r'W.» .''I'"''* «'« u March 22, 1870 12 ly n prraona! M. baulking or bolting. Senator Brown- i ^"p'lated payment of tlamage* , low appears really much improved.— ’ 3 ' ^ l '‘ 1^- per ' j JOHN M. COOPER & CO. He na longer ?it* Utterly silent, impa*-I ' * ] a ^° Legal X etes. ; Corner Whitaker A St. Jalian Streets, sive and helpless in the fearful isola-i A Comparisok—The farmer who tioti ot his disease. Something of vi-; refuses to learn from the better prae- Tt is the fate of all humanity to err, taiity, of human inierest, *eems to have ! ii c# . # f his neighbors, and depend*. nnH unhappy is thai people whose for- j returned to hie corps like countenance | golly upon his own personal experi- Ytutrd*,,.—Theral l,J . nPS * rc P ,tcf ! cd U P»" ® ud ' sharp | and his figure >• less trenalous and j er ,c' e may he compared to the little- nni’ed vesterdav in tlfiscitv ev«n I ! T* ar,d continge-nc’lea lh:.t errors of j emaciated H.s >• a constitution af. .pring bubbling from .he earth-al pefxetl yesteriia\ in uus cuy evan j jn< jg !r)rnl , g j.r. the lor:n great and c ' ’ 1 Vote Palled SAVANNAH, GEORGIA S lemlt »md Rttail Dttlrrt in i BOOKS &STAT10.VEBY OF ALLKLVDS, ■ COPTIS# **D bXAL PRESSES, PCS K5IVF.S, If SPECIALITIES. * JULES JURGENSEN, JULES EMERY, ED- 5 WARD FERREGAUX. and the Larges* j Stock of DIAMONDS ia th« I etate of Georgia. j GEO. SHARP, Jr., LIVE JEWELIR, I: is in valuable, as it immsJUiftly relieves the dif ficult breathing and harrowing c,>ugh which st- teuds the d:st-as». FOR ASTIIU 4 ' I: is a specific—one dose often re ieving the Jl«. tressing .--hokiug, and producing calm and ple*.- , ant reposa. FOR CROUP No mother should be without a bottle of the EX PECTORANT in the hioise. We have mt:’> : ; ous certificates of its haring relieved, a-most in- i stantly.the little guff'erer.when death appeared - ■ j most inevitable. I IIOTIIERS BE ADVISED! Keep It Band ! ■ This dread disease requires prompt ar-r:r-n: n soon *s the hoarse, hollow cougli is heard, spp r I the remedy, and it is easily subdued ; i BUT DECAY IS DANGEROUS! CF" The properties of the EXPECTORAX i are demulcent, nutritive, balsamic, soothing a- I healing. It braces the nervous system ar.- . - j duces pleasant and refreshing sleep. IT EXHILARATES AND RELIEVES GLOOMINESS AND DEPRESSION- 1 Containing a 1 these qualities in s convenieri , and concentrated form, it has proven to be rh<s MOST VALUABLE LUNG BALSAM ever offered to sufferers from Pulmonary diseases, i Prepared by W. H. TUTT & LAND. ; AUGUSTA. Gt 8«l«l bf Drujiisl* Kifryahtre. i October 18.1S79 49 fra. ‘ Th ware 2,400 vote*. v*re fur of all ngrs aros,an rdi«u«- 'Tys-nt—error* honi^tly committed, but < eron seemed to be iu excellent health I whit h is fed from many fountains, and i the mo»t *jam« » S o j none the less mtschievtou?. Errors al- : anrl *pirits, as tkrewed and cool and ! which bear* unon it* bosom the ar ^ a J> 8 5> Yisitlas »Bd Pri■le^K , Cards, fct. ing .bus. of .1» ballot (hat ever «l j mom In Ike., we are all : Vule’ a» ev.r. The l,aml.