Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, December 27, 1870, Image 2

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* <ff mmm F.riirt (.*•* Monday iu M arch and September Lfooiu—Fourth Monday in April And October % *—PIOjiuht m sfbuia.vw a t*.*.-«C'jcU—Tuird Monday iu F<*bnt*r> * i J 13L - i — rtp<-.'.ud Monday in April and October, j . . ■tab w rk tif HJ> tHatSjefG' RiSENT. F.I t INk*- h&gpsi ia^tho I Jill f * • U * VMI ** “’V ' * I ** w 1 4 > , • Madison— First Monday in March & September t r^TTIt^> ^r”T A T3.T 3 .Tr* (Ig.othorpe—Third.Monday in April * Oetooer j 9 u 1 * ■ .II. Ill ,#p»l IPW i I 1MI Ml| Goardiau Sale. 4 ‘ EORGIA. IjITCKEN^S COUNTY— V I By virtue of an order trrai TaTiaforr*—Fourth Monday in Furriery and August. Wornn—First Monday in April and October. Wilke*—Fourth Mcudav it. March & September. Live JEW£LEU, DEALER IN Oc tnuigee CirnUt. Baldwin— F ,nrth Monday in February A- August Greene—Second Monday in March A September. I .»Tu.r_Fi>nrth'M ,>llf i , *y in April and October. Jon. *—rhir.l Monday in April and October. \j, ig* n First Monday in March and September •—t , ™ d *r *« JiH'gJSb". Witiisuri Jtwj.’y wit StJffied ltd Wurfd WHITEHALL ST, ATUWM, CA. S#pi Id, 1*70, S7 Sm Diamonds, Pearls, R.-otys, EduthN, Fire TV* <.'»• ea. all Gold J.v.olry, bW'.riir.jj Surer Ware. Fancy Gtied-t. Gold, Si!- yer and Steel Spectacle'!, And every other article ti-ual'y kapt is a A rat - class Jeweiry Stora. G eorgia l a uren> county, . CojVi of Ordinary .*, i WHEKEVS. tbe administration on the sttate ^ of Y. J. AndSoon. fs.abated by the appointment ranted by ths Honor- j of the adiniwa rntor >o t he office of Ordinary, and a bln, the Court of Ordinal/ o: Richmond County: . whereas no application tor letters ot administration ■ I bs anld on the met Tuesday iu March, j J* bonis non upon said estate has been made. < i. at publie outcry, be ;bre the Court House, ia j These are to cite ah and singular the next of u, County of Laureun, Ga.. within the leg*! kin and creditors of said estate, to be and appear atm.’ 'dice within the time prescribed by law, and snow’ cause, if any they can, why said adinin- isireriou should not be vested in Hardy Smith, olerk of Superior Court of said county, interns of ibe lav* in such cases. \S it ness my hand and official signature this 16th day of August, 1870. J. B. WOLFE, Ordinary. A r grist 16 1 c*7# 33 indm Wilkin'"’ 11 — First Monday in April i Pntaul* CtreMt. hours if ssie, ths following i*«, estate, belonging ... i ei<"•(.» L. O Anderson, a minor, t'cvvu. L >■? N < 27S—Two Landred and seventy-eight, coi ‘aitiing one hun lr -d and sixty-seve i at os uio.'f* or Ins*. So. (27'J) Two hundred and seven ty Dine, containing t*v Lunflri: . two ami a h.„f •errs, more or les>>: Number (’J8f>) Two hundred •ml aightv live, coutiiinlrg «'iie hundred and . twenty acres, more or t--«s. jr-d No. (28d) T"° aund.ed and eighty six—emu/.rung on# hundred j and sixiy “ Ths Super ior Court of said county will b'-1 sdjonmed on the ‘JOth of Oe-tobr r, to meet on the 1 Thursday af'sraeeond Monday in November next, j By order efHis Honor, Wm Schley, Judge; of said Court. Tnis October 16th. IrTo. ALEX. McAR'l HUE, Ckuk. Kovsmber). 1870 44 2t BROUGHTON STRgr.T, i Ratwean Bull anil Whitak.r.) and Wholesale Dp^i an *1 rre» litnrs. ! rpply at tin A itogei air aitJ oi :iiI.'LED05VILI T #• • a « f. 0 e 11 m b • r il. 117* If being C-hriMftua I wsBtiof^lroliWav. •11 «uas esc* unit we linve oul' r boyaj issued C:a»—Fir-f Monday in February and August EjJij—1 ust Monday iu A l’ ril * ,i ' i October. \fnler—Second Monday in April and Oi tcbsr. I Quitman—Third Monday ir. May and Novembr. ; Randolph—First Monday iu May and Novemb r. Stewart—'Third Monday in Auril and October. lV tr r ) ll_l.'„ ll r:h Monday in May and November. vVrbster Second Monday in March & September ur aorertlne* ! ess « hilr fh*cf principally •SflU. From what we seo in ottr exchanges, ii is eenfldeeUy beimved that the Slate will be eerried tergeijr,l)etn jctatic. MARK W. JOHNSON’S jflLgricvLl’t-u.ral Store- Next lo Branfield’t Drug Store. Brand Streets - — * Atlanta, Ga. Administr is expucte * to ch iu Mn»«4g6 i s r ot .Uruar The lte». D. E. Biulgr preeeti in tbn Baptiriftrhm •ilia, an next Bunitav ihe OAU BING TON \s Will open on Monday, Itfr For terms &c , consuft L. CABBING'VOX. vv door, in tha county, on th all thu lun'i Dorrence—soid for GEORGE A. Deceinber 27, ]r*70, SCHOOL ■ I *uu»! v uex* t i >r fore the court Reidsvilie, Tattusll ,y in Eehroery. next, ta;e ot Johu U. Terms Cash. RREKCK. Adin’r. TOWS) 52. tds. INTGOMKKY CdUBT OF ORDINARY— Ore. Term. Wv.m-as John H. Faria 1 < Mnrko, der'd iiaving i Dimuy of said count 70. Guardian of James e Court of Or- imr^o from hi' t.lV.JIBlIs op. ATTENTION T.VUMLUS. Msnalscture jour own t<*itil'iiert at j hosiN el • cost of ohiy 00 pt r loti — ' Call on the LIVE Diit.G 8 1 OBE for in< Htniatiiiu. moit'iA it v. Sjftrior Court Judurs. ftmiiti ABdiowa. Nor’iiern Circuit; term ~ year*; j reaideuos Washington. j & FarroM, Cher'onoe Clnni ; term B vests;; rtmidence Oaitersviiie. J it Alexander, Southern Circuit; form 4 years: reaidonce Thomasvnte. C i) Dasha, W -stern Circoit; term 4 years ; resi dence Monroe. <2 B Cole. Macon Circuit; term 4 ears; res> ! dence Macon. J U Clarke, ttoulbwesforn Circuit; ti rm 8 years : reaidence Am- rieua. J W Green, Kiiot Circuit; term 4 years; resi dence Thomtoiton. D B Harrell, Patania Circuit: 4 years ; res; i deace Preston Wm. Gibson. Middie Oircui ■ •- -> 4 . , s; r« -i- deuce Aligns;^ J'f) Pops. Coweta Circuit: f-nu 8 r*/-,ra; resi- - deuce Aiianta. P B Rirbiiiion, Ocnin'.g.'.ii Ci " it; *im 4 years; reaidence Gmeii-’stioro'. S B Knight. H .He Ridge ^Circuit; -. mi 8 years : residence MariotU. W-Bchley, Eastern Ci’cuil; U ,ni 8 years; rcci deuce Barautish. J B Bigby, Ta.iapo'jsa Cir lit ; term * years; reaidence N'cwtiau. W M ifossions. Brnocwick Circuit; t rm 4 years; residence Biackshenr. James JtrtipsoB, Chattnho-tch'^ Circuit; term a years; tesideucoCivunit-un. Soi.icitore Gonrr<rl. i M Mattfc *‘ws, Nerfhcm Ciic-nit: term 4 ye*rs; tssideuce llauielivlild. W.i> HenusU. .'southern Circuit; urm-4 years; reaidene Quitiosn. C B Broyles, Cherokee Ciioun , t ">« 4 yere : residence Dalton. St W Parker. Patau la Circuit; (etin iyeant; resi dence Fori Games. SI W Crocker, Macun Circuit ; term 4 yearn ; res idence Marion. A Calvin Johnsou. H ue Ridge Circuit; term 4 years : residence^ i*, >usii .; fe P Howell Cutsets C reni:; term 4 r*“i- douce Atlanta L B Anderson, Fiint (,‘ir ui’ ; lorn: 4 : reji:- done. Coringt hi. R H Wtiillor, Srilfhwer-'.irn’t: term 4; years; residence Camluidgc. L Jordan, Ocmuijec -. torn 4 year*; resi- 1 donee Moiiticfio, J & Prescott, Mi ld!. Circoi* : term 5 y*. «; resi dence Swainst'oro’. ft Marter, W-.-slcrn Circuit: term 4 years: rr- idenee Jofforeon. ABBinitti, Eastern Circuit; term 4 years; i**i > dance Bavannali. C D Forsyth. Tallapoosa Circ.-it; term 4 years: residence Dahas. Jeba Peabody, Chattahoochee Circuit; tem 4 years; residenceColutubu*. J B Wiggins, Bruoswirt Circoit; residence Pcra F ITS Bsmls Onion Sets, Barley, Oats. Rye. Wheat and Grass Seeds, Red White, and Crimson Clover, and Lucerne Norway Oats.Tur nip Seed*. Flower S.-cd. lllii Tuns Guano tor Wheat. The best Grain Drill. Keller's Patent. ; Dixie Cotton Press, Griswold Gin Ingham or C vi- ! ifornia Sniutter. Agricultural Implements, En giues Ac. Send tor price list. Agent for Har- j den A Cole's Nurseries. Calioon's Sr'o l Sowers I and Horsefard’s Bretid Preparation. Oct. 4 1870 40 3m one hal acre.-., intro or .e*s, snd bownde on uae side tor aliutu .ue ui-.: nee of oc* mile by Uia Oconi-e hirer and swamps (hereof; oa rite .o her sides by i aids of Daniel And. root!, of Ja. Write, ot D. Hobbs and E. F. Blaoksbear, in the j; >t District, <i. M. Also rer min town lots situ ated in Dublin, the county mte of said county oi Laitrciis, and known therein as So. ('ll) eigltfr nine and No. (97) Ninety seven, and homing or. Franklin St., couuining each three.quarries of an acie. more or less, and hating some lilt.s iin» provernents thcieorr. Sold as the pioperty flf thstaid Terence L. G- AndSrson, minor. Terms as t i the part Shown &f the ••Lodge" or ‘ Anderson Place” cash; a» to the rest one third cash, nud the balance first of Jnnuaty, le72, with ilortgag- on the premises. IV. chaser to pay lor sunmps and titles. WILLIAM J. OWENS, Guardian of T. L G AN DERbON, Minor. De.i .-inber 27, 1870 52 tds. M ontgomery court of ordinary. hereas Cha a ilci4a« and A. F. McLeod, idministralors on the estate of Duncan NcCrim- wii, iat« of Montgomery county, dee d., haring 1 died thtir petition for letters dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all i per.uns concerned, whether kindred or creditors j >f said estate, to show cause, if any they hat#, I within the time prescribed by law, why letters of ' dismission shouid not bs granted to said Admia- ! isttutors.. | Given under my band and official signatnro, this Nor earner 7 th, 1 '< 0. JOHN A. MoMILLAN. O M. C. i Roveiiber IS, 1576 46 ADMI.VISTKATOR’4 SALE. w ILL BE SOLD Lrio.e ths court h ,une dor I.. J. >Y- ji»ax rt.ANxaar. persons concerned prescribed by law t houid not receive l«t- This in therefore to cite to show cause williiu the t ,hy slid Johu H. Par; tors of dismission. JOHN A McMILLAN. Ord’y. December 27. 1-70. h‘2 5t P “■ JL , ti,,i BERN’S b»» *pp of personahy—j vaiUH'ion of hmnerte tin* It-i Monday in Jan A. M. at my effice in " JOT December 20, I' to ars for sxesap netting apart aad wilt pass upon ths yCl Bt 10 o’slock Ga. McMlLLIAN, Old’* M. C. hi 2i. L. J. liUlhMARTlN A CO. Cotton Praetors, AND General Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Savannah, Cctrgia- AGENTS FOR BRADLEY’S SUPER PHOSPHATE CF in tho town of Reidwil e, Tsltnali county, j “j I on the timt '1 ueoduy in January next, all ti« land belongrtio' to the estate of Fil.-v Coward. . , , , _ . , , ... deed. Sold tor distribution. Tenne, 13 muath. | * itneas my hand and oflstal sigastvo this r t EOKGIA LAURENS COUtTT. VT Cn -r of OrdiMorg. CliR'itra ?