„me ten <>f i vomulalerl ‘veahir of eiper’er™e •eeu iu any country or in any age of. diiubad with th* blutulersiick, that j Senator Cole wore a freshened glow. | Weigh well the contrast kere pre- llie world. Let every Democrat come j or,e c *|> make fare* at his brother, j Senator Wilson’s v a* as ruddy and i BentedThetwr-en the narrowminded uo to-day and to-morrow and do hi* j J™ 1 " l! scr '>iat. mi aur forget- j shiny as a New England winter apple, j farmer who i« exhau.'inc the riches ol , w , Iin IIiail f a her or be di*- 1 ° 1 ?" 1 Roman maxi,n lhal ! Vl * e President Celfax -beamed on the ! ,i ie soil which designed “for his poster ina. IM no .n.u «"• , ,h- l.w. .re «U-n, nmin.l ,he clarh of |, ...I S.nalor Pomeroy beam-1 a „ d ihe progressive termer whose ■ let, if Meat. ^ arms—m our vain and feeble attempts j eu hack again.” labors are adding millions to the pro- have a decided ; ,nter P° 8e rPsl r*iiits of law and J ducts of the country. ibe mazims and principles of Iree gor- ! Important Decision ir» the Uni- 1 DEALER IN | Diamond*. Pearl*. Rubie*. Emerals. Fiue W*»ch- M. all Gobi Jewelry. Sterling Silver Ware. Fancy Goods. Gold, Sil ver and Steel Spectacle#, every other article usually kept ia a €r*t- class Jewelry Store. j Wafchet ud Jcwelij Ctreniilf Rcpiiicd i:i Wantuld. : WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GA. THREE DRORS 15071 GLOBE HOTEL, Broad Street, An^asta, Georgia. Beard per Day $2 00 Single Meals 5^ SAT ISF A CT ION G U A Ii ANT E F.D. MR3 O A HUDSON Proprietress Sept. 13, 1870, 17 3m conraged. Bullock appear* to fancy tor the color opposite to his own. eminent, a* a shield Hg„ l:ist lho Mg . All the flection managers of hi* ap gressionsnfa party holding ihe vic- pointment for Brook* county arc ne- id’s sword ;ind flushed wuh ihe pas- froes—not a while man auuin* them. | • ions ° r * tuumphai.i enenq, we " I committed a great error ol judgment. Brick Pometoy and Mr. H. B. j We fited ihctn up to follies and cnor- Chandier. late fii.nncial manager of ihe 1 mine# /hey did no; originally coniem Chicago Times, liave purchased Mil- icnnke.e Netr*,nnd Ifwik possession mn Ihe 1st. Bonks O. dtrti or Imported, ol *Ye» York Rates. J M. Coopar, Q. T. Qua a tack. A. C. N. Smcta March 15. I $70 11 tf MARK W. JOHNSON’S piaic, and which culminated* in ihrow- red States Circuit Court.—lutha; l oice from the City that Begs for case of George W. Hatch va. Win. H. ! Southern Trade.—We commend to our Burroughs, Judge Wood yesterday j merchants, businessmen and purcha- morning delivered an able and lengthv | ,ers generally, the following from the opinion upon the demurrer of plaintiff Cincinnati Gazette. It says : to various pleas af defendant. Thi* “The action ot the Senate on Senator w;»s a suit by the plaintiff who was a i AlcCreery’s Arlington resolution was j older of the bills ot the Merchants I a t,i,,incl affirmation by the highest j Election Notice. COUNCIL CHAMBER. ( Miliedgeville, Nov. 17th, 1^70. S J1UBSUAXT to an Act of the General lata ^grrlcu.ltuLi'a.l store 4 Next to Bradfield’s Drug Store. Broad Street, - M. P. STOVALL, Cotton *W"sireliOLise AND Gonoral Commission 3Iercliasl. Jackson St-. Ao^asta. Qz. i /'TON1INUES to give hi* persona! .