/ • rb hnring been dismissed from tbs admin » rat. n of satata of Hardy Smith das’d. ! s.n '; no applicatn n being macs by any parson. i These am to cita and admonish all sotlserued, I tlia neit of kin and creditors, ta ba sad appear I h. tha Coart at the regnlar term ia Jannarr ; next to show cause if any they aan, why said ad* ministration of sa.d estate should sol be west ad in Hardy Smith. Cicrk of tha (Superior Coart of said iitiity in terus* of the law. ZTotice, A LL PERSONS indebted, hc'.r are hereby notified that I first regular term of the CViut if Ordinary o Laurens county after the pub,i, ;.ti n of this no ties for sixty days, for to a portion o? Ih« lands of the estate of William A K .light.dec’d. for ths payment of debts of the dec.M, to wit . No. 119, To HnndredTuo and Oue-ha f (202.J; acres, known as the Ilei.ry Beldhutr track. No. 118, Two Hundred Two and One half ( -'.‘-M) acres, and No. 113, One lluriJr.-j and Sixty->ix and three fourth (IGtiJ) acres,th-'se -i. s known*.* the Levin Adams’ tracks Oct. 2-1. 1870. MARGARET R NIGHT, Er’x. of WM. H. KNIGHT —IN— SVotice- A LL persons indebted, legatees, next of kin and creditors, are hereby no'ifieil tha' at th-* next regular term of the Court of Ordinary of Laurens county, I shall apply for leave io sell all th* real estate of William McLendon, dee d, to pay ths debts of the estate. Oct. 29. 1870. EMANUEL li JOHNSON, Exr. of Wm. McLENDON. November 1, 1^70 41 nt wi:h bond for title. JOHN A ROGERS Adin’r. Nov. fj 11*70. (C W S) 47 id*. B ftXontjoinery Executors Sals. Y VIRTUE OF As ORDER from th* ■Mir* le Dfbion «ed Crtdiiuri. A ll person* k . tn:e et VVashiui couiiiy d«»c'd —are h ■>i uie duly proven. *\v, nrni at! persons ind ^nir*:-j Io iimke jnimedii :7\n 1 -711. COTHARINE J. BAKER. Admr'x cf W’. Raker Decembar 27, 187i*. 5‘- at Jewell's Mills Yarn* ami Dome*:its, Av.. ire claim* againe; the *»- t RAGGING. ROPE, and IRON TIES, ALWAYS iate of Lanrens J Court if Orilnuiry of ssidConnty; Will be eold on tl.o fust Tuesday in Jann*ry 1871 with in the legal hoir\s of s-de before tiie Court llou.-e door iu Mt. Vernon the lVdlowing 'ands, bafongin; ; to the Estate of Josiah Hamilton dec'd town :— . f,ot including preniiscs cotoainiug 20li acres. Lot i j jjiuuing the 8 mu! one North eonta niug 254 ' feres, lot containing 2tMI sere*, adjoining land* of jjchiiH. Haiuiiton,dec’d nil of said County sold or a division subjects to Wid«>ws Dower. Term* .‘{i iimutlis time 'virti approved s'c.tiiity. CHARLES S HAMILTON. Eir. Not. 25th, 1870. J November 29. 1876 B. WOLFN, Ordiatry. 46 fit Gasirdisn Sale. B Y VIRTUE of authority granted by the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin eounty will be sold on ths 1st Tuesday in January next before th# Court Hou*e d< or in th* eity of Milledgeville, Baldwin county, between the usual hour* of aale • ii? undivided interest of Jesse* 8. Beall in the western half of House and lot iu the city of Mil- ledgeviile. whereon Joe Beall resides—same^be- :ng "tie-sixth (l-*•) part of said bonse and lot. JKKE BEALL, Guard’*. Nov S3, 147*. 48 tds. -re prese*; tho* he tiine prescribed by ■j the same are re- meat*. This D«« ON HAND. Usual Faciiitie* Evtsude-l tv Custeiners. August 3C, 1870. io Sra. 1870. 1870. WILLIAM A J. CARAKER, Planters' Warehouse, ]SJo„'2 Warren Block: AUGUSTA, OA. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ILL RE .SGi-D .before tho court ?? door in the town of Kci-Jsvi county on the first Tuesday in January next al'- th# Innu belonging to the estate <>f Wifliain Mol land, dec’d , iu sail county—Dower eteepWd— Soid for the benefit ->f the heirs and cre.ditors. Term* cash. LWOINCY HOLLAND. Adm'r. Nor. 22 lr70 (C W 8) 47 M« I f ’ fc.ORGIA. BALDWIN COUNTY. ; VT Court of Urdiatro, Noo. 25, 1870. Wheraas, R M. O.nie. Ex'r. of the estate of t hons# R. U. Orui*. dec’d.. haviag filed his last return Tattim.l i *i i mm> application for Utters of dismieaion ; this is to cite all and singular, th* kindred, ered • r* and all persons interested, to appear in said Court on the fust Monday in March, 1870, to eaosc. if any exista, ,why said letters of dia- ininiou shonld not be grantvd. M R. BELL, Ord y. B C. Nov. *3, 1878. 48 Sm. DEALERS IS FUBMITUBE 4l&2i as painted, grained, and ’Walnat D-H 0 0 M S E T 8. bills of Pine and Oak Lb* her. T HR UNDERSIGNED re.-pectiullr .fender •beir thanks to th* many Planter* and Friends whoeupported them during the past season in 'he WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, and again offer onr set vices to the PUBLIC t"r ' pa'ronag* a*. I.J per cent. C-'mmissions lor selling cotton—the same price charged last season—and i) P SUCH m B E Wil 1 hope by strict personal at’ention to bnsjru. l*sT*U«rTH»X« to merit a liberal support. _ advances made On Cotton in store * for BAGGING. TIES. «Sce . and FAM* PLIES carefully filled and seleetsid by v Srm in person. W. H. HOWARD A SC •*pt. 1370, 38 «»■ r.uo '-A- *r\ All kinds i HAIRS. STOOLS. 1ILL1DCSYIL! HIGH PSBttTIIIAS SCHOOL I N or ROCKING CH4IKS. SITTING ttOUNTEK .STOOLS and DESK SIDE BOARDS and WARD ROBES J’any description nnd best quality—fine WAL- NU r BOOK CASES—WALNUT or OAK extern •ion table—»ny kinJ of MARBLE ’*'OP « table 1 - • ^ n n _ n A f . • r* v* Yvithoui rr.trbie. BED 8TEA.DS of *U mb® anu j Q Q |j ^ T }J 0 K P E C 0 Jj Ii E G E 6 niwA^i ua h%nd Children'! CRIBn ind BEDS, Walnut and Gum—alao. small rockers for -‘MIDWAY RIDGE.” This College mow j belong* to the Piesbyteriaa Chareh ef Mil ’ legeri'lv, who me.iu to keep here fororer, the Cnildrett arul M' ve*— also on hands lot ot finest I’!N SAFES. We are ptepsrod to furnish at a’.i • Hash, b'.indv door* of ail eies and windew shade* and tixtnrc*. BURIAL OASES. faill.fullest best School et the l?.»4, Ne *clleo! ' *b.*!l oxi'rl it; auj paren s rvny roly ea their I beys being fitted hei ft for any a.Uitng er any hi jn- er College. The Sehooi wi:l up** •» 'he 1 Ot a day of January. Is/t, under te»»kar* of great experi ence, pr**ided aver by Ret Roukut <’. Euvm. late and tong aiabama Fiofe sor ; a Of .thorp* Celiege. Boarding in tee best of t>m;.;es. a* efteftp a* anywheie in Tmtiea tee- vary to amt eia*-*s. Tee ILun ired i<e ac- eommodatyd. Funrteon houses and lot* offered free gr.*Sf. for tail year* to any respertah a hone* ktepers on canditioa of ftirniahiagat loa-,i fonr icgnlai pupil* Aiiminislrators Sale- x OREEABLE TO an order from the Court of j Ordinary of Laurens eounty, will be sold I befote the cour; house door in the town of Dub- | lin. within the lego! hours of rale, on 1st Tuesday j in January next, ail tu* latul be ongieg to tiices j tateof Uco. F. Linder deccaaed, to wi;; One tract of laud iituatc on west side of Dublin and Sundrrs- viiie road, iu Buck-Eye l>i*s . adjoining the ami* ofM.J Guyton, E. II. B scksbcar. et al. in s*i ’ county, cautainiag ninety seven acres more o leas. >/ r ■ AL* «? the aaroe time *nl place, eighty-fire >* »cie» mo.e or iess, situate dn ses: pr-mg of Pc- '' noth cteek, adjoitrirp land.* jif 'R'. H. Biack*heaf, i et al. Sold for the p»u*fit ot the heir* and credi* 1 tors of said dec’d. WM. T. LIVINGSTON, Adm'r. Not « 187ft (J_B W ) 47 td«. Admiiiislrator’s Sale- VS. ILL BE SOLD before the court house V Y duoi ia me 'own of liei,3ii]♦» Tatm*il coun tv, on the first Tuesday iu January next. a por J lion of the land belonging to the estate of luoma* i E. Clitten, dec’d. So,d for distribution. I T»nr.s 12 montha credit, wiih bond for title. EZEKIEL CLIFTON. Adm'r. Not. 22 1870. (0. V\ • f>.) 47 tds. Adsiiislralar's Sila- \\J ILL R1 SOLD uadar anordr. eftbe Court v Y of Or i.usry—for t ? pnrpnwe »f paying dert* and d : «it; K ntion—before the eoart lm-us* | 1 door in Dub io, Lauren* ener.ty, en the lat Tues day t* January -wi io the legal hour* of I •aie, a- : l ike land* b'l^.'‘e th# eatete n 1 Ns-; thaniel f;*y dae'd, to wilt Or.s lot ea Mereer * rreek.7.i7 aerc*. known a* ih»Da*i* ianda : <l*e I fiHCtir.s.a lot,40 a?;**, adj riniiigeat 1 Davis lards: i oee lot 290 acres, ia ths t -rk of Herrer a ereek : and Ocoe-e river; on* lot, 44! acre*, en Ocnsv j river ; eaa let, 300 acre*, a- joining the latter, in* widow'«*r>’ wer being on th* two iait named lot* ; i G eorgia laurens county. Court of Onlindff. John T. Rogeia Having filed hia eppiieatiea for aduunietration on tho e.iete ef Jonatbaa Muliia, Lte of said county dec’d. Thtse are to cite and admonish all and aingular the naxl of kin and creditors of aaid estate to be and appear at ny office at the regular Term ofthe t’onri in Janeary next to show cause if any they by said application should not ba granted nese my liand and effieial aignatura this 25th. IviO. J. B. WOLFE, Ord y Bov 29,1670. 41 fit. — i Vv here;.*. Chai-.e* K. Wright—Adi VVYlium V* right, deceased—having W Court of Ordinary. —Adminatrator of tiled his pe- tifion for dismission— i'jtese are to cite all parties concernod, kindred or creditors, to show cause if any they have, with in the time prescrib' d by law, why letters of dis mission should not be granted to th# applicant. Witin ss my hand and official signature, this July 4th, 1870. JOHN B. WOLF*, Ordinary. July 12, 1870. 88 m6ta G V*'« are prepared io furnish at ail limes, any - v e of burial ea*** both ME1 ALIC and WOOD A>.«*■*wi baud the beat atyla af twageaa,*ffora j to theschaol every y«ar. A small expe.ase witi one to six Loren.aud are preparnd to renovate old ; tr.ake them very p easant heeses tor tarn,bee also on# Iq^ie Montgomery eonnty on Mercer's Rug-iea and Wagon# at short notica Also, a flu* ; wishing to school their t-hildrea, er sappert by ,. ree k, 86 acres. Ati ot above lands adjoining ia or Children’s Carriages whicb w# «vi!l»ell cheap : keeping boarder* ; o«« bedy whereon the late Nathaniel Gay resided. r CASH - - t For teaching Ar., apply to Prof Robert C. under iaeumbranre of widow'* doww:— W J ' “ " u ° “ Terms of sale cash, admiuiatistora baring, priri- EOKGIA, LAURENS COUNTY. Court of Ordinary. To a I nfioiri it may concern. Catherine 1. Baker having tiled hei petition for Letrers of Admiiiisti alien on the Estate of Wash- ten Baker, iatc of said county, deceased, this is 'u cue a.i creditors and uext of kin of said Wash- . Lg'iMi Baker to be and appear at my office within i? time allowed bylaw, and show cause, if anv ti-y can.wby pcrinaiuintadministraliou shonld not granted to baid Cut her in# J. Baker on said ■ state. v' iiiu'ss mv hand and official signature, this Ma* 2nd. 1*70. J.B WOLFE, Ordinary. May 24.1''/it 21 m6m W'-t* Krdfr Chenit. WILLIAM — CASH - — t For teaching Ar-, apply to Prof A'u kind* ot Buggy and Wagon •.aerial kept j Smith ; f.,r heuaes aad lots, apply to *. H. R*» ;»i*triet«-fcapenor Court*, j | t . on5teDf iy on baud: sacbes spoke#, rims, hubs, *ay. Esq., at Midway, er any ef_the_Trmstees abaft aul Buggy tong*» ; and can furnish Buggy I : and V. agon Harness at ail times Wa will repair ; ail kind# of old furnitnre end v»hotfe» canaeaa . h*i’ra nastiy and with dispateh. Milledgavilla July 10th. 1676.» 