-r'f-i.’i r t - j the STORAGE and SALE of COTTON aui 1 OTHER PRODUCE. * OrdersiTr PLANTATION and FAMILY SIT- * Aliaota, Ga. PLIES carefully di ed. 1 LIBERAL CASH ADVAN ANCE-S MALE r . biy of the Stare of Georgia. There will be h#jd on the third iay ot Daeem- F VE Barrel* Onion Sets, IL >y. Outs, Rye. T “ ‘ ! Cousigunients when desired. { Milledgevii.e, Oct. 4. ls“H 40 .1m. Wheat and Grass Seeds. Ke l White, and Crimson Clover, and Lucerne N rway Oats, Tim ber next, an election for Mayor, and Aldermen, j ®>P Seed*. Flower_Seed, _10U, Tons. Gu.-ino for and Clerk, and Xiarabal for aaid city. WILBERFORCE DANIEL. Nov 33 1870. TETER FAIR. Clerk of Conneil. 47 St rm m rekt oi lease. J WILL RENT, for one or more years, the COTTON FACTOK, j Wheat. The best Grain Drill. Keller’s Patent, j AGENT, j Dixie Cotton Press, Gritfwoiu Gin Ingham or Cal- OottOH FOOCl CT"G ailO, ! w». sww*® »*>«*. j den & Cole’s Nurseries, Calionn’s Seed Soweis Opposite Globe liolel- Aupusla. «> - i and Horeeford’s Bread Preparation. ! * * I Oct. 4 1870 40 3r Planters 1 Warehouse, ,«gail the State msu: minus of the j and Planters’ Bank, agaiusl Burroughs | Ir g is!a,ivc b(, ‘lj °r the land, aniicipa-1 Grist lVl ill Sot'ih into the iiads of plundering *d a stockholder thereof. It it uunes- : l ' n K verdict af history,that to Rob- j on Turkey Creek,known as the JONES MILLS, j ynJ^-n 'O ‘T7C7'q r-r-Qr, HR1 venturers, sud plunged them into the es*ary to notice the pleas in detail and j ERT E. I-* 8 ® nn ot ^ fr l^ 0ce c * n b* assign- | Tenant to do repairs. Apply by lettor to ■ u * ° vv most extraordinary ginnncnl and po wt length. The three main pnints em- j (hat oj a traitor ; that to the r JOHN .S iitical embarrassments, from which j braced in the decision were : j soldiers who fought under the Confed Novaoibsr 1. W70 they may not be cxiribated in the! | tt> That under the eharter 0 f lh* ' era,e l ^ e nation may offi-r forgiva- J course of a generation. Merchants and Planters’ Bank the ne **» But it never can offer honor.’’ Blodgett advertises for violation* of the election law*, and thinks he can make good use of them at Washington j in case Georgia should go Democrat-! But our errors political ha/e not i stockholders by the terms of the char i Now go and buy your meat, and j ; transcedded our cot rots financial.— | ter. were not sureties and only uiti , your mules and horses, and your whis- 1 ! Looking back <>\cr the past fiae year*, j uintely liable, but that they were pri- j and whatever else you want, from tri Legis-: we can ail now see how much we ; mary drbtar* with the bank and pri- Cincinnati. P. Biair | have lost by failing to adapt ourselves ! marily Bahle to the bill holders. ; ! 44 4t It is said that the; Mis-ott lat urc will new elect General , , ^ „ . as Mr. Drake’s successor to t h * Uni-^cc to the system ot ...dependent j *1-1 the bill, sued on; t larmii C wI tchthr. change m our la 1 may base oeea is*ued during the war . ° i- - i ! .1 L. J. GULHARTI*. SOUM fLASIBfeT. L. J. GU1LMARTIN A CO. Cotton Factors, AID General Commission Merchants, ted Stairs Senate. oouirozL PRocBEDirro*. COUNCIL CHAMBER, / Millcdoctii.i.k. Dec. 15. 