1? Cherokaw—First Monday ir. Mu’ch »d4 August. Cobb—Third Monday in March ana h:er Mocdai in October. Milton—Fourth Monday in Murih ;ud thud Mon day ia August. Ferayth—First Monday iu April aud fourth M day in August. Lampkin—Second Mondayin April aid fi st Moi, - d«7 in Baptemhe*. Dawaoo—Third M-j.riiuy in Apii an.'. *e.-ond Mon day in September- Fiekena—kourth Monday in April and Septembe Gilmer—Hecond Monday in May ?:i i October. Fannin—-Third MunJay in Muy *..u October. Union—Fourth Mordey in May au-I October. j Towns—Mondays after the fourth Mon<iay in May and October troontoisL Cm, it it. Acting—First Monday in March ami September. . Capden—Friday afse* tbs ficuth Mruduy in April i he akd October. C halt on—Monday after ti fouirii M.-r-dsy it, Akii and October. Clink—Fear th M otifday iu March tnd Scptauib* j CefftV— 8e?oud Monday iu ii -•• ti u < cc;ato-bet. j Gly&V>Third Mondny iu Ap il a. d D. t . i.rr. PinreA-Thursdsy before tt,* t-r«t Monday in i Mark nnd beptember. t ^Third Monday in March ami September. -Fourth Monday in Apul and Oi t.ii vi. Net. 53. 1*76. MrKINLEY, Prea't. Corp n. 47 If. 9 NOTICE. Plantation for Sale.’ lege to allow tit) d*y* far payment, bat in ell st* titles r.ot 'o be nisde nntil fail paymer.r. JULIA ANN GAT, aad ELISHA WILKES, Adm'rs ef N. Gay. dee'd. Nev. •?, 1*78. (.1 R W) 47 tds. SDRY AND FANCY GOODS, j MH,i.rsrBnT. ; V» RS. F. A LINDRUM haejnst returned from . ! -l-'A. S *w York with a ; Lar«f nod Carffii lY Selected Stock j‘‘f r ‘th L. N. Callaway. John Bane. I'etrr Echols, and olh ers. The above land has about 150 acres cleared CboUohootUt* Circuit tehee—Fourth Mot; 253Y FAUCT €«©»•, M ILLixeRY. AC. «’on*i *tiug, in pari, et Japanose BiA, An j R 0 be*. RUid*. Black Siika, lab rated Bed Lion Rr»,,j Alpaca, Ati wool tlrLaincs. Evaprrsa CioUl, Meriin Calicoes. &*• B earbe-i, Brown.flaid and Strip*.! Honieepuus, B-oi Ticking, Blanket*. Flannels, Rinseys, Shawls, To*e h. Cloaks, Hoods, *uj ra- no'i* other unifies too numerous to * tnontion. Her htssic '* 't is Oanpleta. Mizaa and Qualities. tb*m ' beautiful JuaniU Congress lOxorutor's Saif A GREEABLE to an oilier from the Cuuit of Ordinary of Lau-cns County, will be soid A l^^E undersigned bus made arrangement* before the Court Hou>r ucor iu Dublin, cr, the Dv to leave this county, L< offers for »ale, 337 j Tuesday iu Jan. next, ail the ianda belonging to the estate of*£un«sbeali Adams.dec'd. Sold under eneombmuca of the widow's dower for the benefit of the heir* and credi tot 8, 'Terms cash. Dublin, Gh , October 22. 1870 WM ADAMS. Eir. , W. J BENDER. Exr. efM- ADAMS, Doc. Oet. 23. 1876. 4J ids. f GEORGIA, LAURENS COUNTY, W Court of Ordtnorg. Whereas, Hardy Smith, has filed hiapetitiea for letter.* of adminiciratiou d* beds non—with the \\ ill am xeJ—on the estate of William McLendon deed. This is to cite and admonish all and aingular, the kindred and ereditois of said deceased, to show cause, if any they can, within the time prescribed by law, why said letters sliouid uot ba grante.d to the applicant. Witness mv hand and official aignatura this, J u!y 20th, le>0. J B. WOLFE, Ordinary. Aug. 2 1~70. 31 m6a TUI ION BOE ADYEHT1SEU. VOLUME FIFTEEN. First-Class Deinocrdlic Newspaper- T HE CAMPAIGN Which wi l soon be inaugu rated. and whjch will culminate ia't-.-c elec tion of Congressional and Lqjislarive representa tivea in November, promises t, l»- one of the most important and interesting epochs in the T,i* ory of tha State. In view of this fact, it is the ditty or eyery person to subscribe for sotnn ev.- i Lbic newspaper. To the people of Middle- Geoi<ria tho MONROE ADVEKTI8ER preseuls m, eriur elaims. No pains will be spared to render tho ADVER TISER a reliable and efficient newspaper, and each issue will embrace a fair . pttome t f the week’s news, both foreign and dooiestic. As heretofore, the local news ofiihisnnd the ad joiniag counties will l>o uinde « speciality. The ADVERTISER is published iu a very pop ulousar.d wealthy section, and is .-ne of the u.o?; aTailabla AUV£r.TI$lNiG MEDIUMS ia Middle Georgia. To morel ants at.d business men, it offers superior suduccuiouts for rcaciug a large, intelligent aii^. prosperous cia-s of p. op e. Terms of adyertising lib-ral. Address, JAri. R. HARRISON. B-'X 7J, Forsyth Gs. Sept. #7, 1679. 3!) ti RPETINgs, ilL CLOTHS, SQ A T II J? © 3 3 TJinjBOV SKABS3, w4U P&FEBS. OURTAiES, —AND- UPHOLSTERY GOODS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION \ —IT THE— LOWEST PRICE 3. ■ I ' SCHWARZ A BRADY'S Carpet -Warehouse 133 Broughton St., Savannah, ia Hatch 22. IS70 19 h JOHN M. COO PE LI & CO. i Corner Whitaker & St. Julian Strests, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA \ Who Ualt mod Retail Dcalas in BOOKS 4ST.4U0YSRY OF ILL ITYIIS, | COFTIVa AID SEAL ISKSSES, l’ES X-riVUS, I News A Book Pricin'.' Paper & Ink. j GOLD PENS, PEN AND PENCIL CASES, Ledger, Writing & Colored Papers Of oil kinds ond sizes for Blank and J ok fTori. Plijilg, ruilii; -toil rriltnV Cards, kt. Books Ordsrsd sr Imported, of Nets York Rotes. J M. Ceoper, •. T Qunatack. A. C. N. Smeta March 15, 1676 1 i tf “THE BED ROLLER.” W HIT1I5 PATENT COTTON S1BD PI,Ah' TER AND GUANO DRILL is new re„. p’ete iu ail regpaata—snd is bring msonfisti- vd ia iarga numbers, to satisfy the iaereas eg dv man i. It «y«as, plovts mod esters, and 1 mostly of iron, will not break or get oat of cr,.- Price $‘25, No machine sent, without the mvner, aad if docs not work satisfactorily, the Bone; win i returned. Address, JAMBB BHEHLOCK. Miliedgeville, @a. S*f4 ®. DrTGTWr i3te.s.Ld£jit •J ONE; & anti at. ALL DENTAL o r tione performed wiih and care. Artificial i inserted inallxt;. lc^ !;t to the profession. Old cases, not cuntf- bly worn, can be made j Old Gold Plates takenin part payment fer D u i al operations. Ea'*Offioe. East Rooms Darien Bank build it r ! MtlieJgevilie Oct. 13.15(18. 41 G eorgia Baldwin county- Csurt of Ordinary for County Rarposcs. At Chambers, Dec. 23d, IHfiO. Ordered, that hereafter every- nigl.t. and for four hours, commencing at dark, the keeper of the Oconee Bridge shall keep burning continuously, three lamps in said Bridge ; one within thirty feet of the East end, another within the-a ne distance ef the West end and one in the middle of the Bridge; all suspended at such height as. to be most secure and effective of tiie object in view. And the said keeper is hereby required to ns# in said lanterns either whale oil or candles; but in no case camphino or other burning fluids ot that character. Any person knowing of the vio lation or disregard of this order requested to report the fact to tins Court. M. U. KELL. Ordinary, B. C. Milledgeville. January 4. tS70 I if ■ @F SMALLEN BERGER'S Fever and Ague ’ANTIDOTE ' Always Stops tbe Cbltls. - This Medicine has been before tho Pub'lo fifteen years, and is still ahead of all o 'n r known remedies. It does not pur .-;, do a not sicken the stomach, is perfectly . :.fe ii any dose and under all circumstances, an 1 is the only Medicine that will '* CURE IMMEDIATELY •ad permanently every form of Fever Ague, because it is a perfect Antidote to Malaria. Sold by all Druaoriats* Jawnary 11, 1^70 •res ot land, more or .css. lying on the east * Oconee river, and adjoining lauds the balance is well timbered with Oak and Hick ory, and is as good branch land a* there is in the . oonuty. I have inad* a hag of cotton to the acre , ■>n the eleared land. Pricu ft) per acre. For , further information call on nie at the place, or t address mo through the P.,st office at Milledge- I ville. Ga. THOMAS W, HARRIS. Nov. 29. HTfl 4S tf. CIT&TiOKS. AGRICULT URAL IMPl EMLt.Ts machinery & SELDS SAlAL A ,ECH0J-^ -AoRICOLIbHAL'YAHiMCUCE a SEED SlJPS ri-.ii'ji At* - ctd'ifusSpysCt-.’.ic:*? ntr in >i rch *«d Monday in April an i Octaher. Marion-w'iret Monday in March .u. i September. Muacogew#.Fourth Monday in May and Nor'r- ■jkl*y—SJ^ood Monday in kprii and October. Talbot—Thtd Monday iu Manh and Scpteinhwr. Monday in April ori 0< lober. A-# Ckoroket Circuit. Among Siipt i-rs. •i.miies, half Host: St) !cr of Swili hes. MI**-* and Childrens Hose; Gents Notions of aH description#. Lutes; Jewelry, Perfumery, t'bignon# and Brorue for Shoes. I.nrgt Hud boautifnl selection of if )NNETS. HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS and RIBBONS. Cull nud eiaraine her stock before purchasing e sew here, a* she intends to set! a* CHE —^Monday iu March and Ksp'einber. j 1'HE CHEAPEST. ^ -fcM«V||«s(l»<'i. r tirunvy »u \ MillodgeviUe, Oct. 4.1970. 5**f' < **^ >*' »*V •; - A6ESGY FOR THE SALE . fil ,<b Mutnlar Vj Aprh ,, nt t q,.,,,;„ r> I ■'' ” Atiowm Circuit. Ci 1M* Q.EORGIA TAT IN A L 1,1 C*) U NT V. Two inanfbs after date application will he mad to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell tbe lands belonging to the estate of Joseph Coe. WILLIAM McLAIN, Adm'r. Nov. 82 1870. jC W SI 47 2m i narm* ] £AP As | TATTNALL COURT OF ORDINARY, j -i Jalg Term, ICTtf. 46 3m. Wberaaa, James II. Pniith, Administrator ef ■eery Smith, represents to the Conrt inhispeti- tioa duly filed and entered en record that he i June 17th, lo.O, has fully administered Henry Smith’s estate.— i G ''EOKGIA, LAUREN'S COUNTY— I Court of Ordinary. Whereas, KoliinA. Stanley bus filed hia peri- ' tiou tor let.icrs of admitmtration on the e.stata of Benjamin Do. miny, la * of s-'iid county, dec’d— 1 These are therefore to cite all persons interest ed, next of kin and creditors, to he and appear at my office within tne time prescribed byi.iw.and sijaw cause, if rut they can. why said letter* should uot he giauted to applicant. Witness my hand and official signature this, Oct. 29, 1H70. J. B. WOLFE, Ordn’y. Ncofember I, lH?0 44 nidus. C -4 EORGIA, LAURENS COUNY- Y Court of Ordinary. Whereas, Wright Sumner, administrator on the I estate of Juhn Beasley, deceased, has applied for letters of disioirsion trout tn« administration of ■ said estate— These are to cite ail persons concerned, kind 1 red or creditors, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show , cause, if any they can, why letiers dismissory : should not bo granted io said