1870. ) ! Present His Hon. the Mayor, Alderman ■ BaV Street, Savannah, Geir^ll- woui*i have been the ol ; nejlton, aiiu actually used for that i Temple*, Herty aod Joseph. AUGUSTA, GA. ThE UNDERSIGNED respectfully tender Ifaeir thanks to the many Planters and Friends Ail business entrusted to him viit laves* 1 persona, addition. Orders tbr Bap -ii.g. 1 ies ' ' j Hope aud Family Supplies pn-mptiy • COMMISSION 14 PER CENT. (:o—0;) REFERENCES , Judge John P, King. PieTt Ga. Ra. r a i. It i E. Jackson. Pres’t National Bank of Aug'iist-'i ar . Augusta Factory; J. T. Gardiner. Esq . Pre-• ; Dickson Fertilizer Company: H F Hass. 1 Esq., ex-Mayor City of Augusta; Antoine i Mayor City of Augusta ; who anpported them during the past season in the ! lain. Esq , Director Ga. R. R . Augusts . * WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, j M. Hill, Director Ga. K R , Wi.kes County. ;t~ ,‘tm Sept. 20 1770. and again offer our services to the PUBLIC fur patronage at l£ per cent. Commissions for selling . cotton—the same price charged iast season—and: FIVE CEUTS ADDITIONAL hone by strict personal attention to business and 1 ... , , . , .- . ,, IMTRUCTIONS to merit a i.beral support. CASH | bu -” » h ° M . WIth ■ * advances made on Cotton in store, and orders. ■ wl " ,4T " tb ® >u {*’ r ® P ru . ^; r v C.B4U6UW. TIES. At. ...d FAMILY SUP- „..i i 1 bnr coudition dcmatulftl. \V r ho can I ,,, c ’he fiurpose of aiding mn rr ,, .. T. tL. 'overrate what would have been.thr ol; hellion, aud actually .. . mon . . <e. iis . g j our condition this day if. after thu war, j purpose, and an that account ilia-* "Whereas the dangers from fire is very j AGENTS FOR offiice of Attorney-General of Florida, | ^ ,i rir;lt) at OI)f . e [ 0 provide for i gal, ettii in the bauds of a Ijona fide j much increased by the indescriminate use I RD&nifY’S SUPER PHOSPHATE OF on account of protracted ill health. | ali our great r»erv»cc:tjr>g of food and | purchaser for v»fi,e without notice, j Fire Ciackers Rockets &c. during the | and is succeeded by Major Sherman 'stock from our own tcemig soil, instead they would be uphtd i and the holdtr j Christmas holidays. I LLa H SAi 3JB f j of shipping our supplies a thousand | would be »n illcri to recover Ot) them, j , ;I _ r aQ 0!in * I Jewell’s Mills Yarns and Domestios, A*-. A« t-i*LIE3 earefhlly filled and seiecied by one of our j firm in person. __ ^ resits, try it. S«pt. 13. 3* 1 * Sept. 30 1870, W. Ii HOWARD * SON. 38 3m. Conant. miles fir more into Georgia . ? Wo should have p'icf-trd aud held tin 1 vast income from five cotton crop*, at low;) from* tift v old to ; eil of the Citv of M:M“dgcvil!e. Messrs. Editors-. My im filiation pic tured me a pleasant lime hi my aiitici- pations of the “Hop” at ihe TKtjel, hut price* raging Mown ironT hiivoMh the -Vivid-* far eclipsed j p™.* «I.a. wc ha, .. . .. • iaiit-il to produce m Quantity wold have <a,,#ed 1 been made up in ; A. that this success tnour first maug-1 j ay>we | )av ... , l# y .we •hold have been overflowing ] by no means effect the recovery, and ilpgfo La ii«V’ hi with -wealth. But, in our suoidat j the mete fact that the bills in this ca?e tne\ rt " ‘. rf ^. J jj 3W8 ^. j haste to be rich, and under the dHu- j weere bought at 15cent*on the dollar 3d. That it does not matter what; r r . , W1 „ c i ol , oo1 , - .... .. . , ,i .... . i l ro person shall sell any fire the holder* of Ihe lulls paid for them ; I Cracker Rockets or fire works ..f any 'key will nc> b» respected in ikeir re- discription during the ensuing holidays, covery