applicant. Witness mv hand ar.d official signature this C "' EOKGIA. LALKENS COUNTY— T IS,/ /lie Court uj Ordinary. Wln-rens Robert C- Carroll has tiled his petition for administration on the estate of James C. Car- roll, deed. These are therefore to cite all persons interested, the next of kin and creditors, to be and appear at my .office within tho time allowed bylaw, and show cause, if any they cun, why lettera of admin istration should riot he granted to the applicant. Given under my hand and official aignatura this August 3rd 1*70. J. B. WOLFE. Ordinary. August 9, Ifi.'O. 32 mfim. G‘ or r!PERUVIAN GUANO! kiiKt I h ® L l yg***^*^Monday in Ma.cb s >, nber "2k**‘ft}. MotidA/ ill Marry lid il- pf ona halnflP* vf^J^jabadayin May arK - -rciubet cutting forw ■> Cioouit. •’UI or (lowt^^MlMotiAayJa April andaeccaAMrtt • hff 1 ftft L*^ . j r' tbe •olvageataibd eeusigucaa of diicet impor- IBg tiie Wat aVldayafserine l-nrth M&y te • ‘4‘-r l ? P ‘ T,M ia f iut * “*• U » iUd l bar* none _ W Wd.y in . J\ u j. f " r M ’'- ‘“f ”• ‘« 4 •«»»**•• •* This is therefore to cite ail persons concerned, kin- ' dred and creditor*, to show cause, if any they eaa, wby said administrator should not be di* eharged from his adraitiisiiaiion and receive 1 ■ -r» ! of dismission on tbe same. J. V R SIKES, O. T. C. I Angus' 16. 33 mfinr June 21. Ifi70. D. WOLFE, Ordinary. 36 uitim G eorgia, laurens county— Court of Ordinary EORGIA LAURENS COUNTY— Court of Ordinary Whereas, John Vfnodwaid. administrator ea tbo estHteofMary Ann Grant, deceased, lias applied for letters <d dismission from his administration of said estate— These a»c to cite all person* concerned, kind red or creditors, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by iaw, and show cause, if any they have, why letters dismissory shonld not be granted to said applicant. Witness my bund and official signatar# this, June 17th, l"70. J.B. WOLFE, Ordina.y. Jane 31,1670 . 25 m6m * T lATTNALL COURT OF ORDINARY. September Term, 1S70. To all whom it may concern. David M. Colliaa having in proper form applied to me for pernsa uoui loiters of Administrarioa on tbe estate of Nathan W. Collin.*, Lute of said county. This ia to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Nathan W Cobins, to be and appear at my office within the tha time allowed by law, aad show cause if any they c«n why permaneat Ad- ministratioa, may not bo granted to David M. Collins. J. P R. 6IKE8, Ord’y. T.O. September 27. l*7ft. 39 fit. "cut the roots I . I •ffiswad Mouawy afwr ri;« tuurtk plow under n ia r ^»ber. > hitetrio his plo ''^fes on ‘ So. 1 Peruvian Guano. is astablivhad heiw fer diiwar ii*peita- j Angnat 1«, 1^70. after .he * ■"oi l j N Wo«d*y 1^4^ ireaaf Taa (16) Taaa. or vara, can be had oltf^er ita eenireleat in eurreney per ten and Monda* ’■ 4m-r 4 _ Montiii^rn vb ue, -if-, j 'V^tuh _ in eurreney pei ISLAND GUANO. ISLAND GUANO for inspaetiriB. and being warrirt^adi'.-/J'.r, r , ^ IfATt hint. ;ha wo rf-4ATTXALr. t COURT OF ORHINARY— _ M Torso or creditors, to be and appear •' iny office** Where.# L. A H. Tinpins. executor of V. G. , jl‘ e timeiprcactibed by law and to show ceuae. Tippina. rer.reeem* to & Court in «•. petition 1 ,f "7 ^ ^T*’ f ^ duff filed and enfore-l on record, that he ha. tnllv j no ‘ h , e ? ral, ‘ e,1 l ' 0 f ; ,<1 .Miled .aid estate his ro executor- ' ™ Thi. i. therefore to cite all pers-ns concerned ta ‘ ' show cause if snv they can, *»hr ssi'l exectitnr j should not be discharged from h * executorship. Whereas. Lucretia Bass, administratrix on the | estate of John Ba-i*, deceased, has applied for let i ters of dismission from her administration of said j " •oL e ~ . •. ..,«.! t ■ , Bttck, Eiecutors oftlio eetateof Brinkly Blixaard, 1 hese are to cite all persons coneernad, kitouad h „ e ^ d applied to me for iett#ri dismii- C 3 EORGIA. BALDWIN COUNTY, W Court of Ordinary, May 17, 1870. Whereas, James C. Whitaker and Jeba J. June 21 lr-7ri B WOLFE. Ordinary. 6T> mf»m. .1 T. K. BIKE r. c rnfim < 4 EORGIA. LAURENS COUNTY— R Court of Ordinary afUr Il f ibird Mnt^y j ind gtf7 ; exclusive ana fourth | ^ pf?WIIt i ve a vtiller NOTICE. LL PERSONS r-nacerned, naxt ef kia and next regalar term of th# Conrt of Ordinary of Lanran. eonntv, after tha publication ef this no tice for eixtr days—I sball apply for leara to .oil tha ona-hait interest «(. Wan ea Bratitlay, minor, ia ona lot of land in 52ad PisUG. M; .aid county, containing acre*. Adjoining land* of wia ow Graham, Edwin Holme# and David Wood. ELI WARNOCfl V ftn'srdiam of Wanton B"»at’ey. Yevsmbar )# liT6 t% Hi Where** Mary A. Harvard, Guardian of D. J. Harvard, having filed her petition fur Diatnission— These are therefore to eito all parti#.—kindred or creditors of raid ward—to sh<*» cans#, if any oion f'om tbe Executorship of said estate ; alleg ing, that they have fully admiristered an aaid at- tate- - This is to cite al! and singular, tha hair., lega tees, creditors and ail other persons interested, ta be and appear before ni«, on th# first Monday in September, 1*70, to show ranee why aaid lettera of di*mi**oti shonld not be granted to aaid Exec- i ntor*. M, R. BELL, Ordinary. B. C. May >t. 1870 80 m6a NOTIOH. A LL PERSONS concerned, are hereby aerified that I shall apply to the honorable Court of tney n*ve wnniu wo i.o.a ,.,v-c,,ocq »} »», wny ^Ordinary of Lauren# county, at the tint letters of dismission shou.d not be granted to the Mld Bol ' f . B<ter the e lr , irlLi on of aixtv A, applicant. Witness mv hand and official aignatnre, th!., July 4th, 1870. ,T. B. WOLFE, Ordinary. July 4,1870 a 9ft m6m . BIta^« f»r Stic ti this Ufct* taro af said court, alter the expiration of sixty day. from tbe first pnbiieatiotrof this notice, for leave ta cell all the real estate of Nathaniel Gay, deceased.— Thi. August 9tb 1870. JULIA ANN GAY. Admr’x. ELISHA WILKES. AdmV ef NATHANIEL GAY, daa’d Aagsit If 106 nnrw*j 0 1 DOTY’S WASHING MAflllXF., taTBLT urea lurRovro—am> the new Universal Clothes Wringer STOTES, COAL ORATES AND. HOrSB FFR1VI«KV!VG fiOCSfl. MANUFACTURER OF Tin Ware o. ALL OF WHICH will be sold efcespfcrtl; CA8FI. JOSEPH STALEY MWedgeegM. ffim. 4,1666 « 3rc A GREAT NEWSPAPER Improved with Rgwkll’s Patent Double Cog wieels, and the Pstent Stop, are now unques- ■ ■ . (:o;)- tionably far superior to any apparatus for wash- I ing clothes ever invented, and wil! save their cost ! fTl. _ _• TIT 1 I.T 1 twice• year, by saving labor and clothes. 1116 UGOI'SIR TI GCE1\ lCi6£T8pil Southern people who have used them testify as I ” J <_ 1 follows: They save three-fourths of 'lie labor and cost, and pay, for themselves both i i money sno con tentment. Let every younj; lady learn to use them, and-every married one ki-ep them in be. house.—Seta Orleans Picayune. “An excellent Washing Machine. We have I tried it. The Clothes W ringer is very superior, j A good hand will wash a large number ot pieces ia a few hour*.’’ Raleigh (AT. C.) Episcopal Methodist. “Wa have one of Doty’s Clothes Washers, and ' our household are in ecstaeie# over it. They are great eeonomiaers of time and labor ” Edgefield (S. C.) Adrertiser. “After over two years’ eipt nonce with * Do'v. wa era assured that it is the greatest tiuip and j matter. It is betivved no paper in th •coBomiEer of time, labor aud money we have yet i the country presents greater attractions t > had introduced into our household.” Southern reader or the man interes'.ed in S. Williamson Smith, Aeie Orleans, j em eventeor Southern Progress. “I have had a Doty washer in my family for . Terms: ftif.OO per annum, or $1.50 f r sometime. It give, entire satisfaction, and I take j mouths, always in advance. The paper wi pleasure in commending it to the head of every j ways be discontinued at the xpirativu aansehold.”— R. Towers. Jeffersoa, 'Reins. lime paid for, unless renewed. Club* of ten persons or more at a single ; JOURNAL it MESSENGER MACOy, OA. I S PRINTED upon a sheet 38x52 in ir* contains FIFTY-SIX COLUMNS It is a cx.mplet* and rnibioken recon f«' Foreign aud Domestic, from week to week— senttd in fifty column* ofNews. Poli'ii ; , t cultural. Literary, Religieua and Jiiaceiiat ’ beuaehold.’’—R. Towers. Jeffersoa, Texas. “I hava had one of the Doty’s Clothes Washers in use for a year, and am perf-ctly satisfied with i wiil b * »“PP«e d V 1 5 e, j? i S iu * 2 7‘ it. My family have tried it faithfully aud hsve 1 or * w0 * n< ^ * dollars to never known it to fail to accomplish all that it I scriber. professes to.”—Prof. J. F. Stream, Concord Ft- 1 mate College, Statesei/l, .V. C. (;o:> The Semi-Weekly Edition. The Semi-Weekly Edition of THE TEi 1- PRICES—A Fair Offer- If the Merchants in your place will not fnrtitsh, ,»-nni«.T or tend for the Machines, send us the rerifil price, j ni'Al'H AND MESSENGER i» mailed on 1 1 ’' W f^ ,5 ^ WH T ’ 5!0 ’ * nd " e wi i ! ! faraaid Fridays It contains, every issue, T- ward either or both maclntree of freight, to ' tv -Eicht Columns of Beading Matter, ami " places wher*_ no one is selling ; and so sure are foun( f one of t i i<s liveliest papers ofthe da* ■ Terma: $4 (>U per annum—82.Of for six & # llL we they aril be liked, that we agire to refund the money if any one wishes n> return the machines free of freight, after a month’s t.iai, according to directions. No husband, father or whna'd permit tha drndfery of washing with rh* hands fifty- tw# days in the year, when it can b, done better, ■ora expeditiously, with 1-s* labor, an I n . inju ry te the garment*, by » Do’y Clothe# W**her, and a Universal Wringer- Sold by dealers generally, to wh eonata era made. —invariably in advance. TH E DAILY EDITION. R. C. BROWNING. Gen- Aal.. 32 Cortland St., New York. ▲•gnat 86, 1^76. 35 3m. For the L*te*t News, Foreign and D n» e ‘' the most copious Dispatches—the largest uj: m liberal di«- ( of Original Matter, from a long array < f c rr- pendents, the ablest in the State—tor a ye s n, I in •very Department—lull of the latest in • i tiou in Politics. Agriculture. Trade, Fiusi'C-. ^ erature and Progress at home and abroad, get OAMAK HOTEL Rotes, 75 els. a meat—Lodging, 50 rts. PASSENGERS on the M. & A Railroad, will find thi* house tha place f< r a GOOri BREAK- PAST. R. P. SEAY. Proprietor. Maa*kJ*.M?6 11 tf Daily Telegraph 4 Mtsseflger Priee, Ten Dollars a year—Five Du Mar. for ai» months—cash *lw#y in advance, an J tbe p*p- diecontinued when the money i# out. CLIIBT |U1D Rt BCE0F. , Mf«,UN U