to that price, but would be en- j Ai'v person violating this ordinances tilled ta recover ike full amount ex- I *l»all Ue sutj,-t ro a fine of not less than pressed upon th? face of ike bilia ;— : ,|,n u " r room than twenty fl>d!ars. that the price paid forth* bills could | Be it further ordained by the authority be ; menev of f ,ive i 'fo rthal p ' cr y mftl) colli ««'(ll *» ( ron without matetiallv affect le a vatictN r^jrastd aggregate or the prices, I I’”* fU.. xN \}fl;cting so fatal a blow up the ing all that th*y are would hu\e no other effect than proba bly that of »ui>ge*iing to a prudent man that the bank uad suspended and was insolvent. Thu dcrisina ren»4*f#d was an# of artnresaid. tl»at no pnrson shall firo any guns pistols, tir® Crackers rock* ts or hav® any fire works on Wayne Suret between Washington and Montgomery Streets, or on Hancock between Jefferson and Wil- kinaou Streets, or any other part of the City .except in front of their own residence or on the public square. Any person vio lating this Ordinance (ahail b« subject to « BAGGING, ROPE, and IRON TIIS, ALWAYS ON HAND. U»ual Facilities Extended to Customers. August 30, J870. S5 ins. MULES FOR SALE. I WILL HAVE in Miliedgeville, by the 10th of December next. SIXTY head *f MULES, many of them broke to work, which I will sell LOW for CASH or on TIME, secured by Mori- gaga, none but responsible parties need apply.— Those owing for last years sales had better come and settle or I Will forcl«<se the Mortgage. THOMAS JOHNSON. K.t. 99 I67i. 47 «»>. LAND FOR SALE. I will sell before the Court House rit or on nrday Dec. 21th at 12 o'clock to the high, si p 111 ' j’ Whereas. Jamee H. Bmith. Administrator *f ’ oneiraet of land, 130 aerw. more or ie** ^ 'Henry Smith, represents to the Court in his peti- »»«>« ^Sl.UnTLw twh. UTTNALL COURT OF ORDINARY. Julf Term, J870. J. A. OEMS. A?* tion doly filed and entered en record that he has fully administered Henry Smith’s estate.— Titles good. This ie therefore to cite ail persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they ,,nv i niMFkr rorsTV. ea« v why said administrator should not be die- / ’EORGLA MON IGOMEKY COIN* i- charged from his administration and receive letters * Coart oj Or tnarg C - o tr ->r ■ g of dismission on the same. Whereas, Join, Harlow Claik^J* t . J. P. R SIKES, O T. C. tors «>f the estate of Calphrey Clarke, • August Iff, 1670. ' ' 33'mCm \ resents to.the Court Uiat they have ^ t«*red said estate, and uaviog tn^d # T ATTNALL, COURT OF ORDINARY— , for letters of dismissign. This is rhereter* t® c JmtpTerm^ ; a U and mnfnilar, th*erediton.of : Whereas L. A Tippine, represents H. Tippins. executor of P. G. show cause if any exist, within the time ores® A s t/the Conrt in his petition by la* wliy letters of dismustun *u. u.U n duly filed and enteredfon record, that he has tally granted ,0 . . v n , T w C settled said estate with his co executor— *'OHN A McMILLAN, O D;i5al This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to i Pel. 1b le<0. — iow cause if any they can, why said executor ! ~~ ~ ionld not be discharged from his exeentorship. SA-TjAi** J. P. R. 61KES, O. T. C. _ *yjg a r i^,» 0SE ?%%&&£i«; jPIttkt hr Sale it this 0l«s- aaiC fmnWks twrt »